Winter 2001 Preservation Today News

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Dade Heritage Trust


Volume I, Issue IV

2000-2001 Officers

i President i Jeanette I. Poole

: First Vice President · William Murphy : Second Vice President Richard Heisenbottle I Treasurer · Thorn Grafton I Secretary Judith Pruitt : At Large , Penny Lambeth · George T. Neary i Past President Enid C. Pinkney : Trustees · Antonio Alonso Patricia A. Ford ; Bertram J."Chico" ! Goldsmith : J~hn A. Hinson i Tma Lane i Don MacCuilough ! Dolly Macintyre Blanca Mesa Margaret Pelton Rachel Perkins Parsons Luis Penelas Neil Robertson Marie C. Stiefel Joan Thompson GeneTinnie Advisors Gay Bondurant Gary Held Adolfo Henriques Ruth Jacobs SallyeJude Nancy Liebman Leslie Pantin Arva Moore Parks Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk Janice Pryor M. Anthalie Range Norah Schaefer Don Slesnick Herb Sosa Executive Director Becky Roper Matkov Newsletter Editor Katie Pearl Halloran

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You are cordially invited To celebrate tbe official launch of Dade Heritage Trust's "Miami Heritage Toun" Friday. Marcb 16,2001 8:00 p.m. « In tlle..newly restored historic building of Books and Books 265 Aragon Avenue Coral Gables Complimentary refreshments courtesy of MitcbeU Kaplan of Books and Books RSVP (305) 358-9572 Sign up that night for a special rate for tbe premier Women's Heritage Trail Tour, to be given on Tuesday, March 27th, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.~ including luncb

"Heritage Tours Miami" In Motion torie building newly renoDade Heritage Trust's heritage tourism program is vated for Books & Books as moving into high gear! We its new Coral Gables location. Books & Books is are working with Michael Cushing of Dragonfly Expeshepherded by owner Mitchell Kaplan, who is ditions to develop our excitcredited with helping to creing Miami-based tours to ... focus on South Florida's cul· , ate the Miami Book Fair and who is a great supture, history. and preservaporter of culture and literation. Beautiful tour broture in the Miami-Dade chures designed by artist community. Sherry Jordan are ready for distribution. "Heritage Tours Miami" DHT Trustee Judy Pruitt, can be customized for conferences, conventions, and who chairs the Tours Com· groups such as civic clubs, mittee, has been working hard to help write the script businesses, corporations or community associations for our Women's Heritage who want to see Miami in a Trail tour and has also very special way. Michael helped to organize the upCushing and DHT Execucoming launching event for tive Director Becky Roper all Heritage Miami Tours. The kickoff will take place Matkov recently organized a successful tour for the on March 16th in the his-

Knight Foundation by boat and bus, focusing on redevelopment issues of the Miami River, East Lit'~le Ha· vana and Overtown. Dade Heritage Days is peppered with many new and interesting "Heritage Tours Miami" excursions. Look forward to children's tours, canoe trips, neigh· borhood tours, and many more. To attend the launching event on March 16th at Books & Books and to be one of the first to experience the Women's Heritage Trail tour on March 27th, please call Dade Heritage Trust at (305) 358-9572 or "Heritage Tours Miami" at (305) 774-9019.

Phone (305) 358-9572 Fax (305) 358-1162 We're on the web! VISit us at




Dade Heritage Days 200 I Arrives DHT's annual celebration of our community's heritage lives on. We have worked hard to collect events from community -oriented organizations all over Miami-Dade County in an attempt to represent the cultures, environmental beauty, and archaeological and historical treasures of our area in a way that attracts every South Florida citizen. We have been working with a Miami-based producfiOns studio to produce a-public service announcement for both English and Spanish television and radio stations. Media schedules have been expanded and plans for publicity lead us to expect a better and more diverse attendance at events than ever. Highlights of this year's festival include new tours spon-


sored by DHT, tours of Little Haiti, Little Havana, an organic farm and numerous historic neighborhoods and homes. This year we invite you and your family to take advantage of several trips on the water and to natural sites such as the Everglades, the shoreline of Biscayne Bay, and Crandon Park and its historic carousel. At night we will surprise you with. our party-throwing abiliu-es we present galleries, black-tie dinners an musical perfurmances at events such as tho:! Miami RiverDay and the Gables -. Promenade. Please look forward to our Dade Heritage Days 2001 brochure which will be mailed to all of our members. Request copies for your office and neighborhood businesses. We hope to see you and your friends at many events!


