Division 35E | November Newsletter

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november 2017

con ten ts 1

03 LTG letter 04 Member Recognition 05 Editor’s Letter 06 Planning for Future Club 07 Fitness Festival 08 Walnut Family Festival 09 INSAN For Humanity 11 Pre Fall Rally 12 Blankets for the Homeless 13 Industry Hills Rodeo 14 1st Meeting of the Year 15 November Dorak 16 Breaking the Ice 17 Upcoming Events 18 Cyberkey 19 Connect 20 Contact 2

from your



With the completion of the first half of the 2017-2018 term, I would like to thank you all for the unforgettable memories thus far. In only 6 months, it feels as if we have already accomplished a year’s worth of eventful moments. By the time this is released, we have just returned from Fall Rally. In this moment, I am uncertain whether we have brought home the spirit stick or not but despite whichever outcome, I have nothing but feelings of satisfaction and pride for 35 East. This year, I have seen a sense of unity, excitement, and passion unlike ever before. I hope that you all carry these same aspects throughout the rest of the term. Aside from a never before seen ferocity in Division 35 East, we have made tremendous growth in fundraising. Initially being elected as Lieutenant Governor, I had set our PTP goal as $7500 by DCON 2018. I continue to find it unbelievable that we are projected to reach this goal in half of the time. I do not know what goal we have now for DCON 2018 but whatever it is, I know that we will shatter it. Now that the biggest event of the term has passed, I only ask that we continue our excitement in the months to come. I promise there are many more memories, traditions, and unforgettable moments to be had. I will admit that sometimes there are personal issues that dwindle down my motivation as LTG. However, all of you in 35 East give me the strength to carry on and achieve everything that I had envisioned for us. In the wise words of Head Spirit Task Coordinator, Bill Yen, “The grind never stops.”

Let’s keep pushing forward, together.

- March Suayngam Lieutenant Governor 2017-’18 Division 35 East, Region 13


California-Nevada-Hawaii District Key Club International

recognition member of the month:

Nathan Lin

Nathan has demonstrated tremendous growth as a leader throughout this term. Despite only joining Walnut’s Cabinet as a senior, he isn’t afraid to put in the hard work and put in the time to provide members with the greatest experience possible. Nathan puts forth effort to learn more about Key Club and attends an abundance of events, making him a role model for the members. He spreads positivity amongst his cabinet and inspires others with his creative and personal stories he utilizes to advertise Key Club. Being the charismatic, hard-working, and inspiring individual he is; Nathan Lin is being recognized as Member of the Month for the Month of October.

officer of the month:

Kyla Banong

Kyla, being the only underclassmen officer, exceeds her duties as Treasurer of Northview Key Club. Diligent, kind, inclusive, Kyla possesses an immense passion for Key Club; exemplified in the work she accomplishes and the goals she executes. She has surpassed their PTP goal and has increased membership - especially amongst underclassmen. Kyla is a huge part of why Northview has started off on a good foot this term; she is consistent with forms, fundraisers, and tasks. Without further ado, Kyla Banog is being recognized as Officer of the Month!

club of the month:


In this past month, Rowland Key Club has shown exponential growth in service hours and has had a large and consistent amount of attendees at home club and division events. In addition, Rowland Key Club has held numerous service opportunities for members. Due to these reasons, we would like to reward Rowland for Club of the Month!


letter from

the editor

Hello Elephants! Even though our term is about halfway over, there is still so much to do! As Fall Rally season comes to a close, I hope that you all keep the spirit of service up by attending our fundraisers and events! To be quite honest, I have never been to fall rally before, so this is my first time going (but by the time you read this it will be already over), so I am excited to see what we will do (or did) as a division! Happy November y’all :)

- Jocelyn Chow

d35 east division news editor


planning for the future

During this month, our club was planning what chances we have to fundraise as well as when. We meet with our advisor, Ms. Davidson, to also discuss the calendar on when the meetings for our club should be as well as the fundraisers we will hold in the future. This meeting was after the first meeting we had to inform our members when dues are due, different events, as well as fall rally.

