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Saturday, September 12, 2015
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Saturday, September 12, 2015
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 12, 2015
Amosun charges religious leaders to pray for national development Bolu-Olu Esho, Abeokuta
o v e r n o r I b i k u n l e Amosun has called on religious leaders in the country, particularly in Ogun State not to relent in praying for the state and the nation in general for desirable economic growth and development. This was contained in a statement signed by the Press OÄ&#x153;cer to the OÄ&#x153;ce of the state Deputy Governor, Olayinka Femi, made available to Newswatch
yesterday in Abeokuta, the state capital. Amosun made the call at the 50th birthday thanksgiving service of the General Overseer of Reconciliation Bible Church, Ifo, Apostle Ademola Dejo-Olagboye and dedication of a 5,000-seater auditorium of the church. Represented by his deputy, Chief (Mrs) Yetunde Onanuga, who was accompanied by the Deputy Speaker of the state House of Assembly, Hon. Olakunle Oluomo and the Transition
CommiÄ´ee Chairman, Ifo local government, Dr. Lukman Kiadese, Governor Amosun noted that the country was currently at a cross road, thereby ministers of God should intercede to see the nation weather through the economic storm. He assured people of the state that his performance in his second term in oÄ&#x153;ce would surpass the Ä&#x2122;rst, adding that the rural areas would experience more dividends of democracy.
Appreciating the people for their support for him during and after the last general elections, Amosun said â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;all hands must be on deck as we work together to take the state to greater heights.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; The Deputy Speaker in his remark congratulated the clergyman and charged him to continue to be upright in all his ways, praying for the peace, tranquillity and development of Nigeria and the state in particular.
South West WAMCO celebrates 1000 accident-free days Chioma Umeha
rieslandCampina WAMCO Nigeria Plc has celebrated 1,000 days without any Lost Time Accident (LTA) as part of the companyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s SHE Week themed â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Safety in your hands, hearts and mind.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; According to a statement signed by Ore Famurewa, Corporate AÍżairs 'irector, LTA refers to an employeeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s time oÍż work due to an injury sustained at work during daily operations. Similarly, the company is now ISO 14001 and OHSAS 1 001 certiĂ&#x20AC;ed for maintaining the best regulatory standards for e n v i ro n m e n t - f r i e n d l y energy use and waste management as well as promoting the best occupational health and safety standards without legal breaches. In his commendation to
staÍż, Managing 'irector of the company, Rahul Colaco, stated that â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;these achievements truly demonstrate our team membersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; individual and collective commitment and dedication to high personal safety standards.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are proud of the high standards we have set for ourselves and the rest of the business within Nigeria. This is a good opportunity to celebrate our value on safety which recognizes that safety is not just a priority but it is in the hearts of people. The best part is that our families back home are the biggest beneĂ&#x20AC;ciaries of this safety culture. Keeping safe and going home every day with a sense of safety remains a key focus in everything we do and ultimately, our ambition is to move from safety being a rule to a habit,â&#x20AC;? it stated.
Pastor rapes teenage girl during deliverance service
40-year-old Pastor, Abraham Akpan, was yesterday charged before a Lagos Magistrate Court in keÂ&#x201C;a for allegedly deÄ&#x2122;ling a 16-year-old girl while conducting deliverance prayer on her. Akpan who resides in Ijaiye area of Lagos, is standing trial on a threecount charge bordering on rape. While testifying in court, the prosecutor, Sgt. Ogun State Governor, Senator Ibikunle Amosun (left) with Awujale and paramount ruler of Ijebuland, Oba Sikiru Adetona, during the Jimah Iseghede, said the commissioning of the Awujale Shopping Complex at Ipebi in Ijebu-Ode...yesterday. defendant commiÄ´ed the oÄ&#x203A;ence between August 27 and August 29 in his apartment. present at the interactive that the meeting was part the state. Folake Sokoya Iseghede said the He said the Ä&#x2122;ght against meeting and they all of measures to check the he Commissioner inÄ&#x161;ow of Boko Haram Boko Haram insurgents promised to cooperate with of Police in Lagos members into the state, was for all Nigerians, the CP to secure the state, State, CP Fatai stressing that they (Arewa adding that they should particularly, to ensure that Bolu-Olu Esho, Abeokuta Owoseni, yesterday called communities) were the join the police to secure the the insurgents do not carry enior Secondary on Arewa community in best to assist the police areas they live in Lagos. out their operations in School students the state to cooperate with to know the criminals The CP therefore urged Lagos. in public schools the police in the state in amongst them. They requested that them to identify new in Ogun State have been the Ä&#x2122;ght against suspected Owoseni stated further Arewa members coming Divisional Police OÄ&#x153;cers Boko Haram members. and Area Commanders engaged in Information that the security of into their Communication Owoseni made the call Lagos should not be left areas to stay, stressing should recognise their while receiving some for the security agents that they should have full leadership in each area Technology with a view broadening their members of the Arewa alone, stressing that as data of such persons before of the state, stressing that to community in Lagos at the people from a particular accommodating them. through this process; it knowledge in the use and application of computer. police headquarters, Ikeja. region, they have a lot to More than 200 members would be easier to arrest The students were The commissioner said contribute in security of of Arewa from were criminals amongst them. oÄ&#x203A;ered free training by South-West Resource Centre, a skill acquisition the fact that President made. Some states of governance is good. centre owned by the Ayodele Olalere Buhari has concentrated the country may not However, the money state government at Okeappointments have ministerial slots saved therein should be Mosan, Abeokuta, the Lagos based recent state capital. to the in the ministersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; list used judiciously.â&#x20AC;? human rights announced According to a statement Omodele who further lawyer, Yemi northern part of the to be released by the president soon. This is advised the president to by the spokesperson for the Omodele, has called on country.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; â&#x20AC;&#x153;In politics, there is so because there is wide be wary of sycophants centre, Oluwaseun Boye, Nigerians to exercise the General Manager patience with President what is called strategy, spread news that he who he said are looking Muhammadu Buhari which is believed to be may likely reduce the for cheap popularity, over recent political what the incumbent number of ministers to added that President president of the 19. If this is done, then Buhari should involve he Stone appointments. Publishers, one In a statement signed country is doing now. some of the 36 states all in his administration. argued that of the leading by the human rights It is believed that the of the country will not He companies lawyer, he said â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;It has president will consider have ministers,â&#x20AC;? the President Buhari is a publishing sectors, parts, statement stated. man of integrity who in Nigeria, will, on become everyday story all It added: â&#x20AC;&#x153;The action of would not want to be Thursday September in all families of the zones and regions of country these days the country in terms the present government ousted like the past 17, 2015 present its new book â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Economists as of appointments to be to reduce expenses of government.
Lagos CP meets Arewa over Boko Haram
16-year-old girlâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s parent took her to the church for deliverance where the 40-year-old allegedly had his way on her sexually. â&#x20AC;&#x153;At the deliverance session, when nobody was there, the pastor raped the girl severally,â&#x20AC;? he said. According to Iseghede, the oÄ&#x203A;ence contravened Sections 135, 137 and 141 of the Criminal Law of Lagos State, 2011. Akpan however pleaded not guilty to the charges. The Chief Magistrate, Mr Tajudeen Elias, adjourned the case till September 21 for ruling on the bail application Ä&#x2122;led by the defendant.
Ogun train students in ICT
Lawyer urges calm with Buhari over political appointment
of the ICT centre, Mrs. Irene Ayorinde explained that the training was embarked upon to equip secondary school students in public schools in the state with basic computer appreciation skills needed to be able to seat for the newly introduced Computer-Based Test being conducted by the Joint Admission Matriculation Examination Board (JAMB) and other examinations. She noted that besides examination purpose, it would avail the students the opportunity of learning how to search for data and information on the internet, which would enhance their studies.
Stone Publishers to present book
Assassins: The Nigerian Connection.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; The presentation of the book, wriÄ´en by Dr. Jimanze Ego-Alowes will take place at 28, FaniKayode Street, Ikeja GRA at 1pm.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 12, 2015
South South
Declare your assets now, group urges Gov. Dickson Uchenna Nwafor, Yenagoa
ollowing President Buhariâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s zero-tolerance to corruption as expressed by the anti-graft agencies to bring to book corrupt persons both in the public and private sectors, the Governor of Bayelsa state, Hon. Seriake Dickson has been admonished to publicly declare all his personal assets. In a statement issued yesterday in Yenagoa and made available to news men, secretary of Grace
Movement Initiative (GMI), Evangelist Elliot Zamide, called for Governor Dicksonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s mantra of accountability and transparency to be taken seriously. Zamide added that President Buhari and his Vice Yemi Osinbayo should be taken as a challenge for Dickson to endear himself in the minds of Bayelsans. The group recalled that prior to his becoming Governor of Bayelsa State, Hon. Dicksonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s asset proĂ&#x20AC;le was not as huge and bloated as it is presently. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We know Dickson be-
fore he became governor of Bayelsa state, and he never had this kind of wealth which he is displaying and deploying for his reelection campaigns as is being witnessed lately. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Though political ofĂ&#x20AC;ce holders in Nigeria are never expected to get poorer when they are in positions of authority, the accelerated asset proĂ&#x20AC;le of Dickson has no doubt been a cause for concern for Bayelsans whose level of prosperity before his emergence getting leaner in contrast to his Excellen-
cy and familyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s stupefying ascensionâ&#x20AC;? The group, in alliance with All progressive Grand Alliance (APGA) is backing Comrade Francis Dufugha for the governorship election in the state and stressed further that Bayelsans would have no need to worry about the wealth proĂ&#x20AC;le of an APGA-produced governor. He said upon assuming power Dufugha would ensure that impropriety of any kind would not be tolerated within its ranks and among members of the governors cabinet.
(QXJX 6WDWH *RYHUQRU 5W +RQ ,IHDQ\L 8JZXDQ\L ULJKW UHFHLYLQJ 1LJHULD /DERXU &RQJUHVV 1/& SRVLWLRQ SDSHU RQ ÂżJKW against corruption from l-r: TUC Chairman, Enugu State, Comm. Chukwuma Igbokwe, NLC Chairman, Enugu State, Comm. Virginus Nwobodo, as the Commissioners for Health and Labour & Productivity, Dr. Sam Ngwu and Barr. Emeka Okeke look on, when the organized labour of Enugu state paid a courtesy call on the Governor at Government House, Enugu, during a rally in VXSSRUW RI JRYHUQPHQWÂśV ÂżJKW DJDLQVW FRUUXSWLRQ \HVWHUGD\
Rivers governorship election marred by violence, says APC witness Ndanti Ekuh
witness for the All Progressives Congress (APC) in the ongoing trial for the April 11 Rivers State Governorship election, Mr Charles Okoye said on Friday that the election was marred by violence. Okoye, who was in charge of the Independent
National Electoral Commission (INEC) election, campaign and party monitoring group in the state, said this in his testimony to the tribunal in Abuja. The witness gave the testimony while being led in evidence by counsel to the petitioners, Mr Akinlolu Olujimi (SAN). The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports
that the APC and its candidate, Mr Dakuku Peterside, had approached the Justice Suleman Ambrosa led three-man panel seeking the nulliĂ&#x20AC;cation of the election of Gov. Nyesom Wike. The petitioners are also challenging the conduct of INEC and the Peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Democratic Party (PDP) over the election.
The petitioners are seeking the nulliĂ&#x20AC;cation on the ground that the election was marred by irregularities and fraudulent practices. He said that the report gathered by him and other members of his group showed that there was no election in major parts of the state. According to Okoye,
Okorocha set to give loan to communities Emma Mgbeahurike, Owerri
he Imo State Governor, Owelle Rochas Okorocha has said that communities in the state will soon access soft loans that have been made available by the state government to kick-start the,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; One Community, One Factory Projectâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;. This, according to the governor, is as part of mea-
sures by his administration to boost industrial activities in the state, create wealth, tackle poverty and provide jobs for the people. He disclosed during an interactive meeting he held with some core industrialists, investors and business operators in the state at the Imo state Trade and Investment Centre in Owerri. The governor who reafĂ&#x20AC;rmed his determination
to actualize his administrationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s policy of Factory, factory, factory; Industry, Industry, Industry and Job, Job, Job, assured investors and business operators in the state that the government would always provide necessary infrastructure that would boost make their businesses. He said that the sum of Ă&#x20AC;ve billion naira had been
deposited with the Imo State Micro Finance Bank for communities to access, adding that these communities can access the loans at 7% interest rate for one community. The governor also said that some of these communities are not viable, hence the need to merge the unviable ones for better result.
Onitsha company alleges blackmail over seized products
Alphonsus Eze, Awka
nitsha-based company, Bedusco International Agency Limited, has denied producing fake BIC shaving sticks as alleged by the Standard Organisations of Nigeria (SON). The Managing Director of the company, Mr Benjamin Nwaizum, said that some foreign companies who import goods similar to what he is producing in his industries in Onitsha are being used by some organizations and agencies to run his factory down because they refused to be intimidated to part with some money. He added that 120 workers in his company have lost their jobs following the continued seizure of the companyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s over 15 industrial machines by the agency. Nwaizu who is also the Managing Director of D&K Golden City Investment Limited, said that the seizure of the injection machines has reduced its work force. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Our products are competing with their substandard imported products, and they are not happy with the way our products are displacing their own in the markets so they resorted to blackmail with their cohorts who are supposed
to be working for the protection of indigenous companies. Our industries are well known, with distinctive products, registered in Nigeria. We do not produce BIC Disposable Shaving Sticks, rather, we have our own brand which is Dorco Disposable Shaving Stick and Best Clean tooth brush, shoe brush and hair brush and we also produce hangers, we do not produce in make-shift houses or batcher as some people wants the public to believeâ&#x20AC;? He said it was unfortunate that the agency which is supposed to be encouraging and assisting indigenous industries have decided to align with foreign companies that import goods into Nigeria to â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;destroy the image of our industries, our products and the market we have created over the years.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Nwaizu said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;We started producing with payment of all the necessary fees for acquisition of Mandatory Conformity Assessment Program (MANCAP) CertiÄ&#x2122;cate in 2011, but a South Korean company that imports similar product, shaving stick precisely, into the country which started processing theirs in 2014 has been issued with the certiÄ&#x2122;cate while ours is still pending,â&#x20AC;? he said.
Ebonyi NLC decries membersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; transfer Kenneth Ofoma, Abakaliki
he Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), Ebonyi State chapter, yesterday raised the alarm over alleged punitive transfers of labour leaders by the state government. While condemning the redeployment, the labour leaders described it as an attempt to prevent workers from demanding their entitlements. In a statement by its Secretary, Comrade Chukwuma Onwe, the union said it was not against the redeployment of any government staÍż in the state but that it must be done in good faith. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We the organized labour in the state feels bad about the present redeployment of labour leaders in the state who are in the payroll of government. Transfer is a routine thing and it should be done in good
faith. So we are not happy about our current transfer. We have reported this matter to our National President, Ayuba Waba because the whole aim is to stop us from agitating for our rights and entitlements, he said. Meanwhile, in the transfer paper dated 9th September, 2015, Onwe, who is the state Chairman of Radio and Television Theatre Arts Workers Union (RATTAWU) and Secretary of the state NLC was transferred from the Ebonyi State Broadcasting Corporation (EBBC) to the state Building Materials Industry. His Secretary, Kama Chima, a senior reporter was transferred from the station to Ebonyi Hotels AĂ&#x20AC;kpo, while the PRO, Samuel Okpor of Programme Department in the station was transferred to Ezillo farm in the state among others.
