The Gold-Bug libretto English Version

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The Gold-Bug

Opera for a Young Audience in

Five Scenes


Dai Fujikura

Libretto by

Hannah Dübgen after the Short-Story “The Gold-Bug“ by Edgar Allan Poe 31/08/2017

A Commission by the Hochschule fĂźr Musik / FHNW and Theater Basel, Switzerland, with the friendly support of the Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation.


Characters: William Legrand Albert Lilith Sam Margaret

Albert’s daughter William’s grandson William’s wife

Bass Baritone Soprano Tenor Mezzo-soprano


Scene One A stormy evening. A hut on an island. The island is covered with a dense undergrowth of myrtle. ALBERT and LILITH are walking towards the hut, fighting the wind and the shrub. ALBERT



I’m here!




I’m here, Dad! You are shouting so loudly that you cannot hear me.


Oh – yes, well – I just wanted to check - that you are here.


I am. Are you all right?


Yes! Of course. We must hurry. Hurry up!

ALBERT and LILITH arrive at the entrance of the hut. ALBERT knocks. Inside the hut: WILLIAM excited: Yes! WILLIAM opens the door, SAM is visible in the background, taking care of an open fire. WILLIAM

Albert, my friend! How did you know that I wanted to see you? Come in!

WILLIAM and LILITH enter the hut. WILLIAM leads ALBERT straight to his desk; the two gentleman do not pay much attention to SAM and LILITH, who look at each other with amazement - they obviously have not met before. ALBERT

I wanted to check if you need anything in this unruly storm //

WILLIAM falling in/simultaneously: // storm - of excitement! Today is my fortunate day! Albert, this afternoon, by the sea, I found a scarabaeus! ALBERT

A bug?


A bug, yes, but not an ordinary one. A very special, precious bug: A bug with a golden back! So brilliant, shimmering, beautiful... A golden back and in the midst: two black spots, round and louring like two black eyes, and, further down on the golden back: one more black spot, longer than the other two, three black spots in a sea of lustrous gold! A gold-bug! As heavy as only gold can be, a bug never seen or heard of before, my gold-bug - so beautiful, valuable, beautiful!



And where is it? Show me the bug!


Well – I gave it away... Just for tonight! I lent the bug to Monica, the vet whom I met on my way back from the seashore: ’William Legrand, what makes you whistle so cheerfully today?’ she asked, and I showed her: tender: my gold-bug. ’What a precious beauty! Lucky you!’ said Monica, the vet, and promised to take good care of the bug, when she’ll check its health... But tomorrow morning, I will get the bug back! Straight after breakfast, Sam will go and get it, straight after breakfast, won’t you Sam?

SAM knods. ALBERT seems disappointed. LILITH to SAM: Is the bug ill? SAM shrugs his shoulders, to LILITH: I haven’t seen it yet... WILLIAM to ALBERT: So, for now, Albert, all I can do is to make a sketch, to give you an idea of the gold-bug’s shape and size. Come here! WILLIAM opens the drawer of his desk, looking for paper and pen. WILLIAM

Margaret? Where is the paper? Margaret!

MARGARET appears and calmly walks up to a cupboard, while WILLIAM pulls out something out of his waistcoat pocket. WILLIAM

Well - this sandwich paper will do for now.

WILLIAM begins to draw something, while MARGARET offers ALBERT and LILITH to sit down. WILLIAM

My gold-bug! ... three black spots in a sea of lustrous gold... so beautiful, valuable...

Suddenly the lights go out. WILLIAM


ALBERT uneasy: Lilly?! SAM

A power cut -

LILITH composed: caused by the storm... SAM



I will get some candles.


Thank god you lit a fire!


Thank god I had already finished the drawing, Albert, look!


WILLIAM hands his drawing over to ALBERT. ALBERT takes the drawing and moves close to the fire place. ALBERT sits down next to the open fire and studies the drawing. WILLIAM

Isn’t it beautiful?

ALBERT confused: What? WILLIAM

The bug!




There! points at the drawing in ALBERTs hand.


But... I don’t see a bug.



ALBERT louder: I don’t see a bug! I see only... a death’s-head. A skull! Two eye-sockets, below the mouth... an oval skull... WILLIAM

But it’s a bug! My bug, with two black spots on its back - yes, the spots look a little like eyes - but it’s a bug with antennae nonetheless!


I don’t see antennae... moves the drawing even closer to the fire: I see only an oval skull! No antennae, nowhere!

WILLIAM takes back the drawing and runs with it around in the room. MARGERET follows WILLIAM, holding a lit candle. MARGARET

William, please, stand still!

WILLIAM eventually stands and MARGARET holds the candle close to the drawing, so that WILLIAM can look at it in the dark. WILLIAM

Here – the antennae, they are here!

WILLIAM goes back to ALBERT. ALBERT takes the drawing another time and holds it over the fire, carefully looking at it. ALBERT

There are no antennae.

Silence. WILIAM

You don’t see them! That’s different.

ALBERT condescendingly: Well, if only you see them – that is – MARGARET interjecting: Mysterious! A mystery... ALBERT sceptically: A mystery? SAM

A riddle...

LILITH to SAM: There is an explanation to every riddle... ALBERT

Exactly! proudly: My daughter.

ALBERT to WILLIAM: And since I don’t see a bug here, nowhere, while my vision is perfectly fine, you must be WILLIAM

Watch your words, my friends! I know very well what I saw with my own eyes, what I drew with my own hand!


And I know very well what I saw and what I did not see -



Go away then! Leave my house if you don’t believe me! You are not worthy of seeing my gold-bug. Sam will get it tomorrow, and then – triumphantly: we’ll see! I don’t need you to know what I found, what I possess!

WILLIAM takes back the drawing: I don’t even need a drawing WILLIAM is about to throw the drawing into the fire, when SAM catches it and rescues the drawing. ALBERT

Lilly?! Let’s go. Now!

LILITH to SAM and MARGARET: I’m sorry. I’m sure MARGARET softly: the rage will abate... SAM to LILITH: There will be an explanation! Tomorrow, I’ll get the bug, and then – ALBERT harshly: Let’s go, Lilly! Our – points at WILLIAM, sarcastically: friend here does not appreciate our visit. WILLIAM

Indeed! Go away, you short-sighted fool!

ALBERT takes LILITH’s arm and moves her towards the door, LILITH waves SAM and MARGARET goodbye. After ALBERT and LILITH have left the house, SAM, who stands close to the open fire, carefully looks at the drawing that WILLIAM has made. SAM then puts the drawing into a drawer and blows out the candle in his hand. Almost dark.

Scene Two A townhouse in a town full of churches. SAM is aproaching the house. As he arrives at the front door and is about to knock - he hears something inside. LILITH is singing. Instead of knocking, SAM listens. LILITH

Far away in space and time do you rest mother mine...

covers her head with her hands, then forces herself to continue: Night after night I see you here – lifts up one arm: in the light that I hold near – stops, makes a fist and looks to the ground, as if she was watching a candle falling out of her hand. Dreams, sweet dreams! You know me best, give me joy for what? A while...


SAM eventually knocks. LILITH opens the door, they look at each other. SAM

Your mom too is –

LILITH nods:

Dead. Like yours?

SAM quickly:

No, not dead, my parents are not dead, I hope! They are just gone...


My mom is gone forever.

SAM silently:


SAM and LILITH: -ever. SAM

Oh, Li-

LILITH falling in: -lith! My name is Lilith! Lilith like the demon in ancient Mesopotamia. SAM



... is the name my mother gave me some years before she got sick and passed away.

SAM with compassion: Lilith. after a moment of silence: Do you visit your mom’s grave? LILITH

Yes, with my father. confidentally: I also comb my hair with her brush.


I do not know where to go, where to look for my parents...

LILITH tenderly: Sam. LILITH and SAM: I am sorry. ALBERT appears. ALBERT

Sam! You are here? grimly: Did William send you?

SAM shakes his head, still looking sad. ALBERT a little friendlier: How is your grandfather? Has he calmed down? SAM

Sir, I fear – he is unwell. That’s why I came –


William is unwell? What’s wrong? Tell me, come in!

SAM and ALBERT enter the townhouse. ALBERT

Lilly -

LIITH angrily:

Lilith! Dad, you know my name.


Yes, a name that I’ve never used.



It’s still my name!


It was you mom’s idea! To call you „Li-lith“ - what an effort to pronounce it, Li-lith – your tongue stuck between your lips each time, Lilly is so much easier!

LILITH grimly: But false. SAM

Lilly is a flower, not a demon, ri-(ght..)?

ALBERT interrupting: Sam, what is it that you wanted to tell me? SAM

Well, sir - to be honest I am worried. My grandfather says that he has been bitten by the gold-bug.

ALBERT repeating: Bitten by the bug? laughs, amused: And was he bleeding heavily? SAM

I looked at the wound, saw scratches, no bite marks, scratches which could have come from everywhere, a pin or some brushwood, I thought...


It’s impossible to reach your house without pushing away all that shrub of sweet myrtle!

SAM nods. SAM

This, sir – is why I’m worried. It’s not the wound, it’s more that grandpa -

hesitates, than forces himself: seems – at times – in his own world. He gets nervous, agitated, he no longer sleeps at night, sleepwalks instead, murmering that: “Death himself is chasing the bug! Death is trying to push out the bug, is trying to catch us all!“ ALBERT

Death himself? Why? thinks. Because William drew a death’s-head on that paper the other night?


I don’t know. I don’t know what goes on in grandpa’s mind, all that I heard through the door the other night was that he is anxious: He believes that his gold-bug must be “saved“, because if not: “We will all be in danger of dying!“


But what makes Wiliam believe that his bug is in danger? That we are all in danger? There is no reason to believe that! laughs: All that sweet myrtle surrounding your house has bedazzled William’s senses! Your grandpa, Sam, hallucinates: he sees at night in his imagination what he drew on that paper:


a death’s-head, not a bug... What possessed him while he was sketching? - I don’t know. What made him unable to see what he had actually drawn? – I don’t know. But it is clear that your grandpa sees now in his sleepwalking nights what he drew on that paper... Not what is really there. SAM

And if it were so –


It must be so!


In that case - could you, as his friend, please, sir, talk to him? Convince him to get help, to see a doctor? Grandma tried, she’s worried too but you know how my grandpa can be, sometimes...


Oh I know! I know!

remembering/citing: ’But it’s a bug! Here – the antennae, they are here!’ LILITH asking SAM: Does the bug really have a golden back? SAM nods:

The bug looks exactly as grandpa described it: It has -

citing/repeating: a golden back and in the midst: two black spots, and, further down... one more black spot, ... three black spots in a sea of lustrous gold! A gold-bug! As heavy as only gold can be... ALBERT suddenly interested: Really?Fascinating... Sam, listen: I’ll come this afternoon to your house, and I’ll talk to William, all right? SAM

Thank you, sir! I’m relieved.


I’ll come too!


Thank you - tenderly: wonderous Li-lith. I must hurry now – grandma is waiting, see you later -

LILITH and ALBERT: See you later, Sam! ALBERT and LILITH and SAM: See you later! SAM leaves.

Scene Three On the island. ALBERT and LILITH are walking towards William’s hut - again. LILITH




I’m coming...

LILITH excited: I can see the house! ALBERT

The hut, you mean... exhausted: All that myrtle! gasping.

LILITH knocks. SAM opens the door, while WILLIAM appears from behind. simultaneously: SAM







Good afternoon – William.


Albert! From the town of numerous churches... grumpily: Rings the bell of – (dis-be-lief...)

ALBERT interrupting: How are you, William? WILLIAM stunned, looks at SAM as if to check if SAM has told them something. WILLIAM

I am a lucky person – secretly: because my gold-bug will save us all!


Is that so? looks at SAM. to WILLIAM: Can I see the bug? Please?

WILLIAM triumphantly: Of course! WILLIAM goes to get the gold-bug. MARGARET appears. MARGARET

Lilith! Sir..

WILLIAM returns with the bug: Look at our saviour! My gold-bug - so beautiful, valuable, beautiful! ALBERT and LILITH look at the bug. ALBERT

A golden back and in the midst: two black spots... and, further down... one more black spot... three black spots in a sea of lustrous gold! Indeed... Very beautiful! May I hold the gold-bug?

WILLIAM first suspicious, then too proud to say ’no’: But be careful! We need the bug. privately: My gold-bug protects us from death! ALBERT weighing the gold-bug in his hand: From death? WILLIAM nods: When death comes... at night... trying to catch us ALBERT

What? Why should -

WILLIAM agitated, interrupting: Death himself is chasing the bug, is trying to catch us all! Death wants to take over this house and only the gold-bug can save us!“ ALBERT shakes his head. WILLIAM quickly takes back his bug, is about to get angry again, while ALBERT tries to de-escalate the situation: Sit down, William. WILLIAM outraged/anxiously: If you don’t believe me – then leave!


ALBERT calmly: William, please. I only want to understand William



Yes. So, tell me: What makes you think that death –

WILLIAM interrupting: - is coming at night! His head appears on that paper – WILLIAM points at that drawer in which SAM put the drawing at the end of Scene One: WILLIAM

Death himself takes over my drawing, shows me his louring eye-sockets, his skull... shivers.


Wait: So you see a death’s-head on that paper too now?


Yes, but only at night! When I look at the drawing by the fire... During the day, the skull disappears, after my gold-bug has fought death successfully, tenderly: our saviour. But the following night – the death’s-head reappears, fighting back, fighting hard my poor gold-bug... It’s a fight about life and death! And only the gold-bug can save us!


Okay – William, listen. Why don’t we all look at that drawing again now? looking at Sam, pointing at the drawer: Can you get it, Sam?

SAM looks at WILLIAM, who nods. SAM then goes up to the drawer and takes out the drawing, while ALBERT moves close to fire. ALBERT

Let us look at it by the fireplace, where it’s warm and there is light!


But the sun is shining bright!

ALBERT takes the drawing and moves it close to the open fire, SAM, LILITH and MARGARET follow him. ALBERT, SAM, LILITH and MARGARET look at the drawing close to the fire. ALBERT

It’s a death’s-head! Of course...


No! It cannot be - it’s not nighttime! The sun is shining bright!




Let me see it!

WILLIAM catches the drawing and runs away, he leaves the house, the drawing in his hand, is agitated, anxious. WILLIAM eventually comes to rest and looks at the drawing carefully. WILLIAM

It’s a bug – my gold-bug! As I drew it! imitating ALBERT’s earlier: Of course. Are you blind?

ALBERT shakes his head again, SAM goes up to WILLIAM, looks at the drawing and freezes. SAM stuttering: The – bug! It’s the gold-bug! He – is – right... ALBERT and LILITH are confused, they follow SAM, who has taken the drawing, and look at it outside. ALBERT and LILITH simultaneously: ALBERT

In – deed...


the gold-bug!

In – deed... the gold-bug!

Stunned Silence. MARGARET

A mystery...


No, it’s not a mystery, it’s daytime! That’s why.


But inside, by the fireplace -


SAM suddenly: It’s the fire! It must be the fire! They all look at SAM, not understanding. SAM

Let’s go inside and have another look – I bet we’ll see the death’s-head as before!

They all go back inside, where SAM holds the drawing very close to the open fire. SAM covers for a few seconds the drawing with his hand, then withdraws his hand so that they can all see the drawing. LILITH

The death’s-head! Sam, you are right!

ALBERT and WILLIAM simultaneously: But – why? SAM

When I fetched the drawing today, holding it in my hands, feeling it with my fingertips, I realised that it wasn’t ordinary sandwich paper -

which I know all too well from school -,

no: You, Grandpa, have made the drawing on a piece of parchment! This – SAM waves the drawing in his hand: is very thin parchment, that long-lasting material which pirates use... LILITH nods, SAM and LILITH together: ... to draw maps of islands unknown! SAM

Exactly! And with what do pirates draw their secret maps? With ink that only becomes visible once -

ALBERT falls in: You heat up the parchment - with fire, of course! Bravo, Sam! That’s it – when the parchment heats up, the skull appears... WILLIAM

Whereas outside, away from the fire, we only see my drawing...



LILITH who is looking at the drawing which SAM still holds very close to the fire, suddenly screams: And there is more! To see... SAM

Yes, here!

They all look at the drawing again. ALBERT

The death’s-head -


and below –






And a kid goat! Here – to the right –


That’s right!


The letters are a secret code...


A message?

SAM looking at WILLIAM and LILITH: Not from death, but – SAM and LILITH together: from pirates! WILLIAM

Pirates? Why them?


Grandpa, the death’s-head is the symbol of pirates! You can see a skull on all their flags.




And the kid goat here is the signature of Captain Kidd!


Captain Who?



Captain Kidd, Dad. The famous pirate who sailed around the world...


and came to our country with a ship full of gold, arms and money...




Valuables which he had to hide... somewhere...

before he was caught...

ALBERT Says the legend! I remember now. Captain Kidd really existed – but his treasure

was never found, right?

WILLIAM suddenly grinning: Until now! Perhaps the secret code - points at the parchment: is a message from the Captain stating where the treasure is hidden? ALBERT

But why should Captain Kidd leave a message here, on this island -

WILLIAM interrupting: No, not here! I found the parchment on that seashore where I also found the gold-bug, it was lying under bushes, half covered with sand, I picked it up to place the gold-bug on it. And – suddenly remembers: there were even pieces of wood! lying close to the parchment in the sand, wood that may well stem from a shipwreck! more and more excited/assured: And why – I ask you - should the parchment lie there if not because some seafarer had left it there, in a hurry... LILITH repeating: before he was caught... WILLIAM

... long ago?

They all look at each other, then at the parchment. SAM

But if it were so – what does the message say?

LILITH tries to read the message: Gogololdod toto bobe fofounondod... SAM

I cannot understand a word.


We must find the decipher code!

LILITH nods:

The secret rule that will lead us to the message hiding inside this mess of letters...


If there is a message...


There must be!


William is right. Why would you write in secrete code on a material known to survive generations of man -

LILITH interjecting: And woman! ALBERT

... if the message wasn’t important?


Important - and precious, yes! Our guide to fortune!

LILITH reading again: Gogololdod toto bobe fofounondod... SAM, LILITH, ALBERT and WILLIAM look at each other. ALBERT SAM WILLIAM

Gogol-oldod toto bobe -fofounondod?


WILLIAM impatient: What does this mean? What does the message say? Nobody has an idea. SAM, LILITH, ALBERT and WILLIAM think hard, studying the parchment, while MARGARET begins to walk around the room. MARGARET remembering: Take two steps back... to jump – forward! We sang when we were young, playing in the streets of the village... citing someone who shouts: Take two steps back – to jump forward, take a big leap, hey! in a different tone: Think - two steps back... to jump - forward, take a big leap LILITH repeating: Think - two steps back... Let’s see what we have got here... while MARGARET goes on in the background:

Think back, think twice to jump - forward! Think back, think twice...

LILITH reads again: Gogololdod toto bobe fofounondod... SAM

I still cannot understand a word! I cannot work it out: gogogo... there are ’o’s everywhere!


But there aren’t that many ’o’s in the English language!


Right! So let’s try and read it without them!


Gglldd tt...


Now there are too many consonants!




Consonants: All those letters that aren’t a, e, i, o, u.


And there are always two consonants at once! Gglldd...


So -?

LILITH excited: Let’s try and read the message without the second consonant and the ’o’ before! LILITH slowly deciphering: G-o-l-d! WILLIAM ecstatic: Gold! I knew it! LILITH


b-e ...

SAM and LILITH: foun-d. ALBERT

We got it!


What? The gold?



The code!

ALBERT proudly explaining to WILLIAM as if he himself had worked it out: Every time a consonant SAM to himself: a letter that isn’t a, e, i, o, u... ALBERT continuing: is doubled... SAM

g-g, l-l, d-d


... and has an ’o’ squashed in between -




You just take away the second consonant and the ’o’ in between! Easy-peasy! laughs.


So let’s read on:

LILITH and SAM continue to decipher the code: Gold to be found, (slowly):

swords and jewelry in a tot-

They laugh, then repeat correctly: in a t-reasure that is buried in the ground LILITH, SAM, ALBERT, WILLIAM and MARGARET slowly deciphering: of a deserted plain. A plain high above a windy seashore, where eight oaks WILLIAM


They all laugh, then repeat correctly: pro-tect the most beautiful tulip tree. WILLIAM exclaiminig: I know that high plain! It’s right by the coast, close to the spot where I found the parchment! LILITH, SAM, ALBERT, WILLIAM and MARGARET slowly continue the deciphering: At thirty feet west of that tulip tree WILLIAM falling in: We will need a compass! LILITH, SAM, ALBERT, WILLIAM and MARGARET continue the deciphering: lies ten feet underground a wrought iron trunk. The key which opens the trunk is stored in the seventh branch, counted from the bottom upwards, of the tulip tree, lying in a small hole carved in the branch next to a kid goat. SAM

It’s Captain Kidd! The kid goat is his symbol, his signature!


It’s Captain Kidd’s treasure...


That we will dig up!






They all look at each other. WILLIAM

The high plain with that tulip tree is only a few miles away if we leave now, we could be there before night falls!


Oh yes, let’s go!

ALBERT to WILLIAM: The plain is really that close? WILLIAM nods: And our boat is ready! SAM looking at LILITH and ALBERT: And big enough for all of us! LILITH

So let’s go!

ALBERT in a dignified manner as if he was the leader: Let’s go and dig up the treasure! MARGARET

I’ll wait here.


Are you sure, Grandma?

MARGARET nods: I’ll stay here, watch the fire, and cook you a fine seafarer’s meal. SAM



Goodbye, Misses Legrand.


Goodbye, Grandma, see you later!

WILLIAM holding the gold-bug in his hands: But you will come with us, my precious gold-bug! You brought me luck, and you’ll bring us more luck, your golden back will lead us to more gold! Let’s go and dig up the treasure! SAM, LILITH, WILLIAM and ALBERT: Let’s go and dig up the treasure! ((: Let’s go and dig up the treasure! :)) LILITH, SAM, WILLIAM and ALBERT leave the house. MARGARET stays behind in the house, smiling. MARGARET

Take two steps back, to jump – forward, take a big leap, well-done, children! Think two steps back to jump – forward, take a big leap, hey!

Scene Four LILITH, SAM, ALBERT and WILLIAM on a sailing boat, at sea. LILITH, SAM, ALBERT and WILLIAM together (hereafter: „ALL“): Let’s go and dig up the treasure! WILLIAM




Let’s go and dig up the treasure!



They all laugh. cheerfully: LILITH













the gold-bug! by


the gold-bug! WILLIAM


Sailing along... getting close...

simultaneously: to a glorious

to hidden treasures...

future! ...

.... and new truths!

to a wealthy, affluent life, looking at SAM: a life that our family was once known for, long ago... nods: very long ago... Sailing along... to find the remains of those who went away...

passed away...

years ago.

years ago. Gold! We’ll find gold! My gold-bug will bring us fortune! Its golden back will lead us the way!

Its golden back ... glistening in the sun... dazzling its beauty... suddenly excited: So must have sparkled tantalising gold in the eyes of my mom and dad when they went away... excited, obviously understanding something for the first time: When they sailed away... just as we are sailing now! Mom and Dad! I am coming I follow you!



LILITH You follow them? What do you mean?

I will find gold – as they did! laughs: I am bitten by the gold-bug – just as they have been bitten! Mom and Dad, I understand you! FINALLY I understand why you went away... anxious: So now – you want to do the same? Go away – to look for gold? We are already looking for gold! And if we find it? You will look for more? You will sail on... alone... until you find your parents? (Aria:) Far away do we sail following a dream fragile and stray... Leaving each other behind - for what?! Whom can we trust and for how long... LILITH to SAM: You will sail on... alone? Silence. LILITH suddenly turns red when she realizes that her question reveals her feelings for SAM. SAM understands, tenderly: Alone? Without you? Leaving you behind? No! You should - you could come with me, wondrous Lilith, could you not? LILITH looks at SAM, slowly smiling.


WILLIAM suddenly shouting: The seashore! I can see the seashore, we are almost there!

Scene Five WILLIAM, ALBERT, SAM and LILITH at the coast. WILLIAM

We must walk up here! There’s a trail leading up to the plain.

SAM and LILITH: Okay, let’s go! ALBERT running out of breath: Lilly? No answer. ALBERT



I’m here, Dad! Are you all right?


Of course! gasping: Can you see the tulip tree?


Not yet.


And now?


Patience, Dad!


We are almost there...


I can see the plain!


And a majestic tulip tree!


Surrounded by eight oaks...

LILITH and SAM: As the message said. Hurray! They start running. WILLIAM

Hey! Wait for us – older folks...


Old? I’m not old! I’m at the height of my powers.

WILLIAM storming forward, following SAM and LILITH: Wait for me! My gold-bug will lead us the way! WILLIAM, SAM, LILITH and ALBERT on the plain, next to the tulip tree. LILITH and SAM remembering what the message said: At thirty feet west of the tulip tree – ALBERT

I’ve got a compass!

LILITH and SAM: ... lies ten feet underground a wrought iron trunk. ALBERT

Thirty feet west... That must be here!


Great! Let’s dig up the treasure!


I’ve got the spade -


I took the shovel...


So –


Let’s go and dig up the treasure!

SAM and LILITH start digging.



The trunk –


I can see it!


It’s there!


It’s real!


It’s really there!


Bring it up!


I need help –

WILLIAM and ALBERT: We are coming! LILITH


WILLIAM and ALBERT enter the hole that LILITH and SAM have dug. WILLIAM underground: It’s so deep! SAM

Give me your hand, Grandpa –


LIl- correcting himself just in time: - ith!


Here, Dad! Give me your hand!


And now?


Up we go! Take a handle –


The trunk has handles – how handy! laughing at his own word-game.


Heave ho!


Heave ho! ((: Heave ho! :))

Eventually, the trunk is moved up. ALBERT

The treasure - is real!




Now we only need the key...


which opens the trunk.


What did the message say again?

SAM and LILITH repeating: They key which opens the trunk is stored in the seventh branch, counted from the bottom upwards, of the tulip tree, lying in a small hole carved in the branch next to a kid goat. SAM

Let’s climb up the tulip tree!


Let’s go!

They all go up to the tulip tree. SAM is counting its branches from the bottom upwards, while LILITH is already climbing up. SAM

One, two, three...


Careful, Lil-ith!


Yes, be careful. Wait for me!

SAM follows LILITH, who soon arrives at the seventh branch. She climbs up the branch. LILITH

The kid goat! I see the kid goat next to a small hole.


Wait, I am coming!

LILITH tries to put her fingers into the hole, without success.



The mouth of the hole is too small – I can’t reach the bottom with my fingers!


Let me try...

SAM tries to put his hand into the hole, again without success. SAM

The hole is too deep and its mouth too small...


Our hands are too big.


If your hands are too big, who could possibly -

ALBERT interrupting: The mouth of the hole was deliberately made this way, I’m sure! So that it would not be easy to get the key out... WILLIAM

But we must get the key! We cannot open the trunk without it.


Of course.

Moment of perplexity. LILITH murmering: Think two steps back.... WILLIAM desperately: All that gold... SAM

Wait – couldn’t the gold-bug help us?


Yes! The bug is definitely small enough to enter the hole!


Grandpa, you were right: Your gold-bug could indeed bring us luck –


I told you! All along...

LILITH to WILLIAM: Would you give us the bug, Sir? ALBERT

Wait! Let’s wrap a string around its golden back first -




So that we can pull the gold-bug out of the hole in case there is a problem...


I see! Good idea. My gold-bug mustn’t get lost!

WILLIAM hands the gold-bug to ALBERT: Be careful! ALBERT

You can trust me, my friend.

ALBERT wraps a string around the gold-bug’s back, while SAM is climbing down the tulip tree. ALBERT hands over the gold-bug to SAM, who climbs up the tulip tree again. When SAM reaches the tree’s seventh branch, he gives the gold-bug to LILITH. LILITH then carefully lowers the string so that the gold-bug enters the hole in the branch. While SAM, LILITH, ALBERT and WILLIAM are holding their breath, we hear the scraping noises of the gold-bug inside the branch. After a while, some rumbling sounds are heard. LILITH starts to roll up the string and out of the hole comes the gold-bug – holding a key with its legs and antennae. LILITH and SAM: The key! WILLIAM

My gold-bug has succeeded!


It’s the key! To the trunk! The treasure...

SAM and LILITH climb down the tulip tree and run towards the trunk, followed by ALBERT and WILLIAM. Eventually, all four of them are standing around the wrought iron trunk. LILITH stretches out her hand in which she holds the key and the gold-bug:



Mister Legrand, your gold-bug brought us luck -


so you should upon the trunk, Grandpa!

WILLIAM takes the key and opens the trunk. Inside the trunk, they find a pirate’s flag and the drawing of a kid goat similar to the drawing on the cipher map. SAM

A pirate’s flag!


