2002 Preservation Today magazine

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AJ'i.zQll(l Califonliu Colomdo f"rQrida Illinois Mic/rig(l1l ft/iSSOlll'i Net'O(ia Ollio Teras WasJi ington Wiscollsill Sullsidiruy or Nonht'nl Trust or folo rida CorpornllOllllnd NOI1 ll1'nl1'rust Corporation, ('hICU3Q. Member m lc.

Mes5flge from !he President

A Guardian of Miami 's Heritage Dadc Heritage Trust is celebrating its 30lh annivcr.mry a:. a non-profit mcmbership organi zation work ing to preserve Miami's architectural. environmcntul and cuhur.11 he rilage. We are tremendously excited with rccent achievements and some oflhe m,my preservation opponunities ahead of us. Our membership continues to grow and is now represented by a more involved and d iverse Board of Trustees. Th h. past year. the Miami-Dade County Commission approved a $700,000 allocation to establish a Dude Heritage Trust Preservat ion Revolving Fund. We arc in the fi nal steps of structuring this fund . which will have Ihe finan c ial resources to he lp save endangered historic prope rlie!> in Mi ami-Dade Co unty and promote the rev it alization of histo ric neighborhood!>. We fee l this is jUM the beginning for this Fund and it will allow us to give additional tangible examples of the econom ic and social benefi ts of historic preservation.

The theme for this issue of Prese r vatiu n Toda)' is "Endangered Siles." Dade Herillige Trust's annulil lisling of Endangered Hislorie Sites in Mia mi-Dade Counly" gener•.ues exce llent interest from the media lind the geneml public. It is always encouragi ng to observe when something is "saved" from a prev ious list, and dis· heanening when we pcnnanently lose one of our links to the pasl. like the Dr. Jackson House. Yel we know that nothing is pcnnanently saved, with South Rorida's constlmt deve lopment pressures and our moisture and hurricane-prone climate. We all need to be diligelll lind involve II wider pan of our community in these elTons. Our

shared history needs 10 be Sowed for o urselve!> and for those who wi ll follow. To gellemte an awareness of the value of saving our historic resources. Dade Heritage Trusl works on many fronts. We speurhead cam· paig ns to preserve historic sites, like the Cape Florida Lighthouse, Ihe Miami Cin:le and the Old Miami High Bungalow. We present annual Preser vatio n ,\wards for outs tunding resloration projects and leaders. We give speeches and presenlOltions to civic groups. schools and governmental meetings. We host e\'(~n ts and workshops al historic si tes. We produce Dade Heriluge Days every March and April, ;\ celebr.lIio n of Miami 's historic places and neighborhoods. We produce a IIcwslelter afld magazine. And recCIlIM"'IIIoi ly we published the belluliful book. Mitlmi's /listoric Neigllborlwoos, ed ited by Becky Roper Malkov, with chapters featuring Miami'!> leading hhtorians. We apprecinte your interest in Dade Heritage Trust. If you lire not a member, please joi n today. Your suppon is vitally imponant to If you are a member. but not actively involved. please call our office (305358·9572) and o lTer to help in some wily. We can usc assistance in fund raising, membership services. and advocacy. On behal f of Ihe Bo'lrd and Staff of Dade HeriHlge Trust. we are honored to represent your intercsts in historic preservation in our community. to be a g uardian of Miami's heritage.

William P. Mllrphy


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(;u\ t' R "HOTO: 'IM 101'Jhlr~d IM.omt nf \!lam ra brio,-ft! pIuolO'ft' dlldur IIIHI d,k k-adn'. Dr. J • .....,. mI.""", hi dto.lroyfd .. JII"" 5, 1001. d~rn.1(l1Ij! 1"-' 'utl",,~J R n!i.l~r·I1§ led 1 'J(l~ ...... dljll.Me~ q( IIMdt lIerll~~ l'r ... .. lllc:tlltd nut dUtll'. t)ade Ih ril ~1tI: '1'rusI had roughl h.. ~'r Ur. JKUon'5 MIl"" rnom dt'moIllk .... l"buIII b} Rkkard J. IlrismlM>l ' .... 1



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Dade Heritage Trust's beautiful book,

Millmj' s HisWric Neighborlwods is available for $49.95 + tax. The book is a 9" x 12" hardcover, "coffee table" style book showtasing 1lle past and p resent of conunun.ities throughout MiaJni·Dade CGunty. It is a beautiful publication with O\..r 250 photo" many fmm private colkctionr. Edited by Becky Roper Matlmv, with c~tel'S written by 31 outstanding writers and IWtorlans, 1IIis book is a wonderful addition for every South FlDrida home and business

For thliv.ry ord.,s pl.as. compl.l. Ik. form b.low and mail ..ilk your l"'JIl7U!nl information 10 DHl' al 190 SE 12'" Tmac., Miami, FL 33131. Pick up your limited edition today at our offICe Delivered to your doorstep or os a gift •

$4995 + $3.25 tax = $53.20 $49.95 +$3.25 tax + $5.00 silt = $58.20

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** A Dade Heritage Trust Memhenhip mws ihe perfect gift!

Roten<e a FREE copy of Miami 's HlStonc N.ighborhoods book when you join at the Renaissanceleve1 of $250 or ~rwhile supplies last! Call Dade Heritage Trust for more information, 305·358·9572.

f cum the Executi ve Di rector

Strengthening Our Resolve When the bulldozer ripped apan the 102· year--old home of pioneer lender Dr. James Juckson. much more was desuoyed than Dade County pine bemns. original lirc· plnces and the dreams of preservationists. A unique historic resource- which could have been restored and re·used for years to come-was delibemtely obliterated.

inside our offi ce when windows were shat· tered. the back porch was smashed and debris was pushed OlltO the roof and air conditioner compre....sor. DliT's Natiolllil Register-listed building was damaged for over a year await ing an insurance scnle· ment .

The senseless destruction of so old a house

BUI from this tmuma has come a new resolve. a steel ier detemlination for DHT to be pro--active in shaping the g rowth and futu re of this city we call home. The massive amounts of news coverage- from the front page of the Miami Herald to national television- inc reased Ihe awareness of poliTicians and the public of the val ue of saving the few remaining sites left from Miami's early days. OUT mel with sud· denly receptive elected officials and government stafT 10 push for changes. DHT's ""Endangered SiTes List"" became a sought · after reference and media topic.

was a heartbreaking loss in a community that is fasl destroyi ng its past. It was worsened by the fact that the bulldozer demol · ishing Dr. Jackson's House, which was nexl door to Dade Heritage Trust. then stnrted to plow into our own 1905 head· quarters. Staff and news reporters were

Arter years of de lay. the City of Miam i Commission passed a greatly strengthened l'reservation Ordinance with the power to forbid. no t just de lay. demolition of his· toric properties .• The City eleclorate passed a bond rcferc1ldum that included

The owner was within his legal rights in tearing down what he conside red II derelict. a nuisance. Dade Heritage Trust worked hard to persuade him of the wonh of the gem he held in his hand. of its excit· ing potemial if restored. The owner chose not to see our vision of what could be. Ju st as nn owne r of all originnl Van Gogh Clm choose to bum his canvas to cinders. so can the owner of an historic undesignared property destroy his treasure.

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55 million for historic preservation fund· ing. With DHT's encouragement . the City is now prepuring numerous new historic designations. DHT is also advocming for a National Register district in Downtown Miami and historic districts in several neighborhoods. The demolilion of Dr. Jackson's l'lo use underscored the great need for OI-IT to have financial clout. Thanks to a mot ion made by Miami· Dade County Com· missioner Katy Sorenson. the Count)' Commission passed a budget allocation of $700.000 to eSlablish a DHT Preservation Revolvi ng Fund for Endangered Historic Propenies. DHT hopes to work with banks and foundations to leverage this funding. The mission of the Revolv ing Fund will be I) To save endangered hi storic properties in Miami -Dade County; 2) To promote the rcv it:llization of historic neighborhoods and districts. with specia l consideration given to those wi th greatest economic needs. and 3) To demo nstrate to the community the economic and social benefits of historic preservalion. From a loss has come a victory. a chance to save historic propenies for years to come. Onward!

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Becky Roper Matkov

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OUT Lists "Ten Most Endangered Sites" for 2002-2003 Dade Herimge Trust recently announced ils annual "Ten Most Endangered Historic Sites" Lis!. These sites a re hig hly significant sy mbols of the heritage of Miami-Dade Count y Ih a l a re threat ened by neglect, dc molilion, lack of main tennn ce, insufficient fund s, inappro priat e d evelo pment , o r insensitive public policy. By focusing the attention of the community and of the media on these siles, and by working in coalition with individuul property owners. othe r organizations and government offi cials. Dade Heritage Trust seeks 10 preserve these imperiled places.

HAMPTON HOUSE The Hamplon House. located ut 4240 NW 27th Avenue in Brownsville. plays a sign ific:1Il1 role in the archives of Blnck History. Although now c rumbling. this mote l and lounge. buill in 1953. WII" onl;c II shining star - bringing together black and white residents. and celebrities. 10 sec Icgendary jazz perfomlers and renowned comedians.

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Many meetings and events leading to the end of segregauon took place !lIthe Hampton Housc - including Dr. Martin Luther King's "1 Have a Dream" speech g iven lit the Hote l in 1960. A coalition organized by the African-American COlllminee of Dade Heritltge Trust. led by Enid Pinkney. managed to save the building from demolition. secure historic designat ion status for the site and incorpor.ue as the Historic Hampton 1·lo use Community Trust. The group is worki ng wilh support from Commissioner Barbara


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Carey-Schuler's ortic.:e to finance the purchase of the buildillg through a public-prh'ale partnership thaI wi ll result in adaptive reuse of the bui lding to bene fit the Brownsv ille communiTy.

Board members incl ude Dr. Larry CappoChair. Minister Donald Irving. Vice Chair. Kathy Hersh. Secretary: Ruby Rayford. Treasurer. Manha Anderson: Roben Bcatty: Dollie Johnson: Luis 01" TntJlH Doll M (Il('.. u....~~. mrr kII·...... An ... Mourr I'urb. und mrr Tl"ILIlW's I'~ M)' /.lIIIIhrIII. J,...",.lIr Puvir u"J DtJJy AI""/III)"'" til flit> ",/I,.

Pcne las: Enid Pinkney and Allan Shu lman.

Although recently designated by Miami -Dade County as toric site.



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large amount of funding is still needed 10 succc..o;sfuJ -

Iy preserve this landmark. Dade Heritage Tru:.1 is support ing the eITons of Ihe Historic Hampton Home Community Trust to make this happen.


OJ J) \11 \ \11111(;11 In '\,; \10\\ This fr.lme bungalow-style structure was originally built in 1CJ04..05 at 30 1 N. Miami Avenue. It housed Miumi High until 1911. when il was moved by barge and served as Southside GmmmarSchool umil 19 14. Now located ne:lr Brickell Avenue. and Coml Way. ul 79 $W 121h Street. the building has been a home and boarding house for decades. A high-rise development is planned for the site. lind this 97-year-old .struclUre will be demolished if is not moved it in the next few months. Dade Heritage Trusl is working on Ihis mi llion dollar projcct wilh lite City of Miami . the Miami High Alumni Assoc iation. and KV Brickell Panners. Ltd. 10 relocate and restore the bungalow as a community ccmer in Southside Park_ After the negotiations h:lve been completed to trans fer IiI Ie. the logi stical challenge of coordinat ing and exped iting the actual move through cilY streets and under Metromover in an ex pediliows manner will begin.

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Ol'.\-I.IWK \ \\ORJ.)) \\ \R II II "(; \RS These WWU airplane hang:t~. located aI Opa-locka Airpon . are an illtcgr.tl link to Miami's I1vialion heritage and the role Miam i played in Wo rld War II . In 193 1. the Navy esmbl ished a Naval Rcscrvc Air Base (N RA O) IU Opa-Locka. which wus visited by the great rigid airsh ips. the Akron. the Macon and Ihe G raf Zeppelin. In 1939, the Navy :..elected Opa-Locka 10 be a major air !>Ialion and began a $7 million con~l ruc l ion projecl. which included the three hilllgars now remaining. By March 1945. the Navy Ai r Slat ion at Opa-Iocka had 600 planes. 675 officers. 7000 en listed men. 3000 c ivilians: it was a lown in ils own rig hl. In 1947 the Navy returned the simian to civilian control. The three WWII h a n~:lrs

were slill in use in 1993, onc by Lhe CO:llot G uard .

Piedmont-Hawthorne Av iation currently occupies Hangar 10 1 and

ha... stated its need to use Hangar 102 as well .

The hangars are of o utstand ing design. planned to take ad vantage of sun angles and prevailing winds and to maxi mize accessibility. They are constructed o f heavy

~ 1I.. c l.

with roof decking made o f

Dade County pinc. They have weathered windstomls thltt have bltd ly damaged newer hangars. Though they are in excellenl structu rnl condi tion. thc Miami-Dadc Aviation Department, the landlord. has dctcnn ined thm the hangars are not cconomicalto bring up 10 present-day code. Tenants of many years have been evicted. If c urren! plans are carried out. Miami-Dade County will demolish these bu ild ings. which serve as living reminders of how Americans fought in World War II to prOlect o ur country's freedoms. Dade

H c rita~e

Trust has been working with aviation lIi)oto-

ry enlhusiasts to lobby for thc prcservation of these structures.

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Towering new condos and gargantuan office buildings in the City o f Mianli arc wlliling 0 1T Biscayne Bay from public view. Office dwellers and residents in o lder buildings are being cast in perpetual ,\ohadow as deve loper.! vie for ever-grcmcr density Ilnd profits. Ir you're driving in Miami and want to sec the wilier. you hud Detter heao.l for a causeway und go to Miami Beach or Key Biscayne. Over the pa.~t severol years. Dade Heriulgc Trust has fought ror the relCntion or park sp~ along Biscayne Bay. especially in the Downtown area. Bric kell Park. the Ia.~t ~mai n ing space with public access 10 the Bay along Brickell Avenue. was threatened wi th high~rise developmelll when archeological rcllllli ns were discovcred on the: site. Dade He ritage Trust gamed media ullention on this issue and worted with the Saye Brickell Purk Coalition to instigate II legal challenge. helring save this beautirul vista. FunhemlOre. DUT advocates sensiti\'e development along such propenir:ll and encourages loeul govemments to limit high rise development which would take away public views of Biscayne BIlY.

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Central Baptist Church wa.~ organized one day before Ihe City of Miami was incorporated in 1896. With the !lUpport of its umucnt. well-to-do congregation. in 1926 Central Baptist constructed a magnificent chureh at SOO /liE First A\'cn uc. The exterior was topped off with II 24-(:arnt g Ilded cupola. The ma ~sivc sanctulll)'. wi lh its ··perfect (lCoust ic.~:· holds 2600 people and felllllres Il balcony. baroque pillars. stained g lass. und II glorious dome. [n the 1950s. Centrnl Buptist was the largesl Baptist congrcg:l1ion in Flo rida. To serve its huge congregation. Central Baptist added on an impresS ive education building and gymnasium.

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Building 25 is the



Over the ycars. the delllogmphics of Downlown hll vc c hlln ged and the cOligregu tjon has aged or tTlO\'OO away_ CCJ1lrnJ Baptist hus worked hard to reach oot to the communi ty. with concen series, art exh,bits. lectures. day care. and help for the homeles.~. As In many dov.'ntown city churches ocross the country. finding the financial l"e.1Ources to preserve a glorious structure now in need of subMnm ill1 res tor.ttion is II difficult challenge, 1ne leaders of Ccntml Baptist are faced with selling thei r property if they CIilUlOl secure the: resources otherwise. I>.wk Ikritage Trust is contacting community and culturnl lc:ade!,,) :lbout creath·c ways of S3ving this historic resource.

origin:1I structure o f NAS RichmorK!. which was II

World War II Nllvy blimp base. 1ne base. as a ho me to 25 blimps arK! 3.000 men, protccted ship convoys in the Florida Straits and served as head4uuners for the fighl


Nazi U-boUI,\o opcr.lling in the

Caribbean. It also scrvl:d as 1I COllllllllnications center and a,1 hcadquurters for planning arK! txecuting clandesline

anti -Ca.~tro

ltClivitiC!t by tile

Cuban exile communit y and the: C IA during the Bay of Pigs invasion, This historic r"dli ty is rapidly detenonlling in its Sixth dcc:lde or existence. Engineers have detemlincd thai g iven the IIge lind condition or the building. it will nOI remain salvageable much longcr. Adwlcacy effons are being mnde 10 secure go\'cmmemal s uppon to Sll\·e this lundmark.