Newswatch Times Saturday, September 12, 2015
South East
APGA BOT member alleges plot to clampdown on Igbo businesses Alphonsus Eze, Awka
ember, Board of Trustees (BoT) of All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA), Chief Rommy Ezeonwuka, has alerted businessmen of Igbo extraction to be vigilant as President Muhammadu Buhari may allegedly soon clampdown on their businesses to impoverish them. Chief Ezeonwuka, who is the Ogirisi Ndigbo, said that with the skewed appointments against the South East geo-political zone, ground is being prepared for policies that
will target the businesses of Ndigbo in the country. The proprietor of Rojenny Tourist and Sports Village Oba in Idemili South local government area of Anambra State said that the import of the lopsided appointments by President Buhari was to distance Ndigbo from participating where critical decisions will be taken, saying that almost always such decisions are targeted against the business interest of Ndigbo. He said with the recent Central Bank of Nigeria policies, Igbos have lost almost 30 percent of their investments and businesses, and advised
Igbo traders and businessmen to â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;shine their eyes.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; He said he foresees a situation where men of Nigerian Customs will commence impounding goods of Igbo importers in the name of seizing contraband goods, adding that the appointment of a retired Army oÎ&#x20AC;cer to head the Customs may be preparing ground for the impending clamp-down of goods of traders and businessmen from the South East. He charged wealthy and rich people of Igbo extraction who have invested outside the South East to as a matter of
urgency to begin relocating their investments not only to ensure safety but to also provide jobs for teeming youths of Ndigbo who roam about in Lagos and Abuja in search of non-existent jobs. The APGA chieftain said that one of the reasons why Igbos are endangered species in this country is because virtually all their investments are located outside the South East, saying that time has come when they should relocate those investments in the zone to fasten the development of the area as well as ensure their security.
News IMO CP reads riot act to criminals Emma Mgbeahurike, Owerri
he new Commissioner of Police, Imo State, CP. Taiwo Lakanu, yesterday read riot act to criminals operating in the state, stressing that he would, apart from the traditional role of Ă&#x20AC;ghting crime, adopt other methodologies that would lead to total elimination of violent crimes such as armed robbery, kidnapping and cultism. BrieĂ&#x20AC;ng newsmen at the Police Command Headquarters in Owerri, CP. Lakanu who on assumption of duty dismantled and arrested two notorious gang of armed robbers who were terrorizing some residents of the Aladimma area in Owerri, said that he was poised to create a crime - free environment that would make economic and business activities to thrive in the state without hindrance. According to him, while the State Police Command had commenced the replacement
of structures that would deal decisively with crime and criminality, reforming, restructuring and repositioning of the force for optimal eÎ&#x20AC;ciency are ongoing. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We have put in place strategic training, re-training and re-organisation of the personnel of the Nigeria Police Force with a view of improving professionalism in police performance, service delivery, ethics and conductsâ&#x20AC;?. Lakanu pledged to work in tandem with various communities in the state by co-opting them into the activities of his Command, making them part of the policing strategies in order to achieve the stated goals. The Police boss who claimed ignorance of alleged invasion of the private residence of the MASSOB leader, Chief Ralph Uwazuruike, in Owerri and the arrest of some members of his organization recently reiterated the indivisibility and corporate existence of the nation.
Anambra traders back SON on fake products Cyprian Ebele, Onitsha
Abia Poly: Deputy Rector,(Admin), Mr. Okpara Onyekwere and the Acting Rector, Abia State Polytechnic, Aba, $ELD 6WDWH 3URI 8FKH ,NRQQH EULHÂżQJ -RXUQDOLVWV ,Q KLV RIÂżFH GXULQJ WKH 7HWIXQG 3URMHFW (YDOXDWLRQ E\ (GXFDWLRQ &RUUHVSRQGHQWV $VVRFLDWLRQ RI 1LJHULD (&$1 YLVLWV WR 0LFKDHO 2NSDUD 8QLYHUVLW\ RI $JULFXOWXUH 8PXGLNH $ELD Stateâ&#x20AC;Śâ&#x20AC;Ś.yesterday. Photo: Wale Adenuga
Obiano condole Ngige over fatherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s death Alphonsus Eze, Awka
overnor Willie Obiano of Anambra State has extended his condolences to former Anambra State Governor, Senator Chris Ngige, on the death of his father, Ozo Akunnia Pius Okonkwo Ngige. In a condolence message to the Ngige family, Chief Obiano described the de-
ceased who died at the age of 105 as a man of noble mind and uncommon teacher in the school of life, and urged the Ngige family to reconcile themselves to the vacuum created by his departure. â&#x20AC;&#x153;â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;There is always the sobering eÄ&#x203A;ect of the loss of human life. The death of someone close to us brings with it a certain feeling of hollowness and inevitably, searching questions about the pur-
pose of earthly life. The age of your deceased father does not diminish the fact of your bereavement,â&#x20AC;? he said. He added: â&#x20AC;&#x153;We share with the Ngige family the loss of your patriarch. The good memories of your exemplary public service to the state and the nation at large are therefore tributes to the parenthood that nurtured you. We honour the life of a man of noble spir-
it, an uncommon teacher in the complex school of life, a humanist, silent achiever and community leader. Longevity is a special blessing reserved only for a few so know he was a man favoured by God. In the fullness of Godâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s mercy and love, late Pius has not died. Let us keep alive his legacies as he transits to the eternal realm to rest from his labours.â&#x20AC;?
day while speaking to newsmen during this yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Iwaji festival at his Okalakwu Palace in Anambra East local government area of Anambra State. The royal father said that President Buhari is trying to aÄ´end Ä&#x2122;rst to the section of the people who voted for him and noted that Igbo race
should mourn for not voting for him. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Igbos should not lose hope because President Buhari will still remember them. The President is remembering Ä&#x2122;rst the people who voted for him but I believe he will come back and still remember the Igbos so they should all rally round as a race and
give the president maximum support,â&#x20AC;? he said. Contributing, Sir Lawrence Anikpe Aka (Onwa Igbariam) who represented Governor Willie Obiano of Anambra State at the occasion said celebration of New Yam festivals is always a celebration of peace and rich cultural heritage of a people.
Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t lose hope on Buhari, Anambra monarch tells Igbos Cyprian Ebele, Onitsha
he traditional ruler of Igbariam Kingdom, HRM Eze Dr. Kelly Nzekwe, has advised the Igbos not to lose hope on President Mohammadu Buhari stressing that he has not forgoÄ´en them. He gave the advice yester-
raders in Onitsha, the commercial hub of Anambra State yesterday rose in defence of the Standard Organization of Nigeria (SON)â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s eÍżorts in ridding the markets in the state of fake products. The traders described the recent protests and attack on the organization in the state as misleading and unwarranted. The traders, who spoke under the aegis of Anambra Traders Forum (ATF) at a press conference in Onitsha, said all allegations against SON and its war against substandard and fake products are false and baseless and an attempt to malign the reputation of the organization. The chairman of the forum, Chief Daniel Okeke, noted that some people led by the Managing Director of Bendusco International Ltd, one Benjamin Uzochukwu Nwizu, organized a protest against SON when the agency conĂ&#x20AC;scated some fake BIC shaving sticks from his warehouse.
According to him, Mr. Nwizu alleged that the Director General of SON, Mr. Joseph Odumodu, raided his companyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s oÎ&#x20AC;ce, carted away goods and demanded the sum of N20 million from him. He however stressed that his forum had after a painstaking investigation found the allegation to be false, adding that SON was right in seizing the products because they were fake. He called on the Managing Director of the company to tender an apology to the SON DG. He also enjoined the Anambra State Police Command, the State Security Services (SSS) and other security agencies in the state to investigate the company. â&#x20AC;&#x153;He organized the protest and mobilized his workers to the street in the name of Manufacturers Association of Nigeria (MAN) Onitsha branch which he is not even a member. We want to state that SON was right to have raided his company and made some seizures because he was faking the product of another company,â&#x20AC;? he said.
Newswatch Times Saturday, September 12, 2015
North East
Maku sues for calm ahead tribunal judgement *RGZLQ 2MRVKLPLWH /DÂżD
TETFund boss bags corporate award 1DQNSDK %ZDNDQ %DXFKL
he Federal University of Technology (FUT), Minna has honoured the Executive Secretary of Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFund) Prof. Sulaiman Elias Bogoro and the immediate past Chairman of TETFund, Dr. Musa Babayo with Corporate Awards in recognition of their support for the Universityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Journal Publication. The award was presented to Professor Bogoro and Dr. Babayo at the institutionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 20th Anniversary of Nigerian Journal of Technological Research (NJTR) and the unveiling of special edition of the journal held at the schoolâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s lecture theater hall. Receiving the awards, Professor Bogoro and Dr. Babayo expressed gratitude to the institution for Ă&#x20AC;nding them worthy of such recognition and congratulated
the institution for successfully marking of the NJTRâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 20th anniversary celebration. Professor Bogoro and Dr. Babayo who were represented by TETFundâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Director of Education Support Services, Barrister IĂ&#x20AC;ok Ukim, Bogoro noted that TETFund is committed to providing support for research, journals publication and book development, promising that TETFund would not relent in this regard. The Kaduna State Commissioner for Health, who was also a recipient of the award, Professor Andrew Jonathan Nok, described research as an instrument for achieving academic freedom and it must be original. Speaking on the theme: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Research and Technology Sustainability in Information and Communication Technology Advancementâ&#x20AC;?, he said Science or Educational Research entails
careful, critical, disciplined inquiry, varying in technique and method according to the nature and conditions of the problems identiĂ&#x20AC;ed, directed towards the clariĂ&#x20AC;cation and resolution of the problems. He explained that research provides the basis for academic freedom, which is the life blood of the modern university, saying that, â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is the right to teach, learn, study and publish free of orthodoxy or threat of reprisal and discrimination. It includes the right to criticize the university and the right to participate in its governance. The right to education, teaching and research can only be fully enjoyed in an atmosphere of academic freedom and autonomy.â&#x20AC;? According to him, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Higher-education teaching personnel should have access to libraries which have up-to-date collections
he Bauchi South Vice Chairman of the All Progressive Congress (APC), Musa Adamu Lar, yesterday tendered his resignation letter to the party. Addressing newsmen in Bauchi, the aggrieved chieftain of APC in the state said that prevailing circumstances and political realities of APC in the state as well as the
dictates of the moment where the ruling party lacks good leadership prompted his decision to resign. He described the situation in the party as unfortunate which has reached the extent that most card carrying members have totally lost conĂ&#x20AC;dence in the stewardship of the party because of the misdeeds of the party leadership.
According to him, the way and manner the party is being run is in conĂ ict with the political ideology of President Muhammad Buhari who preaches patriotism, zero tolerance for corruption. Adamu stated that the hostile political environment in the state poses serious threat and dangerous signals to the existence, survival and
by the truth in spite of the falsehood being spread by the opposition. Maku said he had satisfactorily proved his case at the tribunal and expressed conĂ&#x20AC;dence in the tribunal to do justice eventually. According to him, the witnesses called by Umaru AlMakura during his defence at the tribunal testiĂ&#x20AC;ed in Makuâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s favour since they were not ready to lie on oath. He added that all the four witnesses presented by Al-Makura and his party, All Progressives Congress (APC) testiĂ&#x20AC;ed that APGA won election in their respective areas. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Al-Makura presented only two witnesses who testiĂ&#x20AC;ed that I won election in Doma Local Government Area, which is quite commendable and reassuring that truth cannot be suppressed. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The only two witnesses presented by APC also denied their witness statements and said that APGA won election in their respective areas.
Police arrest 5 for job racketeering
reĂ ecting diverse sides of an issue, and whose holdings are not subject to censorship or other Weapons (NATFORCE). forms of intellectual in- Godwin Ojoshimite, /DÂżD He said the Command terference.â&#x20AC;? he Nasarawa state raided the oÄ&#x153;ce operated by He said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;The publicaPolice Command the suspects along Jos road tion and dissemination of the research results has arrested 5 sus- in LaÄ&#x2122;a based on complaints obtained by higher-edu- pects for allegedly defraud- and intelligence reports and cation teaching person- ing hundreds of job seekers arrested Ä&#x2122;ve suspects on nel should be encour- in the state. Tuesday 8th of September by aged and facilitated with The state Police Public Re- 2pm. a view to assisting them lations OÄ&#x153;cer, PPRO, ASP Numan said the Police to acquire the reputation Ismaila Numan, who dis- were able to uncover the rackwhich they merit.â&#x20AC;? Nigerian Journal of closed this yesterday, while et following complaints from Technological Research parading the suspects at the individuals that the organi(NJTR) is an oÎ&#x20AC;cial Criminal Investigation De- zation has swindled money publication of the FUT, partment, CID, in LaÄ&#x2122;a, said from several people with the Minna, that publish pa- they found details of at least promise of employment oppers which advances 114 people who have been portunities in NATFORCE. understanding of the defrauded by the racketeers â&#x20AC;&#x153;The complaints are based interdisciplinary science with the promise of lucra- on the fact that the organizaof technology, reports tive employment opportu- tion has been defrauding inof experimental investinities in the Para-military nocent members of the public gations, computational studies, and theoretical/ force known as National large sums of money on the statistical studies and it Task Force to Combat Illegal grounds of oÄ&#x203A;ering them embroadens interdisciplin- Importation of Goods, Small ployments since 2013.â&#x20AC;? Nuary community, includ- arms, Ammunition and Light man explainedâ&#x20AC;?. ing physics, chemistry, biology, engineering, Ex-policeman, 60, arraigned agricultural science, en- for raping 2 minors vironmental science and section 282 sub-section 1 materials science. E and punishable under Nankpah Bwakan, Bauchi
Bauchi Zonal APC chair resigns Nankpah Bwakan, Bauchi
he governorship candidate of All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA),at last general elections in Nasarawa State, Labaran Maku, has urged his supporters in the state to remain law abiding as they await the tribunal judgement. The tribunal chairman, Justice Halima Mohammed, who had on September. 9, reserved judgement on the petition following the adoption of Ă&#x20AC;nal written address by all parties in the case said the decision to reserve judgment on the petition sine die was due to the sensitive nature of the case and the tension generated in the state. Maku, who gave the charge while speaking with newsmen Thursday, in LaĂ&#x20AC;a, expressed optimism that the mandate given to him by the people would be restored at the end of the day. He appreciated the zeal and commitment of the people to always stand
sustenance of the party in the state which was why he decided to resign in order to promote his image. According to him, â&#x20AC;&#x153;I wish to draw the attention of the national chairman of the party and major stakeholders to consider the possibility of saving the party from strangulation in the state through incompetent leadership.â&#x20AC;?
sixty year old retired Assistant Superintendent of Police was yesterday arraigned before a Bauchi State High Court for allegedly raping two minors, Ă&#x20AC;ve and six year-old girls in the state. The suspect, Yusuf Ibrahim , resident of Bakin Kura in Bauchi metropolis and retired from the Nigeria Police Service as Assistant Superintendent of Police, was accused of luring the two children into his shop and raped them. The prosecution Counsel, Mohammad Adamu, said the oÍżence is contrary to
section 283 of the Bauchi penal code. Adamu told the court that on 25th May 2015, the accused lured the victims, Habiba Aliyu (6) and Hafsat Sabo (5) and gave them chewing gum after he raped them. He said two out of the three witnesses have already made their submissions on the case. The Presiding Judge, Justice Muazu Abubakar, adjourned the case to 16th September for further hearing on the matter. The accused had earlier applied for bail but the court rejected his request.
