HMag | THAIFEX 2016


22 MAY 2016!

25.-29.05.2016 IMPACT Exhibition Center Hall 1-4 NEW! IMPACT Challenger Hall 1-3 IMPACT Exhibition and Convention Center Bangkok, Thailand

International Trade Exhibition for Food & Beverages, Food Technology and Retail & Franchise in Asia


Best in Asia



THAIFEX-World of Food Asia has expanded to IMPACT Exhibition Center Hall 1-4!

80,000 sqm after new expansion, across 7 Halls


International Exhibitors from more than 30 countries

38,000 Trade Visitors expected over trade days

Endorsed by Koelnmesse Pte Ltd Ms. Lynn How Tel: +65 6500 6712 Fax: +65 6294 8403

Other activities @ Artisan CafĂŠ and Boncafe Training Sessions 5th Thailand Ultimate Chef Challenge

Jointly organized by

The Thai Chamber of Commerce

2nd Asian Food Franchising Forum 2nd Celebrity Coffee Bar 4th World of Food Safety Conference 1st Trend Zone & Organic Supermarket

11 Trend Topics covering Organic, Gluten-Free, Halal and more

Download Halal Certificates from 40 International Certification Bodies

Islamic Information and Documentation Center

Joint effort by JAKIM Halal Hub Division & DagangHalal Sdn Bhd

Korea Muslim Federation Halal Committee

Islamic Service of America (ISA)

table of contents



CHUEN CHEONG FOOD INDUSTRIES (PTE) LTD Chuen Cheong Food Industries (Pte) Ltd, a well known company in our








region specialized in manufacturing

commonly referred to as ‘Litat’, was

and distribution of superior quality

incorporated in year 1992 as the export

Soya Sauce, Chilli Sauce and other

division for the company.

condiments under the “TIGER” brand logo.





HA LI FA PTE LTD (BOBO) Ha Li Fa Pte Ltd, founded in 1987 and established in 1993, was brought to life by Mrs. Ang’s belief that a family’s


prosperity is firmly rooted in the

production of rice that is grown on

solidarity of its members.

GAP and Organic Medifoods farms, and the areas owned by its farmer community.



Thong Siek Food Industry started in


the 1970s as a family-run backyard

JAVARA works across agricultural value

operation. Then, the entire family

chains from production to distribution

was involved in the production and

in order to preserve such biodiversity

distribution of a single product - Fish

and bring community-based, organic


products to broader markets.




Halcent International Sdn Bhd was

texture inspired the Martinez family to use these beautiful gifts from the earth to enrich life with enjoyment through their world of salsas.








the manufacturing of wheat flour.

food distributor.

vegetables, their smell, color, taste and



company has started since 1975 with

Supplier, Importer & Exporter, and halal

The joy of freshly picked tomatoes and


manufacturers and exporters. This

It acts as a General Merchant, Trader,



incorporated on 27th September 2013.




ADEKA (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD ADEKA Corporation, was set up on July 12 1988. The Singapore plant located at 213 Pandan Loop was the group’s first overseas plant set up for the processing of vegetable oils and fats, supplying of margarine, shortening, frozen dough to bakeries, confectioneries and restaurants.

Section Name

table of contents

06 EDITOR 07 Events 20 Article 26 interviews 56 review 58 tRADE FAIR 59 showcase 65 c.b lists


Editor ’s Note

Editor’s Note with increasing demands from consumers and

entrepreneurs seeking to export more halal products to the global market. As the majority of Muslims live in Asia, with over 223 million in Indonesia alone, the potential for Thailand expanding its exports of halal products is huge. Thailand itself has a sizeable number of Muslim population of around 4 million particularly in its southern provinces.

CHIEF EDITOR Shazwana Aida


EDITORS Hidayah Razak Pedro Chavez

WRITER In view of the growing market for halal products, THAIFEX 2016 brings more than 50% of food & beverage exhibitors, supplying halal certified products. This 5-day event which will be held at the IMPACT Exhibition and Convention Center aims to inspire creativity and to update on the latest issues and trends in the food & beverage industry. A total of 11 product segments, and 3 other specialized sub-shows: World of Seafood, World of Coffee & Tea and World of FoodService will be featured

Lily Ruzailan

DESIGNERS Shafiq Mansor Muhammad Hilmie Ezewan Fauzi

ADVERTISING / MARKETING Tony Er Bryan Yap Mastura Johari Zulfadli Anaspekri Noor Intan

during the event.

So let’s experience the best in Asia at THAIFEX 2016!

DH Events Sdn Bhd Wisma UOA II, Suite 10-10 No.21, Jalan Pinang 50450 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Tel: +603 - 2171 1128 Fax: +603 - 2166 1148



he global halal market is expanding rapidly,

Shazwana Aida HMAG THAIFEX 2016

HMAG SIAL China 2016 KDN: PQ/PP1505(18858)




2,900 21 66,000 10







official media partner

SIAL China 2016

SNIEC, SHANGHAI. 05 - 07 May 2016





Event Overview

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Facts & Figures



GROWTH ASIA'S Leading annual f&B event 1,800





SQM, 7 Halls

Facts & Figures

FACTS & FIGURES THAIFEX-World of Food Asia 2015 has proven to be one of the key events in Asia for the Food and Hospitality sector with its gathering of 35,205 buyers and 1,675 exhibitors. Participants hailed from 33 countries across 3 specialized trade







THAIFEX-World of Food Asia’s expansion in 2015, demand for a place at this premier industry event continues to grow. Responding to the market demand, THAIFEX-World of Food Asia 2016 expands with an extension of hall space to IMPACT Exhibition Centre (IEC) Hall 1 to 4. This increase means THAIFEX-World of Food Asia 2016 will have a total floor space of 80,000 sqm.



reasons to attend

. Meet your existing local and internatioal supplier in one place.

. Source new products to maximize the potential of your business.

. Discover the latest tendencies with the Trends & Innovation Area.

. Attend cooking demonstrations, tasting, seminars and other dedicated events.

. Enjoy food products in even wider range of varieties.

. Widen your business vision on the world food Trade Fair:

Thaifex – World of Food Asia 2016

Event Date:

25 May – 29 May, 2016


Koelnmesse Pte Ltd Department of International Trade Promotion The Thai Chamber of Commerce


Challenger Halls 1 - 3 IEC Halls 1 - 4


IMPACT Exhibition & Convention Center, Bangkok


47/569-576 Popular 3 Road, Banmai Sub-district,Pakkred District, Nonthaburi 11120 Greater Bangkok, Thailand.



Opening Times: 25 - 27 May 2016 : 10.00 AM – 6.00 PM (Trade) 28 - 29 May 2016 : 10.00 AM – 8.00 PM (Public) Fair Profile:

• Food and Beverage (Featuring HALAL & ORGANIC Food) • Foodservice • Food Technology • Retail and Franchise



Target Visitors • Hotels • Restaurants and Bars • Supermarkets • Grocery and Convenience Stores • Departmental Stores • Food Catering • Importers • Distributors • Wholesalers and Retailers • Food Manufacturers • Fast Food • Food Service • Bakeries • Airlines • Clubs and Resorts • Packaging and Distribution Centers • Institutional and Commercial


Floor Plan






IMPACT Exhibition Center Hall 1-4








Lin k (NE Bridg W) e










P2 Linkway






To Tiwanon Ro


To Expressway

Bond Street Ro


E To Changwattana

To Changwattana Road

To Pakkred


Floor Plan

Specialized Trade Shows / Product Zones

Hall IEC1- 4









THAIFEX-WORLD OF FOOD ASIA Fruits & Vegetables, Halal, Rice, Alcohol-Free, Health & Organic, Sweets & Confectionery


THAIFEX-WORLD OF FOOD ASIA Fine Food, Ready-to-Eat, Meat & Poultry



(IEC 1, E01-33 / D02-34)

WORLD OF SEAFOOD Seafood, Frozen Food

A Celebrity Coffee Bar

Visitor Registration at Challenger Hall 1

B Halal Showcase

Visitor Registration at IEC Hall 2 Visitor Registration at IEC Hall 4

C Organic Supermarket

Visitor Registration at IEC Hall 4

D Thailand Ultimate Chef Challenge (Cold Zone) E Thailand Ultimate Chef Challenge (Hot Zone) F THAIFEX Trend Zone H BoncafĂŠ Training Sessions (Jupiter 6)


P1 Indoor Parking 1 P2 Indoor Parking 2 P3 Indoor Parking 3

G Asian Food Franchising Forum (Jupiter 7)

World of Food Safety Conference

Fast Track for pre-registered visitors only

(Jupiter 4+5)


Press Centre Guest Club Taxi Shuttle Bus

Visitors are allowed entry and exit only from designated entrances located at Challenger Hall 1, Challenger Hall 3, IEC Hall 1 and IEC Hall 4.



Event Highlights

Event Highlights



Event Highlights

Event Highlights



Event Report

Event Report



Event Report

Event Report



Entrepreneur Article









Competitiveness report produced by Ernst

applied by this banks in order to generate money for their profit.

and Young (E&Y), assets of Islamic banks grew an average rate of 17% per year between 2008 and 2012.

Mudharabah is a profit sharing arrangement like

Accordingly, this rate is twice to thrice faster that the

a venture capital deal where the bank provides the

rate of conventional banks that grew over the same

finance and the borrower contribute their labour


and entrepreneurship. Given that the business were to fail, the lender will lose their money and the

Islamic banks differ from conventional banks in many form as they run their operations in a way that

borrower waste their time and effort committed to the enterprise.

is consistent with the principles of Islamic law, also known as Sharia Law. Thus, it prohibits banks from

Musharakah is describe as the joint venture

dealing with businesses that are considered sinful

between a bank and business where the profits are

or haram such as food containing pork, alcohol and

divided according to their relative capital inputs. This

gambling. It also prohibits usury; thereby banks in

method will ensure that the bank returns are tied to

principle are not allowed to charge fees or interest for

the company’s profits and the partnership ends when

money lending. Given that this is how banks generally

the loan is repaid. This approach could be used to

make their money, how can Islamic banks prosper if

provide mortgage financing to buy a property. The

they do not practice usury?

property earns rent from the occupier which is paid to the buyer and the bank in relation to their share of

Islamic banks continue to make money by lending

the equity. At the same time, the buyer agrees to buy

out their capital but do so in ways where interest

the bank’s share in instalment payments until the

and fees are not explicit. There are certain systems

mortgage principal is paid off.

Entrepreneur Article


Murabahah is another simple form of sale and buy-

Although there is a foreseen of a 20% growth in

back agreement profiting by providing credit. In this

the Islamic banks each year for the next five years,

case, bank buys houses, cars and other commodities,

there are still huge untapped Muslim populations

and sells it to the buyers at a profit by allowing

around the globe. There are other Muslim countries

instalment payments. In this case, the profit should

that are planning to embrace the Islamic banking.

be clear and agreed upfront.

