3 minute read
Space Is an Indestructible Eternal Element
Besides, One certainly is the pure Soul. Completely in One’s inherent nature in every sense, meaning that there is no other inherent nature as the Self, but to be the KnowerSeer and in permanent bliss, that verily is Its Swabhaav; that is to say, One’s own inherent nature. And the bhaav that is not in the Pudgal [Parmanu], and the bhaav that is not as the Self, that has been referred to as parbhaav (the state as the non-Self). It is not of the Self, yet it is believed to be of the Self, that parbhaav is dependent upon parkshetra. It is referred to as parkshetra up to that point. As long as one believes the parbhaav to be one’s own, until then there is parkshetra; even the dravya (physical evidences), all of that is considered to be of the non-Self (par). Therefore, all this has been explained in order to make You come into the Self (Swa). And once the pure Soul has been understood, it’s complete, all the [spiritual] work is done. Otherwise, It [the Self] does not have any kshetra or anything like that, such as Swakshetra. That has simply been described by the scripture writers.
The mind, speech, and body are parkshetra. The ‘I’ (Hu) is Swakshetra. Both their kshetras are certainly separate. The Self is kshetragnya (the Knower-Seer of the relative self). ‘It’ is the Knower and the Seer of the [par] kshetra (relative self), yet it has become kshetrakaar (to become one with the relative self).
The Unique Effects of Space!
Everything Changes as the Kshetra Changes
Therefore, the value is of the kshetra (location), of the place, isn’t it!
Questioner: So does the kshetra differ for every human being as well?
Dadashri: The dravya, the kshetra, the time (kaal), and the intent (bhaav), all four certainly keep changing for human beings.
Questioner: But they are different for everyone, aren’t they? They are different for Chandubhai.
Dadashri: They are different for everyone, that is why all the faces are different!
Questioner: So, the location of two people is different in the very same room. This man is sitting there, I am sitting here, so the location of both...
Dadashri: Even then, you are in your location and he is in his location.
Even the Antahkaran Occupies Space!
There is space as long as this body is around. Space
The Unique Effects of Space!
would definitely be there, wouldn’t it? Just look, can anybody else sit where you are sitting right now?
Questioner: They cannot. So would that be considered as having taken on a dependency (avalamban)?
Dadashri: Then what else can it be considered? It is like living in someone else’s [the eternal element of Space] home and on top of that, one behaves arrogantly! This ‘house’ [body] belongs to someone else, whereas this house [the space] in which satsang (a spiritual discourse) is conducted is different. But then again, even this ‘house’, meaning this body, is someone else’s [of the parmanu]. Where You [the Self] are residing right now is this space. If You want to occupy any space, then shouldn’t You ask for permission from the one who owns the space?
Questioner: Just as this body occupies space, do the mind, intellect, chit (subtle component of vision and knowledge in the inner functioning instrument called antahkaran), ego also occupy space?
Dadashri: They are all within the body; they occupy space within the body. They have drawn out a contract within it that, ‘I will need this much space.’ Inside [the body,] they have drawn out a contract that, ‘I want this much space to set up shop in this zone.’ Do you not feel that you have built on someone else’s terrain?
Questioner: That is definitely true.
Dadashri: You have to sleep in someone else’s terrain at night.
Questioner: So does everything except for the Self occupy space?
Dadashri: Yes.
Questioner: Fundamentally, it is the property of the pudgal (the non-Self complex that undergoes influx and outflux) to occupy space, isn’t it? It is pudgal that occupies space, doesn’t it?
Dadashri: Yes.
Questioner: So it is still going to occupy space even after the Self leaves.
Dadashri: The pure Parmanu have already occupied that space. They have nothing to do with this; they actually remain interwoven.
Questioner: With Space?
Dadashri: Yes. The Space is there on their basis; they are there on the basis of Space. That is how it all is.
Questioner: So this sense of ownership over the pudgal that arises amidst this, that is why there is a dependency.
Dadashri: Everyone in the world has this sense of ownership of ‘it is indeed mine’ arising. They [the Parmanu] do not have anything like that.
Questioner: Don’t the Parmanu have anything to do with it?
Dadashri: Nothing at all!
One Moves Forward Based on Space
Questioner: There is a different type of ego in everyone. In him, there is the ego of being an engineer. In me, there is the ego of being a doctor.
Dadashri: Yes, it is different.
Questioner: What is it based on?
Dadashri: It is based on the space [location on the path of spiritual evolution] being different.