WINTER 2011, Volume XXXV, Number 4
The Dachshund Club of America Newsletter Lynne Dahlén, Editor 9086 Daniels 70 Siren, WI 54872 Official DCA Website:
! !"#$%&'%$( "#$%&'%$()* )*+,-.+ +,-.+$/0 /0$$12+345 2+345 Sun., Sun., April April 8 Tues. April Tu es. Ap ril 1100 Wed. April April We d. A pril 1111- FFri. r i. A pril 1133
VST Tracking Test—Location GA area), T r a c k in g T est—Location TTBA BA ((N. N. G A ar ea), TD /TDX C ombined Te st – Loc ation TTBA BA ((N. N. G A ar TD/TDX Combined Test Location GA area), ea), Ro ck S pring, GA-GA-- Look out B eagle C lub G rounds Rock Spring, Lookout Beagle Club Grounds D achshund C lub of M etropolitan A tlanta FField ield TTrial Dachshund Club Metropolitan Atlanta rial aand nd Da chshund Cl ub ooff A merica FField ield TTrial ria l Dachshund Club America Da chshund Club Club ooff M etropolitan Atlanta Atlanta Earthdog Earthdog T Dachshund Metropolitan Test est Da chshund Cl ub ooff A merica Earthdog Earthdog Te st Dachshund Club America Test Check-in aatt Mountain Mountain C reek IInn, nn, C allaway G a rd e n s Check-in Creek Callaway Gardens Da chshund Cl ub ooff A m e ric a A gility; We lc o m e H Dachshund Club America Agility; Welcome Hospitality ospitality by DCMA DCMA Da chshund Cl ub of M etropolitan A tlanta Sp ecialty 11-Rally Dachshund Club Metropolitan Atlanta Specialty Conformation BOB -Rally aand nd Co nformation tthrough h ro u g h B OB Da chshund Cl ub of M etropolitan A tlanta Specialty Specialty 22-- Ob Dachshund Club Metropolitan Atlanta Obedience BOB edience and and Conformation Conformation through through B OB Ho st cclub lub ddinner—Beach inner—Beach Pa Host Party rty Da chshund Cl ub ooff A Dachshund Club America Annual Meeting 9:00 m e ric a A nnual M eeting – 9: 00 AM Da chshund Cl ub ooff A Dachshund Club America Sweepstakes Rally m e ric a S weepstakes & Ra lly Da chshund Cl ub ooff A Dachshund Club America Board Meeting m e ric a B o a rd M eeting Da chshund Cl ub ooff A Dachshund Club America Classes Winners; merica ––Regular Regular Cl asses tthrough h ro u g h W inners; Non-Regular Non-Regular cclasses; la s s e s ; BO V ffor or oone ne Va BOV Variety Variety) riety ((smallest smallest eentry ntry iinn Va r ie t y ) Da chshund Cl ub ooff A Dachshund Club America Obedience merica Ob e d ie n c e Da chshund Cl ub ooff A Dachshund Club America Varieties Parades merica ––Remaining Remaining ttwo wo V arieties BOV, BOV, Intervariety, Intervariety, Pa ra d e s Da chshund Cl ub ooff A Dachshund Club America Annual Awards Dinner m e ric a A nnual A wards Di nner Ch eck-out Check-out
Sat.t. A April Sa pril 1144Sun. April Su n. Ap ril 1155 Sun. April April Su n. Ap ril 115-Mon. 5-Mon. A pril 1166 Mon. April Mo n. A pril 1166 Tues., April Tu e s ., A pril 17 Wed. April We d. A pril 1188 Th u rs . A pril 1199 Thurs. April Fr i., A pril 2200 Fri., April Sa t., Ap ril 2211 Sat., April Su n. Ap ril 22 Sun. April
6/54 6/54$6 6/4+.$730/89:4;/3$ /4+.$7300/89:4;/3$ Conformation Events
Mountain Creek Inn at Hi ghway 2277 S outh, Pi ne Mo u n ta in , G A 331822 1822 Highway South, Pine Mountain, GA $105 per night night ((includes includes ent ry pas nto C allaway Gardens) Gardens) entry passs iinto Callaway or ccall all 1-800-225-5292-1-800-225-5292-- DCA ccode ode 78D2W6 78D2W6 Reserve online R eser errve onl ine aatt www.
Co Co-Chairs -Chairs$ $$$$$$$
! 30/89:4;/3 "/34:)4 "/34:)4!##30/89:4;/3
Anne and Jim Carson Carson
$$$$$$$Agility, Agility, O Obedience, bedience, Rally Rally Sharon Jordan Holly Deeds
Fi Field$Events eld$Events aand nd Mo Motor to r H Homes omes Robert Schwalbe
Show Secr Secretary etary Foy Trent www. tp://$ www.!!!!!ht
Pictured below right: (with Charlene handling) AKC Champion at 10 months (over nationally ranked dogs from the 9-12 puppy class)
Sire: DC Jagie’s Sunkissed Phoenix Dam: CH Setser's Crème De Chloe Breeders: Miki Perry, Shari & Brad Setser
Pictured below left: (with handler Donald Rodgers) Grand Champion at 20 months Pictured with Badger: Canadian Champion at 30 months (last points by handler Larry Clark)
Razor is headed for Field Trials and Earthdog. He is built for what he was bred for. Available to approved bitches.
Owners: Herman & Charlene Shuping Lewiston, Idaho Dachshund Club of America
WINTER, 2011
board of directors
2nd Vice President
Recording Secretary
Carl Holder 1130 Redoak Drive Lumberton, TX 77657 (409) 755-6569
Fran Colonna 700 Maple Lane Lansing, KS 66043-6221 (913) 727-2246
Dr. Jean Dieden 3535 E. Swede Hill Road Clinton, WA 98236 (360) 579-2725
1st Vice President
Corresponding Secretary
Neal Hamilton 59 Cloverhill Road Flemington, NJ 08822-1947 (908) 782-4724
Ken Levison 360 North Avenue Avon, NY 14414-9501 (585) 226-6254
Cheryl Shultz 3817 Seven Oaks Drive Corona, CA 92881 (951) 279-8252
Class of 2011
Class of 2012
Class of 2013
Lisa Warren P.O. Box 923 Fogelsville, PA 18051 (610) 285-6425
Robert Wlodkowski 2710 Valley Farm Road Waxhaw, NC 28173 (704) 843-5858
Marci Forrester 17100 Oyster Bay Rd. #A Gulf Shores, AL 36542 (334) 967-3403
Cheryl Snedaker-Sims P.O. Box 239 Madison, NH 03849-0239 (603) 367-4520
Paul Martin 7417 Lost Creek Court Marshall, VA 20115 (540) 364-0069
Emma Jean Stephenson 3040 Old Darlington Road Beaver Falls, PA 15010 (724) 846-6745
Anne Carson 3520 Nancy Creek Rd. NW Atlanta, GA 30327-2406 (404) 237-9245
Liz Heywood 30 Starbarrack Road Red Hook, NY 12571-2249 (845) 758-8088
Jerry Cerasini 14775 Wood Road Alpharetta, GA 3004-3036 (770) 475-3152
Cathy Sorenson 852 Skylark Place Oak Harbor, WA 98277-7931 (360) 279-1698
Robert Schwalbe 71 Valley Way Pendergrass, GA 30567 (706) 693-7142
Vicki Spencer 2650 Holland Drive Owensboro, KY 42303-2723 (270) 316-0051
AKC Delegate Larry Sorenson 112 Two Does Lane Clayton, NC 27550-8492 (919) 550-7631
No DCA publication, or any part therein, may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever, either in magazines, media, or for advertising purposes, etc., without prior written permission from the Dachshund Club of America. Please contact Anne Carson regarding the DCA Newsletter and Phyllis Rosinsky regarding the DCA Illustrated Standard. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
ON THE COVER DC Hathor Farm’s New Attitude W, CD RA TD NA NAJ JE CA Congratulations to Meg Weiss and Jean Dieden on “Lois’s” achievements – another exceptional and multi-talented dog! See page 17 for her story. Remember, any dog that receives the 7 different AKC titles they are eligible for, or receives an AKC Triple Championship is eligible for a newsletter cover. Please contact the editor! Dachshund Club of America
WINTER, 2011
6 Advertisers Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Health & Welfare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 New Applicants, New Members . . . . . . .
Report on AKC/CHF Parent Club Canine Health Conference submitted by Charlotte Borghardt
This is a biennial conference held in St Louis, MO to discuss various health issues and new innovations in the field of canine health research. This year, the majority of topics were cancer related. I will write separate article for the cancer related topics. However, there were other topics discussed as well such as: The History of Veterinary Medicine and Canine Research, Coping with Stress, Canine Degenerative Myelopathy, AKC Breeder of Merit Program and also an update on the health of the 9-11 Search and Rescue dogs.
submitted by Charlotte Borghardt
Genetics Revisted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . by Jeanne Rice
Field Trials 101. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . by John Merriman
Newest 7-Way Titled Dachshund . . .
by Meg Weiss and Jean Dieden
Thank You to Former Committee Chairs . . . . . . . . .
Field Trials 101
Therapy and Reading Dachshunds Two Stories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
by “Carmen” with help from John Merriman
photo by Jolanta Jeanneney
29, 34
I always had to remind myself that the object was never to hunt down and kill the rabbit, only to trail it by scenting, making the correct turns and checks that the rabbit made when the beaters pushed it out to the brush to make it run. Boy, it was tempting to just take off and try to catch that little guy! I was so excited about scenting rabbits that I don’t even remember who my bracemate was! No matter...we had to run both dog stakes before our class, anyway. It was now 8 am and the gallery of beaters and excited handlers assembled at the gates to the grounds to start the trials.
by VieVie Baird and Diane Jones
How the DCA Obedience and Agility Top Tens are Calculated. . . .
by Holly Deeds
DCA Health and Welfare Trust Fund Donor Report. . . . . . . . .
by Ruth Robins
Above and Below Ground . . . . . . . .
by Claire Mancha
Therapy and Reading Dogs
56 AKC Delegates Report . . . . . . . . . . . 59
by VieVie Baird and Diane Jones
by Larry Sorenson
The Companions for Therapy (ComForT) program based in Tallahassee, Florida ( is a volunteer animal-therapy group affiliated with the Delta Society ( The Delta Society helps people live healthier and happier lives by incorporating therapy, service, and companion animals into their lives. ComForT provides services to retirement homes, hospitals, hospice, rehabilitation facilities, child dependency and criminal courts, schools, and libraries. There are hundreds of these volunteer groups throughout the U.S. affiliated with Delta Society.
2013 DCA Host Club Change. . . . . .
2013 Field & Earthdog Judges Nomination Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Upcoming Specialties. . . . . . . . . . . .
Above & Below Ground
by Claire Mancha As many of you field trialers know, we on the west coast run our field trials on open land. Apparently beagle clubs never caught on in the wild, wild west as they did in other regions of the US. These open grounds are usually a pretty good arrangement for us in the Pacific Northwest as there is little or no work involved in the maintenance of the grounds by the using clubs. Increasing the rabbit population and carving grids in my local grounds has been an obsession of mine ever since I saw the luxurious beagle grounds back in the Midwest. My poor roommates have spent many weekends with me chain sawing and weed eating the local flora...
Dachshund Club of America
WINTER, 2011
by Robert Schwalbe
63 Field Trial Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Specialty Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Election Results. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Diaster Survival Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 DCA Board Minutes . . . . . . . . . . . . .
by William Given
76 DCA 2011 DVD Order Form . . . . . . 77 Whelping Box. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 “Braggin’ Rites” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Letters to & from the Editor . . . . . 79 Nationals 2012 Information . . . . . IBC Newsletter Policies . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(Ch. Sleepytime’s Legacy ML & Sleepytime’s Sangria ML) Rocky is pictured finishing his Championship at Mid-Atlantic Hound Association going WB/BW/BOB/Group 4. Thank you Breeder Judge Howard Atlee for this nice win. Rocky was twice Best In Sweeps and won 3 Specialty majors. First to finish in his litter was Ch. Sleepytime’s Positively A Princess ML owned by Kathy Knoll and handled by Angie Lloyd. Versatile “Jade” is in training for Agility (2 legs), Rally (2 legs), and Field Trials.
1528 Mason Road Durham, NC 27712 919-471-2218 • Dachshund Club of America
WINTER, 2011
(Ch. Sleepytime’s Legacy ML & Sleepytime’s Sangria ML) Third to finish is “Amber”, pictured with Breeder Judge Frank Canestrini. Amber won 3 Specialty majors and Best of Variety at the Alabama Dachshund Club from the Puppy class. She has been bred GCh. Midnight Fashion Plate ML owned by James Hall. Last pup in the litter is “Sparky” who we hope to start in the spring. Good work “Andy” and “Brandy”. What a fun litter this has been!
1528 Mason Road Durham, NC 27712 919-471-2218 • Dachshund Club of America
WINTER, 2011
MEMBER ADVERTISERS Arnold/Jarbsy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
NEW MEMBERS Jo Anne McCraw 7929 Walnut Dr.‚ Alvarado, TX 76009 Garret Rogers (JR)‚ 302 W. Coal St.‚ Hobbs, NM 88240
Bermke/White Ridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
Also Welcome Marleen Yann, who will be a dual membership with her husband Ronald at the same address, also Deedy Sorenson who will be a dual member with her husband Larry.
NEW APPLICANTS John and Barbara Fabelo, Hamilton, OH 45011 (Carol Spritzer and Carlos Puig)
Blatz/Summerhill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
Amber Leonard (JR)‚ 3330 SE Oak St.‚ Portland, OR 97214
Brunner/Barkerville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54
Charles and Sheila DeLashmutt 239 Park Creek Dr.‚ Woodstock, GA 30188
Barbara Dubitsky Sarasota, FL 34242 (Mary Castoral and Charles Baris)
Burnett . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50
Karen Staggs 3031 W. Lawrence Rd.‚ Hobbs, NM 88242
Azalea Alvarez, Southwest Ranches, FL 33330 (Susan Botsakis and Dianne Graham)
Business Card Corner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71
Nancy Yeoman and Mary Kendall 5307 Macy Lane‚ Fort Wayne, IN 46818
Bernadette Wagner, Eland, WI 54427 (Anne Schmidt and Sharron White)
Connie Durfee 162 South Cooley St.‚ Grantsville, UT 84029
Maryanne Santomauro, Brooklyn, NY 11209‚ (Trudy Kawami and Teddy Moritz)
Maxine Lane 2329 Rattlesnake Dr.‚ Missoula, MT 59802
Cris Foss-Tietz, Carlton, MN 5718 (Carolyn Casoria & Kathleen Johnson)
Carlson/JT’s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 DCA 2012 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IBC Dionne/Wagsmore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 Fuselier-Ellis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Geiser/Insight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46 Graham/Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49
They have crossed the bridge...
Holder/Candachs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Johnson, Starbarrack/J’s . . . . . . . . . . . . .44 Jones/Sleepytime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Janis Horvath-Marti
Louisvill DC Spring Specialty . . . . . . . . .80 Mann/Glenarrif . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 McConnell/Ali’i AK Inu Kennels . . . . . .18 Patterson CORRECTION . . . . . . . . . . . .53 Purina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IFC Ray/Raydachs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 Sandoval/Sandachs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 Senff/Dynadaux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36
Please contact the editor and DCA secretary if you know of one of our members that has recently passed away. SEE THE DCA NEWSLETTER ON THE INTERNET Editor, Advertising Coordinator, Graphic Design, Layout and Production: Lynne M. Dahlén Contact: or 715-349-2566 Editorial Assistant: Chuck Dahlén ARTICLE CONTRIBUTORS VieVie Baird, Charlotte Borghardt, Holly Deeds, Jean Dieden, William Given, Carl Holder, Diane Jones, Claire Mancha, John Merriman, Jeanne Rice, RuthAnn Robins, Robert Schwalbe, Larry Sorenson, Meg Weiss
Shearer/Lilliputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42
PRINTER/MAILING Modern Litho-Print Co., Jefferson City, Missouri
Shuping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
The Dachshund Club of America Inc., The Dachshund Club of America Board of Directors, and the Editor of the Dachshund Club of America Quarterly Newsletter (magazine) are not responsible for the content of any advertisement, solicited or unsolicited editorials, letters or articles that may appear in the newsletter. The content of any advertisement, editorial, letter or article that appears in the Dachshund Club of America Newsletter is the sole responsibility of its advertiser or author.
Taylor/Brandachs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Taylor/MT’s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38
Dachshund Club of America
WINTER, 2011
(Ch. Candachs Zeke X Darshan Liberty of Candachs)
Biff pictured finishing his Championship under Breeder Judge Michelle Randall in July 2011 at the Houston Dachshund Club Specialty show. Biff finished with three majors from the Bred-by class. His type and temperament are excellent.
Breeder Owner Handled Carl & Candy Holder 409-755-6569 • Dachshund Club of America
WINTER, 2011
Ch. Hundeleben Nester The Molester X Ch. Insight’s Venetia RN
Thank you to breeder judges Lorraine Simmons and “Cookie” Roush for specialty majors. Yahtzee finished from the BBE classes.
Breeder/owner/handler: Ronda Bermke • Dachshund Club of America
WINTER, 2011
Ch. Hundeleben Nester The Molester X Ch. Insight’s Venetia RN
Thank you to breeder Judge Lorraine Simmons for finding these littermates for WD/BOW and WB at the Central Iowa Dachshund Club Specialty for 4 point majors. Cinder is owned and handled by Linda Sullivan. Yahtzee was Best in Sweepstakes at the Badger Dachshund Club Show in March, thank you breeder Judge Ray Parrish; and Cinder was Best in Sweepstakes at the Central Iowa Dachshund Club Show in September, thank you breeder Judge Carolyn Casoria.
Dachshund Club of America
WINTER, 2011
Welcome to the “Health and Welfare” segment of the Newsletter. It is hoped that DCA members will submit ideas for this section of the magazine as well as articles about experiences pertaining to the healthcare of their dogs that will be of interest to other readers.
Please send ideas, suggestions and articles to: Charlotte Borghardt, DCA Health & Welfare Committee, P.O. Box 1126, Sierra Vista, AZ 85636-1126,
Report on AKC/CHF Parent Club Canine Health Conference submitted by Charlotte Borghardt, Chairman, DCA Health Committee I was the DCA representative to the Canine Health Conference from 12 – 14 August 2011. This is a biennial conference held in St Louis, MO to discuss various health issues and new innovations in the field of canine health research. This year, the majority of topics were cancer related. I will write separate article for the cancer related topics. However, there were other topics discussed as well such as: The History of Veterinary Medicine and Canine Research, Coping with Stress, Canine Degenerative Myelopathy, AKC Breeder of Merit Program and also an update on the health of the 9-11 Search and Rescue dogs. Coping with Stress: Dr. Arleigh Reynolds, is a Nestle Purina Nutrition Scientist in Salcha, Alaska. His study used sled dogs based in Alaska. To say that this presentation was interesting is an understatement. The stress factor in the dogs in this study was the use of
exercise. Dr. Reynolds found that moderate exercise improves the immune system; however, extreme exercise impairs the immune systems. There were three Immune Enhancing supplements studied: • Probiotics – These must be primarily live organisms and need to be administered in large amounts (8-10 CFU per dog per day). They help the immune system to work better. Studies have shown that some dead bacteria may be as effective as live bacteria and the dead also becomes nutrients for the live bacteria. Probiotics clear up diarrhea faster and more effectively than any antibiotics unless there is a systemic reason for the diarrhea. • Immuno biologics (EBC and Colostrum) stimulate the immune system to function at a higher level of competence. Egg Biologic Compounds (EBC) are from hens that have been immunized against potential pathogens. The EBC stabilizes the gut microflora and lowers potential for diarrhea, infection and intestinal inflammation. Colostrum was shown to increase the stability of micro flora to prevent diarrhea and also increased titers from vaccines for a better vaccine response. • Antioxidents – Vitamin E and C were found to dampen the effects of training. Do NOT supplement these vitamins!! Exercise Dachshund Club of America
WINTER, 2011
encourages the body to make its own antioxidents. Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) – Diagnosis and Treatment – There is no known cause of IBD. Studies suggest that interplay between genetic factors and entire bacteria are crucial for development of this disease. The clinical signs include vomiting, diarrhea and weight loss and histopathologic lesions of inflammation that may involve the stomach, small intestine or colon. IBD diagnosis is one of exclusion – rule everything else out. Treatment includes both dietary and pharmacologic interventions as well as therapeutic manipulation of the enteric microbiota through the use of antibiotics, prebiotics and probiotics. IBD is similar to Krohn’s disease or colitis in humans. Canine Degenerative Myelopathy – This disease was first discovered in German Shepherd Dogs in 1973. It is a spontaneously occurring, adult-onset progressive disease that leads to paralysis and death. Most dogs are at least 8-years-old before they show clinical signs. The initial clinical signs are upper motor neuron asymmetric spastic weakness and general proprioceptive ataxia in the pelvic limbs. That eventually leads to paralysis. Dog owners often elect euthanasia within a year of diagnosis. A
definitive diagnosis of Dm can only be accomplished postmortem. This disease is very similar to Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (Lou Gehrig’s disease) in humans. While they are still studying other factors that may cause DM, the DNA test may show those “at risk” dogs but not necessarily those who will “get it.” AKC Breeder of Merit Program - Formulating the Breeder of Merit Health Criteria – The AKC Breeder of Merit program honors breeders/exhibitor’s dedication and hard work as they continue to produce dogs that are healthy, capable and beautiful. AKC is not
pushing to “raise the bar” in the parent club requirements for health testing. This program is to recognize those breeders who “go the extra mile” in ensuring that their dogs are health tested and the parent clubs are responsible to setting the health testing criteria. Granted that not all canine diseases have DNA or health testing available, but the minimum requirement should be the CHIC requirements for each breed. NOTE: At this time, DCA has no health testing requirements in spite of the fact that we do participate in the CHIC program. See DCA Newsletter “Winter
2010” for CHIC program information. Results of Study of 9-11 Search and Rescue Dogs – AKC contributed almost $500,000 to fund a study on the long term health impacts on 95 search and rescue dogs that had been deployed to the WTC, Pentagon and New Jersey landfills. Researchers also used a control group of SAR dogs that had not been deployed to these sites. The main result was that there were no significant increases in health issues of the deployed dogs as opposed to the non-deployed dogs. They were not developing the respiratory problems as their human counterparts. !
USEFUL LINKS – CANINE HEALTH RESEARCH Research Participation - Searchable Genetic Tests – Grant Sponsorships – Research Success Stories – Glossary of Terms – Educational Podcasts and Videos – Orthopedic Foundation for Animals – Canine Health Information Center – Canine Comparative Oncology and Genomics consortium (CCOGC) Canine Hereditary Cancer Consortium – Canine Genetic Diseases Network – Colorado State University- Animal Cancer Center –
Dog Owners Live Longer, Are Happier & Healthier Academic research has revealed that dog owners are happier, healthier and likely to live longer. Whilst it has been established for some time that pet ownership makes people happier, it has now been shown that the benefits of owning a dog outstrip those of cat or any other animal. A psychologist from Queen’s University, Belfast, said dog owners tended to have lower blood pressure and cholesterol. Writing in the British Journal of Health Psychology, she says that regular “walkies” may partly explain the difference. Dr. Deborah Wells reviewed dozens of earlier research papers which looked at the health benefits of pet ownership.
In some cases, the research even ventured as far to suggest the social support offered by an animal is greater than the support than another human could offer. She confirmed that pet owners tended in general to be healthier than the average member of the population. As well as lower blood and cholesterol levels, dog-owners suffered fewer minor ailments and serious medical problems than owners of other pets such as cats. It has been believed for some time that dogs can assist people in recovery from serious illnesses such as heart attacks, and act as “early warning” to detect an approaching epileptic seizure. This research adds further strength to the claim. Dogs as Stress Relief Dr. Wells was not totally sure why, exactly, dogs are so beneficial to our health: “It is possible that dogs can directly promote our well-being by buffering us from stress, one of the major risk factors associated with ill-health. The ownership of a dog can also lead to increases in physical activity and facilitate the development of social contacts, which may enhance both physiological and psychological human health in a more indirect manner.”
Dachshund Club of America
WINTER, 2011
Genetics Revisited submitted by Jeanne Rice
COAT VARIETY BREEDING POSSIBLITIES Wirehair coat is dominant over Smooth and Longhair coats. Smooth coat is dominant over Longhair coats Longhair is a recessive and can only produce longhairs. (Longhairs cannot carry wire or smooth genes) (Note: there are modifiers that can influence the texture and length of the coat in each variety, but we are only going to deal with the coat variety here.) What we see as the dog’s coat variety is known as the phenotype. What
the actual genes a dog possess are known as the Genotype. We will be dealing with phenotypes in these examples. The sire and dam each contribute one gene for coat variety. WIREHAIR BRED TO WIREHAIR POSSIBILITIES (Wires may carry the smooth or the longhair gene.) 1. Wire not carrying smooth or longhair x Wire not carrying smooth or longhair = 100% Wirehair not carrying the smooth or longhair gene. 2. Wire not carrying smooth or longhair x Wire carrying smooth = 50% Wire not carrying smooth or long and 50% Wire carrying smooth. 3. Wirehair carrying smooth x Wirehair carrying smooth = 25%. Wire not carrying smooth, 50% wire carrying smooth, 25% Smooth 4. Wire carrying smooth x Wire carrying smooth = 25% Wire not carrying smooth, 50% Wire carrying smooth, 25% smooth. 5. Wire not carrying smooth or longhair x Wire carrying longhair = 50% Wire, 50% Wire carrying long. Dachshund Club of America
WINTER, 2011
6. Wire carrying long x Wire carrying long – 25% Wire not carrying long, 50% Wire carrying long, 25% long. 7. Wire carrying smooth x Wire carrying long = 25% Wire not carrying smooth or long, 25% Wire carrying smooth, 25% Wire carrying long, 25% Smooth carrying long. SMOOTH BRED TO SMOOTH POSSIBILITIES (Smooths may carry the longhair gene) 1. Smooth not carrying longhair x Smooth not carrying longhair = 100% Smooth not carrying longhair. 2. Smooth not carrying longhair x Smooth carrying longhair = 50% Smooth not carrying longhair. 50% Smooth carrying longhair. 3. Smooth carrying longhair x Smooth carrying longhair = 25% Smooth not carrying longhair, 50% Smooth carrying longhair, 25% longhair. 4. Smooth not carrying longhair x Longhair = 100% Smooth all carrying longhair. LONGHAIR BRED TO LONGHAIR POSSIBILITIES (Longs cannot carry the smooth or wirehair gene) Longhair bred to Longhair will produce ONLY Longhair.
