Division 41 South- February

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the ROAR

region 03


february 2012

the Official

division 41 south newsletter vol 1 |issue eight

INSIDE this issue 3


division news Division NEWS

club articles ARTICLES


SNAP shots! PHOTOS calendar of events 15 CALENDAR 16 editor’s report REPORT


NEWS LTG intro introduction

Ss Hello 41 South!





Wow, this year is going by so quickly. I can’t believe that in just two months all of the current officers will be retiring from our positions and there will be a whole new leadership team at the helm of our Division. Well, I want to take a sentence and tell all of you that it has been a wonderful year and I know we are going to finish strong and carry it on into next year with our Lieutenant Governor-Elect Hannah Tuong. So, what can we do? Seniors, you can pass on all your Key Club knowledge to your underclassmen and can apply for a Key Club scholarship that will award you for all your work in this organization. Juniors, you can take become the role model for the upcoming year and start taking the initiative in your club, chairing service projects and learning from those older than you. Sophomores, you can start getting even more involved with Key Club and coming to all of the events, learning what Key Club is all about. Freshman, you can learn what you have actually been doing to help the community this past year and become more involved. All of us have a part to fulfill in creating a legacy for Division 41 South. With all of our work, we can ensure that for years to come, the Lions truly are the Kings of Service.

Serving with a Roar,

Byran Yang Lieutenant Governor


division news M C D ruary


The Date: February 25, 2012 The Time: 6:30pm to 8pm @ Saddleback Lanes $10 to play and bring a medical release form!


BE MORE INVOLVED! Elections take place around February ask your respective president!

! N O DC

Better register soon! The deadline is in MARCH!



Back to Natives Catherine Huang

On January 22nd, Rachel Le, Hannah Volkland, Maddy Dendy, Jake Wilson, Mikayla Webster, and I, volunteered with Mission Viejo Key Club at the Jeronimo Creek. We worked along with the Back to Natives Restoration and pulled weeds for 3 hours. As a club, we rarely have hard labor volunteers, but we admire the efforts of the foundation and had a great time. The foundation’s goal is to restore native plants that has been infested with man-made creations of construction,


water pipes, and lack of care towards the environments. They provided us with gloves and water needed at the site. It was great to see a joint event with Mission Viejo and we had a great time. Personally, I have volunteered with Back to Natives Restoration previously and felt the mass improvement of the same site I worked on three years ago. Hopefully in a couple of years, the site will manage to return back to its healthy state of living.


ARTICLES club articles

CHOC Night [Club Promoter]

Donya Araghian

This month one of the events that I attended was at CHOC Children’s Hospital. There were a lot of Key Clubbers there from many different schools. We were broken up into groups of two or three and then taught how to put together little arts and crafts kits for the children staying in the hospital. The leader of the event told us not to actually make the crafts but to put to the pieces into a kit so the kids could make the crafts themselves. It felt really good to watch so many people


from different places give up their Friday night to volunteer time to make crafts for children. The whole time I was putting the kits together I couldn’t help but hope that it brings joy to at least one kid. It was really good to think that simply by putting the time and effort in to make some arts and crafts that a lot of kids, who are forced to spend their time in a hospital, would be really happy.

division 41 south newsletter

five page four


CV’s ELECTIONS Christine Tu

Sigh, it’s true… The ’11-’12 term is coming to an end. It’s incredibly hard to believe that it has already been 10 months of being President of CV KC, but I am proud to announce that the new executive board is going to look great and that I believe our club will reach its fullest potential! Capo Valley just had their elections on Thursday, February 15th, and competition was tough! Hearts racing, palms sweating, and note cards crumpling, candidates were nervously preparing for their upcoming speeches.


Yes, there were some of those silly comedic speeches, some creative raps here and there, and of course those honest thought-provoking speeches, always making your hearts melt. The current executive board has a lot in our agenda, with the Multi-cultural Faire, the Bowling DCM, Up in the Air, and another bake sale coming up soon. However we are also prepping the new executive board for the upcoming year. We are so excited to work with them and cannot wait for DCON.


club articles ARTICLES

First Bake Sale! [Member]

Jacqueline Nguyen

On Saturday, February 11th, Capo Key Club held it’s first bake sale. It was a chilly and gloomy morning, but Capo came prepared with beautiful, fresh baked treats to raise money for their club. The bake sale was held at a Pavilions in Mission Viejo with a variety of treats like cookies, muffins, cupcakes, brownies, and even milk to go along with the sweets! The members helped by making signs, decorating cupcakes, greeting customers, and setting up tables. Capo students surrounded the three entrances and exits with a table, signs and volunteers gladly waiting to give away free

sweets to customers coming in and out of the store. According to Peter Nguyen, a Capo Valley sophomore, “The customers were very generous and friendly, asking about our cause and willingly to give us plenty of donations. It was a great way to spread joy for Valentine’s Day.” The bake sale was a success and in the end, Capo Valley Key Club raised a total amount of $565.71. This sweet event helped not only raise money, but also spread cheer and happiness during the Valentine’s Day season.



Making the World a Better Place:

[Bulletin Edt.]

