2 minute read


Sarah Jane: Y’all would bully me—they put me in a dog cage at one point when a babysitter was there.

Brooks: We were like brothers the way we would physically fight.

Mary: Our parents were good about making us formally apologize if we fought, though. They’d never let us go to bed angry at each other; we’d always have to hug it out or talk it out.

Who gives the best advice?

Brooks: I think I do! But Sarah Jane gives good advice, too.

Sarah Jane: Aw, thanks!

Grace Ann: I think I do!

Sarah Jane: I think Brooks and Mary Holland…sorry, GAN! Brooks, I would go to for anything business or work-related. Mary Holland I go to for financial advice.

Who is the most fun?

All: Grace Ann!

Tell us about your collective involvement with City Harvest.

Brooks: When I moved here, I learned a lot about food insecurity and how not everyone knows where their next meal is coming from. I e-mailed City Harvest in 2017 and asked how to volunteer. I’ve now become an ambassador for its annual gala, which has been a big honor as working with them has been so rewarding. This year for the first time, they asked all four of us to be on the board for the gala in April. Mary, financial literacy is important to you. How are you helping your sisters navigate that?

Mary: When we started getting these exciting opportunities, I realized my sisters had no idea where to even put their savings to earn a generous yield. I also volunteer with kids through my bank, teaching them financial literacy and helping them get into colleges. Money is so stressful, but my rule has always been to share that knowledge I’ve learned with other women. What that looks like is me sitting down with them and explaining the difference between accounts. Where can you get the most yield on idle cash? What’s the easiest way to invest to grow your money? How do you set up an IRA, and what kind of IRA to use if you’re self-employed?

What lessons has Brooks been teaching you all about the modeling industry?

Grace Ann: Brooks has always said, “Make sure we introduce ourselves to everyone. It’s a small world, so chances are you’ll see that person again.”

Sarah Jane: She’s shown us how important relationships are—remembering that person’s names and facts about them. We all experience that when she’s talking to us, but it’s cool to see her in action talking to other people. I’m shy, but she’s so charismatic and like a magnet when she walks into the room.

Brooks: I feel like I’m at my own memorial service!

Do you all always agree on fashion, or do you call one another out?

Brooks: Some of us are more fashion-forward than others! Obviously I have the best taste. [Laughs] But the girls have their own sense of style...aside from Mary Holland, who simply has none. [All laugh] Just kidding. She has her little work CEO vibes.

Sarah Jane is very Euphoria, Y2K. Grace Ann is all over the place. Every time she shows up, we’re like…“Oh, my God!”

Grace Ann: One day I’m feeling Indie Boho, the next I’m in all black leather.

Sarah Jane: She’s brave and bold with her style, which I respect.

What are your goals for the rest of the year?

Grace Ann: To get more immersed in my master’s program, global public health, keep modeling, and learn more about fashion! I loved this shoot and found myself more curious about curating my style.

Sarah Jane: Push modeling further, and hone in on my major, which is technology and emerging media.

Brooks: It’s always been a dream of mine to work with my sisters, and somehow I manifested it into real life! This cover is a huge highlight for us. I dreamed about this forever, and I can’t believe I’m doing it with my sisters. This is a pinch-me moment!