Registration Issue 2011: Opinion

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DAILY BRUIN | Registration Issue 2011 | opinion |

It’s OK to be homesick For both students and their parents, having some anxiety about the transition to college is normal

like: parent loosens reins and child obligingly makes the most of the slack. This expectation of distance RAM DOLOM restrains the parental impulse to cling. Not to mention, the parenting strategy needs re-imagON RELATIONSHIPS ining. The old mode of physicality and concrete presence has to be put away for a relationship omething very important predicated on trust. The main way of seeing the happens in the switch from child, through the eyes of nurturing supervihigh school to college: The sion, is now obsolete. student starts going to college. It is useful to remember that as much as And it is the very inviolate concreteness parents structured their children’s realities, of that act (going to college) that makes it so the opposite is also true. For many of them, the complicated. We’ve been through this in our child was the center of the universe, the altar heads so many times. We saw it coming. But to which all self-sacrifice possible was due. And still, it is overwhelmingly a stage of ambiguity. the removal of that pillar, though certain lines For more parties than one. of thought suggest it to be emancipating, can be One of the centers of this confusion is the a painful one. reorganization of one’s entire social life. To But there is nothing inherent in the univerthose with the firm conviction that a complete sity experience that demands this change. As cut-off from the past is best, hats off. But to the I said, all that’s happening is you are starting timid, nervous few who are anxious college. A goodbye to your parents to “keep in touch,” there is the quesdoesn’t necessarily follow. tion of what to do. And, interestingly, the parents This period aren’t the only ones worried about Though thoughts turn immediately to friends, let’s not forget our is thought of as a these things. dear parents, who (and henceforth I After two years of living with my indulge in generalizations that won’t time of rupture, parents through community college, apply to everyone) have been the with frustration, impatient with the a line between central ordering principle of our tiny childhood depen- thought of finally coming free, the worlds, both for the better (allowfirst thing I felt after moving in to dency and adult ance) and the worse (curfews). my UCLA dorm was homesickness. You could really milk the situaThe immediate reaction, of autonomy. tion for its full theatrics – call the course, was disavowal – disavowal of transition a “rite of passage” and the the nostalgia, of the attachment to intervening summer of dreaming and worrying my parents. a time of “suspended animation.” But, as Freud said, written into the process But for all the cliche pyrotechnics of those of forced rejection of the disavowed is the terms, all that’s really happening is you’re opposite process of intense and concrete recogleaving high school and finally starting with nition. university. This is, as they say, the moment. The more we deny something, the more we Your moment. are acknowledging it. For all the right reasons, the focus of this The fact is, some of us do miss our parents. period is the student – a fleet of counselors is Which means that both sides are longing for on hand to answer every academic question; the other but are paralyzed from reaching out the potential freak-out that is move-in day because of the need to perform expected roles. is systematized to the point of dullness; the So this, I guess, is my message: It’s fine to campus organizes activities to facilitate socialmiss your parents; they probably miss you a lot izing. The student is, in short, taken care of. too. But what of the parents? The traditional conception of this period is Do you suffer from homesickness at the start of one of rupture, a bright line between childfall quarter? Email Dolom at rdolom@media.ucla. hood dependency and adult autonomy. At the edu. Send general comments to moment of change, the story goes something



EDITOR’S NOTE Welcome home, Bruins! Registration issue signals the start of another year at UCLA, and the transition from summer to fall may be more difficult than anticipated for some. With academic pressures, shifting relationships and changing perspectives coming at us all, it’s understandably hard to find your footing on campus. But Daily Bruin Opinion

is here to help. In these 12 pages, columnists will dispense valuable advice about homesickness, mental focus and getting your money’s worth throughout the year. We hope that our words will help guide you to the ultimate goal of autonomy and independence. The “Bruin of Liberty” represents the difficult balancing act many of us will have to perfect in our

years at UCLA, and along the way, we as students will likely have grievances we want addressed. The Opinion section is the perfect place to voice your concerns. We want to hear from YOU this year – send us a submission, write a Letter to the Editor and contribute to a medium that serves as a forum for student opinion. Serli Polatoglu, Opinion editor

Talk, embrace differences Take advantage of the diversity at UCLA, explore other cultures to promote respect over ignorance ITAK MORADI



may have dropped economics on the first day of class, but luckily, I retained one useful thing: the matrix for input and output. Like much in life, college conforms to this principle. And like the vitality of the economy, who you are when leaving college depends on recognizing that one’s effort is one’s yield. What you can gain here and what you can contribute to others depend on a simple task – talking to people. Learn about them – how they live, how they used to live and their opinions. “Industries” demand each other’s output while supplying each other’s input, an effective model for both economics and humanism. Our effort to familiarize ourselves with different people and different lifestyles renders perspectives that can enable progress in the world. The progress we make as individuals and the progress we make as a society should not be seen as separate. So supply your views to others and demand theirs, and our environments can become more objective, more motivating and more empathetic. UCLA is a fantastic avenue for the above, as it both fosters different opinions and tries to make respect a standard. Studying at a university is one of the few times we’ll find ourselves in a beautiful microcosm, as if someone spooned out little bits from all over the world and served them between Gayley Avenue and Sunset Boulevard. Name a religion, hobby, ethnicity, lifestyle

