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Saturday, February 6, 2016
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Saturday, February 6, 2016
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, February 6, 2016
South West xxx Late Olubadan a genuine nationalist,
says Saraki
(L-R) Ogun State Commissioner for Agriculture, Mrs. Ronke Sokefun; Ogun State Deputy Governor, Chief Mrs. Yetunde Onanuga; Ogun State Governor, Senator Ibikunle Amosun and Mrs. Olufunso Amosun, wife of the Ogun State Governor during the commissioning of the Owowo Farm Settlement project as part of activities marking the 40th anniversary of the state.
AIT begs Tinubu over libellous documentary as parties settle out of court Ayodele Olalere
A A R Communications, owners of African Independent Television (AIT), yesterday, apologised to the National Leader of All Progressives Congress (APC), Bola Ahmed Tinubu, for airing a documentary ‘Lion of Bourdillion’ during the campaign for the 2015 Presidential electionǯ Tinubu had instituted a N150 billion suit before an Ikeja High Court against the company alleging that the documentary, which started airing on March 1, 2015, was libelous and aimed at tarnishing his imageǯ At yesterday’s proceedings before Justice Iyabo Akinkugbe, counsel to Dokpesi, Chief Mike Ozekhome (SAN) informed the court that the warring parties had seĴled the maĴer out of court following an apology leĴer wriĴen by the defendant to Tinubuǯǯ
“My lord, we have come to court today to embrace Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)ǯ very war that is fought is always seĴled amicably on a roundtableǯ Both parties have expressed their desire to seĴle amicably based on the terms of seĴlement which the court has been furnished withǯ e reached the agreement to enable both parties to continue with the good relationship that they have always hadǯ e have driven the devil away with a spiritual “Koboko”, Ozekhome told the courtǯ In his response, Tinubu’s counsel, ole Olanipekun (SAN) also informed the court of the willingness of the APC leader to seĴle out of courtǯ “I align myself with the submissions and sentiments of my learned friendǯ I can also conęrm that the term of seĴlement which was drawn up on the 29th of January has been accepted by both parties,”
Olanipekun saidǯ He added: “I also want to appreciate the court for her patience all through the duration of the suitǯ I also appreciate the claimant who magnanimously agreed to seĴle out of courtǯ” The terms of agreement include a retraction of the broadcast by AIT, an apology by AIT which should be aired three times, once daily on AIT and that the claimant and the defendant shall bear their respective costs in the suitǯ In an apology leĴer by Daar Communications Plc and presented before the court, the company stated that it ‘acknowledges that Asiwaju Bola Tinubu is an outstanding political leader of unblemished character and integrity, as well as a leading public ęgure and opinion moulder who has made and continues to make immense, colossal and gargantuan contributions to the progress and development of the nation in general and
Lagos State in particularǯ’ “Daar Communication Plc admits that in airing the said documentary, it had no intention whatsoever to embarrass or diminish the high reputation of Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu which it respects and aĴests toǯ Daar Communications Plc hereby makes a public and unequivocal retraction of the said documentary titled ‘Lion of Bourdilon’, which was broadcast on its television station, AITǯ Daar Communications Plc hereby tenders unreserved apology to Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu for the broadcast of the documentary on its television station, AITǯ Daar Communications Plc prays that Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu will live long to make more enormous contributions to the advancement of our nation, Nigeria, Lagos State and the world at large,” it statedǯ
Lagos inaugurates mobile cour t buses Ayodele Olalere
o m m e r c i a l d r i v e r s , motorcyclists, street traders and those who break the law are in for hard times following the ina g ration of ęve mobile court buses by the Lagos State government yesterday to prosecute traĜc oěendersǯ According to the AĴorney eneral of Lagos State, Kazeem Adeniji and the Chief Judge of Lagos State, Justice Olufunmilayo Atilade, at the inauguration of the ęve buses which held at the High Court premises, Ikeja, the mobile courts would help to end impunity on the roads and install sanityǯ
“Let it be made known to all that the era of recklessness and impunity on our public roads and highways are goneǯ Those who chose to make life diĜcult for other people, especially on our roads should have a re-think, as they would henceforth be held accountable for their misdeeds,” the Chief Judge warnedǯ Justice Atilade further pointed out that Ěagrant disregard and violation of traĜc rules with impunity is unacceptable and urged the people of the state to discourage and condemned the act, adding that the state government is fully commiĴed enforce the extant traĜc laws and take stiěer measures against
road traĜc oěendersǯ In his address, the A said that the mobile courts which represented institutional reaction to identięed societal changes will facilitate prompt and immediate trial of road traĜc and environmental oěendersǯ “ Persons such as motorcyclists and commercial drivers who drive against traĜc, refuse to obey traĜc signs like zebra crossings and traĜc lights indications, crossing the highways where pedestrian bridges are provided, driving on the BRT lanes by nondesignated vehicle and parking at undesignated places, commercial buses on motion with their doors open thereby endangering
lives of both their passengers and other road users, noise pollution and street trading, amongst others will be prosecuted on the spotǯ” He added that the mobile court buses will be presided over by Magistrates with prosecutors from the Ministry of Justice and defence Lawyers from the OĜce of the Public Defender (OPD) who will be readily available to prosecute and defend oěenders at the scene of the incidentǯ The A further said that the mobile courts will operate in accordance with Schedule 2 to the Special Oěences Court Law, Laws of Lagos State 2015ǯ
he Senate President, Dr. Abubakar Saraki, has described the late Olubadan of Ibadanland, Oba Samuel Odugade 1, as ‘a genuine nationalist and leader’ whose death was a loss to the nation. Saraki made the statement yesterday in a condolence message he deliYered through a ÀYe man delegation he sent to pay condolence visit to the family of the late monarch in Ibadan. Saraki, who was represented by Senate Leader, Sen. Bala Na’allah, said that the Upper Chamber hold the late monarch in high esteem, being a former parliamentarian and former Minister of Labour.
“His death is a national calamity,” he said. Saraki noted that some Nigerian leaders, who had the opportunity to meet with the late monarch beneÀted from his fatherly advice and the values he stood for. He said that Sen. Soji Akanbi, who represents Oyo South Senatorial District, had during plenary urged the senate to immortalise the late Olubadan. The delegation also paid homage to the Olubadan designate, Chief Saliu Adetunji. Other members of the delegation include Sen. Ovie Omo Agege, Sen. Sam Egwu and Sen. Muhammad Abdullahi.
Controller seeks WAEC centres for prison inmates
he Controller of Prisons, Lagos State Command, Mr Vincent Ubi, has appealed to the West African Examinations Council (WAEC) to approve examination centres for prison inmates. Ubi made the appeal in an interview in Lagos. He said that having examination centres in prisons would encourage inmates, who had zeal to continue their education while serving their jail terms. “All hands must be on deck to achieve high level of mass literacy in the country. We must bear in mind that
education remains key to the development of any nation. The fact that this people are in prison does not mean that all hopes are lost for them; that is why we are making eͿorts to encourage and give them the necessary education they require,” he said. He added: “We have made an ocial request to WAEC and we have been assured of getting a centre for the inmates to write their examination in the prison facility. We have schools in the prisons and for security reasons, we will not like to be moving them around during such examinations.”
Akande promises more dividends of democracy Babs Oyetoro
agos State House of Assembly member, Hon. Victor Akande, has appealed to the people of Ojo constituent to be patient with him saying he would need time to Àx what has gone bad for the past 16 years even as he has commenced on the project to provide 12 bore holes within the 10 wards in the constituent. “I have started the bore holes project and I will ensure that the project will go round in all the wards within the constituents. After the ongoing project then I will embark on another projects. I am committed to bringing dividends to the people of this constituency”, he assured. The PDP lawmaker who made this disclosure during a meeting with the major stakeholder in the constituency said he has re packaged his poverty alleviation programme to include 75 persons in all the wards in the constituency. He explained that 25 people would be picked from across the wards while APC too would provide 25 people and he would supply the remaining 25 names that
would be beneÀciaries of the programme, which kicked oͿ from -anuary ending. He assured that he would attend to other problems confronting the constituent with time so as to bring succour to the people.
CHANGE OF NAME I formerly known and addressed as GORA CINKINAAN DEBORAH now wish to be known and addressed as GORA CINKINAAN AYUBA. All former documents remain valid. General public please take note.
CHANGE OF NAME I formerly known and addressed as COMFORT ODUNOLA ODEDE now wish to be known and addressed as COMFORT NOAH. All former documents remain valid. GT Bank, Union Bank and General public please take note. CONFIRMATION OF NAME
I,ABDULRAMON BARAKAT ENIOLA differently addressed as BABATUNDE BARAKAT ENIOLA hereby state that both names are mine and refer to me. All documents bearing those names are valid. The general public please take note.
Newswatch Times Saturday, February 6, 2016
South East
Ohanaeze hails Sâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Court sack of Anambra NASS members Cyprian Ebele, Onitsha
he Igbo apex ruling body, Ohanaeze Ndigbo, yesterday in Nkwelle-Ezunaka, Oyi local government area, Anambra State, hailed the sack of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) three senators and eight House of Representatives members from the state by the Supreme court adding that the apex court verdict served PDP well. Reacting to the sack,
the Anambra State chairman of Ohanaeze, Elder Chris Eluemuno said â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;it is a welcome development in the sense that PDP especially in Anambra State has been doing things with impunityâ&#x20AC;?. â&#x20AC;&#x153;At every election they will bring out three candidates at the same time and the three will be contesting for the same position and at the end of the day, one candidate will be given all the votes to the disadvantage of other political candidates. This
will teach them a lesson, there are certain things you donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t do, it is pure political rascality.â&#x20AC;? he stated. He said further that, â&#x20AC;&#x153;I am happy that the Supreme Court has stopped that PDP rascality in the stateâ&#x20AC;?. PDP in the state has done it severally and gets away with it so this will teach them and other parties a lessonâ&#x20AC;? Eluemuno posited. It would be recalled that the Supreme court last week sacked sena-
tors Andy Uba representing Anambra South, Uche Ekwunife representing Anambra Central and Stella Odua from Anambra North stating that Ejike Oguebego state Executive of PDP is the recognized one in the state and not the one led by Ken Emeakai that produced the sack senators. The verdict also sacked House of Representative members from the state who emerged through Emeakaiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s executive.
News Umahi suspends SA over alleged excesses Cyprian Ebele, Onitsha
overnor David Umahi of Ebonyi State has ordered the indeĂ&#x20AC;nite suspension of his Special Adviser on Internally Generated Revenue (IGR), Chief Jeremiah Oketa, over alleged excesses. The State Commissioner for Information and Orientation, Chief Emmanuel Onwe told newsmen yesterday in Abakaliki that Oketa was suspended for â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;going beyond the authority and command of his oÎ&#x20AC;ce.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; BrieĂ&#x20AC;ng newsmen on the outcome of the State Executive Council meet-
ing, Onwe said the oÎ&#x20AC;ce of the suspended aide was no longer authorised to collect any form of taxes or revenue for the state under any guise. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The State Board of Internal Revenue (BIR) is the only organ mandated to collect revenues on behalf of the government. It has also become an offence for anyone to receive revenue in cash on behalf of the state government. Payment of all kinds of revenue should be remitted directly into the account of the government, as anybody who contravenes this directive will be treated as a criminal,â&#x20AC;? he said.
Seme Customs Command generates N160m in 2 days
Imo State Governor, Rochas Okorocha (right) welcoming the new Area Comptroller of Customs for Zone â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Câ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, Mr. +DUXQD 0DKPXG GXULQJ WKH YLVLW RI WKH RIÂżFLDOV RI 1LJHULD &XVWRPV 6HUYLFH WR WKH *RYHUQRU LQ 2ZHUUL ,PR 6WDWHÂŤ yesterday.
Ikeazor â&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll contest Anambra Central Senatorial Seat â&#x20AC;&#x201C; APC
he All Progressives Congress (APC) says the partyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s candidate for the Anambra Central Senatorial Zone, Mrs Sharon Ikeazor, will still contest the election scheduled for March 5. The party said this in a statement issued yesterday in Abuja by APCâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s National Secretary. Alhaji Mai Mala Buni, Ac-
cording to the statement, the clariĂ&#x20AC;cation is sequel to some media reports that the APC senatorial candidate had been excluded from the election by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC). The statement said the party was not in receipt of any communication from INEC in respect of the purported exclusion
of the APCâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s candidate. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Dr Chris Ngige who contested the election in March 2015 on the platform of the APC is now a Minister of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and has withdrawn from the fresh election ordered by the court of appeal. To avoid a vacuum, the party after due process presented the candidature of Barrister Sharon
Ikeazor as replacement for the original candidate who withdrew from the race,â&#x20AC;? the statement stated. It added: â&#x20AC;&#x153;The APC is conĂ&#x20AC;dent that INEC, as a law-abiding body, will be guided by the Electoral Act, 2010 (as amended) and continue its eÍżorts to deliver peaceful, free, fair and credible elections.â&#x20AC;?
DFID trains 46 doctors, nurses, social workers on rape in Enugu
ustice For All (J4A) and Sexual Assault and Referral Centres (SARC) of the DFID have embarked on training of 46 medical practitioners and social workers on handling of rape victims. The participants are from Zamfara, Yobe, Kaduna, Enugu, Ekiti, Cross River and Akwa Ibom states and are being trained on technical
skills, forensic examination and counselling. Speaking at the ongoing event yesterday in Enugu, the Manager of St. Maryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s SARC, Manchester City, Britain, Mrs Bernie Ryan, said the programme was organised to ensure its sustainability across Nigeria. She noted that J4A would continue to support SARC to ensure
that the initiative was sustained in more states across Nigeria by establishing additional SARCs. Ryan explained that SARC was established in Nigeria to bring in professionals to support people who experienced sexual violence from physical, emotional and medical perspective. She said that the es-
sence of the training was to impact practical knowledge and wide scale experience to participants in relation to providing services to victims of sexual violence. A Medical Consultant and participant, Dr Nene Andem, said that the training had exposed her a lot to the challenges in the treatment of victims.
aritime activities closed yesterday with Comptroller Victor Dimka, Area Controller, Seme Border Command of Nigeria Customs Service (NCS), saying the command generated N160 million between Monday and Tuesday. Dimka made the disclosure while receiving the Zone `Aâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Coordinator of the NCS, Mr Eporwei Edike, in the command. Mr. Dimka, who assumed oÄ&#x153;ce in the third week of January, said the exchange rate was aÄ&#x203A;ecting the commandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s revenue. He added that cars that were supposed to come through the border were being diverted to illegal routes. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are facing a lot of challenges which had resulted in low activities because of the issue of valuation of ve-
hicles. We have tried to live up to expectation by issuing what is approved by the Customs Headquarters,â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122; the controller said. In a related development, Comptroller Wanidu Multafu, the Customs Area Controller, Ogun, said that the command generated N536 million in January. Multafu said this at Idiroko, Ogun, on the sideline of the visit of the zonal coordinator. He stated that the command generated a total N1.2billion between January and February 2015. In the week under review, the Area Controller, Apapa Area 1 Command of the NCS, Comptroller Willy Egbudin, said the command collected N23.4 billion in January 2016, while the command recorded N20.7 billion in the corresponding period of 2015.
