Sat 07 nov 2015 online

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Saturday, November 7, 2015

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Saturday, November 7, 2015

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, November 7, 2015


Stop castigating our men- Oyo CP warns Olusakin Babalola, Ibadan


he Oyo State Commissioner of Police, Mr.Leye Oyebade has urged members of the public to stop castigating men of Nigeria Police as evil stressing that they are friends of the society. Oyebade made the appeal in Ibadan

while receiving the management team of National Orientation Agency ǻNOAǼ led by the state Director, Mrs Dolapo Dosumu, who paid him a courtesy visit at the state Force Head Quarters, Eleyele Ibadan. Oyebade who described police as friends of the public called for the

cooperation of all and sundry in preventing crime in the state. He described NOA as a body which all organisations and individuals in the state must cooperate with in order to achieve its objectives. The Commissioner assured the state Director of the agency of the collaboration of

police with NOA in all its activities. Mrs Dosumu, pleaded with the Police to let members of the public have trust and conędence in them. She said that her visit was to seek cooperation between NOA and police to enhance eĜcient performance in their activities in the state.

South West xxx

NOPRIN calls on Gov Ambode to reposition judiciary

Ayodele Olalere


he Network on Police Reform in Nigeria (NOPRIN) has called on the Governor of Lagos State, Akinwunmi AmEode, to review staͿ composition and procedures of Lagos State justice administration ‘with a view to professionalising them to achieve their purpose and mandate.’ In a statement by the organisation through its National Coordinator, Okechukwu Nwanguma, to the governor, agencies such as Citizens’ Mediation Centre, the O΀ce of the Public Defender, and other similar agencies that are under the state’s should be professionalised so as ;to provide various types of formal and informal legal and social services to the ordinary residents of Lagos. The organisation said having interfaced with these agencies in the past by referring cases to them through petitions; it has observed that these agencies ‘have been unable to render

satisfactory services to citizens who seek their intervention. The statement cited the example of a woman, a victim of domestic violence, who complained of physical abuse by her husband to these agencies, but rather than take up the matter, the agencies allegedly simply told her ‘to go and settle with her husband and don’t allow anyone take over your husband,’ ‘without being sensitive to, and considering the real threat to the physical safety, emotional health and psychological integrity of the woman.’ It added: “This, in our humble opinion, is because a lot of the staͿ members who populate these citizens’ agencies and centres are career civil servants who lack the training, skill, compassion and commitment to fulÀl the mandate of these agencies.” The organisation therefore called on Governor Ambode ‘to order a review of the composition and procedures of these agencies.’

Former Ogun AG predicts booming economy Bolu-Olu Esho, Abeokuta


L-R: Obiri of Aiyepe, Ijebu, Oba Adebisi Okubanjo; Consultant, Dr. Okwor Tochi, Author and Former Chief Medical Director, Lagos University Teaching Hospital, Prof. Akin Osibogun his Wwife, Margaret, at the public presentation of a book “My Life, My Medicine” by Prof. Osibogun in Lagos…yesterday.

Gridlock: Ambode warns tank farm owners, commercial drivers


o v e r n o r Akinwunmi Ambode of Lagos State yesterday said that enforcement of the state traĜc law would commence to ease the gridlock and criminal activities. Ambode spoke at a news conference on the security and traĜc situation in the state, shortly after a Security Council meeting at Lagos House, Alausa. He gave a 90-day grace period to all tank farms to build holding bays in order to ameliorate the suěerings motorists face in Apapa area of the state.

“Any tank farm that fails to provide a holding bay after this grace period will be shut down by the state government. In addition, tank farm owners must desist from allocating pick-up papers to trucks beyond and above their daily capacity as is the case presently,” Ambode said. According to him, the tank farms and the petrol tankers contribute signięcantly to traĜc in the area. He warned motorcycles and tricycles against plying the expressways as stipulated in the traĜc law. Ambode said that

henceforth, all commercial vehicles, except Bus Rapid Transport buses ǻBRTǼ, must use only the service lanes in accordance with existing traĜc laws. “All conductors of commercial buses must sit down in their buses and keep the doors closed at all times while in motion. It is against the law for conductors to hang on the bus doors and leave the doors open. Any bus contravention will be met with severe punitive measures,” he said. The governor said commercial buses could

only drop and pick passengers at oĜcially designated bus stops henceforth, and ‘any illegal and indiscriminate picking and dropping of passengers is against the law. “Other road users who break traĜc laws will pay a compulsory traĜc ęne in accordance with the law. Mobile traĜc courts are being introduced to prosecute oěenders promptly.” He said that security agencies had been directed to increase their presence on the roads and highways to ensure greater safety.

ASUU boss flays suspension of KWASU exco members Olusakin Babalola, Ibadan


he Ibadan Zonal Coordinator of the Academic Staě nion of niversities ǻAS Ǽ, Professor Segun Ajiboye, has condemned the unilateral suspension of six executive members of the union by the Vice Chancellor of Kwara State niversity ǻK AS Ǽ Professor AbdulRasheed Na’Allah for participating in union activities.

Professor Ajiboye said that the action of the university was autocratic, antiunion, undemocratic and a breach of the fundamental rights of the academic staě members to freedom of association granted by the Nigerian constitution after dully informing the management of the Institution of its plan to hold a congress. The six suspended lecturers were Dr Dauda Adeshola ǻChairmanǼ,

Dr Gafaru Olaiwola Olorisade ǻSecretaryǼ, Professor Innocent Okoye, Professor Christopher Odetunde, Dr Ayotunde Alao and Mr Paul Kunle Dairo. The suspended members were barred from having access to the university campus; will face Senior Staě disciplinary commiĴee; hand-over all university properties in their possession to the Head of Department or Provost; and will be

placed on half salary until the resolution of the maĴer. hile asking the university administration to recall the suspended AS members, the AS boss called on Governor of Kwara State, AbdulfaĴah Ahmed, to prevail on the university administration to allow free unionism and academic freedom for the total liberation of education struggle in Nigeria.

mmediate past Accountant General of Ogun State, Seye Senfuye, yesterday in Abeokuta, Ogun State, encouraged Nigerians to expect a booming economy soonest despite the declaration of insolvency by President Muhammadu Buhari. He noted that the current economic challenges of the nation would be surmounted and experienced a positive turn around like the biblical Israelites and Egyptians during the famine. Senfuye, who is the head pastor of Treasure House of God, Quarry Road, Abeokuta, Ogun State, said: ‘What God is saying is that Nigeria will witness phenomenon blessings that has not happened

before. This is the problem when Jesus met the disciples by the water. He told them to cast their net into the sea and the Bible says they were able to draw so many Àshes. Nigeria has so much money at that time that one of them said that we did not know what to do with the money. That was when the net was broken.” Senfuye, however, emphasised that ‘no human being can do anything against recession, adding that when Egypt was in a recession, there was a problem, everywhere went dry, but in it a leader came out, that leader sustained them in that particular famine. “This particular famine is to manifest a leader that will manage it and bring us out of the ugly situation,” he said.

Man cries over missing daughter in Ogun Bolu-Olu Esho, Abeokuta


amuel Olawale Songotoki has cried out that his 8-yearold daughter, Abosede Sangotoki, is still missing after the attack on some of the residents of OkeOdo in Ado-Odo/Ota local government area of Ogun State during which property worth over N50 millions were razed. According some of the victims of the clash led by Samuel Olawale Songotoki, no fewer than Àve houses were torched and destroyed by some hoodlums who stormed

the community with dangerous weapons on August 19, 2015. The simmering dispute between two clans over some pieces of land degenerated to physical attacks and ultimately burning and destroying of houses and structures in the community. Sangotoki revealed that some of the perpetrators of the dastardly act are still on the run as the police are still trailing them. He is however calling on anyone whoever knows the whereabouts of his daughter to report in the nearest police station.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, November 7, 2015

South South

APC, Umana appeal tribunal judgment Paschal Njoku, Abuja


he All Progressive Congress (APC) and its governorship candidate in the April 11, 2015 gubernatorial election in Akwa Ibom state, Chief Umana Okon Umana have headed to the Court of Appeal, Abuja Division, to challenge the judgment of the State Governorship Election Petition Tribunal. The appeal Àled by Chief Wole Olanipekun (SAN) was premised on 26 grounds and has Governor Udom Gabriel Emmanuel, Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) INEC,

Resident Electoral Commissioner (REC), Akwa Ibom state and the Nigeria Police Force as respondents respectively. A three-man panel led by Justice SadiT Umar had on October 21, nulliÀed elections in 18 out of the 31 local government areas of the state and eTually ordered the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to conduct a re-run. SpeciÀcally, the petitioners are asking the appellate court to order the removal of Governor Udom on the grounds that the tribunal erred in its judgement. Apart from asking for the

removal of Udom from ofÀce, the appellants are demanding for the conduct of fresh election throughout the state. The petitioners are contending that the tribunal has no discretion to exercise other than nulliÀcation of the entire election in Akwa Ibom state. They faulted the verdict of the tribunal that they did not contradict evidence on the use of incident forms when the card readers failed. The APC and Umana argued that it was their case from the onset that the incidents forms were not used at the elections.

In addition, the appellants argued that the tribunal erred in law when it admitted nonticking of voters register during the election but held that such failure was not heavy enough to void the outcome of election in the entire state. Furthermore, the petitioners claimed that the tribunal misdirected itself in law by holding that non-compliance resulting in the nulliÀcation of the election in the said 18 local government areas was not substantial to invalidate the entire election, thus leading to its ordering a re-run election in the said 18 local governments.


Senator calls for bill on welfare package in Nigeria


enator Ighoyota Amori (PDP - Delta Central) has urged the Federal Government to initiate a bill to the National Assembly for a welfare package to cater for the unemployed and the aged. Amori made the call in Abuja yesterday. He said the bill would be a longterm measure in tackling social security issues in the country, adding, however, that in the interim the government should evolve ways to pay allowances to the unemployed. The senator’s call may not be unconnected to a call by the House of Representatives on Nov. 29 that the Federal Government should declare a state of emergency on unemployment. On Wednesday, the Sen-

ate rejected a motion calling on the government to pay N5, 000 monthly as allowance to unemployed youths in the country, recalling that it was a campaign promise of the All Progressives Congress (APC). The motion ‘died’ after the President of the Senate, Bukola Saraki, ruled in favour of majority of the senators, who opposed it. Amori said that the rate of unemployment among youths in the counĴy was rising astronomically and must be tackled speedily in the interest of the nation, adding that it was worrisome that the country was still handling unemployment issue with levity, and warned that the development had dangerous economic implications.

Shun political bitterness, Wike tells political opponents Amaka Agbu, Port Harcourt

(Right-Left) Rivers State Governor, Barr. Nyesom Wike, His Deputy, Dr. (Mrs) Ipalibo Harry Banigo, Speaker, Rivers State House of Assembly, Rt. Hon. Ikuinyi Owaji Ibani and Attorney General/Commissioner for Justice, Mr. Emmanuel Aguma, during the Opening of the 2015/2016 Legal Year and Re-dedication Service at St. Paul’s Cathedral Church, Garrison Port Harcourt.

W i ke ’s m e d i a a i d e re s i g n s Amaka Agbu, Port Harcourt


he Special Adviser to Governor Nyesom Wike of Rivers State on Media and Publicity, Sir Opunabo Christian Inko-Tariah, yesterday resigned his Àve-month old appointment with immediate eͿect. The resignation of Sir Inko-Tariah which sent shock waves across the state was believed to be connected with the widely spread press statement issued by the governor’s aide where he described the judgement of the Rivers State Election Petition Tribunal against Wike as “Judicial terrorism”.

Recall that shortly after the Chief Judge of Nigeria, Mahmud Mohammed, cautioned politicians in the country against their unprovoked attacks on the judiciary, Governor Wike Tuickly dissociated himself from the statement of his Special Aide on Media and Publicity. Sir Inko-Tariah said he left Wike’s administration because ‘the governor was in the habit of starving my o΀ce of funds.’ Other reasons mentioned by him was that the governor “does not take several of my advice, he failed to manage the media, and obviously my services are no longer

needed.’ Meanwhile the Rivers State Chapter of All Progressives Congress, APC, has welcomed what it described as the uncommon courage displayed by the former SA on media. In a press statement issued by the Publicity Secretary of APC in the state, Mr. Chris Finebone, the party said that it was only a matter of time before all wellmeaning proud sons and daughters of Rivers State ‘who Ànd themselves in Wike’s sinking ship jumped to safety.’ “This is not only because his governorship will soon become history, but because the ma-

levolently uniTue style of Wike whose hallmark behaviour hinges on divide-and-rule exasperates decent minds.” Chris Finebone said that the party was surprised that the former SA was telling sordid stories of neglect and disrespect for his views and advice by the governor, adding that those were all wellknown character pattern of the governor. The statement said that the APC would like to ‘urge all other well-meaning sons and daughters of our dear state who have found themselves, one way or the other, in Wike’s government to resign and leave immediately.’

The Rivers State Governor, Chief Nyesom Wike, has renewed his call on his political opponents in the state to shun political bitterness and join him in moving the state forward for the interest of Rivers people. Governor Wike made the appeal while speaking at the Thanksgiving Service in honour of the former Minister of Transport, Dr. Abiye Sekibo, at the Wesley Methodist Church, Harbour Road, Port Harcourt. The governor who was represented by his Deputy, Dr. (Mrs) Ipalibo Harry Banigo, said the present administration in the state has always extended hand of followership to all political opponents for the over-

all interest of the state. “We all are Rivers people. We have to help to develop our dear state and work for the good of Rivers people,” he asserted. The governor who expressed delight that the Thanksgiving Service attracted people from different political a΀liation, urged them to join hands with the Rivers State government to move the state to the next level and thanked God for sparing the life of the former Transport Minister and one time Secretary to the State Government, noting that his miraculous healing would remain a testimonial of God’s abundant grace. Chief Wike, therefore, prayed God to continue to sustain Dr. Sekibo to enable him deliver more services to humanity.

AWWDI empowers 50 disabled people Ayodele Olalere


dvocacy for Women with Disabilities Initiative (AWWDI) has empowered 50 disabled men and women in Benin Edo State. At the presentation of certiÀcates to the beneÀciaries for successful completion of their trainings in skilled work, the National Coordinator of the project, Patience Taiye Dickson, said the empowerment of disabled people is very important as it would help to reduce some of the stress that they go through on a daily basis.

“Today is a great day for us as we celebrate the empowerment of 50 persons with disabilities in Àve skills in Benin City namely; tailoring, shoe making, GSM phone repair, hair dressing and barbing salon and bead making,” she said. She added that the training would help to reduce unemployment, discrimination and stigmatization of Persons with Disabilities. She further stated that after the training, which lasted for six months, the beneÀciaries would be provided with tools that will assist them in their work.


Newswatch Times Saturday, November 7, 2015

South East


Markets shut as Biafra group protests in Anambra

NCC warns phone users of kidnappers

Cyprian Ebele, Onitsha

Cyprian Ebele, Onitsha


n a bid to avoid loss of life and property sequel to the protest embarked upon by the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), traders in Anambra State yesterday shut their markets as soldiers barricaded the River Niger Bridge to help curtail the protest. The soldiers reportedly mounted Armored Personnel Vehicle (APV) at Asaba end of the bridge head approach after the passage of over 1000 IPOB members to Delta State. Also soldiers were sighted at the Onitsha end of the bridge making

thorough search of vehicles and other road users thereby causing heavy gridlock on the Onitsha/ Asaba expressway It was gathered that the IPOB members had, the previous day, warned traders not to open their markets in Onitsha. It was gathered that over 1000 members of IPOB converged at Nkpor Park in the early morning from where they matched through the major roads and on getting to the River Niger Bridge, crossed over to Asaba, the Delta State Capital to meet their colleagues. A chieftain of IPOB, Emma Powerful said ‘members in Anambra

would meet with those in Delta State while those in Aba, Abia State will meet those in Bayelsa to ensure complete compliance with the protest.’ “The security men are disturbing us from carrying out the protest but that will not hinder us from carrying out the protest,� he added. On why they carried out the protest, he said ‘the Igbos has been marginalized for over four decades now, which prompted us to agitate for a sovereign state of Biafra.’ Consequently virtually all streets were deserted and the popular Onitsha Main Market looked

scanty at noon. Speaking on the protest the chairman of Fundamental Rights League International, FRLI, Comrade Mike Umezulike said that there was nothing wrong with the protest as it was peaceful. He added that their agitation for a sovereign state of Bifra is no crime, but rather they are asking for independence as other nations did. Comrade Umezulike reiterated that the Federal should look into their case with a view to solving it in accordance with international law as concerns independent nations.


igerian Communications Commission (NCC) yesterday warns phone users in Anambra State to be mindful of whom they may allow the use of their phones as some criminals have used such to connect kidnappers which later landed the real owners in trouble. The Executive Vice Chairman of NCC, Prof. Umar Garba Danbatta gave the warning yesterday in Nnewi during the 18th edition of Consumer Town Hall meeting organised by the commission. Represented by the Deputy Director, Con-

sumer AÍżairs, Dr. Femi Atoyebi, the NCC boss noted that the forum was organised to enlighten, educate and inform the people so that they can have a voice and also know their rights as well as protect them from unwholesome practices by some service providers. The Town Hall Meeting with the theme “Enlightening rural telecom consumers on their rights and privilegesâ€? featured representatives from major GSM service providers while participants had the opportunity of asking questions and getting answers on issues bordering on poor quality service from the network providers.