what you sacrifice to save money. I went to Iran to visit family or organization, and you’ll find this summer, and the energy some manifestation of it here. and warmth of a people living I’m not simply talking about under an oppressive governmeeting new people while joinment was inspiring. Every day I ing a club or a sport. There is a was enlightened and thankful, depth to getting to know people but I’m probably most grateful that transcends everyday inter- for the days I was disturbed. actions, and requires genuine Those were the days I had interest and respect from both the most insight into experisides. ences I can still only imagine. But this is where the trusty The misconceptions about so model finds its place of both many different types of people fulfillment and potential loss. around the world is disheartenDespite how diverse UCLA is, it ing at best, but utterly damagisn’t very hard to maintain the ing at worst, because ignorance circles built during the chapter breeds hate, crime and war. before our arrivals. It can be But you’re reading this difficult to overcome anxiety or because you’re in a place that stereotypes, or overwhelming breeds tolerance instead of to talk to people that just seem ignorance, and respect instead too different. of fear. Nonetheless, I’m beginning So take advantage and the first of my last three quarlearn different lifestyles and ters, and I assure struggles. Later in you that your days life, you can both here will fade away use and share this Strive to quickly. I’m only left intellectual wealth. with what I have I hope people from meet people gained, intellectushockingly differ- my generation will ally and culturally, do good for this ent than you, and world, will choose because even the memories will gray try to engage in paths that will over time. benefit something uncomfortable So whether beyond their own conversations. you’re a freshman lives. or a senior, strive I think there are to meet people many obstacles shockingly different than in the way of our “economy” you. Engage in uncomfortable reaching its vitality – things conversations. Attend events much like unawareness, for no particular reason at all or snark or even extremist – especially ones organized by politics. your peers. But I also think that we are Don’t scoff at people, their in positions to change the game appearances or their beliefs. if we understand one another You’re only hurting yourself better, if we recognize the true more. interconnectedness of the And by all means, travel. world. I would have loved to study You can’t divide the input abroad while here, but even from the output. though I didn’t get the chance to enroll, I still visited several How will you connect to your countries over the past few fellow Bruins? Email Moradi at years. It is always worthwhile Send to try and experience how general comments to other people live, no matter



GENERAL NEWSPAPER EXCELLENCE GENERAL BEST OVERALL DESIGN GENERAL WEBSITE EXCELLENCE in 2010-2011 by the California College Media Association | opinion | Registration Issue 2011 | DAILY BRUIN


Approach college with a plan APPLY TO THE college students have the same goal and are here just to get their degree and leave. I came to find myself and enrich my Anything that deviates one mind.” from that goal will cost time My attitude: You’re in the and money – two commodities wrong place if that’s what you many cannot spare. The best came to college for. The fact thing to do is get your degree is, today’s universities cater to as quickly as possible. The professional students: those value of your degree does who go to college merely to not depreciate if you finish be considered for jobs that sooner. In fact, the value of a demand a degree. As a result, university degree is becoming students are consumers who, increasingly scrutinized year in fact, show less improvement after year, no matter how fast in learning as years go by. you earn it. In This year, Universpeaking with sity of Chicago Press recruiters, I’ve released a book titled Anything learned that you “Academically Adrift: are not perceived that deviates one Limited Learning on differently if you College Campuses.” graduate in three from that goal The findings, though years or six. So will cost time and not encouraging, why fork over an not surprising. money – two com- were extra $30,000 According to the modities many when you don’t book, 45 percent need to? As more cannot spare. of students “did students enter not demonstrate college with A.P. any significant credits from high school, it is improvement in learning” feasible to graduate in three during their first two years of years. college. Those who did improve I’m not saying you’re guartended to show very modest anteed a Bugatti once you get improvements. The study also your degree, but it is important found that students who spent to have a degree if you want more time in fraternities and one. sororities showed smaller gains Figure out what you want to than other students. Students do after graduation. Develop who engaged in off-campus a plan to get there. Take the extracurricular activities had right courses. Graduate in no notable gains or losses in three years. learning. “But, but, BUT!” some of The truth is, a person can you may protest. “It’s unfair spend four years in college and, to generalize and say that all depending on one’s major, not

To make the most of their time, students should pursue their university degrees without distraction ANDREW ZAKI



he worst piece of advice I ever received as a freshman was to enjoy “the college experience.” It goes without saying that if you want a six-figure job, you need a university degree. Increasingly, even that isn’t enough. So, you would think students would pursue their degree with a sense of urgency. You would think all students would try to finish as quickly as they could. Yet according to Kiplinger, only 67 percent of UCLA students graduate in four years, while only 89 percent graduate after six years. The explanation is simple: Too many students start their first year pursuing “the college experience,” which entails late-night partying, energy drinks and cramming for exams. In the process, they forget their goal. They forget the reason they’re at a prestigious university such as UCLA in the first place. They forget the reason that they’re paying about $30,000 a year in tuition and fees. The reason is to get that degree, which leads to that job, which leads to that white-picket fence, fancy car and Bijan apparel.

