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Prepared by: Luz Nelly Zapata Villarreal Gilberto Arenas Yepes Sergio de Jesús Rojas Olga A. Patiño Jiménez Astrid Mejía Echeverri Jaime Vergara Ramírez Diego Aguirre Cardona


Water problems in Colombia, from the educational point of view, require increasing levels of information and knowledge about the characteristics, uses and potentials of the country's water resources, in order to propose solutions, translated into relevant curricula that tend for human and sustainable development of territories, with equity within and between generations, from the transformation of culture. In the following paper, it raises some thoughts about how to educate current and future generations of citizens and professionals in a culture of water framed by a strong sustainable development model, in which they are a priority, among others, sustainability, protection conservation of biodiversity and the survival of human civilization in decent living conditions. There is often in the territory, an asymmetry between the availability of water and demand. In Colombia, the supply is greater on the slopes where the population is smaller and it is more limited where the populati贸n is greater. From this perspective, to achieve a balanced sustainable human development and equitable, it is necessary not only educational activity. It requires institutional initiatives of educational organizations in partnership with other institutions, agencies and actors to assume full responsibility for the challenges of water management. Therefore, it is imperative to develop systems and collaborative networks and emphasize the strengthening of media and other tools and strategies such as research, social technical and scientific debate, and strengthening the relationship between the university, business, society and state.

1. A REFLECTION ON THE CHALLENGE OF HIGHER EDUCATION IN ENVIROMENTAL AND HEALTH ISSUES ABOUT HOW TO INFLUENCE THE NEW GENERATIONS IN CARE OF THE WATER. While the pedagogy and didactics are imminently interdisciplinary fields, the practice of environmental and health education should be assumed transdisciplinary, while the complex nature of the issues that are the object of teaching and learning and its object of transformation: public health and the environment as one of its most important determinants; in a broader context, the challenge is oriented towards sustainable human development.. The environment and humans, as highly complex systems interact in different multidimensional fields that define different levels of reality in the territories that human anthropic actions affect positively or negatively. In such conditions derived at a time, impact on the health of populations and their ability to generate development and survival in worthy living conditions. In that sense, assuming the environmental education as a transdisciplinary task involves several things, in which two are important: first, the epistemological field of the disciplines involved, expand beyond the contributions of individuals present at the educational moment, then the process produces a surplus of knowledge that must be systematized and applied in a proper way in order to innovate on new learning inside and outside the classroom. Second, the environmental training process in the classroom should be a continuous curriculum that goes through the syllabus and which all contribute in their roles of teachers. To achieve its goals, from the curricular perspective, the professional educational institutions of environment and health should support their academic and scientific developments in an ongoing hermeneutical exercise, which involves reading, analyzing and interpreting the environment. The synthesis or curriculum is materialized as a contribution to the academic community in relevant programs, research lines that should be before social integration management and Knowledge innovation. This final stage with a critical social focus by its liberating perspective, constructivist and participatory. This exercise not only takes place on a complex context, but it itself is complex. The environment involves an undetermined number of variables and interactions in a constant and changing dynamic . Doing the reading and interpretation and achieving constructive synthesis involves therefore an epistemological and methodological transdisciplinary aptitude and attitude that permits to understand the way the socio-cultural, economic, technological, ontological and ecological aspects interact, placing them into historical perspective, and that they establish the imbalance conditions between man and nature that seeks to restore or maintain, after the intervention of

the individuals in training or by other processes such as research mission, innovation and social integration of knowledge in an act of social solidarity and collaborative work. In this perspective, environmental and health education should be mainly and priority an integral education a -re – construction of the image of the subject and therefore the possibility of transformation of culture, and inherent, emancipator, depending on the structure of individuals for environmental and health policies.. Environmental practices of public and health professionals, can not be outside the social role and the task entrusted to the State, and in that sense, the political and social projection, understood as social management, is a sine qua non of the forming project. In the framework of a democratic political system, the society should participate in strategic-level tasks, important for the State to develop functions in line with the aspirations of it, but it is important, the social organization and the effective management of the mechanisms the constitution and the law posed to participate in the planning and sustainable of the human development ,the formulation of rules and public policies of impact on public health and the environment, decision making, allocation of public servants which rests the conduct and control of public administration, among many aspects. These are the challenges that must be assumed with responsibility, knowledge, and axiological acquisition and enough tools, the next generation of environmental and health professionals formed within a social and public focus ,consistent with the administrative or engineering theory and practice, just to mention two of them. However, the university commitment doesn`t end there. The higher education demands from the institution a permanent educational management and with a long term purpose Particularly in the environmental, health topic a citizenship formed and informed, sensitive to the problems of the country that threatens public health, becomes a determinant of the guidelines that in this regard, develop and implement the State and its institutions, but it is also a fundamental dynamic of a new culture, in which outstands important features for the survival with a sense of dignified life and the aspirations of social welfare compatible with the limitations of the ecological environment to provide raw materials and environmental services. For this reason, the University must keep active the offer of non-formal education and permanent channels of communication and dissemination of knowledge to the general public, and at the same time preserving and strengthening social leadership through which embodies its response to the society, When it t instituted the University as one of their main strongholds.



