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Saturday, September 19, 2015
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Saturday, September 19, 2015
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 19, 2015
Tribunal: Ondo Assembly election result announced under duress â&#x20AC;&#x201C; INEC Peter Dada, Akure
esident Electoral Commissioner (REC) of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), in Ondo State, Mr. Segun Agbaje, has disclosed that the Commission declared the result of the April 11, 2015 House of Assembly election in Ilaje Constituency 2, under duress. In his witness at the hearing of the election petition Ä&#x2122;led by the All Progressives Congress (APC)â&#x20AC;&#x2122; candidate, Gbenga Edema, against
and the candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Malachi Coker, he said the election was marred with irregularities and violence. Edema is asking the tribunal to nullify the election on the grounds of irregularities and non-compliance to the electoral acts and order for a fresh election. The INEC boss noted that the election would have been declared inconclusive if not for the security report on the safety of the INEC oÄ&#x153;cers, eÂĄplaining
that the Electoral OÄ&#x153;cer called to inform him about the tensed atmosphere of the area during the election. He said based on advice of the then Commissioner of Police in the state, Mr. Isaac Eke, who conÄ&#x2122;rmed the tensed atmosphere, the INEC oÄ&#x153;cers were advised to declare the results of the election . â&#x20AC;&#x153;On the fateful day, Mr. Ajala, the electoral oÄ&#x153;cer called me and briefed me about the tensed atmosphere in the area. He said his life and that of the Returning OÄ&#x153;cer were in danger. I phoned the then
Commissioner of Police, Mr. Isaac Eke. He said for the sake of safety of the INEC oÄ&#x153;cials in the area, the election result should not be declared inconclusive and that the Returning OÄ&#x153;cer should announce the result and come back to Akure to write his report,â&#x20AC;? he told the tribunal. Similarly, the Returning OÄ&#x153;cer for Ilaje Constituency 2, Dr. Joseph Adewuyi told the tribunal that he informed the REC through a leÄ´er dated April 13, 2015 that he announced the result under duress.
South West EFCC arrests bizman, arraigns another for fraud
he Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) has arrested the ChieI E[ecXtiYe 2Î&#x20AC;cer Universal Contractors /imited $lhaMi Umar $XdX %ida Ior alleJed Sossession of some fake documents of the 1iJerian 1ational 3etroleum CorSoration (113C) for the suSSl\ of crude to his $merican Eusiness Sartner 'onald /aletta CE2 1orth 3ark LLLC. The \ear old susSect Zho Zas Sicked uS E\ EFCC oSeratives on Tuesda\ 6eStemEer at his residence on *umel 5oad .aduna Zas in Sossession of fake documents SertaininJ to the liftinJ of crude E\ the vessels 0T $ntartic 0T 6onaJol 1amiEe and 0T CaSed %oZen. The susSects hoZever said that he obtained the documents from the aJents to the seller Lambda 'ouble :onder and 'a\s 0arines 6ervices Zho alleJedl\ claimed to have crude oil for sale. The comSlainant alleJed that the susSect had attemSted to defraud him after siJninJ a 6ales and 3urchase $Jreement (63$)
with him. ,n a related develoSment the anti Jraft aJenc\ \esterda\ arraiJned one Okoh Lawrence Nnali (aka Lawrence Oladele) before -ustice 6.6. OJunsan\a of the +iJh Court of LaJos ,keMa on a one count charJe borderinJ on obtaininJ Joods b\ false Sretence. The victim an $merican had alleJed that sometime in Februar\ this \ear he advertised his LaStoS valued at $400 on the $ma]on market Slace and was contacted b\ the susSect who SurSortedl\ sent him a messaJe from 3a\Sal indicatinJ Sa\ment and directinJ him to shiS the laStoS to NiJeria. FollowinJ the directive the victim alleJedl\ sent the $6U6 9ivo laStoS to one the accused. It was after the shiSment that he discovered that the 3a\ 3al account used for Sa\ment was fake. :hen the charJe was read to him the defendant Sleaded not Juilt\. -ustice OJunsan\a ordered the defendant to be remanded in the EFCC custod\ SendinJ the hearinJ of his bail aSSlication and adMourned the case to October 0 for trial.
Shoprite donates learning materials to school
Wife of former President, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo, Bola, welcoming two aged women to the last day of the Chief Olusegun Obasanjo Free Health Programme (COOFEHEP) free eye screening and surgery exercise, which took place at the Olusegun Obasanjo Presidential Library (OOPL), Abeokuta.
OGSIEC assures of free, fair council elections Bolu-Olu Esho, Abeokuta
gun State Independent Electoral Commission (OGSIEC) has declared its readiness to conduct free, fair and credible elections in all the 20 local government areas of the state as soon as the government gives it
the go ahead. Chairman of the Commission, Alhaja Risikat Ogunfemi, stated this during a prayer session organized by the commission to mark the end of the 3-year tenure of the immediate past local government chairmen. According to a statement made available to Newswatch
Times by Head of media in the agency, Kazeem Momodu, the electoral chairman charged oÄ&#x153;cials of the commission to brace up for the challenges ahead, advising them to remain honest, diligent and dedicated in order to achieve successful local government polls. Alhaja Ogunfemi, stated that since its
inauguration by the state governor, the commission has been steadfast in creating a level playing ground for all the political parties. She, however, said no date has been Ä&#x2122;ÂĄed for council polls, but assured that the commission would continue to prepare to conduct credible, free and fair elections.
According to police source, the suspect invited the liÄ´le girl into his room and allegedly removed her underwear, aÄ´empting to have canal knowledge of her before he was caught by the elder brother of the victim who quickly raised the alarm. The source narrated that, after catching the suspect
in the aÄ´empted act, the neighbours immediately reported at the Ijare Police Station where a team of detectives was mobilised to the scene. The suspect was thereafter arrested and moved to the police station where he was interrogated and subsequently detained. ConÄ&#x2122;rming the incident, the
state Police Public Relations OÄ&#x153;cer, Mr Wole Ogodo, said investigation was ongoing and advised parents and guardians to take good care of their female children, warning randy men against incestuous behaviour as he declared that anybody caught should be ready to face full wrath of the law.
Police arrest septuagenarian for attempting to rape daughter in Ondo Peter Dada, Akure
he Ondo State Police Command has arrested a 73-yearold man identiÄ&#x2122;ed as Omolola Agidi for allegedly aÄ´empting to rape his nineyear- old daughter (name withheld), at Ijare in Ifedore local government area of the state.
etail giant Shoprite has continued its community network in local communities in conjunction with a non-governmental organisation (NGO), Save Our Needy International, as it donated learning materials to Progressive Nursery and Primary School in Festac Town, Lagos. The retailer, which opened its new outlet in Festival Mall, Festac, donated a set of chairs, tables, whiteboards and stationeries to the school. The donation is part of Shopriteâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s commitment to making a positive impact in their host communities. Speaking on its contributions to the school,
Shopriteâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Festac Store Manager, Jide Ahmadu, asserts that the donation forms part of the storeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Community Service Relations (CSR) plans to impact the community. He said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;We understand the fact that learning materials are important because they can signiÄ&#x2122;cantly increase studentsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; achievement by supporting their learning as well as assisting the teachers to eÄ&#x153;ciently perform their professional duties. We also want a beÄ´er life through education for our youths; that is why we support early childhood development and also assist to create a conducive environment for learning.â&#x20AC;?