Saturday, September 12, 2015
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Saturday, September 12, 2015
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 12, 2015
Fed Appointments: Whole world knows Igbo suffer undue marginalisation – Aka Ikenga leader Chief Goddy Uwazurike, Lagos-based legal practitioner, is the President-General of Aka Ikenga, the think tank arm of the Igbo socio-cultural group, Ohaneze Ndigbo. He is a fearless political analyst who more often than not, has expressed the desire to place the Igbo nation side-byside with other nationals in Nigeria or even above them. In this interview with the duo of Assistant POLITICS EDITOR, MANSUR OLADUNJOYE and ABIODUN AWOGBEMI, he among others, lamented that the Igbo have been marginalised in the appointments so far made by President Muhammadu Buhari, noting in particular that the newly appointed Group Managing Director of the NNPC, Ibe Kachikwu, was picked by the presidency to represent United States of America’s (USA) interest and not Igbo interest. Excerpts:
ir, what is your assessment of President Muhammadu Buhari’s government? Buhari was elected three months ago, he is just 100 days in oce and it is still not enough to assess him, but he is doing his best. This is my own view. He belongs to all of us and no longer to himself. Are you giving him a pass mark even in the face of complaints of sectional favouritism in appointments made so far by some ethnic groups including your own, the Igbo? No, I am not giving him a pass mark; we have been told by some people very close to him that it is too early to judge, but I also know that some of the few things they are doing is to tell us that Mr. President wants to hit the ground running and they made few comments even in his 100 days in oce. If you remember, Buhari was taciturn in his campaigns; he made few comments about his expectations in the Àrst 100 days; he was laconic. He only said I will Àght corruption, I will Àght Boko Haram and I will provide jobs. Beyond those three, nobody can quote him. But for now, like Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu said, ‘it is 100 days of honey moon’ we are yet to see action. Now and truly too, I have seen the body posture, but the posture is there to stop treasury looters, but cannot give you more money. All this more money is their plan to improve the economy; it is their plan to stabilise the economy; it is their plan to make sure that this country does not stand still. At the moment, we know that our income from oil has reduced, so if in the last 100 days we have not made
plans for the next 100 days, then we have problems. The economy cannot be static; economy will move when there is manufacturing and manufacturing can only grow when there is importation. The moment the people Ànd it dicult to import, they won’t have access to foreign exchange. How comfortable are you with the seeming marginalisation of some ethnic groups by the president in the appointment into RFHV VR IDU" The facts are there that there is gross imbalance in appointments; the facts are there; except Ibe Kachikwu whom we know will be taking care of American interests in Nigeria, on that point he was brought in to represent American investments here, not Igbos. He was not appointed as an Igbo man, but as an American protector. For the Americans, crude oil is very important, so at that point, the fact is that there is no Igbo man. There are six zones and from Àve they have appointed, remaining the sixth one yet to produce anybody. You will by this want to agree with me that there is great imbalance. People have said in their opinion that Buhari is looking for people on merit; in other words, in the whole of South East, there is nobody with merit, it is sad. Can we rightly say that you condemned the appointment of Kachikwu, an Igbo man, because Aka Ikenga was not consulted? No, no, let us agree that Mr. President has the prerogative to appoint anybody he wishes. For instance, before Ibe Kachikwu came onto the board of NNPC, the last three Managing Directors were from the north and who is Ibe? It
was from Exxon-Mobil that he was picked and if you look at ExxonMobil, the North American set up, you don’t need to be told that he was brought in to take good care of American investments here. How comfortable are you then as the President-General of Aka Ikenga? We have already condemned it as Aka Ikenga; we have already condemned the lopsidedness in the appointment and we have been told to wait for another appointment but we asked them will the other Àve zones not share in another opportunity? Unless they will assure us that if for instance 100 ministers are coming on board, all of them will be from the South East, but unfortunately, it is certain that other zones too will still have their quota like South East if we are even remembered at all. So far, they have excluded a particular zone on purpose. ...is this an allegation sir? Of course when they say on merit, it means that we don’t have meritorious Igbo; we don’t have people with integrity in the South
East; we don’t have hard working people in the zone and we don’t have intelligent people. NNPC is not even a serious appointment. Out of the six Security Council members, we don’t have an Igbo man there. Ministers by right cannot attend Security Council meetings, the President knows what he is doing; he tactically excluded the Igbo from that council, and on purpose too. What is the way out? It is simple and straight forward; whatever is good for the goose is also good for the gander; that, six months after election, we should be talking of governance, not political parties; he is President for all. We Igbo want the President to succeed because the progress of the country is the progress for all. So if he is compiling the list of those to work with him, he must include Igbo; he should follow Section 14(3) of the Constitution, that section is simple and clear in forming the government; all appointments must follow federal character. In the appendix Continued on Page 53
Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 12, 2015
Buhari, APC attack Okonjo-Iweala out of envy –Anakwe Chief Ozo Anakwe is the former President-General of defunct Onitsha Markets Amalgamated Traders Association (OMATA) and a chieftain of Ohaneze Ndigbo. In this interview with Alphonsus Eze, he bemoans the skewed appointments of President Muhammadu Buhari among other issues. Excerpts:
ow do you assess the appointments of President Buhari so
far? Ndigbo have been vindicated by telling Nigerians not to vote Buhari because like leopard he won’t change his colour. The appointment by Buhari is indirectly driving the country dangerously to North versus South, which is dangerous for our country. I am advising those who will participate in the election that will be organised by Buhari INEC chairman, Zakari to go to court because her appointment was illegal. You cannot beget legality from illegality. No election conducted by Zakari can stand. Nigerian human right activists should remind Buhari that he has breached federal character and other constitutional principles. No Head of Government who want peace, unity and justice will make such appointments, without regard to public opinion. This is the same thing he did in 1983 that resulted in a palace coup that toppled him. I won’t be surprised if he soon
starts clashing with the All Progressives Congress (APC). They will soon reject him. We are now seeing what his colleagues saw in 1983. Can we still blame those who overthrew him? My advice to Ndigbo generally is not to accept any appointment from Buhari again if they have conscience. He has told them openly that contrary to his inauguration speech, he belongs to the North, not the South, particularly South East. He favours 95 per cent from the North and Àve per cent from the South, whoever does not understand Buhari’s style of governance is not schooled in Nigeria politics. He will not intervene, when the North took speaker of House of Representatives and President of the Senate but intervened when House leader was involved. What do these appointments portend for Ndigbo? My advice is that Ndigbo should be careful so that there will no repeat of the past. In 1984 he seized a lot of Igbo people’s goods and those goods were auctioned by the Northern Custom ocers led by former Governor of Kebbi state Adamu Aliero. Now
he has appointed a military man as a custom Comptroller General, apparently in preparation for another round of seizure and anti Igbo policies. He has reversed the elevation of Alvan Ikoku College of Education to University of Education; stopped the construction of Niger Bridge. Igbos did not vote for Buhari because he is Hausa man, or Fulani but because of his anti-Igbo stance. If it were Abubakar Umar, or even Atiku Abukar or any other, we will not have problem voting him. They will vote for them because
of their antecedents. People like Ibrahim Babangida, even Alhaji Shehu Shagari and a lot of them will get the votes of Ndigbo. Igbo were afraid because in politics, it is dangerous to give power to your enemy and we have been vindicated. His grudge with Senate today is because an Igbo man, Ike Ekweremadu is the deputy senate president and his party is doing everything to remove him to please Buhari. Where do we go from here? We appeal to Northern elders and other prominent Continued on Page 50
Man escapes assassination over refusal to offer daughter for family rites Mansur Oladunjoye, Asst. Politics Editor
44-year old Lateef Jimoh recently escaped death by the whiskers as he dashed across a fastmoving train in the Olomoore area of Abeokuta, the Ogun state capital. Newswatch Times gathered that Jimoh, an auto dealer, who was eventually knocked down by the train while attempting to escape from his extended family members who wanted to forcefully snatch and circumcise his 11-year old daughter, Lateephat. According to investigation, Jimoh, after being knocked down by the train, was
rescued by his business associates who rushed him to an undisclosed hospital in the metropolis where he was said to be responding to treatment. Speaking with our reporter from the hospital bed (names withheld), Jimoh recalled how he was attacked by some of his family members who accused him of inflicting them of ill luck by his refusal to offer his daughter for traditional rites which included circumcision. Jimoh lamented that he had abandoned his business in Abeokuta and took refuge in Lagos, “just to avoid these people who are bent on dehumanizing me and my children,” recalling, “they (the family) had earlier in the year
2000 incised my first daughter, Zainab with our family tribal marks even against me and my wife’s wishes.” He however lamented that his last child, Mohammad, is the next target for the same barbaric act, urging the government and religious bodies to come to his rescue. Confirming the incident, some of his business associates said the auto dealer was in Abeokuta for the treatment of an undisclosed ailment which may not be unconnected with high-blood pressure which he had been managing since the crisis with his extended family heightened over Lateephat few years ago. Speaking from his sick bed,
he told Newswatch Times that he considered dashing across the moving train as the last option to enable him escape from his abductors who he suspected had being on his trail from MKO Abiola International Stadium, Kuto, where he suspected their close watch on his vehicle. He further explained that the development caused setback in his marriage as his wife’s family had to take custody of Zainab to prevent his family from having further access to her with their diabolical intentions. He however vowed never to surrender Lateephat to any family rite including circumcision, saying, “I can’t do that; my religion, Islam forbids such practice”.
Saturday, September 12, 2015
Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t run Oliseh down, Ikpeme begs Nigerians Sharks, IfeanyiUbah set Por t Harcour t on fire
Arsenal starlet targets date with Rihanna >>Pg.18
Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 12, 2015
Maduabuchi Kalu 08080669826
League Watch
Nigeria Premiership bounces back after AFCON break
HERE is a full set of matches in the glo Nigeria Premier League as the campaign resumes after a week’s absence owing to the Africa Cup of Nations qualięers. All the clubs will be in action with logo leaders Enyimba hosting Dolphins in a match likely to go Enyimba’s way while second placed Warri Wolves also look certain to beat visiting Kwara United at their backyard. All matches kick oě at 17:00 hours on Sunday. Enyimba lead the Glo Nigeria Premier League with 52 points from 28 games played while second placed Warri Wolves trail on 48 points from the same number of matches played. Enyimba and Warri Wolves are ęghting tooth and nail to win the league title, but they both have to beat their respective opponents in order to ensure their destinies remain under control. Other matches expected to liven up the league include the
...in protest against salary backlog
layers of Rangers International FC on Thursday refused to aĴend the team’s training session in protest against unpaid salaries and allowances by the Enugu state government. Sources close to the team’s camp told Newswatch Times sports that the players are also threatening not to honour this weekend’s league cracker against arch rivals Shooting Stars SC of Ibadan unless their demands are met. According to reports, arrangements had been concluded to ensure that the game goes ahead as fans are anticipating a tough match between the old rivals, but this may not happen after all. The players reported to training amid
protested and vowed to abandon subsequent training session until their salaries and other entitlements are paid up to date. It is recalled that Rangers remain the only club in the Nigeria Premier League that have never been relegated.
Sharks, IfeanyiUbah set Port Harcourt on fire
encounter between third-placed Sunshine Stars against Nasarawa United in a match expected to thrill the fans. Elsewhere, Sharks host FC Ifeanyi ubah
while FC Taraba entertain Giwa with Bayelsa United expected to use the home advantage against El-Kanemi Warriors.Other potentially explosive
matches pit Lobi Stars against Wikki Tourists,Akwa United hosting Heartland, while Kano Pillars seal oě the weekend matches with a game against Abia Warriors.
First league goal delights Ifeanyi Matthew
l-Kanemi Warriors midęelder, Ifeanyi MaĴhew Ayozie has expressed delight at his ęrst league goal for his side, El Kanemi Warriors Maiduguri. He scored the goal against Lobi Stars of Makurdi in week 28 ęxture played last weekend at El-Kanemi Warriors adopted home, Karkanda Stadium in 2-1 home victory. The Imo State born footballer had predicted that he would score against Lobi if given the opportunity to feature in the game and when the opportunity occurred he made maximum use of it. It is recalled that Ayozie was among the home based players called to camp by the national team handler, Sunday Oliseh but was dropped when the ęnal selection was made but he returned on time for the home game against Lobi and was called in as a substitute.
Rangers’players down tools
He scored on the dot of 74 minutes after the visitors had levelled scored on 25th minutes after the hosts had scored on 21minutes via Emmanuel Agali. “I am very happy to
score my ęrst league goal of the season, I predicted it before the match because of the conędence in me and the experience I picked up in the national camp,” stated Mathew. He continued: “It is true
I did not make the team but the camp experience has been of great beneęt to my career. I want to work hard and get back there because Oliseh promised to recall only in-form players for the CHAN.”
harks FC of Port Harcourt and Ifeanyi Ubah FC of Nnewi will literarily set the city of Port Harcourt, the River State capital on ęre as both teams baĴle for the maximum points at stake this weekend at the main bowl of Liberation Stadium for this weekend Nigeria Professional Football League (NPFL) ęxtures. While Sharks will be aiming to pocket the maximum points at stake to improve their league poor standing, Ifeanyi Ubah FC, ęnanced by Oil and Gas magnet, Dr Patrick Ubah, will be aiming to compound the woes of the Rivers State owned club. According to the captain of the Port Harcourt based side, Odinga Odinga: “This game is not going to be a tea party as we are aware that our opponents are also desperate for the points but we are going to give it the best we could,” Odinga said. “It is true that our position on the log is not what we really expect but that is no excuse we are preparing hard for this game and I believe that we are going to give this game our best because despite our position on the log at the moment, we are hopeful to retain our premier league status at the end of the season,” the veteran striker said. Meanwhile, the 8th placed Ifeanyi Ubah FC would want to
consolidate with this game having secured victory last week at home after having been crushed by two time African champions, Enyimba International Football Club in Aba. The Enyimba crushing defeat came to the Daniel Amokachi led team as a surprise having planed to raĴle the Aba millionaires but got what they did not bargain for. One thing is sure, this is game is one of the toughest games of this weekend’s ęxtures even as defender Chibuzor Okonkwo and his teammates will bring their experience to bear in this baĴle for the maximum points this weekend. While Ifeanyi Ubah FC is placed 8th on the log with 41 points, Sharks are placed 18th with 30 points after week 28 ęxtures. The fact that 3SC has four points advantage over Rangers says a lot.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 12, 2015
Sports/EURO League
Ronaldo releases debut fragrance ‘Legacy’
ristiano Ronaldo has conquered the underwear industry and now he is making waves in the fragrance business by releasing a new aftershave. The Real Madrid superstar aĴended a launch to promote his debut fragrance -
‘Legacy’ - on Wednesday. He took to TwiĴer to upload a short video of himself spraying ‘Legacy’ on to his neck before being enticed away by an aĴractive woman. The former Manchester United man failed to hit the back of the net in Real Madrid’s opening
two La Liga games against Sporting Gijon and Real Betis. He also ęred blanks during Portugal’s international ęxtures against Portugal and Albania. Ronaldo has the chance to get on the scoresheet at Espanyol on Saturday afternoon.