Nonetheless, it is also expected that the growth to not just be limited to regions with high populace

Despite current economic instability, several

of Muslims. There has been a sparked of interest

emerging market countries with a large Muslim

in non-Muslim countries to adopt these Islamic

population is growing strong. The banking assets

banking principles. A fine example is Great Britain,

in Iran accounts for nearly half of the Islamic

who became the first western country to issue an

banks worldwide. The remaining three-quarters

Islamic bond, attracting more than ÂŁ2 billion from

rest in other nations, which includes Qatar, Saudi

global investors for its sale of sharia-compliant debt.

Arabia UAE, Turkey, Malaysia and Indonesia, with an average growth of 6.5% annually for the last

Clearly Islamic banking has grown more attractive

five years. The rapid expansion of Islamic banking

and that they are making better profit than their

has been mainly through Islamic windows in

conventional counterparts, and Islamic banking

conventional banks rather than in a thorough Islamic

emerged as a good story that the whole world could

banks. This method has permitted existing banks to


easily enter the Islamic banking market and is most likely to continue being the mechanism for growth in the foreseeable future.


Halal Article



Halal Article


world. The domestic halal food market in Thailand grows

people from one place to another. This includes the

around 20 percent a year. Thailand has encouraged

Muslims population migrating from the countries to

production and export of halal products and foods to

other non-Muslim countries, and this number continues

Muslim consumers around the world. There is a potential

to increase progressively by time. In 2015 only, there

for Thailand to export more halal food products – and have

are already 1.6 billion Muslims globally, making up

a greater share of the world food market- considering the

to 23 percent of the world’s total population. It is

country’s strength in agricultural sector. This expertise

expected that the number is bound to grow over time.

is being put to good use thanks to the government’s

In today’s world, we see plenty of migration

support of food production projects, including livestock, Currently, the majority of Muslims live in Asia, such as

poultry, fisheries, fruit & vegetables as well as processed

Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei, Singapore, India, etc. With

foods and ready-to-eat foods. Moreover, its tropical

this tremendous growth, certain countries see the potential

climate and abundant natural resources gives Thailand

of exporting their products to the Muslim communities in

the potential to become a regional centre for halal food.

these countries, namely their high-quality, halal products. One of the countries include Thailand. Thailand noticed

With technology & creativity, Thailand’s suppliers

that the Southeast Asia is becoming an important and

also offer non-food halal products such as cosmetics,

competitive regional market for halal products, with

pharmaceutical products and personal care products

a vast consumer market of approximately 225 million




now receive popularity in the Middle East market

and progressing immensely in the halal certification.

due to the ability to manufacture and deliver to











meet the strict requirements for halal certification. Today, Thailand has a sizeable Muslim population, particularly in its southern provinces. This provides the

In line with the ongoing Thai Kitchen to the world policy,

country with great experience in preparing halal food.

the Department of International Trade Promotion(DITP)

Thailand is the sixth largest halal food exporter in the

is keen on ensuring Thai halal food products are of the highest quality through its One-Stop-Export-Services (OSEC). Additionally, export-grade halal products are fully compliant with halal procedures as regulated and supervised by the Central Islamic Committee of Thailand (CICOT).


Kalsdorf 18 | 8262 Kal 8 Ilz | Austria +43 650 8140 8140130 franzs nzschalk@ www.schalk-m

FAMILY BUSINESS Schalk Mühle KG is a small family business with a long tradition. We attach great im-portance to handcraft as well as personal contact with our customers and employees. For generations we have tried to strengthen regional, sustainable production and the pro-tection of traditional manufacturing processes by preserving the use of well-established machines. With our own organic

farm, situ-ated around our production facility, we know what it means to grow organic food. Therefore we support the work of our local organic farmers – who we know all personally – and offer them fair prices for their great organic products. In addition, the use of local raw materials offers us the chance of minimal transport ways.

Sustainability With our hydraulic-power plant, we are in a position to produce our own electricity throughout the year. As well as hydro-power we also use the power of our forest. hy po po natural delivers enough firewood per year to The natura rall growth gr

heat our roasting pan. With our decades of experience working in the forest, we keep it in a sustainable way and only ly take what we need.


Interview Article


Mr. Ang Wei Kok, Business Development Manager of Chuen Cheong Food Industries (Pte) Ltd.


huen Cheong Food Industries (Pte) Ltd. started as a

relocated in a new and bigger locations. Now, the sales

family business in 1930 in Singapore. Today, coming

office of Chuen Cheong is located in Singapore, with the

to its fourth generation of the family, this company with

main production unit operation located in Malaysia.

a solid 86 years in the food industry is undoubtedly one of the leading and the most successful food manufacturing

Mr. Ang Wei Kok, the Business Development Manager of

businesses in the region.

the company, shares about the company’s products, vision, and mission.

In 1930, Mr. Chia Hou, the founder of this company, hailing from a village in China, left for Singapore. He opened a

The company is involved in the manufacturing and

sole proprietorship shop called Chop Chuen Cheong and a

marketing of top quality soy sauce, chili sauce, and other

manufacturing plant on Geylang Road.

sauces and condiments under the brand name “Tiger”. Tiger brand soy sauce is undoubtedly the oldest and the

Three years later, he opened a branch office in Singapore in

most popular food product in Malaysia and Singapore.

order to keep up with the demands of the growing business.

It enhances the flavors of cooking and makes any meal

In 1978, the sole proprietorship business was converted

extraordinary and enjoyable.

into a limited company and the manufacturing unit was


Interview Article Product range includes:

• ISO 22000 : 2005 in 2012

• Dark and light soy sauce

• BizSAFE in 2012

• White, black, and rice vinegar • Chili, tomato, fish, vinegar, plum, and oyster sauces

Halal is required to make them available for the consumption of Muslim communities around the world.

• Sweet and sour sauces

Halal is a requirement for all food products particularly

• Salted soybeans

in Asia where there is a normal inquiry about the food

• Salted black beans

products being halal certified.

• Abalone sauce • Sesame oil

With all the required certifications in place, the company’s

• Ready-to-cook mixes, sauces and spices

export statistics are impressive with the products being exported to Southeast Asia, Nepal, Europe, Egypt, China

Products to be launched in the near future include the

and certain countries in the Middle East.

Japanese-style teriyaki and yakitori. All the products of Chuen Cheong are halal certified. Out of the above-

Chuen Cheong Food Industries is a Member of Singapore

mentioned products, soy sauce is the number one bestseller


in the domestic and overseas markets.

Association and Singapore Manufacturing Federation. The





company was appointed the official sauce and condiments Soy sauce is perhaps the oldest condiment in the world and

supplier for the Singapore Food Festival in 2008.

is an indispensable element in oriental cooking for more than 25 centuries. Fermented soybeans, and roasted and

Asian Integrated Media and Syncopate conducted a survey

mixed grains go into the making of soy sauce. Chemical

in 10 cities from 8 Asian countries that resulted in the

fermentation is avoided to prevent any side effects. Natural

selection of the Tiger brand as one of Asia’s Top 1000

fermentation helps retain the natural aroma of the soybean.

brands in 2004 and 2005. In 2005, Tiger brand also won

Though traditional methods are used in the making of

the Inaugural Singapore Prestige Brand Award.

soy sauce, the research and development team of Chuen Cheong functions efficiently to improve the flavors.

In 2006, Chuen Cheong’s brand was awarded Super Brands Singapore Award and Asia Super Brands Award that are

Soy sauce has been a popular cooking ingredient in the Asian

recognized by more than 80 countries across the world. In

countries for several centuries but it entered the Western

2007, International Enterprise Singapore awarded the title

countries much later during the seventeenth century when

of “Tasty Singapore Product” to the company.

the Dutch traders, attracted by its unique flavor, took it to Europe where it became popular. Today, soy sauce is

There is a continuous need and demand for quality products

an essential commodity in every kitchen across the world

from customers from across the globe. The future plans of

being the main seasoning and marinating ingredient.

the company include expansion into convenience food and ready-to-serve products.

The company follows the highest quality control methods to make its products stand out from the rest of the market.

With the best reputation as the manufacturer of superior

Superior quality soybeans from Canada are used to

quality sauces and condiments, the company calls upon

make the most delicious soy sauce. The company has the

consumers who are looking for good quality and tasty

following certifications:

sauces to try out the company’s products as the promise of a tasty treat will last a lifetime.

• ISO 9001: 2000 upgraded to version 2008 • HACCP 2009 • Halal Certifications by MUIS and JAKIM C H U E N C H E O N G F O O D I N D U S T R I E S ( P T E ) LT D / S I N G A P O R E / C O N TAC T: ( 6 5 ) 6 2 8 5 1 5 0 1 / W W W .C H U E N C H E O N G .C O M


Interview Article

In Unison Medifoods (Thailand) with Nature Co. Ltd - In Unison With Nature

Mr. Watcharaphon Boonlai (Ben) (left), Managing Director and Ms. Wannawimol Boonlai (Moddang) (right), Director of Medifoods (Thailand) Co. Ltd.


edifoods (Thailand) Co. Ltd. is a family-owned

Rice is the staple food for a large population of the world.

business with its head-office based in Bangkok,

In earlier times, the rice bran that was left behind after

Thailand. It is involved in the production of rice that

removing the rice hull was considered insignificant and

is grown on GAP and Organic Medifoods farms, and the

was used as poultry feed. A minimum of 65 percent of the

areas owned by its farmer community. Rice is cultivated

nutrition obtained from a single grain of rice is found in

and the natural products that are gained from the rice are

the rice bran.

organically processed and given back to the community as healthy and nutritious products.

Medifoods saw a big opportunity in harvesting the rice bran and adding value to it through effective processing

The history of the company dated 50 years ago with the

methods and bringing out the nutritive value such as fibre,

collaboration between the business and the local farmers

protein and heart-healthy oils in the resulting products.

to produce different varieties of rice. Today, the business is run by the fourth generation of the family.

Benefits of these premium products include their non-GMO and gluten-free nature. They are also free from lactose







and are hypo-allergenic. They contain large amounts of

Medifoods, elaborates on the need for the company’s

naturally present vitamins, phytonutrients, and minerals

launch and its current activities to help sustain a natural

that are a source of the required nutrition for people all

and healthy environment leading to a holistic society

over the world.

through the use of the best agricultural practices that can be passed on to the future generations.

Interview Article

Medifoods produce 3 main products categories:


Medifoods is a business that is recognized globally and is associated with several business partners and

• Specialty Rice

representatives across the world. As part of its sales

(hydrolyzed high protein rice, GABA rice)

strategy, the company is looking for long-term strategic partners in order to increase exposure of its products

• Specialty Oil : Cold Pressed Virgin Brown Rice Oil

thereby boosting sales both in the domestic market and

(Rizstrols, VPO (Virgin Phyto essential Oil)


• Specialty Rice Flour/Meal

The primary objective of the company is to acquire all of

(baby food, purple rice extract, whole grain essence)

Nature’s goodness and give it to the world, at the same time look to expand the business and increase financial gains







that would also help the society and the country.

processed conforming to strict guidelines in terms of both quality and food safety. This is the primary reason for the

The association and the teamwork with the farming

several awards won by the company for making the best

community ensures that the farmers receive appropriate

products and keeping up with the rules of the business.

returns for their hard work and commitment. The larger

Medifoods has received the following awards:

benefit of working as a group is that the company is able to produce highly nutritious products created using eco-

• Healthy Herbal Drink Innovation Award from the Department of Thai Traditional and

friendly methods that have helped the business build a solid reputation locally and internationally.