Homestead Air Force Base Efforts a Success The Miami Herald reported on January 17, "The controversial Homestead airport is dead ." Dade Heritage Trust had worked with many other organizations to help lobby politicians and military officials to reject Miami-Dade County's proposal to build a commercial airport with more than 600 flights daily. U.S . Air Force Secretary F. Whitten Peters reported January 16th that the county would have 90 days to propose a development plan with a less heavy envi-



Dade Heritage Trust's Most Endangered Sites List

=================Dade Heritage Trust's Board of Trustees and Advi-

: sors have been working on the development of our


: 200 I list. Ten areas in need of immediate attention : have been selected by Dade Heritage Trust board : members. We will begin our efforts to save or reo store these valuable public assets by announcing their o designation to the Most Endangered Sites List at a : press conference during Dade Heritage Days. ,,2000, great'progress'WU made with res-pen to : Virginia Key and Lummus Park in Downtown Miami. : George Neary, Committee Chairperson for the list. • : notes that The freedom Tower, listed as endangered • : in 2000, is currendy under extensive restoration and • o is charted to be the future home of a museum to • honor Cuban heritage. He believes the listing helps : bring "special attention" to buildings and parks that : continue to be neglected in Miami-Dade County. : Look out for the press conference and make sure to : join DHT committees to help keep the upcoming : designations intact and in place for the future.


. 0




ronmental impact or the land would


be given to the U.S. Interior De-


partment for use. Contrary to the opinions of Mayor Alex Penelas ana H9J1\estead Air Base Developers, Inc., environmentalists consider the halt of the project a major victory. Dade-Heritage Taust is proud"to have been involved in this effort and will continue to monitor the development plans of the base, keeping both the ecological and economic balance of the area in mind .

C--- Morningside Grill

I ... I (\

.A . . . . .


Food Sendees


25 SE Second Avenue, Suite 600, Miami, Florida 33131

In Memoriam Dade Heritage Trust is saddened by the loss of long-time DHT volunteer Wesley F. Coleman. Sr. Wes organized the historic re-enactments at the Cape Florida Lighthouse for four years and participated in the re-enactments at the Wagner Homestead and Ft. Dallas in Lummus Park for Dade Heritage Days' Miami RiverDay. Dade Heritage Trust has placed a commemorative brick in his honor at the Lighthouse. We extend our sympathy to his wife Diana and all his family .

Executive Director Needed A South Florida based, SOI(C)3 corporation seeks an experienced Executive Director. Responsibilities include administration of the historic restoration of a South Florida Landmark, fund-raising and grant writing. Interested applicants must send their resume along with salary history by March 1, 2001 to: Executive Director, 211 Deer Run, Miami Springs, FL 33166.


H oliday Party Repr ise By Dolly MacIntyre Members and friends ofDHT welcomed the holiday season in style at Bunny Bastian's elegant waterfront estate, designed by Alfred Browning Parker, who was the Guest of Honor. Sponsors included Northern Trust Bank and the Alexander C. MacIntyre Charitable Trust, with support from a number of underwriters including Derek Pinto and International Hospitality Advisors,


Rosalind Ludwig, Charles Morgenstern of EWM Realtors, John Hinson of the Ocean Club on Key Biscayne, J. Poole Associates, Realtors and Werner and Marie Stiefel. Co-Chairmen Rachel Parsons and Dolly MacIntyre extend appreciation to all those who contributed to the auction which was so ably handled by Bob Soper ofWFOR-TV, Channel 4. Thanks to the Marriott Biscayne Bay Hotel which provided accommodations for AI


Parker while he was in Miami for the party.

UM School of Architecture to Present Parker Exhibition. Continuing the recognition of Architect Alfred Browning Parker, which was begun at the DHT Holiday Party, the UM School will host an exhibition of his work in the School Gallery from March 1-23. Mr. Parker will present a lecture on March 1 at 6:30 p.m. For details, call Carolyn White at 305-284-5002.