Mayweather defends Berto selection over Khan
Arsenal starlet targets date with Rihanna
loyd Mayweather explained how he chose Andre Berto instead of our own Amir Khan for his 49th and last ęght. The selection of Berto was met with scorn in some quarters. The ticketbuying and television pay-per-view public have still not fully bought into Saturday night’s event at the MGM Grand Garden Arena. Khan had been close to securing his dream ęght with the best poundfor-pound ęghter in the world three times and was distraught at being passed over yet again. He appeared to have stronger credentials, especially with his speed, but Mayweather justięed his decision at the ęnal pre-ęght press conference by saying: ‘Whoever I chose after beating Manny Pacquiao, the media were going to have something to say. ‘Amir Khan? They talk about Berto losing three of his last six ęghts. But Khan has lost three times and Andre, like him, is a former two-time world champion.’ Mayweather ęĴed that rationale into what became, unusually for him, a somewhat
emotional prelude to what he insists will be his farewell appearance in the ring. He said: ‘My dream was always to be the best ever. No maĴer what happens Saturday night, when it comes down to boxing I will still be the best there is. ‘That’s partly because I’ve never overlooked any opponent. I have certainly not done that with Berto. Have I given everything in training for this ęght? Absolutely. I expect a tough ęght.’ There have been rumours of a rift between these two old bros from the ‘hood of late but Mayweather says : ‘It’s never personal for me. It’s always business. ‘I’m always focused on the boxing. Some ęghters get distracted by things that don’t maĴer. But the boxing has always come ęrst for me. ‘I have my family and my legacy but I’ve known that we guys have to ęght for the prize.’ Virgil Hunter, trainer of Khan and Andre Ward as well as Berto, said: ‘We can’t take on Floyd’s intellect but there are other elements and this will be a ęght from that place in the USA where
many Americans are afraid to go Ȯ the ‘hood.’ Mayweather responded: ‘I know that talking doesn’t win ęghts. Trainers don’t win ęghts. It is the two competitors who decide who wins ęghts. ‘I know there are ęghters who are maybe faster than me, who hit harder than me. There are some very athletic boxers. ‘But there is no ęghter who can make adjustments like me. No ęghter can cope with me mentally. ‘That’s why I have set all these records. I always have a plan B and a plan C if plan A isn’t working. Manny Pacquiao has set traps for everyone else he has fought but he couldn’t set a trap for me. ‘I am the only critic I need. I don’t watch too many ęghts but I look back at my own and I tell myself I could have done beĴer in one department or another. ‘I do thank all you media for covering my career, all 19 years. Whether it has been a good story or a bad story you have kept me relevant and that’s what has enabled me to break all those pay-per-view records.’
n the cusp of breaking into Arsenal’s ęrst team, teenager Chris Willock, has set himself some big targets both onand-oě-the-ęeld. One of those aims is for the 17-year-old winger, who appeared in Arsenal’s 4-0 pre-season win over Singapore Select XI this summer, to secure a date with Rihanna. However the Bajan pop star may not be too impressed with his choice of venue for a date as Willock has plans to take her to restaurant chain Nando’s. Speaking to Arsenal’s oĜcial video channel, when asked who his dream date would be with, Willock said: ‘It has to be Rihanna and we would go to Nando’s.’ The highly-rated teenager, who has been linked with moves to Barcelona and Manchester United in the past, is one of three successful
siblings. His younger brother Joe is also learning his trade with the Gunners, while his older sibling MaĴy plays for Manchester United. Chris puts their success down to his dad. He added: ‘I started playing football with my dad. I think he really inĚuenced me and my brothers. He really helped us. ‘I have been with Arsenal since I was ęve. When I ęrst joined Arsenal I was just really excited to join the club.
‘I can’t really remember when I ęrst started playing football. I have been playing it all my life.’ As well as his dad, Willock lists Barcelona forward Neymar as one of his sporting idols because of his ‘tricks and the way he moves with the ball.’ Willock is hoping to break into the ęrst team to compete with the likes of Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain and Theo WalcoĴ by ‘working hard and listening to his coaches’. He is deęnitely a man with a plan.
Bruyne treats girlfriend to meal out in Manchester
ollowing a successful international break with Belgium, Kevin De Bruyne, is back on British soil, and he treated his girlfriend Michele Lacroix to a meal out at celebrity hot-spot San Carlo on Tuesday. The Italian restaurant, in Manchester city centre, is popular with many of De Bruyne’s team-mates, with fellow new boy Nicolas Otamendi recently stopping there for a bite to eat, too. Man City’s £54million-man De Bruyne smiled as he left the restaurant with
girlfriend Lacroix, who sported a leather jacket and a grey scarf to keep her warm. He has just touched down in Manchester after travelling to Cyprus with the Belgium squad, where they followed up a 3-1 victory over Bosnia with a 1-0 win in Nicosia. Belgium are second in Group A, bidding to secure their place at next summer’s European Championships in France. Wales top the group, one point ahead of Marc Wilmots’ side, with two games left of the campaign. De Bruyne will now
return to training with his Manchester City team-mates as he prepares to make his debut, which could happen in London against Crystal Palace on Saturday afternoon. Remarkably, the match is a top-of-thetable clash as Manuel Pellegrini’s side look to continue their perfect start to the campaign against second-placed Palace. Alan Pardew’s men beat Chelsea at Stamford Bridge last time out, but City will be looking to create an early-season gap between them and their rivals at the top of the Premier League.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 12, 2015
Sports/News Don’t run Oliseh down, Ikpeme begs Nigerians MARTIN ODIETE, Abuja
igeria Football Federation, (NFF),,Deputy General Secretary, Dr Emmanuel Ikpeme, has urged Nigerians to be patient with Super Eagles coach, Sunday Oliseh in his quest to qualify Nigeria for the 2017 Nations Cup. In a chat with Newswatch Times Sports, Ikpeme reacted to the criticism that trailed the Oliseh’s ęrst competitive match where the Super Eagles were held to a goalless draw by Tanzania. He stressed that the improved performance of the team in the international friendly match against the Niger Republic team which was Oliseh’s second match in charge has gone to reinforce the fact that the team will get beĴer with time. Ikpeme said the whole idea of running coaches down immediately they experience a not too pleasant result has the tendency to dampen their morals and even the moral of the players. He maintained that since the coach is given the job to rebuild the team he will deęnitely encounter some
crisis along the way. “But, the fact is that he will make mistakes because he is just meeting and knowing the players. He has to know them and know how and where to play them. And, as he is doing this he will make mistakes. “But, we have to bear with him. Support him and help him in whatever way we can. Rather than castigating him just because of the result of a single match,” he said. The former head of NFF technical department expressed conędence in the ability of Sunday Oliseh in leading the team to success. But stressed that the success will not come overnight. “Success does not come over night. It comes through patience, dedication and support from all. Through that we can have the team we all crave for. But this idea of pull him down does not help at all,” he concluded. There weren’t too many positives to take from Oliseh’s debut encounter, although debutant ,Carl Ikeme, who made a string of saves that ensured the result didn’t go the way of the Taifa Stars, deserves the credit he has subsequently received.
The Wolverhampton Wanderers shot stopper put in an excellent performance that was enough to reassure fans that Nigeria’s no.1 position is secure even after Vincent Enyeama calls it a day. Ikeme has secured much of the headlines since the match, taking the aĴention away from Nigeria’s oěensive deęciencies. Emmanuel Emenike’s Super Eagles goal drought continued and one must wonder, in light of the new Al Ain man’s recent struggles, why Oliseh didn’t turn to Odion Ighalo. There had been a huge public outcry over Oliseh’s decision to overlook Ighalo, although the coach reiterated that the forward is part of his plans and only left him out because he invited two players for each position. Why couldn’t Ighalo be the second man along with Anthony Ujah rather than the misęring Emenike? It was also noted that Ighalo notched up 13 goals in nine games in January, which was more than the best players in the game Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo managed within that period.
Compel clubs to pay players, Sodje tells LMC
x-international, Sam Sodje, has raised the alarm over the poor welfare of players in the local league and urged the League Management Company (LMC), to formulate policy that will compel the clubs to pay their players at when due. The former West Brom of England defender said he had conducted an independent research and his ęndings about the harrowing experience players in the Nigeria Premier League are passing through are alarming. He wants government to declare a state of emergency in the Nigerian league, saying a drastic measure should be taken to ensure the players are not pauperised any further. “The NFF, LMC all of them are not important if there are no players. If these players are not geĴing paid for six, seven months because that is what I have conęrmed, it means the LMC, NFF are not doing their job, and they should all get
sacked. “I will prefer to have just two teams in the league rather than have the current 20 that will not pay their players. What we have today in the league is slavery; these local players are enslaved. Let us cancel the league if we cannot have a law that will compel these clubs to pay their players, let us forget about the league and these players will
go out there and look for other jobs. “The EPL that all of us relish now is a product of sacrięce by the individual who want to leave a legacy that will last for long. But unfortunate the leaders we have now are not ready to do that,” he said. The former Portsmouth player added he is moved by the plight of the
players and came up with idea to help them survive after retirement. “I have a project I am working on and it is about the welfare of these players. It is about insurance and how to survive after retirement from active football but these players may not get full beneęts of this project if they don’t get paid and that is worrisome,” he added.
the past one year that Mr. Pinnick has been President, you would give him immense credit. The beauty of it all is that he carries all the members along in everything he is doing, and invariably listens to superior argument.
“Personally, I enjoy the meetings and I always make sure to be present, because the President makes everyone feel a part of it, he brings up excellent ideas and allows these to be debated. Everyone contributes.” Yahaya-Kwande, who is
Yahaya-Kwande sings Pinnick’s praises
he Executive CommiĴee of Nigeria Football Federation on Thursday explained why the members always cast their vote of conędence in the leadership of its President, Mr. Amaju Melvin Pinnick. Speaking in Abuja, Chairman of the NFF Media and Publicity CommiĴee, Hon. Suleiman YahayaKwande, stressed that the Executive CommiĴee is enamoured at the quality of ideas, energy and drive of the former Chairman of Delta State Football Association. “If you patiently take stock of the list of achievements of the NFF in
a ranking Member of the House of Representatives, explained that the camaraderie within the Executive CommiĴee has not been witnessed in any NFF Board for a long time now. “Steadily, we are unveiling the various programs that we have
for Nigeria football and we believe that our people will be delighted. Next week, there will be a major pronouncement on our youth evelopment program. But I don’t want to reveal this now. “What we want is the support of everyone.
CBN unveils plans for Financial Institutions competition
he Central Bank of Nigeria has outlined plans for this year’s NFF/CBN All Financial Institutions Football Competition, with preliminary matches scheduled to kick oě on Sunday, September 13 and the grand ęnale to come up in Enugu on Saturday, September 26.
Unveiling the plans at a press parley in Abuja on Thursday, CBN’s Director of Corporate Communications, Mr. Ibrahim Mu’azu, explained that the sum of N5million will be handed out as cash prizes, with the winning team to go home with the sum of N2million and the runner-up to pocket the sum of N1.5million. The third –placed team
will earn N1million and the fourth-placed will be N500,000 richer. “A total of 24 teams have registered for this year’s competition, from Deposit Money Banks (DMBs), Financial Regulatory Agencies and other ęnancial institutions. It has been observed that in recent years, Microęnance Banks have also been participating in the competition.
Saturday, September 12, 2015
Saturday, September 12, 2015
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Saturday, September 12, 2015
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Saturday, September 12, 2015
Saturday, September 12, 2015
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Newswatch Times -Tradition T diti built b ilt on Truth T th
Vol. 01, No. 46
Saturday, September 12, 2015
Celebrating women of substance
Why my husband is special
- Carol Ighele
26 My Love
Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 12, 2015
- Reverend Carol Ighele Reverend Mrs. Carol Ighele is the beautiful and inspirational wife of Bishop Charles Ighele, General Superintendent, Holy Spirit Mission Church. The energetic and charismatic leader takes care of motivational programmes in the Church and has become a role model to many women globally irrespective of religious affiliations. The hardworking ex-banker speaks about her life, ministry, marriage and projects in this interview with QISMAT YINUS.
ay we know you ma? I am Reverend Mrs Carol Ighele who is married to Bishop Charles Ighele. I was a career banker for 14 years. Thereafter I resigned my appointment to join my husband in full time ministering. My husband is the General Superintendent of Holy Spirit Mission Church, also known as ‘Happy Family’; we have about 60 branches and outreaches all over the world. I am an ordained Pastor and as a Pastor I preach in the church, nurture people and bring them up in the way of God. I also do a lot of counselling with the youth, singles and married couples too. We are into family matters; we have a programme on television called “MAFI”- Marriage and Family Intimacy. We also have a daily devotional solely on marriage, family and relation-
ships. Can you tell us more about your family and marriage projects? Everybody is from a family and there are many conÀicting ideas in a family. A mother can have a problem with her daughter, so also a wife can have problems with her husband due to lack of communication. So there is need for counselling. Every Sunday we talk about marriage and family for thirty minutes and then we have seminars we organize for married couples, the elderly and singles. We also talk about child upbringing; we have been on television since 1994, talking about marriage and family. Apart from these, I have a programme which I organize called “When Mama Prays.” It is for females from 16 years and above. It holds every second
Saturday of the month from 7am to 11am here at the church auditorium. It is interdenominational. There are three major areas in a woman’s life that should be at peace: Her husband, children, and career. So these are the three areas that the devil wants to ¿ght. We handle all these during our programme called “When Mama Prays”. We just concluded the international edition in August. We hold this international edition every August, and we have international delegates. We talked about transgender issues, homosexuality and masturbation at the just concluded edition. What is the stand of the Church on the issue of transgender? First of all, it has to do with someone who is created a female for example and comes up to
My Love 27
Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 12, 2015
say she feels that she is a man inside, changes herself, and becomes a man. I will speak speci¿cally from the Bible which is what I know and ordained to preach. In the book of Genesis, the Bible tells us that God created male and female. This is the word of God. There is no place in the entire Bible that talks about changing one’s sex. But people have many thoughts going through their minds; it depends on how powerful your mind is. There is a Tuote that says you cannot prevent a bird from Àying over your head, but you can prevent it from building a nest on your head. The mind is the battle¿eld for any human being. <ou have thousands of thoughts going through your mind, but you are the one that has to decide which one to take. So for transgender issues, they just need to be counselled and prayed for. When they get detailed counselling and prayers, the thoughts will go away.
ing in that regard. It has to do with detailed planning. Every morning, I am up by 4am and I write what I call a to-do-list. I write this according to the order of priority, and I start implementing all these. Because what many people do is to go as the day comes, and before they know it, they’ve spent time doing nothing. I get my family in order in terms of feeding, and I have always done this. So by the time I get to work at 8am, my home is settled and in order, and I face the ministry work. It’s either I’m praying, have counselling work to do or going for an outreach and I keep to time. By pm I must be with my family.
How supportive is your husband? My husband is a sweet darling. He is very supportive. When we were young in those days, we felt Nigerian men were not kind. I schooled abroad, so we used to say we will marry Americans. But after graduating and coming home, I came in contact with this young man and I was surprised at his wealth How are you able to balance all of these with of experience and stability. I actually thought your marriage? he wasn’t a Nigerian. <ou know when you Well it can be hectic, but I trained as a banker are young, you have so many thoughts, but for 14 years. Banking is hectic too. I was a there are very many good Nigerian men. The bank manager and a wife. I had some trainContinued on page 28
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THE TEAM Published by
Newswatch Times Ltd. Publisher
When we newly got married, my husband would go to the market to buy things and come to the bank where I worked to wait till my closing time and then drive me home
tunde ESO
qismat YINUS Production Editor
taiwo BERNARD Head Graphics
olukayode OGUNJOBI Graphic Artists
henry ENEGEDE/ chinwe DURUEKE
Newswatch Times, Satruday, September 12, 2015 Tunde Eso e-mail:tundeeso@yahoo.co.uk 08057482794
lover d o o g nd is a his love a b s u My h re s s e s . p x e e a n d h re s e r v e d l y un
Why I love my husband number of good Nigerian men is greater than bad ones. In fact, Nigerians are generally good people. At 16, my father had told me to start praying for a life partner and he told me to pray for a man who is naturally kind. I didn’t really know what he meant, but he told me not to wait till after marriage before praying. I listened to my father and prayed with my innocent mind and God answered my prayers. God gave me a naturally kind man who is extremely considerate. When we newly got married, my husband would go to the market to buy things and come to the bank where I worked to wait till my closing time and then drive me home. I used to close around 9pm or 10pm, and he would wait till that time. He wouldn’t want me to drive home after long hours of working, and I was pregnant. So my husband is very kind. People even say he is extremely kind. He is a good lover and he expresses his love unreservedly.
How would you describe your marriage? My marriage has been excellent, but we have had our own challenges. There is no marriage that is just smooth. Those ones are just in the novels. As humans who are coming from different backgrounds, there will be some challenges. For example my husband is strong willed and so am I, so we had to study ourselves. And the word of God helped us. We knew that for our marriage to be successful we had to work on it. Right from the beginning we knew that come rain, come shine, this is my partner for life. This is the knowledge that God gave us early enough and we have been able to share all these with a lot of people, we have written some books like “Breaking The Ice Of Malice”. We also have a school for marriage and family intimacy and we run nine courses there. So marriage is something you work at; you don’t just assume that “my husband knows I am not feeling
well.” No he doesn’t, you have to tell him. Your husband is not God; it is God that knows everything. If you want your husband to pet you, go near him and tell him. So what do you think are the keys to a successful marriage? The keys to a successful marriage are many, but ¿rst and foremost is that the couple should be on the same page. You should have the same ideology and beliefs, because once you don’t have this, you are going to ¿ght throughout the marriage. It is in the Bible “Be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers”. This means if someone is not of your faith you are going to have problems. You want to name your child Kudirat, your husband says she must be Naomi. You’ll keep disagreeing. So you should have the same ideologies. If you are Hausa, and you want to marry a Yoruba lady, then you should study their culture.