With regard to water, different cultures have developed different social representations, beliefs, knowledge, values and practices which determine their form of relationship with a necessary and vital element to their survival and development, because of the strong relationship with health , life and the possibility of allowing the deployment of economic activities from which derives the basic survival and social welfare. In the last two centuries, the population growth, the rise of productive activity, and particularly the global economic model that encourages the use of environmental factors outrageous and excessive consumption of goods and services that require a great amount of raw materials which contaminate or extinguish the substrate of life, have established patterns related to the water, which do not include assessments and considerations of vulnerability as a resource, nor the supply constraints of the various territories, which have consequently led to a planet crisis with immediate catastrophic results that threaten to get worse. In response, in the context of environmental sustainability it is promoted urgently, a so-called new culture of water, which understanding is necessary to reflect on the concepts of identity and culture in general. While the human and the towns build culture intentionally or unintentionally, is in the relationship of adaptation and transformation of its natural environment and in the tissues and social relations that unfold for that purpose, in which man acquires the primitive cultural plans and therefore a unique sense of identity. “In a common way is seen as the "set of features of an individual or a collective, which differentiates them from others" but also as the "conscience that a person has to be herself, himself and unlike any other." . With less frequency it is clear that the social identity implies the result of a collective effort which increases the cultural and human acquisition of a town or group, in a permanent way , as guarantor of their survival and transcendence in time and history. This construction involves a complex process of social intentional re-creation to the rhythm of daily life and interaction, in which individuals participate in a passive or active way , and allows the growing and strengthening of each of the elements and characteristic attributes, from the structure that supports them and ensures its permanence, and the principles which are based the logic that allow the emergence of a particular culture. Both culture and identity will be moved by families and other instances of social structure, according to the priority assessment socially established.

The education and social communication play an important role as a social mediator, though they are important additional management tools such as policies, regulations and research, understood as a generator of scientific knowledge socially useful. In particular, with the new culture of water the idea is to transform the meaning and significance that water has had for the last generations and has been the cause of misuse, pollution and depletion.. To achieve this transformation it is necessary to integrate elements such as the rational equitable and priority use, the protection and conservation factor, and the intra and inter generational equity in the access to social representations, of the towns around the planet and the agenda of their political, institutional and economic systems. On the other hand, it is essential to clarify that the establishment of a new water culture, cannot be decreed even though it is absolutely necessary to apply the law as a tool, and cannot be different from an integral environmental culture The contamination of the surface and underwater sources has immediate repercussions for its implications on public health, animal health, the ecological environment and the economic activity, the reduction of the offer of resource depletion is severe, it involves the importing of the fluid at high costs, restrict the aspirations and patterns of development and growth, migrate or die. The hydrological cycle is key in all processes of the biosphere but also on human activities and it is also influenced and threatened by them, in their different phases. We could mention numerous examples: the burning of fossil fuels and the production of gases with a greenhouse affect in the global warming, they are anthropogenic phenomena with severe consequences on the aquatic environment by altering rainfall patterns and periods winter and dryness, so the patterns of groundwater recharge and surface runoff and subsurface The decline of the ecological flow causes loss of ecosystems linked to it, which in turn regulate the movement and retention of it on the ground. Moreover, freshwater tanks that are in the form of ice are disappearing without possibility of reforming. Liquid water mixes with salty ocean water. Water ecosystems producers are affected and also snowy wastelands of which feed rivers and streams..



The construction of water culture should be integrated with the erection and consolidation of a sustainable development model for strong human focus it would be absurd to register the aspirations of change within the current growth model. A model of human-oriented development and to environmental sustainability, must consider several issues from the following list of statements. -You need to understand the development as inherent in the relation of the human being with nature and with their species. In this respect the human benefits of environmental resources and services provided by nature and therefore it is necessary for him to assume, through responsible, rational, and sensible behavior for not transgressing the boundaries that threaten sustainability factors and environmental attributes and sustainable benefit. In this perspective the development model is a constructor which is only possible in a given scenario that demands comprehensive, territory, understood as a space-population history. • On the other hand, it is urgent to move the economic sphere as central development model, to make it a dialogical component, integrated with other regional and social dimensions, avoiding the synonymy has acquired with the financial science and with the market issue, to continue prevailing in the daily practice of the people and communities. • It must also be redefined the concept of technology perspective that values only the scientific knowledge applied to machinery, equipment and software. It is important to validate the popular and cultural knowledge and the application of knowledge claim by our people to the design of solutions to social, political and economic contexts of underdevelopment, such as socially useful knowledge of high added value. • It is necessary to establish an axiological body fundamented in values such as life and respect to it, the transdisciplinarity, the communication, intersectional work, among other variables, giving a different logic to political and social pact that is more consistent with the constitutional precepts and / or regulatory guidelines that take shelter as the right to life, health, and a healthy environment, sustainable development and environmental protection by the State. • You must work hard on the satisfaction of basic needs as fundamental, as proposed by the Human Scale Development, giving special emphasis to the issue of freedoms, and the generation of options that allow the deployment of capabilities and human potential and the territory • Establish a management model based on political and administrative commitment to a social management that allows a re-signify the public administration and promote the education and inclusion of citizens in the public issue.

• From the human perspective, a management committed to a joint project (several human pairs), inclusive and equitable. Able to establish global relationships without losing the challenge course that aims to promote local development in a globalized world.. • Finally, consider the structuring of an educational project of integral education oriented to the short and long term, to the construct of human beings able to transform in a positive and rational way their environment of its own transformation.. Able to live and coexist. Critics of cultural customs, dialogues with the offer of other cultures, and especially aware of the need to keep within their sense of identity elements that allow you to relate assertively with the environment which they are part of.

4. ¿HOW CAN YOU BUILD THE CULTURE OF WATER AND HOW CAN YOU PROMOTE THE ETHIC USE? Among several management tools that can influence the construction of a water culture, environmental education would be the one who is running as a means of effective security for the sustainability of the process. However, the instrumental nature often granted, becomes a major obstacle to use it as a way and a key tool of the culture In fact, talking about non-formal education there are high sums of money invested annually in the Colombian municipalities in a dubious environmental education of simple training sessions lacking pedagogical and didactic approaches, and which objectives also have deficiencies in their approach . Additionally, it is common for popular educators not to have the minimum skills necessary to demand such an important task. In that same perspective, with regard to formal education within the institutional framework is often missing the explicit and implicit content, which according to the law it is necessary the environmental setting within the respective component of the curriculum. The "environmental" education is not understood by teachers as education for life, it is consider other additional content given to a teacher with affiinity with the subject: the teacher of biology, natural sciences and others The rest of the teachers are not called. The same goes for The School Environmental Projectscalled in SPRAES that often become "more work" for teachers. In some educational institutions it is difficult to see this projects as a teaching process opportunity to live the truly transformative nature of environmental education.,

It would be very interesting to know how they promote in the consciousness of the student the environmental-ethical elements in different types of core-competencies, the higher education institutions that educate for work, and that are the most common today. The above said is not because they don`t take into account the value of environmental education. On the contrary, it is clear that the only lasting hope that the humanity can have on environmental issues derives from the possibility that current and future generations make different choices that have led to the current entropy. This is possible only by the 窶電oubtful- means, the limit of repression or a change of collective consciousness that leads human beings to think and act differently, without the need for the obvious and often struggle presented today because of the deep contradictions that emerge the clash of discourses, values, logics, among other variables of the reality of social, political and economic scenarios that in local territorial, regional and global issues, make it very difficult to respect the environment - in the abstract, when not even the right to life is respected and the health of other human beings-in particularIt is also difficult to consider the protection and conservation of ecosystems when the corruption prevails together with the immediate demand of the financial returns and the concentration of land ownership and all benefits of their exploitation. . Then there is the problem of poverty. It is not easy to ignore the natural supply under extreme conditions of risk, when in a state of imminent need for survival and vulnerability, even though there are social or institutional pressures and knowledge about the future consequences. Finally, it becomes very difficult to make correct decisions and act with consistency, if there is no knowledge, values and skills specially acquired and developed to think and act different to the traditional way. From that point of view thinking of making decisions and act accordingly, are not easy matters when the routine of the human being happens in a reality in which economic and political clamping pressure in the opposite direction to the forces that tend for freedom, democracy , equity, respect for life - the other (humans) and the other (nature) - to mention some key issues for sustainable development of everyone on the planet, not just the industrialized nations and their future generations From the above, emerges the need to think of education for human development as a condition sine qua non of sustainable development or any areas of interest. Assuming so, environmental education takes on a meaning that goes beyond the instrumental position within the priority aspirations, but inherent, to the integral education.

This would, of course, implies the formulation of responses to profound questioning of the role played and the way the social and educational system is done, given the deep social crisis facing humanity in different contexts Some of these questions would have to incorporate the question for the role being played as part of a global production model based on growth, the three main institutions which the society gives responsibility of the "projection" of men and women: family, school (including college) and the State. Under the above reflection it is necessary to deepen the understanding of what it means to educate and how, when and where For many the education is understood as instruction and / or training, but the real thing is that the process of environmental education requires that human beings acquire scientific knowledge, these alone are not enough. The integral education of the individual recognizes that the education is a cornerstone that puts together the being to the world of science and scholarship, both academic and scientific. From an environmental perspective we would be talking about the skills needed to question the environment and health, and propose appropriate technical solutions. However, the integral formation also suggests that a second axis focuses on the construction of values, manners, attitudes and feelings, possible results of which a man and woman not only be educated but also scholars. This brings to the problematization and previous proposals, ethical ingredients capable of modifying the decisions, arguing on the basis of speech called hard sciences. It is interesting to study Professor Max Neef on transdisciplinarity in "Masters managers of new men" or Edgar Moran, on the issue of transdisciplinarity in education They propose that in addressing a complex problem of reality, that for the academy is its subject of study - the environment and health and also, the environmental education, different disciplines have a specific task that leaves reserved for the ethics, political philosophy and the possibility to point out what humans should do. From this perspective, an education that lacks axiological assumptions and focuses only on the knowledge is incomplete. Finally, the education would be inane, if man does not develop thinking skills, axiological and action that are necessary to live and live with others - not just for the job as is often said today-and to positively transform the culture and society

The education process , involves inherence to the human life cycle and of the societies themselves at the same time claiming the subject's active participation in education, that as it grows executes an act of greater ownership of their existence and society role, making this an act of liberation, key to the deployment of skills concerned with decisions of all kinds, including those that determine the sustainable development of territories or the so-called positive relationship with natural resources. To achieve a high state of efficiency in environmental education, the social system instances more important in the formation of the subject, should be aligned and to them the educational project of the State.. This of course suggests a strong political culture and context of democracy instituted. Among the instances of scenarios mentioned before, it is understood that in the family the human being makes human primary socialization processes that contribute to the development of close-ups of their identity and their sense of belonging to a specific culture and society and therefore rules, ways and values that will define who will be an individual.. These are reaffirmed in the secondary socialization process that continues in school and later in the various institutions where it develops its existence Although it is always possible to re-learn, it is very important for the human being to receive the basic information when he/she is growing, especially on ethics-based, in which he/she will position his/her relationship with herself/himself, with other humans and the ecological environment As you see, science plays an important role, but also the tradition and culture in a dynamic context and transformation. Of the two, emanate the elements necessary to establish an axiological and epistemological framework consistent with the aspirations of human society and environmentally sustainable.. The main obstacle in this approach would be to start, as well as other variables of development, education is crucial but also the result of the same It is complex and highly unlikely that a society like ours, suddenly or within a reasonable period, give rise to the change of a model that the economic-political system has "carefully and patiently woven," un less some agents and development actors generate mechanisms to accelerate the dynamics. In short, the environmental education can be understood as a component of the comprehensive education that enables individuals in the process build an image of themselves, which articulate the characteristics of the culture in which they live associated with the patterns of relating with others (peers humans) and the other (nature)..

It is important to emphasize that the educational process does not meet only transfer functions of information, knowledge or principles, to name just three critical to the survival of the culture but insufficient for establishment or change. Education should be a fundamentally emancipatory process that releases the subject and society, while it allows to participate in the construction of his own ethical and political, being to change and transform the culture of consciously causing permanent evolution. In relation to environmental, health, the education, as integral education, offers the challenge of building individuals capable of relating in a respectful, intelligent and creative way with the nature and human, while the awareness of a sense of belonging different from the sense of domination of men over nature, and of a forced interdependence, with the implications on health and human and social development has on a sick environment. This implies that the entire educational system works to transform the imaginary social representations, beliefs, perceptions and practices, by providing scientific evidence that prevent us from a "healthy" relationship with the world of which we are part of. In this regard in various global meetings for the environment and health, they identify and name environmental education as a key issue, common priority in principle for sustainable development, with increasing significance inherent in the formation of human beings.. In different meetings, as the time goes by, the concept has evolved becoming more complex -in a systemic way-and interdependent with the core issues of sustainable development but also of human development, thereby achieving environmental education position not only as instrument or mechanism but also as a key element of a new culture. The meetings allow the discussion there raised that respond to concerns and also to constructions of the participants, such a political charge, allowing them to influence policy and regulatory frameworks of nations, agencies and organisms Through repetition of such actions of environmental education as a concept, theory and practice is gaining not only understanding but also positioning in global environmental agendas, and although there remains the challenge of becoming part of global learning process it has already been adopted in the hope of fulfilling the function of its presence. See chart 1. Within this reflection is vital to include a dissertation on the profile of the environmental teacher. In a context of formal education, there are implied several important requirements that lead to desirable attributes and necessarily subject to effective administration by the educational institution. This, involves the strategic management rather than more than one teacher, a group of them, conceived as an organization which is assigned the task of integral education that must be

understood in all its dimensions and complexity, and for whose realization must be equipped with skills, but also with tools that enable proper management.. The teacher, must be a professional knowledge solvent, but above all a mediator of the process acquisition of manners, feelings, ethics and attitudes, which means that he is or has been immersed in educational action which has enabled him to develop their own pedagogical paradigm and teaching strategy. In the field of higher education there are several challenges to be overcome, especially when in the current context has positioned the education to work as a first priority of undergraduate and graduate programs, and the idea is for the Colombian university to take the challenge to include targets for sustainable human development in any curriculum, considering that much of them must be mandatory.. Indeed, many curricula address issues of reality connected with the environmental and health issues directly and indirectly. For them the previous approaches including the criteria and parameters of a integral educational project are valid and relevant, in a especial way. For this reason, the role of tradition is as important as that of science. While the first can transmit cultural knowledge, the second puts the subject into contact with the world of scientific knowledge and by both the method and technique Accessing to the world of scientific knowledge allows the subject to incorporate new features that streamline their social and traditional prejudices about the environmental and health issue. From this dialogue of knowledge, science and cultural tradition, emerging possibilities of transformation and re-construction of the culture itself, in a more holistic perspective. In this regard, research plays a crucial role: the product of research is required to progressively expand the frontiers of knowledge by explaining that exceed the beliefs and perceptions that are still adverse to the purposes of ecological sustainability, environmental sustainability and human development in the territories. In this dynamic the research as a tool can extend the knowledge about the nature and ecological processes that makes life possible on earth and the survival of the human species that is at risk when human activity generates imbalances which, are often unaware of the consequences, because of lack of information on the matter We could mention many examples to the fact of acting without knowing the potential consequences of actions, for lack of studies on ecological aspects of the substrate or the social environment affected or the characteristics and implications of human activities..

In the second instance the research can develop the reading process context that is required as required as a necessary condition for developing a relevant and timely curriculum. Particularly in the case of the school the research is proposed as a core competency that enables the subject in formation to find answers following at least, a logical reasoning somewhat structured that could be consolidated as progress of learning advances and that would have trivial and critical applications throughout the life of the person. This will enable you to question the culture beyond the issues of environmental, and perform criteria of acting on a scientific structured basis and even ethical, as it contributes to the training of the capacity for reflection and action, not only individually but collectively, with which fail to establish milestones for interdisciplinary and interagency and intersectored participation, including social, civic and community. -. These considerations pose a challenge: that research is understood as a necessary skill for all human beings and substantial function of social organization to which it belongs as a guarantee of the "learning organization" and the cultural transformation-, in particular communities, groups, companies and productive sectors, among others including the aspiration of a society of high reflective and critical capacity. There is a joint exercise to be proposed in order to generate a complementarity between a high epistemological and stringency scientific research –with an ethical and polical independence regardless of the influence of economic power- and research into the daily lives of the dynamics and social and corporate contexts In the case of the community, qualitative approaches to social critic, are proposed by the social sciences as methods where the object of study becomes the subject of his own experience, thus achieving the incipient social and political Its application to environmental education, although recent, has enormous potential for the community to reflect and ask questions about their reality and context that will lead to solutions specifically focused on their own needs of transformation and transform the urban and rural areas in educational settings, conforming to the self-designation of "educated" and / or "educators.".