FGGC Owerri alumni celebrate 42nd Founders Day Nnah Douglas


L-R: Vice Chairman, Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC), Mr. Mohammed Lawal Bello, Chairman 1(5& 'U 6DP $PDGL DQG $NZD ,ERP 6WDWH *RYHUQRU 0U (PPDQXHO 8GRP GXULQJ WKH SUHVHQWDWLRQ RI FHUWLÂżFDWH of additional generation capacity of electricity by Ibom Power plant to Akwa Ibom state Government, yesterday ijn Abuja.

Uwazuruike is a saboteur – Okorocha Emma Mgbeahurike, Owerri


overnor of Imo State, Owelle Rochas Okorocha, has described the leader of the Movement for the Actualization of Sovereign State of Biafra (MASSOB), Chief Ralph Uwazuruike, as a saboteur who does not mean well for Igbo race rather uses the platform to exploit the people and enrich himself. According to a release

signed by the Chief Press Secretary to the Governor, Sam Onwuemeodo, the governor explained that all over the world, the real enemies of their people are those who fail or refuse to tell them the truth. “Chief Uwazuruike was quoted to have said that apart from Governor Okorocha being Igbo saboteur, he has also been aiding and abeĴing the All Progressives Congress (APC) led Federal Government in the contin-

ued marginalization of the Igbo, and then asked the Igbos to ignore the governor. Although Chief Uwazuruike had made his claim and his allegation, the indisputable fact remains that the real Igbo saboteur is Chief Uwazuruike himself and not Governor Okorocha,� the statement stated. Okorocha revealed that Chief Uwazuruike had used his MASSOB to adopt and support the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and for-

mer President Goodluck Jonathan when they held sway and called on him to mention one project the PDP led federal government or former President Jonathan did in any part of Igboland. “Governor Okorocha is an Igbo man to the highest order and would continue to support and promote genuine course of the Igbos within a corporate Nigeria and in the overall interest of Ndi-Igbo both at home and in Diaspora.�

Okorocha commends Imo Senators over ministerial confirmation Emma Mgbeahurike, Owerri


mo State governor, Owelle Rochas Okorocha has commended the three Senators from the state for the patriotic role they played in seeing that the ministerial nominee from the

state, Prof. Anthony Gozie Anwuka went through the screening and the conÀrmation of the Senate without any hitch. The three Senators are Senator Hope Uzodinma for Orlu zone, Senator Samuel Anyanwu for Owerri zone and Senator Athan Achonu for Okig-

we zone. The governor stressed that the way the Senate handled Prof. Anwuka’s screening and conÀrmation showed that there was no opposing voice from any of the senators from the state, which was also an indication that they had put the interest of the

state and her people above political party interest. “It is on record that the screening and conĂ€rmation of Prof. Anwuka’s nomination was an interesting one and one of the easiest done by the Senate because the three senators from the state gave their cooperation in the interest of the state.

Old Girls’ of one of the foremost Unity Schools in the country, Federal Government Girls College, FGGC Owerri, the Imo State capital, is set to celebrate 42nd Founders Day of the institution with the promise to mobilize and empower young girls to prepare them for the challenges ahead. The Alumnae in a brieÀng in Abuja through its Abuja Alumnae President, Lady Perpetua Ohammah highlighted some of the activities packaged to mark the day.

She said that apart from visit to the Internally Displaced Persons IDPs Camp in Durumi, a suburb of the FCT, to present relief materials, ‘the platform will also introduce ‘Girls Unite’ mentoring programme for young school girls. “There shall also be an award ceremony for outstanding Alumni and school staÍż as well as the launching of ‘The Cord,’ which is the school’s reunion magazine where proceeds from the magazine’s launch and sales will be used to upgrade the ICT facilities at FGGC Owerri,â€? she explained.

Police warn Biafra group against planned protest


he Police, yesterday, warned the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) against carrying out its planned protest across some South Eastern states. The warning was contained in a statement issued by the Force spokesperson, Acting Assistant Commissioner of Police, ACP Olabisi Kolawole, yesterday, in Abuja. “ Information available to the Nigeria Police indicates plans by the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) to embark on ill-advised protest using dangerous weapons across some South Eastern

States,�it said. The statement said that the law prohibiting the unlawful possession of ęrearms was still in-force. It said that any aĴempt by the group to unleash mayhem on innocent and law abiding Nigerians would be met with stiě resistance. It further warned that the culprits would be brought to justice in line with extant laws. The statement assured citizens of states in the SouthEast of adequate police protection as appropriate deployment has been put in place to deal with the culprits.


Newswatch Times Saturday, November 7, 2015


North East

Malnutrition rate in N/East at 12% - FAO Rep


L-R: Representative of the Governor of Bauchi State, Alhaji Mahmood Garba; Chairman, Independent Electoral Commission for Bauchi State, Alhaji Abdulmumini Kundak, and Chairman, House of Assembly’s Committee on Electoral Matters, Mr. Muhammed Auwal, during a Workshop on Empowerment for Women’s participation in Future Local Government Elections, in Bauchi State…yesterday.

Dogara inaugurates standing committees on Monday


peaker, House of Representatives, Yakubu Dogara, will on Monday inaugurate 96 Standing Committees of the lower chamber of the National Assembly, to perform oversight functions on Ministries, Agencies and Departments (MDAs). The Deputy Chairman, House Committee on Media and Public AͿairs, Rep. Jonathan Gaza (Nasarawa-PDP) told newsmen yesterday in Abuja that all arrangements have been concluded for the event. Gaza said that the House was already shopping for replacement of leaders of some standing committees who resigned their appointments. Rep Garba Datti (Kaduna-APC), Chairman, Solid Minerals Develop-

ment, and Rep. Sunday Adepoju, Deputy Chairman, Special Duties, had resigned their appointments. Contrary to agitation by some lawmakers that they were not duly consulted in the selection process, Gaza insisted that all the stakeholders in the process were duly consulted. ``Due consultation was carried out and I know that all parties were carried along in the appointment of chairmen and their deputies to the various standing committees. ``There is no conÁict and the House remains one. ``Consultation was carried out and a list of chairmen has emerged and we will be stronger for it. Adepoju, however, blamed his resignation on the sharing formula

adopted in composing the committees. He faulted the allocation of 47 Standing Committees to opposition parties. According to him, the composition of the chairmanship of the Standing Committees has empowered the opposition against APC. ``The work of the opposition is to make your government unpopular. ``Then, how do we make our government popular if all those things have been given to the opposition?’’ he asked rhetorically. Meanwhile, Rep. Nicholas Ossai (Delta-PDP), decried the misunderstanding between the two parties over the chairmanship of the committees. “We were not voted to be heads of committees in

the National Assembly, rather, we were voted to come and represent our people. ``And in the process, committees are formed; if at the end you do not head a committee, I don’t think you should feel totally bad. He said that those who rejected their positions were at liberty to do so. ``It depends on the individual; if they feel that they cannot work in that capacity, they are free to resign,’’ Ossai said. The 96 committees, All Progressives Congress (APC) chair 48 committees while the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) heads 45. The All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) and Social Democratic Party (SDP) are to chair one committee each.

Group set to empower IDPs on mobile money business Taiye Agbaje


group, under the auspices of the Association of Mobile Money Operators of Nigeria (AMMON), has begun arrangement to empower internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Maiduguri camps, Borno State. President of AMMON, Aminu Bizi, who made the remark during the inauguration of the association’s national and state executive bodies in Abuja, said the move was part of the association’s contribution to bring succour to the victims of Boko Haram’s activities in the north east. Bizi pointed out that AMMON was established to bring together all the agents of mobile money

operators across the country in line with the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN)’s guidelines and to bridge the gap between the unbanked Nigerians and those who operate accounts with banks in the country. Speaking further on the empowerment programme for the displaced persons, the president said Àve persons would be selected in each IDP camps in Borno State; the beneÀciaries trained and Ànancial support would be given to them. “In Maiduguri for example, we are working to empower people in IDP camps because how their well-wishers and love ones send money to them is a problem. We are selecting like Àve persons

at each IDP camps; any Àve that are graduates or literate. We now train them free, give them all the equipment; handsets, POS, etc, and we also give them money to take oͿ as part of our association’s contribution towards mobile money operation in Nigeria. And you know if there is a mobile money agent in the IDPs, money transfer will be enhanced,” he said. The president, who is also the MD of Bizi Mobile Cashless Consultant, said 65 per cent of Nigerians do not have accounts with banks, hence, AMMON’s objective is to see how these set of people could be brought into Ànancial inclusion. “So we want to reach out to every nook and cor-

ner of our country to have a mobile money operator. It is an integrity business, so we need to protect the integrity of the business in line with the CBN’s cashless policy,” he said. Speaking on its beneÀts, he said through mobile money business, many youth corps members and unemployed Nigerians have become gainfully employed. Also speaking, National Secretary of AMMON, Engr Dominic Ezema, said mobile money is a traceable transaction that will help guard against fraud and assist in reducing the involvement of physical cash in transaction. He added that it would help to checkmate activities of money launderers in the country.

he Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) says malnutrition rate in the North-eastern Nigeria is estimated at 12 per cent, compared to 8 per cent national average. FAO’s representative in Nigeria, Ms Louise Setshwaelo, made the disclosure in Abuja yesterday at a workshop titled: ``The food and nutrition insecurity analysis in eight Northern states in Nigeria.`` According to her, the emergencies continue to exacerbate the prevailing food security situation such as recent Áooding in Bauchi and Adamawa states, which damaged farmlands and infrastructure. `` A total number of 1, 418, and 180 are moderate and severe food insecure from the evaluation, which is assessing the hunger situation corresponding to the highest levels of food insecurity in those states, `` she said. The FAO’s country’s representative said the security situation in the north-east called for urgent humanitarian assistance to citizens in that area and the middle belt. Setshwaelo recalled how Adamawa, Borno and Yobe had been facing violent insurgent activities since 2010, stressing that hundreds of people were killed in 2015 alone. ``Over 2.1 million people are internally displaced (IDPs) in Northern Nigeria which covers 7 states of Adamawa, Bauchi, Borno,

Gombe, Taraba, Yobe, and Nassarawa as well as the FCT. `` The latest IDPs population in the three most affected states shows 117, 729; 195, 918 and 1,650, 799 in Adamawa, Yobe and Borno respectively,’’ she said. According to her, to secure survival most of the households are relying heavily on agricultural-related labour income in relatively peaceful areas, where cultivation is taking place. `` The households are adopting very damaging coping strategies such as sales of productive assets, selling of livestock, consuming grain reserves and seedling and indebtedness. `` Households are, therefore, experiencing the worst food security situation in seven local government councils in Adamawa, which experts described as disastrous. `` She said. The representative added that livestock herders in the North-east remained largely displaced, forcing pastoralists to adopt negative coping strategies that compromise the viability of their livelihood systems. ``The strategies are overuse of grazing lands due to disruption of livestock mobility routes, the sale of productive assets among others. “Furthermore, shelter and infrastructure in rural areas like banks, schools, bridges, and water supply, market and health facilities had been destroyed.

NAPTIP rescues 3, 100 human trafficking victims in 5 states


he National Agency for the Prohibition of Tra΀c in Persons and other Related Matters (NAPTIP), Kano zonal command, said it had rescued over 3,100 victims of human trafÀcking including 11 pregnant girls. Mr Aliyu Khalil, the Head of Public Enlightenment NAPTIP Kano Zonal ofÀce, disclosed this during a sensitisation lecture on human tra΀cking at the Kano University of Science and Technology (KUST), Wudil, yesterday. Khalil said that the rescue was made between 2005 and 2015 in the Àve states under the zone which include Kano, Kaduna, Katsina, Jigawa and Bauchi. The lecture was organised by NAPTIP in collaboration with an NGO, Prisoners Rehabilitation and Welfare Action (PRAWA). He said out of the rescued persons, 80 per cent were girls while the remaining 20 per cent were boys. According to him, no fewer than 11 girls among the rescued persons were

found to be pregnant. “The girls were found to be pregnant during screening and were given all the necessary support and assistance to deliver at our temporary shelter,’’ he said. Khalil disclosed that the agency had also trained most of the victims in various skills such as knitting and tailoring, among others, before reuniting them with their parents. In his remark, the Executive Director of PRAWA, Mr Yinka Lawal called on stakeholders to take the campaign seriously in view of its negative eͿect on the society. He said the sensitisation programme was conducted in nine secondary schools under the Àrst phase while the second phase would target tertiary institutions. Also in his remark, the Vice Chancellor of the uninversity, Prof Shehu Alhaji, represented by his deputy, Dr Abdulhadi Aminu commended NAPTIP and PRAWA for initiating the programme.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

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Saturday, November 7, 2015

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, November 7, 2015



How Afenifere’s loss of focus forced Fasoranti out Mansur Oladunjoye, Asst. Politics Editor


fenifere was formed in 1951 under the leadership of the late Chief Obafemi Awolowo that was meant to be a platform on which the Yorubas in South West Nigeria hoped to actualize the dream of the Yoruba race. It shot into limelight in the 1990’s when it used to be the place of wisdom especially after the annulment of the June 12, 1993 Presidential election presumed to be won by late Chief Moshood Kashimawo Olawale Abiola. The development led to the formation of pressure groups including the then defunct NADECO which could best be referred to as an a΀liation of Afenifere as most of its members openly associated themselves with Afenifere in the struggle to get the military out of power for a democratically elected government. Afenifere has remained a long standing political organisation representing the interests of the Yorubas. According to history, Afenifere was the oͿshoot of the defunct Action Group (AG) founded by the late Chief Obafemi Awolowo as a political party. It would be recalled that AG formed the major opposition group in the post-independence government. However, the same AG metamophorsed into Egbe omo afenifere which Newswatch Times learnt presented self as a nonpolitical, non-proÀt Yoruba cultural organisation during the Babangida regime for fear of reprisals. The group has from time to time passed through leadership of people with impeccable character, such that the race (Yoruba) had felt comfortable in the wagon. This was especially when the matter of national discourse and demands either political or infrastructural issues reared its head for consideration. This is not to say that the organisation has not gone through some devisive moments, but for the doggedness and determination of some patriots, the group still waxes strong. For instance, following poor performances in the April 2003 elections, rival factions of the AD held separate conventions. In the Lagos convention, Adebisi Akande was elected as AD chairman. In January 2006, the convoy of AD leaders who supported Chief Mojisoluwa Akinfenwa as the party’s national chairman was attacked by thugs in Osogbo, Osun

State. In 2008 the Afenifere Renewal Group (ARG) was formed with Wale Oshun and Yinka Odumakin as chairman and secretary respectively with the intent of reuniting the feuding factions, but perhaps as an alternative to the faction headed by the older generation of leaders. In November same year, a faction of Afenifere in Ijebu Igbo, Ogun State, led by Chief Ayo Adebanjo, installed Chief Reuben Fasoranti as the new chairman of the group. ARG leaders including Senator Olabiyi Durojaiye, Chief Bisi Akande, Wale Oshun and Yinka Odumakin rejected the move. As stated earlier, majority of Yorubas see the pressure group as a legitimate force to serve their best interest as well as maintain the waning inÁuences of Yorubaland on the federalism. They consider it as a necessary body to preserve identities of the Yorubas. Afenifere used to have Abraham Adesanya as leader and Chief Bola Ige as deputy. Other founding members were Pa Onasanya, Chief Reuben Fasoranti, Adegbonmire, Okurounmu Femi, Ganiyu Dawodu, Olanihun Ajayi, Olu Falae, Adebayo Adefarati, Alhaji Adeyemo and Ayo Adebanjo. When the Alliance for Democracy (AD) political party was formed in 1998, it took the Afenifere agenda as its o΀cial manifesto. At the formative stage/political struggle, a NADECO personality, the late Chief Ajasin, was a member of the Egbe Omo Afenifere and was arrested at various times in Nigeria. This has also been the case with Chief Olu Falae who is also an Afenifere member. However, as part of the many challenges facing the group, disunity and anti-group practices have at diͿerent times been leveled against the leadership of Afenifere. This manifested in the way and manner the ARG was formed at a time the Afenifere had serious crisis over the leadership of Adebanjo. It was in a twinkling of an eye that ARG believed to be sponsored by the former governor of Lagos State, Ashiwaju Bola Tinubu was formed. The new group had (then) Tinubu stooges as leaders with adequate maintenance funds being allegedly timely released; all to subdue the ailing Afenifere. The style used here was the same style used to destroy the one-time Alliance for Democracy that once won state elections in the western part of the country, but was thrown overboard after serving its purpose. Last weekend, the leader of Afenifere, Pa Reuben Fasoranti who became the leader of the group after the death of Abraham Adesanya,


resigned his position. In the letter addressed to the Secretary General, Seinde Arogbofa, and made available to newsmen, he recalled a brief history of the group from its formation in 1951 under the leadership of the late Obafemi Awolowo, saying, “Considering my age, eͿorts and selÁess dedication to my country, my state (Ondo), my political parties, my past leaders and my members in Afenifere both in Nigeria and in Diaspora, I hereby wish to inform you all that I have decided to step aside as leader of our great organization Afenifere.” The octogenarian noted that the group was formed to serve as an umbrella to be used to actualize the dream of a great nation and the Yoruba race. “Over the years, Yorubas have tried to focus on a common goal. Chief Awolowo tried to ensure the oneness of our people with a lot of eͿorts notwithstanding the challenges he faced in the process. Unfortunately, he passed on without actualising this dream. “I joined Afenifere from inception with the following leaders of our race, Pa Onasanya, Alhaji Ganiyu Daodu, Pa Abraham Adesanya, Chief Ayo Adebanjo, Sir Olanihun Ajayi, Chief Sam Sonibare, Chief Bola Ige, Chief Wunmi Adegbonmire and so on. “The mantle of leadership fell on Late Pa Adekunle Ajasin and subsequently Pa Adesanya and then my humble self. “As events have been unfolding in the past few years, the focus and goals of the founding fathers of our great organization Afenifere were

gradually eroded,” he lamented. According to him, the erosion of the common focus and goals of the organisation equally made it di΀cult for members to work in unity, noting, “Several eͿorts were made to ensure the actualization of the Afenifere goals, but it appeared that we have not succeeded in achieving this,” he recalled. On why the group backed Jonathan’s second term ambition, Fasoranti stated that adoption of the national conference report had remained the ambition of Afenifere, “even long before the confab was set up by the last administration. On this premise, the group’s backing of President Goodluck Jonathan was not a mistake. “The support of a leader who promised to implement this report was therefore not a mistake and inevitable despite all public insinuations,” he said. Afenifere under the leadership of Mr. Fasoranti suͿered contradictions as several of its members found new voices in diͿerent political parties. For instance, the emergence of the All Progressives Congress (APC) and the anti-confab posture of its leaders including Bola Tinubu, also a Yoruba, did not help the Afenifere agenda. The group then faced harsh criticisms from some Yoruba leaders for expressing their support for Jonathan. The focus of the Afenifere group as it concerns the confab report include the restructuring the country’s federal system which Continued on Page 49