NPF PPRO urges cooperation with journalists
he Nigeria Police Force Public Relations OÄ&#x153;cer, Ag. ACP Olabisi Kolawole, has urged Police Public Relations OÄ&#x153;cers in states, zonal commands and other Police formations, to cooperate with journalists, as well as make themselves easily accessible to members of the public with a view to achieving eÄ&#x203A;ective policing operations and robust Police public relations. At her maiden meeting with the Force Public
Relations OÄ&#x153;cers throughout the country at the International Peace Keeping Hall, Force Headquarters, Abuja, she urged PPROs to make the policy trust of the IGP a priority and ensure positive aÄ´itudinal change of their oÄ&#x153;cers and men. She equally appreciated members of the public for their supports to the Nigeria Police and enjoined them not to relent in their eÄ&#x203A;orts at ensuring that they report any suspicious person or persons in their area to the nearest Police Station.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 19, 2015
South South
Stolen tax payers fund‘ll be recovered, says Wike Nath Omame Jr
overnor of Rivers State, Nyesom Wike, has assured that his administration will recover embezzled public funds from contractors. The governor who was represented by the Chief of StaͿ, Chief Emeka Woke, made the declaration yesterday in Port Harcourt, when he received the taskforce report on the renovation of selected state owned secondary schools. “In as much as I am continuing with the important ongoing projects
I inherited where Rivers State tax payers’ money have been misappropriated, I will not relent in ensuring that such funds are recovered,” he said. Governor Wike assured members of the taskforce that the contractors who defrauded the state of N2billion in the immediate past administration will not go scot free. He commended the taskforce for their hard work in compiling the report and thanked God that they did not record any ugly incident during their assignment. Speaking earlier, the chairman, Taskforce on Inspection of Govern-
ment Secondary Schools, Eze (Surveyor) Otoma Eric, informed the governor that the inspection was carried on selected secondary schools across the 23 LGAs of Rivers State, but the entire project was mismanaged by the Rotimi Amaechi ‘s administration. According to him, contracts were awarded in 24 out of 42 secondary schools and the contractors were given 30% value of the contract as mobilization fees. He expressed dismay that contracts were awarded with disregard to the due process panel by a special three-man committee made up of
former Deputy Governor, Engr. Tele Ikuru, former SSG, Mr. George Feyii and former chairman of Senior Secondary Schools’ Board, Chief Allwell Onyeoso. He added that he regretted that the awards deÀed the Rivers State Procurement Law of 2008 as there were no newspaper advertisements calling on interested contractors to bid. The Taskforce Chairman further explained that many of the contractors got mobilized but did not visit the project site, while others did the job haphazardly and few received money but were not assigned any project sites.
Bank manager arrested in Delta for robbery
Sylvester Idowu, Asaba
n Operations Manager with Enterprise Bank Plc, Eěurun - Sapele Road, Warri, Delta State, has been arrested by the police for complicity in an alleged aĴempt to rob the bank on September Śth this year. The suspect identięed as Francis Enebeme was arrested along with one Wilfred Akah, the bank’s despatch rider for allegedly planning an e¡ecution of the foiled robbery operation. Security sources disclosed that operatives of Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) had acted on an intelligence report that a gang of armed robbers had ęnalised plans to rob the said bank. “Operatives of SARS mounted surveillance around the bank and at about 5.23 pm on the said date, the hoodlums invaded the bank but were
successfully repelled by a combined team of SARS operatives and mobile policemen on duty,” he said. Delta State Police Public Relations OĜcer, Celestina Kalu conęrmed the arrest. She said ȁthe operation manager of the Bank, one Francis Enebeme and one Wilfred Akah, the bank’s despatch rider who were allegedly involved in the planning and e¡ecution of the foiled robbery operation were arrested and are undergoing investigation. arious sums of money hidden in the ofęces by the suspects were equally recovered.’ Kalu also disclosed that two suspected kidnappers were shot dead last Monday at about 2 pm during a raid on their hideout where they kept their victim. The suspects, she said, had kidnapped one Odaro David Iyawe and kept him at 1Ş, mueke uarters, Ibusa.
Wike bans trailers from parking along major roads Nath Omame, Port Harcourt
G Cross section of Task force Committee members on the clearing of Iriebe trailer park and implementing of a No Parking order on Azikiwe Road during their Inauguration by the Rivers State Governor Nyesom Wike at theCouncil Chambers, Government House, yesterday.
30 ships arrested in nine months for oil theft – Navy Joseph Kingston, Calabar
he Eastern Naval Command of the Nigerian Navy yesterday said that due to its steady presence at the Gulf of Guinea, it arrested 30 pirate ships in the last nine months thereby drastically reducing activities of oil thieves. The out-gone Flag OfÀcer Commanding (FOC), Eastern Naval Command, Admiral Henry Babalola, made the disclosure in Calabar during a handing over ceremony to his successor, Admiral Atiku Abdulkadir. He said the ships were arrested for conveying adulterated crude oil and other stolen products. “It is to the glory of the command that during my
watch as FOC, we had gallant ocers who had the passion to ensure that crude oil theft and maritime crimes are reduced. In the last nine months, we arrested a total of 30 ships which included tug boats, Cotonou boats, and we have as well arrested a good number of oil thieves,” he said. He added: “The Command under my watch has also destroyed several illegal reÀneries on a daily basis. Whenever got the information, we proceed on patrol, arrest and destroy them.” According to him, the destruction was done in line with the Nigerian Navy’s mandate, which is to clampdown on crude oil theft and illegal reÀneries. He explained that when
a ship is arrested, the Navy goes further to investigate its patrons and then hand them over to the relevant government agencies such as the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC), among others for prosecution. “We maintained a steady patrol on our maritime domain to ensure we secure the nation’s economic assets and other multimillion dollar oͿshore investments and platforms”, he stated. On civil military relationship, Babalola charged men of the Navy to desist from treating members of the public as `bloody civilians,’ adding ‘the era of military brutality has gone as the civil populace has the right of expression on
any issue of public interest.’ He said throughout his stay as FOC, he never had any case of litigation or complain of military brutality. Babalola, who has been transferred to Naval Headquarters, Abuja, as Chief of Training and Operations also said that he received two navy ships NNS Okpabana and NNS Centenary, during his leadership. Responding, the new FOC, Rear Adm. Atiku Abdulkadir, who was the Chief StaͿ Ocer (CSO) of the Command, commended Babalola for his great achievements. He promised to Àght crude oil theft and other maritime crimes to a standstill.
overnor Nyesom Wike of Rivers State has asked trailer drivers who park along the busy Azikiwe Road to get ready to move their trucks to Iriebe Trailer Park, in Obio Akpor local government area. He stated that the directive was essentially to ensure public safety and peace in Port Harcourt, the state capital. The governor spoke while inaugurating two task forces for the clearing of Iriebe Trailer Park and the implementation of ‘No parking’ order along Azikiwe road and adjoining streets, at Government House, in Port Harcourt. He emphasised that it was unsafe for trailers loaded with reÀned petroleum products or waiting to lift petroleum products to park along Azikiwe and
adjoining streets. “It is unwise and unsafe to allow trailers that carry reÀned petroleum products which are inÁammable to continue to park along roads and streets that witness heavy trac daily. We must also take into consideration the hundreds of thousands of commuters that ply the roads and streets daily. It is the duty of government to protect the lives and property of its citizens”. The governor charged the task force on the clearing of Iriebe Trailer Park to liaise with the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) which has kept some materials at the Iriebe Trailers Park for safe keeping to work out the modality on how to move such materials or re-arrange them in such a way that the park can accommodate as many trailers as possible.