Nogales: Diana Lam, treasurer

2 6

fitness festival

As a club for the month of September we had our first volunteer event of the school year at the San Dimas Fitness Festival where our members helped set up the event and handed out water to the athletes. Our fellow students said they enjoyed the event and were able to volunteer because it was a closer location rather than driving far away all the time, like we frequently had to the last year. We also held our first meeting of the school year where approximately 80+ people came to see what key club was all about. We have opened up our dues and have already started increasing our membership size. Many of our members even attended their first Pre-Fall Rally and they are excited to get their cheer on at Fall Rally in November. Our Remind 101, website, and social media accounts have been effective ways to connect with our members if they have any questions, which we are all happy about because we want people to enjoy their experience as a member by staying up-to-date with the latest news. We hope to have more community involvement opportunities for the months to come and increase our membership like we had planned.

San dimas: Anusha Nayani, editor


walnut family festival `

Walnut: Jodie Li, cabinet

On a sun-drenched Saturday, a few of our Key Club Members came together at the Walnut Family Festival to fundraise and educate the Walnut community about Key Club. Walnut Family Festival is an annual city event filled with mouthwatering food, endless entertainments, and exciting exhibits, but more importantly, it provides opportunities for service clubs, youth organizations, businesses, and environmental services to promote themselves. In the early morning, Key Clubbers arrived at the designated location and began setting up the booth. With the candies and stuff toys laid out, and the skee roll game prepared, our booth was officially open. Listening to uplifting music, we chitchatted and saturated ourselves in the welcoming atmosphere. When children came to play at our booth, we conveyed our joyous energy and maximized the enjoyment for our customers through cheerful encouragements and good spirits. Every child that came to our booth left with a bright smile on their face regardless of what they won, and this gave me a profound sense of satisfaction. During times when people passed by our booth, we found delight in attempting to find ridiculous strategies to attract more customers. Time flies when you’re having fun. Before we knew it, the end of the festival had approached. Even though we did not raise a whopping amount, the experience that we have received was priceless. The time we spent in the Walnut Family Festival was a perfect escape from the stressful school life and a time for me to bond with my fellow Key Club members. Witnessing the joy that we brought in the children’s eyes, it reminded me once again why I serve.


insan for

“During our first shift, we raised approximately $140, all of which goes back to INSAN.”

On October 8th, I attended an INSAN event at my local Albertsons’s in Diamond Bar. Key Clubbers were recruited to stand outside the facility and raise money, as well as awareness, for the children in Pomona who are in need of school supplies. The event coordinator, Mr. Saba, gave our volunteers a run-through of what to say to the shoppers, and how to persuade them to give to our cause. During our first shift, we raised approximately $140, all of which goes back to INSAN. What is even more special about this event is that we get to reach out to our own community and make them aware of less fortunate communities not so far from us. For several of our members, this was their first event.

Diamond Bar: Meghan Shen, president



The Month of September five members attended the ISAN event on September 17th in the city of Pomona. It was a very insightful and positive day. Everyone was very kind and motivated to get things done properly and one time. Firstly, we began preparing the food, drinks and desserts. Then all of the volunteers served the guests arriving. Then we moved on to handing out groceries to those leaving. I can’t extend the amount of positivity I felt that day. It was important for us to smile and lend a hand because though some of the people that we were helping are struggling in their personal lives and many were homeless, if we could provide even just a small amount of hope and kindness then it could really make a person’s day, as Saba the ISAN coordinator said. We really admired that. When everyone had left the coordinator gathered all the volunteers together to talk about what they had learned or experienced in these few hours. It was gratifying to see our Key Club members who, this had been their first time attending an ISAN event give such insightful responses and were willing to do it all over again. We were all moved that day as we talked to some of the volunteers, who we found out were struggling themselves, but that didn’t stop them from helping those in the same situation and radiating good energy toward us. We all enjoyed attending the event and look forward to volunteering many more times in the future.

Bonita: Melanie Lopez, vice president


pre fall rally

The first Pre-Fall Rally was on September 23rd, going from a bright 9AM morning to a lovely 3PM afternoon. This Pre-Fall Rally was combined with the September DCM, and the turnout was unexpectedly massive. Past events were discussed, and later events were explained during the DCM. To get ready for this year’s Fall Rally, the new cheers were taught to all members that came. With the Division 35E spirit, all members alike cheered in hopes to get the spirit stick back this year! Key Clubbers created a comfortable atmosphere through ice breakers and introducing each other to new people. Everyone seemed to have fun, and enjoy themselves on the first 2017 Pre-Fall Rally.