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Lon g rle!lccled and lnumliooat home 10 ncwly IlI"IivC'd Immig",n IJ. RillcQidc: Of Ea~ Linle ~ta\'an. Jtllllw II wealth ufhisluric arehilC(1ure. luthe lust few )'ean the ao:a----generaJ ty bounded by the Millm; River. SW71h 5u=! and SW t2th A-=ue· lw 5«n IlIl e.~ponentl.ltl ri~ in relli ~uuc: 5p«utalion and prices. C~jngly. thc-re lw httn an unfoounate me, in dcrnohlion oihlstorie ~l1UCIures (rocn Ihe leens and I "'·cnl u~s. partlculurl), along ancriat roads.1ht poIel1lilli IUld I"'tabitiraljllt' possibitities lhat lhl.~ area ha.~ mamlalned lIS traditional M'ghbortlood are qUICkly bemg eroded away. Tod:Iy. renlail0'4·C1"I uf char.tCtt'rtes~ de.,ign are nlushroolllmg liS peri. od bungalows ulld fmme and masonry St nM:1U1"eS are beLIIg tost. Wi th the help of" a lIewly formed RC\·otvinll Fund, l>:Ode tlemage Tru~t ptan s lu offa- IO"-' interest loans 10 QuatiflCd histone hcJmc:oo,o-ncl1. These Ioon~ will aid in the restOl"llhon and presen·lIliOll of remammg bullgal(J\\'~ und con.-ges. In addition Dade Ueriuage Trwt phl/~ IU lobby for the foonation of. City of Muuni thstork

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Distoo withm the R,vCDlde neIghborhood. As I h,Slooc diSlri<:I. lhe h,sloric budd· illl!> uf !ti,·moltle woutd hal'" grea!er prulC(1io1t ugmnsl in..;cnshi...e devcl~nl UnlVor dcmotitioo.

\\I"'II,IUI\I H\II\\II\'\(OII\l,I'"

Historic Coconut Grove was divided into two seclions---one black .. and one while. Once :I Dahamian vill:lge of charnctcr. lore :md wood fmme architectu re. Ihe bl:lck Grove has witnessed s3d and f1(.'c dless losses 10 ils hisloric fabric. From Ihe I 880s. Bahamian pioneers of African de.'il.:ent built d ur..able. vernacular SlruClUres capable of withslanding hUlTicanes. One of Ihese innuential early residenrs was Ebeneezcr Woodberry Fr..ank Stirrup. who purchased land on Charles Avenue and built over lOOdwellings. In iL~ early years. the black Grove-then called "Colored Town"-had many family owned stores. G ....md Avenue. its main thoroughfare. boaSled black--owned barbershops. beauty salons. grocery stores. hardware stores 3nd restaurmts. Everyone knew each other. and there was a sirong community spirit and pride. I-Iowever. in the last finy years. many changes occurred. Numerous black ram ilie... moved to the suburbs. Many s ing le~ra mil y homes wbcre 10m ,down, . "' , 'pladced by idatgC, concbc 'retc ap .. nm~nl bu ib'd,ings . .; Cllar/<'4 Stru, In I~~ "~J' G,.,.... ..'<.. m"}l/if",,,lIv a Iht'll'lnf{ Hahomran rom"""""._ A sentec and ore s, rugs an cnmc 'came major pro ems. Countless government progrnms were inilimcd with few resuhs. For the last thn.-c years. the University of Miami has been working 10 improve the quulity of life in the West Grove. UM students. majoring in Ii variety of academic disciplines. including architccture. history and communicalions. have sought to c:lpture the history and the spiril of the community by crelning oml historie.... cul[Ural maps. photographs and an;hitccturul drawings of the West

Grove. One of the goals of the projcct is 10 assist in increasing the supply of affordable houses compatiblc with the history of Ihe neighborhood. A grunt from the Dep..1nmcnt of l'lousing and Urban Development. Office of University Pannerships. is enabling the University of Miami Center for Urban and Community Design to expand its work in home ownership. commercial rcvitali7..ntion and community building. Dade Heritage Trust plans to work cooperatively with the University of Miami and local residents of Ihe area to strive 10 make a difference. With the help of its newly established Preservation Revolving Fund. Dade Herilage Trust will offer low interest loans to qualified historic propcny owners. l1lese loans will aid in the reSloralion and prc...crvat ion of remaining historic houses. which. it is hoped. will reinforce the historic sense of community. Pftlmlnrnt ru,l. rnul'"1 £ W.F SIi"."I' IH<III IINJ n 1M n it wild ",IIIi'd ,"1M 1.1 .......... Ml ......111


.r In 1/tIl7 "/11"'" ,·wl Imm

( \1 I S \ I'\f{ho 1'1 \' 11111


The CalUl;n Playhouse. n lough-heuned tum-of-the-cemury frame building. is the !.a:ond oldest slructure on Key Biscayne:. Built circa 1917 ini lIally us a h:lnacks for .....orkers on the Matheson coconu t plantation. the "lillIe bland 11teatcr" has also been n hurnellne ~he h er. a privale residence. a churc h ... :md almo~t a memory bdOll! it wu.~ rescued by the Key Biscayne Music & Dr.una Club (KBM DC). l1lc club's home was found in this building of Dade County pine in 1966 ..... hen it WII..~ stiJlIOCllted Ofl the rrr-Shemton ROYlll Biscayne Hotel pmp!:ny. The buildi ng was moved 10 Calusa Part in 1969 with funds rnised by club members. In 1990 Calusa Playhouse attained the honor of being designated a Dade Cou nty Il lstoric Site. AflCr mov ing to Cal usa Park, increa~ in8 age, new building codes and Uumcal1C Andre ..... took their loll: the playhouse closed in Jnnuary 1995. Six weeks aft er the bui lding was closed, a fire tutally consumed the d ressing roolll/truiler adjacen t to the playhouse and .seriously damaged pan.'i of the theater. The Coun ty then "detoxified" the 'ilructure of it.. lead paint and asbestos. The structure is now si uing behind a chai n link fence beside a pmking lot, its fUlure in limbo, Dade l'lerilage Trust is ..... orking 10 interest tlK- County and civic leaders in f'C!Itoring this last slruClUnll link 10 the Matheson fumily era of Key Biscayne. As Il visi tor's illfonnntion ce nter wilh his toric phOio exhibi t ~ , this little building coold creat!: a great awan:1lCSS of the is land 's pa.<;t.

Lw ouN "-' .. Im~ I~"" _nut" .... ""011 "' 1917'" WJ Mlll/oaoto ID/toMu "«tnT ",,/0{. 17O().ac-rt ~0C0ffM1 ,nUn/III""'_ Kn R'SCU)'M

IIISIOIW II)(il \\\II' f{ '\1 )(,IIIUlf{IIOOJ) Edgell-'lIICr, gencmlly bounded by NE 15th Slreet, NE36th SII1.'CI. NE 2nd A\'i:1I1lC wid

With tIM: tw:lp of a newly fOll'lll.'d


Fund. Dade Heri tagc Trust plans to

offer low llitercsttoans 10 qllailflCd historic: hofnoo,o·OCD. 1'hesc. loons Will .id in

b:c-n hough1llp by devc:1open: IVld 11l\'l'SIon hoping one day 10 ca.<Ji III on the dly's eII lnlQl1.1inary 7.oning ~rloy O\'Cr the Jlcighborllood. llx:re I~ Illll:'o\-fuund imere.t ill

Dade Ikn tbgc Trust pillfls 10 lobby (Of' the (ormmion of a City of Miami Histonc

devc:1opo"IlI:nt II-hich _


fashionable: Mi!lllll


ncighburtiood. It has

Ri!lClY"" Ba). WIlli once a

allnl:llllC 10


Performi", Ans Cenler risilli just 10 the

WIlth of the failed Omlli Mall. City maps and obllrerJte the ongmal anti


b.i~aucms ~ eYI:n

allcmpcc.-d 10

rol'ighhorhood names of "EdgcWlIler" IUK!

~ MlTlun:v'" with ItKJI'C il'lllOt'UOUS n:tmC'S soch a.~ ''Ornni Dlstrict"« "Omm North.Gone are the mlU1)' villas. castle-lilc hnrnt:s and quaint COItllj!O and hunga/ow$ that 0IlC'e carpeted Edgewuter. E\'t'fl Slill, MIfllC hislOl'lc b.iikllllg~ and re!oldcnces sul'Vi~e,

the r('Moration alld pn:'SeIVIUIOO of remaining o.~tricl


11-1111111 the Edplllt'f neighborhood.


anU COItage., In addition

• histOl'M: district, the historic

buildings of Ed,C\Oo'lll.l'T ....Quld have: gl'('atl.'f proI«Iloo agaillS! !Ilelll lIlK! demolition. Hh toric di stricl


insen~l tl~c


also orlt'n leads 10 more COIII-

munity \pirit lIIlIl political clout. aloog with greater pohce pmll:e1lOrl and bellt'l ~I'V I ~.

including )ignifocant ooncmlr.l\ions belli-un NE 22nd through flo E lSth Su-cet..... Their Cl:lI'ltlllued exi)lCflC'e is III doubt Since 1lI31lY prup:nics in the area are now for SOlS:,

I~ t'QtIlfDJI IDI~"IID H~rf'I

.w.,.. M'SI«tnJ M<kJtmydu/lhr t..ikHN., I~ 1M _c~,

Rosu;k. 'f /J1J,lIJiqs Aol.r rtJ","" n~""''''''''' NHoU'1 In I-Ap.."," JM _

In pMtVfiffll/hk

u..Jfil... .JJoon Sit.-"". rurnni" {);"H- ".-r<ltJl* Tf MlI P"..Jrn_ A.."n/fotr "" ...,d



DHT's ACTION PLAN TO SAVE ENDANGERED mSTORIC SITES ~n lhe campal!!n 10 5II''e lhe: endangered 2000-yar-old Mi:UlU Circle

was jusl beginning, . TV tin. "how hosl middy L'!ilcd 1M.

"!low do)oo Ihink ),OU ClUl JWp Ihli multi路mll iion-doll... ~eloprnt!N? You ,11ft can ', 1'1I'.'ie thai luvl of ITI<Jney wllh cookie w.1C$.H tnclrM. LI dtlO I.lke moch mon: Ihan McooIr.;ie ,;.ale~"lo Sln'(lcnd:lngered hi'luric ~iltl>. 8uI ..... Ilal? Ilere is lhe action phm Dade llenlage TillS! U;M!S In our fighllo JlI1="enllhe dc<;ll1IcUM nrh"I(1ric rcsou~ IIOd to Instill D pn:scrvutlOfJ elhic 111 .he oommnnlly.

l. EDUCATE. Tell the world abom the

Historic Preservalion Board and urge their approval 10 protect properties rrom demolition. Monitor governmental :Iuthorities to

historic places that make II community special. Give lectures. tours :tnd slide presenIlIIion5 10 school and civic groups. Produce video documentaries. Appear on mdio and

make sure lhe law is being enrorced.

TV shows. Give baCkground inrOrnlll1iOIi lind photO!! to reporters. Distribute press releases. ulerls and bu lletin!>. Publish newslettcrs and magazines. Use the web to get your message OUI.

S. A DVOCATE. Tell yo ur Commissioncrs. Legislators. Congressmen. Senntors Governor. and President why a preservalion issue is important to thc community or whal should be changed to improve. Write letters. send raxc.~ and e- mails. make phonc calls. Get meeting agendas in advance: get on the agenda yourself. Round up supporters 10 unend governmental meetings. Make

1. COOl'ER ATE. Work with governmenlal leaders and propeny owners to find a common ground. a win-win sol ution Ihat cncourages preservation or hi storic sites. Promote tax deduct ible preservation casements. tax incenlivcs and special exemptions ror owners and developers who restore. ralher Ihan

presentations. short in length. long in conviclion.

6. LITIGATE. Rcsearch care full y the issues ror legitimate legal grounds, then, be ready and wi lling to fil e a lawsuit.


3. ....AC I.L1TATE. Convene meetings to

bring togcthcropposing factions. Strive ror Make repeated calls to movc an issuc through bure:lUcr-.atic swamps. Help expedite official paperwork.

7. C OM I'ENSATE. Secure runding rrom governmental ~urces. foundations. and indiv idu:lls to purthase an impon anl endangered historic properly. Establish a Preservation Revolving Fund Ihal can acl

4. DES IGNATE. Push for the historic designation or bui ldings and sites imlX'nanl to

quickly to protect endangered proper1ic.s by acquisition. oplions, Ica...cs. and resloration loans 10 property owners.

a consensus. Develop a plan or action.

a community's heritage. Prepare and sub-

8. R ENOVATE. Restore historic properties yourselr. as DHT did with Dr. Jackson's Office and the Wagner Homestead. Or mise runds to help others restore projccts, as Din did with the Cape Florida Lighthouse. 9. STL\1ULATE. Use n threm to an hi!>toric propeny as a stimulus to direct a communilY's al\cntion on no t just one building or site. but on the entire neighbor路 hood. Are building codes what they should be? Is crime ignored? Is the tr.ash picked up regularly? Wou ld an historic district strengthen a neighborhood's politi cal propeny va lues-and cloul- raise improve the qual it y or people's lives? Brainstonn with other involved individuals and groups on ways


improve the entire

situalion and let yo ur di verse points of view ereate syncrgy and momentum.

10. CELEIJR ATE. When a bui lding is in ruins. or abo ut to be demolished. and thcn Ihe fu nds arc secured and thc resloration is completed. rejoice ! Whal once was lost. is now round. Have a press conrerence. have ribbon cutting. have a bal l! Tcl ilhe world how it was done-and inspire others wi lh your success story.


mit s pecific nominations to Ihe local

Historic Restoration Commerciat Construction

F. Dickson Prew



(95-4) 0463-4446




1509 Southeast -Uh Fort leudefdaIa, FL 33316 Sheldon McCartney


Hangar 102. Suit, 240 Ope Loct, Airport. fL lJOSA


Fall (954) 463--5065

12 -

- - - - - --


Campaign Kicked Off to Raise Funds to " Save Old Miami High" A "Splnshluc ular" fundmi scr and pep-rally to " Save Old Miami H igh" was held on May 20. 2002 <II the Miami Scaquarium. Miami High gmd Anhur Hcnz. Class of 195 1, generously offered his faci lity for the event. Senator Bo b Graham. Class of 1955, W:1S gu ~ 1 of honor. Miss Lamar Louise Curry. Class of 1923 and teacher of history and governme nt at the school for 32 years. wa.\ ho norary chairman. Ann Marie Clyatt. Cla..s of 195 1. is serving as Alumni Coordinato r for the campaign.

/..jndllllrrr: M'Ult A.n I/~m. ".,\0 dQnu"d I/'~ <1/1"" $ ...,q"""u"'/"""~r /!mJ"...t, ". "Son', Old M ialru 11'1f~ "

CoruJ C;@I'J MqorD<MJlr.u"rt ..,.JU£. s,.",,_Hob(irWwPrtlwMlt MiDmt 11,.11 AI...... ".". OHT T,IOJIN Ntil RoNruo.o

Huoo'Uid K1riIIbuI. Vlrr £._rutw M_~I1I •."d /)0,.", I'rNn

0l~1Or IWdy 11"1'" M ill....... /tI.ritMl

• 1/1_""" Cllal..-" Mw um.aTI.c~..r ClUl'Y. """rd. tmd "Su, .. Old M_ M..,."Clmn


/1'111- At"""" O .. wr/"','I«AItII

G"'I"gM~, h""r11~

IhdirouJ c,,~ ({ MIa"u Iluff _MINn .mrkl", 10 *Sa,v Old Mill,", III_A * 1\;1 U"'/UtIIMl, Krill'" $lit", aNI T"'-'" lo.t.:uy








GrrJdJuJl(,J Jiv-t. 't'HI.~ aSI> pMr OIl llu' porrh II{ M lamf I Jim h'~h .orN.m ""'/Jill,. M'huh IJ",u. "r"w~ Tnw iJ M..... tmg 10 !'"-St"n" tPloouHo«r,,,,'J 'f/ht C<IIlrrlwn of lin", MO<)rr Parh)

Miami's Oldest High School In the summer of 1905. sc hool omt·jab were co,winced Ihat Ihe lone public school in the Miami di strict was becoming 100 crowded. The lwo-story schoolhouse. whic h fromed 011 lod:lY'!> Northea~1 Rna Avenu e betwee n Third and Fou rth MTtCb . ulready h:ld tnc physica l addi tion of a c la.~sroom, bUi there were otlier additions as well- a four-year high sc hool depart ment had begu n formall y in 1903. There wa~n' t enough room for everyone.

