Hosting & Rental Leaflet

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Hosting & Rental Guidebook Based on “Stay Here” Series

Quotes //

Think the rental property as a three-leg stool: marketing, operations & experiences


Treat visitors as Guests and not as customers


“Turn your property from one-star disappointment to a 5-star stay”


“Create a memorable experience for your guests” - “The experience must be flawless”


“We are not cooking Easter meal on an accommodation”


“The art of pricing is to make yourself competitive”


“With some killer marketing, together with the redesign and the rebranding, we can weave the property’s story”


“The rule of thump when the guests arrive, for the little accoutrements, is this: whatever you’re charging for the (first) night, take 10% of it to spend on goodies”


“More expensive (for high-end rentals) means less stuff, higher quality”


“Bedding is a place were you never pull back on the budget – it’s a real investment”


Photos, video and Blogging are the lifeblood of how you find business.

Location Profile //

What defines location / What are it’s special Features?

On the beach, facing south, near an archeological site, with a panoramic view


Κατάσταση τοποθεσίας (Landmarks / lifestyle / history)?

Good condition


Total Properties in the area



Accommodation Type?

Airbnb / Hotel / Entire House / Other


Number of Rentals (rooms / beds)?



Competition level?

High-end rentals


Nightly Rates (average)?



Booking Rate (%)?



Booked Nights (average)?

Eg. 20/month (occasionally per year)


Property size and details?

No of rooms, dimensions, etc Create 3 questionnaires to gather the required info (for property / owner, competition & design team)

Current Condition 1/2 //

What is the business income (per month)?



What is business’ spends (per month)?



What is the current Business Plan (How much is the charge rate per room / rental)?

Eg. €50 for 2 guests / €70 for 3-4 guests


What are the up-to-date reviews?

Discuss with the owner the (negative) impact this has on his business - share examples of the competition (Neighbor’s business) and a couple of websites


Is the rental fully equipped / does it provides the necessary amount of supplies and products?

Always have an extra pair of everything (eg. Linen 2+1 per bed)


Is the property a “real estate gold” (location, size, potentials, etc)?

If Yes, point this out to the owner and challenge him and/or his budget


Do we feel the vibe (if there is any)?



What is the percentage of International to Domestic visitors?

Eg. 70%-30%

Current Condition 2/2 //

Does the owner has any future business plans?

Not necessarily his vision (eg. Loan, partnership, subsidy, savings for kids)


Design-wise, what is the condition of the interiors?

Clients always focus on the malfunctions / old furniture / lack of amenities / etc, instead of the location advantages (night life, views, attractions)


What is the condition of the exteriors?



Does the owner live / use the property for a certain amount of time (year-round or during his vacation), aka a non-instant rental?

If Yes, the “shared” accommodation shouldn’t feel too personal to the guests, they don’t want to feel like they’re staying to somebody’s room – the rental needs to be depersonalized


What are owner’s experience from other vacation rentals? Did those make feel welcome and unique?

Make him understands that he should deliver the same feeling / luxury to his guests.

Does the owner need a management company (cause of absence or non-expertized in the field)?

Alternatively: real estate agents for a year, till the ball starts to roll

Does the rental have any special features (hidden ace) comparing to the competition?

Eg. Pool, terrace, roof level, mall / market, landmark, solar panel, etc

Business Goal //

What is your monthly goal (estimated income)

From €0 (current) to €0


What is the renovation budget?

Owner’s vs Architect’s


Owner’s vision (stylistically, other)

e.g. Scandinavian look


How to increase the rate? add beds / features (fireplace, special furniture)

The profit is directly linked to heads in beds (room’s capacity)


Create a Theme

e.g. Romantic getaway, Swedish cottage, Moroccan, etc


Are you willing to Learn & Experience yourself?

Persuade the owner to be in his guests’ position or to try new things in his area


For luxury rentals: does the accommodation offers all the comforts?

The 5-star travelers have very high expectations / you have to learn what satisfies the up-scale traveler


What about the low-budget travelers and rentals?

Clients want to save money but also being taken care of

First Contact //

Visit property / on-spot report

Entry first impression, furniture & appliances (condition, quantity - adequacy, sizes), outdoors potential, other


Architect’s vision

Point-of-view on a short report / presentation, with pros & cons based on experience and/or research


Note: Organize 2-3 meetings with the owner, to make him know you better and feel comfortable



Make one of the meetings in a place of the owner’s preference (restaurant, café, other accommodation)



Take a walk-tour with the owner in the area & talk about competition



Is the owner familiar with his district and it’s history (low-profile markets, museums, etc)?