Promoting a culture of water should be developed in an inter-sectored and inter-institutional and trans-disciplinary, involving various tools and resources, among which are key the public policies, education, communication and the social community participation.

In Colombia, the sectored fission has meant that priority issues such as public health, public services and the environment meet specific guidelines, which sometimes fail to articulate the interests of all involved and all the priority topics. In the case of water is essential to guide policy toward objectives that enable to implement an integrated management of the water resources, that considers aspects mentioned before and to allow through the system of intersectored and transdisciplinary oriented to a planned and rational exploitation of water factor, satisfying indefinitely with equitably human and social demand in time without affecting the ecological balance of the ecosystems that depend on the resource, and that, paradoxically, at the same time are the guarantor of its conservation and future availability. This management includes different territorial levels: local, regional and global. As a common resource to all towns, the efforts for sustainable and equitable use and protection, must be made at different scales in a coordinated manner, as water on the planet is not evenly distributed, and there are thousands of human beings sick and die from its scarcity or pollution, while others exploit and enjoy thousands of cubic meters to meet the luxuries needs. In the domestic context, in March 2010, the National Water Resources Policy was issued, which includes technical guidelines for different order, that despite its imminent intention of articulation with other environmental policies, does not go far enough to achieve a strategic coordination role. The same could be said of program guidelines which, in turn, focus aspects that are directly related to water issues, policies and solid waste, environmental education, green markets, among others, which are a more obvious relation to the health policy, public utilities and other sectors such as agriculture, mining or disasters that often do not clearly incorporate the necessary guidelines to make them more effective In this regard, it is important to mention that the Political Constitution has as an important axis the family, but the guidelines and programmatic developments that embody the fulfillment of the mandate, do not include environmental education despite the existence of provisions set out as rights in certain cases: life, education, a healthy environment. In practice, the national environmental policy and environmental education have been incorporated with questionable efficiency in the general education guideline. However, after several years, even in many educational institutions in the country, environmental education does not transcend as en ecology subject , despite the requirement that has the issue, to be defined by the Education Act 1994 as a pedagogical project transversal.

We could mention several examples that provide evidence for the existence of mandatory instructions and tools to work, that despite the efforts do not achieve their intended purposes due to the inability of the management system. In particular, for the effort in the solving of the problem of the lack of inter-sectored and interinstitutional, it is worth mentioning the CONPES 3550, 2008, which prescribes the guidelines for environmental health policy-water- gthe water is one of its main objectives.The construction of the guidelines set by the CONPES 3550 responded to an exercise of broad participation of the groups in charge of planning the country, but it will certainly find difficult setbacks for its implementation to keep the coordinated work between sectors and actors. Propose a list of responsible people and their respective commitments, as requested by the guiding question, only involves a screening of Colombian regulations, although defective may give information for a good beginning. But the challenge goes further: as we said before, we must close the gap between priority themes of political and social agenda, that should work articulated even if it means thinking about a different model of governance and institutional political system . Without a doubt within a system of integrated management of water resources, the greater responsibility with the challenge of culture change is one of those structures, agents and actors who are in charge of the education. Thus, the first to be called should be the educational social system which is part of the family as the primary socialization stage and the school, understood as the education system. However, its work will not be effective without the coordinated participation of other sectors and without the inclusion of environmental and health as an integrated education challenge.



Consistent with the above discussion, we know that in Colombia there are many public policies that can bring valuable content to water issues and especially related to building a culture about the rational and equitable use, protection and conservation. They deserve to be part of the list of guidelines to be considered for purposes of coordination, to improve the outlook of effectiveness: •

The National Environmental Education Policy, 2002

115 law of 1994 or the General Education Law,

99 Law of 1994 by which the SINA is created.

The National Water Resources Policy, 2010

373 law of 1997 on the efficient use and saving of the water.

