Friday November 2, 2012
December 8, 1941
September 12, 2001
WVU and U.S.-NAZI WAR America LOOMS in shock
America went to war yesterday with Japan, after Nippon bombers, operating off aircraft carrier, had opened fire on defense bases at Pearl Harbor and Manila. Undisclosed presidential orders sent the nation’s army into quick action as retaliation.
Hundreds of students watched as a couch erupted in flames at the intersection of High and Willey streets Sunday night, marking the death of terrorist leader Osama bin Laden. Chants of “F--- Yeah,” “God Bless America,” “Eat S--- Pitt” and “Let’s Go ... Mountaineers” roared across the crowded streets. OCTOBER 12, 1967
Should Beer Be Sold in ‘Lair?
Ex-Mountaineer basketball player John Flowers, center, signals to the sky before leaping into a fellow student in the early morning of May 2, 2011. Students gathered near the top of High Street to celebrate the death of Osama bin Laden and the abolition of an era shrouded in fear.
Happy 125th, DA.
50 Students Polled -- 47 Yes, 3 No Stephanie Evans, nursing senior: Yes. “Someone wanting just one beer would go there and be less likely to get drunk than if he or she would go somewhere else. Besides, it would mean more money for the University.”
Opening day: Beginning of a new era
September 6, 1980 will go down in West Virginia University history as the beginning of a new era. It also will be remembered as the day many Mountaineer traditions died.
Have Mountaineer fans seen the last time the band will face the student secton while playing? Possibly paid patrons have beat out high-spirited, pro-band student section, which used to be easily whipped into a frenzy when the band made its entrance.
So you’re a student at West Virginia University, reading a copy of your school’s daily newspaper, and you wonder, “What is the storied history of such a long-standing and indelible publication?” OK, so probably not, but I’d love to tell you anyway – partly because I have a lot of time on my hands these days, but also because it’s the DA’s birthday. It’s turning 125, which makes it 20 years younger than the University itself and old enough to remember when gasoline was 10 cents a gallon. The Daily Athenaeum, the official student newspaper of West Virginia University, was established in 1887 as a weekly literary magazine. To put it in perspective, Grover Cleveland was president and the world’s first road trip by car was still a year away. The DA now serves as a daily student newspaper divided into four sections: news, sports, arts and entertainment and opinion, and is printed Monday through Friday during the academic year and every Wednesday during the summer months. It is currently the 9th largest circulating newspaper in the state of West Virginia, and was voted one of the top 15 college newspapers in the country by The Princeton Review in 2005, 2006 and 2007. The newspaper was an independent paper from 1887 into the 1920s when the newly formed School of Journalism took control of the writing, editing and production. In 1970, the paper split from the SOJ and now functions independently again, governed only by the Student Publications Board, which oversees
the hiring of its student editor-in-chief and managing editor each year. The Daily Athenaeum is currently housed in its own building at 284 Prospect Street; the building was constructed in 1994. It’s a short walk from the main campus, in case you were considering dropping off a card, present or application. The word “athenaeum” translates to “institution for the promotion of higher learning” and is a Latin word derived from the name of the Greek goddess Athena, the patron goddess of wisdom, courage and inspiration. Our staff, like the newspaper they serve, tries to be wise, courageous and inspiring at least five days a week. Our motto, found just below the masthead of every edition, reads “Little good is accomplished without controversy, and no civic evil is ever defeated without publicity,” which is arguably catchier than that of its predecessor, The Athenaeum - “Tros Tyriusque Mihi Nullo Discrimine Agetut,” or “Both Trojans and Tyrians shall be treated by me on equal terms.” The quote comes from Virgil’s Aeneid, and is spoken by Dido, founder and first queen of Carthage. If you’re wondering what it has to do with anything, well, we haven’t figured it out, either. The mission of the DA hasn’t changed in 125 years, however. It’s still a college newspaper by the students of WVU for the students of WVU, and in another 125 years, when everyone has a jetpack and newspapers aren’t printed anymore, it will – hopefully – still be there for our great-great-great grandchildren. The crossword will never go out of style.
APRIL 6, 2010
Maybe it was all the excitement and hoopla of opening day to blame for the traditional aspects of the football game being overlooked. That’s doubtful. Afterall, once tradition is forgotten, it’s gone forever.
by lydia nuzum
MAY 2, 2011
2 | DA 125
Friday November 2, 2012
The DA has provided ‘home away from home’ by carlee lammers city editor
Last year West Virginia University became my home away from home. I left behind my friends and family, my small town and everything I had known for 18 years to chase my dreams in Morgantown. I found myself a shy freshman who couldn’t make her way from her dorm room to the Mountainlair, and who fell while riding the PRT – often.
As the epitome of a little fish in a big pond, I was determined to form connections, build new friendships and discover my niche within the University. Anxious, shy and desperate to find where I belonged, I found myself on Prospect Street (that is after getting lost three times in an attempt to find it) submitting my application to the Daily Athenaeum. A few weeks later I received word that I had been hired; I was beyond excited.
Little did I know, for me, working for the DA would be much more than just a job. Being a reporter for the DA forced me to come out of my shell, allowed me to broaden my horizons and helped me in learning more about the University. I have the opportunity to write about the events, people and experiences that make WVU so great. I’ve discovered the day in the life of the Mountaineer, experienced (and tasted) African culture and reported
on burning couches. Where else does an opportunity like that come about? Writing for the DA has taught me a lot about WVU and its unique culture, but it’s also taught me a lot about myself. Now as a sophomore and the city editor, I manage a staff, a full class schedule and my own work each day on a strict deadline. The vast majority of my spare time is spent stressing in my tiny blue cubicle over the next day’s front page or
out hunting down sources. Sure I may make mistakes, or royally screw up, but that’s the beauty of working on staff at a college newspaper. It’s constantly a learning process. Despite the stress of heavy workload, the little amount of sleep I get, the terrifying amount of time I spend at my desk and ridiculous amounts of coffee I drink on a daily basis – I wouldn’t have it any other way. I owe a lot of who I am today to the DA. I’m no longer
an introverted and lost freshman searching for a place to belong. The DA has given me a chance to grow, gain experience and form relationships I’ll treasure forever, and for me, this is only the beginning. Also, in case anyone was wondering, I’ve managed to stop falling while riding the PRT. So happy 125th, DA, and here’s to 125 more.
Copy Editors: the unsung heroes Celeste Lantz Copy Editor
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Facebook Congratulations to the Daily Athenaeum
What you see as a reader is the final product, the newspaper in its entirety. What you don’t see is the hard work and dedication put into each issue behind the scenes. Every part of the process is important, but one area receives little recognition: the copy desk. We are the first people here, Sunday through Thursday, and we are often the second-to-last to leave. Each story must be read for clarity, fact-checked and corrected for grammar and punctuation on the computer. The copy editors must then read the stories again on the page, along with checking the layout, headlines, spacing, cutlines ... The
Academic Excellence & Social Responsibility.
list goes on. The Daily Athenaeum has deadlines in place, but sometimes those deadlines are missed, and sometimes events don’t occur until later at night. Our names are not in the daily paper, and we are not necessarily included in the planning for meetings and retreats. More often than not, when there is a glaring mistake in the paper, we are the first to receive the blame. After nearly a year of working here at the DA, I have experienced the very best and the very worst of our paper. I have made some very good friends, considering I spend half my waking hours here. I’ve been here when the newsroom was in a complete frenzy about some 304-293-7029 590 Spruce St.
125 Years of Production
ing story. I have consumed countless cups of coffee and energy drinks with the other staffers, waiting for the final stories to arrive. I’ll admit, I get frustrated with the writers – we are a college newspaper after all, and most journalists have never written before – and the seemingly endless string of double spaces between sentences and incorrect subject-verb agreement. And I get frustrated with the section editors for not catching these mistakes and correcting their writers. But what I can’t deny is the joy I get from what I do. The paper wouldn’t make it to the printer if not for the dedicated work from the DA’s copy editors. I work with an amazing group of people to put out one of the nation’s best college newspapers. After 125 years, the way we edit and put together the paper has changed drastically, but we are still as enthusiastic about our work as those who have come before us, and we strive for the same level of achievement. So, next time you notice a photograph without a border or a misplaced comma, remember we aren’t perfect and there are always new AP Style rules, changing staff positions and titles and decisions about internal consistency. Remember the copy editors, past and present, who work endlessly to provide you readers with the daily news.
Congrats to The Daily Athenaeum on 125 years of business!
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Friday November 2, 2012
DA 125 | 3
Making memories that last a lifetime
Students rally at the top of High Street in support of the assassination of Osama bin Laden.
By John Terry
managing editor 2011-12
Most of the time, when I worked at The Daily Athenaeum as managing editor, I never thought about its history; I never thought about the many years that came before. I was focused on the current day – just getting through the day – making sure we had enough stories for the news section and that we had art to accompany it. But there were a few times before the paper’s 125th birthday that I’ve sat and thought about all the many people and years that have made The DA what it is. It would be impossible to describe what The DA has meant to me, so I’m going to tell you a story instead. I was sitting at my desk at 10:06 p.m., just six days into my job as managing editor. We were literally minutes away from sending the final edition of the year to the printer, but then plans changed. Tweets started flooding everyone’s feeds about an important statement President Barack Obama was about to make. The problem was no one knew what it was about. So we waited for the announcement. We didn’t send away the paper. The few editors who were left at the office (most were studying for finals) were huddled around the television trying to figure out what was going to happen. After delays, it finally broke on Twitter that Osama bin Laden had been
killed. Still, we all waited for Obama to confirm the news. At this point, our plan was to just throw the story from the Associated Press on our front page and be finished with it. Our midnight deadline with the printer was approaching too quickly. Suddenly, Twitter exploded again. Students were celebrating all around Morgantown. We didn’t have any clue what to do. None of us had never really been in a situation like that before. We only had one option, though. We had to localize this story. We frantically called every photographer on staff in an attempt to get pictures. I ran, literally ran, to Sunnyside with a recorder, note pad and a video camera to interview students running crazily through the street. It was a scene I’ll never forget. I had never seen Morgantown so alive. Cars with megaphones were driving around town chanting “U-S-A, U-S-A.” The singing of “Country Roads” broke out before it was over. It was unreal. This all culminated with a massive couch fire and a cluster of students at the top of High Street. Hundreds of students crowded the streets, celebrating. Still, we had a job to do. It was tough not to just stop and look at what was happening around me; I had to tell myself I could do that later. It was after 2 a.m. by the time we got back to the office. We had all the interviews we needed: members
of the WVU ROTC, students who had served time in Afghanistan and students who had family members killed in the tragic events of 9/11. We had hundreds of photos from around Morgantown, and we had video. Everyone then did whatever they could to help. An editor was laying out the front page, our art director was getting pictures up online as fast as he could, and I was editing video. The other editors were making sure the sections of the paper were ready to go. Everyone was doing whatever they could to help, regardless of their job description. It was a night I’ll remember forever. When we sent the paper away, just before 4 a.m., I sat at my desk and thought about everything. It was then I knew it was going to be a good year. We were the only college newspaper on the east coast to report the story. I was woken up the next morning, just three hours after I finally went to sleep, with phone calls and emails from media outlets around the country wanting to use our content. It wasn’t about the attention, though. We did a hell of a job covering the story and localizing it, but it was about how we did it and what we learned from it. We had no one telling us what to do, nothing to base our coverage on. It was the students making spur-of-the-moment decisions. The editors there that night learned more in six hours than anything we had learned in years of classes.