Nominations Being Acceirted for 200 I Preservation Awards Dade Heritage Trust recognizes efforts in preservation in three categories each year during its Preservation Awards ceremony at the close of Dade Heritage Days. Outstanding restoration projects, outstanding preservation organizations, and outstanding individuals in the field of preservation will receive beautiful plaques and public recognition at this event. We also present the Henriette

DHT Needs You! We are stepping into one of our busiest seasons of the year as Dade Heritage Days begin. We need the help of our members to make sure our events and programs are well-supported and administered. Miami RiverDay, Lighthouse Day, the Gables Promenade, and Dade Heritage Days' opening and closing events all require time and energy and succeed only with your support and participation. We hfllle been lucky enough to be selected to share in the profits of a Coke products booth aJ the Bank ofAmerica

Coconut Grove Arts Festival. February 17. 18. and 19. This is a greaJ opportunity for us to IIUlke so~ money and spread the word about DHT to thousands offestival guests. Please sign up

{or a shift or two. enjoy the art. and spend some time with friends. As always, call (305) 358-9572 or send us an email aJ dadeheritage19fKYuJLcom.

Harris Award for years of dedicated service in behalf of historic preservation. 'A group or individual you know may deserve recognition of this sort. Restaurants, businesses, and homes carefully restored or renovated with special attention paid to retaining historic value and integrity are possible award recipients. Contact DHT to obtain an application form for nomi-

nations. Applications will be reviewed by a committee and winners will be announced in May 2001. The deadline is March 15th.

All DHT members should be sure to mark their calendars for the Preservation Awards event. We are organizing a beautiful and historic venue for the presentations this year and invite all DHT members and guests to attend.

A Preservationist's Calendar February 11: St. Phillip's Unique & Historic Home Tour. $25,9- 4 p.m., call 305444-6366. February 15: I 10th Anniversary Celebration of Coconut Grove Woman's Club, and Young Artists' Reception, 6-8 p.m., RSVP 305-446-2909. February 24-26: Florida TruSt's Insider's Tour of Delray Beach. Call 850-224-8128 for details. " " March 3: Villagers' Historic Hunt, Dinner and Auction. 305-856-9533 February 27: DHT Membership Event at The Americas Collection March 16-May 13: Dade Heritage Days 2001 March 16: Dade Heritage Days Heritage Tours Miami Kickoff Event at Books & Books March 21-22: Historic Preservation Day, Tallahassee, 305-856-9533 Marc:h 27: Special DHT Heritage Tours Miami Preview: Women's Heritage Trail, 10 am. to2p.m. April 7: Miami RiverDay April 21 : The Gables Promenade's "Moonlight in the Gardens," a fabulous black tie progressive gala, will benefit DHT's preservation efforts. May 17-19: Florida Trust Annual Meeting, Jacksonville, FL. Call 850-224-8128 for details. October 16-19: Annual Meeting of the Nafl Trust for Historic Preservation, Providence, Rhode Island.

Are you a TOUR GUIDE awaiting your chance to work for the right people on the right tours? Heritage Tours Miami needs history buffs, nature enthusiasts, and individuals with knowledge of South Florida to TRAIN as guides for Dade Heritage Trust. Call 305-774-9019 for info.






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p~~~a.nd(ora.hove-~t:'"&vtiT, 1905.ÂŁ.12tJt,Tu'YC:u:e" Mi.a.ftt.i.s

fL 33131.

You are cordiaUy invited to a Dade Heritage Trust Reception Featuring a "Sense of Place," an Exhibit of Florida Works By Harriet Chipley and Erik Speyer, who wID apeak on the uniqueneu of the MIami RIver

Tuesday, February 17,1001 7:00-9:00 p.m. The Americas CoUection l440 Ponce de Leon Blvd Coral Gables, Florida RSVP: 305-358-9571

Complimentary for DHT Memben; $10 for guests

Courtesy of Dora Valdes-'Fauli, owner of The Americas CoUection


PERMIT NO. 6022 190 S.E. 12th Temcc

Miami., FL 33131


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