“Little good is accomplished without controversy, and no civic evil is ever defeated without publicity.”
Tuesday March 5, 2013
Volume 125, Issue 110
Wellness Day offers useful tips By Megan bonomo Staff writer
Wellness is comprised of more than eating the proper foods or ensuring regular exercise – it’s a variety of components, each essential to the whole. WELLWVU: The Students’ Center of Health hosted Wellness Day Monday as an effort to provide students with education and expeKyle Monroe/THE DAILY ATHENAEUM rience for a variety of wellStudents compete in a triathlon yesterday afternoon as part of Wellness Day at ness tips. the Student Rec Center. As part of National Col-
Staff Writer
A group on campus is working to help students maximize their potential, develop career skills and achieve their goals. This evening, Southwestern Advantage LEAD program will be holding a seminar entitled, “Making Decisions to Maximize Your Career Freedom.” Wilson Smith, one of the five campus leaders for the program at West Virginia University will lead the seminar. Southwestern Advantage started in 1855 as a summer program for students, but has evolved into an organization that now helps in-school students throughout the world through the LEAD Program. Its main mission is to be the strongest organization in the world by helping young people develop the skills and character they need in life to reach their goals. Anthony Hendrickson, another LEAD program campus leader, said the seminar is free to students and runs about an hour long. “We really like to focus on is relationships because relationships (are) busi-
ness, and we make sure at every seminar we do icebreakers that are really intuitive and help students open up to information. “It kind of opens their minds up to what we will be teaching prior to the seminar,” Hendrickson said. “One thing that almost all college students believed coming into college is that they would end up with a better career than they would have otherwise, so basically the seminar will be about how to take what you learn in college and set yourself up for a path for success to reach that ultimate career that you want to get to.” Hendrickson said one of the ways they teach some of the skills is by talking about the job interview – how to look at job offers and then look at the other side, too, including how companies view students while they are going through the interview process. “We try to actually prepare students for interviewers, like what they’re looking for and the top personality traits that interviewers hire for, which is professionalism, high-energy, confidence, self-monitoring and intellectual curiosity,” he said. “At the
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Former WVU football player pens autobiography by megan calderado staff writer
After playing football at West Virginia University and going on to play in the National Football League, Wesley Lyons just tackled his biggest accomplishment yet – publishing his autobiography. Lyons graduated from West Virginia University in December 2009 and was eventually picked up by the Pittsburgh Steelers. His book, “The Pursuit with Patience,” as well as his motivational speaking, has landed him a spot on Pittsburgh’s 50 Finest in 2013, named by the Western Pennsylvania Chapter of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. After going undrafted in the 2010 NFL draft, Lyons continued to work out with teams and eventually landed a two-year contract with the Pittsburgh
Steelers. “The Pursuit with Patience” is the story of Lyons’ experiences through youth, college and professional football, as well as the challenges he faced on his way. “I wrote the book while I was working with the Steelers. I was going to practice and learning plays during the day, then I would come home and write,” Lyons said. “It’s about my journey and some of the obstacles I had to overcome and the stuff a lot of [athletes] go through,” he said. “It also talks about the business side of the NFL and about the ups and downs – it’s not what people think it is.” Lyons said people won’t really know what it’s like to be a player in the National Football League unless they follow him through his per-
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Members of PRSSA model apparel from various local boutiques during Monday’s fashion show.
by shelby toompas staff writer
Members of West Virginia University’s Public Relations Student Society of America held their 4th annual charity fashion show Monday and walked the runway in hopes of benefiting the Mountaineer Boys & Girls Club. Morgantown’s MBGC is a program that focuses on the youth in the community and offers a variety of services to promote and enhance the development of boys and girls by instilling a sense of competence, usefulness, belonging and influence. PRSSA’s Vice President and director of the fashion
PRSSA members walk the catwalk together to close Monday’s fashion show.
see fashion on PAGE 2
Pirates Day campaign hits social media By Kaity Wilson Staff writer
A group of West Virginia University public relations students, who have been planning day of food, fun and baseball, recently launched their social media campaign. For their capstone course, the students are working to present WVU Day at PNC Park. Rachel Roman, a public relations student, said she
believes the social media campaign will be very helpful in attracting students to buy tickets to the game. “Last year, students were able to use their student IDs to purchase tickets, but this year we are not doing that,” Roman said. “The social media has made sure that we get that word out to the students.” Through the Twitter handle @DubVPirates, the group has been able to engage with students and
Midterm exams should not be taken lightly. OPINION PAGE 4
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see wellness on PAGE 2
show Michelle Kayda said the club was asked to leave their house earlier this year, therefore it was important to raise money. “The fashion show will benefit the MBGC, because 100 percent of the proceeds go directly towards the club, including money from our sponsors, donations and ticket sales,” Kayda said. WVU students, faculty and members of the community came out to support the MBGC and see a fresh, new clothing line from five different boutiques from around the area. This year’s sponsors for the event were The Domain, Superior Ford Lincoln and Tan1.
News: 1, 2 Opinion: 4 A&E: 3, 6 Sports: 7, 8, 10
down on the bikes as we’re speaking.” Exercise is an integral aspect of healthy living. Alyson Leo, a senior exercise physiology student, said mood has a profound effect on when and how students should exercise. “We found in research that you should exercise based on your daily mood state at a specified intensity,” she said. “For example if you’re really anxious
PRSSA fashion show raises more than $1,000 for Mountaineer Boys & Girls Club
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to assess their habits and learn about healthier ways to adapt them. A modified indoor triathlon was held this week and included a 450-yard swim, four miles on a stationary bike and a two-mile run on the SRC track. “We had 40 plus people register, which is the highest we ever had,” said Sherri Restauri, the special events program manager at the SRC. “There’s people in the pool, there’s people running, and there’s people
Group works to reach students’ career goals By ashley tennant
legiate Health and Wellness Week, Wellness Day provided information, tips and samples to promote healthier living. The liveWELL programs provide a valuable opportunity for students to know more about different wellness topics, including alcohol, sexual health, healthy relationships, stress, nutrition, sleep, fitness and more. Students who participated in the event at the Student Recreation Center were given opportunities
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alumni by tweeting about the event and ticket sales since last Monday. According to senior public relations student Gina Sporio, social media has played an integral role in this campaign. “In public relations, social networking is a big part, and it is a good way to evaluate how we are doing,” Sporio said. Sporio said the Twitter account has been helpful thus far, because of the
ON THE INSIDE The West Virginia women’s basketball team travels to Austin, Texas, to cap its regular season schedule with a matchup against Texas. SPORTS PAGE 7
ability to easily receive student questions and respond immediately. The Twitter account has already gained more than 200 followers in the first week, more than halfway to their goal of 300. Roman and Sporio said they encourage students and alumni to keep using the hashtag #DubVPirates until the event so others can see all the tweets about the
see social on PAGE 2
RIGHT TIME TO GET HOT The Kansas Jayhawks are beginning to peak at the right time after Saturday’s 26-point wallop of West Virginia. SPORTS PAGE 10