Sat 14 nov 2015 online

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Saturday, November 14, 2015

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Saturday, November 14, 2015


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Newswatch Times, Saturday, November 14, 2015


SDP holds ward congresses today

‡ 9oZed to giYe $3& 3'3 serious figKt Michael Olanrewaju, Osogbo


n its determination to form a strong force in the present political dispensation, the Social Democratic Party (SDP) will hold its ward congresses across the country today. According to the party’s National Executive Council’s (NEC) directive, the decision to conduct the ward congresses in all the 774 local governments of the federation was taken after its NEC meeting two weeks ago in Abuja.

The NEC also passed a vote of conędence on the party’s National Chairman, Chief Olu Falae. Speaking yesterday in Osogbo, Osun State capital, the state Chairman of SDP, Chief Ademola Ishola explained that all state executives of the party and the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) have adequately been briefed about the ward congresses. “Actually, we need to adhere strictly to the constitution of our

party and so all the SDP chairmen all over the country are expected to fully arrange the smooth conduct of the congresses,� he explained. According to him, yesterday was slated for fresh registration of old and new members and by Saturday, our members will ęle out to elect their executives at the ward level. He disclosed that the party’s NEC would soon announce dates for both the state and the local government congresses. He said that SDP is out to present itself as the

only alternative party in the country. “We have seen the best of the PDP and we are in the era of APC where the nation’s economy has nosedived. SDP is the bride and we are welcoming members everyday into our fold�. He stated that SDP is set to win the 2018 governorship election in Osun and also spring surprises in the 2019 national polls, saying, “With things being put at the right viewpoint, I am conędent that SDP will become the party of the people before the next general election�.

South West xxx Daisi, Ade-Ojo lead symposium on

economic prosperity of South-West Olaide Oyelude, Ibadan


eading industrialists, Bashorun Kola Daisi and Chief Michael Ade-Ojo and a prominent Banker, Prof Danbaja Danju, are to lead other egg-heads in a Symposium on SouthWest economic solution on Wednesday, November 18, 2015 in Ibadan. Arrangements have already been concluded for the symposium that will feature exchange of ideas and information among elected o΀cials, planners, researchers, technologists, business executives and other leaders recognised worldwide on the way forward for the socioeconomic development of the South Western region of Nigeria. The symposium tagged, “Impact Southwest Economic Development� has the theme: Developing

a roadmap to regional prosperity, will take place at the International Conference Centre, University of Ibadan. Daisi will chair the event while Chief Micheal Ade-Ojo, Chairman Elizade motors will give a keynote address on trade and commerce. While Danju, MD, Bank of Agriculture who will speak on the topic Agriculture: beyond food is wealth. Mr. Mohammed Yinusa (GMD, Dunlop Group) will focus on manufacturing: panacea for industrialisation and employment generation. While Mrs Morenikeji Babington-Ashaye, former chairman Ogun state Board of Internal revenue and founder/CEO ACCERS will speak on taxation and development, Mr. Fadipe Ashamu, former permanent secretary, Lagos, will focus on culture and tourism as a factor of social and economic development.

Gani Adams applauds the choice of Olawale as new Oluwo Mansur Oladunjoye


L-r Mr. Efosa Ojomo Snr. Researcher Harvard University and Mr. Bankole Dimeji former Speaker House of Representative, Nigeria, during a chat in Lagos.

Old tax policy panacea to projects funding –Prof Mabogunje Bolu-Olu Esho, Abeokuta


he immediate past chancellor of the Bells University of Technology, Prof Akin Mabogunje has advised that reverting to old tax policy would take Nigeria out of its current economic decadence particularly in ęnancing public projects. Mabogunje handed down the advice on Thursday in Abeokuta, Ogun State capital while delivering lecture at the 10th anniversary of the state’s Elders’ Consultative Forum.

Delivering the lecture entitled: “Striving towards the Zenith of Democratic Change,� he observed that Nigeria relaxed its tax policy during the oil boom by giving citizens opportunity to shy away from their civic responsibilities as the council areas became “monthly suppliants at the federation account table.� According to him, “The oil boom was the reason why the federal government took on many responsibilities which properly belonged to the state governments and the

citizens in general. “The resulting overcentralisation emasculated state governments by doing away with the derivation principle in revenue generation as in 1963 constitution. “The citizens at the local levels became complacent and could no longer take decisions on what they would like for their communities or hold their councillors to strict accountability,� he explained. Suggesting that local councils should strategize on how generate resources,

Mabogunje noted since the oil boom is over, the council indigenes would fund the council through exercising their civic responsibilities. Nevertheless, he charged public oĜceholders to create enabling environment for the citizenry to execute their creative acumen, saying “It is important that we start to call aĴention to the fact that the foreseeable future requires that we revisit our governance structure to ensure that they can facilitate the appropriate response of citizens to changing times.�

jams are most times people who pretend to be hawkers of assorted wares. The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that it is important to note that some causes of traĜc robberies are the ripple eěects of motorists’ indiscipline, impatience and selęshness.

Investigations by the police have revealed how traÄœc hawkers turn to robbers at night and connive with commercial motorcycle operators as get-away after forcefully dispossessing their victims of valuables. The investigations according to the Lagos State Commissioner of Police, Mr Fatai

Owoseni, showed that some of the arrested traĜc robbers had an organised group. They have a place where they assemble to get their brieęngs from their gang leaders before they are distributed to various locations in the state to commit the heinous act, the commissioner disclosed.

Police increase presence on Lagos roads to curb gridlock robberies


mid the hues and cries of the residents of Lagos State over the increasing spate of crime, especially gridlock robberies, the Police have increased their patrols on major roads to curb the menace. It is known that the criminals who rob motorists and commuters in traÄœc

he national coordinator, Oodua Peoples’ Congress (OPC), Otunba Gani Adams has joined millions of Nigerians to congratulate the new monarch of Iwoland in Osun State, Oba Olawale Rasheed. Adams, who is also the convener, Oodua Progressive Union (OPU) in a press statement described the traditional ruler as a “consummate royal personality,� applauding the people for their choice of the new king. He said, “The people of Iwo are people after the heart of God, going by the manner, precedent and history of their new Oba Olawale Rasheed who is a consummate royal personality whose deeds

and acts since his sojourn on earth have been noble, kingly, regal and royal.� According to Otunba Adams, “His selection to occupy the stool of his fathers’ was never a surprise to me because he has been born with the aura of a wonderful king. “The ascension of Oba Olawale Rasheed as the new Oluwo of Iwo will be watershed and opening of new vista in the history of existence of Iwo and the annals of history of the good people of Iwo,� he hoped. He prayed that “the Iwo people would soon realize that they have made a divine choice of an Oba as Olawale’s era will bring forth unprecedented development in socio– economic sector which is waiting for improvement in the town.�

Akande unfolds govt plans to provide general hospital Babs Oyetoro


agos State House Assembly member, Hon. Victor Akande (Ojo constituency 1) has told stakeholders at a town hall meeting during the week, government’s plans to deliver the evasive general hospital in the constituency. Akande, a Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) member informed the gathering that he had been working conscientiously since he resumed o΀ce as a lawmaker to facilitate the dividends of democracy to the constituency. The legal luminary recalled that the Àrst motion he moved when he resumed o΀ce was on the need to have a beÀtting general hospital in the constituency, lamenting that it was a huge burden on the people in the area to travel all the way to Badagry or Igando for government hospital. According to him, he

sought for audience with the governor, Mr. Akinwunmi Ambode on the urgency of having a public hospital in Ojo constituency, adding that a team of committee set up by the government had made the Àrst visit to the area. He hinted that the only thing that might slow down the pace of the project was availability of space for the facility. He stated that the committee saddled with this responsibility would come for another visit very soon. He admitted that people were confronted with myriads of problems in the constituency, noting that the purpose of the town-hall meeting was to identify some of these problems and proͿer solutions immediately. He however announced N5, 000 monthly allowances to Àve widows in every ward in the constituency taking eͿect from this month.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, November 14, 2015

South South

Angry SSANU, NASU members shut down UNICAL over unpaid allowances

News Secur ity: NDDC to collaborate with NIS Amaka Agbu, Port Harcourt

Joseph Kingston, Calabar


he University of Calabar was yesterday shut down barely two weeks after resumption, this being the second in one month. Recall that on October 12, the University was closed down for two weeks when students stormed the Vice Chancellor’s o΀ce to protest alleged unavailability of water and electricity in their hostels. But, this time, it was shut down by angry mem-

bers of the Non Academic StaͿ Union of University (NASU) and their counterparts in the Senior StaͿ Association of Nigerian University (SSANU), University of Calabar chapter. The incident saw the main gate of the institution locked with big padlocks. The locking of all the gates of the University, including the small gate which leads to the main campus, left a large number of vehicles inside the campus trapped. No vehicle could also enter the institution premises at press time.

This action, they angry staͿ said, was because of ‘”unfair treatment by the out-going Vice Chancellor of the University, Prof James Epoke, as regards allowances due NASU and SSANU members.” Speaking to our Correspondent, Alice Odu, Chairman of NASUU -UCB said the Union members decided to take the action after seven days of warning to the out-going Epoke’s Administration. In the last four years, she explained, there have been no overtime and other al-

lowances paid to NASUU members as was the case before Epoke came on board. EͿorts at speaking with the embattled Vice Chancellor could not sail through as he was said to be having an emergency meeting with the Senate of the University with a view to calming down frays nerves. The Vice Chancellor, Prof Epoke, whose tenure expires within this November, has been having running battles with students and staͿ of the university.

L-R: Group Editor, Marketing World, Kehinde Olesin; Media Manager, FrieslandCampina WAMCO, Aramide Taiwo; Group Executive Publisher, Marketing World, Akin Naphtal and Marketing Manager, Peak, FrieslandCampina WAMCO, Dolapo Otegbayi, during the presentation of Iconic Brand of the Year Award to Peak Milk at the 5th Edition of Marketing World Magazine Awards held in Lagos…recently.

Bayelsa poll: Southern Ijaw communities defy rain to receive Dickson Amaka Agbu, Port Harcourt


ore Communities and the people of Southern Ijaw Local Government Area have unanimously endorsed the reelection bid of the Bayelsa State governor, Mr. Henry Seriake Dickson. The governor during his three days community to community based campaign visited Koluama one and two, Foropa, Gbaraun, Ukubie and Ogboinbiri. Others are; Olugbobiri and Korokorosei, Igbomotoru, Peremabiri Azuzuama and Ekowe. In all the communities visited, the people came out in their numbers to give the campaign train

a rousing reception, with drumming, singing and dancing to solidarity songs. Commending the governor for his developmental strides, especially the on-going Yenagoa-Oporoma road, the aͿected communities said when completed the road would attract local and foreign investors to the area. The governor, according to them, has been able to impact on all the communities in Southern Ijaw local government area. Not only this, his achievement in the area of security is unequalled. “The Restoration government has been able to curtail the activities of sea pirates on our waterways, while the issue of illegal

oil bunkering in the area is gradually becoming a thing of the past,” they said. They, however, appealed to the governor to construct the Toru-Ebeni –Ukubie-Lobia road, reconstruct the abandoned Ukubie General Hospital and canalize the Azuzuama river linking Ikebiri one community. At Koluama, a onetime Chairman of the Bayelsa State Housing and Property Development Authority, under the Dickson led administration, Hon. Nimbofa Ayawei, eulogized the governor for giving the communities a sense of belonging. Responding, Governor Seriake Dickson expressed delight over their show of

support and promised to look into their request. This is just as he assured the people of Peremabiri that his administration would work with the people to rebuild the community and resuscitate the rice farms. He also called on the youths to shun drug abuse and other vices and urged the people to conduct themselves peacefully in the governorship election. Presenting a joint address by the Lobia-Ukubie and Azuzuama communities, Mr. Dickson Okiti lauded the governor’s developmental strides in the provision of social amenities and appointment of sons and daughters of the area.


he Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) has expressed willingness to collaborate with the Nigerian Immigration Service (NIS) Rivers State Command, to enhance discharge of mandate satisfactorily. The NDDC Managing Director, Sir Bassey Dan-Abia, made the commitment when the new Comptroller of Immigrations in Rivers State, Ishiaka Haliru, paid him a courtesy visit at the commission’s headquarters in Port Harcourt on Thursday. The commission’s boss noted that the role of the security agencies in protecting the sovereignty of the country could not be overemphasized. He stated that the commission would not operate successfully without the assurances of security, adding that immigration was a very important agency in any country. “In spite of the current funding challenges facing the commission, we will still assist the immigration service as much as we can. We will also collaborate with you as much as possible, especially in the area of intelligence gathering,” he said. According to Dan-Abia, the present security challenges in the Niger Delta called for vigilance from both security agencies and the entire populace, adding that NDDC was an important development agency that should be given adequate protection to perform its functions, stressing the need for cooperation among institutions of government. In his own speech, the im-

migration boss, Haliru, said that the NIS served as the ęrst and last point of contact for foreigners entering or departing the country. He decried the general impression that immigration duties revolved around the function of issuing international passports, saying, “This is unfortunate, because we play very important roles in the country’s security architecture. In fact, our roles are more in security than in processing international travel documents.” Haliru lamented that the current oĜce accommodation of the NIS at the Federal Secretariat in Port Harcourt does not serve the purpose of the security outęt. He therefore, appealed to the NDDC to help the organization provide beętting oĜce accommodation for his men to create an enabling environment for their operations in Rivers State. He informed the NDDC boss that the Rivers State Government had directed the Administrator of Greater Port Harcourt Development Authority to allocate land to the NIS for that purpose. He solicited the cooperation of all security and development agencies in the task of sustaining a secure and peaceful environment for growth and progress. On the part of the immigration service, he assured that no illegal immigrant would be allowed to operate in Rivers State. He urged the NDDC to always provide information on foreign contractors executing its projects in the Niger Delta to ensure that they were properly screened.

Bayelsa poll: HDP sues INEC, seeks postponement Paschal Njoku, Abuja


head of the December 5, date slated for the conduct of the Bayelsa State governorship election, the Hope Democratic Party (HDP) has Àled a suit at the Federal High Court Abuja, against the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), seeking postponement. Other plaintiͿs in the suit are Chief Bulus Wombu and Honourable King George while INEC is the sole defendant.

SpeciÀcally, the plaintiͿs are in court because they are claiming that INEC did not form quorum at the time decisions on the planned Bayelsa Governorship election were taken. By the suit marked FHC/ ABJ/CS/904/2015, the party through its lawyer Tony Esiegbe, wants the court to nullify the election guidelines and timetable released by INEC on July 10, 2015 on the basis that they violated Sections 153 and 159 of the 1999 Constitution (as amended).


