Dahlonega - Lumpkin County Chamber of Commerce
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Dahlonega-Lumpkin County Chamber of Commerce 13 South Park Street Dahlonega, GA 30533 (706) 864-3711 (800) 231-5543
December 2 Business After Hours
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Come join us at the Oar House located on Hwy 52 East. Enjoy networking, food, and drinks. Don't forget to bring $1 for the cash prize drawing! And remember door prizes are always a great way to showcase your business!
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Ambassador Spotlight: Ive Spraker County Water & Sewage Authority Prepare for Future Growth
Page 7 Spotlight on Business: Art of Stone Increasing Livability & Value of Your Home
December 6 Dahlonega's Old Fashioned Christmas Parade
Page 8 DLCCC Honored for 50-Year STAR Membership
The festivities are set into motion on Friday, November 28, 2008 with the Lighting of the Square. A real hometown parade officially bringing Santa to town occurs on Saturday, December 6th. Plenty of other festive holiday events continue almost daily throughout December with caroling, entertainment, wine sampling, and live theater Christmas events.
Page 9 Your Membership Matters!
Page 10 First Annual ‘North Georgia Celebrates Photography’ Festival a Success!
Page 11 Gold Rush - Dahlonega Jaycees make a difference in Lumpkin County with proceeds raised though Gold Rush!
March 27-29, 2009 Dahlonega Celtic Music Festival
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Festival goers will be entertained with concerts, Celtic-themed workshops, bagpipers, and storytellers. In addition, Celtic arts and craft vendors will set up throughout downtown Dahlonega and around the historic town square.
Six Gap Century / Three Gap Fifty attracted 2,300 cyclists from 35 different states and from as far away as Australia, the Netherlands, and Germany.
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For information, visit: www.dahlonegacelticmusicfestival.com
Hospitality Highway Ribbon Cuttings