Division 41 South - June

Page 1

the ROAR

region 03


june 2011

the Official

division 41 south newsletter vol 1 | issue one

INSIDE this issue



LTG intro LTG intro

division news NEWS





club articles ARTICLES club news NEWS calendar of events CALENDAR

introduction LTG intro Hello 41 South!


This is your Lieutenant Governor, Byran Yang, here to thank you for a great year of Key Club. We have had our ups and downs, but we have pulled through it all! As the old term closed, our new term had begun. I have already had two great Divisional Council Meetings in my term and I am so happy that so many of you came. We had a water balloon fight at the first one and a really fun group icebreaker in the second. Our division have a lot of plans for the upcoming year and I encourage everyone to come out to my next DCM to meet new people, eat some food, and learn about our these plans.



The summer: a time of relaxation and NO SCHOOL. I know schoolwork is a pain sometime but I hope you all had a great year in school and a great year of Key Club; I sure did! But now that it’s over, many of you might think that Key Club is over until the next school year. That is not true because our organization is YEAR-ROUND and all clubs will be having events over the summer in addition to many divisional events. During the Summer, stay involved, be productive, but, most importantly, HAVE FUN. If you ever have an questions about anything, feel free to contact me and I will always try my best to help you. Serving with a Roar,

Byran Yang Lieutenant Governor


division 41 south newsletter


IP LTG farewell FAREWELL Dearest lions, As the school year comes to an end and the seniors begin to move on to college, so too must I say goodbye to you all, my pride and joy of this year. Even though most of you saw my speech at the Divisional Banquet, where I cried hysterically and thanked tons of people, I’m going to try and sum up one final goodbye in this letter to you all. It’s difficult to sum up the plethora of emotions and memories that come to mind when I think of you lions, but above all else, I think of Division 41 South as a family, a PRIDE! Throughout this year, we had our exhilarating high’s and tear-jerking low’s, but the love was always there. Our love for each other, for service, and for Key Club kept us together. It was love that kept us cheering even when we were one of the smallest groups at Region Training Conference and Fall Rally, and it was love that fueled our beastly cheers at District Convention, where the lions were a division to be reckoned with. Our love and passion for Key Club was and continues to be inspired, and I am truly so grateful that I got to serve alongside you as your Lieutenant Governor. We definitely summed it up best at District Convention, when we won dozens of awards, dominated in spirit battles, and most of all, sporadically broke into dancing to “Love in this Club”. It was moments like that that truly made me proud to serve as your Lieutenant Governor, even though I couldn’t always do as much for you as I wished I could. I started out as a member with no experience when I was elected, but thanks to all of your support, the Kings of Service rose to a whole new level of excellence! In conclusion, I’d just like to thank you all for this amazing, incredible year. Although I worked a lot and thought about Key Club constantly, its you, the members, who make Key Club the amazing organization that it is. As Lieutenant Governor, I worked to serve you, and I hope that I gave you all a great year in Key Club! If you need me, I won’t be too far, as next year I will be joining UCLA Circle K, and I’ll definitely be coming back to visit (especially to make sure that Byran is doing a good job!). With Love,

Dylan Sarnowski

Lieutenant Governor IP


division 41 south newsletter


division news NEWS

Regional OTC officer training conference

The Date: has been changed to Saturday JULY 16th! The Time: TBD [check email for updates] The Location is: TBD [check email for updates] A bus will be taking us.

DCM The Date:

JULY 23rd! The Time: 1pm to 2:30pm The Location is: TBD [check email for updates] Saturday

BEACH boomba!

The Date: TBD [check email for updates] The Time: TBD [check email for updates] The Location is: Huntington State Beach

Divisional T-shirt voting will take place here!

WELCOME! A new school is being added to our Lion pride*! Santa Margarita High School

* THE OFFICIAL division 41 south newsletter fun fact: organized groups of lions are called ‘prides’


club articles ARTICLES trabuco hills Anticipating Summer.


Jessie Vu


The summer sun is shining and Key Club still shines on our lives! School may be over, but the service and events of Key Club are not stopping. Whether the events are for service or social purposes, our summer will be filled with times to make incredible memories. We have three major events for this summer: Pancake Breakfast, Beach Boomba, and Summer Spectacular. Overall, with no more homework or APs to study for, we can invest our time in Key Club! Although the thought of serving breakfast or swimming at the beach is more appealing than studying, this summer will be one to remember.

Two-day Triathlon.

Jessie Vu


We love money. It’s true. All Key Clubs need money to fundraise for their clubs and lower costs of future events. Our club was granted a golden opportunity in May. Our club would receive a donation of $20 per person that volunteered at the OC Triathlon. Service and fundraising combined! This event was truly Key Club at its finest. The first day of our service was to help with the registration of the athletes in the triathlon and other events. We got off to a shaky start as they sent us to the Marriott Hotel after telling us to arrive at Mission Viejo Lake. Regardless, we were willing to serve! When we arrived, we split up into filing papers into registration bags and registering people for the triathlon. I checked off the athletes and gave them a stamp to proceed to the next room to get their registration materials. After the early crowd faded, I had the opportunity to socialize with other volunteers such as Judy Phung, Joseph Olmo, John Delshadi, and Kelly Duong. Although we were not provided with lunch, a $20 donation was well worth our time! The second day of the event was the real deal. All of the volunteers woke up at the crack of dawn. I had to walk to Mission Viejo Lake because the roads closed ten minutes before indicated time, but I got my daily exercise. We put up Mazda posters before the event started as they were the main sponsor. It was really cool hearing the announcer thank Trabuco Hills Key Club in front of everyone too! Watching incredible athletes swim at a lightning pace was breathtaking. As the final runners returned from their intense bike ride, our key club reflected on this day as another success. The OC Triathlon offered our Key Club numerous opportunities. We had to give up small sacrifices such as a sleep and a short notice to participate, but the event was all worthwhile. If this event donated money to our club and we got to serve, I think we could name this event as a winwin situation.


division 41 south newsletter


ARTICLES club articles strabuco hills We so plan’in. We so..

Blair Nelson


Herro Lions!! Here at Trabuco Hills Key Club, we have definitely been busy! We are looking forward to the upcoming events within our division. The Lake Forest Pancake Breakfast shall be a treat on July 4th as we prepare to serve our community with a nutritious breakfast. It is always rewarding to see the smiling faces of children, parents, and those participating in the parade. I am very excited for this event since I truly had a great time in the past and expect the same this year. As we ease into summer, Beach Boomba is fast approaching! I highly anticipate this event because I have never been able to make it in the past, but plan on attending for the first time. I am looking forward to meeting fellow key clubbers in our surrounding area and making new friends. Well, I hope everyone’s finals have been wonderful and I look forward to seeing you all during the summer at events and such!! Chao!

Behind the Scenes

Judy Phung [bulletin editor]

When thinking about volunteering for triathlons, it is easy to picture yourself standing by the road and handing water to participants or moving bikes out of the way. On the other hand, there is a lot of work that goes into the triathlon before that many do not see. I had the opportunity in helping prepare for the registration on the day before the triathlon with other Trabuco Hills and El Toro Key Club members. As we stuffed bags with flyers for the participants, we also chatted and became closer friends as Key Clubbers. The event also allowed us to see how massive the triathlon is and how many people participate. While volunteering, we came upon multiple mishaps including spontaneous new additions to the bags we were stuffing of the occasional falling of our stacked bags, but throughout the day, we still were able to have a blast as long as we were with each other.


division 41 south newsletter


club articles ARTICLES TESORO EPIC bowling. Tesoro Style

Alexandra Ivanov


This month Tesoro High Key Club teamed up with Mission Viejo Kiwanis club in order to sponsor an overwhelming bowling event in the morning from 9 to 12, for a local group of mentally disabled adults. The event was extremely successful and for every one of the thirty adults we had a member of key club to assist them. The event had a large draw and according to member Nico Battaglia, “I just saw the email and thought, bowling, how bad can it be?” We were even able to draw our school principle Doctor Burch, who is himself a member of the Mission Viejo Kiwanis. I myself got high fived by the principle 3 times! In addition our members had lots of fun and it was a great way for us to bond together as a club. At the end, we awarded all the bowlers with medals, kit-kats, and cookies.

Finals Tutoring

Hannah Tuong


With only five school days remaining until the long awaited day of graduation, there is seemingly nothing that stands in the way of the finish line - except one thing. The dreaded and the infamous last three days – final’s week. As goals of achieving the bittersweet final grade of an A is motivation enough to pull through to the end, many Titans have already lost their powering juice and are setting down for summer. This is when Tesoro’s club advisor, also a chemistry teacher, proposed the idea of offering volunteer tutoring for those who need help studying for finals. The idea was a hit with Tesoro’s key clubbers as we thus started advertising after school chemistry tutoring. It was only a matter of time before Tesoro opened its doors wider offering Wednesday lunch tutoring and more subjects of tutoring, such as multiple math courses. As we started tutoring June 6th, Tesoro’s hallways buzz of the tutoring offered by its very own Key Club. As we continue to offer tutoring all the way to finals, Tesoro’s Key Club also plans to carry on this idea as we will set up “Finals Study Tutoring” for the years to come.


division 41 south newsletter


ARTICLES club articles

ALISO NIGUEL Perseverance

Catherine Huang


A problem that we have just overcome is the lack of volunteer events and consistency. Since April, we have over 20 hours of community service with the City of Aliso Viejo and Boys and Girls Club. Our key club lives with the philosophy, “building communities, bridging continents,” meaning by helping our local areas, it will help everyone else in a larger scale. The officers’ goal is to have at least 100 hours of community service in local communities by the end of our term. In the past year, meetings were unorganized and last minute. As the current officers, we are making sure our meetings are more consistent and organized. In our club, we’re not looking to be the best club; we’re looking to be the most helpful to our school, city, and fellow club members. We hope that other key club members will join us and have a blast being a key club member from Aliso Niguel.


division 41 south newsletter


club articles ARTICLES El TORO L Charger Overview

Kimberly Lee

[president] [President]

In the month of May and June, El Toro Key Club has accomplished a lot. On May 21, El Toro Key Club was invited by Trabuco Hill’s Key Club to volunteer at the OC Triathlon. The organization was willing to pay $20 per volunteer. El Toro brought 17 volunteers and we managed to raise $340 towards our club. Our members helped set up barricades, rake up debris, and help make goodie bags. On May 22, we held our club banquet at Costeau Park. It was a potluck style banquet and we recognized our new and I.P. board members. Our I.P. president, Maria Lozano gave her speech about her past term and it was a bittersweet moment. We had a water balloon fight and toss and also played some fun, crazy games. At the Divisional 41 South Banquet our I.P. Lieutenant Governor, Dylan Sarnowski, recognized two of our I.P. board members. John Delshadi won the Vice President’s award and Flor Gonzalez won the Treasurer’s award. El Toro Key Club also managed to receive the most spirited club award. Upcoming events our club is looking forward to are the July 4th Pancake Breakfast at El Toro High School’s Gym and the End of the Year spectacular held at Pittsford Park.


Joseph Olmo


El Toro High School Key Club has gone above and beyond when it came to member participation during the months of May and June. In May everyone from the El Toro Key Club Board represented at the Officer Training Conference, held at El Toro High School. During Byran Yang’s first Divisional Council Meeting, which was held at Cousteau Park, 27 members from El Toro came for this exciting event which consisted of introduction of new members, upcoming events, achievements, and lots and lots of water balloons. In June we tore the house down during the Division 41 South: End of the Year Banquet. The El Toro powerhouse had over 32 people go to this amazing event, and received, “The Most Spirited Club” Award. Future events that ETHS Key Club will be participating in is the July 4th Pancake Breakfast at El Toro High School and The End of the Year Spectacular which is on August 14. Even though this year might be coming to an end, The Board Members of El Toro High School Key Club are ready to serve, and “Do Work!”


division 41 south newsletter



ARTICLES club articles

LAGUNA HILLS Hawk Overview

Anmol Bal


In recent times, Laguna Hills Key club has been keeping busy by running a Laguna Hills Half Marathon water station. We gave out water, Gatorade, and gel packs to refuel the runners in their race for the finish line. With such powerhouse volunteers as Lucas Kim, Ryan Nguyen, Tiffany Lam, Emmeline Ngo, Sean Tedja, and Jasmine Chau, the event ran smoothly and no runner past our water station still needing thirst quenching. We also attended the end of the year banquet held at Geneva Presbyterian Church, which turned out to be a great success. In other news, we held our last meeting already, and planned on how to reel in incoming freshman into our club. We had such ideas as making videos, huge banners, and having incentives to join our club, and will definitely look for more ideas. Finally, we do plan to hold summer events like beach cleanups and maybe even some projects with local Kiwanis.

MISSION VIEJO Diablo Overview

Sierra Villarreall


This month Mission Viejo High Schools Key Club has recently helped out our local beaches by going out and picking up unwanted trash and throwing it where it belongs. At first some were not excited to pick up trash on an early cold morning but once we arrived, it wasn’t as bad as few expected. We had such a successful day bonding while helping out our community. All in all we came to a decision that we will be doing more of these in the future. Everyone had a great time and enjoyed giving a hand and having a little fun with each other afterwards. It’s a great way to get out, help out locally and spend more time with each other. Were all looking forward to more cleanups and also linking up with San Juan Hills High School.


division 41 south newsletter


club articles ARTICLES

CAPO VALLEY What’s that Up in the Air?

Christine Tu


On April 2nd, kites soared, toy air planes buzzed, the sound of helium tanks shrieked, and bright balloons decorated the green field by the Norman P. Murray Center of Mission Viejo. This exciting family event, Up in the Air, showcased things that had to do with the air. Local vendors also sold and advertised their merchandise and food. Free entertainment like disc dog shows, toy airplanes, kite flying, and game booths were provided for the community. Capistrano Valley High School Key Club woke up at 5:00AM to help set up tents, tables, chairs, assemble goodie bags, and blow up hundreds of balloons. Kelly Inciong, a Senior of CVHS Key Club said, “Balloon making was a lot of fun and we all worked together as a team, which brought us closer. We were so proud of the giant balloon arch that we made and of all the balloons we blew up and tied. I don’t think I have ever blown up and tied that many balloons in my life.” Volunteers also helped with greeting, game booths, prize booths, balloon distribution, and traffic. Up in the Air was a very successful event and a great way to be involved in Key Club! Also, Mission Viejo High School Key Club was volunteering with us too!


division 41 south newsletter


ARTICLES club articles

YCAPO VALLEY Closer Look Into CAPO’s Crew

Kevin Pao


The day is elegant and the sky shines brightly on our city— the environment of Orange County is something dwellers can be truly proud of. However, this tale of serenity and peacefulness cannot be kept when our citizens step upon trash-ridden beaches all across our shores! One cannot enjoy the beach nearly as well when articles of waste fly along the beautiful sand, ruining the setting of various beach activities. And is it in our authority to simply solve the problem by hiring “beach janitors” to pick up the very trash we leave out of sheer laziness? No, and that’s where Key Club members can truly make and difference and help. Capistrano’s very own Key Club has participated in this event entitled “Beach Clean Ups” for a couple of years now, and it has proven to be very effective towards aiding our society to become a better place to live. Cleaning up and making our beaches look spotless is a form of helping out the community; thus, as simple as it sounds, it is a legitimate volunteer event. And guess what? It’s extremely easy to set up and participate in! All a club has to do is gather its members at a desired beach, locate trash, and pick them up using a simple trash bag. However, one might criticize that the event be boring and that nobody would participate in it. But, the social bonding time that comes with picking up trash together is equivalent to socializing with your friends at school—maybe even better because your heart will feel great helping out the community! So, as a Capistrano Valley Student and a Key Club member for three years now, I strongly recommend this event to be practiced all over the district. It’s a fun and easy way to give members a chance to volunteer more when big Key Club events aren’t occurring at the time. And lastly, when the good deed of picking up the trash is completed, the entire club can then hang out at the beach afterwards! It’s a win-win situation—so seriously consider it.

The Spring Spectacular

Jacqueline Nguyen


On April 23rd, the Kiwanis of San Clemente held their annual spring event for families their children. Here, Key Clubbers from Capistrano Valley High School cooked and served pancakes, sausage links, juice and milk. Volunteers had a great time making Mickey Mouse pancakes to ones with marshmallows and happy faces. Approximately forty members from Capo volunteered by not only cooking and serving food, but also selling raffle tickets, discount cards, and running game booths. Many families and their dogs attended this upbeat event where they got to relax and spend quality time with their families. For kids, the excitement of searching for a variety of colored eggs and the anticipation of what they received inside each egg was an adventure. According to Capo Valley freshmen, Jonathan Hong and Timothy Chang, “The Spring Spectacular was an exciting experience because we got the chance to meet new people and bring joy and happiness to families throughout the community.” Overall, this lively event is one of the most favored events of the year and a perfect opportunity to make new friends and help out around the community.


division 41 south newsletter


club articles ARTICLES

CAPO VALLEY Relay for Life

Christopher Wang

[Jr. Rep]

“This year, about 562,340 Americans are expected to die of cancer, more than 1,500 people a day” according to the American Cancer Society. Could you believe that every single person has been affected by cancer through their own struggles, family and friends? Relay for Life is a nation-wide event promoted by the American Cancer Society held throughout the country helping to support efforts as well as raise awareness about the disease. This event is a 24-hour event, supporting the message that “Cancer never sleeps.” Teams of volunteers, cancer survivors, and community citizens gather together on fairgrounds, schools, and parks to take part in this whole day marathon. This year, the Capistrano Valley High School Key Club created a committee that would help raise money and physically participate in this monumental relay. With a group of around 30 kids from our school and club, we helped raise money for the American Cancer society, with members contributing over 200 dollars. This event took months of planning and preparation starting in around December with periodical meetings to help create new fundraising ideas and collecting funds to go towards the relay. Team captains attended monthly meetings at the Senior Center to help share ideas and communicate with other teams from around the county. The actual day of the event occurred on June 4th, 2011 at the track and field at Saddleback College. Starting at around ten o’clock in the morning and ending on June 5th at ten in the morning, over 50 teams from around Mission Viejo gathered in an effort to help support cancer survivors and put an end to this disease. Throughout the whole twenty-four event, a representative from each of the fifty teams was required to be running on the track at all times, symbolizing the enduring fight for life. CVHS Key Club had over 30 people attend the event that day, taking turns to help run laps around the track as well as helping to support our team as we help find a cure for cancer. The Luminaria ceremony which took place during the night was a special tribute to the many cancer survivors as well as the families that were affected by this tragic disease. Candles were lit inside paper bags with the name of loved ones and was placed to form the world HOPE during the ceremony. It touched many hearts of the participants and was followed by inspirational tributes and speeches made by doctors, cancer survivors, and parents who had lost a child due to cancer. This Luminaria event really drove the whole point of this event home and showed that with the help and little contribution by everyone, we can together help fight cancer. A great turnout by the CVHS school and its Key Club helped contribute to the creation of this event as well as its everlasting fight against cancer.

^ 475 words! Longest Article! :D THE OFFICIAL

division 41 south newsletter


ARTICLES club articles

YCAPO VALLEY Laguna Half Marathon.

Ed Shafron


On the morning of May 30th, I along with seven of my fellow Key-Clubbers arrived 6 a.m. at station number six. Our supplies preceded us. The air was cold and the clouds obscured the clouds, but we were ready. This was the Laguna Hills Memorial Day half-marathon. Station six was 10.6 miles from the start; 2.5 miles from the finish. With alacrity we set up our water station. Three tables were spaced approximately evenly over 30 yards of concrete trail. Gatorade was the first table; water the next two. A race supervisor came to check our progress. We donned our red volunteer shirts and awaited the first runner. With excitement we watched the leader round the corner to our station. Our first water handoff was shaky, but we were confident. This would be easy. 45 minutes later we had a much different opinion. Runners were drinking water faster than we could pour it. We had to change filling strategies. “I felt like I was part of the support crew for a war,” said Brad Wernick, a Junior CVHS Key Club member. “It was pretty intense.” As the minutes ticked by the torrent slowed to a stream, which slowed to a trickle. We smiled in relief as for the first time there were no runners in sight. Then tragedy struck: ran out of cups to pour water in. We were at a loss trying to explain to thirsty runners that they’d have to drink straight from the water jugs. But more cups arrived -– reinforcements! Our morale was restored. By the time the last walkers strolled through – three hours after the first runner – we were tired but triumphant. When the race official car came by we packed up our station as quickly as we had set up. We left without fanfare, leaving nothing behind. The stoic trail reflected none of the events that had happened only hours ago.

CAPO most pages VALLEY taken up THE OFFICIAL

division 41 south newsletter


club articles ARTICLES SAN JUAN Laguna Half Marathon.

Sari Kanamarla


Being a fairly new club and having members unfamiliar with exactly what Key Club is, the turnout at the Laguna Hills Memorial Day Half Marathon was surprising. On May 30th, the city of Laguna Hills held their 13th annual Half Marathon and 5K race to honor the troops who have served and died for our country. San Juan Hills Key Club was proud to be a part of this event, with 7 members of the club arriving and ready to work. Although not a huge turnout in comparison to other, more established school clubs, this was a major breakthrough for us. Most of our newly instated officers, essentially unexposed to the greatness that is Key Club, showed up. Our job was to keep track of and record the times of the racers, stressing the top ten men and women of each. We were also given the opportunity to hand out medals to the finishers of the Half Marathon. Though occasionally stressful and overwhelming trying to keep track of all of the times, it was essentially a fun event for all of us. This was a great experience for the San Juan Key Clubbers who showed up, for it allowed the newcomers to experience what it is like to serve and volunteer under a Kiwanis organization and great for the veterans as a chance to lead them. Overall, the Half Marathon not only served as a fun and exciting bonding experience, but also marked a turning point that would usher in a new era of San Juan Hills Key Club, one that would have more volunteers and more members willing to work and serve.


