Spring 2002 Preservation Today News

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I Dade Heritage Trust I


Volume II, Issue 1

2002-2003 Officers President William Murphy First Vice President Richard Heisenbottle Second Vice President Judith Pruitt Treasurer Walter Alvarez Secretary Blanca Mesa At Large Penn y Lambeth George T. Neary Past President Jeannette Poole Trustees Frans Boetes Cathy Coates Elena V. Carpenter Bertram J. "Chico" Goldsmith Clay Hamilton Kathy Hersh John A. Hinson Penny Lambeth Donald W. Marx Dolly MacIntyre Rafael Penalver Luis Penelas Enid Pinkney . Lee Pinto Neil Robertson Marie Stiefel

Advisors Gay Bondurant Gary Held Adolfo Henriques Ruth Jacobs Sallye Jude Nancy Liebman Leslie Pantin Arva Moore Parks Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk Janice Pryor M. Anthalie Range Norah Schaefer Don Slesnick Herb Sosa Executive Director Becky Roper Matkov

Executive Director Reports Successful Year This past year has been filled with trauma - and triumphs. The demolition of the 1899 original home of Dr. James Jackson - right next door to DHT's headquarters, which is in the 1905 office of Dr. Jackson wrought much damage, to our building, operations and hearts. The September 11 th horror at the New York World Trade Center made our loss seem inconsequential, yet it also seared into the American psyche how important architectural landmarks are as symbols of our culture and soul.

From the tragedy of September 11 emerged -at least for a while-a more patriotic, determined and united America. And from the demolition of Dr. Jackson 's house has also come some good. The massi ve amounts of news coverage - from the front page of the Herald to every television station - increased the awareness of politicians and the public in general of the value of saving the few remaining historic sites left from Miami 's early days. (Continued on page 4)

Becky Matkov DHT Executive Director

.. from the demolition of Dr. Jackson's house has also come some good ...

Join the Campaign to Save Old Miami High School A "splashtacular" fundraiser and pep-rally to kickoff the campaign to preserve the original Miami High School was held on May 20 from 6-9 pm at the Miami Seaquarium. Miami High grad Arthur Hertz, ' 51 generously offered his facility for the event.. Sen. Bob Graham, himself a "Stingaree" , class of '55, was the guest of honor. Miss Lamar Louise Curry, Class of '23, and teacher of history and government at the school for 32 years, was honorary chairwoman. DHT is joining an enthusiastic and dedicated group of Miami High Alums and the City of Miami to save Miami's first high school building. This 30 x75 foot, wooden bungalow-style structure, built in 1904-05, was in use until 1911 when it was replaced with a concrete building. Old Miami High now sits on 79 SW 12th Street. Plans are to relocate the building to Southside Park, then restore it to its original 1905 appearance for use as a community education center. An exhibit will detail the history of the building. . Leaders of the project are Arva Moore Parks, Rich Heisenbottle, Ann Marie Clyatt, Pat Quintana, Al Ruder, Carlos Gimenez, and Kelli da Silva. Sponsorships provided $27,600 in advance of the event. However, it's not too late to make a contribution! Just call DHT at 305.358.9572 to support the "Save Old Miami High Fund".


Preservation Today News

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Corporate and Foundation Support for DHT DHT's efforts to save Miami's past so as to ensure thatfuture Miamians will have a sense ofplace and rootedness could not go forward without the grants and contributions of generous corporate and individual sponsors. A big "Thank you" to the following: Miami-Dade County Cultural Affairs Council Festival Grant


American Express Foundation


Goldsmith Family Foundation


Peacock Foundation, Inc.


The Charles N. and Eleanor Knight Leigh Foundation


State Historic Preservation Community Education Grant


Ocean Bank

$ 2,500

The Graham Companies

$ 1,000

Mellon United National Bank

$ 1,000

McCartney Construction Company

$ 1,000

J. Poole Associates, Realtors

$ 1,000

Swire Properties, Inc.

$ 1,000

DHT Preservation Awards for 2002 DHT's Member At Large Receives Award

Penny Lambeth, DHT's Member At Large, and the guiding light on the restoration of the Miami Cemetery, has been awarded the prestigious Oakley Award from The Association of Gravestone Studies (AGS). Over the course of two years, Penny oversaw the protection of the cemetery grounds with the installation of a fence and lighting, preserving and repairing tombstones, and replanting the shrubs. "This award is given to someone whose efforts are worthy of special recognition and her work in protecting, preserving, repairing and replanting the Miami City Cemetery certainly deserves this honor." Penny Lambeth

The award will be presented at a special reception honoring Penny at the AGS Conference in Savannah, Georgia in June. The award also includes presentation of a book in her name to the Miami Dade Public Library's Florida Room.