Rowland: Great Kim, editor


blankets for homeless

This past month, Northview’s Key Club and Bible Club had a joint event in the school’s library to make blankets for homeless shelters. The library quickly filled up with about 50 students and tables were moved together to make larger groups in order to make the blanket making process easier. Each group consisted of about ten to fifteen people who were all given the same task. First everyone had to cut pieces of cloth into rectangular strips of about five inches long and two inches wide. Then they had to take each strip and tie them onto the edge of a bigger cloth until it formed a large blanket. With everyone’s help we were able to start making about 6 blankets in the short amount of 35 minutes;

This was a record for both clubs! In the past it took a lot longer to start on the blankets because of the small amount of people. Everyone had a fun time working together to cut out the strips and see the different designs on each of the blankets. This was a special moment because we told our members that they were representing what Key Club is all about: working with other people to help out the community all while having fun and creating new bonds. Once completely finished, the blankets will be sent to nearby homeless shelters that way people could have a warm night’s rest.

Northview: Zulelalee Escobar, historian


industry hills rodeo

On September 23rd, La Puente Key Club had the fun opportunity to provide their service to their community at the annual Industry Hills Rodeo from 3:00pm to 8:00pm. At this event, we had around 10-12 members show up at this service project! Half of the volunteers were set up with the job to rip off tickets for the attendees at this event, while the other half was set with the task to hand out informational flyers and pamphlets about the event. When the ticket gates opened, there was a huge rush of people coming to the event, becoming quite a stressful situation for our volunteers at how fast they had to do their job. Despite this rush, our volunteers were successful in completing their tasks efficiently! Many of our volunteers were actually new members to Key Club and came out of this event with new and fun memories at their first service event with our club, excited for their next service event to help out at!

La Puente: Diana Nguyen, social director


1st meeting of the year

On September 21st, Covina High School held its first Key Club meeting of the school year. About 45 students attended this meeting and will join us on the adventures of what Key Club will bring to them. We presented our eager classmates with a slideshow showing and explaining how Key Club benefits from its members volunteering and attending events like RTC and DCMs. We encouraged them to prepare for the biggest event of the year, Fall Rally! Eight new Key Club members attended Pre-Fall Rally #1/DCM, which let them have a taste of what we will be doing at the upcoming Fall Rally. Many of them enjoyed the experience, and plan on being helpful, active members of the club!

Covina: Kylie Nguyen, vice president, and Annie Nguyen, member




Random Acts of Kindness november dorak: help other members decorate their thank you cards 15

breaking the

i cE

Are you ready for

fall rally??

https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=MfLNYA4zHCg 16

upcoming events nov.

Fall rally south


Isaiah’s rock thanksgiving packing


22 nov.



Where: Meet-Up@ Rowland HS Time: 6:00 AM - 10:30 PM

Where: TBA Time: TBA

Isaiah’s rock

thanksgiving distribution Where: Isaiah’s Rock Time: TBA

check out cyberkey monthly newsletters @ www.cnhkeyclub.org/news/newsletters

Cyberkey website @ www.cnhkeyclub.org/

Monthly district newsletters @ www.keyclub.org/home.aspx


connect with us! remind 101 @d35east to 81010

Snapchat @d35east

instagram @d35keyclub



contact us!!! 20

dlt contact MARCH SUAYNGAM


Lieutenant Governor

Head Spirit Task Coordinator





Executive Assistant

Head Spirit Task Coordinator





Executive Assistant

Head Fundraising Task Coordinator





Division Secretary

Head Fundraising Task Coordinator





Division Newsletter Editor

Event Coordinator





Member Recognition Coordinator

Inter-Club Coordinator




presidents NAYELI MARTINEZ Bonita nayeli.mnez@gmail.com

AMINA HEARNS Nogales aminamariehearns@gmail.com

AGNES TRAN Charter Oak agnesntran@gmail.com

DANA ZEIDAN Northview danazeidan00@gmail.com

VIVIAN HOVAN Covina vivianhovan@gmail.com

BREANNE SEE San Dimas see.breanne@gmail.com

MEGHAN SHEN Diamond Bar meghanHshen@yahoo.com

GEORGE LIU South Hills georgeliu2002@gmail.com

MICHAEL YU John A. Rowland michaelyud35e@gmail.com

CATHERINE CAO Walnut lingers.catherine@gmail.com

JASMINE TRUONG La Puente jasmine.truong01@gmail.com

CESYL REYES Workman lysecreyes@gmail.com 22

check out d35e’s website for updates! http://cnhd35elephants.wix.com/d35east

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