D35E | December Newsletter

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december 2017

con ten ts 1

03 LTG letter 04 Member Recognition 05 Editor’s Letter 06 Fall Rally 09 Nogales Club Update 10 AIDS Walk 11 Trunk or Treat 12 Delhaven Halloween Party 13 Halloween Carnivals 15 Vejar Elementary Halloween Festival 16 December Dorak 17 Breaking the Ice 18 Upcoming Events 19 Cyberkey 20 Connect 21 Contact 2

from your


HAPPY HOLIDAYS, ELEPHANTS! With New Year’s Day just around the corner, I would like to thank you all for making the 2017 year both enjoyable and unforgettable. Please remember to share these last few moments with friends, families, and those in your community! As the year comes to a close, many wonder, “What’s next?” As we enter the second half of the term, things that you can expect are the return of big events, introduction of new events, additional socials, and of course, emphasis on service! Although our fundraising this term has nearly been insurmountable, our service hours have been subpar to the potential of Division 35 East. The Division Leadership Team has decided to put additional resources to create and provide service opportunities in a variety of areas in 35 East. We hope to reach out to more of you and connect to you all personally beforwe the term ends. I had made a promise to you all that there is much more in store for our division and I intend to keep that promise. Many events are still in the works but details will come out as soon things are finalized. Fall Rally may be considered as the most exciting event of the term but I find myself antsy for the plans that are currently in motion. Be on the lookout, Elephants!

I’ll catch you all soon!

- March Suayngam Lieutenant Governor 2017-’18 Division 35 East, Region 13


California-Nevada-Hawaii District Key Club International

recognition member of the month:

Ernest Feng

Ernest is one of the utmost dedicated and passionate members of Walnut Key Club. He attends every single home club and division event and has supported almost every Walnut Key Club fundraiser; contributing to their PTP funds. In addition, Ernest took the initiative to chair for a city event despite being a members and assisted several DLT members in hanging up posters to advertise for the Division Car Wash. Being the charismatic, spirited, and dedicated individual he is; Ernest is being recognized as November Member of the Month!

officer of the month:

Raymond Chen

Raymond has demonstrated tremendous growth in not just the past month, but throughout the whole term. From being a more reserved and quiet individual to a leader screaming at the top of his lungs to advertise the Division Car Wash. Raymond has been attending most, if not, all division events. Demonstrating diligence, zeal, and growth, Raymond Cheng is being recognized as November Officer of the Month.

club of the month:


Although Covina is one of the smaller clubs in the division, they have maintained consistent attendance to events and exhibited increase in membership. Members from Covina have demonstrated immense spirit at Pre-fall rallies as well! Also, Covina submits on time dues and forms -- crucial tasks given out to clubs from the division. With all that being said, Covina is being recognized for November Club of the Month.


letter from

the editor

H e l l o E l e p h a n t s ! Hope you guys are all having a wonderful time spending the holidays with your family and friends! I’m so happy and proud that our division has been able to raise almost $7,000 this semester and can not wait to see what else we will accomplish in the following semester. Even though the school year is halfway over, I hope that our spirit for service will keep on going! See you at our next division event! :)

- Jocelyn Chow

d35 east division news editor


Fall Rally Photos

courtesty of Lindy Chen, Key Leader Coordinator

2 6


What is fall rally? “Fall Rally is the biggest fundraiser for PTP and a celebration for what we have accomplished through service hours and the half mark of the term.� - Lindy Chen, Key Leader Coordinator


In plain and simple words, yesterday was unbelievable and further added onto my love of serving as your Lieutenant Governor. After being elected, I wanted to create a greater bond within our division where NO ONE would feel left out. I left the spirit session with nothing but satisfaction because I felt that I had truly accomplished that goal. Originally, I didn’t like the “March Cheer” because I felt like I was being praised above others. Yesterday made me realize that it’s not praise but a cheer of excitement, passion, and family between each of us. My highlight was seeing you all perform that cheer during the session. I know that we won’t have an event as exciting as Fall Rally but I ask that you guys stick around. I promise I have more in store for us (many never before seen). Thank you all for supporting Division 35 East and for supporting me.

