The Roar / June 2014

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The Roar Division 41 South • Volume III • Issue 6

June / 2014

Editor’s Note



So it seems as if Kenny is trying to one up me in terms of text volume. I’ll show him! Speaking of Kenny, he is now adjacent to me in this newsletter. I’m glad I can represent the LTG in the newsletter and am hopeful that this will happen for many newsletters to come (hint).


In the coming months, I will be testing out a new method of article/visual submission. This doesn’t apply to many of you. But for historians or for any others who submit content to me, keep an eye on your email, Facebook, carrier pigeon, etc.


Finally, I am going to ICON! So hopefully I’ll get to see a bunch of multilingual signs and the beauty of Anaheim, a whole twenty minutes away from home.


Until next time,

Aidan Jones

LTG’s Note Hello Lions!


Welcome to this month's edition of The Roar! For those of your who don't know me yet, I am Kenny Cheng and I will be serving as the 2014-2015 Division 41 South Lieutenant Governor.


Can you believe it's already been two months since District Convention? It's amazing how time flies! I am incredibly proud of what we have accomplished thus far, and we have come a long way in such a short time. Please continue to strive to be your very best! I see so much room for improvement and so much untapped potential. I cannot wait to see what this year has to offer for Division 41 South!


Looking back at the past month, I am so proud of all the amazing service taking place despite the monster that is testing season. Although I just know that we will all miss pulling all-nighter study sessions and spending every waking minute with review book in hand, it is finally time to move on toward the bittersweet end of the school year and, more importantly, summer!


Although the school year may be coming to a halt, remember that the call for service is never-ending! Bee on the lookout for new ways to better your homes, schools, and communities throughout your long-awaited break.


Be sure to take a good look through the newsletter and continue to submit your articles and visuals. I know that Aidan puts a lot of work into producing this newsletter and it truly would not be complete without the help of all of you!


Thank you for all that you do! I am so grateful to serve this division because I truly do L-O-V-E you all!

Kenny Cheng

Fun Facts Key Club is composed of approximately 260,000 members. ! That’s the same as: !

- The population of New Caledonia, a special collectivity of France located in the southwest Pacific ocean.

! - Half the number of people that attended Woodstock. ! Together, we would: !

- Produce approximately 18 megawatts of heat energy. This energy, if harnessed, could power 1,500,000 lightbulbs for an hour.


- Weigh 40,120,000 pounds, assuming everyone has a weight of 154 pounds. This is 1.5 times the daily mass of trash produced in New York City every day.


In order to compensate for the immense body odor we would experience if we were all in one place, there would have to be an air-flow rate of 549,478 gallons per second, or â…– of the average discharge rate of the Nile River.


Sources:, Wolfram Alpha, Wikipedia

! !

Table of Contents 1

Capistrano Valley




Trabuco Hills


Mission Viejo


El Toro Cover Photo: much relay. such walk. wow.

Page numbers are set in 34 pt.

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Myriad Pro Bold Condensed

Body Text is set in 14 pt. Garamond Premier Pro Regular and Italic Subtitles are set in

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Photo Captions are set in 12 pt. Myriad Pro Italic Regular and Semibold Authors are set in 14 pt. Myriad Pro Italic Regular and Semibold All other text, except for this text, is set in various sizes of Myriad Pro


Designed in Pages 4.3

Capistrano Valley Relay for Life Bake Sale

Relay for Life

On April 23rd, Capistrano Valley High School’s Key Club held two bake sales,

On June 7, 2014, I attended my first Relay for Life.

one at the Pavilions on Marguerite and one at the Ralph’s on Trabuco. The purpose of these bake sales were to raise money for our members to gain admission into Relay for Life, an annual walk that raises money for cancer research and treatment. The admission fees all go to benefit the American Cancer Association, so the bake sale participants knew that they were raising money for a good cause. There were at least 8 volunteers that helped out at each location, and almost all of them brought baked goods to sell. The event lasted from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. and raised over 580 dollars. For the volunteers, it was both a fun and rewarding experience as they were able to hang out with friends and help support a great cause. Bake sales are a very profitable form of fundraiser since people donate extra money to help the cause in addition to paying for the baked goods.