Counsel’s ill health stall proceedings at Rivers Tribunal
earing in an election petition by the All Progressives Congress (APC) against the victory of Rivers State governor, Nyesom Wike of People Democratic Party (PDP) could not hold in Abuja because of the absence of INEC’s lead Counsel, Mr Onyechi Ikpeazu (SAN). Mr Alex Ejieseme, one of the counsels from the INEC oce told the three-man panel led by Justice Suleman Ambrosa led Ikpeazu was indisposed and urged the tribunal to adjourn the
hearing to Monday September 21. The counsel to the petitioners, Mr Akinlolu Olujimi (SAN), the PDP counsel, Chris Uche (SAN), and Wike’s counsel, Emmanuel Ukala (SAN) did not object to the prayer. It will be recalled that the APC and its candidate in the April 11 governorship election in the state, Mr Dakuku Peterside, are asking the tribunal to nullify the declaration of Wike by INEC as winner of the governorship election.
Newswatch Times Saturday, September 19, 2015
South East
Enugu moves to stamp out ghost workers in 17 LGAs Kenneth Ofoma, Enugu
n its determination to stamp out suspected ghost worker-syndrome in the 17 local council areas of the state, and also resolve the riddle of nonpayment of staÍż salaries in some of the councils, the Enugu State government has commenced a comprehensive audit of the local governments across the state. This was sequel to the recent inauguration of an 11-man Local Government Audit Committee by the state Governor, Rt. Hon. Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi, with the Speaker of the stateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
House of Assembly as its chairman, with the mandate to carry out comprehensive audit of all the local governments in the state in the wake of the nagging problems. In line with the governorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s order, the committee commenced action with staÍż veriĂ&#x20AC;cation exercise across the 17 local councils, with IgboEze North and Igbo-Eze South councils as the Ă&#x20AC;rst port of call. The audit committee became necessary following the prevailing ineÎ&#x20AC;ciency and inability to pay workers salaries by various council areas in the state, a situation
which prompted the governor to peep into the manner in which the local councils are run to Ă&#x20AC;nd lasting solutions to their challenges and make them eÍżective and result-oriented. The governor had while inaugurating the committee, mandated it to take appropriate actions to capture the particulars of all staÍż of local government areas in the state biometrically including all categories of teachers, local government staÍż and pensioners. Hence, in the two local government councils covered so far, those grilled in the audit exer-
cise included thousands of primary school teachers, local government staÍż and pensioners, all of whom were required to personally appear in person with identiĂ&#x20AC;cation documents in line with their status as public servants. Speaking at the IgboEze North Local Government secretariat, chairman of the committee and Speaker of Enugu State House of Assembly, Hon. Edward Ubosi, commended the workers for cooperating with the committee, and advised them to always be punctual and dedicated to duty after the exercise.
News â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Why we granted amnesty to 250 debtorsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Cyprian Ebele Onitsha
acts emerged yesterday as to why the people of Ihioma, Orlu Local Government Area, Imo State, resident in Onitsha, Anambra State, granted amnesty to 250 debtors in the community. Speaking during a general meeting of Ihioma Youths Association, IYA/ Commemoration of one year in oÎ&#x20AC;ce of Onitsha branch, the National President, Chief Austin Omire Enyioma, said â&#x20AC;&#x153;it became necessary to grant the amnesty to all debtors of IYA nationwide to stop them from being absent from town hall meetings.â&#x20AC;? According to him, â&#x20AC;&#x153;I have granted them amnesty so that the numerical strength of IYA members will increase, and I enjoin branch executives of the 14 branches to hunt for more members to help develop our community, which has been a pacesetter in Orlu Local Government Area. He commended the
Onitsha branch Chairman of IYA, Comrade Augustine Ijekwe Uzozie, for his contribution in the community, and urged the members to expedite action towards the completion of her N50 million three-storey hall building. Speaking at the event, the chairman of the occasion, Chief Anthony Ifeanyichukwu Onuoha, a manager with Ekenedilichukwu Group of Companies, and President of Igbo Union, Okwei, Asaba, Delta State, said the bad economy may have caused some members not to meet up with the payment of their dues, which prompted the granting of amnesty to them by the national president. His words: â&#x20AC;&#x153;The economy always changes, and people may not meet up with their dues. That made the National President to grant them amnesty. In IYA, we donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t say we donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t need you. IYA is the father of all other associations in the community, and as a father, we have to pardon any erring member.
Tree planting, solution to flooding, says Environmentalist Cyprian Ebele, Onitsha
DMO counsels states to guard against borrowing Kenneth Ofoma, Enugu
he Director-General of the Debt Management OÄ&#x153;ce (DMO), Dr Abraham Nwankwo, has advised various tiers of government in Nigeria on how to prioritise spending to avoid cash crunch. He stated that eÄ&#x153;cient and eÄ&#x203A;ective utilization of revenue by governments would lessen huge borrow-
ing, and empower them to stay aÄ&#x161;oat in times of Ä&#x2122;nancial crisis. Nwankwo, who addressed journalists at the end of a one-day enlightenment workshop for civil society organisations (CSOs) at The Hotel in Independence Layout, Enugu, yesterday said that when revenue is well managed, and the amount borrowed covers only things governmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s revenue cannot suÄ&#x153;ciently cover, all levels of
government would have the capacity to withstand Ä&#x2122;nancial crisis. â&#x20AC;&#x153;As debt managers, we are very much concerned with the eÄ&#x203A;ectiveness and eÄ&#x153;ciency of the use of resources because one of the ways to ensure that you do not borrow much is to ensure that whatever you have collected as revenue is well utilised. â&#x20AC;&#x153;If you maximise whatever you collected as revenue, the gap left for you to bor-
row will be less. So for us at the Debt Management OÄ&#x153;ce, we are concerned, and we are keen on making sure that resource, whether borrowed or not, are transparently, efÄ&#x2122;ciently and eÄ&#x203A;ectively managed so that waste and leakages are greatly reduced.â&#x20AC;? He also identiÄ&#x2122;ed the diversiÄ&#x2122;cation of the economy as a sure way to reduce the vulnerability of both Federal and state governments in the face of dwindling oil revenue.
