PASLODE’S CORDLESS IMPULSE STRAIGHT BRADDER A faster, safer, and easier way to install James Hardie fibre cement Hardie™ Fine Texture Cladding panels. “Forget the hassle of patching and puttying blemishes – just nail off and paint,” Paul adds.
Paslode delivers cordless convenience, best-in-class performance, comfort, and reliability to the cladding installer. When it comes to exterior cladding, builders want a fastening solution that makes the job easier and delivers a perfect finish. Paul Carter, Trade Marketing Manager at Paslode, says Paslode’s cordless Impulse Straight Bradder does the job beautifully.
Just as crucial, installers want the confidence of building to spec. On this front, the Bradder paired with ND50 Stainless Steel Brads satisfy James Hardie's Hardie™ Fine Texture Cladding panel installation guidelines.
“There’s no need for a compressor or hoses snaring on scaffolding. Builders work faster and more safely – and that translates to improved productivity and lower total in-place cost of installation,” Paul says.
A host of other features, including No-Mar Tip to prevent marking panels, ergonomic design, clear line-of-sight for accurate brad placement, ensure Hardie™ Fine Texture Cladding panels go up strong and look great.
With Paslode’s Impulse gas technology keeping air compressors on the sidelines, the Bradder delivers more consistent power and depth of drive, which minimises the risk of over-shooting.
Ask your Dahlsens Account Manager about how using the Paslode Straight Bradder can improve your installation.
Buy Buy Hardie™ Hardie™ FineFine Texture Texture Cladding Cladding at Dahlsens at Dahlsens before before JulyJuly 30 2021 30 2021 and and go ingothe in draw the draw to win to win a Paslode a Paslode Straight Straight Bradder Bradder worth worth RRPRRP $899*. $899*. Paslode’s Paslode’s cordless cordless Impulse Impulse Straight Straight Bradder Bradder and and ND50 ND50 Stainless Stainless Steel Brads Steel Brads are theare fastest, the fastest, safest,safest, and and easiesteasiest way toway install to install JamesJames Hardie’s Hardie’s Hardie™ Hardie™ Fine Fine Texture Texture Cladding. Cladding. Only atOnly Dahlsens, at Dahlsens, For The ForBuilder. The Builder. *See T &*See C’s. T & C’s.