What is your take on divorce? It is alien to the Bible. I am a Pastor, so I will always talk from the view of the Bible God is against divorce. It is a kind of western culture and I am not into western culture. I am into Bible culture. What do you like most about your husband? The thing I like most about my husband is that he is a genuine Christian. When I came in contact with him, he told me he was a born again Christian, and as I got closer to him, I saw that this was true. His yes is yes and his no is no. If he makes a mistake, he easily says I am sorry. He is a complete gentleman. I like the fact that I can trust him completely; I don’t have any iota of doubt in him. I like his genuineness. I love that my husband is a man of integrity, and all over the world that is what people call him. I also love the fact that he is kind. +RZ GR \RX ¿QG WLPH WR UHOD[ taking into consideration your busy schedule? I am a home person. I try to make my home very conducive for my family members. We eat dinner together, so dinner time is our relaxation time. We have a large table; we tell stories, laugh and have fun together.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 12, 2015
Cool new ways to rock the Fedora
on. Both us n i ophisticati s Y d t n a a , le There are Qism presents class, sty ion trend.
a re fash n, The fedor enjoy this rent fashio r n u a c c n to e g m wo e worn t accordin men and hey can b ailable bu v T a . n ts o a s h a e t s most differen y are the inning this e h w e .T s r a n io ts a ny occas t out多ts. Fedora h h differen ns and ma o it s w a e n s r ll o a can w e during picnic you and can b r r a fo e r w o d ty a ble. It is to a par stylish he e fashiona are going r o u m o y k r o e lo ht to Wheth and thoug ur head to h o c y u n m o o s m e to love wear the have com I t a th d n a tre you. share with
Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 12, 2015
Love Tips
Tunde Eso e-mail:tundeeso@yahoo.co.uk 08057482794
Ways to stir up your love life
ither you are already in love or you are an intending lover; take your role as his/her lover very seriously and be committed to stirring things up. I am, How about you? Are you looking for an ongoing love affair? As friend to friend, here are some ways I seek to be his lover: Talk like a lover. Lovers say sweet and inviting things to each other. Maybe I’ll remark how handsome he is. How strong he is. How he makes me shiver – with delight. How I’m not sure I could live without him. I find that if you convince him that he’s the man of your dreams, he’ll likely become that man. Think like a lover. It begins with a mindset – how I view him. So when he walks into the room, am I thinking, “Oh, good, there’s the man who can take out the nonsense or “the handsome father who can give me a break from the children?” OR “Wow. There’s the guy I get to sleep with tonight.” Trust me; it sure makes a difference in how I meet up with him.
Act like a lover. Sometimes I forget and get lost in the daily activities of life. But then I will observe a newly engaged couple. I will watch the way she hangs on his every word. How they exchange secrets with their eyes. The way she presses in when next to him. No one could miss the electricity between the two. And I’m reminded, “Oh, right, that’s how it’s supposed to be.” I’d forgotten for a time, but I want that back again. Plan like a lover. This one is between you and me. It’s not very romantic sounding….but I plan for things. Because you see, I’m a very busy lady and we’ve got a bunch of kids. And I only have so much time and so much energy. So, I plan ahead – to the point of mentally “scheduling” when we’re going to be together. A little strange, I know, but if I don’t make it a priority, well, then it just doesn’t happen – or at least doesn’t happen well. Take a nap, run the bath, snuggle on the couch, turn in early – and start connecting from the beginning of the day. If
forced to admit it, yes, I confess: I manage. Respond like a lover. One thing I’ve noticed about lovers? They respond so readily to each other. They’re not concerned about timing, about the correct approach, the mood, or the lighting. They don’t require anything fancy; they’re thrilled to be together. So I try not to need things to be “just so” for passion to build between us. Give like a lover. Lovers give their love lavishly and without restraint. They don’t hold back or hold out. I don’t always feel like it. Sometimes I give of myself only because I love him. I’m not in the mood, not in that head-space, and it’s not where I’m at. Sometimes – it’s a one-way deal. It is simply my gift to him. This is most applicable to anyone in any form of intimate relationship...give in for S*X Desire like a lover. Most time you are not in the mood but because you love him you have to give in to make up for both of you to grow in your love life. it doesn’t matter how you get the strength to compliment but all you need to do it to stir up your love life for a better living.
Newswatch Times, Saturday September 12, 2015
opular radio and international award presenter Oludare Alabi Best aka Opalatira last week added another feather to his reputation when he was honoured alongside Yoruba actress, Funke Eti, Tokunbo Marvins, Richard Anuwa of security 247 on Radio Continental, Barr. Bayo Alake, Dean of Faculty of Mass-Communication, Lagos State Polytechnic with the recognition awards of Excellence by the Mass-Communication Students Association of the school. It would be recalled that the Ibadan, Oyo state born presenter has won many laurels in his chosen profession.
LASPOTEC honours Dare Best
Once Upon A Time is not the ¿rst content by Glass House Entertainment. They have also produce contents like Hope234, The Survivor Show, The Proposal Show, and The Legendary Show, among other TV contents. Glass House Entertainment is a fast growing media and entertainment company in Nigeria.
he master storyteller, Legendary Jimi Solanke, returns to television in a grand style doing what he knows to do best, telling stories, in a show titled Once Upon A Time, produced by Glass House Entertainment. It is a 30-minute African storytelling television show that aims at bringing the rich African storytelling tradition and culture to life, where children from different parts of a village come together at the setting of the sun just to listen to a storyteller narrate interesting and at the same time educational fairytales. Once Upon A Time is shot in a modern-traditional style and aims at reminding Africans of the roots of their culture. It also aims at bringing childhood memories to life. The primary purpose of the show is to educate its audience as well as entertain them. Once Upon A Time is a show that everyone anywhere, both young and old, would want to run home to sit in front of their television to watch. The major target audience of Once Upon A Time are the African children, to help them relate with the intriguing yet educational part of the African culture. The show would also be found captivating by the African youths and adults, being able to share memories with their young ones, thus bringing a smile to everyone’s face.
Jimi Solanke returns with ‘Once Upon A Time’
ave of the moment and My Woman crooner, Patoranking, has announced that his USA tour would be kicking off this month. The singer has announced that his “What Ya Say Tour” packaged by Big A Entertainment is set to kick off and will be performing at major US cities like Dallas, Washington, New York, Atlanta and others.
Patoranking set for US tour
ontroversial Nollywood actress will not cease to be in the news. Recently in an interview with a national magazine, the actress who makes good use of her boobs to attract attention to herself talked about the kind of men she likes and those that really interest her. She said: “I love hot men, really hot, that banging body to die for and also he must be a lot richer than me” About her intimate life, she claims she is single, but does not bother her. “Being single does not bother me, but, not having kids do bother me, I must say” She also spoke about her new film “I am taking my time. I am not in a rush. Since I am not competing with anybody, it will come out when I think and believe its okay to come out. Don’t be in a haste to see it”
By AJIBADE ALABI e-mail: murphyaa_2007@yahoo.com
Ajibade Alabi 08023934887
often say we actors don’t normally celebrate with one another whenever we have an important occasion, at
least this has proved otherwise. I am really happy for the success of the burial ceremony”
lawiye has explained what led to his leaving the association of Islamic Musician of Nigeria led by Alhaji Wasiu Kayode Al-Sadeeq. In his speech with press men last week, “My attention has been drawn to a campaign of calumny in a section of the media that my brother and I, Alhaji Ibrahim Labaika, have been suspended by the Alhaji Wasiu Kayode Al-Sadeeq-led Islamic Musician Association of Nigeria (ISMAN) over anti-group activities. Specifically, the group claimed that we were involved in “social vices such as extortion, hooliganism” among other things, which negate the teachings of Almighty Allah. The group went ahead to claim that we were suspended after we were found guilty by a disciplinary committee. However, I wish to state that the “suspension” only exists in the figment of the imagination of Al-Sadeeq and his cohorts who are the exact opposite of what ISMAN stands for.
Alawiye hits back at Alhaji Wasiu Sodiq
edia personality Tolu Oniru a.k.a Toolz has said she will retain her maiden name, “Oniru” after her wedding. Toolz who had her introduction last weekend, September 5 was speaking alongside Olisa and Osi on the Morning Rush on Wednesday morning on Beat FM 99.9. She said she will be using a hyphen to merge the name in the form of, Tolu Oniru-Demuren.Toolz and her man Tunde Demuren got engaged in June during a vacation in Dominican Republic. Their introduction was attended by close friends and family. Toolz and Tunde are expected to get married next year and have adopted the hashtag #TSquare2016 on social media.
OAP “Toolz” to retain maiden name after marriage
t was gathering of Nolllywood stars on Tuesday, 8th of September 2015 at Local Government School, Bayeku, Ikorodu, Lagos when Nollywood actress and queen of soap opera, Jayeola Oluwakemi Kuti, buried her father, Superior. Evangelist Rufus Adisa Oluwale. Yinka Quadri led the likes of Faithia Balogun, Aishat Abimbola aka Omoge Campus, Ronke Ojo, Bimbo Oshin, Madam Saje, Sewa Coker, Nancy Shuaib, Henretha Kosoko, Dipo Olatunji, Bukky Raji and Bukola Gold to the sleepy town of Ikorodu Jaye Kuti could not hold her joy when her colleagues in the makebelieve profession came in numbers to support their very own. “I felt delighted seeing my colleagues who came to pay my late father their last respect. Many people
Nollywood stars storm Ikorodu for Jaye Kuti
Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 12, 2015
I like hot men with banging bodies- Cossy Orjiakor
Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 12, 2015
More Tripping...
Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 12, 2015
Qismat Yinus 51
Olu of Warri dies at 70
he Olu of Warri, Godwin Edomi Ogiame Atuwatse II has died. He was 70 years old. The Olu of Warri is the king of the Itsekiri’s in Delta state. According to reports, he died from an undisclosed ailment at a hospital in Lagos last week. He became king on May 2nd 1987. He is survived by his wife and children. May his soul rest in peace Amen.
Former Governor, Olagunsoye Oyinlola’s daughter weds
yindamola Oyinlola, daughter of former Osun state Governor, Olagunsoye Oyinlola got married to her partner in style. Dignitaries at the wedding include wife of former President Yar’Adua, Turai YarÁdua, Senate President Bukola Saraki and others.
Nollywood Actor Alex Ekubo acquires Camaro Chevrolet
tor and model,Alex opular Nollywood ac a Camaro d Ekubo has just acquire ized number plates Chevrolet with custom ‘Actor’.
Nigerian born female lawyer emerges Spain’s presidential candidate igerian born Spanish lawyer, Helen Mukoro, has emerged the presidential candidate of an opposition party for the forthcoming elections in Spain. She set a new record as the first woman and an immigrant to emerge presidential flag bearer of a political party in the country. She will be running on the platform of Union De Todos, a party she founded earlier this year. Helen, who is also a forensic expert and author of many books, was born in Delta State and worked briefly in the Governor’s Office before she travelled to Spain in 1992. She gained prominence in Spanish politics, when she founded a political party and later became the first Nigerian-Spanish to contest for the Mayor of Denia in May this year. Although she lost the election, her popularity soared higher as several people endorsed her for the highest office in the land.
Newswatch TImes, Saturday, September 12, 2015
Fashion Extra
Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 12, 2015
Celebrity Chat N geria s in Nig es se ss es st popular actre mo e th of e on , iya Ola Mojisola Abike r her role in came into limelight fo nre ge a rub Yo th wi orr lly especia Known fo ; No pains, No gains. ap so n isio lev te s a’ hly hl ghly Wale Adenug tiful lady is hig e gap- toothed beau th , ile sm ive ct o tto tra e ke at ok her e sp role interpretation. Sh in ty tili rsa ve r he r fo he o tth acclaimed ose related to ral issues particularly th ve se on I AB AL DE IBA AJ IJÁ ¾Ã¹ÊÈÉÇΠ͸ºÇÅÉÈ
f I may ask, why is it that marriages of celebrities and between celebrities don’t stand the test of time? I don t wants to believe that; there are several celebrities, actors and actresses whose marriage is doing ¿ne. I don’t want to mention names, but there are many of them. Moreover, there are people who are neither actors nor actresses whose marriage has crashed. So, it is not peculiar to celebrities or actresses. I believe it might be because people get to read about us frequently which is why it is assumed we have several marriage break-ups. I have heard of a marriage that was solemnized in the morning and before evening the couple went their different ways. So we should not let ours be an issue. But a weekly magazine once quoted you as saying you opted out of marriage because your husband was idle and depended on you ¿nancially and - Cuts in . That is another reason I don’t like granting interviews to press men. All what I said was that, see , let us forget this thing about my marriage. You know quite a lot of things about it, so why are you still asking questions on my failed marriage" To me, it was been destined that it will not work out, so why should I force myself into a marriage that I know will not work" Or should I say because I wanted to get married I should put myself into slavery" In fact, I am not saying anything on my broken marriage again. I think I have had enough. Are you saying you were in slavery while married? I did not say that; I am just giving you an illustration. You see, this is what I am talking about. Tomorrow, you may ¿nd that some newspapers will carry a bold headline which says, “I was in slavery that is why I opted out of my marriage -Moji Olaiya.” All I am saying is that, if you are not enjoying your marriage, it is not a must that you should die there or be a slave. There are many people out there who are not deriving enjoyment in their marriage, but are enduring it so that people will not say, “haa, the marriage has crashed”. It is also alleged that actresses are fond of dating a particular set of individuals simply because they can spend much money on them. I don’t know what you mean by that. For me, I am not dating any of them and I can’t speak for any other person. Since you mentioned actresses, what gave you the impression that these people you talked about are dating any of us" /et me tell you something, you journalists are the ones who usually wrote all these stories; the moment you see an actress with a man, you start writing on issues that are not even correct about the person. For the past weeks, you and I have been attending several events together; so will people now say because they see us together, we are dating" Ours is on a professional level. Hmmm So, does that stop anything" See, this thing is a personal determination, it not everyone relating together that could be having an affair. But are you still planning to re-marry?? Of course, I will still re-marry, but at least not now. Is there any man of ground now? Forget about that now. When it is time, I will let the people know Have you ever dated anyone in the industry" 'ating someone within your industry is not supposed to be a new thing. Even you as a journalist, can you tell me you have never dated your colleague before" Bankers and lawyers date each other; so, the question of dating a colleague of mine should not arise. In all sincerity, that should not be an issue, and Ajibade be sincere, you can’t tell me you have never dated your colleague either in your of¿ce or in another company. So why all the fuss about actresses dating actors" How would you rate your relationship with colleagues? I have a very cordial relationship with my colleagues. At least you are
Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 12, 2015
Celebrity Chat
a witness to it. We have attended many events together and have witnessed how I interact with my colleagues. I don t have any issue with any of them because I have a very good relationship with them. :KDWÂśV WKH WLWOH RI WKH ÂżUVW ÂżOP \RX IHDWXUHG LQ" The Âżrst Âżlm I acted in was my performance in Wale Adenuga Productions when the producer of Sunmibare, Dimeji Ijaduade, came for me. I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t even know how the deal was made because it was done by Wale Adenuga himself. It was him who bargained on my behalf and just called to say he has a job for me and I went for it. Can you say that was the Âżlm that brought you to limelight" Yes, that was the Âżlm that brought me to limelight. Another Âżlm that also shot me to stardom was â&#x20AC;&#x153;Agunbaniro. These two Âżlms brought me to limelight. +RZ ZDV WKH H[SHULHQFH OLNH" It was beautiful; it was the Âżrst time I was doing the home video stuff. The one I did before that was soap, a weekly drama. So, it was a wonderful experience interacting with who is who in the movie industry. <RXU IDWKHU LV D ZHOO NQRZQ PXVLFLDQ LQ IDFW KH LV NQRZQ ZRUOGZLGH +RZ GRHV KH LQĂ&#x20AC;XHQFH \RXU FDUHHU" Yes, my father, that is Victor Olaiya is well known, but I must tell you he never at any time inĂ&#x20AC;uenced my career. My father is someone who will tell you, you have to work hard for whatever you want to be in life. Good, he has been a positive impact in my life, but not to the point of using his name to inĂ&#x20AC;uence a role or position for me. No! If I could still remember while we are growing up, he will tell us we should not depend on him for whatever we want to do in the future, but that does not mean he will not help when the need arose.