Collapsed building: Imo govt seals premises, orders arrest of owner, others Emma Mgbeahurike, Owerri
he Imo State Government has ordered the sealing oÄ&#x203A; of the premises where two storey building under construction collapsed in Umuoma Nekede, Owerri West Local Government Area, because of alleged
use of substandard materials. The stateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Deputy Governor, Prince Eze Madumere, gave the order recently when he led a team of government oÄ&#x153;cials to the collapsed building, to ascertain the extent of damage and eÄ&#x203A;ect. The government also
directed that the contractor and the owner of the premises be arrested immediately, as a commiÄ´ee has been set up to determine the immediate and remote causes of the collapsed building. Prince Madumere regreÄ´ed the death of one man (name withheld) which occurred as a result
of the collapsed building. He stressed that hence forth, the community ofÄ&#x2122;cials should ensure that any building being constructed in their communities follow the approved and certiÄ&#x2122;ed engineering plan from professionals and other agencies whose job it is.
n Environmentalist, Mr. Ikem Uzoezie, yesterday hinted that in a bid to checkmate excessive Ă ooding, people should learn the habit of tree planting within their environments. The environmentalist disclosed that the panic generated by the forecast by the Meteorological Agency of Nigeria which says that excessive Ă ood would increase between the months of September and October should have been avoided if green plants are constantly planted in the society . â&#x20AC;&#x153;People should cultivate the culture friendliness with their environment by way of involving in activities that will protect the environment at all times,â&#x20AC;? he said. Uzoezie, who is also a lawmaker representing Aguata 2 constituency in Anambra House of Assembly, said that the people do not have the habit of clearing the Ă ood channels, instead they put in waste in the channel there-
by blocking the passage which in turn causes trouble. He said that additional areas to be aÍżected apart from the river rine communities of Anambra East, Anambra West, Ayuamelum, Onitsha North, Onitsha South and Awka North include, Idemili south, Ekwusigo and Ihiala areas, and that these communities could be better if they were beautiĂ&#x20AC;ed with green plants which have the capacity of controlling strong wind or other natural disaster. According to him, people living in the upland areas should accommodate the displaced persons when disasters come, but said that the culture of planting green trees should be cultivated now for future safety. He stressed the need for people living in the affected communities to set their minds on relocating to any place that would be designated for them as a temporary measure, but should learn the need to plant green trees after the period for future generation to live without fear of Ă ood.
Newswatch Times Saturday, September 19, 2015
North East
Controversial Bauchi aircraft arrives ATB Intâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;l airport Nankpah Bwakan, Bauchi
Workers jubilate as Gov Abubakar offsets salar y arrears Nankpah Bwakan, Bauchi
here was jubilation yesterday in Bauchi state as Governor Mohammed Abduallahi Abubakar oÍż-set four monthâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s salary arrears owed state civil servants by the last administration of Malam Isa Yuguda. The state Head of Civil Service, Mr. Abdon Dalla Gin, told newsmen in Bauchi that the State Government has paid all the backlog of workersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; salaries, pensioners and former political appointees have also been
paid saying that the state government at the moment is the only state that has paid September salaries. Gin disclosed that the state government no longer owe workers and explained that the payment covers the months of April, May ,June and September 2015. According to him, â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Governor granted approval for the immediate payment of April 2015 salary arrears while September, 2015 salaries is currently being paid. He also approved same for local government workers. Even the un-
paid salaries of political oÎ&#x20AC;ce holders for January 2015 are now being paid.â&#x20AC;? Gin however admonished workers to be committed and diligent while carrying out their duties. He also warned erring workers saying government will not condone any misconduct which could be manifested in laxity, spreading of falsehood, negligence of duty and stressed that, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Let me remind you that our public service rules and regulations are very much in force and we will not
hesitate to bring them down heavily against erring workers.â&#x20AC;? Meanwhile, an ofĂ&#x20AC;cial of Nigeria Union of Teachers, Comrade Saleh Danjuma, applauded the state government for being sensitive to the plight of the civil servants and urged the workers to reciprocate the gesture by being diligent and committed to their duties. He assured the state government of their determination to put in their best and appealed to government to do more for workers in terms of improving their welfare
Indigenous artists tasked to improve on quality Nankpah Bwakan, Bauchi
auchi State government yesterday urged indigenous artists to improve on quality of their products to attract local and international patronage to enhance the revenue base of both local government and state governments. The Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Alhaji Mohammed Danlami Gamawa, gave the advice at the closing ceremony of a week-long arts and craft E;PO organized by the Bauchi zonal centre of the National Council for Arts and Culture to mark the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the council. He said the decision of the state government to establish cultural centres in all the 20 LGAs was born out of its desire to
discover more talented artists, register and train them so that they could realize their potentials. Gamawa implored them to key into Governor Mohammed Abubakarâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s vision to create an enabling environment that would attract creative and innovative individuals with entrepreneurial spirit to come to Bauchi State to invest as such would aÍżord more people to be gainfully employed. He re-echoed the need for producers of work of arts and craft in Bauchi State, to improve on packaging of their products to enjoy more sales, citing China and other Asian countries as examples of countries that have excelled in marketing products of cultural importance to the advantage of their people.
He commended the Bauchi zonal centre for bringing indigenous artists together to promote the sales of their products and urged management to â&#x20AC;&#x153;resuscitate the centre so that it would play its assigned responsibility of developing and managing the nationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s arts and culture in all its ramiĂ&#x20AC;cations.â&#x20AC;? The spokesman of indigenous artists in Bauchi State, Alhaji Umar Danladi Garba, decried the non involvement of artists in governmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s poverty alleviation schemes as members of their group could not access the funds earmarked for such programmes in the past. According to him, â&#x20AC;&#x153;We have people coming to Bauchi to learn techniques of producing products like tra-
ditional medicines, carving of calabash, sewing Fulani attire and so on, but we lack funds to establish training centres, rent shops and expand our scope of business. Government needs to come to our aid.â&#x20AC;? Also the Bauchi zonal Director of NCAC, Alhaji Denja Abdullahi , frowned at the attitude of Nigerians who preferred to patronize foreign works of arts and culture to the disadvantage of the locally produced artefacts. He urged government at all levels to ensure Nigerian artists are properly funded and called for the revival of annual cultural activities to motivate both existing and talented, but yet to be identiĂ&#x20AC;ed indigenous artists across the North East zone.
he missing aircraft owned by Bauchi State government which has generated controversy yesterday arrived Abubakar Tafawa Balewa International Airport from Morocco where it has being for over eight years. The aircraft touched down at about 10:01 and was received and inspected by the State Deputy Governor, Eng. Nuhu Gidado, who was accompanied by the Chairman of the Assets Recovery Committee, Air Vice Marshal Baba Tijjani Gamawa, the Secretary to the State Government (SSG), Alhaji Bello Shehu Illela, Head of Civil Service Mr. Abdon Gin and other dignitaries. He however, debunked rumours that the controversial Embraer 145 aircraft belonging to the Bauchi State government was not stolen or missing. Engr Gidado while addressing the press at the Government House, shortly after the aircraft landed at the Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa International Airport Bauchi, cautioned the media to desist from controversial reports. He said that the state government has not decided on what to do with the aircraft. According to him, â&#x20AC;&#x153;We have gotten our aircraft back to the soil of Bauchi State, but I will deĂ&#x20AC;nitely frown at the way people use words and interpret them in the way they want
just to cause disquiet and cause friction somewhere.â&#x20AC;? He said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;I am making reference in particular to a renown national newspaper which used the word â&#x20AC;&#x153;stolenâ&#x20AC;?. We have never, ever, as a government, issued out a statement saying that the Embraer 145 aircraft was stolen or missing. That aircraft was never stolen.â&#x20AC;? Gidado said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;An aircraft cannot be a box of match that you can just take and put in your pocket. Therefore, that journalist that used the word â&#x20AC;&#x153;stolenâ&#x20AC;?, we take Ă&#x20AC;rm exception to that with due respect. Please, learn how to present your headlines.â&#x20AC;? He however admitted that there has been some controversy about the aircraft, noting that was the reason for the press conference to clarify gray areas saying that the former Governor, Isa Yuguda, stated in his hand-over notes that Bauchi State, indeed, owned an aircraft. According to him, â&#x20AC;&#x153;We have not yet decided on what to do with the aircraft. We will meet at the government level to know exactly what to do with it. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The only thing we are asking is that, an aircraft which was purchased in 2006, could not be utilized properly. We, however, became worried when we went through the documents and discovered that rather than bring in money into government coÍżers, it was taking money away.