That is exactly what my experience has been like at The DA. And it’s what the many, many editors before me also experienced when writing. Spending sleepless nights and full days in the newsroom made last year
one of the most memorable years of my life. And it all would’ve been impossible without the 125 years of history that came before us.
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4 | DA 125
Friday November 2, 2012
THROUGH THE YEARS: THE PRT National leaders to dedicate PRT
October 2, 2012
da staff (‘72-73) Editor’s Note: This excerpt is taken from the Oct. 17 edition of The Athenaeum.
A PRT pulls in the the Beechurst station in October.
BOG passes $15 million PRT update by carlee lammers city editor
The West Virginia University Board of Governors voted unanimously Friday to approve a $15 million plan to improve the University’s Personal Rapid Transit system. The upgrade will increase reliability and modernization of the more than 30-year-old system. The PRT services approximately 14,500 WVU students, employees, faculty, visitors and Morgantown residents daily. Although state-of-the-art at its 1975 debut, today, the PRT lacks the technical support necessary to successfully operate on a 99 percent reliability rate. The PRT currently fluctuates between a 93-98 per-
cent reliability rate. In order to increase reliability, the new plan allows for an upgraded onboard computer system, an upgraded propulsion system and an improved automatic train control system, according to Arlie Forman, Associate Director for PRT Administration. “We want to be at that 99 percent, and we know we aren’t there. The old system is largely analog, and the new one will be digital. There are going to be major differences in the computer systems,” he said. “These are the three main things that have really created major problems with the PRT.” Forman said the plans to digitalize the inner workings of the PRT system would take nearly
four years to complete and would prove costly; however, he believes the results yielded will be well worth the efforts. “Sadly, our passengers will likely not see a big, noticeable difference, but they will experience one. The PRT will still look and function as it does today – hopefully with a higher level for availability,” he said. Forman said PRT administrators are working to make the system more modular to allow further development in the distant future toward the PRT running smoothly. “Our goal is to upgrade these systems and to make them more modular for when we begin work in the future,” he said. “It’s going to be tough enough.”
Forman said there has been a tremendous effort in the past to upgrade the PRT to what it is today. “I wish people could see and tangibly touch the improvements,” he said. I think people tend to take transportation for granted. You know, if it’s working, then it’s working, but if it’s not, there’s complaints. I wish people could really grasp the effort it’s taken to get where we are and where we’re going.” Currently, phase one of the PRT Modernization Project, vehicle propulsion replacement, is projected to be completed by fall of 2013. For more information on the PRT, visit
U.S. Secretary of Transportation John A. Volpe will speak here Oct. 24 at the dedication of the University’s internationally unique Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) System. First phase of construction of the computer-directed, electrically powered system is nearing completion. That involves 2.2 miles of concrete and steel guideways that will connect Morgantown’s central business district with the Downtown and Evansdale Campuses, three stations and an operations-main tenance center. The PRT System will operate like a horizontal elevator – passengers will push buttons for their destinations in the stations and the computer will dispatch a car that carries eight people seated and 12 standing. During class changes and other times of peak demand, the cars will operate continuously. President James G. Harlow will preside at the dedication. Other participants are expected to include: Dr. Samy E. G. Elias,
PRT: a ride better than Disneyland by max nagel
athenaeum staff writer (‘72)
Editor’s Note: This excerpt is taken from the Oct. 25 edition of The Athenaeum.
jeff leslie (‘91)/THE DAILY ATHENAEUM
Members of Chi Omega, Phi Kappa Psi and Phi Delta Theta participate in the annual PRT Cram Nov. 2, 1990 during Mountaineer Week.
who conceived the system and who is chairman of industrial engineering at the University; Gov. Arch A. Moore Jr. of West Virginia; the state’s two U.S. Senators, Robert C. Byrd and Jennings Randolph; and Congressman Harley O. Staggers. THe public ceremony will begin at 10:30 a.m. in front of the Engineering-Creative Arts Center’s Concert Theater. At 11:15 A.M., program participants and representatives of the mass media will be given round-trip rides on the three PRT test cars from the station to the operations-maintenance center on Beechurst Avenue. FIrst of its kind in the world, the PRT System is being built by the U.S. Department of Transportation as a research and demonstration project to find out if such systems might help solve transportation problems of medium-sized and smaller cities across the country. The Boeing Company of Seattle, Wash., is in overall charge of the PRT System’s design and construction. Other firms involved in the project include Alden Self-Transit System Corp. of Boston; Bendix Corp. of Ann Arbor, Mich.; and Frederic R. Harris, Inc. of Stanford, Conn.
Wheels squeaked and stomachs turned as the blue and gold PRT car pulled away from the loading platform at the Engineering station. Complete with a WVU decal, tinted windows, linoleum floors, and eight orange and yellow seats, the box-like vehicle gained speed as it rounded a curve and headed toward town. As we coasted down the hill at a seemingly tremendous speed, our guide, provided by the Department of Transporta-
tion, informed us that we were travelling at a rate of 17 miles an hour, about 50 per cent of the projected speed of 30 miles an hour. Passing over the Monongahela Boulevard, automobiles below were visible through the space between the two concrete tracks. And then the realization struck that no one was operating the vehicle from within. It was like a roller coaster ride, minus the screams and fresh blowing wind. Except for the muted squeaking noises of the wheels on the guidway, the ride was relatively noiseless and as our guide pointed out, was as quiet as a new automobile. Approaching the maintenance building, the car began to slow in order to negotiate the loop which would head us back toward Evansdale. Starting up the hill along Monongahela Boulevard, the car resumed its originial speed. On the track below, another vehicle was travelling toward the maintenance building. The guide said that when the system is in full operation, some 50 cars will be travelling on the guideways. After a brief ten minutes, the car rounded the turn at the Engineering station and came to a slightly jerking stop. The jerking will be eliminated when they system “has the bugs worked out of it” hte guide said. The automatic door slid open and we were alighted, agreeing with Tricia Nixon Cox, who said the ride was better than Disneyland.
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Friday November 2, 2012
DA 125 | 5
sports photos throughout the last decade
file photo
Former football coach Rich Rodriguez holds the Sugar Bowl trophy after West Virginia’s first BCS bowl game in 2006.
The West Virginia men’s basketball team celebrates after winning its first Big East Conference tournament in 2010.
file photo
file photo
Wide receiver Stedman Bailey, holding sign, celebrates following WVU’s 70-33 win in the Orange Bowl in January.
matt sunday/the daily athenaeum
Former men’s basketball coach John Beilein walks off the court following a win in the Mountaineers’ Elite Eight run in the 2005 NCAA tournament.
6 | DA 125
front pages through the years
Friday November 2, 2012
This 1941 edition was published in the midst of WWII.
weeks of anticipation, this front page announced 10.31.11 After the University’s official move to the Big 12 Conference.
This 1988 Summer edition of the Athenaeum included The Athenaeum’s annual ‘Freshman Survival Guide.’
Nancy Jamison 4 WV House
• Continue to improve anti-bullying legislation • 18 years experience as ClassiďŹ ed Employee Representative • Will always be a Voice for Citizens of Monongalia County
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• Lobbied for Salary & BeneďŹ t Packages
• Supporter of the WVU Young Dems •
University Town Centre (Behind Target)
Endorsed: AFT WV, AFT Monongalia
Hotel Transylvania 2D/3D [PG]
County. WVEA, Monongalia County
Wreck it Ralph 2D [PG]
WVEA, WV LawPac, UMWA, Mon-Preston Central Labor Council, WV LawPac, North
Central Building & Trades, United Steel-
Fun Size [PG13]
workers, WV AFL-CIO, Communication
Workers of America, Kanawa Federation
Taken 2 [PG13]
of Teachers, Beckley Area Cope, Marion
Iron Fists [R]
County Labor Federation. All of my family
Wreck it Ralph 3D [PG]
and friends who have been there to help
with whatever needs
Paid for by the Candidate
Flight [R] 1:00-4:05-7:10-10:15
Silent Hill 2D/3D [R] 1:45-4:10-7:45-10:10
Paranormal Activity 4 [R] 1:55-4:20-7:15-10:05
Cloud Atlas [R] 1:00-4:35-8:15
Sinister [R]
Argo [R]
Chasing Mavericks [PG13] 3:45-9:45 NO PASSES OR SUPERSAVERS
Founded in 1887, The Athenaeum’s earliest covers, such as the one above, look different in every way from recent editions of the publication.