: 1 2 3 4 5 9 10 20 30 40 50 100
(aa) 25.00 11.11 6.25 4.00 2.78 1.00 .83 .23 .10 .06 .04 .01
(Aa) 50.00 44.44 37.50 32.00 27.78 18.00 16.53 9.07 6.24 4.76 3.84 1.96
(AA) 25.00 44.44 56.25 64.00 69.44 81.00 82.64 90.70 93.65 95.18 96.12 98.03
USING A PUNNET SQUARE TO DETERMINE POSSIBLE COAT VARIETY INHERITANCE Capital letters indicate the dominant coat variety. Lower case letters indicate the recessive coat variety
STEP 1: Draw a square with four boxes:
STEP 2: Place one letter for each of the two genes
You can use the punnet square with any coat variety combinations.
of one parent outside and at the top of each box of the punnet square. In this case we will use a Wire parent not carrying smooth or longhair.
STEP 3: Place one letter for each of the two genes of the other parent outside and along the left side of the punnet square. In this case we will use a Wire parent that does carry a gene for smooth.
STEP 4: Enter one letter from the top line, first column and enter it in the top left box. Then add the letter from the first row to the left of the square and add it to what you have in the first Box. Continue this procedure for each box and each row.
Dachshund Club of America
Each box in the square represents 25% of the possibilities for this breeding. You can see that all of the puppies will be wirehair, but 50% will be Wire not carrying the smooth gene and 50% will be Wire carrying the smooth gene.
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[Note: These figures represent the lifetime averages for breeding. It is possible to have different percentages in different litters, depending on how Mother Nature decides to combine the genes at the time of conception. The chances, in addition to being over a lifetime, are also chances per puppy, the chances are not nesessarily per litter.] Also, according to “Principles of Genetics� by Sinnott, Dunn & Dobzhansky, since the dominant gene masks the recessive gene, we still have a 1.96% possibility of the recessive gene persisting into the 100th generation.
FIELD TRIALS 101: A DACHSHUND’S EYE VIEW OF NOSEWORK By DC Siddachs Carmen MW (“Carmen”), With Contributions by John Merriman “It’s time,” I thought to myself as I eyed my best friend and handler, John. I had been waiting patiently for him to wake up as he slept in our motel bed with his arm around me under the covers. “It’s time.” I stared at John’s sleeping face hoping–almost daring–him to wake up and begin another glorious day of field teamwork. Finally, after almost an eternity of waiting, John opened one eye in my direction. My tail started thumping. “Good morning, Carmen...I LOVE you!” he sighed. “Wanna hunt for rabbits?” I froze. Now, THAT’S what I wanted to hear! I leapt on his chest, and began licking his face madly as the 6 am alarm sounded. After his laughing and my barking subsided, we began our field trial rituals and preparations. I jumped off the bed and ran into my crate while John got my food. (I love that part.) He turned on the local weather as I ate ravenously. “Great!” I thought. “Another beautiful day for scenting....BRISK but beautiful.” (Brisk weather usually means better scenting since coldness holds scent longer.) John couldn’t move fast enough to get us ready as far as I was concerned. But soon he put on that awful denim jacket and loaded up the car, and we were on our way–one of us in a crate–to the beagle club. I know the way by heart, and I know how long it takes to get to the beagle club’s gravel driveway... We were right on time for John’s breakfast, my ex-pen duties and the field trial roll call of dog entries. Judging from all the other dogs, cars and RVs, I could tell it was going to be a huge number of entries and the competition would be fierce. “I hope I get braced with you, Carmen, “barked Maui, a red standard longhair dachshund from Texas, “but not until the finals in Second Series.” (There was no mistaking that drawl in her bark.) “Me too–red girls rule!” I barked back to Maui’s ex-pen. But Maui didn’t answer; she had quickly trotted off to a corner of her pen to make a rather large deposit. Nerves, I guess. I looked away. “Excuse me, Carmen, but BOYS rule!” barked Ripper, a chocolate dapple longhair male from
Philly in the arms of his hurried owner, Alice. “We’ll see about that, Ripper, “ I said, smiling slyly. Ripper huffed indignantly. “Hey Carmen, who is that black-and-tan longhair bitch over there? She’s pretty.” asked Guinness, another longhair straining at the leash. “Oh, that’s Marie. She lives in Virginia with
her owners, Mike and Phyllis, and she’s a friend of Darter, the mini longhair down there. She’s a new Field Champion,” I replied. I stopped. And I remembered again what it took to become a Field Champion. As I listened to roll call from my ex-pen, and I heard the club members read 130 entries–the largest entry of the year–I thought about what got me to the field champion stakes at just 7 months old. I had won my required 35 points (and then some) in the three Open class trials with the three required placements, one if which had to be a First Place. Dachshund Club of America
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I always had to remind myself that the object was never to hunt down and kill the rabbit, only to trail it by scenting, making the correct turns and checks that the rabbit made when the beaters pushed it out to the brush to make it run. Boy, it was tempting to just take off and try to catch that little guy! I heard them call the bracing for each of the classes inside the clubhouse. Each class–Open Dog, Open Bitch and Field Champions–all had to have paired braces of dachshunds called in their running order. In this case, the Field Champions were split into Dogs and Bitches because of the large number of entries. After bracing was completed, both judges in each class were introduced. My class of Field Champions had judges Sharon from Louisiana and Tracy from Texas...I like them...they are very nice, and I was excited to get started, even though my friend Brooke, a standard smooth from Massachusetts would not be coming. She had been the # 1 Nationallyranked Field Champion for the last two years. I guess her owner, Michael, had to work again. I was so excited about scenting rabbits that I don’t even remember who my bracemate was! No matter...we had to run both dog stakes before our class, anyway. It was now 8 am and the gallery of beaters and excited handlers assembled at the gates to the grounds to start the trials of the Open Dog and Field Champion Dog classes in separate fields. Some handlers were ready, and others were frantically putting slip-leads on their dogs in order to release them later in competition. I waited in my ex-pen impatiently as John went out to beat for rabbits in the Field Champion Dog class. Ashley from Texas and Randy from Virginia were the judges, and they had their work cut out for them. Each brace of champions was better than the next! The beaters went bravely through the brush, and the rabbits went running as they came. Each pair of dogs was put down on the scent line and the judges gave instructions to the dogs’ handlers each time. After each of the 19 dogs finished competing in First Series, the Field Marshall, (the liason between the gallery, beaters, handlers and the judges) announced which of the highest-scoring continued on page 16...
BOW at NMDC Specialty April 27th, under Breeder judge Diane Graham (major win) BOW at Mid State Miniature Dachshund Club April 28th, under Breeder judge Art Sanderson – pictured above (major win) BOW at Magic Valley Kennel Club April 30th, under Basset Breeder judge Robert Opeka (major win) BISS at Manitoba Dachshund Club Specialty July 2nd, under Breeder judge Thom Nesbitt BOSS at the Prairie Dachshund Club Specialty July 3rd, under Breeder judge Dave Swartwood
My thanks to my fellow breeders for all these wins AND the very nice compliments that accompanied each award!! Always shown by Breeder/Owner Patricia Taylor
Brandachs Perm. Reg’d. • Dachshund Club of America
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FIELD TRIALS 101 continued from page 14...
dogs would advance to the finals in Second Series. In this case, the champions called back were Ripper, Cash, Duditz (all longhairs from Pennsylvania) and Solomon (a mini smooth from Indiana), and it was a fight to the finish, with each handler positioning themselves to get the best vantage point and position for the dogs to start...and instead of numerical scoring, the dogs were judged on simple defeats over the other dogs. Ranking was determined on the defeats for each series, and ending when no other bracing combinations were needed, and the winners were determined. This stake ended in the order that they were called back, with Ripper winning First Place and qualifying to go on to compete against whoever would win the Field Champion Bitch Stake. That’s where I come in again...but more about that in a minute... Everyone broke for lunch, and the rest of us dogs spread the word that Ripper won, and the winner of the Open Dog stake was Mister, a standard smooth from Ohio, owned by John’s friend Ann. John and I really like the sportsmanship at field trials, and everyone was congratulating the winners at lunch...but I wish John would give me bananas more often...I love them! Soon it was time to go out the field to compete, and John took me out of my ex-pen. “Good luck, Caaaaahmen,” barked my friend Darter. “Good luck to you, too Daaaaahter!” I barked back to her.....she’s a nice little black and tan longhair bitch, and pretty fierce in the field too. I love seeing her at trials. She’s so small that she could fit in a toaster, but she’s a blast. Then it was my turn to compete after the beaters spotted a rabbit and yelled “Tally Ho!” My bracemate and I were put down on the line by our handlers at the request of the judges, who gave us instructions. Once I had the scent, John let my slip lead go out of my collar, and I was free to hunt up the rabbit with my nose. I got the scent right away, and then turned left, and then right again. I zoomed past an intersection of paths, and then had to go back and turn left to follow the scent again. I raced through several changes of cover–thorns, tall grass and paths of low grass...soon I knew I was right on the rabbit and I gave out my special hunting bark to let John know I found it. I really LOVE this part!!!!! I have no idea where my bracemate went, but when the judges called for us to be picked up, she was already back at her handler’s feet! John had me quit hunting and do a “down” for him to signify that this part was over. I had to come back. I hate that part. Nevertheless, all 29 Field Champion Bitches completed First Series, and once again the Field Marshall announced the highest scorers based on skill and accuracy. Four were called back, and I was in second place to Marie, the new
Field Champion! My friend Maui was called back with Guinness, so I was the only wirehaired dachshund among the three longhairs. I knew I had to move fast and accurately since we were scored on defeats now...that Marie needed to watch out–I was ready! “Tally Ho!” Game on again...this bitch meant business... Marie and I were released into the thick brush, and as we were moving, the rabbit bolted out onto the grass path. Marie stayed in the brush, but I swiftly scented my way out and found the rabbit! That was all I needed to win that brace. Now it was up to Marie to hold off Maui to secure my First Place standing. She did, after defeating Guinness earlier. The Field Marshall consulted with the judges and called “Field Trial!” and announced my win over Marie (2nd), Maui (3rd) and Guinness (4th). They also named a non-pointed NBQ (5th place) but I never remember who that one was. Sorry. I do remember that I, as the winner, had to get ready to run against Ripper who won the FC Dog stake. And whoever won that would compete against Mister, the winner of the Open Dog stake for Absolute, the Best in Trial nonregular grand prize award. (First Place in the Open Bitch class of 50 entries was withheld...I don’t think those judges made too many friends that day...I’m just sayin’...) Anyway, Ripper and I sized each other up as the beaters tried to get a rabbit for us. After about 20 minutes, a “Tally Ho!” came and we were off and running again. I never heard the judges’ instructions this time–I hope John did, but I was outta there as soon as he screamed “Find it!”....Ripper and I had our noses down again, desperately searching for scent once again. Sniffing, panting, drooling, leaping, slithering, and running all out... This was a very tough brace, but I finally broke through and left Ripper still searching... “Girls still rule, Ripper, “ I smiled as I cornered the rabbit. I crouched, ready to pounce. (I love that feeling...) Mercifully, the judges called for us to be picked up, and another rabbit at my disposal got to live...sigh... So, since I won that brace for Best Field Champion, I had to go against Mister, the awesome smooth Open Dog winner for the Absolute prize and the 8˝ bronze plaque. The beaters lined up again, and forged ahead to find one last rabbit for us. It seemed like it took forever. The beaters sang and joked and did anything they could to keep the line moving and working. Our adrenaline was pumping and I thought I would explode. My heart was in my ears, and the excitement level was beyond the moon, as it appeared dimly in the sky. “Tally Ho!” OK, this was it...take no prisoners...Momma needs a new pair of’s Miller’s do or die now...the moment of truth...and a whole lot of other cliches filled my little mini Dachshund Club of America
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brain...then...I found the scent. THE BITCH IS BACK! I sprang into action, taking each turn with grace and speed, and thinking of John’s encouraging words the moment before. “You can do it, Carmen,” he whispered. “I LOVE you.” It’s amazing what love can do. From the moment my breeder Sidney held me to this very day with John, I have felt loved. I felt like I had wings as I scented that rabbit...I love to work, but I work out of love...and John’s love gave me wings that day. “Pick them up!” the judges shouted. Then silence. I did a “down” and John came to hold me...very tightly. The judges conferred, and then motioned for the Field Marshall to approach. After a moment, he walked to the gallery and announced. “Field Trial!” It was all over now...but who won? Silence. The Field Marshall continued. “Congratulations to...CARMEN!” I never know what to do when this happens, but John held me high in the air so that about 50 beaters, handlers and judges could all see me, and he exclaimed: “This one’s for Sidney!” And then a huge round of applause erupted spontaneously, and I saw my friends Auggie and Dixie, Odie and Trooper, Buster, Quilla, Solo, Moseby, Nimitz, Oslo, Sprite and all the rest with their handlers smiling broadly. I am glad he did that, because Sidney, my breeder, died six days later. She was thrilled when John called her that night and told her what happened. I just wanted to do a good job, and have fun...and oh, yeah: it was my birthday...really...I couldn’t ask for anything better. So, John and I went back to the motel after dinner and the awards ceremony that night. We cuddled, and John went to sleep next to me. And me? I couldn’t go to sleep quite yet. I was too excited about the other upcoming trials in the next two days. I had to stay awake and wait for John to open one eye in the morning as I kept thinking, “Its time.”’s time...the time of my life. _______________________________________
Bio– Carmen is a 5 year old red mini wirehaired Dual Champion dachshund bitch bred by the late Sidney Stafford and owned, trained, and handled by John Merriman. She has been the #1 mini dachshund Field Champion for 3 years in a row. Carmen has set several national records, and is one of 12 dachshunds to surpass the 1000 field trial point mark. She is in the Top Ten of Lifetime field point earners, and she has a coffee table book out, and her own advice column, “Ask Miss Carmen: Advice from a Know-it-All Bitch.”
DC Hathor Farm’s New Attitude W, CD RA TD NA NAJ JE CA owned and handled by Meg Weis and Jean Dieden our Open exercises for obedience. But what Lois really likes to do is hunt bunnies and other rodents. She is a joy and I love her greatly. . . . now if she would only use the dog door!!!! 343434343434343434
From Jean Dieden “Lois” was a wild child puppy who met Meg Weis, her forever home, when she was “talking” at an earthdog test. A few years later Meg moved to Whidbey Island a few miles from my home, allowing me the opportunity to be close enough to visit and see her more often. Meg did all of Lois’ training, including all of her tracking. Her field work was enhanced by the abundant rabbits in and around Meg’s gardens...and Lois' fascination with each and every one! Meg’s schedule precluded her from getting to many field trials and I happily took Lois along, finishing her field championship rather handily. In 2008 she traveled with me to Dallas where I had the distinct pleasure of handling her at the DCA national tracking test where she earned her TD...with ice on her line! She spent the next few years pretty much out of the competitive field trial scene, but those home rabbits kept her interest alive! So much so that in 2010 when she came with me to the DCA field events in Chino, CA she brought home the BIG prize...Absolute Winner of the DCA national field trial! Now it's pretty much back to the gardens and the home rabbits...and an occasional wayward Beardie! Lois is a pleasure to be around, an amusing, snuggly companion, a great nose to watch while working, and an always entertaining personality. Congratulations to Meg for seeing to it that her adventures extended into so many arenas! !
From Meg Weis “Lois,” the “woo, woo dog”, that's what she is frequently called. I met Lois at an ED event and she was the most talkative of dogs. Lois loves to talk and sing and is named for a very dear friend who introduced me to dachshunds when I was a teenager. My friend was also an opera singer and Lois, the doxie, tries to be one also. Lois has shown me what a dachshund can do in the field. Jean Dieden, the co-owner, took her to field trials and for her tracking test. I had her certified for her tracking test. What an experience, I watched her body language and had to trust that she knew what she was doing!!! She is the first dog I've owned that I've tracked. Lois is such a fun dog to work with in the performance events. She has her CD, RA, CGC, CA, JE, NA, NAJ, TD. We are working on Dachshund Club of America
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Dachshund Club of America
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DOB 2/28/10 • Sire: Ch. Glenarrif’s Four And Oh Count Dam: Genarrif’s Onederful
Owners: Victoria McConnell, Ali’i AK Inu Kennels Breeder/Co-owner: June Mann, Glenarrif Longhair Dachshunds Dachshund Club of America
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Owner: Glenarrif June Mann
Breeder: Dachshire Cheryl Snedaker Sims Dachshund Club of America
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Ch. Glenarrif’s Fielder’s Choice X Glenarrif’s Onederful Bubba finished quickly with specialty majors under breeder judges Linda Kraft and Dan Harrison. Although his fun and loving personality make him a challenge to show at times, I would not change a thing about him. His first litter looks promising; his daughter, our Glenarrif’s Kiss and Tell, was winners bitch from 6-9 class at her first show! I am excited about Bubba!
Breeder/Owner: Glenarrif • June Mann • • (678) 575-5071 Co-breeders/Owners: Bill Mann, Lindsay Fetters, and Logan Fetters Dachshund Club of America
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(Brokmor’s Heartbreaker x GCH Summerhill Whispering Breeze SS)
Crissy finished with 3 majors, all points from Bred-by. We are thrilled with this little girl Thank You to all the Judges who found Crissy worthy: Joan Anslem, Guy Jeavons, June Fowler, Monica Canestrini, Gloria Geringer, Susan St. John Brown & Doug Johnson who gave Crissy her 1st Best of Variety. Crissy will be selectively specialed in 2012
NEW CHAMPION NEW CHAMPION Summerhill Stairway to Heaven SS Summerhill Music Of The Night SS Thank you Judge Fowler for this honor
Thank you Judge Boileau for honoring Wendy, Best Brood Bitch DCA 2011 ~Wishing Everyone a Blessed 2012~ Mike and Cathy Blatz • 724-924-6024 • Dachshund Club of America
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(Ch. Walmar’s Casanova x Ch. Glenarrif’s Yours Truly ROMX)
Many thanks to breeder-judge Ryan Horvath. Looking forward to seeing everyone at DCA in Callaway. Watch for mom (Truly) and sister (Mia) puppies ready for the ring in the spring. Dachshund Club of America
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(Ch. Walmar’s Casanova x Ch. Glenarrif’s Yours Truly ROMX)
BOV and BOS to Best of Breed. Many thanks to breeder-judge Dan Harrison
Sandy Arnold • • 812-322-1842 Dachshund Club of America
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Jarbsy Dachshunds
ednnBelICSlub e r B l l A ountry Ke 2011
C , Town &November 20 e: r/Judg
Breedaeld Spritzer Dr. Ron
We would like to thank all these breeder judges for awarding “Cinders” her specialty wins:
Dachshund Club of America
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(BISS, Ch. Raydachs Great Balls Of Fire x Ch. Gleishorbach Whistler's Heidi)
As of 9/15/11 Cinders has won
23 Best In Show Specialties. Much appreciation to all the judges for awarding her these wins and helping to keep her
#1 Wirehaired Dachshund (Breed, All-Breed and Grand Champion)
Cheri Faust Best In Specialty Show Lorraine Simmons Best In Specialty Show Robert Wlodkowski Best In Specialty Show Ryan Horvath Best In Specialty Show Dan Harrison Best In Specialty Show Daryl Turner Best In Specialty Show Dachshund Club of America
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Presented By: Cheri Koppenhaver Breeders/Owners: Shirley Ray and James & Maria Sakoda
Frances Roush BOV and Best Opposite to Breed Frank Canestrini BOV and Best Opposite to Breed Ann Gordon Best of Variety Dachshund Club of America
WINTER, 2011
November 4, 2011 Kitty Adair Stella, North Carolina 28582 Dear Kitty, The Dachshund Club of America Board of Directors would like to extend our sincere thanks to you for Co-Chairing DCA’s Animal Legislative Committee for the past five years. We are sorry to accept your resignation but understand you have other responsibilities. Keeping current on all of the anti-dog legislation and the animal rights activists’ movement is a demanding and time-consuming effort. We applaud you for your timely attention to these critical issues and for keeping our members informed about legislation that threatens the sport that we care for so deeply. Thank you for your service to this important cause. Sincerely, The Dachshund Club of America Board of Directors
______________________________________________ Cheryl Shultz, Corresponding Secretary ♦ 3817 Seven Oaks Drive, Corona, CA 92881 Phone: 1-951-279-8252 ♦ Email:
Dachshund Club of America
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Not Just Another Pretty Face!
by VieVie Baird
fell in love with Standard Longhaired Dachshunds while on walks through the streets of Paris and LaRochelle in France. French people definitely love this breed! I knew that someday I wanted one of my own. Then, I was lucky enough to find the von Links Dachshunds web site and there I fell in love with Charles Pierre. He was the runt of a litter of five born to PBD Fabulous Flojo SL and CH Caldach’s Lord of the Isles bred by Ray Chaplin and Michael Scarbrough. At that time he was known as PBD Stinkelphritz SL with the nickname of Stinky. I began communicating with Ray in hopes of eventually becoming Stinky’s forever mom. I watched him grow, via pictures and web postings, from the little ball of fur who was hand fed by Ray and Michael to the beautiful boy that my husband and I picked up in June of 2009 at eleven weeks old. I decided on a beautiful French name for the gorgeous one. Thus began the evolution to Charles Pierre. On the drive from West Palm Beach to Tallahassee, I noticed that the little guy was very affectionate to these strangers who had just dog napped him from the only home he knew. I commented to my husband that maybe he might make a great therapy dog when he got older. True to form, as Charles Pierre grew we noticed that he never met a stranger! On walks in the neighborhood he greeted everyone as if they were his best friends. To this day he still stands in front of opened garage doors and waits to see if anyone will come out to pet him. He behaved the same way when we took him on excursions to parks, festivals, outdoor restaurants, and pet-friendly hotels. That’s when I made the decision that this
beautiful boy had a gift to share and decided to have him evaluated for a pet therapy program. The Companions for Therapy (ComForT) program based in Tallahassee, Florida ( is a volunteer animal-therapy group affiliated with the Delta Society ( The Delta Society helps people live healthier and happier lives by incorporating therapy, service, and companion animals into their lives. ComForT provides services to retirement homes, hospitals, hospice, rehabilitation facilities, child dependency and criminal courts, schools, and libraries. There are hundreds of these volunteer groups throughout the U.S. affiliated with Delta Society. The pets are mostly dogs of all breeds, but other animals are also in the program. Cats, rabbits, and birds also make visits. ComForT even has a mule, Candy Mae Robinson, in the program! When Charles Pierre turned two years old, I decided that he was ready to begin the process of becoming a therapy dog. The first step was to pass a pre-screening with a ComForT evaluation team. I was a nervous wreck as Charles and I entered the room for the screening. Charles was his usual people dog and ran up to the evaluators and you could almost hear him say, “Pet me! Pet me!” He wagged and wiggled and let the team members love him all over. He sure brought smiles to everyone’s face! We passed the screening, and then it was on to eight weeks of classes. There were people classes where we learned how to read our pets’ signals. The most important thing I learned was to read signs of stress in Charles. The program teaches that Dachshund Club of America
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your animal’s comfort and safety are the most important things to consider when making visits. The handlers need to pay attention to their teammates at all times. The most fun were the classes where we brought our companions. We learned how to do doggie greetings before entering a facility so that all teams would be comfortable with each other. Teams also practiced what it would be like to do actual visits. Our dogs had to remain calm despite loud noises, disruptive patients, crowds of people wanting their attention, and how to maneuver through equipment that might be found in facilities. We also had to teach the dogs the command of Leave It! to insure their safety around food and medicines. Charles did really well during the classes, but I felt he needed a little extra help so that he could pass his final evaluation. We worked with a wonderful pet trainer who taught me so much about animal behavior in a kind and gentle way. Charles was now ready for his final evaluation but was I ready? The ComForT evaluation is a formal process where the team is judged on skills and aptitudes. The animal is evaluated on temperament, health, cleanliness, manners, and attitude. In each evaluation exercise the evaluators are looking at four aspects of the team’s performance: how the animal relates to the handler; how the handler relates to the animal; how the animal relates to the evaluators and assistants; and, how the handler interacts with the evaluators and assistants. The team must enjoy interactions with people in many different scenarios. Volunteers role-play as clients that a team might meet in a facility. Basic commands are demonstrated such at sit, stay, and leave it. Also the team must be able to walk past a neutral dog and handler. The neutral dog is one that the team has not interacted with before. The handler should be proactive, providing the appropriate level of commands and cues to support the animal’s performance of the exercises. I was a nervous wreck just as I was for the screening. Charles Pierre was his usual exuberant self! I was worried about our performance on two exercises, the neutral dog interaction and the stay in place. Charles P. did great during the overall examination for temperament and grooming. He flew through the role playing exercises with “clients”. He did the sit, down, and stay perfectly. Then came the neutral dog. We made it past the dog and handler without Charles P. even noticing them. I guess it helped that the neutral dog was a Chihuahua! Charles probably didn’t even see him! (Just a note here, many people have their pets screened for the program because they get along with other dogs at dog parks, etc. When they are screened the evaluators are looking for animals that interact well with people not other animals. It’s people we are going to visit so it is imperative that the pet loves people. Many animals do not make it through the initial screening because they are not people oriented.) We passed the evaluation! I was thrilled and I believe that Charles knew he had done something great! Now it was time to select
places where we would visit. I shadowed teams at an adult elder day care facility. I then decided that Charles Pierre was not suited to visit these types of facilities. Since he’s vertically challenged I knew it would be hard for patients to reach down to pet him. ComForT animals are not allowed to jump up on clients for petting. He’s also too big at thirtythree pounds for me to pick up and place in client’s laps or on their beds. We needed programs where we could sit on the floor to interact with others. I decided that programs dealing with children would be best suited for us. I am a retired educator with thirty-seven years of educational experience. The first fifteen of those years I was an elementary teacher in Pinellas County Florida. Another reason to select working with children is my recent experiences on Facebook. I joined a Facebook group that was started by a student at the elementary school where I taught in the seventies and eighties. I was flabbergasted as former students of mine began posting comments about their experiences in my classroom. I couldn’t believe some of the comments that were posted about my interactions with them so long ago! One student from the seventies said that she had been trying to locate me so that she could thank me for helping her in fourth grade. She talked about the beginning of the year and all the paperwork that was sent home for parental signatures. She said that her mother wrote a nasty note about all the paperwork. My student was afraid to return the papers because of the note. She said that when she handed them to me and I read the note, that I laughed and said that I hated all the paperwork too. She said she has always remembered that reaction and that it helped to shape her life. She is now a high school guidance counselor! There are many other posts on the site that wowed me. Just one small interaction can mean so much to a child. Maybe I could still make a small difference in a child’s life with my magical, comical teammate, Charles Pierre. Team Baird is now in the Reading Education Assistance Dogs Program (READ). The program is affiliated with the Intermountain Therapy Animals Program in Salt Lake City ( The READ program utilizes registered therapy dogs. These dogs and their handlers volunteer in schools, libraries, and other settings. The mission is to make reading fun for kids and improve literacy skills. Charles P. and I were already certified through the Delta Society so we didn’t have to go through another evaluation. I had to attend a one-day people orientation so that we could become a certified READ team. We volunteer one day a week at a local elementary school where we read with two students for thirty minutes each. The students love visiting with Charles and enjoy reading to us. My skills as a former elementary teacher also add value to the sessions. The kids also enjoy the end of their sessions because they can have Charles do his tricks and reward him with treats! We also volunteer in the Pet Therapy in the Courts Program. The Second Judicial Circuit,
State Attorney for the Second Judicial Circuit, ComForT, and courthouse facility directors are participating in this program. We volunteer in the dependency courts in our local counties. The cases are civil cases and involve matters relating to children who have been abandoned, abused, or neglected by parents/ custodians; surrendered for adoption; or in need of some types of services. The children along with their parents/custodians are required to appear before the circuit judge. Attendance is for the court to ensure the child’s well being and to talk with age-appropriate children. Judges want the
court experience to be a positive one for all involved in the case. The ComForT teams provide a distraction from an otherwise stressful experience. The children look forward to the team’s visit. The adults also seem less stressed as they interact with partner teams. We are not allowed in the courtroom but have access to all the families who are waiting to go before the judge. Our job is to just be a comfort to the children and their family members. While developing this article my husband and I went to the Wakulla County Courthouse to take some pictures. We had a chance to meet Judge Jill C. Walker. Judge Walker is the judge who started the program for her court. She made the Dachshund Club of America
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following comments about the program. She said that she could see a big difference in the tone of the proceedings since the dogs have started visiting. The waiting is less tense and worrisome, and the presence of the dogs shows that the court means for this to be a constructive experience. “The outcome we really want is better parents and better parenting,” she said. I must say that these experiences are very rewarding for me. Maybe I can say one thing that a child will remember thirty years form now! Charles Pierre just loves his time prancing around the courthouse getting all the attention from the children and their families. We have other opportunities where we can visit with children. We go to a shelter for runaways. The kids range in age from ten through seventeen. I was surprised that even the teenagers love to visit with the ComForT teams. Again, maybe I can say one thing that a child will remember thirty years from now. We also participate in special events by helping at the ComForT information booth. We meet many people with their pets who may be interested in becoming certified in the program. Of course, Charles Pierre is always ready for pets and attention from children at these events. I often wondered what I would do with all my time in retirement. I believe that I have found my niche because of my wonderful Dachshund companion, Charles Pierre. He knows when it’s time to go to work. I fill his water bottle and put on my ComForT shirt and then his tail wagging says to me, “Let’s go!” Maybe we can make a difference for one child!
