Celebrating the 75th Birthday of
The honorable John roberT lewis At
The Tabernacle 152 Luckie Street NW, AtLANtA, GeorGiA 30303
saTurday, March 28, 2015 • 8:00pM
Welcome I Was Here Music by Diane Warren Choral Arrangement by Carlos Simon
deMeTria McKinney With the Morehouse College Glee Club Under the Direction of Dr. David Morrow
The occasion alfre woodard My Good Lord’s Done Been Here Arranged by Stacy Gibbs
Morehouse college glee club we see you sTand A. J. Calloway Tichina Arnold
Corey T. Boone Terri J. Vaughn
Ryan Cameron Kim Fields
Keeper of faiTh Narrated by John Legend
our deliverance Music and Words by Amy Ray & Emily Saliers
indigo girls Introduction by Ryan Cameron
TribuTe To Mrs. lillian Miles lewis Xernona Clayton, Warren Hayes, John Miles Lewis, Lyn Vaughn Vann Introduction by Dionne Warwick
Program a song for you Written by Leon Russell
brad rayMond, Vocalist evelyn whiTe, Pianist
special Message froM presidenT baracK obaMa Introduction by Dionne Warwick
abouT aMerica’s son senaTor Johnny isaKson which side are you on? Musical Theatre Production Number inspired by
sTudenT non-violenT coordinaTing coMMiTTee (sncc) Introduced by Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Ensemble: Allyson Brown Jared Brown (portrays John Lewis)
Rajane’ Brown Shenequa Crockett Michael Curry
Candace Dore Joi Fletcher Keke Fuller Bria Henderson Maya Lawrence
Brianna Lewings Kourtney McLaughlin Victor Perry Vashti Powell Samantha Richards
Directed by Kenneth Green Musical Arrangement by Zane Mark Staging by Dawn Axam
defender of freedoM
Narrated by Georgia State Senator Jason Carter
deep river African American Spiritual
chelsea sharpe Violinist, Atlanta Symphony Youth Orchestra Alumna Introduction by Kim Fields
Program people geT ready Written by Curtis Mayfield
clarK King Introduction by Kim Fields
hope governor roy barnes hope for The world Music by Percy Bady, Arranged by Roy Cotton II
Jennifer holliday
special Message froM presidenT bill clinTon Introduction by Tim Hur
order My sTeps Written by Glenn Burleigh
The anoinTed pace sisTers Introduction by Terri J. Vaughn
10 Things you didn’T Know abouT John lewis Tichina arnold
hands ThaT picKed coTTon Introduction by Alfre Woodard
The hands beTh spangler, Vocalist gary w. JeTer ii, Dancer dulé hill, Actor Conqueror written by Estelle Spoken Word written by Bria Henderson and Maya Prentiss
Program sculpTure presenTaTion: hands ThaT picKed coTTon ed dwighT, Sculptor
phi beTa sigMa fraTerniTy, incorporaTed JonaThan Mason, International President
proTesTor for JusTice
Musical TribuTe regina belle Introduction by A. J. Calloway
birThday celebraTion finale & reMarKs congressMan John lewis
Honorary Chairs
michael & loveTTe russell
norrene duFFy
ruTherFord & laura seydel
Ted Turner
amBassador andrew & carolyn young
Presenters & Performers
Tichina arnold Actress, Comedian, Model and Singer
corey T. Boone President, Young Democrats of Georgia
roy Barnes 80th Governor of Georgia (1999 to 2003)
regina Belle Grammy Award-Winning Singer-Songwriter
aJ calloway
ryan cameron
Television Personality
V-103 Radio Personality & Hawks PA Announcer
ed dwighT
Kim Fields
dulĂŠ hill
Sculptor, America’s First African American Astronaut Candidate
Model, Director and Actress
Actor and Tap Dancer
Presenters & Performers
JenniFer holliday
