Division 41 South- December Newsletter

Page 1

the ROAR

region 03


december 2011

the Official

division 41 south newsletter vol 1| issue six

INSIDE this issue

LTG introintro LTG 3



division news Division NEWS

4 club articles ARTICLES 14 SNAP shots! PHOTOS calendar of events 15 CALENDAR

introduction LTG intro Hello 41 South! A New Year is nearly upon us and it is time for us to reinvigorate out service and membership participation. There are times you can directly feel that satisfaction of helping other but there are other times where it’s indirect.


All of you make a difference with the service you do whether that be by “just” reading to elementary schoolers or handing out water at a marathon. Everything you do, no matter how little, always makes a difference to someone. That reading helps stimulate the minds of these young children provide them and provides them the joy of having an elder mentor. That water you handed out, how does that help out? Well, your water directly helps create a successful event for the runners. They will see that it is a very well-planned event and they will come back year after year, directly contributing to the profits of the marathon that can go to what they support, whether that is a food bank or charity.




Everything anyone does will help somebody; there is never a service event which no one will benefit from. I want everyone reading this newsletter this month to bring someone to Key Club that is not as active as you and help teach that person just what we do and why we do it. I want everyone to learn just what a great organization we are, what makes us different than all the other clubs on campus. As always, you are free to contact me with any questions, comments, or concerns at my e-mail or cell-phone. I hope to see ALL of you very soon, whether that be at Rose Float Decorating, January Division Council Meeting, or Conclave. I am expecting a lot of new faces at the next division events! Serving with a Roar,

Byran Yang


Lieutenant Governor


division 41 south newsletter


NEWS division news g in t a r o c e D t a lo ROSE F The Date: December 29th 2011 The Time: TBA Bus Site: El Toro High School? (subject to change)

REMINDERS! BRING a medical release form! WEAR closed toed shoes! DRESS warmly, old clothes you don’t care about!


division 41 south newsletter



Volunteer Events Catherine Huang

On December 10th, Aliso Niguel’s Key Club was asked to help Soka University for their annual holiday concert. Soka University charity event supports the South County Outreach, by offering free entrance for kids with donated can goods. South County Outreach is an organization dedicated to serve low-income families in Southern Orange County by providing essential living supplies, such as soap and shampoo, and food. Our four key club members, Nathalie Salazar, Chan Nguyen, Lysern Marcelino, and I, were at the food drive station and collected the donations given by families and students. After the concert began, we helped Soka set up for intermission and set up for the give-aways to the donators.



Soka gave away ornaments, cookies, and candy canes as an appreciation towards the community. Overall, Aliso Niguel’s Key Club managed to four and half hours of community service and is looking forward to work along Soka University. Another volunteer event we had was the beach cleanup at Salt Creek Beach in Dana Point. We earned 3 hours after finding bottles, paper, and random assort of items. We had 11 members came and had an amazing time. We were given complimentary smoothie by a runner who thanked us for volunteering our time. As much as a lot of the Orange County beaches are already clean, it was all the little items that added up. We can’t wait till more volunteer events occurred.

division 41 south newsletter



Aliso hosts DCM @ Ice Palace

Natalie Keramati

Hey Key Club! So, this week was the divisional council meeting on Friday December 16th, 2011 at the Aliso Viejo Ice Palace and it turned out as a big hit. Aliso had a lot of officers and members show up so way to raise the Aliso Key Club spirit! Keep it up! The location for the DCM proved to be successful because the DCM was pretty packed in the snack bar due to the majority of people from all the schools.



A lot of members went ice-skating and it was a great way to have fun and relax and make way for winter break. There was music videos playing and the ice rink was filled with people. Overall, the DCM had a pretty great majority of members from all schools to amp the key club spirit and talk about the upcoming volunteer events. Have a great holiday Key Clubbers!

division 41 south newsletter



We OWN the Trot Nick Cotta

Plenty of Capo Valley’s finest waterpourers took to the streets of Dana Point on Thanksgiving Day for the annual Turkey Trot. As my third and last Turkey Trot, I was excited to wake up especially early to volunteer and celebrate the “Day of Thanks” with my fellow Key Clubbers. (I am so thankful for Key Club!) Usually clutching each other for warmth, we were surprised and relaxed with the nice weather as we moved to our water stations near the starting line. We prepared for the upcoming crowds by pouring water into hundreds of paper



cups. We failed to realize that those hundred cups would pale in comparison to the 12,000 runners that would pass us over the next few hours. Seniors and freshmen joined forces to provide water to the runners, transferring water from bottles to cup, from table to hand. Our teamwork was answered with joyous and thankful remarks from many runners. Three stressful hours and four races later, we were crowned Champions of Water Bending, of Drenched Clothes, and of Service. We are thankful, we are Key Club, and we own the Trot.