And a kid goat!

SAM and LILITH: From Captain Kidd! It really is his treasure! Hurray! SAM, LILITH, WILLIAM and ALBERT take things out of the trunk: WILLIAM

There are gold bars!


Silver coins...


Swords and a half-broken harpoon –


Which was probably used at sea...


... for whaling?




So much gold... Even a fourth.... even half of those gold bars – will make us rich again! The Legrand family will be rich again! Sam, have you heard? Everyone must know: The Legrand family is wealthy again!

fantasising, talking to an imagined crowd: Come to their island, their beautiful mansion, see their garden full of bugs and friends, come all to celebrate with the happy, generous Legrand family! ALBERT

Look at those garments! They must stem from a very cold country...


Very cold indeed...


Look! There are boxes of jewelry.

LILITH looks inside the box and takes out a necklace: This necklace is beautiful! ALBERT

Lilith, your mother would have chosen precisely this one too!

LILITH touched: Really? ALBERT nods: That’s exactly her taste. “Elegance, but no exuberance“ was her credo. LILITH

True... I remember now: Sitting on her lap... playing with that thing around her neck: A silver necklace! With little dark-blue stones... A blue shimmering in the sun like the ocean....


I remember... You and your mom.... Lilith! You are so much like her....

SAM walks up to LILITH, takes the necklake and puts it around her neck. SAM

You should wear it, it looks beautiful on you.


Thank you.

They look at each other. LILITH cautiously: So will you go - away? SAM

To look for my parents? smiling: With you on board?


SAM shrugs his shoulders: Who knows. I feel already closer to them, now, that I know what it means – looking at LILITH LILITH and SAM: ... to be bitten by the gold-bug! We’ve been bitten by the gold-bug! ALL

We’ve been bitten by the gold-bug!


And we succeeded -


We found gold!


Precious remains...


Interesting coins...


New joys... touches her necklace.

ALBERT holding up a coin: Who has ever seen such coins? They are not from here – WILLIAM

Where are they from?


I am not sure. I will have to look them up in my books, but they are definitely from another continent...


How exciting! A faraway continent which Captain Kidd sailed to?

LILITH excited: There is so much to find out! Who has given this very narrow ring to whom, and why? SAM

It must have been for a woman...


Or a child? We will examine all items carefully, and publish what we will find out!

increasingly excited: We will go down in history – we will ourselves be written about! I can read it already: On X (March/April/May...) the XX (filling in the month and day of the performance!) a treasure was found deep in the ground excavated by the most knowledgeable LILITH falling in: team! of creative adventurers... ALBERT looking at LILITH, smiling: Lilith! You are so much like your mother... You know that? ALBERT affectionately ruffles LILITH’s hair. WILLIAM suddenly: The sun has almost set! It’s getting dark... ALBERT

We must head back before night falls.


And the treasure?


We must bring the trunk on board of our boat.


Yes! Let’s put all valuables back in the trunk and carry it together.


Everyone takes a handle... repeating his joke: how handy!


Only the gold-bug has worked enough already today. He deserves to rest.



WILLIAM tenderly: My precious gold-bug... You didn’t bring us death, oh no, you brought us luck! ALBERT

Did you know that in ancient Egypt, people wore bugs made of stone around their neck,


because a scarabaeus like our gold-bug was back then a symbol of Khepri, the god who rolls the sun across the sky every morning? WILLIAM

No, I didn’t know that! But I knew all along that my gold-bug had miraculous powers... And you know it too, now, don’t you, my friend?

ALBERT nods and they laugh together. SAM, LILITH, ALBERT and WILLIAM put all valuables back in the trunk. They close the trunk and take a handle each. ALL

Heave ho! Let’s go!

SAM, LILITH, ALBERT and WILLIAM carry the trunk back towards the coast, as nIght gradually falls. ALL

We’ve been bitten by the gold-bug! We found gold and riddles yet to solve.


Night is falling, but the sun never disappears for long, tomorrow will be another day with more to discover... Hurray!

WILLIAM and ALBERT: The golden days of our past are shining bright into the future... Our today is tomorrow’s adventure... ALL

There is always more to find! We’ve been bitten by the gold-bug! Hurray!



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