The dog was created specially for children. He is the god of frolic. Henry Ward Beecher
The Multifaceted Dachshund
Mary Fish Arango Photography.
hen I was looking to find my first Dachshund ten years ago, I had no idea what a life-changing decision getting a dog would be. I had recently witnessed a therapy dog working in our local Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital. I saw the joy on my dear friend’s face while a Border Collie lay beside her on her hospital bed. For the few moments that the dog was there, Jane forgot about the cancer ravaging her body. She died just a few days later, but before she passed she got to experience the unconditional companionship of a wonderful dog. I believe it brought her peace. As I searched for a dog, I hoped that I could find a way for my dog and I to serve the community. For this reason, I looked for a pet from good breeding. I found Francis. For the past eight years, Francis and I have competed and titled in Conformation. We have explored some obedience, agility, field trials and earthdog and have enjoyed our classes with the occasional competition in those areas. Six years ago, the local all-breed club, Channel City Kennel Club, started an AKC Canine Ambassador program. We go into elementary and pre-schools and the occasional local libraries and share the “love of the dog,” talk about responsible dog ownership and care, perform obedience demonstrations, and just plain old entertain. We have dogs of all breeds in this program, but Francis is the only Dachshund. My favorite question to ask the children is “What kind of dog is this?” They raise their
hands and offer “Hot Dog” or “Weiner Dog.” It gives me a chance to tell them a little bit about the Dachshund. Oftentimes, I think the owners of the other breeds are a bit jealous when they see the children’s delighted faces as they share the Dachshund nicknames. True to my plan, Francis became a Therapy Dog with Therapy Dogs International in 2010 and we have enjoyed some volunteer time as my work schedule permits. Through Canine Ambassadors, I heard of studies touting the positive effects of children reading aloud to dogs. Ventura County has a very successful program, but there was nothing in our immediate area. Then, just a few months ago, the Channel City Kennel Club and the Goleta Library started a new program called “Paws to Read.” The “Dog Days of Summer” have taken on new meaning in Santa Barbara this summer as the reading program has expanded to serving more children. The dogs, unlike humans, don’t judge, aren’t grading the reading and only the dog, the child and the handler can witness the magic as it happens with these children as they continue to participate weekly in the program. This program requires participants to be members of Channel City Kennel Club who have undergone finger printing and simple background checks with the local Police Department. The dogs are all good with children and they are AKC Canine Good Citizens. The children read to the dogs for fifteen or twenty minutes per child. The program already has its first success story with one Dachshund Club of America
WINTER, 2011
child’s reading improving to advance him a grade level. Probably my favorite Dachshund moment of 2011 was having a great weekend with Francis in the Veteran’s Class at the Dachshund Club of California Wine Country Classic Specialty Show and then returning to our Santa Barbara home that week for our volunteer time with “Paws to Read.” I hope that other Dachshund owners consider participating in reading programs if they are available in their community and, if not, consider starting one. ! by Diane E. Jones Member: Dachshund Club of America, Dachshund Club of California and Channel City Kennel Club Santa Barbara, CA Email:
It was an honor to have Checker LOVED and SHOWN so beautifully by handler Monica Lamontagne 970-402-9932
Sire and Dam of both New Champions are BISS Ch. Kaycees Galewinns All Revved Up MLD
Bred by TerriLynne Carlson and Sherry Ceplius
Ch. Wagsmore’s Low and Beehold ML
Now owned by Mike and Laura McCutcheon
The right balance of conformation, movement and temperament is what gave her this BOS to Variety win from the Bred-By class at the Columbine Dachshund Specialty. Thank you Judge Ken Levison. Spoiler finished her championship the next weekend under Breeder Judge Guy Jeavons.
Bred, co-owned and shown by John & TerriLynn Carlson
JT’s Co-owned by the wonderful Bob & Jean Burnett Co-bred by Sherry Ceplius Dachshund Club of America
WINTER, 2011
November 4, 2011 Paul and Monika Martin Marshall, VA 20115 Dear Paul & Monika, The Dachshund Club of America Board of Directors would like to thank you both for the exceptional job you have done chairing DCA’s Ways and Means over the past several years. We are, of course, very sorry to see you resign and want to express our gratitude for the time and effort you have spent to make this such a first class, profitable event at DCA. With each passing year you delighted us all with a variety of unique and fun items. How could we resist? Under your leadership, Ways & Means has been an outstanding success in every way, primarily due to your creativity and organizational abilities. Thank you again for a job well done. Sincerely, The Dachshund Club of America Board of Directors
______________________________________________ Cheryl Shultz, Corresponding Secretary ♦ 3817 Seven Oaks Drive, Corona, CA 92881 Phone: 1-951-279-8252 ♦ Email:
Dachshund Club of America
WINTER, 2011
HOW THE DCA OBEDIENCE AND AGILITY TOP TENS ARE CALCULATED By Holly Deeds Every year after the Obedience and Agility Top Tens are announced, I get some questions about how they are calculated and, more specifically, what one can do to earn a spot on the list with one’s own dog. The systems are fairly straightforward and anyone who is in competition has the ability to keep up with how many points their dog has earned toward the Top Ten. The number of points which are required to earn a spot on the lists will vary from year to year depending on how many dogs are out there being shown (a number that, happily, is on the increase), but the more times your dog qualifies, the better the chance that the dog will earn a ranking. The DCA Obedience Top Ten Algorithm: The Obedience Top Ten is based on the First and Foremost points a dog earns in a calendar year, with a certain number of points being credited for each qualifying score earned. The more times a dog earns qualifying scores, the more points the dog accumulates. Dogs in Open and Utility will earn these points every time they qualify; dogs in Novice will only accumulate points toward the DCA Obedience Top Ten for 60 days after they earn their Companion Dog title. At that point, they need to move up into Open to continue to accumulate points. Qualifying scores in non-regular and optional titling classes do not earn any Top Ten points; only scores in Novice, Open, and Utility count toward the DCA Obedience Top Ten.
First and Foremost Points:
170-174.5 175-179.5 180-184.5 185-189.5 190-194.5 195-198.5 199-199.5 200
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Please note that the dog training publication Front & Finish publishes their own version of rankings in each breed; their algorithms are not the same as the DCA one, so ranking in a particular position on their list does not mean that dog would have the same ranking on the DCA list. Front & Finish does not include Novice dogs in their First and Foremost rankings at all, whereas DCA does include them as explained above. Front & Finish also publishes rankings based on Delaney points; Delaney points are based on the number of dogs defeated, and that bears no resemblance at all to the DCA algorithm. The DCA Agility Top Ten Algorithm: As with the Obedience Top Ten, the Agility Top Ten’s algorithm is based on the idea that the more times a dog earns qualifying scores, the
Dachshund Club of America
WINTER, 2011
more points the dog accumulates. The number of points earned depends on the dog’s score, the level of the class in which the score was earned, and whether the dog is running in standard height classes or preferred classes. Since dogs get both extra time and a lower jump height (making it less likely that bars will be knocked) in the latter, making it easier for the dog to qualify, preferred scores don’t receive as many points toward the DCA Agility Top Ten as scores from standard height classes. Here is the formula for the number of points earned in each class level: Regular Height (including FAST) Class Scoring: Novice Regular Score x 80% Open Regular Score x 90% Excellent Regular Score x 100% Preferred (including FAST) Class Scoring: Novice Preferred (Score x 80%) x 75% Open Preferred (Score x 90%) x 75% Excellent Preferred (Score x 100%) x 75% I am very grateful to Gail Binder, who puts together the Obedience Top Ten list, and John Willmore, who does the same for the Agility Top Ten, for their hard work on behalf of the dachshund community.
The Fancy Likes A Fancy Boy…
(Ch. Dynadaux Honky Tonk Redneck Song MS x Multi For/Am Ch Magik Rainbow Harmony-IMP Russia)
Dino continues his winning ways. Thank you breeder judge Cheri Faust for this recent specialty win. Owners: Cyndy Senff Brenda Claxton Bobby Sandoval, Pamela Spencer
*Breed and All-Breed Standings at 6/30/11
Owner/Breeder: Dynadaux (reg.) Del Valle, TX 512-247-2152 •
Dachshund Club of America
WINTER, 2011
Handled by: Tonia Holibaugh Assisted by Jessica Anderson
We had a great time at the Hoosier Dachshund Club Specialties!
Hubba is pictured his 1st weekend out after going BOV in Sweeps at DCA. He was WD under respected Breeder Judge Dan Harrison, Best in Sweeps under Breeder Debbie Krieg, WD/BOW under Breeder Judge Frank Canestrini and Select Dog under Breeder Judge Ryan Horvath. Thanks to all the Judges and especially his breeder and co-owner, Cyndy Senff.
Co-owned and shown by Bobby Sandoval
Dachshund Club of America
WINTER, 2011
(GCh. Briardach’s Rock Star X Sleepy Hollow Robed in Red)
GCh. Sleepy Hollow Carolina Special
BISS Cascade Dachshund Club Much appreciation to Mary Olich Nie
Owners: Meredith Taylor and B. Ann Wlodkowski Dachshund Club of America
Breeders: Robert and B. Ann Wlodkowski 38
WINTER, 2011
(Ch. MT’s Connecticut Yankee X Ch. Abitibi Cindy Lou Who)
GCh. Add-Sims Scout of MT
#5 All Breed #7 Breed* Montana - Group 1 Mrs. R.D. Smith Group 2 Beverly Capstick Group 4 Bill Shelton Group 4 Jeannette McGinnis *Canine Chronicle as of 9/30/11
Owner: Meredith Taylor
Expertly Handled By: Tammie and John Wilcox, AKC Registered Handlers Dachshund Club of America
WINTER, 2011
(Ch. Wagsmore’s Sublime ML X Ch. Grendel American Beauty)
Congratulations to Steve and Janie Schetgen on their newest champion and special thanks to Marrietta Singleton for finishing her so quickly by winning two 5 point majors in a single weekend!
Breeders & Co-Owners: Karyn & Jeff Dionne • Owners: Steve & Janie Schetgen
Dachshund Club of America
WINTER, 2011
(Ch. Wagsmore’s Low and Beehold ML X Wagsmore’s Miss Chevious ML)
Pictured winning at her 3rd and 4th specialty shows, Angie became a new champion going undefeated in 4 shows! Way to go Angie!
Thank you to judges: Fred Vogel, Greater Portland Dachshund Club Day 1, June 2011 Constance Fisher, Greater Portland Dachshund Club Day 2, June 2011 Ryan Horvath, Cascade Dachshund Club, AM Show August 2011 and Mary Olich-Nie, Cascade Dachshund Club, PM Show August 2011
Wagsmore Miniature Longhaired Dachshunds Karyn & Jeff Dionne 360-779-3922
Dachshund Club of America
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(Ch. Wagsmore’s Sublime ML X Wagsmore’s Thomasina ML)
Sequel is pictured winning under Judge Pam Peat. Thanks to Geoff Kulik and Galen Workman for showing and loving our girl! Lilliput’s Miniature Longhaired Dachshunds John and Ellen Shearer 925-216-9701
Wagsmore Miniature Longhaired Dachshunds Karyn & Jeff Dionne 360-779-3922 •
Dachshund Club of America
WINTER, 2011
(Ch. Wagsmore’s Sublime ML X Wagsmore’s Thomasina ML)
Pinky is pictured winning her first major under Judge Karen C. Wilson. Her sister Piper is winning also! Thanks to Karen and Jeff Dionne for allowing us to have this litter and to Bob and Jean Burnett for all their support!
Dachshund Club of America
WINTER, 2011
This boy is blowing and going with a BIS under his belt and is only shown sparingly. You will see more of him next year when we campaign him. Thank you so very much Judge Gale Yamaguchi for this wonderful win. Owner/Breeder: Sharon B. Johnson
(Ch. Treis Pinheiros Calgary SW X Ch. J’s Lady Bug’s Baby Bug)
Dachshund Club of America
WINTER, 2011
Our website is now updated!
Owned by Christine Taylor (989)415-3415 and Cynthia Geiser (309)246-2269
Shown by Derek Beatty and Christine Taylor
Group 1 Joseph Gregory Group 2 Elizabeth Muthard
FLASH! St. Clair KC:
Thank you Marilyn Mineey for your wonderful comments about our boy!
Cynthia Geiser • Lacon, IL 61540 • (309)246-2269 •
Dachshund Club of America
WINTER, 2011
Thank you Guy Jeavons for this honor! A special thanks to Mr. Frank Canestrini and Mr. Ryan Horvath for her latest specialty variety wins
(Ch. Walmar’s Casanova X Ch. Insight’s Last Temptation)
BETWEEN OCTOBER 1, 2010 AND SEPTEMBER 30, 2011, THE TRUST FUND RECEIVED DONATIONS FROM THE FOLLOWING: Donations from Individuals Diane Young McCormack – in support of hemangiosarcoma research Donations from Organizations Metropolitan Washington Dachshund Club – donation of proceeds of the silent auction of the “Dachshund Huntsman” ring stanchions from the DCA Nationals in 2009
Lynne Dahlén – in memory of Chazlyn’s Herzog Held-Honor “Buddy”, CH Chazlyn’s Seal of Approval SL “Reggie”, “Ferris” and “Ethel” Meredith M. Taylor – in memory of MT’s Hawkeye “Rusty” and in support of hemangiosarcoma research Memorials for Individuals Anne Carson – in memory of Larry Barnett’s mother, India Anne Carson – in memory of Lynn Dahlén’s parents Anne Carson – in memory of Susan Gibbs’ sister and Larry Gibbs’ father
In-Kind Donations
M’l’n’ium Tribute, CH Corrowaugh’s Lapdox Bon Bon, CH Boldbrook’s Lord Chesterfield
Andrew and Lisa Warren – renewal of domain name for DCA Health & Welfare Trust Fund and donation of CD’s for judges and community education
Anne Carson – in memory of Dee Hutchinson
Matching Gift Donations
Anne Carson – in memory of Bob LaBerge’s father
Microsoft Giving Campaign – matching gifts Donations in Honor of or to Acknowledge Dogs
Anne Carson – in memory of Ken Levison’s father
Anne Carson – in memory of Hillary Meeks Anne Carson – in memory of Al Sims
Submitted by Ruth Robins, Trust Administrator
The Officers and Board of Directors of the DCA Health & Welfare Trust Fund thank the generous donors who have made contributions in support of the fund’s goals of promoting education and research aimed at eliminating health and genetic problems within the breed. Of particular note this year is a project undertaken by the Trust Fund to provide disks and duplication services for the Dodgerslist IVDD DVD’s used for vet tech in-services, client review of techniques for expressing the bladder and bowel of affected dogs and reinforcing veterinarian crate-rest prescription. The Trust Fund continues to fund the printing and distribution of the DCA disk booklet and several recent donations have been specifically targeted for research into hemangiosarcoma. Many of the donations listed below were given by individuals in memory of or in honor of special humans and canines — however, other kinds of gifts are always welcome. If your company matches gifts made to non-profits and charities, please be sure to list the DCA Health & Welfare Trust Fund as a “match recipient” when you designate your donations for the year. It’s also very important to remember the Trust Fund in your will and/or have the Trust Fund designated as a memorial recipient in your obituary, as these gifts are ones which truly “live on” and have an ongoing impact.
Monika Basta – in honor of Biscuit Suzanne Muller – in honor of Quinney Heather Smith – in honor of Bagel Donations in Honor of or to Acknowledge Individuals Monika Basta – in honor of Jerry Cerasini and to acknowledge Brownwood Farm, Jerry Cerasini and Roger Brown Cumberland Valley Dachshund Club - to acknowledge Bill Geshwiler for his services as specialty show secretary Dachshund Club of Metro Atlanta – to acknowledge Bill Geshwiler for his services as specialty show secretary Suzanne Muller – to acknowledge Brownwood Farm, Jerry Cerasini and Roger Brown Heather Smith – to acknowledge Brownwood Farm, Jerry Cerasini and Roger Brown
Brian Clemens – in memory of Marilyn Goodermont Lynne Dahlén – in memory of Jim White The Trust Fund is a 501-c-3 tax-exempt, nonprofit organization and, to the extent allowed by law, gifts are considered tax-deductible charitable contributions. All donations are acknowledged and donors receive a receipt for tax purposes. You may make a gift to the Trust Fund any time you wish by mailing your check made out to DCA H & W Trust Fund to: Ruth Robins – Trust Administrator, DCA Health & Welfare Trust Fund, c/o 4314 Westport Terrace, Louisville, KY 40207-7014. If at any time you have questions regarding a gift to the Trust Fund, contact the Trust Administrator by phone at (502) 893-2237 or via e-mail at
DCA Health & Welfare Trust Fund Officers: Chairman - Lisa Warren Secretary - Cheryl Snedaker-Sims Trust Administrator - Ruth Robins
Memorials for Dogs Jean W. Burnett – in memory of CH Glenavan’s Absolutely ML Anne Carson – in memory of CH Twelfth Night Molly’s Honey Bee, CH Twelfth Night Garnet Rose, CH Twelfth Night Solitary Man, CH Twelfth Night Gabriella L, Twelfth Night Dachshund Club of America
WINTER, 2011
Board of Directors: Anne Carson , Jerry Cerasini, Fran Colonna, Jean Dieden, Cheri Faust, Marci Forrester, Neal Hamilton , Liz Heywood, Carl Holder, Jolanta Jeanneneny, Ken Levison, Paul Martin, Robert Schwalbe, Cheryl Shultz, Cathy Sorenson, Larry Sorenson, Vicki Spencer, Emma Jean Stephenson, Bob Wlodkowski
(DC Diagram Tradescant SS JE X Ch. Brownwood Simply Irresistible SS)
Jack galloped to his championship with 3 majors, including a BOV over 5 specials and reserve at DCA from the 9-12 puppy class. In just 21â „2 weeks he achieved his Grand Championship. Presently Jack and I are enrolled in obedience and he is chasing the bunnies in field trials. Look for him being specialed selectively next year. Check the Whelping Box ads this month for a litter from Diagram. • Dachshund Club of America
WINTER, 2011
Look what Santa’s elves brought this year: • A Championship for Wagsmore’s Presidential, ML • A Championship for JT’s Kaycees Spoiler, MLD • A GRAND Championship for Ch. Glenavan Dear Star Bound for Wagsmore, ML • A completion of ROMO requirements for MBISS Ch. Souvenir of Wagsmore, ML Souven, Pablo* and Bounder
• A BOS to BREED, National for Ch. Old Hanover’s Mr. President ML**
2011 A Wonderful Year
• And many beautiful grand children!
Yes, it was a wonderful year, And we do appreciate what the elves left in the form of the recognitions the dogs received. Most of all we appreciate the BREEDERS who have shared their wonderful dogs with us and made all our wishes come true.
BISS Ch. Kaycess Galewinns All Revved Up, MLD A lovely Souven Daughter and her Babes *BISS GCh. Wagsmore’s Salute to Picasso ML **We very much appreciate Linda Beamer and the Dionnes for allowing us to exhibit Lincoln, Old Hanover’s Mr. President at this year’s National, DCA, 2011. Dachshund Club of America
WINTER, 2011
These BREEDERS are: • Linda Beamer • Tina Bienefeld • Sherry Ceplius • Anne Fonns • Pam Gale • Diana Moreland • Mary Nie and, of course, • Karyn and Jeff Dionne
New Grand Champion
NEW MBISS Ch. Souvenir of Wagsmore ML, ROMO (pending)
Glenavan Dear Star Bound for Wagsmore, ML
New Ch. Old Hanover’s Mr. President, ML
New Ch. Wagsmore’s Presidential, ML
The Owners or Co-owners of the dogs pictured include: Jeff and Karyn Dionne Wagsmore Miniature Dachshunds John and Terrilynn Carlson JT’s Dachshunds New Ch. JT’s Kaycees Spoiler, MLD
Bob and Jean Burnett Dachshund Club of America
WINTER, 2011
Providence stepped in in the guise of a crotchety and darling Beagler named Gerry Ells. I was kvetching to a wonderful basset woman about the state of the grounds and told her I wanted to mow grids in the broom at our running grounds. She told me to talk to Gerry and gave me his contact information. As it turned out it was the beginning of a beeyootiful friendship! I called him and introduced myself and apparently our mutual basset friend had already warned him, I mean told him, about me contacting him soon. He invited me up to his house that is up on a high hill very near our running grounds. He and his wife are Beaglers from way back. They were gracious and accommodating and most of all, they own a tractor with a mowing attachment! Gerry was all about mowing too! It was a wonderful day for me. I love it when a plan comes together. Gerry and I decided that all we had to do was get the OK from the city of Castle Rock where these grounds are located. This is where the saga really starts! The following is a blow-by-blow accounting of my day following my meeting with Gerry reprinted from an email I sent to all the interested parties.
s many of you field trialers know, we on the west coast run our field trials on open land. Apparently beagle clubs never caught on in the wild, wild west as they did in other regions of the US. These open grounds are usually a pretty good arrangement for us in the Pacific Northwest as there is little or no work involved in the maintenance of the grounds by the using clubs. Increasing the rabbit population and carving grids in my local grounds has been an obsession of mine ever since I saw the luxurious beagle grounds back in the Midwest. My poor roommates have spent many weekends with me chain sawing and weed eating the local flora trying to make tracking those wascally wabbits a little easier for us Pacific Northwesters. Our grounds in Castle Rock, Washington have a particularly invasive non-native plant called Scotch Broom. It makes great cover for the rabbits, but is so Claire in front of the Castle thick at our grounds that you can’t see those Rock city council. jumped bunnies run for more than a few feet. Not only does this cover make for difficult (and in my opinion inefficient) judging, it also makes seeing jumped rabbits with our tiny PNW galleries just about impossible. I had reached the end of my tolerance for these grounds.
1st stop: Castle Rock City Hall. The 2 women there had no idea who owned the running grounds and wanted me to go talk to the motorcycle club (next door to the grounds.) I said I wanted something a little more reliable and so they sent me down to Kelso(11 miles away) to the county records. 2nd stop: Kelso. I went to licensing which sent me to the assessor’s office. There I was helped by a very nice woman who printed me out 2 maps at a cost of 15 cents each. Good thing I had change that day because I am usually penniless. There I found that the field I am interested in is owned by 2 different entities, split diagonally across the field! I found out that the city of Castle Rock owns the portion next to the Cowlitz River. The center portion had no plat number so the nice woman couldn’t look it up. She sent me to mapping. At the mapping department the man knew exactly who owned it: the State of Washington. He told me that the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) was in charge of that area, since it was the old channel for the Cowlitz River. Apparently there was a pretty powerful flood in the 30’s which changed the course of the river! Since rivers are owned by the states, the old channel is still state property. As luck would have it, there is a DNR office in Castle Rock. 3rd stop: Back to Castle Rock to the DNR. There I found 2 women manning the office. One of them helped me and told me I had to get a hold of Brian at Aquatic management. He worked out of Olympia, but I might have to go to Chehalis. Sheesh! I went back to my car and called Brian.
These are the aerial shots of the grounds we run in. I put the grid lines in yellow to show the council members what we wanted to do.
Dachshund Club of America
This is where I wish I hadn’t. He was very interested that dogs had been playing on that field for years and years. He said I would have to submit an application ($25) and that there would have to be an investigation. I asked how long that would take and he replied “a year.” I told him to forget it, and that I would just go back to doing what we had always done and not mess with the state. He said that since he was now aware of it, blah blah. Then he said that he had no idea if “he had a dog in the fight” as he had no idea about his agency’s role in that land. I said “OK Michael Vick, how about you find out if you even own that land and then we’ll talk.