G T B, Ju m ia , E tis a l a t, o t h e rs w i n Con s u m er s n g Awa r d s
ndo State, GTBank, Jumia, Etisalat are among 16 other corporate entities/governmental bodies listed as the 20 Consumer Brands of the year by Consumersng, an online platform advocating for a more consumer-centric ambience in Nigeria. The winners in the diÍżerent categories are, E-governanceOndoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s smartcart (Kaadi Igbe Ayo); Bank of the year- GTBank; Beauty and Cosmetics (Innovations)- Natures Gentle Touch; Real estate site of the year: Lamudi; Social Enterprise (Impact)- BudgiT; Corporate FinanceDunn Loren MerriĂ&#x20AC;eld; Job creation- Jobberman; Transport (innovation)- Easy Taxi. Others are, Online retail-
er- Jumia; Health service- Flying Doctors Nigeria; TelecomsEtisalat; Foods/drinks related services- Hellofood; Logistics - Konga Express; New Media (Innovations)- Iroko TV; Printing (Innovation of the year), Printivo; Hospitality/Tourism (Innovations)-Jovago; Education Site of the year- Passng; Car Search site of the year â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Carmudi Online payment platform- Interswitch; AgricultureNobex Tech. Speaking about the awards, Head, Communications, Consumersng, Funsho Williams-A, said the idea is initiated in recognition of brands who are best adopting high tech/digital initiatives in easing the burden of service delivery which is otherwise encountered between manufacturers and consumers.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, February 6, 2016
South South
AMCON finally takes over Aero board ..To carry out forensic audit on airline Biodun Akomolafe
o exert its statutory responsibility of acquiring eligible bank assets and putting them to economic use in a proÀtable manner, the Asset Management Company of Nigeria (AMCON) has dissolved the Board of Aero Contractors and appointed a Manager to oversee the aͿairs of the airline. This is just as the company said that it has also engaged a reputable accounting Àrm to undertake a forensic audit of the airline’s accounts
over the last Àve years. This decision is however not unconnected with the numerous protests by aviation unions; Air Transport Services Senior StaͿ Association (ATSSSAN) and the National Union of Air Transport Employees (NUATE) against the management of the company for allegedly mismanaging the embattled airline. In a statement made available yesterday, the body stated that an industry based management team would be put in place to provide the highest level of pro-
fessional competence which would ensure a quick repositioning of the company. It further explained that the management of AMCON decided to make changes in the management of the airline to protect the brand heritage of the airline, a very well cherished value. The statement further maintained that its intervention was in the public interest to sustain and improve the robust and premium quality service which Aero is known for in the country. AMCON however, as-
sured regulatory agencies, air travellers and stakeholders that it would continue to provide safe Áights and excellent service “AMCON would like to assure the regulatory authorities, the travelling public and key stakeholders that the airline will continue to operate on the solid foundation of safety and security with excellent customer service, “the statement reads. Presently, AMCON owns 60 per cent of the company with the remaining 40 percent held by the Ibru family.
News Delta APC vows to kick out PDP In 2019 Sylvester Idowu, Asaba
he Delta State chapter of the All Progressives Congress (APC) has said that they will start mobilizing people in the state to kick out the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in 2019 following the Supreme Court judgement which conęrmed the election of overnor Ifeanyi Okowa. In a telephone conversation yesterday, the Media Coordinator of Emerhor Campaign Organization, Dr. Fred Latmore Oghenesivbe said that since the Supreme Court has ended all legal baĴles, the party will now concentrate on strengthening the party leadership in the state. Latimore who is also the
South-West Publicity Secretary of the rassroots Mobilizers for Buhari ( MB) said that in order to ensure that the leadership of the party comes out stronger in the next elections, it is exploiting all avenues to reconcile Chief reat Ogboru and Olorogun O’tega Emerhor, who are both from Delta Central Senatorial district, to ensure that the duo work together to wrestle power from the “misrule of PDP in 2019.” “The leadership of the party is going to be strong in the nearest future because we are optimistic that the likes of Chief reat Ogboru and Barrister Ovie OmoAgege and their party supporters will soon decamp to APC.
Delta to rehabilitate rural roads to harness agricultural
L-R: Oyo State Governor, Abiola Ajimobi; Director, Highways South-West, Mr. Adetokunbo Sogbesan; Director, Bureau of Public Procurement, Dr. James Akanni and Minister of Transport, Mr. Chibuike Amechi, during the visit of the Federal Government Committee on Reimbursement of Federal Highways project to States in Ibadan, Oyo State…yesterday.
No plan to invade Ijaw Communities over bombing of oil pipelines – Navy boss Sylvester Idowu, Warri
he Nigerian Navy Ship (NNS) Delta yesterday assured that the military has no plan to invade the riverine communities in Warri South West and North local government areas of Delta State in the course of search for perpetrators of the recent bombings of crude oil and gas pipelines by militants. Rather, the Navy said the military would work with community leaders to bring the perpetrators to justice. Commander of the NNS Delta, Warri Naval
base, Commodore Raimi Mohammed, who spoke to Newswatch Times, also assured that the Nigerian Navy, through the NNS Delta, would certainly unearth the circumstances around the pipelines vandalization and get those behind it to face the law. The Naval boss gave the assurance against the backdrop of fears entertained by leaders from Gbaramatu Kingdom over alleged plans by the military to storm communities in the kingdom in pursuit of those suspected to have been responsible for the act. The community leaders’ fears were fuelled by
a statement attributed to the Commander of the Joint Task Force (JTF) Operation Pulo Shield, Major General Alani Gafar Okunola, that leaders of communities where the vandalism had happened is responsible, during an on-the-spot assessment of affected facilities in Warri SouthWest council area of the state recently. Commodore Mohammed however said there was no need for the communities to fear as they would rather be protected against destructive elements, adding that the armed forces would be working with the leaders to get to the root
of the sobatage. I cannot speak for the JTF Commander on what you have said, but what I can tell you is that the Nigerian Navy and NNS Delta in particular, will make efforts to get those behind it. We will use our investigative mechanisms to get those behind it, no matter how long it may take. “The real culprits in those pipelines explosions will be apprehended. But no general statement on the communities because we know that it couldn’t have been the whole community that did that, but we’ll get those behind it,” he said.
he Delta State government has pledged to rehabilitate roads in the rural areas to exploit the state’s potential in agriculture sector. The state’s Commissioner for Works, Mr James Augoye, made the pledge while inspecting road projects in Ethiope West, Sapele and Okpe local government areas. “The government of Senator Ifeanyi Okowa is committed to improving the road network in rural communities to facilitate the evacuation of farm produce to the urban centres. The governor will ensure the completion of all road projects embarked upon in the state, hence the ministry of works will take stock of all abandoned projects to facilitate their completion. All that is needed from the people of Delta State is
to be patient with the state government,’’ he said. Some of the projects inspected by the commissioner include the 3.3 km Oghara Township Road phase V, the 3.7 km Delta State Teaching Hospital, Oghara link road from Warri-Benin Expressway in Ethiope West local government area. Others are the dualisation of the 7.5 km six-lane Warri-Sapele Road from Amukpe to Okirigwe Junction and the 11.3km old Aghalokpe-Aragba-Oghori-Adavware-Amukpe road in Sapale local government. Others are the Onomigbo road project and the JeddoUghotton road in the Okpe local government area. Augoye, who also visited some of the ministry’s Àeld oces, advised workers in the ministry to be dedicated to duty.
Commissioner calls for establishment of more maritime institutions
he Commissioner for Higher Education in Delta State, Mr Jude Sinebe, has stressed the need for the establishment of more maritime institutions in the country. Sinebe made the remark yesterday at the 3rd convocation ceremony of Global Maritime Academy (GMA) in Olomu, Ughelli South local government area of Delta. Represented by Mrs Bridget Odobor, a Director in the ministry, Sinebe also called for the upgrading of the maritime sector to meet global standard practices. “The importance of maritime knowledge cannot be under-estimated in the
global economy. The establishment of Global Maritime Academy (GMA) is a privilege to Delta as it has helped in placing us at the forefront and by extension eradicating illiteracy,” he said. The commissioner urged the people to embrace the institution and challenged the members of staͿ to contribute their quota toward the growth of the academy. While commending the monarch of Olomu kingdom, Ovie, Richard Ogbon, Ogoni-Oghoro I, Ohworode for providing the enabling environment for the academy, Sinebe urged the graduates to be good ambassadors of the institution.
Newswatch Times Saturday, February 6, 2016
North East/West
BoI disburses N700m loans to SMEs in Taraba Ayo Ajoge, Birnin Kebbi
NNPC to establish 800 retail outlets, says Group Executive Director
he Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) is set to establish 800 additional retail outlets across the country, Dr Babatunde Adeniran, the Group Executive Director has said. He spoke yesterday in Ilorin, when he led the NNPC team on a courtesy visit to Governor Abdulfatah Ahmed of Kwara State at the Governorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Lodge. He said that out of
the 800 stations, three retail outlets would be established across the senatorial districts of Kwara State. Adeniran said already 503 retail stations had been established across the country; while six outlets were in Kwara, with only one solely owned by the NNPC. He sought for allocation of land in the three senatorial districts to enable the corporation build its outlets in the areas.
Adeniran said that efforts were on to resume full operation at the Oke-Oyi depot, with a view to bringing relief to the oil marketers and the public. He pointed out that the activities of vandals through Atlascove, Mosinmi and Ibadan had limited upstream activities to Oke-Oyi depot. In his response, Governor Ahmed, assured that his government would continue to be
supportive of ideas and activities that would create employment opportunities and boost economic activities. The governor called for efficient and effective distribution system of oil products. Governor Ahmed stressed the need for stronger collaboration among security agencies in checking activities of pipeline vandals across the country.
Kebbi to partner Hungari on mineral resources development
he Kebbi State government said it would partner Hungary on the development of mineral resources for improved revenue to the state and employment opportunities. This is contained in a statement by the Press Secretary to the state governor, Alhaji Abubakar Muazu, yes-
terday in Birnin Kebbi. The statement quoted Governor Atiku Bagudu as saying this when he received the Commercial Attache, Hungarian Embassy, Mr Peter Kondricz, during a visit to his oÎ&#x20AC;ce. It said the governor expressed determination to attract the private sector for partnership that would
harness mineral resources potential in the state for development. The statement further said that the state had partnered Lagos State Government in the processing of rice and beef. Earlier, according to the statement, Kondricz said that he was in the state to see how his country could part-
ner the government in mineral resources development. He said that Hungary had high grade technological expertise in mineral development. The attachĂŠ assured that Hungarian investors would do business in the state in modern technology, especially agro-machinery and other viable sectors
Police confirm release of 3 women abducted in Zaria
he Kaduna State Police Command conĂ&#x20AC;rmed yesterday that the three women kidnapped in Zaria on January 31, have been released unhurt. The commandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s spokesperson, DSP Zubairu Abubakar, said
in Kaduna that the abductors released the women without any condition attached. The women, Maimuna Abubakar, 25; Mairo Husseini, 20; and Hauwa Ibrahim, 20, were abducted by unknown persons in Dorayi village, in Zaria Local Government
Area of Kaduna State. According to the Police Public Relations OfĂ&#x20AC;cer, the release of the women followed intensiĂ&#x20AC;ed surveillance by the law enforcement agents in the area and the support of people. Abubakar, who said that no arrest had been
made in connection with the kidnap, however, assured that the police were trailing the suspected kidnappers. He urged the community and other residents of the state to support the eÍżorts of the command toward getting rid of criminals in the state.
he Bank of Industry (BoI) has disbursed N700 million in loans under its Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises Development Fund to 52 beneĂ&#x20AC;ciaries in Taraba State. This is contained in a statement from BoI which was made available yester day to newsmen in Lagos. The statement said that the fund was pooled by Taraba State Government and the bank under its Matching Fund Scheme following the execution of a Memorandum of Understanding for its establishment. Mr Rasheed Olaoluwa, the Managing Director of the bank, was quoted as saying at the cheque presentation ceremony that BoI had invested over N90.6 million in SMEs in the state before the advent of the scheme. The statement listed some beneĂ&#x20AC;ciaries to include - Al-Umalau Nig. Ltd, Bombillac Integrated Farms, Tsoro Women MPCS, Mal Kings MPCS, Wainabe MPCS and Master Bakersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; projects under the Cassava Bread Fund. â&#x20AC;&#x153;With the State Governmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s intervention, a total of 130 projects, cutting across all local government areas in the state were realised. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Out of this number, 75 projects doing various aspects of processing and value addition totaling about N119 million were approved by the bank. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is, however, important to point out that only 52 of the 75 beneĂ&#x20AC;ciaries who got approval accepted the oÍżer. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Out of the 52 who have accepted the loan oÍżers,
40 co-operatives have been processed for disbursement out of which 18 beneĂ&#x20AC;ting co-operatives are ready for issuance today. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Their respective cheques will be issued for the acquisition of raw materials to enhance their productive activities. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The remaining 22 cooperatives will also be receiving their cheques in a weekâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s time as their documentation have been fully processed. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Amounts set for each beneĂ&#x20AC;ciary is between N1.5 million and N1.7 million, but not exceeding a total of N215 million to be processed wholly from the state governmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s portion of the fund,â&#x20AC;? Olaoluwa said. According to the statement, Olaoluwa, however, said that large numbers of loan applications sent to the bank had inadequate documentation. It said that â&#x20AC;&#x153;MSMEs are confronted with low level of Ă&#x20AC;nancial support because their business plans and loan requests are poorly packaged and nonbankable.â&#x20AC;? The statement said that to address these challenges, BoI had appointed 200 Business Development Service Providers (BDSPs) to package loan proposals for the bankâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s prospective customers. It said that the BDSPs would also provide postĂ&#x20AC;nance services such as mentorship, handholding, Ă&#x20AC;nancial advice and inculcation of best practices to SME operators. The statement said that the bank had embarked on several initiatives to make access to Ă&#x20AC;nance easier for small businesses in the country.
Jigawa Assembly sacks 3 council chairmen
he Jigawa State House of Assembly, yesterday, approved the removal from oÎ&#x20AC;ce three local government chairmen in the state for misconduct and misappropriation of N341 million. This is contained in the report of the House Committee on Public Account which was given the responsibility to investigate the aÍżected councils. The aÍżected chairmen are: Alhaji Muhammed Bunde, Birniwa Local Government; Alhaji Musa Harbu, Jahun Local Government and Alhaji Alhassan Babandi, Gumel Local Government. The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the tenure of the local government chair-
men and councillors in the state will expire on March 7. According to the report, Bunde misappropriated N72 million, Babandi, N129 million, while Harbu squandered N140 million. The Chairman of the committee and also Deputy Speaker of the house, Alhaji Ahmed Garba, said the house had adopted the report of the committee. Garba said that the decision was not meant to witch-hunt anybody but to serve as deterrent to others. He stated that the house had also directed the state Governor to prosecute the three local government chairmen and recover the money from them.