division 41 south newsletter



club news NEWS

Foothill Ranch Community Park 5:30pm to 8pm

KLF Pancake Breakfast

july 4th


trabuco hills BANQUET: june 26th TESORO

freshman planning: orientation ice-breakers


Friendship Bracelet Fundraiser: hand made $1 Ladera Relay for Life on july 24th beach clean-up car-wash

planning: THE OFFICIAL

division 41 south newsletter


club news NEWS


4th of July street fair july 4th Ladera Relay for Life on july 24th car-wash paint-war


LAGUNA HILLSA unknown :[

El TORO july 4th

KLF Pancake Breakfast THE OFFICIAL

division 41 south newsletter


club news NEWS


numerous awards!

Embrace the Talent fundraiser june

july 30th Bowling fundraiser august 27th


Garage Sale fundraiser

SALISO NIGUEL thanked by: south-county planning: outreach food drive

City of Aliso Viejo

Boys & Girls Club of Aliso Viejo St. Timothy’s Chruch



bake-sale for club dues

division 41 south newsletter


CALENDAR calendar of events JUNE 26th- Trabuco’s banquet 27th- CAPO: Embrace the Talent JULY 4th- Fourth July 13th- Divisional Articles DUE! 16th- Regional OTC Beach Boomba rescheduled 23rd- DCM 24th- Ladera Relay for Life 30th- CAPO Garage Sale THE OFFICIAL

division 41 south newsletter


editor’s report REPORT


As I write this report, it is 12:52 AM. I apologize in advance if I seem incoherent in this report. Yet, working in the young hours of the morning is not a foreign occurrence to me (Juniors out there, you know what i’m talking about). Tomorr.. well actually today :D, is my last day as a Junior and my first reaction was:

“jeez.. i’m old.”

Although, 17 isn’t quite the ripened age, its hard to believe that i’ve been through three years of high school. With that, comes three years of Key Club, and I’ve accomplished alot over the years. I’ve met numerous friends from CAPO, Laguna, San Juan, El Toro, and Mission to just name a few. Key Club has been such a large part of my life, and regardless of its value on a college application, the experiences i’ve garnered are pricesless. It’s now 1AM, and i’ve been working on this newsletter for quite a while (over the course of 4 days). Yet, I don’t feel fatigued at all. For me, I will not get tired till i get a task done. But in the course of creating this newsletter, the thought of pushing through never crossed my mind. Knowing that YOU the members, officers, strangers, and etc will be reading the accomplishments of memories of our members motivates me to continue. This isn’t the first time i’ve been awake this late for Key Club, Rose Floats and DCON certainly trained me in waking up. To me, its like being “on call” at all times for Key Club.


division 41 south newsletter


editor’s report REPORT Those stories of officers staying up are definitely, absolutely, positively true. With those random texts from your VP stressing over a certain RSVP for an event, helping treasurer who needs help with filling out forms, calling numerous members reminding them of a fee due date, and etc. Being an officer is certainly a responsibility, and definitely a priceless one. (You can see i’m getting tired as i’m reusing the same words XD)

I’m Nicholas Tasato, a senior at Trabuco Hills High School and I am honored to be your Division 41 South Newsletter Editor. I intend on pursuing a career in Graphic Design / Advertising so please! feel free to send me any praise, questions, opinions, etc. Even if you don’t like something, please email me! But please don’t be a jerk about it, no one likes destructive criticism. Please be constructive with your criticisms, thank you. :] Article submissions are open to ALL members of Division 41 South, regardless if you do or do not have an officer position. Also, please send pictures if you have any! I need photos to keep the newsletter appealing and interesting! Thank you again, and I can’t wait for the next newsletter. It’ll just keep getting better from here on out!

Roaring with Service,

Nicholas Tasato THHS President Newsletter Editor

P.S. if anyone can guess my favorite page in this article, they might get a prize?...


division 41 south newsletter


CONTACT contact info

divisional board Lieutenant Governor Byran Yang d41s.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com 949.295.9856 (cell)

Executive Assistant

Hannah Tuong hannah.tuong@gmail.com

Divisional Secretary Lamar Pi lamarpi314@gmail.com

Newsletter Editor

Nicholas Tasato d41s.kcnews@gmail.com 909.717.7238 (cell) THE OFFICIAL

division 41 south newsletter


CNH district

region 03 division 41S

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