The Counselor Bimpe Onwuchekwa bimpechekwas@gmail.com
eing careful, persistent and conscientious at oneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s work and duties is it, really. You are certainly full of vision, mission and strategy for execution; this is so for the diligent. He is thorough, full of skill and expertise. He is judicious with time and all the resources at his disposal. His living is governed by rules and regulations. He is full of research and findings for greater discoveries for exploits. Heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s acquainted with all the necessary information needed at every point to be resourceful. He is objective, decisive and addresses mistakes with scrutiny. Heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a reproach of the slot and a detest of the failure. What a child will become in the immediate future is guided by the culture and character built for him. A purposeful child should be trained to place a good deal of value on the way and manner activities are handled and performed in details. Also, he pays attention to the smallest of details as tasks are given to him. For example, while we were children, when we were sent on an errand, the instructions of what to buy were repeated by the adult, we would repeat after the adult, then recite the instructions all the way to the place of purchase for perfect delivery of the task; this helps the child to remember and recapitulate in details the instructions given by the adult. Homework given to the children at school should be done by them with concentration and supervision. Projects should be done and attended to with little assistance from the adult. Accomplishment at every task should be encouraged. Even when children are aware that some subjects are more applicable or preferred over the other, notwithstanding, every subject deserves their best efforts. Chores should be done with diligence. When a child washes dishes and pots, there is need for speed, carefulness and thorough, making sure all the dishes are well washed, rinsed, and ensuring no breakage. Clothes should be washed and checked for leftover stains before spreading. Every splash or drop of water on the floor should be moped and cleaned to prevent accidents or stench on rugs or carpets as the case may be. Children need to be taught the art of planning today about what to do tomorrow. When, why how, which first, the needed tools and so on. This would put their faculty to work other than for academics only and allow for their independence emergence. An independent child is diligent in all.
Being diligent is it Children should be conversant with these words; dexterity, perfection, conscientious, careful, improve, initiative, persistent, prompt, accomplishment, maintain, manage, improvise, innovation and many more. My mum used to say â&#x20AC;&#x153;what is worth doing at all is worth doing well.â&#x20AC;? After they execute a task, children need acknowledgement, appreciation, reward once in a while, and motivation sometimes when they are reluctant. Motivation comes with tease, reminder of precious rewards, previous approach of appreciation and so on. Always follow up on task given, to alert them and keep them on their toes. For instance, a visit to their room would mostly create reasons to instruct on what to do. Give instructions and directions on how things should be done. Go back to check later how far and how well the instructions have been adhered to. Contributions should be allowed from them on how best to execute a task. With their contribution, a sense of commitment and diligence is actualised. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t shut them down, let them voice their thoughts. Listening to children is important, to bring about confidence and esteem in them. These days, children are usually over pampered. Parents do not know the difference between pampering and the stage of rendering their children redundant and idle. Remember â&#x20AC;&#x153;an idle mind is Satanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s workshopâ&#x20AC;? when the mental faculty is used up, and the other aspects of their being is underutilised. They grow up becoming unfulfilled about life. They would always have unilateral expectations and line of excitements like birthdays, anniversaries, graduation from one class to another and so on. Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s no short term based excitement and accomplishment. Even games are mostly IT based these days, unlike outdoor games which are performed on playground and fields. This allows the children to interact, exercise, learn and mix freely with other children, thereby aiding and improving their agility. In fact, some schools never utilise their playground, believing all the children need is academic excellence. Excitement gotten from repair of gadgets, maintenance of various things, construction of things ,pilling of things, packaging items, stacking toys and other items, transferring materials, mending, various measurements techniques and many more. These should be encouraged so that when they are older they will be interested in the use of their hands (manipulative skills). After a child has been sourced out for strengths, heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s then taught to be diligent at it. Frequent assessment of what children do bring about innovation, improvisation and short cuts to task tackling there by making them diligent at performance of whatever they find themselves doing. A diligent child will be quick to becoming a skilled, reliable co-ordinated youth. Honesty, punctuality and loyalty are the watchword for a diligent youth. A diligent youth is submissive
to authorities, other peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ideas, and heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s given to initiative. Heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s on the lookout for information and criticism to be better off at handling tasks. A youth that has been brought up to be diligent will be spontaneous and original in disposition. He will know how to choose his friends, mentors, role models and partners; partners for business especially. He wouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t make random choices, but with analysis of their strengths and weaknesses; to know if they would be complementary to achieving greater heights. Kings, leaders, achievers and pioneers are their choice for identity. Heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s able to sense crises swiftly and promptly; he looks before he leaps and heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s able to ascertain peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s mistakes to his advantage. A diligent youth is out to break records, stand out and be his best at every stage of accomplishments. Every one receives revelation, a diligent man executes it. He studies and understands terms sharply. A diligent man upholds the law and order of his country, appreciates the use and technicality of hierarchical administration. A couple that has imbibed the necessary virtue of being diligent will certainly breed a successful and excellent home, since itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s with diligence that wisdom and understanding are found and attained. A man whom with his wife is complementary with diligence will surmount issues in their marriage with ease. Whatever comes up will be handled with the necessary dedication, commitment and scrutiny. They are careful sensitive about each otherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s feelings, impression and fears. The diligent couple will never give up until there is a solution. They are usually optimistic and enduring. A diligent man would not find something doing to make ends meet. Being diligent at service rendering, using his gifts and talents judiciously will certainly payoff eventually. They go to any level to service their relationship; give gifts when necessary, affection when and how appropriate; render various acts of service, as well as always and being consistent at communication. Their home culture would be based on â&#x20AC;&#x153;garbage in, garbage outâ&#x20AC;?, law of sowing and reaping, action and reaction are equal and opposite. Their children will easily take responsibility for their actions; they will be purposeful, they will be go getter.â&#x20AC;? Obstacles for them become stepping stones to greater heights. While I was growing up, there was a home I went for holidays. Diligence was on the move, all over. Everyone had their chores including parents. No matter how busy the man seemed, he had time to oversee what happened around his children. Most of the time, he was the one who picks me at my house. His children were good at various musical instruments, the girls during holidays learnt various trades like fashion designing, cake making, bead making and so on. They also had lesson teachers. Every aspect of their interest given attention is annexed. They are all professionals now, in fact, they all are engineers and with knowledge in other areas of their interest. So along with their employment, they have other source of income, since they used their hands at free time.
PAThis i G SAs for E
Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 12, 2015
President Muhammadu Buhari being welcomed on his arrival by his Ghanian counterpart President H.E. John Dramani Mahama at the Accra International Airport during the president’s visit to Ghana…recently.
L-R: Former Ambassador to US/Chairman of the occasion, Ambassador (Prof.) George Obiozor; Celebrant/ Presiding Bishop, The Redeemed Evangelical Mission (TREM), Bishop Mike Okonkwo, his wife Bishop Peace and former Lagos State Governor/Guest Speaker, Mr. Babatunde Raji Fashola.
Rev (Dr.) Moses Iloh; his wife, Mrs. Edith and President/Founder, Living Faith Ministries (a.k.a Winners Chapel), Bishop David Oyedepo. Photo: Abiodun Omotosho
President Buhari inspecting the guard of honour mounted for him during the visit.
Senate President, Dr. Abubakar Bukola Saraki (second right); former Governor of Osun State, Prince Olagunsoye Oyinlola (right); Senator Rafiu Ibrahim (left) and Senator Dino Melaye.
L-R: Chairman FCMB, Otunba Subomi Balogun; his wife, Olori Abimbola; wife of Chief Famutimi, Mrs. Stella Famutimi; President, Nigerian America Chambers of Commerce, Chief Olabintan Famutimi, Fomer Chairman, Berger Paint Plc, Mr. Clement Olowokande and Iya-Ewe of Cathedral Christ Church Marina Juvenile Harvest, Mrs. Iyabode Sholanke.
Senate President, Dr. Abubakar Bukola Saraki (left); Ogun State Governor, Ibikunle Amosun; former wife of President Yaradua, Turai; the couple, Oyindamola and Temitope with their parent and other guests, at the wedding.
Suprintendent, Children’s Church, Cathedral Christ Church Marina, Cheif (Mrs.) Omotola Akinola (right), with Children at the event. Photos: Abiodun Omotosho
3 39
Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 12, 2015
is Th GE PAis for E L
L-R: Mrs. Pat Anorue; President, Imo State Town Development Association Lagos (ISTDAL), Pastor Okey Anorue; Senior Special Assistant to Imo State Governor/Imo State Liaison Officer in Lagos, Hon. Alfred Ononugbo and Hostess of ISTDAL, Lolo Blessing Mbonu.
Former Chairman, Ecobank Nigeria Limited, Chief John Odeyemi; Chairman, Ecobank Nigeria Limited, Olorogun Sunny Kuku and former Commonwealth Secretary General, Chief Emeka Anyaoku and member, 2014 National Conference, Professor Anya O. Anya, at the Hallmark Public Policy Forum with the theme: ‘Regional Economic Integration and the Challenges of Sustainable Development’ held in Lagos…recently.
L-R: Chief Welfare, Anambra Women Association (Lagos), Mrs. Agbapulonwu Helen; Presidential Aspirant, Imo State Town Development Association Lagos (ISTDAL), EziAda Ego Ijeaku and Provost of ISTDAL, Mrs. Ezinne Vero Iwueke commissioning items for Women entrepreneurship. Photo: Segun Padonu
L-R: Guest Speaker/Managing Director/CEO, Ecobank Nigeria Limited, Mr. Jibril Aku; Publisher, Hallmark Newspapers, Prince Emeka Obasi and Director-General, Nigeria Institute of International Affairs, Professor Bola Akinterinwa, at the event. Photos: Bode Agbede
Cross section of the children choir led by Temiloluwa Abioye (2nd right) singing praises to the Lord during the 19th children anniversary of Christ Apostolic Church, Palace of Deliverance, Alapere Ketu Lagos…On Sunday.
Cross section of some of the children led by Damilola Quadri (2nd left) during a drama ministration performance during the event. Photos: Bode Agbede
Students of Sanctus Trinitas School performing during their graduation/price giving day ceremony in Lagos recently.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 12, 2015
My Kitchen
Qismat Yinus
Talking Nutrition with CHIZOBA BENSON
0806.565.1922 (sms only) chizobanwobu@yahoo.com
Antioxidants that can improve your health
onsumption of certain antioxidant vitamins which are plantbased is a good preventive step to protect the body against destructive processes caused by diseases, thus preserving the life of cells in the body. In other words, when we keep our cells nourished, cleansed and protected by consuming certain antioxidant vitamins, our cells would stay healthy and would not give opportunity for infections and diseases to attack our cells. When zinc for instance is sprayed on steel/metal, it prevents it from rusting. Consequently, when ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is sprayed on a fruits like apple, it prevents it from turning brown. This kind of occurrence usually takes place in the body. Antioxidant vitamins however, protect the body against oxidative damage. Although our bodies make some of their own antioxidants, there is not enough at all to naturally protect it against these free radicals. Since there are always free radicals entering the body either when the body breaks down food or when the body is exposed to tobacco smoke or radiation. Antioxidants help to slow down the ageing process to some degree. One study states that virtually all diseases stems from “free radical damage.” Antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin A (beta carotenoids), selenium, and zinc may help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. Other naturally occurring antioxidants include Áavonoids, tannins, phenols and lignans. Plant-based foods are the best sources. These include fruits, vegetables and their juices, whole-grain products, nuts, seeds, herbs (culinary and medicinal herbs), spices, and dark chocolates. A study has shown that a botanical diversity of fruits and vegetables plays a role in the biological eͿect of antioxidant phytochemicals. The consumption of smaller quantities of many phytochemicals may result in more health beneÀts than the consumption of larger quantities of fewer phytochemicals. Vitamin C also known as ascorbic acid is a proven antiviral and anti-bacterial which has stood the test of time according to so many studies. It has helped to boost the immune system, reduce cancer rates, protect cell against tobacco smoke, enhances wound repair and even increase life expectancy rate. It is found in citrus fruits, leafy green vegetables, green peppers, tomatoes, strawberries, broccoli and potatoes. Vitamin E helps protect the functioning of cells and intracellular processes. It helps oxygenate the tissue. It is essential for normal reproductive functions, fertility and physical vigour. It is essential for preventing free radical damage to the cell membranes. It helps prevent asthma, arthritis, heart disease and even premature ageing. Examples of natural sources of vitamin E are: seeds and nuts (walnut, peanut, etc), wheat germ, olive or sunÁower oils, leafy green vegetables and liver. Vitamin A- carotenoids and beta-carotene stimulates the immune processes including induction of cell- mediated immunity against tumors. They also act as natural-killers or antibodies against disease organisms that would want to attack the body. Studies have also shown that consumption of oral beta-carotene is useful for boosting antitumor immunity against cancer patients.
How to make Nigerian salad sandwich
igerian salad sandwich as the name implies, is a rich sandwich made up of most of the ingredients you would find in an average Nigerian salad. Ingredients Serves 4 - 8 slices of bread (sandwich bread) - 3 Eggs - half of a small sized onion(chopped) - 2 pieces of lettuce - 1 large tomato - 2 medium carrot - half of a small cabbage - 1 small cucumber (optional) - 2 tablespoon corned beef or 4 pieces canned sardine or half of the canned tuna or smoked mackerel (Titus) - 3 tablespoons salad cream/Mayonnaise - 1 tablespoon ketchup(optional) Tips: *If you’ll be making use of salad cream, you can skip the ketchup. *If you don’t like the taste of corned beef, feel free to use canned sardines or tuna.
set aside for later use. Steps 1a. First boil the eggs with a little salt and leave to cool. Then peel off the shells and cut the eggs into tiny bits. If you prefer fried/scrambled eggs, break the eggs into a bowl; add seasoning and salt to taste and fry in a pan with 3 tablespoonful of oil. Mash the eggs slightly and set aside. b. Place the bread slices on a flat board and cut off the crusts(brown ends of the bread) and set aside. c. Now prepare the vegetables by washing them thoroughly in clean water. - Cut the Tomato in half, take out the seeds and chop into tiny bits. - Also scrape the carrot and grate finely, together with the cabbage - After washing, place the Lettuce in a sieve to strain out excess water. 2. Combine the grated carrots, cabbage, tomatoes, eggs and lettuce. Add the salad cream or mayonnaise and mix well until well incorporated and
3. Place the corned beef /tuna/sardine in a plate, mash well with a fork, add a little salad cream/mayonnaise and ketchup (if using), then combine together until smooth and well incorporated. 4. Now to assemble the sandwich, lay one piece of the bread on your work surface. Then spread a thin layer of the vegetable mixture over the bread, then top it with the second slice of bread, and place one lettuce leaf on it; place the third bread slice and spread thinly with the corned beef /tuna/sardine mixture and finally top with the fourth bread slice. (That is: bread--veggie mix--bread-lettuce--bread--corned beef /tuna/ sardine mix-- bread)
Cut into 2 triangles and plate it as you wish. Repeat with the remaining 4 slices, serve and enjoy with any beverage or drink of choice.