Saturday, February 6, 2016
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Saturday, February 6, 2016
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, February 6, 2016
REVEALED: How Buhari,Tinubu differed on Kogi guber poll Mansur Oladunjoye, Asst. Politics Editor
n spite of eͿorts to douse tension through various statements churned out in recent times, Newswatch Times can hazard that there is indeed a cold war between President Muhammadu Buhari and the leader of his party, the Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN), Asiwaju Bola Tinubu. The inside source in the party revealed that the rift was recently ignited by the recent governorship election in Kogi and the APC’s choice of <ahaya Bello to inherit the already amassed number of votes by the late Abubakar Audu, the original candidate of the party who contested against the then sitting Governor, Idris Wada. Source maintained that since Bello emerged the preferred choice of the party, all eͿorts, according to members of the party in the Buhari camp, to pacify Tinubu had failed. Some of the sources (names withheld) told Newswatch Times that Bello was Buhari’s choice for the election. But Bello was beaten in APC’s primaries by Audu who relied on the political sagacity of Tinubu. Tinubu had nominated James Faleke, a former council chairman in Lagos and representative of Ikeja Constituency at the House of Representatives, as Audu’s running mate. It was alleged that Tinubu calculated that having served one term before, Audu would not be returning and thus the four years that Faleke would have spent as Deputy Governor would aͿord him the opportunity to understand the politics of the state and thus easily succeed his boss. “Since Audu emerged, Tinubu was given the slot as a mark of the usual respect he earns in the party to nominate the running mate. One of such sources who played a major role in the victory of Buhari in the 2015 general election, said: “unfortunately, Audu died leaving the position of the governorship candidate vacant. Mind you, I said the position of governorship candidate, not the deputy governorship candidate. “The unfortunate thing with the election was that Faleke could not have assumed the position after Audu’s death because the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) was yet to declare the Ànal result. “That was where the party’s constitution came to play a major role and the party, trying to respect President Buhari, decided on Bello. “If you have been following developments within the party, you would understand that Buhari had often paciÀed Tinubu with some of the various appointments he had made so far. I don’t need to start listing. This (Bello) was supposed to be a choice by President Buhari. So why not allow this?” The election was declared inconclusive by INEC which
rescheduled the exercise in some parts of the state. Bello was sworn-in to oce days ago after he was declared winner of the election following a collation of his inherited votes and the number of votes he won during the re-scheduled election. A source in the party, said the party wanted Faleke to remain the Deputy Governor which had been planned for him, but that his refusal to accept the slot could be a clog in the wheel of progress in the state. Currently, the issue has taken a legal position with Faleke urging the tribunal to declare him winner of the election, since
he technically had a part in all the aspects of the election. While some in the party think Faleke’s stand against being Deputy Governor is because he would not have the chance to take over from the governor who would be seeking re-election, others think he is being trudged on by Tinubu, who is his benefactor. “We all know that this is where his backing comes from. If not, Faleke would not want to go against the wish of the President to have Bello govern the state. If we are not careful, this singular development could result in a major and unfortunate
Remember we only hurriedly came together to take over power. We are people from different political background and inclinations. We must learn to tolerate ourselves
situation for our party. “Remember we only hurriedly came together to take over power. We are people from diͿerent political background and inclinations. We must learn to tolerate ourselves,” a chieftain of the party in Lagos, who pleaded to remain anonymous, said adding that the party is doing all within its powers to manage the situation. When contacted, a close associate of Faleke in Lagos, who refused to speak ocially, said Faleke has a good case. “Whether he is being encouraged by someone or not, which is not even the case, the truth is that he has a good case and must pursue it to the end. “This is a clear case of political robbery; if you were in his shoes, you will also demand for justice, but let’s see how things go,” he said. According to him, those loyal to Faleke suspect a serving Senator of being behind the refusal of INEC to declare the full result during the election in 2015 as they believe INEC acted after learning of the death of Audu and that the news was leaked out by the Senator, whose name he refused to mention. Meanwhile, groups within the APC in Lagos are currently calling for the recall of Faleke saying with his movement to Kogi, he had left the seat in Ikeja vacant. The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Lagos has also called for his removal since it is now known that he has transferred himself to Kogi.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, February 6, 2016
IGR, a major challenge in Badagry - LG chair aspirant Businessman and politician, Mr. Taiwo Towolawi came into limelight during the “Hope 93” struggle under the defunct Social Democratic Party (SDP) after which he joined the Alliance for Democracy (AD). A business mogul whose interest spans into enhancing the lots of the less privileged and living standard of his community through empowerment scheme also insists that agriculture remains the only viable alternative to oil. This three-time LG aspirant this time also decided to take another shot at the position due to his vision for Badagry. In this interview with BIANCA IBOMA, he bares his mind on Revenue Generation for Badagry community security in the community among other issues. Excerpts:
hy did you decided to go into Politics, considering your academic background? Actually, as a child I developed interest from my father. My father was equally a politician and was the chairman of ward “E” during the defunct Unity Party of Nigeria (UPN) and i was always assisting him in registration process. I was under his stewardship for years until 1989 when I joined politics fully. In 1990, I was elected PRO campaign committee
of “Hope 93” under SDP before the military took over. When they handed over, I joined Alliance for Democracy (AD) as ward “A” organizing secretary, then I moved on to the Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN) where I am now a leader in ward “A”. I had been aspiring for the position of Badagry Local Government chairman since 2007. As a matter of fact, three times without a total success but it has been my dream because of the vision I have for Badagry.
Why the chairmanship? The people of this community have yearned for too long because of the poverty in the land. Those who had led this Local Government in the past were unable to provide the solution to myriads of problems in the area. Several attempts have also been made to better position the ancient town through its resources but to no avail. Although, the Federal and State Governments’ allocations have not really met the need of the community
and area because, the Internal Revenue Generation is Badagry major challenge. Badagry is a Tourist terrain but had not been exploited. We have not really eͿectively market Badagry the way former Governor of Cross River, Donald Duke did Obudu cattle ranch and the cultural heritage of Calabar. It’s an ideal mind with people who see beyond the environment and take a risk that would have met the development challenge it is faced with. If you eventually emerged as the LG Boss what would be your priority? Several things would be worked on but my priority would be to set up a strategy that we help the Local Government generate revenue. If Badagry can generate internal revenue then the poverty rate which is a order in Badagry would be curbed. I happened to learn something from the previous administration to consult them on certain areas they had touched which investor can be a part of. The last Chairman Hon. Moses Dosu made some attempt by going beyond the shores of Nigeria to develop the potentiality of Tourism in Badagry. He wrote to UNESCO proposing a Àve-star hotel which the deal has not completed. Badagry must be rebranded. Do you think the people know you enough to get their votes? 75 per cent would give me their support; I can attest to it.
Poverty, unemployment linger in Badagry -Onilude
hat would be your priority if you emerge as the Local Government Boss? Actually, several things are in my mind but could be biased with two things:Education and Unemployment. If the chance is given to me I would prove my eciency. I would face unemployment squarely. Most youths engaged in smuggling as a means of livelihood but if an empowerment scheme is provided that would improve their standard of living smuggling ideas would be erased from their memory and equally eradicated to the barest minimum. While in oce as the Education Secretary over a thousand youths got teaching employment in Badagry those who were qualiÀed whenever there was an opening I assisted. I will do well particularly in the area of Education. The more educated people one has in an environment, the faster the growth and development of that particular environment. I would solicit support and bring indirect foreign investment that will create jobs for the youths. You know that Badagry do not really have industries but we have space. Certain ideas bring about development and that is why I want to seriously embark on face-lifting the Local Government Secretariat. You will attest to the fact that other councils have aesthetic with modern structures but here what we have is old structures that don’t really fascinate people needs to beautiÀcation. The youths would be trained on agriculture, those who are interested but how do you get their interest if they are not sensitized. I am going to organized awareness campaign project that will put the youths of this on their toes. If you are not aware of something then anything would be given and people will accept it. Agric development is another area I would be involved with. Aside farming there are other aspects of agriculture that
Segun Onilude is one the aspirant of Badagry Local government Chairman’s post. He is the immediate past Education Secretary, who had worked with the three LG Bosses that once occupied WKH SRVLWLRQ DW GLIIHUHQW WLPHV 2QLOXGH KDG KLV ÀUVW GHJUHH LQ Ogun State University now (OOU) after which he obtained two masters degree from Lagos State University. He spent 10years as Education Secretary but has always engaged in active politics. In this interview with BIANCA IBOMA, he blames underdevelopment of the ancient town and cradle of civilization on leadership styles among other sundry issues. Excerpts: can yield money and create employment for the youths. Job creation is an initiative that will solve the poverty in Badagry. Do you think that the Local Government Policies and Reforms need reviews? Local Government should be reviewed because without a substantive change to existing power, the various plans for more fundamental changes to the system would be outdated. Also, government at the center always promise reform and rationalization of local authorities in which it is aimed at enhancing democracy and accountability of local power as part of a broader range. It will provide an increase role by the grassroots authorities that will aid economic development and enterprise support. Civilization began in Badagry, yet the Ancient town has remained unproductive and underdeveloped what would you say is the cause? Poverty, unemployment lingers in Badagry due to leadership. Badagry has not been able to raise leaders who will eradicate poverty. What I mean is that the eͿort of those who had led Badagry in the past has not been able to eradicate poverty. The poverty, unemployment rate is so high. I am not
poverty initiative that supplies bag of rice and distributed to the people but empowerment scheme that will give the people a livelihood. An initiative that is beyond meals but earns income that will contribute to the growth and development of the town. An individual cannot develop a town it should be a concerted eͿort. So the more people who are empowered the productive the town becomes. I am looking beyond food items. Empowerment is the key to development. If the people are empowered it will aid development. Development is not done by one man but a community. People has to come together but a situation when you have just man developing a place without the help of others it slow development pace. We need a concerted eͿort. Although the State and Federal Government plans a ten lane road network and Deep Sea construction project would open the ancient town. Leadership has kept Badagry where it is today. Development is not isolated; we need collaboration for even development. There is a general belief that Buhari’s anti-graft war is against the opposition, what is your take on it? One thing Nigerians should understand is that the Economic and Financial Crimea Commission operates base on
information and petition within its reach. The issue of EFCC arresting only suspects from the last administration is not hundred percent correct. The war is on corruption not individuals. It is not about party and we should not be talking on party grounds. Our democracy should cut across party line if we really want Nigeria to develop. The well being of Nigeria should be placed more than individual’s interest. Those who are claiming that the Commission is one sided should come out with evidence and expose them. Once a petition is sent to them they swung into action by investigating the suspect. The president is on the right track. He has to start from a direction, and the last administration is the Àrst port of call. The information available is what they are investigating. Let us not forget the cash belong to the nation not the individuals. The EFCC has widen its operations equally, I think recently still on Arm Deal Brig. Gen. Jafaru Isa (Rtd) an associate an associate of Mr. president and also a former military governor of a northern state. I don’t really remember the exact state who happens to be the Àrst chieftain of APC is in detention. What Nigerians should know is that the process of EFCC is on fact Ànding there must be evidence and petition for the commission to act.
Saturday, February 6, 2016
Be wary of agitators, Oduah warns Dalung Messi embarrasses Lineker in new Walkers advert
Ikhana takes pay cut for 3SC job >>Pg.33
Newswatch Times, Saturday, February 6, 2016
Be wary of agitators, Oduah warns Dalung
ormer member of the Nigeria Football Association, Prince Isidore Oduah, has told the Minister of Sports, Solomon Dalung to be wary of the agitators from diěerent groups in various sports especially football if he wants to make noticeable impact on the scene. According to him, their goals are selfcentred, as none is aimed towards the development of their various sports or athletes but rather how to outsmart one another for the sole purpose of holding oĜces. “Another clog in the wheel of progress in sports are some past and present administrators that are seeking contracts in the name of giving
pieces of advice, such hangers-on must be avoided too, Oduah noted,” he said. “I will advise the Minister to steer clear these groups. Let me say without any prejudice that these same people especially in football, NOC, AFN, Boxing, Taekwondo have taken the same kind of agitations to your predecessors and the ones that fell for their antics were not only hijacked but also failed without achieving anything for sports. This group cry wolf where there is none. They blackmail, stampede and use other devices to grab aĴention for relevance. Don’t be shaken once what you are doing is in line with the development of sports, the athletes and coaches”, he explains. Oduah said he’s
alerting the Minister because many of the people hovering around him are not genuine but food is ready kind of individuals that always go around government oĜcials for personal gains. “No doubt, the Minister has started well, some of his decisions showed how independent minded he could be. This will go a long way to help sports. He has also tried not to align himself with any group. The former member of AFN told the Minister not to swallow all what the civil servants surrounding him as advisers dish out because they also contributed signięcantly to the steady decline of sports in the country today.
Platini would have had Africa’s support – Hayatou
nterim FIFA president, Issa Hayatou, says African countries would have voted for Michel Platini had he been allowed to run for the presidency of football’s world governing body. Suspended UEFA president Platini, 60, gave up his bid to become a candidate in the FIFA presidential election last month and the former France international is now focusing on trying to overturn an eight-year ban imposed on him by FIFA’s ethics commiĴee. Platini was suspended
from all footballing activity along with outgoing FIFA president Sepp BlaĴer over a conĚict of interest in a two million Swiss franc (£1.35m) payment -- an amount that was paid to the Frenchman by FIFA at least nine years after he had stopped working as an adviser to BlaĴer. The payment is also being investigated by Swiss authorities. Hayatou, 69, is the head of the African Football Confederation (CAF) and became acting FIFA president in October in the wake of
BlaĴer’s suspension. CAF’s executive commiĴee is meeting in the Rwandan capital of Kigali on Friday amid doubts over the candidacy of Tokyo Sexwale. Hayatou told L’Equipe that they were waiting to hear the outcome of the meeting before deciding whether to back the only African in the running to become FIFA president. But he also revealed that he would have supported Platini’s bid for the presidency had the ex-St Etienne and Juventus midęelder been permiĴed to stand. “I would have wanted Platini to be FIFA president given our aĜnity,” the Cameroonian said. “Africa would have been behind Platini. Very clearly. But we didn’t announce it because we didn’t know if an African would be present. “Today Tokyo Sexwale represents South Africa, which is a big ally of CAF. When we have worries about organising competitions, we turn ourselves to this country. “We can’t put ourselves in an awkward position with him, but if he withdraws before the election, we’ll see. If Platini was present, then maybe there wouldn’t even have been other candidates.”
