MCVP 16’17 Application
AIESEC for Portugal To the WORLD
1.Why are you standing for MCVP 16’17 of AIESEC in Portugal? Since the first round process, I had the opportunity to think a lot about my own whys. During this period, I thought about the fact that I didn’t get the enough number of confidence votes could mean I should move on and apply my AIESEC learnings in new places. I tried to remake my career plan in a lot of different ways and I noticed that in any of these options I wouldn’t be following what my heart asks. I am applying to MC 16.17 of AIESEC in Portugal because I believe in transformation power of the organization, because I know we are big and we must capitalize this strenght towards world Peace and fulffilling of humankind’s potential, because I know we are necessary for Portugal and we can/must be more relevant to the country, because I know myself better and challenge myself in the experiences AIESEC provides, because my career plan connects with the MC learnings and also because I left my heart in Portugal.
2. Please state your 3 biggest strengths and improvement points, and explain how this can influence your term. Commitment: Taking responsibility for what I committed myself is fundamental, making me always deliver things on time and focus on the results. Within the MC Team I would create an environment of trust and very light one, I wouldn´t miss any directions from the timeline and I would set a clear schedule for the work inside the CLs and the NSTs, which would contribute in the messages, organization and directions from the MC to the CLs. Perfectionism: I need to control myself not to be so strict and to understand people’s individual limits, related to the MC Team, to the area diections, and to the coaches with the CLs. I know as a leader I will have to provide an environment of development, with empathy to understand the different ways of learning. Passion: I put my heart in everything I do. I would take to the MC energy and excitment when doing the tasks I’m supposed to, I could also extent this passion to the network therefore we can be more ambitious and evolve together. Love learning: AIESEC taught me that there’s nothing we’re not able to learn more. I’ve so much to learn from each member, LC, NST, MC and I also like to look for new ideas outside AIESEC. Being part of the MC Team I could be really open-minded and I could also instigate the network to look for new pieces of information, willing to use good cases to engage the LC to be more innovative. Anxiety: I am really anxious and I would have to be careful not to let it disturb the MC Team being so strict concerning the deadlines. Within the TM área, I must be careful to understand that each implementation has its on time to be done and it should not make the network lose its focus and so the LC’s. Emotional: I am emotionally driven, so when something I plan does not happen as I expected I can be a little frustated and If I can not control it I might take this energy to the MC Team.
3. In your opinion what is the relevance of AIESEC to Portugal? And to the world? Explain AIESEC’s impact model in your own way. Given the best leaders, we can contribute with the Portugal and global economy. AIESEC forms young people capable of recognizing and living their values that will shape their choices. Young people that will not “outsource” guilt and will start to take responsibility to the problems, recognizing their passions and using their strengths to achieve results and who are not selfish, but they know that together we can contribute to cities development and better nations by taking actions. Once we deal with young people, that will become the future leaders of the world, and we are increasingly aware of global needs with 2020 vision and connected with the SDGs, our responsibility with the future is getting bigger, and to be in fact what the world needs we must to grow in operations. It means to have more leaders aware of their strengths, being able to empower others to challenge themselves, focused in problem solving (solution oriented), being prepared to take risks and then thinking globally.
4. Identify 4 key trends that are shaping the external environment of AIESEC in Portugal, outlining 1 strategy to capitalize on them in order to increase our activities.
Digital Commerce Focus in digital MKT to leverage the subscribers nationally, through optmiziation strategies for @PT’s website - that way AIESEC can be found more easily. Techniques: SEO and Pixel.
Entrepreneurship Clarity on the Why of GIP to leverage results, like Spain and Russia did. Financial promotions on G.E to estimulate the youth and focus on cooperarions on Schengen countries and places whit less visa burocracy.
Young Mobility To take advantage of the students who have done ERASMUS with a potential to leverage GCDP results, is to develop a partnership with ESN to promote either oGCDP and iGCDP.
