D41S Newsletter: September 2012

Page 1

the ROAR

region 03


september 2011

the Official

division 41 south newsletter vol 1| issue four

INSIDE this issue

LTG intro LTG intro 3



division news NEWS

club articles 4 ARTICLES 13 club news NEWS calendar of events 15 CALENDAR

editor’s report

introduction LTG intro Hello 41 South!





School has come again and this is when it’s time to kick that Key Clubbing into high gear! With the start of the school year comes the beginning of the new Key Club year. We want to make this the best year Division 41 South has ever seen with more members, more service, more fundraising, and more FUN. How are we going to do this? We are going to work as a division to try accomplishing all our goals. Let’s put on those thinking caps and discover new ways to bring members in. Tell them about all of the fun you have in Key Club, all the new people you will meet, and, most importantly, all the great service you can accomplish with Key Club. Let’s bring people in with the enticement of service and a lot of fun. Tell all your friends about Beach Boomba, Region Training Conference, Orange County Children’s Book Festival, Fall Rally, Rose Float Decoration, and District Convention. Then, let’s retain them for a different purpose. We will retain not because of the fun events but by, hopefully, showing them what service is all about. You can work with your club to think of new service events to participate in around the community and new ways to fundraise for the variety of organizations that we support. That is right! You can actually try hosting your own events instead of leaving everything up to the president. You can help create the best year of Key Club yet by becoming involved with all of the great service we do! We have a lot planned for the coming year and I hope that I can personally talk to each and every one of you. I am truly excited to meet all those new people this coming year. So, come out to those club meetings and come out to those division council meetings and learn more about how you can have fun SERVING! Serving with a Roar,

Byran Yang


Lieutenant Governor

tdivision 41 south newsletter THE OFFICIAL


NEWS division news


The Date: Saturday September 24th, 2011 The Time: 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm The Location is: Costeau2500 Park Costeau St. Laguna Hills, CA 92653

OCC Book Festival

The Date: Sunday October 2nd, 2011 The Time: 9 am to 4 pm The Location is: Orange Coast College

2701 Fairview Road Costa Mesa, CA 92626

RTC (regional training conference) The Date: Saturday October 8th, 2011 The Time: 11:30 pm to 4:30 pm The Location is: Orange Coast College

2701 Fairview Road Costa Mesa, CA 92626


The Date: Sunday October 16th, 2011 The Time: 6 am The Location is: Disneyland Anaheim


division 41 south newsletter



ARTICLES club articles



Fundraising for Club Dues! With all the new regulations out on restricting the financing of clubs on high school campuses it is becoming more and more difficult for clubs such as Key Club to obtain funds. It is for this reason that the Aliso Niguel High School Key Club is putting together fundraisers. Our first fundraiser planned is at our local Souplantation where twenty percent of sales proceeds will go to support the Aliso Niguel High School Key Club. Also we have a raffle fundraiser going on in which someone can purchase raffle tickets for three dollars each. One ticket will then be selected at random and the winner will be awarded with a brand new Xbox 360. These proceeds will go to fund promoting our club at Aliso Niguel High School’s club rush and to pay off member fees which the school is no longer allowing clubs to charge. We hope that these events will be able to compensate for our limitations by the school district but also we are creating exciting events that the entire community can be a part of.

Hit the Green

Stephanie Suyanto


Aliso Niguel’s Key Club has been gradually improving this year. The new president and board members have been working hard to run the club properly and to keep it active. Our club has undergone several changes this year, such as adding more volunteer events for each month in hopes of reaching our goal of 250 service hours by the end of the year. So far, we have earned 59.5 hours since April. We are encouraging members to become more active by requiring 20 service hours per person, and at least 5 hours to be an active member. In addition, we have been promoting our club by creating a website so that the club members can keep up to date with the club events. The website is convenient for our members since they can check for any future volunteer opportunities in case they missed a meeting. We hope that our club’s improvements will be recognized, as new goals and changes were established to make our club better than it was in the years before.


division 41 south newsletter


club articles ARTICLES

CAPO VALLEY [secretary]