Amunike: African players lack football knowledge
ormer African footballer of the year and Under-17 World Cup winning Coach, Emmanuel Amunike, says the continent is blessed with bundles of skills but who also lack the essential knowledge of the game to hit ‘their true potentials.’ The former Zamalek and FC Barcelona winger argued that the bane of African teams on the global stage had largely been due to the lack of intelligence and poor football education. ‘ Football has really advance, I keep saying it. the problem with African football is that they don’t know the
game; they are talented but they don’t know the game. ‘ They cannot interpret the game but when this changes and understand their job on the ęeld of play then they can actualize their full potentials.’ Amunike says Nigeria’s football administrators must commit more to developing players. Nigeria improved 3 places in the latest ranking released by FIFA , moving from 66th spot in the world. However there was no movement in the country’s position on the continent. ‘ It is good to see yourself ranked high
up, but importantly what are we doing to see how we can improve our game? what are we doing to grow our football from the grassroots to top level and not only looking oat our rankings? ‘ By 2022; at the World Cup, most countries with objectives will go to Qatar and indeed make strong statements and that’s how we should channel our thoughts. Good enough we have a lot of young players coming up but we need to ask ourselves what we can do to help them grow,’ the 2015 FIFA U-17 World Cup winning Coach told
Saturday, February 6, 2016
Saturday, February 6, 2016
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Saturday, February 6, 2016
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Saturday, February 6, 2016
Saturday, February 6, 2016
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Newswatch Times -Tradition T diti built b ilt on T Truth th
Vol. 02, No. 5
Saturday, February 6, 2016
Celebrating women of substance
What my husband said, day he propsed â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Bose Ironsi
22 My Love
Newswatch Times, Saturday, February 6, 2016
Bose Ironsi, founder and Executive Director, Women’s Rights and Health Project (WRAHP), located in Lagos is an international development professional with about two decades experience of proven in training, capacity building, human rights activism, research, counselling and diverse social work. She is a social analyst on issues of human rights, empowerment, sexual and reproductive health and rights of women and girls. Through her experience and passion, she has engineered WRAHP to deliver comprehensive and impactful projects on the rights and health of women, young people and communities. In this interview with Society Editor, TUNDE ESO, she spoke about her growing up, career and marriage
indly tell us about yourself and contributions to supporting women’s rights in Nigeria. I am a passionate reproductive health and human rights crusader with close to two decades of experience. My journey along the road of women’s empowerment has been one of self-discovery, personal emancipation and self-sacrifice because I became aware of the differences between my rights and those of my brothers at an early age. I was bequeathed a single tree as inheritance by my father, while my brothers, who were younger than I was, got land and other economic property. I began the struggle to recreate myself and to attain full self-actualization. I became interested in the issue of women’s health because my mother had 12 children without family planning and she even wanted more! Yet I saw the daily struggles involved in caring for my siblings and myself. This situation was replicated in the lives of three different wives that my father had. Therefore I determined that my life would not take the same course. So I set out to earn a certificate in nursing/midwifery; thereafter I got
The Counselor
I saw in him a down-to-ear th person and ver y simple; we also have similar backgrounds
Temperament: Types and characteristics
Bimpe Onwuchekwa bimpechekwas@gmail.com
involved in promoting the health of grassroots women. I did this while being associated with a grassroots focused organizations in the early 1990s. After working on this for a decade, I realized that reproductive health; women’s health is inalienable linked to their rights. So in the early 2000s I became affiliated with women’s rights focused organization, Baobab for Women’s Human Rights. There I got in close contact with a feminist organization and got the understanding that women’s rights are critically connected to their sexual and reproductive health. My experiences led me to establish my own project to address the intersection of health and rights, thus, Women’s Rights and Health Project was conceived and established in 2007. On the platform of this project, I have made invaluable contribu-
emperament is the peculiar mental or habitual mode of emotional response. It is a set of traits that helps determine your child’s personality and in turn their behaviour. These traits are inherent from birth, and most likely remain through adulthood. These characteristics help explain why a child likes to be cuddled or why the child is constantly moving. Learning about temperament help parents to understand why their children react to certain situations and avoid difficulties. As the children become teenagers, understanding their different temperament will help handle them their fears and excesses better. Temperament can be likening to the various flavours of the ice cream. It is known to be in two major brands, the extroverted and the introverted. The two are further divided into four; two types of each. They are a combination of mental, physical and emotional traits of a person, natural predisposition and configuration of observable personality trait such as habits, communication and patterns of actions, sets of attitude, values and talents. We have the Sanguine, Choleric, Melancholy and the Phlegmatic. The Sanguine and Choleric are the extroverts and the Melancholy and Phlegmatic are the introverts. Each temperament has its unique qualities and shortcomings, it’s strength and weaknesses. For example the popular Sanguine likes to have fun, needs attention, affection, approval, and acceptance and is controlled by charm. The powerful Choleric likes to have control, needs loyalty, to be in charge, appreciation, credit for work and are controlled by anger threats. Both are born leaders, optimistic and outspoken. The perfect Melancholy likes to have perfection, needs sensitivity, support, space, silence and are controlled by threat of moods. The peaceful phlegmatic likes to have peace, needs peace and quiet, feeling of worth, no stress, respect, and are controlled by procrastination. Both are analytical pessimistic and soft spoken. Haven liken temperament types to the ice cream flavours, imagine a family of five(Father, mother, two children and their grandmother) visiting an ice cream joint. Each member of the family placed their order except the grandma. The man requesting
for banana flavour, the woman, preferring vanilla, the male child wanting chocolate and the girl prefering strawberry flavour. Each one patronising their preferred flavour. The grandma listened to their argument and commentaries, so she decided to talk to them about how “variety is the Spice of life”. She explained how all the flavours were good options. Without the adventure of variety, uniqueness and variances, life could have been boring, monotonous and predictable. For children to have the best of training and grooming, they need the adults (parents/teachers) understanding especially of their various temperaments. As a teacher, you are to appropriate your teaching and assessment to their peculiar disposition to learning, since temperament appears to be related to education in a number of ways, including teacher’s perceptions, classroom adjustment and actual educational achievement. Classroom teachers should perceived a temperament dimension of ‘teachability’ in students, and it is the most important element in predicting how well youngsters would progress academically. This behavioral style characteristic is related to “easy temperament” in both special education and regular education for children. Other temperament categories, called task orientation and reactivity were also related to educational functioning. Some temperamental features like the socio-emotional abilities, physical abilities like in sports even predicted overall student achievement rather than their scores on tests of cognitive ability alone. Nature and nurture play a role in how a child behaves. Nature in this case is the behavioural trait the child was born with while nurture talks about the available tangible and intangible attributes to bringing up a child properly. This brings about the necessity for parents to understand and learn about temperament. Getting to understand why their children react to certain situations and avoid difficulties the way they do. A child who has a genetic predisposition towards anger will have to work harder to control that anger in a clumsy environment, but if they are privileged to be raised in a good environment, by parents who helps them learn anger management. With this it becomes easier for them to overcome their genetic predisposition towards anger. The environment doesn’t determine the choices the child makes in his/ her behaviour, but influences them. Also for one’s children, ascertaining, appreciating and understanding each one’s temperament enables you as a parent
handle each child without direct comparison especially to their knowledge. Understanding and handling conflicts with each child as an individual will warrant various techniques. As a parent you can either be a director, a collaborator, an avoider, a compromiser or an accommodator. A director would tell the child what to do. Mostly should be applied when an immediate action is needed or a child needs clear limits. If applied all the time, the child will not learn to make decisions for himself or herself. A collaborative parent, work with the child to find solutions to satisfy all parties. This teaches problem solving and empathy but it’s time consuming. The compromiser, will usually find quick middle ground solutions, so parent and child gets what they want. Used mostly on minor issues. With this style, you will not have the opportunity to get to the roots of the problem. The accommodator would usually yield to the child’s point of view, not asserting his or her self as a parent there by achieving peace and Harmony. An avoider on the other hand avoids all conflict by withdrawing from the issue or postponing the issue till later. Sometimes may be used to strategize, to guide against confrontations until later and a more appropriate time. Parent would usually use one or more of these styles depending on situation and the child’s temperament. Culture, education, influences and our interaction with the environment also play an important role in temperament management. This is because different interaction is equal to different experiences. Other factors are socialization, birth order, siblings or lack of siblings and interpersonal pressure will make one adapt or change one’s behaviours. All these determine what kind of teenager and youth one’s child becomes eventually. In an office setting, temperament is mostly seen from four types also, but the groups are perceived differently. They are the guardians, rational, idealist and artisans. Knowing these will aid the employee and employer. The employer with the knowledge of this in an employee will be able to know which designation will be appropriate for the employee. The employee would be able to know which designation to apply for. For instance some people work best when given an individual assignment while others work better with a team.
My Love
Newswatch Times, Saturday, February 6, 2016
How my husband proposed Continued from Page 22
tions in stimulating demand for justice by sexual and gender-based violence survivors. How specifically have you been able to affect lives with your project? WRAHP has successfully implemented health and rights projects across 40 communities in Nigeria, reached over 50,000 lives, supported over 9,574 persons through malaria interventions and more than 6,000 persons on HIV/AIDS interventions. With supports from Exxon-Mobil and Ejigbo LCDA, WRAHP has economically empowered 30 vulnerable women and set up smallscale businesses. Currently, WRAHP facilitates Police/Community Dialogue sessions across Alimosho and Ejigbo communities in Lagos state on reporting and documenting cases of domestic and gender based Violence. Through various collaborations, WRAHP engages in facilitations on issues of health, human rights and social development across public and private schools, mosques, churches and other vocational groups. WRAHP has trained over 527 volunteers; 36 police officers, 60 teachers, 60 men on reporting and documenting cases of domestic and gender based violence; reached more than 100 students across 20 schools and conducted more than 2,000 HIV tests. Annually, WRAHP receives over 70 clients on issues of health and human rights at our WRAHP Centre in Ejigbo and through our various community volunteers and has provided over 3,500 referrals. With support by Justice for All (J4A) DFID Programme, WRAHP has simplified the Protection against Domestic Violence Law 2007 of Lagos state and distributed over 20,000 copies as a way of involving the community to be part of social justice. So far, WRAHP has successfully implemented more
I did not take him serious until we met and he held my hands, looked into my eyes and said to me, ‘marr y me, I will take care of you’
than 19 projects and has attained active presence in more than 40 communities, 12 local governments, 5 states and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Abuja As a core value, we believe in partnership and collaboration to achieving common goals, WRAHP is member to African Women Development Network (FEMNET), Lagos State Civil Society Partnership (LASCOP), Campaign 2015+ International, Working Group of 8 (WG8) on Gender Based Violence Nigeria, Women in Peace Building Network (WIPNET), CSO Partnership for Development Effectiveness (CPDE), among others. Meanwhile, we seek support from every concerned citizen so as to do more in this passion that God has laid in my heart. What more can leaders in our communities do to eliminate all forms of violence against women? Leaders need to speak out more; they need to be seen actively supporting efforts to bring justice to the lives of survivors. This would also involve their actively empowering vulnerable women to access existing laws; in effect making the laws actually deliver on the purpose for their enactment, namely to protect vulnerable women (illiterate, economically disadvantaged and poor). What would you celebrate the most about your journey? I would celebrate my personal self-discovery, and how I have used this to impact positively on the lives of other young girls and women; those ones I have inspired to take charge of their lives and are contributing to change in their personal spaces and the larger community. The reason I celebrate them is simply because, together we make the light of change shine brighter!!
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How did your husband propose to you? My husband proposed to me through a letter, but I did not take him serious until we met and he held my hands, looked into my eyes and said to me, ‘marry me, I will take care of you’. Why did you accept his proposal? I accepted his proposal because I saw in him a down to earth person and very simple. We also have similar backgrounds. The ease to identify with him made go with him. Can you describe your husband? He is a down to earth person. He loves me for who I am and supports my career. My husband is my perfect match. He allows me to be who I am; he is caring and pampered to some extent, he is an Ibo man, you know an Ibo man always wants to assert himself, my husband is from Ebonyi state. Are you related to Late General Aguiyi Ironsi? No, we are not related. How long have been married? We got married 7th of October, 1995; that is 21 years ago
THE TEAM Published by
Newswatch Times Ltd. Publisher
How long were you in courtship before marriage? Nine months At 21 years of marriage, how were you able to sustain it? Maybe because I am a marriage counsellor and the fact that we share the same values. For me, now is the best time to be together and enjoy ourselves more because it’s just the two of us in the house after we return from daily activities because our kids are in school. Once it is 6:00pm, we begin to call each other to come home so we can be together.
tunde ESO
qismat YINUS Production Editor
taiwo BERNARD Head Graphics
olukayode OGUNJOBI Graphic Artists
henry ENEGEDE/ chinwe DURUEKE
Newswatch Times, Saturday, February 6, 2016
Feminine Clips
Money comes with consistency in your vocation â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Damilola Oladosu Damilola Oladosu is the C.E.O of 2710 10 Events, an event planning company based in Lagos. The ho doubles stylish and creative events planner who as an event decorator is a graduate off Tai Solardly called, in University. Dammy, as she is fondly speaks on her career and life in thiss interview with Qismat Yinus.
an we meet you please? I am Oluwadamilola Christiana Oladosu from Osun state. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m the Creative Director of 2710 Events located in Lagos involved in event planning and decoration.
What inspires you? God is my number one inspiration. As DGHFRUDWRU FRORXUV DQG Ă&#x20AC;RZHUV LQVSLUH me.
What exactly do you do? Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m an event planner and decorator; I source for venues, and them. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m also into corporate gifting and branding.
What are the challenges you face doing this job? Well, there are lots of challenges in events planning. Number one is lack of creativity, because you might meet a client who wants you to be so innovative so as to have an event different from others. When you are not creative, it is a major challenge. Finding the right venue and inadequate budget can really be frustrating.
What is your advice to upcoming event planners? Your educational and family back- Start a business early, money shouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t ground? FRPH ÂżUVW SDVVLRQ VKRXOG :LWK ,ÂśP WKH ÂżUVW FKLOG RI IRXU IURP D &KULVWLDQ time, money would come. Anhome; had my primary education here other key thing is consistency, in Lagos at Barachel Nursery/Primary be consistent, be creative, School. Attended Our Lady of Apostles you should be able to think Secondary School, Ijebu Ode for my outside the box, do things post-primary education and proceeded in different ways and to Tai Solarin University of Education to above all be prayerful. study Biological Sciences. We all need God.
Why did you choose this career? Passion is key for me. This is what I love to do. I enjoy this job and have so much fun doing it. How has it been since you started? Well, it hasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t been easy, but when you have a dream and passion for something, it keeps you moving. It might take a while to get there, but you will eventually get there one day. It has been quite challenging, but the zeal I have for the job has kept me going. What sets you apart from other event planners? ,WÂśV GHÂżQLWHO\ P\ FUHDWLYLW\ , GR WKLQJV differently. I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t follow trends. I love to be unique, and do my job in a unique way. When I decorate or plan events, I do it a unique manner. What does it take to be an event planner? To be an event planner is no childâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s play. An event planner invests hours, days, weeks and even months of detailed work to put an event together. You have to be great with people, you have to be detail oriented, you have to be budget conscious and above all you have to be creative. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a combination of a lot of qualities and takes a lot to be an event planner.