Newswatch Times Saturday, November 14, 2015

South East

Implement Confab report to stop restiveness in Nigeria –Igbo Leader Cyprian Ebele, Onitsha


issatisÀed with the constant youth restiveness in Nigeria especially in the South East and South-South geo-political zones, Igbo Spiritual leader and Ogirishi Igbo, Chief Rommy Ezeonwuka yesterday urged President Mohammadu Buhari to implement the Constitutional Conference report conducted during the regime of his predecessor, former President Goodluck Jonathan as a way out of the doldrums. Chief Ezeonwuka, a

member of All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA,) Board of Trustees, (BoT) gave the urge while reacting to the last weekend protest by Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), which reportedly grounded business activities in the zones over its alleged marginalization for decades now. He said, “The protest has to do with the youths restiveness, it is a long time accumulation of marginalization. All Federal projects in the South East have since collapsed and nothing is being done about them,” asking, “is it how to be

one Nigeria?” He queried further, “The Confab is already completed and it will address the imbalance. That Confab is what Nigeria wants and it has been conducted and completed, so what is holding its implementation when majority of the Nigerian populace asked for it”? He warned that, “if it is not implemented, Nigeria problems will continue unabated and youth restiveness will increase and expand to other ethnic groups and it will result to Nigeria in disarray”. He regretted that Igbo

have refused to think home by investing in Igboland to help rapid economic growth and possibly turn Igbo land to Taiwan, Japan and other leading economic countries of the world. Fuming, he said, “Igbo wealthy men are stupid by investing outside instead of using their wealth to invest and transform Igbo land to be like Japan, Taiwan and others”. He stressed the need for the Igbo nation to also see APGA as a vehicle for Igbo unity that will help them speak with one voice in the sharing of national cake.


Ugwuanyi flags off more roads amidst jubilation Kenneth Ofoma, Enugu


n continuation of his mass road construction in Enugu State, Governor Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi has Áagged-oͿ Àve additional road constructions in the state amidst jubilation from the beneÀtting people of Enugu North senatorial zone. The latest of the road constructions are Opi-Nsukka dual-carriage way, Obechara road junction – Umuakashi Mechanic Village – Ikenga Hotels Junction and the Post O΀ce roundabout – Odenigbo round about – Ogurugu road – Ikenga Hotels junction and the Enugu road Nsukka junction – Umezebi – Nru junction – University gate all within the university town of Nsukka. Others include Ohom Orba junction – Imilike Ani – Ezimo Uno – Ezimo Agu – Imilike Ogbodu Aba – Obollo Afor

Roads, all designated as Udenu ring roads as they are located within Udenu council area and are linked one to the other. In a speech before the ÁagoͿ in each area, Ugwuanyi recalled his inauguration speech on May 29, 2015 when he said that the principle trust of his administration is the creation of more urban areas in the state, adding that the Áag-oͿ of the roads were in keeping with the promise. In his words, “I wish to thank God for the opportunity given to us to serve you in the capacity we found ourselves. You may recall that I make it clear in my inauguration speech of 29th May 2015 that one of the principle trusts of this administration would be creation of more urban areas in the state,” a΀rming his determination to impact positively on the lives of the people of the state who gave him overwhelming support.

Pirates beat me black and blue – Ex-MPDAN boss Cyprian Ebele, Onitsha


Chief Willie Obiano, Governor of Anambra State, his wife, Chief Mrs Ebelechukwu Obiano arriving Ayamelum Local Government Area, during the governor’s on-going Thank You Tour the weekend.

LP shops for 2017 governorship candidate Alphonsus Eze, Awka


lmost over two years to the Anambra State Governorship election, the Labour Party (LP) has commenced intensive search for a credible candidate to Ěy the party’s banner in the state. The party, after a well attended crucial meeting at its state Secretariat, directed its state and local government executives to begin the search for credible persons that can win governorship

election. The state’s party chairman, Mr. Luke Ezeanokwasa lamented that Governor Willie Obiano of All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) has failed to provide dividends of democracy to the people. He said, “Nothing is happening in the state, almost all over the state people complain of lack of good roads. Local Government Chairmen are doing nothing because the governor is not releasing money to them”.

It is against this backdrop that LP sought credible persons who are grassroot-oriented to Ěy its Ěag in 2017. The chairman said the party will not import candidates from outside state, reasoning, “We want somebody living in the state, who knows the problems of the state and how to approach them. We want people living with us who know our problems, not those who are imported and will take one year to seĴle down and surround

themselves with failed Diaspora people.” He then urged frustrated members of other crisis-ridden political parties to join LP to build a strong and virile party capable of winning the 2017 election. They condemned in strong term the continuous strike by the judiciary workers in the State and asked Governor Obiano to as a matter of urgency reach a truce with the workers to call oě the prolonged strike.

Fake medical laboratories abound in Nigeria –Dr Ezeukwu Cyprian Ebele, Onitsha


t was revealed yesterday that fake/substandard medical laboratories abound in Nigeria thereby compounding the illness of patients. Making this disclosure when it marked its one year of existence at the Onitsha General Hospital, the medical Director of Sun Medical Diagnostics, Dr. Paul Lewis Ezeukwu, added that the spate

of fake laboratories has called for concern as they contributed to death increase. To curtail it, he revealed that he would partner with the Federal Government to shutdown such fake laboratories. According to him, “the Àght has to commence from ensuring that the grassroots are exposed to quality laboratories in their immediate environments. “I will help to regulate medi-

cal system in Nigeria by narrowing it to what you practice. When I get grassroots support there is no way the Federal Government will not listen to regulating the system,” he posited. He revealed that the Sun Medical Diagnostic would soon commence teaching of medical diagnosis to mission and government hospitals to help in achieving healthy condition, adding, “We want others to know what

we know. It is unfortunate that we Nigerians practised in a broken environment.” He attributed the poor health condition and spate of death to dirty environment and lack of medical checkups for at least once in a year. The medical expert reiterated that those above 40 years must go for medical laboratory checkup for early detect of illness especially prostrate and breast cancer.

he immediate past National President of Musical Product Dealers Association (MPDAN), Deacon Joseph Nkem Okpalakunne has relieved how he was beaten to coma at the Onitsha International Electronics Market, Anambra State for daring to confront activities of pirates Narrating his ordeal while handing over to new cabinet yesterday, Okpalakunne said the forces against him and his members were from internal and external.

He recalled, “on that fateful day I led the taskforce team that composed of o΀cials of Nigerian Copyright Commission (NCC), Police and others to raid the Onitsha International Market of fake musical products. “The pirates when they sighted me deÀed the security that was attached to the taskforce and made straight to me, beat me mercilessly and I was vomiting blood. “They wanted to kill me for daring them and thank God I was unconscious and was rushed to a hospital where I stayed for about one month.

Group petitions NERC over EEDC’s alleged exploitations Alphonsus Eze,Awka


he Nigeria Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC) has been called upon to save electricity consumers in the South East zone from the alleged exploitative conducts of the Enugu Electricity Distribution Company (EEDC). In a petition to the regulatory agency, the International Society for Civil Liberties and Rule of Law (intersociety) outlined major sharp practices of EEDC, which should be “forensically investigated” towards stopping them from further exploitations and equally sanction culprits. “Such high powered investigation should also lever sharp

bureaucratic practices associated with inadequacy of distribution of transformers and accessories and their non-maintenance, nonprovision of prepaid meters and use of outrageously estimated billings in place of metered and standardized billings,” said Intersociety in the petition signed by its chairman, Board of Trustees (BoT), Emeka Umeagbalasi. The group called for the immediate abolition of the N6ś0 per consumer every month, saying that EEDC should as a matter of urgency directed to restore the disconnected power line linking the Abazaon/Ihitenansa consumers as well as install 600 prepaid meters to 600 Ěats in the area and other 18 Business units in the zone.


Newswatch Times Saturday, November 14 2015


North East

WHO raises public awareness on benefits of healthy living 7R\LQ $GHED\R $EXMD



Defence Minister faults Shettima over Boko Haram occupying Nigerian territory &\ULO 0EDK


ewly appointed Minister of Defence, Brigadier General Monsur DanAli (rtd), has contradicted the Borno State, Governor Alhaji Kashim Shettima by strongly denying that some parts of north east territories particularly in Borno State were still occupied by Boko Haram terrorists. The Minister becomes the second high ranking government o΀cial after the Chief of Army StaͿ, Lieutenant General Tukur Y. Buratai to

deny that there are still territories occupied by the insurgents. It would be recalled that Buratai, while addressing reporters in Jos recently, after interacting with troops of the 3 Division, Marxwel Khobe Cantonment that Boko Haram is not holding any territory in Nigeria at the moment. Dan Ali after resuming at the Defence Ministry has also declared that ‘no Nigerian territory is under Boko Haram control.’ He stated that the war against insurgency can

be considered as won but acknowledged that there is still work to be done, since the battle is not yet over. He explained that recent attacks by the Boko Haram terrorist group were usually launched from locations outside Nigeria but he commended the military for the success achieved and promised that the new leadership will direct the military with integrity and honesty. Borno State Governor, Kashim Shettima, had recently disclosed to a presidential committee

that Boko Haram militants are still holding two Borno state local governments namely Abbadam, Mobar and parts of Marte, a third local council, contrary to the impression created by the military that the terrorists are not in control of any Nigerian territory. The new Defence Minister also promised to critically explore ways to improve the operations of the military and to ensure that the deadline for the defeat of the insurgents is achieved in December.

Man bags three months jail term for N10m fraud 2ZROROD $GHEROD


he Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) yesterday secured the conviction of one Ibrahim Abdullahi who was arraigned on a one count charge bordering on cheating before Justice C.N Oji of the FCT High Court, Apo, Abuja. Abdullahi started his journey to jail after he was allegedly entrusted

with a cheque of N10m written in the name of one Innocent Ikhile by one Rabiu Hassan. The accused fraudulently obtained an international passport using the name on the cheque and went ahead to open a bank account with an old generation bank through which he cleared the cheque and subsequently put the money to personal use. According to the charge, ‘Ibrahim

Abdullahi, on or about 14th December, 2011, at Abuja within the jurisdiction of the High Court of the Federal Capital Territory did cheat First Bank of Nigeria Plc by personation to wit: pretending to be one Innocent Ikhile, by opening an account with First Bank of Nigeria Plc to fraudulently clear a cheque of N10,000,000 (Ten Million Naira) issued to the said Innocent Ikhile

by one Rabiu Hassan and thereby committed an oͿence contrary to Section 321 of the Penal Code, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria (Abuja) 1990 and punishable under Section 322 of the same Act.� The accused however pleaded guilty to the charge. Justice Oji therefore convicted the accused and sentenced him to 3 months imprisonment without option of Àne.

Public Relations O΀cer (PPRO), DSP Mohammed Haruna in a press statement said the police arrested one Hillary Joseph, Nasiru Haruka, Hamisu Yakasi all of Bayan Gari Area of Bauchi State. “Suspects conspired and hurriedly buried one 25 year old Rose Luka of Adamawa State in a shallow grave

at a compound in Bayan Gari. Preliminary investigation revealed that the victim allegedly died as a result of complications from abortion. Meanwhile, the quack patent medicine seller, one Mudashiru Bako who administered and sold the abortion drugs to the victim was also arrested.

The statement added: “Exhibits recovered from suspects include ‘two shovels, one sachet of Diclofene tablets, one sachet of menbendezalen with four tablets, Daltic Ă€ve tablets, Predimisolene eight tablets, Bunto blood tonic and a bottled water mixed with substance suspected to be drugs.â€?

Fake doctor, man in police net over girlfriend’s death 1DQNSDK %ZDNDQ %DXFKL


he Bauchi State police command yesterday arrested three persons for hurriedly burying one Rose Luka in a compound in Bayan Gari area within the Bauchi metropolis. It was gathered that Rose died of complication as a result of abortion. The Police

he World Health Organisation (WHO) Regional Director for Africa, Dr Matshidiso Moeti, has called on governments in the African Region to strengthen advocacy and raise public awareness on the beneÀts of healthy eating. She made this known in her message to mark the World Diabetes Day 2015 which comes up every November 14. She also stressed that there is also an urgent need for Ministries of Health to allocate adequate funds for essential medicines and technologies to ensure that early detection, treatment and regular follow up of diabetes is available to all. She stated that WHO will continue to work with governments, partners, research institutions and other relevant organisations to prevent and control diabetes in the African Region. According to her, globally 90% of people with diabetes have type 2 diabetes and its frequency is increas-

ing in low and middleincome countries, adding that in the African Region, the rate of diabetes is growing and this represents a big challenge to governments, health services, communities and individuals. “Diabetes can lead to high rates of ill health, disability and premature deaths. It has severe health complications such as blindness, kidney failure, neuropathy, disability and premature death. It also has serious economic consequences which include loss of productivity and high health care costs. Since diabetes is a silent disease that often takes years to develop, screening, early detection and prompt treatment is essential,â€? she said. She stated further that the risk of diabetes and its complications could be signiĂ€cantly reduced by maintaining a healthy body weight, engaging in su΀cient amounts of physical activity, eating a well-balanced diet, and avoiding tobacco and harmful use of alcohol throughout the life course.

Global diabetic patients may hit 600million by 2035 –Experts 7R\LQ $GHED\R $EXMD


takeholders in the health sector have raised alarm over the incessant increase of diabetic patients in the country, estimating those already suffering from it in Nigeria at 5million during the last check 2015. The health experts who converged at the Sheraton Hotel and Towers yesterday in Abuja to commemorate the 2015 World Diabetes Day put the global figure of diabetic patients at 415million. According to the experts, the global figure is projected to rise to 642million people by the year 2035unless drastic measures such as consumer policies and change in lifestyles, especially healthy nutrition are adopted to stall it. “Today only 1 in 2

people living with diabetes know they have it. By 2035, it is estimated that 642million people will live with the condition accounting for the majority of death and disability worldwide. According to General Manager, Sanofi Nigeria-Ghana Abderrahmane Chakibi, one of the leading diabetes drug providers, ‘diabetes and related noncommunicable diseases constitute one of the world’s greatest health challenges to human and economic development.’ Similarly, a consultant endocrinologist at the University of Abuja Teaching H o s p i t a l (UATH),Professor Felicia Anumah, said there is dangers and negative implications ahead if diabetic conditions are allowed to escalate above the present figures.