Complementary Medicine for its product HugPun at the 2015 National Herb Exhibition.

The Director feels that it is the firm belief of Medifoods

• 2015 Corporate Governance Award.

that its outlook on life, its love for nature, and its

• 2015 outstanding SMEs National Award.

accomplishment in creating the finest products from rice

• World Best Rice Award 2010 @ World Rice

to offer the world community will add value to the life

Conference, Thailand.

of its consumers and help them enjoy a long and healthy association with the agricultural community.

Besides that, the company has been certified halal by the halal authority of Thailand, CICOT. For them, it is important to have the full halal standard for their products prior to entering the international market. Halal has been deemed by consumers to not just being a religious dietary obligation, but a requirement by certain countries, especially in the Southeast Asia and Middle East. Without further ado, Medifoods decided to get their products halal certified. They also obtained the organic certification from Europe and has been registered as a full supplement company in Europe. The company has been exporting rice to many countries for several years now. The oil was released in 2015, only in the European Union and Hong Kong. Plans are on to enter the Japan, China, and the Middle East markets.

M E D I F O O D S ( T H A I L A N D ) C O. LT D / T H A I L A N D / C O N TAC T : + 6 6 ( 0 ) 2 5 0 8 3 9 0 5 / W W W . M E D I F O O D S C O.C O M


Interview Article

Driven by Passion and Purpose J

avara Indigenous Indonesia was founded in 2008 by

According to Ms. Hilman, the company strives to promote

Ms. Helianti Hilman as a micro enterprise. Today, it

and maintain the rich heritage of Indonesia through the

is a leading social enterprise that focuses on producing


high quality Indonesian heritage food made organically

• High quality, community-based artisan food products

by indigenous farmers using traditional methods. The

• Product branding is done using locally available

success of the business is determined by the extent to

packaging materials and highlighting their place

which the food products made by Javara’s own farmers

of origin; for example, using cloves from Manuka’s

and food artisans reaches the people across the world and

Island and long pepper from Bali ensure that

this is the primary objective of the company.

the best products are used • Ethical trade practices with the company’s

Indonesia possesses a rich history of food biodiversity and boasts of over 7000 heirloom rice varieties handed down through generations, tropical fruits, marine products, and spices and herbs produced using indigenous methods.

supply chain partners • Ensure safer working conditions and social security cover for food artisans and farmers • Train the farmers in the best agricultural and entrepreneurial practices and to create young

Javara was started mainly to provide relief to these

farm entrepreneurs

farmers and food artisans who are striving continuously to preserve the country’s rich biodiversity and to make

Javara helps the farmers to produce food items that

the organically grown and naturally produced Indonesian

have excellent market potential and encourages them to

food to reach wider markets.

implement viable farm practices like crop rotation and inter-cropping. The enterprise also trains food artisans

Javara was inspired by the untiring efforts of the

in food safety and maintaining the high quality of the

indigenous farmers to produce heritage Indonesian food.


The company works hand in hand with 50,000 small-scale farmers and 2000 food artisans and sells over 600 artisan

The products made by the farmer collectives and processed

food products of which about 200 are organic-certified for

by the food artisans are then purchased and marketed and

US, EU and Japan.

distributed by Javara.

Interview Article

33 33

The company is associated with 25 partners in 18 countries including Asia, Europe and the United States of America. 60 domestic partners including large retail stores, hotel chains, and supermarkets carry Javara labeled products.

Different markets respond differently to different food products. For instance, in the USA, coconut based products such as coconut oil, coconut jams, and coconut chips are favorites.

Coconut jam is an Indonesian specialty. It is vegan and organic. No milk is used; instead, cashew nuts are used for the creamy texture. Coconut sugar is used which is suitable for diabetics. A lot of research and development is done to assess and analyze the different markets and products are marketed accordingly.

Other products produced and marketed by the company include Bali artisan salt, gluten-free flour, jams and spreads, noodles, rice, snacks, nuts, edible oils, sugars and syrups, spices, and wild honey.

The first export of the company’s products was to Europe followed by the USA. 80% of overall sales come from export out of which 45% is from Europe and 44% from the USA. Currently, the company is looking to enter new markets especially in Japan and Australia.

As halal certification is a must for all food businesses, Ms. Hilman understands the need for halal certification and hopes to get it soon. Other certifications of the company include Kosher, HACCP, and organic certifications.

In 2013, Ms. Hilman was named Indonesia’s Entrepreneur of the Year by Ernst & Young. Javara was awarded the Top 20 Global Rising Stars Award by Forbes Indonesia in 2014. Ms. Hilman was honored with the Asia Social Entrepreneur of 2015 Award by the Schwab Foundation at the World Economic Forum on East Asia in Jakarta, Indonesia.

Ms. Helianti Hilman, Founder & CEO of Javara Indigenous Indonesia

She sums up her company’s unique methodology by elaborating on the emphasis on innovation in production, added value processing, organic and other certifications, strict measures to keep up with the highest food safety standards, and exclusive marketing methods.

The mission of Javara is to empower the Indonesian farmers by teaching them ethical trade practices to make them successful food entrepreneurs and to preserve and sustain the country’s rich culinary heritage and biodiversity through traditional farming methods.

The journey of Javara right from the local farms of Indonesia to the global consumers creating an amazing range of organic Indonesian heritage foods has been promising under the leadership of Ms. Helianti Hilman and the company aims to achieve more in the years to come.

J AVA R A I N D I G E N O U S I N D O N E S I A / I N D O N E S I A / C O N TA C T: + 6 2 2 1 7 1 8 3 5 5 0 / W W W . J AVA R A . C O . I D


Interview Article

Halcent Group, enjoy Malaysian cuisine wherever you are, whenever you want

Ms. Nor Liza Ismail, Operation Director (most left) & Dato Dr. Abdul Halim bin Navaghani, Chairman/CEO (most right) of Halcent Group


njoying cuisines from different cultures need not

The Halcent difference means variety, get to enjoy

be a problem anymore. There will be no need to

mushroom flour and spices for chicken marination

travel to enjoy cuisines. Malaysian students have had

and oats, two award winning products. Most taste buds

the chance to feel closer to home by enjoying Malaysian

seem to enjoy them. Other products by Halcent include

cuisine overseas. Very soon, local residents interested in

concentrates, milk and dairy products, carbonated

Asian food will join the bandwagon, thanks to Halcent

beverages, fruits, bread and bread rolls, pastries, jam,


pastes, spices, salts, chocolate, oats, crackers, salty snacks, halal products, private label, and ready meals,

Three years ago, few individuals discovered just how

among many more.

hard it was to source for halal Malaysian products in the overseas. As a solution, a company was formed to

At Halcent, convenience and originality are virtues. The

supply halal certified, Malaysian products across the

products are ready to eat. They are made from natural,

globe. Inspired by the need to provide the solution to this

traditional Malaysian recipes. The foods are halal certified

problem, they began to deal with Malaysian products and

and have with an authentic Asian taste. All products are

ensured that Asian foods were certified halal. Their target

bought from IKS, a Malaysian company.

is to reach the overseas market.

Interview Article


What makes Halcent stand out is not only the quality and authenticity of their products. They also have the client’s best interests at heart. They strive to provide services of exceptional quality. They ensure that they provide value for money. They aim at highly personalized and professional service in the food market led by a team of highly qualified professionals in food technology and the halal food industry.

Halcent is a very flexible food company, always striving to source for better and new services all over the world to meet the ever-changing and increasing needs of their clientele. Better still, they never compromise on the Cultural diversity is a very well understood concept at

quality of their products. They have very specific policies

Halcent. Different cultures overseas like Malaysian food a

and standards that monitor their products and services.

little less spicy. This is acknowledged, sampling Malaysian

Halcent is here to fill the gap. There is absolutely no need

cuisine created for the overseas markets will attest to this.

to travel to Kuala Lumpur to enjoy Malaysian cuisine. It is

Some of the places already enjoying Malaysian delicacies

very easy to find Halcent in a trade fair. They will allow for

include Saudi Arabia, Moscow, Japan, Indonesia, Dubai,

sampling of their range of products, for instance Master

and London.

Chef instant pastes (green chili, spicy tamarind sauce, red chili sauce, beef stew curry and tasty soup), ready

In the near future, Halcent will export products based on

to eat Maknik products (chicken curry potatoes, spicy

Malaysian cuisine to more overseas markets. They also

anchovies, beef rending and chicken kurma potatoes) and

aim at building factories in different countries. This will

mummy taste products (biryani rice, biryani masala and

ultimately make the products cheaper for the consumers.

fried masala flour).

They will also hire more distributors in places like Africa and Brazil, making the products more accessible

The trade fair is also an opportunity for Halcent

and affordable. Halcent takes their work seriously and

International to study their market. They get to understand

will package their products differently, in a way that is

their consumer needs further, the current trends in the

acceptable to the overseas market. The main target market

food industry and identify agents that they can work with

is in Europe, especially the UK.

to import the products to a particular country.

Halcent is an award winning company, having won 4

Halcent aims at making it easy and affordable to access

awards in Moscow. They were crowned the best halal

Malaysian cuisine. Very soon, there will be overseas

company, took first place in the best confectionary award,

factories to increase accessibility to halal certified foods.

second place in the dairy products category, and third

There will also be authorized agents in the various

place in the meat and delicacy products category. The

countries of interest. Visit Halcent during a trade fair. Ask

halal certification means that anyone can eat halal food

questions and experience their award winning and range

without any restrictions.

of products.