Group suspends chairman, scribe over alleged fraud Nankpah Bwakan, Bauchi
group known as National Congress of Democrats (NCN) yesterday suspended National Chairman and Secretary, Dogon-Yaro Bibi and Yakubu Alhaji Jibrin respectively for embarking on activities that violate the NCN constitution. NCN in a communiquĂŠ signed by the interim chairman and secretary, Comrade Muâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;azu Azare and Ibrahim Ahmad Anka respectively unanimously resolved to suspend the two oÄ&#x153;cials of the congress. It would be recalled that of recent, Bibi has been speaking tough against Governor Mohammed Abduallahi Abubakarâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s administration. According to the communiquĂŠ: â&#x20AC;&#x153;The National Chairman, Alh. Abubakar Dogon-Yaro and the Secretary Yakubu Alhaji Jibrin are hereby suspended due to corruption practices levelled against them.â&#x20AC;? It added that all properties belonging to the association in the custody of the sus-
pended oÄ&#x153;cials should be handed over to the interim secretary, Ibrahim Ahmad Anka with immediate eÄ&#x203A;ect. Accordingly, 11-man investigative commiÄ´ee under the chairmanship of Isiaka Hassan has been set up to investigate the allegations them. It further disclosed that Comrade Muâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;azu Azare and Ibrahim Ahmad Anka should act as the interim chairman and secretary respectively pending the determination of the allegations levelled against the two suspended oÄ&#x153;cials and warned them (Bibi and Jibrin)against parading themselves as leaders of CNC. The communiquĂŠ outlined allegations levelled against the suspended leaders which include incompetence, using the organization to pursue selÄ&#x2122;sh interest and engaging in campaign of calumny and character assassination, among others. It advised the public to henceforth disregard any statement emanating from any of the suspended oÄ&#x153;cials of the congress as they cease to be leaders of the CNC.
Saturday, September 19, 2015
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Saturday, September 19, 2015
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 19, 2015
PMB’s ministerial list for Change Mansur Oladunjoye, Asst. Politics Editor
he former Managing Director of Nigerian Breweries Limited, Mr. Festus Odimegwu, former Governor of Osun State, Prince Olagunsoye Oyinlola, a Lagos State based human rights activist, Femi Falana (SAN) and the former Chief of Army, Lt.-Gen. Abdulrahman Dambazu (rtd.) were among the list allegedly released by President Muhammadu Buhari to the Director of State Security (DSS) for ministerial consideration. Newswatch Times gathered that the list further included former chief executive of the Federal Inland Revenue, Mrs. Ifueko Omoigui-Okaru; a former Ànance commissioner in Lagos State, Mr. Wale Edun; and a former National Legal Adviser to the defunct Congress for Progressive Change (CPC), Abubakar Malami (SAN). The DSS only conducted investigative checks on the nominees, especially on their past public and individual deals. Political pundits have foreseen likely confrontation between the presidency, the All Progressives Congress (APC) and the powers that be as there may be clash of interests in the proposed lists. For instance, while some have already grumbled over the rationale behind the APC’s Áair for three former governors in Ekiti State: Niyi Adebayo, Segun Oni and Kayode Fayemi, others especially ethnic groups like the Aka Ikenga have since condemned the alleged exclusion of their kinsmen for ministerial consideration, describing the development as a calculated and planned way of continuing with the 1967 civil war in the country. A media report quoted an APC top ocial admitting that Falana has already been screened by the DSS for the Ministry of Justice, “But Buhari is closer to Malami who is from the North.” Sources within the party also told newsmen that Utomi, a renowned economist and former presidential candidate of the African Democratic Congress, had been screened by the DSS and the police, adding that the trio of the Chairman of the Federal Inland Revenue Service, Babatunde Fowler, Edun and Utomi might be considered for reviving the economy. Other eminent Nigerians likely to make the cabinet are Lagos lively Pastor Tunde Bakare as Minister for Special Duties; Minister of Industries – Pst. B.D. Lawal; Minister of Solid Minerals – Bar. Solomon Dalung; Minister for Science and Technology – Engr. Segun Oni; Minister of Health – Prof. Hamid Ahmad; Minister of Women – Sharon Ikeazor and Minister for Youth – Umana Umana. It has been reported that the chairman of Leadership Newspapers and former presidential candidate, Sam Nda Isaiah is penciled down as Minister of Information; Minister of Transport- Timpire Silva; Minister of Water Resources, Alhaji Inuwa Yahaya; Minister of Commerce, Dr. Kayode Fayemi; and Minister of Sports, Kabir
Festus Odimegwu
that: Festus Odimegwu: Festus Odimegwu was a Àrst class graduate of Chemistry from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka who progressed from Trainee Brewer to CEO over the course of 26 years. He attended Stanford University’s Graduate School and Unilever Four Acres Training Centre. Apart from his background in Chemistry and the Natural Sciences, he has acquired certiÀcation and experience in various Àelds such as business strategy and planning, strategic planning and leadership. After leaving the Nigerian Breweries in 2006, he refused an appointment with the Heineken Company in Germany to pursue personal business interests. He is the founder of the Royal Lifestyle Services Group of Companies Ltd and other strategic business units. He has served as the Chairman of the National Population Commission (NPC) under former President Goodluck Jonathan. Odimegwu has distinguished himself among Nigerian corporate heads and has served on the boards of other companies such as Dangote Cement PLC, Union Bank of Nigeria as well as Transnational Corporation of Nigeria. Pat Utomi: Although born in Kaduna State, Patrick Utomi is a descent of Delta State. Like Odumegwu, he studied at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. He later attended Indiana University, USA for his Master’s and Doctorate
degrees. Utomi is a professor of political economy and a management expert. Currently a teacher at the Lagos Business School and now a Fellow of the Institute of Management Consultants of Nigeria, he was a scholar-in-residence at two universities in the United States. He is the founder of Centre for Value Leadership and the African Democratic Congress party under which he made a failed bid for Presidency in 2011. Utomi has served in senior positions in the private sector as Chief Operating Ocer for Volkswagen Nigeria as well as in government as a consultant on some public policy papers, and Special Assistant to former President Shehu Shagari. Earlier in August, he spoke out against critics of President Buhari’s cabinet appointments stating that the President was free to appoint whoever he wanted as long as they were competent. He coordinated the establishment of several civil society groups on good governance and accountability and has been described as a man with a passion for dignity. Olagunsoye Oyinlola was a member of the PDP under which he was governor of Osun State for about seven years before defecting to the APC in 2014. He was in the military for 30 years before he retired with the rank of Brigadier-General. He served in various capacities within the military and participated in the United Nations
Mustapha. APC governorship aspirant in Rivers State, Dakuku Peterside, would be Minister of Niger Delta. Other appointees are Colonel Hameed Ali (Rtd) as EFCC chairman; National Security Adviser, Gen. A. Dambazau and Presidential Adviser on Agriculture, Prof. Ango Abdullahi. One may unequivocally state that the aforementioned list was the one considered and romanced by APC faithful immediately after the announcement of Buhari as the winner of the March 11, 2015 election. However, slightly 100 days after Buhari, was sworn into oce, he released the long-awaited list of ministerial nominees to the DSS for screening. While this is not the Ànal ministerial list, it is proof that the President is making good in his claim to appoint members of his cabinet before the end of September. He reportedly submitted a list of 36 names to the DSS and by Wednesday September 9, at least 20 of the nominees had been screened. The screening procedure has been a “behind-thescene matter”, which mainly involved a career background check and the examination of records with anticorruption and security bodies. Newswatch Times reliably gathered that former governors Rotimi Amaechi (Rivers State), Kayode Fayemi (Ekiti) and Babatunde Fashola (Lagos) failed the test. Newswatch Times ran checks on the prominent names on the list to write
