Division 41 South- July Newsletter 2011

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the ROAR

region 03


july 2011

the Official

division 41 south newsletter vol 1 | issue two

INSIDE this issue

LTG intro LTG intro 3



division news NEWS

4 club articles ARTICLES 14 club news NEWS calendar of events 17 CALENDAR


introduction LTG intro Hello 41 South! Whoa! It’s already been a month since the last issue and things have winded down for 41 South. Though we are not doing much right now, I am so proud of everyone in our division. All of you are so supportive and enthusiastic about Key Club and it just tells me that this is going to be a great year for all of us. I can just see us reaching our goal of 900 members, raising $1500 for PTP(Pediatric Trauma Patients), and strengthening our bonds as a family. I am your (self-proclaimed) J Alpha Lion and you are all my PRIDE.



So, for this summer let’s get out there and serve! Your clubs, along with our division, will definitely have events coming and we want everyone to be able to stay involved. Come out and have a fun time meeting new friends and serving your community. You are also welcome to invite any prospective members, rising freshman or rising seniors. You know how the saying goes, the more the merrier!


Well, that’s it for my insert but remember you are free to contact me at any time; you can contact me through e-mail, phone, or you can just come up to me at any Key Club events. I will always be open to your questions, comments, or concerns. Have a lot of fun this summer and don’t forget to serve, serve,


Serving with a Roar,

Byran Yang Lieutenant Governor


division 41 south newsletter


NEWS division news



The Date: Saturday August 27th [tentative] The Time: [check email for updates] The Location is: [check email for updates]

BEACH boomba! The Date: July 31st The Time: 10am to 9pm The Location is: Huntington State Beach

(21601 Pacific Coast Highway)

Divisional T-shirt voting will take place here!

sponsored! Santa Margarita High School is proudly sponsored by Mission Viejo Kiwanis


PTP Car-Wash? help us plan it! We need a location and donations!


division 41 south newsletter


ARTICLES club articles


Cam Nguyen


Aliso Niguel Key Club, in the month of July, announced its first summer beach clean-up event with nine key club members attending, which was a good amount - accounting the fact that the clean-up event took place in the morning. The beach clean-up at Aliso Creek beach was a time for us to fulfill our roles as being Key Clubbers: offering our own time to provide service to our community. Not only that, it was also a time of laughter, throwing sand at each other, joking, bonding: it was one of those times that we Key Clubbers could help our community while having fun and strengthening the bonds between each one of us. This event was successful. Not because there were members that attended the event; nor was it because we did our jobs and picked up a great amount of trash, but because of the determination and willingness of each member to help the community.

City of Aliso Pool Event

Caovinh Tran


On July 2nd, Aliso Niguel’s Key Club volunteered at the City of Aliso Viejo’s Pool Party. The event was held for the city’s 10th anniversary of being corporate. The celebration was held in the new Aquatic Center built in Aliso Viejo that was opened in April. Aliso Niguel’s Key Club President Catherine Huang and members’, Lacy Wright and Tiffany Le, were at the event to sell popcorn for 10 cents. Many people showed up to enjoy the music provided by DJs, food, and games with many prizes and activities for all the little children. The following activities were limbo, hula hoop, and water dunking. By volunteering at the event, the city of Aliso Viejo gave Aliso Niguel’s Key Club access to the Aliso Viejo Country Club as a gift of appreciation. The City of Aliso Viejo and Key Club works well together like a team and seeks future projects together to improve and benefit the community.


division 41 south newsletter


club articles ARTICLES

CAPO VALLEY Why did you join Key Club?