The popul:uion within lhe Miami ci ty [i mi lS had reached close to 5.000 by 1905 and people continued 10 pour inlo lhe relali ve ly new communi ty. On lune 3. 1905. i[ was ILnnounced in the Miami Metropolis thm "owing to Ihe demllnd for more room lind [he crumpcd comlilion of Ihe Pu blic School and the limil ed accommodl11ion for Ihc High School dcpartmclII." Ihe sc hool boanl dL'C ided 10 build what was referred [0 as a "lcmpor:l ry st ructure" o n lhe propert y be hind the e",isling schoolbuild ing. On J ul y II. the sc hool boo n! acceplcd a bid of 5 1.650 to build a bungalow-style addition Ihm was reported 10 be 20",25 feet with IWO room s. one for rec itations and the olher for lhe hig h sc hool cla.~sroom. It is prMumed Ihese measurements were for each room. (Decades laler. the buildin g, obviously altered and moved from its origi nal sitt:, reported ly measured 30x15 feel.) The high :><:hool students. 29 girls and 20 ooys. lIloved i11l0 the new building on Sept. 18. 1905. Half were freshmen : only fi\'c were seniors. four o f lhcm girls. One of the studenlS to allend c lass in the bungalo ..... was Estelle DesRochers. who moved with her famil y [0 Lemon Cit y in 1896. In a 1973 memoir of her life. she recal led hltving 10 tnwcI by bicyc:le or foot o\·er the rIIag hl y fiye- mile-Iong rock road from her home 10 where the M:hoolhou ~ WII.S locILled. "Everyone wal kcd a lot in those days." ESlelle


wrote . "Sometimes on rni ny days I we nt oyer [0 Ihe Le mon Cily slation and took Ihe tr:lin to Miami. "

the. argulIlent wen: ain.-d. lhe Southside people withdrew their objection and the liHle bUligalow was moved soulh of the Millmi Ri yer.

When Edna Mcnai r began atte ndi ng the bunglllow school. there was a " ma~s tmns it" of :.Or1S. She and olhers rode in a wagon pulled by two mu les lhat made SlOps in Lemon C it y and Lillie River enrou le to the: hi gh sc hool. Reportedly, the students oflcn were lo ud and unrul y. For reasons uncxptai nL"(\, Ihe "mul e bus" eventually wa.~ d iscon tinued. Aner Ihal. f:.dna . like Eslelle. mad e [he trip 10 :><:hool vilt bicycle.

11le bungalow was repain ted, new desks PUI in. and ot her imjJro\'cments made . II opened 011 Ocl. 9. 1911 . 11 se rved as Southside Elementary School until 1914 when a new conc retc build· ing was opened that slill serves the neighbor. hood. The bungalow came illlo private hands and W'.IS modi fied 10 be a boardi ng house. It hILS remai ned so eyer si nce. unnOlict.'cI by many be hind its network of lrees and foli age.

Less IhallalllQflt h lifte r lhe bung;tlow was Ol."C Upied. its temporary statuS was reasse ned. On OclOber 5, the school board said it intended [0 build II three.story Slone building to repl Hce it someti me in the ne1l. t few years.

The Slor), goes Ihat the laic MiHmi hj ~t orian ·111elma Pelers. wh ile writi ng her hook Mimm /909. in 1983 cHlled her fomn'r siudent. historian Arvl! Moore Pa rks. to Ic ll her Ihal she had somelhing spccilll to lell her. "I gal in ncr car:' Park.<> reca lled some years ago. ~and she d rove me to lhe sile and lold me not to te ll anyone because she ",os a fraid it would be tom down."

The decision 10 replace the bungalow began 10 take shape followi ng the 1909 gr:tdlllllion. It was not wilhout rt:s islancc. In Augus t. the Miami MomillR N""'l- R~cord, a predecessor 10 lhe Miami Jicra/t/, editorialized agai nst spe nding money on a new sc hool . saying Ihe co unt y's oventJl fi nancia l co ndi ti on was te nuous. Never1 helcss. the sc hool bo.:tn! vOled [ 0 build a new. three-story conc rele building on Ihe sile of lhe grammar :><:hool and inc()rpornte. agai n. the grammILr and high schools. As the new building began 10 lake Sh:lpe, it a l1>O was decided to move the bungalow 10 looay's South west 12th Streel and First Ayenue where il would se rve as the li r::; t '\C hool building for Ihllt growing area until such ti me when a concrete building also could be created thcre. This did not please the Soul h~ ide re~idelll s. They fclt they were ge lling II "M!Co nd-hand ~ hool." and one lhal wou ld COS t a~ mueh to move front dowmown Miam i. and 10 refurbish. a.~ it would COSt 10 build !I new one from SC'mlch. After a series of public mee ting~ in whic h both s ide.~ of

Those fears neared rea lity in 200 1 when it became known there were pl:ms for a high rise on the site. A coalition of Parks (a Miami Edison gr:ldu:lle). the Miami High Alumni Associ lilion. Dade He ritllge Trusl lind [he City of Miami e mbarked on II million-dollar project 10 s:.ve Ihe siructure. Hopefu ll y. thcir effons to work with th e deyelover. KV Brickell Partners, Lid .• will re sul l in the bungalow being 1II0\'ed from its home si nce [911 o\·e r 10 ncarby Southside Park whcre il wi ll be rcslored as a commun ity cent er lind focal point of Miami Hi gh hislory. TIlt' material above ;s CXCf..' l'ploo in pdrt (rom a fOfthcomin8 lxJok on the IOO-year history of Mi,lmi High beinS authored by Ions-time Mi.Jmi jourllali51 afJ(1 h'slQlian Howard Klf:inbeq;, himsci; a 195 1 gr,Kluatc or Miami I liS/I Schoof.

MISS LAMAR LOUISE CURRY: A Revered Miami High Teacher and Bcnefaclor I'J'A •• Mam C"." Mis. Lam nr Louise CUfT)'. IK)W 95 years old. knew from the ume st..: "'11$ three yean; okllhal she "''l1llIW to be :a ~xlll:r. An only child. she "''liS born in Key Wesl on o.x.:,mber 11 , 1906. Un p;ltemat grell' -



graduate of lhe Unwc.rs l'} of

Pen nsylwnia. had owned Ihree planlllllOflS in SouTh

CllrolilUl before moving 10 florida after the CiVil Wor. Her moIhct 's flllha. Dr. JlImu P. De l'as~. a gnidWlIt' or lhe Cil idcl. "'"1D ~tdem of whal became Inc Uno\'crslly of Rorida ... hen it "'lIS. COllege in w.c Ci ty in the laIc: 18O(b. Mi~s C urry today Sill! has 100 refined manneTlii of a Southem lady wMl lhe COIlI-

llUtrlIliog prcscntt of I rcspeclcd roUCIIIK. \1iu Curry, al Ub'C nine. 1TI()'\'Cd. wl lh her parenls 10 M i ;ulll 111 [916. Hcr fAlher ""II~ in n:tt l 1:51:111'. owning land in lhc Keys and 111 much of [)o..·lIlown MiW11 i After M i~) Cuny gnKIuated from Mi:tll1 i High School in 1923.


allended Southern Colk-gc. ltO'1O· A<:wltb

Soothm1. in Lakeilltld, Her parents felL

\'ery §trongJ)

lhal they ,lid 001 want lheir d:lIIl!hler 10 be: II lexh." TIleY told the collc&(' 1\01 10 ullov-' Miss Cuny 10 tak(' an} lcaching courses. She g.radllll!o:ti tTIIIgl1:l c um I.ude. Mhos Cuny theu ... "'.. inw teac:hing-... hich she btlie\~ il a /1:IIuOO gl O- withoul the btll('lil of any speelfic roucalioo courses,

ller fi N lexhlll!: JOb wa.~ at Aodrew J",kooo Jun io!' High School m 1927. [Il 1930. Dr. I T, Pearson. then supcnnlendcnl nfthc school

~yslem ......1'01('

her lhilt hc

nettled a $Iron!; disciplillllnan al Mmlm I ligli School, and '!O she .....us u.<;.~igned In Miami I Ugh. Durin g till:

Depression. 5hc was pu id 592 U llIonth for ninc

months of tcuchiull. MISIi CUlT} taught history (or 32 )'(':an 31 MllIITl i High School, influencing lhousands of Sludcnl ~. including Bob CruMm. nov-' a U.S. SCTIIllor. and Don Slesnick. now mayor of Cor.!1 Gables. Many o( her ~tudc:nl5 Interned ", ith her. n:tuming 10 te;ach s,~ by Ilde .... ilh her and conunu lng a life-long friendship.

S he n:ured m 1962 to help her mother h;l\'e a beuer l.)u:llity of life. TIll: IIIN buill ~ beauti ful Southern coIoruaI home in ~ gated eommullIty in Coni C:lble!. Min Cuny ~igncd and deoooIted the house hcrselr. Snc, ~till n:~,dc:j then:.

Tribute: to an oulsl:mding wKl OcVOIed educator. MI s.~ C uny 'J interell in hi§lorn: prekn'wion is well dcmonW'lllcd by her membenhlp .n the Mlann Pionc.oers. .... hlCh hal; [lOW tl1I:IJed with the NwhC:!i of Dade, and in Dade H crilll~ Trust. M HOOOIlIry Chllinnw! of the "S:we Old Miami High" fundr.!i_i ng ('QlUm iu('e. Mi» Curry was II major dortoc to Inc, w Spbshlacul.at~ evenl . 1 the x*luarium to rome funds 10 ~\'(' lhe lim Miami lI igh School buIlding. Miumi High Alu!1l!I-Und all "'00 )mow he r-(,1hnc Miss Curry fOf her life· long dWlcillion IUId colTlmn· mml \0 flI~alion - . d rUl'" her comm ilment In ~ Il(:rvmg the ht-nbb'e of \fiami Ihgh. A qUOle (rom lUI hl1icit Min Cuny ",role for the 751 h

Miss CUll) rnu m:e!\-n! man) IIwllrds for her scrvic(' and ph danlhropy. A generous suppun er of lhe Colle~ of the Ol.arl:~ near S ....unson, Missouri. she "''lI5 pft.'I<:nled Ihc rolleg("s OulStandlllg EdUCator Award in 1996 by Fill'l Lad y Barbard Bush. AI the n:q uest or pil)O\.'Cr TV lleW. ClKlHlJemHtor Ralph Remek. '\hi.' funded and hols tnIIimaincd a nO\l'I:T garden in the southwe~t comerof Sayfront Part .n 111('11)ory of hcr parents .... hose: plan had enabled the City of

Miami to


62 acres 10 build

8 ~yrrtlOl P.~rk

be fon: the 1926 hurricane. A brunz., plaque near lhe Chalkng.,r ffiOrlumcOl m:ogl1ll."~ Ihi5 cfron.

annivcrsat)' or lhe





w8 y lhe chcmisuy or memory. ru.pecl ~ Ie,..e. A s the yctml pa.s. lhe dearer ... ., MX lhe impn'" mlKk by uur ICocllc:rs uJlOll our lives. the man: ....1.' reall?e thu! our respect of ye.~u:Tyeat has become love and H


"""_Ot.... Aj..,..,j

/.j/ ,,~01 M_II¢!!lrlwII It Ihr

c.............. allhfo '5.1,,, Old M,.""

"'""""16"- An _



... oN ... _

.. _

''''''-' f....,.-I "'" W,..,. lilt. 51. ltd ~fIfbr 110 _ (,.......", P,orl c.m.-Im

In December. 200 1. the Mirum·[);sdc Counl)' School Board bro4:e 8rotJod on the IJeW i..tlm:or Loui.,., CUfT}' Mitlltle School. named in her Itollor. It is a lining




'" ClIdt-


--.,. ... ~ or ~ ~ 0rJ.Mu'",_.





PINECREST at 124'- Street 305-255-2468

oW,-" LmNtr /.oWlY CUtry ... "~/,,,...,.~ J1wJ~nf u.s M,..."". H,'" Grololl", /l'1Iom m lI,d, IllJf"T Maltoo"


RESCUING THE CURTISS MANSION The re..iIOr:llion of the Cuniss Mansion. which W~

Illmosl destroyed by ye.. ~ of negteel and IlfSOn. is II task woohy o f its original owner. Glenn Hammond Cuniss.






Hammond Cuniss 10\'00 II challenge. You could say. in focI. Ihal his dream was to do anything Ih:1I hlKln', already been done and whUI olllen; suid couldn', be done. As early a.~ 1907. he was dubbed Ihe "Fli~l~l Man on Eanh" when he desi~ned and developed lill 8-<:ylindered mOlon::ycle Ihal sped him 10 137.8mph. He developed Ihe first Oying serv· ice schools (bolh land and ~1I) at lhe first municipal airpon in Miami in 1912. The

In 1925 he buIlt a resIdence for himself. which he named "D'Jr-err-aI1n," meaning House of H appines~. This Pueblo-Mission Revival ~t ) Ie residence was one of tnc fint coostrueled in lhe CUrliss·Bright Company's communit y of Counlry Club E~tate.~, later named Miami Springs. II was locally aocl nationa ll y designat. ed as an h i~loric si te in 1987 as pan of the Pueblo-Mission Revival Thematic Group and has prcsentlyeamcd lin individual listing on Ihe Nallonal Register of Historic Places, The e~ tll te's 5,531 square feel alT roughl} cen· ler·sited on Ihe triang ular.shaped lraet. land·

Alt hough mosl of the ori~inal gardens ..... ere tbtwyed in the 1926 humcanc. eMI will be cmbcllishmg lhe: grounds to offer a lush, tropi. cal selling, The extension of the City'S Bicycle J>llIh now ru ns adjacent 10 Ihe ManSion properly, :Ind e MI plans to create a "tmil head" for the path, eventually linking wi th all of lhe greenways in Miami-Dade County.

Cuniss-Wrighl Uangar No.2 III the original Miami Municipal Airpon was the pl~ of dcpanun:: for the famed female



Enrh:ln. lbe Cuniss IN-4 "Jenny" airpluIlC!; were u~ 10 [rain US pilots in World War I. and [he Cuniss NC-4 "Flying Bo.1t" crossed the Atlantic Ocean in 1919, making the firs t tmnsatlantic crossing in the history of our country, TIle Hccompli~hmcnts of Cuniss, known as the "Architect of AYiation,"arc widely rccog· ni7.cd b)' an e.'uensiyf!' exhibi t at Ihe SmlthSOlll!ln InstitutIOn 's Air and Space MU 'iCurn, Having amassed a fortune by the end of WW I f01" hi ~ innovations in flight. and grounded because he was deemed too valuable 10 the US gOl'emment 10 risk any more nying, CuniS!> looked for new challcnges on the ground. He found them in land deYelopment, community planning :lI1d architecture, becoming Ihe de\'el oper of Miami Springs, Hialeah and Opu·locka. In 1912. E..-crc:1I Sewell. who wo uld become Miami 's first mayor, COllyinced Cuniu 10 come south from hi~ home/own of l-I ulllmondspon, New York. to open a nying school. Cuniss uo;ed whal is oow the Miami Gmal that sep;1Tl1 tcs Hialeah and Miami Spring.. for pilO! truining and bombing practice. When the war was O\'er, he looked at the land south of the cunul and cnY i~ioned a planned residential communit), with wide boulC\'ards, lu~h green",ays and a centr.J.lly-loclltt:d. IhriYing, downtown business area. Enamoured of the examples of architecture in the Soulhwest. he plunned his com muniIy in the Pueblo-Mis~ ion style.