H A L C E N T I N T E R N A T I O N A L S D N B H D / M A L A Y S I A / C O N T A C T : + 6 0 3 9 0 5 5 3 7 7 6 / W W W . H A L C E N T G R O U P. C O M


Interview Article

the authentic & delicious flavours of Mexico C

asa Martinez Flavors is a family company that

processed the same day. The ingredients are completely

specializes in making salsas. What makes their salsas

natural with no artificial ingredients, no artificial

stand out is the fact that they are based on rich culinary

flavouring, no powder and no concentration added. The

traditions and ancient Mexican recipes. The company

salsas are awash with nutrition; they foster a healthy diet

shares their Mexican heritage with their customers and

and lifestyle. Appetizers, entrees, and side dishes will no

their families at every meal. The Martinez are well versed

longer taste the same. The salsas make it possible to enjoy

with their history, with their ancestors settling in Mexico

food every day.

in the early 1900s and learning the art of Mexican cuisine. Casa Martinez aims at positioning themselves as the Eight years ago, their descendants founded Casa Martinez

number one providers of salsas based on rich Mexican

with an aim to provide high quality, natural and healthy

culinary tradition worldwide. This is the reason why they

salsas to customers all around the world. For the last

plan to go for trade fairs worldwide. They want to meet

five years, families in the U.S. have enjoyed rich Mexican

their customers and get to understand their specific tastes

culinary traditions brought to them by Casa Martinez. The

and needs. Better still, they are looking for distributors

company plans to expand to Europe, Middle East, and

to sell to stores and retailers, as well as introduce their

Asia. They aim at moving systematically from continent to

products to different markets. All these efforts are aimed

continent, starting with Europe (Germany, France, Italy

at making the salsas accessible and affordable to the end

and Spain), Middle East (Dubai and Kuwait), and Asia

consumers, who get to share a taste of Mexican cuisine

(Japan, Korea, and Taiwan) and their environs.

with their family and friends wherever they are.

Casa Martinez offers 5 salsa flavors to their customers:

Casa Martinez is driven by a simple philosophy: they

a) Traditional Red Salsa

believe in their products and grow with them. They further

b) Cactus Salsa

believe in taking small steps before taking larger leaps.

c) Tatemada

They aim at meeting their customers in various trade fairs

d) Traditional Green Salsa

around the world and to continue building relationship

e) Chipotle

with them.

They are all made from natural, fresh, flavorful and

Customers can get to have a taste of Mexican cuisine,

expertly crafted ingredients. They are harvested and

passed on through generations. They can ask questions

Interview Article


and get feedback from the manufacturers. They can

Customers can also visit their website and buy Martinez

get to know the difference between traditional red and

products. Contacting them is also easy. Just drop a

green salsa (whether it is only based on color) or even

message on their website’s contacts page. Martinez aims

that between tatemada and chipotle. They could get to

at accessibility to their all their consumer base, through

know which of the flavors is most nutritious, and why

whatever means that is convenient for them.

a particular flavor best suits them. It is an opportunity to interact with the products, Mexican heritage and the people keeping it alive.

If they like the products, they will be advised on where they can purchase them – from a local store, distributor or retailer. If Martinez products have not started being exported to the specific country, then there will be an explanation or demonstration on how they can buy online. Visit Casa Martinez at a trade fair and interact with the products and their manufacturers one-on-one. Even potential distributors and retailers can benefit from visiting the company in a trade fair. They will be able to give a personalized explanation to their customers. That means that the customers will make informed decisions.

Mr. Jesus M. Martinez Jr., VP Sales of Casa Martinez

C ASA M A RT I N E Z / M E X I C O / C O N TAC T: + 5 2 0 6 6 8 0 2 1 5 / W W W .C ASA M A RT I N E Z .C O M . M X


Interview Article

Replenish your thirst with ICE COOL


heng Sheng F&B Industries Pte Ltd (SSFB) was

canned vegetables (mushrooms, corn, etc.); other canned

incorporated in 1985 as the brainchild of two

products (luncheon meat, braised peanuts, mackerel,

Singaporean friends. Living in the hot climate of Asia,

etc.); bread spread (kaya and fruit jams), and many more.

they noticed a lack of supply in cool and refreshing juice

After few years of conquering the Singaporean market,

despite the vast coconut plantation all over Singapore

they decided to expand their business empire to the

and its neighbouring countries. Hence, they decided

Southeast Asia market. Prior to exporting their products,

to make it out on their own to sell refreshing beverages

they prepared themselves by studying the markets and

to the Singaporeans. They started off as a wholesaler

understanding their preferred beverages. In 1992, they

and bring in refreshing beverages into Singapore.

also opened up their exportation company division named

They managed to pull through the tough time of a new

Litat Import & Export Pte Ltd (Litat) and set up two

set-up, largely thanks to the immense support shown

factories in Malaysia and Thailand. Hitherto, Litat has

upon them by their very supportive existing clientele.

been exporting to countries around Asia with their ICE






COOL brand, and realised that in Southeast Asia, especially The next progress SSFB did was to OEM its very first

in Thailand and Malaysia, there is a huge preference

product, ICE COOL Mineral Water in 1990. Throughout the

in their coconut juice. Besides than the Southeast Asia

15 years of development, SSFB built its own manufacturing

market, they have placed their products in the Middle

facilities for the production of their beverage products as

East, Africa, South America and the USA. They have

well as to utilise the full portfolio of ICE COOL branded

at least 80 to 100 SKU with different brand names and

products. The products come in a wide range from canned

varieties of brand assortments, and thus far, their best-

beverages (coconut juice, other juice drink, Asian specialty

selling product has been the coconut juice. The company

drink, carbonated drinks, energy drinks, etc.); PET

now owns several brands under its name including Ice

beverages (mineral water, isotonic drinks, etc.); canned

Cool, Cool Sports, Golden Light, EVE and Litat Ice Cool.

fruits (longan, lychee, sea coconut, fruit cocktail, etc.);


Interview Article The progressive growth from a wholesaler to an

new trend by producing a 100% natural coconut juice

established company with existing manufacturing plants

without adding any preservatives and sugars in the juice.

in several countries proved the strength of the company. Moreover, with the top priority focusing on product’s

They also attend for marketing trips to other countries

quality, ICE COOL has been continuously developing by

in order to see the trends in those countries. The staff

their R&D teams to enhance its innovation and products’

representatives will go to supermarkets and study any

quality. As a token of recognition, Litat has received the

new trending lines. Going to the supermarket is a good

ISO 9001 certifications, HACCP and the halal certification

way to study the consumers’ preferences as that is the site

for all their products either by the halal authority of

where consumers shop for their groceries. Furthermore,

Thailand or Malaysia, CICOT or JAKIM, respectively.

they will conduct marketing surveys on the consumers in order to understand about their preferences and demands.

After the establishment of Litat, the business grew

Besides studying the market, Litat takes the opportunity

tremendously as they study more on the markets and

to learn on new technologies used in those countries, and

participate in various international exhibition. Through

if necessary, to adapt the technologies in their factories.

these exhibitions, Litat will work together with their distributors to study on the country of interest and

For Litat, price is not their main marketing strategies to

learn on the new trends whilst listening to the demands

attract buyers. Instead, they focus heavily on the marketing

of the buyers. It is also an opportunity to meet up with

and branding of their products. Together with their

current and prospective clients. They also have an

distributors, they will learn about the branding in those

additional advantage as they own few factories and work

countries and used it to support and promote their brands.

together with their R&D team to produce new products as per the customer’s requirements or desires. For

If you are looking for a drink that is refreshing

example, Singapore are growing into a healthier trend


by consuming food and beverages that are less in sugar


cooling, and







hot &




and low in cholesterol. The company responded to this

Mr. Alan Chua (left), Managing Director & Mr. Wayne Chua (right), Business Development Manager of Litat Import & Export Pte Ltd.

L I TAT I M P O RT & E X P O RT P T E LT D / S I N G A P O R E / C O N TAC T: + 6 5 6 7 9 2 0 5 5 5 / W W W . I C E C O O L .C O M . S G

then Ltd.

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TOUCH SMILE SERVICES No 8, Jalan Kristal 1, Taman Kristal, 08000 Sg Petani, Kedah, Malaysia. Tel: +6010-3137111 Fax: +604-4312035 Email:


Interview Article

Mr. Randall Ang Ghim Hui, Business Development Manager of Ha Li Fa Pte Ltd.


a Li Fa Pte Ltd is a family-owned business that

to produce low salt content, no monosodium glutamate

started in the 70s. The business was founded in

content yet with a taste that brings joy to the tastes buds.

Singapore by a fishmonger who sold fish to the market

Besides than fish products, BoBo has also extended its

whilst his wife produces yong tau foo and fish ball. The

product varieties with chicken and meat products such as

business slowly grew from a small stall to a fish ball

chicken ham and sausages, and meatballs to cater to the

business enterprise since 1987 until present. Ha Li Fa

different consumers’ preferences.

aims to provide products of the finest quality and delicious taste. It has established strong presence in the industry

Ha Li Fa operates at a state-of-art manufacturing food

offering an extensive range of fish balls, fish cakes and

factory occupying only the best technology and facilities.

related products. With traditional recipes handed down

In the factory, it controls the overall production stages

by our founders, Ha Li Fa stood firmly upon its belief in

from the raw materials until the end products in order

using only the freshest and finest grade of wolf herring

to maintain optimum standards. From the storage of

and yellowtail fish for all its products.

raw ingredients to food processing and storage of final products, the company is equipped with facilities to meet

Ha Li Fa has grown big over the years and has managed

strict hygiene standards and safety for its workers. The

to offer a vast series of seafood and meat products. One of

manufacturing capabilities have also brought the company

the best-selling brands is BoBo. BoBo is the brand of fish

beyond local shores providing Original Equipment

balls and fish cakes that is well-known for its freshness,

Manufacture (OEM) services to overseas market.

top-notch quality and brand fidelity by consumers. Placing great emphasis on consumers’ changing taste,

The factory has been certified halal along with all their

BoBo has launched a healthier range of products under

products by MUIS Singapore. The company initially

the Sakura brand. Using Japanese latest technology and

producing halal product in the year 2000. The reason

efficient manufacturing processes, BoBo made it possible

behind getting the products halal certified is because in


Interview Article

Singapore itself, there is a copious number of Muslim communities in Singapore. By getting the products halal certified, it becomes an advantage for them to consume the products and a bigger market for Ha Li Fa. Furthermore, the halal certificate is not only exclusive for just the Singaporean, it is an added bonus when exporting to other

a) Great taste is the main priority of Ha Li Fa It hopes to capture the hearts of consumers with healthy food with a delicious taste. Ha Li Fa’s main principle is to maintain its premium quality in all their products and to be constantly innovative in order to introduce new products with new flavours and recipes.

Muslim countries such as Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia and other countries in the Middle East. Currently, Ha Li Fa is also in Hong Kong, China, Myanmar, Cambodia and Australia. It is now seeking to reach out for overseas distributors, especially distributors from Canada.

b) Great relationship is vital and valuable for Ha Li Fa It takes great importance in fostering strong teamwork among






relationship with partners and strong affiliates with loyal Ha Li Fa is also certified with HACCP and ISO 9002, two


vital certificates that indicate the reliability and food hygiene of the products. It has also been awarded with the Singapore prestige brand award and the Singapore Healthier Choice with their low sodium and free from monosodium glutamate products.

c) Great moments with Ha Li Fa Anywhere and anytime. Ha Li Fa aims to bring good times to everyone, be it through good products or good ties, it enlivens moments of joy and celebration to all.