Saturday, November 14, 2015


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Saturday, November 14, 2015

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, November 14, 2015



Kogi election: Litmus test for INEC chair Mansur Oladunjoye, Asst. Politics Editor

Campaigns by political parties shall commence on 24th July, 2015 and end on 19th November, 2015 in Kogi and from 6th September, 2015 terminating on 3rd December, 2015 in Bayelsa,” were part of statements contained in a press release by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) Chairman, Information and Voter Education Committee, Chris Eyimoga in July this year. The statement went further, “for Kogi State, conduct of primary elections to nominate candidates by political parties for the November 21 election is scheduled for between August 25 and September 15; and between September 7 and 30 for Bayelsa State. “Deadline for submission of list of candidates, CF002, and personal details, CF001, for the positions of Governor and Deputy Governor shall be November 14 and October 7 for Kogi and Bayelsa States respectively, the electoral body said, thus bringing the tenures of Governor Idris Wada (Kogi) and Seriake Dickson (Bayelsa) to an end on January 27 and February 14, 2016, respectively. However, with the timetable strictly being followed, the INEC under the new chairman, Mahmood Yakubu may be facing an acid test in delivering credible election in Kogi State next Saturday as the electorate Àle out to either retain Idris Wada or embrace All Progressives Congress (APC) which has turned new bride in many states. Unlike in the past where the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) was getting the attention of the politicians, the victory of the All Progressives Congress (APC) at the national level seem to have swayed the politicians to the party’s side. As the party prepared for its primary election for the November election, (between August 25 and September 15) no fewer than 22 members of the party (both new entrants and old members) indicated their interest to Áy the party’s Áag for the election. It was in realization of this that made vice president Yemi Osinbajo to storm the state in solidarity with former governor Abubakar Audu during the week. According to news reports, the political campaign train of Audu received massive boost when Osinbanjo arrived Okene Local Government Area in the state to campaign for the APC. Osinbajo at the campaign ground told the crowd of supporters that



INEC Chair, Yakubu

turned out at the rally to vote massively for Prince Audu, noting that people of Kogi could not aͿord to remain in the opposition as he enjoined them to align with government at the centre. Osinbajo reiterated that the federal government was committed to put the country on the right footing, saying Nigerians will soon witness new waves of change in all sectors of national lives. He promised that no stone would be left unturned in ensuring that the country returns to the path of greatness. He hinted that the federal government would work hard to develop the abundant potentials in the country, adding that concerted eͿorts must be made to restore her lost glory. While urging the citizens to support the present administration in its determination to put the country on sound economic pedestal, he stressed the need for the people to massively vote for APC in the forthcoming governorship poll, maintaining that a vote for APC would be a vote for positive development. In his remarks the Governor of Edo State, Adams Oshiomhole enjoined the electorate in the state to vote out the PDP because it

lacked capacity to create functional development in the state in view of its performance in the last 12 years reign in the state. It would be recalled that while Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Concerned Group has petitioned the party’s Governors’ Forum and the national chairman to drop Wada from contesting next week election, the Economic and Financial Crime Commission (EFCC) too has reportedly cautioned the presidency and the APC not to Àeld Audu for same poll. According to anti-Wada group, the governor has performed badly and his candidature would not secure victory for the party at the poll. It said, “Our party would have won convincingly and retained power in states like Benue Plateau, Adamawa, Niger and even Kwara state, and some other states if only we Àelded more acceptable candidates for the said elections. If PDP loses in the forthcoming gubernatorial polls, the morale of many party faithful in this state will drop, and many might decamp to other parties.” However, the special adviser to the governor on media and strategy, Jacob Edi, said the group cannot speak on behalf of Kogi people. He said, “First of all, the group

in question has no monopoly in speaking for the people of Kogi state. Also, just as they are saying the PDP will lose if Governor Wada contests; there are other groups that have also said that the only alternative for the PDP will be the emergence of Wada as the party’s Áag-bearer. They include: the Kogi State Elders Forum, students, market women, Okada riders and others.” It is on record how APC, federal government discarded the advice of the EFCC to disqualify Audu from contesting next week election over gargantuan allegations of abuse of o΀ce, theft of public funds and money laundering in an ongoing trial. This coupled with the letter of caution by former President Olusegun Obasanjo to Audu on his inapt acquisition of various properties in foreign lands whilst in o΀ce between 1999 and 2003 as Governor of the state. SpeciÀcally, Obasanjo said based on the notiÀcation he got from the British Home O΀ce, he also wrote to the Independent Corrupt Practices and Related OͿences Commission (ICPC) and the then National Security Adviser (NSA), Aliyu Gusau, directing them to investigate Audu in relation to foreign assets acquisition as a sitting governor. Realistically, the information provided by the British Home O΀ce is su΀ciently indicting. To all this, Audu sarcastically responded that ‘“This is a matter that is already before the court and it will therefore be a contempt of court for me to disclose what happened in the court. But as far as I am concerned, they have not established any prima facie case against me in the past 12 years.” This cunning defence was however seen and considered by political analysts as an insult to the sensibilities of any objective minded Nigerian because the length and depth of his foreign assets in billions of naira acquired while in o΀ce as disclosed by the British Home O΀ce establishes clear case of guilt. Furthermore, that Mr. Audu did not take remedial steps as advised by Obasanjo is deeply troubling and exposes the weakness of our judicial system on such criminality. Besides Audu’s recalcitrant and unrepentant attitude, the fact is that the internet has in about a decade been awash with news on his alleged theft and related issues on the looting of the Kogi state treasury. Equally important to mention is the fact that prior to these Continued on Page 41


Newswatch Times, Saturday, November 14, 2015


Too early to judge Buhari – Ex-Speaker, Dimeji Bankole Former Speaker, Rt. Hon. Dimeji Bankole was during the week sighted in Lagos while addressing some \oung 1igerians Eased aEroad. For the Àrst time aIter leaYing oIÀFe ÀYe \ears ago, he spoke to newsmen on President Muhammadu Buhari’s goYernment, his e[peFtations oI the new ministers, the lingering Àght against the dreaded Boko Haram group up North and other sundry issues. MANSUR OLADUNJOYE was there and Àles e[Ferpts


ow is life outside hallow chamber? Very well, thank u For long time now you have not participated in active politics, what happened? Well, are you saying that out of govt I can’t have anything to do You have not contested any elective post since you lost out to ACN? I don’t have to contest to participate in politics, do I? You were seen interacting with

young Nigerians who studied abroad; but are you impressed about their vision to political change Nigeria? This organisation was formed many years by young Nigerians who were concerned about development in Nigeria and for the fact that they have started it, they need to be encouraged; you need to applaud them for it; they have started to come back home while a lot of young Nigerians don’t want to come


back home but these ones now want to come back home and take the bull by the horn and struggle here in Nigeria with us and are now looking for solutions to the problems beyond their personal beneÀts as well; that is they care about the country they are thinking about the public sector and they should be encouraged to do so because they are smart and quite the best that we have at

their level. Quite a number of Nigerians see you as a good ambassador and a role model of the nation’s youth; in your view as a successful young man who has occupied one RI WKH KLJKHVW R΀FHV LQ WKH ODQG could you advise the youths on how best to go? I think the younger generation should realise one thing that nobody is ever going to give them power, never! They will have to take it; for the fact that these young men and women here are getting themselves together, looking at the system and how they can participate they are already thinking how to take the power and make eͿective change on their communities, their states and their country; yes! That is the best way to go about it. What is your assessment of President Muhammadu Buhari’s administration? Too early! That is my assessment. What are the agenda you will like to set for the new ministers? Continued on Page 45

FEC: How PMB ‘outsmarted’ Perm Secs Mansur Oladunjoye, Asst. Politics Editor


or weeks, President Muhammadu Buhari (PMB) parleyed with the top civil servants, precisely the permanent secretaries, showering unprecedented encomiums on them for their perceived e΀ciencies; such that he declared that he could run the country without ministers but with the top civil servants. Little did the unsuspecting workers know that they were being investigated especially on how they often perfect corruption in the service, alas! When the time became ripe, the “cunningâ€? president laid oÍż 17 permanent secretaries on Monday to the chagrin of the aÍżected Nigerians among of whom one openly shed tears. Buhari’s decision not to appoint ministers on time was criticized by a large section of Nigerians. But while many complained about the absence of ministers, they were not observant that the job of the would-be ministers were properly taken care of by federal permanent secretaries who are career civil servants and do the nitty-gritty of the work in their various ministries. However, the senior civil servants were given the boot after a meeting with the PMB, the chief of staÍż to the president, Abba

Perm Secs. leaving the villa after a meeting with President Buhari

Kyari, and the head of civil service of the federation, Mrs. Winifred Ekanem Oyo-Ita. There was no o΀cial statement from Buhari yet; however, a source at the meeting with the president said Buhari made it clear to the permanent secretaries that his administration did not need more than half of the existing ministries. According to the source, all permanent secretaries who had put

in more than four years were dropped. Those known to have questionable records of service were also not spared in the sweeping changes. The Head of Civil Service of the Federation, Mrs. Winifred OyoIta, in a statement conÀrmed that Buhari during a meeting with all permanent secretaries at the Villa on Tuesday directed 16 permanent secretaries to proceed on re-

tirement. Meanwhile, PMB on Wednesday Ànally bowed to pressure to announce and assign portfolios to the would-be ministers earlier cleared by the Senate. During the event, PMB unequivocally declared himself as the substantive head of petroleum though to be assisted by the Group Managing Director of the Nigeria National Petroleum CorContinued on Page 41

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Pay me my dues! ‡I]ilein cries out over unpaid $:C largesse

Amun lauds Anyansi on Enyimba’s 7th league title

REVEALED: Muller has a horse, and his name is Dave >>Pg.18



Newswatch Times, Saturday, November 14, 2015

Maduabuchi Kalu 08080669826

League Watch

Amun lauds Anyansi on Enyimba’s 7th league title


ormer Golden Eaglets’ Coach, Fanny Amun, has commended the leadership qualities of the Chairman of two time African Champions, Enyimba FC of Aba, Chief Felix Anyansi Agwu. Amun commended Anyansi while reacting to Enyimba’s latest conquest. He explained that in appreciating Enyimba’s exploits in the league, there is need to give kudos to Anyansi whose leadership qualities has made it possible to ensure that the People’s elephant remains a dominate force both locally and continentally. “I must congratulate Enyimba for winning the Nigeria Premier League for a historic 7th times. It is historic in the sense that no club in the country has ever won it for so many times,” Ambassador Amun began. “As we congratulate Enyimba, I must give honour to whom honour is due and that is the Chairman of the club, Chief Felix Anyansi. “Whatever achievements Enyimba has recorded so far is under his leadership because he is one club manager who is focused and knows what he wants. “He has really done excellent job with the Aba club and as a result, immediately the match between Enyimba and Wolves ended on Sunday I put a call across to him to

congratulate him and at the same time reminded him that Enyimba’s success in the league should be extended to the continent. “It is true that Enyimba has won the CAF Champions League twice before but the country is yearning for the feel of another continental glory and I believe that Enyimba has what it takes to put smiles on the faces of

Nigerians under Anyansi’s leadership. “After speaking with him on Sunday I was satisęed that he is thinking seriously in that direction because he assured me that the management of the club under his leadership will do everything to ensure that Enyimba compete favourably on the continent next season. “Of course he has done

it before and he knows what it takes to make it happen again. Anyansi is one sports administrator that has achieved a lot. As a maĴer of fact, there is no gain saying that no club administrator can match his achievements for now unless in the near future, but no club has the type of success that Enyimba has recorded under Anyansi,” Ambassador explained.

...As Enyimba sets new league records


t is no longer news that Enyimba International Football Club of Aba on Sunday won the 2014/15 Nigeria Professional Football League (NPFL) with a game to spare, but the news is that Enyimba has set a league record by emerging champions for a record seven times and no club has ever done it before now. The Aba millionaire had earlier equalled the record six times in 2010 but has to wait for ęve years to add another league shield to their crowded silver ware. The Aba millionaires last won the league in 2010. They have been coming close to winning the league three times with just a point separating them and the eventual winners in those previous occasions, Kano Pillars. As a maĴer of fact, Enyimba remains the most successful club side in the country both locally and

internationally as the Aba millionaires remains the only club in the country to have won the former elusive CAF Champions League in the country. The interesting thing about it all is that Enyimba won the CAF Champions league back to back in 2003 and 2004 under the combined leadership of former Governor of Abia State, Dr Orji Uzor Kalu and

Chief Felix Anyansi Agwu. Now with the lifting of its 7th league trophy, Enyimba has raised the bar and it will be diĜcult to equal or erase because Heartland and Enugu Rangers who have won the league more than other any other club before Enyimba showed up are struggling year-in-year out at the moment. It is expected that

Enyimba will still have room to push it record a liĴle higher than it is at the moment and they have good and competent hand in Anyansi to make it happen. Apart from that, kudos must be given to the League Management Company (LMC) led by Shehu Dikko for making sure that a level playing ground is provided for all the teams to compete. The LMC has really done well but can still do more to restore the past glory of the Nigerian League. League Watch; therefore, wish to encourage the League Management Company to continue to ensure that a level playing ęeld is provided even as we appreciate the recent sanctions meted out to Shark, Warri Wolves and their oĜcials for bringing the game to disrepute. It is a right step in the right direction if sanity must be restored in our league.

Kudos to NFF’s O&D Committee


any positive things are happening in Nigerian Football and one of them is the recent decision by the Organisation and Disciplinary CommiĴee of the Nigeria Football Federation that imposed a N5million ęne on Sharks FC of Port Harcourt for the unruly behaviour of their fans in the match involving them and their Week 36 opponents, Nasarawa United Fc in Laęa. Kudos must be given to the NFF for standing for justice despite the eěort of the Chairman of the NFF’s OǭD CommiĴee to set aside the decision of LMC O&D. But to ensure that the right thing was done, the Amaju Pinnick led Nigeria Football Federation stepped in by making sure that the LMC’s decision stood and at the same time applied the full sanction as stipulated in the statute of the body. The good thing about the whole thing is that the NFF imposed even a tougher sanction against the Port Harcourt darling team than was originally imposed by LMC. It is

recalled that the LMC had imposed N3million ęne on Sharks for the unruly behaviour of their fans that brought the game to disrepute. And apart from the N3million ęne imposed on Sharks, the River State Government ęnanced club was docked three points from the total points and three goals and the abandoned game awarded to Nasarawa United. In addition, the General Manager of Sharks, Chief Okey Kpalukwu was cited for the breach of the code of conduct for Club OĜcials, Appendix E of the Framework and Rules and ęned N250, 000.

2014/15 NPFL season ends tomorrow


he curtain on the Nigeria Professional Football League (NPFL) will be drawn tomorrow at various centres across the country. The matches are mere formality for league champions, Enyimba International Football Club of Aba who on Sunday won the league with tomorrow’s game to spare. The two time African champions ensured that the league was not stretched any further when with 10 men, ensured they secured the vital point that earned them their 7th league title, thereby making history as the ęrst club to have won the title for a record 7th times. The League champions will travel all the way from God’s Own State (Abia) to Lagos to be guest of Sunshine Stars of Akure who were banished to Teslim Balogun Stadium due to the unruly behaviour of their fans who brought the game to disrepute. This game for Enyimba is a mere formality having won the league on Sunday thereby securing a CAF Champions League ticket, but for Sunshine Stars they will be aiming to use this game to improve on their league standing as they have no chance of making it to the continent. It is recalled that just last Wednesday the Akure Gunners humiliated Enugu

Rangers in their new fortress, Teslim Balogun Stadium in their rescheduled league game. However, it will be a very big mistake on the part of Sunshine Stars to think that they are going to have it easy with Enyimba just like they did against Enugu Rangers last Wednesday. It is true that Enyimba has already emerged champions of the elite club competition, the Nigerian Professional Football League, the Aba millionaires are not likely going to allow Sunshine stroll over them. There may not be anything at stake in this game in respect of the league, but Enyimba will be playing for pride and having emerged champions, they would like to prove to all Nigerians and particularly their numerous fans that they are the kings of Nigerian League.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, November 14, 2015

Sports/EURO League

REVEALED: Muller has a horse, and his name is Dave .Bayern Munich star has secret passion for breeding


here’s an old insult aimed at strikers going through lean spells in front of goal: they can’t hit a barn door with a banjo. With 21 goals in 22 games for Bayern Munich and Germany this season, there’s no way anyone can say that phrase applies to Thomas Muller. Not only that, but Muller appears to

know exactly where the barn door is. Because he owns a horse. And it is called Dave. That’s right, Dave. Muller shared a picture of his wife, Lisa, riding the horse at Munich’s Olympic Stadium before watching her compete at the Munich Indoors show jumping event this week. Lisa is an accomplished dressage

rider and has won a German national title. The 26-year-old World Cup winner is also a big fan of horses, spending much of his spare time with Lisa and Dave at stables near Munich. Although Muller is himself forbidden to ride by Bayern, he has his own special job title when at the stables: ȁmanaging director of carrots’.

