D41S Newsletter: January 2013

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JAN 2013

With the start of 2013—I say this with bittersweetness that the 2012-2013 term is in its final stretch—the last quarter of our term is here… But with the end nearing, we are also quickly approaching a joyous time of “Transition”—the period when new leadership is established, the period of recognition for a year in dedication to service, the period where all loose ends can be wrapped up neatly and tidily. With our election season just around the corner, each club will slowly be assumed by new leaders who will be the ones to take our division to new and higher goals; please congratulate and encourage all officer elects as they will be endowed with new responsibilities that will further develop their growth to being leaders of our future! But retirement is still three months away! Right now, we have to consider TODAY, and TODAY, I want to thank everybody for serving the most hours we ever had in a single month! The month of December yielded a whopping 1,736.25 hours of service along! But in TOTAL, our division has served a total of 5,809 hours of services across 10 schools! I am utterly surprised and proud to say that I belong to such a division! With three months left, it should be an easy task to reach our GOAL of 8,000 total hours served. Do you think you are up for the challenge? In terms of funds raised for service, does anyone want to guess how much we have raised? All of the hours you put into raising money for a good cause have definitely shown through! According to what our secretaries have reported, we have raised $3,120.89 for service! Our fundraising has greatly surpassed the goal of $2,700! Thank you so much for your dedication to service! Let us continue to set our own bars and raise more to help fund more projects! For the rest of our term, which is only three months away, let us finish as we can in: STRONG! Keep holding true to that passion that you have for service; go out and stride in your Key Club pride; flaunt your Division 41 South spirit! There are so many reasons to finish strong—get excited as we will be hosting many division events. We still have three Division Council Meetings left! We will for sure have a region event in the works … don’t you fret! Be expecting to celebrate with your CA-NEV-HA Bee Family at DCON 2013—that’s in our own backyards! Anaheim, California: you know it will always be a party when a function is an OC function! Be sure to register for DCON early as payments are due INBOX by February 8th to our office in Rancho Cucamonga! I want to celebrate a strong year of hard work, fellowship, growth, dedication to service with each and every one of you, so don’t let up yet! There are still three months left to really savor and enjoy!

On the Prowl for Service,

Hannah Tuong Lieutenant Governor

Congratulations to our new D41S Lt. Governor Elect: Joseph Olmo of ETHS!

More details will be released soon!

Joy Jar Factory Workers

“Volunteering at the Joy Jar Factory was a really fun experience. We basically filled jars up to the brim with toys, hats, socks, stickers, etc. I tried to make my jars as packed as possible so that no matter what kid received it, they had several things to choose from. After filling the jars up, we sealed and put them in boxes so that they were ready to be delivered. It was nice to know that what we were doing was going directly to kids who are going through a tough time, and we would be able to make them smile despite it all. Making a difference like that is very rewarding.

Baby Bees

Kat Mercado, Member

Anhthy Tong

Baby Bees

Flowery Fun at Rose Float Decorating [Member] My experience at Rose Float decorating was very fun, and I had an amazing time with my friends and fellow Key Clubbers. It's a once in a life time experience filled with memories, and I hope to do it next year. One of the most exciting parts is when you watch the rose parade and then see the floats or float that you worked on. It's the best feeling in the world when you know youcontributed to a project so large and demanding, yet worth it in the end.I would recommend the event to those who missed out on the chance to go this year because it was a very rewarding and memorable experience.

best feeling in the world when you know youcontributed to a project so large and demanding, yet worth it in the end.I would recommend the event to those who missed out on the chance to go this year because it was a very rewarding and memorable experience.

Pacific Symphony: “The Magic Flute” Concert [President] On January 12th, CVHS Key Clubbers volunteered at the grand Renee and Henry Segerstrom Concert Hall for Pacific Symphony’s January concert. As volunteers, Key Clubbers served as ushers, distributed booster seats for the younger and shorter kids, and introduced children to various instruments, such as the violin. No matter the volunteer position, Key Clubbers never failed to bring smiles on children’s and families’ faces. Volunteering to help inspire young musicians at the musical fair along with the spectacular venue at which we volunteered made this experience both gratifying and unforgettable. I urge anyone

families’ faces. Volunteering to help inspire young musicians at the musical fair along with the spectacular venue at which we volunteered made this experience both gratifying and unforgettable. I urge anyone who has not volunteered with Pacific Symphony to experience the splendor of such an event.

Dana “Rose� Up to the Challenge [Member] On a cold, early morning, we all packed into a big, yellow bus and headed to Pasadena to work on the Rose Parade floats. When we arrived in the warehouse at the Rose Bowl site, we were split into large groups and assigned various tasks. Our first task was to cut the petals on these dried yellow flowers. The work was monotonous and tiresome, but we persevered. After our task was accomplished, we were assigned yet another. Our next job was to apply glue onto silver leaves. This was easier on our frozen hands! Some of us were pulled aside to actually work on the Trader Joes' float. My group was privileged to work on the bread crust! Overall, working on the Rose Parade Floats was a unique and memorable experience.

yet another. Our next job was to apply glue onto silver leaves. This was easier on our frozen hands! Some of us were pulled aside to actually work on the Trader Joes' float. My group was privileged to work on the bread crust! Overall, working on the Rose Parade Floats was a unique and memorable experience.

