Andrew Young book 2015

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“ It is not enough for those of us who are no longer young to preach the responsibilities of citizenship. We must make connections between generations of individuals who are committed to action, sharing hard-won knowledge and equally hard-won hope that action can result in change.”

Andrew J. Young Foundation 260 14th St. N.W. Atlanta, Georgia 30318

© 2015 All rights reserved, Andrew Young Foundation, Designed by @AndrewYoungFoun

Andrew J. Young Foundation





6:32 PM


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Greetings from the Chairman Dear Friends, Welcome to the Andrew J. Young International Leadership Awards celebration, Connecting Generations. More than 50 years ago, Martin Luther King, Jr. rallied people of conscience in response to the beating of peaceful civil rights activists in Selma, Alabama. People from around the country answered his call and that, people say, was the birth of a movement. But of course, it wasn’t. The movement began at least a decade earlier. Its foundations had already been laid by preachers and lawyers, musicians and athletes, students and organizers all across the country. We had clear policy objectives in 1965, including educational opportunity, voting rights, and the end of legally enforced segregation. We depended on the participation of people of all backgrounds, ages, colors, and faiths – people who shared a commitment to the American promise of freedom, justice, and opportunity for all. And we were galvanized to action by extraordinary leaders, leaders who motivated and inspired us. Today, our challenges are no less daunting. In our country, we face a crisis of faith in the institutions, both public and private, that educate us, care for us when we’re sick, and keep our communities safe. Around the globe, we face the persistence of widespread poverty and its devastating effects on human potential. Visionary leadership is still the essential element in overcoming our challenges. We dream of a peaceful world whose people are blessed with sustainable growth and shared prosperity. It is a great dream, and we will need great leaders to help us reach it. Throughout my life as a pastor, activist, mayor, member of Congress, ambassador, and social entrepreneur, I have witnessed time and again the power of effective leadership – and the importance of training, mentorship, and personal support for those called to lead. We must make it a priority to invest now in those who come after us. This is why the Andrew J. Young Foundation is adopting as its principal focus the development and ongoing support of emergent leaders. Tonight we celebrate leaders in four important areas: Civil Rights and Civic Participation, International Humanitarian Initiatives, Community Engagement and Public Service/Advocacy. Tonight’s awardees reflect the many ways that creative, committed leadership can make a difference. Thank you for helping us to honor their achievements and ensure that they, and those who come after them, are prepared to meet the challenges ahead. Andrew J. Young


Greetings from the Vice Chair Greetings! Welcome to our very first Andrew J. Young International Leadership Awards! In the tradition of our past awards events, we not only celebrate Andy’s birthday and legacy of service, we shine a light on the life and work of individuals who make an impact on the world in their own special ways. It is our honor and privilege to be able to recognize others who use the bounty of their blessings to serve others and make this world just a little bit better in their own corner of the world. In the famous words of our dear friend and past honoree, Oprah Winfrey, “Blessings are not ours to keep. They’re ours to give away.” Andy and I believe strongly in those words – and more importantly – in the action! That is one reason why this event is so special to us, why your support of our annual birthday gala and awards ceremony needed, necessary and priceless. Your generous support enables us to continue to press on – fighting the good fight of meeting the needs of underserved, underrepresented, undervalued, sometimes undereducated (and educated) young people, and inspire them to achieve. You enable us to share hard-won knowledge and resources with communities here at home – and around the globe – about the importance of intersectional collaboration, leadership development, and public service engagement, as it relates to building a better world for all. The world is rapidly changing. We have a habit of running marathons, when sometimes we just need to run sprints. We have to teach our young people to go over and beyond what Andy did because now it’s all about economics. It’s about creating your own companies, creating your own jobs and we don’t have time to waste. Most of all, your investment in tonight’s event allows us to share the importance of giving back, and tell the stories of people who are living examples of what that means and how it impacts the lives of others. Thank you for being here tonight. Best wishes,

Carolyn M. Young

Greetings from the Executive Director Interim

Dear Friends, Thank you for your participation in our Leadership Awards gala and celebration of Andrew Young’s 83rd birthday! The Andrew J. Young Foundation is pleased to have you share in this occasion. We sincerely believe that to whom much is given, much is required. By the grace of God and through friends like you, we have been blessed and are delighted to “Pass on Blessings.” We are thankful that your support helps us carry out the vision, values, and virtues of our chairman, Andrew Young. Through our programs, we have helped to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and heal the sick. Seventy-two percent of Foundation funds received in 2014 were expended for programs that benefited children, met nutritional needs, provided leadership training, and supported upcoming entrepreneurs with a focus on social justice. In 2014, $261,600 were donated for scholarships to schools and for programs of other nonprofits. Examples of other program activities and expenditures of the Foundation during 2014 are listed below: • • • • •

The Foundation provided financial assistance to enable 30 students from the YMCA to pursue their college degrees. The ambassador gave firsthand encouragement and was instrumental in redirecting youth from a path heading to prison to a path that led to a college education. The Foundation worked directly with the U. S. Postal Service and the Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery to assure appropriate recognition of Maya Angelou with a United States postage stamp. In an effort to support the rural farmers who were instrumental in the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s, the Foundation con- tinued to work with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), state USDA offices, and local utilities. These southern farmers realized very little personal benefit from their efforts in helping the Civil Rights movement and many remain poor and econom- ically disadvantaged today. The Foundation is helping obtain government grants for new farm systems that will increase pro- ductivity and make the farms more profitable. This program is a part of our Leadership Incubator Program, which is designed to launch creative, solution-based programs to address pressing social needs that impact the quality of life in communities throughout the United States and abroad. Through our Andrew Young Presents program, the Foundation provided documentaries for educational purposes. The loyal sponsors of these films have supplied funding to help produce 23 one-hour presentations featuring the American Civil Rights Movement, Africa, and other themes. This ongoing, Emmy-winning, nationally syndicated series of quarterly TV specials airs in more than 80 percent of the U.S. market and is also distributed internationally via the American Forces Network, reaching 175 countries around the world. The Foundation spearheaded leadership training at Morehouse College, “Leadership: Responsibility, Sexuality, and Gender,” a discussion of policies on sexuality, gender equity and respect for differences – a global challenge for leaders.

We could not accomplish these and other programs without you. Thank you for your support, your generosity, and your prayers.