WINTER, 2011
4th stop: Back to Castle Rock City Hall. I told the girls “I’m baaaack!” They were very surprised to learn that the City of Castle Rock owned part of that land. They said I needed to talk to the Public Works director, Dave Vorse. They gave me his phone number, and told me he might be at his offices down the street.
CORRECTION On page 18 of the Autumn Newsletter, the very important number “80” was missed on the text for “Woody’s” Ad. Below is the correct wording.
5th stop: Blue metal buildings 2 blocks from CR city hall. Dave Vorse was there and what a sweetheart! He told me that the State leased that land to the city of Castle Rock!!! He was all over helping me and had no beef with our plans at all, but he said it would be best if I would hit a city council meeting and get everyone on board. I said “Great! Can do.” 6th stop: Back to my car to call Brian. I told him the land was leased to the city of Castle Rock and what did that mean? Was he in the picture at all? He was stumped, said he just didn’t know, and had no idea what piece of land I was talking about anyway. I said thank you very much, and hung up. I’m hoping, hoping, hoping that this bureaucrat has too much on his plate now to deal with this business. I am not calling him back and I am not sending him any application. He should just fade away, hopefully. 7th stop: Back to CR city hall. I filled out the city council meeting agenda so that my petition would be heard. I am going to make up packets for the 5 council members, the mayor, the local paper, Dave Vorse and a couple extra. Dave said he would contact risk assessment. I have to have the packets there tomorrow. Sheesh. I guess I’ll take the girls (dogs) running this time. SO, as it stands, we are scheduled to be heard on August 8th at the city council meeting at 7:30 PM. I will find out where it is being held and I hope you all can come!!! I’d say that “perseverance” is one feature in which I am not lacking. I made up my beautiful packets for distribution at the meeting. I had color maps of the area with our intended work area highlighted, I had a statement of benefit to the community showing how many weekends a year the grounds were used by the Beaglers, the bassets and the dachshunds, and how we dumped tons of cash on their town every year, I had our insurance papers, and I had Gerry! As it turned out, the members of the city council of Castle Rock were all on board with our plans. They were a friendly bunch and turned us loose with their blessing. As my bad luck would have it, I was unable to attend the mowing party, but Gerry took pictures for me. Gerry hadn’t put as many lanes as I pushed for as he was concerned about coyotes using the lanes to hunt the rabbits. BUT we had lanes enough and we were ready for the next 5 weekends of trials! The Beaglers were going to test the lanes out and the doxie people (well me and our club president Dan) were going to be there for the inaugural runs. Game on! I must say, attending a beagle trial was quite refreshing to me. It
The beaglers all gather 'round to watch a run.
Dachshund Club of America
Can CH & Am DC Stardox Twist and Shout Multiple BISS, Over 80 BOV, Multiple Group Placements, BOS Westminster 2007, BOS Eukanuba 2007, BOS DCA 2008... and Multiple Field Placements! Owner: Sandy (Elizabeth) Patterson • 814-786-8303 Breeders: Lorraine Simmons & Melissa Wynings was just a lot of happy people dressed in normal clothes (i.e. not Cabela’d up) having a fun time. They all crowd around to watch when a dog is released, people are talking the whole time and there is no complaining. Well, not much anyway! I guess beagles are less distractible than our dachshunds? As far as how our lanes worked, the spotters up ahead were calling tally ho left and right so I’m guessing they served their purpose. We had a great time with the Beaglers and we had a great time at our own club’s field trials in September. I heard lots of comments about how great the lanes were at a later This is Mel Stewart, AKC Field dachshund field trial in Director, Hounds, our AKC rep for our October. It was sweet music 1st field trials in one of the mowed to my ears! Until we get a lanes. (This is for the Dachshund real beagle club type Fanciers of Southwestern Washington’s grounds in the Pacific inaugural field trial.) Northwest (and I’m working on it!) we are very lucky to have a nice running grounds which are free, accessible and owned by a helpful city. !
WINTER, 2011
(Am.Can.Ch. Barkerville Bow Street Runner x Am.Can.Ch. Barkerville Chloe)
“BC” wins back-to-back Best of Variety honors at the Greater Portland Dachshund Club Specialties!! Thank you so much to both breeder-judges Mr. Fred Vogel and Mrs. Constance Fisher for this wonderful and appreciated recognition!
Ted H. & Karen Brunner • 604.538.8512 • 54
(Am.Can.Ch. Barkerville Bow Street Runner x Am.Can.Ch. Barkerville Chloe)
“Gabby” is BEST IN SHOW from the classes at the Pacific Kennel Club Show in Canada. To add to this tremendous win, breeder-judge Mr. Edward H. MacDonald announced this was the first time he has ever awarded an All-Breed Best in Show to a Dachshund……we couldn’t be more proud to be a breeder-owner-handler on this special occasion. Thank you Mr. Ed MacDonald!!! 55
Reprinted from the AKC Events website as of 11/30/11 Contact the secretaries of the events with any questions. Access the url below for all upcoming shows.
Sierra Dachshund Breeders Club of Los Angeles County January 27, 2012 National Orange Show Grounds National Orange Show Event Center 689 South E Street, San Bernardino, CA
Knickerbocker Dachshund Club February 12, 2012 New York Hotel Pennsylvania Pavillion Level (on the mezzanine) 401 Seventh Avenue (at 33rd Street) New York, NY
Golden Gate Dachshund Club, Inc. February 17, 2012 Santa Clara Fairgrounds 344 Tully Rd., San Jose, CA Web Site :
Golden Gate Dachshund Club, Inc. February 18, 2012 Santa Clara Fairgrounds 344 Tully Rd., San Jose, CA Web Site :
San Diego Dachshund Club, Inc. February 24, 2012 Del Mar Fairgrounds 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd., Del Mar, CA Web Site: Total Entry Limit: 100
San Diego Dachshund Club, Inc. February 24, 2012 Del Mar Fairgrounds 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd., Del Mar, CA Web Site: Total Entry Limit: 100
Closing Date: Wednesday, January 11, 2012 For additional information contact: Janis McManigal, Event Secretary 5946 Copperfield Ave Riverside, CA 92506-4510 (951) 682-3812
Judges Breed: (L) (S) (W)
Closing Date: Wednesday, January 25, 2012 For additional information contact: MB-F Inc., Superintendent P.O. Box 22107 Greensboro, NC 27420-2107 (336) 379-9352
Judges Breed:
Closing Date: Wednesday, February 1, 2012 For additional information contact: Bonnie Prato, Event Secretary 5252 Shafter Avenue Oakland, CA 94618 (510) 653-8883
Judges Breed: (L) (S) (W)
Closing Date: Wednesday, February 1, 2012 For additional information contact: Bonnie Prato, Event Secretary 5252 Shafter Avenue Oakland, CA 94618 (510) 653-8883
Judges Breed: (L) (S) (W)
Closing Date: Wednesday, February 8, 2012 For additional information contact: Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows, Superintendent P.O. Box 227303 Los Angeles, CA 90022-0718 (323) 727-0136
Judges Breed: (L) (S) (W)
Closing Date: Wednesday, February 8, 2012 For additional information contact: Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows, Superintendent P.O. Box 227303 Los Angeles, CA 90022-0718 (323) 727-0136
Judges Breed: (L) (S) (W)
Dachshund Club of America
WINTER, 2011
James G. Reynolds James G. Reynolds James G. Reynolds
Junior Show: Mrs. Daniele LedouxSweepstakes: Starzyk
(L) (S) (W)
Mrs. Sari Brewster Tietjen Mr. David Bolus (p) Mrs. Jeanine A. Sudinski Mr. Luis F. Sosa
Junior Show: Mrs. Sari Brewster Tietjen Sweepstakes: Sandy Hutchinson Gray
Mr. David Loring Brown Mr. David Loring Brown Mr. David Loring Brown
Sweepstakes: Woody Wornall
Obedience: Rally:
Dr. Kenneth H. Levison Dr. Kenneth H. Levison Dr. Kenneth H. Levison Ms. Noelle J. Pilat Ms. Noelle J. Pilat
Mr. Jon R. Cole Mr. Jon R. Cole Mr. Jon R. Cole
Junior Show: Mr. Jon R. Cole Sweepstakes: To be assigned
Mrs. Monica Canestrini Mrs. Monica Canestrini Mrs. Monica Canestrini
. . .
. . .
All dates, times and addresses are as accurate as possible before the newsletter deadline date. Please consult the show secretaries or superintendents for any further information.
Florida East Coast Dachshund Club March 9, 2012 South Florida Fairgrounds 9067 Southern Blvd. West Palm Beach, FL Web Site:
Badger Dachshund Club, Inc. March 10, 2012 Oshkosh Kennel Club 220 W. Packer Avenue Oshkosh, WI
Badger Dachshund Club, Inc. March 11, 2012 Oshkosh Kennel Club 220 W. Packer Avenue Oshkosh, WI
Houston Dachshund Club, Inc. March 16, 2012 Houston Farm & Ranch Club 1 Abercrombie Dr. Houston, TX
Dallas-Ft Worth Dachshund Club March 23, 2012 Will Rogers Memorial Center Fort Worth, TX Web Site:
Cumberland Valley Dachshund Club March 31, 2012 Paducah Kennel Club Building 1325 Fisher Rd. Paducah, KY Web Site:
Cumberland Valley Dachshund Club April 1, 2012 Paducah Kennel Club Building 1325 Fisher Rd. Paducah, KY Web Site:
Closing Date: Wednesday, February 22, 2012 For additional information contact: Carol Underwood, Event Secretary P.O. Box 575 C/O MB-F Brooksville, FL 34605-0575 (954) 648-1747
Judges Breed: (L) (S) (W)
Closing Date: Wednesday, February 22, 2012 For additional information contact: Kathy Dachlet, Event Secretary 7821 Morrison Rd. Greenleaf, WI 54126-9455 (920) 864-2752
Judges Breed: (L) Dr. Camille McArdle D.V.M. (p) (S) Dr. Camille McArdle D.V.M. (p) (W) Dr. Camille McArdle D.V.M. (p)
Closing Date: Wednesday, February 22, 2012 For additional information contact: Kathy Dachlet, Event Secretary 7821 Morrison Rd. Greenleaf, WI 54126-9455 (920) 864-2752
Judges Breed: (L) (S) (W)
Closing Date: Wednesday, February 29, 2012 For additional information contact: Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., Superintendent P.O. Box 25764 Oklahoma City, OK 73125-0764 (405) 427-8181
Judges Breed: (L) (S) (W)
Closing Date: Wednesday, March 7, 2012 For additional information contact: Ms. JoAnne McGraw, Event Secretary 7929 Walnut Drive Alvarado, TX 76009 (817) 783-2570
Judges Breed: (L) (S) (W)
Closing Date: Wednesday, March 14, 2012 For additional information contact: William S. Geshwiler, Event Secretary 696 Baker Rd. Columbia, TN 38401-5557 (931) 381-7926
Judges Breed: (L) (S) (W)
Closing Date: Wednesday, March 14, 2012 For additional information contact: William S. Geshwiler, Event Secretary 696 Baker Rd. Columbia, TN 38401-5557 (931) 381-7926
Judges Breed: (L) (S) (W)
Dachshund Club of America
WINTER, 2011
Mr. Scott Deans Mr. Scott Deans Mr. Scott Deans
Junior Show: Mrs. Carol Ann Klein (p) Sweepstakes: Ann C Meyer
Junior Show: Mrs. Mary Beth Arthur Obedience and Rally: Ms. Ronnie Bizer Sweepstakes: Mrs. Mary Beth Arthur
Patricia Leakey Brenner Patricia Leakey Brenner Patricia Leakey Brenner
Junior Show: Patricia Leakey Brenner Obedience and Rally: Ms. Ronnie Bizer Sweepstakes: Barbara Budny
Mrs. Danelle M. Brown Mrs. Danelle M. Brown Mrs. Danelle M. Brown
Sweeptakes: Mrs. Linda Zaworski
Mrs. Carol Ann Klein Mrs. Carol Ann Klein Mrs. Carol Ann Klein
Junior Show: Mrs. Carol Ann Klein (p) Obedience: Mrs. Carol Ann Klein (p) Sweepstakes: To be assigned
Mrs. Anne Savory Bolus Mrs. Anne Savory Bolus Mrs. Anne Savory Bolus
Junior Show: Mrs. Anne Savory Bolus Sweepstakes: Nancy Thompson
Mr. David Bolus Mr. David Bolus Mr. David Bolus
Junior Show: Mr. David Bolus (p) Sweepstakes: To Be Assigned
continued on next page...
SPECIALTIES ...continued
from page 57
All dates, times and addresses are as accurate as possible before the newsletter deadline date. Please consult the show secretaries or superintendents for any further information.
Dachshund Club of Metropolitan Atlanta April 17, 2012 Callaway Gardens GA Hwy 18/354 Pine Mountain, GA Web Site:
Dachshund Club of Metropolitan Atlanta April 18, 2012 Callaway Gardens GA Hwy 18/354 Pine Mountain, GA Web Site:
Dachshund Club of America, Inc. April 20, 2012 Callaway Gardens GA Hwy 18/354 Pine Mountain, GA Web Site:
Dachshund Club of Greater Syracuse April 28, 2012 Syracuse Obedience Training Center 6392 Deere Rd. Syracuse, NY
Dachshund Club of Santa Ana Valley April 28, 2012 Hotel Claremont 840 South Indian Hill Blvd. Claremont, CA Web Site:
Dachshund Club of Santa Ana Valley April 29, 2012 Hotel Claremont 840 South Indian Hill Blvd. Claremont, CA Web Site:
Dachshund Club of Greater Syracuse April 29, 2012 Syracuse Obedience Training Center 6392 Deere Rd. Syracuse, NY
Closing Date: Wednesday, March 21, 2012 For additional information contact: Foy Trent Dog Shows, Superintendent P.O. Box C Sturgeon, MO 65284-0397 (573) 881-2655
Judges Breed: (L) (S) (W)
Closing Date: Wednesday, March 21, 2012 For additional information contact: Foy Trent Dog Shows, Superintendent P.O. Box C Sturgeon, MO 65284-0397 (573) 881-2655
Judges Breed: (L) (S) (W)
Closing Date: Wednesday, March 21, 2012 For additional information contact: Foy Trent Dog Shows, Superintendent P.O. Box C Sturgeon, MO 65284-0397 (573) 881-2655
Judges Breed: (L) (S)
Closing Date: Wednesday, April 11, 2012 For additional information contact: Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., Superintendent P.O. Box 6898 Reading, PA 19610-0898 (610) 376-1880
Judges Breed: (L) (S) (W)
Closing Date: Wednesday, April 11, 2012 For additional information contact: Lea Plaut, Event Secretary 16750 Paradise Mountain Rd. Valley Center, CA 92082-7454 (760) 749-4100
Judges Breed: (L) (S) (W)
Closing Date: Wednesday, April 11, 2012 For additional information contact: Lea Plaut, Event Secretary 16750 Paradise Mountain Rd. Valley Center, CA 92082-7454 (760) 749-4100
Judges Breed: (L) (S) (W)
Closing Date: Wednesday, April 11, 2012 For additional information contact: Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., Superintendent P.O. Box 6898 Reading, PA 19610-0898 (610) 376-1880
Judges Breed: (L) (S) (W)
Dachshund Club of America
WINTER, 2011
Frederick R. Vogel Mr. Garry K. Newton Dr. Judith A. Newton
Junior Show: Mr. Garry K. Newton
Cyndy Senff Mr. Frank Canestrini Dr. Ronald I. Spritzer
Junior Show: Dr. Ronald I. Spritzer Obedience: Mr. Barry L. Roland Rally: Mr. Barry L. Roland
Mrs. Judith Poulton Mrs. Frances H. (Marci) Forrester Ms. Christine Erickson
Junior Show: Ms. Christine Erickson
Mr. David Loring Brown Mr. David Loring Brown Mr. David Loring Brown
Junior Show: Mr. David Loring Brown (p) Obedience: To Be Assigned Sweepstakes: To Be Assigned
Dr. Edna K. Martin Dr. Edna K. Martin Dr. Edna K. Martin
Junior Show: Dr. Edna K. Martin
Kirlyn Fouts (p) Kirlyn Fouts (p) Kirlyn Fouts (p)
Junior Show: Mrs. Janet M. Schwalbe Sweepstakes: Mrs. Janet M. Schwalbe
Mr. Thomas W. Coen Mr. Thomas W. Coen Mr. Thomas W. Coen
Junior Show: Mr. Thomas W. Coen Obedience: To Be Assigned Sweepstakes: To Be Assigned
. . .
. . .
All dates, times and addresses are as accurate as possible before the newsletter deadline date. Please consult the show secretaries or superintendents for any further information.
Houston Dachshund Club, Inc. July 19, 2012 Reliant Center Astro Hall 1 Reliant Center Dr Houston, TX
Columbine Dachshund Club August 17, 2012 Island Grove Regional Park 501 N. 14th Ave., Greeley, CO Web Site:
Delegate’s Report to DCA Board November 2011 AKC Board Meeting submitted by Larry Sorenson
These are the highlights of the AKC Board Meeting; a complete set of Board Meeting Minutes are available at: pdfs/about/board_minutes/1111.pdf Points of interest from the AKC November Board Meeting: FINANCIAL REPORT Jim Stevens, Chief Financial Officer, participated in this portion of the meeting. Total revenues for the month of October 2011 were $4 million. Total operating expenses during the month were lower than 2010. Due to the improved performance of the stock markets in October, our investments generated a gain of $2.6 million during the month. BUDGET The Board considered the approval of the 2012 Budget. The proposed budget was discussed in great detail. Emphasis was placed on increased efficiency and cost savings in all areas. Continued reductions were also discussed. Following a motion by Ms. Scully, seconded by Dr. Davies, it was VOTED
Closing Date: Wednesday, July 4, 2012 For additional information contact: Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., Superintendent P.O. Box 25764 Oklahoma City, OK 73125-0764 (405) 427-8181
Judges Breed: (L) (S) (W)
Closing Date: Wednesday, August 1, 2012 For additional information contact: Ms. Jan D Curtis, Event Secretary 2837 49Th St Evans, CO 80620-9516 (970) 339-3272
Judges Breed: (L) (S) (W)
(unanimously; absent: Mr. Gladstone and Mr. Goodman) to approve the 2012 budget.
study the impact of the number of shows on the financial well-being of existing clubs. Staff recommended that the Board remove the moratorium on new All-Breed clubs with limitations: Following a motion by Mr. Arnold, seconded by Ms. Scully, it was VOTED (Mr. Arnold, Ms. Scully, Mr. Kalter, Mr. Ashby, Mr. Menaker, Dr. Smith, Dr. Davies, Mr. Amen, Dr. Battaglia, Dr. Newman; opposed Dr. Garvin; absent Mr. Gladstone, Mr. Goodman) to consider the matter at this meeting, waiving the usual prior notice requirement. Following a motion by Dr. Garvin, seconded by Mr. Ashby, it was VOTED unanimously (absent Mr. Gladstone and Mr. Goodman) to remove the moratorium on new All-Breed clubs, with the following limitations: 1. Availability of open weekends - approval of new All-Breed clubs requires at least four (4) open weekends within the calendar year in that AKC division and no shows within 300 miles of the territory of the new club on the show date. However, no such restriction will apply to clubs in Divisions 10, 11, and 12 (Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico. 2. New all-Breed clubs are encouraged to invite local Group or Specialty clubs to join with them to improve event attendance.
Interesting report but not much real information. LLS Signature Requirements of All Dam Owners on Litter Registrations: Margaret Poindexter, AKC Staff, was present during this portion of the meeting. Charles Kneifel and David Roberts, AKC Staff, participated in this portion of the meeting via video conference. There was a discussion on possibly amending the current Board policy which requires the signature of all dam owners to register a litter. No action was taken at this time. More on this subject later, I hope. LLS PUBLICATIONS Daphna Straus, AKC Staff, advised the Board of a number of AKC books including “Meet the Breeds” and individual Meet the Breed books prepared in cooperation with Parent Clubs for the Labrador Retriever, Shih Tzu, and German Shepherd Dog. These books are published by BowTie Press and are sold at $12.95 each. First time I have heard of this. LLS Conflict Distance/Moratorium Recommendations The Board discussed the moratorium on new shows that was approved in order to further Dachshund Club of America
WINTER, 2011
Mr. Dan J. Harrison Mr. Dan J. Harrison Mr. Dan J. Harrison
Junior Show: Mr. Dan J. Harrison Sweepstakes: Mrs. Judith A. Brown
Mrs. Frances T Roush (p) Mrs. Frances T Roush (p) Mrs. Frances T Roush (p)
Junior Show: Ms. Karen Rooks Nauer Sweepstakes: Jerry Cerasini
Removing Limited Breed Clubs from Moratorium Sanctioned Limited Breed (Group) Clubs are currently restricted from advancing to continued on page 74...
HOST CLUB DCA 2013 For the first time the proposal of a club (Cascade Dachshund Club) to host DCA was turned down by the Board of DCA. This was a very difficult decision which took very thoughtful consideration by all the members of the Board. The Board has total confidence in the abilities of the Cascade members to put on a DCA National. The only problem was the contract and the cost therein. DCA has to look at the total cost of a contract before accepting and signing. The Board has to look at the food minimum, total minimum room nights with and without attrition, and the extra charge for the ballrooms and meeting rooms if any. The total cost of the average contract that DCA has signed in the past has been between $50,000.00 & $60,000.00. The following is a comparison of DCA Nationals 2011, 2012, and the proposed 2013 contracts.
HILTON BELLEVUE, Washington 2013 Rooms 368 x $149 before tax Food + service & tax $6000.00 + service & tax Ballroom $21,000.00 + service & tax TOTAL OLYMPIA RESORT, Wisconsin 2011 Rooms 450 x $114 before tax Food (no ballroom cost) $3,000.00 + service & tax TOTAL CALLAWAY GARDENS, Georgia 2012 Rooms 450 x 109 before tax No food or ballroom cost TOTAL
$54,832.00 7,890.00 27,615.00 $90,337.00
$51,300.00 3,750.00 $55,050.00
This year (2011), DCA’s contract was similar to having a host show and the DCA National because DCA “hosted” a show before the national. The total contract as written was $55,050.00 for the entire week, and there was a profit of over $13,000.00, which is a very good profit. The Board likes at least to try to break even on the National. The 2013 contract is between $30,000.00 & $35,000.00, higher than any contract DCA has ever signed. Cascade presented projected incomes, but it was only projected and was inadequate to cover the losses expected by both clubs. The Board has to make decisions based on facts and past nationals, not hypothetical projections, especially in this economy. The room rate for the Bellevue Hilton in Washington (2013) is $170.00 with tax, which is much higher than any previous DCA National. A Red Lion Hotel immediately next door has rates around $79.00 plus tax, and the Board’s legitimate fear was that people would logically choose the Red Lion, and DCA would suffer the loss of room revenue at the Hilton. Everything in the contract is much higher than any contract in the past. Cascade offered to give DCA $25,000.00 of their $30,000.00 treasury to cut losses. One of the purposes of hosting DCA is to increase the host club’s treasury, not to almost completely deplete their treasury. The Board has fiduciary obligations to the organization and is completely accountable to the DCA Membership. The Board just could not support a contract (Hilton Bellevue 2013) as costly as this one. There was never a concern as to whether the Cascade Dachshund Club members had the ability to hold the shows, but it was just the just the cost.
$49,050.00 Carl Holder, President The Dachshund Club of America, Inc.
At the October 22, 2011 DCA Board meeting, the following decision was made. DCA 2013 will be at Purina Farms outside of St. Louis, MO. Show Dates: May 14 – 18, 2013. Carl Holder will be show chairman and Robert Schwalbe will be assistant chairman. Dachshund Club of America
WINTER, 2011
NOMINATION FORM 2013 DCA NATIONAL FIELD TRIAL & EARTHDOG JUDGES DCA National Field Trial – Saturday/Sunday, April 13-14, 2013 DCA National Earthdog Test – Sunday, May 12, 2013 Field Trial Planned site: Maryland Beagle Club, Shawsville, MD Earthdog Planned site: Purina Farms, Gray Summit, MO PEC suggests DCA National Field Trial judges have a minimum of 10 trials experience, and that DCA National Earthdog judges be approved through Master. Info concerning judges’ experience is available at ~Nominees must be agreeable to the following in order for their name to be submitted on this form~ DCA National Field Trial judges will receive one night’s hotel lodging for each day of judging and will be reimbursed up to $300 for actual travel and meal expenses. DCA National Earthdog Test judges will be paid a fee of $100 if the test is held within their region, $200 if held outside their region, $50 if the judge’s assignment is additional to a National Field Trial assignment OR if the judge officiates a second earthdog class at the National Earthdog Test. Persons judging at the DCA National Field Trial shall not exhibit at the National Field Trial. Persons may not judge at the National Field Trial or Earthdog Test two years in a row. A ballot listing all nominated judges will be published and available to all DCA members. DCA members’ votes must be mailed to the designated teller for tabulation by the date indicated on the ballot. The National Field Trial and Earthdog Test Chairmen will select the event judges based on the number of votes they have received.
Nominated FIELD TRIAL Judge: (Print Name) __________________________________________________________________________________
Address (Street): __________________________________________________________________________________________________ City:___________________________________________________________________________ State:_________ Zip:________________ Email:___________________________________ Phone:________________________________ Number of nominee’s field trial judging experiences: __________________________________________ Nominated EARTHDOG TEST Judge: (Print Name) ______________________________________________________________________________
Address (Street): __________________________________________________________________________________________________ City:___________________________________________________________________________ State:_________ Zip:________________ Email:___________________________________ Phone:________________________________ Level that the nominee is approved to judge: __________________________________________
Nominating member’s name: (Print Name)_____________________________________________________________________________________ Address (Street): __________________________________________________________________________________________________ City:___________________________________________________________________________ State:_________ Zip:________________ Email:___________________________________ Phone:________________________________ Nominating member’s signature:______________________________________________________________________________________ Documents will be received by regular mail and and email (go to for the pdf file –FieldEarth Nomin.pdf) AND CONFIRMED by email. Nominees will be notified that their nomination has been received for publication. Dachshund Club of America
Please return this form (see non-electronic mailing information on back of this page) by APRIL 16, 2012 to: Robert E. Schwalbe 71 Valley Way, Pendergrass, GA 30567 706-693-7142 • 61
WINTER, 2011
Remove page from magazine, fold and tape bottom to send via U.S. Mail ________________________________________
First Class
Robert E. Schwalbe 71 Valley Way Pendergrass, GA 30567
2013 Field Trial and Earthdog Judge Nomination Form
DACHSHUND CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. BOARD MEETING May 19, 2011 Olympia Resort, Oconomowoc, WI The meeting was called to order at 5:17 PM CDT by President Carl Holder. Present at the meeting were Carl Holder, Robert Shwalbe, Emma Jean Stephenson Dusold, Ken Levison, Lisa Warren, Cathy Sorenson, Frances Colonna, Paul Martin, Vicki Spencer, Cheryl Snedaker-Sims, Larry Sorenson, Neal Hamilton, Bob Wlodkowski, Cheryl Shultz, Marci Forrester, Liz Heywood, Jean Dieden, Jerry Cerasini. Code of Conduct passed around.