One beach at a time

Shayda Abazari

On Saturday, January 28th, dedicated Dana Hills Key Club members did their part to make the world a better and cleaner place by helping preserve the natural headlands at the Dana Point Nature Interpretive Center. The center was built as a place where the public can go to become better informed about this fascinating region by learning about its past and its geological formations. Every month, the center hosts an event where volunteers maintain the natural beauty of this area by placing sandbags, picking up trash, and planting trees in the surrounding territory. It is a

fantastic way for members to contribute to the efforts in sustaining the allure of this area, for it is up to those who live near the headlands to protect it. This region is home to a variety of plants and animals, and it is essential to take proper precautions against causing any further harm to the habitats of these creatures. Consequently, the members clearly showed their support for the headlands and shoreline by taking part in the clean-up, and, thus, made sure that future generations will be able to enjoy their beauty, as well.


Diablo Update Sierra Villarreal


This February Mission Viejo High Schools Key Club has been focusing on elections more than anything this month, which will take placed on the 29th during our regular meeting time. The first week of February we made Valentines Day cards for troops in Afghanistan. All of our members took part in this, it was great knowing the men and woman serving our country would receive our cards. This month we also had two people attend conclave to take part in voting for our new LTG. Congratulations

to Hannah from MVHS! On the 25th we will be helping at the Mission Viejo little league game. There will be a raffle booth that we will be running from 9-12. We already have a few events for next month such as a food drive and up in the air. We will be helping South County Outreach on March 17 by running a food drive to collect more food for their pantry. Up in the Air takes place on two days March 2 and 3 at Norman P. Murray Center. Also, on March 31 we will be helping at the Bunny Blast in Lake Forest.


ARTICLES club articles TESORO

Congrats Hannah! Alexandra Ivanov

This month Tesoro Key Club is very proud to have our 2012-2013 Lieutenant Governor Elect coming from our own club. Hannah Tuong served as Web Master and Junior Representative this past year for Tesoro Key Club. At the same, Hannah doubled as divisional secretary, keeping the whole division updated on events. Hannah has been an active member of Key Club since her freshman year. This year, as part of the Tesoro Key Club Board she helped take the club to new heights. Hannah regularly manages the Tesoro Key Club site, keeping it updated with pictures, schedules, and current events. Hannah documents all Key Club


happenings and publicizes service events and DCM’s for members through the Tesoro Key Club Facebook page. Hannah goes beyond the average officer with her high level of commitment and spirit. Hannah is one of the first Tesoro Key Club members to attend District Convention. This year she has contributed more than 100 hours of community service, attending almost every Key Club event and recording all the details with her camera on hand. At Tesoro, we are excited to see what Hannah’s hard work and dedication will bring to the division this coming year, building off of the success of current Lieutenant Governor Byran Yang.



The Successors Nicholas Tasato

Wow, it really has been four years already. I remember the first day I signed up for Key Club and did not have the remote idea of becoming President. I’ve been President for over 2 years now, and I’ve learned a lot from the experience. From communicating with adults and members, to making new friends. Additionally, being able to speak in public confidently and being able to answer questions on the spot. Moving onto to college is a scary experience, but I’ve developed


into a capable individual through Key Club. As I watched my members make their speeches for candidacy, I immediately flashed back to the day I ran for Vice President. It was terrifying, and quite frankly, I can’t believe I’ve grown so much from that experience. The new board has been elected and I am certain that Trabuco Hills Key Club will be in good hands. It’s time to let go of the gavel and pass it onto the next generation of Key Club leaders. Do well!

Conclave Jessica Vu


Bright and early in the morning, I walked over to the El Toro MPR to listen to the future Lieutenant Governors of Division 41 South. All the candidates were extremely qualified and it was a hard decision to make. The candidate’s speeches were very informative and the questions members asked were

interesting. Although the time limit was only 2 minutes, the candidates conveyed a lot of information. The literatures reflected each candidate’s personality and highlighted on certain goals each candidate had for the oncoming term. Congratulations Hannah Tuong on being elected! You will do a great job as LTG!


REPORT editor’s report hello! Newsletter submissions have drastically decreased everyone! PLEASE send in more photos and articles! There are only two more newsletters left, let’s make them awesome! Roaring with Service,

Nicholas Tasato THHS President Newsletter Editor


! u o Y k Than

h g i H l e u g i N Aliso Capo Valley Dana Hills Mission Viejo Tesoro h g i H s l l i H o c Trabu

e h t e k a m YOU y t i l a e r a r newslette ! e m o s e w and a KEEP IT UP!

CONTACT contact info

division board Lieutenant Governor

Byran Yang d41s.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com 949.295.9856 (cell)

Executive Assistant

Joseph Olmo maplekrwlr@gmail.com 949.374.0455 (cell)

Divisional Secretary

Hannah Tuong hannah.tuong@gmail.com

Newsletter Editor

Nicholas Tasato d41s.kcnews@gmail.com 909.717.7238 (cell)




Region 03 Mr. Golden bcracker@aol.com randygolden12@aol.com 562.884.4145 (cell)

Mrs. Pong epong119@aol.com 949.278.0688 (cell)

Websites division district international international


d41south.co.cc temp. offline cnhkeyclub.org keyclub.org kiwanis.org

division 41 south newsletter

fourteen page

CNH district

region 03 division 41S


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