111e goal of CMI is to restort: the l\'l an~ion 10 its ori$inal 1925 condilion and 10 develop lhe enllre historical sile and surroundings, The aduplh"e rc-use of Ihe sile will eventually be multi-faceted, 10 include opponunil,ies for his· lorieal, educaliooal. culluml and civic c~en IS. The offico of CM !. as \~ie-II as aniracts and memOf'Ubi lia from Miami Springs's aviation hi ~lOry. will bc housed at Ihe Mansion. Commu nity rooms will bc util i~.ed to hOSltOlYn meeti ngs lind foru ms, and will provide ~choo l · children an opponuni ty 10 actiyely panicipale in hi ~l orical semi nars and eyent~ related 10 Ihe hblo,,¥ of al'iation, Mr. Curtiss and early Miaml · Dade County,

&luC1llionlll progrums on l-iiSioric Preservat ion and ils cx ttcmc necessily in tOOny 's urban plan' nm!; will be highlighted, The cont plele process of Ih~ Mansion's rcslorJtion has been filmed . and a con tinuous loop will be pan of Ih~ c~h i · bilion lI~pect of the completed pro~t. Sludent.!> from throughoul lhe Distriel Will develop a brooder onderstanding o f the importance of pre!)erving our history and understanding their role in fU lu rc pn.:servalion projects. TM fom6ll.1l1l'lI11orGlrlln elflnu III 1909

scaped with tropi cal vegetation. The s ite was locally dc... ignated under Ihe City Histori c Prcservmion Qrdinnnce in 1987, The ownen: of tlte propeny, Sunbun:t Uospitality. donated lhe s ite to the Cilr or Miami Springs, which accepted il at the Clly Council meeting of August 14, 1998. The site hAd long bo.."'Cn neglecled and had been the- victim of arson fim; and vandalism during the prcviQU~ ~ix years. CUrliss Mansion, Inc. enleTed inlo II propeny agrec:ment wilh lhe CilY of Miami Springs on September I , 2lXX1 and took immedia te acllon 10 !'CCure the building from fu n her yandali~III,IO acquire appropri· !lie arc hitecturJl and engineerin g plans. and to begin seeki ng sources of funding for its restorJ· lion and !'C-use,

Guesl speakers from CMI'~ Spclike~' Bureau will contin ue 10 create in teres t in the Mamion & Gardens through local civic and Goyemmentnl organil.nlion~. and field Irips from District !oChools will comprise !>lIn of Ihe el'en ts offe red un the SlIe, C MI rclained the respected firm of RJ I-Ieiscnhottle Architects to delelop ~; t e plans lind O\'ersee all aspects of rcstorJtion. from debris remo\"al and shori ng up of the structun.: Ihrough lhe actual con~lruction lind implemenuuion of the Secretary of Ihe Intenor 's Standards ror J-liSlOric Preservation, Th:ml.!. 10 a $300,000 SJX,'Cial Category ma lC'h ing gmnt obtll ined in 200 1 frolll the Bureal! of Hislorie Preservation, Division of ~Ii s torical Resource..~.

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Florida Depanment of State. Phase I-A of the restoration projt.'Ct IS almost completed.

a....- ,,""

MiaM, Sprt",J COM"",I M~.NJrr IIrlrll M iuM/-o...k ('lMIII1 C~r HrlJ"n-" Susu fJ" ,nv.. .... ltpkur " " " _ pMuum IIw ClfJ'fiu M(lIUiotf

Continuing full speed ahead, eMI is dedicated to pursuing all :lVcnucs of funding in order to bring this rnul ti-milJion-dollllf ~tor.!lion of the Curti ..s Mans ion & Gllrdcns to a realit),. From the n on. il will be searching for endowments and operating grant.. 10 continue thc work of teaching hi!>lorie preservation, e nlightening students of nil II!;CS to the contributions uf Glenn Ham mond CurtiS!>. and securing art ifacts unci records for (ul ure generolions. [JomUl \I'Ood-Bt'nl')' is ut'Clllil'f! director 0/

ermis,f Mal1siol1, I nc •






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DHT Revives Miami's Historic City Cemetery MiI.mi'$ hi~loric buna] pound. fill:ll ~1L"l! pl~ ofMmolhcr of Miami~ Julia Tunic and many of \1iami's leadmg pioneer families of all r.ICn and n:hllKlllS. "''as In dln~ straib jusl • few yean ago. It "'·ss I vICtim of cnmc. homclCS5J1C.S5. .':II1d.:tIi.'im and Dellkcl. Tim yQ(S ago Dade Heritage Trust TruSlee Enid Pmkncy. chlur of DHT', Afrioln American Commi lllX. organized the lin t Commcmonltive I"rocession and Service LU honor black piooccn buried in the City CcmClef}. She h:u oonlmuctllO be the guiding ligtlt of thi s muill -cullurallllllluw event. ",hieh IS a hlghhght of Dade H erit~ DaYllind mu~ ...;. the enhn: Miami community ~w~ of this hislOrit ~wun:c.

In ]996 Dade Heritage Trust organu.ed a Ccrm::tcryTask Fon.~. chluft'd b)' DlfTTrusl1'(' Penoy Lambeth. to tackle the crime and VIIndaJism i _ in the Irmctcry. Th;mh 10 the Task Fon:e's efforts. an allTllCti~ Io«\Il'lIy and lighting tw bttn iruiullled, marken lu...c been n:p'llrtt.l. and LhouWll1s of doIllIfll' worth of trttll and n"",'erma shrubs have beI:n replalllN. For her leadership on the res!.or.tll00 of the Ciry Cernelny. Penny Lambeth was n:cently presmted the Oakley AWJlm by The As)(X'iahon orGrove§tone Studies (AGS).


1I,p, .'idoooI lliMm r( IN ()I" bMty C~ ... "wily I "'" I'mwJ ~ M~ IIrnlilgr - urr./nJIn /(ft. C/trul, ....•'OItrh1t t( HIiJ/tQh!M""'" /.,uU.s IIIJI~' IINni pIurr, /."so Mylu ,{Will""" H Til"," T,'€/"lklll Nu SOtooI, ~ p/urlt, and ChtwlliJ Akwniln t{M,I/IIltrIH 7lomtrTtcltnu:ulAru Sch"".~ pIlK,





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Strategizing at Villa Woobine Bill Hansen, president of Bilts ' Cmering. recently hosted a Dade I-Ierilage Trust Board mccting at the beautiful Villa

Woodbine, 2167 8uyshore Drive. The historic 1930 mansion.

usuall y a venue for elegant p:lrties and weddings. was an inspiring sclling ror preservation planning to save cndungered sites.


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Coldwell Banker Real Estate

305 790- 1000 GablesHistoricHomes.com


A Grand Restoration for a Grand Old Theater Thanks to a Special Category gmnt from the Florida Depanmem o f Slate. Di vision of Historica l Resources. Bureuu of Historic I~rvmi on and fu nding from Miami-Dade County"s Cultural Affairs Dcpanment. the Gusman Center for the Pcrfonning Ans is undergoing a massive interior restomtion. The $2 million dollar re5lOralion is the largest o f its kind s ince 1972 when the theater was first reno\'nted by archi tect Morris Lapidus.

plans also include air conditioning the slage. restoring the decom· live house lighting throughout the audi torium and significant theat.rical lighting improvements thut will enhance the theater's technieal and production capabilities. Future phases of restoration will include new theatrical rigging and audio systems. new aud itorium

The project. led by Richard J. l~ eiscnboul c. AlA. president o f the award-winn ing preservation nml. R. J. He iscnbollie Architects. PA of Cornl Gables. Florida. will cntai l the complete reslOmtion of the theater's interior spaces. including the atmospheric audita-. rium. Trigram GC. Gcneml Contrdctors. of Miami. i!> performing all restoration work . The theater. which Pammount Studios opened in February. 1926. was designed by the renowned architect John Ebe.rson. Eberson 's dcs'ign WIt:. in itially inspired by a trip through a New Orleans antique shop in which he found an anc ient Persian incense bum· er. Immediately thereafter. the concept for the Olympia was born. Although he used a variety of styles. including Italian . Persiun. Spanish and Egyptian. the Ol ympia tx :camc an atmospheric theater whose auditorium crelltes the illusion of an amphitheater set in 1\ counyard o f a Mcditermnean vitia. complete with the dark blue evening sl..")' with twinkling sta~. chirping birds and rolling cloud.'!. The opulent and flamboyant style litemlty "blew the roor' ofT theater design UI the time.

TMC"""""Cmm-.IocuInI", IN L ·_oItMO:Ijlflr ••

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All of the original theater's exotic decorntive detai\. including the omamemul plaster. deconllivc paint. statuary and urns. interior barrel-tile roof above the proscenium. Corinthian columns and balustrade have been anaiY7..L-d WId arc being restored to thcir originn I color scheme. Dozens of anisans specializing in deconllive plaster repair and histo ric paint reslomt io n will clean. re pair. remold and paintlhc intricate ornamcntation. which requires scaffolding o f the emire 63-foOl -high auditorium. This will be a meticulous and painstaking elTon. done entirely by hand. and s imilar in complexity to Old World restorution tcchn iques. Even more unique to the thcater's restoration will be the complete replncement of exact replicas of the original taxidemlY and decorative foliage. This includes doves. quail s. and pheasants perching in their original locations in and around the o rnate organ loft. The final foliage restoration will include palm trees. ferns. vines and vanou......hade trt.'CS_ BOIh the foliage and the taxidermy will enhance the imagery and the illus ion that Eberson so carefully cmfted in his ovcrdll theater experience. In additio n to the much needed paint and plastcr restoration. the 20

Ndlilfff RocltanJ 1/~....,,.J,,,,Ik. kft. c:rp/aug "", " .... ,{G.-- III AIogIUt. lOO]

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seating with decomlive end panels 10 march the originlll sealS, :md an historically accunlle replication or tile theater's original carpet.


TIle Ihe:ltre is listcd on the Nat ional Register of 1'lislOric Places and is. according to Richard Heisenboule. "the Crown Jewel of Ihealers in Miami and a price le..~s pan of Millmi's past:' Eberson. by the way. fel t the same and said he was "convinced that the theatcr was imbued with c hamcter and individuality: a different conception of atmosphe re carried oul in arc hil cCturnl treatment." The Gusman is indeed in a class of its own in the realm of fantasy theater architecture. For this phase or the reslOmt ion. it wa." necessary to close Gusman from June 24, 2002 until October 10.2002. Newly restored, it will be the slar allmction al lhe League of Historic American Thclilcrs' annual conference. to be held in Miami in July 2003. which will be led by Richard Heisenboule. TIw """"tjirr.u ",uno. .{ 1M rMmf'r ( ...",,, "" .llIm .", of II


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Rediscovering "MiMo": Miami Modern Design Relntivel y out of "'0l!lIe und unappreciated lIntil a

few year.. agu. the archi teclurul style now dubbed " ~liMo- -Miami Modem---ha.s; bttn gaining new f:mi. 11le nnention of preservationistS b IIOW renewing interest in $3\'1118 these Ofll: 1I endangered btJildmgs. During a lime when Man Iruvding to the Moon Wll.~ as f:trfctched lIS the green chc:c.sc it was rumored to be made of. Miami was (1;01"in8 111t:hltMurall)' - with cheese holes. among OIher modem design elements. A f3!>Cinalion with c\'Crything new and shiny. along whh II national need to move on liner WWII. led architects and visionaries 10 cre~tc a new modernism· Miami Modern. Today. 1\

ftCW gClICnlliol1 has discrn;ercd-and IS IIlIempl-

IllS 10 SI1~e-thesc litruclUIU.

fast and sleek b the aUl omobiles of the era. Miami MOIkrn. or " M1Mo:' offered un IIrchilet"· lund roadlTUlp for the fUIUrl!. A MiMo fallBtsy of bncks and monU!' W:I§ inspired by II future bao.cd on the aUlOmobile lind tropklll living. A~

Art Deco did Ihis very thing from the 19205 IlfKI -IDs for South Floritb IlfKIlhe world. It wa... OJ fantasy of the fulun:. using all of the IIIle:st mutcriab wid engineering c3 pl1bllilies. sprinklc:d wi th a lillie seaside tropiclll magic. It too sought to rc:ddi~ our e:nvironl1lent. lind cclebmte it through color, rnateri~ls alMI ~ign. Following in the footstcps o( i ~ An Deco older sister. MiMo n:dcfincd lhe R:SOI1 hold, as it \O; !b then knov.ll. On the heels or An Deco thut cmlnced the tropial st)-Ie:. MiMo continued the progression with hll'ish fountains. mterior piante~ und vivid colors. But MiMu pushed the envc!ope even further.

WiTh America's obv iOUS lumllRCC wit h the uutomobile: lllId rc:d1!>CtIVcong our homeland. the posl WWII-C:11I sa\O; [he de\'e[opmC'flt and fine tunmg or bu.\incsse:s. resoru WId 11lOIe:1 ~ Ihal seemed to caler as much 10 our CaN 11.\ to our ~h·cs. Routt: 66 lind La.~ Vega.~ an: prime ~Kulnples of Ihb 1\;lIionlll ubsesslon to hillhe rood 111 a splashy way. AI,\ and 8iscu.ync: llouleYani olTered II similar roodmap 10 Soulh Florida style. F.. ilities-4he drive up convenience of full service gas stlllions. burger JOIII~

TN F""""",,~I'('" 1/{)N1 /lit Miunv Ikd. _»,t Md III /95) '" Moms /Apf</w;.foon~ "r,""",,", 1toIn- 1IItd" .... ....,.~t. cwwrJ (I'llcto bf Ikcty Itt.f- M;>tWoI


and UplllCC to spend the nighl- seemed 10 pop up almost a~ (lI.~t us lhe roods lhey lined. Thi ~ was I time of Ameriean progn:ss. and MiMo \O;!IS ready. BUI along \0; ilh all of th i ~ new t'On~truclion came even mOfC' t'Umpclilion and a need 10 sumd out froOilhe crowd. In Sunny Isles. prime e.'Iiomplc:s of lhe Vegas-mspTn-d holel~ IOday an" disappearing due 10 lack of \',-"on and an excess or gn"ed.

MiMo broughl the camels. pyramid). boomerangs and spaceshi ps Ihal all compclOO 10 calch our a" enl ion IL~ "'I: f.Otxoed along A I A in our rumbling BeiAlres. Nowhere is Ihis mOtl: obvious than al the Vagabond MOld . al 730 I BiscaylK' Boule-.'IU'd in /<. lilullI.lIeslgnc:d in 1953 by Robe" Swanbu~. l..urger Ihan life. a circus of neon and ",hims} announces your amyal al .. hal IS II Itlaliwly modest mOld. If the slee] and neon sign romanced you enoulh to check in fur the night. then illlCComplisheJ e,>.:lIclly Whlll it SCI OU t to do. Mel YIl1 GIlb..~man also knew how to caleh our e)e while on Ihe rood. In 1956 he dc:.,igned lhe InTcmation31 1nn &1 2301 Normandy Onye. Miami Bc3ch. lind lhe: Deauville fli 6701 Colhns Avenue in Miami Beueh. 8 0lh ha\'e irn!1fes-\I\'e entmnces. eK pansive spans of sh~r g l a.~s wull~ Ih;1! \lim for lhe Stars. and seen} 10 defy gruvil y. The De:w vi llc's pone-cocncn: was grand enough 10 wckome the Bc:IlIc:s In lheir finl Y i ~ it 10 the US.

lure. Pri\'atl: hOO1CS, apartment buildings. interio",. office and rewil e:SwhlishmenlS 1111 embraced lhe MiMo cmu. Golden $phc:l1'S 1100 rockel IIISpU'Cd columns surround the Pan Am Trnimng Facility at Millmi Inlemalional Airport. dcsll!lIcd III 1%3 by 5tewan.i-SJ.inner Associatcs. \\hile 1100lling C'Ofl" erele poIlac« of the: fU11l/'e inspirt; an educational mood III Miami-Dade CommunilY CollegeKendall ClI.mpwi III 11011 SW 104lh Slree!_ crealc:d In 1967 by Pancoast. Fel1'oomo. Spillis and Cunckht. When lhe Sunshine 511111:: lnlemational industriu! Pan; III 1300 NW 167th SIm:t WII.\ developed in 1964. architet'l William Webb was commissioned 10 design ilS ~uiking ~hway enlly feature. reminiSCenl of lhe beue:r-knov.·n 51. Loul~ Arm. To me III a chIld growing up in Nunh Miami. th31 sunshme lln:hway. II10ng wllh Ihe adjoinmg Modemage Furniture shoy, room. offered II futuris · lic:. space al!I: galeway 10 a world of wonder 1I11d in rlO\lIlion. To 01) pan:n1s. .... ho COIlYinced me !b a c:hlld Ihal lhey hud buill Ihis arehwu) for mc:. it ulso repn!..'OCnlcd a hope ror Ihc: future in a f~yer­ yout hfu l Miami. lI f'rb So.m. u pust pr-nu/l'm of Dlrr. IS the: I'XC('l'l! til'" lI;r«lor of Miftnl i Dt'sig" Prl'st'n'at JOII U/JRI~ ,

TIle .... hims) 1100 rantasy of MiMo continue along

AlA lind the Soulh Florida Atlantic. Mule gUlirds. coocn:IC eolumns. ~ Iand al llllcniion IIlongside swaying palm t rt:e.~ III 6345 Collins Avenue utl he CusabilillCII, designed in 1949 by Roy FrolrK.'C. Moms LapIdus' 1 9~3 Fonlaiocbleuu III 4441 Collins AYenue. wilh ilS ciw:est' hole (ocadc:!i lllId swo:cpmg. cu....·ed. marble clad wllll~. cre:lled a nouveau Frcnch"f-1orid illn ele:gance Ihut to llus day is viewed Wi a natiooulluoomurt. 24'

n., 8'S('U),M /'/a::" s'"'1f¥>I"x r~nl~" on M,,,,,,( dif.pl".s "M~\I ,,~ !tulJ,rr, WhOM In IHMlt TdC'ull j


111e MiMo Slyle was OOIlimiled 10 TeSlIl1 un"hi lce-

I'amJtJWIX"'·. 1/}j4 ~·t IItdrittn ,{tilt'


...., dnignrd by TOIIJ

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THE DICE HOUSE LUCKS OUT " :! AI,,", IIM1lM ., Urarr..