Tim Ngo


Every Key Clubber has his or her own reasons for joining the best club in the Western Hemisphere. We all have our own personal motives. Whatever the motive might be, we must create goals to strive towards in order to have a successful and beneficial Key Club experience. Goals can vary throughout a large spectrum. The first category of goals can be given the name ‘OMG-they work so hard group.’ Members who fall into this group strive for the better of the community and the overall club, without hesitation. They give 101% at every meeting, every event, and every opportunity. No matter how much time they lose to spend for their selves, they won’t stop participating and helping out. They basically sacrifice their whole beings for the sake of Key Club. These are the ones who are able to obtain high executive positions, such as Club Presidents and LTGs, and become recognized for their extraordinary talents. Next, we have those who strive for a more selfish goal. We’ll call them the ‘College Applicants.’ Members in this group joined Key Club for the sole purpose of adding some uniqueness in their applications. Don’t get me wrong. These members aren’t necessarily evil or should be banned from the club. In fact, having Key Club in applications allow the club to grow and receive greater acknowledgement. Also, the club itself is a huge organization and writing it onto an application will surely increase the rate of success. Lastly, we have the members who seek the goal of friendship and close-bonds. People in this group are called ‘Loners’ *cough cough*…I mean ‘Making Friends.’ Key Club provides a plethora of opportunities and social events that have helped many members find new companions. Events such as Fall Rally and Beach Boomba allow for a large social gathering, where new members meet the old ones, and people can hang out/relax from the hard manual labor and community services. Personally, my reason/goal for joining Key Club lies somewhere between making new friends and improving my college ap. My goal for my final year is to make a greater impact in Key Club than all my past years combined, and to hopefully become someone in the ‘OMG-they work so hard group.’

“How do you feel!?”

Finally, I must ask you fellow Key Clubbers… But seriously, look back on why you joined Key Club and maybe set yourself a challenge for your final years. Strive to become a great Key Clubber and never lose track on your reason for joining Key Club.


division 41 south newsletter



ARTICLES club articles My Experience

Shannon Yang [Soph Rep]

Key Club… What can I say? It has been a very interesting experience. From the very first day I joined the club to now I have thought of it as a little crazy. Sometimes people that you don’t even know walk up to you and strike a conversation and as time progresses and you spend more and more time with them you discover that you have made some good friends. When I first joined Key Club I didn’t know a lot of people and the meetings were somewhat awkward. However, you don’t need to rush to find friends because as you attend more events you begin to build bonds with people you would have never thought. The people in Key Club are generally very open and friendly… sometimes a little too open. They start dancing randomly and make jokes at the weirdest times, so yes you might be awkwardly standing there when they burst into song. Even if you are usually not social the key club members will force you to become social. There are so many fun events that will give you a chance to meet new people like the Turkey Trot. Although you have to wake up at an unbearable hour, it’s still fun handing out water to total strangers with your friends. You with the people around you and see how many people take water from you and how many time you mess up and accidentally splash water on the runners. There is also the Pancake Breakfast which, for me, was the most fun event because you got FREE FOOD. You got to make pancakes and grill sausages, which was more fun than I thought it would be and you get volunteer hours. Key club doesn’t just give you an opportunity to volunteer and help your community, but you can meet a lot of new people and gain many new friends

DANA HILLS Where art thou roar?



division 41 south newsletter


club articles ARTICLES El TORO Club Overview

Courtney Hua


In the month of July, El Toro Key Club has been busy planning for a new year of great service. Our club has been showing cooperative and effective communication through emails and our club Facebook page, made especially for our Key Club board of officers. Our Facebook page has made it easy for our officers to keep in touch, even though it is summer vacation. Using the Facebook page has enabled us to effectively publicize volunteering opportunities such as the recent CHOC Craft Night held on July 15th as well as the Regional Training Conference held on July 16th. CHOC Craft Night At CHOC Craft Night, volunteers from several divisions came together to help out CHOC hospital. Basically, we helped CHOC put together craft baggies and get supplies ready, so that when volunteers bring these crafts to the children, the supplies and materials are ready to use. Regional Training Conference Just like at any other Key Club gathering, I met new people and learned more information. This RTC, being my first, was definitely a great experience. Held at Bolsa Grande High School, I attended the Treasurer workshop as well as the Fundraiser workshop. At the Treasurer workshop, held by District Treasure CJ Van, was an exciting learning experience in which I realized that the job of a Treasurer is not to be taken lightly. At the Fundraiser workshop, held by ____ and CJ Van, I learned that in order to have a successful fundraiser, schools should “think outside the box” and create fun and creative fundraisers. On July 19th, El Toro Key Club will be having its first summer board meeting. As treasurer, I plan on discussing fundraisers and budgets for events during the summer and school year. El Toro Key Club is determined to achieve mind-blowing success; therefore I named this article “Charger Ambition.”