President’s Report: Carl Holder Given at DCA Annual meeting
Recording Secretary’s Report: Jean Dieden Motion that the board approve the minutes from the January 15, 2011 meeting. Motion was seconded, discussed, and Adopted. DCA Board members’ Code of Conduct reviewed and signed by each board member present.
Corresponding Secretary’s Report: Cheryl Shultz See attached.
Treasurer’s Report: Ken Levison Presented 990 form (draft) for 2010 to board for review.
Delegate’s Report: Larry Sorenson There is an upcoming vote in June at the Delegates meeting. Motion to direct delegate to vote in the affirmative for the 4-year ineligible period for AKC Board of Directors (4 years before eligible to run again.) Motion was seconded, discussed, and Adopted. Larry and Lisa will work on changing the AKC web/smart phone application photos of dachshunds.
renew the domain name. Without objection DCA will extend the domain name at cost of $35.00 to allow the site to remain active for six months after the DCA show.
DCA Trophy Committee: Sheila Parish Without objection the board changed the donation for an eleven-inch plaque to $339.00 to accommodate Sheila Parish’s report of a price increase.
Carl Holder, president, reported that he will contact the AKC with questions regarding breed judges confusion over the wording in our breed standard applying to piebalds and double dapples.
Performance Events Committee: Jean Dieden
The meeting was adjourned 7:15 PM CDT. Next meeting TBD.
Robert Schwalbe described the current National Field Judges Nomination and Ballot procedure. No motion to change the procedure at this time. It is suggested that the procedure be described in both the DCA Newsletter and on the DCA Website, along with the current electronic distribution channels.
New Business: Carl outlined a plan to review the entire Standing Rules and present an updated document. DCA election procedure change: Jeanne Rice: Motion: In submitting a biography, it is required that the candidate state all current dog club/dog organizations to which he or she belongs and any office held in such clubs/organizations. The words required to state this are not included in the specified word limit. Motion was seconded, discussed, and Adopted. (Standing Rule) Review of January 15, 2011 minutes AOM motion: Direct national specialty judges that Select Dog and Select Bitch if the judge chooses to make these awards, must come from dogs awarded judges’ Awards of Merit. Motion to rescind the AOM directive. Motion was seconded, discussed, and Adopted. The affirmative vote is over a 2/3 majority and the motion is rescinded. (Standing Rule) Motion that Select Dog/Select Bitch receive medallion identical to the AOM medallion starting in 2012. Motion was seconded, discussed, and Adopted.
COMMITTEES Health Committee: Motion for DCA to pay airfare and $200 fee for Charlotte Borghardt to attend the AKC Canine Health Foundation health conference in August. Motion was seconded, discussed, and Adopted.
Education Committee: Marci Forrester Phyllis Rosinsky will spearhead the Meet The Breed effort in New York City. Raymond Chaplin will spearhead the Meet The Breed effort in Florida at Eukanuba Show.
DCA 2011: Jan Oswald The board reviewed a request by Jan Oswald to
Evelyn and Tom Riddick Cheryl Boyd Ruckert Melinda Herzog Landrith Bonnie Kerr (Foreign Canada) Without objection Canada will be removed from the DCA regular application form and moved to the foreign membership application.
Motion that dachshund clubs be AKC licensed in order to be listed on the DCA website. Motion was seconded, discussed, and Adopted. (Standing Rule)
DCA 2012: Anne Carson Motion that in 2012 there will be one shirt design with both DCMA and DCA names produced for the Callaway week. The profits will be split between the two clubs 50/50. Motion was seconded, discussed, and Adopted.
Jean Dieden, DCA Recording Secretary. 5/25/11 Approved by the DCA board 10/22/11 ________________________________________
DACHSHUND CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. BOARD MEETING MINUTES August 17, 2011 Pending approval Teleconference Call The meeting was called to order at 6:04 PM PT by President Carl Holder. Present at the meeting were Carl Holder, Jean Dieden, Cheryl Shultz, Anne Carson, Robert Schwalbe, Ken Levison, Paul Martin, Vicki Spencer, Cheryl Snedaker-Sims, Larry Sorenson, Neal Hamilton, Bob Wlodkowski, Marci Forrester, Jerry Cerasini. Lisa Warren.
Membership: Neal Hamilton 6:04 PM the Board went into executive session. 6:30 PM the Board came out of executive session. The following are elected to membership in the Dachshund Club of America: Christine Delahaut, Allison Janz Carl Holder reported that he had received an email from Jeannie Rice requesting board approval to post a link to the website on the Miniature Dachshund Discussion yahoo group. This website is available to the general public and does not require club membership for access. Motion to give permission to post a link to the website on a yahoo group. Motion was seconded, discussed, and Failed. Motion to appoint Debby Krieg as chairman of the DCA Raffle committee. Motion was seconded, discussed, and Passed. Motion to appoint Neal Glaser as chairman of the DCA Ways and Means committee. Motion was seconded, discussed, and Passed.
Membership: Neal Hamilton 6:30 PM the Board went into executive session. 7:10 PM the Board came out of executive session. The following are elected to membership in the Dachshund Club of America: Lisa Petersen Dachshund Club of America
WINTER, 2011
Meeting adjourned 6:45 PM PT. Jean Dieden, DCA Recording Secretary. 8/17/11 ________________________________________
REMEMBER! Only those results sent in to the Trophy Chair, editor or webmaster via e-mail will be published in the newsletter. They are published as submitted.
Central Ohio Dachshund Club September 9, 2011 TOTAL NUMBER OF STARTERS: 65 OAAD Stake Starters: 16 Judges: Robert Page, Leslie E. Savoye 1st Ch. MC’s Action Jaction at Rurhls ML Darcy Kechn 2nd Brass-Pax von Dorndorf Ashley Kala 3rd North Blackhawk Doc ML Paul Thomas 4th Ironwoods You’re A Wizard Lucinda Schultz NBQ Ch. Grandgables Katycloktothe X-treme Lois Wincel OAAB Stake Starters: 15 Judges: William Dyer and Gail Page 1st Rurhls Babbling Brooke ML Darch Kechn 2nd Ch. Grandbables Ms Witch Hazel Robin Mousseau 3rd Ch. Incahoots With Aunt Jemima SL Kimberlee Kause-Wirth 4th Ch. OC’s Chocolate Covered Cherry Robin Mousseau NBQ Ch. Dhamadachs SP Coat Daylight Leslie Savoye Field Champions Dogs Starters: 15 Judges: William Dyer and Shawn Nies 1st FC Nix vom Nordlicht JE Larry Gohlke & Cheri Faust 2nd DC Melwyn Dreamcatcher ML Pat Warble 3rd DC Kinders Impossible Pi Kathy Johnson 4th FC Alpine Owl Von Dorndorf Patricia Nance NBQ DC Rellih’s Little Indian MW Linda Snyder & Sherry L. Ruggieri Field Champion Bitches Starters: 19 Judges: Cheri Faust & Larry Gohlke 1st FC Deister Magic Molly Muffin Ann Deister 2nd FC R-Obsession Liesel 3rd FC Marta v Dorndorf L
4th FC BG’s Jive Talkin MS NBQ DC Heweks Oerudit Oearks NKC Judges for Best Open/Absolute: Shawn Nies & William Dyer Best Open: Rurhls Babbling Brooke ML Absolute: FC Nix vom Nordlicht JE ________________________________
Central Ohio Dachshund Club September 11, 2011 TOTAL NUMBER OF STARTERS: 71 OAAD Stake Starters: 17 Judges: William Dyer and Gail Page 1st Ch. MC’s Action Jackson Darcy Kechn 2nd Oc’s Pristine Silver Snow Storm MS Robin Mousseau 3rd Ch. TownFarm Emmett Sweeps the Spotlight Cynthia Yeager 4th North Blackhawk Doc ML Paul Thomas NBQ Ch. Grandgables Bugs Bunny MS Joanne Fagervik OAAB Stake Starters: 20 Judges: Robert Page and Cheri Faust 1st Grandgable Lil Ms Junglefeaver Joanne Fagervik 2nd Dronworlds Harvest Moonshine Lucinda Schultz 3rd T-Dachs Myrtle the Turtle Jami Bonser 4th Grandgables Up to Tricks MS Joanne Fagervik NBQ Incahoots With Aunt Jemima SL Kimberly Kaus-Wirth & Lois Wincel Field Champions Dogs Starters: 15 Judges: Larry Gholke and Lucinda Schultz 1st DC Rellih’s Little Indian MS Linda Snyder 2nd DC Melwyn Dream Catcher Pat Warble 3rd DC Kinders Impossible PI Kathy Johnson 4th FC Applehills Who U Gonna Call MS Denise Hilbert NBQ FC BG’s Boogie Child Gail and Robert Page
Field Champion Bitches Starters: 19 Judges: William Dyer & Shawn Nies 1st FC BG’s Jive Talkin MS Gail C. Page 2nd FC Danika vom Nordlicht 3rd FC Bobs Babe von Knobydox 4th FC Apple Hill Digging Down Under MS NBQ FC Anha vib Niisbacg Zuzelek Judges for Best Open/Absolute: Shawn Nies and Cheri Faust Best Open: Ch. MC’s Action Jackson Absolute: DC Rellih’s Little Indian MS ________________________________
Dachshund Club of Greater Buffalo September 17, 2011 TOTAL NUMBER OF STARTERS: 59 OAAD Stake Starters: 9 Judges: Lorraine Simmons & Wendy York 1st Goshawker Luke Skywalker ML Alice S. Moyer 2nd Poker Von Moosbach-Zuzelek Sarah Stokoe 3rd Yorkdachs Man In Black Andrea Casuras 4th Ch. Caldach’s Claddach Karen and Bill Brown & Cheryl Snedaker Sims NBQ Kearsarge Mountain’s Ash Baerbel Wills OAAB Stake Starters: 18 Judges: Laurel Whistance-Smith & Jolanta Jeanneney 1st Karchaus Unforgotten Andra O’Connell 2nd Ch. Karchaus From Understudy to Star, RN Andra O’Connell 3rd Stardox Fine Time To Leave Lucille Penny Neil & L. & D. Simmons 4th Apple Hill’s Mirasol Pepper MS Carrie Hamilton NBQ Stardachs Steady At The Helm Wendy & Jeremy Beck Field Champions Combined Number of Starters: 32 Judges: Trudy Kawami & Carrie Hamilton 1st FC Danika vom Nordlicht TD ME Cheri Faust & Larry Gohlke 2nd DC Rellih’s Little Indian MW, TD, SE, VC Linda Snyder & Sherry Ruggieri 3rd DC Harmony Hill Dasher Joan & Sanford Horskin 4th FC Diamant Lily Von Lowenherz, SE Laurel Whistance-Smith NBQ FC Duchwoods’ Breakfast At Tiffany’s MS, OA, OAJ, NF
Dachshund Club of America
WINTER, 2011
Judges for Best Open/Absolute: S. Ruggieri & W. York/T.Kawami & C. Hamilton Best Open: Karchaus Unforgotten Absolute: FC Danika Vom Nordlicht ________________________________
Dachshund Fanciers of Southwestern Washington September 17, 2011 TOTAL NUMBER OF STARTERS: 17 OAAD Stake Starters: 7 Judges: Vici Peters and Dan Mata 1st Max von Bispingdorpe Uta Fehlhaber-Smith and Columbus Smith 2nd Sigmund Mein Freund Christina Pile 3rd Count My Ripples Christina Pile 4th Ch. Dachshire V Lockshire Cruisin’ SL Thomas and Kathleen Lockyer NBQ GCh Lockshire’s Rembrandt SL, RN, NAJ, NF Thomas and Kathleen Lockyer OAAB Stake Starters: 9 Judges: Vici Peters and Jennifer Sherrick 1st Franka von Schlendrian Claire Mancha 2nd Jadzia Tasiemkowa-Mafia Claire Mancha 3rd Pearce’s Happy Diane Pearce 4th Lockshire’s Little Miss Lucy Loo SW Thomas and Kathleen Lockyer NBQ Cameron’s Maude Reis Wilbanks Field Champions: Combined Number of Starters: 1 Judges: Kathleen Lockyer and Claire Mancha 1st DC Goodwood’s Milo Reis Wilbanks Judges for Best Open/Absolute: Dan Mata, Vici Peters and Kathleen Lockyer Absolute: Franka von Schlendrian ________________________________
Albany Capitol District Dachshund Club September 18, 2011 TOTAL NUMBER OF STARTERS: 51 OAAD Stake Starters: 7 Judges: Jolanta Jeanneney/Laurel WhistanceSmith
1st withheld 2nd Ch. Caldach’s Claddach Karen & Bill Brown, Cheryl Sims 3rd Shadach’s Return to Sender Diane Sennett 4th withheld NBQ TownFarm Emmett Sweeps the Spotlight Cynthia Yeager OAAB Stake Starters: 16 Judges: Alice Moyer, Wayne Smith 1st Boco’s Garmin ML Teddy Moritz 2nd Stardox Fine Time to Leave Lucille Lorraine & David Simmons, Penelope Neil 3rd Yorkdachs Champagne Toast Wendy York 4th Ch. Starbarrack Wildflower SW Gail Binder NBQ Saytar’s Ember MS Trudy & David Kawami Field Champions Combined Number of Starters: 28 Judges: Trudy Kawami, Diane Sennett 1st FC Billy von Moosbach-Zuzelek John & Jolanta Jeanneney 2nd FC Anja von Moosbach-Zuzelek Sherry Ruggieri 3rd FC Duchwood’s Mighty Sprite Alice Carter 4th FC Diamant Lily von Lowenherz Laurel Whistance-Smith NBQ FC Alimo’s Jack’s Back Alice Moyer
1st Stardox Penny Rose SS Lorraine & David Simmons 2nd Stardox Fine Time To Leave Lucille Penelope Neil & L Simmons & D Simmons 3rd Karchaus Unforgotten Andra O’Connell 4th Boco’s Garmin ML Teddy Moritz NBQ Apple Hill’s Mirasol Pepper MS Carrie Hamilton Field Champions Combined Number of Starters: 48 Judges: Alan James & Phyllis Meseroll
Absolute: Ch. Syringa’s Brogan Patrick SL ________________________________
Best Open: Stardox Penny Rose SS
Absolute: DC TownFarm Water Wings ________________________________
OAAD Stake Starters: 11 Judges: Janet Schwalbe & Phyllis Meseroll
Greater Portland Dachshund Club 0ctober 1, 2011 TOTAL NUMBER OF STARTERS: 29 OAAD Stake Starters: 10 Judges: Julie Nielsen & Marleen Yann
Best Open: withheld
1st Ch. Syringa’s Brogan Patrick SL Katherine Schisel 2nd Ch. Serenity’s Playboy Prince Patrice Baker & Wendy Snyder 3rd Kleine Black Magic MS Benjamin T. & Delores Belden 4th Ch. Codeblue Logan of Tecklewood MS Jennifer Milosavljevic & Amanda Hodges NBQ Ch. Dachshire V Lockshire’s Cruisin’ SL Thomas & Kathleen Lockyer
Bay Colony Dachshund Club October 1, 2011 TOTAL NUMBER OF STARTERS: 83 OAAD Stake Starters: 8 Judges: Robert Schwalbe & John Merriman 1st Feldspar’s Hare Apparent of Willagaye Brenda D Weintraub 2nd Bridger Vom Jaagerhugel Willette Brown 3rd TownFarm Emmet Sweeps the Spotlight Cynthia A. Yeager 4th Vernd vom Ahorn Wald Baerbel Wills NBQ Kearsarge Mountain’s Ash Baerbel Wills OAAB Stake Starters: 27 Judges: Janet Schwalbe & Jolanta Jeanneney
Judges for Best Open/Absolute: Julie Nielsen & Nicole Cooper
1st DC TownFarm Water Wings Michael Pitisci 2nd FC TownFarm He’s So Fine Susan & Eric Pepe 3rd FC Clown Vom Talsdeich Susanne Hamilton 4th FC Melwyn Under Wing Darter Lorraine Simmons NBQ Marguerite Vom Jagerhugel Susanne Hamilton
Judges for Best Open/Absolute: Diane Sennett, Alice Moyer
Absolute: Boco’s Garmin ________________________________
1st FC Westrose Gun Powder & Lace MWD, JE Julie L. Couch & Robert L. Couch 2nd DC Arimich Delphi V Deltadox SL, JE Kathleen Schooler & Katherine Schisel 3rd DC Lockshire Rain Shadow JE Marleen & Ronald Yann 4th FC Hathor Farm’s Sweet & Low Down Annie Zeck & William Zeck NBQ FC Marta Etta of Hathor Farm JE Marleen & Ronald Yann
OAAB Stake Starters: 8 Judges: Julie Nielsen & Nicole Cooper 1st GCh. Syringa’s Siobhan’s Irish Eyes SL Katherine Schisel 2nd Solo’s Obvious Choice SL Jordin Misfeldt & Kim Vidrine 3rd Withheld 4th Withheld NBQ Lockshire’s Little Miss Lucy Loo SW Thomas & Kathleen Lockyer Field Champions: Combined Number of Starters: 11 Judges: Wendy Snyder & Kathleen Lockyer
Dachshund Association of Long Island October 2, 2011
1st Bridger Vom Jagerhugel Willette Brown 2nd Bernd vom Ahorn Wald Baerbel Wills 3rd Kearsarge Mountain’s Ash Baerbel Wills 4th Ch. Karchaus Dachshire Untouchable S Cherly Snedaker-Sims NBQ Kelkor Turning Pt Rising Son Randy & Pete Eltringham OAAB Stake Starters: 23 Judges: Robert Schwalbe & Alice Moyer 1st Copperhills Anibelle v Amtekel Katherine Hiemer 2nd Boco’s Garmin ML Teddy Moritz 3rd Chapel Croft Suzy Q David & Lorraine Simmons 4th TownFarm You’ve Been On My Mind Susan & Eric Pepe NBQ Saytar’s Ember MS David & Trudy Kawami Field Champions Combined Number of Starters: 33 Judges: Lorriane Simmons & Carrie Hamilton 1st FC Sunlight’s Esprit vBakum Karin Boyd 2nd Clown vom Talsdeich Susanne Hamilton 3rd FC Rosie’s Odie on the Run Bonnie Mercier 4th Paika V Moosbach Zuzelek SW Jolanta & John Jeanneney
Dachshund Club of America
WINTER, 2011
NBQ FC Diamant Lily Von Lowenherz Laurel Whistance-Smith Judges for Best Open/Absolute: Michael Pitisci& Laurel WhistanceSmith, Lorraine Simmons & Carrie Hamilton Best Open: Bridger Vom Jagerhugel Absolute: FC Sunlight’s Esprit v Bakum ________________________________
Dachshund Club of America October 2, 2011 TOTAL NUMBER OF STARTERS: 26 OAAD Stake Starters: 7 Judges: Dave Niebur & Robert L. Couch 1st GCh. Lockshire’s Rembrandt SL, RN NAJ NF Thomas & Kathleen Lcokyer 2nd Ivan Tasiemkowa-Mafia SE Claire Mancha 3rd withheld 4th withheld NBQ Serenity’s Louisiana Getaway SL Wendy & Brett Snyder, Clint Werner & Donald Abrams OAAB Stake Starters: 7 Judges: Dave Niebur & Wendy Snyder 1st Jadzia Tasiemkowa-Mafia Claire Mancha 2nd Lockshire’s Little Miss Lucy Loo SW Kathleen & Thomas Lockyer 3rd GCh. Syringa’s Siobhans Irish Eyes SL Katherine Schisel 4th Franka Von Schlendrian Claire Mancha NBQ Solo’s Obvious Choice Jordin Misfeldt & Kim Vidrine Field Champions Combined Number of Starters: 12 Judges: Dave Niebur & Lynn Niebur 1st FC Westrose Gun Powder & Lace MWD Julie L Couch & Robert L Couch 2nd DC Lockshire Rain Shadow JE Marleen & Ronald Yann 3rd DC Devanna’s Homestretch V 3steps JE Jordin Misfeldt & Dorothy O. Devanna 4th DC Riverwind Hi Plains Drifter CD RA JE Wendy Snyder & Patrice Baker NBQ FC Westrose Guns & Roses MWD Julie L Couch & Robert L Couch Best Open: No Best Open, Run as Trio. Absolute: FC Westrose Gun Powder & Lace MWD, JE ________________________________
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Field Trial Results continued from page 65
Minnesota Dachshund Club October 9, 2011 TOTAL NUMBER OF STARTERS: 70
Badger Dachshund Club, Inc. October 8, 2011 Field Champions DOGS A. Dumas & W. Snyder (16 Starters) 1st DC Rellih’s Little Indian MW TD SE L. Snyder/S. Ruggieri 2nd FC Hunderbar Call Before You Dig SL TD K. Ristedt 3rd DC Kinder’s Impossible Pi MS RN JE K. Johnson/J. DuBois 4th DC Huntndox FH Repete Memories CD RE NA OAJ NJP ME EE D. McNamara/D. McNamara/ S. Bermke Field Champions BITCHES A. Dumas & W. Snyder (15 Starters) 1st GCh. DC Stardust’s Simply Irresistible RE A. Schmidt 2nd FC Danika Vom Nordlicht TD ME C. Faust/L. Gohlke 3rd FC Hurricane Ana Maria V Czar SW JE J. Gallamore/M. Gallamore 4th FC Ray Bob’s Gretel Von Knobydox JE J. Fry Open All-Age DOGS D. Faust & P. Leonberger (20 Starters) 1st Vimy Ridge Von Lowenherz S. Davidson 2nd Ch. Short Shadows Hare Force C. Lindberg 3rd Hoppledachs In Formal Attire ML P. Hopkins 4th Hale’s Deter SL H. Briwa Open All-Age BITCHES D. Faust & P. Leonberger 22 Starters 1st Stardust’s Anticipation Von Skaer SL B. & A. Barth/A. Schmidt/B. Skaer 2nd Ch. Kinder’s Ribbons Of Ebony MS J Dubois 3rd Ch. Obsession’s I’ll Take Your Heart SL JE D. Van Hook 4th Greta Von Lowenherz C. Richter ________________________________
OAAD Stake Starters: 17 Judges: Daivd Faust and Pam Bethke 1st Deister’s Life with Gusto Ann Deister 2nd Ch. ShortShadow Hare Force Carrie Lindberg 3rd Short Shadows Hare of the Dog SW Holly Vanderheiden and Carolyn Casoria 4th Obsessions Custom Lowrider SL, Deneice Van Hook NBQ Heidachs Chief Joseph SL CD RA CGC Marguerite Meade OAAB Stake Starters: 24 Judges: Ashley Dumas and Patsy Leonberger 1st Spring Valley Huntin’ For Action Darcy Keehn 2nd Hundeleben Ziegfeld Girl of Brownwood SW Lorry Fettes and Jeffrey Boehne 3rd Greta Von Lowenherz Charles Richter 4th Short Shadows in the Crosshares SW Carolyn and Christopher Casoria NBQ Ch. Chazlyn’s Luck be a Lady CD RE CGC Andrea Baltes and Lynne Dahlén Field Champions: Combined Number of Starters: 29 Judges: Linda Sullivan and Wendy Snyder 1st FC Chazlyn’s Crown Jewel CD RE NAJ Andrea Baltes 2nd FC Annamieka vom Jagdfeld CGC, Sherri Ruggieri 3rd FC Applehill’s Who U Gonna Call MS Denise Hilbert 4th FC Widgett of Hidden Cedars JE, Rick and Jane Schwarz NBQ FC von Schatten Knight of Mischief Shawn Nies Judges for Best Open/Absolute: Pam Bethke and Patsy Leonberger Absolute: FC Chazlyn’s Crown Jewel CD RE NAJ ________________________________
Cascade Dachshund Club October 15, 2011 TOTAL NUMBER OF STARTERS: 28 OAAD Stake Starters: 7 Judges: Larry Sorenson and Angela King
1st Hathor Farm’s Edson’s Raider on Garden Court SW JE M’Liss Rae Hawley and Alexander Hawley 2nd I Spy Anderson Cooper W SE, Karen L. Alsip 3rd Ch. Code Blue Logan of Teckelwood MS, Jennifer Milosavljevic 4th GCh. Dastropen F. Arbugkle MW Monica Alvarez NBQ GCh. Setsers V Sausage Stables Razors Edge Herman and Charlene Shuping OAAB Stake Starters: 12 Judges: Larry Sorenson and Ron Yann 1st Nordwing’s Frigga MLD Angela King 2nd Hathor Farm’s Dances With Daffodils SW JE, Marillyn Douglas 3rd Nordwing’s Ostara MLP Angela King 4th Teckelwood Hunt Mistress MS Charlene, Frances Matute, A. Porrazzo NBQ I Spy Agent Ninety-Nine W Karen Alsip Field Champions Combined Number of Starters: 9 Judges: Larry Sorenson and Selma McNamara 1st TC M’I Spy of Hathor Farm SW CD RN OA AXJ NAP OJP OF JE, Jean M. Dieden 2nd DC Lockshire Rain Shadow Marleen and Ronald Yann 3rd FC Westrose Guns & Roses MWD JE Julie Layton Couch and Rob Couch 4th FC Westrose Gun Powder & Lace MWD, Julie Layton Couch and Rob Couch NBQ FC I Spy Black Bean of Ni-Kel W TD JE Mary and Stephen Magladry Judges for Best Open/Absolute: Larry Sorenson and Ron Yann Best Open: Hathor Farm’s Edson’s Raider on Garden Court SW JE Absolute: TC M’I Spy of Hathor Farm SW CD RN OA AXJ NAP OJP OF JE ________________________________