SDGs To work with endomarketing focused on SDGs to increase the membership knowledge; national task force with applications to engage members to review iGCDP national porfolio and review main subproducts of oGCDP that may be downscaled to LCs through operational visits and conferences.
5. Please make a SWOT analysis of AIESEC in Portugal.
Presence of Universities LCs working with GIP as focus program LEAD Framework
Virtual Sales ESN Young people interested in knowing other countries Increasing tourism in the country Expansion to new markets Entrepreneurship in Portugal
Huge difference among LCs in results Leadership Pipeline IXP Financial Sustainability Data Analysis
AIESEC know by exchanges and not for leadership Government instability Youth unemployment Other organizations offering experiences abroad
6. How do you assess AIESEC 2015 implementation during the 5 years of it? What do you see being the main learning for AIESEC 2020? The 2015 Vision represents the growth of the organization. Together we became a community of leaders that searchs for results, learned to look forward, allowing the organization to grow and be visible to the world. We also understood that is leadership what we develop and we brought this closer to the center of everything we do.
2015 Vision to the 2020:
A movement
The 2015 Vision took too long to be understood, being confused with out BHAG for a few years, what created difficulties to be expanded. So, we learned that the vision must be clear and simple, so it can be implemented fast, it must have a planning that can be understood, must be thought as a continuous something and must be “bought� by everyone.
7. What are the main evolutions that you propose for the management of AIESEC in Portugal? Why? 1) Network conection: National conferences right after EB elections with focus on the team building of the areas to consolidate a collaborative and united network; 2) Empowering Network: Network chats showing LC goodcases, and workshop made by VPs also showing goodcases, Cluster chats fortnightly, stimulating ambitions and colaborativity; instigating CEEDs among LCs and opening vacant positions for LCs member to participate in building campaigns. 3) R&R: A clear incentive system to recognize the LCs in national conferences, submitting the results monthly on MC page, with all the MC team together. These proposed evolutions can contribute to break mindsets through getting to know other LCs activities of similar realities that are working pretty well, estimulate the collaboration spirit in the network and contribute for a bigger pipeline, once it will have a network that Works closer to the MC and contributes for all of us have a more ambitious AIESEC in Portugal.
8. What are the main risks and potential crisis that might affect AIESEC in Portugal in the near future? How would you avoid/ minimize the impact of them on the organization? Considering that Portugal has more than 400 thousand students, AIESEC plays a fundamental role to develop these Young people and build a new reality for them, knowing that one of the biggest problems in the country is the lack of job opportunities which led to a high unemployment rate among Young people. Therefore these Young population moved to other countries looking for job opportinities, and the elderlies are now not living their countries, damaging the country’s development and economy. Having in mind that these problems are relatively new in Europe, we can take advantage of its challenge as opportunities to make the GIP results in the educational programs better as well as in the management and I.T.–considering that these majors are the ones with the highest employment rate. Then we can have more qualified professional and bring innovation, contributing to the development of entrepreneurial mind because Portugal has been recently considered global Top 10 in new businesses. We can also collaborate to a construction of an educational system of leaders that live their values, with a global mind that molds itself when facing needs. The GCDP programs should also grow in order to develop a more collaborative mindset, creating a society ready for challenges, aware of the world needs, more tolerant and more understanding with different cultures.