Pardew’s touchline antics get the better of Klopp


lan Pardew got the beĴer of Liverpool manager urgen Klopp both on and oě the pitch last Sunday as Crystal Palace stunned the Reds at Anęeld. The Eagles boss cut an animated ęgure on the touchline and at one point gestured ȁtalk to the hand’ as the German shouted in his direction, clearly aggrieved at what he was seeing on the pitch as Palace claimed a deserved 2-1 victory. Pardew did not seem fazed by the Liverpool manager’s glowing reputation and the fanfare which has followed Klopp since his arrival on Merseyside and even put his ęnger to his lips during another touchline exchange to suggest his

Martial snaps selfie with fans France train ahead of games with Germany and England


opposite number kept it buĴoned. Klopp is famous for his exuberant celebrations and ęery dashes along the touchline - they became synonymous with him during his seven years with Borussia Dortmund - but he met his match in

Pardew. The Palace boss seemed in no mood for pleasantries and regularly cut the 48-year-old down to size before ScoĴ Dann’s header eight minutes from time condemned Klopp to his ęrst defeat as Liverpool manager.

Sex tape threatens to tear Benzema, Valbuena apart ...If you want the video destroyed, come see my friend’: What Benzema claimed he told Valbuena in alleged sex-tape blackmail plot leaked examination last seriously.’ transcript Thursday with And Benzema of a phone complicity to blackmail also discloses to his conversation and conspiring to friend how he told apparently between commit a criminal act, Valbuena ȁyou can see Karim Benzema and everything’ in the tape, charges that can carry a friend appears to a prison sentence of after the Lyon player reveal the Real Madrid asked ȁcan you see my at least ęve years, in striker’s complicity in relation to the sex tape. taĴoos in the videoǵ’ the sex-tape blackmail He is also banned from Benzema, 27, scandal involving his meeting Valbuena. was placed under France team-mate Mathieu Valbuena. Details of the 20-minute conversation between Benzema and his childhood friend Karim Zenati, published in France this week, reveal that he told Valbuena ȁif you want the video to be destroyed, come see my friend in Lyon.’ Benzema also tells Zenati that he believed Valbuena thought the whole aěair was a joke, saying: ȁI don’t think he’s taking us


nthony Martial has been working hard on the training ground in recent days - but the Manchester United ace did ęnd some time to snap a selęe with some fans on Tuesday. Striker Martial was spoĴed posing with some lucky supporters who had gone to watch the Blues train in Clairefontaine-enYvelines. France are currently preparing for their upcoming international friendlies at home against Germany then away against England.

uventus midęelder Paul Pogba was also among those being put through his paces, with the longterm Barcelona target showing oě his latest hairstyle to the watching snappers.

There was even smiles for former Newcastle aĴacker Hatem Ben Arfa who has put his Premier League hell well and truly behind him with a succession of stellar performances.

‘Bad guy’ Blatter’s effigy bur nt during Bonfire Night celebrations


giant eĜgy of embaĴled FIFA president Sepp BlaĴer was set alight as part of the Bonęre Night celebrations of two English towns. One towering 11-metre sculpture built by artist Frank Shepherd has been erected at Edenbridge in Kent and portrays the 79-year-old Swiss holding the World Cup, a ball and box of bank notes. Another eĜgy was also paraded through Lewes in East Sussex. The eĜgy of BlaĴer in Kent, who is currently suspended for 90 days by FIFA’s ethics commiĴee and reeling from the most serious corruption scandal ever to engulf the world governing body, will be torched on Saturday. Asked why BlaĴer had been chosen as the ȁBad Guy’ for Bonęre Night celebrations in

Edenbridge, Shepherd said: ȁWell, it’s always diĜcult. We have to wait until the last minute really because it has to be somebody who’s in the news. ȁThis year there was very liĴle choice, it had to be Sepp BlaĴer. I wanted to do (Russian President)

Vladimir Putin with a big rocket under his arm but I was voted down.’ Past Bonęre Night eĜgies in Edenbridge have included former Prime Minister Tony Blair, former Iraq leader Saddam Hussein and disgraced American cyclist Lance Armstrong.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, November 14, 2015


Pay me my dues! I]ilein cries out over unpaid A:C largesse MARK OGAGAN


n line with the Federal Government’s decision to reward the 1985 set of Golden Eaglets for their World Cup conquest, a former Head Coach of the team, Godwin Izilein, has cried out to the authorities to also address the issue of his unpaid bonuses when he led Super Falcons to win the African Women’s Nations Cup for a record sixth time in 2004. In an exclusive telephone chat with Newswatch Times Sports, the Edo State born tactician lamented the oĜcial neglect that he and his assistants have suěered following their AWC win in South Africa 11 years ago, and is calling on the appropriate authorities to come to their rescue. “The Federal Government’s decision to reward the Golden Eaglets for their

achievement of 30 years ago certainly calls for celebration, and it goes to show how humane the present administration is. If past administrations had been as considerate as this, the country would have been beĴer oě for it,” said Izilein, who was was assisted at the tournament by former national team goalkeeper Ann Agumanu-Chiejine.. “That’s why I want to use this opportunity to make a passionate appeal to the Federal Government of President Muhammadu Buhari, to heed our cries of distress and come to our aid. “Our claims are genuine. If government is rewarding the Eaglets class of 1985, I guess we should be included on their priority list as well. On several occasions I have spoken to the present NFF Chairman, Amaju Pinnick on this maĴer, and he said it’s been addressed, but up

to now we’ve not got a dime,” he added. According to Izilein, who has also coached Bendel Insurance FC, the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) owe him to the tune of 12,000 US dollars (about 2.4 million Naira), being the total sum of unpaid allowances for the duration of the 2004 African Women’s Championship in South Africa, which the Super Falcons won by beating Cameroon 5-0 in the ęnal. Izilein, who later led Golden Eaglets to the 2006 edition of the Africa U-17 Championship in Gambia, where they crashed out at the group stages, explained that all entreaties to get his dues have been unsuccessful so far and he appealed for government’s quick intervention on the issue, stressing that the principle of justice and fairness must be applied to all.

Former Stores coach wants team revived MARK OGAGAN


former Chief Coach of Stationery Stores FC of Lagos, Alfred Kossi, says it would be a thing of joy to see Stationery Stores bounce back from obscurity to regain their once lofty position in Nigerian football. During a visit to Newswatch Times this week, the ex-footballer, who currently heads the Surulere arm of Lagos State coaches, lamented the Flaming Flamingos’ present state of neglect, and called on Lagos State Governor Akinwunmi Ambode to accelerate eěorts at reviving the Darling Team of Lagosians. “Look, it’s a shame to see the rot in a team with so much legacy, rich history and huge followership in Nigerian football. As one of the coaches that handled this great side in the past, I want to personally call on the Lagos State government to do something fast in terms of resuscitating the team in order to preserve the legacy of Stores and to restore the glory days of this legendary outęt,” Kossi said. Kossi, who hails from Badagry, coached Stores to the knockout stage of the (then) National Challenge Cup against Enugu Rangers in 1995 in Ibadan, where a post-match fracas led to the tragic death of Rangers star, Igeniwari George.

Notable players in his Super Stores squad at that time included seasoned defender, Seyi Ogunsanya, Fela Tom-Dollar, Emmanuel Orok, junior ex-international Bobolayefa Edon, no-nonsense defender Collins Ebitimi, strike sensation Ifeanyi Aghenu, and goalkeeper Bode Babington Stationery Stores was founded in 1958 by the late Israel Adebajo, who ran the Nigeria oĜce of the Stationery Stores Supply Company. They immediately established themselves as one of the dominant teams in Lagos and Nigeria as a whole, supplying the bulk of the ęrst editions of the national team and winning a total of 13 Lagos State Challenge

Alfred Kossi

Cups, the preliminary round for the Nigerian FA Cup. The club’s glory years started in 1967. Their Ěuid and entertaining style of play endeared the club to Lagos fans as they delivered two FA Cups within that period. The ęrst XI of the Nigerian national team at the 1968 Olympic football event in Mexico had nine Stationery Stores players, including Sam Opone and Peter Fregene. Between 1973 and 1993, Stores was in the top division of Nigerian football. Throughout those years, they enjoyed brutal rivalries with teams like Enugu Rangers International, Shooting Stars, Leventis United and Abiola Babes.



Diack resigns as honorary IOC member


ormer world athletics (IAAF) president, Lamine Diack has resigned as honorary member of the International Olympic CommiĴee following the launch of a formal investigation against the Senegalese for suspected corruption and moneylaundering, the IOC said during the week. Diack, who was provisionally suspended by the IOC on Tuesday and has also resigned as president of the International Athletics Foundation, is alleged to have received more than one million euros ($1.07 million) in bribes in 2011 to cover up positive doping tests of Russian athletes. The 82-year-old, an IOC member from 1999 to 2013 before becoming an honorary member a year later, was placed under formal investigation in France this week and questioned by authorities before being released on a bail bond of 500,000 euros and banned from leaving the country. His resignation from the Olympic body comes two days after the publication of a World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) independent commission report on allegations of widespread corruption and collusion by Russian oĜcials, including state security

services, to cover up results of drug tests, destroy samples and intimidate laboratory staě. The report also identięed “systematic failures” by the IAAF governing body, already rocked by the probe against Diack and other oĜcials. Diack served as president of the IAAF from 1999 until August this year when he was succeeded by Briton

Sebastian Coe. His son Papa Massata Diack and three others have also been charged with various alleged breaches of the IAAF’s Code of Ethics. Diack was a powerful ęgure within the IOC as he controlled the Ěagship sport of the Olympic Games for more than 15 years, with athletics also a big beneęciary, along with swimming, of the IOC’s Olympic Games ęnancial contributions.


Saturday, November 14, 2015

Saturday, November 14, 2015

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Saturday, November 14, 2015 com

Newswatch Times -Tradition built on Truth

Vol. 01, No. 54

Saturday, November 14, 2015 15

Celebrating women of substance

My husband gives space to express myself Francisca Ukabiala

26 My Love

Newswatch Times, Saturday, November 14, 2015

Francisca Ukabiala is the pretty and hardworking lady who is the Administration/HR Manager, Center for Values in Leadership (CVL). She is also the Executive Assistant to Professor Pat Utomi, founder of CVL. The very lovable lady of style recently celebrated her 40th birthday in a unique way and used the opportunity to educate women on the importance of lactation and related issues. In this brief encounter with QISMAT YINUS at the event, she speaks about her life, marriage, career and the reason for celebrating her birthday.


an we meet you? My name is Francisca Ukabiala, I work for Centre for Values in Ladership as the Admin/HR Manager and also double as the Executive Assistant to our C.E.O, Professor Pat Utomi. If you don’t mind ma, why must you celebrate your birthday this way? I am someone who is fun loving and has zest for life. I had actually been planning this in my head for the past two years. I think it is a milestone that is worth celebrating. 6even years ago, I had my ¿rst son and like I said at the presentation, I received two gifts - a book by Kathleen Huggin, and an electric breast pump. And as someone who is very curious and inquisitive, I read the book titled, The Nursing Mothers Companion, and applied what was in it. I felt I should share this knowledge with others. I have been using it to help family members and friends who are lactating, that is, nursing mothers and pregnant women. I have had this burden for a while and family and friends have been saying, ‘why don’t you take this up a notch and share it’? That it is indeed possible to exclusively breastfeed a child for six months even as a career woman. So I thought instead of letting it be all about me, I should give back to the society. $UH \RX IXO¿OOHG ZLWK WKH ZD\ WKH HYHQW turned out today? I am ful¿lled and completely happy. I am over the moon. The event went exactly how I envisaged it. I was able to pass knowledge and I am happy that people appreciate the information they got and they were able to celebrate with me. What exactly was the message you wanted to pass across? I wanted to pass the message that women should not use their career as an excuse not to exclusively breastfeed their children. With determination you can achieve it. It is not an easy task since you are a mother, wife, friend, and work. But if you

With determination you can achieve it; it is not an easy task as a mother

are determined, you can give your child the best while at the same time get ful¿lment in your career. So the message has to do with mother/child relationship. You can nourish your child with this free gift that God has given. How has this information helped you personally? It has helped me because my children are healthy. My mom used to say in Ibo “jisike” which means it takes a lot to be able to do all that I did. I was ready to breastfeed and ready to give it whatever it took. I would express twice in the of¿ce, as I had all the gadgets. When any of my friends had a baby, the ¿rst gift they get from me is this book, and I practically want to open their heads to put in that knowledge so they can do the right thing.

My Love

Newswatch Times, Saturday, November 14, 2015



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My husband gives space to express myself your marriage and career? It is a lot of hard work. My colleagues have told me “Look madam, you are trying, but more importantly your husband is trying”. Some have actually said “If I were your husband, you would have resigned”. But thankfully my husband understands me, How exactly do you go about it to ensure and lets me be me. He works for the government and most of the time by 5pm he is that a baby is well fed? Like I said at the presentation, it takes home; so we balance it. I am a multi-task preparation. So during your three months freak and go to shopping once a month. maternity leave when you have a month to resume back to work, you start express- Can you give advice to women on how to ing a lot and storing in a refrigerator so balance marriage and career? that even when you are not at home, your First of all, maturity is important. Before a child can still get that nourishment. Your man or woman decides to get married, he hubby or caregiver can help feed the child or she should be matured. Secondly, they with the stored breast milk when you are should know what they want and endeavour to get someone who compliments them not around. because love only lasts to a certain point. As a career woman, how do you balance It takes hard work to keep a relationship. You have to continually communicate, be yourself, be ready to compromise, but let it be someone who compliments and understands you. What does it mean to “express”? It means squeezing out breast milk from a nursing mother’s breast. It can be done manually or by using a machine. There are electronic ones, which are faster and the manual ones.

It takes hard work to keep a relationship and have to continually communicate


THE TEAM Published by

Newswatch Times Ltd. Publisher



tunde ESO


qismat YINUS

What do you love most about your husband? I love the fact that my husband lets me be me. He let me express myself; he doesn’t try to hold me down. Above all, he is a loving and caring father who provides for his family and children.