division 41 south newsletter



ARTICLES club articles Club Overview

Kimberly Lee


In the month of June, El Toro Key Club held their last meeting of the school year and began planning for the upcoming school year. Our Club has also been invited to help volunteer at local elementary schools, such as Lake Forest, during the summer months. On July 4th, El Toro and Trabuco Key Club, as well as Circle K of Irvine, helped Lake Forest Kiwanis Club for the Fourth of July Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast. Our volunteers helped bus tables, serve pancakes and sausages, and serve juice to customers. Approximately 3,000 pancakes were served and Lake Forest Kiwanis raised about $4,200. After the breakfast, volunteers helped out even more by pushing patriotic decorated shopping carts filled with ice and cold water bottles. The event our club is looking forward to in August is the End of the Year Spectacular. We are also planning fundraisers for our club and brainstorming ideas for the school year to come.


Anmol Bal


In this last month, LHHS has been up to a bit of activity. Firstly, we held an officers meeting to plan for this upcoming school year. We decided our methods of operation and brainstormed some original events. In regards to events, we stayed rather dormant, but got a much needed time to prepare for the future. We plan to attend OTC and Beach Boomba, and will continue to serve the community!


division 41 south newsletter


club articles ARTICLES

MISSION VIEJO Mission’s Summa

Sierra Villarreal


Its summer time and were still giving up some of our time to volunteer! On June 24th Mission Viejo High School volunteered at the Ladera Ranch Relay for Life along with San Juan Hills High School! We arrived early and helped pick up trash from the day before that was left behind. We also helped out with carnival games that children came to play. We all had a great time helping and having fun with the kids. As for upcoming events, on July 17th we will volunteer at the Oceans Festival in San Clemente and help out with the kids area and food booths. On July 19th will be holding a beach cleanup which our members seem to enjoy! It’ll be a day to help out in our community and bond together at Doheny Beach ! We also plan to visit the soup kitchen in Costa Mesa at the end of July or the beginning of August.

SAN CLEMENTE Where art thou roar?



division 41 south newsletter


ARTICLES club articles O SAN JUAN Ladera Ranch Relay For Life

Sari Kanamarlapudi


On June 30th, the city of Ladera Ranch held the Relay for Life to celebrate cancer survivors, to Remember those we have lost, and to fight Back against the disease which has taken so many of our loved ones. San Juan Hills Key Club teamed up with Mission Viejo Key Club to be a part of this event. Our job was to man the carnival booths. SJHHS Key Club’s booth featured the duck race game where two participants race each other’s ducks by squirting water at them to swim to the finish line. It was gratifying for all of us to help out the cause and play fun games with the attendees. Our clubs had a great time manning the booths and getting to know each other. This was a great opportunity for the San Juan Hills Key Clubbers as it allowed the members to interact with other Key Clubbers and help out the community.