JIISt huw t'lI(langrrrd elm (l d~S;Kllmrd IIi!J/Oric sife IH? Try this: Two "l'iRhiXJr.f lIonc, lI'orkrrs

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.. 1Ir ~ Io:cnd:ill.

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IWoIy Bo)'tIIOII ~I) ~ u Ihe richllC> ckm< ...... !he hnu>c .. 101 ":UIIOI1I'C 1wIlshop. llti ltd 10 III Ihc: ......... ","h. ",in<l",,'uI'$I' rnontll> f..,.. ib~.

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bntJ. "'tTl: "''all;.bie In Kcnd,,11 . II1d Scrm,"""

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AmlIn So:mon:lIo! ~ ..... WI "'" pmi<"1I " . clKcntW11ndiM 1Umooocb fW\.. ...".. ,. I(I'/III A,'CI"UO: bot..""", """''''II ~.I<I

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.... t..rildinii.oofdl ",1br .."Indo..



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TIoe aft ""1II1IiIo ~

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uI' l\nJ",u>J School liailal d..e 10 Ihc: ~

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TIle Oft I"""'" flOOl pon:II ..... I Il00'1 '~llOU11 10 ....lIIth '1rI.1OB bnnc .,..,.,. "' ......~ in. .... '" I« poo..: ,"'1ll'n brons '" Ihew La ~ TIfco



t:lunnj! .... ~Kmd>ll ...... ",,",- Thee"""" )'OIIrouklFl 10 I ml'OO1l "">IS II Itc Ovil.-J CCIIRMlIOO C.-p; CII<I1p


11111)1. <If Kco1daII i);oI.oid an..Iy I)a>. b.II if 1m,", '" t...., Ilccn f,u", .. turt Is "''''. l>adol:ond. SooR _ " f,,,m W"...:unwoI;"",I .. Ihe ~ .. hik Ihqr bui. Itc I ........R ~ II ,,~ t.ri.II ~. mudI oIdor ~ aIM 1Uf1IIIl ...... Unrkr doc ..... """'" hIJ'I'C'd nII,f .... lhllro'l'md • ~ CI:l<lor iN4:e roof... hod! ll;anmod.l-'- .... 1IIonJ: (ll.l a.ob" Road. In Ihe Fma. t1r same camp ""Id NUl pn;o.: ...... ol .... apumi In ~ Arrira. 'l1li)' I\M: beb1p:d ~ I a Slr\ll::nft.doIlrll ffml bcfon: doe 1IIm~"'"


11", fifties JaW. 101 ~ ehqp from INI fmnl pordI The old hcrrn

pine pa.ina! houoe wmcd oDoll. The .....:at ollho ...... US I ...tbcd nro:t.-d "Okl DUO(" 1I!£II..1I)'· no a Nc.. ....... Ilak In Itc tat)' lo,IOOs., ~ 1heP"* he_~ IIaw) n wm: 10,,,11 II) Ilk' d!vm. T1r S,no:ot.:...lIold orr ,""or fnrmIarr.i kJ ~~ IlIilnlOld 1W..... ly JlI'SSCd Ihn""" I\end:lJI .. II rol.loooa:l Ix pbDrd u nnl:m norlo ~ II ..... IIoc ......... ol the IimmJd m., to:Uh ............ I,,",,""" "" "'II • mOOd IlrIrIP' KcootbII'I ~ .. ho:h ......, 511.wcd)'d. .,.,... .. Kc:ntbU. M<l""oldul...-" ..... JWtfl~an ....


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'"'l,'I:'I ...... Ilk' ~ fI, .~ IUdf ...tod> II) IluI !un:: .... Iht tu.us of. """"",000. l;o'....... R IM:r its Ilasnlr: _ Tho OWo·non ~ r~ ~ IIpIR

fQlumi •

Mo: on's Ml.n. Keodolll f'«od .... Supply.... kaIrd. bbi. north. 10 !he _ ol .... nlilnJlll mrl bc:ad ..... ,,-11M the "I<m.n.il lnd> """'. mil. Whm US I ",..s 10,,,11. on n...1I: t1r t.d 00Jr inIn Iho ...... ffunc door... doe..., 10Wkl r...,,,.., doe _ 'Iqh..-.y,

n.: bola he ... 1IflI!WB.1IIuatI ..... II'"fl"'Ii"'l Qrd ~



~ ~ ani) • few 5hu.p.. 10 Hurricaroc: Arlftw. desprIC Ihc faco .... ""1I)'!iIdc Rap'" Chun:h.orre hk:d 1O!he nMh.

~.n...11 k'

loIIlrI""',A' silt. of ib~' T.."I:!IICd swl. «n:n:Ir: I\IbbIo! rrnd hynotWs CUWCJl'd Ihe plU>h IheaIer _ore. lean"g a roo... ~ look in ..., ......... f..,.,~ Ihcduth.IlIoIo:U>onyr-.

T!III .....wu WIt, ,j"ftIIItd ~ .., !he dim.. ~ Ilk' OU.), AI1omc:)'1 ulfa. «n"Cd ably by Thnl 1-""",. <XrIRid _, dk' _



Whal5IIh>"'tlUld ilrM:bocn ......,., fromlhc: Drlz llwl.efmno ",.odr on Y"""' pMC A>

"""""'I r,,11 on the "'......... ,.......iwI<d .......

.... bui~ 110ctr FU>< rOO" .<IIlt ... SoutlI


The pine

1I>m1lCd. >I,ll IIaJ Iu 1dI.... ~ In llIeallerm.:nh<X ,ho: holmClllL'.. t1r 0..:.. HooIoI: boaomo !hi: ,offia:, of 101 ......"Irir::a.I a:rra:w;n \Ii... ........ '" pnbI<>. ,... m.p.o "'- 001I1I: fur Iho !hi: 0..:.. pb.:allium SouIh n.1o.. Am: .... !hi: .p:II"h= Kmdall ~ "-"ltMd I"-noIb.lf pne.1Ndt Iho....., a knl allnlClron fill

r.. IlIe ..po kl In-d

pi"'" rompoundllf ctnIooI

lam"),. Lu.."l. ... OlIO on Ihc Dior boIiupno."" 1961 .... on Ihc Ok,ft.. 8 111 by 1h:II1lnoc:. t.:Ilud ....... .u..Jy .. , I ....u In Iho Ilior fllnily.

would J-.s by 011 dICIf "'a)' 1<1Il0l''''' ....... '*- .,(0lIIQPC WI doc mill. IocrIcd ..... rodIy~ Km.>n on US I "OUlh of 164th 0.. ... IJnrnIty Di<;c oiled in 1901'.1. ...... "'11 tho soon: ..... III bol'lI SI=I. eo ....... MIl.. .. tmr ~ tho 5lIrI;h)' ,1IIlrt(,fdoc cycad-lama pille 1<1 t.cldo:Io IDI\. ",trodiod Itb:::arie ...., in 1m 1loc,."., JVnib~.... 1,;upIc! Gxod oIlW11Mo pMfh c.mc. ....... _ IhnI ~ ",II", miIkIt .IOIt. ..'110 l$nI......nor ICIl )'taft bd""", ..-l lit lcIltc n,,11 u....... "'"' a ....It:!.WI ~kl he .... 00I .. 1irr dywIa m 1'K6. 1loc .... .ilI! cwId _ Ihr: Dr! doc: ..'aIL IrId .. CUoIor .. I ~ 10 r...;h ..oocm ..... (,f roMre:. ~ lit 11k'<'I .... ma/,;n in llJ19. In J~ 1980. he d_ I Frnnl ,he Dice H<)u~ fUdI on • S<nl;o)' . lIemu".... )'011 miaht t""", pan)' 10 oelo/:nlc! "'" mil o(!lk' Ike CIrr.Ie. lie di<d two morllhs

'<hop III 0adcIrnl.

'y ~ 1\.iWnt:: 1'-"''aloOII s-.I. 11k' _limo r..wly tkadro 10 odI ~"'


And dll: *"Y.~!'IUI owt.1 ......... 111 ..... ""'...... Ikm:InIoJunro. ....


1)Ice I ........ II 1"""""" for I ............ ., KIInrl:all A> KmWl",..,. ....... trb:b lullrnonll. doe"'~ol"-

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tIhoIl oil ,~ III ~ I

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..,.,.. doc Smo:oM.

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.... r... I~ KadrIlt h.al nu tdIool hcfure 1929. III doc: ~1JI.Oli.sw. ... ~

iCI1IlU the ",,",Iitw ~oI 1 1oo-'

Iollwn llarllm·lo/mrr: . a Nllrr~ M ramian. u J~("rrIQrr ol/lrt lJ,rt IIm'.f' CooII/;OI, .It lo"/ltr tlrnrtllllll)'

Dy doc I-) gIlift. ,he he""" "'_I.WIOCaIJIICd ...1 f:oJJulino diw. .l<'luJO/ 1~lIr1rrr. JKo r-.Qnrolib .... ~ v.... 8uom.1dI hrtund 1111 0( ........ wfh.llrr cllfnpun)"

/WII' /1M'fI.J

Tlrr Small Compan,'. n

Restoring The Ransom Cottage: No Bad News Muny Y"urs 14&0 . ...h,," IJlrr .. £ u cu/n',. /)irtc/(JI',


Becky Marlitn', was lilt' Pf?$;d~nt of thr j unior uagut' of Aliami, sht' ..fn'a/t'(/I'fuhllsiasm /or a 11('11' ycur (l/Ill a /lew pre.~i(II'"c)' ...i,h (I liw!/y pr"l'St'ntalion Sling oroulld a chorus oj '"No Hud

and an expanding s tudent enroll-

NI"tIt's:' NlJl4', SLUt't'n yt!tlrs fOfU.


I K'rile this

ani"'" 0 11 Ihl' "MarU/iOIl of 'hI' Par" C. NUllstIIl! Colwgt! UI R(IIISOIII EI't!rRIUlles Scl1ool , IJt'("kis

Of'IIInisllr .d o}:(1n fl'muins 'II'ilh mt'. (lml wilh my Slory I pt'll C/ happy ('onlimllllll of tlrings thai (/0 go wdl ill Ollr rilY.

The Coconut Grove school my c hildren attend. R:mMlm Everglades. will celebrate its 1000h binhday in 2003. pl<lcing it umong u handful of South F1orid;1 instit utions able to claim such a long und s ucccssfu l his tory. Paul C Ransom. grad ua te of Williams College in Williamstown. Massac husetts. a fo unding bomd mcmber of the Hu rvard Law Revicw and a g r.aduatc of Columbia University Law School. first vis ited the pioneer settlement of Coconut Grove in 1893. TIle young Mr. Ransom. who had recentl y sct up a promising law pr.actice in Buffalo, Ncw York, had jusl Icarned from his doctors thai he was arnietcd with a g rave kidncy ail ment. Ransom wa~ encour.aged to escape thc unforgiving wimer mOl1lhs in the nonhca.~t for n more health-giving c1inlllte. in the hopes thai this would delay his demise. And thus. in the s pring of 1893. aftcr trJ.veling the wilner through South Florida and the Keys. RallWIn purchased !>even and one half acres of bayfront pineland from his he neefonh ncighbor and rricnd. Kirk Munroe. Ransom relurm-d in February 1896. accompanied by the young son of friends. whom he had agreed to tutor during the wi nter months in Florida. This process being so agreeublc 10 all concerned. many fam ilies became eagcr to send their boys south to Pine Knot Camp to lI tud y under Ihis extrJordinary teacher. Thus begun the gennination of a uniquc institution that in 1903 expanded into the country 's fi rst mignl(ory school, the Adirondac k· F1orida Sc hool. with the o pening of Meenahgtl Lodge in thc woods of Onchiota. NY. Of course. Ransom Everglndes is no longer Ihl! A.F.S. school. TIle Adirondilck campus was closed and sold aft er WWII : thc Miami cnmpus was renamed Ransom School in honor of ilS founder. and in 1974 the school me rged with the nearby Everg ladc.~ School for Girl!>. Most of the many Dade Count y I)i ne boon) und batten school bui ldings daling back to Pine KnO! Camp and A.F.S. have dis· a p~arcd frolll cllmpus - scveml blown away by a few nus ty hurricanes and others through


need for


repJllceme ms


rk rr-SI/rr«trd R"I\$OIOI COIlap

~'IIII~lIlk IlfNl

u{ Hu _ E'""J/udn' /tJO.JftU

1wIory. (P1tuIM COWUSf ofltl»lJ>OlOl E~,¥Iutk.J sntoDIJ

'"The l'ngoda:' listed on the National Regi!>lcr of Hisloric Places. is the largest and most imponant structure from the school's eurl y yea rs. II was s aved and restored in the 1970s due in large pan 10 the effons of Ransom's hllc alumnus Giulio Blanc '73. No other structu re remains except a lillie green and white COllage with a mysterious beginning. which lasl saw dut y as the band c1l1s~ room . known reference to thi.~ cOllllge conlained in Ii letter wrillcn by the school libr.arian. Belly Smith. in 19R1 10 Edward P. Mellon. citing pictures of it in 1909. Sadly. thc.~ pic tures cannot be found. Thc firs t recorded images of the Struc ture Ihal we possess appear in the 191 3 phOto album of alumnus Herben Gordon Fales, when it was Ihe school infinn ary. Thc use of Ihe Slruc ture is confirmed by a 1920 Fire ~1<lrsha l Map whic h again identified the building as an inlirmllry. So. we c~Ul assume wi th some confidcnce that the cottage was built on thc campus during thc fi rst decade of the cemury. and that it was originally. or soon thereafter. used as thc school's infirm ;lry. We know that this use continued through thc beginning of WWII . when thc school c losed for five years. The

cllrl ie.~ t



After the War. the new Headmas ter. D. Pierre G. Cameron. and his wife took up residence in the cOllagc. a hhough a.~ II headma.~ler's home it was barely satisfactory. Mi ke Siokes. who has taught (II Ihe School for nendy 40 ycars lind lived in the COllage with his wife and infant daughter. remembers thai the cottage c ume "cquipped" with an electric wire and s ingle lig ht bulb th~1I hung from a raftcr to nenrly noor level. With hooks placed around the COllage - by a reading c hair. in the kitche n und bed room - lighl could be lake n where it wa.~ needed. Dan Bowde n. who began tenching al Ransom in 1955. recalls the cvening co ffec~ Ihe Camcrons hosted night ly for thc fac ult y. who. aftc r eating wi th Ihe studems. would join the Camcrons fo r wide rJ.nging intellectual discussio ns and renection o n mutters of education. As Ihe School expan<kd aftcr the War, thc cottage continucd to be u~-d as faculty housing. a domlitory. un lin studio, and finally as the band cottage. In 1998. when the school's

Parents' Association commilled resto ralion funding for the building, il was moved scvcral yards just west of its original location to make room for the new Fine Ans Building. During the ensuing four yc;trs, n committee of Parents' A!>sociation officers. Illunmi. and other concenK.-d parents worked to find a res torJtion archi tcct. solicit and examine contmctor bids. and find additional fundi ng for ~m appropriatc level of restoration. We hi red Rocco Ceo as our ~.rch itect, and alumnus Mahoney Baggs as o ur contmcto r. 80th individuals lIpproached this project wit h intense devotion and pride. :lIId the I"elltored c01\agc re nects their p3'>sio n for the projcct. Mahoney's futher. Bill Baggs. wa.~ the editor Oflhe old Miumi Ncws and thc vi!>ionary who fought for the creation of the State Park on Key Biscayne. lind for whom the park is named. Bill should be wcll pleased by his son. As nil of us who have wutched. read lIboU( or becn invoh'cd in any his toric res tonll.ion know. reSIOntlion does nol come cheup, demands compromise. lind succeeds only with vision. te nacit y and devotion. Yet . through the suppor1 of the School's Boa.rd of Trus tees. fu nds raised by thc Parents' Association, and thc generous gi ft of a curre nt trustee falllil y. this little cOllage was beautifully restored. Nestled under nn oak hummock. the o riginal structure has been resurrected like the re.~urrectiOfl fern growing o n the limbs above it after a good min. Thc Ransom Conage will live to tell the slories of a s pecial place. Trxlay. at Ransom El't'rg lades, may I f1'!xJrt that Ihere il' No Bod Ncws.'