Cascade Dachshund Club October 16, 2011 TOTAL NUMBER OF STARTERS: 30 OAAD Stake Starters: 8 Judges: Larry Sorenson and Michael Dilley 1st GCh. Setsers V Sausage Stables Razors Edge Herman and Charlene Shuping 2nd Hathor Farm’s Edson’s Raider on Garden Court SW JE
Dachshund Club of America
WINTER, 2011
M’Liss Rae Hawley and Alexander Hawley 3rd Wingover’s Ob-Wan ML Susan Fuller 4th I Spy Anderson Cooper W SE Karen L. Alsip NBQ I Spy Valyns Instigator W Lynda Masterson and Selma McNamara OAAB Stake Starters: 12 Judges: Larry Sorenson and Michael Dilley 1st Hathor Farm’s Rosebud SW SE Jean Dieden 2nd Hathor Farm’s Dances With Daffodils SW JE Marillyn Douglas 3rd Ch. I Spy Identity Thief W, Selma and Dennis McNamara 4th Nordwing’s Frigga MLD Angela King NBQ Pearce’s Happy, Diane Pearce Field Champions: Combined Number of Starters: 10 Judges: Larry Sorenson and Angela King 1st FC Westrose Guns & Roses MWD Julie Layton Couch and Rob Couch 2nd FC Westrose Gun Powder & Lace MWD JE Julie Layton Couch and Rob Couch 3rd GCH Dashopen F. Arbugkle MW Monica Alvarez 4th DC Hathor Farm’s New Attitude SW VCD1 RA JE CA Margeurite Weis and Jean Dieden NBQ TC M’I Spy of Hathor Farm SW CD RN OA AXJ NAP OJP OF JE, Jean Dieden Judges for Best Open/Absolute: Michael Dilley and Angela King Best Open and Absolute: Hathor Farm’s Rosebud SW SE ________________________________
Western PA Dachshund Club October 23, 2011 TOTAL NUMBER OF STARTERS: 59 OAAD Stake Starters: 13 Judges: Sherry Ruggieri and Laurel Whistance-Smith 1st Ch. Kephart’s Harlequin Harley Susan and Peter Botsakis 2nd Ch. Digalot He’s Magic Judy Stephenson 3rd Jot von Moritz Teddy Moritz 4th Ch. Syringa’s Walking on Sunshine v Stolz Carol Stolz-Blancato and Katherine Schisel NBQ Jewels Raindox Pearl Button Tux Monica Galley-Keller
OAAB Stake Starters: 13 Judges: Larry Gohlke and Carrie Hamilton 1st Ch. Turning Pt. New England Breeze ME Dr. Randy and Capt. Pete Eltringham 2nd Chapel Croft Suzy Q David and Lorraine Simmons 3rd Ch. Digalot Miss Sadie Thompson Jinx Gellin and Judy Stephenson 4th Ch. Turning Pt. Fast Cars and Freedom Dr. Randy and Capt. Pete Eltringham NBQ Laddland Walking on Air Susan and Peter Botsakis Field Champions: Dogs Number of Starters: 15 Judges: John Merriman and Michael Hockenberry 1st FC Augden von Moosbach Zuzelek, ME, RE, CGC, VC Sherry Ruggieri 2nd FC Alimo’s Jack’s Back CDX, AX, SE Alice Moyer 3rd DC Hildisvin A Night to Remember RA Dr. Randy and Capt. Pete Eltringham 4th FC Nix vom Nordlicht JE Larry Gohlke and Cheri Faust NBQ FC Rosie’s Little Trooper Bonnie Mercier Field Champion Bitches Number of Starters: 18 Judges: Alice Moyer and Michael Hockenberry 1st FC Diamant Lily von Lowenherz J, SE Laurel Whistance-Smith 2nd FC Danika vom Nordlicht TD, ME Cheri Faust and Larry Gohlke 3rd FC T-Dachs Myrtle the Turtle JE Jamie Bonser 4th FC Sunlight’s Esprit v Bakum AX, AXJ, XF Karin Boyd NBQ FC Melwyn Underwing Darter SE Lorraine and David Simmons Judges for Best Open/Absolute: Larry Gohlke and Michael Hockenberry Best Open: Ch. Turning Pt. New England Breeze Absolute: FC Augden von Moosbach Zuzelek, ME, RE, CGC, VC _________________________________
Dachshund Club of America (Annual field trial) October 29 & November 4, 2011 TOTAL NUMBER OF STARTERS: 30 Combined Open 14
Judges: Laurel Whistance-Smith, Alan James
NBQ Hoppledach’s Chica Bonita MS, Pamala Hopkins
1st Jot von Moritz ML Teddy Moritz 2nd Apple Hill’s Mirasol Pepper MS Carrie Hamilton 3rd Chapel Croft Suzy Q Lorraine & David Simmons 4th Lothlorein Sharpshooter Joann Frier-Murza NBQ Karchaus Unforgotten Andra O’Connell
Field Champions Dogs Number of Starters: 8 Judges: Larry Gohlke & Gloria LaTour
Field Champions Combined Number of Starters: 16 Judges: Alice Moyer, Sanford Horskin 1st FC Sunlight’s Espirit v Bakum, Karin Boyd 2nd DC Siddachs Carmen MW John Merriman 3rd FC Melwyn Underwing Darter Lorraine & David Simmons 4th FC Hexelein Pantel von Lowenherz Laurel Whistance-Smith NBQ DC Melwyn Dreamcatcher Pat Warble Judges for Best Open/Absolute: Alice Moyer & Sanford Horskin Absolute: FC Sunlight’s Espirit v Bakum ________________________________
Dachshund Club of St. Louis November 5, 2011 TOTAL NUMBER OF STARTERS*: 58 OAAD Stake Starters: 20 Judges: Rick Schwarz & Linda Sullivan 1st Hoppledachs Ottowa v Sho Me ML Pamala Hopkins & Pamela Wells 2nd Hurricane Sir Phileo v Birdachs S Judy Gallamore & Mary Bird 3rd Ch. Pocketpack Simply Red MW CD RAE SE Catherine M Thompson 4th Ch. Hidden Cedars Make Ur Mark MS Gloria LaTour NBQ Ch. EZ Goins Wire-E-Coyote MW Sam Rodriquez OAAB Stake Starters: 16 Judges: Patt Nance & Tina Knoll 1st Hoppledachs Eufaula v Sho Me ML Pamala Hopkins & Pamela Wells 2nd Ch. Hidden Cedars Natural Woman MS Gloria LaTour 3rd WITHHELD 4th Stardust’s Sunshine on My Shoulders Karen Schmidt & Anne Schmidt
1st FC Hidden Cedars Jango Bling Laura Isaacson 2nd DC Nexus v Dorndorf L Patricia Nance 3rd FC Copia’s Majestic King Patsy Leonberger 4th DC Lorindol Rider of the Quest, Vicki & Bill Spencer NBQ FC Dynadaux Til The Sun Comes Up MS Tracy Freeling & Cyndy Senff Field Champion Bitches Number of Starters: 14 Judges: Tracy Freeling & John Lamkemeyer 1st FC Danika vom Nordlicht Cheri Faust & Larry Gohlke 2nd FC Windspirit’s Memories ML Kate Snider & Phil Bird 3rd DC Short Shadows Runaround Sue Shawn Nies 4th DC von Schatten Knight with Cassanova Shawn Nies NBQ: FC Sagerun’s Keturah Patsy Leonberger Judges for Best Open/Absolute: Rick Schwarz & Gloria LaTour Best Open and Absolute: Hoppledachs Ottowa v Sho Me ML ________________________________
Metropolitan Washington Dachshund Club November 5, 2011
F. Phyllis Damron 3rd Apple Hill’s Little Red Savina MS Karen White & Carrie Hamilton 4th Chapel Croft Suzy Q David & Lorraine Simmons NBQ Ch. TurningPt New England Breeze ME Dr. Randy Eltringham & Capt. Pete Eltringham Field Champions: Dogs Number of Starters: 24 Judges: Phyllis Meseroll & Lorraine Simmons 1st FC TownFarm Emmett Sweeps the Spotlight Cynthia A Yeager 2nd DC TownFarm A Beautiful Mind Michael J Pitisci 3rd FC RoseGate Life O’ Riley @ Stardox, JE Susan Jill Blake & Todd Lee Blake 4th DC VSchwalbes Dizzy Gillespie MW Robert E. Schwalbe & Janet M. Schwalbe NBQ DC Wingover’s Lancelot du Lac ML RN, NA, OAJ, NF Alice S. Moyer Field Champion Bitches Number of Starters: 21 Judges: Alice Moyer & Carrie Hamilton 1st FC Melwyn Under Wing Darter SE Lorraine Simmons & David Simmons 2nd FC Apple Hill Digging Down Under MS Heidi Meyers 3rd FC Sunlight’s Esprit V Bakum AX, AXJ, XF Karin Boyd 4th FC Hexelein Pantel von Lowenherz SE Laurel Whistance-Smith NBQ FC Trillium Pearl Essence ML Monica Galley-Keller
Judges for Best Open/Absolute: Alice Moyer & Robert Schwalbe
OAAD Stake Starters: 17 Judges: Alan James & Sandy Horskin
Best Open and Absolute: Jot von Moritz ML
1st Jot von Moritz ML Teddy Moritz 2nd Stardox Frankly My Dear Susan Jill Blake & Lorraine Simmons 3rd Stardox I Know You Rider SE Susan Jill Blake & Lorraine Simmons
Best Field Champion: FC Melwyn Under Wing Darter SE ________________________________
4th Jewels Raindox Pearl Button Tux ML Adam, Monica Galley-Keller NBQ Apple Hill Jacob MS Lena Leonardsson & Carrie Hamilton OAAB Stake Starters: 28 Judges: Robert Schwalbe & Pat Warble 1st Apple Hill’s Mirasol Pepper MS Carrie Hamilton 2nd Hawkin’ Tails’ Serena MLD
Dachshund Club of America
WINTER, 2011
Dachshund Club of St. Louis November 6, 2011 TOTAL NUMBER OF STARTERS: 54 OAAD Stake Starters: 18 Judges: Judy Gallamore & Larry Gohlke 1st Ch. EZ Goins Wire-E-Coyote MW Sam Rodriguez 2nd Hoppledachs Ottowa v Sho Me ML Pamala Hopkins & Pamela Wells
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Field Trial Results continued from page 67 3rd Ch. Pocketpack Simply Red MW Catherine M Thompson 4th Ch. Kadell’s Gold Souvenir Cheryl B. Rueker NBQ Ch. Hidden Cedar’s Make Ur Mark MS Gloria LaTour OAAB Stake Starters: 14 Judges: Tracy Freeling & Rick Schwarz 1st Ch. Hidden Cedars Natural Woman MS Gloria LaTour 2nd Hidden Cedars Double Trouble MS Gloria LaTour 3rd Hoppledachs Eufaula v Sho Me ML Pamala Hopkins & Pamela Wells 4th Windspirit’s Legacy ML Kate Snider & Phil Bird NBQ Hoppledach’s Chica Bonita MS Pamala Hopkins Field Champions Dogs Number of Starters: 11 Judges: Tina Knoll & Linda Sullivan 1st DC Nexus v Dorndorf L Patricia Nance 2nd FC Alpine Owl von Dorndorf L Patricia Nance 3rd FC Copia’s Majestic King Solomon Patsy Leonberger 4th FC Hidden Cedars Jango Bling Laura Isaacson NBQ DC Lorindol, Rider of the Quest Vicki & Bill Spencer Field Champion Bitches Number of Starters: 11 Judges: Patricia Nance & Gloria LaTour 1st DC Short Shadows Runaround Sue Shawn Nies 2nd FC Annie Ochre von Dorndorf Laura Knoll 3rd FC Sagerun’s Keturah Patsy Leonberger 4th FC Danika vom Nordlicht Cheri Faust & Larry Gohlke NBQ FC Hurrican Ana Maria V Czar SW Judy & Mack Gallamore Judges for Best Open/Absolute: Larry Gohlke & Cheri Faust Best Open: Ch. Hidden Cedars Natural Woman MS Absolute: DC Short Shadows Runaround Sue ________________________________
Metropolitan Washington Dachshund Club November 6, 2011
TOTAL NUMBER OF STARTERS: 78 OAAD Stake Starters: 13 Judges: Teddy Moritz & Penelope Neil 1st Jewels Raindox Pearl Button Tux ML Monica Galley-Keller 2nd Ch. Digalot He’s Magic Judy Stephenson 3rd Stardox Frankly My Dear Susan Jill Blake & Lorraine Simmons 4th Jadczaks Rex Racer Rebecca Jadczak NBQ Bernd vom Ahorn Wald ME Baerbel Wills OAAB Stake Starters: 19 Judges: Carrie Hamilton & Alice Moyer 1st Chapel Croft Suzy Q David & Lorraine Simmons 2nd Hawkin’ Tails’ Lilah MLD Ted Damron 3rd Hawkin’ Tails’ Serena MLD F. Phyllis Damron 4th Stardox Fine Time to Leave Lucille Penelope Neil & Lorraine Simmons & David Simmons NBQ Ch. TurningPt New England Breeze ME Dr. Randy Eltringham & Capt. Pete Eltringham Field Champions Dogs Number of Starters: 25 Judges: Phyllis Damron & John Merriman 1st DC Wingover’s Lancelot du Lac ML RN, NA, OAJ, NF Alice Moyer 2nd FC Sunlight Reliant Rex v Bakum Phyllis Meseroll, Michael Nothstein & Karin Boyd 3rd FC Alimo’s Jack’s Back CDX, RN, AX, AXJ, NF, XJP, NFP, SE Alice Moyer 4th DC Hildisvin A Night to Remember RA, CGC, ATTS Dr. Randy Eltringham & Capt. Pete Eltringham NBQ DC Rellih’s Little Indian, MW, TD Linda Snyder & Sherry Ruggieri Field Champion Bitches Number of Starters: 21 Judges: Robert Schwalbe & Alan James 1st DC Siddachs Carman MW CGC John Merriman 2nd DC TownFarm Water Wings Michael j Pitisci 3rd FC Glendefir’s Journey to Harmony Hill Joan Horskin & Sanford Horskin 4th FC Duchwood’s Breakfast at Tiffany’s OA, OAJ, NF Alice Carter NBQ FC Sunlight’s Esprit v Bakum AX, AXJ, XF Karin Boyd
Judges for Best Open/Absolute: Alan James & Carrie Hamilton
Absolute: DC Siddachs Carman MW CGC ________________________________
2nd FC Hurricane Ana Maria V Czar Judy & Mack Gallamore 3rd DC Siddachs Carman MW CGC John Merriman 4th FC Annamieka vom Jagdfeld CGC Sherry Ruggieri NBQ FC Paika V Moosbach-Zuzelek SW John & Jolanta Jeanneney ________________________________
Buckeye Dachshund Club November 12, 2011
Cumberland Valley Dachshund Club November 12, 2011
OAAD Stake Starters: 7 Judges: Cheri Faust & Laurel Whistance-Smith
OAAD Stake Starters: 22 Judges: Lorraine Simmons and Phyllis Meseroll
1st Withheld 2nd Deisters Life With Gusto Ann Deister 3rd Withheld 4th Withheld NBQ Ch. Petalpusher Red Sage MS Rita & Rick Kkepner
1st Jalyse’s Cowboy Casanova v Dominos ML Jamie Sexton 2nd : Ch. Syringa’s Walkin On Sunshine v Stolz SL Carol Stolz-Blancato & Katherine Schisel 3rd Ch. Leoralee’s Chances Are SL Heather With & Marietta Singleton 4th Stardust’s Good Day Sunshine Jean & Edwin Tillis NBQ Hoppledachs In Formal Attire ML Pamala Hopkins
Best Open: Chapel Croft Suzy Q and Best FC: DC Siddachs Carman MW
OAAB Stake Starters: 11 Judges: Larry Gohlke & Mary Powell 1st Ch. Turning Pt Nothin’ But Tail Lites RA, CGC Dr. Randy & Capt. Pete Eltringham 2nd Ch. Turning Pt New England Breeze ME Dr. Randy & Capt. Pete Eltringham 3rd Ch. Frenjach’s Just Like The Wind RA, CGC, ROMX Dr. Randy & Capt. Pete Eltringham 4th Ch. Turning Pt. Fast Cars N Freedom RA, CGC Dr. Randy & Capt. Pete Eltringham NBQ Kordachs’ Pepper Ann MS Rita Kepner Field Champions Dogs Number of Starters: 18 Judges: Patsy Leonberger & Shawn Nies 1st FC Augden von Moosbach Zuzelek ME RE CGC VC Sherry Ruggieri 2nd FC Billy Von Moosbach-Zuzelek John & Jolanta Jeanneney 3rd FC Clown Vom Talsdeich Suzanne Hamilton 4th DC Rellih’s Little Indian MW TD SE CGC VC Linda Snyder & Sherry Ruggieri NBQ FC Tom Vom Linteler-Forst John & Jolanta Jeanneney Field Champion Bitches Number of Starters: 25 Judges: Caroly Casoria & Ashley Dumas 1st FC BG’s Jive Talkin MS Gail & Bob Page
Dachshund Club of America
WINTER, 2011
OAAB Stake Starters: 38 Judges: Michael Nothstein/Alice Moyer 1st Mye Dachshire Mystic Moon Sandi Myers & Ken Hagmueller 2nd Ch. Leoralee’s Because I Said So Catherine Kalista & Marietta Singleton 3rd Little Miss T. Von Raab MS Mary Ellen Byrne 4th Ch. Cirdan Piece O’The Roc Marclif Glenn & Linda Cockburn NBQ Southwinds Tickled Pink ML Ed & Val Higginbotham Field Champions Dogs Number of Starters: 19 Judges: David Brown & Randy David 1st FC Hoppledachs Ottawa v ShoMe ML Pamala Hopkins 2nd DC Lorindol Rider of the Quest Vicki & Bill Spencer 3rd FC Alimo’s Jack’s Back CDX, RN, AX, AXJ, NF, XJP, NFP, SE Alice Moyer 4th DC Townfarm He’s So Fine Susan & Eric Pepe NBQ Am/Can Ch. DC Stardox Twist and Shout ROMX Sandy Patterson & Lorraine Simmons Field Champion Bitches Number of Starters: 17 Judges: Robert Schwalbe and Sandi Myers
1st FC Chapel Croft Suzy Q David & Lorraine Simmons 2nd FC Melwyn Under Wing Darter SE David & Lorraine Simmons 3rd DC Diagram Goblet of Fire MW Dianne Graham 4th DC Amtekel’s Guinness ‘N Harp RA Melanie Simmons & Andra O’Connell NBQ FC Copia’s Memphis Belle Linda Cockburn ________________________________
1st FC Paika V Moosbach-Zuzelek SW John & Jolanta Jeanneney 2nd FC Danika vom Nordlicht TD ME Cheri Faust & Larry Gohlke 3rd DC Short Shadows Runaround Sue CD RE TD AX OAJ Shawn Nies 4th Marguerite vom Jagerhugel Susanne Hamilton
Buckeye Dachshund Club November 13, 2011
Best Open: FC Deisters Life With Gusto
Judges for Best Open/Absolute: Stan Knoll & Laurel Whinstance-Smith
Absolute: FC Paika V Moosbach-Zuzelek SW ________________________________
OAAD Stake Starters: 7 Judges: Larry Gohlke & Sherry Ruggieri
Cumberland Valley Dachshund Club November 13, 2011
1st Deisters Life With Gusto Ann Deister
New Field Champion 2nd Ch. Beacon Hill Manitoba Spy L Hal & Linda Greig, Nancy Turner 3rd Hurricane Sir Phileo V Birdachs Judy & Mack Gallamore 4th Withheld NBQ Shortshadows Lost Track SE H. VanderHeiden & Carolyn Casoria OAAB Stake Starters: 10 Judges: Ashley Dumas & Cheri Faust 1st Keenose Ode To Our Gal Ruthie of Lilac Lane Anne & Rodger Becker 2nd Ch. Turning Pt. New England Breeze Dr. Randy & Capt. Pete Eltringham 3rd Ch. Turning Pt. Fast Cars N Freedom Dr. Randy & Capt. Pete Eltringham 4th Windspirt’s Legacy ML Kate & Charles Snider NBQ Kordachs’ Pepper Ann MS Rita Kepner Field Champions Dogs Number of Starters: 19 Judges: Carolyn Casoria & John Merriman 1st FC BG’s Boogie Child Gail & Bob Page 2nd FC Augden vom Moosbach Zuzelek Sherry Ruggieri 3rd FC Clown vom Talsdeich Susanne Hamilton 4th DC Hildisvin A Night To Remember Dr. Randy & Capt. Pete Eltringham NBQ DC Kinder’s Impossible Pi MS RN JE CGC Kathy Johnson & Jan DuBois Field Champion Bitches Number of Starters: 20 Judges: Stan Knoll & Mary Powell
OAAD Stake Starters: 22 Judges: Michael Nothstein & Randy David 1st Ch. Kephart’s Harlequin Susan & Peter Botsakis 2nd Hoppledachs In Formal Attire ML Pamala Hopkins 3rd Jalyse’s Renegade Runner v Dominos ML RN Jamie Sexton 4th Harmony’s See The Man Go Ken Hughes & Amy Loewen NBQ Ch. Duchwood’s Diamond Rio MS Sandra Russell OAAB Stake Starters: 30 Judges: Janet Schwalbe & Phyllis Meseroll 1st Ch. Georgia Dachs Keneska Glenn Cockburn 2nd Duchwood’s EZ Breezy Covergirl MS Sandra Russell 3rd Ch. Darshan All The Rave Vicki Spencer 4th Ch. Leoralee’s Because I Said So Cathy Kalista & Marietta Singleton NBQ Mye Dachshire Mystic Moon Sandi Myers & Ken Hagmueller Field Champions Dogs Number of Starters: 13 Judges: Vicki Spencer & David Brown 1st FC Hoppledachs Ottawa v ShoMe ML Pamala Hopkins 2nd FC Rose Gate Kansas Twister @ Stardox JE Lorraine & David Simmons 3rd DC Nexi’s Lone Star Express ML CD, TD, RN, CGC, VC Ken Hagmueller & Sandi Myers 4th FC Stardox Cousin It Lorraine & David Simmons NBQ FC Louie Armstrong MW Glenn & Corby Barkhaus
Field Champion Bitches Number of Starters: 18 Judges: Alice Moyer & Larry Innis 1st DC Amtekels Guinnes ‘N Harp RA Melanie Simmons & Andra O’Connell 2nd FC Chapel Croft Suzy Q David & Lorraine Simmons 3rd FC Doxikota Our Mutual Friend MS, CDX, RAE, AX, AXJ, NAP, NJP, JE, TT, TDIA Holly Deeds 4th FC Duchwood Great Expectations MS, CDX, RAE, AX, AXJ, NAP, OJP, JE Holly Deeds NBQ FC Lady Scarlett Sienna Sheila DeLashmutt ________________________________
Dachshund Club of Santa Ana Valley November 26, 2011 TOTAL NUMBER OF STARTERS: 32 OAAD Stake Starters: 12 Judges: Patricia Price & Susan Goodman 1st Aldox Dark Shadow Alice Lentz and Juliet & Dale Rigtrup 2nd Ch. Alpine’s New Era For Dexmoor MS P. McMillan, and Dale & Anne Carnathan 3rd Ivan Tasiemkowa-Mafia SE, Claire Mancha 4th Ch. Duque’s Lights Out Merriman RN SE Haley Harland & Michael Priest NBQ Ch. Darshan’s Hummer V Jagies Jan Oswald, Jerri Smith & Eric Henningsen OAAB Stake Starters: 11 Judges: Gerald Price & Dennis Duus 1st Franka Von Schlendrian, Claire Mancha 2nd Ch. Von Weilburg’s Bavaria, Holle Cook 3rd Jadzia Tasiemkowa-Mafia Claire Mancha 4th Ch. Woodwyn Miss Liberty MW Susan Goodman & Judy Todd NBQ Evening Star of Avalon Evelyn Bickar & Dick Cortes Field Champions Combined Number of Starters: 9 Judges: Steve Shultz & Sue Rucker 1st DC Hollyhound’s Raising Cain At Carrdox Sharon & Joe Carr, owners 2nd FC Barnabas of Kotate Hills Patricia & Gerald Price 3rd FC Rizing Starz Max A Zillion Haley Harland & Michael Priest 4th FC Wagsmore’s Bee Still My Heart Jill & Bert Shure
Dachshund Club of America
WINTER, 2011
NBQ FC Wagsmore’s Charmed Life ML Jill & Bert Shure Judges for Best Open/Absolute: Steve Shultz & Sue Rucker Best Open and Absolute: Aldox Dark Shadow ________________________________
Sierra Dachshund Breeders Club Of Los Angeles Co November 27, 2011 TOTAL NUMBER OF STARTERS: 30 OAAD Stake Starters: 12 Judges: Sharon Carr and Susan Goodman 1st Ch. Darshans Hummer V Jagies Jan Oswald, Jerri Smith, Eric Henningsen 2nd Ch. Alpine’s New Era for Dexmoor MS P. McMillan, Dale and Ann Carnathan 3rd Ch. Duque’s Lights Out Merriman RN SE CGC Haley Harland, Michael Priest 4th Odie’s DK Shark Dan Nedwich NBQ Ch. Honey’s Gabriel V Edelweiss Patricia A and Gerald W. Price OAAB Stake Starters: 10 Judges: Linda Castaneda and Luanne Duus 1st Jadzia Tasiemkowa-Mafia Claire Mancha 2nd Ch. Von Weilburgs Bavaria Holle Cook 3rd Lilpaws Liebchen Von Heidi CGC Sue Rucker 4th Honey’s Diva of Kotate Hills Patricia A and Gerald W. Price NBQ Marlene Perez Field Champions Combined Number of Starters: 8 Judges: Claire Mancha, Cheryl Shultz 1st DC Hollyhounds Raising Cain at Carrdox Sharon and Joe Carr 2nd FCh Wagmore’s Charmed Life ML Jill Shure and Burt Shure 3rd FC Rizing Starz MaxAZillion JE CGC Haley Harland, Michael Priest 4th FC Mountainwoods Miss Conduct Luanne and Dennis Duus NBQ FC Mountain Views Lil’ Firecracker SE HH Luanne Duus Judges for Best Open/Absolute: Claire Mancha and Cheryl Shultz Best Open: Ch. Darshans Hummer V Jagies Absolute: DC Hollyhounds Raising Cain at Carrdox ________________________________
WIREHAIR Tarabond Willowood Man With the Golden Gun Carol J. McKenney WB Victory’s Tag You’re It Victoria Thomas BOV GCh. Brodny Schoolhouse In a Zip F. R. & C. F. Vogel, J. Anderson BOS GCh. J’s Starbarrack’s Babybug’s Devil of a Bug Sharon B. Johnson & Mary E. Heywood SEL-D Ch. Tiny Tails Charlie’s Little Ace Dianne Williamson SEL-B Ch. Willowood Clara Bow Sue Porter & Donna Malony WD BOW
REMEMBER! Only those results sent in to the Trophy Chair, editor or webmaster via e-mail will be published in the newsletter. •RESULTS ARE PUBLISHED AS SUBMITTED•
Connecticut Yankee Dachshund Club September 23, 2011 Morning Breed Judge: Claudia Orlandi
Ch. Willowood Clara Bow Sue Porter & Donna Malony
GCh. J’s Starbarrack’s Babybug’s Devil of a Bug
Connecticut Yankee Dachshund Club September 23, 2011 Afternoon