Nick Burakoff

Being a Team Player

Almost everyone has played a team sport, watched a team in action, or been in a situation involving teamwork. But what does it really mean to be a “team player”? For many, taking part in a high school club, such a Key Club, is a great way to discover how to play a role in a hardworking team. To be part of a team means to work with others toward common goals, an activity that involves interdependence, responsibility, and willingness to sacrifice for the bettering of the group. As part of Capo’s Key Club for two years as a member, and now as club secretary, I have been able to get a feel for how my club’s general and executive members are able to work as a team to provide community service throughout the year. First and foremost, our “team” has a burning passion for service, with members dedicating themselves to 5 AM wakeups for events like Turkey Trot, and 24-hour overnighters for Relay for Life.

Additionally, we depend on each other to fulfill duties and carry out promises; when a board member says that he will provide the snacks, he better make sure to bring those snacks! Without this level of trust among the club members, the club would lose the family and team feel that has gradually been fostered over the last few years. Finally, being part of Capo Valley’s team involves sacrifice in the form of taking on new challenges for the club’s progress. Members are and will continue to be pushed to attend new events, make new friends, and take on greater responsibilities, activities that benefit both the individual and the team. This year will bring its challenges to the CVHS Key Club and others, but by being team players, the members of all clubs will continue to foster an atmosphere of dedication and friendship that allows the individual, the community, and the world to thrive.


division 41 south newsletter


ARTICLES club articles


Impress to Succeed

Adam Madsen

[tech editor]

On September 16, a large, excited crowd shuffled through the doors to our first Key Club meeting of this school year, filling the room to its limits. Club Rush had been two days earlier, and many new students were eager to see what Key Club’s all about. The meeting began with in introduction to Key Club for all the newcomers, followed by a discussion of all the fun and exciting things we have planned for this year. We talked about upcoming events, and membership applications. Finally, we finished up with a raffle. Energy filled the room as each of the students eagerly awaited

each number on the winning tickets, hoping that it was their ticket being announced. Those whose numbers were called leapt to their feet, obviously excited, happy to have won something at their first club meeting this year. Then, it was over, and students slowly exited through the door through which they entered, still energetic from the meeting. We had a big outcome for our first meeting, and we’re excited what it will bring us and our new members. We hope that this year can be as productive as it has been in past years.


division 41 south newsletter


club articles ARTICLES El TORO Angelica Balisacan

[KLF Chair]

Free Bake Sale?

On Sunday, August 28th, ETHS Key Club held a FREE bake sale in front of the Ralph’s in Foothill Ranch to help fundraise this year’s trip to DCON. Officers and members from our club helped by donating a batch of any type of baked good. We sold cookies, brookies (brownie and cookie mixed), Oreo stuffed chocolate cookies, lemon bars, and many more. We also had cheese cake! When we got to the location, we originally had set prices for each good. We realized that we may not receive as much profit if we had kept the prices. The “free” idea was brought about by the successful, free divisional carwash which happened the day before. Therefore, we decided to make it a free bake sale and accepted donations rather than

having people pay a price. You would be surprise at how much one person would be willing to pay for one cookie. Kimberly Lee, Courtney Hua, Aaron Pham, and I, along with the supervision of Mrs. Smith, sold the treats in front of the store. I worked with Kimberly at one door and Courtney and Aaron worked at the other (we did not want to miss out on any possible donations). It was tons of fun seeing many little kids faces brighten up when they heard it was a free bake sale. Our treasurer Courtney Hua, along with Brittany Quy and Elaine Le, counted the money a couple days after. Our club made a total of $312 from that single bake sale. We hope to plan to do another one in the future.


division 41 south newsletter


ARTICLES club articles Joseph Olmo

[Soph Rep/Exec Asst]

Who Doesn’t Love Tacos?

As an amazing summer came to end, and as new chapters in our lives start to unfold, we are proud to say that we ended everything with a bang! These last couple weeks of summer has gotten everyone pretty hyped for the upcoming school year. I’m not talking about all the homework and sleepless nights. I’m talking about all the upcoming events, new members and DCON! So recruit those members and show them what Division 41 South Key Club has got in store for them! For our last week of summer our Division had an intense Car Wash competition! This Free Car Wash competition consisted of Key Clubs from SVUSD against Key Clubs from CUSD. The day was hot but still pretty fun! We had over 66 Volunteers that took time off their very own Saturday just to make this event possible. Half way through the event Anmol Bal, Jessie Vu, Betty Chung and I decided to go on a taco run for everyone. I mean who doesn’t love Tacos? Carelessly taking our time, we didn’t realize how long we were gone for.