Friday November 2, 2012
DA 125 | 7
Mountaineer statue takes 22 years of planning by cody schuler managing editor
Both a watchful protector and a casual observer, the Mountaineer statue that sits outside the Mountainlair has been a campus mainstay for more than four decades. Dedicated Oct. 29, 1971 by Arch Moore, the Governor of West Virginia at the time, the statue was also considered for placement at the Arboretum, Woodburn Circle, the Coliseum and in front of the Downtown Library. It was Moore, a West Virginia University student at the time, who first hatched the idea of placing a statue of the University’s mascot at a central place on campus. In 1949, Moore was serving his first term as Summit of Mountain, a University honorary; it was during this time that he first developed the idea. Donald Delue, an artist from Leonardo, N.J., was quoted as saying he would embody “the spirit and tradition of the West Virginia pioneers,” in his work on the statue. Delue’s work was paired with Fred Aurori of Shei-
dow Bronze Corporation, who did the bronzing. Summit of Mountain, a University honorary, paired with University organizations, church groups, alumni, students and faculty to raise funds for the project. When a quarter-sized scale of the statue was displayed in the Mountainlair, there was controversy over its design. Some were pleased with the planned apperance but others complained – including members of the University’s Art Department. The Daily Athenaeum hosted various debates about the design on its editorial pages, and students and faculty both engaged in hearty banter about the topic. In the end, the statue’s unveiling was met with overall acclaim. Just one day before a football game against rival Penn State, Moore returned to campus to finall see his vision come to fruition. The statue is one of WVU’s most recognizable landmarks and continues to sit in front of the Mountainlair today.
Then-W.Va. Gov. Arch Moore dedicates the Mountaineer statue outside the Mountainlair Oct. 29, 1971.
Opening day: Beginning of a new era ... and the end of tradition toni locy
athenaeum staff (‘80)
Editor’s note: This excerpt is taken from the Sept. 7, 1980 edition of The Athenaeum. Sept. 6 1980, will go down in West Virginia University history as the beginning of a new era. It also will be remembered as the day many Mountaineer traditions died. Maybe it was all the excitement and hoopla of opening day to blame for the traditional aspects of the football game being overlooked. That’s doubtful. Afterall, once tradition is forgotten, it’s gone forever. Have Mountaineer fans seen the last time the band will face the student section while playing? Possibly paid patrons have beat out the highspirited, pro=band student section, which used to be easily whipped into a frenzy when the band made its entrance. Remember the thundering cheers bounching off the confines of old Mountaineer Field when teh band went into its state formation in front of the student section? Freshmen and transfer students were definitely deprived Saturday of one of the proudest moments of a West Virginia football game. Those dedicated fans who were waiting at the gates before the stadium opened at 9:30 a.m. found themselves sitting behind teh opposition’s bench. And to top it all off, they weren’t even entertained by what used to be an in-
stitution in pre-game festivities – the frisbee dog. Many other traditions were missing. Vendors didn’t wander through the crowd yelling, “Mixers, mixers. Get your mixers.” No one could successfully steal the game ball to throw around the stadium. Fans didn’t hear the U.S.S. West Virginia bell in front of Olgebay Hall chime 41 times. The bell, a Mountaineer tradition since it was installed by Alpha Phi Omega on the 26th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor, couldn’t have been awakened even if a sentimen- Mountaineer Field opened in 1924 and was the home stadium for the West Virginia foootball team until current Mountaineer Field was built in 1980. tal alumnus wanted to ring it – someone forgot to put in the gong. The football players were not even greeted by the powerful sound of the Mountaineer’s musket. Speaking of the Mountaineer, our fierceless mascot has lost some of his magic – he arrived just in time to take a bow when he was introduced. Sentimental fans who were as disgruntled as I showed up at old Mountaineer Field to pay their last respects and to rem$500 FINE AND UP TO 3 YEARS IN JAIL inisce of what once was. There were about a Burning the property of another that has a value of over $500.00 could result in dozen people present “guilty of arson third degree.” Upon conviction, there will be a $1,000 malicious Saturday night for the funeral services at the burning fine and a definite term of imprisonment… which is not less than one, tomb of the 55-year old nor more than three, years. monument to the word tradition. A lone jogger rounded the field, a few couples sought privacy and a sentimental fan gave a whistled eulogy of the alam mater to background music provided by crickets.
There are Consequences for Unlawful Behavior...
$100 FINE, UP TO 30 DAYS IN JAIL, LOSS OF DRIVER'S LICENSE If you use a fake drivers' license to get into a bar. Join the discussion. Follow us on Twitter at
LOSS OF ATHLETIC PRIVILEGES If you try to get into a game intoxicated and/or are involved in unlawful behavior, including fires, as a result of a WVU competition.
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A message from WVU Student Affairs, in cooperation with University Police, Morgantown Police, Morgantown Fire, and WVU Student Government Association.
8 | DA 125
Friday November 2, 2012
‘60s campus life full of rewards, frustration Editors Note: The following article, excerpted from the special Athenaeum celebrating the University’s centennial, reveals some details of student life at the beginning of a confusing and exciting period in the history of the school. The original print date of this article was April 28, 1967.
Students at West Virginia University live in a pandemonium of success, failure, confidence and frustration. Accused of apathy and of living with only his present well-being in mind, the average WVU student
is here mainly to learn. He may end up as your next Congressman or as a local used-car salesman. The University assures him of a “well-rounded” education, no matter what career he chooses. The average Mountaineer carries 15-18 hours of school work a semester, two semesters a year, then lands a summer job. Because of the great demand for college educated people, students find themselves slaves to the art of studying in order to keep up and, finally, to graduate. Developing their own culture is a favorite pas-
“ I can see the importance of good grades, but a broad education is paramount in your life.” James Fagan
WVU Student, April 1967
time of the collegians. More often than not, students do this by congregating at the local coffee houses and beer parlors to discuss anything from politics to fashion. They possess, like no other generation before them, high degrees of freedom of expression. It is true that many people believe the campus population in Morgantown doesn’t take advantage of expression. Cries of student apathy have been leveled at the WVU student in abundance. Dr. James Carruth, of the Student Counseling Service, believes “apathy is an unfair label.” He thinks the students are very active and concerned with immediate problems on campus, such as their own identity or growth. Living in so demanding an environment causes tension. One way
in which the average student on campus dismisses his problems for awhile is through entertainment. By far the favorite entertainment sites are the local movie houses. A more varied social atmosphere is afforded by WVU’s 18 fraternities and sororities. The Greek organizations play a significant role in their members’ lives and culture. Most students came to the University feeling that they had to prove themselves to their parents, peers, and above all, to themselves. It is often too much to cope with this deadly triumvirate. For James Fagan, drama senior, success came easily. He entered the University on a football scholarship and because of an injury, quit the sport and went into drama. Since then, he has starred in seven University Theater
“ At the same time, I was lonesome for home and my girlfriend back home. I didn’t know many people then. With 12,000 students, it makes you feel lost.” Anonymous WVU student April, 1967
presentations. Fagan believes a student’s personality affects his college career. “One of the most important things you can get out of college is the ability to get along with people,” he said. “I can see the importance of good grades, but a broad education is paramount in your life.” One of the first Negroes to play basketball for WVU, Ron (Fritz) Williams, admits he was apprehensive at first but was “really looking forward to playing ball here.” He claimed he never had any trouble adjusting to college life. This is typical in that most students find their first year at college difficult; Williams thought his high school basketball career helped him because he was “pretty much settled down” after he got here. The recipe for success to the WVU student is a wellsuited field of study, an outgoing personality and a quick adjustment to college life. One student, who will remain anonymous at his own request, is battling the Almighty Average. He is in what he called academic limbo – his entire college career rests on the outcome of this semester’s grades. The interview was conducted over a bottle of beer and the sincerity with which the student spoke was quickly observed. He cited laziness and not knowing what he wanted as the main causes for his grade problem. “I realized too late just what the hell I was here for,” he said. “Now I realize the importance of grades.” He summed up his new situation quickly. “I had
this new-found freedom,” he said, “and I guess I kind of went ape. At the same time I was lonesome for home and my girlfriend back home. I didn’t know many people then. With 12,000 students it makes you feel lost.” There is a new type of college student who is by no means lost. The longhaired, bearded protester is in vogue and he knows exactly what he wants – a different world in which to live. John Fisher, a philosophy sophomore from Charleston, is a long-hair on campus. He wears his hair shoulder-length and has a beard – not because this a style of rebellion but because he looks and dresses “the way I feel.” Fisher is a professed conscientious objector and thinks the whole system of nationalism and patriotism is absurd. “That’s what contributed to this mess,” he noted, “the feeling that one country is better than the next.” Students across the nation are using the college campus as a springboard to let the U.S. know their thoughts. The University is a relatively “conservative” school in which the protester may forever run a poor second. The University student’s first taste of independent living may end up as a ho-hum, what’s next existence. It may reveal success, failure, a radical change in thought or even near-death. Most would say that college can at times be the best of both worlds. At other times it is the worst possible world. Overall, like life itself, it is a strange mixture of the good and the bad.
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Friday November 2, 2012
Volume 126, Issue 55
Young voters absent from polls by madison fLeck staff writer
Across the country, people ages 18-24 are known for their lack of participation in elections – and according to local poll workers, Morgantown’s young population is no different. Students have access to early voting at Mountaineer Mall. There are also absentee ballots available, but
reports show few students are taking advantage of the opportunity. “We’ve had a little over 4,700 people come in for early voting,” said Monongalia County Clerk Carye Blaney. “Only 141 of them have been between the ages of 18 and 24.” Blaney said there are 7,300 registered voters in Monongalia County who arein this age range, but it
is not uncommon to have a low turnout. “In the last election, which was the primary election, we only had a 30 percent turnout,” she said. “This was lower than what we had hoped for.” At first glance, it seems this election may have a higher turnout than previous ones since more people than usual are coming out for early voting.