Production Editor

taiwo BERNARD Head Graphics

olukayode OGUNJOBI Graphic Artists

henry ENEGEDE/ chinwe DURUEKE


Newswatch Times, Saturday, November 14, 2015

Celebrity Chat

I get regular advances from men –Mimiano reen diva, d well shaped sc an xy se e th imiano, has ndoubtedly, , best known as M sa nu Yu ke an Ak This petite, Menunat ruba movie genre. Yo e th in y sta to come as she plunged e bull by the horn th ld he be ba ng Àick, Mimiano. hot and appeali a her well accepted vi om rd or sta to ity the popular Anch from obscur ree-in-one event at th a o d tw ge ed sta e ier sh She prem Recently, road, Ikeja, Lagos. i gb in rty id pa Ag y da er, nt rth Event Ce upled with bi and Idunnu mi, co t her movies, Marmok ALABI, much abou AD e with AJIB E ok and sp e xy sh se t, r en he ev er e At th men have ov ns sio es pr im e th acting career and joy it. romantic body. En


an you share your foray into acting with us? give glory to Almighty God for His mercy on me because it wasn’t easy at all before, but now t I thank God. Talk of my foray into the industry, the journey was so rough because I actually started off as a make-up artiste and it got to a point where I developed interest in movie production. When I started producing, I went through hell by combining both professions as I was also acting and the stress was so much that I had to dump make-up job for movie production. 0LPLDQR ÀLFN DFWXDOO\ SOXQJHG \RX IURP REVFXULW\ WR OLPHOLJKW KRZ FKDOOHQJLQJ LV LW WR LQWHUSUHW WKRVH WZR characters? I thank God for His grace upon me. If you look at Mimiano’s character, is not mine while Ajara too is also not my in real self; so for me to interpret those two roles perfectly, it entails a lot of rehearsals coupled with commitment. The fact is that no matter how much you rehearsed, if God does not support you, you will fail and that is why I dedicated it all to Almighty Allah. In those two roles in the Mimiano movie, that is Ajara and Mimiano which could be identi¿ed with Memunat Yunusa? I can never be identi¿ed with Mimiano girl in the movie because I am not such lady. I will say my lifestyle corroborates with that of Ajara, but not exactly. +DYH \RX HYHU EHHQ D SUH\ RI VH[XDO KDUDVVPHQW LQ WKH LQGXVWU\" Laughs...though it is not easy, you know what, I am a producer; I call people to come and work for me and they get paid. So it is not possible for anybody to harass me because I did not lobby for roles. Although there are advances here and there, I am on top of the game‌laugh‌ %HIRUH 0LPLDQR ÀLFN ZKLFK RWKHU PRYLH GR \RX KDYH WR \RXU FUHGLW" I have a lot of movies to my credit before Mimiano in viz: Ibi omo, Ko ba ma jewo, Eniola, Karonwi and so forth. +RZ ORQJ KDYH \RX EHLQJ LQ WKH

LQGXVWU\" I joined the industry in early 2000, you can then carry out your arithmetic‌ laugh. <RX WLWOHG RQH RI WKH PRYLHV \RX SUHPLHUHG WRGD\ 0DUPRN ZK\ WKH WLWOH" What happened is that in that movie, I played the role of a young weird boy. As a girl in the movie, my name is Marriam Maliq and by the virtue of these two names, I twisted it to form Marmok so that people will be convinced that I am boy. +RZ FDQ \RX GHVFULEH OLIH EHIRUH DQG after Mimiano movie? Hmm!! Sigh‌!!! Let me say life was simple before Mimiano movie; though it is simple after the movie too, to manage the fame has been so tasking. Before the movie, I work freely in the streets and in the market squares which I can no longer do now. Wherever I am now, my fans will be shouting Mimiano! Mimiano!! Mimiano!!! And all the social miscreants in the area will start demanding massively from me. I am saying all these just to give glory to whom glory is due and that is Almighty Allah because if I am not known, nobody will come to demand from me; they are appreciating me, that is why are demanding from me. I thank God for that. :LOO \RX DJUHH ZLWK PH WKDW IURP WKH PRYLHV \RX JHW PDQ\ DGYDQFHV IURP men? Laughs‌you are right, but the truth is that as you are conducting this interview now, you have freedom to woo me and if I tell you that I am not interested , will that cause chaos? In essence, I get more advances from men courtesy the movie, but God has been helping me in playing the game. ,V LW WUXH WKDW \RX DUH QRW D <RUXED JLUO" Yes, I am original Gara girl from Kogi State. +RZ FRPH \RX XQGHUVWDQG <RUXED ODQguage so much? I was born and bred here in Lagos, but I’m fond of going home. :H KHDUG \RX KDYH ORVW \RXU SDUHQWV LV WKDW WUXH DQG ZKHQ GLG LW KDSSHQ" I lost my dad 15 years ago, year 2000 to

be precise while mummy died 5 years ago. +RZ KDYH \RX EHHQ FRSLQJ VLQFH \RX ORVW WKHP" The truth is that, only my parents died and not my God. He remains for life and that explains why I cannot suffer because my living God is ever there for me. 'R \RX PLVV WKHP DW DOO" Wholeheartedly I miss both of them, but with my mummy most because she died just 5 years ago while my dad died about 15 years now; so the freshness of my mummy’s death makes me miss her a lot and it is not quite long after her death that fame came. Imagine how ful¿lled I will be if that she is here today to bless me. May their souls rest in perfect peace! :KR WUDLQHG \RX DV DQ DFWRU" I didn’t stay in one place, I ¿rst trained under Mr. Adebayo Salami a.k.a Oga Bello and then moved to Eyiwunmi cau-

cus under the aegis of Lasun Ray and Co. $UH \RX PDUULHG" No, I am single but not searching laugh‌ I am engaged already. :KR LV WKH OXFN\ PDQ" I will unveil him when it is time to do just that. ,V KH LQ WKH LQGXVWU\" Ha! No o!! Are you saying you cannot marry an actor? I am not sure I can marry my colleague. Why? I said so because of our children. You know, showbiz stuff is naturally laborious; so as I am in it now, if my hubby is also in the industry we won’t have enough time for our children; but if he is doing any other job that does not entail travelling he would be looking after the affair of the children because we cannot rely wholly on house-maid.

Newswatch Times, Saturday, November 14, 2015 For enquiries call Qismat Yinus on 08027022738

What celebrities wore to Miss Nigeria 2015 pageant


he 2015 Miss Nigeria pageant took place at the Oriental Hotel in Lagos last week. The pageant saw the likes of Osas Ajibade, Yemi Alade, Ono Bello, Mimi Onalaja and others grace the red carpet. Here are photos of some of the celebrities that graced the red carpet:




Newswatch Times, Saturday, November 14, 2015

By AJIBADE ALABI Ajibade Alabi 08023934887 e-mail:



Free shopping voucher for guests at AFRIMA 2015


uring the ceremony to unveil the activities of the 2015 All Africa Music Awards, AFRIMA, in Nigeria, the International Committee of AFRIMA has announced 5000 units of discount shopping vouchers worth N3, 000 each to be distributed to all guests/participants by, an online supermarket at this year’s All Africa Music Awards, AFRIMA on Sunday, November 15 at Eko Hotel and Suites, Victoria Island, Lagos. Unveiling the partnership deal, Director of Communication and Sponsorship, AFRIMA, Matlou Tsotsetsi said , “There is a global call to action today for collaboration. Businesses, great and small are called upon to examine economic challenges and share ideas on how it can be eliminated in Africa. This is a good opportunity for us to air our views about the pproaches being used to shop with convenience in Africa. Like it or not enterprises are growing in Africa. With, the cost of moving goods and personnel around, cost of maintenance of motor vehicles due to high wear and tear

My life and Toyins’s has changed for better - Seun Egbegbe



and with so much man-hour wasted due to road congestion is reduced.� All Africa Music Awards, AFRIMA in association with the African Union Commission, (AUC), is a music and cultural initiative designed to celebrate, reward and showcase the rich musical heritage of African race and seek to reward excellence in the continent’s music and media industry as well as maximally expose African tourism and culture to a worldwide audience about the greatness and values of the African culture and artistic legacy for the purpose of creating jobs and reducing poverty. AFRIMA is expected to be broadcast live to over 80 countries across the world with African superstars billed to perform like Ladysmith Black Mambazo, Davido, Diamond Platnumz, Olamide, Yemi Alade, Busiswa, AKA, Sakordie, Charlotte Dipanda, Ahmed Soultan, Flavour, Alikiba, Vanessa Mdee, Wiyaala, Jose Chameleone, Cassper Nyovest, Dark Suburb, Bebe Cool and several others.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, November 14, 2015

is Th GEr PAis fo LE


CALL 08057482794



xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx President Mahammedu Buhari (right), Congratulating the new INEC Chairman Prof Mahmood Yakubu after his swearing in ceremony at the Presidential Villa, Abuja.

INEC Chairman, Prof Mahmood Yakubu, (left) and the new INEC Commissioners after their Swearing in – Ceremony .

L-R: Aare Bobaselu, Alhaji Chief Owolabi Rafiu; Eselu of Iselu, Kabiyesi Oba Ebenezer Akintunde Akinyemi; Celebrant/Former Special Adviser on Media and Publicity to President Goodluck Jonathan of Nigeria, Dr. Reuben Abati; his wife, Omolara Abati; Former Governor of Jigawa State/Senator Saminu Turaki; his wife, Ameena Fodio Turaki and Rakiya Bayero

L-R: Celebrant/Former Special Adviser on Media and Publicity to President Goodluck Jonathan of Nigeria, Dr. Reuben Abati; Vice Chairman/CEO, Peachtree Communication Limited, Gboyega Okegbenro and Managing Director/CEO, Rossdillsworth Civil Engineering, Bayo Olomodosi. Photos: Abiodun Omotosho



L-R: Regional Manager, Skye Bank Plc, Dr. Unity Oseghe; representative of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Transport, Mr. Solomon Ishaya; guest lecturer, Dr. Adebayo Adedokun and a Council member, Chartered Institute of Commerce of Nigeria, Mr. Etah Etah.

Mrs. Susan Enahoro, widow of the late ace broadcaster, Mike Enahoro (middle) with children of the deceased at the commendation service held St. Gregory Chapel, Obalende, Lagos...recently.

L-R: President, Chartered Institute of Commerce of Nigeria, Dr. Wale Olasoji; Representative of the Accountant General of the Federation, Alhaji Sufyann Bage and Special Adviser to President on Niger Delta, Gen. Paul Boroh.

L-R: Andrew Enahoro; Meshack Enahoro; Greg Enahoro and Bukky Enahoro at the Commendation Service.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, November 14, 2015

s Love Tip

Tunde Eso 08057482794

Ways to make your man happy (II)


ratitude Show gratitude for your husband good deeds will make your husband to love you more and will do his best to please you in more ways. The result of being ungrateful is that your husband will be disappointed and will start asking himself: Why should I do well to her, if she never appreciates? Admirable jealousy Jealousy is a sign for wife’s love for her husband but it should be overdo. E.g. not insulating or backbiting others, disrespecting them, etc. You should not follow or create unfounded doubts. Showing respect for his family and friends You should welcome his guests and try to please them, especially his parents, You should avoid problems as much as you can with his relatives, you should avoid putting him is a position where he had to choose between his mother and his wife, show good hospitality for his guests by arranging a nice place for them to sit in, perfection of food, welcoming their wives, etc, encourage him to visit his relatives and invite them to your home and phone his parents and sisters, send letters to them, buy gifts for them, support them in calamities, etc. Compliance to Him In all what he commands you, unless it is prohibited, the husband is the leader of the family, and the wife is his support and help mate.

The Counselor

Contentment as great gain

Bimpe Onwuchekwa



content person accepts whatever God provides for his life. He is happy with what attributes are his. He is satisfied with his immediate and extended environment. He accept as adequate despite wanting more or better. It is practical to want more or want better,its also profiting to desire and aspire for greater heights. Contentment isn’t same as unambition. For a child,contentment is an essential virtue to grooming, it’s about maximising what there is financially,materially and otherwise at every point to achieve the expected or the required. Believing the future holds better things, knowing and appreciating what is in the inside(gifts and talents) for use for now and the future. Contentment can and should inculcate into children as early as possible. A content child is always happy and stable. Children should be taught and given the culture of identifying their belongings,who and who owns the different items around them. One of the ways to do that is by allowing them to eat from their individual plates as toddlers. For a growing child ,they need to understand the difference between needs and wants. They need to know on time why some things are done,and done the way they are. Like why we eat; we eat to live and be healthy. They need to be taught to accept,appreciate, and be satisfied with the food,toys,clothing,shoes books and so on that are theirs. When children are properly trained ,they can’t easily be lured with things.

For a youth,is about creating and having a mindset of being wealthy/rich in the mist of poverty. Knowing the difference between luxury and necessity. If you are not content, you are greedy . It takes conscious discipline to be content. The trait is easier to learn with awareness and understanding of what is obtainable and accessible at every point in time. For adults contentment leads to satisfaction on the job,fulfilment at accomplishment trail and sustenance at dream pursuit. Contentment makes you know which dream to pursue, plans to execute, business to trade in,product to invest in,approach to apply at different instances . You are able to identify certainty,contegencies, and the uncertain. You are able to identify who to mingle with and who to be friends with. You are not selfish nor self centred. You need to accept your present state before you can progress into the next stage of your life. Contentment can be used as a yard stick to monitor your desires,dreams, wants and needs at every point in time. Lack of contentment makes you insatiable and unfulfilled. You will always buy things you don’t need nor will use in the nearest future; impulsive and spontaneous buying. Like buying clothes,shoes and other items that are isn’t your type nor size. Some people buy believing they will loose weight soon whiles others thinks that they will gain some weight . Lack of contentment would also make you buy material to sew styles you admire on someone, without thinking of your peculiar stature and height. Lack of this virtue,contentment can as well go as far as wishing someone else’s child is yours because he/she is brilliant or talented in a particular way,thereby making you envious. Every one is gifted, but they need to be sourced out for maximum utility. Lack of contentment may lead to sleepless nights and unhappiness. Remember the days of Forum Investment house, collecting cash from people. Most of which wasn’t returned nor given with the interest promised. A lot of people gathered their money from other banks to hand

over without thinking of the possible consequences. Lack of contentment easily lead to depression, complex and low self esteem. Always wishing you are the other person, for their outlook beauty and so on. You need to be satisfied, happy and fulfilled about the way you look. Remember you were fearfully and wonderfully made by God,you are a unique being. Lack of contentment leads to unrealistic demand or quest to travel abroad. Most often these people are not certain of what to expect or would do when they get there, like are they schooling there or working there,what kind of job and so on. They spend all their life savings, get loans, sell their shares,belongings and more just to travel abroad. Sometimes they go as far as resigning their appointment at their work place,believing they would get a good job and live a better life over there. For a few that their destiny is hinged to being abroad it’s worth the risk,but for more the effort is in futility. For couples,it is a distinguishing ingredient for stability and lasting relationship.You need to accept and appreciate your partner and his/her excesses and strengths to the fullest. This would certainly keep your relationship in shape and satisfaction. Celebrate and utilise their strengths. You then aspire to bring the best out of them by true complementary expressions. For instance,when a nagging wife takes her time to take care of her home and children adequately. She isn’t enterprising but modest,prudent,friendly and accommodating. How is she perceived and treated? Beings content with your partner brings about faithfulness and commitment to the vow made on the wedding day to your spouse. It’s all about being thankful for what you have and being patient for what’s to come. Be at rest,embrace God’s provision for your life and livelihood, allow your vision and dreams come alive progressively . Insufficient isn’t same as non at all. .Delay doesn’t mean denial. Attainment in contentment is a life skill of great gain.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

