D35E | October Newsletter

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october 2017

con ten ts 1

03 LTG letter 04 Member Recognition 05 Editor’s Letter 06 Making Dog Toys 07 Club Rush 10 Kahler Russell Park Cleanup 11 Region 13 Beach Cleanup 13 INSAN For Humanity 15 Key Club Meeting 16 August Dorak 17 Breaking the Ice 18 Upcoming Events 19 Cyberkey 20 Connect 21 Contact


from your


IT’S TIME TO PUT OUR GAME FACE ON! march’s game face

With Fall Rally just around the corner, I hope you all have the cheers memorized, merchandise bought, and spirit prepared! Fall Rally is the most anticipated event of the year but don’t forget why it’s so special. On this day, we celebrate the completion of half the term and funds raised for the Pediatric Trauma Program. This means that for every fundraiser attended and merchandise bought, the lives of multiple babies and mothers have been saved. Along with this, we are able to showcase the unity of Division 35 East. We were successful at Region Picnic and I have nothing but pride and confidence as we approach Fall Rally. Old and new member alike, Fall Rally continues to be an unforgettable experience.

Stomp out, Elephants! We have a spirit stick to bring home!

- March Suayngam Lieutenant Governor 2017-’18 Division 35 East, Region 13


California-Nevada-Hawaii District Key Club International

recognition member of the month:

Alec Wu

Alec Wu is one of the utmost dedicated members of Rowland Key Club. He goes out of his way to advertise events, going as far as wearing our club flyer for our general meeting by taping it onto his shirt. Although Alec is a bit more reserved, it does not stop him from consistently attending almost every event available, whether it be a home club event or division event. His hard work is definitely appreciated amongst the officers of Rowland Key Club. As an ardent and diligent individual, Alec Wu is the optimal candidate for the September Member of the Month.

fun fact: amy helped make this poster

officer of the month:

Amy Lo

Amy Lo constantly puts out beautiful graphics for both the home club and division. Despite her busy school schedule and extracurriculars, she makes time for Key Club and exemplifies the ideal officer with her passion, hard work, and positivity into everything she does; whether it be creating dynamic cheers, eye-catching club posters, or aesthetic graphics. In addition, Amy is largely responsible for the designs of our beautiful division gear this term. Demonstrating perseverance and zeal in all of her work, Amy Lo is being recognized as Officer of the Month for the month of September.

club of the month:


In the past month, many clubs have been hard at work dealing with the beginning of the school year and club rush. Despite this, Northview has managed to maintain persistent consistency in their service hours and fundraising and possess regular attendance of division events. In addition, each club is responsible for numerous submissions, Northview Key Club has been routinely submitting these forms on time, a crucial and mandatory task sent out from the division. With all that being said, Northview is being recognized for Club of the Month!


letter from

the editor

Hello Elephants! During this month of October, our division is going to be getting ready for our annual Fall Rally to show off our spirit and raise money for PTP!! Get excited, WOOOOO!! Besides fall rally, I hope you all are having a wonderful time settling into Key Club and hope that you all are attending events! Remember that everything you do can create a positive impact on others! Hope you all have an awesome October :)

- Jocelyn Chow

d35 east division news editor


making dog toys

On the morning of a quiet yet pleasant Saturday, August 19th, a group of Key Clubbers came around to join the small joint event held at Hollenbeck Park. Although only a decent-sized park table was used, the amount of members didn’t hold back the amount of dog toys that were completed in the end. From each school invited, several people came to help whether the reason was boredom, wanting to socialize, or just wanting to help make these simple yet fun dog toys for the poor dogs. Each person had an option to bring T-shirts, and the amount of T-shirts brought decided the amount of volunteer hours for the person (up to 4). The event itself was pretty calming because of the nice weather and the pleasant people around that came to volunteer. There was either smiling or laughing, or complete concentration on the activity. We made the dog toys out of colorful braided strips of T-shirts, and at the end, our result was a completely filled drawstring bag of them. Some people had extremely nice ooking braids of good color-combination, while others were having trouble cutting nicely and braiding, but they all turned out extremely nice, regardless of skill. At around eleven to eleven thirty, we finished and people started to leave. Some volunteers who had dogs brought one toy back home for themselves. The event was a nice and small social thing, and everyone there had a great time as they were volunteering.

South Hills: Daphne Yu, Editor

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club September 1st was an important yet exciting day for La Puente Key Club! On this day, club rush took place! This gave us the opportunity to expand our relatively small club into a much more larger and involved club! We did as much as we could to gain more new members for our club. We created a board display that highlighted important things to know about Key Club like who we are, what we do, etc. We also had our club officers wear their spirit gear to attract more people to our booth and gave out candy as well! There was also opportunities for members to take photos and show off their new spirit for Key Club, to which many new members did take the opportunity to do so! Many students came by our booth and signed up to join our club. We reached over 100 signups which brought a lot of pleasure and delight to our officers to see our club grow! Despite our club still being relatively new, it did not stop many of the students still wanting to join our club. We are excited to be seeing our club grow, since now it means that we will be able to serve our community far more effectively, efficiently, and much more passionately with these new incoming members ready to serve!