- Yasmine Tabdili / Vice President


I had attended several walks for various diseases with my family before, but Relay for Life was different. The moment I arrived, I recognized the event as a celebration. There was a band playing on stage, booths were set up with throughout the football field, and there were people walking around the track, having a good time. In no time, I found my club and joined the walk for the cure. Despite the heat of the day, I enjoyed walking laps around the field; I observed the various booths set up for the event, most of them commemorating loved ones that they had lost to cancer. I took part in the many festivities set up to provide entertainment for the 24 hour long event, the most common being creating a patterned chain of beads that showed how many laps I had walked for the cure.

After a couple hours of being at the event, I realized what Relay for Life was all about. Yes, the majority of the people were there to raise money for their causes. Yes, it was a place to display the memories of the ones lost to cancer and commemorate them for the battle they all so bravely fought. But the meaning that was most prominent to me was that Relay for Life celebrated the beauty of life itself. Life, in all its up and downs, was everywhere from the livelihoods of the sweaty joggers running around the track to the little boy passionately belting Miley Cyrus songs from the stage. Everyone was gathered at that football ďŹ eld to rejoice in our human consciousness and be grateful for it; we would do to the best of our abilities to ensure that the people of the future can rejoice in it too.


I was only able to attend Relay for Life this year for a few hours. But, in the upcoming years of my Key Club career, I look forward to attending many more Relays and staying for their entireties. Â


- Emily Hong / Historian Top: Alex Phu twirling signs while members watch in amazement. Bottom: much relay. such walk. wow.

Tesoro Goodwill Drive From Pictionary, to fake plants, to fairy wings, the donations made by Tesoro's students and their parents could be described as odd. But, all in all, the donations made went on to raise a large amount of money for the Tesoro Music Program. On May 17th, Tesoro Music Boosters, with the help of Key Club, hosted a four hour long Goodwill drive. While the morning was relatively slow, after about an hour everything began to pick up and there was an endless stream of cars filled to the brim with donations. The Key Club members helped to carry donations from the car to a big pile in the parking lot of Tesoro High School, where the donations were then organized into three piles: clothes and shoes, electronics (essentially everything with a cord), and miscellaneous (or home goods, as it was commonly referred to by the Goodwill workers). Music was blasted from a small radio while we worked away, and we all had fun dancing to the voices of Adam Levine or Katy Perry. We certainly had no problem bringing in donation after donation, and some people came back twice, if not three times! After three and a half long hours of collection, Key Club, along with all the other volunteers, helped to sort and fill many large cages (which were all about four feet wide and six feet tall). By the end of the day, there were more than ten cages full to the brim, which were promptly packed into not one, but two huge Goodwill trucks! Overall, it was a fantastic event, and Key Club had a great time getting to know Tesoro's aspiring musicians as well as the wonderful Music Boosters.


- Haley Lawrence / President


! Last Saturday, we partnered up with Tesoro's music department and held a Goodwill fundraiser. We camped out in the senior parking lot for four long, yet rewarding, hours. In total, we raised $2,950. Cars upon cars pulled into the lot with trucks full donations, from televisions, to stuffed animals, to One Direction posters, to ancient lamps. Along with other Key Clubbers and music students, we raced to their cars then placed all of the donations in their designated bins. The workers from Goodwill said they have never seen a higher volume of cars for one fundraiser! It was a prime time to donate in Las Flores since we just had a community garage sale that morning. In all, we filled three huge big rigs with donations that will benefit the community yet again.


- Taylor Villahermosa / Vice President

Various donated goods getting ready to be packed up and shipped o.