Continued on Page 53
Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 19, 2015
Attacks on Presidency: Like Tinubu, like Fayose Mansur Oladunjoye, Asst. Politics Editor
igerians who still recall the role former governor Bola Tinubu of Lagos State played in the former President Olusegun Obasanjo’s government (1999-2007) will always be willing to forgive any outburst perceived by some, if not many, to be too negatively directed or otherwise to President Muhammadu Buhari. As perceived by many political pundits, Fayose’s attacks on the President and the Presidency ought to spoil both to action. Like reading the minds of his sympathisers, Fayose, during the week explained that his continuous criticism of Buhari is simply because of his conÀdence that no democracy lasts without a virile opposition. “I put facts on the table, no politician can steal money without the help of the civil servant; we should look inwards. One thing I want you all to realise today is this… I love PMB. People think I hate him, but I don’t. Democracy is founded on opposition. Opposition will keep the government of the day on their toes to do the right thing. “I commended the President on eͿort on Boko Haram. In the last four weeks, it has been positive and there is hope. But I urge the President not to politicise corruption. The law has its process; there are agencies that take care of corruption. We should allow them do their duty without pre-empting them,” he urged. According to some political observers, the rate at which Fayose often descended on Buhari calls to question his (Fayose’s) sanity and genuine desire for the progress of the entity called Nigeria. However, deep thought has ceaselessly revealed that the governor speaks the mind of some Nigerians after all. Notably, Fayose has since the campaign era of the present dispensation, condemned the rising proÀle and public acceptability of the President. For instance, by describing the All Progressive Congress (APC) candidate as a sick man who may not
even go beyond the period (though not the only one on this campaign as it included Fani Kayode). But eventually, when fate smiled on Buhari, Fayose assumed the role of a true democrat and a good opposition for that matter. Speaking through his Special Assistant on Public Communications and News Media, Lere Olayinka, Fayose was quoted to have said, “I wish they can see spiritually what I am talking about that Buhari, despite the hullabaloo will never be president. I predicted my return as Ekiti State Governor and I am saying it again that Buhari will never rule Nigeria again...,” though he won his re-election as predicted, but was wrong on Buhari. As mentioned earlier, Fayose refused to be cowed by the victory of the APC at the presidential polls, but rather than go back into his shelf, he boldly assumed the role of an opposition leader by picking all available holes in Buhari’s government. Firstly, he described the government’s anti-corruption stance as mere noisemaking, witch-hunting and diversionary tactics “to hoodwink the public into overlooking the seeming failure of the government to deliver on its electoral promises.” According to him, “If President Mohammadu Buhari knows exactly where the stolen funds are kept and who looted the funds, he does not need all these public announcements. Rather,
he should make public names of the looters and bring back the purported stolen funds, location of which he has identiÀed. It is when he is able to bring back the money that he should make announcements of recovered funds. “You don’t announce a process to the public. Rather, you announce the results because, that is what is of interest to the people. It is like you are announcing that you know where armed robbers reside, won’t they change their location?” he reasoned. He continued, “What the APC spindoctors and their collaborators in the Presidency are doing is simple. It is such that when there is nothing to tell the people about the rising Boko Haram attacks, dollar and other foreign currencies exchange rates, petrol pump price and other seeming failed promises of the APC federal government, they will accuse former President Goodluck Jonathan and his men of corruption, insult Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and make noise about Àghting corruption. “President Buhari and his men should however know that Nigeria of today is diͿerent from that of 1983 and the system under which they are operating now is also diͿerent. Nigerians are watching and unlike 1983, nothing can prevent them from asking questions, which they are already asking,” he stated. He also alleged that the acting
chairperson of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), Mrs. Amina Zakari is Buhari’s in-law, and cautioned that such appointment poses danger to the nation’s democracy, urging all to rise in defence of the impartiality. He said, “The most honourable thing for President Buhari to do is to rescind the unlawful appointment of Mrs. Zakari as INEC Acting Chairperson.” According to him, “since Mrs Zakari’s tenure as INEC National Electoral Commissioner has expired, she cannot continue to preside legally on INEC aͿairs, except if duly appointed as substantive Chairman of the Commission as provided in Section 154 (1) and (3) of the 1999 Constitution (as amended). “One of the major legacies bequeathed to Nigeria by the immediate past Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) government was free, fair and credible electoral process and President Buhari, who is a beneÀciary of this legacy, must sustain this legacy by ensuring that the impartiality of the electoral umpire is unblemished by suspicions of partisanship and illegal appointments,” he said. He however backed his claim thus, “Two weeks ago, respected former lawmaker and former top civil servant, Alhaji Tanko Yakassai, revealed that he knew Mrs. Zakari since childhood, and that her late father, the former Emir of Kazaure, was married to President Buhari’s elder sister. “Alhaji Yakassai, went on to reveal that President Buhari lived with and spent a signiÀcant part of his early years in the home of Amina Zakari’s father. This is enough establishment of conviviality between Mrs. Zakari and President Buhari, whose party, the All Progressives Congress (APC) will be standing elections with other political parties this year and this will no doubt cast credibility aspersion on any election conducted by INEC headed by Mrs. Zakari,” he reasoned. He argued that Section 153 of the 1999 Constitution (as amended), which established INEC and other Federal Executive bodies did not make any provision for the appointment of Acting Chairman. Continued on Page 50
Sen. Ogunwale, Osun politics: The way out Olumide Lawal
enator Felix Kolawole Ogunwale a.k.a Jumokol, who represented Osun Central District at the National Assembly (2003-2007), is ever relevant and outstanding in State politics as far as political philanthropy and dispensation of favour are concerned. He commands cult-like followership that genuinely gives him unalloyed loyalty. He in turn gives them recognition, appreciation and reckoning. He visits his supporters in the remotest parts of villages to identify with their yearnings and aspirations. Jumokol’s sojourn in politics, that dates back to late 80s and blossomed in 1998, when he became the Ànancial soul of PDP and its alter ego, when the people of Osun and South-West, would not have anything to do with the party, but the defunct Alliance for Democracy (AD). He, along with
a few juggernauts, built the party from obscurity to stardom. The rest, as they say is history. Chief Felix Ogunwale has seen it all. He has experienced political “baptism of Àre” from friends and foes. He endured them with sagacity. But for sometimes now, a lot of people who believe in his school of politics and ideology are demanding his whereabouts and what he is now up to in the political Àrmament of the state; why the long silence and if he is on political sabbatical leave? Other relevant questions, agitating the minds of his vast admirers and to which Jumokol owe an explanation before mischiefmakers take over the day. Flowing from above, it dawned on this writer, out of his own volition to research into Ogunwale’s amiable political past and what the future holds for him as a man, who in the past, has played the eminent role of a kingmaker. He put many people
in appointive and elective oces, even where some of them have become ingrates and turncoats. But the Iragbiji-born politician and sure-footed team player has remained focused, consistent and pragmatic in advancing his political career. He enjoys serving his people, though he is misunderstood by a few, perhaps, because he does not suͿer fools gladly. Between 2003 and 2007 that he was in the Senate as Chairman, Committee on Industry, he impacted tremendously on the lives of the people of Osun Central District so much that the then Governor, Prince Olagunsoye Oyinlola, gave him a letter of commendation as the best Senator from Osun State. Perhaps, this informed the reason why the initial military administration in Osun State at its formative stage, co-opted him into a committee on economic and industrial development of Osun. An assignment he performed
admirably. Rather than diminish, Ogunwale’s grassroot appeals continue to gain ascendancy. It is an unassailable fact, that in 2010, during the Ànal funeral ceremony of his illustrious father, Papa Ogunwale, of blessed memory, Chief Kola Ogunwale, eͿortlessly brought to his ancestral root, Iragbiji, over 70 Àrst class traditional rulers, led by His Imperial Majesty, Oba Lamidi Adeyemi III, AlaaÀn of Oyo. Jumokol created a wave and a record that is still the talk of the town up till today. He asserted that any day, anytime, he is well loved by the low and the mighty. That occasion, just as it was during the installation of his mother, Mama Sinatu Ogunwale as the Iya Adinni of Osun State, proved to be pay back days for the kind gestures, Senator Kola Ogunwale had extended to the people over Continued on Page 50
Saturday, September 19, 2015
Oliseh, toying with Eagles Nations Cup ticket – Akanni Lobi won’t fail Hear tland test
Messi insists there’s still more magic to come >>Pg.18
Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 19, 2015
Maduabuchi Kalu 08080669826
League Watch
Lobi won’t fail Heartland test
obi Stars captain and central defender, Anthony Agbaji, has assured his side will not disappoint at Heartland. The Pride of Benue will be the visitors at Naze Millionaires in the Nigeria Professional Football League (NPFL) match day 30 clash on Sunday at the Dan Anyiam Stadium in Owerri. Agbaji said his side have put behind them the disappointment over match day 29 clash 1-1 draw against Wikki Tourists to concentrate wholly on the clash against Heartland in Owerri. “We have put behind us the disappointment and shocked draw against Wikki Tourists in Makurdi to go to Owerri to ęght for the whole points at stake. “Of course, we are not under pressure at the moment but within ourselves we understand the need to raise our game to win more matches on the road. “Our position on the league log is far from being comfortable so
unshine Stars striker, Kingsley Eduwo, has declared that the title aspiration of his team is still intact despite a recent poor form and they will ęght till the last game of the season. Sunshine Stars slipped to fourth place with 47 points, eight points adrift of leaders Enyimba. But former 3SC striker Eduwo said Sunshine have not yet lost the baĴle to win the league championship. “Our title aspiration
is not over, we are going to ęght back and ęght till the last league match,” Eduwo told AfricanFootball.com “We are still in the race, though our results in past few games have not gone our ways, sometimes it’s like that but we will surely bounce back. “We are a good team, we have got over the loss to Heartland, our spirit is not down, we ready to baĴle till the last day.” Sunshine are away to struggling Kwara United on Sunday.
Nduka wants Dolphins’ scalp
we need more points to shore up our rating. “One of the marked away matches on our calendar is the clash at Heartland though
largely to be diĜcult but we have no choice right now than to ęght hard to earn a decent result at Owerri,” said the Lobi Stars strongman to
supersport.com. The Makudi outęt are 14th on the 20-team top Ěight on 35 points from possible 87 points in the 29-week old league.
Anaemena dismisses title pressure
he chants of ‘Nzogbu Nzogbu Enyimba Enyi’ rent the atmosphere in Aba shortly after centre referee Olayinka Olajide brought the Match Day 29 encounter between Enyimba and Dolphins to an end. The locals who had in their usual manner thronged the Enyimba Stadium in their Royal Blue colours were rewarded with two second half headers that decided a pulsating encounter. Another three points in the bag and another step taken towards securing their ęrst elite division title since 2010. The ęve-year wait strikes every Enyimba fan as being the earnest expectation of a rare Lunar eclipse which oscillates between 30 and 20 years intervals. Nine more matches left in the season and the People’s Elephant maintained their 4-point cushion on top of the standings. Defender Ifeanyi Anaemena sealed the 2-0 win over Dolphins last weekend when he aĴacked an Andrew Abalogu carefully weighed freekick with a powerful header that went into the
Sunshine Stars ’ll fight on, vows Eduwo
roof of the net. In a chat to npĚ.ng after the match, Anaemena says he was delighted with the role he played in the victory. “I thank God, it’s a privilege for me to be a substitute in the team and with the type of conditions we found ourselves. I believed I would contribute well when I get onto the pitch and I am happy to
have proved (to be) a good team member.” begun the towering Anaemena who replaced his injured teammate Abdulrazak Aliyu just before the hour mark of the contest. The former Giwa FC star was quick to shrug oě any talks of his team being under any form of pressure whatsoever having spent ęve (5) Match Days on top of the log prior to Sunday’s
game. “Being on top does not add any pressure on us. We have always had the target of winning the league and we know that in the process, we may lose some games but we are very focused and enjoying the position we are in.” added the Anambra State born centre back who scored for the second time this season on Sunday.
C Taraba head coach, Ndubuisi Nduka, has said his side must up their away record to avoid relegation at the end of the season. The Jalingo outfit will be the guests of Dolphins in Sunday’s Nigeria Professional Football League (NPFL) match day 30 clash at the Liberation Stadium in Port Harcourt. Nduka said the side’s stability on the home front must be replicated with equal performance on the road for them to sleep with both eyes closed. “We need to improve on our away record if we must survive the drop at the end of the ongoing league season. “We have somehow got it right on the home front we must
strive to show same resilience on the road. “Dolphins’ clash is another opportunity for us to get something decent on the road this weekend. “The clash is expected to be tough considering the uncomfortable position of Dolphins on the league log. “However, we are working extremely hard on the Dolphins clash to ensure the end result favours us. “Already we have forgotten the home win against Giwa FC and paying 100% attention on the Garden City clash,” said the former Dolphins coach to supersport.com. FC Taraba are 19th on the league log on 29 points from possible 87 in the 29week old top flight.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 19, 2015
Sports/EURO League
Messi insists there’s still more magic to come
ionel Messi insists there are still many more magical nights to come for him and Barcelona after celebrating his 100th Champions League against Roma on Wednesday night. The Argentinian became the youngest player to reach the milestone when he took to the turf during Barcelona’s 1-1 draw in Italy.
Messi almost celebrated the night with a goal when he crashed the bar late on as Barcelona looked to kick oě the group stages with a win. And although victory eluded him, the 28-year-old took to Facebook to promise fans he still has a lot more European nights left in the tank. ‘I’m really happy to have played 100
games in the best club competition in the world,’ Messi wrote on the social network page. ‘There have been a lot of European nights to remember and there are many more magic nights to come.’ Messi is hoping to win the Champions League for a ęfth time after winning the prestigious competition in 2006, 2009, 2011 and 2015.