National Environmental Research Policy, 2001

The Urban Environmental Management Policy, 2008

The National Environmental Health Policy emanating from CONPES 3550, 2008

The National Strategic Plan for Green Markets.

National Policy on Cleaner Production, 1997

All above include, besides the issue of water, elements related to environmental education or the promotion of environmental awareness in different scenarios, including the production of goods and services. It is essential to be aware that in a practical sense the environmental policy directed towards sustainability and environmental sustainability takes on the appearance of the most important territory policy , and to that extent it becomes a complex guideline that requires an integral planning system and of different issues such as the fiscal, economic, production market, technology, international relations or among regions or municipalities, the food security , among others, essential for ensuring the survival, welfare and equitable social development , in which the challenge of education must be transverse and of cultural transformation. This requires a major effort of cross-sectored and coordination between competent authorities and individual and local development participants that are in charge of implementing the policy or the law. Also the participation of unions, productive sectors, scientific and community, represented by the diverse cultures settled in the territory. Chart 1. Definitions and categories of environmental education according to different authors CONPES (91-94), points out "The environmental education as a key strategy to reduce the current trends of destruction and the development of a new conception of the relationship between society and nature, as posed by global and local mechanisms to guide the education processes and achieve the desired results "

African Educators Conference held in Mombasa, Kenya in 1968, they developed the following concept of environmental education: "To promote awareness and understanding of the evolution of social and physical environment as a whole, its natural resources, artificial, cultural and spiritual with the rational use and conservation of these resources for the environment " Principio del formulario Law of the United States, the Environmental Education Act, 1970, defines it as: "The educational process dealing with man's relationship with the natural and artificial, including the relationship of population, pollution, the distribution and depletion of resources, conservation, transportation, technology and rural and urban planning to the total human environment " Final del formulario OAS, 1971, "Environmental education involves teaching values of judgments that enable them to think clearly about complex environmental issues that are both political, economic and philosophical as technical." UNESCO, 1970, Paris), "Environmental education is the process of recognizing values and clarifying concepts in order to enhance the necessary skills and attitudes to understand and appreciate the interrelationships between people, their culture and their biophysical environment,. The environmental education also entails the practice in decision-making and self-development of a code of behavior with respect to matters relating to environmental quality. " Torres 1995, defines it "as the process that allows the individual to understand the relationships of interdependence with the environment, from the reflective and critical knowledge of the biophysical , social, political, economical and cultural reality , from the appropriation of concrete reality, it can be generated in the person and his community attitudes of appreciation and respect for the environment. " MĂşnevar, 2009, conceptualize; “Environmental Education is an agent that allows to appropriate, disseminate and transfer knowledge, it is not enough to know and have information about the importance of environment, and its legislation is necessary to develop teaching strategies that allow transfer that knowledge through education resources to ensure the teaching of standards for it effective accomplishmentâ€? MEN 1995, "Environmental education is integrated into the educational work of neighborhood life, to solve problems, to the routine of the family"

Sepulveda and Tobasura 1997, "environmental education is to form conscious and interested citizens in the total environment and its associated problems, who has the knowledge, attitudes, motivation, commitment and skills to work individually and collectively toward solution of current problems and preventing new ones " Sepulveda and Tobasura 1997say that: "The Environmental education, rather than the cognitive study of the ecosystem and ecological relationships of living beings, must give people the opportunity to increase their own sensitivity to environmental problems" UNESCO: "Education on the environment is conceived as permanent process in which individuals and the community become aware of it and on the knowledge, values, skills, experience that will allow them to act individually and collectively, to solve current and future problems of the environment " UNESCO in 1993: " the education for sustainable development must promote creative and effective use of human potential and all forms of capital to ensure rapid economic growth and more equitable to reduce the environmental impact" Torres, 96, "Environmental education should be considered as a process that allows the individual to understand the relationships of interdependence with the environment, from the reflexive and critical knowledge of biophysical reality, social, political, economical and cultural reality, that, from the appropriation of concrete reality, it can generate in the person and his community and attitudes of appreciation and respect for their environment. These attitudes, of course, must be framed on criteria for improving the quality of life and from a perspective of sustainable development " Michael COHEN 1989, cited MEN 1994, proposes that "environmental education should be a process to develop sensitivity to nature and knowledge of their reality through our senses, seeking to build awareness that we are part of it."


CONSULT BIBLIOGRAPHY Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Language Academy

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