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Saturday, November 14, 2015

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Saturday, November 14, 2015

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, November 14, 2015

Special Report

Nigeria’s hope on solar energy to solve power problem Donald Ugwu


`We Have A LiĴle More Than 4,000 MegawaĴs Now, But We Are Hoping We Can Get Up To 5,000 MegawaĴs By The First uarter Of Next Year. ``All The Same, 5,000 MegawaĴs Of Power For Nigeria Is Completely Ridiculous, But We Cannot Move Faster Than We Are Moving; So, We Have To Go Oě The Grid And Look For Other Ways To Generate And Supply Electricity,’’ Said The Vice-President, Prof. Yemi Osinbajo. The Vice-President Made The Declaration In London On October 22 When He Explained The Focus Of The Federal Government’s Policy On Solar Power To The Staě Of The Nigeria High Commission. He Said This After Signing An Agreement With The Uk Government For The Commencement Of A Massive Solar Power Development Programme In Nigeria. On That Day, Uk’s Department For International Development (Dęd) Launched The Energy Africa Campaign And Nigeria Signed An Oě-Grid Solar Power Agreement With Britain On The Use Of Solar Power To Light Up Millions Of Homes In The Country. Osinbajo Signed On Behalf Of The Federal Government, While Mr Grant Shapps, The Minister Of State For International Development, Signed On Behalf Of The British Government. At The Event, Osinbajo Underscored Nigeria’s Commitment To Regional And National Eěorts To Improve The Citizens’ Accessibility To Electricity Via Enhanced Use Of Other Energy Sources, Particularly Solar Power. The Vice-President, Who Noted That The Energy Africa Campaign Was A Great Opportunity To Expand The Access Of Africans To Electricity, Pledged The Federal Government’s Commitment Towards Boosting The Supply And Consumption Of Solar Power In Nigeria. ``This Aspiration Would Have Been Virtually Impossible 20 Years Ago Because Of The High Cost Of Solar Power At That Time But With The Recent Innovations In Solar Technology, The Low Cost Of Solar Power Has Now Made This All The

Solar panel station

Power Station

Solar Panels

More Possible. ``This Is An Incredible Opportunity In Africa, Especially For Nigeria With Over 96 Million Citizens Who Do Not Have Access To Power,’’ He Added. Emphasising That The Sustained Use Of Kerosene Had Created A Lot Of Safety And Environmental Challenges For The People, Osinbajo Said: ``A Default Energy Source Should Be Solar; The Option Was Not Available For So Long But Now It Is Cheaper, Safer And More Environmentally Friendly.’’ He Believed That The Energy Africa Campaign Would Provoke Investments In Solar Power Projects, ust Like What Obtained In The

Telecommunications Sector. ``However, The Challenges Are Probably As Clear As The Prospects But Thankfully Enough, They Are Surmountable,’’ He Said. Osinbajo Said That Nigeria’s Partnership With Dęd In The Solar Power Project Had Been Successful With The Utilisation Of Solar Power Systems In Several Schools, Hospitals And Primary Healthcare Centres, Particularly In Lagos State. As A MaĴer Of Fact, Adam Smith International, One Of The Companies Working On The Solar Power Project In Lagos State, Described The Project As Very Successful. ``Our Company Intends To Connect 2.8 Million Residents, 500,000 Households And 183

Schools And Clinics In Lagos State To Electricity Supply Via The Solar Project,’’ Said Mr Kristofer Gravning, Its Manager, Infrastructure Development And Climate Change. Besides, Osinbajo AĴended A Solar Power Trade Fair Organised By Dęd At Trafalgar Square In London, Where He Reiterated The Federal Government’s Resolve To Initiate A Solar Power Revolution In Nigeria Within The Next One Year. His Words: ``Nigeria Will No Longer Watch As Millions Of Its Citizens Continue To Lack Access To Electricity. This Is The Time To ump In And Use Solar Power To Solve The Problem; We Are All Set To Do That.’’

For Shapps, The British Minister, The Africa Energy Campaign Would Bring

ustice To More Than 600 Million People In Africa With No Access To Electricity. ``Many Africans Do Not Have Light In Their Homes, Their Children Are Unable To Do Their Homework, While Others Die Of Household Pollution Arising From The Use Of Kerosene And Charcoal,’’ He Said. At The Nigerian High Commission, Osinbajo Was Asked Certain uestions On Why Nigeria Could Not Use Its Vast Coal Reserves To Generate Electricity. Responding To Such uestions, Osinbajo Said: ``We Know That Coal Is Available In Some States Like Kogi And Enugu But The Main Issue Is That Solar Power, Which Entails The Conversion Of Sunlight Into Electricity, Is Available Everywhere. ``You Don’t Need To Transport It; You Don’t Need To Put It In A Grid. It Is Much Cheaper To Buy Some Of The Solar Power Equipment With About 200 Dollars, Which Is About N50,000, And Use It To Provide Electricity. ``The Cost Of Using The Grid Is uite Expensive And Of Course, Very TimeConsuming. Consider The Time You Need To Fix All The Transmission Lines And All Of That; And We Have 96 Million Nigerians Who Have No Access To Electricity. ``If We Want To Deliver Ȋ ȱ ȱ ȱřş


Newswatch Times, Saturday, November 14, 2015

Special Report

Industrialist blames collapse of Kano leather industries on power outages


senior manager with b and b leather company, kano, alhaji uba mijinyawa, has blamed the collapse of most leather industries in the state on persistent power outages. He made the observation in kano early in the week. “Eighty per cent of the problems facing industries in the country, especially in kano state, is lack of stable electricity supply. “The power outages have contributed a lot to the collapse of many industries, including leather companies, in the state,” he said. According to him, most of the industries had to fold up because they could not operate on diesel due to the high cost of the commodity. “This is the reason why cost of production is high which forced most of the industries to stop operation because they could not endure the challenges. The senior manager, however, commended president muhammadu buhari for the current improvement in power supply across the country and expressed optimism that if the feat was sustained many collapsed industries would resume normal production.

Power generating sets

Nigeria’s hope on solar energy to solve power problem Ȋ ȱȱ ȱ ȱřŞ

Electricity Quickly To That Number Of Nigerians At A Relatively Cheaper Cost, We Must Take The Solar Route. ``The Second Thing Is That All Of Our Solutions Must Be A Mix. If You Are Relying On Grid Power Alone, It Can Take Us Forever But It Is Going To Be Too Expensive. ``Other Countries Of The World, Which Do Not Have As Much Sunshine As We Have, Still Use Solar Power To Their Advantage. I Think We Should Also Use It And When We Start Manufacturing Our Own Solar Panels And Be Creative About It, The Prices Will Even Drop.’’ All The Same, Concerned Observers Declare That The Energy Challenges Facing Africa Have Reached An Alarming Proportion; Compelling Experts To Insist That The Prompt Adoption Of Solar Power Is The Only Way Out The Crisis. For Instance, Shapps Argued That ``Africa May Not Be Able To Achieve Universal Energy Access Until 2080 -- 200 Years After Thomas Edison Invented Electricity. ``We Are, Therefore, Signing Up For The Africa Energy Campaign So That Everyone Should Have Access To Energy By 2040. ``In Africa, For The Businesses To Thrive, We Need A Whole Range Of Energy Sources. A Few Individuals Can Access Africa’s Rich Energy Wealth But The Sun Is Abundant In That Region,’’ Shapps Added. The Minister Acknowledged The Initial Scepticism Of The People Concerning The Adoption Of Solar Energy, Saying That The Cynicism Was Borne Out Common Complaints Such As ``The Solar Cells Are Too

Expensive, While The Appliances Require Too Much Power. ``Nowadays, That Situation Has Changed,’’ Shapps Added. Commenting On Nigeria’s Solar Power Development Agreement With Britain, Mrs Uju Hassan-Baba, The Executive Secretary Of Nigerian Investment Promotion Commission (Nipc), Who Witnessed The Agreement’s Signing, Underscored The Need For Nigeria To Look For Alternative Sources Of Power. ``Deęnitely, Nigeria Is Squarely On Board In This Campaign To Light Up Africa And The Nipc Will Deęnitely Facilitate Investments Coming Into Nigeria By Ensuring The Review Of Regulations And Incentives To Support The Africa Energy Campaign,’’ She Said. Also Speaking, Governor Nasir ElRufai Of Kaduna State, Said That The Application Of Solar Power Technology In Nigeria Would Expand The Citizens’ Access To Electricity, Particularly In The Rural Areas. His Words: ``This Is A Great Opportunity For Nigeria To Leapfrog From Where We Are Now To The Latest, State-Of-The-Art Solar Power Technology. ``Many People Think That The Only Way To Get Electricity To Everyone Is By Building Huge Power Stations With Transmission Lines And Distribution Infrastructure. ``However, In The Last Three To Four Years There Has Been A Remarkable Advancement In Solar Power Technology And This Has Made It Possible For Us To Execute Our Plans To Democratise Electricity.’’ ``I Think It Is A Great Step And It Reminds Me Of How We Leapfrogged From Having Half A Million Land

Lines To 150 Million Mobile Phones. ``There Is An Opportunity Here To Leapfrog From Having Centralised Power Stations And Transmission Lines To A Situation Where 60 Million Nigerians Can Generate Electricity Through Solar Power In Their Own Homes And Pay For It On A Pay-AsYou-Go Basis. ``If We Are Able To Follow The Project Through, We Will Be Able To Take Electricity To The Poorest And Remotest Parts Of Nigeria Without Having To Make Huge Investments, Just Like The Resources We Sank Into Nepa And Phcn Without Achieving

Solar panel

The Desired Results.’’ El-Rufai Emphasised That The Gains Of The Solar Power Projects Would Be Seen Almost Immediately, Adding: ``In Kaduna, We Are Already Financing The Use Of Solar Power In 40 Primary Health Care Centres.’’ All In All, Observers Maintain That Nigeria’s Adoption Of Solar Power Technology Will Soon Translate Into BeĴer Life For A Larger Percentage Of Its Citizens, As The Gloomy Days Of Darkness In The Country Will Soon Disappear. Ȋ

Courtesy Nanfeatures

Saturday, November 14, 2015

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, November 14, 2015

Continued from Page 15

disturbing disclosures, a telltale sign on the call for Mr. Audu’s disqualiÀcation from the governorship race had emerged from another online news media, Pointblank news in its edition of 11th October 2015 titled “APC in dilemma over Audu«the Tinubu connection”. The publication which drew public attention to a petition written to National Leadership of the APC by one Yahaya Bello also attributed the cover up and seeming shameful waiver extended to Mr. Audu’s alleged atrocities to his political Godfather, Asiwaju Bola Tinubu. Unfortunately, the online news media concluded that all the valid Àndings and recommendations of the Appeal Committee against Mr. Audu were subdued because of the towering backing of Mr. Audu by the impunity and strong inÁuence of Asiwaju Bola Tinubu, the National Leader of the APC that is rumoured to have struck a deal with Mr. Audu over providing, the deputy governorship aspirant, one Jimoh Faleke, a federal lawmaker representing Lagos State. Now that Buhari has visited New York and New Delhi to give assurances that his government


Kogi election: Litimus test for INEC chair

Vice president, Yemi Osinbajo and APC Governorship candidate, Audu at Okenne campaign rally

will not permit corrupt persons in public o΀ce, the APC must let the recent Buhari promise of New Delhi stand because Mr. Audu’s records cannot pass the test of any known principle of public o΀ce. Indeed, anyone, who considers this as an intrusion into the private local aͿairs of the APC is wrong because with Mr. Audu as the candidate of the National ruling party, the

existential dilemma that confronts the Buhari administration is great and dangerous to Nigerians’ quest for change. Finally, on who becomes the next Kogi state governor, the ball is in the court of Kogi citizens. On this, the Kogi people are already speaking out and are in agreement to do the needful with their votes. For them, any candidate’s success

in the election should be allowed to depend on credibility. Meanwhile, youths under the aegis of Kogi Transformation Network, have decried the campaign of calumny mounted against Governor Idris Wada by people they described as ‘faceless agents of darkness’ who they say want to desperately reverse the positive trend of development that the current administration has brought to the state. In a related development, Nigeria’s former minister of police aͿairs, Humphery Abba, and an ex member of the PDP Board of Trustees, Halima Alfa, and over 8,000 people have defected to the APC in Kogi state. Meanwhile, Yakubu and his electoral team INEC has to a lot of need to take the whole country and beyond through all thick and thin to prove his capability, e΀ciency, ability and worthiness in heading the crucial commission on whose shoulder the unity and continued existence as a nation via politics largely rests.

FEC: How PMB ‘outsmar ted’ Per m Secs Continued from Page 16

poration, Ibe Kachikwu now the Minister of State for Petroleum Resources. PMB announced the former Lagos State governor Raji Fashola SAN as the new minister of Power, Works and Housing while Mr. Abubakar Malami SAN is the Attorney General of the Federation and Minister for Justice. Former Governor of Rivers State, Rotimi Chibuike Amaechi is Minister for Transport while General Abdul Rahaman Danbazau now heads ministry of Interior. Munmsur Mohammed Dan Ali is the Minister for Defence while Dr. Kayode Fayemi is the Minister for Solid Minerals. Adamu Adamu is Minister of Education while Mohammed Musa Bello is the minister of the Federal Capital Territory. Chief Audu Ogbe is the Minister for Agriculture and Rural Development while Mrs Aisha Alhassan is the Minister for Women AͿairs. GeoͿrey Onyeama – Foreign AͿairs; Khadija Abubakar Abba Ibrahim – State Minister of Foreign AͿairs; Muhammad Dan Ali – Defence Prof. Anthony Onwuka – State Minister of Education; Kemi Adeosun – Finance; Okechukwu Enelama – Industry, Trade and Investment; Aisha Abubakar – State Minister of Industry, Trade and Investment; Sen. Chris Ngige – Labour and Employment; James


Ocholi – State Minister of Labour and Employment and Muhammodu Bello – FCT. Others are Abdulrahman Bello Dambazau – Interior; Sen. Udo Udoma – Budget and National Planning; =ainab Ahmed – State Minister of Budget and National Planning; Mustapha Baba Shehuri – State Minister of Power, Works and Housing; Heineken Lokpobiri – State Minister of Agricultural and Rural Development; Hadi Sirika – State Minister of Aviation; Isaac Adewole – Health. Also favoured were Osagie Ehanire – State Minister of Health; Usani Uguru – Niger Delta Claudius Daramola – State Minister of Niger Delta; Adebayo Shittu – Communication; Lai Mohammed – Information; Amina Mohammed – Environment; Usman Jubril – State Minister of En-


vironment and Suleiman Adamu – Water Resources. While Solomon Dalong now heads Youth and Sports ministry, Kayode Fayemi was given Solid Minerals; Abubakar Bwari – Minister of States of Solid Minerals and; Ogbonaya Onu – Science and Technology Adebayo Shittu and Lai Mohammed, the newly appointed ministers of communication and information have reacted to their conÀrmation, they vowed to justify their inclusion to the new Federal Executive Council (FEC) and will bring the desired change to their respective ministries. Shittu said: “I am bringing incorruptibility and service if we handle communication very well, we will have enough money to run all program, as a federation. “I am determined to make a great impact in the area of com-


munications. All the satellite stations come under the communications; there are areas that Nigerians are passionate about. I will ensure that we get all the monies for the ministry,” he boasted. Speaking also on the portfolio, Lai Mohammed said: “I think we just need to redouble our eͿorts. As a minister of information, you are a minister of information for the whole country. I think Nigeria needs timely information. The people have the right to know what is going on and to use them as a platform to get back to the government.” Asked when he will hit the ground running, the spokesperson for the All Progressives Congress (APC) said: “In two minutes time, we shall hit the ground running.”