La Puente: Diana Nguyen, social media director


rush As the bell to lunch rang, students flooded the hallways and swarmed the booths. It was Club Rush week, a week for every club on campus to promote themselves and attract members. Hundreds of clubs appear throughout the week, but only a few stand out. In front of the double staircase stood massive service clubs like Habitat 4 Humanity, Interact, Leo Club and Key Club. Decked out in Division red and gray, Key Clubbers attracted attention from all passing by. Throughout the hour our chant resounded proudly every time we heard the zealous cry, “KEY CLUBBERS! HOW DO YOU FEEL?� As a Key Clubber, I swelled with pride at the contagious spirit and positivity our club emanated. Students swarmed our booth like bees to honey and our stack of applications steadily dwindled. On the first day alone, we probably handed out close to a hundred applications. I am certainly proud of the effort all the officers put into Club Rush which clearly demonstrates the passion that each of them have for Key Club. We look forward to a new year filled with enthusiastic new members.

Diamond Bar: Karen Tan, technology editor


club rush

“We are excited to keep on doing more fundraisers this year for Key Club to help raise money for things like PTP.�

For the month of August we found ourselves an on campus advisor to help us keep on track for the school year. We are having our Club Rush on September 14th and 15th and we are excited to see the turn out this year. We made our posters already and are pumped to welcome more key clubbers into our club and we really hope to boost our membership tremendously. We are going to be having meetings every month on a set day and we intend to, if necessary, have more in a month. We have spoken to adults in our community that need help from student volunteers and we are in the process of finalizing the details to get our students to help out in our community. We already started volunteering at a local senior home and we are open to any opportunities that come our way. We also had our first on campus fundraiser and we sold cookies, brownies, and homemade pretzels and it was a success. We are excited to keep on doing more fundraisers this year for Key Club to help raise money for things like PTP.

San Dimas: Anusha Nayani, historian


park cleanup

To many of us a park brings back many memories from the past such as playing at the playground, being with friends, and most of all having fun. It’s a place where some of us would walk on the trails and others of us would relax on the grass and just enjoy the beautiful scenery. But who would have ever thought that a park would also be a place where careless people would throw their trash away in the bushes and litter all over the trails? That is not how mother nature should be treated. For that reason, on August 26th many members from our division met up at Kahler Russell Park in Covina to clean up the place and keep it looking beautiful. Members arrived and spent the first hour listening to the DCM. Awards were given out and as a matter of fact our very own president, Dana Zeidan, was recognized as Officer of the month! We are all very proud of her for all of her hard work. After the DCM, members were divided into small groups where they were then given trash bags and a picker upper tool. We were all sent to different areas of the park to pick up any trash thrown on the trails or in the bushes. This reminded us of the past but with a twist. Not only were we having fun with our friends but we were cleaning up the park at the same time. In the end, every group was able to fill up their trash bend with litter. Overall, we all had an enjoyable moment hanging out and beautifying the area. The park looked twice as clean and we know mother nature is proud of all of us.

Northview: Zulelalee Escobar, historian

@kahler russell park


region 13 Key clubbers from Region 13 came together on Saturday, the 12th of August to make the lovely beaches of Southern California a little bit cleaner. Some Key Clubbers wrapped up their summer vacation fittingly at the beach! To clean the beach, Key Clubbers set out in groups to work efficiently and spread each other’s spirit of service. Although the weather as gloomy, that didn’t stop everyone from bonding and having fun with high spirits as each piece of rubbish was cleaned to provide the community with nice sandy beaches!

Rowland: Great Kim, editor, and Alexa Magbitang, publicist


beach clean up “Knowing that we are doing something worthwhile for everyone makes us proud to be a part of Key Club� On August 12, Covina Key Club attended the Region 13 Santa Monica Beach cleanup! We started the event by getting together in one big circle. When we were all in a circle, I was able to see how dedicated and excited the key clubbers from other schools were! This circle led us to get into separate groups, play icebreaker games, and learn to know other devoted key clubbers! With our new groups, we worked together to make our own cheer, win a limbo competition, and build a sandcastle with limited resources. These games showed us that teamwork, commitment, and persistence is the key to success! After that, we started our cleanup for about an hour. These cleanups are vital for our environment because we are removing future harm and pollution to the animals. Knowing that we are doing something worthwhile for everyone makes us proud to be a part of Key Club!