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graduate with any substantial knowledge of politics, history, literature, philosophy, art, science or math. In the fast-paced quarter system at UCLA, this is especially true. You learn a bunch of theories, get tested on them, and they are released from the mind faster than they entered it. There is no deep sense of enrichment or broad knowledge. Rather, a random weaving of various courses that leaves a person adrift at sea without a compass. This is why I maintain that a diploma is simply a means to an end. The best thing to do is figure out what your end is (XYZ job) so the means by which you get there (XYZ degree) takes less than four years. To do this, knowing what your major will be (and sticking to it!) is crucial. Meeting with a counselor on a regular basis cannot be understated. Most importantly, the pursuit of a life akin to those in “Animal House” needs to be put on hold. Don’t let campus activities and sporting events that are relentlessly advertised separate you from the little money you will have after paying tuition. Save years and save money. Do you plan on graduating early? Email Zaki at Send general comments to






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DAILY BRUIN | Registration Issue 2011 | opinion |


Budgeting is the best way to go BY LAWRENCE PERSKY Welcome, new and returning Bruins! The new academic year typically brings many challenges for students, and this one is no exception. Actually, California’s fiscal crisis could make it one of the most challenging years in recent memory for many Bruins, since diminishing state support for public universities caused the UC Regents to increase in-state tuition and fees to $12,192 for this year. The University of California’s Blue and Gold Opportunity Plan will cover tuition and fees for in-state students whose families earn less than $80,000, but students still face big expenses in other areas. Housing, food and transportation costs are hurdles that can impede students’ ability to complete their degree in a reasonable time frame. Some even face additional expenses, such as dependent children, unplanned medical bills or credit card debt. The total cost of a college education clearly goes far beyond just tuition and fees. It’s critical that students establish a reasonable budget at the start of each year to help manage their expenses before they get caught up in studies. Creating a budget and financial plan may sound intimidating at first, but with a little practice and experience, it becomes less of a burden over time and something you may start to do without even realizing it. Budgeting does not have to be complex and revolves around a few basic principles. The first is knowing the total amount of money you have available to spend. For many students, financial aid is their main source of income (they can look forward to receiving refunds soon from their BruinBill accounts). I still remember the joy I felt as a student, seeing that large sum of money posted to my bank account. I quickly realized, however, that this money had to last me the entire quarter, especially since I didn’t have any other financial resources. The next budgeting principle is identifying all of your expenses. I knew I had certain fixed expenses – tuition, rent and books – that were billed to me monthly or in one lump sum, but typically remained predictable. But there were also variable

expenses I would incur, such as food, clothes and entertainment. These amounts would always change depending on what I purchased. To create my budget, I listed all of my fixed and variable expenses with estimated figures, then tallied the total. If my expenses were far greater than my available resources, I either had to find a way to get more money or scale back expenses. The last budgeting principle was making sure I paid for what I needed before spending money on other things. This is probably the most difficult for inexperienced budgeters because it requires separating needs from wants, even though both are expenses. This forced me to prioritize my needs, such as paying for housing or a meal plan, over my wants, which at the time were video games and going out with my friends. If I wasn’t careful and spent that money on my wants, I could have been in a lot of trouble. I could only think about my wants after I had taken care of all my needs. By sticking to these three simple principles, I was able to successfully manage my finances over the course of my college career. There will be hiccups along the way, such as not having enough financial resources to meet your needs or unplanned expenses. In these situations, you may want to consider taking out student loans or gaining employment to bridge the gap between your resources and expenses. You could also work on building a savings fund that you can tap into from time to time when money gets tight. If you are interested in student loans or need more information on budgeting, make sure to check out the UCLA Financial Aid Office’s website at or the U.S. Department of Education’s website, studentloans. gov, for more information. Also, is an excellent site for new and experienced budgeters alike to use when managing expenses and offers helpful tips when building a financial plan (they even have a mobile app for your iPhone!). Persky is a supervisor in the Financial Aid Office’s counseling unit and a member of UCLA’s Economic Crisis Response Team.