Newswatch Times, Saturday, November 14, 2015


Kogi poll: Why I’ m contesting – APGA candidate As the race to Lugard House draws to a close by November 21st, the governorship candidate of All Progressive Grand Alliance, APGA in the state, Mr. Good Man Akwu who in an interview spoke on sundry issues further disclosed that he has the solutions to the problem bedevilling the state since its creation. Our Correspondent, ADEMU IDAKWO Àles e[cerpts Why do you want to be the governor of Kogi State? I want to be the governor of this State because I want to serve my people, to contribute my quota to the well being of Kogites and having dwelled in their midst, I know what their problems are, I will bring

solution to their problems to the fullest within the ambit of the governance, design for some specięc roles in the lives of the people. Government is not meant for organising birthdays or wedding ceremonies; that is out of it. We are to provide social amenities, I


think I know what the people need and what exactly the government need to do, which is why I want to be a governor. I have the

skills, the passion, maturity, experience and pedigree to be there, our people have been short-changed, our resources have been

mismanaged, so I want to come to provide beĴer management. What are your antecedents? I have the solution to the Peoples problems, the prrequisites qualięcation to serve my people, I don’t need to be a governor before I becoming a governor, I don’t need to be a president before I become a president. I know there are problems and that’s why I want to be a governor to have the opportunity to solve them. But APGA is barely known in Kogi, how would you be able to achieve all these? First and foremost the ęfty political parties registered are of the same staContinued on Page 45

Alarming rise of cultism among Nigerian youths


By Femi Onasanya

he pathetic rise of cultism in our country and its aĴendant destructive activities are a clear picture of the fact that things have indeed fallen apart. And the need to checkmate it is now more important than ever before it gets out of hand. Overtime, the activities of cult groups degenerated to membership for perpetrating all sorts of hellish acts that include robbery, political assassination, drugs and arms dealings, and kidnapping. To make the maĴer worse, the involvement of artisans, butchers, okada riders as well as underage pupils and secondary school children who lack moral upbringing at that tender age has put the society at a risk. I remember quite well that during my childhood days, late 1980s and early 1990s, many of the cult-related stories that ęlter our media nowadays were hardly heard. Then, this menace which government at all levels have consistently grappled with was limited to mostly students of tertiary institutions. Until recently, cult group membership was not a ‘’two for penny’’ contrary to the cultists’ on-going dance of shame at the market square in broad daylight without any form of decency. Cultism in Nigeria dates back to pre-colonial era when a group of people with the main

aim of seeking protection from their ancestors conducted rituals. Secret cults have always existed in many parts of the country. The Ogboni secret cult is notable among the Yorubas, Ekpe secret cult among the Eęks, Ekine cult in the Delta region and Owegbe cult among the Edos. Almost everywhere in the world, diěerent types of secret rituals groupings are manipulated in the articulation of organisation functions for a variety of social and political purposes. These societies diěer in what is kept secret and what is made public. In some, membership is secret, but the rituals are not, while in some others, membership is made public but rituals are secret. Opaluwah A.B (2009), in his book, Cultism and Nigerian Campuses, ‘’ one positive thing about these societies is that they do not harm unless provoked and they could serve as an instrument for cleansing the society of any cultural debris. The author argued that some even serve as socialization groups that initiate men and women into adulthood as in Poro and Mende societies in Sierra Leone and the Oviaosese in Ogoniland.’’ Nigerian educational institutions were not associated with secret cults until 1952 when Prof. Wole Soyinka and six others, including Olumuyiwa Awe, Ralph Opara, Tunji Tubi, Daign Imokhuede, Pius

Olegbe and Olu Agunloye, formed the Seadogs confraternity, popularly called Pyrates. The ideas behind the formation of the confraternity were both patriotic and altruistic as it was not imagined as a secret cult. Its objectives were basically to ęght non-violently but intellectually and eěectively against the imposition of foreign conventions as well as revive the age of chivalry and ęnding a lasting solution to the problems of tribalism and elitism. It is no news that Nigeria as a nation has too many nuts to crack. But things would have been much easier if cultism, which is the root of many social vices, had not eaten this deep into the fabrics of our young ones. The insurgents who are threatening our existence, under the guise of Boko Haram, are mostly youths. Not forgeĴing the Niger Delta militants who are clamouring for resource control in the name of Movement for the Emancipation of Niger Delta (MEND), are also predominantly young while the Igbo group, Movement for the Actualisation of the Sovereign State of Biafra (MASSOB) is struggling for secession. Without mincing words, if this unwholesome growth in cult activities is not put in check, I can aptly say that Nigeria as a bleak future. Because how do you expect a brighter tomorrow when today’s lead-

ers are busy with destructives activities and tendencies. As such, eěorts to stem the tide of cultism should be totally collaborative. A Yoruba adage says, ‘’to ensure that your eyes does not see evil, the whole body must be engaged.’’ Parents should endeavour to be commiĴed to parenting. Many parents have abandoned the role of children upbringing to babysiĴers, nannies and teachers. Teaching of morals, manners and the fear of God should be given emphasis in the home. Unfortunately, children spend more time in school than they do at home when parents, who should be their primary models are far away at work or elsewhere. It is advisable that both parents should work hard to have a happy and stable marriage because children are always at the suěering end of any broken marriage. Educational institutions should as well not fail to always remember that they award certięcate based on character and learning. There is, therefore, no need of tolerating acts that will put the school in bad light. It is also expedient that teachers who are supposed to be custodians of morals should not fail to do so as they inculcate virtues in the young ones. Our religious organisations should see this time as dangerous according to the Bible. Hence, the need to intensify

preaching and teaching on topics that builds the total man. Religious leaders should focus. What God hates should be clearly stated to all and sundry without ‘’economising’’ the truth for whatever reason. And it is good ‘’we catch them young’’ because dried ęsh can hardly bend. The place of the media in nation building is second to none. Gone were the days when television and radio programmes which were centered on building character in children we on air. The likes of ‘’Tales by moonlight, Speak out and series of debate programmes, among others were widely appreciated in those days. Nigerian media should passionate set agenda for discourse on children and the reason they are tomorrow’s leaders. With the change mantra of President Muhammodu Buhari-led administration, Government at all levels should be not take it calm in its aĴempt to curb the menace of cultism. There should be laws that will ban all forms of cult activities and use of weapons among young ones in both schools and larger society. And whoever is caught Ěouting should be made to face the wrath of the law. Ȋȱ ȱ ¢ ȱ ȱ ȱ ǰȱ ȱ ǰȱ ȱ ȓ¢ ǯ ȱǻŖŞŖřŜŗŝŖŗřśǼ

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, November 14, 2015


Kogi poll: Why I’m contesting – APGA candidate

Continued from Page 42

tus, APC was formed barely a year ago and PDP is about 16years ago, but APC defeated PDP, so I don’t know what you mean by popularity. APGA has being there, it has being a stimulus party, it has being there managing the aěairs of Anambra State, ęne APGA is a party that has not had issues with the ICPC or EFCC, how can you compare party that has been choked up with crimes and criminality, with APGAǵ In the ęrst place is you look at, the personality, do not look at the political party. White emblem does not give the taste of bread and anybody can write anything. If you remove President Buhari from APC, what we are going to have is a club or an NGO group of

criminals who are looters, APGA cannot be compared with those other parties. Is it in terms of criminality or what? What is the popularity of a political party if the people are not beneęting from it. As a youth activist, president of several youths and a onetime permanent secretary of ACN Kogi State, past media director of APC, I was also one of the founding fathers of APC in Kogi. Why did you leave APC then? I left because I wanted to actualise my dream, APC has been stained, kidnapped, abducted in Kogi State. Looking at the APC rally in Lokoja, how many of the 27 aspirants aĴended the rally? Only two Why were the rest absent? Why was the president, Vice-president including the minister not in Loko-

ja during the Ěag oě rally recently held? Do you call that a popular party, party that is occupied by people of questionable character, who have hijacked, abducted and doing what they like with it, which I don’t need to remain with. Okorocha came from APGA to APC, APGA is a party that look at the Okorocha in the State, he is doing well, also the present governor is doing well, so you cannot compare with a party full of crimes and negativity. What are your plans for Kogi? I am going to turn things around, ęrst is to restore the salaries of workers, I have not seen where in the world that salary is paid on percentage, the agreement between workers and their employer is for them to get full emolument and their

lives depend on it but in Kogi State, they are paying 10percent 20percent, I also want to restore fully security of lives and property in the State, everyday you hear of crisis and aĴacks especially in the centre. I want to ensure the youths are moved from the streets and empowered, will upgrade the school curriculum to meet with the international standards, I will upgrade all coĴage hospitals and make them general hospitals, establish three international hospitals in the senatorial districts. I will also establish a farm centre where farmers will be trained to acquire skills, where they will be issued certięcate at the end of the day, some can also be allowed to stay behind and get paid. I will also construct a portable water sup-

ply to take them out of water borne diseases etc. Kogi State will also be industralised with the abundance of solid minerals not less than 26 diěerent solid minerals. I develop just six of them to be able to reduce the rate of employment in the State. At least I know how Obajana Cement Company has created a lot of employment and it is out of one of the minerals, so I am going to develop the mineral resources to accommodate triple what Obajana is employing. Okada is not a business for graduates. How are you going about your campaigns? We are doing underground, I’m a revolutionary and people like us don’t come out to deceive electorates with rented crowd. We had an open campaign.

Too early to judge Buhari – Ex-Speaker, Dimeji Bankole Continued from Page 16

Well, every government in Nigeria has issues. Like Buhari’s government too; the new Ministers must look in their minds how to get quick gains for Nigeria and also look at the long and short gains as well. The truth is that I cannot decide for them but there are enough problems for them to solve, i can assure you. You are particular about young Nigerians in Diaspora, what about those in the country? I see those ones in Abeokuta regularly. What about those ones beyond Abeokuta? I see those ones in Lagos and I engage them as well. Between the times you were in government and now a lot of challenges have confronted Nigeria, what in your view do you think would solve the economic problem of our country compared to the global world? I think the dependency ratio is still in favour of Nigeria for the next 30 years and therefore we have opportunities to correct our ine΀ciencies so to speak. I think this

government headed by Buhari has a chance just like other governments before it and Nigerians always give a government a chance to perform and i hope the government move as soon as possible. I do hope we cannot aͿord to be this ine΀cient 30 years from now because then dependency ratio will change and we will have ourselves in a place we really don’t want to be. PDP lost power to the APC after 16 years rule; what do you think was responsible for this and what lessons have you people learnt? PDP could have done better no doubt about this but Nigerians decided they wanted something else and they got it; i wish this government well but be rest assured that if Nigerians are not satisÀed with them, they will change them as well. What are your agenda for the newly sworn-in ministers? That is an unfair question to me; i think they would have done their research to decide what policies need to be changed and what agenda needs to be set, I just can’t out of my head begin to


set agenda without proper research with Àgures of what has happened in the last Àve years, but like i told you, there is a lot of problems for them to solve. What in your view is wrong with leadership in Nigeria? We haven’t really done well have we? We haven’t done well. There has been a change of leadership in this country; Nigerians did that; it is called democracy and we are going to give this government chance and then we will see what happen next. Do you think this government is serious about the Àght against


the Boko Haram that has killed over 6,000 people and displaced over 3 million people? I am not quite sure what you mean by that question but i think we are being sincere with each other here Boko Haram is a major problem for us all, we need to think as Nigerians Àrst before thinking as members of any political party or government. I will implore you to do whatever you can as well to join this government in making sure that the problem of Boko Haram is solved. I will also plead with you as much as I can to look beyond whatever happened to

you personally and look at those families that have their daughters and sons either taken away or killed; look at it from that angle and you continue to do your best to ensure that whoever is in government does the right thing, don’t ever stop we will all continue to do so but I can assure you that I don’t believe this government or anyone before it likes any of its citizens to be killed by anyone, I don’t think so; we may have problem of ine΀ciency bothers on misunderstanding but the fact of the matter is that we are all in this together now and we have to give the government our support to make sure it solve the issue. I think it is too early to judge this government on any issues even on Boko Haram, we should rather continue to remind them on the need to move faster and get things done; I am not in support of making Boko Haram issue a political issue, we should all concern ourselves about all those young that are being killed or the old people that are being blown up and see the best we can do to make sure that these things stop.

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Stay Healthy

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Saturday, November 14

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Saturday, November 14


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Newswatch Times, Saturday, November 14, 2015


North Central

Kogi police retirees seeks removal from PFA Ademu Idakwo-Lokoja


igerian police pensioners in Kogi State has called on the Federal Government to unchained them from Pension Fund Administration (PFA) vendors and returned them to the old scheme as it was done for other para-military and security agencies. The chairman of police retirees in the state, CSP Alexander Yusufu (rtd) and the secretary, ASP Adamu Ameh Jerome in a statement yesterday in Lokoja said the money contributed to the fund should also be refunded.

The pensioners lamented the fate that has been befalling the police retirees in the country adding that the only way to check corruption among the security forces is for the government to ensure that retirees from the police force are adequately catered for. “If you know you are going to enjoy life after retirement the urge to amass wealth by all means for retirement day will not be there,â€? the statement stated. They appealed to the government to pay them 53.37 percent increase which took eÍżect from June 1, 2010.

APGA suspends Kogi chairman Ademu Idakwo, Lokoja

/ 5 6HQDWRU %DUQDEDV *HPDGH %HQXH 6WDWH *RYHUQRU 6DP 2WRP DQG IRUPHU %HQXH 6WDWH *RYHUQRU *HRUJH $NXPH EULHÂżQJ the State House Journalists after their thank you visit to President Muhammadu Buhari at the Presidential Villa Abuja. Photo: Anayo Opara

Saraki, Jang, Lalong eulogise late Pwajok

Gyang Bere, Jos


he remains of the former Senator representing Plateau North in the National Assembly, Sen. Gyang Pwajok have been buried in Jos, Plateau State. Sen. Pwajok who took ill in May, and was therefore unable to join his colleagues in the valedictory session of the 7th Assembly was Ă own out imme-

diately to a London hospital, and was subsequently transferred to India for a better medical care, died on October 28, 2015 from a complication with Haepatocellular carcinoma. At the funeral service yesterday in Church of Christ in Nations (COCIN), Senate President Bukola Saraki described Pwajok as an embodiment of humility and intelli-

gence, saying during his period as Senator, he contributed immensely to the current peace in Plateau. Saraki who was represented by Sen. Emmanuel Bwacha said Plateau State and Nigeria has lost a brave and vibrant leader who live and work for the peace and unity of the nation. Senator representing Plateau North, Dr. Jonah David Jang, described him

as a sharp intellect, a vibrant character and a resilient spirit. “How then could this rare star be dimmed so prematurely? We weep in anguish and wonder why fate is so cruel to us but God is never cruel to us. Yes, his ways are sometimes strange, unfathomable to us but we must not despair, we must still thank him even for what he has done,� he said.

NCC raids bookshops in Kwara, confiscates pirated books Bisi Adedayo, Ilorin


igerian Copyrights Commission (NCC) has conęscated pirated books worth millions of naira during raids of some bookshops in Ilorin, the Kwara State capital. Head, Ilorin Liaison OĜce of the commission, Mrs. Justina Akinwumi led a team of NCC staě, representatives of the Ni-

gerian Publishers’ Association (NPA) and policemen to carry out the raid. Pirated books published by Learn Africa Plc, formerly Longman were conęscated at First Sunday Bookshop located along Emir’s Road,Ilorin where large quality of the books was on the shelf. Akinwumi explained that the books pirated were moving titles of Learn Africa including New Concept mathematics for SSS 1, 2

and 3, adding that NCC acted on tips oě from one of the publishing houses that led to the raid carried out in three bookshops. Monday Enterprises on Emir’s Road displayed large quality of the pirated book in its shelf when NCC oĜcials raided the bookshop which was also conęscated. The Liaison oĜcer said Mr. Mmaduabuchi Umeaku, owner of First Sunday bookshop and

Francis Umuebe of Monday were arrested and brought to NCC oĜce for interrogation. “NCC has zero tolerance for piracy and would continue to raid bookshops in order to bring the activities of pirates into barest minimum in Kwara. The commission carried out a lot of surveillance activities underground to checkmate the activities of pirates in the state,� she said.

face of economic downturn confronting the country in recent times. Governor Al-makura made the call yesterday while inaugurating 16 new commissioners into the state executive council. According to him, ‘since the inception of the second tenure, the state is facing

continuing dwindling resources accruing to the state from the federation account due to drop in the price of crude oil.’ He added that given these challenges, they must all imbibe the principles of financial discipline, probity, due process, accountability and transpar-

ency in all their actions. Al-makura urged the commissioners to initiate new ways to help the state in diversifying the internal revenue generation sources of government to reduce over reliance on the monthly allocations form the Federal Government.