When you have a dream and passion for something, it keeps you moving
How do you overcome them? Making research, sometimes the best ideas are those that are staring you in the face, view some event ideas online. When it comes to budget, I take my time to focus on the area where my budget LV Ă&#x20AC;H[LEOH DQG IRFXV PRUH RQ ZKDW P\ client needs. If you werenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t an event planner, what would you be doing? An actress or a radio presenter. Where do you see your business in the QH[W ÂżYH \HDUV" I see myself as a successful event planQHU LQ WKH QH[W ÂżYH \HDUV , VHH P\ EXVLness as a brand known for excellence! Do you have role models? I have people I look up to in and out of the industry. They are Preston Bailey, he is a big time event planner based in New York City, Mrs. Funke Bucknor Obruthe of Zapphire Events, and Mrs. Ibukun Awosika, I respect her and she inspires me a lot.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, February 6, 2016 Qismat Yinus : 08027022738
What Nigerian celebrities wore at â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Toolzâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; wedding
niru a.k.a Toolz and opular radio presenter, Princess Tolu Oniru n Tunde Demuren, had their her handsome beau, Captain traditional wedding g last Saturday in Lagos. The wedding y traditional rulers from Yorubaland and popular was attended by he talk of the town traditional wedding took place celebrities. The rk, Oniru, Lagos while some of celebrities who at the Landmark, sion include Banky W, Wizkid, Noble Igwe, Dolgraced the occasion apo Oni, Ebuka Obi- Uchendu, Zainab Balogun, Lamide Philips, Rita Dominic,Tiwa Savage,and a host of others. Gbenro Ajibade,Rita ng fashion statements from the high octane Check out stunning wedding.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, February 6, 2016
Tunde Eso e-mail:tundeeso@yahoo.co.uk 08057482794
Fair Life Afr ica celebrates 5th anniversar y in style
air Life Africa Foundation is a progressive, humanitarian organization committed to the mission of empowering people through social initiatives and programs. Itcelebrated its fifth year anniversary on 30th January,2016 at the Ntyce Lounge and Restaurant, Karimu Kotun, Victoria Island, Lagos. The event which served as the was also used as an avenue to raise more funds to train disadvantaged children, 10% of bills of guests at the event was donated to Fair Life Africa by Ntyce. Fair Life Africa which partnered recently with Ultima Limited to host a Talent Search Week for disadvantaged but gifted children in Nigeria is a non-profit, non-governmental organization based in Lagos, Nigeria which operates through the establishment of social initiatives that alleviate oppression by ‘empowering people for a fairer life…‘
C and S 2016 Annual General Conference held in Mushin, Lagos
L-R: Barrister Babatunde Benson (SAN), son of the late Baba Aladura Cornelius Benson of Praying Band; Supreme Head of Cherubim & Seraphim Unification Church of Nigeria, His Most Eminence, Most Elder Pro. Solomon Alao; former Commissioner for Rural Development Lagos State, Evang. (Hon) Cornelius Ojelabi and Baba Aladura Hezekiah Amusan, at the opening ceremony of the 2016 Annual General Conference (AGC) of the Church, held at Mushin, Lagos...recently. Photo: Abiodun Omotosho
27 7
Newswatch Times, Saturday, February 6, 2016
is Th GEr PAis fo LE
CALL 08057482794
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx L-R: Son of the Diseased, Chief Rotimi Ibidapo; Deputy Governor, Osun State, Titi Laoye-Tomori, and All Progressives Congress (APC) Gubernatorial Aspirant, Ondo State, Dr. Michael Olusegun Abraham, at the burial Ceremony of the late Mrs. Racheal Ibidapo in Owo, Ondo State last weekend. L-R: Social Secretary, NFSC, Kemi Popoola; National Chairman, NFSC, Prince Vincent Okumagba; Assistant Social Secretary, NFSC, Ogunjimi Abayomi and Elder Cheruibim Folorunsho Ologunye.
L-R: All Progressives Congress (APC) Gubernatorial Aspirant Ondo State, Dr. Michael Olusegun Abraham; Former Chairman, Mobile Oil Producing, Chief Solomon Oladunni and Former Chairman Buhari Campaign Organization/Director General, O Abraham Campaign Organization, Prince Olu Adegboro, at the ceremony.
Liasion Official NFSC Abuja, Hon. Sonny Gullong (fourth left); Mr. Dele Onifade (right) and other officials of NFSC Members. Photos: Abiodun Omotosho
Chairman, Federal Inland Revenue Service, Mr. Tunde Fowler (left) and the Chairman, Senate Committee on Finance, Senator John Enoh.
Accountant General of the Federation, Alhaji Ahmed Idris (left) and the FCT Minister, Alhaji Mohammed Bello.
L-R: Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Dr. Shehu Ahmad; Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Chief Audu Ogbeh and the representative of the Chairman of the occasion, Alhaji Adamu Bello.
Cross section of participants at the event.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, February 6, 2016 Tunde Eso e-mail:tundeeso@yahoo.co.uk 08057482794
Love Tips Lov e Tip s
Qualities women want in men
e a man of vision: Every woman wants a man who has a vision driving him and allows her woman to support him to achieve the vision. Every woman will jump at such a man. Be caring: To be caring is the antidote to ensure a perfect love life. Women like men who take note of little things about them; you donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have to sell your car or your house to care for her, its goes beyond that. It is simply about you being awakened to her emotional needs, being present when you are needed. Be honest: Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s true when they say honesty is the best policy. A woman has a way of finding out when you tell a lie. It is better to be poor and be honest than to be rich and be unreliable. Respect her: Some men donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t value their partners as much as they should. Love her like itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s your last day, appreciate her for what she is and be grateful for everything she does. Correct her if need be, but not in a hostile manner that may slow down the progress of the relationship. Do not forget your wedding anniversary or her birthday. Birthdays and wedding anniversaries
are special days any woman will not like his man to forget. There are 365 days in a year and you only have to remember two of them. So, it should not be an issue to remember those two days. If you may forget write them down in your diary, save them in your cell phone. Learn to say sorry: Men naturally are egoistic, but itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s necessary to take things slow when it comes to emotions; so stop being too stubborn! If clearly you are wrong, you owe your woman the magic word. Being sorry can go a long way to mend he broken parts in a relationship. Take it slow in bed: It canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t get any worse than a man finishing before a woman even starts. Women take longer to reach orgasm and foreplay is the key. So take your time with foreplay before you go on with practical things and donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t rush. Listen and take interest. Women like to talk and pour their feelings out because she trusts you to make her feel better. Cook her dinner. Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s nothing sexier than a man who knows his way around the kitchen.
nna, 40, comfortable from Jos; needs lady (either a medical doctor, actress, lawyer, a serious-minded friend. radio / TV presenter) for marriage only. Call: 07018323845. Call: 08088974646
Tunji, 45, public servant living in Ibadan Mercy, 26, single, graduate needs a Godneeds a serious-minded woman aged 35 to 40 fearing man for a relationship. from any tribe in Nigeria, gainfully employed. Call: 08093644083 She could be a single mother for friendship. Call: 07081431259, 08055200269 Adebowale, 40, from Ondo State, needs a mature and caring woman between the ages Annabel, 33, tall from the South-South of 35 and 45 years for a serious relationship resides in the north and needs a man age 35 to that can lead to marriage. 38 ready for marriage. Call: 07086289249 Freeman, 45, needs a romantic, jovial and Faith, 33, slim and single mother of twin independent female as a text mate. boys needs a caring man of 55 years of age SMS: 08179829469 who will take care of her and her boys. Call: 08164978101 Omoola, businessman and single dad aged 40 needs a good woman to marry. Mary, 43, a single parent needs a responsible Call: 08025105358 man for a relationship that can lead to marriage. Call: 08180021130 Mr. Emman, 50, self-employed from Anambra State needs a God-fearing, caring Ade from Ogun State, 35 years based in woman as a life partner. She must be serious- Lagos, average height, good looking. I need minded to settle down to family life soon, a serious, God-fearing lady between 25 to 30 aged 25 and above but resident in Lagos or years. No flashing. Ogun State. Call: 08155540344 Call: 09090466428 I need a wealthy sugar daddy. Dada, 49, light in complexion, 6 ft 5, Yoruba, Call: 09096542634 Christian politician / businessman based in Ikeja. He needs a career, independent, mature, Jimmy needs a sugar mummy. caring, understanding, God-fearing, single Call: 07063835932
y boss wants to marry me I am from Ebonyi State, but based in Ogun. I am 20 years old and currently awaiting admission. Everyone in my family looks up to me as the only girl. I have a problem. I presently work with a company whilst waiting to get into school, but my boss is very serious about getting married to me. I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have a problem with him; he is nice, but his age discourages me. He is 36, but my family is not keen on me getting married now. I am confused and donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know how to make him understand that I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t feel anything for him even though he has been very nice to me. Please help out! Onome, Kaduna Onome, You are not alone in this dilemma, as many young women face this on daily basis. One good thing here is that your boss is single (I hope) and really, age is nothing but a number. That aside, it is like you donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t want this relationship which is understandable since you want to further your studies, while he wants to get married. The first thing to do is tell him that you are not interested, simple! There are times when simply ignoring the unwanted advance is enough to stop the situation. Unfortunately, not everyone gets the hint that theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re being ignored or that their advances are unwanted. Just make sure you remedy the situation before it leads to harassment. It can be tough to address your boss straight on, but you must in order to prevent the situation from escalating. However, it is being tactful. Express your discomfort in a gracious way that doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t condemn him. Goodluck
Text your dating requests to 08057482794. Do you have a relationship or emotional issue to share or seek advice on? Contact the number above (Email/SMS only)
Saturday, February 6, 2016
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Saturday, February 6, 2016
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Saturday, February 6, 2016
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, February 6, 2016
Sports/EURO League
Messi embarrasses Lineker in new Walkers advert
ary Lineker has starred alongside Lionel Richie, Paul Gascgoine and the Spice Girls during his 20-year love aěair with Walkers. But the Match of the Day presenter has surely landed his biggest ever costar, ęghting over a packet of cheese and onion with Lionel Messi. The world’s best footballer appears in the latest advert from the crisp giant, marking their new sponsorship deal with the Champions League. But it’s his table football skills that the Argentine genius puts on display to get the beĴer of the former England striker. With Lineker playing his usual role as the comical villain, an envious Messi manages to volley the tiny football oě the table with one of his wooden team-mates only for it to ricochet oě his substantial collection of silverware
and plant a large trophy on the presenter’s head. Messi then swoops in to steal the 55-year-old’s crisps before sharing them with his pals in front of the football, while Lineker struggles to get the pot oě of himself. Lineker like Messi played for Barcelona during his successful career, spending three seasons at the Nou Camp and scoring 42 league goals. But the Englishmen’s achievements at the Catalan club are dwarfed by Messi, who has scored more than any other Barcelona player, neĴing 269 goals in La Liga alone. Lineker does however hold the advantage over the Argentine in terms of World Cup goals, with 10 to Messi’s ęve. The 55-year-old presenter ended his six-year marriage with Danielle Bux last month but the two still remain on
good terms. Lineker was spoĴed with the 36-year-old Welsh model on Holiday in West Hollywood and looked happy despite the split. But the former Leicester and ToĴenham striker has had a far longer union with Walkers, celebrating 20 years association with the crisp manufacturer last May which included meeting up with the cast of his ęrst ever crisp advert. Speaking at a celebration of the two-decade union Lineker said: ‘Who would have thought that 20 years after the ęrst ever ad, I’d be back in Leicester with some of the original cast. ‘It was a great experience reminiscing about the day and recalling the questionable fashion and hairstyles! Since 1995 Lineker has starred in more than 100 adverts for the crisp tycoons based in his home city of Leicester.
Cole earns less than £4,000 a week at LA Galaxy Keane, Claudine courtside as LA Lakers shley Cole When he was an “He is taking the piss, arrived in Los Arsenal player Ashley Jonathan!” I yelled down lose tenth game in a row
Angeles as the former Chelsea and Roma defender joined the inĚux of big stars to the MLS. The 35-year-old will link up with former England team-mate Steven Gerrard at LA Galaxy after the defender’s contract with Roma was terminated by mutual consent.
Cole famously almost crashed his car when he was oěered ‘only’ £55,000-a-week. Cole and his agent Jonathan BarneĴ thought he should have been given a £60,000 contract. Cole later wrote in his book: ‘When I heard Jonathan repeat the ęgure of £55k, I nearly swerved oě the road.
the phone. ‘I was so incensed. I was trembling with anger. I couldn’t believe what I’d heard. I suppose it all started to fall apart for me from then on.’ Cole would leave to join London rivals Chelsea, and became a ęgure of hate for Arsenal fans. And he has had to accept a relatively modest salary in order to get his career back on track in America after falling out of favour at Roma. Gerrard, Robbie Keane and Giovani dos Santos are the Galaxy’s three designated players, which means they get bumper pay deals above the American league’s salary cap. Milan midęelder Nigel de Jong and Standard Liege defender Jelle Van Damme have also had to take pay cuts to join the Galaxy.
obbie Keane is enjoying the oě-season in California and took in some basketball with his wife Claudine. The Keanes were courtside at Staples Centre to watch Los Angeles Lakers take on CharloĴe Hornets on Sunday. The former ToĴenham and Liverpool striker married the Miss Ireland winner in 2008 and the pair still seem to be enjoying the celebrity lifestyle in America. Keane, now 35, joined Galaxy in 2011 and has been clinical since arriving in the MLS, scoring 73 times in 108 appearances and winning the MLS cup three times. Things didn’t go as planned for Keane and his team-mates last season though, with the LA side being knocked out by SeaĴle in the ęrst playoě round after ęnishing
Campbell: Tottenham ‘don’t have a lot of winners’
ol Campbell expects ToĴenham to fall short in the Premier League title race as he believes they lack “winners” in their squad. Spurs moved above north London rivals Arsenal into third place following an impressive 3-0 win at Norwich on Tuesday night. Mauricio PocheĴino’s men have lost just once in the last eight league games, and sit ęve points behind surprise leaders Leicester heading into the weekend’s ęxtures. Such consistent form has seen genuine hope
emerge around White Hart Lane that the current crop of Spurs talent can deliver what would be a ęrst championship since the double-winning side of 1960/1961. Campbell made more than 300 ToĴenham appearances before a controversial free transfer move to Arsenal in the summer of 2001, going on to win the Premier League twice. And the former England centre-half is not so sure this Spurs side can last the distance through to May. “ToĴenham have been very impressive of late,
but I think the same can be said of Spurs as that of Leicester – experience under pressure could be key to success,” Campbell said in his latest Sportslobster blog. “The last eight to 10 games of the season are when you really ęnd out who you are as a player, team and a club as a whole. “At the moment they are going along fantastically well and you have to say they have given themselves a chance of winning the Premier League, but they don’t have a lot of winners in their team.