B('(sy Tilg'IfIulil . lI'ho /'as reslOrl'd all historic IWI/.fC ill Coral Gables. i.v a !XUI E ,'celllil'l! COII/mittee m~lII~r of the JUllior uaglle of Miami. A former member 0/ Ihe Dm/e Hf'rilllxe TrllSI Board o/Trustccs. site dwirel/ DIIlII! lIerilogc DlIYl' for tll'O ycars. SIll' St'n'ed all the Boord 0/ RllII:'iOO/ cI'erx!tllles School as prt'Sidcm 0/ fhe ParenU' Al·.wx:iatiofl ami helped spearhead 'he effort to restort' Rlmso", COllage. Silt' is now c/wirllloll 0/ Ih e HOllsom EI'erglodes


Ce/llelllliaf Coo/..book Committee.

Preserving the Redland Hotel: A Beacon of History in Downtown Homestead 8:1 0. ...... K. Tn"d

In 1997. Rex nnd Katy Oleson and Jerry and

Nancy GUSI had II vision - to restore one of downtown Homestead's most historic landmarks. Locatedjusl south ofthc hustle and bustle of Mi:uni. the Rcdlund Hotel was originally bui lt in 1904 and stands today as u reminder of timL'S past. as we ll as a symbol of the area's vibrant hislory. Fro m 1904 to tllC pre.*'C nt. Ihe Redland Hotel has had many owners. many names, and has undergone numerous renovations. including being rebuilt in 1913 afier a major fire . Although opcr-J.tions were periodically interrupled, the hOlel was open for business from 1904 to 1995. In 1995. it was condemned due to 250 code violations .lIIributable 10 negicci of the propen y. From 1995 to 1997. rne hOlel stood abandoned and in a state of disrepair. To the cOllllllunity. the Redland Hotel was an eyesore. Seeing the pOieni ial of Ihc propcny. combined Wilh the growing demand for a highend. full service hotel between Kendall and Key Largo. the 01csons and Gusts rel[ [he Redland Hotel was the ideal sile to meellhis demand. Funhennore. the couples did not want to see the hi slory of downtown Homestead lost.

The combined experience of the Olesons and Ihe Gusts made them qualified to take on a proj(.'Ct o f Ihis caliber. specifically one o f hisloric preservation; Rex Oleson's role 3$ Chainnan of the Homestead HislOric Preservation Board enhanced the credibility of the panne"'hip. Moreover, with bolh couple's expen isc in the hospitalilY industry. specifically Bed & Breakfasts. Rex Oleson and Jerry Gusl's background as contrdctors, and the long-lime friendship lhe couples shared. thc decision 10 become panne rs was a nalUml one. In 1997. the Olcsons and the Gusts purchased the Redland HOlel and began their joint venture.

Loan Progr.tnl, and a half-million dollar loan from T1B Bank of me Keys. in con· junction wit h the SBA. were applied to the hotel 's o\'cnllJ restoration. The remainder of the funch. needed to complete the restorolion was obtained through private entities. With the financing secured. the Olesons :md the Gusts began their que...t 10 reslOre Ihis historic gem. From 1997 to mid 1999. the structure was g Ulled. Slowly taking apan the hotel . salvageable iteml> which were found were documented. Unfonunmely. due to many owners. renovationl> and pilfering over the yean.. there were few imerior items found thaI could be saved. After the gUlling was completed. they spent 16 months pUlling the hotel back together. In July 200 1. Ihe Redland Hote l. once again . opened its doors. Here. guests can unwind Floridastyle in a relaxed, sophisticated cnvironmelll. Reminiscent or old Florida. the Rcdland Hotel paints a piclllre or refined elegance. The hotel's archilccturul design, basic in fonn. is fr.lme vemncu lar. lIS large wraparound porch. finished wilh dclicme gingerbread detailing, adds elegance 10 ils eXlerior. The interior bbas~ a welcoming front desk. made of original bead board snlvagcd from diffcrent pans oflhe hOlel. This wood was also used to build pans of the bar.

which comprises a 10lal of 1 t gueSirooms. with two gucstrooms on the ground noor.

Although the rcstor.l.IiOIl was one of significant magnitude, there was linle alteration 10 its original design. ..It's as historically accuralc as you can get:' said Rex Olcson. "After the flfC in 1913. the hotel was rebu ilt. and ineol]Xlntled shiplap siding. In the I920s. stucco siding was added . We restored the overnll structure to minor its original design from the 1920s. adding onl y a rniling to the porch. and two doors where wi ndows had originally been located. lllCrefore. the Redland Hotel today looh exactly ..... il did 80 years ago."

TIle Rcdland Hotel, having recently celebrnted ilS one-year anniversary since its restorntion. is a model for hislor1C preservation. It has been a calalysl in the rcvit.alization of Downtown Homeslcad. " In the beginning. every body thoughl we were crazy: ' said Katy Oleson. "Now they come back and say •Wow, we were wrong. Irthey can do it. we can do it.' It has created cummunity interest as well as sparking regional attention. Wc 're optimists." said Nancy Gust. ''This projc<;1 is j ust the beginning or orner exeillng projectS to follow." Dawn Tt"icl:. Kvr/.:ed on

tI,,. D OK·"/fIt'I·"


51".,., pfORrom jor the Miami J)()w"town Ot:\"t'lopm,.nr Au/honlY. Sht 1I0W K'orb in pl/blic ,.,.latiOlls/or all archiuctural jim,

Uniquely. the h01el's pub was Homestead's fi rst public libmry. hence its name ''The Library." 11K' distinguished. orig inal main stairway leads guests to the second Ire,_e~I~,________________- ,

Financed through a vuriety of sources. they were able to ac hieve their dream. A 525.000 grant from the Enterprise Zone assisted in the restoration of the f~ade. A S20.ooo g rnnt from Miam i-Dade County's Economic RI.:d evelopmcnt Fund. Ihrough the CilY of Homestead. a S200JXKl loan from the City of HorneSlc:ld 's Rcvol ving


HOW THE DEERIN G ESTATE WAS WON (AND LOST AND WON AG AIN) This is Ine heanwanning success slOry of a

the fi rs t inn to opcnlte between Miami and

In August 1985. after considerable debate,

magnificent I.reasure rescued from extinc-

Key West.

lhe Dade Count y Historic Preservation

lion n01 once. blll twice within the pnst 15

Bo.ud designated thc Dee ring Estate at

years. The Deering Estate al Cutler is an

The other family 10 make a significant con-

Cutler as a local hi storic site. historic dis-

environment,ll, archaeological and hi stori-

tribution was the Occring family. Charles

trict and archaeological zone. In March

cal preserve comprising over 440 acres.

Deering. chairmllll of

1986. the property was listed on the

currenlly owned by the State of Florida and

International Harveste r, began purchasing

National Register of Historic Places.

Miami-Dade County. operated as a public

property in the area in 1913. and by 1916

July 1985_ the State of Florida, under its

the board of


park by the county 's Park and Recrealion

had assembled most of what is now the

Conservati on and Recreational Lands


Deering ESlmc at Cu tler. 11131 year he


remodeled [he Richmond COllage into his

CouOlY agreed to purchase the Deering

private wi nte r horne. With subsequent

Estate at Cutler for $22.5 million.

On the property arc round the Cutler Fossil

program .


Mililni -Dade

Site. which yielded important scientific

l;mdscaping. construction or the keyholc-

evidence of human habitation in South

shaped bom basin. three outbuildings :lIld

It was a long. dillkult victory_ and muny

Florid:. 10.000 years ago. and

circa 1700

the beauti rul 1922 Stone House, the

played s ignificalll roles in seeing the

Tequc."ta Burial Mound. Home to many

Dee ring Estate at Cutler became one of the

acquisition through to its successful



early pioneer famili es during the nine-

most significant waterfront mansions Ihut

ple tion.

teenth century. the property was located

dO\l(.:d the shores or Bi scayne Bay during

efforts of the Miami Corporat ion. owners

within the settlement of Cutler, one of the

Miami 's building boom years.

of the property. who were willing to nego-

fi rst towns founded in SOUlh Miami-Dade

Especially important were the

tiate a deal : the Dade County Historic llie property remained in the Deering fam -

Preservation Board and Ihe State Historic

ily long aftcr the death of Mr. and Mrs.

Preservation Office. who persevered in

Two families in p:trticularleft an important


In the early 1980s the fa mily

securing historic designalion fo r the prop-

legacy at the Decring Estate at Cutler. 'nle

heirs no longer hud usc for the property

e rty: Dade Heritage Trust. for its advocacy


and put it up for sale. Its waterfront loca-

role in securing politic:!1 support for his-

tion made the property highly dcsir.tble for

toric designation and public acquisition:

private deve lopers. and its wealth of natu-

Finlay Matheson. who held an opt ion to

In 1900 the Richmonds e nlarged their

r:\1 and historical resources mude it even

buy the property until the public acquisi-

house and opened the Richmond COllage.

more valunble for preservation advocates.


family seuled :md built their

home here in 1896.

tion package could be structured: the Trust for Public Land for making possible bridge financing until the pcnnancflI acquisition could be realized: and Dade County Commissioner James Redford. who championed public acqui sition. On August 24. 1992. Hu rricane Andrew hit South Miami-Dade County with Ihe fury of the worst natural disaster ever experienced in the area. Winds official1y clocked at 165 miles per hour and a stonn surge of 16.7 feet above sea level at the site left the

0" AUf"" 14J991. f/wrrkDM And"..· d"'·'Hlut.d I~" n ...."nS £3Io1l~. Th~ IfiOtJ N,~h"",nd Cilllu~ ,,·u.<jluIlM..J. "nd Ih .. is'fHJ ,mX/",,1 Nldtntt/nd 1"",1/1 ~" lOW """rly dfllfO)w1. I Jtvri"$ 'J 1')21 ~'I""" IftJl<u jlOO<kJjr(Jm 1M 16.7-/001 norm 'HI'J~


Deering ESlate al CUller in a state of uller devastation. The property suffered an esti mated $7 million worth of damage to the


buildings and main grounds alone. and the efrects on the natural areas were cmastrophic. The process of salvage. recovery. reconstruction and restonllion was a fomlidabl e task. First came cleaning up the grounds. which were rendered impassable nnd unrecognizable by the stOml. To complicate things further. the bui lding debris contained asbestos nnd lead based paint . making ilS removal n long. nrduous



TM u""~ ," C",t~r II) ,,1iIob M,u...t·fkJIl~ C(HOIIII I'IIrl II~d R~r""''''''' fk('IJr,,,,~,,, ..1Ui F"I/~r"''' /)i,.: Atl"IIl/~rlJ rrrr,u-tJ 1)1f! I'lVyn"aJ''''' A.."Utlbfi'" ,/wr OfjIJ/U"J",~ ..~...t '" lunon.- 14".. fPIooIw r_· u'S"< of M,,,,,,,,f)o<N C......,. I'art /IIIJ R,..,xpl j

fr,""""" "..


and costly project. Hisloricnl building material s from the Richmond COtlllge.

Improvement Program. South Florida

and social functions. and special events

such ns Dnde County pine fl ooring and


such as concens and festivals lire being

mantelpieces, were salvaged for future

Foundation and insumnce M!ulemenl.S. The mosl substantial and toughest to negotiate

periodically held .

contribution ca me from the Federal

TIle Deering E."tate at Cutler is a magical

FOrLunutely. a few years earlier :1 historic

Emergency Munagell1cnI Agency (FEMA).

place. The visitor is tr.liIsported to another

preservation class from Ihe University of Florida had meliculous ly prepared meas-

which providr.:d S4 million. Finally. in March. 1999. Ihe Deering E.'lI11te reopened

time in South Florida. a quieter. genller time. 11le tr.Jffic noise of the city seems far

ured dr..lwings and photographic documen-

its doors. The second bailIe to save this

aWlly. 11le only sounds heard are the lap-

tation of the build ings. Without this help.

historic, cuhuml and environmental gem

ping waves of the bay. the rustling of palm

reconstruction of the Richmond COllage

hud been won.



Di strict.


fronds and the songs of birds. It is a place of contemplative: beau ty. of hannony

and rehabilitation of Ihe other historic structures would have been ex tremely dif-

Today. the park serves :l... a visitors' aUrae·

between people :md nature. between the

fi cult. if not impossible.

tion. where lOUrs of the historic buildings.

past and the future. Its exi.\lcnce in lhe

grounds and nalural areas. including

present is a true miracle of prmiervatioTl

Months before the storm. the Park

Chicken Key. are fC}uJariy held.

and persevenmce. a wondrous legacy to the

Ocpartment had commissioned the finn of

buildings arc being gradually fumi shed

Full enon

with antiques :lIld artwork origimll to the





culluml heritage of South Florida.

Developmen t Management Services as

Estate. thanks to generous donations from

lI'ulI A. /(otirigllt: stn·,.d lor Sfi'tll )"turs as

restoration consultants. 10 prepare a reuti-

the Deering Estate Foundation and mem-

DirtcIQr of/ht Df'trillg f~'/ull'lIf C Ull,." 0 1'""

lizalion plan for the property. Their role

bers of the Deering famil y. The family has

suing IIII' 11 miflilHI rtstaralion of III,. port·s

was expanded to prepare a full plan for reconstruction and rehabilitalion and to

mude possible the res tor-uion orlhe library

bJliftlillgs wul IIalllml (IrtUS . 1/1' 10llndl'A mIll

and ballroom. and the wine cellar is full y


restored and stocked with the original bot· tle..... albeit now empty.

Pf('se,....ulion O;\"isiun/rom 1977·90. IIlI t/wring

assist in the dcvelopment of a master pl:lIl .


H is/oric

From Wildl'.rlfns 10 Ml'.lropolis. Ill' 11"5 bun CXfCIII;I·t

One of the major challcnges ahcud WaS 10


tlircrtorolMiumi·Oad(' Count)' Art in

M!cure sufficient fundin g to cover more

The park also serves un imponant educa-

Public P/ar l'S sillrt' Z()(}() ullli is ('/1,"11/1)' (1150

than 57 million needed to bring just the

ti onal fun ction through lecture series.

srn'ing as intl'rlm dircc/or 0/ M iumi-/)adl'

historic buildings b:lck to life. Funds were

classes nnd special multidisciplinary activ·

CO/ll" y'., Iltslori(' Prnl'n'(lliOIl OjJic('. 1-/(, IlOs

obtained from the Florida Sccretary of

ilies thlll combine tours and hands-on

u ntlch('lor of J)I'sign dt'grl'I' alld u M usll'r 0{

State 's Office, Florida Departlllcnt of

experiences presented to public school stu-

An'l,i/tellln' degru in Arrhi/ec/Urul lIismr),

Environmental Protection. Florida Inland

dents and

und JIiJloric PrtJtn'miOll lrom /ht Unrl'f'rSIIJ

Nllviga tional District. Florida Boating

Facilities arc also available for business

summer camp programs.

0/ f"lorid(/ .


DHT's Role in Saving the Miami Circle: The Story Continues ... In January, 1999. when no one felt it pc»sible. D~e I-Ienlage Trust boldly slC:-ppcd forward to

for being preservation frie ndly. 1be land. privalely owned........L~ pnme commercial real ~UIl C

lead a figh t to SllVC the mysterious " Miami Circle" archeological site from dest ruction fOf II

worth millions.

already been appro'·cd. and Ihe developer

highrise development.

appeared determined.

l..ocmed on lhe south bank of the Millmi River in downtuwn Miami. the "Circle" had drown irnenl lllionai auent ion. At leasl 2000 yelH'S okl. the Circ le is 38 fect in di ulI1eler uml is carved four·fect deep into the limestone bedrock. wi th an east· west IIlignment 10 tnc cquiooll:. It wa.~

When the dc,"c lopcr announced he would begin construction in three day~, DHT"s pro bono :llIomey Gary He ld worked fr.trt1ic:lll y 10 li nd legal grounds \0 hul t tnc Circle's destruction. On Super Dowl Sunday. January 31. 1999. in II lawye r~ pac ked mecting. OUT presc:nted a

prob:tbl) used for ceremonial or aMrooomie31 purposes. Though some specuilited lhat it was cre.lIed by Mayans. most e.tpe rt.~ bt lievc it was built by the now·e:u inct Tequesta Ind iuliS. Miami-Dade Arcncologist Dob Carr comme nted tlml lhe Circle "is the only cut·StOliC circle fonn:llion found in our ,~ountry. It di,>plaYI>:t sophistka tt:d understllndi ng of geometry Imd astronomy that is quite remarkab lc. 11 is a fi nding of na tional signi ficuTlCC."

requ~1 to J udge Thomas Wilson in his Coconut Grove home to grJnt an cmergency Temporury Restraining Onkr. Though the request was de nied. the developer. Michael Buu nmnn, wu~ pers uaded to IIlIow Ihe orcheologists to eonli nue their wo rk anl nOl IO harm the Circle unti l Febru ary 26. 1999. a cOIK:ession which booght time for mass ive advocacy e fforts.