Sincerely, Kathy J. White

Greetings from Honorary Chairs Dear Friends, As honorary chairs, it is our distinct pleasure to welcome you to the inaugural Andrew J. Young International Leadership Awards and celebration of Ambassador Andrew Young’s 83rd birthday. The event theme, “Connecting Generations,” represents the way “Andy” has led by example across race, class, age and socioeconomic status from childhood to “seasoned” citizen. He became a young leader while a member of the local YMCA in his native Louisiana, and continues to mentor youth at the local Y that bears his name in Atlanta, The Andrew & Walter Young Family YMCA. We are proud to be supporters of the work of the Andrew J. Young Foundation. The Foundation has brought the global vision of Andrew Young into the homes and communities of people around the nation and the world; it is sharing the philosophy of passing blessings on to the next generation because, “to whom much is given, much is required;” it changes the future of young people with lots of potential and little resources; and it prepares young people for leadership, service and entrepreneurship. Your support of this event enables the Foundation to continue its work helping to build a brighter future for all. We salute you, Andy, as we celebrate your 83rd birthday, and wish you many more. Your contributions are legendary and we are a better city, and a better world, because you are in it. Sincerely,


Greetings from the Congressman John Lewis

May 17, 2015 Greetings: As mayor of the City of Atlanta, it is my pleasure to welcome Ambassador Andrew Young, esteemed guests and attendees of the 2015 Andrew J. Young International Leadership Awards to our beautiful city. The 2015 Andrew J. Young International Leadership Awards honors exemplary individuals who are changing lives through their civic and philanthropic leadership. I am proud to offer my congratulations to this esteemed group tonight, as they are recognized for their contributions. Ambassador Young’s contributions to the City of Atlanta, the United States of America and the world have changed the course of history for the better. As a relentless champion of civil and human rights, equality and justice here and abroad, he serves as a model to future generations who pay respect to his legacy and learn from his example. I am proud to call him a personal hero, mentor and friend. I also pay tribute to this year’s honorees: Ava DuVernay, Lucien Ebata, Strive Masiyiwa, Alana Shepherd and Warner Williams. Your diligence and devotion to promoting excellence in leadership and community empowerment have made a lasting impact on our world community. While in our city, we encourage attendees to explore the many attractions Atlanta has to offer, including the Dr. Martin L. King Jr. Center, Georgia Aquarium, the World of Coca-Cola, CNN Center, Centennial Olympic Park, Woodruff Arts Center, Atlanta Botanical Garden, Children’s Museum of Atlanta, National Center for Civil and Human Rights, and the College Football Hall of Fame, to name a few. We invite you to share in our Southern hospitality, sample cuisine at our many fine restaurants and enjoy the rich and diverse heritage of our city. On behalf of the City of Atlanta, I extend best wishes for a memorable occasion.

Greeting from Ceasar Mitchell

May 17, 2015 Dear Ambassador Young, It is my pleasure to offer this letter of greetings as we gather for the 2015 Andrew J. Young International Leadership Awards and to celebrate your 83rd birthday. This magnificent event pales in comparison to the impact you have made here in the city of Atlanta and beyond. And I am proud to stand with the broader community as we honor you and the recipients of the 2015 Andrew J. Young International Leadership Awards. Few people have made the indelible impact you have made on the world. From your early days in the pulpit and on the forefront of the Civil Rights Movement, to your tenure as a United States ambassador and as the mayor of the city of Atlanta, your life is a true representation of servant leadership. There are few corners of the world that have been untouched by your influence. And few leaders who cannot proclaim to stand on the shoulders of giants like you. This evening’s recipients are among those who proudly stand on your shoulders. And I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge their service and recognize the impact that they, too, are making on the world. Thank you for everything you do to lighten the load and make the world a brighter place for the communities in which you serve. In closing, I would like to encourage each of this evening’s honorees to continue responding to the small voice of God in your heart. The differences you make will be felt for generations to come. Best wishes,

Ceasar C. Mitchell

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Mission: The Andrew J. Young Foundation communities in the U.S. and globally by

promotes more just and prosperous developing and supporting a new

generation of leadership for a multicultural world.

Focus Areas The Foundation supports initiatives in four areas that reflect Andrew Young’s work as a pastor, activist, ambassador, and elected official:

Community Engagement Civil rights and Civic Participation • International Humanitarian Initiatives • Public Service And Advocacy

Program Descriptions

Community Engagement

“The young people that marched in Birmingham had far fewer material comforts than almost any young American today. But they were far richer in spiritual resources. They believed that they were children of God and that gave them the strength, courage, and discipline to overturn segregation. Values prepare a person or community to take full advantage of the opportunities a society provides.”

Andrew Young initially answered the call to service by becoming a pastor. He saw immediately that in order to minister to his congregation’s spiritual needs, he had to also address the challenges they were facing in health care, education, and economic growth. The Foundation supports civic and faith-based initiatives to address those basic human needs that can present barriers to stronger communities.

Andrew & Walter Young Family YMCA: Get Ready to Achieve Dreams (GRAD)

The Andrew & Walter Young Family YMCA is the centerpiece of the Southwest Atlanta community. It serves an estimated 10,000 people ranging from preschoolers to senior citizens. The YMCA provides services to meet the needs of this underserved community including: daycare, after-school job training, and athletic programs. Over the last four years, the Foundation has supported the GRAD program, which supports students in getting to and through college. In addition to providing mentors to help young people navigate the admissions processes, the program also provides tuition and other financial resources to families in need. These resources help make what many of them thought was an impossible dream possible. To date, the GRAD program has provided college opportunities to 42 young people between the ages of 18 and 23. Last year, the program celebrated their first 12 college graduates from George Washington, Howard, Alabama State and Savannah State universities and Rust College. Thirty students are currently pursuing their college degrees.

Jean Childs Young Middle School

The Jean Childs Young Leadership Education Institute has been expanded to include after-school tutoring and mentoring programs focused on literacy, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), and healthy behaviors. The program serves hundreds of middle school students in the Atlanta metropolitan school district. Programs are led by student teachers and volunteers from local colleges and universities.

The Carolyn Young Mentor Walk

The Carolyn Young Mentor Walk inspires at risk high school, middle school, and elementary school students to stay in school and envision possibilities in their future by participating in a walk on a college campus while interacting with college students as near peer role models and mentors for the day. After the walk, educational sessions are held for students and separate sessions are held for parents, administrators, college students, and other participating adults. It brings the community together to support education for our children. The Carolyn Young Mentor Walk is partnered with the Campus Community Partnership Foundation, Center for 21st Century University at Georgia Tech, DeKalb County School System, Fulton County School System, Girl Scouts, Communities In Schools, Maynard Jackson Youth Foundation, Hands On Atlanta, Boys & Girls Clubs, 100 Black Men of Atlanta and Annie E. Casey Foundation’s Campaign for Grade Level Reading.

Civil Rights and Civic Participation

“Everything I know now convinces me that the struggle to eliminate racism, war, and poverty is a burden. But in America, with all the freedom and opportunity afforded us under our Constitution, in the most productive society in human history, it is an easy burden—if we undertake it together.” As a civil rights activist, Andrew Young helped lead the historic struggles to challenge systemic segregation and secure passage of landmark civil rights and voting rights legislation. But he remains keenly aware that winning the right to vote has not been enough to ensure full voter participation. Today’s young people are generations removed from the Civil Rights Movement and many have not learned either the philosophy or the tools of nonviolent activism. The Foundation supports efforts to encourage broader civic participation by showing young people that their efforts can make a difference.