L-O-V-E. I. LOVE. MY. D-I-V. - March Suayngam, Lieutenant Governor


nogales club update

“Key Club is an extremely important club that not only builds a community within your own school and district, but also helps those around us,”

- Daniel Valdez As the days go longer, our club becomes stronger. We have collected over 700 hours so far into the year, donated the most pop tabs (where we won Ellie the Elephant), and begin to see new faces in our meetings every 2nd and 4th Monday. We had our first meeting of the month, where we distributed shirts, talked about Fall Rally, and discussed about the upcoming Toy Drive (in two weeks). The members were very excited about getting their Key Club gear and as the weeks go by, a few of my cabinet and I still continue to see them wearing the red shirts, while strolling through the halls. While this meeting was in session, the yearbook photographer actually came in to take pictures of our flourishing club. We have also decided to add a new member to the team: Daniel Valdez. Daniel will be serving as co-treasurer for our club and is already working hard to help us with upcoming events, although his title was given to him recently. From going to Pre-falls (although he didn’t attend Fall Rally), helping with membership dues, and attending all meetings, he has shown his true ability of being a true Key Club Cabinet member. “Key Club is an extremely important club that not only builds a community within your own school and district, but also helps those around us,” he said. (Also excuse my outfit, it was Halloween that day and I was a pirate.)


Nogales: Amina Hearns, president

AIDS walk

Although a bit hectic, dedicated Key Club members scrambled to the great city of Los Angeles to participate in the city’s annual Aids Walk. Rowland Key Club’s given objective was to cheer on walkers throughout the day. Everyone’s morale and cheerfulness overcame the tiredness and fatigue felt by the beating sun. As soon as the main parade of people passed, some Key Clubbers joined in the fight to eliminate Aids by walking and cheering with the main crowd. Being able to cheer up the tiring walkers was an experience no one can forget; the smiling faces as the walkers rose towards a common cause. With the positive attitude of an entire club, the will of the fight to help eliminate Aids becomes more powerful.

Rowland: Great Kim, editor


trunk or treat

On October 27, Covina Key Clubbers assisted on helping out with the 4th annual SGVJCC Trunk or Treat! Right after school ended, we went straight to the event to help set up various games, crafts, and decorate cars which were the candy collecting booths. Young kids could win tickets from playing games like tic tac toe, bean bag toss, and many more. With enough tickets they could win cool prizes and even more candy. There was also a spooky haunted house where we had the opportunity to give people who came in a little energetic chill! As the fun Halloween night came to an end, we began to clean up and put everything away for next years Trunk or Treat event. Spending Halloween night with the community was an amazing opportunity and we can’t wait to spend more time helping and creating moments with them!

Covina: Kylie Nguyen, vice president


Delhaven Halloween Party For the month of October, our club was allowed the opportunity to help out our La Puente Kiwanis at their annual Delhaven Halloween Party located at the Delhaven Community Center! We had two events for this event. The first event was on October 21st at the Delhaven Community Center and was dedicated to setting up for the event. Volunteer arrived at this event at 9AM and were put straight to work! We were given props like monsters,bodies, and scary animals to decorate the mazes along with building parts of the mazes. After four tireless hours of creating the mazes, the final touches were put where lights had been installed along with fake blood and spiders being placed. Afterwards, we decorated the community center with cute decorations so the little kids wouldn’t be scared. Other volunteers also built a fun kid zone where the kids would be able to play carnival games to win prizes if they didn’t want to go into the halloween mazes! The second day was on October 24th at the Delhaven Community Center and was the actual event! Volunteers were separated into 3 groups. One group of volunteers were sent into the mazes to scare the children that went inside. The second group were to help the kids in the kid zone with games and win prizes! The last group would be helping put on a movie while also giving directions to the correct locations. Each group had their own different experiences while volunteering that definitely made it a memorable service event. Some members even said that they look forward to helping at this event again next Halloween! This event turned out very successful and brought lots of happiness and fun for the kids, also making our volunteers proud of all the hard work they put in.

La Puente: Diana Nguyen, Social Media Director


halloween Every Halloween night, Covina Parks and Recreation Department hosts a carnival at Covina Park. This event is sponsored by the Covina Breakfast Lion’s Club. On the night of Halloween people from all ages came out to the park in their costumes where they spent the night trick-or-treating. This event is only possible with the help of multiple volunteers. Game booths were set up all around the tennis and basketball courts for the community to participate in. Volunteers were assigned to a specific game booth where they distributed candy to those who played the games. Some of the games included knocking over tin cans, bean toss, bowling, and many more. Each person in line would play and whether they won or lost, they were still given candy. Volunteers were also assigned to hand out stickers and temporary tattoos to the younger children. It was great seeing the smiles on the faces of the little kids in their costumes getting stickers and candy. Speaking of costumes, contests were held at the stage and volunteers helped make sure that the participants were organized in line. There were a variety of costumes such as princesses, witches, superheroes, and others that you wouldn’t expect. You can’t forget the “Monster Mash” music playing in the background that hyped everyone up. Both volunteers and the community had a fashionably unforgettable Halloween night.