Saturday, September 12, 2015
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Saturday, September 12, 2015
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Saturday, September 12, 2015
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Saturday, September 12
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 12, 2015
Seizure of diplomatic passport: Buhari’s onslaught on political class Mansur Oladunjoye, Asst. Politics Editor
fter being briefed by the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bulus Lolo, President Muhammadu Buhari on Tuesday directed that a list of people using diplomatic passports illegally be submitted to him. According to Buhari, decisive action must be taken against defaulters. He told the officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, “Something has to be done so that we can get back our respectability as a country. Some people carry official passports and get involved in all sorts of negative acts. We need to do something about it.” Subsequently, the Nation’s Immigration Service (NIS) on Monday ordered past public officers including governors, lawmakers at the national and state level, ministers, commissioners, local government chairpersons and their deputies to return their diplomatic passports. Also covered by the directive were heads of parastatals and other former public officers in possession of the federal government’s diplomatic passport. However, position of the Federal Government was said to have come after an initial one on the withdrawal of diplomatic and official passports held by “unauthorized” persons by the Nigeria Immigration Service Consequently, NIS, in a statement on Monday, directed all affected persons to comply forthwith. According to the statement signed by the Comptroller General of Immigration, M. K. Abeshi, the affected persons include, among others, former state governors, senators, members of the House of Representatives, state legislators, former ministers, commissioners, special advisers/special assistants, chairmen/deputy chairmen of local government areas, retired heads of parastatals and retired public civil servants. Abeshi said, “These categories of persons are hereby informed that these passports which were previously held by them have been revoked and should return them to the Nigeria Immigration Service Headquarters Sauka Abuja with immediate effect. “Failure to comply with this directive will amount to an offence under the Immigration Act 2015. Such unauthorized posses-
Ex NIS Boss, Paradang
sion will be impounded at our control posts on arrival or departure,” he stated. Abseshi who stressed that continuous possession of the passport after the expiration of tenure of office of the holders is an offence under the Immigration Act 2015, added that the passports will be seized at the airport if holders attempt to use them. Political pundits have howev-
er suspected that the president’s move may be one of the many “planned” ways to fight corruption, with emphasis on the need to reduce the influence of political power who often feels above and ahead of others. According to the political observers, seizure of diplomatic passports would also prevent a class of Nigerians who often misuse the ‘opportunity’, regarding the book as a birthright
and thus suppress and oppress fellow Nigerians with the document. One may recall how the former boss of Economic and Financial Crime Commission (EFCC), Malaam Nuhu Ribadu who was on exile was able to attend Gani Fawehinmi’s burial, he was to do so with the diplomatic passport at his disposal, though, his brief stay to attend the ceremony was embarassing to the federal government, then the submission of the document by ministers and other office holders on leaving office as mandated by rules and order, would in no small measure reduce such circumstance in future. The president-general of Aka Ikenga, the think-tank arm of the Igbo socio cultural group – Ohaneze Ndigbo in an interview with the Newswatch Times stated that President Buhari was taciturn throughout his campaigns, “He didn’t talk much, he only said ‘I will fight corruption; I will fight Boko Haram and I will give employment,’ beyond those three statements, nobody can quote him…,” thus, the request for the diplomatic passports of some eminent people in the political class, under the promised fight against corruption is a shot at the menace. How effective the fight, cum compliance definitely rest largely on the belief of the agencies and individuals saddled with the enforcements, after all, the president is not expected to be going after the targeted culprits. Whether the presidency will extend the seeming fight against the ‘untouchables’ to those in the same party – All Progressives Congress (APC) is just a matter of time as Nigerians keep watching the president from all sides and angles too. No doubt, members of the ruling class have become jittery over the development, knowing too well that what is good for the goose will one day be good for the gander. Alas! whatever the federal has on mind outside the move to check the undue availability of the book in the society such that even local government councilors flunt it at will, will certaily be a planned fight against corruption and abuse of office. The worthy observation to be made here is that the direwctive for the submission of diplomatic passports and not a personal passport or better still, the ECOWAS passport is a clear pointer to the fact that the move was not to witch hunt but to relate the flow of the “sacred” document.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 12, 2015
Buhari, APC attack Okonjo Iweala out of envy – Anakwe Continued from Page 16
Nigerians to prevail on their son before he split the country by sending a high powered delegation to him to see the futility in what he is doing. I expect to hear from people like Edwin Clark, who has not thanked the Igbo for voting his kinsman massively. He kept quiet in the face of the insolence former President Jonathan has been receiving. I also want to ask is it sycophancy or cowardice or compromise for Bayelsans who are changing camps from PDP to APC because
their son lost election. If not, how can they abandon their brother so soon because he lost election? After all Igbo lost the war but did not abandon Ojukwu. Awolowo lost an election but Yoruba did not abandon him. Buhari has lost elections three times but Fulanis and Hausas did not abandon him. What do make of Governor Adams Oshimhole’s constant attack on Jonathan and Dr. Okonjo Iweala? I urge the people of the South-South not to count Oshiomhole as one of their leaders because he is the best sycophant they have
produced since the inception of Nigeria. He is insulting Jonathan and Okonjo because of 75 million dollar loan he wanted, which I learnt Okonjo turned down because he did not follow due process. What is your take on Buhari’s insistence on probing only Jonathan administration? PDP has ruled Nigeria for 16 years. If he wants to probe he should probe PDP governments in the last 16 years otherwise he should carry on with his administration because Obasanjo’s salary and allowances cannot build university. He should
tell Nigerians where he got money to build the Bells University. Also, former governors like Bola Ahmed Tinubu, Raji Fashola and Rotimi Amechi if Buhari is sincere about Àghting corruption. If Nigeria still believes in justice, equity and fair play, Goodluck and Obasanjo should have declared their assets before and after their tenures. Buhari should have also declared his own publicly with his deputy in details and not the fake they announced after being doctored at the Code of Conduct Bureau. Instead of Buhari to tell Okonjo Iweala to
continue managing the economy, out of envy, jealousy and ethnic sentiment they have been mounting campaign of calumny against the woman considered as a genius. I am yet to see the person who will manage the economy more than the woman. Because they have seen it is dicult to manage the economy, they compelled CBN Governor to introduce retrogressive monetary policies. The same thing they did to Nnamdi Ozobia at Snake Island. Today, Snake Island that used to service and build ships has turned a ghost of its former self.
SGF: Ogbonnaya Onu reacts to rumour
ormer governor of Abia State and a chieftain of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Dr. Ogbonanya Onu has reacted to rumours surrounding his failure to emerge as Secretary to the Government of the Federation (SGF). According to media reports, the APC stalwart was recently quoted on the social media as saying that Muhammadu Buhari had informed him of his intended actions and why he will not be chosen as the SGF. He was also quoted as saying that his house became a Mecca as people seeking favours besieged his house in anticipation of being appointed as the SGF, with the same people deserting his house when he was not given the appointment. In reaction to the rumours, a statement was issued on behalf of Onu by his media team during the week. The statement read, “The attention of His Excellency, Dr. Ogbonnaya Onu, has been drawn to a seeming orchestrated campaign apparently originating from the social media to smear his hard earned reputation. “On Saturday, August 28, this year, a Facebook broadcast titled “SGF; OGBONNAYA ONU
AND VAINGLORIOUS NIGERIANS” allegedly at the instance of one Ajayi Temitope was circulated in the social media without his knowledge and consent. “In it, Dr. Onu was falsely and perhaps maliciously credited as having told an unnamed friend of Mr. Ajayi Temitope in a 35minute telephone conversation that prior to the announcement of appointments into the offices of Chief of Staff to the President, Secretary to the Government of the Federation, among other positions, he (Dr.) Onu was informed by Mr. President of his intended action and why he would not be chosen for appointment as SGF. “The Facebook broadcast further falsely credited Dr. Onu with expressing regrets about how his Abuja residence had become “a Mecca of sorts” for those seeking patronage from him in anticipation of his appointment as SGF and lamented that soon after the announcement was made without him being appointed to serve in the exalted capacity, his residence became deserted. “For the avoidance of doubt, it has become important to state in strong terms that Dr. Onu never expressed the
views credited to him in the Facebook broadcast as no such conversation ever took place between him and our respected Mr. President. “He could not have, therefore, communicated a non-existent conversation to another person, more so an unnamed individual on telephone. Accordingly, it is false, cheap and utterly in bad faith. Already, Dr. Onu has personally issued a rebuttal on the matter which has been circulated in the social media in a Press Statement dated August 30, 2015. “However, it has become necessary to issue the foregoing clarification in view of ongoing efforts in some sections of the print and electronic media to further allude to the same phony Facebook
broadcast without verifying the proof of its authenticity. “Needless to say that such is capable of misleading the general public and by implication, injure the well-known integrity and honour which Dr. Onu holds sacred and guards jealously. At this juncture, it is important to recall that soon after the inauguration of President Muhammadu Buhari on May 29, 2015; the social media was awash with the purported “news” of his “appointment” as Secretary to the Government of the Federation. “Specifically on May 31, this year, a spurious Twitter account surfaced in his name where he was quoted as having “thanked God and the good people of Nigeria
for this opportunity to serve”. This was despite the fact that Dr. Onu does not own or operate a personal Twitter account, thus prompting him to disclaim the broadcast in a Statement dated June 1, 2015, which was circulated in the social media. “As one of the founding National Leaders of APC, it is his conviction that nothing should be done to injure the rights of citizens to free speech, especially in a democracy. “However, in the exercise of such rights, care and respect must be observed to ensure that it is done within the ambit of the law, guided by respect for the truth, good conscience and sincerity of purpose. “It is hoped that in all circumstances, more so in a democracy, the truth should not be twisted to serve pre-determined ends neither should the rights of individuals be muzzled to score cheap political points. “Finally, Dr. Onu reaffirms his faith in our democracy as the immutable vehicle of popular choice for a new Nigeria, where though tribe and tongue may differ, as brothers and sisters, united in the pursuit of a common destiny, we must continue to stand firm, resolute and together.”
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 12, 2015
Fed Appointments: Whole world knows Igbo suffer undue marginalisation - Aka Ikenga leader Continued from Page 15
constitution, it is stated that even for Army ocers from the rank of colonel, we must have all sides of government involved. The President has already oͿended that section and must therefore retrace his steps. Asiwaju Tinubu was quoted to have said that the President has been on honeymoon in the last 100 days in oce, thus calling for action; does this mean that the APC government was not ready and prepared for the fortune that befell it in the last election? Well, I don’t discuss partisan politics, we in Aka Ikenga don’t discuss politics; we discuss people. We agree with Asiwaju Tinubu that the President has been on honeymoon, let’s pray that he will rise up to action. We have seen his body language and we have heard him said he would Àght corruption, but the Àght has not begun. We believe he will, but the economy is the one that bothers me most; it is when the economy prospers that the nation begins to boom. Should President Buhari decide to embark on action, where will you advise him to start from? Economy! Economy Àrst and economy last. You see, the country will move when there is manufacturing that will provide employment, then the restless youths will be engaged; they will make money and improve the Gross Domestic Products (GDP) that will further improve the nation’s status and ratings. In any case,
we have had about three months of this government that is supposed to have had about 12 or 13 federal executive council meetings that will decide capital projects. It means that in the last three months, we have not had capital projects that ought to drive the economy; it is the one that will stimulate the economy. It is when we get it clear that the private sector must be motivated to improve. Does that mean that the chase after looters embarked upon by Buhari ought to be secondary? There are agencies created to do that; it is not what the President should be doing himself, it is only a process. He may only direct the agencies to go ahead and recover certain funds and then he moves on with real governance. Won’t you want to advise him against sectional or bias attack? All I will say is that the agencies should go after all. How did you manage the crises within Ohaneze Ndigbo that eventually gave birth to Aka Ikenga? Aka Ikenga has been in existence for 28 years. It is the think-tank of Ohaneze Ndigbo, there was no crisis. Whenever
we have any event or election, the presidentgeneral ofOohaneze must be there, and we have been consistent. We have one Ohaneze and all Igbo are under that umbrella. How do Igbo outside the South East zone relate with Aka Ikenga? As the president-general Aka Ikenga, our people must consult me just as I also consult them; this is the relationship. If we need to go out, we do, and if need to wait, we do, and whatever decision we have to make, we work towards that decision. We hardly work against each other.
Yes! Once in a while, you see some errant people who come around and give you a position they have carved out for themselves. Unfortunately, those people have Àzzled out after some time because there was no substance. Yes, last year and even early this year, some people came out and were challenging the leadership of Ohaneze Ndigbo. Aka Ikenga was Àrm and blunt about it, we denied the rebels. Other rebels too have melted out; they have gone back into their shell, and they have served their purpose. Sir, how did you react
if he is compiling the list of those to work with him, the president must include the Igbo, he should follow Section 14(3) of the constitution, that section is simple and clear: in forming the government, all appointment must follow federal character
to the Oba of Lagos’ threat and curses on Igbo residents in Lagos who dared not to vote for Governor Akinwunmi Ambode? I think the whole thing was mismanaged; I believe what the Oba meant was that ‘I want you to vote for Ambode because he is my candidate’, but the language became wrong; very wrong language. We stood up and opposed it and we said we were going to International Criminal Court (ICC) because it was hate, anything that brings hatred between two ethnic groups is hate speech and many people are being tried for it. Come to think of it, Governor Ambode came along with Fashola to see us in Aka Ikenga, we all had a very lengthy evening together, we discussed freely, it was a jovial outing, so if you ask Ambode now he will tell you he works with Aka Ikenga; his letter is here asking us to come and see him anytime the need arises. The Oba had no reason whatever to make that speech. Aka Ikenga’s position then and still is ‘vote according to your conscience’ Ohaneze Ndigbo gave similar advice, the message by Aka Ikenga to all Igbo is to vote according to their conscience, at no time did we instruct anybody to vote for a particular candidate. Our doors are open to anybody to see us, it is normal. Tinubu came, Fashola too and even Ambode. On the other side, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) candidate, Jimi Agbaje too came to see us in Aka Ikenga, Musiliu Obanikoro once came; MKO Abiola of blessed memory came to Aka Ikenga to see us. For us, we are always careful on political statements.
Fayose’s assets declaration: Ekiti PDP slams APC
he Ekiti State Chapter of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has accused All Progressives Congress (APC) of playing to the gallery by asking Governor Ayo Fayose to publicly declare his assets like his predecessor, Dr. Kayode Fayemi. The PDP argued that the APC lacks the moral justiÀcation to condemn Fayose for not making his assets public when many
of the governors elected on its (APC) platform had not done so. The Ekiti PDP in a statement issued on Wednesday by its Publicity Secretary, Jackson Adebayo, insisted that the opposition party in the state cannot compel Fayose to release details of his assets because the opposition has an ulterior motive by making such demand. Rather than calling on Fayose to make public his
assets declaration, the PDP urged the APC to direct the call to the 23 governors elected on its platform to do so before demanding for that from the Ekiti governor. The PDP said until the APC does this, it would remain in “the wilderness of foolishness”, adding that “a party peopled by intelligent persons should know that you can only ask questions on what you are not guilty of”. While criticizing the APC
for celebrating the assets declaration by President Muhammadu Buhari, the PDP claimed that the declaration by Buhari “contained many loopholes which no sensible person should be proud of”. “The declaration made by Buhari cannot be compared to that made by the late President Umaru Musa Yar’Adua which till date has been adjudged as a perfect declaration by any Nigerian President”, the party stated.
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Saturday, September 12
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 12, 2015
North Central
Council chair man suspended for insubordination Godwin Akor, Makurdi
Last Batch of Muslim Pilgrims from Gombe State, before their departure in Gombe State…yesterday.