Newswatch Times, Saturday, November 7, 2015


Crisis in House of Reps over C’ttees Mansur Oladunjoye, Asst. Politics Editor


eace may still be at large in the lower chamber of the nation’s legislative chamber as the Majority Leader of the House; Femi Gbajabiamila has alleged that his boss, Speaker Yakubu Dogara, unilaterally made appointments of chairmen of standing committees without his input. To this, the Speaker’s camp reacted that all principal o΀cers of the House were consulted in the selection process of the chairmen. According to media reports, Gbajabiamila said that he was never consulted on the composition of chairmen of standing committees but only saw the list of wouldbe chairmen few hours to the plenary. Gbajabiamila said: “The list speaks for itself. I saw it for the Àrst time at 10a.m., a couple of hours before the announcement was made. This falls short of

the consultation with principal o΀cers required and mandated by our House rules.” Thus, he alleged that the Speaker did not carry the Majority Leader along in the selection process as he was said to have worked only with his closest loyalists on the list. Though, the selection of chairmen is the exclusive preserve of the Speaker, many pundits believe that given the crisis that engulfed the House during election of the Speaker, all power blocs should have been carried along. Some members of the APC in South West said they were not pleased with the composition of the committees as the main opposition party members got what they called ‘juicy’ positions. It was also learnt that only James Faleke (Lagos APC) was appointed into one of the eight committees referred to as ‘Grade A’. According to a member loyal to House leader’s group, Faleke is expected to exit from the House if he wins as the deputy governor in the November 21 gubernatorial election.

The lawmaker complained: “The speaker gave us the low graded committees like civil societies, anti-corruption, aids and loans, Ànancial crimes, insurance, treaties, protocols and agreements. Are those serious

based nomenclature. I read with a level of bolts from the blues, how popular the radio and the director have become. Still, I never made any attempts to listen to the said radio. I am not the only one who has not listened to it; so many others have not. But I was worried. Though I did not give my ear Àrst-hand to the radio, I knew it had very powerful impact on its listeners. Some listen to criticize the manner in which the radio is managed, others listen for genuine love and identiÀcation with the cause the radio is set to achieve. The inÁuence and popularity the Biafra movement has congregated via the radio is overwhelming. It has therefore become very imperative that we pay close attention with the intent of understanding the nature and cause(s) of the agitation. We should now be bold to honestly discuss these issues rather than dismiss the clamor for Biafra as pointless, baseless and noise-making. No doubt, many Nigerians are not happy with Nigeria. Many Nigerians are disgruntled about the way Nigeria has carried on since independence as a result of which it has not yet delivered much goodness to the masses. In fact, most Nigerians have valid cases of victimization, dehumanization and marginalization against the Nigerian state. And without prejudice, we all have at least one case against Nigeria, and it is very understandable. We have poor Nigerians from the East, West, and North to the South. There is no re-

gion where electricity is stable in the country. There is no region that has no bad roads; we all essentially have the same or similar experiences in our country Nigeria. So how and why is the Igbo case different? Do they have a special case diͿerent from what other Nigerians from other regions have? The case of the Igbos Given the way Nigeria has disappointed most Nigerians in terms of living up to certain expectations, it is not surprising that some individuals or groups have diͿerent grudges against Nigeria. Like many others, the Igbos are not happy with the way Nigeria has been almost astutely “anti-masses”. Apart from this presumably and explicable general resentment against Nigeria by the masses, what other reasons or factors account for the outright rejection of Nigeria and subsequent craving for the sovereign state of Biafra? There are six geo-political zones in Nigeria. Of all the zones, apart from the South-East, which is made up of Àve Igbo states, and North-West, made of seven states, the other four have six states each. The impact of this on the Igbos is so enormous that virtually every aspect of the people’s politics and stake-holding in Nigeria is determined by that reality. Why should the South-East have Àve states when other zones have at least six states? The federal character principle which is observed in all government departments, agencies and parastatals as well in appointments is applied on state basis. Therefore, the


committees? Only Sani Zorro got something fair, the newly formed committee on IDPs, and maybe because he has been the face of the House.” However, one of the loyalists of the Speaker said that principal o΀cers held meetings hours before the plenary which was to enable them contribute their input in the selection process. He said Gbajabiamila was also in attendance. Speaking, Abdulrazak Namdas, chairman of the House Committee on Media and Public AͿairs dismissed complaints by some people that Dogara’s sharing of committee chairmen was lopsided. He argued that the Speaker was fair to all parties in the sharing of the standing committees of the House and did not favour People’s Democratic Party (PDP) members over the majority All Progressives Congress (APC). Namdas (APC Adamawa) state, “It is not true that the Speaker has handed over the committees to the opposition. In sharing

Igbo grouse with Nigeria

By Ebuka Onyekwelu


ny discussion on the Igbo question or Biafra in Nigeria is such a sensitive area that at every attempt, deep sentiments rather than rationality guide the sides. Does it mean we cannot have a reasonable, fact-driven discussion on a matter that bothers us? I think we should. First of all, I should have said, “the case of Biafra,” but, for several controversies and for the real or imagined, the Biafra movement is seen as the Igbo secessionist movement. Besides, I wish to focus on the challenges the Igbos have with Nigeria. Do they have a valid case of marginalization? Are there structural impediments against them in Nigeria? Could that be why the they want to leave the union? Is the movement for the sovereign state of Biafra therefore an appropriate response of the Igbo to the perceived marginalization, real or imagined? I do believe that history is very important not only in shaping the future, but in understanding the present. However, we will channel our concerns to the reality of today’s Nigeria. Renewed agitation It is no longer news that Radio Biafra has become a household name lately. I must be honest: I have never listened or followed the activities of the station. As a matter of fact, my curiosity was kindled a few months back when many people started to write and comment on the way Nnamdi Kalu, the director, went about with his vituperations and de-

Continued on Page 53

South East has fewer representatives in all government institutions compared to the others. To buttress further, the South East has fewer Senators and House of Representatives members at the National Assembly, fewer Local Government Areas, fewer members of the federal executive and slimmer spots in federal ministries, departments and agencies. Without doubt, those have severe Ànancial depravity and incapacitation on the region. Shouldn’t that result to the feeling of alienation? In the whole of South East, the two international airports in the zone were merely upgraded just about two years ago. In all, there is no infrastructure of note in the South-East that would imply presence of the federal government in the region. This cannot be said of the Northern or Western regions of Nigeria. The second Niger bridge and the dredging of the River Niger represent the most critical infrastructure proposal in the South-East, but till date, neither of the projects can be said to be in view, and neither is likely to be completed in the next ten or Àfteen years. Somehow, these facts serve only as propellers to the claim of marginalization and discrimination against the Igbos in their own country. As a way of dealing with the agitation for the Republic of Biafra, not only should Nigeria deliver good governance to all her peoples, but appropriately address these speciÀc cases of the SouthEast 21\HNZHOX ZULWHV IURP $EXMD

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Prove critics wrong, Akanni charges Obagoal LMC slams Sunshine, Sharks

Klopp wants Gerrard back at Liverpool >>Pg.18



Newswatch Times, Saturday, November 7, 2015

Maduabuchi Kalu 08080669826

League Watch

LMC slams Sunshine, Sharks Wolves’Media Officer axed T F

or trying to bring the game to disrepute by their suporters, Sharks Football Club of Port Harcourt and Sunshine Stars of Akure have been sanctioned by the League Management Company (LMC) following separate incidents in Laęa and Akure that led to disruption of their respective Match Day 36 ęxtures on Sunday. The LMC ęned Sharks N3,000,000 and Sunshine Stars N5,000,000 with further sanctions that also included Stadium ban and banishment to neutral venue for Sunshine Stars. The action of the LMC against the two clubs was occasioned by pitch invasion by Supporters Club of Sunshine Stars in their match against Lobi Stars in Akure which is in violation of Article Bŗ3.22, the Supporters have been banned for the rest of the 20ŗŚȦŗ5 Glo Premier League for persistent disorderly behaviour having been previously warned about such behaviour in the Match Day 29 ęxture against Nasarawa United. The LMC charge and decision read, “a ęne of Five Million Naira (N5, 000, 000) payable to the LMC within ŗŚ days for encroachment onto the ęeld of play by supporters of Sunshine Stars FC, causing the discontinuation of the match in breach of article Bŗ3.ŗ9”. For breach of Article Bŗ3.2ŗ, Sunshine Stars have also been banished to Lagos for their next three home matches while the

disrupted match against Lobi Stars will be concluded in Abuja on November 11. Sunshine will thus play their rescheduled Match Day 3Ś ęxture against Rangers and 3Ş ęxture against Enyimba at the Teslim Balogun Stadium in Lagos. The Akure Township Stadium has also been banned from hosting matches of the NPFL for one year. The Akure club was also found in violation of article C10 and was ordered to pay the sum of N250, 000 to the Match Referee, who was

assaulted by the fans and another N250, 000 to the Cameraman of Lobi Stars FC, who was also assaulted. Sharks were sanctioned for the disruption by its players of Match Day 36 ęxture in Laęa against Nasarawa United. Sharks players had refused to continue the match after the Referee awarded a penalty to Nasarawa United and was thus ęned N3, 000, 0000, docked three points from the total points won in the season, while the three points and three goals for

the abandoned game has been awarded to Nasarawa United. Sharks General Manager, Chief Okey Kpalukwu was cited for breach of clause 1 of the code of conduct for Club OĜcials, Appendix E of the Framework and Rules and ęned N250, 000. The LMC further reprimanded the club oĜcial for failure to properly control his players when they abandoned the match against Nasarawa United which is in breach of article C1 of the league Framework and Rules.

No problems with Task Force visit – Nkwopara


ollowing the recent visit to Heartland FC of Owerri by members of one of the Task Forces constituted by Governor Rochas Okorocha led government to inspection and monitor diěerent agencies and departments in the state, the Media OĜcer of the Club Cajetan Nkwopara says there is no cause

for alarm as the Task Force led by the Deputy Speaker of Imo State House of Assembly was just doing its job. He explained that there are many of such Task Forces in the State charged with the responsibility going round to inspect and monitor the activities of agencies and department in order to that they are

doing what they are created to do. According to Nkwopara, it is only the General Manager of the club who is in a position to talk on the issue but believed that visit was a normal visit by Task Force in the discharge of their assigned responsibilities. “Well I am not the right person to talk on

the visit of the Task Force that visited Heartland FC but be that as it may, there is nothing strange in the visit,” Nkwopara began. “I think the General Manager is the right person to talk on the visit of the Task Force but like I said earlier, I believe the visit is still part and parcel of their job. “The Task Force that visited was one of the many that were constituted by the state government to inspect and monitor the activities of the various agencies and departments of the state with a view to ensuring that things are in order,” Nkwopara explained. Speaking on the Heartland’s performance so far in the league, the Nazi Millionaires mouth piece expressed regret that the club did not achieve their set target but vowed that they would continue to ęght till the end of the season.

his is really a season of action for the League Management Company (LMC) as the league body seem to have woken up from slumber in taking immediate actions against erring clubs and oĜcials. It is no longer news that the Shehu Dikko led LMC welded the big stick against Sunshine Stars of Akure and Sharks FC of Port Harcourt due to the activities of their supporters However, what many did not know is that before that action against the two clubs the LMC had at the weekend dealt with the Media OĜcer of Warri Wolves Moses Etu by imposing Nŗ00,000 ęne and at the same time banned him from all Glo Premier League games and activities for the rest of the season. According to the LMC, Etu was charged for breaching Articles C1 and Clause 1 appendix E of the Code of Conduct for club oĜcials as contained in the Framework and Rules of the Nigeria Professional

League (NPFL) and as a result ęned him the above amount of money and banned him from all Glo Premier League games and activities for the rest of the season. The Wolves Media oĜcer was also charged for breach of Article C1 clause E when Friday, October 29, he failed as a club oĜcer to set positive example for others, especially players through his unguarded comments and frivolous allegations of manipulation of match made against the Abia Warriors versus Enyimba Match Day 36 ęxture.

Nothing to complain about Rangers/Akwa match - Chukwu


nugu Rangers consultant, Christian Chukwu , says he has nothing to complain about following the2-2 draw his ward played against their last week’s opponents, Akwa United FC of Uyo. Speaking with League Watch after the encounter on Sunday, the former captain of the club described the encounter as a good match. According to him Akwa worked hard for point they got in Enugu and as a result it will be wrong for anybody to be grudge them “It was a good match and the two sides played well and as a result there is nothing to complain about,” Chukwu began. “One thing that people should realise is that there is no way you will win all your matches likewise there is no way you will lose all your matches. “Both teams played well and they deserved their point. Akwa earned their point and kudos goes to them because they worked hard for it. “The problem with Rangers this season has been their inability to convert their begging chances. It is not about not playing well, no! But how to convert the chances created has been the bane of the team and I believe that those in charge will have to work

on that aspect,” Chukwu explained. Speaking on the rumoured come back of Rangers former coach, Okey Emordi, Chukwu said he has never heard but recalled that he is aware that the current coach of the team Imama Amapakabo signed a two year contract with the club and that he is still in his ęrst year. It is recalled that news ęltered in last week that the former Pillars coach was seen around Nnamdi Azikiwe Stadium Enugu fuelling rumour that it is possible that it may be because he is likely returning to the club he left some seasons ago. But Chukwu said seeing Emordi at Nnamdi Azikiwe Stadium does not translate that he is returning to the club as a coach saying Emordi is a free Nigeria that can go to any place he wants to go to.