Regarding Operations: who is in charge about i. welcoming, ii. The housekeeping and iii. The during stay problem-solving?

Discuss about organizing the room and specifically making of the bed, because guests should “feel at home away from home”

Hosting / Amenities //

What do you have “onboard” for your quests when it comes to weather?

Straw hats, sun-cream, slippers, fans, umbrellas, etc


What do you offer for coziness?

Bathrobe, slippers, extra towels, extra bed sheets, etc


What do you offer in welcoming? Create an hosting arrival experience

Prepare a welcome basket with local delicacies / goodies – use €10% of the first night’s rate (or even bake your own cake) – this is a well-appreciated return by the clients


Send owners in the market to curate some of their favorite foods that they think would be ideal to offer guests when they arrive

Collaboration with local suppliers (bakery, convenience store, etc) / fridge goods (water, wine, juice)


What do you offer for kids, babies, paw friends?



Other provisions (appliances / comfort devices)?

Earplugs, chargers, Co / Co2 alarm


Target on the “4-5 stays” travel group (40% of total), not the 1-2 stays (20%)

Avoid the 20+ stays travel group (they are fewer than the past days)

Tip: Get to know your guests before their arrival (interests, food habits, etc)

Set an on-line questionnaire regarding their preferences

Design / Styling //

How does the current furniture and equipment feel (condition, design, comfort, etc)

“The bed is the boss” in any hotel stay / Use smaller, more space-efficient units (appliances, furniture, etc)


Is the owner able to suggest a local artist / craftsman / maker / guidebook writer?

Find the center piece of the rental and create the front-cover of the Marketing Brochure. In addition, this could be the social media moment the guests need to promote their stay.


Base design theme (as an option) on folklore patterns, colors, paintings, building history, family photos, handcrafts, ornaments



Transform budget to a focalized design

Find property’s potentials and point them out (bed area, kitchen, verandas, other)


Fire feature or water features can increase property’s rate nightly


Sustainable and maintenance-free materials are a priority in hosting

Suggest durable & easy-to-clean materials (counter tops, furniture, wall finishes)

For group rentals design a group kitchen



Market Approach //

Each project needs a fresh look on Materials / Finishes, Equipment, Linen, etc



Base the design theme (if required) on folklore patterns, colors, frames, paintings, building photos, family history, handcrafts, ornaments, accessories

“High-end staying means art” – add living plants in the rental


Local products / goodies

Visit convenience stores, homeware stores, delicatessens, flower shops, etc


Ask a local supplier what specifically defines the characteristics that makes the region style

Casual, contemporary, traditional, beach lifestyle, other


Is “traditional” an area trend?

Furnish the rental to feel special, not just old but intentionally vintage


Does the accommodation lacks of furniture and budget? Consider of the “Boutique Experience”

Treat the rental as an on-consignment / antique store and move stuff from retails to the place and i. make a profit (sell sheets, design items, artwork, etc) and ii. use them as your furniture Optionally, you can add an online store to the digital Guest Book (tablet with attached POS or not) to purchase item from the space

(re)Branding //

Does the business has a logo?

Mention the benefits of having a unique mark and the imperfections (were required) of the current one.


If not, what are the options?

Present a specific strategy to the owner, and start with the reason (eg. You need to compete at a higher level / your brand no longer reflects who you are or it’s outdated / you need to simplify and focus your message / you are launching a new service line)


Is there a room to create a Brand ID?

Make sure that the owner is on board / for small firms the thought is both overwhelming and intimidating


Define the audience / target group / future (not current) business plan

Be holistic (create color scheme and visual styles to promote the offer) and define your messaging platform (stationery, social media, website)


What is the status of the online presence?

Make your thoughts crystal clear


Is there a descend sign / guidance to the rental?

Y/N - Clear signage is essential


Does the property has a guidebook?

Avoid the .doc file, suggest to design the layouts and promote the information more graphically

Marketing (εξωστρέφεια) //

Do you have professional (marketing) photos & videos?

Photos are #1 for your marketing plan remind the pro your property theme (eg. “Romance”)


Does the rental have a unique / iconic focal point aka a social media moment?

The entry/lead photo (in the website) has to be the money shot.