division 41 south newsletter



Thanksgiving Spirit


Julie Han

On Thursday November 24th, Key Club and other clubs volunteered at the Dana Point Harbor Turkey Trot. Thanksgiving day I woke up at 5 am. It is a little too early for me, but it was worth it. Along with the other key clubbers and various volunteers, I was assigned to pass out water and ‘Mix’ sponsored protein shakes. It was striking to see so many people at the event! Many of the runners even dressed up. Aside by passing out drinks, I recorded times at the

finish line. The highlight of my Thanksgiving morning was when I witnessed a proposal. At the end of a finish line a couple arrived. The man came down on one knee and proposed. It was an extremely sweet scenario. At the end of the day, the runners began to leave and so did the volunteers. I had an amazing time and it was truly a benediction to have helped out at this event.

! B O J D O O G on having the most CAPO rose float volunteers! THE OFFICIAL

division 41 south newsletter


ARTICLES club articles El TORO

Spreading some Holiday Cheer! Kimberly Lee Happy Holidays everyone! During this Holiday season in December, El Toro Key Club has been volunteering at Christmas themed events as well as fundraising. On December 3rd, there was Victorian Christmas at Heritage Hill. There was Christmas cookie decorating plus arts and crafts where children made sparkly pine cone Christmas trees and made stocking stuffers. On December 9th, we teamed up with Invisible Children and went caroling around Lake Forest. Together, we managed to raise over $600 to help stop the use of child soldiers in war-stricken Africa. During all the weekends in December, we’ve helped our Lake Forest



Kiwanis Club receive cans during the annual South County Outreach food drive. We’ve also teamed up with South County Outreach Club on school campus to raise money for a toy drive. An achievement we managed to accomplish recently was that we finished counting all of the money from the UNICEF Trick-or-Treat boxes and we’ve raised… *drum roll please* over $500 towards the Eliminate Project!! I’m so proud of all my members for stepping up and raising as much money as they could. So far, our Key Club has been having a great year and we’re excited for the upcoming New Year and what it could bring!

division 41 south newsletter



Diablo Recap


Sierra Villarreal

Last month Mission Viejo High School went to fall rally with all the other clubs, our members had a great time! Some of our members also helped at the Turkey Trot in Dana Point. There they helped pass out water and papers to the runners. This month we volunteered at the Del Lago Elementary School Holiday Boutique on December 3rd. Some things we helped with were setting up, watching the snow area and helped with the kids craft. This month we’ve focused


our time on filling up Sees Candy shifts, a lot of our members have participated and enjoyed it. We will be helping out at the rose float on the 29th, having 18 members going to the AM shift and 6 for the PM shift. Other than that we’ve been passing out the new member certificates/cards and birthday recognitions at our meetings. We plan on having a bake sale when we get back from break and helping with a local recycle non-profit organization.

division 41 south newsletter


ARTICLES club articles SAN JUAN Stallion Update Marc Urbino This past month, San Juan Hills Key Club’s main focus was getting as many members to submit their forms and donations as possible. Overall, doing so was lengthy and somewhat challenging, having a board mostly consisting of members that had joined only in the past year and have been inexperienced in this actual process. However, several decisions were made to try and attract new members, such as postponing the due date until the day before Winter Break. In addition, several announcements through Facebook and Schoolloop kept prospective members updated, reminding them of the requirements. With assistance from our treasurer, Tanisha, who



had already been exposed to the application process, our club advisor, and Lieutenant Governor, we were able to pull through successfully. Having had a relatively small club base from the previous year, this month proved to be a step in the right direction, almost tripling the number of members to over sixty people. Although not as large as other clubs may be, this definitely marks an improvement. Hopefully, we can keep improving, and by next year, with a larger and more active club, Key Club can become more well-known at San Juan Hills High School. That way, we can really put the LIONS in STALLIONS

division 41 south newsletter


club articles ARTICLES TESORO

Reaching out to South County [Sr. Rep]

Angela Compania

On November 12, 2011, eleven Tesoro High Key Club members stood outside of the Ladera Ranch Pavilions and asked customers to donate canned goods and other nonperishable food items for the South County Food Bank. Several other members of the club made posters for this event to attract donations. Junior Sarah Rutherford said, “I had a great time volunteering to collect food for SCO. Even though it was raining part of the time, many people stopped to listen to us explain what we were doing, and were more than willing to buy an extra canned food item for the food bank. Many of the shoppers would


return with bags full of groceries for us, and by the end of the shift we had two shopping carts full of food for just one shift. I am glad that I was able to spend some of my weekend helping the community as well as spreading awareness about SCO.” Senior Chiara Heyer also volunteered at the event and said, “Participating at the SCO food drive felt really rewarding. I felt like I was really making a difference in the community and helping those less fortunate than us. It was a great experience and I would love to participate in it again.” At the end of the day, the Key clubbers filled up a total of five shopping carts full of donated

division 41 south newsletter


ARTICLES club articles TRABUCO HILLS Victorian X’mas [Bulletin Edt.]