Ha Li Fa was built with three great mission: a) Great Taste, b) Great Relationship, c) Great Moment

H A L I FA P T E LT D / S I N G A P O R E / C O N TA C T: + 6 5 6 7 7 8 6 2 0 9 / W W W . H A L I FA- B O B O . C O M


Interview Article

The Innovation of Tasty Seafood Products T

he journey of Thong Siek Food Industry started back

is a type of fish protein, gives a delicious and consistent

in the 1970s as a family-run backyard operation.

quality to the products. By incorporating this ingredient

At that time, the founder, Mr. Lim, bought fishes from

to the fish products, the fish ball will become springy and

the market and fashioned the flesh into fish balls. With

bouncy, and it prevents the products from developing a

passion coupled with the dream of growing big, the entire

fishy smell. At that time, Singapore has yet to known of

family got involved in the production and distribution of

Surimi, and Thong Siek was the first to introduce this

fish balls. They strongly belief in producing outstanding

modern technology and processing in its production. Now,

quality and delicious taste products. Now, Thong Siek

Thong Siek has more than just fish cake and fish ball. The

has become the leading manufacturer, distributor and

list of surimi-based products included fish balls, prawn

retailer of surimi-based seafood products with a state-

balls, cuttlefish balls, mini chikuwa, assorted fish cakes,

of-art 70,000 sqm factory at Senoko Way in Singapore.

crab-flavoured sticks, mushroom seafood balls, breaded

It processes over 25,000 kg of fish meat daily with more

fish fingers, breaded fish nugget, etc.

than 60 varieties of appetizing fish-based products for both local and international markets.

Thong Siek did not only start the trend in the fish ball’s quality but also the processing; it was the first company

Mr. Lim travelled to Osaka, Japan in 1983 seeking for new

to adapt to fully automation lines. Currently, the fully

transformation in his fish products. Back then, Japan was

automated lines included grinding, processing and auto-

the pioneer in surimi technology and through learning

packaging facilities. Thong Siek seeks to improve and

and adopting the Japanese way of production, Thong Siek

innovate its products in order to cater to the new trends

was able to increase its output from a mere 3000 kg in

and demands of consumers. These days, people are

the 1970s to more than 6000 kg in 1984. Surimi, which

leaning towards a healthier lifestyle, and Thong Siek took

Interview Article


this opportunity to produce a healthier choice fish ball

Thong Siek has formulated innovative products with

that contained low sodium and low fats, while enhancing

creative recipes and given full attention to the products

the omega-3 content in its products. The latest product

quality in order to expand their business to the

is the fish luncheon in canned. The type of fish used are

international market. Today, their products can be found

sardine and tuna. This is because these fish are healthier

in more than 20 countries worldwide, such as Abu Dhabi,

and has a naturally high concentration of omega-3 as they

Australia, Brunei, Canada, China, Denmark, Dubai, Egypt,

are classified as oily fish. These fish luncheons also come

France, Germany, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia,

in low sodium content.

Mauritius, New Zealand, Philippines, South Africa, Sweden, Thailand, Turkey, the Netherlands, the United

Since inception, Thong Siek has maintained a customer-

Kingdom and the United States of America.

centric business approach. Taking time to listen to its customers and feeling the pulse of the marketplace has

Singapore is known for their stringency in food quality and

allowed it to respond proactively to the evolving needs

food hygiene. Each month, the factory will be audited to

and tastes of consumers worldwide. This approach has

ensure high quality standards are maintained. Thong Siek

also given rise to the development of many new products,

testified for its stringent quality policy with the HACCP

such as “heat and eat� products to meet the global trend

certificate, Halal certificate by MUIS, Grade A AVA listing

towards convenient food. Presently, Thong Siek produces

and EU licences. Besides that, it also does a series of food

more than 60 varieties of fish based products - from the

promotion of their products and joined food festivals

basic DoDo fish ball, breaded scallop nuggets, ready-to-

and trade fairs to promote their products to locals of the

eat microwavable traditional fish ball noodles, to the tom

regions and international tourists attending the shows.

yum fish cakes - to appeal to a more diverse customer base. T H O N G S I E K F O O D I N D U S T R Y P T E LT D / S I N G A P O R E / C O N TA C T: ( 6 5 ) 6 7 5 6 0 2 3 3 / W W W .T H O N G S I E K . C O M


Interview Article

Get Your Organic And Conventional Flour With Karahan Flour

Mr. B. Burak Tuncay (left), Vice President of Karahan Flour Mills Ltd.


arahan Flour Mills is one of the leading Turkish

Karahan Flour strives to follow the provisions of its

wheat flour manufacturers and exporters. This

quality management system set in accordance with the

company has started since 1975 with the manufacturing

ISO 9001:2008, ISO 22000:2005 and ISO 14001:2004

of wheat flour. Now reaching its third generation, the

International Standards, and it continually improve the

progression of the company has grown tremendously in

products’ quality to ensure only the best is sold to its

its modern facilities producing a huge production capacity

consumers. Besides that, the company also acquire both

of 250 mts per day.

the halal and Kosher certificates. For Karahan Flour, halal certification is important especially when in a country

The goal of the company is to keep expanding its business

has people with different religions and cultures. With the

not only in its local market, but as far and wide in other

halal certificate, it is easier for the Muslim consumers to

international market with its broad range of conventional

consume the product with a certainty that it will not taint

and organic flours. Currently, Karahan Flour has exported

their religious regulations and at the same time the food is

to more than 45 countries worldwide including New

a 100% guaranteed to be clean and safe for consumption.

Zealand, Malaysia, the USA, Thailand, South Korea,

Karahan Flour has been certified halal since 2007, which

Singapore, Lebanon, Costa Rica, Israel, the UAE, Yemen,

opens up more gateway for them to enter to the Southeast

Saudi Arabia and much more.


Interview Article


Karahan Flour has a wide range of products, and they

Karahan Flour will therefore learn about the particular

include organic products, bread products, pastry flours,

market and choose the most suitable products to sell to

fodder flours and macaroni flours. As for its best-selling

the particular market. It does so by working closely with

products, the all-purpose flour wins the throne as it has

the local distributors as they have vast knowledge in the

the highest selling gross for the company’s overall market.

market’s needs and demands. Both Karahan Flour and

This is followed by the high protein flour. Initially, the

the distributors will also do test sampling of the products

flours are produce for industrial companies. Now, the

in order to observe and study the products’ demands and

flours are available in retail stores with smaller packages

acceptance. They also do promotional material marketing

from 25 kg, 50 kg and 1 pound.

such as providing umbrella or other usable utilities to buyers that buy the products.

Initially, the company started manufacturing conventional flour. With the strong and upcoming trend in organic

Currently, Karahan Flour is working to penetrate into

foods, it decided to start manufacturing its own organic

the Southeasten market. The company is working hard to

flour with the best organic grains and enhanced them

find for desirable distributors who are looking to source

through a milling process in 2003 for the first time in

for their high-quality flour products. It participates for

Turkey. Karahan Flour was the first organic manufacturer

many of the trade fairs in those regions in order to find an

in Turkey and it succeeded in producing the best organic

opportunity to enter into these regions.

flour in its region. For the organic flour, the company works closely with 3000 farmers. The organic flours are

Karahan Flour finals message to its consumers is that

certified by the Control Union.

they need to be sensitive and aware about the food that they eat. This is because “we are what we eat”. In another

Samples of wheat that the company received from

word, these foods will collect in our systems and may play

different place in Turkey undergo a quality control test

either an essential role or leads to a detrimental downfall

in its laboratory in order to determine the wheats’ quality

to our body system. With Karahan Flour, the flours are

and properties such as the hectolitre, moisture content,

guaranteed halal, healthy and nutritious.

gluten index, sedimentation and falling number. Only the exceptional wheats are used for the flours and these wheats are stored in a control condition. Mixture rates of the wheat having different quality and properties are adjusted in dosing machines by the experts’ food engineers according to the type of the flour planned. Using all technological opportunities; wheat cleaning process is realized with parameters such as air, water, vibration, weight, colour difference etc.

In the process of widening their market and products’ influence, the company uses some of the most strategic marketing approaches. Firstly, it adapts the products according to the market. Each market has different desires and requirements. In order to be accepted in the market, K A R A H A N F L O U R M I L L S LT D / T U R K E Y / C O N TAC T: + 9 0 2 1 2 7 1 5 2 2 6 7 / W W W . K A R A H A N F L O U R .C O M


Interview Article



deka Foods (Asia) Sdn.Bhd. has been the leading

primarily in Japan, but also has business throughout Asia


as well as in Europe, USA, and South America.






forerunner of the trend in the industry. Adeka Foods (Asia) Sdn. Bhd., was established as a joint venture company

IOI Corporation Berhad which is one of shareholders

by ADEKA Corporation in Japan and IOI Corporation in

of Adeka Foods (Asia) Sdn. Bhd. is a leading global

Malaysia. Adeka Foods (Asia) Sdn. Bhd. was set up on

integrated plantation and resource-based manufacturing

December 6 2012. Adeka Foods (Asia) Sdn. Bhd. started

group in the palm oil industry. Its integrated palm oil

to manufacture production of margarine and shortening

business comprises upstream cultivation of oil palm

for breads and confectionery from September 2014 which

and downstream resource-based manufacturing, which

is mainly focus to be marketed in Southeast of Asia region.

includes processing of palm oil produce as well as

Products offered by Adeka Foods (Asia) Sdn. Bhd. will be

manufacturing of oleo chemicals and specialty oils and

both block type and sheet-type margarine which is best


use in making breads, croissants, pies and other pastry products as well as shortening (carton and tin-type) which

Currently, Adeka Foods (Asia) Sdn. Bhd. has approximately

is best use in making breads, pastries and cookies.

94 products which are all halal certified by JAKIM. This halal certification is essential for them as it opens more

The principle of our food business, constantly keeping an

opportunity to enter their target market and to ease

eye on the current tendencies and producing new values,

their products exportation to other neighboring Muslim

is “The Delicious Taste You Can Rely On”. Adeka Foods

countries. Furthermore, Japan is preparing for the

(Asia) Sdn. Bhd. develop commercial food ingredients

Olympic 2020 Game, and it is expected that the Muslim

that have always been leaders in the industry and helped

tourist will be a lot. This gives an additional advantage for

provide an enriched diet in name of ADEKA Brands.

Adeka to promote their products to other manufacturers who are sourcing for halal bakery products.

ADEKA Corporation as the main shareholders of Adeka Foods (Asia) Sdn. Bhd. serve the chemically dependent.