Tim hur
indigo girls
Singer and Tony AwardWinning Actress
Executive Vice President, Young Democrats of Georgia
American Folk Rock Music Duo
Johnny isaKson
gary w. JeTer ii
clarK King
United States Senator (since 2005)
Dancer, Complexions Contemporary Ballet and Ballet X
Recording Artist, Performer and Pianist; Contestant on Fox’s American Idol
JonaThan mason
morehouse college glee cluB
demeTria mcKinney
International President, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated
Under the direction of Dr. David Morrow
Actress and Singer
Brad raymond
deBBie wasserman schulTz
The anoinTed pace sisTers Award-Winning Gospel Group
Actor, Singer, and Educator
chelsea sharpe
BeTh spangler
Violinist, Alumna, Atlanta Symphony Youth Orchestra
Recording Artist, Contestant on “The Voice”
United States Congresswoman (since 2005)
Terri J. vaughn Actress, Comedian, and Model
dionne warwicK
alFre woodard
evelyn whiTe
Singer, Actress and TV-show Host
Film, Stage, and Television Actress, Producer, and Political Activist
Pianist, Teacher and Vocalist
Acknowledgements producTion crediTs creaTive eye endeavors
KenneTh green Producer & Director
Kenneth Green, CEO Kenique Penn Freeman, Creative/Associate Producer Sherri Thompson Dickerson, Creative/Logistics/Protocol Jasmine M. Hardaway, Creative/Design Management Gwendolyn M. Johnson, Creative/Administrative/Managing Director Milan Green, Administrative/Research Gordie Holt, Creative/Research
producTion sTaff
creaTive consulTanTs
sTage Manager
Pamela Stegall, Ms. P. Productions, LLC
assisTanT sTage Manager Dana Moore
Music coMposiTion and arrangeMenT
Zane Mark and Hassan El-Amin
producTion Manager
Yergan Jones, AEE Productions
scenic arTisTs & designers
Kat Conley, R. Paul Thomason
senior producTion assisTanTs Ashley Cleveland Milan Green Gordie Holt KaTerri Kelly Sonya Paul Morris Cynthia Roberts Dianne Whyte
Musical sTaging Dawn Axam
Music assisTanT Victor Perry
lighTing design
Ed McCarthy, Solais Designs, Inc.
videographer & video design Carey Williams
producTion assisTanTs Joshua Bailey Jamal Bates Matthew Kelly Laila Lloyd Keith Pittman Naima Porter-Sparks Maya Prentiss Terri Thompson Samuel Washington III
graphic design
Donald Edward Bermudez Studio Named Bermudez
KaTerri Kelly
wriTers and ediTors
Michael Jenkins Graphics in Atlanta
Edward Adams Robert Adams Michael Blevins Hassan El-Amin Ashley Grisham Anne Collins Smith
off-sTage announcer Brad Raymond
TalenT coordinaTors
Imara Canady Kenique Penn Freeman
porTraiT arT
Benny Andrews Brian McKissick
Hassan El-Amin Lawrence Stallings Jr.
Steering Committee evenT chair, Michael Collins
fundraising coMMiTTee
Kristin Oblander, Oblander Group Fundraising Coordinator
Stephen Hammond Patti Fiorello
evenT coMMiTTee
Candice Franklin, Coleman Franklin Group Event Coordinator
Phillipa Brown
coMMunicaTions coMMiTTee Seth Oldmixon
volunTeer coordinaTor Megan Sparks
special ThanKs
prograM coMMiTTee Mignon Morman Lyn Vaughn Vann
enTerTainMenT coMMiTTee Cannon Kent
evenT coMMiTTee Philippa Brown
Media/pr coMMiTTee Tharon Johnson Sonji Dade Diane Larche
young professionals Adrienne White TJ Copeland
Spelman College, Division of College Relations Spelman College, Department of Drama & Dance Clark Atlanta University Theatre Program
Designed by: www.studionamedbermudez.com