By the time we got back, we had one pretty disappointed customer, all because we took a little detour and got lost. Everyone was devouring the tacos and there wasn’t really any left. After the Car Wash I decided to kick it with Anmol Bal and Lucas Kim, we had to turn in recyclables to a thingy behind Ralphs. We got there and waited for about 15 minutes until we decided to just give away the bottles. Because of the little mishap at Ralphs, we ended up being late for the Divisional Council Meeting. At the DCM we talked about the many different events that all the different clubs in our division participated in and counted up the total amount of money received at both of the Car Washes. We ended up with a total of $892.10 for both School Districts combined. All the proceeds will be going to Pediatric Trauma Program. As the day ended I was pretty tired and happy that the day was almost over. A little word of advice, if you ever get a phone call from your Lieutenant Governor at 1 in the morning, don’t answer it! :D


division 41 south newsletter


club articles ARTICLES TESORO T Alexandra Ivanov


Titans Starting the Year Strong!

After a long summer, Tesoro Key Club is ready to kick back into the school year with big plans for raising our Key Club funds and fundraising for Choc Hospital and PTP. In order to reach our Lieutenant Governor’s one hundred dollar fundraising goal by Fall Rally, the Tesoro Key Club Board is planning its own car wash set for October. After seeing how well the summer Car Wash turned out for our entire District 41 South, our board is super excited to also launch a free car wash, in hopes of attracting the giving souls in the Las Flores neighborhood. Tesoro Key Club Web Master Hannah Tuong comments, “It was a lot of fun and a great way for us to get all of our members together

on the weekend.” Meanwhile, Senior Representative Angela

Campania adds that PTP and Choc Hospital are both great causes that will sell themselves at the car wash which will donate 100% of proceeds to charity. Our Key Club is also planning on selling baked goods at back to school night in order to raise funds to pay for our Club Rush activities which include passing out keys which may or may not unlock our prize lock. The member with the winning key wins a special good bag to start them off for a year of Key Club fun! Though summer is over, a year of Key Club socials and activities are just beginning!


division 41 south newsletter


ARTICLES club articles


[bulettin editor]

Working at the Car Wash!

Nothing is more appealing to everyday drivers on the street than a free car wash. As enthusiastic sign-yielding Key Clubbers attract guests, more Key Clubbers were at El Toro High School working the hose, sponge, or towel. You may be wondering why a group of teenagers would be washing cars for free - the answer is PTP, Pediatric Trauma Prevention. The Key Clubbers from Trabuco Hills, El Toro, Laguna Hills, and Mission Viejo High Schools joined together to raise money to help train doctors and nurses for specialized pediatric treatment and also to purchase medical supplies necessary to treat pediatric patients. Guests were asked if they would like to donate to PTP before they got their car washed.

Not only were schools from SVUSD participating in this car wash, but CUSD also got involved in this fundraising event. CUSD also held a car wash at Laguna Hills High School. The two districts had a friendly competition to see who could raise more money for PTP. In the end, SVUSD arose victorious. The Key Clubbers not only have bragging rights, but they also have the pleasure of knowing that all of the hard work that they gave that day under the burning sun proved worth it when the SVUSD Key Clubs raised over $500 for PTP! When it comes to hard work, it is rare to find teenagers who would work for free, especially in the scorching summer, but Key Clubbers have once again proved how diligence, dedication, and hard work can come together for a great cause and for a fun day with friends.


division 41 south newsletter


club articles ARTICLES [v.p.]

Jessie Vu An End and Start

September signals the beginning of the school year. And for many key clubbers who start at first period, we are now unable to go to the Kiwanis meetings. For Trabuco Hills, our advisors meet at Mimi’s CafÊ every Friday morning at 7:15 sharp. Therefore, my last Friday morning of the summer was spent there before the school started. After tricking our president, Nick Tasato, into thinking I was not coming, we settled down and went through the routine of the Kiwanis meetings. The adults commented on our successful car wash and food drive efforts. Numerous volunteers combined their efforts to make both events possible. The old business was quickly reviewed and we moved on to future events.