Corazón de Vida

Hannah Tuong


Started in 1994 by Hilda Pacheco-Taylor, the Corazón de Vida Foundation charity is aimed at helping to improve the lives of Baja California, Mexico orphans. This nonprofit organization has a mission to “End the Cycle of Child Homelessness” - where the foundation focuses upon moving homeless children into orphanages that places emphasis upon education to improve their future life. Through funds, donated supplies and volunteer hands, this foundation currently looks over and supports fourteen different orphanages; of which a total of approximately seven-hundred fifty children are being fed, clothed, sheltered and educated each day. On top of being able to improve and better the lives of the orphans via donation of funds and supplies, Corazón de Vida also offers an opportunity to meet and spend a day with the orphans being helped – an aspect unique to this foundation. Once a month, Corazón de Vida hosts a “day” trip down to Baja, California in which volunteers are bused to one of the fourteen orphanages to play and spend a day with the orphans. And as this organization is based out of Southern California – right in our very own backyard city Irvine – this foundation gets volunteers from Los Angeles to San Diego. Each monthly “day” trips starts out early in the morning and ends in the late afternoon, from around 6AM to 6PM. Although a seemingly long event, the memories made and the lives affects actually turns around proving that half a day not enough time leaving many who anxiously waiting for the next trip. As such an easy-to-organize, meaningful and fun opportunity, Corazón de Vida offers a memorable experience of a lifetime that will help to improve the life of another. Our aim is to implement that experience into our Key Club at Tesoro this coming year.


division 41 south newsletter


club articles ARTICLES

TRABUCO HILLS Pancake Breakfast

Brandon Cornejo [Secretary]

The Independence Day weekend was a blast. The pancake breakfast was truly a highlight of my July Fourth. The colors, red, white, and blue, shined brightly in the sun and the smells of grilled sausages and warm pancakes filled the warm air. I got at the event at six am and worked until ten am. I, and my Key Club buddies, Elizabeth and Aditi, helped man the syrup and butter table and hand out cups for coffee and orange juice. The event was a success, and the customers were ecstatic about the food and the friendly service we offered. Though it was really early, it was inspiring to see so many enthusiastic families celebrating our country’s independence. It was also great to see so many other Key Clubbers and our Kiwanis family working hard to feed everyone. Overall, pancake breakfast is an amazing event that no one in Key Club should miss. There is also an incentive to volunteering at this exciting event-free food!

water for one dollah!

Jessie Vu


The annual Pancake Breakfast rolled around this month on July 4th. Our Kiwanis organized this massive event and even provided a free breakfast to all the volunteers. Half of the volunteers from Trabuco Hills High School came bright and early at 6 A.M. to pour syrup for our hungry customers. The other half of our volunteers arrived at 8 with a complimentary breakfast. We then waited until 9 to sell water. In order to sell water, we needed shopping carts filled with bags of ice. I paired up with Nicholas Tasato while Kyle Truong and Andrew Nguyen paired up to sell water. Unfortunately, the shopping carts were all taken, forcing us to walk to a different location to retrieve more shopping carts. As our president, Nick took the initiative and sped walked to that location. In the midst of the arduous walk and hot weather, the rest of us got lost. Yes, we walked straight instead of turning right. Therefore, we were late, but we continued to do our job! The day started off slow as most people brought their own water. However, more people started to get thirsty and we sold water like no other. The highlight came when we received fifteen free Chick-Fil-A coupons from participants in the parade who were excited that we provided an opportunity to quench their thirst! The event was tiring but a delightful way to spend our July 4th!


division 41 south newsletter



ARTICLES club articles A Beautiful Monday Morning

Elizabeth Wood [DP Chair]

But it was not just any Monday, it was the Fourth of July, Independence Day, and for some members of the Trabuco Hills and El Toro Key Clubs, that meant getting up early and working the free pancake breakfast put on by the Lake Forest Kiwanis Club. The breakfast ran from around 6:30 to 10:00 am and was a great experience for all who volunteered; making the breakfast run smoothly not only gave volunteers great leadership experience, but allowed them to see the unity among Kiwanis members. I myself worked first at the syrup and butter table with my fellow Trabuco Key Club members, giving me the chance to meet and build friendships with people I might not have spoken to before. Later I was reassigned to bussing tables, a job that I dreaded because it was much harder work. However, I was surprised at how much fun it actually was, interacting with people, hearing about their plans for the rest of the day, explaining about Key Club when they asked, and just making their lives a little easier by clearing their table for them. I even saw a former teacher there with his family, which was a nice surprise. Overall, the morning went well, I was glad at a chance to practice leadership and people skills, and I left feeling happy and triumphant for volunteering.