ADEKA Foods (Asia) Sdn. Bhd. has four main product

The company’s sales come primarily from producing

categories that are being sold to other bakery and

chemicals including oleo chemicals, additives for resins and

confectionery companies:

polymers for electronic materials. ADEKA expanded into margarine manufacturer in 1929 and now also producing

a) Frying Oil

shortening, mayonnaise, and raw food materials, among

The refined processed vegetable oils feature a great safety

other food items. Independently now, ADEKA operates

from oxidation. Foods fried with the oil will stay fresh for

Interview Article


prolonged periods. Moreover, the light and plain taste of

fresh butter contains. Both are available in sheet and box

the oils bring out the natural flavours of ingredients. The

size. Some of the margarine products are additive-free,

clean, light flavour makes fried foods including bread,

i.e. without emulsifier, colour and salt. The sheet type

doughnuts, snacks, appetizers, tempura, and other variety

margarines are best for gourmet croissant, Danish pastries

of fried food that comes with a better taste than ever

and pies. The block type margarines are great kneading


margarine for making breads.

b) Shortening

d) Fillings

The fine vegetable fat shortening products are designed

There are also variety of fillings with different flavours

for various applications, suit each intended use, including

for a variety of purposes. There is the butter cream that

cake, bread, cookies, biscuits, fats for chocolate and so

contained whipped chocolate and milk. Finally, the filling

on. Reliable quality and wide assortment of products

sheet with a flavour of chocolate or custard.

represents the pride of ADEKA BRAND.

Currently, they have exported their food products to most

c) Margarine

of the countries in Southeast Asia, such as Singapore,

ADEKA BRAND margarines are contributed by food

Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar, Philippines,

professionals, bringing out the best quality in their

Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong. Next, they will be targeting

creations. There are two types of margarine available

to the Middle East market. They are always looking

using either pure vegetable oils and fats, or high-class

forward to serving their customers in a bright and creative future, with their safe and tasty products.

Ms. Ueda Yuka (front line number two from left) (Sales Representative) and Mr. Miyamoto Masaru (front line number two from right) (Managing Director ) of Adeka Foods (Asia) Sdn Bhd.

A D E K A F O O D S ( A S I A ) S D N B H D / M A L AY S I A / C O N TA C T : + 6 0 7 2 5 1 6 0 0 5 / + 6 5 6 7 7 5 9 3 5 5 ( S A L E S ) / H T T P : / /A D E K A . C O M . M Y


Halal Food Review

Travelling to Thailand is exceptionally exciting particularly when you think of the delicious Thai cuisine. For Muslim travellers who are looking for an authentic

Halal Food Review

With Amir Fahmi & Shafiq Mansor

yet certified 'HALAL' cuisine, you may want to visit Usman Thai Muslim Restaurant whenever you are in Bangkok, Thailand. Located at Sukhumvit Soi 22, Sukhumvit Road, Usman Thai Muslim Restaurant serves you some of the most well-known Thai dishes from fried rice, to spicy tom yam, kerabu mangga and many more. The restaurant has two levels of seating areas with each table fitting from 4 to 8 pax. Not only is it spacious and sparkling clean, it is fully equipped with air-conditioning, providing customers a short escape from the Asian notorious hot weather during the sunny day whilst they enjoy taste of fresh and authentic Thai food. I had the pleasure to discover this restaurant during my trip to Bangkok with my colleague a few months back. Despite the modesty of the place, the restaurant welcomes their visitor with top-notch hospitality. Language barrier was not a problem as the staffs spoke fluent English and they are always ready to assist you. We were considered absolutely lucky that day as the owner himself, Mr. Usman, served us throughout the evening. Being a huge fan of Thai food, I wanted to taste every dishes the restaurant offered. However, embracing the conscience side of me, I asked for his recommendations. And his recommendation suited my taste perfectly. We had rice, oxtail soup, fried fish with mango, seafood tom yam, asparagus with oyster sauce, plain omelette and ice coffee. When they brought the oxtail soup to the table, the dish looked rather simple. Yet, the taste was splendid. Upon the first bite, one can taste the spiciness kicked in giving a burst of flavours to the taste buds. The broth was excellent and filled with flavourful, local spices. A huge kudos to Mr. Usman for the marvellous broth. The other dishes were equally scrumptious. The fried fish was cooked to perfection, combined with the sweet and sour taste of mango, bringing the flavour of the dish beyond one’s expectation. Thailand is known for their tom yam, and the tom yam it served was delicious with a spicy and sour taste to the broth. Since I am a huge fan of spicy food, the tom yam was a winner to me. The asparagus was young and crunchy, and the sauce used gave a lovely taste to the vegetable. Overall, the foods were tremendously delicious! They have been cooked with loved. For those looking to seek for the best place to dine, pay a visit to Usman Thai Restaurant, a truly authentic, 100% halal Thai cuisine with a reasonable price but tasted similar to a 5-star restaurant.

Halal Food Review



Sophia Restaurant

Yana Restaurant

Silom Thai Cooking School

Sophia Restaurant serves Thai - Muslim for over 20 years with a variety of food available.

Yana Halal Thai & International Food @ MBK Bangkok Thailand (MBK Center 5th Floor, Tokyu Side) is a halal restaurant in Bangkok.

Silom Thai Cooking School caters to people with keen interests in food and culture.

1681 Soi Ramkhamhaeng 5, Bangkok, Krung Thep Maha Nakhon 10250 Tel: +66 2 314 0039 Website: Email:

444 Phayathai Road, Pathum Wan, Bangkok 10330 Tel: +66 2 611 4589 Website: Email:

31/11 Silom Soi 13, Bang Rak, Bangkok 10500 Tel: +66 4 726 5669 Website: Email:

Al Tara

Nasir Al-Masri

First Hotel Bangkok

Al Tara Halal & Vegetarian Restaurant offers Malaysian, Indian, Thai and Middle Eastern Cuisine in a wonderful relaxd restaurant.

We are proud to introduce Arabic food to Thai people and to server our Arab customers during their stay in Thailand.

This restaurant accommodates 80-100 guests and offers a la carte menu for lunch and buffet for dinner. It specializes in authentic Halal or Muslim food.

247 Rachadphisek Road, Din Daeng, Bangkok 10400 Tel: +66 2 290 0125 Website: Email:

The Regent Regent Ramkhamhaeng 22 located on Ramkhamhaeng Road & serve (halal) to support and meet the needs of all of you as well.

4 Ramkhamhaeng Soi 22, Bangkok, Bangkok 10250 Tel: +66 2 318 4444 Website:

4/6 Soi 3/1, Sukhumvit Road, Khlong Tan Nuea, Bangkok 10110 Tel: +66 2 253 5582 Website: Email:

2, Soi Somprasong 1, Thanon Petchaburi, Tanonprayathai, Ratchathewi, Bangkok 10400 Tel: +66 2 255 0100 Website:

Hayati Nang Phaya

Roadside Hawker

Hayati Nang Phaya provide local Thailand cuisine with original taste.

Verity of street food such as chicken satay was going at 5 Baht.

403 Soi Petchburi, Ratchatewi, Bangkok City 10160 Tel: +66 2 216 3230

Saphan Taksin Station, Bang Rak, Bangkok Website:


F&B Trade Fair 2016

Food & Beverage Trade Fairs 2016


Gulfood 2016

21st – 25th February 2016 Dubai World Trade Centre, UAE


SIAL Paris 2016

16th – 20th Oct 2016 Paris Nord Villepinte, France

Muslim World Biz 2016


18th – 22th Oct 2016 Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC), Malaysia

Café Asia 2016

03th – 05th March 2016 Marina Bay Sands, Singapore

Foodex Japan 2016 8th – 11th March 2016 Makuhari Messe, Japan


Lohas Expo 2016

07th – 09th Nov 2016 Dubai World Trade Centre, UAE

MIHAS 2016

Fi Europe 2016

30th March – 2nd April 2016 Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Malaysia


12th – 15th April 2016 Singapore Expo, Singapore

Anufood Eurasia 2016

02nd – 05th Nov 2016 Dubai World Trade Centre, UAE

yummex Middle East 2016

10th – 12th March 2016 Hong Kong Convention Centre, Hong Kong


Food Week Korea 2016

28th – 30th Nov 2016 Messe Frankfurt, Germany


SIAL Middle East 2016

05th – 07th Dec 2016 Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre, UAE

14th – 16th April 2016 Tüyap Fair Convention & Congress Centre, Turkey

Halal Expo Europe 2016

17th – 18th April 2016 Beursgebouw Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Alimentaria 2016

25th – 28th April 2016 Fira de Barcelona, Spain


Food & Hospitality Africa 2016 3rd – 5th May 2016 Gallagher Convention Centre, South Africa

Food Africa Cairo 2016

4th – 7th May 2016 Cairo International Convention and Exhibition Center, Egypt

SIAL China 2016

5th – 7th May 2016 Shanghai New International Expo Centre, China

Fi Vietnam 2016

18th – 20th May 2016 Saigon Exhibition and Convention Center, Vietnam


25th – 29th May 2016 IMPACT Exhibition Center, Thailand


Halal Korea 2016 21th – 23th July 2016 SETEC Seoul, Korea

MIFB 2016

27th – 29th July 2016 Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Malaysia


Vitafood Asia 2016

1st – 2nd Sept 2016 AsiaWorld-Expo, Hong Kong

Fi Asia 2016

21st – 23rd Sept 2016 Jakarta International Expo, Indonesia

Food Hospitality Oman 2016 26th – 28th Sept 2016 Oman Convention & Exhibition Centre


Find important listing of upcoming Halal exhibition & Halal showcase around the world. Latest Halal exhibition & Halal showcase are added in every month. All information published had been collected from online partners website, governmental or reliable professional websites. Nevertheless, you are strongly advised to use the information here to contact trade shows organizations before you make any arrangement.

Product Showcase


Convenience Food Wheat Milk Fruits

Mashed Vegetables & Poultry

Vitameal Baby Cereals

Agro-Food Industrie (AFI) is the 1st manufacturer & the only specialist in halal baby food with a range of more than 50 unique and varied products. AFI offers products for baby with ingredients 100% halal and 100 % naturals, rich in vitamins necessary for growth of the baby. Company: Agro-Food Industrie Country: Morocco Contact: +212 524 338 080

Curry Mee


Prawn Mee Soup

Tan Seng Kee Foods Pte Ltd (TSK) began its first step in the noodle-making business during the British Colony days as a sole proprietorship manufacturing rice and wheat-based noodle products. Company: Tan Seng Kee Foods Pte Ltd Country: Singapore Contacts: +65 6445 2320

KAJONA Sesame Oil

KAJONA Sunflower Oil

KAJONA Vegetable Oil

Sri Vinayaka Exports Pte Ltd is a company that deals in import, exports and wholesale. SVEX, Gilda, Kajona, Shakeenutz, Mbrace & Barn Veggies are the brand name that are under Sri Vinayaka Exports Pte Ltd. Company: Sri Vinayaka Exports Pte Ltd Country: Singapore Contact: +65 6466 9937




Product Showcase

Dairy Products Praise Traditional Meadow Fresh Full Mayonnaise Cream UHT

Goodman Fielder provide quality, consistent and Meadow Lea Original

innovative solutions across the Dairy-Milk, Cheese, Butter and Spreads; Flour; Dressings; Frozen Pastry; Cake Mix; and Cooking Fats categories.