Seek growth over grades as long as you support it with action: Have you completed the reading assignments? Do you actively participate in Nothing! Do the assigned class? Have you attended office work to the best of your ability, hours? Have you revised your and do “extra” work when you essays? Do you turn in your are motivated to learn indework on time? Students who pendently. The “credit” counts regularly receive high grades toward your future self. understand that wanting an A 3. How can I use this in the is different than earning an A. real world? 5. Is this what you want? I appreciate this quesLet me introduce you to tion. It’s a good idea to think two students. Here is Alan: about application, action, and he wears nice button-down consequence. However, there shirts, comes to class five are some faulty assumptions minutes early, and always embedded in this inquiry. The carries extra pencils. He raises classroom IS a real world, and his hand before speaking and the more you contribute to always asks me if he can go to it, the more real it becomes. the bathroom. He ignores his I think of the classroom as peers, but nods his head at sacred space everything I say. designed for When I ask him to communal learning. evaluate his work Support This thrills me! at the end of the your ambitions Let’s turn off our quarter, he writes: phones and become with action, and I deserve an A in more conscious by understand that this class because I plugging instead did everything you wanting an A is dif- asked me to do, and into the process at hand. And yet: I ferent than earning fixed all the things don’t want you to you asked me to fix. an A. shut yourself off Here is Allison: when you walk in She rarely makes the door because it to class on time. you regard the classroom as She wears flip-flops and short special or different. Are you shorts and always forgets to chatty with your friends but turn off her cell phone. She silent in discussion section? whispers comments to her Why? If you remember that the neighbors, but never shares her classroom is also just an ordithoughts with the entire class. nary space like any other, you She has never come to office might not dismiss it as unreal hours, and despite my written or useless. warning on her most recent 4. I want an A. paper, she seems unaware that You’re right; this is not a she is not likely to pass the question. That’s the problem. class. In her self-evaluation, I don’t really care what you she writes: I guess I deserve a want. What are you willing to C, because that’s what I always DO? That question is a better get in English class. catalyst for a fruitful fall quarOpposites? Not at all. Alan ter. I encourage your ambition, follows the rules and Allison

For success in your classes, strive for personal fulfillment instead of approval from the professor BY LAURI MATTENSON


ello Bruins, and welcome to your first fall term. I remember my own. It started in September 1987, and I was so excited to begin classes that I woke up long before my 8 a.m. lecture to watch the sunrise from the top of Janss Steps. Now I teach writing here at UCLA, and every quarter, I get just as excited about the first day of class as I did when I was 18 years old. I enjoy working with freshmen, and I can feel our shared enthusiasm for a new start, but I know that some of you are stuck in high school – on the inside. Are you one of those people? If you ask your instructors the following questions, you might be! 1. Did I miss anything important? Of course! I spent a great deal of time and energy creating this curriculum for you. I care if you come to class or not. I care if you feel inspired or discouraged. Ask me what you missed in class, but don’t imply that it might be unimportant. Writers choose their words carefully, and while you are taking a writing class for several months, you are a writer. While you are taking a sociology class, you are a sociologist. Think of yourself as an active participant in a conversation with a larger community, not a passive consumer of information that may or may not be on a test. 2. What can I do for extra credit?

resists them, but both students observe the exact same code, and it limits both of them. Both posit themselves as my subordinates, and not in a way that cultivates respect, but rather resentment. I’ve changed the names, but these profiles are real. Is this what you want? Is this ok? Is it an A yet? Have I satisfied you yet? These questions just make me sad: for the student who seeks approval rather than growth; for the missed opportunity to think critically and independently; for the student who doesn’t even realize he is merely training himself to obey orders. And for what it’s worth, the answer is no. You’ll never satisfy me. That’s not your job. My own search for truth and contentment is powerful because it is perpetual, and that’s the way I like it. My goal is to participate in that process as a lifelong learner, and I prefer hunger to satisfaction. I am happy when you succeed and I try to remain compassionate when you struggle, but my job is to challenge you as much as I support you. Expect me to ask for more, even if you do earn an A. Try to remember that enduring satisfaction is the kind you cultivate on the inside. I hope you’ll be patient with yourselves during this transition to college life and remember that our skills mature as we do. Enjoy this time, and once again: Welcome to UCLA! For the full text of this article, please email Mattenson is a lecturer with the UCLA Writing Programs.

Bruins shape a lasting legacy UCLA campus continues to provide its students opportunities for achievement locally, globally BY GENE D. BLOCK Dear Student, It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the 2011-2012 academic year at UCLA. I want to extend a special greeting to our newest Bruins – our first-year, transfer and new graduate students who are joining our campus community this week. You were admitted to UCLA because of your already outstanding achievements as scholars and leaders, and we are proud that you chose to continue your studies here. As UCLA’s 93rd year begins, I marvel once again at the diverse and dynamic academic environment of which we all are

learn from one another as you take on shared challenges and explore new frontiers. Ours is a campus where a part. Our community of schol- innovation and creativity ars is enriched by thrives; UCLA extraordinarily bright scholars have and talented students established a from throughout tradition for not Embrace California, the United only advancing the opportunity to States and – this year, research but more than ever – the learn from one an- also creating world, each of whom other as you take entirely new contributes a unique fields of inquiry. on shared chaland valuable set of I encourage you lenges and explore to set similarly experiences and insights to our Bruin new frontiers. ambitious goals family. During the for yourself, in year ahead, I hope your academic you will take full advantage work and in your service to of the varied perspectives Los Angeles and our global offered by your fellow students community. and faculty. Always treat one For you, as part of our next another with respect, and generation of leaders, there is embrace the opportunity to no better place to further your

studies: Our campus is located in one of the world’s most fascinating cities – the ideal working laboratory for many of our society’s most pressing scientific, environmental, cultural and public policy concerns. Los Angeles, in turn, occupies a critical position in the Pacific Rim, the region that will likely play a leading role in world events for the foreseeable future. I look forward to meeting many of you during the next several months, and I wish you every success during the year ahead. I know that you are prepared to succeed and that you will strengthen our proud UCLA legacy. Go Bruins! Block has served as chancellor of UCLA since 2007.