Newswatch Times, Saturday, November 7, 2015

Sports/EURO League Klopp wants Gerrard back at Liverpool

. . . B u t n o t a s a p l aye r


teven Gerrard is returning to Liverpool ČŻ but not as a player.The club’s legendary captain ended his Ä™rst season with LA Galaxy last week after they lost to SeaÄ´le Sounders in the MLS play-oÄ›s. He Äšew back into the UK on Wednesday and is hoping to watch his old side play Crystal Palace at AnÄ™eld on Sunday. New Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp and Gerrard have made brief contact since the German replaced Brendan Rodgers ČŻ Gerrard sent Klopp a good luck message before his opening game at ToÄ´enham. Now Klopp is relishing the chance to meet the 35-year-old in person and says he will always be welcome at AnÄ™eld. Liverpool have had a long-standing agreement with Gerrard that he would be welcome to use the club’s Melwood training facilities when he is back at home ČŻ something he is looking forward to ČŻ and they want to Ä™nd a role for him at the club in the future. has ended any idea that Gerrard, who reports back to LA on January 15 for pre-season training, will add to his tally of Ĺ?10 Liverpool appearances. ‘I spoke with Steven,’ said Klopp, ahead of his side’s Europa League game against Rubin Kazan. ‘One phone call and a few messages. A very nice guy, I must say. He’s a Liverpool legend, of

course. But his contract, as I know, is in the USA (until November 2016). ‘But during his break time, I told him, “Of course you can come whenever you want; you can train with us, do whatever is good for youâ€?. Our doors are always open for him. That is clear. ‘But nothing else. Everybody can learn from Stevie, but I am trying to understand. ‘Steven has a contract with LA Galaxy. He loves this club and he is a legend and we can talk about diÄ›erent stuÄ›. ‘But do you think he should play at this moment or next yearÇľ NoÇľ Why did you ask meÇľ ‘We will Ä™nd, for sure, something for Stevie when he comes back. ‘Whatever he wants to do, we will help him. But not at this moment. We are in the middle of the season. Everything is Ä™ne, perfect between Liverpool FC and Steven. ‘But I don’t know him until now. I’m looking forward to the moment we meet each other. We will talk about his ideas for the future, maybe, if he has some. The door is always open to him. He is young enough and healthy enough to train. That’s not a problem.’ A more pressing issue for Klopp is maintaining the momentum that Liverpool have started to build under his guidance and he was quick to raise a smile here when the fact that he is Ä™ve games unbeaten, following

victories over Chelsea and Bournemouth, was raised. ‘We want to take this feeling and keep it,’ said Klopp, who will play a strong team tonight, with Roberto Firmino and Christian Benteke expected to be given the chance to improve their match Ä™tness after spells out with injury. Liverpool are starting to look more solid and organised, with many aÄ´ributing the upturn to Klopp’s presence, as is so often the case when a new manager arrives. So how long will the bounce he has given them lastÇľ ‘I don’t know,’ said Klopp. ‘I’m experienced in this but I don’t believe in things like this, to be honest. Of course it is like this in a positive way where everyone says it’s a new chance and all the players feel more important than before. That’s normal after they’ve been judged for a few years. ‘I said I didn’t want to hear about my players any more, I wanted to watch and learn. They are all nice guys with big skills with big passion that we need and now we can work together and not think of anything diÄ›erent. ‘I enjoy all the games we have but I enjoy it more when we win. ‘It is always important to be successful. The problem with football is that you have to work for the match. It was very important for us in London (against Chelsea). It was not a perfect match but a good step. Now we want to take the next one.’

WTA stars sparkle at player’s party


he WTA tennis season closes in China this week with Venus Williams and Caroline Wozniacki leading a strong Ä™eld for the maiden Elite Trophy Zhuhai. The round robin tournament replaces the WTA Tournament of Champions to feature 12 singles players, 11 ranked between No11-21 and Chinese wildcard Zheng Saisai, who have been split into four groups of three. The winner of each group will advance to the semi-Ä™nals for a chance to pick up ÇĄ162,000 in prize money and Ĺ?00 ranking points. Former world No 1 Caroline Wozniacki and Venus Williams (right) enjoy the player’s party in Zhuhai The Ä™eld of players for inaugural WTA Elite Trophy in Zhuhai pose for the camera on Monday Top seed in Zhuhai is seven-time Grand Slam champion Venus Williams, who has been drawn in Group A with her

compatriot Madison Keys and wildcard Saisai. ‘I can’t wait to play and be part of the last event of the year,’ said Williams. ‘The tournament has done a fantastic job of welcoming us and leĴing all of China know about it. I’m just ready to get out there!’ ‘It really is an opportunity for all the players here. The draw is really deep and of high quality - everyone is really equally matched,’

Williams has the opportunity to add another title to her trophy laden career and if the American can reach the semi-ęnals she can ęnish the year in the world’s top 10 for the ęrst time since 2010. ‘I deęnitely still want to be on top. My goal is to continue to work hard to win, and to win! I don’t have a lot to prove, but I have a lot to work for to meet my own expectations and to do my best every day.’


Pogba: Juventus can come back


aul Pogba insists Juventus “can come back� despite a “diĜcult� start to the season. The Bianconeri are currently languishing in 10th-place in Serie A, after a poor start to the defence of their title. “It’s been a diĜcult start to the season, but we can come back,� Pogba declared in an interview with JTV. “We just have to take it one game at a time and try and win some games. We’re only thinking about the next game, that’s how it has to be. “Before everyone knew we were winning, and this

year it’s even more diĜcult. When you win the ScudeĴo four times, everyone is waiting for Juve, and wants to win against Juve. “It’s normal that it’s increasingly diĜcult, but we know what we need to do, we know it will be much more diĜcult than last year and past years. “We always have conędence and trust in ourselves, we always have to think about the next game and give our all.� The 22-year-old also discussed his relationship with the club’s fans, thanking them for their backing. “We always need them, just as much when we’re

doing badly as when we’re doing well. “In the Ĺž0th or 90th minute, just the fact of hearing ‘Forza Juve’ gives us strength, you want to do something for them, for the team, and they help you a lot.

Lampard collects OBE from Prince William in Buckingham Palace


ormer England international Frank Lampard admiÄ´ed he was ‘humbled’ after being honoured with an OBE by Prince William for his services to football. The ceremony took place at Buckingham Palace on Tuesday and the ex-Chelsea star chaÄ´ed to the Duke of Cambridge as he received the medal. The New ork City midÄ™elder was joined by Ä™ancee Christine Bleakley and his two daughters, Isla and Luna, as they posed for photographs. Speaking after receiving his honour, Lampard saidÇą ‘As a personal achievement goes, this ranks up there with my achievements on the pitch and what I won with Chelsea, and playing for my country. ‘But to receive an award like this among some very special people here,

military, people who are doing a lot of good work in charity, it’s very humbling to be here.’ The midęelder has had an illustrious career and is Chelsea’s all-time top goalscorer with 211 goals before he agreed to join brand new Major League Soccer franchise New ork City and spent time on loan at Manchester City.

The 3Ĺ?-year-old began his career at West Ham and not long after making his debut, he won his Ä™rst full cap for England in 1999 - going on to win 105 more. His former side are surprising everybody by being in the boÄ´om quarter of the Premier League table, leaving Jose Mourinho’s future at the club in doubt.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, November 7, 2015

Sports/News Prove critics wrong, Akanni charges Obagoal GBOLAHAN DADA


ormer Nigeria’s midęelder, Waidi Akanni, is optimistic that Obafemi Martins will use the Super Eagles recall for the World Cup qualięer to re-launch himself back into the national team. According to him, the player popularly called ‘Obagoal’ is currently at his best to make good impression of himself and grab a permanent shirt in the team. Although, Eagles head coach, Sunday Oliseh, had ruled out automatic shirt for the Americabased player, but Akanni believes the former Newcastle forward is equal to the task ahead of him. The SeaĴle Sounders striker, is a toast of the American Major League with his outstanding goals scoring feat and superlative skills Sounders head coach, Sigi Schmid, has hailed Martins great contributions to the team. He said his blistering form secured the team a play-oě spot for the seventh

Protect Eaglets players from ambush agents, Omeruo urges NFF VICTOR ENYINNAYA


uper Eagles defender, Kenneth Omeruo, has urged the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) to ensure that Golden Eaglets are not allowed to sign themselves into slavery after the FIFA Under-1ŝ World Cup in Chile. He said that no doubt the lads are already the toast of many clubs in Europe , and the only way their budding careers would be preserved is to see that the boys are in good hands. ‘’This has become imperative judging from the previous mistakes where our young players unknowingly fell prey into the tricks of these dubious football agents that ambush the suspecting players. The NFF has to come out from its shell and set machinery emotion that would assist those of them clubs in Europe have already started falling over themselves on. I must say that it is a good omen and we must exploit them to their advantage. The Golden Eaglets players have shown good depth of the game at that level and we must protect them against these numerous intruders and spoilers hanging around them,’’ he altered. It would be recalled

that the Golden Eaglets crushed three-time champions Brazil 3-0, amongst the traditional football countries they have met so far their strength being the clam and system with which they soak away initial pressure turned on them by their opponent and later play themselves in reckoning and go ahead to win their games. That singular quality, Omeruo continues has placed the Nigerians out as team with special features and tact to be relied upon. He insists that the coaching crew led by ex- international, Emmanuel Amuneke built conędence into the team and their tactical discipline have been maintained, he pointed out. Omeruo said that most of the players in the

team have distinguished themselves and so are most of these top clubs would be on their heels and the earlier the lads are properly counselled the beĴer. They will mature to contribute their quota for the overall development of the national teams. He restrains himself from mentioning names of the players but quickly posited that the squad has proved so far to be near complete as most of them have scored beautiful goals from diěerent positions not leaving it entirely for the strikers and aĴackers to do the job. That again has been the strength of the side which weakens their opponent and it is some aspects club managers look out for while recruiting for their teams. In short, utility players, he maintains.

consecutive season, with Martins notching two assists in their last victory. With Martins, he went away quietly, but has allowed his feet -- and the fans -- to ęght his very worthy cause. It is a baĴle that all concerned hope will prove to be worth the eěort. But Martins’ story is about more than just football. “I think Sunday Oliseh will not regret calling Obafemi Martins this time around with the inclusion of the Manchester City ace, Kelechi Iheanacho, Super Eagles forward would be hot and I can see the team scoring more goals than before. I think it is a welcome development for Nigeria.” He said. “Martins is quicker than any of the forwards in Nigeria’s current front-line bar Ahmed Musa. His balance is phenomenal, his skill magical, his technique exquisite and his ęnish always world-class,” as quoted by a football pundit. Akanni however warned him to always redouble his strength

whenever he’s on national assignment. He said fans would be all out to see him in new form and he should use that opportunity to prove his worth. “Martins is a player with big heart and no one should doubt his capabilities. His return to Eagles would give the team new hope of qualifying Nigeria to the Africa Cup of Nations and Russia 201Ş World Cup. Oliseh is expected to arrive Nigeria from Belgium on Sunday where he has been recuperating from a viral infection. The Eagles coach will Ěy in with ęve of the foreign-based players invited for the 201Ş World Cup qualięer against the Sihlangu Semnikati Swaziland on November 13, an oĜcial of the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) has said. The oĜcial who refused to disclose the names of the players hinted that the six homebased players invited by the coach will also hit the team’s Abuja camp on the same day.

Swaziland promises Eagles hell


he Swaziland national team coach, Harries ‘Madze’ Bulunga, has promised Super Eagles hell as commenced preparation for their 201Ş FIFA World Cup qualięer on November 13. The Sihlangu started their ęnal leg of preparations at the National Football Association Technical Centre in Lobamba for the ęrst leg of the qualięer Coach Harries ‘Madze’ Bulunga had asked for a two week training camp for his wards to adequately prepare the team for the ęrst leg clash at the Somhlolo National Stadium. Swaziland have never qualięed for the Africa Cup of Nations or the FIFA World Cup and will be looking to upset the three time Africa champions when the two sides meet next Friday. The National Football Association Chief Executive OĜcer Frederick Mngomezulu said the players will all arrive at the Technical Centre camp in Lobamba on Wednesday “We were in a meeting yesterday and it was agreed that the squad should start camp today. We are sorting out a few things here

and there in as far as logistics of the camp and match preparations are concerned,” Mngomezulu told the Swazi Observer. “We have already relayed the message to the players’ teams and we expect all of them to come for camp this today. “They will have nine days in camp before the match next Friday,” he added. Mngomezulu also allayed fears that league games will be suspended as players head to the national camp, saying he is aware that MTN Premier League matches would go on during the league. “We will release the players to go and play for their respective teams and

we expect them to return to camp after the games.” the CEO said “That has been taken care of and we will not disturb the league games. I hope the teams are all happy with the arrangement.” Swaziland edged out Djibouti Ş-1 on aggregate to reach the second round of the 201Ş Fifa World Cup qualięers while Nigeria were given a bye by the Confederation of African Football (CAF) The ęrst leg of the tie will be played on November 13 at the Somhlolo National Stadium in Swaziland with the return leg four days later at the Adokiye Amiesimaka Stadium in Port-Harcourt.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Saturday, November 7, 2015

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Saturday, November 7, 2015

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Saturday, November 7, 2015

Saturday, November 7, 2015

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Newswatch swatch Times -Tradition T diti built b ilt on Truth T th

Vol. 01, No. 53

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Celebrating women of substance

I’m lucky to have a loving husband

Tara Fela-Durotoye, make-up artiste

26 My Love

Newswatch Times, Saturday, November 7, 2015

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My marriage is worth celebrating because “I think it’s exciting to be married to someone. I’m not married to the Fela Durotoye that you all know, I’m married to an amazing man who cares for his family, committed to God and committed to Nigeria and his vision.” She said with joy. Tara said, “I feel very blessed to have a husband who is very committed to me and my own purpose and destiny in life. I feel very lucky and privileged to have someone who is also committed to ensuring that I’m happy, and so is looking out for the things that make me happy constantly; consistently trying to improve himself so that he can remain relevant as a husband. I feel very blessed by that, and sometimes I have to pinch myself to say “Is this real, can I really be married to someone that can love me this much and care for me this much”. He’s made a difference to me because of the type of person he is ¿rst of all, he’s also made a great difference to me because of his consulting background”. “As a business owner, I’m consistently being counselled and advised by him

on things to do and things not to do. As someone who is very passionate about Nigeria, I ¿nd that I’ve become addicted as well because I am married to him. Humanitarian, I guess I came with it before I got married to him. I’ve always been very passionate about empowerment and developing people. And it is this combination of passions that we have been able to bring together into what people are now calling the dynamite couple”. House of Tara was which was launched in 1998 by lawyer turned makeup artist Tara Durotoye will sell to the Kenyan beauty market its colour cosmetics , make-up products and accessories like brushes, bags and boxes. Tara made a name for herself by being a

As a business owner, I’m consistently being counselled and advised by my husband on things to do and things not to do

pioneer in the bridal makeup profession in Nigeria. She launched the ¿rst bridal directory in 1999, set up international standard makeup studios and established the ¿rst makeup school in Nigeria. On her contribution to mankind and life achievements and House of Tara International, a Nigerian makeup company. The organisation has grown from a small make-up business started as an undergraduate in the Faculty of Law, Lagos State University in 1998 into a franchise enterprise with three main lines of business: the Make-up Studio, the Make-up School and the Tara product line comprising beauty products and professional make-up kits. In a series of ¿rsts, she also launched the ¿rst bridal directory in Nigeria in 1999. In 2 , she facilitated the ¿rst-ever series of bridal seminars, drawing for the ¿rst time in Nigeria celebrated professionals in the bridal industry to speak to brides. She established the country’s ¿rst make-up school in 2 , and also launched the Tara product line, comprising a range of professional tool kits (such as make-up boxes, brushes and purses)

Newswatch Times, Saturday, November 7, 2015


My Love



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Why I’m addicted to my husband

for make-up artists and a wide range of make-up products including eye shadows, eye liner, lip gloss, foundation and powders. House of Tara today has franchises spread across Nigeria (branches in Lagos, Ibadan, Port-Harcourt and Abuja) and with emerging footprints on the West African coast in Benin, Ghana and Senegal. Tara was also the brain behind the 2014 Makeup in Nigeria Conference (MINC), the ¿rst ever gathering of makeup professionals in Nigeria. She is a graduate of the prestigious Stanford SEED Transformation Program and this has aided her work as a mentor for thousands of young women across Africa and a standout entrepreneur. Recognition has not been slow in coming. In 2013, she was listed as one of 20 Young Power Women in Africa by Forbes with the World Economic Forum also naming her as a Young Global Leader. Unsurprisingly, the House of Tara, her Àagship business has under her supervision won a kit full of awards including but not limited to the Right 9ision Movement Award Creativity and Productivity Makeover Outlet of the year 200 , The Africa SMME Award presented in South Africa, the Entrepreneur of the Year award 200 and the Creative Business

Award of the Year, Success Digest 2008. Her life’s work has been pro¿led on several international platforms including New York Forum Africa (NYFA), France24, and Africa 24 by Reuters, Bloomberg and CNN’s African Voices, a weekly show that highlights Africa’s most engaging personalities, exploring the lives and passions of people who are shaping change in Africa. Tara Fela-Durotoye was born at St. Nicholas Hospital, Lagos to Mr John Ejegi Sagay, a commissioner at the Federal Civil Service, Nigeria and Mrs Felicia Omaghomi. The couple separated when she was eight months old; and being a polygamous home, she was brought up by her stepmother, Mrs Modupe Agnes Sagay. She started her education at Command Children School, Victoria Island and proceeded to Nigeria Navy Secondary School, Ojo, where she was a boarder. In form 5, she was made the Sanitary and Welfare Prefect. She graduated from the Lagos State University, with a degree in Law and proceeded to establish the House of Tara International. She is married to Fela Durotoye, a business strategist and corporate activator, chief executive of¿cer of Visible Impact. They have three sons, Mobolurin, Demilade and Morolaoluwa.