SMOOTH Landmark US Prime Barbara Butterworth Hildisvin Wardis You’re In My Heart Dr. Randy Eltringham & D. Siemssen GCh. Kochana’s Hiswill Ain’t Misbehavin Diane Poranski GCh. Hildisvin Wurdig Elle Est Belle Denise Siemssen & Jimmie Lloyd WIREHAIR Tarabond Willowood Man With the Golden Gun Carol J. McKenney Victory’s Tag You’re It Victoria Thomas GCh. J’s Starbarrack’s Babybug’s Devil of a Bug Sharon B. Johnson & Mary E. Heywood
GCh. Brodny Schoolhouse In a Zip BOS/BOB GCh. J’s Starbarrack’s Babybug’s Devil of a Bug _________________________________
Midwest Dachshund Club September 30, 2011
BOS/BOB Ch. Willowood Clara Bow _________________________________
14 longhair, 19 smooth, 10 wire LONGHAIR Dachshire You Got Me Nantucket Cheryl Snedaker-Sims & Rhoda Weinman WB Dachshire Follow Me Boys BOW Cheryl Snedaker-Sims BOV GCh. DC Dachaven Maverick O’Siddachs Alan & Paula James BOS Ch. Stony Brooks Violet Robin Gianopoulos SEL-D Ch. Rosefarms Red Rum Valerie Diker SEL-B Ch. Dee Dachs Stealers Charmed One V Kleinteckel Nelson & Lorraine Warren
Breed Judge: Patricia Laurans Longhair 14, Smooth 19, Wirehair 14 LONGHAIR Dachshire You Got Me Nantucket Cheryl Snedaker-Sims & Rhoda Weinman WB Dachshire Follow Me Boys BOW Cheryl Snedaker-Sims BOV Ch. Rosefarms Red Rum Valerie Diker BOS Ch. Stony Brooks Violet Robin Gianopoulos SEL-B Ch. Dee Dachs Stealers Charmed One V Kleinteckel Nelson & Lorraine Warren WD
SMOOTH WB Lupshire Kochana Sir Johanna BOW Wolfgang Betty Lupton WB Seacrest Double Date with Saddlehill James Andreyka & Gail Andreyka BOV GCh. Kochana’s Hiswill Ain’t Misbehavin’ Diane Poranski BOS GCh. Brodny Schoolhouse Dixie F. R. & C. F. Vogel, J. Anderson & N. Eby SEL-B GCh. Hildisvin Wurdig Elle Est Belle Denise Siemssen & Jimmie Lloyd
Sweepstakes Judge: Ms. Claire Mancha Sweeps Entry Numbers for each coat: 5 Longhair 2 Smooth 5 Wirehair Sweeps Longhair: BOV Dackelsieg Look Mommy, I Can Tie My Own Shoes ML BOS Mcs Gift From The Gods At Cinjays SL
SEL-D Ch. Cherylin’s Wee Hooyser Daddy MS SEL-B GCH Hildisvin Wurdig Elle Est Belle SS WIREHAIR Wurdig Hildisvin Alegna The Red Rascal MW Von Oldenburg’s Lucky Girl GCh. Erindachs Nora W GCh. Summerhill Pride & Prejudice SEL-D Ch. Daybreak’s Awesome Image W SEL-B Ch. Country Star’s Poppy MW
GCh. Hundeleben Queen’s Armada SL BOS/BOB GCh. PetalPusher Copper Peony MS _________________________________
Dachshund Club of Greater Buffalo, Inc. October 1, 2011 Sweepstakes Judge: Dierdre Petrie Sweeps Entry Numbers for each coat: Long: 1 Dog, 1 Bitch; Smooth: 2 Bitches Veteran: 1 Smooth Dog
Sweeps Smooth: Morning Glory MSD
BOV Sweeps Wirehair: Sandeckel’s Guinevere MW Sandeckel’s Sorcerer MW
Best in Sweepstakes: Dackelsieg Look Mommy, I Can Tie My Own Shoes ML Mcs Gift From The Gods At Cinjays SL
Breed Judge: Ms. EmmaJean Stephenson
LONGHAIR Lex-An Moonlight Horizon MLD
Guzzunders Anerbe Zu Phoebe-ML BOV GCh. Hundeleben Queen’s Armada SL BOS GCh. Gemdach Don’t Blame Me SEL-D GCh. Gemdach’s Red Rocker
Dachshund Club of America
SMOOTH Petalpusher Koi MSP Morning Glory MSD Ch. Tudorglen’s Yes We Can GCh. PetalPusher Copper Peony MS WINTER, 2011
Sweeps Smooth: Treslow’s Jewel Of The Niagara Dawn Gagola
Best in Veteran Sweepstakes: BOB Ch. Yorkdachs Tax Audit SS Ann F. Wicks Best in Puppy Sweepstakes: Virgo Royal The Decision Maker ML BOS Treslow’s Jewel Of The Niagara BOB
Breed Judge: Eugene Blake
Longhair 30, Smooth 22, Wirehair 14
Sweeps Longhair: Virgo Royal The Decision Maker ML Carol and Thomas Cotton Kurzlang ‘N Arohawk’s Cover Girl Jacklynn Gingerich and Lindsay Moore
Long 8-5(4-2), Smooth 4-10 (2-2), Wire 1-8 (1-0) LONGHAIR Telkel Flash Forward SL Sophie Tremblay WB Telkel Fini Les Caprices SL Sophie Tremblay BOV GCh. Sunlight Fionn Maccool Catherine and Maggie Kelly BOS GCh. Sunlight Glimmer O’er Glenanne Cathy and Patrick Kelly SEL-D Gch. Stonybrook’s Prime Suspect Ted and Barbara Durvin SEL-B Ch. Virgo Raisin In The Sun WD BOW
Mrs. Betty McHugh and William McHugh SMOOTH: WD Grandgables Wee Cookie Cutter BOS Guy Jeavons and Mark McMillan WB Grandgables Ms Sneaky Stripes BOW Mary Ann Cawley BOV GCh. Oakcrest Here For The Party SS Dawn Gagola and Donna Taylor SEL-D GCh. Grandgables Sumbuddy WalDen Denise Waldo SEL-B Grandgables Ms Tantalize Me Guy Jeavons and Mark McMillan WIREHAIR Brochund’s Captain Jos Rogers Jean-Guy Pelletier and Christine Perron WB Birnam Wood Sweets To The BOS Sweet Jo D. Burnham and Jonathan and Harry Burnham BOV GCh. J’s Starbarrack’s Baby Bug’s Devil Of A Bug Mary E. Heywood and Sharon B. Johnson _________________________________ WD BOW
Dachshund Fanciers of Central Virginia October 9, 2011 Breed Judge: Scott Deans 19 Longhair, 24 Smooths, 15 Wirehair LONGHAIR Sleepy Hollow’s Terminator L B. Ann & Robert J. Wlodkowski WB Rivercity Wyvern V Wingover BOS Susan Fuller BOV GCh. Briardach’s Rock Star Monika D. & Paul M. Martin & S. Bennett & P Chapman SEL-D GDCh. Dachaven Maverick O’Siddachs Alan & Paula James. SEL-B GCh. Sunlight Glimmer O’er Glenanne Cathy Kelly & Patrick Kelly WD BOW
SMOOTH G2’s Wendel At Sandwood Jane T. Fowler & Nancy Dougherty WB Passport Kiss This V Penndachs SS Marilyn Pence. BOV Ch. Passport Prelude To A Kiss SS Arvind & Joyce Debraganca. BOS Ch. Hildisvin Wurdig Semper Paratus Too Randy Eltringham & Denise Siemssen. SEL-D GCh. Lucene’s Windsor Robert J. Wlodkowski & B. Ann Wlodkowski SEL-B Ch. Dollidachs Sweet Escape SS Kandice Kostic & Andrew Kostic
WIREHAIR Dollidachs Stonebay Odds On Favorite Amy Penuel & Kandice Kostic WB Dollidachs Stonebay Against All Odds Jessica Sheaves & Kandice Kostic BOV GCh. Lockshire Detour To Sanlyn Thomas & Kathleen Lockyer & Sandi & Mark Chryssanthis BOS GCh. Raydachs Playing With Fire V. Gleishorbach SW Shirley Ray & James & Maria Sakoda SEL-D GCh. J’s Starbarrack’s Babybug’s Devil Of A Bug Sharon B. Johnson & Mary E. Heywood SEL-B GCh. Dharmadachs Ca Zephyr V Dollidachs Dianne & Andrew Kostic
GCh. Briardach’s Rock Star
BOS/BOB GCh. Raydachs Playing With Fire V. Gleishorbach SW Best Jr. Handler Jessica Sheaves _________________________________
Advertise your dog businesses, services or kennels for only $50/year. A 31⁄2˝x2˝ ad (your business card) will be published four times a year for this great rate!
Dachshund Club of America October 10, 2011 Sweepstakes Judge: Helen Hamilton Sweeps Entry Numbers for each coat: 4 - Longhair 3 - Smooth 4 - Wirehair
Sweeps Longhair: Dachaven Down Under Girl Alan James Sweeps Smooth: Peachtree’s Philadelphia Flyer Catherine Johnson & Bruton Cottingham Peachtree’s Primetime Brotherly Love Catherine Johnson & Bruton Cottingham Sweeps Wirehair: Dollidachs Stonebay Against All Odds Jessica Sheaves & Kandice Kostic Dollidachs Stonebay Odds On Favorite Amy Penuel & Kandice Kostic.
Best In Sweepstakes: Dollidachs Stonebay Against All Odds Best Of Opposite In Sweepstakes: Dollidachs Stonebay Odds On Favorite Breed Judge: Betsy Deans
LONGHAIR Sleepy Hollow’s Caboose L B. Ann & Robert J. Wlodkowski WB Sleepy Hollow By Design L BOW B. Ann & Robert J. Wlodkowski BOV GDch. Dachaven Maverick O’Siddachs Owner: Alan & Paula James SEL-D GCh. Briardach’s Rock Star Monika D. & Paul M. Martin & S. Bennett & P. Chapman Angela L Lloyd SEL-B Ch. Deedachs Stealers Charmed One V Klein Teckel ML Nelson & Lorraine Warren WD
SMOOTH Peachtree’s Primetime Brotherly Love Catherine Johnson & Bruton Cottingham WB Treis Pinheiros U Can Fly SS BOW Carlos Mafra & Pedroso & Neto BOV Hildisvin Wurdig You’re In My Heart Randy Eltringham & Denise Siemssen BOS GCh. Dollidachs Pfeffernueffe SS Kandice Kostic SEL-D GCh. Lucene’s Windsor Robert J. & B. Ann Wlodkowski SEL-B Ch. Passport Prelude To A Kiss SS Arvind & Joyce Debraganca WD
17 Longhair, 25 Smooth, 15 Wirehair Dachshund Club of America
WIREHAIR Kelkor Turningpt’s Rising Son Petraeus, RSW Randy & Pete Eltringham WB Dollidachs Stonebay Against BOW All Odds Jessica Sheaves & Kandice Kostic BOV GCh. Lockshire Detour To Sanlyn Thomas & Kathleen Lockyer & Sandi & Mark Chryssanthis BOS GCh. Dharmadachs Ca Zephyr V Dollidachs Dianne & Andrew Kostic SEL-D Ch. Krisaire Del Prado’s Strawberry Fields MW Ann Bischel SEL-B GCh. Raydachs Playing With Fire V. Gleishorbach SW Shirley Ray & James & Maria Sakoda WD
GCh. Lockshire Detour To Sanlyn BOS/BOB Sleepy Hollow By Design L Best Jr. Handler Jessica Sheaves _________________________________
East Bay Dachshund Club, Inc. October 28, 2011 Breed Judge: Mrs. Sandi Chryssanthis
continued on next page...
WINTER, 2011
Specialty Results
continued from page 71 Smooth 5-12-2-2 1 Vet B, Wirehaired 6-11-6-2 1 Vet D 1 Brood B, Longhaired 8-11-5-1-1 Vet B LONGHAIR WD WooHoo Special Ops Rescue V BOW Toskydox Sharon Lutosky WB Windyoak’s Cowgirl Attitude ML Elizabeth and Mark Johnston BOV Ch. Aviance’s Pramada For Terms of Enderament SL Margaret E. Peat BOS GCh. Serenity’s Affair Royale RN Wendy Snyder, R J Cooper and Patricia Bauer SEL-D GCh. Dachshalott’s Dapple Legacy L Thomas Sikora SEL-B Ch. Belgate’s Unique ML Charlotte L. Martin and Michelle Randall SMOOTH WD Carrdox Toy Soldier Sharon and Joe Carr WB FCh. Lorindol Rider of the Mist BOW Sharon Carr BOV GCh. Grandgables Sumbuddy WalDen Denise Waldo BOS Ch. Intoto Humboldt Red Nectar Nan Waters SEL-D GCh. Toskydox India Pale Ale Sharon Lutosky SEL-B Ch. Intoto Humboldt Red Nectar Nan Waters WIREHAIR WD Rivercliff’s Jazz Master MW Nancy Kast WB Boreas There’s Something Sexy BOW About the Rain SW Gail Tutt, Roland Hernandez, Storm Britten-Llono, Tracy Olson BOV GCh. Woldorf’s Santana SW JE Patricia Madsen and Steve Wolden BOS Ch. Dharmadach’s DLW Phoebe Snow SW Sybyl Swan SEL-D Ch. Manorie Dach’s Lakota Sioux W Sue McClelland and Marj Brooks BOB
Ch. Aviance’s Pramada For Terms of Enderament SL BOS/BOB GCh. Serenity’s Affair Royale RN _________________________________
Lincolnland Dachshund Club October 29, 2011 Sweepstakes Judge: Ms. Sue Abbs
Sweeps Entries: 8(3-5) Sweeps Longhair: Insight’s Ducuti Cynthia & John Geiser
Insight’s Who’s Kiss’n Her Now Cynthia Geiser & K. Payne Sweeps Smooth: Dilu Dino Specks Mini Dreamer MS Pearl E. Dilg Dilu John’s Grand Tootsie MS Pearl E. Dilg
GCh. Hundeleben Queen’s Armada SL BOS/BOB GCh. Petalpusher Copper Peony MS Laura E. Abbott
Breed Judge: Mrs. Joan Lester
Dachshund Club of America November 4, 2011 Sweepstakes Judge: Ms. Judith Docherty Best in Sweepstakes: Raydachs Ruby Tuesday SW Best of Opposite in Sweepstakes: Lucky Penny’l Lightning McQuinn SL Judge for Regular Classes: Emma Jean Stephenson
Longhaired 31 (11-10-4-5)(1-0) Smooth 32 (7-15-7-2)(0-1) Wirehaired 23 (7-8-5-2)(0-0) LONGHAIR Insights Ducuti Cynthia & John Geiser WB Stonerivers Society Page ML BOW Michael Cassello BOV GCh. Hundeleben Queen’s Armada SL Carlos J. Piug BOS GCh. Insight’s Ms. Information John & Cynthia Geiser SEL-D GCh s. Vongay’s Rubears Black Velvet Wrap SL Gail & Von Richards SEL-B GCh. Rockin’ M’s Time For An Angel SL Cheryl McInturf WD
SMOOTH Dilu Go Getter Cookie Duster MS Pearl E. Dilg WB Petalpusher Canna Montana MS BOW Laura E. Abbott BOV GCh. Isledox Tractor Tug Faith W. Overdahl BOS GCh. Petalpusher Copper Peony MS Laura E. Abbott SEL-D Ch. Lo-Jo’s Riverrun Speed Bum Michael H. & Diane L. Severns SEL-B Ch. Intruders My New BFF MS Lorna Cleveland WD
WIREHAIR WD Hundeleben Red Headed BOW Stepchild MW Janis Marti & Carlos J. Puig WB Vintage Just So Spicy and Hot MW Hildegard & Adolf Jung BOV Ch. Novami Nothing But Trouble SW Neal Glaser & Karen Simmons BOS GCh. Erindachs Nora W Neal Glaser & Karen Simmons & Shirley Ray SEL-D Ch. Daybreak’s Awesome Image W Deborah Krieg SEL-B Ch. Vintage N Doxitrain Ain’t No Middle Ground Angelyn L. Piatek & Allison Trainer
Judge for Regular Classes: Mr. Adrian Woodfork
Best Junior: Sara Fessler _________________________________
Sweeps Wirehair: Longfellow’s Dressed to Impress MW Cindy Harris Longfellow’s Colette MW Betty C. Potts
Best in Sweepstakes: Insight’s Ducuti Best of Opposite in Sweepstakes: Longfellow’s Colette MW
Best of Opposite in Sweepstakes: Kinderteckel’s High Performance
33 Long; 24 Smooth; 24 Wires LONGHAIR Roserun Rabble Rouser
Landd N Conjadanes Celestial Magic BOV GCh. Sunteckel’ Samuel II BOS Ch. Roserun’s My Choice SEL-D Ch. Laurjosh’s Patagrande SL SEL-B Ch. Barkerville Alice SMOOTH Ransum’s Grand Hopes for Sumbuddy’s Bonanza Add-Sim’s Athena My Way MS GCh. Dynadaux Redneck Fancy Boy MS BOS GCh. Bessdach Electric Martini SEL-D GCh. Grandgables Sumbuddy WalDen SEL-B GCh. Barkerville Why Not WD BOW WB BOV
WIREHAIR Eternals Jagermeister MW
35 Long, 31 Smooth, 20 Wires
Lucky Penny’s Lady Kalypso GCh. Sleepy Hollow Carolina Special BOS Ch. Roserun’s My Choice SEL-D GCh. Sunteckel’s Samuel II SEL-B Landd N Conjadanes Celestial Magic SMOOTH Kinderteckel’s High Performance Kinderteckel’s High Maintenance BOV GCh. Bessdach Electric Martini BOS GCh. Grandgables Sumbuddy WalDen SEL-D GCh. Bardale Odysseus SEL-B Ch. Watkins Rites of Spring WD BOW WB
GCh. Dynadaux Redneck Fancy Boy MS BOS/BOB Ch. Roserun’s My Choice _________________________________
Desert Valley Dachshund Club November 5, 2011 Sweepstakes Judge: Ms. Catlin Cahill Sweeps Entry Numbers 4 dogs, 11 bitches Best in Sweepstakes: Raydachs Ruby Tuesday SW
Dachshund Club of America
WINTER, 2011
WIREHAIR Eternals Jagermeister MW Raydachs Ruby Tuesday SW
GCh Raydachs Playing With Fire V Gleishorbach SW BOS Ch. Midernoch A Dancing Eagle W SEL-D Ch. Woodwyn Independence MW SEL-B Crossover Who Dat? BOB
GCh. Raydachs Playing With Fire V Gleishorbach SW BOS/BOB GCh. Sleepy Hollow Carolina Special Best Junior: Logan Gold _________________________________
Desert Valley Dachshund Club November 6, 2011
Rondo’s Little Miss Sunshine MW GCh. Raydachs Playing With Fire V Gleishorbach SW Best of Winners: BOS GCh. Verdon’s Devil in Disguise MW SEL-D Ch. Rumor’s BMW All That And A Bag of Chips SEL-B GCh. Crossover Keep The Change MW BOB
LONGHAIR Teckelhof’s American Patrol
Judge for Regular Classes: Ms. Lynne Allen 34 Long, 29 Smooth, 16 Wires WD WB BOW BOV BOS SEL-D SEL-B
LONGHAIR Roserun Rabble Rouser Aldox The Other Woman GCh. Sunteckel’s Samuel II Ch. Barkerville Alice Ch. Laurjosh’s Patagrande SL Ch. Roserun’s My Choice
SMOOTH Ransum’s Grand Hopes for Palladin WB Dynadaux Hot Little Hillbillie BOW Girl MS BOV Ch. Relih’s V Benbon Splendor In The Grass MS BOS GCh. Bessdch Electric Martini SEL-D GCh. Dynadaux Redneck Fancy Boy MS WD
SEL-B GCh. Barkerville Why Not
WIREHAIR Crossover Mark My Word! Raydachs Ruby Tuesday SW
GCh. Raydachs Playing With Fire V Gleishorbach SW BOS Ch. Midernoch A Dancing Eagle W SEL-D Ch. Woodwyn’s Independence MW SEL-B Crossover Who Dat? MW BOB
GCh. Raydachs Playing With Fire V Gleishorbach SW BOS/BOB GCh. Sunteckel’s Samuel II _________________________________
Florida Gulf Coast Dachshund Club November 10, 2011
SMOOTH Add-Sim’s Mr. Chester At Kleindox MS Add-Sims Penny Lane MS Ch. Passport Prelude to a Kiss SS GCh. Brownwood’s D’Geno Rock SS SEL-B GCh. My Little Athena Von Raab MS WD BOW WB BOV BOS
WIREHAIR Libera Manors Fortune Hunter V Jonsu MW Kachina’s Summer Breeze Von Belrob MW BOV GCh. Crossover Going Rogue BOS Ch. Minsmere In The Mood SEL-D Ch. Jacar Eaglelong Silver Bullet SEL-B Ch. Jeric’s Texas Magnolia SW WD BOW WB
BOB Ch. Passport Prelude to a Kiss SS BOS/BOB Ch. Sunteckel’s Samuel II _________________________________
Sweepstakes Judge: Mr. Joseph Napolitano
Florida Gulf Coast Dachshund Club November 11, 2011
Sweeps Entry Numbers: Longhair 3-2, Smooth 2-3 Wire 2-0
Sweepstakes Judge: Ms.Margaret McLean
Sweeps Longhair: Karuns Ga-Dach Remember SL
Sweeps Smooth: Add-Sims Painted Ponie MSC
Sweeps Longhair: Frangelico Von Links SL
Sweeps Wirehair: Leoralee’s Baywatch MW
Sweeps Smooth: Add-Sims Painted Ponie MSC
Best in Sweepstakes: Add-Sims Painted Ponie MSC
Long 8-7 (5-2), Smooth 6-6 (2-3) Wirehair 3-1 (2-2)
LONGHAIR Sebastian Von Links SL
Midnight Black Line Express ML GCh. Sunteckel’s Samuel II GCh. PBD Madison Von Dachshire SL SEL-D GCh. Aviance’s Pramada For Sentimental Reasons SL SEL-B GCh. Wroyal Sarenity Vom Daxi Haus MLC
LONGHAIR Karuns Ga-Dach Remember SL Silper’s Red Sugar DAL SL
WIREHAIR Leoralee’sBaywatch MW Kachina’s Summer Breeze Von Belrob MW Ch. Minsmere In The Mood MW GCh. Crossover Going Roque Ch. Jacar Eaglelong Silver Bullet Ch. Jeric’s Texas Magnolia SW
GCh. Brownwood’s D’Geno Rock SS BOS/BOB GCh. Crossover Going Rogue _________________________________
Dachshund Fanciers Association of Berks County November 20, 2011 Sweepstakes Judge: Fred Reifsnyder Sweeps Entries: 7 Longhair, 4 Smooth, 4 Wirehair 1 veteran Long
Breed Judge: Ms. Sandra Goose Allen Longhair 8-10 (5-2) 2 veterans Smooth 6-6 (2-3) Wire 4-2 (2-2)
SMOOTH Aviance’s Windstorm SS
Taradox Sweet Georgia Brown MS BOV GCh. Brownwood’s D’Geno Rock SS BOS GCh. My Little Athena Von Raab MS SEL-B Ch. Passport Prelude To A Kiss SS
Sweeps Wirehair: Libera Manors Fortune Hunter V Jonsu MW
Breed Judge: Mrs. Carol D. Duffy
Sweeps Entry Numbers: Longhair 1-1, Smooth 1-3 Wire 2-1
Best in Sweepstakes: Add-Sims Painted Ponie MSC
SEL-D Ch. PBD JThorpe The Bright Path SL SEL-B GCh. Wroyal Sarenity Vom Daxi Haus MLC
Ch. Leoralees Chances Are SL GCh. PBD Madison Von Dachshire SL
Sweeps Longhair: Shadach’s Cloudburst At Old Hanover ML Linda J. Beamer Sweeps Smooth: Peachtrees Liberty Bell Catherine Johnson & Caroline & Sara Burton Sweeps Wirehair: Tarabon Willowood Man With The Golden Gun Carol J. McKenney Best in Sweepstakes: Peachtrees Liberty Bell
Breed Judge Mrs. Mary M. Castoral Longs 24, Smooth 15, Wires 18 LONGHAIR Telkel Hide The Body SL Sophie Tremblay WB Telkel Fini Les Caprices SL BOW Sophie Tremblay BOV GDCh. Dachaven Maverick O’Siddachs Alan & Paula James BOS Ch. Briardach Laramie Pony Express Karen Jones & Monika Martin & Penelope Giovinco SEL-D GCh. Briardach’s Rock Star Monika & Paul Marin & S. Bennett & P. Chapman WD
SMOOTH Taralyn’s Mr Darcy MS Sandra & Tara Krieger WB Treis Pinheiros U Can Fly SS BOW Carlos Mafra Pedroso Neto BOV Treis Pinheiros U Can Fly SS BOS GCh. Kochanas Hiswill Ain’t Misbehavin’ Diane Poranski SEL-D GCh. Sandwood Sleek Schooner Nancy L. Dougherty SEL-B GCh. Lucene’s My San Diego Dream Cynthia Upton WD
WIREHAIR Legibach Captain Crunch SW Gina Leone Middings and Pat Leone WB Legibach Always On My Mind SW Gina Leone Middings and Pat Leone BOV Ch. Krisaire Del Prados Strawberry Fields MW Ann Bischel BOS Legibach Always On My Mind SW SEL-D GCh. Taralyn’s Cool Hand Luke Douglas & Kristie Kish & Sandra & Tara Krieger WD BOW
Ch. Krisaire Del Prados Strawberry Fields MW BOS/BOB Legibach Always On My Mind SW _________________________________
Below are the election results for the 2014 Board of Director positions. 536 Ballots were cast, 0 Illegal Ballots Anne Carson - 390 received - Elected Lisa Warren - 381 received - Elected Vicki Spencer - 380 received - Elected Brian Owen - 364 received - Elected Laura Abbott-Licht - 233 received Dachshund Club of America
WINTER, 2011
AKC News continued from page 59 Clubs are currently restricted from advancing to licensed club status by the moratorium imposed by the Board of Directors. The Board reviewed a proposal to permit these clubs to advance to licensed status with restrictions similar to those approved by the Board for specialty clubs to advance. Following a motion by Dr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Arnold, it was VOTED (unanimously; absent Mr. Gladstone and Mr. Goodman) to remove the moratorium on new Group clubs with the following limitations: 1. Group clubs will not be approved within a 100 miles of the territory of another club of the same Group. 2. Group clubs will only be licensed to hold Group shows in conjunction with another Group show, All-Breed shows or clusters. 3. Any newly forming or club ready for licensing will only be approved with the proviso they agree any future events must meet the adjacency and/or integrated specialty requirement as stated in (2). 4. Any local Group club licensed or formed during this period will be subject to any final policies that result from the moratorium study period. This is another one to watch. LLS Realignment of Point Schedule Divisions The Board considered a Staff proposal to realign the point schedule divisions. The goal was to minimize the differences in average entries among the states in the current Divisions. The proposal would create the following Divisions. 1. CT, MA, ME, NH, RI, VT 2. DE, NJ, PA, NY 3. DC, MD, NC, TN, VA, WV 4. FL, GA, SC 5. IN, OH, KY 6. IA, KS, MO, NE 7. OK, TX, CO 8. OR, WA 9. CA, AZ 10. AK 11. HI 12. PR 13. ID MT, ND, NV, SD, UT, WY, NM 14. AL, AR, LA, MS 15. IL, MI, MN, WI Following a motion by Dr. Davies, seconded by Dr. Smith, it was VOTED (unanimously; absent Mr. Gladstone and Mr. Goodman), to consider the matter at this meeting, waiving the usual advance notice requirement. Following a motion by Dr. Smith, seconded by Ms. Scully, it was VOTED (unanimously; absent Mr. Gladstone and Mr. Goodman), to approve this realignment, effective with the May 2012 point schedule.