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The Bridget O’Brien Scholarship The Bridget O’ Brien Scholarship Foundation was created in memory of Bridget O’Brien, a UCLA alumna and former Daily Bruin photojournalist. After graduating from UCLA, O’Brien went on to pursue photojournalism, traveling the world until her untimely death in 2007. The Bridget O’Brien Scholarship gives other student journalists the opportunity to puruse what Bridget loved to do. Every year, the Bridget O’Brien foundation awards two UCLA student journalists, a writer and a photographer, with a scholarship enabling them to travel abroad and report on a relevant story in great depth. The work of this year’s scholarship recipients will be published in the Daily Bruin Oct. 17-19. Find out more about the Bridget O’Brien Scholarship Foundation at: | opinion | Registration Issue 2011 | DAILY BRUIN



DAILY BRUIN | Registration Issue 2011 | opinion |

Aid Palestine’s UN application Donors can kick-start change BY ZACH SMITH

University Wire

The conflict between Israel and Palestine has been and always will be a powder keg. This month, Palestinians will take the unprecedented step of applying for full-state membership to the United Nations. Currently, they hold non-state observer status. While this upends the peace process, this course of action is the best way forward for negotiations and the first step toward achieving a lasting peace. Israelis argue that instead of promoting peace, this weakens it. Rather than negotiations resuming after the UN accepts Palestine as a state, negotiations, they say, would stall and tensions would rise between Israel and Palestine. Israelis argue that this amounts to a unilateral declaration, and Palestinians ought to simply negotiate. Frankly, the idea that taking an application for membership in the U.N. is unilateral is laughable. One doesn’t see a much more multilateral organization than the U.N., which contains every country on the planet in some fashion. And Palestinians know the United Nations recognizing them as a state on the borders set out in U.N. Resolution 194 (the West Bank and Gaza Strip) does not mean they instantly have a state and Israel will withdraw from the occupation. Mahmoud Abbas, Palestinian Authority president, said he would “happily resume negotiations with Israel after returning from New York City.� But this seems to be the only way to really push the reset button on the conflict. Palestinians argue, rather convincingly, that instead of destroying the two-state solution – which Israel claims

Palestinians are doing with this resolution – they are preserving it. As an example, they use the expansion of settlements in occupied Jerusalem. No country, including the United States, has an embassy in Jerusalem. In 1967, Israel annexed East Jerusalem, denying citizenship to its residents, leaving them without passport or nationality. This expansion of settlements means the future Palestinian state is quickly shrinking. Israel will insist on keeping the largest of its settlement blocs in the West Bank, while dismantling smaller ones. The largest of the blocs surround Jerusalem. At a panel of former Israeli security officials in Washington this summer, Shaul Arieli, former head of the Interim Peace Agreement, noted that 75 to 85 percent of settlers could stay in Israeli territory by swapping only 3 to 4 percent of the land. At this same panel, Alon Pinkas, former Israeli consul general in New York, explained the curious behavior of Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. In late July, Netanyahu asked his national security adviser for a way to nullify the Oslo Accords. It’s strange that the Israeli responsible for peace is searching for a way to dismantle it. Seen in this context, the Palestinians’ claim that they want to preserve the two-state solution makes a lot more sense. Declaring a state for Palestine and a state for Israel all but makes certain that Palestinians will see a future state. In Washington, I had the privilege of meeting Maen Areikat, ambassador to the United States from the Palestine Liberation Organization. He stressed the Palestinian desire to live side-by-side,

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in peace and security with Israel. Yet he became annoyed when he reached the subject of settlements. He denounced efforts by the Israelis to de-legitimize the peace process by building more settlements, which could only lead to a one-state solution. Yet, as Pinkas said at the event above, “We are coming to a time where Palestinians say, ‘You want us, you have us,’� accompanied by the principle of one man, one vote and peaceful demonstrations. “What will we do then?� he asked. Pinkas envisions a possible future where Israel must make a terrible choice. Choice one: Give the Palestinians full and equal rights as Israeli citizens and lose the Jewish nature of Israel. Choice two: Institute apartheid and give up democracy. Fortunately, it hasn’t come to that – yet. This is why the Palestinian initiative at the United Nations is so important. It creates an internationally recognized pair of states. Instead of vetoing the application, the United States should support it. At the least, our country ought to support the non-member observer state status which the U.N. General Assembly will grant. Everyone seems to recognize that everyone wants peace. No one can seem to agree on a clear and complete definition. That will come through negotiations, but the first step is this important move at the United Nations. The excitement ahead of the vote is palpable, even if its consequences aren’t immediate. For the future of Middle Eastern peace, let’s hope the Palestinian territories are recognized as a state later this month.