Where is your promo material? (Social media, Blogging, Booking (Host) Site, current website, Travel Guides & Magazines, etc). How do you advertise your property?

Suggest the SEO (Search Engine Optimization), pay-per-click marketing and a catching phrase – if you outspend your competition, you capture clients’ eyes first (+) Create internet ads to get people booking the vacation rental


Do you have any offers for special guests?

Make valuable discounts (at least 30%) for mind-term (3 to 4 weeks) rentals


Present / introduce owners to the public as experts or guides, even if they are new in the business – this creates familiarity & builds trust

Post photos of them drinking wine or participating in other activities – they need to position their brand as an expert

Experiences //

Do you have a House Guide Book (city maps, vehicle rentals, local market, useful phones – contacts)?

Create something unique, with exclusive top-5 experiences – show to your guests how to live like a local


Add a Recommendation Board (suggestion list) with activities:

Two cheap solutions: chalkboard wall or a Digital Guest Book to map out their day


in nature




Sigh-seeing agro tourism


Handcrafts Shopping Hot spots Other

Sports, tracking, scuba diving, sailing, fishing, horse riding, etc Dining / cooking lessons, wine / food tasting, delicacies, etc Windmills, landmarks Wineries, farms, local product industries (fabricas, oil mills) Workshops Local treats & goodies (products) Nightlife / entertainment scene Eg. Professional vacation photographer


Is there a room for in-house guest experiences?

Barbeque cooking class, cocktail preparation, gathering events, etc


Find a tour-guide expert or magazine to help you organize your Guide Book

Include untapped, unknown and roughedged experiences and tips (price range, kids friendly places, etc)

Conclusion //

Operations: does it work for your guests? Design: Did we make it there? Experiences: everything has to be a perfect, anticipated experience

Y/N Say no more. Nailed it.


New Profit Rate


Any after-sale suggestions for us?

Follow up customer reviews


Re-evaluate: nightly rate / booking rate / monthly rate / yearly rate / profit

Eg. €100 / 20 / €2000 / €24000 / €5400


Suggestions for the final touches & the details:

Eg. Remove bottle labels (thoughtful and not too commercial), create imperfections to your welcoming basket (if something is too perfect people don’t feel like they can touch it) and always deliver what you’re advertising on site


Pick specific amenities photos to point out what contemporary hosting means



To sum-up: “You only get out (profit-wise) what you put in. When we leave, this is your business.

Tips //

Give your business a promo heading – hit all the points in the title / add a description of 50-100 words max

“Romantic Seattle Getaway Rental”


Tips from a professional photographer:

i. Let in as much natural light as possible, ii. Get in the corners and shoot all four corners of the room, iii. don’t take up - down photos, only straight on / Shoot details / Use drone for exteriors


The riches (profits) are always in the niches (smaller piece of the pie) – eg. 14000 rentals in the area, but only 100 of them can host 10+ guests.

From client’s point view you’re a target – offer & demand. Clarify your rental category and best the competition


Three new design rules:

i. Black color unifies surfaces and hide imperfections, ii. put mirrors strategically and iii. specify / frame the focal points


Website top-three recommendations:

i. Great, professional photography, ii. Good description, iii. Reviews – build a good rapport with guests to leave a great review that acts as a testimonial / credential for future guests


Socializing: the key to your success

“Nestled on famed Lake Union is the romantic Seattle Lakeside Love Nest. The jewel in the crown of this houseboat is the luxurious master suite with views across the harbor. In addition, a new state-of-the-art European galley kitchen offers the ability for cooking fresh delicacies from Pike Place Market. Last but not least, escape into an upper library or hang al fresco on the deck and enjoy your perfect view of the Seattle skyline.”

Links //

“VRBO” & “Airbnb”

Guidance to listing


“All the Rooms” & “Lodgify” /


Documents referring to the strategies, the local accommodation rules, etc


High-end hosting

General research: mood photos (pinterest), amenities & toiletries


Translate the above into project samples

Guido’s property and Liana Apartments (as inhouse projects), Nastazia Village Hotel (website)



Free photos (Unsplash, Pexels etc), Instagram account, More Practice email, SWOT analytics, SEO & Pay-per-click method (general research)

QUEST TIONN AIRES For Location, Rental, Owner, & Architect

Για την Τοποθεσία //

Ποια είναι τα ιδιαίτερα χαρακτηριστικά της περιοχής; (ιστορία, μνημεία, τύπος επισκεπτών)


Ποιο το ποσοστό εγχώριων και αλλοδαπών επισκεπτών στη περιοχή;


Ποια είναι τα ιδιαίτερα χαρακτηριστικά του καταλύματος; (κατάσταση, τοποθεσία)


Υπάρχει κάποια ιδιαίτερη αύρα (vibe) στον χώρο?