This is an attempt to make the point schedule more balanced. LLS Points for Reserve at a National Specialty The Board considered a proposed amendment to Chapter 16, Section 1 of the Rules Applying to Dog Shows as follows: At one National Specialty each year, specified by the AKC Breed Parent Specialty Club at the time the event application is submitted to AKC, the dog designated Reserve Winners Dog and the bitch designated Reserve Winners Bitch will be awarded a three-point major, provided that the number of dogs competing in the regular classes of the reserve Winner’s sex totals at least twice the number required for a five point major in the region in which the event is held. In counting the number of eligible dogs in competition, a dog that is disqualified, or that is dismissed, excused or ordered from the ring by the judge, or from which all awards are withheld, shall not be included. This proposed amendment was submitted by the Progressive Dog Clubs. During the discussion a liaison to the Delegate Dog Show Rules Committee, reported that this committee is unanimously opposed to this amendment. Following a motion by Dr. Davies, seconded by Dr. Battaglia, it was VOTED (affirmative: Dr. Davies, Mr. Kalter, Dr. Newman, Mr. Amen, Dr. Battaglia, Mr. Arnold; opposed: Mr. Menaker, Ms. Scully, Dr. Smith, Dr. Garvin, Mr. Ashby; absent: Mr. Gladstone, Mr. Goodman) to approve this amendment. There was a motion by Mr. Amen, seconded by Mr. Menaker, and it was VOTED (affirmative, Mr. Amen, Mr. Menaker, Dr. Smith; Ms. Scully, Mr. Ashby, Dr. Garvin; opposed: Mr. Arnold, Mr. Kalter, Dr. Davies, Dr. Battaglia, Dr. Newman; absent Mr. Gladstone, Mr. Goodman) to reconsider the question Following a motion by Mr. Amen, seconded by Ms. Scully, it was VOTED (affirmative, Mr. Amen, Ms. Scully, Mr. Kalter, Mr. Menaker, Dr. Battaglia, Dr. Garvin, Mr. Ashby, Dr. Newman, Dr. Davies, Mr. Arnold; opposed: Dr. Smith; absent: Mr. Gladstone, Mr. Goodman) to send the proposed amendment forward to be read at the December 2011 Delegate meeting, for a vote in March 2012, with no Board recommendation. As I said before this one is on the fast track. I believe this will pass. LLS Adjustment to Championship Points Computation The 2012 dog show points schedule was reported to the Board in accordance with the May 1995 Board Policy: “A three-member Staff committee, appointed by the President, is given the authority to approve the annual dog show point schedule, which upon completion, is to be reported to the Board.” In order to increase the number of majors available at All-Breed shows, Staff proposed the specialty shows be removed from the calculation of the point schedule. The Board had concerns about the number of Dachshund Club of America
WINTER, 2011
additional majors that would be created, and indicated that it would need additional statistical data to evaluate this proposal. This is very interesting. LLS Application Fee for Open Show and 4-6 Month Puppy Competition The Staff proposed an application fee for the Open Show and the 4 to 6 Month Puppy Competition sanctioned events at $25 to cover the expense associated with processing the applications. The Board was advised that unless it had any objection, this fee would be instituted and there was no objection. The OPEN Show is the new match. LLS JUDGING OPERATIONS There was a discussion on the Judging Approval Procedure adopted by the Board at the October 2011 meeting, specifically with regard to the Judges Review Committee described on page three. Following a motion by Mr. Ashby, seconded by Dr. Smith, it was VOTED (unanimously; absent Mr. Gladstone, Mr. Goodman) to change the composition of the Committee as follows: The Judges Review Committee as referenced within this policy is defined as a committee of five members to be comprised of the COO of the American Kennel Club, the Vice President of Dog Show Judges whom shall be Chair, one AKC Executive Field Representative appointed by the CEO for a two year term, with a four year limit, one Senior Judge (at least 20 years judging experience and having at least three groups), and one designated person both of whom will be recommended by the CEO and confirmed by the Board of Directors. The last two appointees shall not serve more than two terms and shall not be a member of AKC staff or Board of Directors and are subject to Board of Directors confirmation if recommended by the CEO for a second term. Who knows where this is going, however it should be decided soon. LLS Therapy Dog Program Status Report Staff presented a status update on the first four months of the AKC Therapy Dog Program. As of October 27 (exactly 4 months since launch) the AKC has issued 1,686 Therapy Dog titles, with 151 different breeds having earned the title. The AKC has acknowledged 88 Therapy Dog certification organizations. Dogs located in all 50 states plus Canada and Puerto Rico have been awarded the THD title. This has been a very successful program. LLS Liaisons to Board Committees The Board considered a request from the Chairs of the Standing Delegate Committees to reinstate Staff liaisons, who would attend the Committee meetings. The request included an offer by the Committees to give up 25% of their $200 per meeting stipend for every Committee
member to cover the cost of Staff travel. While continuing to provide Board liaisons to the committees, the additional AKC Staff liaisons were discontinued by the Board for both economic and productivity reasons. The latter was particularly critical because of the number of additional days this meeting attendance required senior Staff to be out of the office. Applicable Staff has always been and continues to be available to review any Committee proposals in advance of their meetings as necessary. There was no motion to reverse the previous Board decision. This is a cost-cutting move. LLS Meet the Breeds Gina DiNardo reported on the “Meet the Breeds” in New York and in Orlando. In New York, there will be booths for 161 breeds and 50 cat breeds, and ticket sales are well ahead of last year. In Orlando, available booth space is completely filled and there will be 170 breeds represented. Ticket sales for the show are going very well, and the arena is almost sold out for the evening program. A good event, however I would like to see it done in other parts of the country. LLS Group Realignment The Board discussed the Realignment Committee’s recommendations. They included rule changes to go from seven to eleven groups, and to name the various groups. The Committee also recommended how the groups should be populated, but that decision would rest with the Board. Following a motion by Mr. Amen, seconded by Dr. Smith, the Board voted (affirmative: Mr. Amen, Dr. Smith, Dr. Davies, Dr. Battaglia, Mr. Menaker, Dr. Newman, Mr. Ashby, Mr. Kalter, Ms. Scully; Mr. Arnold; opposed: Dr. Garvin; absent: Mr. Gladstone, Mr. Goodman) to accept the Committee’s recommendations and to approve the necessary rule changes. Staff was directed to prepare the necessary paperwork to forward this to the Delegates for a read and vote. This would include a detailed Q & A. If adopted by the Delegates, the effective dates would be no earlier than 2014, and could be as late as 2015.
ogs are an important part of our lives and many of us consider them a member of the family. They depend on us for so very much. It is our responsibility to keep them safe and that includes during emergencies and natural disasters. In the event of an emergency such as a fire, tornado or other natural disaster, you may be forced to evacuate your home. Being prepared is often critical to survival. Assembling your dog’s survival kit today will give you some peace of mind and save precious minutes if or when an emergency does occur.
To create a disaster survival kit for your dog, include the following items in a sturdy container. I have two dogs and prepared my kit using a Rubbermaid 18 gallon storage box.
• A leash and collar or harness. • Bottles of fresh water, enough for three days. • A several day supply of dog food and treats, along with information on your dog’s eating habits and food allergies. • Any medications your dogs is on, in a waterproof container plus information on dosage and frequency. • Clean bedding. • Grooming supplies. • Cleaning supplies including plastic bags, a roll of paper towels and a small bottle of disinfectant. • A canine first aid kit tailored to your breed and the number of dogs you own. In your kit, keep a file of important documents that may prove helpful in an emergency. Include copies of vaccination records and any treatments records on existing medical conditions, copies of registration papers, adoption papers, bill of sale or proof of purchase, microchip or other identification information. It is especially important to remember that having your dog microchipped is useless unless the dog is also registered with the company. Also include a few recent photographs of you and your dog in case he or she becomes lost or separated. Write the breed, age, sex and color on the back. The photographs can also be used to help prove ownership of the dog. It will be helpful to include a list of emergency contacts, such as friends and relatives, especially someone who lives outside of the affected area. Include your veterinarian’s name, address, and telephone number. It may also be helpful to include information on pet-friendly motels that are a good driving distance from your home. Once you have placed all of your items in the box, if you have room, I recommend putting one or two duplicates of your dog’s favorite toys. They help put a dog more at ease in a time of heavy stress. Store the kit in an easy to access location next to or near his crate or kennel so that you can grab it quickly if you need to evacuate your home. Please make sure the crate is labeled with the dog’s name and your name, address, and telephone number.
We will watch this one. I am just not sure we need 11 groups at this time. However, we may need 11 groups in the future when all the breeds eligible show up at a dog show. LLS
We may not be able to prevent a disaster from occurring, be we can minimize the impact. A little planning can help reduce injuries, loss and suffering. ! Photo by Andra O’Connell
Dachshund Club of America
WINTER, 2011
ADVERTISING RATES Non-commercial Advertising rates available to DCA members only*
The Dachshund Club of America, Inc. Newsletter is published by the Dachshund Club of America, Inc. Letters to the Editor will not be accepted for publication which exceed 1500 words in length. The Club expressly disclaims any liability for any statements contained in such letters as they are the statements of the author or authors and are not the statements of DCA, or its Editor. The Newsletter, as the voice of the parent club, shall not accept or print unsigned letters.
$100.00 Full Page - Two Color (black & 1 other ink color)
$125.00 Half Page - One Color (black ink only) $70.00 Half Page - Two Color (black & 1 other ink color)
Domestic Bulk Mailing: $40.00/year (no guarantee on delivery) First Class Mailing: $54.00/year Canadian/Mexican Mailing: $56.00/year Overseas Mailing: $76.00/year Major Credit Cards are accepted, please send information to our website via PayPal: Additional Copies of Newsletter
$85.00 (if available) will be mailed 1st Class at EXTRA PHOTOGRAPHS in Black or Two Color
$10.00 each. Multiple copy discounts are
$10.00 available. Please call editor for pricing. $185.00
Full Page - Full Color Includes 1 photograph EXTRA PHOTOGRAPHS in Full Color, Any size $25.00 DCA MEMBER KENNEL LOGOS: Scanned for publication FREE Whelping Box - One Color No photographs
“Braggin’ Rites”
$10.00 $30.00
1 Photograph included
Correct addresses are most important, specifically your complete 9 digit zip code. Newsletters mailed by BULK MAIL (3rd class) with incorrect information will not be forwarded. Be sure to notify the Newsletter Editor and the DCA Membership Chairman when you have an address change. Bulk Mail Newsletters not received by members or subcribers will not be replaced by the club.
Quarter Page - One Color $40.00 No Photographs
YEARLY RATES (4 issues) Business Card $50.00 Breeders Directory $40.00 COMMERCIAL ADVERTISING ONLY Dog related items & products, PDF files required. Contact Editor for rates on smaller ads.
Payment must accompany ad Full Page Full Page
(black ink only)
(black & 1 other ink color)
Full Page Full Color
For membership applications and any change of address contact: Neal Hamilton Membership Chairperson 59 Cloverhill Road Flemington, NJ 08822-1947 (908)782-4724
$250.00 Advertising copy received after the current issue deadlines, may be held for
$275.00 the following issue. Please Note: DO $325.00 NOT fold, tear, mark with ink or pencil,
and DO NOT APPLY CLEAR TAPE OR STAPLE ANYTHING!!! Live area margins are 5/8˝ top and bottom, 1/2˝ on sides to allow for binding. Photos with good contrast reproduce best, especially outside photos. Pictures with the dog on the floor and the judge standing will proportion into a portrait (tall) picture, Dachshund Club of America
And please ... put your name and address on the back of your glossy pictures: the self-adhesive address labels are the best.
SPACE RATE PER ISSUE FOR NON-MEMBERS (all ad prices include 1 picture) This is the cash (i.e. check or money order) discount rate. Full Page - One Color (black ink only)
photos with the dog on the table, or all people kneeling down will proportion into a landscape (wide) picture. Digital photos are accepted, but must have a resolution of 350 ppi at 100% of printed size. Please call with questions if you’re submitting your own digital photos.
WINTER, 2011
DCA Members: Domestic mail is sent at bulk mail rates with no guarantee of delivery. To receive via first class mail please send $14.00 with your dues in January. First class delivery is guaranteed. This newsletter is produced digitally on the Macintosh platform. Page layout is done in Quark Xpress, artwork is done in Adobe Photoshop and/or Adobe Illustrator. Advertising design and layout is done free of charge for DCA members.* Please call the editor about compatible application formats, just about all of them are acceptable, but some publishing programs don’t translate too well (i.e. Publisher or Word with embedded images). Please save all text files in a (.txt) format. Any ads submitted by outside agencies must be done as a PDFX-3: 2002 files. Preferably, articles and text for ads should be sent via e-mail. Photos are accepted digitally via e-mail, or on DVD and CD, please call for reproduction information if you do your own scanning Any questions, please call. If not using a credit card, checks or money orders, payable to DCA, Inc. MUST accompany all advertising copy.
When using credit to pay for advertising send your Credit Card Information to the DCA website via PayPal: Credit Card Payments will no longer be processed by the editor.
IMPORTANT: WAIVE SIGNATURE ON ALL EXPRESS AND CERTIFIED MAIL Send all articles and advertising to: Lynne Dahlén, Editor 9086 Daniels 70, Siren, WI 54872 715-349-2566 *Co-owners who are not DCA members will be shown on advertising copy by name only.
Custom YouTube Video Clips Now available from DCA A YouTube clip of your individual DCA entry – a personalized video, for your own website or to post on Facebook for all your friends to see.
All orders for YouTube clips must be made with the club’s Video Coordinator within 4 weeks of the show. After June 20, 2011, the video files from our show could be erased from the editing computers. Some Uses for your YouTube Clips…. ■ You
can email the URL link to friends and family. Show them your entry at the National! If your entry wins an award, the YouTube clip link could be emailed to the AKC Judge with a thank you note! ■ If you have your own website – you can embed your YouTube video clip on your website. JPEG photos are great to show…. But video clips of a significant win are a whole lot better! ■ Facebook and social networks… it’s easy as a Facebook Member to post your YouTube video on your “Wall” … and broadcast your new clip for all your Facebook Friends to see! ■
2011 DVDs – (Set of 3) include Best of Variety and Best of Breed – all three coats Judging of Class Dogs and Bitches is not being video taped this year. YouTube Clip for $18
_____ $ _____ $ _____ $ _____ $
(available only with DVD order)
Subtotal Shipping & Handling:
US – $12.00; CANADA – $18.00; FOREIGN – $27.00.
TOTAL (make checks payabale to: Dachshund Club of America – US currency)
DOG’S NAME ((for You Tube Orders) VARIETY
Questions? Contact: Jerry Cerasini (770 842-3152) MAIL TO: 14775 Wood Road, Alpharetta, GA 30004-3036 Dachshund Club of America
WINTER, 2011
Litter whelped September 24, 2011
Litter whelped November 7, 2011
4 Red Males 2 Black/Tan Males
5 Females 2 Males All Clear Red Some still available
GCh Joy-Dens Cha-Ching Cha-Ching SS
Braggin’ Rites Ads are only $30 for a quarter page Black/White ad including one picture!
Ch. Barkerville Torchy Miller X Ch. Joy-Dens Spice Girl SS
Ch. Walmar’s Casanova
Ch. Diagram Arabesque SS
Ch. Sweetgrass My Southern Bell Nelle
Ch. Diagram Have Gun Will Travl SS X Diagram Rich Girl SS
Pedigrees on Request
Breeder: Dianne Graham 540-616-8655
Richard and Dalia Sak 30 Little Horse Island Dr. St. Helena, S.C. 29920 216-338-2613
Litter whelped September 23, 2011
Litter whelped 2011
Litter Due November 10, 2011
2 Females 4 Males All Black/Tan
1 Black/Tan Male 2 Red Males
Sire: Sire:
Ch. Kephart’s Moonlight Ch. Kephart’s Michael X Ch. Laddland Dotes On You
Ch. Stonerivers Kephart Cognac MS Ch. Stonerivers Touch of Wagsmore ML X Stonevrivers Moonlight Beach
Kephart’s Satin Doll
Sandar’s Kephart Coal Miner’s Daughter MS
Ch. Laddland High Flyer X Kephart’s Guardian Angel
Ch. Sandar’s Wall-E X Ch. Sandar’s Reba at Sagerun MS
Whelping Box Ads are only $10 per ad and can be e-mailed to the editor shortly before publication.
Dual Ch. Jagie’s Sunkissed Phoenix ROMO Dual Ch. Jagie’s Sunkissed Murphy’s Law X Ch. Galadach’s Sunkissed
Ch. Joy-Dens Spice Girl SS Aust. Ch. Laen The U.S. Male X Ch. Joy-Dens Unforgettable v Cameron
Joanne Kephart 2415 Custer Orangevie NE Burghill, OH 44404-9706
Joanne Kephart 2415 Custer Orangevie NE Burghill, OH 44404-9706
Joyce Warren 281-324-3276
Dachshund Club of America
WINTER, 2011
Letters to and from the editor Hi members and subscribers, Our cover story: Congratulations to Meg Weiss and Jean Dieden for achieving the goal of another 7-way + titled dachshund - each of the titles proves what an incredibly versatile breed the dachshund is. “Lois” has her coursing title, too!! Kudos to those who put in the time, training and love that it takes to make an “all-around” dog! After 5 years of no price increase for advertising in the newsletter there will be small increase for the full color one page ads - only $10. As of the spring issue it will be $185. All other prices will remain the same. Thank you to all the advertisers who help support the publication of the magazine! And an obvious thank you to all those who submit articles and pictures for the enrichment of the fancy! DCA appreciates all the time and talent you give to the club. NEW!!! In November DCA launched a new service for dachshund fanciers in general. The DCA newsletter will now be published on the web - one month after the printed version has been mailed. All of you reading this probably already receive the newsletter in print version, but now we hope to reach a wider audience. Here is the url (it’s also on the first page of the DCA website): There are no plans whatsoever to discontinue the print version of the newsletter. DCA understands that most fanciers keep these publications for breeding references and it’s sometimes easier to pull out that magazine than to try and find that information on the internet. You will also be able to see the print version first. Please members, keep updated on all the latest laws pertaining to our dogs that many state legislators are introducing. It’s a constant fight to keep our right to own and breed our dogs. Please go to the AKC legislative website for all the latest info. Let’s hope for good 2012. Happy Holidays to everyone!
CH. STONERIVERS KEPHART COGNAC MS A miniature Dachshund with the beautiful look prescribed by the standard, and the heart of a lion. Watch for his sons: Pinot Noir, Zinfandel and Merlot! Owner: Joanne Kephart 2415 Custer Orangevie NE • Burghill, OH 4404-9706
(Ch. Kephart’s Michael X Kephart’s Encore)
Excellence repeats itself!
Ch. Kephart’s Mood Indigo, Ch. Laddland A Wing and A Prayer, Ch. Laddland High Flyer
Owner/Breeder: Joanne Kephart 2415 Custer Orangevie NE • Burghill, OH 4404-9706 Dachshund Club of America 79
WINTER, 2011
Saturday, March 17, 2012 Specialty in conjunction with the Louisville All-Breed Cluster
New Location
Kentucky Fair & Exposition Center, 937 Phillips Lane, Louisville, KY !!2 sets of points available for dachshunds that day!! Plan to attend all 4 days of shows Thursday - Sunday Closing date: February 29th Premium available at Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C. (405) 427-8181
Judge: Carol Spritzer
Dachshund Club of America
WINTER, 2011
! !"#$%&'%$( "#$%&'%$()* )*+,-.+ +,-.+$/0 /0$$12+345 2+345 Sun., Sun., April April 8 Tues. April Tu es. Ap ril 1100 Wed. April April We d. A pril 1111- FFri. r i. A pril 1133
VST Tracking Test—Location GA area), T r a c k in g T est—Location TTBA BA ((N. N. G A ar ea), TD /TDX C ombined Te st – Loc ation TTBA BA ((N. N. G A ar TD/TDX Combined Test Location GA area), ea), Ro ck S pring, GA-GA-- Look out B eagle C lub G rounds Rock Spring, Lookout Beagle Club Grounds D achshund C lub of M etropolitan A tlanta FField ield TTrial Dachshund Club Metropolitan Atlanta rial aand nd Da chshund Cl ub ooff A merica FField ield TTrial ria l Dachshund Club America Da chshund Club Club ooff M etropolitan Atlanta Atlanta Earthdog Earthdog T Dachshund Metropolitan Test est Da chshund Cl ub ooff A merica Earthdog Earthdog Te st Dachshund Club America Test Check-in aatt Mountain Mountain C reek IInn, nn, C allaway G a rd e n s Check-in Creek Callaway Gardens Da chshund Cl ub ooff A m e ric a A gility; We lc o m e H Dachshund Club America Agility; Welcome Hospitality ospitality by DCMA DCMA Da chshund Cl ub of M etropolitan A tlanta Sp ecialty 11-Rally Dachshund Club Metropolitan Atlanta Specialty Conformation BOB -Rally aand nd Co nformation tthrough h ro u g h B OB Da chshund Cl ub of M etropolitan A tlanta Specialty Specialty 22-- Ob Dachshund Club Metropolitan Atlanta Obedience BOB edience and and Conformation Conformation through through B OB Ho st cclub lub ddinner—Beach inner—Beach Pa Host Party rty Da chshund Cl ub ooff A Dachshund Club America Annual Meeting 9:00 m e ric a A nnual M eeting – 9: 00 AM Da chshund Cl ub ooff A Dachshund Club America Sweepstakes Rally m e ric a S weepstakes & Ra lly Da chshund Cl ub ooff A Dachshund Club America Board Meeting m e ric a B o a rd M eeting Da chshund Cl ub ooff A Dachshund Club America Classes Winners; merica ––Regular Regular Cl asses tthrough h ro u g h W inners; Non-Regular Non-Regular cclasses; la s s e s ; BO V ffor or oone ne Va BOV Variety Variety) riety ((smallest smallest eentry ntry iinn Va r ie t y ) Da chshund Cl ub ooff A Dachshund Club America Obedience merica Ob e d ie n c e Da chshund Cl ub ooff A Dachshund Club America Varieties Parades merica ––Remaining Remaining ttwo wo V arieties BOV, BOV, Intervariety, Intervariety, Pa ra d e s Da chshund Cl ub ooff A Dachshund Club America Annual Awards Dinner m e ric a A nnual A wards Di nner Ch eck-out Check-out
Sat.t. A April Sa pril 1144Sun. April Su n. Ap ril 1155 Sun. April April Su n. Ap ril 115-Mon. 5-Mon. A pril 1166 Mon. April Mo n. A pril 1166 Tues., April Tu e s ., A pril 17 Wed. April We d. A pril 1188 Th u rs . A pril 1199 Thurs. April Fr i., A pril 2200 Fri., April Sa t., Ap ril 2211 Sat., April Su n. Ap ril 22 Sun. April
6/54 6/54$6 6/4+.$730/89:4;/3$ /4+.$7300/89:4;/3$ Conformation Events
Mountain Creek Inn at Hi ghway 2277 S outh, Pi ne Mo u n ta in , G A 331822 1822 Highway South, Pine Mountain, GA $105 per night night ((includes includes ent ry pas nto C allaway Gardens) Gardens) entry passs iinto Callaway or ccall all 1-800-225-5292-1-800-225-5292-- DCA ccode ode 78D2W6 78D2W6 Reserve online R eser errve onl ine aatt www.
Co Co-Chairs -Chairs$ $$$$$$$
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Anne and Jim Carson Carson
$$$$$$$Agility, Agility, O Obedience, bedience, Rally Rally Sharon Jordan Holly Deeds
Fi Field$Events eld$Events aand nd Mo Motor to r H Homes omes Robert Schwalbe
Show Secr Secretary etary Foy Trent www. tp://$ www.!!!!!ht
WINTER 2011, Volume XXXV, Number 4
The Dachshund Club of America Newsletter Lynne Dahlén, Editor 9086 Daniels 70 Siren, WI 54872 Official DCA Website: