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The Eternal Element That Supports...
proportions. Normality is the solution to this worldly life. Do not undertake intensive penance the entire night. Go to sleep for a while; as you have had something to eat, that will put some strain on the body. Yet people will say, “The mooah (mortal one) stays up all night, carried away [with work].”
That Eternal Element Is Permanent, Real Questioner: That eternal element that supports inertia which You mentioned, is it relative or Real?
Dadashri: It is definitely Real; it cannot be relative. That which is eternal is always Real indeed. And the eternal element that gives It [the Self] motion cannot be made into pieces. The eternal element that supports motion is as undivided as the lokaakash (the region of space in the universe in which all six eternal elements exist). So wherever You [the Self] need it to carry out a task, You will get it from there. Now just like the eternal element that causes motion, the eternal element that causes [an object] stillness is also undivided. It is also indestructible. And on top of that, the inherent nature of each one is like this [specific]. They are all based on their own intrinsic properties with a specific function (gunadharma).
This inanimate matter and the Self are permanent eternal elements. So, if they want to move from here, then they would require the eternal element that assists movement to be present, then they will be able to do so.
Questioner: Does the very same eternal element that supports motion give motion to the pudgal as well as the self?
Dadashri: Yes, the very same eternal element.
The energy that gives motion is an energy without a beginning, it is indestructible, it is infinite. It is present throughout the three time periods [the past, the present, and the future], and that energy moves every parmanu. That energy is within atoms (anu), but it is outside of the Parmanu, it is outside the Self. That energy does not move anything at all of its own accord, but it assists in moving. This is the eternal element that supports motion.
The Eternal Element That Supports Motion Even Takes One to Moksha!
Questioner: At the time of death, a vimaan (mythological flying vehicle) from above takes the jeev away; they talk about the vimaan that takes the Self away, don’t they?
Dadashri: A vimaan is something used to explain to these people who have a childlike level of development. It is actually the eternal element that supports motion that takes it. So, as it is not possible to explain to these people about the eternal element that supports motion, they refer to it as a vimaan.
Questioner: If we do the bhaav, then would the eternal elements that support motion and inertia help us even now?
Dadashri: Yes.
Questioner: So whatever we want to do, we can do so only with their help. If we want to go to moksha, then how should we take the assistance of the eternal elements that support motion and inertia?
Dadashri: They are indeed being used [even now]. When you came here from your home, it is because of the bhaav you had done in the past life. ‘You’ are not doing new bhaav right now.
Questioner: Right now, ‘we’ [mahatmas] are doing the bhaav of going to moksha, aren’t ‘we’?
[3] The Eternal Element That Supports...
Dadashri: Right now, You are not doing any bhaav.
Questioner: Then?
Dadashri: It is actually the bhaav that was done in the past life that is unfolding now. So, that is all discharge karma. Both the eternal elements that support motion and inertia are [in the form of] discharge karma. When new karma are bound, they have to be discharged once again. They are considered as discharge [karma] all the way to the point of them assisting One to reach ultimate liberation (moksha).
Questioner: That is exactly what I am asking; are they helpful or not in going to moksha?
Dadashri: Once they take One all the way to moksha, that is when that discharge comes to an end.
Questioner: How should ‘we’ [mahatmas] make use of them to go to moksha?
Dadashri: ‘You’ do not have to make use of them. In fact, they themselves will take You [there].
Questioner: Dada, the application or use of those eternal elements happens automatically, doesn’t it?
Dadashri: It definitely is automatic.
Questioner: But ‘we’ do have to do the bhaav, don’t ‘we’?
Dadashri: The bhaav were done in the past life, this is the result of that. ‘You’ do not have to do any new [bhaav]. Their work is completed only after they have helped You reach all the way to moksha.
In Going to Moksha, the Self Is a Non-Doer Right Until the End
For how long does one feel bound? There is bondage as long as the ego is present. From the moment One believes, ‘Now I have become free,’ that itself is moksha!
Questioner: How does one go to moksha?
Dadashri: ‘You’ [as the Self] do not have to do anything at all for that. It is through Its very inherent nature that It takes You there. If all these karma were to discharge, then the inherent nature of the Self is to ascend (urdhvagami). The pudgal makes it descend (adhogami). The pudgal clusters around it and takes it down. In this tussle between the two, when its [the developing I’s] belief (bhaav) as the pudgal goes away, then the developing ‘I’ (pote) automatically goes to moksha.
Questioner: Does the Real form (swaroop) of the Self remain the same as it is?
Dadashri: Yes. Moreover, the eternal element that supports motion even goes all the way [to moksha ] to see It off. ‘It’ cannot go there without the help of the eternal element that supports motion. It [the eternal element that supports motion] pays off this much of the karmic account, the karmic account of taking It all the way to moksha .
Questioner: [A karmic account] With whom? Is it with the eternal element that supports motion?
Dadashri: This eternal element that supports motion is the one that is paying it off, isn’t it! It is from the worldly perspective [relative viewpoint] that one says, “One has become the embodiment of moksha.” However, in Reality, the Self has always been the embodiment of moksha. This [the eternal element that supports motion] is simply assisting. The developing ‘I’ had the desire, that is why it is assisting in that.
Questioner: When the Self goes to moksha, only