“By that I mean they don’t have players who have experienced success in a league of this quality. “They are a young side with a lot of talent, but they might lack a player who has ‘been there, done that’, the sort of player who will keep everyone calm, focused and believing that anything is possible. “Leicester are in the same position – as a club they have entered unknown territory and it’s going to be brilliant to see if either club can hold their nerve and produce a real challenge right to the end
ęfth in the Western Conference. The MLS season resumes in March but Galaxy’s ęrst match of the new season will be against Mexican side Santos Laguna in the quarter ęnals of the CONCACAF Champions League.
The Irish couple watched as the Lakers were thrashed 101-82 by the Hornets to tie their longest ever losing streak of 10 in a row. Home side legend Kobe Bryant scored 23 but was unable to inspire his team to victory.
Hollywood film star named honorary president at small Welsh football club
ollywood actress Naomi WaĴs has been named honorary president of Glantraeth FC based on the Welsh Isle of Anglesey. The 47-year-old, known for her roles in hit ęlms such as Mulholland Drive, The Ring, King Kong and Birdman, had a Welsh maternal grandfather. Following her
father’s death in 1976, WaĴs spent part of her childhood in Llangefni obwllllantysiliogogogoch, Anglesey towns near a farm run by her grandparents, before later moving to Australia as a teenager. WaĴs said she was ‘very excited’ about being involved with Glantraeth, who play in the third tier Welsh Alliance football league division one and aĴract average crowds of 40 people. After former president Sir George Meyrick stepped down from his post last summer, club secretary Stan Strickland suggested WaĴs as his replacement. He wrote a leĴer to her agent based on Sunset Boulevard, Los Angeles, and received a positive reply on Monday night.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, February 6, 2016
Maduabuchi Kalu 08080669826
League Watch
Ikhana takes pay cut for 3SC job
ormer African Coach of the Year, Enyimba International Football Club of Aba, Kadiri Ikhana, has reportedly taken a pay cut in order to coach 3SC of Ibadan, otherwise known as Oluwole Warriors. This is coming on the heels of the refusal of the Abia State ęnanced side to renew his contract after leading them to their historic 7th league title last season. The refusal of Enyimba to renew Ikhana’s contract came to league watchers as a big surprise because of his achievements with the club both recently and in the past. There is no single season that Ikhana did not win a trophy for the Aba based side since his second missionary journey that saw him sign a two year contract
at the beginning of 2013/14 league season that expired at the end of last season. In his ęrst season of his two years contract, Ikhana won the Federation Cup for the Aba elephant while last season, he ensured that Enyimba and their fans savour the joy and glory of the league shield after ęve years absence as the last time Enyimba won the league shield was in 2010. Ikhana, it is recalled ęrst made history with the two time African champions in his ęrst missionary journey at the Aba club in 2003, when with the support of the former governor of Abia State, Dr Orji Uzor Kalu and hardworking Chief Felix Anyansi Agwu, guided Enyimba to break a 39 year old jinx by winning the then
elusive CAF Champions League for the ęrst time in the history of the country. It is true that Enyimba has every right to hire and ęre its coaches and players, one hopes that the decision to ęre Ikhana will not come back to hunt Enyimba even as the Abia State ęnanced club will be Ěying the country’s Ěag on the continent alongside Warri Wolves, Akwa United and Nasarawa United in both CAF Champions League and CAF Confederation Cup competitions. It is interesting to note that Ikhana probably accepted a pay cut at 3SC because of Enyimba’s snub and it be interesting to watch the two side trade tackles in the league and in the Federation Cup.
Chukwu, others yet to get appointment letters
s diěerent clubs are preparing for the 2015/16 Nigeria Professional Football League (NPFL) which kicks oě this month according League Management Company (LMC) led by Mallam Shehu Dikko, all seems not to be well with Enugu Rangers despite the assurances by the State Governor, Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi that he is going to reposition the club. It is recalled that recently, Rangers made some appointments in a bid to reposition the traditional club. The new appointments included the appointment of Team Manager in the person of Barrister Amobi Ezeaku, Christian Chukwu as the technical director of the club. The club also recruited some other coaches to beef up the technical bench just as some players were also recruited in order to beef up the team an at the same time actualise its dream of competiting for the trophies at stake. However, League
Watch can authoritatively reveal that none of the individuals whose names have already made been made public as having been appointed into one position or the other has received any appointment leĴer to that eěect, making their faith hanging in the balance. They are not sure of anything, as no leĴer has been given to any one of
them. When League Watch sort to know the true position of things and put a call across to Christian Chukwu, he explained that he just heard about it but has yet to receive any document to that eěect, same with other people. “I have heard about the appointment but a situation whereby you are said to have been appointed into a position and there is no document to back it up, what type of appointment is that? Chukwu questioned. Meanwhile, the Media OĜcer of the club, Foster Chime, has thrown more light on the situation saying it is the board that made the new appointments and have the responsibility of giving the individuals in question the necessary documents in respect of their appointment.
We’ll not accept disruption of our games –Gbajumo
eam Manager of newly promoted Ikorodu United FC, Dele Gbajumo, has warned trouble makers to stay clear of the club’s home ground, Teslim Balogun Stadium Surulere Lagos if they will not respect themselves. He explained that any act of unruly behaviour that will scare away genuine spectators and fans will not be accepted. Gbajumo gave the warning while fielding questions recently concerning how prepared the club is in respect of security being aware that many supporters do foment trouble at league venues. “It is a good experience realising our dream of gaining
promotion to the elite division of Nigerian League. It is a good experience. We are happy that we are now in the elite division which was what we worked for,” Gbjumo began. “It is true that we are new comers to the Nigeria Premier League that does not mean that we will not do our best to justify our promotion to the elite division of Nigeria League. “On the issue of security, I would like to warn trouble makers who masquerade themselves as club fans and supporters to stay clear our league venue if they will not respect themselves and that of other citizens. “Any individual who does not respect himself at our league
Heartland not ready for new season
eartland FC of Owerri is yet to commence preparations for the 2015/16 Nigeria Professional Football League (NPFL) season. League Watch can authoritatively report. The lack of direction and inactivity that is being experienced at the club at the moment is unconnected with lack of money as the funds that are at the disposal of the new management are not enough to take care of the needs of the club. The Naze millionaires it is recalled sacked some of their management
staě recently including the General Manager, Prince Okey Ibeh and the Media OĜcer of the club Cajetan Nkwopara due to allegation of embezzlement levelled
against the general manager. League Watch can authoritatively report that due to the desire to ensure that Prince Okey and Nkwopara are shown the exit door from Heartland, our source alleged that the former taskforce chairman on Heartland sold the idea that he could run the club with less funds to Governor Rochas Okorocha which he bought. It was alleged that the former taskforce chairman urged the state government that he can run the club with N16million or less
instead of the N18million or more that the state government was releasing to the former management of the club led by Prince Ibeh. As we speak, the Nazi millionaires are yet to recruit players and technical crew to beef up the team club for the new season. Our source revealed that Heartland cannot even repair the club’s bus due to lack of funds. It is to be seen how the new management would run the club with the monthly subvention of N16million in the present day Nigeria with inĚation heating the rooftop.
venue (Teslim Balogun Stadium) will regret his action or actions because we will make sure that the long arm of the law will catch up with him,” Gbajumo explained. Speaking on the achievement of the club which was relatively unknown before the end of last season, Gbajumo attributed the success of the Ikorodu based club to good planning, commitment and hardwork, even as he expressed the desire to give good account of themselves in the elite league of Nigerian Football. “I think that we earned our promotion to the elite division of the Nigerian League. As for me, I think our success last season which led to our promotion can be attributed to good planning, commitment and hardwork. “With what we did last season, I am optimistic that we will give good account of ourselves in the NPFL. We will continue with our tradition of good planning, hardwork and commitment. “We are not in the elite division to make up of the numbers. And like I said earlier, we earned our promotion, therefore we are here to compete against the best in the country,” Gbajumo explained
Newswatch Times, Saturday, Ferbruary 6, 2016
Senate re-run: Idoma’ll reciprocate Mark’s benevolence –Ogbu Immediate past Chairman of the Board of Directors, Nigerian Television Authority, NTA, Chief Patrick Ogbu, is an ardent supporter of the former Senate President, David Mark. He addressed journalists when the Deputy Governor of Benue state, Engr. Benson Abounu, said at one of the All Progressives Congress, APC, stakeholders meeting held in Makurdi that Mark would be defeated in the rerun election between him and the former National President of the National Association of Nigerian Students, NANS, Comrade Daniel Onje, because Idoma people have deserted him. The Senior Special Assistant to a former Governor of Benue state, Mr George Akume, on Cabinet Matters and Senior Special Assistant to former Governor Gabriel Suswam on Community Development and NonGovernmental Organizations, Mr Patrick Ogbu, tried to debunk Abounu’s claims by saying that Mark made his mark before going to the Senate in 1999. Ogbu also said Mark became a household name in Nigeria when he held the Senate together for eight years, so, what Abounu said amounted to political gimmick. Our Correspondent, GODWIN AKOR reports:
ow would you react to Chief Abounu’s claim that he made Mark Senator in 1999? The good people of Idoma kingdom will not betray Senator David Mark’s benevolence. We are solidly behind him, he is our leader. I want to assure you that we will vote him back again because Idoma kingdom must protect her integrity. We are fully prepared for the election to vote Senator David Mark back to the National assembly to complete his tenure. We are doing this based on the records set by him and his records will speak for him, not minding the external forces against him. Idoma people have spoken before and they will continue to speak for the betterment of our fatherland. As far as I know, at no time did Abounu make Mark a Senator. Instead, it was Mark that launched Abounu into the George Akume administration as Commissioner. Who was Abounu when Mark returned in 1998 as a hero in Idoma land. Mark was the only Nigerian Military Ocer who dared the late military dictator, General Sani Abacha, when he wanted to succeed himself. At that time, Abounu was a toddler in politics. Mark became so popular that when he indicated interest in going to the Senate, everybody including the Tiv, rallied round him. How would somebody rise up today to claim that he made Mark a Senator in 1999? As I said earlier, it all amounts to political gimmick. How far have you people gone in terms of mobilization? We have done a lot. We are in torch with the grassroots and they have assured us of their support. So, government or no government, Senator David Mark will win and go back to the Senate. His colleagues are anxiously waiting for him. Even the call for the rerun election was uncalled for. Uncalled for in the sense that the Chief INEC returning ocer
faulted the nulliÀcation of David Mark’s election and thank God the man is still alive today. The INEC ocial stated in a publication that the nulliÀcation was unfortunate because he wants to protect his integrity. He said all the results from the nine local government areas were completely collated before he made the announcement. It is very unfortunate that the appeal court was the last stage. A section of Benue South Senatorial District is angry that Mark didn’t attract viable projects to the area and that he used Apa state creation to deceive them. How true is this? Those who said Senator David Mark did no project in Zone C are not fair to him. The man attracted so many projects to the area. Some of these projects are on-going and they are there for people to see. The Oweto Bridge is seventy percent completed, the Otukpo dam is still ongoing. So, people should not use that as a basis. The issue of the creation of states, how many were created?, if states were created, Apa would have been one of them. A local government was not even created. If states were created, Apa state would have been part of it but as we are saying, no state was created. Where does Mark’s strength lie now that Governor Ortom and his deputy have come out openly to tell Zone “C” stakeholders to support Comrade Daniel Onjeh of APC? To me, that is not an issue. Today’s people are wiser than what you think. They vote for individual candidates not party any longer; if you can deliver, they vote you not on party basis and Senator David Mark is a man with experience. Let him go back and complete his tenure. Every Idoma person must join hands together to deliver David Mark. Government in power does not matter anymore. Was PDP not in power before APC took over power? David Mark was chosen by God and is God that brought him to power. It is that same God that will show up for him. The man is surely going back there to complete his tenure
Mark and fulÀl his promise of making Idoma nation the envy of other Nigerians. There is this rumour that PDP and David Mark have devised means of buying voters’ cards from the electorate, how true is this allegation? Well, these are campaign gimmicks. I am just hearing this for the very Àrst time, nothing like that is happening. Nonetheless, it is part of the campaign gimmick. To the best of my knowledge, such a thing is not on our agenda. Igede people are claiming they have been neglected by David Mark. Do you think the Igede would vote for Mark in February this year? Thank you very much. First of all, the Igede people ruled Idoma nation for almost 40 years. Secondly, they have been deputy governor, thirdly they have been secretary to the state government and right now, they are the head of service. So, where has the Idoma man cheated the Igede man? Come to David Mark’s aspect, he brought electricity to their place, federal appointments were given to Igede sons and daughters, board appointments have also been given to them, he introduced scholarship to their children in various schools. What else will an individual do again? They should stop calling that man a bad name based on what they want. The man has done more than enough and he is still doing so and will continue to do so. After this, we don’t know where the man will be tomorrow, what he will become. I still use this opportunity to call on Igede man, woman and youth to join hands and use this as a reference point for tomorrow because destiny is in the hands of God. When it comes to their turn, we will equally support their yearnings and aspirations. What would you say concerning the series of decamping taken place in PDP especially in the Zone “C” axis? Whoever wants to decamp is free. Get me right, I said what we are doing now is not on party basis, it is because of the man called David Mark and what his achievements stand for. Whoever wants to decamp, why not, he is free.
Politicians, you know us very well, they are looking for where the greener pasture will be. Majority of our politicians don’t want to be in opposition but the politics of today is what you stand for not the party. If you are good, they vote for you. The APC has constituted its campaign team. What is your party doing in this regard? Well, whatever campaign we are planning now is our own strategy so, I will not disclose it. How prepared is David Mark’ camp to face the ruling party owing to the fact that David Mark is now in opposition? Well, to the best of my knowledge, opposition does not kill. if PDP has been in power for 16 years and today, they are no more, the APC we called opposition yesterday could withstand every storm, we too can endure and I want to assure you that before 2019, PDP will bounce back fully because we have started seeing the mistakes of APC, especially on propaganda. You can’t beat them; they are very good at it. PDP members should remain Àrm, resolute, no shaking, we will surely come back again. You said before 2019, PDP will bounce back, because the APC government is not performing and that it is using the propaganda strategy. Why do say so? Yes, exactly. They are the ruling party and they are behaving as if lthey are still in opposition. The ruling party has alleged that the only radio station in Zone C, Joy Fm, is not allowing them to air their programs. How true is this assertion? I want to believe that the allegations are frivolous because in every organisation especially in journalism, we have what is called ethics and we are been guided by this ethics which you know about. The ethics are there to be follow, so, I disagree with that because the radio can’t be for a particular group alone. Some people allege that the contract of Otukpo-9h Mile road was given to David Mark and it has been abandoned but Mark has not come out with a categorical statement on whether the allegation is true or not.