Lead Young

Last year, The Foundation developed a national initiative in civic participation and community engagement called Lead Young. Lead Young will focus on civic participation as the path to social justice. In six big cities across the country, the Foundation will host town hall meetings for the purpose of empowering young people with the knowledge, mentorship and personal support to address a major issue identified by community members. It will bring experienced social change advocates, business executives and civic leaders together with young people who have a creative vision and the energy to pursue it. Our hope is that the initiative will deepen young leaders’ sense of responsibility to build on the freedoms that were won in the past; to uphold and secure them presently; and to ensure, as global citizens, the future of the American promise. The Foundation will launch Lead Young in the fall of 2015, a year that also marks the 50th anniversaries of both Bloody Sunday and the passage of the Voting Rights Act.

International Humanitarian Initiatives

“There’s no problem on the planet that can’t be solved without violence. That’s the lesson of the Civil Rights Movement.”

As U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, Andrew Young embodied President Jimmy Carter’s commitment to human rights as a core element of U.S. foreign policy. The Foundation supports programs designed to inspire leaders from around the world to work toward a global community of peace, prosperity, and inclusion. The Foundation also connects African communities to resources and private partnerships that promote capacity building and sustainable development, improve health, nutrition, education and promote economic growth.

Vitamin, Mineral, Protein Program (VMP)

The Foundation initiates and facilitates public-private partnerships on health, nutrition, education, and economic growth issues around the world. Last year, The Foundation facilitated the necessary processes and agreements with Haitian and African governments, The World Food Programme, USAID and other international relief agencies to distribute VMP+3 gel sticks, a fruit- based nutritional product. VMP+3 provides the daily allowance of vitamins, minerals, protein and micronutrients critical to the development of children between the ages of two and 12 years old. Through the Foundation’s support, hundreds of thousands of children in famine-ravaged and war-torn communities will receive the nutrition they need to grow into healthy adults.

Public Service and Advocacy

“Policies that deprive workers of a living wage, undermine educational opportunity, and seek to balance budgets by cutting assistance to the poor, the sick, and the vulnerable do not reflect the values of the America I love. The model set by such policies is ‘everyone for himself,’ rather than a democratic community working for the common good.”


a member of


and then as mayor of

Atlanta, Andrew Young

championed policies that would address poverty and build more

prosperous and inclusive communities through educational and economic opportunities.

He was respected for his principled but not doctrinaire

approach to politics, using his negotiating skills to work across the partisan aisle to provide effective representation for all of his constituents.

The Leadership Incubator

The Foundation’s Leadership Incubator is designed to launch creative, solutions-based programs to address pressing social needs that impact the quality of life in communities throughout the United States and abroad. Social entrepreneurs and organizations are invited to submit proposals for projects that would benefit from sustained support including instruction and training in program development, communications and media relations; public speaking, grant writing and resource development; data collection and analysis; tracking and program evaluation; human resource management; and program replication. The Leadership Incubator is designed to “grow” programs for three to five years, after which they will have the ability to operate independently and be replicated regionally, nationally, or internationally. The Foundation invites the submission of new Leadership Incubator proposals on an ongoing basis.

Andrew Young Global Center of Vallejo

The Andrew Young Global Center of Vallejo is designed to aid in the reinvention, reinvigoration, and economic growth of the communities of Vallejo, California, by promoting educational excellence and public safety. The center will engage local public officials, civic and business leaders and residents in a community-inclusive, youth-focused workforce development initiative to equip participants with both market-relevant job skills and a sense of social responsibility. Our goal is to develop a dynamic public-private partnership that succeeds in nurturing youth who earn high school diplomas, enter and graduate from college, or create and fill high-growth jobs. Our broader vision is a partnership that nurtures youth to see themselves as change agents in a larger, global effort for peace, prosperity, diversity and inclusion.

Andrew Young International Leadership Center, Morehouse College The Andrew Young Leadership Series A series of forums and talks focused on current and trending social issues related to the core mission of the Foundation. The events, which are similar to TED talks, are moderated by national journalists with presentations by a diverse and intergenerational group of next generation leaders. The series is streamed live and archived for historical preservation.


Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, Georgia State University The Making of Modern Atlanta Program/Archives At a time when racial violence was common across the South, Atlanta set a standard for cross-racial cooperation among city leaders. The Making of Modern Atlanta Program (MMAP) is a multidisciplinary initiative that documents the transformation of the city through the development and application of a model termed “The Atlanta Way.� The model is based on a governing philosophy and policies that support a public-private framework and promote economic growth across all sectors of the community. Atlanta offers an important political, cultural and economic model for cities around the U.S. and the world to adopt for the purposes of building better, more vibrant and inclusive communities that serve the common good. Among the products of the program are: Ambassador Young’s memoir, Andrew Young: The Making of Modern Atlanta; a documentary film bearing the same title; a digital archive comprised of interviews with influential Atlanta natives; and an educational and leadership training program about the Atlanta model.

Indonesian Urban Policy Conference and Partnerships In partnership with the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies at Georgia State University, the Foundation convenes a biennial urban policy conference with the Indonesian-American Chamber of Commerce and the Finance Ministry of Indonesia to promote the benefits of the Atlanta model of inclusive urban development and financing. The Andrew Young School has trained many economists working in the public sector in Indonesia.

Special Projects

“…whenever Irish, Polish, East German, Hungarian, Chinese, and Russian human rights forces sing ‘We Shall Overcome,’ they are acknowledging their moral and spiritual connection to Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, Jr., and the thousands of students who nonviolently and spiritually endured jail for freedom’s sake.”

Andrew Young Presents

Andrew Young Presents is an Emmy-nominated, nationally syndicated series of documentaries produced by Ambassador Young and award-winning producer C. B. Hackworth. The series now includes 28 productions, three of which were completed in 2014: • Saving Mandela: A phenomenal first-person account of Nelson Mandela that captures the struggle for freedom and the transformation of a nation and a continent. • Still Hitting Homers: The Untold Story of Henry Aaron: The inspiring story of Atlanta Braves legend Henry “Hank” Aaron, who endured racism and threats on his life as he approached, and then shattered, the home run record held by baseball legend Babe Ruth. Aaron’s dignity on and off the field turned foes to friends and broke down barriers of discrimination. This year, we celebrate his 80th birthday and the 40th anniversary of his record-setting 715th home run. • LBJ: The Accidental President: This new documentary commemorates the passage of the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964, and celebrates the 50th anniversary of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Young, a top aide to Martin Luther King Jr. who met with President Lyndon B. Johnson in the wake of John F. Kennedy’s assassination, offers personal recollections and insights into previously untold, behind-the-scenes political maneuvers that changed the country forever.

• A documentary on Hosea Williams will be released in 2015.

proudly SALUTES

Andrew J. Young International Leadership Awards

CONGRATULATIONS 2015 Honorees AVA DUVERNAY Civil Rights and Civic Engagment Award LUCIEN EBATA International Humanitarian Initiatives Award STRIVE MASIYIWA Community Engagement Award ALANA SHEPHERD Public Service and Advocacy Award WARNER WILLIAMS Chairman’s Award

©2015 The Coca-Cola Company. All Rights Reserved.

Happy 83rd Birthday The Honorable Andrew Young Wishing you all the best! The Tyson Family

Supporting great causes: a commitment that’s as much a part of UPS as our brown trucks. UPS is proud to support the Andrew J. Young International Leadership Awards. Š 2015 United Parcel Service of America, Inc. UPS, the UPS logo, and the color brown are trademarks of United Parcel Service of America, Inc. All rights reserved.

The Andrew J. Young International Leadership Awards reflect facets of Andrew Young’s life in leadership as a pastor, civil rights activist, public servant, and international humanitarian and social entrepreneur. They are awarded to individuals who have affected meaningful change at the local and global levels through their extraordinary work in the areas of civil rights





humanitarian initiatives; community engagement; and public service and advocacy.

2015 Honorees

Civil Rights


Civic Participation Award

Presented to an individual who has led exceptional initiatives to promote civic engagement and whose work inspires citizens around the globe to participate in their own governance.

AVA DUVERNAY Director, Screenwriter, and Filmmaker The 2015 Civil Rights and Civic Participation Award is presented to Ava DuVernay, who champions the efforts of black filmmakers to have their art seen and heard. Her work educates a new generation of leaders about the power of their voices and inspires them to speak without fear. DuVernay is a writer, producer, director and distributer of independent films. She received a Golden Globe nomination for the movie Selma, which powerfully portrays the struggle for voting rights and the courage of leaders and activists in the U.S. Civil Rights Movement. Selma received an Academy Award nomination for best picture and a Golden Globe nomination for directing for DuVernay, the first for an African American woman. Before making Selma, DuVernay directed two hip-hop documentaries, This Is the Life and My Mic Sounds Nice: The Truth About Women in Hip Hop, and two feature films, I Will Follow and Middle of Nowhere, which won the director’s prize at Sundance, also a first for a black woman. She founded the DuVernay Agency, which specialized in movie marketing to African American audiences, and in 2011 she co-founded the African-American Film Festival Releasing Movement, dedicated to supporting the release and distribution of black indie movies. DuVernay says her purpose as a documentarian is “to magnify the magnificence of black people, which is basically a longer way of saying, ‘black lives matter.’” And making black lives matter, for her, means taking a leadership role in her field. “It’s no one else’s responsibility to make the [films] that I want to see. If I want to see them, then I need to make them, if I’m able, and I am.”

International Humanitarian Initiatives Award Presented to an individual who has worked in the public and private sectors to promote human rights and to secure greater freedom and prosperity for the next generation.

LUCIEN EBATA Attorney, Entrepreneur, Humanitarian, and Founder of Forbes Afrique The 2015 International Humanitarian Initiatives Award is presented to Lucien Ebata, whose bold leadership has provided economic opportunity in Africa and around the world. His generosity is matched by his passionate commitment to help people struggling to overcome disadvantages, foremost among them persistent poverty. Ebata is the founder and proprieter of Forbes Africa, the Francophone African edition of Forbes magazine. Although the magazine highlights investment success stories in Francophone African countries, Ebata emphatically does not see Forbes Africa as a “magazine for rich people.� Instead, he views the magazine primarily as a tool for educating young people about the world of finance. Business education, he believes, is the necessary first step in motivating people to invest and, through their investments, contribute to their own wellbeing. When people are contributing in this way, Ebata believes, African nations can achieve their goals of economic freedom and prosperity. Ebata is also the co-founder of Orion Group Oil, a company focused on trade in petroleum products. Soon after creating Orion, he created the Orion Foundation, which has donated more than $10 million to help build schools and hospitals, fund college scholarships and provide services to people with mental illnesses throughout Africa. Ebata is a Congolese-Canadian attorney and entrepreneur with extensive experience in public service and business on three continents. In Canada, Ebata distinguished himself in public service, working for the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Human Resources, the Commission for Public Service and the Ministry of Environment Canada.

Community Engagement Award Presented to an individual whose energy, innovation and support has had a significant and sustainable impact on people who, in turn, have worked to transform their community.

STRIVE MASIYIWA Businessman, Philanthropist, Founder and CEO of Econet Wireless Group The 2015 Community Engagement Award is presented to Strive Masiyiwa for groundbreaking philanthropy that supports the development of African children and youth. Masiyiwa is the creator of the Ambassador Andrew Young International Scholars program, established at Morehouse College and then expanded to Spelman College. Forty men and 10 women from across the African continent have to date become beneficiaries of this program, which awards scholarships to academically promising young people, affording them the opportunity to receive a first-rate education in the U.S. Following graduation, the scholars will return to their home countries equipped to lead their own community engagement and social justice initiatives. The International Scholars program is the newest of Masiyiwa’s numerous major investments in young community leaders in Africa. Under the umbrella of the Higherlife Foundation, which he founded with his wife, Tsitsi, Masiyiwa’s philanthropic work focuses on holistic community development in Africa. Two of the foundation’s four trusts are dedicated to youth. The Joshua Nkomo Scholarship Fund identifies and develops academic talent in Zimbabwe, funding scholarships for students who demonstrate high academic excellence and responsive community leadership. The Capernaum Trust supports the education and wellbeing of orphaned Zimbabwean children. The organization provides bursary awards, scholarships, food packs and medical assistance to the children. The charity also funds the construction of libraries and other resource centers where beneficiaries can access educational materials. Through these trusts, Masiyiwa has provided scholarships for more than 100,000 young people. Masiyiwa’s professional life has also been dedicated to community engagement. He is a pioneering businessman who envisioned the great potential for wireless telecommunications in sub-Saharan Africa. He overcame years of fierce resistance to bring cell service to Zimbabwe and Botswana, and expanded into Econet, a global telecommunications company. With Sir Richard Branson, Masiyiwa is a co-founder of the Carbon War Room, a global nonprofit established to help entrepreneurs unlock market-driven solutions to climate change.

Public Service and Advocacy Award Presented to an individual who has demonstrated extraordinary leadership in public service and whose advocacy on behalf of a community or cause has changed both minds and lives.

ALANA SHEPHERD Co-Founder, Shepherd Center The 2015 Public Service and Advocacy Award is presented to Alana Shepherd for decades of effective action on behalf of people with spinal cord injuries, people with disabilities and the people of Atlanta. Shepherd is considered by many to be the patron saint of people with spinal injuries, brain injuries and neuromuscular disorders. Bernie Marcus, founder of The Home Depot, said of her, “I can’t think of anyone [else] who has given so much of herself for so many people over so many years and affected so many lives.” Forty years ago, motivated by her son James’ devastating surfing accident, Shepherd co-founded Shepherd Center as a resource for people with catastrophic injuries. Beginning as a six-bed unit in space leased from an Atlanta hospital, today Shepherd Center is widely acknowledged as one of the world’s finest treatment, research and rehabilitation centers for people with spinal cord and brain injuries. Shepherd has been an active and tireless advocate for the institution, raising millions to support its work and creating a special intensive care unit for military personnel. Through the Center, Shepherd has also been a leading advocate for all people with disabilities. She has worked regionally to make the rapid transit system, sports complexes, airports, local businesses and housing more accessible. The hospital sponsors 11 wheelchair sports teams and has served as official sponsor of the wheelchair division of the Peachtree Road Race for more than 30 years. Shepherd was also the founding sponsor of the 1996 Atlanta Paralympic Games, bringing 3,310 world-class athletes with disabilities from 104 nations to Atlanta for Olympic-level competition. Shepherd’s humanitarian and philanthropic efforts have been recognized with numerous honors. This year, Shepherd was made a Georgia Trustee, an honor awarded to two citizens per year who embody the colony’s founding principle, “Not for self, but for others.”

Chairman’s Award Presented to an individual whose sustained commitment has helped the Andrew J. Young Foundation continue fostering just and prosperous communities in the U.S. and around the world.

WARNER WILLIAMS Vice President of Production (ret.) The Chevron Corporation The 2015 Chairman’s Award is presented to Warner Williams, whose leadership in business and philanthropy exemplifies a commitment to corporate and individual social responsibility. Williams has been a steadfast supporter of the work of the Andrew J. Young Foundation. His ongoing support has facilitated a shift in the direction of the Foundation that will help sustain it for years to come. Williams had a distinguished career of 30 years at Chevron, leading business units in 17 countries and managing 18,000 employees. He joined Chevron fresh out of college, spending his first years as a petroleum engineer overseeing existing wells to increase production. Shortly thereafter, he transferred to Denmark, the first of several international assignments that took him around the globe from Papua New Guinea to Australia to Indonesia. 
Williams quickly rose through the ranks, accepting key leadership roles. These roles included general manager of international relations for Chevron in Washington DC, and vice president of production overseeing all aspects of onshore arid shelf exploration and production for Chevron’s Gulf of Mexico (GOM) business unit, one of Chevron’s 15 business units around the globe. Williams has always been committed to supporting and partnering with the local communities and organizations where he has lived. His philanthropic investments include programs and fellowships that promote human progress, academic excellence and economic development, the pillars of Chevron’s corporate responsibility policy. As a leader of leaders, Williams devotes significant time to developing people, a key objective of Chevron. Williams takes particular interest in developing careers for minorities and women, guiding them through the maze of corporate politics and into leadership roles. To this end, Warner created a robust mentoring program where he leverages his board affiliations to provide networking opportunities with other minority leaders in the energy industry. Through William’s leadership, Chevron recently received the National Corporation of the Year Award from the Louisiana Minority Supplier Development Council, recognizing GOM for including and promoting minority and women suppliers in the company’s procurement process. Williams has received dozens of awards for his corporate leadership, his mentoring of young professionals, his support of educational initiatives for middle school and high school children, and his support of the arts.

Program Andrew J. Young International Leadership Awards (Pass On Blessings)

Sunday, May 17, 2015


CynnĂŠ Simpson FOX 5 News Achor

Chris Tucker Actor, Comedian and Humanitarian

Felicia Mabuza-Suttle Author and Talk Show Host

The National Anthem

Tomi Martin


Welcome Remarks

The Honorable Kasim Reed Mayor, City of Atlanta

The Occasion Carolyn Young

Vice Chair, Andrew J. Young Foundation

Sponsor Recognition Juanita Baranco and Jack Sawyer Event Chairs

Special Presentation The Maya Angelou Teen Center Andrew & Walter Young Family YMCA Diane Baker King, Executive Director Introduced by

Dr. Walter Young


Reverend Dwight Andrews First Congregational Church, U.C.C.


Program Connecting Generations Special Presentation T.I. Lyfe Jennings Alyson Williams Vocalists

Community Engagement Award Presented to Strive Masiyiwa Businessman, Philanthropist, Founder and CEO, Econet Wireless Group Presented by

Billye Aaron

Morehouse College Board Member

Tribute Performance Abiodun Koya Soloist

Morehouse College Glee Club

Public Service and Advocacy Award Presented to

Alana Shepherd

Co-Founder, Shepherd Center Presented by

April Ross

Assistant District Attorney

Tribute Performance Beth Spangler Vocalist

Program International Humanitarian Initiatives Award Presented to Lucien Ebata Attorney, Entrepreneur, Humanitarian, and Founder, Forbes Afrique Presented by

Ed Baker

Publisher, Atlanta Business Chronicle

Tribute Performance Ballethnic

Dance Company

Chairman’s Award Presented to

Warner Williams

Vice President of Production (ret.) The Chevron Corporation Presented by

Joe Laymon

Vice President, Human Resources and Corporate Services, Chevron Corporation

Tribute Performance Tulani Harpist

Civil Rights


Civic Participation

Award Presented to Ava DuVernay Director, Screenwriter, and Filmmaker Presented by

AndrĂŠ Holland Actor

Tribute Performance The Celebration Choir Trey Clegg Director

Tracey Harris and Nate Harris Soloists

Tribute to Ambassador Andrew Young Rosalind Brewer and Eduardo Hapke Honorary Co-Chairs

Introduction of Ambassador Andrew Young

Taylor Stanley Granddaughter Remarks

Ambassador Andrew Young

Special Performance Tracey Harris Valerie Simpson Vocalists

Benediction Dr. Marjanita Ripley

The Body of Christ International Church

Dessert served in the Foyer

Hosts Cynné Simpson is an Emmy Award-winning journalist who anchors FOX 5 News at 5 and 10 pm on

weeknights. At WJLA-TV in Washington, D.C., she was known for insightful interviews with Michelle Obama at the White House, Oprah Winfrey, Diane Sawyer, Katie Couric, Maya Angelou and others. Simpson started her career as a fellow at ABC News Nightline. She enjoys community service and adventurous travel. Simpson graduated magna cum laude from Howard University after completing studies in Spain and Costa Rica.

Chris Tucker is an actor and comedian who rose to prominence with stand-up performances on Def

Comedy Jam and appearances in Friday with Ice Cube, Luc Besson’s The Fifth Element, and Money Talks with Charlie Sheen. Tucker may be known best as Detective James Carter in the Rush Hour film series, which made him at one point Hollywood’s highest-paid star. He appeared in the Oscar-nominated Silver Linings Playbook. A humanitarian, he spends much of his spare time traveling and working with his foundation.

Felicia Mabuza-Suttle is an author, entrepreneur, speaker, and philanthropist named by the South

African Broadcast Corporation among the “100 Great South Africans.” As a talk show host, she interviewed Nelson Mandela, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Danny Glover, and many others. Her memoir, Dare to Dream, describes answering Mandela’s call to South Africans abroad to return home to build a new democracy. She is president of Leadership Success International, which specializes in executive leadership training and business communications. Her most recent book is Live Your Dream.

Performers Tomi Martin is a musician whose guitar work and creative talent have supported successful records

and tours with John Legend, Natalie Cole, Michael Jackson, Stevie Nicks, Jennifer Lopez, The Indigo Girls, and many others. Exposed to gospel, rock, soul, and jazz as a preacher’s kid who loved music, Martin has a stellar reputation as a live performer, session musician, and musical director for concert tours, TV specials and feature film projects. He has played on eight Grammy-nominated albums and six Grammy winners.

T.I. is a rapper, songwriter, producer, and three-time Grammy Award winner. His multi-platinum tally includes four Billboard Hot 100 number ones and sales of more than 30 million singles and 14 million albums. His ninth album is “Paperwork,” for which T.I. tapped Pharrell Williams as executive producer. “When I first sat down with Pharrell, he told me to think ‘out of the stratosphere,’” recalls T.I. “What solidifies the resulting ‘Paperwork’ is a unique blend of refreshing yet timeless material. As Pharrell would put it, we’re trying to rewrite history.”

Performers Lyfe Jennings is a platinum-selling American singer-songwriter, producer, and instrumentalist described by The

New York Times as a “socially minded R&B singer.” Lyfe lost his father at a young age, and at 14 he was sent to prison, where he wrote music, rekindled his faith, and turned his life around. In April, Lyfe released “Gold” as a thank you to his supportive fans. His sixth studio album, “Tree of Lyfe,” will be released this summer. He has said, “It’s okay to struggle if you’re struggling with purpose and with dignity.”

Alyson Williams is a versatile artist at ease with soul ballads, jazz standards, and show tunes.Trained as a

dancer as well as a singer, she was the first female R&B artist signed to Russell Simmons’ Def Jam label. Her first album, “Raw,” spent 67 weeks on the charts and produced four top five singles. She has appeared on Broadway in “Rollin on the TOBA,” “One Mo Time,” and the 25th Anniversary Revival of “The Wiz.” In addition to performing, recording, and running her production company, Williams mentors and coaches young artists.

Abiodun Koya is a classically trained soprano singer, actress, author, and visionary. Born and raised in the

small Nigerian town of Ijebu-Ode, Koya has traveled the world as an acclaimed vocalist and has performed for presidents, ambassadors, members of Congress, and other world leaders. In addition to her dedication to promoting the arts around the world, Koya is engaged in business ventures and charity work. She is the founder of The Courtesy Foundation, which provides mentorship and scholarships to young girls in Nigeria.

“Tulani” is an award-winning singer, songwriter and harpist who has toured with Lady Gaga and performed around the world, sharing her passion for helping people pursue their dreams. A fan favorite on NBC’s hit show “America’s Got Talent,” Tulani has appeared on the BET Rap It Up Tour and performed at the Ludacris Foundation’s Tribute to Quincy Jones. She is the Arts and Anti-Bullying Ambassador for the Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater Washington, and the Arts Ambassador for The Foundation for the Advancement of Music & Education Inc.

Beth Spangler

is a recording artist on the rise. Her debut EP “Audio Selfie” was released earlier this year; singles “Like a Bird” and “Bigger Than Love” are available on iTunes. Last year she appeared in Season 7 of NBC’s The Voice, where she was the sesaon’s first “four-chair turn.” In February, she was selected as a finalist in Belk’s Southern Musician Showcase, winning the opportunity to perform at fashion, sports and music events. She recently presented a full-length concert at the URS Center for Performing Arts in Aiken, SC.

Performers Valerie Simpson is half of the legendary award-winning songwriting/performing/producing duo formerly

known as Ashford and Simpson. She and her late husband Nick Ashford collaborated on hits such as “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough,” “You’re All I Need to Get By,” “Reach Out and Touch Somebody’s Hand,” “Solid (As a Rock),” and many others. Her most recent solo album is “Dinosaurs Are Coming Back Again.” Simpson is on the boards of directors of ASCAP and ASCAP’s Foundation, whose Reach Out and Touch Award assists struggling songwriters.

Trey Clegg The Celebration Choir, founded by music director Trey Clegg, is a professional chorus that made

its debut at the 2014 opening ceremony of the National Center for Civil and Human Rights in Atlanta. Performances have included the National Black Arts Festival and the Channel 11 Community Service Awards. Clegg, director of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church and a professional vocalist in the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Chorus, is a concert organist who has performed in some of the great cathedrals in North America, Europe, South America, and the Caribbean.






he orehouse ollege lee lub has traveled the world demonstrating excellence in discipline, dedication, and brotherhood as well as choral performance. It performed the National Anthem with Natalie Cole for Super Bowl XXVIII and sang in opening and closing ceremonies for the 1996 Olympics. The Glee Club celebrated its 100-year legacy throughout 2011, culminating with a concert at Lincoln Center’s Avery Fisher Hall. In 2014, the Glee Club performed Verdi’s “Requiem” with an all African American orchestra for the Colour of Music Festival.




allethnic ance ompany Co-founded by Nena Gilreath and Waverly T. Lucas, II., blends traditional classical ballet with the artistic influences of ethnic cultures. Its classes include ballet at all levels, hip hop, and jazz, along with more unique offerings such as African and Ballethnicize, an original dance style developed by co-founder Waverly Lucas.


Kasim Reed

Mayor, City of Atlanta

Billye Aaron

Juanita Baranco

President of the Southeast Region of Wilmington Trust’s Wealth Management group

April Ross

Ed Baker


Assistant District Attorney

André Holland

Rosalind Brewer

Actor, Portraying Andrew Young in “Selma”

Jack Sawyer

Chief Operating Officer Baranco Automotive Group

President and CEO Sam’s Club

Rev. Dwight Andrews Senior Pastor First Congregational Church

Joe Laymon

Publisher Atlanta Business Chronicle

Vice President, Human Resources and Corporate Services Chevron Corporation

Taylor Stanley

Dr. Marjanita Ripley

Granddaughter of Andrew Young

The Body of Christ Church International, USA

Special Thanks to Our Sponsors CHAMPION SPONSOR

LEADERSHIP CIRCLE Aflac, Inc. Hank and Billye Aaron Mercedes-Benz of Buckhead The Coca-Cola Company

FedEx Freight The Tyson Family UPS

VISIONARIES The J. Willard and Alice S. Marriott Foundation Georgia Power Company Georgia-Pacific Sam’s Club Toyota Motor Sales, USA, Inc.

CIRCLE OF INFLUENCE AmericasMart AT&T Georgia Chevron Corporation GALLUP Georgia Power Foundation GoodWorks International, LCC Victor Haydel The Tom and Edwina Johnson Family Foundation Wells Fargo & Company

Special Thanks to Our Sponsors SUPPORTER Abbott Laboratories Alexander and Teresa Cummings Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. The Atlanta Journal Constitution Atlanta Marriott Marquis Nadine S. Baker-Smith Bank of America The Barnes Law Group BB&T-Branch Banking and Trust Co. The Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation Body of Christ Church International, USA John and Mary Brock CEO Network Chick-fil-A Foundation Cox Enterprises, Inc. Diversified Search Eugene and Norene Duffy Dr. Frances Dunston Eracism Foundation

 Intercontinental Real Estate Corporation International University of Grand-Bassam Lockheed Martin Metro Atlanta Chamber National Monuments Foundation Operation HOPE, Inc. John and Vicki Palmer Atty. Andrew and Gloria Patterson Donata Russell Jack Sawyer and Bill Torres John Sparrow and Cari Dawson Hank and Yvonne Thomas Turks and Caicos Tourist Board The Turner Foundation, Inc. Wilmington Trust, N.A. Tyrone and Dr. Barbara Yarn Dr. Walter and Sonjia Young Young International Beverage

PATRON Douglas and Lisa Alston American University of Integrative Sciences Atlanta Hawks and Philips Arena The Atlanta Voice 100 Black Men of America, Inc. Derek Bottoms The Honorable Keisha Bottoms Judge Elaine L. Carlisle Dr. Thomas and Brenda Cole Fulton-DeKalb Hospital Authority Harley Anti-Aging Institute Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport Charles Huddleston and Cheryl McAfee Simard and Karen Hudson Johnson Research & Development Co. Inc. Charles Loudermilk, Sr.

Mack II, Inc. The Memorial Foundation MHR International The Honorable Ceasar and Tiffany Mitchell Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough, LLP New Birth Missionary Baptist Church Egbert and Renee Perry Pinnacle Investment Advisors, LLC Satcher Health Leadership Institute at Morehouse School of Medicine Stith Hope Fund Sullivan Family Foundation, Inc. Erma Jean Thomas and Family Thomas Kennedy Sampson & Tompkins Michael Varzi Word of Faith Family Worship Cathedral

It takes Vision and TRUST... that’s why we support the Andrew J. Young Foundation

Georgia Power Proudly Supports the Andrew J. Young International Leadership Awards






Excellence� Accountability� Opportunity


Congratulations to the honorees of the 2015 Andrew J. Young International Awards Ceremony—this recognition is very well deserved. Happy 83rd birthday to Ambassador Andrew Young. We are proud to join you in this wonderful celebration of life and success.

God Bless,

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Tel.: (225) 22 41 30 41 / 25

Alex and Teresa Cummings

Great leaders inspire our communities In every community, there are people who can inspire others to work for positive change. True leaders know how to forge a consensus and create a lasting legacy of success. Andrew J. Young Foundation, it's an honor to recognize you. © 2015 Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. All rights reserved. Member FDIC. 724381 04/15

Happy 83rd Birthday! We Love You, The Walter Young Family

ALPHA PHI ALPHA® Mission Focused

Thank you, } Brother Andrew J. Young

T h e A r t h u r M . B l a n k Fa m i l y Fo u n d a t i o n is proud to sponsor the An d rew J. You n g In te r n ati ona l Le a dership Awa rds

Abbott is proud to support Andrew J. Young’s international leadership awards

and salutes its 2015 Honorees

For 125 years, Abbott has been passionate about finding better ways to help people live longer, healthier lives.

All We Do Is About You. Serving our patients is the heartbeat of our work. From breakthrough scientific research to innovative products, our mission is to make a difference in the treatment and care of people all over the world.

Bank of America is honored to support the Andrew J. Young Foundation International Leadership Awards Thank you for all that you do for Atlanta and globally. Your presence here creates connections that enrich our entire community, and we are honored to recognize the great work you are doing. Visit us at

HappyBirthdaywishestoAmbassadorAndrewYoung– AVisionaryLeaderandStatesmanExtraordinaire! A man’s heart plans his way, But the Lord directs his steps. – Proverbs 16:9

From ©2015 Bank of America Corporation | ARH46WCM

TheBodyofChristChurchInternational,U.S.A Drs. Joseph & Marjanita Ripley


Andy, thank you for your persistent pursuit of equality and justice in our world – Noreen & Eugene Duffy

Louis Gossett, Jr.,’s Eracism Foundation celebrates the life and work of Mr. Andrew J. Young. We applaud your continued strides in advancing opportunities for all people.

“The answer to racism is Eracism,” Louis Gossett, Jr., Founder


Dr. Frances Dunston

Pinnacle Investment Advisors, LLC

IUGB International Foundation

Intercontinental Real Estate Corporation

The Barnes Law Group

Atty. Andrew and Mrs. Gloria Patterson

The Andrew & Walter Young Family YMCA 2220 Campbellton Road, SW, Atlanta, Georgia 30311, Phone (404) 523-9622

Diane Baker King Executive Director

Dr. Robert and

Mrs. Lettie Green

Mr. Tyrone and Dr. Barbara Yarn

Mr. John and Mrs. Mary Brock

Happy Birthday Andy Roz & John Brewer

Vicki & John Palmer Thank You “Andy”

Congratulations 2015 Andrew J. Young International Leadership Award Recipients

Best wishes on your 83rd Birthday

Jack Sawyer and Bill Torres

John Martin Sparrow and Cari Katrice Dawson

Mr. Hank and Mrs. Yvonne Thomas

Ms. Nadine S. Baker-Smith

Honorary Co-Chairs Marie Barnes John Brewer Rosalind Brewer The Honorable John Lewis

Billye Aaron Hank Aaron Nikki Arora Governor Roy E. Barnes

Eduardo Martinez Sajan Pillai Laura Seydel Rutherford Seydel

Event Chairs Juanita Baranco • Jack Sawyer • William “Bill” Torres • Carolyn Young

Host Committee Gregory Baranco Arthur Blank Stephanie Blank John Brock Sam D. Burston Alice Cannon Reuben Cannon Judge Elaine Carlise Alexander Cummings Teresa Cummings Cari K. Dawson Eugene Duffy

Norene Duffy Candice Franklin Honorable Shirley Franklin Ryan Glover Daniel Halpern Sonya Halpern Victor Haydel Karen Hudson Gerard Jerry Inzerillo Prudence Inzerillo Susan Langford Cheryl Lomax