1bcsc wonts inspi~ Oade Heritage Trust to work vin ually nonstop to somehow come up with II way to save Ihb importllnt historic resource. Exec utive Director Hecky Roper M at~ov ori ginall y suggested to the develope r lhe possi bility of ~esign i ng the building and don:ning a ta,,-dcductible conservation easemenl 10 OI--{T tha I would allow the public to access the Circ le from the planned R iverwal~ . When that idea was d ismissed. a 0 1lT Miami Circle Task Foree WIiS created to explore opt ion~. Saving the Circle S(."Cmcd an IIllPOSSIble task. The property wa!> locuted wit hin the City o f Milllni. wi th II Commission nol known


The building permits h:KI

Dade Uerituge Tru.~t then went into high gear. Becky Mat kov and OUT Preside m Enid Pinkney spent hours every day Lalking to counlless media reponers and wri ting press releases. They gnve speeches throughout the community and nppe,m::d on TV and rad io shows. OUT members alle nded lhe C ity of Mill l11l Commissio n meeting to oppose Mayor Carollo's plan to dig up tnc Circ le and display it in the Conventiml Center. They attended Miami-Dade County Cornm ~ ion meetings to urge County support. 01-lT d istri buted petitions to be signed and collected in schoob. ~ t ores, neighborhoods iUKI on Ihe internet. OHT membeN pa n ici pated in Circle Candlelight Vigils. which hlld been begun by

the Urban Environme nt Leag ue lind had grown to include school children. Nmivc American drummers.dancers and healers. New Age fol· lowers. sp iri luaJ isL~. tourists from around the world and hu ndreds of curs hOllllllg in support as they crossed the Brickell Bridge.

CIrcle supponers of all persuasions ....·cre welcomed into OUT's hendq uurters to stra tcgile. As a SOlCe)3. nonprofi t historic preservation org;m i7JlhOIl with a long history and a respected tr.ack recon! of accomplishments. Dade Ilerillige Trust brought c~ibihty to the causc. Ol-IT established a "Save Our Circle" fund to Ilccept tll}\ deductible donations for the Circ le's acqui~ition and encouraged tnc IIllmy different fllc tions to work tOKether. On Valen tine's Sund uy. February 14. 1999. when il apl)Ca~ that the develope r was goi ng to forge ahead and remove the Circle from its ~ite. 01-lT ngnin ....·em imo nelion. AI the IIIstigation of BlllIX'u Mesa, OUT faxed lellers 10 GOH:mor Jcb Bush and Secretary of State Kmherine Harris. requesting Stllte inten'ention unde r the Unmarked UUIIIIIII Bunal Remains Ac t. On Monda),. Februory 15th. OUT held a press confere nce lit the Circle thlll was covered by lucal, stllte and national medill. Becky Ma tkov's plea--"Tbe backhoe is literully at the gille. ready to begin at any mome nt the disman~ thng of a myslery thai d:llC's ba.ck centU/lel> before EuTUpC'ar\S reached lhe short-s of this cofll illent··-·a ppca~ over and O\'cr on CNN. The Govemor callcd Becky to discus!> the is.... uc. On Wed nesday. Febru ary Ii, 1999 Dude


Since then. Florida's Division of Historical

Resources hits been ""orking with Miami-Dade Coumy 10 oversee the circle. To develop a plan

for lhe Circle's inl l"~ l ul ion and flllure p~ser­ "'lIlion. the Secrclary of Suite !!Stablished n Miami Circle Planning Committee. OHT's Enid Pinkney lind Becky Roper Mlllkov were both appointed to serve: 011 this CommUlee.

The Circle " Ianning Committee has mel numer· ous lime.~ in u public forum . moving slowly but surely 10 crull II pia u lhut is acccplD,blc and sen-


sit ive



Mwml Cjrrl..

iI,t'''''' M,ri.",1 Spt'l"!(. f)i="" "fl~ M,/JIIti IhJtk C"'uu~ C..tlllrol.vr,,"~




rJngi ng constituency. On May

14, 2002. Michael Spring. Director of lhe Miami-Dade COU nEY Cu ltural A ffairs Office.

p3rticip.1lC in

fefences. 1lte StilII.' allOCllted $ 15 million from

prescnled a conceplUal plan femuring II temporary ,Iunched· roof struct ure that would be {:onslruCloo over [he Miumi C irc le as II means of

Miami-Dade Ma yor Alex Penelas'prcssconfcr. enl-'C. In a bold. unprecedented move. Mayor

the CA RL (Consc rv:l1ion an d Recreational Land) program for the pu rclmsc of the Miami

protection and public interpretation. This was uppro\'ed by the Circ le Planning Comm itt ee.

'·cnelas anrKxmced he was going to ask the Miumi -Dade County CommIssion to seck emi·


whi ch will meet in the next fcw weeks 10 revicw

nellt doma in to Sllve the ~ itc from destruction. ovenilling the City of Miwni 's Il Lithori ly. On Thursday. February lit al II Cou nt y Commiss iou meeting overflowing with preser-

Dade Heritllge Trust continued 10 work in behalf of the Circ le. alle nci ing slr;l.Iegy sessions

beside Ihe Circle. building the that ched -roof structure and pathways. and deve loping II

with Cou nty Munager Merrelt Stierhei m and other organ i1. mions. planmng fundrJi sing endeavors for the Circle. speak ing in fron t of


in behalf of preservation. To thc oppchition who wamed more money for poor neighbor-

groups lind Count y Commission meetings. and work ing 10 maintain .!otrong community .!ouppon . In November. 1999, the developer

Senlllc Bill 1894 10 :luthori1.l! II study regarding incorpomtion o f the MiamI CirclcfIJrickell

hoods instead of archeological sites. Enid defi -


arul y cou nt e red. " Don 't ta lk 10 me about O"en own. I wa.~ born in Ovcn ow n. and the Circle is II pan of evcrybody's history." 1bc

2.2 acre site. 11le pun:hasc: was funded with the StIlIC'S $15 million. 53 million from MiamiD-Jdc Count y's Safe Neighborhood Parks Bood

Comm ission voted 10- 1 in fll\'Or of acq uirin g the Miami Circle propeny under a "~low take:"

fu nds. private cont ributions and lin 58.7 million • two--ye:ar loan from the ifrul>l for Public undo

lH(IIJN_m. A"'IvoI,~,"8ob

C""WW SiIJ" HUltKI< PrrMrvalIOII oJ/i," Dr_ J..tt" /fI1Jlly,.S

lIeri tage Tru;,! was :c.k.ed


vltl ioni ~L\. Enid Pinkney and Becky MlI1kov were t\Oo O of the four ~pcakers ullawed to speak

request!. for proposal!> for repairing the seawall


a settlcmenl of $26.7 million for the

al008 the Miami River.

.S. Senator Bob Grahum has also introd uced

Poim into Biscayne National Pari;;, If it pa.'iscs. II fC:lsi bility study could begin January 2003.


carly liS

The Milimi C irclc---om..'C considered II lost causc--may now 1x.'COfTlC u National p..Jtk- and II world· famous heritllgc. tourism site,

cmincn1 domain proceeding. with the Cou nty pledging to mise money from outside sources. A key evenl l)(..'Curred February 26, 1999. To overromc

~ke ptici sm

about the validit y of tnc

Cin:le'" age. it was impcru tive that scientific test ing be done. yel Archeologist Bob Carr had no County funding to do SO qu ic kly. Becky obtained an emergency grJllt of 525.000 10 Dade Ueritage Trust from The Elizabeth Ordway Dunn Foundallon for rndiocarbon-dllling Circ le llnifacts. The results proved the Cin:1c 10 be at least 2000 ye:tTS o ld. Becky n ew up to Thlilihassee on Mnrch 9 and add ressed the meeting of the Governor and State CabillCt along wilh Couruy officials. The Governor and Cabinet votcd to fund up 10 half the cost of pun:ha.~ing the Miami Circle property, with the Governor Idling the City of Miami :1IIt! Mi:un i-D:ldc Cou nty to reconcile their dif·

UNI"" b¥ w CirrI... FIanJ.. St'<"rfl'"1ofS_ XUIMnAr I/unu. U.s k....-1Inb G"""-. U.s Ilrp 1I_llru/AulMft. mIT E....nun't IJ,m-If,,- B«ty IIOf'" ,.,,,,J.JJ,."ltd for-' mIT P,..Io.Dnof ElrJd p,~LMy ,., .. /fIulml CirrI.. P'fi' nHtf~rf"'" MId J"ttlllJry 18. 2001, .. ~~ppor1 u (.."'lIIIruJU_I .,1Mh uf /,ttklttf 1M On It ,,·i,lo Pur!.




PRESERVATION EASEMENTS: A Gift to the Future Dade I-Im~ T nN has a p1JInII1l 10 aa.'qlI and hold pruIIlCt.vc casenent~ m propi!I"I)' 10 ll§SU1'e Ihc: pm;om... lion or W'dlitmurnlty and hlSloric:tlly ~gJll flCal1l baJlIdings. 1'Ile pn:,';emwOIl Ca.o;eIUlIOIlI is I ....ay by IOihidllhe ownercan prorect ,he ardlilCCluruI mlq,'I1ly of u buildlllg for Ihc: belldil o(the community and fUlUre ge....r:nuiom.

A preset'\'3lion c:ascmcnl is II cunlr&:l by .. hlCh 1he propenyowOl:f Il'lIIlSff:n w;mocheJ ckarly ~lflCd rigillscr pr1Yllcp pCfUumng w tbc: subjt:ct prupeny. An rasemntt.uov.~ for ~ions on modiflCllliom 10 I build'Ill- II b IIonllm in the form uf I dt:«l. plltd in perpelUll} 10 DiIdc IkriwfC' Trmt ;nl specifICS the Icvd LO "hK:h the building is 10 be ~~ and maiflLlined and P"1' Ides for munilOring and t'nfom:mml.

the CIJCIT1Cflt an:: bound by Ib reguboons. The easemau Slays with the pqx'rI)', noI the OYoTlCl'.



Although the proflM)' QO.\'1lI:r gJUIIL~ CI.'I1llin righu; llIid pri,·il<:ge.\ I(} D:ltle Heritage Trust. under lhe termS of lhe ea.'ief1leI1t. !he OYo'net I't'Illins full pIMCSliion of the pr0perty:md is ~ibloc fOl' InBll1Iainmg the wilding. A$ pan of IhI: eOl'GTlCllt. the property (I\Io"llCl" Il~ 10 imlKU\'e and IT1IlIllI.Bm the whJI.."CI r.,..., I(} the agreed upon level of CR.. The OYo·net 1! alJo ~ible for obWnin~ IIdequaIc fue and liability tnsur.uv::e and for liWnllthe Dade HcnIJlt!C TruSi lIS lIIl addioonal If&1red 00 his insur.arn policy.


Wil l' GIVE A,"1 EASEMENT? A pn:sc ....·aLJOIl cascmcm IS S'Vl:n 10 prcIiC .....( the "I'lP"aJof lIII hisl~ building.. llic O'o'o'rx:r of a particular ~)' ofrm wants 10 be 'WJ'C ll'ual the n'4lal :IfIPl";uance w,lI 1101 be ahem! or Iq/ccIcd III lhe fUUlre. Hy giving an eIL~ the ~ O\Oo"ners can be tiSUred thai the: propc:ny will be prttcctcd indI:finilcly. ~'IIni­ II:ss 0( "00 the rul~ UI'oTlUS may be. 1lltrc also may be tax ~agc'! ",'hen m CI'lat1mI b gl~TI1 . IInCt'


\\ HAT ,\R t: T il t: TAX CO/,\Sf:QUF.."\ojCt::.s 0'EASE.\lE.Vf OONATI ON~: The gift 0{ M hiSloric r;o;;adt' easanmt ma)' I\;tve 1111X!11a'. gi ft . eSIalC lind real property til)( ~~ that will he benerlCml to the 0000r orlhe casemertl. 'The tllX con.o;eq\ll':l'llXS 0{ Dgin mll.'iI be dcl.:m1ined bct .....~n lhe donur. ~ by his ur her 1ll10l'lll:)' or kOOUntalll, and me tiU DUthorili1.~. U11de!-" l1MJt.l d n.'UlIlSliIIlCC:5 !he value ufWl ea5Cmm. dqx:nds upon the propcn y'S dt:vclopmcm poICfllw and opc:r.IIC$ under IhI: asswnplion Ihat an ea5efl1CfII limits development. thereb) ~ing the valueoflhc pmpaty. fao;c:mall!j lnay be cooln.ncd wlm Feda'a.I Hi)l(Jtil; Rdlahili1..:l1lu1 IIL\ cmJilS. Propert) (I\IoTOef) ililaesled in donatmg an eManCflI shoukll.'QRlOCI Dack: 11m"'i,'C T lUSt (01' more mforTIIlldoo. The N!lticnil 1"..0. ServICe hsts Oadc: HcnIlli,'C Tru.'iI as iI Ioc:al eao;cmaM-holding org:uUZ.1IK11L DHT (''UlreI1t l)' holds 5C\-em1 ..:'!n'e fil(;:;lde em.ements. including Ihe Wanli'r P\:ll'I: a..d Firt'11Oll!ir FQur in Miami.

The JXUIlC"y lFNfIer nlay Wish to cOlllplc1c !be improvement pn:lg.I'illll and thal dooaI~ the c.a.o;emcnt 011 the imJllU''al ooi ldinll 10 DOOe Hmtl1ge TruSl_ Sioce lilly imJllU''CfTlCIlIlI an: Ul;(:ly 10 IJ(kJ 10 the Vlllue or the build· ing. tIv: ~ ....,ou1d ~ propunionaJly lugher. Al1cma11.'l). the O"'1Ji,'I" may donaic the easement and lhero undm:Ike imp""''eIl1C'Ill''- TIns CUIIJ'Se o( IlC'lIOO m;t)' pmnil the propert)' QO.\..-.:r 10 lakedwimbloc dC'duc:lion 01"1 the bcfme ~iun value of the puperI)' and thm t:W: an addmonal charitable IbtoctIOIl m the yJJue 0( the e.\tru rnlllmllOO mandated in the easement.

Omnl3ble deductUtoi for easellleIl\ CVI1tribull~\S lin'

ruln clw \0 properties IIldlYiduully 1I~lcd on the NuliOlwl Regi'lCr of HblOlit' f'\aI.:n Q'" C'eI1ifll,,'d Il~ cooInbuling 10 a Nm iOfUl I Regi~ter IIi ,JUne DISlrkt_ Although It is possible 10 don.m an e:aseroet1l m II prop-m)' noI h5lCd on the RegiSICT, no dwilllhlc tbluction CIIf1

be IIIkCll_

WIIAT .:u:~ nJl,TS m - A IlUILOISG ARE I'ROTEt'1::D BY A,"' .:AS.~IE,vr.

'WLL T HE GRANTI NG OF AN EASE I\1 El\T AI.\\'i\YS INVO LVE IMrRO"E~ I EI"TS? I):w:lI, Herilllb't' TI'USI IS OIlClned loward the: preso..--r."lItKlll of the visual chanictc:r ofhlSiOOc Wildings, oot thelt full l'e:SIoration. In many cases. lU1 easc:mcnt CUll be ntgt"lau:d thai ~ uisting ~'ulldi tlOR!i 1"1 the w ildin, Prld prtJ\'1dc$ guidelu'ii!!l for iI~ rUllft ~oration. This insures !hat an)' d~ IU the boikliug in the fwure will be III the dim:t1Ol1 of n:SlOrlluun.


r&'imlCIlI can bi: Wliqllt' LO each propeI'I)' Prld lTl;Iy IIlCapmIIt many dancnb. 1'roc«taI r~alUI"d 1113)'

WIIAT RFSTRltllONS Will.. Al'Pl..\' TO SIG~S?

uv::11,lI1e lhe f~ lhe mJerior, the grounds. VICW Mlcds. Q'"wr righlS, eIC. The r~easanMI is ileOlllmoll I)"PC of dtJfllllion, The Im11S of lne lij,~nent an:. rndx:d by mUlual CUtSC'III het,';ecn lhe propI'Il)' owncr wid lhe C'llSCIIJC11I- hokJing organizwion.

l1w! ~ignag.: for each buIlding ('1111 be de"1'1opOO lIS pan oflhe ovcrJJI r~ ~lJ'dflCllllOIlS. The Sign.lJlC fin-lily ","oned oot should be COIl~L"'cnt with the ~t\anIc"'r of th.. wi ldinl1 a.~ OI"IgillaJl y dolgtlL-d.


1~ II'OSt:U

ON T il E

The pnmary n:stricIions of W1 CasemcnI relale 10 the ph)'lliclJ IIWIlICn:lIU iIIid poW.bIe modirlClllJOn of the bmklina 's r~ These R:SUictKlm appI)' onI)' 10 the pur11U11(1 )oI'tne wilding ... lIicb aft: included in the casemtnt.. The propa1y may coruinuc 10 be t--.I fur ... hat· I:\I'e1 pwpo:!C the OI'>"lEI' 1Tl;I)' ct.oo§e. The BmnlOl' of lhe ca.o;ernenl b)~lImes !he obligation of oeclln ng the: approval of Dade Ikrilal,'C Tru.... befOR.' WIdmld..ing chal1lo~ LU a/l)' denl('lllS covered ill the ~lI.o;cll1enl.

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WII,\T IS THE I'KOCt::.sS FOR MAK ING O IAN(;£S TO T il E .~\ C;A n.; At· n : K AN EASE. Mf::l\T IMS IIEE."\oj G KA"~I"ED? ddcribes Iu5 01' her proposed Ilcritage TIUSoi. which delemllUC5 whethn" ur oot it is C'Cmpalible WIth the boikliug's Iusloric arrliila:tunaJ dlllructer. All map changes lajulre advance apprl)'o'lll of Dade I-ienlage TIUSl. The rutn"lllion policy will he biased un tia' Secretary of Interior Standartls for RchlibilililllOll, If the propcny is kx:I1J1)' designat~-d. the propcrl yowllt'f will be requin.'I:I lo IIOCUre a CcnirlCllle or A(>Jl!'OIlIiatt:ncss rrom the IocJI goYem-

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ch3nJc's 10 !he Dade:


The IIIICmlIl RC\~ Service: a\kJrII i dwilable <kduc110M 10 be taken only fur pc:rpauaI easemaMs.


WHO GIVt:'''A''' EASE.\t ENT'?


Any pubhc. pri'o-;uc, 01' COI'pIJr.IIe QO.\llCI' 0{ lin histooc prupcmy an dmme I ~ CtiCfl1C'!lt. 1'tJe I..nd of OOO-'Ilcrslnp affects the Ul.l bene/ilS lhat ~h from donatillg W1 elL'iCmcnl. Willi ~ bendil iliG Ie!oII tlwi i ..,ji~ idual owners 01' p;u1rlC!'1'l'hips. Both the donuling O""IlCI" wid WI)' SUbscqUCIU OWIXTS during the liretnnc of

C...... gc:IM;)' rcpIlin. wQuld Ir made by the pmpaty O"""!ler 10 n:ndcr the pmpcny safe. Thoen he or she ",'Wid with IlIIde I ~ T IUSlIO ftSIOI't: the w ilding 10 the ea!lCfl1Cf1I 'lJD:lflCllllOm.. In the evcnI uf lOIaI dcstTUC'lIOl1 Dade Ileritagc Trust woold lil;(:l), caneel the: ClI.'iCmcnt, wI if !he buikling I.) n:stomJ. the: tertll5 of the. ClISmlCllt .....ou ld stili appl)',


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Stonegate: A Miraculous Survivor A Miami I-Icl1lld arliclc published in M ay 1995 summed it up: "SI0ncgult" needs II mirud e:'

This magnificent propeny survived hunicancs. fi res. vandal .... and an unsymp..1lhclk economy 10 remain one of the outstanding examples of coml rock: con~ l ruclion :II1ywhere in the: county.

Gould had It\'cd In the house im medi ately south

of S lone~ul e ~ ince 1951 . TIle Jand in this area ..... as zoned for e..~tat ~ and only one house wa~ II lI o..... ed per acre. Goold Mltlghl II zoning change

th n! wou ld allow him 10 t:rea te multiple d"cllings. but ncighboB successfully ddcaled all his e lTon ... al rezoning the propen y. In 1988 II dc molition pcmlit was actually bsued, but thanks to qu k k-thlnL ing llCighbors. the C<xmty Historic Preservation Oivbion wa.~ no tified and in tervened. Sto negate wa..~ a hair'.!! breadth away frum the w~cker's ball!

TIle propeny sat Vl\c:mt and neglected for


number of ye:ars. falling prey to v:a ndals who wn:akcd their '!'hare of havoc. In April of 1995, Gtluld put the propcn y up for :.ale for 51 ,9 million. On October 29. 1995. Stoneg:lle wus the

SilUUled on 10.5 acres. the prope rty known lIS Stonegale was constructed bct""een 1923 and 1927 by Oliver Sollit. :a retiml contractor from Chicago. 1·le had completed the construction of II two-story. eight-room gues t house. and then began worL on the main house. When the pun-

Ihe laM ing implications of thi s dl stlflClh·c survivor. Thai was until Vivian D imond appeared on the scene .

vielim of a "myst eri~s fire:' Because the house is constructed of ~tonc, walls were left smnding, but Ihe inleriors wert: g Ull ed und the structurt: seriously undc:nnincd. Al this point. there seemed 10 be no possible solutiOll for pn:sen.·ationisls ",,110 undcntood

Dctcnllincd to restore Sloncg:uc's rig luful plllCc

In history. Ms. Dimond and thret: panne~ boughllhc propeny In 1998. Eventually zoni ng vnriance.~ were gmnlc..-d fOT Ihe 10l sile and hui ld ing setback which allwed the gatehouse and thret'-caT garage to be eoovened ioto reside nces. Bod seven addillonal homes were blJill :around the ma!! nifict:nt ccntcrpiece. The Gould house next door also became a pan of the de,'dopmen!. The main residencc hilS been full y restored.

The sag:a o f Stoocgat!! is a story o f pc~er· lInee. couruge und vi~ion , We un: all the ri cher

for those hemic dfons. £11 ... J U/tIlCf:""" d'Yn'ud ,hr

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Jim dirwwr \11. U,l*r/uttJ Is Q u",/tor Aon711C "nfltl. - . . . 0 . "mdrj UJtd bo<Jb f"""'~Ito>tIItr. ' ·Ql"rrr. ".("/",11111 llor _10 br p"b/iJitrd INd. T~ lJillfIHHT HIlk/ _ A 1.4'1....' C",,'i""~J .. ~k~ .Iw ( ...... ~INwrd M'jl~ SIda.r.Jr

b.hing humcune of September 1926 , Iru ck. v.ork on the main hou~ was len incomplete. Ca;,per Hagner, a retin.'d paint eompany owner from Kentucky, bought the propeny in 1946

:lIId finished the house. The estate coo taillCd a cha pel and servants'

quuners in addition 10 the im pre.';sivc stone ent ry arc h thiu gave the estate illt name. Ilagncr supponed the local hb.tonc designation in 1981 o f Stonegate. which received the county's high~ t mling of imponance for ils urchitcclUml s ignificance. The coral rock walls that composed the building tin the eslll te and the wallthut surrounded il wert: Ihree fect thick in pl:aces. In 1983, Uugner sold the property 10 developer Emil Gould for II pun: huse price of $682.500.

" ""'un C"'r"~ HtlmJ(M I'1l..d., tllI<I ....-wrl,w,·..... Ii.·..... D ...... ~ ....1I1t Iwr ~", .......".. .. D«k 11"",«, r......, ZOO! ,.............."" .... I1."'rd/<K rJ\nrM'(K( jll ....J I.....,., ~ IJIrr AoI.....u C....._ N«~ II"'~II... ,,,,,,... Itfj. """ our OUlItO' ~~ p"JMJr~1 Jt""",r "'wlk. "" 1M rllf~I'P".t"'rrI ,1tr ....·urrU 1'1 1M /fMlt u/DuJr IIml(JRr IJan. Arid", ,hr lJiltJo/lJl"r /llIfr/. /l'1Iutu by J~"",," SI~,~lrlJ


Dade Heritage Days 2002: Cherish Our Heritage The September I I. 200 I horror aI the New York World Trude:. Center seared into the Americun psyc he how imponalll arc hitecture] hmdm:lli.s are as symbols of our culture lind soul. Though this was II hant year to produce Dade Heritage [)o.ays-which Ia.~ted throughout March lind Aprilund includ ed over 70 events-~'e felt it more imponam lhan ever to "cherish OUT heritagc," to sho\\ cuse-and sa\'e-thc historic places :IIMI neighborhoods we still have Jefl in Millmi.

A DIMM IItT/lllft Sp"'~

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• Cor porjl le Herj ljl ge Profil e

The Graham Companies Celebrate70th Anniversary On January 25. 2002. William A. Graham. Chainnan or the B£xlrd or The Graham Companies. was joined by U.S. Scnalor Bob Gr.lham. members or the Grnhnm rnmily. current and rormer employees. rriends nnd


of the City of Miami Lakes for the 70th Anniversary

Celebr.ltion of The Gr.mam Companies in the main b..,lIroom of Don Shula's Hotel in Miami Lakes. Founded by Emest R. Gi..lham in 1932. The Gr.lham Compnnic:-., is a pioneer south Florida ramily-owned company best known for its deve lopment of Minmi Lnkes. a 40-year old. five -square-mile residential nnd business community. Miami Lake... has become an icon ror urban development at its finest and its model ha.. been (,;opicd througboUllhe country. The Graham Companies' agricultural concerns include dairy faml ing and sugar cane production in Rorida nnd registered Angw. breeding. rorestry interests and pecan groves in Georgia. The company always e mphasizes its roots in dairy fanning. including lhe ract thlll Mililni Lakes was built on pastureland for ils dairy cows. some or which still graze on undeveloped land in lhe communilY. I-j""., "Cap" G,,,Itum .... 1to".. ...1f<ilnI ,,~, ",,' ..... 0\;,

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u.s Sm Hob (;mb."". 11 711;'" " II r,m,"'".. CItu"""'M ,fm.- IIIJ.mJ. UN/II'II/...... £. GruItum. I'rrJlMnl wtJ(.'I~O. JIlt"" ,n~" dnwdt-. 'f~j rkr".lI,,}: 1M " .11",,,,,, ofT"" (;,,,oom CiMIf"Imr.••<1lh 1M ",./Im. r "''''''It 'M lOrh lI""nTniUJ')' ('rlrbnu_ ,,, MUJIII! ~, .14

THANK YOU, THANK YOU! As II nonprofit OI}lll.nization with a small sluff bul It big mission. O'.ide Heritage Trust could never succeed in our mllny t lTons ..... ithout the suppon of good fri ends who gh'e generously of the ir lime. moncy tIIld c'"( pc nisc. Our sin路 cerest apprcci;llion 10 you all!

The Miami River Marine Group The Miami River Commission Miami Memorabi lia Collector's Club The Biltmore Hotel TAP TAP Haitian Restaurant Downtown Miami Pannership CUrLiss Mansion. Inc. Miami-Dade Park and Recreatjon. Crandon Park Land Tru st of Dade Coun ty Louis Wolfson II Media History Center

D:lde Heritage Days 2002

Sponsors a nd I.)o no rs

Part icipa nts The Barnacle Fi rst Presbyterian Church. 609 Brickell Avenue The Wolfsoniun - Florida Inlemmional University Miami Design Preservation League

llle Lyric Th e~l l c r The Hi storical Museum of Sou thern Florida Morningside Civic Association Morn ingside Historic Education Society Biscayne National Park

Charles Deering ES1<lle The M errick House The Ki slak Foundation R:tnsom Everglades School Tour Miami Shores Preservation Board The Spring Garden Civic Association Corn I Gables Historic Homeowners Association Arch Creek Trust Grelllcr North Miami Historical Society l1le Villagers Tropical Audubon Society Grant Livingston Bnyside Residents Association nle Black Archives Friends of Aqua Vista Marj ory Stoneman Douglas Biscayne Nature Center Miami Springs Historical Museum C ity of Coml Gables Pcnalver State Clinic Community Ce nter Viemes Culturales panic ipants African American Committee of Dade Heritage Trust Heritilge II of Miami YMCA's Mary Barr Munroe Society The Kampong Frie nds of the Everglades Cilpe Florida Lig hthouse

American Express Peacock Fou ndation. Inc. Miami-Dade County Department o f CullUral AlTairs The Miami Herald I El uevo Herald The Biltmore Hote l and Conference Cen ter of the Americas J. Poole Associates. Inc. Re'lltors The City o f Miami Ocean Bank The Goldsmith Family Found"tion David W. Swelland Mellon United National Bank McCartney Construction Company Thc Villagers. Inc Miss Lamar Louise Curry Dunspaugh-Da lton Foundution The Graham Companies The Charles N. and Eleanor Knight Leigh Foundution Bureau of Historic Preservatio n. Division of HistQrieal Resources. Florida Dcpartl11cnto()f State. ass isted by the Hi storic Preservation Advisory Council Mjami High Alumni Association The Seaquarium Bahamas Air Publix Cora l Gables Congregational Church Metro Beauty Centers S I)ecia l T hanks 10 Jeanette Poole Enid Pinkney Bi ll Murphy Richard Hcisenbottle. A lA Don MacCul10ugh Judy Pruiu George cary Penny Lambeth Luis Penclas Dolly Mac intyre Rafae l and Ana Penalver

Cathy Coales Maric Stiefe l Ru th Jacobs African Amerir.:un COl11l11illCC of DHT Arvu Moore Parks Ann Marie Clyau Blanca Mesa Elena Carpenter of Mass Media Chico Goldsmith John Hinson Lee Pinto Neil Robertso n, Esq. Don Marx Don Siesnick Fmns BOCICS Thomas J. Malkov, Esq .. of Dunwody. White & Landon Andrew Moss, Esq .. of Kutner. Rubino lT. Bush & Lerner. P.A. Thomas Spain. AlA Donna Underwood Dollie Zinzow Dollie Boyer City of Miami Mayor and Commissioners Miami-Dade County Mayor and Com missioners Chris Eck Ivan Rodriqucz City of Miami Manager Carlos G imenez AI Ruder and the City of Miami Parks Depanment Sarah Emon Kelli da Silva Pat Quintana Art Hertz Eugene l1lreadgill Nancy Licbman Donald Siesnick. III Parrot Jung le John Adams Downtown Miami Rotary C lub Mi lch Kaplan of Books & Books Clay !-i::lmilton Kathy Hersh Walter Alvarez Herb Sosa Nancy Liebman Gary He ld. Esq. Bill Hansen of Bills' Catering Villa Woodbine Junior League of Miami. Inc. Miami Beach Congregational Church Carrollton School And ma ny Iha nks to a ll who h a\'e j oin ed J)ad e Heritage Trust as member s-your s upport is vihllio our orga niza tion! 35

Miami Art of Historic Proportions Limited Edition Giclee Prints Direct from the Internet Be among the first to own one of these dynamic South Florida landscapes! Celebra te Miami's colorful history by hanging these rare works in your home and office. They also make the perfect gift for that history buff on your list. Vibrant Giclee prints have replaced lithography as the process of choice for fine art reproduction. Each signed and numbered piece is ready for framing with a Certificate ofAuthenticity.

Cape Florida Sunl"ise Edition Size: 275

Vizcaya Moonrise Edition: 275

$ 245

Print Size: 2 ft. x 3 ft .

$ 245

Size: 2 ft. x 3 ft.

Floating Colony S 225 Edit ion: 250 Size: 2 ft. x 3 ft.

Flamingo Beach Edition: 2.50

S 235

Size: 3 ft. x 2 ft.

Prices Include Professional Delivery Go online to see the entire collection offourteenpainted screens by this celebrated South Florida artist. A lso take a look at the exciting T-Shirts and posters. TIle prin ts arrive wi th afu ll m oney-back guarantee. Use any of your credi t-cards or your personal cheekIor your order. The official artist of U Dade Heritage Days . 2001 "

Miami-Art. com 305/ 8 5 8 -9 154



The Deering Estate at Cutler Is a major educational,

recreational and culrural

asset to all who vlslr It.


exhibits, tours Of histone bullalngs ana natural areas, guided

canoe trips, extensive educatIonal, research, and traIning programs, the DeerIng Estate Is creating Its own glOl1Ous new history.

The property also serves as a conference center for organJzatJons with an affinity to the enwonn"JMt tJlStOtv. me fine arts, antIQues. rare bOOIcS anD WIne. once again, tIllS Jewel Of SOUtn Florfd,'s t1erttage haS retumefI to raIa9 Its pI«e as one Of FlOrlCU's most Important anti unique ttIStOtICJI. arcllaeOloglCal, IICh/tectunJI. and en"'ror.ment21 SIteJ.

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16701 SW 72nd Avenue . Miami, Fl, USA 33157 Office: 305·233 ·5858 • Fax: 305·233-5074 www. Deerin ~Estate _org

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I'II) Sw!holooI 12110 T.....,., M_

. Fklndo Hili

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