Judy Phung

It is common today for children to be ignorant of America’s past, which is why Heritage Hill Historical Park takes one day every year to show the children of Lake Forest and surrounding areas how Americans in the early 1900s spent their Christmas. Victorian Christmas is a day where Heritage Hill volunteers set up booths and entertainment reflecting early 1900 life such as butter churning, ice cream making, and more! From ornament making to taking pictures with Santa, the air was full of festivities and holiday cheer. There were even carolers roaming the parks and singing holiday classics. No matter what age, Victorian Christmas offers entertainment to all.


As a volunteer, I helped at an ornament making booth: pine cone Christmas trees to be exact. A veteran at this particular station, I was ready to help the children with their pine cone decorating needs. As the children applied glitter, buttons, and sequins to their trees, I made tiny stars out of pipe cleaners for them to top their trees with. Finally, a ribbon was tied around the top so the children could hang the pine cones on their own Christmas trees. After peeling all of the glue off of my hands and shaking the glitter out of my hair, I was able to see how many children were having fun from such a simple station and it brought me joy to see that another Victorian Christmas went splendidly.

division 41 south newsletter



Mustang Update


Blair Nelson

So December has been a great month for THHS. We have been very busy with Unicef, Victorian Christmas, Candlelight Tours, and preparing for Rose Floats. I attended Candlelight Tours both Saturday and Sunday this month. In all the four years I’ve been in Key Club, this was the first time I have been able to attend. I was really surprised at the event because I have never seen the Heritage Hill Park before. The volunteers decorated amazingly and I was astounded at the outcome of attendees. On the first night, I walked around the park making sure the candles all stayed lit. Aside from doing my job, I also explored the park a bit and walked into the multiple historic homes which were super interesting. There were girl


scouts caroling all over the place, they were sooooo darn cute!! Then on the second night, I worked at the snack bar serving hot cocoa and cider. This job allowed me to talk to more people who were visiting the park, I even met a man who got married at Heritage Hill some 15 years ago!! Additionally, I ran into my 2nd grade teacher who I haven’t seen in ages. I thought it was really interesting how volunteers were roasting chestnuts over the fire. I had the opportunity to try them and…. well…let’s just say… it’s an acquired taste… hahahaha. Well, overall I really enjoyed volunteering at Candlelight Tours and wish I could’ve done it in the past. I’m really looking forward to Rose Floats this coming week! See you all there!

division 41 south newsletter


snap! shots

CALENDAR calendar of events December

29th: Rose Floats January contact Byran ence r fe n o C g in in a r T 14th: Candidate


division 41 south newsletter


editor’s report REPORT

hello! To keep it short. I would like to say


Newsletter submissions have increased! Thank you to all the schools that continue to submit photos and articles! I really appreciate it! Everyone’s committment to giving back to the community is the greatest gift. The winter holidays are my favorite as it is a time of reflection and appreciation. Have a happy holiday season! Stay warm, sleep alot, and have fun! Stay safe! :D

kthxbye Roaring with Service,

Nicholas Tasato THHS President Newsletter Editor


division 41 south newsletter


! u o Y k Than

h g i H l e u g i Aliso N h g i H y e l l a V o n Capistra El Toro High Mission High h g i H s l l i H San Juan Tesoro High h g i H s l l i H o c u Trab e h t e k a m YOU y t i l a e r a r newslette ! e m o s e w a and ! P U T I P E E K

CONTACT contact info

division board Lieutenant Governor

Byran Yang d41s.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com 949.295.9856 (cell)

Executive Assistant

Joseph Olmo maplekrwlr@gmail.com 949.374.0455 (cell)

Divisional Secretary Hannah Tuong hannah.tuong@gmail.com

Newsletter Editor

Nicholas Tasato d41s.kcnews@gmail.com 909.717.7238 (cell)


division 41 south newsletter



Region 03 Mr. Golden bcracker@aol.com randygolden12@aol.com 562.884.4145 (cell)

Mrs. Pong epong119@aol.com 949.278.0688 (cell)

Websites division district international international


temp. offline cnhkeyclub.org keyclub.org kiwanis.org

division 41 south newsletter



CNH district bcracker@aol.com randygolden12@aol.com


region 03

division 41S


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