Corporations are flexing their financial power in Washington to cut through the partisan conflicts ANDREW BORST

University Wire


he ideological stone wall that has long separated Washington from the rest of the country may have finally met the force that will lead to its fall. While most of America may be more familiar with Howard Schultz’s company than with the man himself, many politicians, their finance chairmen, bundlers and political action committees have become quite familiar with the CEO of Starbucks. In the tumultuous debate over deficits and debt, Americans saw firsthand the polarization of the nation’s capital and the inability of the highest tier of government to confront this paramount issue of our time. While Americans called their congressmen and senators at the behest of the president – declaring in a manner that is best summarized by this quote from the movie “Network�: “I’m mad as hell, and I’m not going to take this anymore!� – there was a movement forming, unique in its paradox but effective nonetheless. This movement is grassroots, but instead of being started by the ordinary plumber, nurse or stay-at-home parent, it was started by the presidents, CEOs and chairmen of this nation’s corporations. On Aug. 15, Schultz sent an echoing message to Washington: “We today pledge to withhold any further campaign contributions to the president

Smith is a columnist at the Daily Nebraskan at the University of Nebraska – Lincoln.

approval ratings hovering in the low 40s, he will be forced to defend states that have gone Democratic for years, such as and all members of Congress Michigan and Wisconsin. This until a fair, bipartisan deal is is just one aspect of the 2012 reached that sets our nation election. on stronger, long-term fiscal When one looks at the footing.� next few months from the This call for a political Senate’s perspective, there boycott is potentially devastatis an equally dismal picture. ing for the political class, espeSenators McCaskill (D-Mo.), cially since the 5-4 Supreme Brown (R-Mass.), Nelson Court ruling on Citizens United (D-Neb.), Heller (R-Nev.) and v. FEC allowed corporations to Nelson (D-Fla.) all face difficult support candidates re-elections. Their through media access to capital advertisements may have an impact and other forms of Schultz has on their seats and support, protected taken an ethical political futures as freedom of and, if the president speech by the First position to force is forced to defend Amendment. the government to what would tradiWhile many be called act in the interests tionally Americans were true and blue, he concerned about the of the people, not may need as much corrupting influence of political parties. help as he can get. that this ruling So just what has class could have Schultz done? He on a political climate already has embodied the rage of the obsessed with the number of American people and he has digits following a dollar sign, done something about it. If people of power like Schultz money and campaign support is have taken a position of ethics what politicians want, they can and of patriotism to defend the have it, but they need to work country from itself and force for it first. the United States government Until then, this country to act in the interests of the needs people like Schultz who people, not of political parties. will stand up for the average With the upcoming races citizen when only money can be for the presidency and seats heard. The next time that you in the Senate and House of walk into Starbucks to order Representatives, both sides your venti soy-white-mochaof the aisle will need as much peppermint-frappuccino, take a capital and support as possible. second and give a quick thanks For example, Obama will most to Howard Schultz. likely have to defend the traditional battleground states like Borst is a columnist for the Pennsylvania, Ohio, Florida and Washington Square News at New Virginia, but with his lackluster York University.

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DAILY BRUIN | Registration Issue 2011 | opinion |