Trabuco Hills Aliso Creek Cleanup On Saturday, May 17th, we met up at Aliso Creek in Lake Forest to clean up the banks from all of the trash that had been left there over months of neglect. At ďŹ rst, clean up was slow; but, as we became more comfortable with each other, we began to talk while we cleaned up and it soon became a really easy and fun way to get to know people we don't normally talk to. At one point, it even became a game of sorts to ďŹ nd the craziest thing that was left at the creek: someone had found a bicycle chain, another saw a smashed-up bong (among other... substances), and we even found a really creepy-looking doll by the banks. By the end of the clean up, everyone had made new friends and we were all pleased with all of the work we had done, knowing that we were helping in taking care of our environment. The project was a success, and we all had a fantastic time.

- Vincent Nicandro / News Editor


Mission Viejo End of the Year Banquet On Saturday, May 17th, Mission's Key Clubber’s gathered around for another wonderful monthly DCM at Costeau Park. Even though May was an understandably hectic month filled with a series of agonizing tests, Key Clubbers still displayed the natural Key Club spirit throughout the meeting! Of course, it began with the regular procedure and the discussion of each club. After all the formalities, some people played a couple games such as “Headbands” and even acting scenes from several movies. It was a great way to end May and it was an even greater way to enter June.

- Kaelani Vergara / Historian


El Toro Laguna Hills Half Marathon On your marks, get set, go! The 16th annual Laguna Hills Half Marathon took place on May 26, 2014, on Memorial Day. Students from El Toro Key Club volunteered at this event. Arriving early in the morning, they helped to set up different stations to prepare for the race. Once the race began, they passed out water to the athletes, cheered on the runners, and helped with various other tasks at the marathon. The Half Marathon also consisted of a Marines March and showcase that commemorated the Memorial Day celebrations. There was a kids’ race and a play area in order to entertain as well as to inform the youth about community events and initiate their participations as a global citizen. There were “fun activities… for anyone of any age group,” volunteer Jennifer Truong stated. Attendees, runners, and volunteers of all ages enjoyed the event as they explored the numerous, diverse tents that introduced them to local businesses and organizations. El Toro Key Club volunteers as well as volunteers from other Key Clubs and organizations all enjoyed helping at the race. Volunteer Cory Purves said that “it was great to see many people running the half marathon and testing themselves. I felt honored to be helping the people complete such an amazing race!” Through their service, the volunteers were taking part in putting on the successful marathon and exemplifying the principles of a Key Club community leader.

- Mahsa Sheykhsoltan


Key Club Takes Rancho Days Fiesta Flipping tortillas, shaking maracas, lassoing bulls, and pinning piñatas; last Sunday, May 4th, the Lake Forest community gathered to celebrate the cultural heritage of their city at the Rancho Days Fiesta celebration. The event took place at the Heritage Hill Historical Park and consisted of numerous activities that explored the SpanishAmerican influences on the development of the early Saddleback Valley area. This fiesta exemplified the importance of knowing one’s heritage through the variety of booths, performances, food, and games that were informative and fun for all ages. Rancho Days Fiesta was hosted by the OC Parks Foundation and was run by numerous volunteers who utilized their talents in order to make the learning journey more creative and compelling. A few of the activities included rope making, butter churning, lassoing, tortilla tasting, face painting, maraca making, candle making, piñata playing, and steel printing, followed by a variation of music, singing, and dancing. High school students involved in the Division 41 South Key Club led and participated in the running of these activities in order to connect with community members and emphasize the principles of the club stated in their oath, which is, “to build my home, school, and community…” In addition, the Key Club representatives advocated the protection of our heritage for future generations and defined what the term “community” means to the individual as well as, well, the community. In summation, the Rancho Days Fiesta event, along with the other festivities held at Heritage Hill, uphold the ideals of a community that strive to collaborate and make an educational journey more memorable and unforgettable.

- Gunindu Abeysekera


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