Live above board, Al-makura tells new commissioners



asarawa State governor, Umaru AlMakura, has called on newly sworn-in commissioners in the state to be prudent and transparent in the management of the state’s resources in the


he Kogi State chapter of the All Progressive Grand Alliance (APGA) has suspended the state chairman of the party, Mr. Ocholi Ameh, for anti party activities. In a letter of suspension by the state executive council of the party which was signed by the secretary, Ben I. Nweke, and other executive members, the party said it resolved to suspend the chairman for diverting money meant for its Ă ag oÍż rally into personal use. The party alleged that his action was to ensure the program did not hold

because he never wanted the party to be successful. “He has been holding meetings with other political parties. Another one is the fact that he has not been showing up for meetings thereby becoming an absentee chairman,â€? the statement stated. The statement stated added: “APGA wanted to Ă ag oÍż but he pocketed the money earmarked for the program and the program could not hold because he was using the party for his personal aggrandisement and he has been into some clandestine moves with other parties. He has also been working with the opposition.â€?

Kogi VC warns staff against sycophancy, other vices Ademu Idakwo, Lokoja


he Vice Chancellor of Kogi State University, Anyigba, Professor Mohammed S. Addulkadir, has warned staÍż of the institution against all forms of vices such as sycophancy, blackmail, rumour mongering, indolence, and truancy. Professor Abdulkadir said his o΀ce would be open to ‘constructive, sincere and result-oriented advice’ but warned that he would not tolerate ‘gossips or side talks, selĂ€shness, and manipulations to get undue advantage.’ The VC who gave the warning during interactive sessions with various groups of staÍż emphasized that the university administration would not be distracted by such vices.

“You (staÍż) can walk straight into my o΀ce anytime to discuss issues, make suggestions, give constructive advice, and be straightforward,â€? adding that staÍż was free to proÍżer solutions to problems rather than constitute themselves into problems. Professor Abdulkadir said he would operate an open door policy, and called on staÍż, students and stakeholders for cooperation, support, understanding and make inputs for the peace, progress, growth and development of the University. He said the administration of the University should be taken as a collective responsibility of all stakeholders, stressing that he would encourage spirit of team work.


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Newswatch Times, Saturday, November 14, 2015

Sports Update

Ideye determined to earn Eagles recall


Oliseh speaks on code of conduct


unday Oliseh is averse to instituting a code of conduct for the Super Eagles, arguing that it’s unnecessary. The document, reports say, is being readied by the Nigeria Football Federation to guide the behaviour of players and spell out sanctions to dissenting characters in future.

It comes on the back of Oliseh’s recent disputes with his former captain Vincent Enyeama as well as the abrupt retirement of key man Emmanuel Emenike. Despite the bad press it gave him, the Super Eagles boss feels things must be handled diěerently. “These players are men and some of them are even married and so

deserve some respect. As professionals, they know how to behave in camp,” the Super Eagles boss told the media in Abuja on Wednesday. “If you want respect as a coach you give it. If you want respect as a player you should also give it.” The latest FIFA ranking also showed Nigeria in 59th, a

position that has not gone down well with expectant fans. Oliseh asked for absolution from that drop, urging a look at the context of how this has happened. “We can’t be held responsible for what happened shortly before we came in. Also I know I have played six and lost just one.” And ahead of the team’s ęrst leg World Cup qualięer against Swaziland, the former Super Eagles skipper said his starting lineup will be down to current form and nothing else. “It doesn’t maĴer to me if you have been playing 10 years before or you have not been playing... It doesn’t maĴer,” he explained. “The best will play. It also does not maĴer if you are scoring 50 goals, 30 or 20 goals at (your club). “What is important is how you adapt to our style of play which will enable your teammates to play well with you. We are not going to have one star player and everyone will be playing for him. We will have 11 or 14 stars as the case may be.”

2015 Nigerian Sports Award:Voting closes tomorrow


s countdown for the 2015 edition of the Nigerian Sports Award thickens, the organizers have announced that the voting phase will close as scheduled by midnight of Sunday November 15, 2013. According to the spokesman for the award and the Executive

Director, Unmissable Incentives Limited, Mr. Kayode Idowu, the voting phase, which started on Wednesday, October 7, 2015 is expected to close as stipulated in the timelines of the 2015 award. Idowu urged sports loving Nigerians who still wish to vote for

their Sportsman and Sportswoman of the Year to take the opportunity of the remaining few days to do so before the deadline. He noted that interested members of the public should send SMS SMOTY for Sportsman of the Year or SWOTY for Sportswoman of the Year and the name of

the athlete to 33140 or nominate through twiĴer using the hashtag ǛSWOTY or ǛSMOTY and the name of choice winner to ȓ ngrsportsaward. The 2015 Nigerian Sports Award event is schedule to hold on Friday, November 20, 2015 at the Marquee, Oceanview, Eko Hotel, Lagos.

s the Sunday Oliseh coached Nigeria Super Eagles start their 2018 World Cup qualięcation campaign, Olympiakos of Greece striker Brown Ideye, is determined to return to the national team for now. Ideye was one of the regulars for the then coach Stephen Keshi team that won the AFCON in 2013. He also featured regularly through the world cup qualięers so it was surprise he was not named in the 23 man squad for Brazil. “I was still at Dynamo Kiev and I got a phone call by a friend who told me my name was not on the list he had seen - my friend was almost in tears as he spoke to me. I thought it was a joke. The most painful period was watching the tournament. I supported the team but I felt bad that I was not able to help my country out”. Ideye’s last cap was in Calabar in November of 2013 as qualięcation was sealed for Brazil. He has not been called by the new coach he still wants to play for Nigeria “I am a Nigerian and always will be available for Nigeria whenever I am called. There is a new coach who is building a new team. I believe that as long as I keep playing well and scoring and providing assists at

Olympiakos I believe I will get a call”. Ideye is the leading striker for Olympiakos who sit joint top with Bayern Munich in their Champions League group that has Arsenal rock boĴom. He is one of those strikers who is prepared to sacrięce for his team mates “maybe that is what I am paying the price for now” Ideye says laughing. “Honestly, I want to score but I will not aĴempt to score when I know I have a team mate in a beĴer position”. It is perhaps this aĴitude that made his then partnership with Emmanuel Emenike that took Nigeria to that AFCON title. His absence has been aĴributed to Emenike’s drought for the national team before his retirement “people say this a lot that but it is probably a coincidence. Yes I had a good relationship oě the pitch with Emenike which helped us on it”. Brown Ideye is extremely proud to Ěaunt his MON national honour as he does on his social media accounts. If Obafemi Martins can make a return to the Super Eagles while playing in the MLS then there surely must be hope for a striker playing in the UEFA Champions League as long as he keeps playing and scoring. Time will tell.

FIFA fines Spain boss, bans Congolese


IFA’s ethics commiĴee ęned the president of Spain’s football association and banned two Congolese oĜcials for six months for rules violations, world soccer’s governing body said yesterday Spain’s Angel Maria Villar Llona failed to behave in accordance with rules of conduct in the context of

investigations regarding the 2018/2022 World Cup bids, it said in a statement. Jean Guy Blaise Mayolas, vice-president of the Congolese Football Association (FECOFOOT), and Badji Mombo Wantete, general secretary of FECOFOOT, got temporary bans for violating rules on oěering and accepting gifts,


Newswatch Times, Saturday, November 14, 2015

Sports Update Comoros frustrate Black Stars


he 2018 FIFA World Cup Qualięer tie between Ghana and Comoros failed to produce a winner as the match ended in a dull 0-0 draw on Friday afternoon at Stade International SaÊd Mohamed Cheikh de Mitsamiouli in the Comoros. Although the visitors were seen as favourites going into the clash, the likes of Andre Ayew failed to grab a winner to boost their chances of making it into the group stages. The hosts showed their intentions in the early stages of the encounter when Mohamed Soule nearly grabbed the lead as he struck the woodwork with a beautiful long-range eěort. The second stanza saw the Black Stars struggling

to open up the hosts’ defence, having to manoeuvre on the artięcial turf. However, the Black Stars came close twice in a maĴer of seconds as they hit the woodwork with goalkeeper Ben Boina beaten hands down. They ęrst had a chance through Emmanuel Agyemang-Badu and Andre Ayew also came close to scoring. With less than ęve minutes remaining, both nations failed to create goal-scoring chances and the teams had to seĴle for a goalless stalemate. Avram Grant’s men will now have to rework their strategies and ensure they bag a win at home when they host Les Coelecantes next Tuesday, November 17, at Baba Yara Stadium in Kumasi at 3pm.

Ambitious Swaziland holds Eagles to barren draw GBOLAHAN DADA with agency report


he much-talked about 2018 FIFA World Cup qualięer between Swaziland and Nigeria’s Super Eagles yesterday ended in a barren draw at the Somhlolo National Stadium in Lobamba. The qualifying series also recorded some surprising results with Cameroon Indomitable Lions, Bafana Bafana of South Africa, Tunisia,Guinea, DR Congo and Zambia picking up the maximum three points at stake from away matches. Report had it that Cameroon beat Niger 3-0 Liberia lost 0-1 at home to Ivory Coast,South Africa shocked Angola 3-1 in front of their teeming fans, as DR Congo subdued Burundi 3-2 while Sudan bowed to Zambia 1-0 at home. Nigeria head coach Sunday Oliseh this time opted for a centre-back pairing of Efe Ambrose and Godfrey Oboabona with Shehu Abdullahi and Elderson Echiejile playing as fullbacks.

The Super Eagles from the outset pressed high up against the King’s Shield of Swaziland but lacked the sharpness to open up the defence of Harris Bulunga’s men. Tony Tsabedze was clearly the man pulling the strings for the King’s Shield and in the 23rd minute he let Ěy from distance but his eěort was straight at Nigeria goalkeeper Carl

Ikeme. Five minutes later, Lazio midęelder Ogenyi Onazi saw his free kick palmed away by Nhlanhla Gwebu in the Swaziland goal and Sylvester Igbonu’s rebound aĴempt forced the custodian of the hosts into another save before Odion Ighalo turned the loose ball oě target to let the Southern Africans oě the hook. Though the Nigerians

Blatter discharged from hospital

Oduwa joins Dream Team training camp ...U-23 for Gambia after Morocco camp fails angers loanee tv: “It’s a very exciting ,Nathan Oduwa, time; this is my ęrst callcould be set to up for my origin country, switch international alwhere my Mum and Dad legiances after joining up are from. with a Nigerian Under-23 “It would be a fantastic training camp. opportunity to play on The 19-year-old, who the platform that is the is on loan at Ibrox from Olympic Games and it’s a ToĴenham, could reprevery good team so we’d be sent England or the Super going there to win it not Eagles after being born just participate. in London to Nigerian “It’s very unique tournaparents. ment; the World Cup is He has represented Eng- the best competition in the land from U17 to U20 level world but the Olympics but is eyeing a potential is also up there. Everyone place at next year’s Olymwatches it and to have pic Games in Rio should a chance to win a gold he decide to turn out for medal would be amazing.” Nigeria. Meanwhile, Nigeria U23 Oduwa told Rangerstv. team, Dream VI, will now train in Gambia to prepare for the 2015 Africa U23 Nations Cup in Senegal as a planned training camp in Morocco has been called oě. Coach Samson Siasia’s team were due to Ěy out to Morocco on Sunday, but that did not happen and oĜcials have now said they are considering an alternative training camp in Gambia.



uspended FIFA President Sepp BlaĴer, whose world soccer federation is mired in a corruption crisis, has been discharged from hospital, his conędant and former publicist Klaus Stoehlker said on Thursday. “He had to stay a few days in hospital but now he is out, he is at home in (the canton of) Valais. He is very happy and he is relaxing a few days until the beginning of next week and then he will be back,” Stoehlker told Reuters TV in an interview. “He’s recovering very fast.” BlaĴer, who last month was suspended for 90

days by Fifa’s Ethics CommiĴee pending a full investigation into his conduct, had been in hospital since Friday, when his US-based lawyer, Richard Cullen, said the Swiss national had been admiĴed for a checkup. Under the terms of the suspension, BlaĴer, 79, who has been the Fifa president since 1998, is not allowed into the Fifa headquarters or any football stadium in an oĜcial capacity. BlaĴer won a ęfth election mandate in May just after the graft scandal erupted with police raids on a hotel used by top Fifa oĜcials. Four

days later, as pressure mounted, he called a new Congress, in Zurich in February, to choose his successor. In September, the Swiss aĴorney general’s oĜce initiated criminal proceedings against BlaĴer over a 2 million Swiss franc ($2.1 million) payment from Fifa to Uefa President Michel Platini, who has also been suspended. Both men have denied wrongdoing and have appealed to Fifa’s Appeal CommiĴee. BlaĴer has said he still hopes to take part in the Congress in February and Platini still intends to be a candidate

enjoyed the bulk of the ball possession at the half hour mark it counted for nothing as the Swazis’ conędence level grew as the game progressed. Dlamini nearly headed them in front in the 31st minute from a corner and then a Nigerian error at the back almost gifted them a scoring chance a minute later. But Oliseh’s charges ęnished the ęrst 45 minutes beĴer. Ighalo was slipped through on goal though he turned inside of his marker but had the ball cleared oě his feet before he could shoot. Before the start of the second half, Oliseh sent on Rabiu Ibrahim for Igbonu as he felt his team needed a creative spark from the middle of the park. Nigeria had the ęrst chance of the business end of the game when Ighalo blazed over but it was Swaziland that showed a statement of intent. Inside the opening ęve minutes of the second half, Mxolisi Lukhele and team captain Tsabedze got themselves into shooting range but failed to hit the target. On 58 minutes, Onazi’s free kick from 25 yards came oě the upright to the relief of Swaziland. Four minutes later, it was the turn of Nigeria to have their hearts in their mouths when Ikeme was forced to make a point-blank save by Lukhele following a ball over the top. OTHER RESULTS

Mozambique 1 - 0 Gabon Sudan 0 - 1 Zambia Burundi 2 - 3 DR Congo Namibia 0 - 1 Guinea Benin 2 - 1 Bkn Faso Togo 0 - 1 Uganda Morocco 2 - 0 Eq/Guinea Madagascar 2 - 2 Senegal Comoros 0 - 0 Ghana Kenya 1 - 0 Cp. Verde Libya 1 - 0 Rwanda Angola 1 - 3 S/Africa Niger 0 - 3 Cameroon Liberia 0 - 1 Ivr. Coast Mauritania 1 - 2 Tunisia Swaziland 0 - 0 Nigeria

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