Northview: Zulelalee Escobar, historian


n carnivals In the month of October our club put on several service events in our community and we had a significant turnout from our volunteers. On October 21 we volunteered at a free community health fair in Pomona for approximately 6 hours. We helped set up for the event by placing tables and chairs for the workers and patients and monitoring the event where the coordinators wanted us to be. This was a good experience because we took a part in helping the community give back to people who were in need of our help. On October 27 we volunteered at two elementary schools in our community (Allen Avenue and Ekstrand Elementary) to help with their Halloween carnivals. Our volunteers helped all the little kids with the carnival games and helped with the set up/take down process of both events. We hope to help out more at the elementary schools when they put on this events because it makes the coordinators a little more relaxed knowing they have trustworthy teens as their aids. Also, when younger people volunteer at the elementary schools it enables them to inspire the younger generations to help out their community when they are older. The last event we had this month was on October 31. The city of San Dimas hosts an annual Halloween Carnival at the Civic Center with multiple carnival games, halloween costume contests, and a haunted house. Our volunteers stayed for the set up/ take down of the carnival games and haunted house and helped give out certificates for the children who participated in the costume contest. This event is a fun way to get involved with our community and make connections with the adults that help run these wonderful events.

San Dimas: Anusha Nayani, historian


vejar elementary halloween festival



celebration volunteered



Halloween the local

this Vejar

year, Walnut Elementary

Key school.

Key Clubbers spent their time after school to help out in a variety of activities; set up, face paint, sell tickets, and manage booths. Elementary students lined up to purchase their tickets to participate in the many fun games Vejar had provided. Throughout the day, we encouraged young readers by offering free books as well as working with the school’s staff, delegating tasks to our volunteers. We were assigned to give out and manage part of the little library filled with a variety of many amazing books. The school’s staff assigned us certain tasks in order to make the Harvest Festival a successful night, such as helping out with the game booths and face painting. At the game booths key clubbers were in charge of keeping everything in order and explaining the rules of the games to the participants. Key clubbers also had the opportunity to showcase their artistic talents by face painting. The kids excitingly lined up to get a personalized design of their liking: pumpkins, baseballs, and even a Supreme logo. It was a wonderful experience, watching kids get in the Halloween spirit, not only were they in the in the spirit of this spooky holiday, but we were as well. We had over fifty key clubbers help out and support. These high school students were willing to provide as much help as the school needed. Every volunteer and staff put their best effort out there for the best possible experience of these young individuals. Even though working under the extremely hot weather, we were aware that we are doing this for the happiness of others. #caringisourwayoflife


Walnut: Jasper Wang and Jessica Tieu, cabinet



Random Acts of Kindness december dorak: Assist fellow members with their fleece blankets. 16

breaking the

E i c What are your plans for the holidays


(Have a happy holiday and be safe!) 17

upcoming events dec. 18-21

Isaiah’s Rock Christmas Packing Where: TBA Time: TBA


december dcm


Isaiah’s Rock Christmas Distribution

28 23 dec.


Where: Cortez Park Time: 10:00AM – 12:30PM

Where: TBA Time: TBA

rose float decorating Where: Phoenix Decorating Co. Time: 8:00AM – 4:00PM// 9:00AM – 5:00PM


check out cyberkey monthly newsletters @ www.cnhkeyclub.org/news/newsletters

Cyberkey website @ www.cnhkeyclub.org/

Monthly district newsletters @ www.keyclub.org/home.aspx


connect with us! remind 101 @d35east to 81010

Snapchat @d35east

instagram @d35keyclub


dlt contact MARCH SUAYNGAM


Lieutenant Governor

Head Spirit Task Coordinator





Executive Assistant

Head Spirit Task Coordinator





Executive Assistant

Head Fundraising Task Coordinator





Division Secretary

Head Fundraising Task Coordinator





Division Newsletter Editor

Event Coordinator





Member Recognition Coordinator

Inter-Club Coordinator




presidents NAYELI MARTINEZ Bonita nayeli.mnez@gmail.com

AMINA HEARNS Nogales aminamariehearns@gmail.com

AGNES TRAN Charter Oak agnesntran@gmail.com

DANA ZEIDAN Northview danazeidan00@gmail.com

VIVIAN HOVAN Covina vivianhovan@gmail.com

BREANNE SEE San Dimas see.breanne@gmail.com

MEGHAN SHEN Diamond Bar meghanHshen@yahoo.com

GEORGE LIU South Hills georgeliu2002@gmail.com

MICHAEL YU John A. Rowland michaelyud35e@gmail.com

CATHERINE CAO Walnut lingers.catherine@gmail.com

JASMINE TRUONG La Puente jasmine.truong01@gmail.com

CESYL REYES Workman lysecreyes@gmail.com 22

check out d35e’s website for updates! http://cnhd35elephants.wix.com/d35east cyberkey: cnhkeyclub.org Key Club website: keyclub.org

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