Because of our summer board meetings, we had already planned out our regular meetings and board meetings for the school year. We also announced our plans for Club Rush, a major event to recruit more Key Club members. A speaker also spoke about the public education system. To our surprise, the speaker mentioned that AP classes are extremely full in order to prove that schools have many AP students, even though not all are qualified to be in that course and take the AP test. This particular Kiwanis meeting also had Key Club alumni who advertised for Circle K events at Cal State Fullerton. The final Kiwanis meeting of the summer was full of interesting discussion. My happy dollar was that I was happy to spend my last Friday of summer with the Kiwanis of Lake Forest. Sleep was not an issue, considering most of us wake up to start school before 7:15 anyways.


division 41 south newsletter


THENEW Divisional Website

check. it. out. d41south.co.cc

club news NEWS

ALISO NIGUEL upcoming: Souplantation Fundraiser Walk to End Alzheimer’s


fundraisers with

Panda Express & Juice it Up

TRABUCO HILLS oct 4th.Club Rush!

new website completed


division 41 south newsletter


D S U V S ! S T CONGRA for raising the most for


u o y k n a h t ! BUT e w ! e n o y r e to ev : f o l a t o t a raised


CALENDAR calendar of events September

24th: DCM c1:3ost0ea-u2p:3a0rk pm


October l a v i t s e F k o 2nd: OCC Bo

8th: RTC

11:30am - 4:30pm

Orange Coast College

16th:CHOC Walk 6am

Disneyland Anaheim


division 41 south newsletter


editor’s report REPORT

hello! The school year has begun! I AM OFFICIALLY A SENIOR. For many, it is extremely surreal to realize that it will be my last year in Key Club. I’m glad to be the newsletter editor for my last year in Key Club. However, this year will definitely be bittersweet for my friends and me. It will be my last time losing my voice at Fall Rally. My last time freezing at the wee hours in the morning in Pasadena for the Rose Float Decorating. My final time attending DCON and experiencing the utter spirit and joy that is inherently unique to Key Club. But I will savor this bittersweet year. It won’t be forgotten, and I will DEFINITELY write about my experiences in my college applications. It will be evident from my art portfolio that I was truely committed to Key Club, with the numerous editions of the Division 41 South Newsletter, and hundreds of agendas i’ve created for my club meetings.


division 41 south newsletter


editor’s report REPORT Welcome new lions, you will have an AMAZING experience you will never have in any other club. If you want the best key club experience, attend numerous events, become an officer for your club, and aspire to talk to everyone! You can share your experience with the entire Key Club community!

SEND PHOTOS USE ARTICLE TEMPLATE kthxbye Savor your experiences every year you’re in Key Club. As there time always flies by when you’re having fun. :] Roaring with Service,

Nicholas Tasato THHS President Newsletter Editor


division 41 south newsletter


! u o Y k Than

h g i H l e u g i Aliso N h g i H y e l l a V o n Capistra El Toro High h g i H s l l i H o c Trabu Tesoro High e h t e k a m YOU y t i l a e r a r newslette ! e m o s e w and a KEEP IT UP!

CONTACT contact info

division board Lieutenant Governor

Byran Yang d41s.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com 949.295.9856 (cell)

Executive Assistant

Joseph Olmo maplekrwlr@gmail.com 949.374.0455 (cell)

Divisional Secretary

Hannah Tuong hannah.tuong@gmail.com

Newsletter Editor

Nicholas Tasato d41s.kcnews@gmail.com 909.717.7238 (cell)


division 41 south newsletter




Region 03 Mr. Golden bcracker@aol.com randygolden12@aol.com 562.884.4145 (cell)

Mrs. Pong epong119@aol.com 949.278.0688 (cell)

Websites division district international international


d41south.co.cc cnhkeyclub.org keyclub.org kiwanis.org

division 41 south newsletter

twenty page

CNH district

region 03 division 41S


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