9. AIESEC is implementing its new Customer Flows. In your opinion, what’s still needed to do to fully implement it in our entity? The new platform brings us new challenges, and with this, we must review the ways to approach and deal with our consumers, therefore, focus on how we sell our products. For this, the first step is to consolidate the process, working with data management so MKT will be able to do market analysis, seeking optimization and conversion. Market segmentation: We need to focus on the right audience. For this, MKT need to make a market segmentation based on products and audience for each LC, in order to accomplish a subscribers analysis and EPs to understand the profile of our consumers. With this information, we can analyze the universities and courses to learn how to focus on where are the EPs we need, adapting our promotions for each market, always focusing on digital marketing. 1) It must be based on the right audience, according to the analysis of market segmentation, and reach online. facebook pages, linkedin and online groups are also some platforms that can be used. The by-products should always be customized, the OPs and the rest, to the right public. 2) Approach: The first approach should be performed always over the phone, otherwise, by e-mail. All approaches should not exceed 48 hours, preferably within 24 hours to keep the EP / trainee / member concerned. Considering that the email and attachment can be made according to the SPIN selling model. 3) EP Induction: Session with EPs which AIESEC can be introduced briefly, showing our by-products and requirements of each one of them. Based on the résumes, courses and show the organization opportunities through showcasings. Finally, to speed up the process, the EP is able to subscribe on EXPA and then AIESEC can teach briefly how to use this platform. If possible, the EP should leave the EP Induction with at least one application and being in progress. 4) Matching Progress: This part must be seen as a sale. The EP hasn’t purchased the product yet, then the EP Manager needs to be trained to know hot to make a sale, considering their profile. In order to keep the EP interested, some facebook and whatsapp groups, match coffe, as well as phone calls and assists in LC can be made. For the EP / trainee/ member don’t lose interest, we should be close to them. 5) Delivery: Organization focus, we must present the LDM either in OPS or IPS, align expectations and promote more opportunities. We must also make accompaniments of EP during the experience, to ensure their good experience, as well as they catalize their leadership development. After returning to the country of origin, the EP must attend a seminar reintegration, to have a reflection about the experience they’d lived, and in order to he become a member of the organization where he’d lived the value proposal of AIESEC and continue to develop through the TMP / TLP programs.
10.Please rank the first 3 MCVP position that you are most interested in from this: Finance, TM, Marketing, LCD, BD, iGIP , oGIP , iGCDP , oGCDP
1. Choose and explain 3 key focus for your term as VP Talent Management. Please be Specific on why is that a priority, how is it going to happen and what are the expected outcomes of the actions you set. • Learning and Development To assure a fast learning curve of the membership, the current MC is already working well with an education cycle allied to an operations timeline, which must be kept. But, we still need to educate the network to adapt the speech of all of our programs according to the LDM, making it of common knowledge among the members. We also need to assure that each team minimums is being implemented in the correct time, as well as build the mentality of the network to the use of data as a “corner” between TM and operations, and in the projection of optimistic scenarios, realists and pessimistic, so the network can be more preventive than reactive. a) Education Cycle of Team Minimums: It can be made by the NST Team, through chats that will be recorded for the network. b) LDM: Considering that the LDM is still not clear for the members of the organization, for our education to be effective, it must happen in national conferences, local inductions, newsletters and in chats for the network. c) Data Use: Clear explanation of why use the data, how to analyze them and when to present them, making clear how the data analysis, with clear next steps, can influence in the organizational culture of the office and in the achievement of goals. • Data driven and analyses So TM can be more strategic and work more effectively in the inside control of the needs of the LC and consequently, increase the operations results, we need to work in smarter business model, that can measure the percentage of team minimums applied in the projects, the percentage of attendance in the LC activities, percentage of retention and productivity by area and the percentage of complete HR per month, considering that in the current scenario, TM doesn’t use all the potential for us to have even more leadership stories inside all of our programs. So we can manage all this information, it is necessary that, firstly we have an internal communication channel and of fixe work, as PODIO, so all the analysis tools can be allocated in them, allowing that the next terms can have more efficient transitions, based on data.
a) Tracking of Team Minimums: This tool can measure the percentage of team minimums being applied per project in the beginning, during and in the end of the XP of each TLP. Like this, we will be more effective in understanding which are the gaps we have in management and be more correct in the guidance to the TLP, to ensure the quality delivery based on standards and increase the operations results. b) Attendance Control: Through a tool of attendance control, we can measure which members are actually living the XP the organization provides, like attendance in area meetings, functional trainings, ,LC meetings, conferences and elections. This control contributes to map the engagement of the LCs, making with that the EBs can take actions to engage the members to bigger participations, considering that the low participations can to take to low results and create a lack of interest of the members and low retention. c) Retention, productivity and complete HR: To instigate the network in the first semester to start noticing the importance of these data, we could make tasks with calculations to be sent to the MC and LCPs. And then, in the second semester, the data can make part of the annual LC planning, as monthly control of the NSTs. • IXP So Portugal can have a better leadership pipeline, engaged members, that know how ro sell the organization products with knowledge and passion for our value proposal, we must focus on bigger efforts for IXP. For that, finances, OGX and TM must work together, creating a discount policy to the LCs, working with goals according to the reality of each LC and making with the networks have the ambition to achieve these results, through an incentive system. At LC level, IXP must be worked from the moment the member enters the organization, in the organizational induction, so IXP can become part of the AIESEC culture, where all members know that in some moment they will have this XP. Main strategies at MC level: Endomarketing, discount policy, LC goals and tracking of these goals through NSTs. 2. Please conduct a SWOT analysis of TMP&TLP brand in the Youth Market in Portugal. Give 2 innovations you would like to bring about to improve this and explain their impact. The members understand the organization impact YT structure divulgation program Recognized as a personal and professional development opportunity.
Possibility of expanding to new regions and markets Members that are interested in having experiences abroad To sell the youth talents subproducts
Lack of LDM understanding Lack of career plan Lack of JD’s clarity Lack of a tool that measures the members development
AIESEC being seen as an “easy organization’’ to be part of Competition with other organizations LCs doesnt have the same brand
• Career plan As soon as the new members come, we’ll be able to work with a mentoring system where the old members can explain to the new ones all the opportunities AIESEC has to offer them and also, explain about the values within all the programs so that the members can add to their individual plans the IXP. By the end of these meetings, the new member will be able to fill an individual learning plan, which must be accompanied by its direct leader. The goal of this program is to contribute for better retention rates by the members who understand AIESEC’s value proposition and how opportunities can influence their development, for us to have more leadership pipeline and maturity in the youth talent programs. • Stronger middle management For us to have more strategic back office areas, facilitate the sinergy between the back and front office, we must all recognize that we are one team, just like a second EB. For this to happen, the TLP front office and back office managers positions could be fullfield by an application so that all the team can look for information concerning all the areas, which they would be alocated to per profile. These could be one semester positions so that the members can have the TL experience in the front office and in the back office manager. When being ellected the middle management body should attend an induction session to understand the TL and manager role and how the positions complete themselves. So that creating a monthly meeting routine for project creation and the definitions of next steps as a group, according to the comitees needs is necessary. At the end when the members become part of the EB they will be more mature. • Review TM managers JD’s 1 operation GCDP manager, 1 GIP manager responsible for the education cycle and team minimums tracking in the programmes, with a clear routine (first week: Sending the tools | Second week: team minimums, productivity, retention analysis |third week: Meeting with the TL to decide next steps | fourth week: follow up) and a HR selection induction manager,responsible for the LEAD and the HR management. (extra strategy*)
3. How can you ensure that ever experience that we provide have connected the leadership we want to develop? For each experience that we deliver people develop the leadership we want, first we need to put leadership in the center of everything we do and focus our strenghts in the value deliver. Therefore, our standards/team minimums are the basis that guarantee and facilitate LEAD as a catalyst which will make the LDM development aware of it. With the daily schedules, the costumers should live the inner and outer journey experiences, with it the four competences will be developed. TM must guarantee that the team minumums are being delivered within the correct timeline, according to the CF. • Before the Project starts: Team building, JD and training. • During the planning week: Strategic and operational planning • During the Project: Tracking, evaluation, o2o, training and transition (for TLPs)
Deliver standards it’s not an option! It’s the first step to enable leadership development! “Every leader needs an external environment to explore, but also needs to go through a self reflection about the experience, personal goals and values. The inner journey is as much important as the outer journey, if we want to enable a lifelong leadership journey. By connecting every touchpoint of the I&OJ flow to the customer experience we can clearly understands the leadership development process.This is an essential alignment for our co-delivery!”
“We lose ourselves in the things we love, we find ourselves there too.”
Thank you very much! :)