NUC rates Kogi vasity 12th in Nigeria Ademu Idakwo, Lokoja
ollowing the August 2015 National Universities Commission’s result on accreditation visits to universities in Nigeria, Kogi State University, Anyigba, was ranked the 12th best university out of 125 universities visited. KSU was also rated the best among all the existing state universities in Nigeria. The Vice-Chancellor of the university, Professor Hassan Isah, disclosed this at the 5th pre-convocation press conference held on the campus as part of activities marking the convocation ceremony for
graduates of 2012, 2013 and 2014 sets slated for Saturday 19th September, 2015. He also told journalists that out of the 32 programmes run by the university, 24 have received full accreditation while 8 got interim accreditation and no programme was denied accreditation by the NUC. The result of the NUC according to the Vice-Chancellor was based on the quality of programmes being run, standard of academic workforce and infrastructural as well as academic facilities in the university. Professor Hassan Isah stated that of the 60 projects being
executed on campus, all the completed ones will be inaugurated by the state Governor, Capt. Idris Wada, during the convocation ceremony. Notable of the completed projects to be inaugurated are the medical library, administrative block, skill acquisition centre and the water plant. The VC who said that his eight years tenure in the university have been very eventful gave thanks to the Almighty God for using him to impact positively on the lives of the university community through the provision of quality education, infrastructural facilities, improved welfare for staͿ as well as training
and re-training programmes. He expressed delight that throughout his stay in the institution, all cases of cultism, examination malpractices and Other forms of social vices have greatly reduced to the barest minimum. He said the security network of the university has been very ecient in protecting the lives and property of staͿ and students on campus. The VC attributed the success of his achievements within the period under review to the free hand given him to run the institution by Governor Idris Wada who is a visitor to the university.
Benue Speaker shuns anti-corruption campaign Godwin Akor, Makurdi
peaker, Benue State House of Assembly, Mr Terkimbir Ikyange, is being roundly criticized for shunning a group of workers who took the anti-corruption campaign to the House in solidarity with President Muhammadu Buhari. Made up of Nigeria La-
bour Congress, NLC and Trade Union Congress, TUC, members, the workers visited the House on the occasion of the ‘National day of action against corruption and for good governance.’ The state Chairman of the NLC, Comrade Godwin Anya, and his TUC counterpart, Ordue Tartenger, on their arrival at the gate of the Assembly complex became disappointed as they were
not allowed access to the premises. When the workers got to Benue People’s House where the Special Adviser on Labour and Employment, Mrs Patricia Kupchi, addressed them on behalf of the governor, they carried placards reading : “The Assembly that does not embrace anti-corruption crusade is corrupt”, “Benue Assembly is corrupt”. They expressed disap-
pointment over the lackadaisical aĴitude of the Speaker who they said was evidently present in the chamber, but refused to come out and address them even as the unions had hinted him on their visit the previous day. Press Secretary to the Speaker, Mr. Bem Abunde, told Newswatch Times that it was impossible for his boss to refuse to address workers who were on a good mission.
the health sector at the 2015 annual general meeting of the International Confederation of Midwives, (ICM), at the Hague, Netherlands. According to her, there is need to invest more in midwifery education in Nigeria to be able to robustly address challenges in maternal and child delivery services across the country. She stressed that practitioners in the health sector need
conducive working environments to help in delivering their expert skills and experiences to patients. Mrs. Saraki said; “I have long known the valuable roles that midwives have been playing in changing health outcomes of women and children. This insight has also informed our global advocacy for the increased accessibility, availability, acceptability and quality of midwifery around
the world. “Using our global voice and new consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), The Wellbeing Foundation Africa (WBFA), seeks to garner further international investment in midwife training, and call for the rapid inclusion of skilled midwives at the heart of government and international policy on maternal and newborn health.
Saraki’s wife canvasses better funding for midwifery education Godwin Akor, Makurdi
ife of the President of the Senate, Mrs. Toyin Saraki, on Thursday, canvassed for adequate funding of midwifery education in the country to aěord nurses and midwives the opportunity for further professional development. She made the plea while addressing stakeholders in
ollowing his failure to comply with the directive given to the 23 local government chairmen on the payment of July 2015 salaries to staͿ, the Chairman of Gwer local government, Mr. Dele Uzuku, has been suspended by the Benue State House of Assembly. The chairman paid the arrears of November 2011 salary to local government staͿ instead of the salary of July 2015 earlier directed by Governor Samuel Ortom. The Assembly at its Friday sitting equally directed that all the local government ocials that participated in the process of the payment should appear before the Local Government Service Commission (LGSC),f or adequate sanctioning. The Assembly took the decision following a letter written to it by the Governor who sought the lawmakers’ proper investigation into the matter which was deliberated on the Áoor. During deliberation on the matter, some members condemned the chair-
man’s action, saying it amounted to insubordination while others called for fair hearing. The Majority Leader, Mr. Benjamin Adanyi, described the Chairman’s action as violation of directive and suggested that it should attract punishment. “His action is against Governor Ortom’s policy that is anchored on truth, transparency, accountability and above all, the fear of God”, the Makurdi South representative maintained. Mr Ianna Jato who represents Katsina Ala-East State Constituency, appealed for fair hearing on the matter since the chairman did not divert the fund. “To me the chairman’s action deserves appreciation rather than punishment”, he emphasized. Ruling, the Speaker, Mr Terkimbi Ikyange, said the chairman would be suspended for one month to serve as a deterrent to others. He also directed that all the ocials that had connections with the payment of 2011 arrears of salaries should be referred to the Local Government Service Commission, LGSC, for appropriate sanction.
Ortom, Akume condole El-Rufai over loss of foster father Godwin Akor, Makurdi
enue state governor, Samuel Ortom, and Senator George Akume yesterday (Friday) paid condolence visit to the Kaduna State governor, Mallam Nasir ElRufai, over the loss of his foster father, Alhaji Yahaya Hamza. Speaking during the visit, Governor Ortom said the plan to condole his Kaduna State counterpart before Friday could not hold because of unforseen circumstances. He described the death of Papa Hamza as painful particularly that he played vital roles in the moulding of his colleague, Nasir ElRufai and urged him to take solace in the fact that the deceased committed his life to
the service of his fatherland. Ortom said everyone must one day return to the creator while Senator Akume said he knew the late Alhaji Hamza at the Federal Ministry of Education and described him as a humble and unassuming person. In his response, Governor El-Rufai said he would always remember his cousin who adopted him at the age of eight when he lost his father and described him as kind hearted and accomplished educationist. The deceased was once a Secretary to Kaduna State Government and Permanent Secretary in the Federal Ministry of Education. He died at the age of 82.
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 12, 2015
Sports Update
Emenalo: Why Chelsea loaned Moses to West Ham
helsea’s Technical Director, and former Super Eagles defender, Michael Emenalo has explained reasons behind loaning Nigeria forward, Victor Moses, to other teams, saying it was for Moses to really develop to his potential. “Sometimes we know there are players whose development is not ęnished, just like Victor (Moses),” Emenalo told the club’s oĜcial television station. “Who [Moses] we want to keep with our squad but who maybe needs to play more football to get to the level we think he can get to,
because he is very, very talented,” he added. Moses was expected to be a part of the Chelsea squad this season after his good performances for the team in pre-season, but with the arrival of Pedro from Barcelona, he signed a new four-year deal before embarking on another loan stint with London-club, West Ham. Other Nigerians out on loan from Chelsea include Kenneth Omeruo and Dominic Solanke. The Nigerian, who played a major part in helping the Super Eagles win the 2013 Africa Cup of Nations title
in South Africa, has not played for the national team since the end of the World Cup in Brazil last year. Moses joined Chelsea from Wigan in 2012 for £10 million and played 41 games in that ęrst season - the league, the FA Cup, the League Cup, the UEFA Champions League and in the Europa League, in which he helped the Blues triumph. He scored 10 goals in all competitions but he was farmed out to Liverpool where he did not get it right and then Stoke, for whom he was a standout performer last season.
I g h a l o s i g n s n ew Wa t f o r d d e a l
Nsofor’s Duisburg debut on hold
igeria striker, Victor Obinna Nsofor will not debut for his German second
division team MSV Duisburg on Monday against St.Pauli as his ITC from the Russian Football Federation is
being expected. The former Chievo Verona striker joined the team till the end of the season with an option of another year as a free agent. MSV Duisburg coach Gino LeĴieri disclosed that the ITC which will authorised Obinna Nsofor to start playing for the team is not yet received from Russia. Gino LeĴieri said: “For Victor Obinna, we still wait on the international release of the Russian federation.”
Nigeria and Africa at large. He has been a top performer for SeaĴle Sounders, seĴing a record last season (2014) as the top scorer with 17 goals, the highest number of goals scored by a player in a season at the club. The former Levante striker arrived at SeaĴle Sounders in 2013 with not much known about him and he scored eight goals to announce his arrival. His backĚip goal
celebration also endeared him to the club fans, who now want more of his signature celebration. ‘Oba’ as he is called in USA is aĴaining a legendary status at SeaĴle Sounders as he is the second all-time top scorer for the team with 36 goals and still counting behind the ęrst all-time goal scorer Fredy Montero, who scored 48 goals in four seasons from 2009 to 2012. Martins scored eight goals in 2013, 17 in 2014
igeria striker Odion Ighalo has signed a new ęve-year deal with English Premier League club Watford. This long-term shows how highly Watford value Ighalo especially after they were one of the busiest clubs on the transfer market in the close season. He ęrst signed a permanent deal with Watford in October 2014 after he was released by Udinese. Last season, Ighalo scored 20 goals to help Watford return to the English top-Ěight league after many years in the lower league. He has scored in four appearances in the EPL this season. Before the start of the season, the 26-year-old Ighalo, who spent several years on loan at Granada from Udinese, turned down a chance to take up a lucrative oěer from China. ...as Granada honour him in Spain Meanwhile, Spanish La Liga side Granada have honoured Nigeria
international Odion Ighalo by dedicating one of the entrances of their new stadium to him and three other players who are the Heroes of the team. The entrance was decorated with the picture of Ighalo and one other player and was named “Heroes’ Ascent” in the New Stadium Los Carmenes.
The four heroes led the team to the pinnacle in 2011, when they helped the team gain promotion to the La Liga. The players honoured alongside Odion Ighalo were Diego Mainz, Roberto Fernandez and Allan Nyom, and the gesture from the club is to thank them for their eěort and dedication to the club.
Martins touted as potential Sounders legend
igeria striker Obafemi Martins’ proęle has continued to soar in the Major League Soccer (MLS) with eye-popping displays for SeaĴle Sounders as he stays on course to installing himself as a cult ęgure at the club he joined in 2013. ‘Oba’ is fast becoming a legend at his MLS side following his exploits in front of goal. Martins is no doubt one of the best strikers to have come out of
and 11 in the current season. He is a classy striker who has pace, skills and knows his way to goal as he has proved in England, Spain, Germany, Italy and Russia. The former Birmingham City hitman is toast of every one at the club due to his goals. He has scored 18 goals in 39 games for Nigeria and recently declared he is open to a comeback to the Super Eagles.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 12, 2015
CBN Cup Kicks Off September 13
entral Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has announced N5 million cash prize for the 29th edition of the CBN sponsored All Financial Institutions Football Competition (AFIFC) slated to kickoÄ&#x203A; Sunday, September 13, 2015, at various locations across the country. CBNâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Director, Corporate Communications, Ibrahim Muazu, disclosed this while brieÄ&#x2122;ng journalists in Abuja of arrangement put in place for this year edition of the competition. As with the 2014 edition won by First Bank of Nigeria PLC, winners will take home N2 million, while the runners up, 3rd and forth place winners smile away with N1.5m, N1m and N0.5 million respectively. Muazu, represented by Martins Ogwuda, said that about 30 team from Deposit Money bank, Ä&#x2122;nancial regulatory agencies and other Ä&#x2122;nancial
institutions have indicated interest to participate, while 24 have already registered. Already, he said that the competition, which produced great footballers including former Super Coach Stephen Keshi, Nwankwo Kanu, Patrick Paschal, among others have over time made appreciable impact on Nigerian football development, and now aÄ´ract aÄ´ention of fresh participants in microÄ&#x2122;nance banks. He maintained that the competition had so far served as a platform for promotion of unity, harmony and peaceful coexistence among Ä&#x2122;nancial institutions in the country. Preliminary marches of the competition kick oÄ&#x203A; in four locations in Ado Ekiti, Kaduna, Makurdi and Owerri, while Calabar and Lokoja host the semi Ä&#x2122;nals. The Ä&#x2122;nal is billed for the Nnamdi Azikiwe Stadium, Enugu on September 26.
Sports Update
Oparanozie leads goals race at All-Africa Games
igeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Desire Oparanozie and Esther Sunday are leading the race to win the top scorer award in the ongoing All Africa Games womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s football event. The Guingamp
of France striker Oparanozie, who was ruthless against home team Congo, is top of the goals chart with five goals. She is followed by compatriot and FK Minsk of Belarus for-
ward Esther Sunday, who has scored twice. The following players have scored a goal each - Chinaza Uchendu(Nigeria), Christine Manie (Cameroon), Florence Mabahou-Mgona(Congo),
Rita Akaffou, Sandrine Niamien(Câte dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Ivoire), Leandra Smeda(South Africa). Desire Oparanozie was the top scorer at the 2014 African Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Championship with five goals.
Onigbinde applauds Olisehâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s courage
Amokachi targets victory over Sharks in Port Harcourt
C Ifeanyi Ubah of Nnewi coach, Daniel Amokachi, has said that his target in this weekendâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Glo Premier League Match Day 29 clash with Sharks FC in Port Harcourt is a big win. Amokachi told NAN in Awka yesterday that the 2-0 win over Taraba in Nnewi on Sept. 5 was a morale booster for his team. He said it had not been easy steering his boys back to winning ways after a series of unimpressive performances, especially after a depressing 0-4 loss to Enyimba of Aba on
Sept. 2. The coach said he was relying on the Ä&#x2122;re power of sensational Bidemi Abdulwahab to lead the aÄ´ack against the Port Harcourt side. The former Super Eagles assistant coach said the maximum points in the remaining 10 matches of the season would keep their hopes for continental ticket alive â&#x20AC;&#x153;The spirit in the team is positive and it is still possible to for the team Ä&#x2122;nish strong. It was a â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;baptism of Ä&#x2122;reâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; on us in Aba and it hasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t been easy rallying the boys back to the winning mentality.
ormer Super Eagles Coach, Adegboye Onigbinde, has applauded Sunday Olisehâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s courage for introducing new players during the 2017 Africa Cup of Nations qualiÂżer in Dar es Salaam last Saturday. Despite applauding the coach, he said that the performance of the team was still suspect. Onigbinde came to the above conclusion after assessing the team against Tanzania saying that the team had not reached its potentials. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are getting there. I want to commend the coach for his courage in introducing fresh ideas into the team. â&#x20AC;&#x153;That is what we have been clamouring for. Some players whose
forms are not very good should give way to others. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Sincerely, I was impressed with the composition of the team, but they are not convincing in their plays; that, I know, will come with time but I know Oliseh has a good plan for the team. All he needs is our supports,â&#x20AC;? he said. When prodded to comment on the fringe use of domestic players in the match against Tanzania, Onigbinde said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;The coach knows who and who Âżts his plan, so he has the right to choose who starts in his matches. â&#x20AC;&#x153;My clamour all theses while is for us to have a robust developmental policy that will take into
account all our national teams. Such policy will serve all the teams and develop our football beyond the mediocre level we still operate.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;What I am saying goes beyond the present board or former boards; it has been a systemic problem confronting our football,â&#x20AC;? Onigbinde said.
Ex-Rangers defenderâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s move to Morocco in danger
ormer Rangers Senegalese defender Pierre Colyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s move to Moroccan club
Chababe Atlas Khenifra is hanging in a balance, AfricanFootball.com can report authorita-
tively. The no-nonsense defender, who has featured for Rangers and Sharks in the Nigerian top flight, cannot feature for his new club because they are yet to receive his International Transfer Certificate. The defender in an exclusive chat from his base in Morocco decried the actions of the football house in releasing him even after his last club Rangers had set him free to join the Moroccan top division side.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is quite disturbing that I have not started playing since I came here. Officials of the club have been very good to me but I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know why NFF is still holding back my ITC,â&#x20AC;? said Coly. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Rangers, my last club, have given me the allclear to join my new club but my ITC is yet to be sent by NFF. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I hope and pray that those in charge of my ITC will release it for me to continue my career.â&#x20AC;?
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