Company: Goodman Fielder Pty Ltd Country: Singapore Contact: +65 68125729

Whipping Cream 35% Fat

UHT Milk Full Cream Cooking Cream 23,5 % Fat

The main production center of the sector milk - cow in Sardinia. Giving each day on average 524,000 liters of milk produced in specialized and selected farms. Company: Arborea Country: Italy Contact: +39 783 804001

Pizza Mozzarella 2kg, 42% FDM Shredded

Mozzarella Ball 150g

Mozzarella Block Sliced 400g

The knowledge required to produce cheese has been passed down through the family for decades. The great-great-grandfather of the current owner of the company was a passionate cheesemaker in 1850. Company: Zuger Frischkase AG Country: Switzerland Contact: +41 71 955 98 77

Product Showcase


Beverages Adini Rejuve

The company core business nature is a make-toAdini Cafe

order concept. As a company, it operates to supply and sell food and beverage type of goods that the company manufacture, health and beauty products.

Company: AD Deeni Resources Country: Malaysia Contact: +603 6038 2787

DS Borneo is a food & beverage brand grower, Drinking Chocolate: Gourmet Original / Decadent Dark

Atap Coffeebag: Dark Roast / Icy Blend

importer and exporter. Everything we do is driven by our passion for good food and the good life.

Company: DS Borneo Trading Sdn. Bhd. Country: Malaysia Contacts: +603 7733 7722

One Up Mixed Juice Drink with Inulin

Sun Up Fruit Drink Base Concentrate

Sun Up RTD Fruit Drink

United Beverage Sdn Bhd produces a variety of cordials, fruit juice concentrates and ready to drink juices that are of premium quality.

Company: United Beverage Sdn Bhd Country: Malaysia Contacts: +603 5519 2804




Product Showcase

Snacks Premium Saudi Dates

Premium Dates

Habbatus Qurma

Omni Mal’s date and dried fruit products always carry unique theme and identity, and are marketed under the brands of Gurun Emas (Gold Desert), Date-Licious, Jendela Arab (The Window of Arabs), and 1001 Nights. Company: Omni Mal Agencies Sdn Bhd Country: Malaysia Contact: +609 773 3326

Onion Chips


Curry Muruku

Started out in 2005 under Global Traditions Spice Manufacturers as a spice manufacturer, the principals expanded the product range to include the wholesale and distribution of traditional snack food. Company: Global Traditions Group of Companies Country: Malaysia Contacts: +6013 259 2529

Chocolate Cream Wafer Rolls Chocolate Wafer Rolls

Rico Food Industries Sdn Bhd is a manufacturer & exporter of candy toys, sweets, jelly, pudding, chocolate cereal, snack and etc. Currently their products are being exported globally. Company: Rico Food Industries Sdn Bhd Country: Malaysia Contact: +604 4848 888

Product Showcase


Food Ingredients Brahims Fish Curry Sauce

Brahims Beef Rendang

Brahims Satay Sauce

Dewina Food Industries Sdn Bhd is a food based company was founded by Datuk Haji Ibrahim Haji Ahmad, the Group Executive Chairman, who is a specialist in food & agriculture consultancy.

Company: Dewina Food Industries Sdn Bhd. Country: Malaysia Contacts: +603 892 56351 / 2 / 3

Kayamila Original

Kayamila Sea salt Caramel

Kayamila Vanilla Pandan

Kayamila Calamansi Citrus

Fong Yit Kaya specialises in delivering quality Kaya, also known as coconut jam – a type of food spread made from coconuts, eggs and pandan leaves.

Company: Fong Yit Kaya Pte Ltd Country: Singapore Contacts: +65 6334 4067

Dark Compound Chocolate Chips

White Compound Chocolate Chips

Dark Couverture Buttons

White Couverture Buttons

Anods Cocoa is a Sri Lankan chocolate manufacturer committed to providing chocolate solutions to all types of chocolate requirements. Company: Anods Cocoa (PVT) Ltd Country: Sri Lanka Contacts: +94 11 240 4999




Product Showcase

Food Ingredients Veal Franks

Veal Cheeks

Veal Eye Round Pastrami

Established in Dubai, United Arab Emirates in 2012 as a halal food manufacturing plant that boasts the highest standards in food hygiene and food quality standards. Company: Indoguna Productions FZCO Country: UAE Contacts: +9714 807 3900

Pure Sesame Oil 330ml

Blended Sesame Oil 300ml

Pure White Coffee Original

Originated from Fujian, China since 1856, Ghee Hiang has become an integral part of Penang, Malaysia’s





tradition. Company: Ghee Hiang Manufacturing Co. Sdn Bhd Country: Malaysia Contacts: +604 226 9915

Chilli Sauce

Thai Chilli Sauce

Tomato Ketchup

Established in 1978, Region Food Industries is today a leading manufacturer of quality authentic and oriental sauces in Malaysia.

Company: Region Food Industries Sdn Bhd Country: Malaysia Contacts: +603 3169 2888

Certification Bodies





(JAKIM - Department Of Islamic Development Malaysia) BANGLADESH Islamic Foundation Bangladesh (Baitul Moqarram National Mosque)

Adelaide Mosque Islamic Society of South Australia 20 Little Gilbert Street, Adelaide S.A 5000, Australia. Mohd Farid Ismail Tel: +61 4 1474 5390 | Fax: +61 8 8231 6443

Islamic Association of Geraldton Geraldton Mosque, 172 George Road Geraldton, Western Australia, 6530 Australia. Haji Daftie Hj Abdul Qudus Tel: +61 8 9964 1493 | Fax: +61 8 9664 1318

Islamic Association of Katanning P.O Box 270, Katanning, Western Australia 6317. Alep Mydie Tel: +61 8 9821 2775 | Fax: +61 4 8718 2144

Islamic Co-ordinating Council of Victoria (ICCV) 155 Lygon Street, East Brunswick, Victoria 3057 Australia. Refik Koyu Tel: +61 393805467 | Fax: +61 393806143

Supreme Islamic Council of Halal Meat in Australia Inc. (SICHMA) Unit 1, 35-37 Harrow Rd Auburn NSW 2144, Australia. Mughtarulah Sadien Tel: +61-29643 7775 | Fax: +61-29643 7776

The Perth Mosque of Western Australia Incorporated 427-429 William Street, Perth, 6003, Australia. Fazel Anthony Tel: +61 8 9328 8537 | Fax: +61 8 9328 8537

Australian Halal Authority & Advisers (AHAA) 135 Sydeny Road, Coburg, Victoria 3058, Australia. Muhammad Esfandiar Tel: +61 3 9386 0786 | Fax: +61 3 9384 6939

Al-Iman Islamic Society Inc. 173 Johnston Street, Collingwood, Victoria 3066, Australia. Mohamed Amir Tel: +61 3 9417 6585 | Fax: +61 3 9416 2965

AUSTRIA Islamic Information and Documentation Center A-4050 Traun,Theodor Körner Str. 10 A, A-1010 Wien 1, Sterngasse 3 Austria. Günther Ahmed Rusznak Tel: +43 699 884 658 04

ARGENTINA Islamic Centre of The Argentine Republic (Centro Islamico de La Republica Argentina) Av. San Juan 3053 Buenos Aires (1233) Argentina. Fabian Amin / Yamil Alexis Sayer Tel: +54-11-4931-3577 | Fax: +54-11-4931-3577 #105

Dhaka, 1000 Bangladesh. Shamim Md. Afzal Tel: +880 2 9559643 | Fax: +880 2 9563397

BELGIUM Halal Food Council of Europe (HFCE) 4 Rue De la Presse 1000 Brussels, Belgium. Prof. Dr. Hj. Mohamed Sadek Tel: +32 2227 1114 / +32 2227 2728 | Fax: +32 2218 3141

BRAZIL Federation of Muslims Associations in Brazil Rua Tejupa, 188 - Jabaquara CEP 04350-020, Sao Paulo SP, Brazil. Dr. Mohamed Husein El Zoghbi / Nizar Adel El Ghandour Tel: +55 (11) 5035-0820 | Fax: +55 (11) 5031-6586

Centro de Divulga ãodo Islam Para América Latina (CDIAL)/Islam Dissemination Center for Latin America Rua Marechal Deodoro, 1960-2 Andar Centro-Sao Bernardo Do Campo-SP Sao Paolo, CEP 09710-201, Brazil.

Ahmad Ali Saifi Tel: 0055 11 4122 2400 | Fax: 0055 11 4332 2090

CANADA Halal Montreal Certification Authority 1510,Chemin Chambly , Suite 270 Longueuil, Quebec J4J 3X5, Canada. Taibi Baaja Tel: +1(514) 296 7360 | Fax: +(450) 332 7072

CHINA Shandong Islamic Association No. 217 Yingxiongshan Rd., Shizhong Dist., Jinan SANDONG Prov., People Republic of China. Sulaiman Zhang Ruizheng Tel: +0086 531 80965803 | Fax: +0086 531 80965801

China Islamic Association No 103 Nanhengxijie, Xicheng District, Beijing, China. Hj. Abdullah Ma Wen Hua Tel: +86 1369 9297 269 | Fax: +8610-6352 9483

Linxia Halal Food Certification Centre (Gansu) No 43, Jiefang Road, Linxia City, Gansu Province Ma Lingzu Tel: +0086 930 6286086 | Fax: +0086 930 6286806


Certification Bodies



(JAKIM - Department Of Islamic Development Malaysia)

ARA Halal Development Services Center Inc. (ARA) No.139, ZiJiangShan Road, Zhengzhou CIty, Henan Province China, 450000. Abdul Rahim Albert Hsiu Tel: +86-371-6906 6957 | Fax: +86-155 1558 2756

CHILE Centro Islamico De Chile Campoamor 2975, Nunoa Santiago, Chile. Kamal Sufan Tel: 56-2-3431376 | Fax: 56 - 2 – 3431378

FRANCE Ritual Association of Lyon’s Great Mosque 146 boulevard Pinel, 69008 Lyon, France Kamel Kabtane / Azeddine BAHI Tel: +33 (0)4 78 76 00 23 | Fax: +33 (0)4 78 75 77 42

GERMANY HALAL CONTROL Pruf- und Zertifizierungsstelle Inspection - and Certification Body Kobaltstr. 2-4, D-65428 Ruesselsheim, Germany. DI Mahmoud M. Tatari Tel: +49 6142 301987-0 | Fax: +49 6142 301987-29

INDIA Halal Committee-Jamiat- Ulama-E-Maharashtra Imam Bada Compund, Imam Bada Road, Near Mughal Masjid, Bhindi Bazar, Mubai 40009. Shahid Nadeem / A. A. Khan Mohammed Waseem Qasmi Tel: +91 9321 2227 74 | Fax: +91 22 2375 9169

Jamiat Ulama-l-Hind Halal Trust 1, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi-1 10002, India. N.A. Farooqui

Tel: +011 2331455 / +011 23317729 | Fax: +011 2331 6173

Halal India PVT LTD Suit No.7, 3rd Floor, Hameediya Shopping Mall, Triplicane High Road, Triplicane, Chennai-05, Tamil Nadu, India. Mohamed Jinna Tel: 91 44 43567446 / 42618147 | Fax: 91 44 42663445