“The early voting period started with a lot more voters coming out,” Blaney said. “Even the staff commented that everyone in line seemed happy that so many people were coming out to vote, but that partly had to do with the anticipation of Hurricane Sandy.” The staff of the County Clerk’s office has been working to get residents of Monongalia County and
WVU students involved in the election. They have run ads in the Dominion Post and on local radio stations. “We have been working with Mountain Line to make sure that students have transportation to Mountaineer Mall,” Blaney said. Blaney and her staff have been working closely with WVU’s Student Government Association to make
sure students are able to get registered. “I have personally gone and done voter registration at the dorms and at some of the off-campus housing complexes,” Blaney said. Student voting is something Blaney strives to increase, and she feels that students can make a difference when it comes to
see voters on PAGE 10
Dual roles give “ ONE TEAM, mom, professor ONE MOVEMENT – ’ ’ strength .W ’ . “ – J.D. W Mentally we got back together as a team – as
evelyn merithew staff writer
Most college students face the challenge of paying for tuition, books and housing – but what if you were a teenage parent as well? Joy Carr, a West Virginia University English 101 and 102 instructor, overcame the challenges associated with being a self-sufficient college student and teenage mother to become an instructor at WVU. Carr gave birth to her son Dante when she was 19, and since then her greatest responsibility has equally been her greatest joy. Carr was born in Barbourville, Ky., a small rural community about 45 minutes from the Tennessee border. “We grew up in what was known as the ‘head of the holler,’ which was pretty much as far back as you can get in the mountains before the road runs out,” Carr said. She recalls her childhood memories of running free in the mountains and playing instruments with her younger sister, a passion they learned from
their parents. According to Carr, Barbourville has a very depressed economy. Many of the residents are lowerclass and live in the small town their whole lives. When Carr graduated high school, her mother encouraged her to attend a small hometown college. It was after her freshman year when she learned she was pregnant. She continued to go to school right up until a few weeks before her son was born, and she lasted about one semester of working, going to school and taking care of an infant when she became completely overwhelmed. “It was one of the hardest times of my life, but it really helped me decide that if I wanted to be a statistic, I could keep doing what I was doing. If I wanted to have a great life for my kid, something was going to have to change,” she said. To make ends meet, Carr dropped out of college and spent a year working full time. “The whole time I was thinking, ‘Is this all there
and that s the main thing we re trying to teach right now is just one movement e re all one family and one movement oods
see life on PAGE 10
West Virginia 5-2 (2-2)
PRSSA to compete in duct tape challenge by lacey palmer staff writer
The West Virginia University Public Relations Student Society of America was chosen to compete with high-spirited schools across the country in this year’s Duckbrand Challenge. Duck Tape Brand challenged many PRSSA chapters nationwide to see who could hold the best tailgate displaying their schools’ duct tape, which was recently released in schools nationwide. The winner of the challenge will receive $1,000 for their PRSSA chapter. WVU’s chapter will promote Duck Tape’s new line of WVU duct tape, which is blue and gold and features The Flying WV. The tailgate will take place in front of the Eye
Care Center at Ruby Memorial Hospital in the blue lot prior to the TCU game Saturday at noon. According to Duckbrand Challenge leader and senior Erica Johnson, the chapter must plan and generate interest for the tailgate, which they have been planning for about a month. “I really wanted to get involved because I thought it sounded like a great opportunity for myself, our school, and our chapter,” Johnson said. There will be food, drinks, games, raffles and a photo opportunity with the Mountaineer. Game and raffle prizes will be handmade and include duct tape items by the PRSSA members using the WVU duct tape, such
see prssa on PAGE 10
When: 3:00 pm ET Where: Morgantown, W.Va. TV: FOX Coverage: Check out The Daily Athenaeum’s Twitter (@dailyathenaeum) for in-game updates and follow our sports writers (@Carvelli3), (@NarthurD), (@ccodyschuler), & @ (dougWalp) as well as Art Director (@mattsunday).
Matt Sunday/The Daily Athenaeum
Redshirt senior wide receiver J.D. Woods leads the team in a post-game prayer after beating James Madison University earlier this season.
Halftime show to host special guest by evelyn Merithew staff writer
“The Pride of West Virginia,” the Mountaineer marching band will be joined by a special guest during halftime of Saturday’s West Virginia University vs. Texas Christian University football game. James “Doc” Miltenberger, WVU professor of music, will perform “Country Roads” on a grand piano
with the marching band. The performance is part of the Steinway Initiative, a movement to replace older pianos in the Creative Art Center and all around campus with Steinway pianos. “Doc” Miltenberger is a household name on campus, thanks to his 50-year career at WVU. “I came to WVU in 1962. I started as a piano instructor and have been teaching full time since,” Milten-
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The DA editorial staff endorses a candidate for secretary of state. OPINION PAGE 4
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TCU 5-3 (2-3)
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ON THE INSIDE The No. 20 West Virginia men’s soccer team will face MAC foe Bowling Green in a final tune-up before the MAC Conference tournament. SPORTS PAGE 11
berger said. He earned his undergraduate degree at Miami University of Ohio and his DMA and master’s degree at the Eastman School of Music. “When I started college, I double majored in mathematics and music. Then I decided that music was something that I needed to pursue,” he said. During his time at WVU, Miltenberger has written
countless marching band arrangements, including the famous “Country Roads” arrangement played by the “Pride”. Miltenberger’s performance Saturday is designed to raise awareness about the Steinway Initiative. The initiative began two years ago and the CAC has since replaced nearly a dozen pianos.
see halftime on PAGE 10
RETURN TO FORM The No. 21 West Virginia football team will look to get back to its winning ways against TCU Saturday. SPORTS PAGE 11
10 | NEWS
Civility efforts seek better behavior on campus
Shan Yun Wu listens to ‘human book’ Ahmed Alawadhi speak about his experiences being stereotyped as part of the University of Missouri’s Diversity Summit at Memorial Union, in Columbia, Mo. COLUMBIA, Mo. (AP) — Jewish students in the University of California system labeled terrorists for their support of Israel. Black high school students pelted by bananas on a Tennessee campus tour. A hostile student in Maryland challenging his professor to a fight after the teacher limited the use of cell phones and laptops during lectures. In a society where anonymous Internet commenters freely lob insults, and politicians spew partisan barbs, the decline of basic civility isn’t limited to academia. But the push for more polite discourse – often as an extension of more entrenched diversity efforts – is firmly taking root on campus. From the University of Missouri to Penn State and Vanderbilt, colleges across
Continued from page 9 A piano’s average life is about 30 years and the CAC has pianos bought in the 1930s. A typical 9–foot Steinway grand piano costs anywhere from $100,000 to $120,000, and a 6 or 7–foot Steinway costs about $60,000 – $80,000. Altogether, the initiative is a $4 million project. “Steinway is the industry standard for professional level pianos,” said Keith Jackson, director of the WVU School of Music. “If you see a performance and there’s a live piano, chances are that they’re playing a
Continued from page 9 voting. “They are a large demographic,” she said. “And if they exercise their right to vote, they could be very
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the country are treating the erosion of common decency as a public health epidemic on par with measles outbreaks and sexually transmitted diseases. “What we’re trying to do is remind me people of what they already know, to get back in touch with things they probably learned growing up,” said Noel English, who heads a new Missouri civility campaign called “Show Me Respect,” a nod to the state’s nickname. The Missouri campaign comes after two white students pleaded guilty in April 2010 to misdemeanor littering charges for dumping cotton balls outside the school’s black culture center during Black History Month; the students were sentenced to 80 hours of community service, two years
of probation and had their driver licenses suspended for two months. A 2009 survey of more than 3,500 students found that nearly one in seven reported incidents of harassment on campus, from racial slurs to hostile emails. At a campus civility workshop earlier this week, Eric Waters, a junior from Mansfield, Texas, who is the football team’s starting tight end, described how other students often label Mizzou football players as “mean” and “disrespectful” womanizers, sometimes to his face. “It’s not about the stereotypes people put on us,” he said. “We try to carry ourselves like true gentlemen.” The University of Tennessee enacted its civility campaign in 2011. There had been a cotton ball incident at
the Knoxville school’s black cultural center after President Barack Obama’s election and, in 2010, bananas were thrown at a group of more than 100 black high school students from Memphis during a campus visit. “We want to be a campus that’s welcoming to all, and hostile to none,” said Chancellor Jimmy Cheek, who now outlines the school’s 10 “principles of civility and community” at freshman orientation. The shared values range from inclusivity and collegiality to respect and integrity. In some cases, the campus civility campaigns are being challenged by First Amendment advocates who fear that such programs muzzle unpopular speech in the name of tolerance and diversity.
Steinway.” Miltenberger will be performing on an older 9-foot Steinway grand piano, which will be carried onto the field. “People in the stands will be able to see the Steinway piano and see what their contribution will go towards. I think people care most about students getting the best education,” Jackson said. Practicing and performing on a Steinway piano is important for students because it is the premier piano to help students’ technique, Jackson said. “There will be about 70,000 people at the football game, so this will raise awareness about our Stein-
way campaign,” said WVU Creative Arts Dean Paul Kreider. Kreider said emails asking for support have been sent to alumni, and the school has received several phone calls from interested alumni asking how they can contribute to the cause. “This has been a big marketing effort, so hopefully with all of this activity we will raise awareness and generate a lot of interest,” Kreider said. Miltenberger performs often, sometimes solo or with members of WVU’s faculty. “This is Miltenberger’s 51st year on the faculty. Nobody represents the school of music better than he
does. He’s an icon and it’s been a joy every time I get to work with him,” Jackson said. “Miltenberger is one of the most beloved and respected faculty members by his peers and his students. He is absolutely astounding. It’s been an honor to work with him and celebrate his accomplishments,” Kreider said. To make a $10 contribution to the project, people in the stands during the game will be able to text “WVU piano” to the number 85944. The contribution number is currently open and will remain open after the game.