// //

Είδος καταλύματος; (Airbnb, ξενοδοχείο, άλλο) //


Ποιος είναι ο ανταγωνισμός; (στατιστική ανάλυση περιοχής μελέτης, infographics) Total Rentals in the area Nightly Rates (average)? Booking Rate (%)? Booked Nights (average)?


Εμπορικά στοιχεία και λεπτομέρειες περιοχής (αριθμός δωματίων / κλινών, % πληρότητας, κόστος διαμονής, τζίρος)


Εμπορικά στοιχεία και λεπτομέρειες καταλύματος (αριθμός δωματίων / κλινών, % πληρότητας, κόστος διαμονής, έσοδα - έξοδα, μέγεθος επιχείρησης)

// //

Για το Κατάλυμα //

Υπάρχον Business Plan; (μισθώσεις και τρέχουσα οικονομική κατάσταση - διαχείριση)


Μελλοντικό Business Plan; (όχι το όραμα – δάνειο, αποταμίευση για τα παιδιά, πιθανοί συνεργάτες, υποθήκη)



Είναι το κατάλυμα επαρκώς εξοπλισμένο; (κλινοσκεπάσματα, είδη πρώτης ανάγκης – το κρεβάτι είναι ο βασιλιάς στα καταλύματα) Ποια η κατάσταση των εσωτερικών χώρων; (ο πελάτης εστιάζει πάντα στις αδυναμίες - ελλείψεις του χώρου και τα φθαρμένα έπιπλα, και όχι στα πλεονεκτήματα)

// Για τις πολυτελείς επιχειρήσεις: καλύπτει το κατάλυμα τις ανέσεις που απαιτούνται; (οι 5-star ταξιδιώτες έχουν πολύ υψηλές προσδοκίες) // Για τα συμβατικά καταλύματα: ομοίως ως άνω (ακόμα και αυτοί που ταξιδεύουν οικονομικά θέλουν να νοιώθουν περιποίηση)

// Σχετικά με τις διαδικασίες (operations) : ποιος είναι υπεύθυνος i. για την υποδοχή, ii. για την καθαριότητα του χώρου, iii. για τυχόν προβλήματα που προκύπτουν κατά τη διαμονή; (εκτεταμένη συζήτηση εστιάζοντας στο ότι ο πελάτης πρέπει να νιώθει πάντα σαν το σπίτι του) //


Ποια η κατάσταση των εξωτερικών χώρων;


Υπάρχει κάποιος “κρυμμένος άσσος” στην συγκεκριμένη επιχείρηση, σε σχέση με τον ανταγωνισμό; (επισκέψιμο δώμα, ηλιακός, πισίνα)


Τελεί η επιχείρηση υπό μερική ανακαίνιση;

Για το Κατάλυμα //

Τι παρέχει το κατάλυμα σε σχέση με: / τις ιδιαίτερες ανέσεις; (μπουρνούζι, παντόφλες, έξτρα κλινοσκεπάσματα) / την τεχνολογία; (Wi-Fi, noise /smoke / co2 detector, smart home - automation, φορτιστές, παρακολούθηση από απόσταση) / τις τοπικές καιρικές συνθήκες; (ομπρέλα βροχής, αδιάβροχα, άλλο) / την υποδοχή; (καλάθι καλωσορίσματος με τοπικά εδέσματα – χρήση του 10% από τα έσοδα της πρώτης διανυκτέρευσης ή χειροποίητο κέικ κίνηση που λογίζεται ως “επιστροφή” και εκτιμάται ιδιαιτέρως από τους επισκέπτες / τα παιδιά ή τα βρέφη; Τα κατοικίδια; / λοιπές παροχές; (ωτοασπίδες, Netflix)

// κειμενο



// //


Πως τακτοποιούνται οι επισκέπτες εάν δεν υπάρχει ανθρώπινη επαφή; (Δημιουργία Εγχειριδίου για τη περιοχή και για τη χρήση του καταλύματος – διανομή μέσω e-mail, με tablet εντός του δωματίου, σε έντυπο ή σε βίντεο)

Για τον Ιδιοκτήτη //


Online reviews – έρευνα και συζήτηση με τον ιδιοκτήτη για τον απόηχο των κακών κριτικών και τον τρόπο σκέψης του σύγχρονου επισκέπτη.