Businessman urges Buhari to be fair in anti-corruption war MICHAEL OLANREWAJU, Osogbo
community leader and an Osogbo-based business mogul, Chief Sunday Igboho has advised president Mohammadu Buhari not to restrict his on-going war against corruption to a particular political party in the interest of justice and fairness. Igboho who gave the charge while speaking with newsmen in Osogbo, saluted Buhari’s courage in sanitizing the country of corrupt practices but
warned him not to be partisan and one-sided in the course. He wondered why the anticorruption war is only limited to the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) circle when other political party members who might be in connection with the same oͿences are left uninvestigated. He however maintained that, if this is encouraged, it would be unfair, injustice and partisan treatment and agitated that, the exercise should be objective and not a witch- hunting one.
Igboho however charged him to extend the activities to other political parties if truly; he wants to sanitize the country with sincerity of heart. On the way the national publicity Secretary of the PDP, Olisah Metuh, who was alleged to have collected N400m from the Dasuki’s money was handcuͿed, he described the act as inhuman. He however charged various community leaders in the country to live a corrupt-free life to serve as good examples for their subjects in the society.
Chief Igboho argued that, waging war against corruption has to start from any given society in the country to be able to get positive result on the anti-corruption crusade embarked upon by Buhari led administration. He therefore maintained that charity begins at home and advised community leaders to champion the cause of phasing out corruption from their various communities. Igboho maintained that, if every given society is sanitized and washed oͿ of corruption, the country as a whole would be corruption free.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, February 6, 2016
Buhari should douse tension in Niger Delta - Izoukumor Chief Favour Ogbeyirene Izoukumor, the Ijaw Commissioner on the board of Delta State Oil Producing Areas Development Commission (DESOPADEC) is a Chieftain of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Delta State. In this interview with SYLVESTER IDOWU, he spoke on recent sundry issues that concern Niger Delta and the need for the Federal Government to douse tension in the region. Excerpt:
hat is your reaction to the recent bombings in of oil pipeline facilities in Warri North and South West Local Government areas of Delta State? Does this amount to a resurrection of militancy in the Niger Delta? As a community leader and representative of the Ijaws in DESOPADEC, we unequivocally condemn the criminal act; it is unacceptable. Although I do not think the phrase ‘resurrection of insurgency’, is correct because this is purely a criminal act. It has being happening quarterly. There have been pipeline vandalisms caused by criminal elements. I don’t know those behind it, but one thing that is very certain is that they are criminals and people with diverse interests. The reason why I say diverse interests is that these vandalisms, most especially on the gas pipeline is a recurring decimal. I think people are beneÀting from it, particularly some business interests and some unscrupulous elements within the NNPC and its subsidiaries. That’s a very weighty allegation on NNPC ocials. Yes, they could be beneÀciaries, they and some others in the industry because this gas line is vandalized annually. Can we link the recent attacks RQ RLO SLSHOLQHV WR WKH IDFHRͿ EHtween one of your kinsmen, Chief Government Ekpemukpolo (Tompolo) to the invitations by EFCC and a court order for his arrest? I think these are some of the unnecessary, frivolous claims to create unnecessary tension in the Niger Delta. I am telling you that the vandalisations of the gas pipelines are by business interests and criminals. The business interests engaged criminals to do the act and they get the contract for the repairs. This is a recurrent thing. It is not new and how can you link this to Tompolo? I am not speaking for Tompolo, but I think all of us and you Journalists know Tompolo as someone that is not afraid to accept responsibility for his action; in this case, he has no basis to do this. I want the Federal Government to investigate all the past frequent acts of vandalisms: Who were behind it? I feel some persons are trying to instigate
confusion between the FG and Tompolo; to tag him with a bad name to hang him. I am shocked about linking this to Tompolo with the incident because it is an open secret in Delta State, particularly Warri South-West and within NNPC. I think people are instigating the FG against Tompolo and trying to frustrate him into giving negative reactions. In all these, what is the role of the security agencies in the area? I will not just apportion blame to security agents because I am a man from the riverine area. If I just conclude that they are not fulÀlling their obligations I may not be fair to them because the terrain in the riverine area is complex. If criminals are coming, you may not know. They are doing their best but it is just like terrorist attacks, the way these guys operate; they plan and carry out most of these atrocities at night. There are also some security reports linking the latest attack to militants? If you say it is militants, what is the basis? When the militants in Niger Delta were in the struggle for their people’s fair share in Nigeria, whatever action they intend to embark; they don’t deny it, but on this particular issue all of them denied. I ask again, in the past years that this pipelines was attacked and repaired, were they by militants? I feel this, like the past, was done by criminal people in collaboration with interest groups like some unrepentant workers in the NNPC. If we continue to ascribe these acts to militancy, we give cover for the business interests who beneÀt from it to continue. This is what they want; blame it on the militants. What’s your position on the military threatening to hold community leaders responsible for further acts of vandalism and their call for handing over of suspects? I think what has happened is pathetic to the whole nation because anything that will crumble the economy of Nigeria is not in the country’s interest. I and my followers will never support it, that’s why I condemned it in its entirety. But don’t extend the punishment to innocent people; it is uncalled for. I have said you don’t
need to blame the JTF that are there because of the terrain, there is no way that the community people will know what is happening. Most of these communities are distanced from the attacked facilities. Secondly, these persons operate like terrorists; they are fully armed and most times perpetrate these crimes in the night when innocent people are in bed. The communities’ leadership are not even saddled with protection of the pipelines and you want to hold them responsible? That’s unfair. Even asking the community leaders to Àsh out these persons is unjust. The Federal Government need to synergize with communities leaders, the stakeholders on the way forward. Such statement credited to the Presidency is capable of alienating them because credible leaders who have information will be scared away. It is only ignorance of the terrain that will make one to blame community leaders. But the assumption is that these people that carried out these attacks are from the communities and they know when they are planning attacks? Those are the deliberate erroneous assumptions made to incite the Federal Government against the innocent communities; they are unsubstantiated rumours. I am a leader from Warri South West and Chairman of Ajuju community, are you saying that I am also aware at the planning state? It is not the case. It took everybody by surprise and when we got wind of it we swung into action. If not the proactive measures taken by the state government, the governor and Deputy Governor, Kingsley Otuaro and community leaders, maybe these criminals would have done more damage. The JTF knows that the success in halting the attacks was due to these collaborative efforts. They get their intelligence information from the community and even creeks. It is the people that are leading them. Whatever peace that we see is through eͿorts of the state government and these leaders. The acts were done about a day and in the night as I was told. The next day all the communities were on alert and as
Buhari’s foreign trips’ll consume 20% Federal budget -Fayose
Izoukumor we are talking most of the communities leaders have mandated their youths to assist the security agents and they are on security surveillance on the oil facilities. What’s your take on the proposed cancellation of the Maritime University in Okerenkoko and this feeling of siege mentality by the Ijaw under the present administration? The statement was credited to the Minister of Transport, Rt. Hon. Rotimi Amaechi and if it is true, it is unacceptable. I condemned it in entirety; it is very provocative and inciting to say that a region that has been laying the golden eggs, feeding the whole nation, does not deserve to have a university! This is the only riverine university that the Federal Government has ever established. It was established not only for the Ijaws, but Niger Delta and Nigeria, yet you now say it should be cancelled? I also read in that statement credited to him that no parents will send their children to that university. This is quite unfortunate because there is Escravos (oil) Terminal where thousands of workers from diͿerent regions of Nigeria are working; contractors are fetching billions from there, multinational companies transformed where they are living to paradise and the university in question is just a stone throw from the terminal and that is the place you are saying no parents could send their children to! I am deeply disappointed in the statement credited to Amaechi.He should know that despite political diͿerences, we are all from this region. Amaechi is in a better position to know the suͿering of the people of this region, but I was shocked he made such statement. My sincere advice to the Niger Deltans, particularly the Ijaws, is that these are provocative statements, maybe made to see our reactions, but let’s be peaceful and whatever grievance we may have as a result of that, we should express it peacefully. I want to believe that it is the personal view of Amaechi’s and not the position of the Federal Government. Let’s await the FG’s position and whatever it is, let’s use peaceful means to seek redress.
kiti State Governor, Mr Ayodele Fayose has warned that President Mohammadu Buhari may end up spending 20 percent of the federal budget on foreign trips at the rate he is going. Fayose advised the president to stay at home and govern the country, “instead of junketing from one country to the other. “Foreign countries won’t solve our problems for us and the president’s incessant foreign trips are already bleeding the economy with about $1 million being spent per trip,” he said. The governor, who said most of the trips embarked on by the President were unnecessary, added that ministers or at best the Vice President could have been made to attend most of the functions attended abroad by the President. According to a statement issued in Ado-Ekiti by his Special Assistant on Public Communications and News Media, Lere Olayinka, Governor Fayose said that “the President should rather listen more to those of us who criticise him instead of those hailing every of his wrong steps either because of what they intend to gain or for fear of persecution.” The statement read; “Conservatively, about $1 million goes into every of the foreign trips and the way the president is going, foreign trips alone might gulp 20 percent of the Federal Government budget and that will be disastrous for the dwindling economy of the country. “It is even more worrisome that while the economy is already in shamble and insecurity pervades the land with Boko Haram burning Nigerians, including children alive in the North East, our President is busy globetrotting. “From available records, in June 2015 alone, the President travelled to Niger Republic, Chad, Germany and South Africa. Also in 2015, the President travelled to United States of America in July, Benin Republic in August, Ghana and France in September, India in October, Iran, France and United States of America in November and in December, he travelled to South Africa, Benin Republic. “This year alone, President Buhari has travelled to the United Arab Emirate, Kenya, Ethiopia and he is leaving for France and United Kingdom today to spend four days abroad. “In most of these trips, about $500,000 is spent on estacode, transportation, accommodation, honorarium, media coverage, contingency and other expenses on accompanying Presidency ocials. The Presidential Air Fleet, which includes fuelling of the planes and allowances for crew members as well as the President’s estacode per night and those of the Minister of Foreign AͿairs and his aides is said to be in the range of $500,000.
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Saturday, February 6, 2016
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, February 6, 2016
North Central
Jikwoyi residents threaten N10b suit against AEDC Douglas Smith
Wife of the President, Hajiya Aisha Buhari inaugurating the Aisha Muhammdu Buhari General Hospital in Jega Local Government, Kebbi State…recently.
Ortom vows to recover N219.8bn allegedly diverted under Suswam Godwin Akor, Makurdi
enue State Governor, Samuel Ortom, has said of the N1.021 trillion that accrued to the state between July 2007 and May 2015, N219.8 billion was unaccounted for. Ortom who received the report of the Judicial Commission of Enquiry set up to probe the income and expenditure of Benue State within the period Gabriel Suswam presided over the aͿairs of the state
said he would use every legal means to recover the N219.8 billion unaccounted for. He said a committee made up of carefully selected persons would be set up to draft a white paper on the report, stressing that when the money is recovered, the problem of delayed salary and pension payment, non-completion of projects, lack of good healthcare services, inadequate supply of electricity and water and so on would be tackled.
He said those wishing to return unappropriated monies could do so and avoid being dragged to anti-graft agencies and noted that that it was regrettable that 52 individuals and 10 corporate organizations misappropriated N107.6 billion. He said in line with the recommendation made by the Commission, the state government would endeavour to investigate deeper and possibly ensure the refund oN44.7 billion along with disciplin-
ary measures that would be taken against the individuals involved in various infractions. Earlier, the Chairman of the Judicial Commission of Enquiry, Justice Elizabeth Kpojime, had, during the submission of the report, told Governor Ortom that there was “outright theft of public revenue such as the payment of N3.11 billion out of the proceeds of the sale of government shares into a private account by the Ministry of Finance”.
duce over-dependence on Federal allocation. A communiqué issued at the end of a retreat organised by Plateau State Government in partnership with Garman International Corporation (GIZ) tagged, “Delivering eěective service in an era of dwindling resources”, was read by Secretary to the State Government, Hon. Rufus Bature. The retreat resolved that
“In view of dwindling resources from the Federation Account, government agencies must look inward to expand the sources and amount of Internally Generated Revenue (IGR) of the state. “Government will continue to work and improve its collaboration with development partners and multilateral agencies for the common good. Education, Agriculture and Health
Sectors, which are key elements to development of the state and welfare of the people have been neglected for long. To arrest the continued decay, a total overhaul is imperative. “That we, the members of the State Executive Council will be commiĴed to, and be driven by the fear of God, accountability, integrity, innovation and harmonious co-existence of our people.
in the Territory, Wilson Inalegwu. Other items presented to the Police Command were motorcycles include oĜcer’s table, drawers, curtains, charge rooms canters, seĴees, 4 stools, 2 benches, Ěat screen 21 inch LG television, 2 ceiling fans, one wall fan, generator, among others. According to him, it is gratifying that members of the public do appreciate
that they have a great role to play in securing their respective communities, adding “members of Jikwoyi community under the auspices of Jikwoyi Landlords Association have proven that they appreciate the global trend in provision of security.” Inalegwu who was represented by his Deputy Commissioner (Operations), Bala Ciroma, gave this commendation recently
when he visited the area for the formal commissioning and hand over of the Police post to the FCT Command. Ciroma, while reacting to questions from newsmen commended the eěort of the community, just as he noted that eěort will be put in place to “fast track the process of deploying enough logistics and man power to enhance productivity of our men that are here”.
Lalong seeks collaboration of political appointees on revenue generation Gyang Bere, Jos.
s a result of dwindling resources from the Federation Account, Plateau State Governor, Simon Lalong, has challenged members of his State Executive Council to look inward and initiate decent policies that will boost Internally Generated Revenue in the State to re-
Police Commissioner commends Jikwoyi residents over Police post Douglas Smith
or appreciating and complimenting government’s eěort in securing the environment by building a modern Police post and donating it to the FCT Police Command, residents of Jikwoyi, a suburb of Federal Capital territory , FCT have received encomium from the Commissioner of Police
esidents of Jikwoyi, under the platform of Jikwoyi Landlords Association (a suburb of the Federal Capital Territory), has given the Abuja Electric Distribution Company, AEDC, 7- day ultimatum to restore electricity in their area or face a Àne of 10 billion Naira for general damages. Jikwoyi is a densely populated area under the Abuja Municipal Area Council (AMAC). The association, represented by its chairman, Mr. Rufus Ebegba, gave this hint yesterday at a press brieÀng in Abuja shortly after a peaceful protest. His words, “we give the Abuja Electricity Distribution Company 7 days ultimatum; if they fail to restore our light, we would seek legal measures to Àght for
our right and privileges and AEDC must pay us 10 billion Naira as general damages and exposing us to insecurity”. The chairman argued that since the community has been maintaining the transformer since 1998, it becomes logical for the Jikwoyi Community to share about 40 of revenue accruing to the company from the community. He further stated that the company should stop further billings until this issue is resolved and when resolved, the community will not be indebted for the period when there was lack of electricity. Our correspondent gathered that Jikwoyi community Phase 1 extension has been experiencing darkness for the past two weeks because of a damaged transformer resulting to slowdown of business activities and insecurity in the area.