powerful.” Blaney said she is hopeful students will show up on Election Day Tuesday, as they have in previous presidential elections. “The largest precinct we have is the Monongalia County Courthouse because it has the largest concentration of college students, but it has the lowest turnout,” Blaney said. However, similar to other precincts across the country, the previous presidential election showed
record numbers of young voters. “The only time that precinct had a high turnout was in the 2008 presidential election,” she said. “Students were in a line outside the courthouse, and that was such an anomaly because they usually have voters in the single digits.” Blaney pointed out students aren’t the only ones to blame for low voter turnout. “People will register and not follow through and
show up to vote,” Blaney said. “If we have a 60 percent turnout, we think that’s great.” The staff of the County Clerk’s office is hopeful there will be a high turnout for the 2012 presidential election. Early voting will close Saturday at 5 p.m. For more information about voting in the 2012 Presidential Election, visit
Friday November 2, 2012
Continued from page 9 is?’” she said. Carr then decided to return to college and obtain her degrees at the University of Kentucky. Carr paid for UK through student loans, Pell grants and a fulltime job. “I got very lucky my senior year,” she said. “I remember to this day. I won a $1,000 scholarship, and it was literally the difference between finishing my senior year, or taking the semester off, working and saving up the money to finish school later.” Getting through college as a single parent was not an easy task, she said. Carr had to pay for daycare, bills and college expenses – all while facing the stigma of being a single mother. “I was treated differently because I was a young and single parent. Some of Dante’s teachers didn’t take me or my concerns very seriously,” she said. “No matter what people think of you, you’re still your child’s first advocate. So it doesn’t matter what they think, you still have to get up and stand by your kid.” Looking back, Carr feels that she did what she had to, not for herself but for her son. “The stakes are a lot higher. Because if you fail, that’s one thing,” she said. “But what happens if you fail and have that little boy looking at you, needing things, needing a better life. What then?” After obtaining her two bachelor’s degrees from UK – 1 of Arts in English and the other of Science in Economics – Carr returned to Barbourville in hopes of securing a career. “I went back and tried to work for two or three years, and I just couldn’t make a living,” she said. “I was still working $8-an-hour jobs, and that was with two bachelor’s degrees.” She felt that life wasn’t enough for her. She recalls several older women in her life who noticed she was struggling and saw potential in her. “One very prominent professor, who now works at Vanderbilt, said to me, ‘Honey, have you ever thought about going to grad school?’” she said. “And I hadn’t. It hadn’t entered my mind.” Whether it was taking her out for a cup of coffee, a pat on the back, writing recommendation letters or sending an email of concern, Carr said she believes these teachers’ actions made the difference. “Looking back on it, that’s what I try to do now. I try to do the same things these women did for me,” she said. “I try to model my behavior on what I saw
them do because it really did change my life.” Carr then decided to attend WVU and work for her master’s degree in English, which she accomplished – not without intense effort. On top of being a fulltime student and a full-time parent, Carr also worked a part-time job to get through college. “There were many times when I thought ‘I can’t do this,’” she said. “I would come home after working a full shift and sit on my kitchen floor and cry. Then I’d get up the next day and do it all over again.” She said her motivation came from her son. “The hope of something better is sometimes all you have pushing you forward. That and the motivation of the little boy asleep with his teddy bear,” she said. This is the first year of teaching that Carr has made more money than the amount of her student debt, but she believes the ordeal was worth it. “If I could have done one thing differently, I would have gone at a slower pace. It doesn’t really matter if you finish school one or two or three years later or more,” she said. “The point is to keep on going, to have hope and to strive after something more.” Carr said throughout her son’s life, she faced frustration in terms of money, time and patience. One of the first phrases Dante ever learned was: “Is that in the budget, mommy?” “I think Dante really learned from that example. My son and I are very close, and I think it’s because he sees the struggle and is old enough to appreciate how far we’ve come,” she said. “I’m hoping that he takes those lessons with him into his own life and has less of a struggle than I did.” She believes that, because of their situation, he is a witness to the way life really works. “Dante just turned 15 and is in high school. Watching him struggle as a teen and go through some of the same things that I remember going through makes me glad that we are able to talk the way that we do,” she said. Carr hopes that Dante will graduate high school and find work that he enjoys to do. “Honestly, I just hope that Dante’s happy. One of the most important things I’ve learned through this whole process is that if you’re not doing work that you love, life is going to be pretty miserable,” she said. “You have to want to get up for work in the morning. And for a long time, my reason was him and giving him a better life. I hope he finds that life.”
Continued from page 9 as koozies, coasters, headbands, bows and other tailgating accessories. Although Johnson is only a first-year member of PRSSA, she wanted to get involved with this competition to promote and hopefully win the prize money for her chapter. WVU’s PRSSA chapter was formed in 1968 and was one of the first chapters ever formed. The purpose of their organization
is to understand current theories and procedures of the public relations profession and appreciate the highest ethical ideals and principles. This year they are also going to be involved in many other community activities, such as Jacob’s 5k Run and Trunk or Treat. PRSSA meets Mondays at 5 p.m. in Room 205 of Martin Hall. To learn more about the group, visit http://prssa.studentorgs.
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Friday November 2, 2012
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Matt Sunday/The Daily Athenaeum
West Virginia senior inside receiver Tavon Austin returns a kick for a touchdown against Kansas State.
No. 21 West Virginia looks to get back to winning ways against Horned Frogs By Doug Walp Sports writer
After two consecutive losses and a bye week, No. 21 West Virginia will return to action Saturday when it hosts Big 12 Conference opponent Texas Christian University in only the second contest between the two schools at 3 p.m. in Milan Puskar Stadium. Both teams have sputtered in their respective inaugural seasons in the Big 12. The Mountaineers (5-2, 2-2) have lost consecutive games for the first time under head coach Dana Holgorsen, while the Horned Frogs (5-3, 1-3) now have a three-game losing streak of their own. “There was pretty good sense of urgency last week,”
said West Virginia head coach Dana Holgorsen during a conference call Monday afternoon. “The attention to detail tends to pick up when you get beat. We focused hard on fundamentals, worked on lining up properly and finishing plays on defense.” The Mountaineers have already surrendered a staggering 212 points in just four conference games this season and will look to finally stop the bleeding against TCU and its freshman quarterback. Redshirt freshman Trevone Boykin was thrust into the starting snap-calling role after the Frogs’ starter for the first four games, Casey Pachall, was suspended for off-the-field issues earlier this month. But Boykin has thrown six
interceptions in just three starts for TCU. “Anytime you play a kid at that spot as a freshman you’re going to have some ups and downs,” Holgorsen said. “I know he’s turned the ball over a couple of times, but he’s also made a bunch of plays. Not only in the air but he can keep the play alive with his legs and still look to get the ball down field. They’ve got a tremendous group of receivers that can throw to as well. They’re a dangerous offense that can move the ball well.” Boykin left last week’s 36-14 loss to Oklahoma State with an injury and did not return but is still expected to start this week in Morgantown. The Mountaineers, mean-
Men’s Soccer
while, have also seen their share of struggles on the offensive side of the ball in their last two appearances. Senior quarterback Geno Smith followed a mediocre day in Lubbock, Texas, against Texas Tech, with his first interception in 273 pass attempts at home against Kansas State Oct. 20. The Mountaineers have lost their last two games by a combined 73 points. “I can’t remember the last time we lost two games in a row, but it’s the reality of the situation,” Holgorsen said. “Every game is going to be tough. We’ve got a strange combination of a bunch of older kids that want to finish the year strong, that want to keep winning and want to show improvement and get
to a good bowl game. “Then there’s a bunch of young kids that don’t understand any of this. So it’s a combination of both, and it’s our job as coaches to mix the two and keep the attitude good.” Regarding the weather and the possibility of any lingering inclement weather from “Superstorm Sandy” on Saturday, Holgorsen says the team is monitoring the situation. And although they expect the worst of the stormy conditions to have cleared up by game time, they’ll be prepared for anything, because according to the second-year coach, that’s simply what playing in the Northeastern United States constitutes. As to what two consecutive losses mean for the
Mountaineers, Holgorsen said the only way to move on was to acknowledge that other teams are in the same boat as WVU and realize feeling sorry for themselves simply isn’t going to make the Mountaineers’ current situation any better. “If 5-2 teams that are coming off a loss pout and feel sorry for themselves, they are probably not going to finish the year very well. “There’s a whole bunch of teams in the same situation as we are if you look at the Big 12 standings. There are some teams coming off of losses and how you handle those losses are eventually what you’re going to be made of,” he said.
WVU set for match vs. BGSU Mountaineers to play Oklahoma By Amit Batra
By Austin Seidel
It’s no surprise the No. 20 West Virginia men’s soccer team isn’t satisfied with the results on the road this season. In fact, the Mountaineers have not had a road victory in 2012; albeit there was some difficult competition with the likes of North Carolina, Wake Forest and Penn State. In the last regular season game, West Virginia hopes to end on a strong note against Bowling Green. The Falcons have had some impressive victories, such as a 2-1 victory over Western Michigan and a shutout victory at Michigan. Leading Bowling Green will be Anthony Grant and Danny Baraldi with 19 points each. Grant has eight goals and three assists, while Baraldi has six goals and seven assists this season. This game should have strong implications on the MAC standings with Bowling Green and WVU neck and neck. “We have had a few results go our way in the last few days,” said WVU goalkeeper Pat Eavenson. “Some results have fallen into place. We definitely have the mindset to get the No. 2 seed in the MAC tournament.” Before the MAC tournament begins, West Virginia must be fully committed to this crucial match with the Falcons this weekend. “Our focus is to get the full 3 points,” Eavenson said. “It’s absolutely crucial for us at this point.” Even with the road record of 0-4-2, West Virginia continues to believe that times will change, everything rides on the line this weekend against an improved Bowling Green squad. “It’s (winless road record)
The WVU volleyball team could have some great news entering Saturday’s match against Oklahoma, as freshman libero Anna Panagiotakopoulos may return to action for the first time in four weeks. Panagiotakopoulos has not played since West Virginia’s Oct. 6 match against Duquesne, during which she suffered an undetermined lower back injury. “We’re hoping to find out soon whether or not she can play this Saturday against Oklahoma,” said West Virginia head coach Jill Kramer. “We’re not digging enough balls right now. (Panagiotakopoulos) is a huge part of that. She has a wide range and is always near the ball.” The Mountaineers have struggled defensively in Panagiotakopoulos’ absence and would benefit greatly from having her 3.4 digs-per-set back in the lineup. Despite her absence, the freshman libero still holds the team lead with 248 digs – five ahead of freshman setter Brittany Sample who is second on the team with 243.