Henriette Harris Award: Dolly MacIntyre Community Service Award (Organization) Tropical Audubon Society Morningside Civic Association & Morningside Historic Educational Society Apostolic Revival Center Community Service Award (Individual) Robert Lopez Ralph Warburton, FAIA Outstanding Restoration Projects Jueso Residence, 1327 North Greenway Dr. , Coral Gables The Historic Cottages for the Miami River Park Apart ments, Miami Cuchiella House, 778 W. Palm Drive, Florida City Redland Hotel, Homestead "Stonegate," Dimond Residence, 7420 SW 49th Court, Miami Mead Building, Victoria's Secret on Lincoln Road Mall, Miami Beach Deering Estate at Cutler Paul Ransom Cottage at Ransom Everglades School, Coconut Grove Preservation Hall of Fame Coral Gables City Hall

Preservation Today News


Bill Murphy, President

President 1st Vice President 2nd Vice President Secretary Treasurer

Richard Heisenbottle 1st Vice President

Bill Murphy Richard Heisenbottle Judy Pruitt Blanca Mesa Walter Alvarez

2002- 2003

Judith Pruitt 2nd Vice president

Blanca Mesa Secretary

At a time when the resort hotels of Miami and Miami Beach were unavailable to African Americans due to segregation, Hampton House offered a place for middle class black families and professionals to vacation and find entertainment. Miamians of all colors sat at small marble tables around the dance floor to hear Roy Hamilton ' s lively jazz. Resort events included a North-South Golf tournament with celebrity participation from athletes like Althea Gibson, Yogi Berra, and Mickey Mantle and black beauty pageants coordinated with the Orange Bowl

Walter Alvarez Treasurer

Past President, At large New Trustees

Hampton House Designated Historic Site On April 17th, the Miami Dade Preservation Board designated the Hampton House a historic site, with supPOlt by DHT members Enid Pinkney, Luis Penelas and Kathy Hersh. With this designation the building where in 1960 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. gave an early version of his "I have a dream" speech will be preserved.


Football Game, as well as nightclub performers who came for a jam session after their gigs on Miami Beach.

Many celebrities and well known entertainers stayed at the Hampton House. Cassiu"s Clay celebrated his victory over Sonny Liston there while Malcolm X and his family looked on. Recently Michael Mann replicated the Hampton House lobby for his movie, Ali. Unfortunately, the original lobby and main building are too decayed to be used. The Historic Hampton House Community Trust is in the process of incorporating as a nonprofit. The Officers are Dr. Larry Capp, Chair, Minister Donald Irving, Vice-Chair, Kathy Hersh, Secretary, and Treasurer Ruby Rayford. For more information call DHT.

Jeanette Poole ex officio Penny Lambeth George Neary Frans Boetes Clay Hamilton Kathy Hersh Raphael Penalver Enid Pinkney



DHT Welcomes Back Staff Member

Debbie Tackett

We are delighted to welcome back to DHT's staff Debbie Tackett, who coordinated Dade Heritage Days 2000 and who helped with the production of our book, Miami's Historic Neighborhoods. Debbie is a graduate of the University of Miami School of Architecture and just completed a Master of Science in Historic Preservation from Columbia University where she has been for the last two years. Debbie will serve as Assistant to Executive Director, Becky Matkov.


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Preservation Today News ExeClllive Direclor's Report (Colllilllledjrom page J)

Dade Heritage Trust met with suddenly receptive elected officials and administrative staff - to push for changes. The City Commission, after years of delay, passed a greatly strengthened Preservation Ordinance, with the power to forbid - or just delay--demolition of historic properties. The City of Miami's electorate passed a bond referendum-for the fIrst time in years! and included $5 million for historic preservation funding! The County, too, strengthened its preservation ordinance. Historic Preservation has been made into a separate department, independent of the Office of Community and Economic Development, with promises for more staff and designations. And most exciting of all, Dade Heritage Trust persuaded the County Commission-thanks to a motion made by Commissioner Katy Sorenson-to allocate $700,000 to establish a DHT Preservation Revolving Fund for Endangered Historic Properties. We are working to implement that now.



190 SE 12th Terrace Miami, FL 33131

We're on the Web! Come visit us at www.dadeheritagetrustoru

In addition to waging preservation

battles, Dade Heritage Trust put on some wonderful events this year. Our Miami's Historic Neighborhoods book- which has been a great success! - was featured at many lectures and book signings. Joanna Lombard gave a presentation for DHT on "Historic Landscapes of Florida" at the lovely EI Jardin at the Carrollton School in November. Rafael and Ana Penalver opened their historic Merrick home in Coral Gables for a beautiful DHT holiday party in December. Dade Heritage Days featured 70 wonderful .hroughout , with our March and ApI .. . Preservation Awarus at the Biltmore Hotel. A "splashtacular" fundraiser coordinated by Ann Marie Clyatt at the Seaquarium for "Save Old Miami High" featured "Stingaree" Senator Bob Graham. Our heartfelt appreciation to all who volunteered their time, donated in-kind services, and contributed individually in so many ways, large and small. Your gifts are greatly needed and mean the world to us. Newsletter Editor~ Marie Stiefel Suggestions? mstiefel@aoLeom

Volunteer Needed!! DHT is looking for someone who is willing to create an artistically arranged scrapbook of Dade Heritage Days pUblicity. The scrapbook will be exhibi.ted at meetings and events throughout the year and is an important part of our effort to let the community know what we do. Call Becky Matkov at 305-358-9572

Oat and Aboat: Members talk to the community

*** Executive Director Becky Matkov spoke at the Florida Trust Conference, May 18 on DHT's part in saving the Miami Circle. *** Members Ellen Uguccioni and William Cary spoke at the Florida Trust Conference on "Selling Historic Preservation". Ellen has received a grant of $100,000 from the city of Miami for surveys of "Model City" and "Little Haiti" as well as other preservation projects. ***Trustee Enid Pinkney will speak to the Women's Group of the Miami Lakes Congregational Church on Passing it On: Transplanting the Roots of your Heritage on June 8. ** Member Sheffield Macintyre presented a History of Hats at the Spring Luncheon of The Villagers.


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