Editorial Cartoon By Thomas Gintjee

ATTITUDE from page 11 the fire by coupling all of my activities with unneeded pressure. My goal was to go through 11 weeks of studying and participating in extracurriculars, thinking the high-octane intensity and the pressure I forced onto myself would pay off with a stellar GPA and leadership positions. But what I got instead were sleepless nights, mornings where I could hardly get up and a cloud of fatigue that followed me everywhere and essentially prevented me from enjoying my college experience. I encourage students to take school seriously, but I do believe students are constantly under pressure, and it’s not the kind Queen and David Bowie were singing about. It’s the kind that students endure all year long, one that wears down on their wellbeing, both physically and emotionally. Pressure does not only adversely affect our mental well-being, but it has shown to be detrimental to our physical capabilities. A study showed that stress is linked with many ailments including heart diseases, arthritis, osteoporosis, diabetes and certain cancers. Pressure can kill, and students need to be wary of it. Overloading yourself only results in neglecting something, whether it be a class, a club, or friends – pressure does not help you do better in college. It hinders your development. Students who take summer courses best exemplify my argument that not putting pressure on themselves is beneficial, in that students are able to focus on schoolwork but still manage to reap the benefits of summer. This time provides a great backdrop for a student, because it allows for productivity without adding stress. Additionally, many students take summer sessions to have a lighter workload during the school year. If students can approach summer classes with a relaxed and successful attitude, why must they change their mindset once fall approaches? It’s one thing to be involved in so much, but it’s another to force your mind to be subject to such torture. Pressure is psychological yet it often causes us the most real pain. Pressure prevents us from accomplishing goals we normally would have without its intrusion. We often celebrate sports stars who are able to come through in the “clutch.” They make plays in high pressure situations, which garner applause and appreciation from the crowd. But what the crowd may forget in the excitement is that the same play would have been both physically and mentally less stressful had there not been any pressure at the start. Making a free throw in the first two minutes of a game is a lot easier than trying to make it during the last two minutes of the game. The physical act is the same, but the mental state of the person is different. Athletes cannot escape the pressure, but students can. Students create their own pressure, and it’s their own need to succeed that becomes their greatest obstacle. Regardless of my advice, many will not heed my warning. I conclude that for students who cannot go on living without adding pressure to their lives should consider investing in planning. Planning ahead – no matter how swamped or busy one is – diminishes stress greatly and still allows for everything to be completed. Students should take whatever courses and join whatever clubs they want, but they should try to avoid adding pressure to the mix by maintaining that summer mentality. Summer tends to provide the best balance with work and relaxation; it provides late nights and friends, but that does not mean nothing gets done in the summer. Being successful is just a state of mind, and as long as they are mentally willing, anything is possible. Not only will a new mindset allow for better physical and mental health, but it will also help pressure get lost in the confines of a summer state of mind. How will you attempt to relax fall quarter? Email Viswanathan at rviswanathan@media.ucla. edu. Send general comments to | opinion | Registration Issue 2011 | DAILY BRUIN


Radio: On the Record




Moody’s Analytics warns that it may be unrealistic for some students to expect to be able to pay off their school loans. In 2011, students graduated with an average of around $27,000 in debt and the cost of tuition has inflated faster than all goods, health care, housing and energy prices. UCLA professors discuss whether these facts warrant major concerns for economic disaster. Listen to their opinions of what students can do to prevent a loan crisis while still being able to pay for school at

U.S. should take renewed interest in alternative energy sources BY RIJU AGRAWAL

University Wire

My interest in alternative energy technologies was sparked by an eye-opening trip to India with my family nearly seven years ago. At first, I was just upset about having to sit in 110 degree heat without air conditioning because the power was out (the local utility had instituted a program of “load shedding,” whereby it intentionally shut off power to certain districts and neighborhoods over the course of the day in order to curb skyrocketing electricity demand). However, over the past several years, as I see such problems grow worse via my annual summer trips to India, I have begun to develop a more nuanced understanding of the relationship between energy availability and economic development in one of the world’s fastest growing economies. I

quickly realized that gasoline in India is several times more expensive than gasoline in the United States, so that it is often the biggest obstacle to owning a car. State governments in India schedule power cuts everyday in an effort to conserve limited fossil fuel supplies. The price of electricity is so high that energy conservation is not the product of a guilty social conscience, but a necessity to keep the utility bills manageable. But there is some good news. If you look at the energy policies of nations around the world, you will notice that even though countries differ dramatically in their approaches to energy policy, there seems to be one idea that many (albeit in differing degrees) have subscribed to: diversifying their energy supply portfolios to include more than just traditional fossil fuels like oil and gas. Countries around the world, including India, have finally begun to

make progress in finding solutions to the energy crisis that has become a very palpable obstacle to economic growth. They understand that as fossil fuel resources are depleted and energy prices subsequently rise; as the prospect of global climate change threatens land use patterns, strains the adequacy of our food production capabilities and places a disproportionate adaptation burden on the populations of developing countries; as an ever-increasing global population and burgeoning middle class demand cheaper and more abundant energy supplies, it will become ever more critical that we develop a viable long-term solution to the current energy crisis. Though perceptions of scientific uncertainty plague discussions of climate change, estimates of future fossil reserves are highly variable, and the entire debate regard-

GREEK | Social, philanthropic activities from page 11 process. This recruitment activity alone helps students practice for formal business interviews, according to Tony Huynh, a fourth-year political science and sociology student and the recruitment director for Kappa Alpha Pi. Recruitment is important for professional organizations, as it gives students a chance to experience what professional

life has to offer. Other organizations within the Greek system offer similar benefits. Fraternities and sororities across the board offer social activities, philanthropic events and a great networking system. “Sisters will pass down internships they had previously, making networking easy,” said Cully. Previous members of Kappa Alpha Pi help active members

find future jobs, making the transition from college to the labor force easier, according to Huynh. There is really something for everyone in Greek life, and students have all the world to gain and nothing to lose. Do you plan on going Greek? Email Chu at Send general comments to