INDONESIA The Indonesian Council of Ulama (MUI)

Majelis Ulama Indonesia, Building 3rd Floor ,Jl. Proklamasi, No.51, Menteng-Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia Ir. Lukmanul Hakim, M.Si Tel: +62 21 3918890 | Fax: +62 21 3918915

ITALY Halal International Authority (HIA) Via Bicetti de Buttinoni, N.1 20156 (MI), Milan, Italy. Sheikh Prof. Dr. Sharif Lorenzini Tel: +39 02 39449134 | Fax: +39 02 39484129

JAPAN Japan Muslim Association 3-4-14, Kohinata, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112-8585, Japan Prof. Hideomi MUTO (Tayeb MUTO) Tel: +81 33947 2419 | Fax: +81 33947 9416

Japan Halal Association (JHA) 547-0035 , Osaka Shi Hirano-Ku, Nishiwaki 1-1-2, Miyako Sansai Building, Japan Hind Hitomi Remon Tel: +81 667047080 | Fax: +81 667049505

KENYA Kenya Bureau of Halal Certification (KBHC) Village Plaza, Ngara Road, Block A, Suite A2 P.O.Box 39445-00623 Nairobi, Kenya. Mohammed Ayub Khalid Tel: +254 20-374 8770 | Fax: +254 20 374 8774

KOREA Korean Muslim Federation (KMF) 39 Usadan-ro 10gil, Yongsan-gu, Seoul 140-192, Korea. Choi, Youngkil (Hamid) Tel: +82-2 793 6908 | Fax: +82-2 798 9782

NETHERLANDS / HOLLAND Control Office of Halal Slaughtering B.V & Halal Quality Control Laan Van Meerdervoort, 53D 2517 AE, Den Hague The Netherlands. Dr. A. M. Al Chaman Tel: +31 (0) 70 3469795 | Fax: +31 (0) 70 3450033

Foundation Halal Correct Certification (TQHCC-Total Quality Halal Correct) Fruitweg 22C, 2321GK Leiden, Mailbox: PO.BOX: 179, 2300 AD Leiden, The Netherlands. Abdulfatteh Ben Ali-Salah Tel: +31 71 523 5770 | Fax: +31 71 523 5771

Halal Feed and Food Inspection Authority (HFFIA) Fijnjekade 225, 2521 DT, The Hague, The Netherlands. Hj. Abdul Qayyoem Tel: 0031-(0)70-364 91 91 | Fax: 0031-(0)70- 364 54 60

Certification Bodies



NEW ZEALAND Federation of Islamic Associations of New Zealand (FIANZ) Ground Floor, 7-11 Queens Drive, P. O. Box 14-155, Kilbirnie, Wellington, New Zealand Hazim Arafeh Tel: +64 4 387 8023 | Fax: +64 4 387 8024

New Zealand Islamic Development Trust (NZIDT) Level 4, 369 Queen Street, P.O. Box 5636, Auckland 1010, New Zealand. Dr. Mohamed El Amien Tel: 09 306 8934 | Fax: 09 306 8935

PAKISTAN Jamea Markaz Uloom Islamia Mansoora (JMUIM) Multan Road, Lahore, Pakistan. Maulana Abdul Malik Tel: +9242 3541 9520 | Fax: +9242 3543 1938

PHILIPPINES Islamic Da’wah Council of The Philippines (IDCP) Suite 400, FUBC Building, Escolta Manila, P.O Box 3669, Manila, Philippines. Hj. Abdul Rahman R.T. Linzag Tel: +(632) 2458456 | Fax: +(632) 2415142

National Commission on Muslim Filipinos (NCMF) 79 Jocfer (Annex) Building, Commonwealth Ave Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines. Dr. Dimapuno A. Datu-Ramos Jr. Tel: +02 952 6490/91 | Fax: +02 952 4875/4540

POLAND The Muslim Religious Union in Poland (MRU) Piastowska 13F 15-207, Bialystok, Poland. Tomasz Miskiewicz Tel: +0048 605 61 2137 | Fax: +0048 857 32 4023

SINGAPORE Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (MUIS)


(JAKIM - Department Of Islamic Development Malaysia) SOUTH AFRICA National Independent Halaal Trust Baitun Noor Centre, 5770 Topaas Str. Extension 5, Lenasia, Johannesburg Moulana Abdul Wahab Wookay Tel: +27 11 854 4381 | Fax: +27 11 852 4300

South African National Halal Authority (SANHA) 4th Floor, Gem Towers, 98 Overport Drive, Overport, 4091, Durban, S.A. Maulana MS Navlakhi Tel: 27 31 2075768 | Fax: 27 31 2075793

SRI LANKA Halal Accreditation Council (Guarantee) Limited Level 1, 329 1/1, Meewella Building Galle Road Colombo-04, Sri Lanka Ali Fatharally Tel: +941 1742 5225 | Fax: +941 1258 8050

SWITZERLAND Halal Certification Services P.O Box 247, 4310 Rheinfelden, Switzerland Farhan Tufail Tel: +41 61 813 30 64 | Fax: +41 61 813 30 65

TAIWAN Taiwan Halal Integrity Development Association (THIDA) 3F No. 3, Ln. 25, Sec.1 Xinhai Rd., Taipei City Taiwan (R.O.C) Ali Kamaluddin Chang Tel: +8862 2367 5231 | Fax: +8862 2365 2094

TURKEY KAS ULUSLARARASI SERTİFİKASYON GÖZ. TEK. KONT. HIZM. LTD. ŞTI. (KASCERT INTERNATIONAL) Kazim Dirik Mah. Kurtulus Cad. No. 27/3 Bornova, IZMIR, Turkiye. Ugur Ekici Tel: +90 232 435 61 00 | Fax: +90 232 435 61 20

Singapore Islamic Hub, 273 Braddell Road, Singapore 579702. Munir Hussain Tel: +(65) 6359 1199 | Fax: +(65) 6259 4733

Association For The Inspection And Certification Of Food And Supplies (GIMDES) Tesktilkent A 25 Block No:51-52-53, Esenler/ISTANBUL TURKEY. Dr. Huseyin Kâmi Büyüközer Tel: +90 212 438 33 18 | Fax: +90 212 438 33 19


Certification Bodies

Certification Bodies


THAILAND The Central Islamic Council of Thailand (CICOT)


(JAKIM - Department Of Islamic Development Malaysia)

The Institute for Halal Food Standard of Thailand, 45 Moo 3 Klongkao Rd, Klongsib Sub-District, Nongchock District, Bangkok, 10530, Thailand. Aziz Phitakkumpon Tel: 66-2949-4114/ 66-2949-4146 | Fax: 66-2949-4341

UNITED KINGDOM The Muslim Food Board (UK) P.O Box 1786, Leicester LE5 5ZE, United Kingdom. Yusuf Aboobakar Tel: +44 116 273 8228 | Fax: +44 116 273 8228

Halal Food Authority


7th Floor, Finchley House 707 High Road, London N12 OBT. Dr. Ghayasuddin Siddiqui Tel: +44 (0) 208446 7127 | Fax: +44 (0) 20 8563 1993

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA) Islamic Food and Nutrition Council of America (IFANCA)

5901 N. Cicero Ave, Suite 309 Chicago, Illinois 60646 USA. Dr. Muhammad Munir Chaudry Tel: +17732833708 | Fax: +17732833973

Islamic Services of America (ISA) P.O Box 521 Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52406, U.S.A. Timothy Abu Mounir Hyatt Tel: +(319) 362-0480 | Fax: +(319) 366-4369

VIETNAM Halal Certification Agency, Vietnam Floor 6, DinhLe Building, 123B Tran Dang Ninh, Cau Giay dist, Hanoi, Vietnam. Hajj. Mohammed Omar Tel: +04 62693741 | Fax: +04 62671285

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Foreign Authority



Tkt 2, Jalan Elizabeth II, Kementerian Hal Ehwal Ugama (Lama), Bandar Seri Begawan BS 3510, Negara Brunei Darussalam.


No 16 Tadreeb El-Modarrebean Street, Ameriya, Cairo Egypt



Tel: (673) 224 2565 | Fax: (673) 222 3106

Tel: +2 02 22845526 / +2 010 6236668

Angle Avenue Kamal Zebdi et Rue Dadi Secteur 21, Hay Riad MA-10100 Rabat, Morocco. Tel: +212 537 5724 43 / +212 537 5724 49 /+212 537 5724 50

Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Tel: 03 - 4251 4824 Fax: 03 - 4253 2767


Ton Son Mosque

447 Wangderm Road, Wat Aroon, Bangkok Yai, Bangkok, Thailand

Rahmatul Islam Mosque

Abdullanusorn Mosque

90 moo3 Tambon Sanoloy Bangbuathong District, Nonburi, 11110, Thailand Tel: 02-5712193

Al Amin Mosque

Bangkok Mosque

332-Suriwongse Road, Bangkok, Bangkok 10500, Thailand Tel: 662-2334344 Email:

Central Mosque Suratthani

Nong Bon, Prawet, Bangkok 10250, Thailand

Moo 3 41/12 Sam Khok, Bangboo Nua 12160 Pathum Thani, Sam Khok, Pathum Thani , Thailand Email:

Soi Lucky Muang Suratthani, Surat Thani, Muang 84000, Thailand

Indonesia Mosque

Al Mubarak Mosque

Changkhlan Mosque(Muslid Al-Jamiah)

Almuwahideen Mosque

Assalafiyah Mosque

Darul Iahsan Mosque

Soi Ruam Ruedi | Lumphini, Pathum Wan,Bangkok 10330, Thailand

PO BOX: 43 ,Nakian, Nakonsritamarat, Nakon, , Thailand Tel: 0066 818912967 Email:

Bann Nong Muen Tao, Udornthani, Thailand

2827,Chereon Krung Road,Bangcorleam,, Bangkok, Bangkok 10120, Thailand Tel: 02-6881481

Charoen Prathet Rd Soi 13. Muang District, Chiang Mai, Muang 50100, Thailand Tel: +6653904041, email: Jarunsanidwong Rd. 94, Bangor,Bangplad, Bangkok 10700, Thailand


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Frequent problems confronted by Halal applicants Every case is unique, but below are some common examples of issues faced during the application process.

Lack of knowledge in Halal standards and requirements.

Unable to use the JAKIM e-Halal system properly.

Gathering documentation is very time consuming.

Verifying and authenticating ingredients is difficult.

Not up to date with JAKIM news and changes.

Unsure of what to do after submiting the application.

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How we help rejected applicants Failure is temporary. Our qualified consultants are here to get you back on track to Halal certification. We help you understand what are the real problems and how to maintain compliance. We show you the right way to fix existing issues and prevent future ones so that your next audit is successful. You don’t have to give up on your wish of getting Halal certification.

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