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THE TEAM Published by

Newswatch Times Ltd. Publisher



tunde ESO


qismat YINUS Production Editor

taiwo BERNARD Head Graphics

olukayode OGUNJOBI Graphic Artists

henry ENEGEDE/ chinwe DURUEKE


Newswatch Times, Saturday, November 7, 2015

Feminine Clips

Tunde Eso 08057482794

Men should desist from wife abuse –Orekunrin


r. Ola Orekunrin is a medical doctor, a trainee helicopter pilot and an entrepreneur who founded West Africa’s ¿rst indigenous air ambulance service, the Flying Doctors Nigeria, that saves hundreds of lives across the region every year especially in the oil and gas industry, rendering medical evacuation services, remote site clinic management, ¿rst aid training and other medical solutions to make work safer in the industry. She has published two medical textbooks ¾EMQ’s in Paediatrics’ and ¾Pre-Hospital Care for Africa’ as well as articles in the British Medical Journal, New York Times and the Huf¿ngton Post. She is an international speaker who has received multiple awards and nominations. These include the Mouldbreaker’s Award, the THIS Day Award, The Future Award as entrepreneur of the year, New Generation Leader for Africa, Ladybrille Personality of the month, and Vanguard WOW Awards. Recently, the CEO of Flying Doctors, gave a talk on the strength of women in business. In this chat with TUNDE ESO, she talks about the effect of name calling and how it should drive women to strive higher.


he advocates for a world of fairness, a world with less abuse, a creative world and a more innovative world for women. The Amazon unveiled the tale behind her setting up the Âżrst air ambulance company in West Africa. “So much has happened in my life and setting up began with a resignation from a high-Ă€ying job in England, and relocating to Nigeria. So I determined to make a difference in medical practice. â€? She said. Orekunrin’s journey to set up a capital intensive business was prompted by the death of her younger sister who died of sickle cell anaemia. “She was always in and out of the hospital, but eventually died due to lack of availability of air ambulance. This more or less propelled my interest in medicine because I really wanted to make a difference in the same way doctors had done to her. Setting up the company was a direct result of my fascination for helicopters, trauma medicine, motor accident kinematics and pre-hospital medicine. I knew it was something that I had the skills and experience to doâ€? she recalled. The Ă€ying doctor eventually came to fruition and it basically provides critical care transportation solutions to both the private and public sector by selling yearly air am-

We didn’t have much money even though it was a wo rking class fa mily and we sometimes st ruggled to mak e ends meet. Against all od ds, I passed m y A-Levels with à \LQJ FRORXUV VWDU WHG P\ GH JUHH DW WKH University of Yo rk at 15

bulance cover plans to states, companies es aand nd nd individuals. n said, saaiid d, Born and raised in England, Orekunrin est sttoft “I grew up in a seaside town called Lowestoft leete tely ly in the east of rural England, a completely ch hool white community. I went to a primary school fo ostteer run by catholic nuns and was raised by foster oneey on y white parents. We didn’t have much mo money amiilly even though it was a working class family nd n ds and we sometimes struggled to make eends Leev veels meet. Against all odds, I passed my A-Levels hee h with Ă€ying colours, started my degree att tthe myseellff University of York at 15. I supported myself medi diiall through, working. I wrote my Âżnal medig thee cal examinations at 21, thus emerging youngest doctor in England.

Newswatch Times, Saturday, November 7, 2015 For enquiries call Qismat Yinus on 08027022738

Fashion statements from the Lagos fashion and design week 2015


ere are photos from the black carpet and more of the just concluded Lagos Fashion And Design Week 2015.




Newswatch Times, Saturday, November 7, 2015

By AJIBADE ALABI Ajibade Alabi 08023934887 e-mail:

Davido, Kiss Daniel thrills celebs at Denim launch party


ulti-Award winning musician, David Adeleke (Davido) and Nigerian Rave of the Moment, music star-Anidugbe Daniel (Kiss Daniel) thrilled guests including top Nigerian celebrities from the entertainment industry, several captains of industry and other guests at the launch party for the Denim range of Fragrance held on the 31st of October, 2015 at the Lagos Oriental Hotel, Lekki, Lagos. The event which was organised by Integrated Indigo Limited to herald the RI¿FLDO XQYHLOLQJ RI WKH 'HQLP UDQJH RI IUDJUDQFH EUDQG ZKLFK LV EHLQJ GLVWULEXWHG in Nigeria by Daroc Nigeria Limited, a sales and distribution company and subsidiary of Cycrest Limited with headquarters in the United Kingdom. The show attracted friends and trade partners of Daroc Nigeria Limited from both within and outside Nigeria, as well as A-list celebs like Denrele Edun, Zarki Aze, Yaw of Wazobia Fm, Ben Ogbeiwi, and a host of others. The event, which was anchored by Nigeria Television star, Uti Nwachukwu, delivered lots of excitement to the guest including rib-cracking comedy performance by MC Acapella. The guests in the regular section were not left out as some of them won 3 iPad mini and 2 Beats by Dre headphones. On the event-night, the social media erupted with thousands of posts, Facebook mentions and tweets which made the event - #Denimlaunchparty trend on twitter for more than four hours, according to trends map. The event remained on twitter trend list till morning of the next day.

I can’t stop having fun —Laide Bakare


ollywood actress, Laide Bakare, is definitely a fun lover. She spares nothing to enjoy herself to the fullest and this is why many people admire her. In recent times, she has been shuttling between Nigeria and abroad. Few days ago, precisely last week, she was reportedly out of the country, but recently, she was spotted in Nigeria where she attended a colleague’s event in Lagos. Laide Bakare in a recent interview stated how she spends her time, saying that it is time for her to enjoy herself after working hard. On if her frequent travels will not affect her business, the actress responded, “No, it cannot affect it because I know my coin and I do what I need to do. I don’t miss my travelling, my fun, and I still work. All my life, I have been working, so it is my time to enjoy. “This is the period, this is my fun time, but trust me, I’m working alongside it. Let me tell you something, the best moment is the one you cannot post probably the ones I get to post is the fun aspect of my life. But I still work a lot and I remember two days after my birthday, I travelled from New York to direct a movie in Maryland.” When asked how she manages work, fun and home, she said, “Whether my husband travels with me or not, we are all having fun, that is what a family is, that is who we are. We are not the all serious kind of family; we don’t confine ourselves because we are working no.

Kate Henshaw defends Uche Jombo over baby


ince her return to Nigeria from the US, where her husband resides, Nollywood actress, Uche Jombo, has been busy with different activities. A while ago, Uche and few of her colleagues were in Abuja for a campaign to create awareness for breast cancer, which has gradually become a cankerworm in the society and has claimed several lives. Kate Henshaw, who was among the stars that partook in the rally, shared a picture of hers with her friends, including Uche Jombo, but a fan found offence in Uche not going out with her child. The said fan called out on the actress saying, “Uche Jombo, you left your baby for whom? And busy gallivanting around. Go home and take care of your child. I don’t even know if you guys see how Mercy Johnson is managing hers.” But this did not go down well with Kate, who cautioned the said fan on how to address people, describing the said fan as someone without “pituitary gland”.

Toyin Aimakhu now moves with bodyguard


oyin Aimakhu and her husband, Adeniyi Johnson, have been in the news lately because of the union, which many believe is already over. The actress’ husband posted last week what many believe any hopes of being accepted again by his wife is totally gone. At a recent event held in Lagos, Toyin Aimakhu stormed the place with a bodyguard and a Personal Assistant. In fact, the eagle eyes witnessed how the pretty actress was ushered into a Range Rover SUV by the said bodyguard as she made her leave. Before her departure from the function, Toyin Aimakhu, on her arrival, declined speaking with any newsman present. She went straight into the hall, spent few minutes before leaving again. Curiously, her estranged husband had left the same event few moments before her arrival. What many people were talking at the event was ‘if Niyi was told by an informant that his wife was already close to the place’?


Newswatch Times, Saturday, November 7, 2015

is Th GEr PAis fo LE


CALL 08057482794



xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx R-L: Chief Host, Brandiq Symposium 2015, Apostle Hayford Alile;Director, Lagos State Ministry of Information, Mr. Mustapha Bakare and Panelist, Professor Emevwo Biakolo, during the year 2015 Brandiq Symposium with the theme- ‘Reinventing Brand Nigeria For The 21st Century Market Economy Through Public Accountability & Responsible Citizenship held in Lagos…yesterday.

L-R: Manager, Regulation & Monitoring, Lagos Zonal Office, National Lottery Regulatory Commission, Mr. Ita Calix; Head, Enforcement & Compliance, Mrs. Joy Okunaand Consultant/Adviser, Alum Ikaka Estate Ltd, Chief Ebi Odeigah.

A participant picking a ticket to determine a lucky winner, after rolling the draw box at the event.

L-R: Guest Speaker, Dr. Obiageli Ezekwesili; Members, Editorial Advisory Board, Brandiq Magazine, Dr. Joseph Bel-Molokwu and Mr. Richard Ikiebe, at the event. Photos: Bode Agbede


L-R: Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Lagos, Prof. Iyiola Oni; Prof. Afolayan Ojo; Acting HOD, Department of Sociology, Dr. Funmi and Deputy Vice Chancellor, Prof. Babajide Alo.

L-R: Director, Centre for Gender & Development Studies, Ekiti State University, Prof. Olabisi Aina; Director, African Institute for Development and Planning, Senegal, Prof. Bayo Olukoshi; Prof. Felicia Oyekanmi; President, Anthropological and Sociological Practitioners (NASA), Prof. Ifeanyi Onyeonoru; Prof. Solomon Akinboye and Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Lagos, Prof. Iyiola Oni.


L-R: Executive Board Member, Sebeccly Cancer Care, Mrs. Clementina Adetoro; inspirational awardee, Eniola Akintunde; representative of wife of Lagos State Governor/wife of PSO of Head of Service, Mrs. Adejoke Odeyemi and Founder of Sebeccly Cancer Care, Dr. Omolola Salako.

Cross section of the Ikeja Unique Lions Club District 404B Nigeria with Founder of Sebeccly Cancer Care, Dr. Omolola Salako. Photos: Abiodun Omotosho


Newswatch Times, Saturday, November 7, 2015

s Love Tip

Tunde Eso 08057482794

Special ways to make your man happy


eautiful reception: When he returns from any outing, work, travel etc Meet him with a cheerful face, hug him is joy, show that you missed him beautify and perfume yourself, start with good news and delay any bad news until he has rested, receive him with loving and yearning sentences, make hard efforts for excellence of the food & having it ready t Smelling good cum physical beautification Take good care of your body e.g shave your armpit, make sure you don’t offensive body odour which include your private part- it must not have any offensive odour. If it’s does see a doctor, put on nice and attractive clothes and perfumes, bath regularly and, after the monthly period, remove any blood traces or bad smells, avoid that your husband observes you in dirty clothes or rough shape, use the types of perfumes, colours, and clothes that the husband likes, change hair style, perfumes, etc. from time to time, wear on pants at a time. tIntercourse This can make or mar a living love life if not properly addressed. Hasten for intercourse when your husband feels compulsion for it, keep your body clean and smelling good as possible including cleaning yourself of released fluids during intercourse, exchange loving phrases with your husband, leave your husband to fully satisfy his desire, encouraging him to do intercourse t Patience and emotional support Be patient when you face poverty and strained circumstances, when you face calamities and disasters that may happen to you, your husband, your children, relatives or properties, e.g. diseases, accidents, death, etc. when facing hardships in (lose of job, imprisonment, getting fired, arrested, etc.), be patient and encourage him to keep on the path of Gpd and remind him of paradise, when he mistreats you, counteract his ill-treatment by good treatment.

The Counselor

Service: Much needed virtue

Bimpe Onwuchekwa



ervice is the watch word for quality leadership. From God’s perspective, service is not an option, it’s a mandate. Rendering service is what living is all about. We were meant to be symbiotic in nature: Service to God and humanity. Service can be seen in the following spheres; performing duties, leadership, followership, contributing, charity, meeting a need, paying attention to others, taking responsibility and showing compassion. Service involves being able to give without expecting returns or reward; giving without taking credit. It requires living beyond your own life or needs to better others’ lives. I remember those days when a child is given money to buy an item; the item is bought promptly and given to the older person without expecting any reward or gift. These days, the child in fact makes bargain of what reward he/she expects after the errand. Children need to be shown and taught the act of service. As they receive love, care, affection, attention, discipline, financial support, education, facilities, infrastructure and many more, they need to know about sharing and giving back to their society somehow. They need take care of the materials, tools, gadgets, facilities, infrastructures they are given for use for education, comfort and utility as the case may be. They should be given responsibilities and age-appropriate chores to do. Sometimes, depending on their ages, you can reward or show them appreciation. Teach them to appreciate what they are getting from their environment no matter how small. They should be taught to give smiles, obedience, care and understanding even when they are scolded, since it is for their good as well as give hard work, honesty and cooperation. Their gifts and talents are sourced out for maximum utility in the society. They should be taught patriotism to keep their service in scope and view for productivity and progress.

Since they are the leaders of tomorrow, children should be taught leadership skills with expectations of their needs being met. Service to God entails obedience to His requirements and commandments, just as service to humanity also entails obedience to parents, elders and societal/school rules. It is in obeying God that a lot of children find their footing and build up a solid foundation for other life values. Contribution can be seen from different angles of the physical and abstract. A child should see his/herself as a contributing factor to the yielding of our world. They should contribute their intellect for further development of the society by paying attention in class, contributing to the well being, joy, unity and oneness in the home by performing their duties and chores. Having a help should not debar the allocation of duties in the home to a child, like overseeing the younger one with supervision and clearing the table and floor after food. Followership training is essential for child submission to authorities and being cooperative. Charity should be given priority during curriculum building in schools. Roles of visiting “homes” should be essentially encouraged on gratitude bases. Going with material goods isn’t too much to teach for children to learn giving as a culture. Children should learn understanding emotional gestures by paying attention to other people’s emotional needs thereby becoming compassionate. A child being used to watching the mum’s countenance and feelings would have learnt how to know when someone else is in need. It is service to parents for a child to always look out for how to make their parents happy and comfortable. Charity begins at home, they say, giving and sharing should be practised within the family. This includes sharing views, intentions, emotions and other. As a child grows into a youth with a service oriented heart, he is able to lead with a mindset of service. Not measuring how much he’s given to how much he’s receiving as returns, maximising every opportunity for tangible and intangible service. A young man once told his story of how he got his first and only job before he became an entrepreneur. He said after some months of search for employment after his youth service, he walked into a computer company and requested to see their boss. He told him he would like to render free services at the company. He was taken in with no salary plan which he sure did

diligently. He resumed early and closed later than all the staff. By the time the month was ending, he was known to be the most handyman around. He was then paid salary with the other staff members because of his diligence till he resigned to start his own business. Leadership is about readiness to serve by leading others to achievements and progress. Leaving out the Boko Haram insurgency, the youth corps members should be ready to serve in any state, and work in any organisation available. You should be known for what you stand for and what purpose you will choose to pursue to fulfilling destiny. Being ready to use your talent and gift to better your society, utilising your mental faculty, your physical attributes, like a very tall youth playing basketball, a masculine featured girl playing female football, an exceptionally intelligent person involved in the game of chess and so on. Rendering service with your discovered talent and gift is meant to pave way for your greatness. An adult that got his/her role right in the home and society from young would certainly be a dedicated civil servant, a diligent employee and a thorough employer of labour. Such persons would be committed to paying tax and fulfilling other laws of the land, giving their quota at the required time. As parties in a home, they are responsible parents, performing their roles adequately, laying good examples for their children as role models. They are committed to making their homes by keeping their partners happy. They are not particularly interested in who is giving more in all to make the home a home indeed. Let’s have in view a retrenched man. He is by circumstance made to stay back at home rendering necessary services to enhance the home as a relief for his wife. He cooks, washes, and does homework for their children among other things. He sees as an opportunity to warm up/blend with his children, building a more interesting home, till he’s engaged in another employment or becomes an entrepreneur or any other business to make ends meet. Service is therefore, a sacrifice we all must learn to make, we are at the time when everyone is led to decide whether we would act upon life issues and demands by readiness for service or simply be on the watch. Life is a game; you either watch or participate.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

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Saturday, November 7, 2015

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Saturday, November 7, 2015

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, November 7, 2015

Bailiff drags EFCC to court over alleged detention Ayodele Olalere


he Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) has been dragged before a Federal High court, Lagos, by a bailiě of the court, Lawal Jimoh. The bailiě is alleging his unlawful detention by the antigraft agency and the alleged refusal of the agency to receive court summon. In an aĜdavit of facts deposed to by Jimoh dated November 3, 2015, he stated that on November 2, 2015, he aĴempted to serve three court processes on an operative of the EFCC, Mrs. Ibelema Bristol, at the commission’s 7A Okotie Eboh Street, Ikoyi, Lagos oĜce. He claimed that after introducing himself to Bristol as a court Sherriě at the EFCC’s oĜce, he served her the processes, being Form ŚŞ dated September 30, an Order dated October 30, and a Hearing Notice dated October 30, 2015. “Form ŚŞ concerns contempt of

court and is usually followed by Form 49 Ȯ a formal application for commiĴal of the person(s) who refuse(s) to obey the court order or ruling,” it stated. The aĜdavit stated further that Bristol collected the processes from Jimoh and after going through it, ‘she ordered that I should take away the process from her. When I refused, she ordered a police oĜcer named Inspector John A. A. to detain me until I took the process back.’ “I was held for three hours before I called my oĜce for further instructions,” Jimoh said, according to the aĜdavit. He added that the Deputy Registrar of the Federal High Court called and advised him to collect the processes back from Mrs. Bristol ‘when he discovered that my life was in danger.’ The processes Jimoh aĴempted to serve was in respect of a contempt of court application deriving from suit number FHC/L/CS/1285/15, a fundamental rights suit brought by a businessman, Jyde Adelakun, against the EFCC. In a ruling on the suit last month, Justice Mohammed Yunusa said EFCC did not obtain a court order


before detaining Adelakun, adding that keeping him beyond 24 hours violated his rights. He declared the applicant’s arrest illegal, ordered that his bank account be unfrozen and Adelakun given “unhindered or unfeĴered access to his funds.”