Πόσο καλά γνωρίζει τον τόπο του;


Πόσο καλά γνωρίζει τις νέες τάσεις και τις ανάγκες του σύγχρονου επισκέπτη;


Είναι ο ιδιοκτήτης πρόθυμος να Μάθει και να Ζήσει τις Εμπειρίες ο ίδιος; (να μπει στη θέση των φιλοξενούμενών του και να δει τον τόπο του διαφορετικά)


Χρειάζεται η ιδιοκτησία συνεργασία με κάποια τοπική Εταιρία Διαχείρισης; (λόγω απόστασης / άλλης ενασχόλησης ή μη εξοικείωσης με τον χώρο – πιθανή χρήση ατζέντη για ένα χρόνο μέχρι να σταθεροποιηθεί η κατάσταση)


Ποιο είναι το όραμα του ιδιοκτήτη; (στιλιστικά, λειτουργικά, άλλο)


Ποιο είναι ο προϋπολογισμός για την ανακαίνιση; (Σε αντιδιαστολή με τις σκέψεις του μελετητή)


Ποιο θα είναι το νέο Business Plan μετά την ανακαίνιση; (καλύτερης ποιότητας κατάλυμα, αποταμίευση, αλλαγή κατηγορίας, άλλο)

Παραδείγματα από τον ανταγωνισμό


Είναι η ιδιοκτησία real estate gold; Εάν ναι, παρότρυνε σχετικά τον ιδιοκτήτη ώστε να προσφέρει το ανάλογο ποσό για την ανακαίνιση


“Τι δεν σε ικανοποιεί στον χώρο σου;” – Εκμαίευσε τα αρνητικά από τον ίδιο τον ιδιοκτήτη


Τι θα ήθελε να κρατήσει ανέπαφο; (βρες το προσωπικό στοιχείο και ανέδειξε το)


Κάνει ιδία χρήση ο ιδιοκτήτης του χώρου και σε τι ποσοστό; (εάν ναι, ο “κοινόχρηστος” χώρος δεν θα πρέπει να δείχνει προσωπικός, κανένας δεν θέλει να μένει στο σπίτι / δωμάτιο του άλλου)



Ποιες είναι οι εμπειρίες του ιδιοκτήτη από αντίστοιχα καταλύματα; Που και πότε ένιωσε ευπρόσδεκτος και ιδιαίτερος; (προσπάθεια μεταφοράς της ίδιας αίσθησης στον χώρο)

Για τον Ιδιοκτήτη //




Υπάρχει κάποια ιδιαίτερη προτίμηση ως προς το πελατολόγιο και για πιο λόγο; Πως μεταφράζεται αυτό στην ενδεχόμενη ανακαίνιση; Πόσο καλά γνωρίζει από πριν τους επισκέπτες του καταλύματος; (δημιουργία on-line ερωτηματολογίου με τα ενδιαφέροντα και τις διατροφικές συνήθειες) Ποιο είναι το υφιστάμενο ή το νέο travel group; (εστίαση στους ταξιδιώτες των 4-5 διανυκτερεύσεων – 40% του συνόλου – και όχι στις 1-2 διανυκτερεύσεις – 20% του συνόλου. Αποφυγή των διαμονών 20+ ημερών καθώς ήταν συνήθεια των 90s και τείνει πλέον να εξαλειφτεί) Σε πια τοπικά προϊόντα έχει αδυναμία ο ιδιοκτήτης και τα θεωρεί ιδανικά για την υποδοχή; (Δημιουργία μόνιμων συνεργασιών με τοπικούς παραγωγούς και προμηθευτές – αρτοποιείο, κάβα ή οινοποιείο, μπακάλικο για νερό, χυμούς)

// // //



// //


Για τον Μελετητή //


Ποιες είναι οι σκέψεις μας κατά την επίσκεψη στο χώρο; (πρώτη εντύπωση, είσοδος, κατάσταση επίπλων και συσκευών, πληρότητα παροχών, δυνατότητες εξωτερικών χώρων) – τεχνική έκθεση και σύντομη παρουσίαση με εντυπώσεις, στατιστικά, προτάσεις Πως μπορούμε να επηρεάσουμε μελετητικά τις υφιστάμενες χρεώσεις; (το κέρδος συνδέεται άμεσα με τις κλίνες, μειώσεις ή προσφορές για μεγαλύτερη ανταγωνιστικότητα, προσθήκη ειδικών παροχών, έπιπλα design)


Έχει η πρόταση μας συγκεκριμένη θεματολογία; (Romantic getaway, Scandinavian look, Moroccan, Mediterranean, other)


Ποια είναι η αίσθηση που δημιουργούν η υφιστάμενη επίπλωση και ο εξοπλισμός; (design, ποιότητα - άνεση, κατάσταση, άλλο – αποφυγή μεγάλων αντικειμένων / space-efficiency)


Δημιούργησε το εξώφυλλο της καμπάνιας του καταλύματος ή το social media moment (όπου οι επισκέπτες θα διαφημίζουν έμμεσα τον χώρο)


Ποιο είναι το “πλάνο γνωριμίας” με τον ιδιοκτήτη; / Οργανώνουμε 2-3 συναντήσεις, ώστε να κερδίσουμε την εμπιστοσύνη του και να γνωρίζουμε τον τρόπο λειτουργίας της επιχείρησης / Κανονίζουμε μία από τις συναντήσεις να λάβει μέρος σε χώρο της προτίμησής του (καφέ, εστιατόριο, συζητάμε τα προτερήματα του χώρου) / Περίπατος με τον ιδιοκτήτη στη γειτονιά και συζήτηση πάνω στον ανταγωνισμό


Πως θα μετατρέψω το budget σε στοχευμένο (focalized) σχεδιασμό; (επισήμανση των ιδιαίτερων χαρακτηριστικών του καταλύματος – κουζίνα, βεράντα, περιοχή ύπνου, άλλο)


Ποια είναι τα κύρια τοπικά χαρακτηριστικά; (χρήση παραδοσιακών μοτίβων, χρωμάτων, πινάκων, οικογενειακών φωτογραφιών, ιστορικών στοιχείων, κατασκευών, διακοσμητικών)


Επιπλέον λεπτομέρειες: επιλογή υλικών ανθεκτικών, βιώσιμων και με εύκολη συντήρηση για πάγκους, έπιπλα, επενδύσεις τοίχων / το στοιχείο του νερού ή της φωτιάς μπορεί να αλλάξει σημαντικά την αξία του καταλύματος / ένταξη δημιουργιών ενός τοπικού καλλιτέχνη, χειροτέχνη στον χώρο

Market Approach //

Each project needs a fresh look on Materials / Finishes, Equipment, Linen, etc



Base the design theme (if required) on folklore patterns, colors, frames, paintings, building photos, family history, handcrafts, ornaments, accessories

“High-end staying means art” – add living plants in the rental


Local products / goodies

Visit convenience stores, homeware stores, delicatessens, flower shops, etc


Ask a local supplier what specifically defines the characteristics that makes the region style

Casual, contemporary, traditional, beach lifestyle, other


Is “traditional” an area trend?

Furnish the rental to feel special, not just old but intentionally vintage


Does the accommodation lacks of furniture and budget? Consider of the “Boutique Experience”

Treat the rental as an on-consignment / antique store and move stuff from retails to the place and i. make a profit (sell sheets, design items, artwork, etc) and ii. use them as your furniture Optionally, you can add an online store to the digital Guest Book (tablet with attached POS or not) to purchase item from the space

(re)Branding //

Does the business has a logo?

Mention the benefits of having a unique mark and the imperfections (were required) of the current one.


If not, what are the options?

Present a specific strategy to the owner, and start with the reason (eg. You need to compete at a higher level / your brand no longer reflects who you are or it’s outdated / you need to simplify and focus your message / you are launching a new service line)


Is there a room to create a Brand ID?

Make sure that the owner is on board / for small firms the thought is both overwhelming and intimidating


Define the audience / target group / future (not current) business plan

Be holistic (create color scheme and visual styles to promote the offer) and define your messaging platform (stationery, social media, website)


What is the status of the online presence?

Make your thoughts crystal clear


Is there a descend sign / guidance to the rental?

Y/N - Clear signage is essential


Does the property has a guidebook?

Avoid the .doc file, suggest to design the layouts and promote the information more graphically

Marketing //

Do you have professional (marketing) photos & videos?

Photos are #1 for your marketing plan remind the pro your property theme (eg. “Romance”)


Does the rental have a unique / iconic focal point aka a social media moment?