division 41 south newsletter


THENEW Divisional Website

C check. it. out. d41south.co.cc

club news NEWS

ALISO NIGUEL FEATURED on: City of Aliso Viejo’s website


planning events to reach 30 hours of summer service


Orange County Bike Camp ’11 for Teens with Down Syndrome, Monarch Beach Resort Golf Tournament

CAPO VALLEY july 30th Bowling fundraiser august 27th

Garage Sale fundraiser



no article no lion’s den


division 41 south newsletter


club news NEWS El TORO aug 14th Summer Spectacular



no lion’s den

no lion’s den



no article no lion’s den



division 41 south newsletter


club news NEWS


Friendship Bracelet Fundraiser: hand made $1 Ocean Festival on july 17th 8am to 12pm Beach Cleanup on

@ Doheny Beach

july 19th 2pm to 8pm


Officer Meetings to plan for recruiting

TRABUCO HILLS Summer Spectacular


aug 14th

division 41 south newsletter


CALENDAR calendar of events JULY 23rd- DCM [rescheduled] 24th- Ladera Relay for Life FREE Kina Grannis Concert 30th- CAPO Garage Sale 31st- BEACH BOOMBA JULY DCM

AUGUST 14th- Summer Spectacular 27th- CAPO Bowling Fundraiser


division 41 south newsletter


editor’s report REPORT


Ah, I can’t believe it’s been a month of freedom already! Before I get into the “reflective” tone, I would like to do this first:

I’m ecstatic at the response generated by everyone! Especially the vast distance our newsletter has travelled. Norcal baby! XD Even if I received one comment about the newsletter, I still would be extremely happy.


division 41 south newsletter


editor’s report REPORT



for EVERYONE’s contribution to our first newsletter! I’m sure some members think I don’t read the articles, but I do. This is not done out of spite, or to count the words to see if you met the minimum or “MAXIMUM” in some cases *cough* capo valley *cough*. This is partly why the newsletter always takes me a while to complete. I love reading articles to gain people’s perspectives. Please, PLEASE, PLEASE,

current song: “Wet the Bed” -Chris Brown.

use the article submission templates!

It speeds up the article input process soo much. The templates are on our website: d41south.co.cc! As with most designers, I can tell you for a fact that people of my “type” are easily “visually bored”. Every two issues of this newsletter, I will change the layout. The change may be drastic, it may not be. However, I will make sure that every issue you read, you will know it was Division 41 South’s Newsletter. Additionally, I’m a very detail oriented person. So for me, although it may not look like it, this issue has ALOT of changes. My friends can vouch for my detail disorder, *references are available upon request XD I really like writing these “editor’s report”s. It’s like a blog post. All I need now is to add the current song i’m listening to..... < I swear I’m listening to pandora, and that’s what happened to be planning. no joke. >.<

Anywho, I don’t know what my plans are for expanding D41 south’s presense. I might make videos, but that’s uncertain. Summer is great for working on personal projects. So keep an eye out for updates! Join the D41s reflector and our facebook group!


Roaring with Service,

Nicholas Tasato THHS President Newsletter Editor

division 41 south newsletter


CONTACT contact info

divisional board Lieutenant Governor Byran Yang d41s.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com 949.295.9856 (cell)

Executive Assistant

Hannah Tuong hannah.tuong@gmail.com

Divisional Secretary Lamar Pi lamarpi314@gmail.com

Newsletter Editor

Nicholas Tasato d41s.kcnews@gmail.com 909.717.7238 (cell) THE OFFICIAL

division 41 south newsletter



Region 03 Mr. Golden bcracker@aol.com randygolden12@aol.com 562.884.4145 (cell)

Mrs. Pong epong119@aol.com 949.278.0688 (cell)

Websites division district international international


d41south.co.cc cnhkeyclub.org keyclub.org kiwanis.org

division 41 south newsletter



CNH district


region 03

division 41S


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