Sports writer
Sports writer
Tyler Herrinton/The Daily athenaeum
Senior Peabo Doue heads a ball during a match earlier in the season. not something we ever try to talk about in the locker room,” Eavenson said. “We have to execute. I’m fully confident that we will perform this Saturday with everything on the line. When it all comes down to it, we just have to perform.” Currently, four teams are tied for second place with a 3-2-1-conference record with WVU, Bowling Green, Western Michigan and Northern Illinois. Akron is at the No. 1 spot with a perfect 6-0-0-conference record. Other important matches this week that can have a huge impact on the finalized
standings are Northern Illinois at Buffalo and Western Michigan at Akron. The Mountaineers will need to capitalize on scoring opportunities following the shutout loss to Northern Illinois last weekend. If WVU is to make the MAC Tournament, it will travel to the site of the No. 1 seed to compete Nov. 9. If the Mountaineers are able to win Saturday, they will have nine wins for the third consecutive season. The action gets underway at 7 p.m.
In addition, the Mountaineers hope to return to form and regain strength on their middle attack as they set to face off against one of the strongest middle blockers in the NCAA. “They have one middle blocker who I think is still the best blocker in the league,” Kramer said regarding Oklahoma junior Sallie McLaurin. “She was the best last year, too, and I think she’s just got a great handle of the game.” West Virginia will need to find a way to slow McLaurin down at the net, but it may prove to be a challenging task as the Mountaineers have allowed an average of 44 kills per match in their last four matches. “We have to get going on our middle attack,” Kramer said. “That is important. We’ve come out very strong in nearly every match, and we need to continue that. We need that intensity. They still want to win; I still expect them to want to win.” The Mountaineers enter Saturday’s match against the Sooners still carrying an 11-game losing streak and a 0-11 Big 12 Conference record.
The last time the Sooners and Mountaineers met, West Virginia raced out to leads in the first and second sets but only took one set away from the match as Oklahoma adjusted late in the second set and didn’t look back on its way to a 3-1 set victory. “We played them very well last time,” Kramer said. “I expect things to be even better this time around. We know who we are up against. With the exception of one player who did not play last game due to injury, we know everything we need to do. It’s just a matter of executing at this point.” Game time is scheduled for noon in the WVU Coliseum.
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OPINION Secretary of state endorsement 12
Friday November 2, 2012
This year, West Virginia gained some notoriety for an anomaly on its ballot for president. Keith Judd, an inmate at Beaumont Federal Correctional Institution, received 41 percent of votes in the Democratic primary – an insanely high number given the circumstances. The resulting negative attention and criticism to the state was an embarrassment, to say the least. Current Secretary of State
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Natalie Tennant did nothing illegal in allowing Judd, a felon, run for president. However, she did not take the appropriate step and keep Judd off of the ballot – like 16 other secretaries of state did. It was another blunder in a series of missteps for Tennant, who was elected to the position in 2008. Most recently, Tennant has come under fire from county clerks for hiring a private con-
tractor to send out ballots to absentee voters. Scytl USA, a Baltimorebased company, was paid $60,000 in federal grant money to help distribute ballots to West Virginia voters currently overseas – a move some county clerks have questioned for its inefficiency and ineffectiveness. Though Tennant has done some quality work from her post, such as correcting the
voting scandal in Lincoln County and lowering fees for businesses, her Republican challenger, Brian Savilla, is a fresh face the office needs. Savilla, a teacher who was elected to the West Virginia House of Delegates in 2010, has based his campaign on following the Constitution and protecting the integrity of voting. One of Savilla’s largest platforms is his push for voter
identification – which he feels should be the standard throughout the United States. He argues that “to do almost everything in life (including cash a check, use food stamps, fly, etc.), you must have valid photo identification.” Savilla also has promised to beef up the office’s fraud investigation unit to further protect the integrity of voting. This election season, Savilla
drove more than 2,000 miles per week to meet with voters from every part of the state. He has embraced his role as a public figure and routinely interacts with people online to discuss, defend and explain his positions. As a fresh face to the office of Secretary of State, Savilla can offer a new direction for West Virginia’s chief election officer.
Time for honest discussion on race in US Christopher nyden correspondent
Since Barack Obama was elected president in 2008, many people have viewed racial discrimination as a secondary issue. However, a recent Associated Press poll found a majority of Americans now hold negative views toward black people. Now, there are a number of problems with this poll. The study assumes that many people hold prejudiced beliefs about entire races. These prejudices are then categorized as positive or negative. But not everyone thinks this way. Some of us think the word “lazy” applies to all races and that criminals come in all colors. Despite issues with the poll, the percentage of people who hold these views is simply too large to explain away. In light of this new poll, it should be pointed out that many in this country want to sweep the issue of race under the rug. Race is called a social construct by these people. They argue the issue of racism will go away if we stop talking about race. Unfortunately, this is far from the truth. Numerous studies in recent years have shown racial discrimination is alive and well. It may not be as apparent as lynchings in the South or crosses being burned in the yards of African-Americans, but it has found its way into a much more covert system. A famous Massachusetts Institute of Technology study entitled “What’s in a name?” found that among equally qualified candidates, applicants with white-sounding names are 50 percent more likely to receive a call back than those with black-sounding names. A Princeton study of
President Barack Obama waves on stage before speaking during a campaign event at Cheyenne Sports Complex in Las Vegas, Thursday. employment in New York City found that whites who were just released from prison are just as likely to get a job as blacks with no criminal history. As humans, we notice race from a young age. Difference in skin complexion is one of the very first things we observe. In a 2011 book called NurtureShock, two psychologists researched the science of raising children. A chapter entitled “Why White People Don’t Talk About Race” explores how children judge oth-
ers based on skin color. The book suggested humans are predisposed to prefer those like them, a phenomenon some call “groupism.” As a result, many children form unfair opinions. In an experiment from the book, parents were told to use explicit and clear terms when talking to their children about race. The children would then be asked questions about how they feel about other races. As stated in their diaries, many parents ended up talking to
their children in vague terms, saying things like “Everyone’s equal.” In the study, five families actually quit, protesting that they did not want to point out skin color to children. Of the few parents who talked directly to their kids about race, their children’s racial attitudes improved greatly. Humans do not have the capability to stop seeing skin color. This is why the parents who spoke to their children in vague terms did not change the racial attitudes of their children.
The thinking of those who want a colorblind society is honorable. Something as completely irrelevant as race should not be of any importance. But it simply is not that easy. The solution is not to have liberal white people make public celebrations of diversity. It is not recognizing the contributions of black Americans, though that is a start. What is needed is for everyone to be comfortable with being different. One should not be scared to express his ra-
cial views without fear of being labeled or getting shouted down. We should focus on discussing race and how certain beliefs encourage racism. America has moved forward, especially in regards to LGBTQ rights, but the elephant is still in the room. It’s time to have an honest, direct discussion about race in America. Equality is not restored overnight, and only through a continued effort in which we make good on our promise that every American is equal.
The United States is guilty of committing its own acts of terrorism tyler vanvalkenburg the harvard crimson
According to some of the best available data, the United States has, since 2004, killed anywhere between 2,500 and 3,300 people in Pakistan using drone strikes. Of those killed, around 500 to 900 are suspected of having been civilians, including 176 children. And now, a just-released report compiled by Stanford and NYU students reveals how our country’s drone campaign, which has been expanded fivefold under Obama, is responsible for mass-suffering and civilian death in the northwest region of Pakistan. The evidence offered in this new report, along with what we knew before, makes it clear that the US needs to significantly reform its use of drones in the region, if not completely abolish it. The report exposes that, far from being the “surgically precise and effec-
tive tool[s]” most Americans believe them to be, drones are actually incredibly violent and messy. It points out that, “while civilian casualties are rarely acknowledged by the US government, there is significant evidence that US drone strikes have injured and killed civilians.” The United States, in its Pakistani drone campaign (along with parallel campaigns elsewhere) has targeted a range of public establishments, from village squares to schools, in the pursuit of eliminating accused terrorists. This wide scope of targeted structures has, understandably, created a sense of fear and helplessness within the communities living under drones. As one villager interviewed in the report explains, “Everyone is scared all the time. When we’re sitting together to have a meeting, we’re scared there might be a strike. When you can hear the drone circling in the sky, you think it might strike you. We’re always scared.” The terror experienced by these Pakistani citi-
zens, a terror documented through the many interviews and polls within the report, is far from surprising. All one must do to understand it, in fact, is look at just who and what our government has attacked using drone missiles in the past. Time and again, the US has claimed to have successfully eliminated multiple military targets in a strike, only to have it later revealed that there were heavy civilian casualties and few, if any, real militant deaths. Three such instances of this pattern are documented in detail by the Stanford-NYU report, and they serve to show just how unreliable the “official” accounts of drone attacks can be, while also highlighting the attacks’ innately devastating nature. Add to this the fact that the Obama administration now officially records any military-age males killed in drone strikes as “militants”, and it’s not hard to see why these Pakistanis are so afraid for their lives. The Obama administra-
tion has also approved the use of “signature strikes”, drone attacks that target individuals whose identities are unknown yet who seem to exhibit behavior in line with that of an active militant. The broad power this grants our government –to kill people we haven’t even identified living thousands of miles away – is frightening in its own right. Couple that power, though, with our track record for mistakenly killing civilians in the place of actual militants, and the terror felt by each person forced to live under our drones is made even more tangible. Apart from engaging in signature strikes, the US has also seems to be willing to attack both the rescuers and mourners of drone victims. This practice is, on its face, morally grotesque, as it literally means we are targeting people who seek only to save others’ lives or honor their deaths, those firstresponders at the strike zone and those family and friends gathered at the funeral. Yet our government
continues to commit these “follow-up” strikes in the hopes that they will kill further suspected terrorists, no matter the cost. Such clearly unjust and destructive drone practices don’t just fill the affected Pakistani populations with terror, either. They also fill them with rage, and in doing so help foster the very anti-American sentiment that our foreign enemies thrive off of. In the report, an affected mental health professional notes “the impact [the drone program] has on personality development,” stating that “people who have experienced such things, they don’t trust people; they have anger, desire for revenge.” So now, amongst all the collateral deaths and destroyed properties, we find that the policy we have instated to fight terrorism may very well be fueling it. Consider that for a moment. Not only does it turn out that our drones terrorize entire Pakistani villages, but they might not even achieve their in-
tended goal of combating terrorism. We simply cannot continue a policy that so indiscriminately and insensitively kills innocent civilians, especially when its efficacy is so called into question. In fact, because of its bloody record, our drone campaign has now come to embody the very terror it originally sought to vanquish. Targeting emergency first-responders, or those gathered at funerals, or those attending village meetings, or those who’s identities we don’t know, or even those who are simply in the area and over eighteen – these are not the policies of a nation defending its freedom; these are the policies of a nation terrorizing another’s populace. America now has the responsibility to either change or end its drone program. That’s it. If we continue on like this we are embracing the very terrorism we claim to despise, and in doing so are abandoning the very values we claim to defend.
Complete the grid so each row, column and 3-by-3 box (in bold borders) contains every digit, 1 to 9. For strategies on how to solve Sudoku, visit
Contrary to rumors spread through social media, Mutt’s Sunnyside did not celebrate its final day on Oct. 31. “Yeah, we’re still open,” said Mutt’s Sunnyside owner George Mutt. “We’ll be open until they tell us we have to leave.”
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FEATURE OF THE DAY PHYSICS COLLOQUIUM SERIES features Dr. Venkatraman Gopalan who will speak on nonlinear optical probing of ferroelectrics and multiferroics. It will take place at 3:30 p.m. in White Hall. Refreshments will be served at 3 p.m.
THE CHABAD JEWISH STUDENT CENTER offers a free Shabbat Dinner every Friday at 7 p.m. at the Chabad House. For more information, email or call 304-599-1515. WVU HILLEL offers a Shabbat Dinner at 6:30 p.m. at the Hillel House at 1420 University Ave. For more information or a ride, call 304-685-5195. CAMPUS LIGHT MINISTRIES hosts its weekly meeting and Bible study at 7 p.m. in the Bluestone Room of the Mountainlair. GLOBAL INTERVARSITY CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP AT WVU, a hospitable community for international students and scholars, meets at 6 p.m. for community dinner and Bible discussion. For more information, email
OPEN GYM FOR VOLLEYBALL is from 2-4 p.m. at the
clude all pertinent information, including the dates the announcement is to run. Announcements will only run one day unless otherwise requested. All non-University related events must have free admission to be included in the calendar. If a group has regularly scheduled meetings, it should submit all information along with instruc-
Student Recreation Center. No commitment or prior experience is necessary. Just show up and play. For more information, email Mandy at TRADITIONAL KARATE CLASS FOR SELF-DEFENSE meets at 10:30 a.m. in Multipurpose Room A of the Student Recreation Center.
M O U N TA I N E E R S F O R CHRIST hosts a supper at 6 p.m. and a bible study at 7 p.m. at the Christian Student Center at 2923 University Ave. CHRISTIAN STUDENT FELLOWSHIP hosts free dinner at 6:15 p.m. followed by a worship service at 7 p.m. at 2901 University Ave. For more information, email Gary Gross at
WELLNESS PROGRAMS on topics such as drinkWELL, loveWELL, chillWELL and more are provided for interested student groups, organizations or classes by WELLWVU: Wellness and Health Promotion. For more information, visit www.well.wvu. edu/wellness. W E L LW V U: S T U D E N T HEALTH is paid for by tuition and fees and is confidential. For appointments or more information, call 304-293-2311 or visit
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medical. NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS meets nightly in the Morgantown and Fairmont areas. For more information, call the helpline at 800-766-4442 or visit ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS meets daily. To find a meeting, visit For those who need help urgently, call 304-291-7918. CONFIDENTIAL COUNSELING SERVICES are provided for free by the Carruth Center for Psychological and Psychiatrich Services. A walk-in clinic is offered weekdays from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Services include educational, career, individual, couples and group counseling. WOMEN, INFANTS AND CHILDREN needs volunteers. WIC provides education, supplemental foods and immunizations for pregnant women and children under five years of age. This is an opportunity to earn volunteer hours for class requirements. For more information, call 304-598-5180 or 304-598-5185. NEW FALL SEMESTER GROUP THERAPY OPPORTUNITIES are available for free at the Carruth Center. The groups include Understanding Self and Others, Sexual Assault Survivors Group, Mountaineer Men: An Interpersonal Process Group, and Know Thyself: An Interpersonal Process Group. For more information call 293-4431 or contact tandy.
the night.
BORN TODAY This year you are direct and say what you think. Know that you can be open without having to hurt anyone’s feelings, though do be aware that you will need to make a conscious effort. If you are single, your high magnetic energy attracts many potential sweeties. You often find that anger destroys relationships. Learn how to express your negative feelings before they evolve into more. If you are attached, you often might have a row with your partner.
CANCER (JUNE 21-JULY 22) HHH You might want to funnel your energy -- both negative and positive -- into a project. You could be overwhelmed by everything that comes up. It would be better to incorporate your vigor into a pending project than to let it get out of control. Tonight: Choose a stressbuster.
ARIES (MARCH 21-APRIL 19) HHH You could be more gruff than you realize. You say what you think and do what you say. Be careful, as some people are not used to your forthright style. Anger or hostility could come out with the wrong person. Ouch! Tonight: A force to be dealt with. TAURUS (APRIL 20-MAY 20) HHH When you’re frustrated, no other sign rivals your ability to become overindulgent. You could be attacking your checkbook, or a partner might be acting as if money grows on trees. You’ll want to assume control for now, so be sure to utilize your self-discipline. Tonight: TGIF. GEMINI (MAY 21-JUNE 20) HHHHH You come off much stronger and more rigid than you might realize, especially right now. You could hear some sharp words, which might be directed at you but really have nothing to do with you. Let those comments slide right off you. Tonight: All smiles, beaming into
LEO (JULY 23-AUG. 22) HHHH Zero in on what is happening within your immediate circle. A child or loved one could act up out of the blue. Tempers will flare, but as long as no one holds a grudge, a resolution is possible. You might be catering to someone more than you wish you were. Tonight: You are the party! VIRGO (AUG. 23-SEPT. 22) HHH Pressure builds among those around you. Delivering what you promised remains critical. You have the same expectation of others. Do not allow anyone to rain on your parade. Use care with a volatile roommate or family member. Tonight: A must appearance. LIBRA (SEPT. 23-OCT. 22) HHHH If you find yourself at an impasse, detach ... at least until you can get a variety of perspectives on the situation. You could be careless around machinery. Stay current with electrical and mechanical equipment. Tonight: Go with an unusual invitation. SCORPIO (OCT. 23-NOV. 21) HHHH Realize that you are doing an excellent job of juggling various interests. You understand where a partner is coming from, and you get his or her logic. You could be frustrated with yourself and your lack of self-disci-
ACROSS 1 Bright-eyed 6 Student of Socrates 11 “The Mentalist” network 14 Cut over 15 Get ready to surf 16 Last word?: Abbr. 17 Stallone’s garden supply? 19 Halifax head 20 Lively dance 21 Cage, for one 23 Movie theater appliances 27 Casually mention, with “to” 28 Sacred structure 29 Buck 31 Influential sports figure 32 Brewery flavoring 33 Beginning to cure? 36 French article 37 Lacking 40 To benefit 41 Cubs’ spring training city 43 Prominent periods 44 Cadiz cohort 46 Post office flier 48 Allied leader 49 “Gave it my best” 51 News source since Dec. 1881 52 Musical inadequacy 53 Feudal lord 55 Wine flavoring 56 Santa’s risky undertaking? 62 First name in dictators 63 Eliminate 64 Ryder rival 65 WWII carrier 66 Domingo, e.g. 67 Hides
12 Lineage 13 See 58-Down 18 Seconds 22 Storm harbinger 23 Old Testament poem 24 Wistful remark 25 Fast-talking salesman’s training materials? 26 Jewelry item 27 To boot 29 Dome cover 30 Drops (out) 32 Hand-holding group dance 34 Oater orphan 35 Mashie and niblick 38 Decided in court 39 Add some meat to 42 Kolkata’s locale 45 Avril follower 47 Polecat kin 48 Saltimbocca herb 49 How much sauteing is done 50 Warty amphibians
DOWN 1 Hand holder? 2 Rural expanse 3 Changed-my-mind key 4 Encouraging word 5 Unsolicited opinion 6 Doesn’t wing it 7 Like a boring lecture, probably 8 Rio contents 9 A.L. East team, on scoreboards 10 Low tie 11 Movie about artificially grown bacteria?
51 Subject for Archimedes 53 Buyer’s aid 54 “Based on that ...” 57 Source of iron 58 With 13-Down, errand runner’s destination 59 2002 Chapter 11-filing flier 60 Track 61 2002 British Open champ
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COMICS Get Fuzzy
by Darby Conley
Cow and Boy
by Mark Leiknes
pline. Go for a walk rather than blow your top. Tonight: Go along with a loved one’s suggestion. SAGITTARIUS (NOV. 22-DEC. 21) HHH Do you really think you can sit on your feelings and put up a front? Somehow your body language and facial expressions will tell on you. You are better off gently expressing your anger and frustration with your words so that others can hear what you have to say. Tonight: Remain responsive to a key person in your life. CAPRICORN (DEC. 22-JAN. 19) HHHH Focus on your ability to get a job done. A friend or loved one might want to pitch in at the last minute; however, you could be more rigid than you think, and someone else’s style and organization might irritate you. Tonight: Out with a cohort. AQUARIUS (JAN. 20-FEB. 18) HHHHH Remain playful and open with others. You could become frustrated with a friend, or vice versa. Try not to get assertive, fussy and/or critical. Someone lets you know just how much he or she is aggravated. Avoid a reaction, if possible. Tonight: Follow the fun, and make sure there is music. PISCES (FEB. 19-MARCH 20) HHHH Be sensitive to a family member who might be distressed by the amount of time you spend with an older friend or a respected associate. The smart thing is to not get into it with this person -- neither of you needs a fight right now. Tonight: Stay close to home.