Michael Lomax Ambassador Carl Masters Dr. N Denise Mitchem Hala Moddelmog Candy Moore Ericka Newsome Gail Nutt Vicki Palmer Egbert Perry Renee Perry Paul Prempeh Vanessa Prempeh

Dr. Joseph M. Ripley, Sr. Dr. Marjanita L. Ripley Mike Ross Norman Ross Christopher Ruddy Donata Russell Jerome Russell Lovette Russell Stephanie Russell Nick Sellers John Sparrow Hank Thomas

Yvonne Thomas Charmaine Ward Felker Ward Mary Ward Mack Wilbourn Dr. John Wilson Dianne Wisner Chris Womack

Supporters Dr. Dolly Adams Bishop John Hurst Adams Doug Alston Lena Alston Lisa Alston John Bascom Willie Bolden Justine Boyd Bill Campbell Gwen Campbell Sharon Campbell Alexis Childs Cynthia Childs

Donna Childs Xerona Clayton Willie Clemons Amanda Davis Dr. Camille Davis-Williams Norma Depaur Dr. Frances Dunston Gwen Ellis Dr. Bob Green Lettie Green Dorothy Harden Margaret Howell J.T. Johnson

Cheryl Jones Sherry Jones Brenda Kennedy Joseph Lowery Karen Lowery Christopher McClain Andrew Patterson Gloria Patterson Peggy Ross Ross Rossin Ava Rossin Cheryl Rucker Rita Samuel

Hillary Shelton Paula Shelton Nadine S. Baker-Smith Lena Stanley Taylor Stanley Ron Thomas Wanda Thomas Aaron Turpeau Brenda Turpeau Nikki Young Walker Rachel Waller Dr. Walton Waller Ann Wilborn

Reginald Wilborn JaNay Wilborn Jonathan Williams Tammy Young Williams Terrence Williams Tonya B. Williams Christopher Womack Barbara Yarn Tyrone Yarn Angelica Young Bo Young Sonjia W. Young Dr. Walter Young

Planning Committee Volunteer Coordinators

VIP/Sponsor Reception

Sylvia Henry-Ashley Cecilia Houston-Torrence

Teresa Cummings Karen Hudson Vicki Palmer

Souvenir Committee


Greg Baranco Patra Marsden Gail Nutt


Health/Medical Community

Patra Marsden Layfayette Wilder

Dr. Angela Crowell Dr. Camille Davis-Williams Dr. Sharon Harley


Dr. Joseph M. Ripley, Sr. Dr. Marjanita L. Ripley

Kathy J. White Shana Goodson Carmen Holman

Favors Greg and Juanita Baranco Belk The Coca-Cola Company Georgia State University Andrew Young School of Policy Studies Young International Beverage Andrew J. Young Foundation

Silent Auction Hank Aaron A. J. Wilson Framing Atlanta Hawks Atlanta Marriott Marquis Jerome Betting

Jekyll Island LaVie Concept, LLC

Vanessa Prempeh, CEO and Founder

Congressman John Lewis Patra Marsden

SDB Art Creations

Sam D. Burston, Owner


Tonya B. Williams, Owner

Rev. C.T. Vivian Dominique Wilkins

Cerese D

Top Chef Ashley Sosa

Ambassador Andrew J. Young

Delta Air Lines, Inc.

The Tuscany in Turks and Caicos

Young International Beverage

Hyatt Regency Atlanta

Southern Barter Club

Dr. Walter Young

Acknowledgements & Credits BOARD OF DIRECTORS Ambassador Andrew Young, Chairman Carolyn McClain Young, Vice Chair Samuel Bacote • Virginia Floyd • Dr. Harvey Newman • Paul Rosser STAFF Kathy J. White

Shana Goodson

Interim Executive Director & Chief Financial Officer

Sylvia Henry-Ashley

Special Assistant, International Affairs

Gaurav Kumar

Administrative Assistant

Director, Special Projects and Risk Management

Patra Marsden

Carmen Holman

Executive Assistant to the Chairman

Program Specialist

Webster Pringle

Special Assistant to the Chairman

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS AND CREDITS EXECUTIVE PRODUCER Andrew J. Young Foundation PROGRAM PRODUCERS Cause and Effect Communications Ermette Williams, Principal Desho Productions Aisha Davis, Owner BDC Entertainment Barry Florence, Principal PRODUCER, EVENTS MANAGEMENT and DÉCOR Eventions, Inc. Sonjia Waller Young, President LaRita Reid, Consultant Roshunda Silas-Alorsey, Consultant SOUND and LIGHTING AEE Productions Yergan Jones, President PRODUCTION ASSISTANT Robinson Media and Associates Angela Robinson, President and CEO The Leonard Group Lynn Alston Leonard, President VIDEO PRODUCTION Hackworth Media, Inc. CB Hackworth, Owner

ATLANTA MARRIOTT MARQUIS Erica Qualls, General Manager Laureen Simmons, Sales Manager Shay McCoy, Catering DÉCOR and FLOWERS IDL Floral Irene Linton, Owner GROUND TRANSPORTATION Atlanta’s Premier Shuttle & Limo Services, LLC Tracey Harris, CEO and Owner HOST AIRLINE/TRANSPORATION Delta Air Lines, Inc. Tad Hutchinson, VP Community and Public Affairs Michelle K. Gallagher, Sponsorship and Event Marketing Leader INVITATION, PROGRAM and AWARD DESIGN Studio Named Bermudez Donald Edward Bermudez, Principal MUSIC The Twilight Band Jonathan Williams PHOTOGRAPHY CaseLove, LLC Casey McDaniel, Principal PhotoGriot Susan J. Ross, Principal

Kemet Alston Photography Kemet Alston, Photographer

PRINTING Perfect Image Printing Charles Kelley, Sales PUBLIC RELATIONS Jackson WordSmiths, Inc. Kelley Bass Jackson, Principal Larche’ Communications LLC Diane Larche’, President Atlanta Braves Ericka Newsome-Hill, Director, Community Affairs SCRIPT WRITER Clarice Conley TALENT SBC Entertainment Laurie Sossa SIGNAGE New London Communications Mark Stanko, Sales SILENT AUCTION SDB Art Creations Sam D. Burston, Owner




6:32 PM


EVERYTHING ELSE. Proud Supporter of Andrew J. Young Foundation and the International Leadership Awards.




6:32 PM

“ It is not enough for those of us who are no longer young to preach the responsibilities of citizenship. We must make connections between generations of individuals who are committed to action, sharing hard-won knowledge and equally hard-won hope that action can result in change.”

Andrew J. Young Foundation 260 14th St. N.W. Atlanta, Georgia 30318

© 2015 All rights reserved, Andrew Young Foundation, Designed by @AndrewYoungFoun

Andrew J. Young Foundation


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