Feb 20 for supplementary elections in Plateau – INEC Gyang Bere, Jos
he Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) in Plateau state has Àxed February 20, for the re-run and supplementary elections for Langtang South , Pankshin North and South state constituencies elections in the state. In a statement signed by Osaretin Imahiyereobo, Head Voter Education / Publicity of INEC, said the election in Langtang South is scheduled to hold in 68 polling units and will feature only two of the three political par-
ties. The candidates are Jackson Ninimwang of the All Progressive Congress APC and Rinsmicit Emmanuel of (MPPP) while Vincent Venman Bulus of the PDP has been excluded” The statement further stressed that, “ Pankshim South constituency election will hold in Nyeleng Polling unit in Fier registration area while that of Pankshin North holds in Pyabor polling unit of chip registration area. All political parties and candidates that featured in the last election in April are to participate in the supplementary elections.
P h i l a n t h ro p i s t d o n a t e s c o n s u m a bl e s t o I D P s i n A b u j a Toyin Adebayo, Abuja
oved by the plight of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Nigeria, the founder of Hope for Borno , Mrs Iby Umondak Ikotide, donated consumables, toiletries, educational materials to IDPs in Abuja. She made this known at a press conference proceeding the distribution of the consumables to IDP camps Abuja . She stated that many Nigerians don’t understand the plight of the displaced persons because they only read, visit, donate items, but never interact with them to know those things they lack. According to her, “I at-
tended the University of Maiduguri and I can recollect vividly that the state was relatively peaceful until till Boko Haram struck and turned the relatively peaceful state to a slaughter ęeld and rendered them homeless”. She noted that in as much as we are still soliciting for the return of the Chibok girls, something needs to be done for those that were displaced. She lamented that initially when she visited the camps, I saw them walking bare-footed, women lacked basic necessities like pads, kids were running without pants, pregnant teenagers without access to antenatal services among others.
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, February 6, 2016
Sports Update
House Committee on Sports slams NFF budget, labels it ‘dodgy’
he House Committee on Sports has defended its decision to cut a huge chunk of the proposed 7.3 billion 2016 Budget by the NFF, describing it as lacking merit and falling short of proper detailing. NFF President, Amaju Pinnick presented the body’s 2016 ęscal proposal which included a 350 million bid to host the Africa beach football tournament in 2016. However, Member of the House Committee, Hon. Magaji Da’u Aliyu deplored the budget presentation as poorly coordinated citing several ambiguities that makes it diĜcult to assimilate. The lawmaker admiĴed the 1.2 billion approved
sum ‘is a paltry amount’, which is insuĜcient to return the country to the summit of Africa football and reckoning in the world but concedes that the budget proposed was ‘untrustworthy’, a ‘copy and paste’ document that also failed to show a ‘rigorous accounting’ of the details of the NFF’s expenditure. NFF was raĴled to the rafters of the hallowed chambers as the House commiĴee on Sports announced that the Federal Government had signięcant pruned the 7.3 billion budget proposed and has thus approved 1.2 billion for its activities in the year 2016. NFF President, Amaju Pinnick, who led the federation’s delegation made its
Izunna targets back-to-back league crown in Denmark
i i igeria international, Izunna Uzochukwu, has said he is looking forward to help new club OB Odense get back to the summit of Danish football and win the league title at the end of the season. The former Amkar Perm of Russia midęelder won the Danish league with FC Midtjylland last season and he wants a repeat of that experience at Odense. “My y main target g with
OB is i to help hel the team tea get back to the top of the Danish league again with my contribution. OB are a top team in Danish football,” Izunna said. OB Odense are seventh with 24 points from 18 games. The league resumes February 26. Izunna, who has never played at any club without a Nigerian team mate, said he won’t feel lonely at his new club. “I won’t feel lonely. Denmark is my second home,” he said.
Budapest officially bids for 2019 World Championships
udapest udapest, Hungary has been announced as the sole bidder for the 2019 World Table Tennis Championships, an event they have not hosted since 1950. The announcement came after ITTF oĜcials visited the SYMA hall, the venue proposed for the Championships to determine that it was suitable to host the world’s biggest table tennis event.
At the announcement, announcement ITTF’s CEO Judit FARAGO stated: “As a Hungarian, I am excited to learn that the Hungarian Table Tennis Association has an intention to bid for the event. We had inquiries from diěerent countries from four continents, by the deadline Budapest was the only valid bid received.” “Some potential bidders ęnally decided to target the World Team
Championships in 2020, also the ITTF is having a transition period where size of the World Championships is under review and reduced, which gives good chances for those organisers and cities which before could not accommodate such a big event (800 players before, now reduced to approximately 550). This is something new and not very well known to many. It is now up to the
Ugandan fans to pay 10,000 shillings to watch Enyimba
NXIOUS Ugandan fans are expected to pay the sum of 10,000 shillings to watch the CAF Champions League preliminary round tie between Vipers FC and Enyimba FC of Aba. Fans all over the country that will come to support Uganda’s representatives Vipers SC that day are expected to pay ęve
thousand shillings (about N290) and ten thousand shillings (about N580) for open stands and pavilion respectively.The Ugandan champions will host the Nigeria Premier League seven times champions on February 12th, 2016 at Nakivubo stadium before travelling to West Africa a week later for the return leg.
Hungarian Table Tennis Association to make a good presentation to the AGM delegates, and to convince them that the event may be allocated to them.” Hungary is regular organiser of ITTF events. They successfully host an ITTF World Tour and World Junior Circuit event every year, and Budapest will be the place of this year’s ITTF-European Championships. The motivation behind the Hungarian Table Tennis Association’s bid is to increase popularity and reputation of table tennis sport and the bid is in line with the government’s present strategy to bring major sport events to the country. Hungary, who has won the second most World Championships gold medals behind China, will present their bid to the ITTF AGM on 1 March and the delegates will decide if they approve their bid to host the 2019 World Table Tennis Championships. If Hungary is successful with their bid, they will host the World Table
presentation to the commiĴee, breaking down the football governing body’s proposed expenditure for the calendar year. Addressing the committee, Pinnick described the huge cuts as capable of derailing the FA’s objectives as the 1.2 billion is a ‘far cry’ from the NFF’s expectations. The Football Federation projected that the 7.3 billion lump sum was
intended to cover funding of all major football activity involving the national teams in 2016. The Ně also submiĴed a proposal of 350million to host the Africa beach football tournament. The budget was cut down signięcantly because of ‘several ambiguities’ in the federation’s proposal to the disappointment of the House CommiĴee on Sports.
Aigbogun wants Enyimba improved
nyimba head coach, Paul Aigbogun wants rapid improvement from his side following their underwhelming displays at the Super Four tournament in Uyo. The Peoples Elephant lost 1-2 to Nasarawa United in their most recent game of the tournament after being reduced to 10 men. Aigbogun says he is still looking to ęnd his best team as he is looking
beyond the Super Four and planning for the Caf Champions League. “Our team changes in most of the games. “This is because we are looking beyond the Super Four and thinking about our continental matches,” Aigbogun told supersport. com. Aigbogun however hopes his side will improve in time for their ęnal game of the Super Four againstAkwa United on Friday. “Going a man down and geĴing reduced to 10 men did not help our cause in the 1-2 loss to Nasarawa United in our last game. “In our next match against Akwa United, we want to come out and do beĴer. “We are looking at the shape of the team and trying to improve it,” he said.
We’re set for Lagos City Marathon –Ayorinde
he Lagos State Government has re-aĜrmed its readiness to host over 20,000 Local and International Marathoners in the forth coming Access Bank Lagos City Marathon scheduled to come up today. Commissioner for Information and Strategy, Steve Ayorinde, said all arrangements have been put in place and Lagos is ready to host the event as well as replicate an international version of the event in the state come Saturday. He conęrmed that several renowned marathoners from Kenya, Ethiopia, Uganda and other countries are already in town for the event, while local and other athletes are fully prepared to participate in the 42km race. Ayorinde said the State Government has put in place water-tight security measures to protect athletes and other participants in the international event adding that a team of motorized
and motorbike escorts have been provided to monitor the event throughout the duration of the race. “Similarly we have put in place a team of fully trained and well equipped medical team that will accompany all the participants from the kick-oě of the race to the end”, Ayorinde said. He said a combined team of traĜc managers will also be on ground to control traĜc along the designated routes, while alternate routes have also been provided for motorists during the 7hour event.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, February 6, 2016
Sports Update FCMB to hold Keep fit exercises at Onikan today DAYO PAUL
CMB is holding series of keep-ęt exercises today at Onikan Stadium in Lagos as part of its ongoing Health Week initiative. The keep-ęt exercise cum other sporting activities is tagged ‘Health Week Family Fitness Day’. Since the last six days the ęnancial institution has been executing various programs for its employees in the bid to promote health living and wellness lifestyle. Among the activities that have been held in the course of the week include medical screening at the 32 branches of the Bank across the country to check staě blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol and Body Mass Index (BMI). In addition, there have been free mammogram tests for all interested FCMB female employees and the spouses of male colleagues carried out by a team of highly experienced medical personnel. Also, the Bank, through the services of a professional nutritionist, has produced a healthy eating cookbook containing details of how to prepare healthy versions of popular Nigerian dishes. The highpoints of this year’s FCMB Employee Health Week according to the Divisional Head, Human Resources and Strategy, Felicia Obozuwa, is the family ętness day event holding today. Employees of the Bank, their spouses and children have been scheduled for the sporting exercises. Commenting on the signięcance of the Health Week, Obozuwa said, ‘’Employee Health is a key priority for us. The
Health Week is one of our initiatives that have been instituted to promote a healthy lifestyle for our employees and their family members to ensure a healthy society’. “We recognize the enormous eěorts and contributions of our employees in the growth and achievements recorded over the years by the Bank. We are determined to build an organization that is impactful in the lives of our employees and other stakeholders to reinforce our core values of professionalism, sustainability, customer focus and excellence. Hence, we will continue to carry out programmes that will ensure that our employees get the best information, to ensure the best state health, which is in line with our ‘great place to work’ mission’’. Specialized coaches for the various ętness exercises are expected while instruction on various simple sports that can be done at home will be shared with participants This year’s Employee Health Week of First City Monument Bank (FCMB) Limited began on Monday, February 1, 2016 and It will end today. First City Monument Bank (FCMB) Limited is a member of FCMB Group Plc, which is one of the leading ęnancial services institutions in Nigeria with subsidiaries that are market leaders in their respective segments. Having successfully transformed to a retail and commercial banking-led group, FCMB expects to continue to distinguish itself by delivering exceptional customer experience, while empowering its customers to achieve their aspirations.
Pillars clear air on Henlong transfer 2014 NPFL champions, Kano Pillars, say the deal for former Giwa FC captain, Charles Henlong is all but complete according to Coach Mohammed Babaganaru. Henlong; who is yet to win his full international
cap for Nigeria Captained the Tin City side through 2 decent seasons since the club’s promotion to the top Ěight. Babaganaru said, while the central Midęelder is certain to join Pillars in the new season, his transfer will be put to bed once the player’s clearance is received. Henlong has since joined Pillars in pre season and Babaganaru stressed that the player has put pen to paper for the former champions and this deal was duly copied to the Nigeria Football Federation and the proprietor of the Jos based side.
Abia Warriors dismiss reported Chikatara transfer fee
bia Warriors have refuted reports in the media that CHAN 2016 revelation Chisom Chikatara to Wydad Athletic Club Casablanca of Morocco for $700,000. Refuting the story, principal partner of Activity Chambers, the club’s legal consultants, Johhny Ogbah, admiĴed that Chisom has been
transferred to Wydad Athletic Club, but insisted that the ęgure quoted by the papers is not true. “The truth is that Chisom Chikatara is now a player of WAC Morocco. All parties have agreed and signed the necessary documents, but the ęgure being quoted is not correct. “It is important that
journalists verify stories before rushing to publish it. I read the story and there was no single quote from an oĜcial of either clubs, or the player or his intermediary. I wonder where the journalists got the ęgures they are brandishing from. “Our national dailies too should be careful to verify stories they see on websites before pub-
lishing them. A simple phone call may have given the true picture of the whole scenario but nobody did so, they just rushed and published without verifying. This is very bad.” Asked to reveal the exact ęgure, Ogbah said it would be unethical and unprofessional for him to do so, as this is privileged information.
pointed that our players, who were looking forward to representing their country in continental competition, are now denied the opportunity of a lifetime but we are forced to put their welfare ahead of their dreams. “Ajax Cape Town has been aĴempting for weeks to seek clarity from the Angolan Football Federation as regards the internal travel arrangements for the match against Sagrada Esperanca in Dundo on Saturday, February 13. “It is the responsibility of Angola to ensure internal travel but they have been unwilling, despite our numerous requests by e-mail and fax, to give us details of our internal Ěights. “We have been in almost daily contact, left to plead for information but have been kept in the dark. “Our own investigations reveal that there are problem with airport in Dundo, where the match is scheduled to take place. It is currently closed due to construction upgrades. The nearest alternative airport is Lucapa. However, the landing strip
consists only of gravel which means that only certain types of aircrafts are able to land there. “It is not possible to travel to Dundo by bus from Luanda, where we are due to arrive from Cape Town. It is a road trip of 1200km and takes 18 hours. “Confederation of African Football competition rules state no bus trip may exceed 200km to and from the venue where the match is to take place. “The main concern for the club is the safety of the players. With no deęnite logistical plan, no specs of the aircraft and no guarantee of times, we were unable to secure insurance for our trip. “The visas and vaccinations were done for our entire squad specięcally
for the CAF Confederations Cup. We were holding onto our Ěights and accommodation bookings until the last moment. “The club ęnds that it would be irresponsible to travel without at least an approximate itinerary as well as without insurance. “While we are desperate to compete and test our meĴle against the best clubs in Africa … and to try and emulate the recent feats of Orlando Pirates in the same competition … we cannot take the risks we are being asked to take. It would be irresponsible to the Ajax players and particularly their families. “We apologise to our supporters who were keen to see our progress in the CAF Confederation Cup this year. But we are certain they will understand we are making the best decision we can under trying circumstances.” Ajax won their place in the Confederation Cup thanks to their runnersup ęnish in the 2015 Nedbank Cup. Winners Mamelodi Sundowns had qualięed for the CAF Champions League thanks to their league position.
A ja x f a ce b a n a ft e r CAF wit h drawa l
remier Soccer League side, Ajax Cape Town, have said they are to withdraw from the CAF Confederation Cup after they did not receive the necessary assurances from preliminary round hosts Sagrada Esperanca of Angola. Ajax are worried about the diĜcult internal travel within Angola, which can be hit and miss, and the lackadaisical manner in which their opponents, who are due are responsible for making arrangements, are dealing with the maĴer. The move will have consequences for the club and likely entail a threeyear ban from all CAF competitions for the side. Kaizer Chiefs and Moroka Swallows have received bans in similar circumstances in recent years. “Ajax Cape Town has regreĴably been forced to withdraw from participation in this year’s CAF Confederation Cup,” the club said on Friday. “We have been unable to secure the safety of our players for a trip to Angola despite multiple eěorts to get all arrangements in place “We are biĴerly disap-
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