“The Constitution provides that no person should be detained unnecessarily. Once a person is arrested, their liberty is curtailed. It does not maĴer how long the detention lasted,” the judge said. Hearing on the maĴer comes up on Monday, November 16.

as enemies of the corporate existence of Nigeria, who had contributed to the economic woes of the country. ``The convicts have no sympathy for the corporate existence of this country. The seed of wrongdoing may be sown in secret, but the harvest cannot be concealed; today is the day of reckoning,’’ he said. The judge described oil bunkering and pipeline vandalism as a menace that had

reached an alarming proportion in the country. ``The convicts are godless and lawless without any atom of sympathy for this country. They are part of the people that have contributed to the economic woes of our country. The convicts planted thorns, they cannot expect to gather Ěowers; they sowed the wind, and they must gather whirlwinds,’’ he said. The judge noted that although counts one to four aĴracted a life sentence, he would, however, sentence the convicts to 10 years concurrent jail term. He also sentenced each of them to two years imprisonment each, on the ęfth count. It will be recalled that the convicts and their vessel were re-arraigned on Aug. 28, 2014 on the ęve-count charge. The prosecutor, Mr Rotimi Oyedepo, had told the court that the convicts violated Sections 17 and 19 (c) of the Miscellaneous Oěences Act, Cap M17, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004. Oyedepo had called a total of 11 witnesses to establish his case against the convicts.

7 jailed 12 years each for vandalism, oil theft


ustice Okon Abang of a Federal High Court in Lagos has sentenced seven men to 12 years imprisonment each for vandalism and theft of petroleum products. The convicts are: Adedamola Ogungbayi, Olaniran Olabode, Suraju Gasali, MosesEmmanuel, Wilson Bonsi, Uche Okaraodi and Happy Onyeogo. They were charged by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) on a ęvecount charge of dealing in 1,459 metric tonnes of Premium Motor Spirit without lawful authority. The judge said that the convicts would each serve a jail term of 12 years, commencing from Oct. 30. The judge also ordered the forfeiture of the vessel, MT Good Success, and the recovered petroleum products to the Federal Government. In addition, Abang ordered the forfeiture of the sum of N66.6 million belonging to the convicts’ company, Hepa Global Energy Ltd, with First City Monument bank Plc, to the government. Meanwhile, the judge discharged and acquiĴed

Padoun Jacob on all counts, describing him as an innocent job seeker who became a victim of circumstance. He noted that the stolen product had been loaded before Jacob was employed by HEPA Global Energy Ltd on February 7, 2014. ȽȽThe guilty should not escape punishment, but the innocent should not be punished,’’ he said. Abang, however, described the other convicts


Newswatch Times, Saturday, November 7, 2015

Continued from Page 15

would see the devolution of power from the federal to state governments. In spite of his resignation, Fasoranti said he still maintained that the recommendations of the national confab’s report should be implemented. This, according to him, had been the goal of the group, stressing that “the support for a leader who promised to implement this report was not a mistake and inevitable despite all public insinuations.” When contacted on the telephone, the Secretary-General of the group, Chief Sehinde Arogbofa recalled, “I met Baba (Fasoranti) two days ago before I traveled, he did not discuss anything of such with me. Until I see him, I don’t know what to say, but it is not strange that the Afenifere leader is handing over. The late Chief Abraham Adesanya also did it.” Afenifere had been recorded standing Àrmly in the political argument as it would be recalled that it played a seriously prominent role in the fate of the defunct All People’s Party (APP) at its earlier birth. Newswatch Times recalled that Afenifere under the aegis of Southern Leaders Forum (SLF) joined others like South-South Group, and the Eastern Mandate Union (EMU) made a dramatic pull out from the APP moments before the party was launched with fanfare in Abuja. It was the South’s second withdrawal from a merger in two weeks, the Àrst being their withdrawal from the People’s Democratic Party (PDP). The Southern leaders did not only pull out of APP, they also stormed the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) o΀ce in Abuja to pick a registration form in the name of Alliance for Democracy (AD) by the trio of Dr. Chukwuemeka Ezeife, Sen. Francis Okpozo and Sen. Kofo BucknorAkerele after sorting out some problems over the initial name All Nigeria Party (ANP) which they had intended to adopt. Pa Fasoranti did not mince


How Afenifere’s loss of focus forced Fasoranti out


word in stating that the unity and oneness of Yoruba people which the body seeks to achieve since the days of the late Chief Obafemi Awolowo, is a mirage because the focus and goal of the founding fathers of the organization were being eroded. Afenifere could best be said to be at the peak of its popularity under the leadership of the former governor of old Ondo state, Late Chief Michael Adekunle Ajasin when it dictated the tune of the nation’s political scenario particularly in Yorubaland. During the time of Ajasin, Afenifere laid Àrm grip on both political and society norms in the entire Yoruba speaking states as whoever cares to be relevant or wants to hold any political position in Yorubaland have to pass through Afenifere or be treated as a leper among his Yoruba kinsmen. No wonder, in the days of formation of new political parties under the General Abubakar Abdusalami regime, Afenifere played prominent role in the formation of the defunct Alliance for Democracy (AD) which won overwhelmingly all the elections in the South west states during the 1999 general elections.

I met Baba (Fasoranti) two days ago before I traveled, he did not discuss anything of such with me. Until I see him, I don’t know what to say, but it is not strange that the Afenifere leader is handing over. The late Chief Abraham Adesanya also did it

Chief Abraham Adesanya took over the mantle of Afenifere leadership after the demise of Chief Ajasin with the pan Yoruba group continuing to wax stronger in dictating the political tune in Yorubaland with the AD governors regularly rendering account of their stewardship to the Afenifere. However, the dominance of Afenifere suͿered major setback in 2003 when AD lost four of its Àve states to PDP resulting in most of the politicians romancing the group calling it a day with Afenifere after which a seemingly parallel group, Afenifere Renewal Group (ARG) was formed. The death of Pa Abraham Adesanya in April, 2008 led to the emergence of Chief Reuben Fasoranti who until his resignation on Sunday, November1 steer the leadership of Pan Yoruba sociopolitical organisation amidst various challenges that militated against its sustenance of its age long popularity. With the resignation of Pa Fasoranti, the future of the group in the Yorubaland particularly in the political arena will surely be negatively aͿected considering the major reason giving by Pa Fasoranti for his resignation that “ the focus and goals of the founding fathers of the great organsation ‘Afenifere’ were gradually eroding”. Though there are prominent Afenifere leaders like Chief Ayo Adebanjo, Sir Olanihun Ajayi, Chief Olu Falae in the house, the organization may be subjected into undue opposition from others PanYoruba socio-political organization in Yorubaland particularly those presently seeking political relevance in Yorubaland. Also, the seemingly dwindling fortune of Afenifere may possibly aͿect the Yoruba race in its quest to be speaking with one voice in the midst of the present change mantra in Nigeria.

Tribunal cancelled 2 LG elections without evidence, argues A’Ibom PDP Inibehe Udosen


he Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Akwa Ibom State has expressed surprise that the elections petitions tribunal cancelled elections in two local Government Areas that the petitioner did not raise any complaint, saying it amounted to granting decisions not sought by the petitioner. “The judgment was not in best practices of the law profession as the ruling and judgment did not synchronize with established Supreme Court precedents, that election can only be proved units by units and not by wards nor in local government areas. The lead counsel of the PDP, Chief Tayo Oyetibo, said the petitioner neither presented exhibit nor witnesses to prove that election did not take place in Ibeno and Udung Uko, yet obtained a ruling that

cancelled the elections in the two riverine communities. He said that, in Ikot Abasi and Ibesikpo Asutan, the petitioner presented only one witness each, which represented one unit each, and explained that it was unheard of that election in an entire local government could be cancelled because of one unit. These, Oyetibo explained was why the party has returned to court for redress against all the contradictions noticed in the judgement. “We strongly believe the Court of Appeal will do justice by correcting all these Áaws in the ruling of the tribunal, and we also plead with the federal government to allow the independence of the judiciary to remain and their lordships should not be intimidated with threats.” “We are in this country where the PDP governments of Late Musa Yara Adua and Dr Jonathan did not


inÁuence the judiciary; for the Àrst time the rule of law was allowed in this country and the ruling party lost in Edo State through the court process to ACN; same in Anambra , Ekiti and Ondo States.”

The PDP lawyer also debunked a news item peddled by the Nation Newspapers of Friday October 29, and many other junk tabloids circulating in Akwa Ibom State, purporting that, he is now the lead counsel of Mr Umana Okon Umana of APC in the Court of Appeal. Oyetibo in his reaction reiterated that, he represents Akwa Ibom State Peoples Democratic Party as Lead Counsel, maintaining that, “this cannot be changed as I have already gone to the Appeal Court to appeal the judgment of the tribunal that granted re-run in 18 local Government Areas.” He warned that, the APC government should not interfere with the judiciary, noting that the judgment of Rivers State make a total mockery of the judiciary. “This is not fair for a party that promised Nigerians change and a corruption free country,” he added.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, November 7, 2015


Ejigbo fire: Lagos govt advises residents to vacate affected areas


he Lagos State government has appealed to residents and traders living around the factory recently gutted by fire in Ejigbo to vacate the area for two days, to allow experts put out the poisonous smoke still raging. Leading a team of officials of the state Safety Commission, Lagos State Emergency Management Agency (LASEMA), and officials of Ejigbo Local Council Development Area to the affected factory, the Director General of the Safety Commission, Fuad Oki informed residents and traders closer to the factory that the smoke from the shoe making factory is poisonous and its continuous inhalation is dangerous to their lungs and

could eventually lead to death. Oki expressed the state government’s joy that no life was lost. “It has become necessary for you to vacate the area for two days, to allow the State Fire Service put out the smoke completely,� assuring them that by today, they would be back at their homes and shops. A press statement by the Head, Information Unit/PRO, Alhaji Hassan Rabiu stated that the Director General and its officials after assessing the extent of damage caused by the fire to the factory immediately commenced the sensitization exercise, visiting residents and shop owners in the area on the need for them to comply with the directive. The Executive Secretary

Director General, Lagos State Safety Commission, Fuak Oki, (middle) DGGUHVVLQJ UHVLGHQWV DQG WUDGHUV DW WKH VFHQH RI ÂżUH RXWEUHDN LQ D shoe factory in Ejigbo last Thursday. With him are, Executive SecreWDU\ (MLJER /&'$ -DL\H $ODEL OHIW DQG RIÂżFLDOV RI WKH FRPPLVVLRQ

of Ejigbo Local Council Development Area, Jaiye Alabi, explained to the visitors the efforts made by the council to put out the fire when it broke out and commended the

State Fire Service for responding on time to the distress call of the people and that their quick response prevented the fire from gutting adjourning buildings in the area.

The council chief also commended Mr. Oki and his team for the visit and the sensitization, adding that he would ensure that the people comply with his directive.

Islamic scholar tasks politicians on sincerity


n Islamic scholar, Sheikh Nosirudeen Ajara, has called on political oÄœce holders to be sincere with the populace that voted them into power and desist from sectionalism in sharing dividends of democracy to the people. Sheikh Ajara made the call during the annual general meeting and general election to vote in new executive oÄœcers for the Emirate Descendants Progressive Union, Western Zone held at Bola Ahmed Tinubu Hall, Ojo Road, Ajegunle, Lagos last weekend. The cleric, who is the Chief Zonal Missioner of the Union, warned that failure of oÄœce holders to be truthful in their dealings with the oÄœce entrusted on them will spell doom for the corrupt oÄœcers. He also urged the newly elected oÄœcers of the Union to see themselves as bosses, but as God chosen who were elected to reinvigorate and make tremendous progress to the development of the Union in particular and Ilorin Emirate in general. Among the new elected oÄœcers are Alhaji Ibidapo as new Zonal chairman, Alhaji AbdulRaheem Adeshina Ibrahim as Zonal General Secretary and Mal-

Oba as 1st Assistant Secretary, Ibrahim Kamaldeen 2nd Assistant Secretary and Alhaji Abdul Azeez Mohammed as 3rd Assistant Secretary. Also, Alhaji AbdulGaniyu Onimajesi was elect-

ed as Zonal Financial Secretary, Alfa Gani Raji as Assistant Fin Sec, Alhaji Usman Adebayo Social Secretary, Mallam Alawaye Hussein as Assistant Social Sec, Dr Hassan Issa as PRO, Alhaji

Soliu Owonikoko as Assistant PRO and Mallam Isiaka Atanda Sule as Auditor General. Commenting on the formation of the new executives, the new General Secretary, Alhaji Adeshina Ibrahim who is a Lagos based veteran journalist said 90percent of the new executive members are expert on their positions. While envisaging that the Union will witness tremendous development and progress with the formation of present executive members, he solicited for the full support of all IEDPU members in Western zone to take the Union and Ilorin Emirate in general to greater height. The election was well aÄ´ended by 99percent of branches under the zone with four delegates each.

group. The ethnic nationality made the threat through the Ezeigbo in Abuja, Eze Ibe Nwosu at an event organised to promote Igbo’s cultural heritage, customs and tradition. According to Nwosu, the threat does not in any way mean that NdiIgbo are ęghting with the government, but as citizens of

this country, “we demand that we should be given equal treatment with other ethnic nationalities in the country. “Well, if Nigeria is not taking us serious we can have our Biafra and I don’t see anything bad in that. We are not ęghting the government, but only demanding that if we are not treated well we will

ęnd our original bearing. “If your father disowns you in a family seĴing, you can ęnd your way and do something else with your life,� he justięed. Nwosu said Igbos all over the country and in the Diaspora are watching with keen interest unfolding events in the country,


lam Isiaka Ibrahim as Zonal treasurer. Others are Alhaji Babamale as 1st Vice Chairman, Alhaji Nuhu Ajikobi, 2nd Vice Chairman, Alhaji Lawal Atanda as 3rd Vice Chairman, Alhaji Saka O. Raheem Ida-

Ndigbo to Buhari: Consider us too or...


Nnah Douglas, Abuja

ot satisęed with the manner the President Muhammadu Buhari-led federal government is assumed to be neglecting the Igbo ethnic nationality in the scheme of things, the Igbo nationals have threatened to secede if the government continues to marginalise the ethnic

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, November 7, 2015


Benue speaker advises youths to be self-reliant


he Speaker of Benue House of Assembly, Mr. Terkimbi Ikyange, has advised youths to engage in gainful ventures to better their lots. Ikyange gave the advice during an interview with journalists on Wednesday in Makurdi. He advised the youths to engage in small-scale enterprises which required little resources for take-off. Ikyange urged the youths to be committed in all their business deals so that they could grow financially.

He also advised them to stop the “ugly trend’’ of begging politicians for financial assistance, stressing that the act could make them lazy and indolent as well as impoverished them. Ikyange said that financial assistance from politicians could never be regular, hence the need for them to device avenues to fend for themselves and be useful to others as well. He said that the current administration was interested in assisting persons with genuine business ideas to help

them and others to be self-reliant. The speaker enjoined his constituents to see his elevation as speaker of the state house of assembly as recognition of the area, promising that he would use his position to support his constituents. Ikyange is representing Ushongo State Constituency in the state House of Assembly. He solicited for prayers from the people to enable him succeed in his task of piloting the affairs of the assembly.


Abia indigenes in S’Africa salute Ikpeazu on tribunal victory


bia State indigenes resident in South Africa have congratulated Governor Okezie Ikpeazu on his victory at the Governorship Election Petitions Tribunal. The tribunal had upheld the election of the governor on Tuesday. The President of Abia State Union in South Africa, Mr. Vincent Onyema, said in a statement issued in Cape Town that Abia indigenes in that country are happy with the verdict of the tribunal. The statement was made available to newsmen in Port Harcourt. “We join other Abia indigenes at home and in Diaspora to congratulate the governor on his

victory at the tribunal. “Abia State Union in South Africa urges the governor not to relent in his efforts to promote

Continued from Page 16

as members of the APC, especially those loyal to the Majority Leader, Femi Gbajabiamila maintained that the composition of the headships of the committees was skewed in favour of PDP members. A member of the House, Babban Kaita (Katsina state), told newsmen that the lopsided committee sharing may aͿect the smooth-running of the President Muhammadu Buhari administration. The member said: “Let’s bring Gbajabiamila group out of this; this is about the di΀culty that the APC government of President Buhari will face because of this composition.

development of the state. “We, particularly, want the governor to repair and rehabilitate in-

frastructure in Aba to bring back its status as the commercial centre of South East zone. “Aba was neglect-


ed, leading to the decay in infrastructure in the bubbling commercial city. “We urge the governor to restore the lost glory of the city,” he expressed. Onyema also said Abia indigenes in South Africa want the administration to develop the education, health, tourism and agriculture sectors. He said the state was blessed with arable land to boost agricultural production in order to generate employment and create wealth. “We believe that with the tribunal’s verdict, the governor is now set to implement his people-oriented programmes to move the state forward,” he said.

Crisis in House of Reps over C’ttees these committees, due process was followed. “We ensured that every member of the House got two Grade ‘A’ committees. Whether you are a chairman or deputy, you are still relevant.” He explained that the House had a tradition of retaining certain committees in some zones of the country because of the peculiar nature of the duties of such committees and Dogara kept to the established tradition. The announcement of the headships of special and standing committees by Dogara has been trailed with criticisms

“It has never been this bad. Dogara has shortchanged his own party, APC, in favour of the PDP. But we are not surprised because that was the agreement they had before he became Speaker. All the critical committees that will play a role in the change mantra of President Muhammadu Buhari have been given to the PDP.” On Thursday last week, Dogara named the leaderships of 96 committees, giving 48 chairmanship positions to his party, APC, 46 to the PDP and the remaining two to Social Democratic Party and All Progressive Grand Alliance.


Not long after, some lawmakers began to grumble that the sharing was lopsided and in favour of the PDP. There were complaints that the PDP got more “quality committees” than the APC. Citing examples, they noted that the committees on petroleum resources, power, works, aviation, health services, NDDC, gas resources and foreign aͿairs among others were taken by Dogara’s allies in the PDP. The committees on appropriations, Ànance, communications and house services taken by the APC, were said to have been given to his supporters in the ruling party.

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, November 7, 2015

Healthy Living


Fanfare as First Consultants Medical Centre celebrates 1st Ebola survivor delivered of baby


he management of First Consultants Medical Centre, Obalende, Lagos, has celebrated a female Nigerian doctor, Dr Ada Igonoh, the ęrst Ebola survivor to be delivered of a baby. Igonoh, the ęrst doctor to survive Ebola, was delivered of a baby girl on November 3 at Greater El-Monte Community Hospital in California, U.S.A. At a news brieęng in Lagos, Dr Benjamin Ohiaeri, the First Consultant Chief Medical Director, said the feat was the ęrst of its kind. According to him, the medical centre is excited because this is the ęrst of its kind. He narrated that ``last year, we were visited with the dreaded Ebola disease; a year later by the grace of God, we were saved from a national calamity and we have reason to celebrate. ``We have only four doctors that survived Ebola in Nigeria and Dr Ada Igonoh is one of them, of whom we are celebrating the birth of her baby. ``It is a celebration that all Nigerians should share. ``Normally, when one has Ebola and you recover, it is diĜcult to get pregnant and when you get pregnant, it is diĜcult to carry it. ``However, everything about Ada had been miraculous and ęne. ``She survived Ebola, she was looking after a lot of her other colleagues here at First Consultants and afterwards, she got pregnant very quick. By God’s grace, she carried the pregnancy and travelled when she was 28 weeks. ``On Tuesday, at ęve minutes after midnight Nigerian time, she was delivered of a baby

girl who weighed nine pounds and one ounce by Nigerian Americans in California. ``Mother and baby are ęne and everything is normal as all tests came back negative.’’ The chief medical director said ``this is a celebration of life, a success story that will continue to resonate in our country; the media was awesome and we will continue to work together in the years ahead. Ohiaeri said it had been proven that ``once we come together as one, there is no problem we cannot overcome with mutual respect and cooperation. ``Between last year and this year, the media has kept the information going, and we want to thank you and urge you to continue.’’ He added that Nigeria still had issues of preparedness to ward oě or tackle such diseases when they came up. He said more preventive measures should be in place to protect citizens, noting that the sensitisation on hand washing, good hygiene and others should be sustained , especially in rural communities. He lauded the U.S. Government, the Centre for Disease Control, the Association of Nigerian Physicians in the Americas (ANPA) and the Nigerian Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists in America for their support. Ohiaeri also commended the World Health Organisation (WHO) team, Global Aěairs Team from U.S. Government, Los Angeles County representatives and the Chief Executive OĜcer (CEO) of the hospital where Igonoh was delivered of the baby. ``The Association of Nigerian

Physicians in the Americas (ANPA) were great. They invited the hospital team to America to give them a talk on how we were able to manage Ebola,’’ he said. Ohiaeri also commended the media for their persistence in the reportage of the events that happened during the Ebola crisis, especially in enlightening the populace of safety measures to adopt. In his response, Dr Godwin Igonoh, the husband to Ada, said ``this is the ęrst child ever to record this feat. ``We are ecstatic and grateful to God; last year was a diĜcult one, but we came through. ``This year, we are celebrating. We thank everyone that prayed for us and stood by us, family, friends, churches and the media. ``First Consultant Medical Centre played a very crucial role by ensuring that Ada was kept employed; they supported her psychologically too, we are grateful,’’ Igonoh said. Also, Dr Akinniyi Fadipe, an Ebola survivor and a medical oĜcer with First Consultants,

said ``the memory is fast fading because I am forging ahead, but it was a very diĜcult time, a near death experience. ``Surviving a disease that has over 60 per cent mortality rate, especially with the particular strain that came into Nigeria, is something I will ever remain grateful for. ``Some people still want to put that stigma on you, but I have overcome all of those and living a healthy life,’’ Fadipe said. The ęrst case of EVD in Nigeria came through the late Patrick Sawyer, an EVD infected American-Liberian air traveller who died on July 20 after a baĴle with the virus. Nigeria recorded 19 conęrmed cases (15 in Lagos and four in Port Harcourt) and seven deaths. The four doctors who survived Ebola at the First Consultants Medical Centre were Morris Ibeawuchi, Adewale Adejoro, Fadipe Akinniyi and Ada Igonoh. The WHO oĜcially declared Nigeria as Ebola-free country on October 20 last year.

elderly persons. ``Lacto-bacteria in yogurt are friendly bacterium which helps to maintain healthy colon. ``The calcium in yogurt discourages excess growth of the cells lining the colon which helps in decreasing the risk of developing colon cancer. ``The bacterial cultures in yogurt also help to stimulate infectionęghting white cells in the blood stream and have anti-tumour eěects.’’ Abdullahi said consuming yogurt helped to decrease the development of yeast infection. ``Yogurt consumption helps lower cholesterol, maintain intestinal

health, overcome and prevent diarrhoea, as well as typhoid and vomiting.’’ She emphasised that one of the beneęts of protein in yoghurt was the prevention of anaemia. She admonished patients taking medications such as antibiotics to consume yogurt, saying it would minimise the eěect of the drug on the friendly bacteria in the intestine. The nutritionist also suggested daily intake of yogurt to prevent coronary heart disease and gastric cancer, among others, saying a glass of yogurt daily helped to maintain and build strong immune system.

Yogurt, great source of calcium, protein for young, elderly persons – Nutritionist


Nutritionist at Alpha Clinic, Dawaki, Abuja, Mrs Aisha Abdullahi, says that yogurt remains a good source of calcium and protein for young and elderly persons. Abdullahi maintained in Abuja that yogurt is rich in calcium and contributed to colon health. She added that it helped to reduce the risk of developing colon cancer, noting that ``yogurt is a balanced source of protein, calcium, fats, carbohydrates and minerals which both the young and elderly require for good health.’’ The nutritionist stressed that yogurt

was also healthy for infants and children, adding that it contained less lactose and more of lactase, which was highly tolerated in the body. She explained that the calcium in yoghurt binds cancer-producing bile acids, which kept them from irritating the corrupt wall of the colon. ``Yogurt aids healing after intestinal infections in both old and young. ``Moreover, people that consume diets high in calcium have lower risk of developing colorectal cancer.’’ The nutritionist said the lactic acid in yogurt aids in the digestion of milk calcium, thereby, making it easier for the body to absorb both in young and


Newswatch Times, Saturday, November 7, 2015

Healthy Living

Adulteration: NAFDAC destroys N5m herbal products in Enugu I

IPAS calls for review of abortion law, access to contraceptives


he National Agency for Foods and Drugs Administration and Control (NAFDAC) has destroyed fake and adulterated herbal products worth over N5 million in Enugu. The NAFDAC Enugu State Coordinator, Mr Ikechukwu Okoye, who led a team that carried out the destruction, told newsmen that the exercise would deter counterfeiters from producing such unwholesome products. He said that the manufacturer of the products had been apprehended by the agency and handed over to the police, while investigation was ongoing. ``The suspect operated an illegal factory along Okpara Avenue in the heart of Enugu metropolis, where he carried out the concocted mixture of herbal products and sold to unsuspecting members of the public,’’ Okoye said. The NAFDAC coordinator said that the environment where the herbal products were being produced was hygienically unsafe. ``His hidden production site where he mixed the concoction is under a tree with a toilet beside it,’’ he said. Okoye urged the public to join NAFDAC to rid the country of counterfeit, substandard and unwholesome products through prompt information on activities of dubious foods and drugs producers around them.

Over 1m unsafe abortions occur in Nigeria annually – Study


eports from a recent study on the incidence of abortions in Nigeria have revealed that over one million women of reproductive age went through unsafe abortions and further develop complications. Dr Olutosin Awolude, a lecturer at the University of Ibadan (UI) disclosed this in Abuja during the launch and dissemination of the national study conducted in 2012. The study was supported by GuĴmacher Institute, an international organisation which works to advance reproductive health, in collaboration with IPAS Nigeria. Awolude said that the objective of the study was to assess the incidence of abortion in Nigeria both regionally and nationally as well as to check the prevalence of unintended pregnancies. The study was also targeted at ęnding out how many women access treatment after abortion in safe health facilities. It noted that although abortion is illegal, it is still very common and mainly procured in unsafe health facilities. ``In Nigeria, abortion is legal only when performed to save the life of the woman. ``Still abortions are common and mostly unsafe because they are done clandestinely by unskilled providers.

``In spite of Nigeria’s highly restrictive abortion law, an estimated 1.25 million induced abortions occurred in 2012. ``The estimated abortion rate was 33 abortions per 1,000 women aged 15 to 49 in 2012. ``They are married and sexually active and they want to space their births or stop child bearing but are not using contraceptives.’’ According to Awolude, the population of women of reproductive age is about 41 million while one in seven women have unmet needs for family planning. He added that the prevalence of unsafe abortions in the country had contributed to reproduction complications and high rate of maternal mortality. ``One in seven women have unmet needs for family planning and 500 deaths occur per 100,000 births in the country, thereby increasing Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR). ``Complications of unsafe abortion range from pain to bleeding and more serious conditions, including systemic infection, pelvic infections and injury from instruments and even death. ``About 40 per cent of women undergoing abortion experience, complications serious enough to require medical treatment.”

He, however, said that expansion, promotion of family planning programmes as well as sexuality and family life education would reduce unsafe abortion practices. Awolude said that the study was carried out in the six geo-political zones of the country, involving 18 states and sampling all tertiary institutions where unsafe abortion was regarded as most prevalent. Also speaking, Mrs Hauwa Shekarau, the Acting Country Representative, IPAS Nigeria, observed that legal restrictions on abortion did not reduce the practice but rather made it unsafe. Shekarau said that any law not responsive to the yearnings of the people was a dead law. ``Nigerian government has been commiĴed under international law to protect the woman’s reproductive rights, including the Africa Protocol on the Right of Women signed in 2003. ``Abortions take place because of restrictive abortion law and legal restrictions on abortion does not reduce it but makes it more unsafe.” The acting country representative added that the country’s abortion law needed to be reviewed and given ``a human face’’.

Kano Assembly ask Ganduje to renovate dilapidated general hospital


he Kano State House of Assembly has called on the state government to renovate the dilapidated General Hospital in Kura Local Government Area. The lawmakers made the call after a member representing Kura/Garin Malam Constituency, Alhaji Hayatu Musa, presented the motion during plenary on Wednesday. Hayatu said the motion was necessary because of the importance of healthcare development in the state. ``The people of my constituency are in dare need of the renovation of the hospital

as well as the provision of modern healthcare facilities. ``If the hospital is renovated and provided with adequate facilities, my people will not travel to the neighbouring state for treatment.’’ According to him, the hospital established as comprehensive health centre in 1988 and was later converted to a general hospital in 1995. Hayatu noted that the present bad condition of the hospital made the people of that area to travel to other hospitals whenever there was an emergency. Also during the plenary, a joint motion

urging the state government to construct a road linking some communities in RiminGado and Kabo Local Government Areas was also presented. Presenting the motion, the member representing Rimin-Gado and Tofa, Alhaji Bello Butu-butu, said that during rainy season, people of that area experienced diĜculty in transporting their goods to other communities. Butu-butu said that the construction of a road in the area well known as one of the major producers of farm produce, would also boost the economy of the state.

PAS Nigeria, an NGO that works for the advancement of reproductive health has urged government, policy makers to review the country’s abortion law and grant women access to contraceptives. The acting Country Representative IPAS, Mrs Hauwa Shekarau, made the call during the launch and dissemination of the study on the ``Incidence of Abortion in Nigeria”. Shekarau said that the country’s abortion law was cruel to situations where women got impregnated through rape and incest. ``When a woman is raped, she was raped because there was no security measures to make sure she doesn’t get raped. ``But now she is raped and as a result of that, she becomes pregnant, no services to even help her regulate her fertility. ``Just about 11 per cent women of reproductive age use contraception and if you don’t use contraception, how do you prevent unwanted pregnancy, that is why unintended pregnancies will continue to happen,” she said. According to Shekarau, most women with unintended pregnancies will not keep the pregnancy while many of them will want to terminate it. She stated that there was high prevalence of abortions in the country that engendered pain, infections and in some cases death. ``People don’t need to come out with their placards to say we want to have abortion and when complications occur, they stay with it because they don’t want to be condemned by the law. ``The law should be reviewed to allow people who have genuine cases like rape, incest and health conditions that can affect the life of the woman”, she said. She also said that some qualified health care providers who engage in abortion practices do it at the expense of their professional ethics. Shekarau also pointed out that the experts who engaged in this does it at an exaggerated cost, hence low income women could not afford it. ``Women who live below one dollar per day cannot afford the luxury of visiting experts for abortions because they will be charged so high and the medical experts are not protected by the law. ``As a result, these women will result to quacks where they can get abortion done at a cheaper rate,” she said. She added that the legalisation of abortion would avail women access to safe abortions and services by trained personnel in a safe environment and affordable cost. The objective of the study is to ascertain the incidence of abortion in the country both regionally and nationally. It is also aimed at finding out women who had access to safe abortion facilities. The study was carried out in the six geo-political zones of the country, involving 18 states of the federation. The study sampled all tertiary institutions in the country where unsafe abortion was regarded as most prevalent. The study was supported by Guttmacher Institute International.

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Saturday, November 7

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, November 7, 2015


North Central Ortom’s lawyers threaten N1 billion suit against Tsav Godwin Akor, Makurdi


enue State Governor, Samuel Ortom’s lawyers have threatened to slam a N1 billion suit against former Lagos state Police Commissioner, Alhaji Abubakar Tsav, for allegedly embarking on a campaign of calumny against the chief executive of the state. This came on the heels of a suit which Mr Abrahams Kwaghngu, Senior Special Assistant to the Governor Àled at the Makurdi High Court claiming N200million from the former police commissioner. Governor Ortom had through one of the counsels, Professor Anthony Ijohor, a Senior Advocate of Nigeria, SAN, written to Alhaji Tsav

to tender an unreserved apology in at least three national dailies or be prepared to face the N1 billion suit. According to a statement made available to Newswatch Times by the Special Adviser to Governor Ortom on Media and ICT, Mr Tahav Agerzua, Governor Ortom complained of a publication in the National Daily Newspaper of Monday, July 6, 2015 in which the former police commissioner portrayed the governor in bad light before the people of the state. According to the letter written by T.D Pepe Esq, for Anthony Ijohor and Co, Alhaji Tsav’s publications, direct utterances and insinuations have also portrayed the governor in bad light before Nigerians and the whole world.

Monarch urges Wada to rehabilitate federal roads in Kogi Operation Controller, Department of Petroleum Resources, Mr. Caesar Douglas (left) with his team members monitoring the VDOHV RI IXHO DW D ÂżOOLQJ VWDWLRQ LQ -RV 3ODWHDX 6WDWHÂŤ\HVWHUGD\

Benue govt procures equipment for security agencies Godwin Akor, Makurdi


s part of its strategy towards crime free society, the Benue state government has procured some equipment for security agents to enable them improve on their performance. According to Governor Samuel Ortom, the

state government has also planned a programme for the rehabilitation of about 1000 persons that surrendered over 400 weapons in line with the amnesty programme introduced in June this year. Ortom, who was speaking during a threeday orientation workshop organized for those that embraced the amnesty

programme at the Royal Choice Inn, Makurdi, announced that those who refused to submit their arms would be chased with the stick even to their homes. He recalled that the hitherto powerful Terwase Akwazagh from Katsona-Ala local government area of the state had expressed his willingness

to live a normal life and added that anyone who embraces the amnesty would never regret. He advised the participants not to go back to their old ways as they may Ànd themselves in a harsh situation and assured people of the state that their lives and property would always be secured.

Pwajok worked for peace and unity of Plateau- IMPACT *\DQJ %HUH -RV


peace advocate group under the aegis of Initiative for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance, (IMPACT) Nigeria established by late Senator Gyang Pwajok, governorship aspirant of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) in the April election has indicated interest to continue with the legacies of the former legislator as a means of promoting peaceful coexis-

tence in Plateau and Nigeria. In a statement signed by the secretary, Isaac Wadak, condoled the immediate family, government and peace loving people of Plateau state, over the demise of late Pwajok. Wadak noted that the former legislator was detribalised, a man of peace and urged politicians in the country to emulate him, adding that, “he devoted his life to peace and reconciliation.� According to the text of the condolence massage to

the immediate family of late Pwajok, who established (IMPACT) to promote peaceful coexistence among Nigerians, stressed that, “the establishment of IMPACT Nigeria which he chaired, was one of the many programmes which he used to champion the cause of peace and reconciliation during his political career.� he added that late Pwajok was a man of peace and social well being of all, irrespective of age, religious and political

diěerence, “he was a bridge builder between the young and the old, and was loved by the youth.� The corpse of the former legislator arrived Jos, on Wednesday evening, and has been deposited at the Jos University Teaching Hospital JUTH Morgue, preparatory for burial soon as will be announced by the family. It will be recall that late senator Gyang Pwajok recently died in an Indian hospital after a protracted illness.

This is contained in a press statement signed by Samuel Dung Pwajok on behalf of the Lo-bard family, said the burial will take place at the late Senator’s residence at Nyam Shom close, Atiku Street in Rayęeld, Jos

Plateau State. Sen. Pwajok 48, took ill in May and died in an Indian Hospital of complications from Hepatocellular Carcinoma. The family said there will be a service of songs on

Thursday 12th November at Waye foundation, Duwei and appreciate all the outpouring of emotions , solidarity and prayers of people within and outside the state since the demise of the late Senator.

... burial fixed f or Fr iday, Nov. 13


eanwhile, the burial of late Senator Gyang Pwajok, Plateau State governorship candidate in the April Election has been ęxed for Friday 13 November, 2015.

Ademu Idakwo, Lokoja


he paramount ruler of Eganyi in Ajaokuta Local government area in Kogi State, Alhaji Musa Isah Atuja, has asked the State Governor, Idris Wada, to award the contract for the reconstruction of the Adogo/Ajaokuta federal road which has been abandoned by the Federal Government before seeking for reimbursement. The road which links Kogi State with Edo in the west and Enugu in the east through Ajaokuta, Adogo and Okene has become a death trap and haven for armed robbers who have been terrorising motorists. The royal father who spoke yesterday in his

palace at Adogo when the governor paid him a courtesy visit said it is very expedient and instructive for Wada to take that step to give the people a new lease of life. He said due to the commitment of the governor to the welfare of the people, they have no option, but to vote massively for him to be re-elected. He commended the former governor, Alhaji Ibrahim Idris, for correcting the imbalance in the traditional stool between Kogi East and other senatorial districts adding that the incumbent governor has sustained his legacies. Atuja promised that for that reason, his subjects would vote for Wada to return him to Lugard House.

APGA will win Kogi poll - Goodman Ademu Idakwo, Lokoja


he governorship candidate of the All Progressive Grand Alliance, APGA, for the forthcoming Kogi State gubernatorial election on 21st of November, Comrade Akwu Goodman, has indicated that his party would carry the day because it has no record of corruption. Goodman who spoke to journalist on telephone yesterday said APGA has a clean record adding that Kogites are weary of the other political parties whose antecedents are those of soiled hands due to corruption. “APGA is a party that has not had issues with the ICPC or EFCC; how can you com-

pare the party that has been choked up with crime and criminality with APGA? In the Ă€rst place, you should look at the personality, do not look at the political party. “White emblem does not give the taste of breadâ€? , anybody can write anything. On the popularity of the party in the state, he said the Ă€fty political parties registered are of the same status, adding that APC was formed barely a year ago and PDP is about 16years ago, but ‘APC defeated PDP, so I don’t know what you mean by popularity.’ Explaining further, he said if President Buhari is removed from APC, what will remain is a “club or an NGOâ€? group of criminals who are looters.


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Newswatch Times, Saturday, November 7, 2015

Sports Update

U-17 World Cup: Hayatou hails Mali, Nigeria starlets


Pinnick proud of Eaglets outing


FF President Amaju Pinnick was in ecstacy after the Golden Eaglets defeated hard Ȯęghting Mexico 4-2 in Concepcion to reach the ęnal of the FIFA Under-17 World Cup Chile 2015. Pinnick barely had time to catch his breath from a long trip that took him from London to Buenos Aires and Santiago before arriving in Concepcion. But he was on time to meet the team at the Diego de Almagro Hotels before they set out to the Estadio Municipal Ester Roa. “I’m very excited, not only with the result, but the way the boys came ęghting back after that early goal by Mexico. I keep saying that we have the potential to be world champions in several areas of endeavour. “These boys have done Nigeria proud. They will go up against Mali on Sunday with great

conędence and discipline, and emerge victorious.” Mexico hit fast and hard as the Eaglets again chose to sit back and soak the pressure in the opening minutes. Magana struck past the brilliant Akpan Udoh in the 8th minute for Mexico’s opener, drawing the Eaglets out. Captain Kelechi Nwakali drew Nigeria level with a brilliant free Ȯkick with 10 minutes to the end of ęrst half. But there was still time for Orji Okonkwo to riĚe past the Mexican goalie in the 43rd minute for one of the goals of the tournament. Mexico drew level on the hour mark as defender Diego Cortes sliced through the Nigerian defence as if it were not there. But Osinachi Ebere got on the end of a magnięcent pass by Nwakali to restore Nigeria’s lead in the 67th minute, as the goalkeeper helped his close range shot

into the net. Victor Osimhen got his ninth goal of the tournament from the penalty spot after the lively right back John Lazarus was upended

in the Mexican box, Osimhen thus equaled the tournament record of nine goals (by Sinima Pongolle of France in 2001 and Soulemany Coulibaly of Cote d’Ivoire in 2011).


likes of Nigeria’s Macauley Chrisantus (2007); Spain’s David (1997); Ghana’s Ismael Addo (1999) and Sweden’s Berisha (2013). Osimhen, who is Golden Eaglets leading scorer

Zealand last June. It is in this regard that CAF President Issa Hayatou on the morning of Friday, 6 November 2015 paid glowing tribute to the two teams, Mali and Nigeria on their impressive performances at the tournament. “There are times when words cannot express the feeling, and I think this is one of such moments. On my behalf, and that of the CAF Executive CommiĴee, I congratulate the young players from Mali and Nigeria who have oěered us moments of indescribable joy”, said Issa Hayatou, who has been carefully observing the proceedings of the tournament. “The results and performances of the two teams in the competition have left, in the opinion of many, much to be desired. But we had to realize the promise of the Ěowers and the young did so masterfully for the happiness of all the great African football family and the continent. “I am pleased that these results are obtained with essentially local technical persons, a testament to the quality and potential of African coaches.

‘All Africa World Cup final ’ll be physical’, Akinsola predicts


... Osimhen equals World Cup record olden Eaglets’ prolięc scorer, Victor Osimhen, has equalled the longstanding FIFA U-17 World Cup scoring record of nine goals in a tournament following his goal in the 4-2 defeat of Mexico on Thursday at the Estadio Municipal in Concepción. The record was previously jointly held by Frenchman Florent Sinama Pongolle and Ivorian Souleymane Coulibaly who were top scorers at the global cadet championship at Trinidad & Tobago 2001 and Mexico 2011 respectively. At Chile 2015, Osimhen had earlier achieved a rare feat of equalling the seven- goal scoring record earlier achieved by the

he story was written a thousand miles from home, but its echo was resonating throughout Africa, with highest frequency in Bamako, the Malian capital, where thousands took to the streets despite being in the wee hours of the night. This reĚects no doubt the historic and unprecedented nature of what had happened with the qualięcation of the national Under-17 team to the ęnal of the FIFA U-17 World Cup underway in Chile. A ęrst for a Malian side, which made history on 1 March 2015 in Niamey, Niger, by being crowned African champions for the ęrst time. It is in the fervour and joy of the celebration of the semi-ęnal win against Belgium, the Malian fans discovered the identity of their opponent for the ęnal. This will be Nigeria, defending champions and record winners in the history of the competition with four titles, who beat Mexico 4-2 in the other semi-ęnal, to set up an all-African ęnal, narrowly missed during the FIFA U-20 World Cup in New

going into Chile 2015 with a remarkable 41 goals in 73 international and domestic matches, opened his Chile 2015 account with a goal in the 2-0 win over the USA on the opening day.

He continued with a brace in the 5-1 defeat of host Chile and was also Nigeria’s scorer in the 2-1 loss to Croatia to round oě the group phase. He was also in superb form at the commencement of the knockout stage, by grabbing the ęrst hat trick of Chile 2015 in the crushing 6-0 defeat of Australia in Round 16 and he followed up his act with a goal each in the 3-0 and 2-1 win against Brazil and Mexico respectively in the quarter and semi ęnals. With the ęnal match yet to be played, Osimhen is now on the threshold of history to break the record of most goals in a single tournament at the FIFA U-17 World Cup.

007 FIFA Under -17 17 World Cup winner, Kabiru Akinsola, has predicted a ‘very tough’ ęnal on Sunday for the Eaglets as they come up against African champions, Mali in the ęnale of the 2015 FIFA U-17 World Cup. Both teams had to come from behind to go past their semi ęnal opponents; Mali dominated 3-1 against Belgium while Mexico fell 2-4 to Nigeria early hours Friday. Reacting to the all African pairing, Kabiru told that encounters against African teams can be physically exerting and requires the right personnel with the right skills to deliver on match day. Meanwhile, Golden Eaglets’ striker Orji Okonkwo has described his 35-yard screamer which fetched second goal for Nigeria in the 4-2 defeat of Mexico in the semi ęnals of the FIFA U-17 World Cup as his best ever. Okonkwo had played minor part in the tournament until fate thrust him into the fray, as replacement for Funsho Bamgboye who was suspended after two yellow cards. The boy grabbed the bull by the horns to score what is known in Nigerian football parlance as ‘intercontinental ballistic missile.’ “I have never scored a

goal like this before and you cannot practice this kind of goal,” admiĴed Okwonkwo, the ęrst boy in a family with six other children. The goal I scored against Mexico today is a wonderful goal and I’m dedicating the goal to my mum who has been there for me; challenging me to be the best. “My dad died last year; I remember him too but it is my mum that has been there for me all this while. I thank her so much,” he said. Okonkwo, is one of the team’s paceseĴer performers who scored thrice, including a goal against Mali on April 21, 2014, at the subregional West African Football Union (WAFU) B Tournament in Togo where the Golden Eaglets ęnished third behind Benin and Togo. Over 21,000 spectators including NFF President Amaju Pinnick, saw Okonkwo’s top -of -the -drawer goal but there was another person on his mind when his lively shot sailed into the net: Emmanuel Amuneke. “Today, I want to thank Coach Emmanuel Amuneke for pushing me so hard,” said the player, who was sanctioned and kept out of the squad for months prior to the African U-17 Championship in Niger Republic.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, November 7, 2015

Ogbu backs club in Swedish playoffs


oses Ogbu has said his team could still seal promotion to the Swedish top-Ěight league despite being held to a 2-2 draw at home by Falkenbergs FF in the ęrst leg. The Nigerian striker scored twice for Sirus before they were pegged back by the visitors. “Well, it’s going to be a diĜcult second leg in their home to be honest, but again if there’s any team from this league that can turn ties around then it’s Sirus,” Ogbu said. “So, we believe we can go there and win on Sunday. I was disappointed we didn’t win the ęrst leg but we can do the job away.” Ogbu, who scored ęve goals during the regular season, opened the scoring for his side in the 11th minute to give them a 1-0 lead. He completed a brace in the 64th minute to level the

game 2-2. He was substituted in the 86th minute with Ante Bjoerkebaum. Waris banned for six matches in Ligue 1 Lorient striker, Majeed Waris, has been handed a hefty six-match match after his sending oě in the Ligue 1 last week. A tackle from Guingamp winger Jimmy Briand which was not given as a foul by the referee incensed the Ghana international during the 2-2 draw. He reacted by launching into a kung fu-style kick on his opponent, which resulted in a straight red card. But the LFP’s disciplinary commiĴee opted to extend his ban to six matches following his reaction on the sidelines. Waris kicked water boĴles in frustration before storming oě down the tunnel.

Sports Update

Nigeria, Mali in all-African U-17 World Cup final


igeria will clash with Mali tomorrow in only the second All-African U-17 World Cup ęnal after they defeated Mexico 4-2 Friday night in Concepcion, Chile. Nigeria’s Golden Eaglets also featured in the ęrst all-African ęnal in 1993 when they faced Ghana in the championship game in Japan. Nigeria striker Victor Osimhen also equaled the all-time goals record in the competition when he neĴed

his ninth goal of the tournament from the penalty spot. The Golden Eaglets also beat the baby El Tri twice at the last tournament in UAE two years ago – winning a group game 6-1 before they stopped them 3-0 in the ęnal. Mexico deservedly led 1-0 through Kevin Magana’s strike after a good work from the right wing by Lara, who beat Udochukwu Anamudu. Golden Eaglets captain Kelechi Nwakali

leveled scores for Nigeria with a superbly taken 25-yard free kick in the 35th minute. Nigeria then took the lead for the ęrst time in the game in the 43rd with a 20-yard cracker from Orji Okonkwo, who released a rocket shot after he cut in from the left wing. However, Mexico made it 2-2 through a magical solo goal by Diego Cortes. Oshinachi Ebere got on the scoreboard in the 67th minute, when his low shot from inside the

box was helped home by the Mexico shot stopper. Osimhen then tucked away a penalty kick in the 83rd minute after John Lazarus was upended inside the box. In the 72nd minute, Samuel Chukwueze crashed his eěort against the post after he turned away from his marker and minutes later, Nwakali free kick was barely pushed away by the goalkeeper, before Osimhen was denied in the 77th minute from six yards out.

tory over the technically gifted Mexicans. “It was a dif¿cult match in which both teams did their best. We give credit to Mexico because of their performance and its level of play. We are happy to be in the ¿nal and have the chance to defend the world title. Mali is a good team, Africa’s champion. This is going to be an interesting challenge,” said Amuneke at the post-match. Nigeria cruised into their seventh ¿nal in the Fifa Under-17 World Cup on the back of a 4-2 win over Mexico through goals from Kelechi Nwakali, Orji Okonkwo, Osinachi Ebere and Victor Osimhen’s penalty goal. Mexico netted twice in the game via Kevin Magana and Diego Cortes, who produced a sublime individual ¿nish that conjured up the memory of Diego Maradona’s individual brilliance against England at the 1986 Fifa

World Cup in Mexico. The Golden Eaglets of Nigeria are now aiming to win a ¿fth world title

at Under-17 level when they face Mali at the Estadio Saualito Vina Del Mar in Chile on Sunday

...Amuneke expects tough Mali challenge

N Senegal, Gambia in WAFU zone ‘A’ final


ost Senegal will face neighbours arch rivals the Gambia in Saturday’s ęnal of the West Africa Football Union (WAFU) Zone `A’ after respective wins over Guinea-Bissau and Liberia on Thursday at the Mawade Wade Stadium in Saint-Louis. Senegal sealed their place with a convincing 5-0 win over GuineaBissau. Ibrahima Drame scored a hat-trick, AS Douanes’ Slyvain Badji was also on target before an own goal from Guinea Bissau’s goalkeeper secured the hosts victory. Gambia’s strong start against Liberia was enough to book the Darling Scorpions’ a meeting with Senegal which is

dubbed the “Sene-Gambia derby”. Captain Abdoulie Jallow scored the winner after three minutes, with a sublime ęnish past the Liberian goalie for the only goal of the match. Guinea-Bissau and Liberia will baĴle it out in the third place match on Saturday, 7 November 2015, to be followed by the ęnal between Senegal and Gambia. Senegal is using the tournament to prepare for the Africa U-23 Cup of Nations tournament schedule for 28 November to 12 December 2015 in the cities of Dakar and M’bour, where the top three will qualify to represent Africa at the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

igeria head coach, Emmanuel Amuneke, says he is expecting “an interesting challenge” against Mali in this Sunday’s all-African Fifa Under-17 World Cup ¿nal. Amuneke’s team defeated Mexico 4-2 in the semi¿nal while Mali downed Belgium 3-1 to set up an all-African ¿nal for the ¿rst time in 22 years in the history of the Fifa Under-17 World Cup. The former Nigerian international said reaching the ¿nal of the under-17s tournament for a second successive time offers his country the chance to defend the title they won two years ago in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Amuneke, who was part of the coaching setup in UAE in 2013, acknowledged that the Malian are “a good team” since they are African champions. The 44-year-old Nigerian coach also took time to relive the semis vic-

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