The Happiness Project [President] On a Friday night, people would expect teenagers to go hang out with friends at the mall, while some others (us) decide it would be a better idea to volunteer at the mall. Many volunteers from around the OC came to participate in this event at South Coast Plaza. The Happiness Project focuses on bringing joy to children who are less fortunate than most of us. So in order to do this, we took children around to various stations where they were able to play games, do arts and crafts, and get their faces painted, just to name a few. This was definitely one of my favorite events

fortunate than most of us. So in order to do this, we took children around to various stations where they were able to play games, do arts and crafts, and get their faces painted, just to name a few. This was definitely one of my favorite events because we were able to experience the true meaning of Christmas!

Laguna Flower Power [President] This year, we had 22 people attend the event to decorate Rose Floats. Although it was quite early in the morning, we survived the two hour bus ride and were ready to work! We mainly worked on the Department of Defense’s Float that represented the Korean War with a few buddies from Capo! Some of us got to go on the scaffolding, glue leaves on a boot, or be the gluers of the leaves. The rain finally stopped when lunch came around! It was a fun event where many of us made new friends from different Key Clubs and even other Divisions. One of the best parts was seeing all our hard work on TV during the parade!

on the scaffolding, glue leaves on a boot, or be the gluers of the leaves. The rain finally stopped when lunch came around! It was a fun event where many of us made new friends from different Key Clubs and even other Divisions. One of the best parts was seeing all our hard work on TV during the parade!

Irvine Half K Run Marathon [VP] Although we had to wake up at an ungodly hour to stand in the freezing cold for a few hours, the marathon was still a fun event. We stood at intersections and guided the runners so they followed the right path to finish the marathons. We also cheered them on as they struggled! Dogs were taken and many morph suits were worn. The coordinators were so kind and offered extra gloves and jackets they had. I look forward in doing this event next year and more marathons around the area!

worn. The coordinators were so kind and offered extra gloves and jackets they had. I look forward in doing this event next year and more marathons around the area!

Rose Float

Magic Carpet Ride [Member] Rose float decorating for Kiwanis on December 29th in Pasadena was a memorable and worthwhile experience. Though the day got off to a slow start, everyone got to work as well as experience being a part of something big and magical. We got placed into groups and were assigned to different jobs. Some jobs required people to climb high to decorate the floats. Others were involved in preparing materials for the floats, such as cutting flower petals and leaves. Overall, people left tired, but satisfied, and the best part is that our float won the Tournament Volunteers’ Trophy. Great job Key Clubbers!

jobs required people to climb high to decorate the floats. Others were involved in preparing materials for the floats, such as cutting flower petals and leaves. Overall, people left tired, but satisfied, and the best part is that our float won the Tournament Volunteers’ Trophy. Great job Key Clubbers!

License to Drive Food [Membership Committee] The South County Outreach Food Drive took place three weekends in December. The Ralphs in Foothill Ranch and the Ralphs in Lake Forest graciously allowed SCO, assisted by Key Club, to host a food drive at their locations. The food was donated to families who most appreciated as well as needed the food for the holidays. People were amazingly generous and donated hundreds of cans and other non-perishable items. Overall, it was a great success.

appreciated as well as needed the food for the holidays. People were amazingly generous and donated hundreds of cans and other non-perishable items. Overall, it was a great success.

Rose Float

Snowfest @ Grand Park

Pacific Symphony

Rose Float, South Coast Plaza Holiday Event Snowfest @ Pittsford Park

Toy drive for Camp Peddleton, Field Hockey Marathon Tesoro Key Club See’s Candy Sale Math Tournament at Capo Valley Bake sale (raised $547 - proceeds went to CHOC and PTP), Joy Jars, Holiday Party with Drug Use is Life Abuse

I cannot believe that it is already 2013. I remember being a freshman way back in 2009, knowing that I was a part of the class of 2013, which was years away. But now, it’s actually about to happen. 5 months until the big day. I am baffled by how much I have grown as a person and how much my peers have developed and evolved over the span of almost four years. It truly is a bittersweet experience, knowing that my high school years are limited to only four years. Let’s make the most with what we got left, seniors! I can’t thank those who have consistently contributed articles and visuals during the 2012-2013 term enough. I hope that those home clubs know that they have the best president there is to offer during this term! I’d also like to congratulate the new Lt. G elects for the next term as well as the newly elected home club presidents! You all have big shoes to fill! Stay diligent during finals week!

Roaring with Service,

Anhthy Tong

Lieutenant Governor Hannah Tuong

d41s.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com (949)742-4196 (call only)

Executive Assistant Austin Malis


Divisional Secretary


Joseph Olmo

olmo.joseph@gmail.com (949)374-0455

Newsletter Editor Anhthy Tong

anhthy.tong@gmail.com (949)510-7006

Region 03 Mrs. Pong Mr. Barry fbarry642@aol.com

divisional district international international


(949)278-0688 (cell)

d41s-lionsden.blogspot.com cnhkeyclub.org keyclub.org kiwanis.org

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