Covina: Kylie Nguyen, vice president


INSAN fo On a hot, humid Sunday morning, about a total of ten Key Club and Interact members gathered to help a local, non-profit organization: INSAN for Humanity. While it wasn’t my first time volunteering with Insan, it was my first time fundraising on public grounds. Insan, within my community, is known for its direct involvement with helping the homeless, hosting weekly dinners for those who are unable to afford it. But, on that Sunday, we were given the task to fundraise for their upcoming Supply Drive, which provides the necessary school supplies, like backpacks, binders, and pencils, to less fortunate children. This, essentially, opened an opportunity for me, as well as the whole group, to develop our communication skills in efforts of raising money for Insan’s School Supply Drive. At the event, we learned how to become persuasive in the way we speak with others, allowing us to raise money in order to buy school supplies for homeless children in neighboring cities, such as Pomona. Even if we did not raise a whopping amount, we were still able to spread awareness about INSAN and its purposes, ultimately creating a discussion that could, one day, eliminate the stigma towards the homeless while as promoting the wellbeing of every human, regardless of their social status.


Walnut: Bill Yen, treasurer

or humanity On Sunday August 20th, 2017 Bonita High School Key Club participated in an event hosted by the organization called ISAN for Humanity. Their vision is for communities free of hunger and poverty, full of human values, where no one is left behind and each person can be a productive part of society. We decided to take our part to assist their cause. It may be surprising, but there are people in our community and nearby that are less fortunate than the privileged. The event took place in Pomona, a neighboring city to La Verne. At the event volunteers were able to serve food to the guests and run the food pantry. Serving each person with a smile, making them feel welcomed. Many of the guests are homeless, or sampling families who are struggling to make ends meet and need a little help providing food for their families. The volunteers were also able to help hand out school supplies, like backpacks to the children who came to the event, many of them unable to purchase new school supplies (something many of us students take for granted). Bonita participates in these ISAN events at least once a month, a humbling experience.

Bonita: Nayeli Martinez, president


key club meeting On the month of August, the Nogales Key Club planned out activities and events for the following month. The Key Club meeting is September 18, we have planned out on what each cabinet member will announce to new members of the 2017-2018 Key Club. Also from our previous meetings, we have discussed club rush and the activities that we will do to recruit new member. Overall, this month has been for us so to plan out new ways to recruit and excite the new members, and to announce the new year for the 2017-2018 Nogales Key Club. Our school’s club rush is coming up on the 21st this month and we plan to sell Boba. We also have plans of raffling donated Six Flag tickets to our new members who are seen as active in the club throughout the course of the next few weeks. We have worked hard to plan out our first official club meeting, which is on the 18th this month. We will provide pizza during lunch for those attending our club meeting. We have emphasized recruitment and advertising the club, which is why our club hasn’t been as active in division events this month. We printed several flyers around school to advertise our first club meeting, and we hope we get a great start to this new school year!

Nogales: Nereyda Garcia, historian




Random Acts of Kindness october dorak: Interact with new members! There will be a ton at the Pre-Fall Rallies.


breaking the

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Spirit gear prepared? 17

upcoming events oct.


October DCM/ Pre-Fall Rally #2

Where: Walnut Ranch Park Time: 9:00AM-12:00PM


Pre-Fall Rally #3


Pre-Fall Rally #4/ club merch fair

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Where: Creekside Park Time: 9:00AM-12:30PM

Where: Via Verde Park Time: 3:00PM-6:30PM

Fall rally south

Where: Meet-Up@ Walnut HS Time: TBA


check out cyberkey monthly newsletters @ www.cnhkeyclub.org/news/newsletters

Cyberkey website @ www.cnhkeyclub.org/

Monthly district newsletters @ www.keyclub.org/home.aspx


connect with us! remind 101 @d35east to 81010

Snapchat @d35east

instagram @d35keyclub


dlt contact MARCH SUAYNGAM


Lieutenant Governor

Head Spirit Task Coordinator





Executive Assistant

Head Spirit Task Coordinator





Executive Assistant

Head Fundraising Task Coordinator





Division Secretary

Head Fundraising Task Coordinator





Division Newsletter Editor

Event Coordinator





Member Recognition Coordinator

Inter-Club Coordinator




presidents NAYELI MARTINEZ Bonita nayeli.mnez@gmail.com

AMINA HEARNS Nogales aminamariehearns@gmail.com

AGNES TRAN Charter Oak agnesntran@gmail.com

DANA ZEIDAN Northview danazeidan00@gmail.com

VIVIAN HOVAN Covina vivianhovan@gmail.com

BREANNE SEE San Dimas see.breanne@gmail.com

MEGHAN SHEN Diamond Bar meghanHshen@yahoo.com

GEORGE LIU South Hills georgeliu2002@gmail.com

MICHAEL YU John A. Rowland michaelyud35e@gmail.com

CATHERINE CAO Walnut lingers.catherine@gmail.com

JASMINE TRUONG La Puente jasmine.truong01@gmail.com

CESYL REYES Workman lysecreyes@gmail.com 22

check out d35e’s website for updates! http://cnhd35elephants.wix.com/d35east

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