BORN TODAY Singer Erika Jo Heriges (1986), political commentator Pat Buchanan (1938), former Queen of France Marie Antoinette (1755)
Pearls Before Swine
by Stephan Pastis
Friday November 2, 2012
CONTACT US 304-293-5092 ext. 3 | DAA&
Meet the Idol: Paris Winfrey
Paris Winfrey sings an original song during the first round of the Mountaineer Idol competition.
by jack lake correspondent
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Mountaineer Idol finalist Paris Winfrey grew up in Fairmont, W.Va., and is an exercise physiology student. He enjoys the outdoors, where he participates in activities such as climbing and mountain biking. He began his music education in church. Though worship and gospel music was the dominant music in his household, his mother could not hide her love for the kings: Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson. They influenced Winfrey’s early days, whereas today Winfrey draws inspiration from the likes of John Legend. Winfrey spent time in his school’s choir dur-
ing middle school, but he really stood out in high school when he joined East Fairmont’s Elizathabethan ensemble. During his junior and senior years of high school, Winfrey earned West Virginia All-State Choir, and he has continued to pursue musical endeavors since this taste of success. Winfrey is the lead vocalist for the Cherry Street Band, which performs around town and at University events. “Tasty groove-rock is what we describe ourselves as,” Winfrey said. “It’s kind of jazz influenced, it’s rockin’. You’ve got to experience it. Words don’t describe it.” Winfrey made his presence in the Mountaineer Idol competition known
from week one, when a last-minute song change ignited the interest of the crowd in an unexpected way. Due to illness, Winfrey felt he would not be able to do justice to his song of choice, so he decided to sing an original song by the Cherry Street Band instead. “We wrote a song for our album about a girl, and whenever you sing songs over and over again you kind of get numb to the sharpness of the lyrics, so I rocked it out,” Winfrey said. “I did get a comment from Shirley (Robinson, head judge). She was like, ‘Watch yourself, if you sing that song on family night, you definitely won’t be making it through to the next round.’”
The risque lyrics also caught the attention of other contestants. “I was so hot, I was getting really hot, and then I started crying,” finalist Alexa Gonzalez said. “It was a really good song, and he sounded great. It was awkward, it was inappropriate, but he worked it.” During week two of the elimination round, Winfrey was convinced he was going home after he made a critical mistake in forgetting the lyrics to “Black or White” by Michael Jackson. “I definitely thought I was gone. I was up on stage expecting not to get my name called; I was trying to be positive and support everyone else, but it really got to me,” Winfrey said. “Luckily, I made it through and my name was the last
Start Tanning for the Holidays
name called, which was terrible. That week was one of the greatest victories ever in my mind.” Last week’s Motown and Broadway theme launched Winfrey into the finals, as he dedicated each of his songs to the inspiring women in his life. In honor of his mother, he performed “Blue Suede Shoes.” Following this, he won brownie points for his rendition of “My Girl,” which he dedicated to his girlfriend. “Before his performance, he had come to me and said he had a surprise for me that night and I wasn’t sure what to expect. I thought it was really nice of him to dedicate a song to me,” said Sierra Owens, Winfrey’s girlfriend. “I thought he did a very nice job. He enjoys it, and I enjoy watching him make other people happy when he is on stage singing.” Peering into next week’s performance, the rock ‘n’ roller is going to choose songs that speak to him and will focus on putting on a show the audience and judges will remember. “My thoughts now are keeping the energy high. I didn’t request my past scores, because I don’t really want to not pick a song because I don’t think people will like it – I want to pick a song because I want to sing it,” Winfrey said. “I definitely have some ideas. I definitely want the opportunity to perform and have a stellar show, but I also want to make sure the judges are getting a fair opportunity to hear my voice in other settings.” Winfrey will make his final run for the title of Mountaineer Idol at Morgantown’s Metropolitan Theatre Sunday at 3 p.m. daa&
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The Daily Athenaeum 284 Prospect St. Morgantown, WV 26506
Friday November 2, 2012
Mountaineers open 2012 season on road
West Virginia travels to Cincinnati for dual meet By Austin Seidel
By Amit Batra
The West Virginia men’s and women’s swimming and diving teams travel to Cincinnati today to take on the Bearcats in a dual-meet showdown that may help several WVU swimmers qualify for the NCAA championships in March, 2013. “I’m really hoping to see a lot of our swimmers use the meet against Cincinnati and the Pitt Invitational to their advantage,” said West Virginia head coach Vic Riggs. “They are continuing to get better on the men’s and women’s sides of things, and that’s what I expect from them.” In last weekend’s double dual meet against Villanova and James Madison, the Mountaineers proved too strong to tame as the men’s and women’s swimmers and divers totaled 19 first-place finishes and a strong number of top three finishes. Against Cincinnati, West Virginia will rely on senior leadership to help continue the success seen by the relay squads in recent events as they hope to add several more swimmers to the NCAA championships this spring. “It’s not just Rachel (Burnette) that has senior leadership,” Riggs said. “Mandie (Nugent) and our junior Danielle (Smith) – anyone who has seen competition at the college level – they all have the ability to step up and help these men and women adjust to the college level and just college life in general.” The Mountaineers are 3-1 on the season and have yet to lose in a diving event as WVU diving coach Michael Grapner enters the meet against Cincinnati with the same high expectations he’s held since his arrival at West Virginia. “They all know what is
In its first season as a member of the Big 12 Conference, the West Virginia wrestling team will look to make an immediate impact against No. 15 Maryland and Johns Hopkins in College Park, Md., Sunday at the Terrapin Duels. Kutztown was scheduled to participate against West Virginia, but due to the recent Hurricane Sandy, WVU will only face a rarely seen opponent in Johns Hopkins and the Terps. After a 9-4 mark (4-2 EWL) last season, the Mountaineers will try to find success this season in the Big 12 against powerhouses such as Oklahoma State. Returning wrestlers for West Virginia will be senior Shane Young (125), sophomores Brutus Scheffel (149), Dominic Prezzia (157) and juniors Nathan Pennesi (141), Lance Bryson (184) and Michael Morales. Three WVU wrestlers earned a preseason ranking in the InterMat preseason individual wrestling rankings earlier this week. Bryson, Pennesi and junior Colin Johnston (133) are all ranked in the top 20. Johnston, who missed the last two seasons due to a shoulder injury, comes in at No. 17 for the Mountaineers this season. Pennesi earned a No. 19 ranking following a second consecutive NCAA championship appearance last season. Bryson will be going into the season 10 pounds heavier from last year with a new weight of 184. He made his first trip to the NCAA Championships last season, and he looks to continue the success with a preseason No. 20 ranking. Head coach Craig Turnbull will be the leader of the
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The West Virginia swimming and diving teams will take on Cincinnati today. expected of them,” Grapner said. “We just had Christian (Parker) qualify for Zones and it was a major step for him this season, but we are not done yet.” Grapner’s divers have dominated thus far in the season and will try to continue that dominance Friday as junior Richard Pokorny hopes to extend his firstplace streak with another victory against the Bearcats. In addition to Parker’s success on the boards, freshman Lindsay Schmidt saw her own successes come to life against JMU and Villanova with a third-place finish in the 3-meter board behind sophomore Haily VandePoel. VandePoel also recorded a second-place finish in the 1-meter board, breaking Ashley Malik’s previous WVU record. The Mountaineer men have defeated the Bearcats in its past three meetings, and the women hold a 2-1 record in the same span. “Our men did a good job of stacking events against
Villanova,” Riggs said. “I believe they can build off that performance and do the same against Cincinnati. After Cincinnati and the Pitt Invitational we have a long period of time to work out and work on things in the pool to prepare for the remainder of the season.” Burnette will be expected to continue her stretch of victorious performances for the Mountaineers after recording her 70th individual first-place finish. Burnette has also done well to establish herself among the elite swimmers in the NCAA, as she looks to improve on her finish in last year’s NCAA championships. “Burnette is definitely elite at this level,” Riggs said. “She is easily a top 20 swimmer, maybe even a top 15. She comes in every day ready to go and is always looking to improve.” The event is scheduled to begin at 5:30 p.m. Friday.
Patrick Gorrell/The Daily AThenaeum
West Virginia junior wrestler Lance Bryson, left, takes down an opponent. Mountaineers for the 35th season. He is the seventh winningest active coach in the NCAA. Turnbull led members of the program to all-American status, EWL championships and NCAA championship appearances in the past. However, this season a new test waits in the Big 12 Conference. There are some new faces on this year’s squad, while the returning bunch have had match experience and some have been EWL Champions or have made trips to the NCAA championships. “We have a lot of work to do,” Turnbull said. “We don’t see Johns Hopkins here much, so we don’t know much about them. Maryland has won the ACC Tournament the last two years. It’s very early; we have a lot of work to do. We have a nice blend (of guys).” With the Big 12, West Virginia will only see some the teams that have a wrestling program in the country. For Turnbull, it’s important to have that base of Big 12 matches and also against the yearly opponents. With the move, WVU gets the usual Penn State, Pittsburgh and Edinboro type
of opponents, but the move also allows the Mountaineers to face some national powerhouses in the Big 12. “To me, we have the best of both worlds,” he said. “For us, we get to keep many of our regional rivalries when we’re recruiting our main high school talent in Pennsylvania and Ohio. It (Big 12) should really present a great recruiting opportunity for us.” In fact, the four schools that sponsor Big 12 wrestling have combined for 49 team national titles, 271 individual national titles and 1,038 allAmericans. Two of the most storied wrestling programs in Oklahoma and Oklahoma State are amongst the best in the nation this year. Probable starters for West Virginia include the following: Young (125), Johnston (133), Pennesi (141), Scheffel (149), Prezzia (157), Ross Renzi (165), Bubba Scheffel (174), Bryson (184), A.J. Vizcarrondo (197) and Phil Mandzik/Dink Purnell (HWT). West Virginia begins Sunday with Johns Hopkins at 11 a.m. before facing Maryland later in the day.
Open House ©
NOV. 2, 1-4 pm
284 Prospect Street • 304-293-4141 •