The entry/lead photo (in the website) has to be the money shot.


Where is your promo material? (Social media, Blogging, Booking (Host) Site, current website, Travel Guides & Magazines, etc). How do you advertise your property?

Suggest the SEO (Search Engine Optimization), pay-per-click marketing and a catching phrase – if you outspend your competition, you capture clients’ eyes first (+) Create internet ads to get people booking the vacation rental


Do you have any offers for special guests?

Make valuable discounts (at least 30%) for mind-term (3 to 4 weeks) rentals


Present / introduce owners to the public as experts or guides, even if they are new in the business – this creates familiarity & builds trust

Post photos of them drinking wine or participating in other activities – they need to position their brand as an expert

Experiences //

Do you have a House Guide Book (city maps, vehicle rentals, local market, useful phones – contacts)?

Create something unique, with exclusive top-5 experiences – show to your guests how to live like a local


Add a Recommendation Board (suggestion list) with activities:

Two cheap solutions: chalkboard wall or a Digital Guest Book to map out their day


in nature




Sigh-seeing agro tourism


Handcrafts Shopping Hot spots Other

Sports, tracking, scuba diving, sailing, fishing, horse riding, etc Dining / cooking lessons, wine / food tasting, delicacies, etc Windmills, landmarks Wineries, farms, local product industries (fabricas, oil mills) Workshops Local treats & goodies (products) Nightlife / entertainment scene Eg. Professional vacation photographer


Is there a room for in-house guest experiences?

Barbeque cooking class, cocktail preparation, gathering events, etc


Find a tour-guide expert or magazine to help you organize your Guide Book

Include untapped, unknown and roughedged experiences and tips (price range, kids friendly places, etc)

Conclusion //

Operations: does it work for your guests? Design: Did we make it there? Experiences: everything has to be a perfect, anticipated experience

Y/N Say no more. Nailed it.


Summarize goal based on new room rates

€ X15(nights/month) X12 > Year profit


Any after-sale suggestions for us?

Follow up customer reviews


Suggestions for the final touches & the details:

Eg. Remove bottle labels (thoughtful and not too commercial), create imperfections to your welcoming basket (if something is too perfect people don’t feel like they can touch it) and always deliver what you’re advertising on site


Pick specific amenities photos to point out what contemporary hosting means



To sum-up: “You only get out (profit-wise) what you put in. When we leave, this is your business.


Tips //

Give your business a promo heading – hit all the points in the title / add a description of 50-100 words max

“Romantic Seattle Getaway Rental”


Tips from a professional photographer:

i. Let in as much natural light as possible, ii. Get in the corners and shoot all four corners of the room, iii. don’t take up - down photos, only straight on / Shoot details / Use drone for exteriors


The riches (profits) are always in the niches (smaller piece of the pie) – eg. 14000 rentals in the area, but only 100 of them can host 10+ guests.

From client’s point view you’re a target – offer & demand. Clarify your rental category and best the competition


Three new design rules:

i. Black color unifies surfaces and hide imperfections, ii. put mirrors strategically and iii. specify / frame the focal points


Website top-three recommendations:

i. Great, professional photography, ii. Good description, iii. Reviews – build a good rapport with guests to leave a great review that acts as a testimonial / credential for future guests

“Nestled on famed Lake Union is the romantic Seattle Lakeside Love Nest. The jewel in the crown of this houseboat is the luxurious master suite with views across the harbor. In addition, a new state-of-the-art European galley kitchen offers the ability for cooking fresh delicacies from Pike Place Market. Last but not least, escape into an upper library or hang al fresco on the deck and enjoy your perfect view of the Seattle skyline.”

Quotes //

Think the rental property as a three-leg stool: marketing, operations & experiences


Treat visitors as Guests and not as customers


“Turn your property from one-star disappointment to a 5-star stay”


“Create a memorable experience for your guests” - “The experience must be flawless”


“We are not cooking Easter meal on an accommodation”


“The art of pricing is to make yourself competitive”


“With some killer marketing, together with the redesign and the rebranding, we can weave the property’s story”


“The rule of thump when the guests arrive, for the little accoutrements, is this: whatever you’re charging for the (first) night, take 10% of it to spend on goodies”


“More expensive (for high-end rentals) means less stuff, higher quality”


“Bedding is a place were you never pull back on the budget – it’s a real investment”


Photos, video and Blogging are the lifeblood of how you find business.

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