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ing energy policy has become radically polarized, one thing is certain: The laws of supply and demand ensure that fossil fuel-based energy will continue to get more expensive in years to come. Hence, regardless of whether the public reaches consensus on climate change theories, basic economics urges immediate global action in regards to energy supply, if for no other reason than to keep energy prices down (nobody likes paying $4 for a gallon of gas). Luckily, as technological improvements decrease the expense of alternative energy technologies, bringing them closer to cost parity with traditional fossil fuels, many of the aforementioned problems could be mitigated in the long-term by increasing the penetration of resources like wind, solar, biomass, geothermal and nuclear. Because other nations have already made significant

strides toward implementing policies that benefit technology development, manufacturing, and demand creation for clean energy, there exists great potential for the United States to learn from and adapt such policies for domestic implementation. Germany’s feed-in tariff has quickly catalyzed (though, admittedly, with its fair share of difficulties) the solar and wind industry so that renewables now supply almost 10 percent of Germany’s energy needs and Germany has the world’s highest installed capacity of solar. India has instituted an innovative energy efficiency credit trading scheme, and is working diligently to improve its somewhat overambitious and confusing portfolio of renewable energy policies. And even South Korea – a relative newcomer in the renewable energy race – is pushing hard to establish a Renewable Portfolio Standard and a cap and trade

program within the next five years. The United States has been uncharacteristically slow to follow suit. In recent years, China has moved past the United States in total installed wind capacity, while Germany leads the world in solar. While we can, and should, applaud the efforts made by these countries, their rapid growth poses a potential problem for the United States. If we don’t regain the lead in the clean energy arena, rather than being a boon for domestic manufacturing and a solution to our over-dependence on foreign fuels, renewable energy technologies will become another foreign obligation that will strain budgets and require massive international military engagements exactly like the ones we bemoan today. Agrawal is a columnist for the Harvard Crimson at Harvard University.


DAILY BRUIN | Registration Issue 2011 | opinion | | opinion | Registration Issue 2011 | DAILY BRUIN


Summer mentality can help during school year Students can better achieve goals without adding stress, pressure to their hectic schedules ROHAN VISWANATHAN

ON ACADEMICS The only time other than New Year’s when numerous new resolutions are made seems to be the start of every school year. Many students prepare with the same mantra: go to class, study hard and try and achieve a 4.0. We dramatically stray away from our summer mentality of relaxation and rest and force our bodies, mentally and physically, through a rigorous string of activities and courses. The experience was no different for me. Last year, coming into UCLA, I took 19 units and joined countless clubs and groups. Doing all of that would have been fine if I didn’t add fuel to













Greek life offers networking, friends Recruitment process helps students find the organization that best suits their interests, goals BRITTANY CHU

students feel at home on UCLA’s big campus. Recruitment is a bondON GREEK LIFE ing experience that allows students to meet new people To the outside within the first few days of world, Greek school. life may seem scary and Mande Adams, the Greek superficial. In the movies, life adviser who oversees the sororities and fraternities are IFC, said recruitment offers portrayed as crazy party-goers young men an opportunity who partake in alcohol, drugs, to get to know others in their unprotected sex and more. In residence halls and make new this stereotypical world, sorori- friends and connections. ties are composed of girls who Recruitment also introduces are constantly dolled up, while new students to other activities fraternities are composed of a and organizations on campus. group of rowdy, athletic men. Many may not have any idea Incoming freshmen often certain clubs or organizations sign up for recruitexist. ment based on this The recruitment stereotypical image What most process allows alone. Recruitment students to get to students fail to is a mutual selecknow chapters on a tion process in personal level and realize is that which both rushees whether that there is a frater- see and chapters can specific fraternity/ determine whether nity or sorority sorority is for them. students are suited meant for each Though many for a particular incoming freshman person. Greek organization. girls may be intimiRecruitment dated by sorority often makes recruitment, as it freshmen even more anxious may seem unrealistic that lifeabout college itself, as most long connections are formed in processes require either inforjust a few days, this is just not mal or formal meet-and-greets the case. with the chapter. “As you progress, you really Yet recruitment is truly a get a more in-depth view of beneficial experience, introeach house, what they are ducing students to Greek life proud of within their chapters and the multitude of other and what sets them apart from organizations available on other chapters,” said Liz Cully, campus. Whether someone is a fourth-year psychobiology interested in making friends student and the vice president or focusing on a major, what of recruitment for the Panhelmost students fail to realize lenic Council. is that there is a fraternity or While recruitment can be sorority meant for each person. intimidating, the stereotypical Recruitment helps students image many have of fraternichoose the organization that is ties or sororities is incorrect right for them. – they are more encompassing Greek life varies from and varied than perceived. professional coed fraternities, Professional organizations to Panhellenic sororities, such as the pre-law fraternity to cultural fraternities to Kappa Alpha Pi allow students the Interfraternity Council. to meet with people who Cultural fraternities and sororshare similar career goals and ities celebrate heritage, while interests. the Panhellenic sororities and Compared to other recruitIFC focus on sisterhood/brothment events, professional erhood, and the professional organizations often require organizations focus on specific students to submit an applicaareas of study. tion as well as go through a Different recruitment formal, professional interview styles allow for students to choose the setting they feel GREEK | Page 9 most comfortable in and help


DAILY BRUIN | Registration Issue 2011 | opinion |

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