Keane: Shaw leg-breaker was ‘brilliant challenge’
Man Utd income drops £38m – but club eye £500m plus
anchester United legend, Roy Keane, has defended the tackle that broke defender Luke Shaw’s leg in two places as “a brilliant challenge”. England international Shaw faces at least six months on the sidelines after his tibia and fibula were both broken during United’s 2-1 Champions League defeat to PSV on Tuesday. Moreno has since defended his firsthalf challenge, while Shaw’s former manager Mauricio Pochettino said the 20-year-old was ‘still crying’ when he contacted him for support 24 hours later. Speaking to ITV1, former Red Devils midfielder Keane backed Moreno and defended the tackle, saying: “I thought it was a brilliant challenge. “I love the physical
side of the game. You can always tell by player reactions and none of the United lads at the time, and players are best judges because they are nearest the tackle, didn’t react over the top thinking it was a bad challenge.
“And when players are travelling that speed, defending like that, injuries are going to happen. I’m surprised there are not more like it. It was more of an accident at the end of with his trailing foot.”
anchester United’s income dropped by 8.8 per cent last season – but the club expect to make more than half a billion this campaign. United’s income fell by £38million from £433.2million – the loss of around £50million in revenues from Europe being partially oěset by an increase in commercial income. The Red Devils, however, are predicting they will become the ęrst English club to break the half-a-billionpounds mark in income this season. United’s executive vice-chairman Ed Woodward said: “As we look to the new season, we are enthusiastic about our strong position, both on and oě
the pitch. “In recent weeks we have further strengthened our squad with an exciting mix of experience and youth, qualięed for the group stage of the UEFA Champions League, and seen an impressive launch of our partnership with adidas. “Our record revenue and EBITDA guidance for 201Ŝ reĚects the underlying strength of our business and
our conędence in its continued growth.” United, owned by the USA-based Glazer family, also announced they will raise another 400million US dollars by selling new shares on the New York Stock Exchange. The move was announced in a ęling to the US Securities and Exchange Commission saying that the club will make 24 million Class A shares available.
Murray takes on Celtic in a game of crossbar challenge
ndy Murray and his Davis Cup teammates swapped the tennis court for the football pitch to take on ScoĴish champions Celtic. The tennis team, who are in Glasgow preparing for the match with Australia this weekend, travelled the short distance from the Emirates Arena to Celtic Park to take part in a crossbar challenge. Each player had to try and hit the crossbar with a shot from just outside the penalty box. The tennis players - Andy and Jamie
Murray, James Ward, Dom Inglot, Kyle Edmund and captain Leon Smith - were up against Celtic players including Stuart Armstrong, Gary Mackay Steven and manager Ronny Deila. After a series of near misses, Celtic coach John Kennedy won the challenge with his second shot in sudden death. New signing Jozo Simunovic also hit the crossbar with his second aĴempt. Great Britain captain Smith urged his players to stick to tennis, although star Murray wasn’t far oě striking the bar.
He said: ‘When you’ve got such a big match coming up at the weekend it’s good to try and do some other things just to alleviate some of the pressure and stress. We’re
walking distance from the Emirates where we’re playing, so it was brilliant and the guys had a great time. ‘I was the worst, there’s no doubt about that, I completely
shanked my ęrst shot. I would say Andy Murray is the best (football) player. When we play ęve-a-sides he shines out, but I’m going to say that aren’t I?’
Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 19, 2015
Oliseh, toying with Eagles Nations Cup ticket – Akanni BABS OYETORO
ormer Super Eagles defensive midęelder, Waidi Akanni, has declared that the Super Eagles will not qualify for the for next African Nations Cup scheduled for Gabon saying coach Sunday Oliseh led technical crew has a lot of work to do to transform the team. Akanni observed that it was apparent that Nigeria did not have quality players again, noting that Oliseh would be deceiving himself if he thinks he could qualify Nigeria for the Nations Cup with these calibre of players. The former Lagos FA boss stressed that football has gone beyond expressing mere sentiment on the pages of the newspapers adding that the time has come for football authorities to put up their thinking
caps; if Nigerian football will rise again. “ uote me, this team cannot qualify for the Nations Cup except if miracle happens. Egypt is on top at the moment winning their two matches comfortably. I don’t see this crop of players going to Egypt to get a draw or saying they want to beat the Pharaohs in Cairo. This is a huge joke. “Besides, l don’t see how this team will survive Chad at home; the same team will struggle to beat at home about two months ago. The reality has done on us that we don’t have a team”, he submiĴed. “I think the time has come for us to return home and begin to work with the domestic players because they are the future of Nigerian football. “It is self delusion if we continue to think
that we have players abroad while we left the domestic football undeveloped. The local league should be the bedrock of our football renaissance” Nigerians are still angry over the team’s lackluster show against Tanzania in the Afcon qualięer as he has been given a mandate to ensure Gabon 2017 is a must-do on his checklist. Member of the Nigeria Football Federation’s Technical CommiĴee member, said that Egypt’s 5-1 win over Chad Yesterday has put Nigeria in a very tight spot. According to him, the Coach cannot aěord to miss out on a place at the Nation’s Cup and must now invite the best legs to ensure the Eagles get at least 4 points in next year’s double header against the Pharaohs.
Yusuf predicts doom for Nigerian football VICTOR ENYINNAYA
aving taken a critical assessment of deployable situation of Nigerian football, former Nigeria Football Association Secretary General (NFA), Dr. Tijani Yusuf issued a warning of impending danger ahead if the situation is not redressed now. Yusuf recalled the lacklustre performance of the Super Eagles against Tanzania in 2017 Africa Cup of Nations qualięer, the U-23 Eagles at the All Africa Games (AAG) men football semięnal match against Burkina Faso and the Super Falcons ouster by Cameroon in the Women football also at the AAG, has warned the handlers of the sides to brace up saying any aĴempt to take maĴer with a loose hand may spell doom for Nigerian football. He frowned at a situation where national team coaches nowadays do more of their job in the media forgeĴing that the position is basically on practical rather than theory.. “They should do
more on their players, tactics and techniques and the general welfare of their players”. ‘’It is not enough to take responsibilities of the obvious failure of a team that started well against arch rivals Ghana only to go down woefully against a Burkina Faso team that on a good day, the Nigerian side would trash silly. It’s really a shame. This is the way
we are presently. We have been told that the leadership of the NFF are in tune with the teams. What had happened to the teams is early pointer to what awaits the country if we postpone prompt overhauling of the entire team. It is an alarm bell tolling. Yusuf insists that none of the national teams can boast of standing team today.
He further described as unfortunate the fact that our coaches now hide under the pretext of rebuilding their teams to sustain their jobs. ‘’Without much ado, Siasia’s U-23 and Danjuma’s Super Falcons have no reason whatsoever to lose their semi-ęnals AAG games against mere Burkina Faso and Cameroon respectively.
Kogi United frowns at O&D rulings Martin Odiete
he Nigeria Football Federation Organising and Disciplinary CommiĴee has awarded three points and three goals to Adamawa United in the controversial match against Kogi United. The development is already generating a lot of fuss in the camp of Kogi United. It would be recalled that the Adamawa United and Kogi United case was one of the cases aĴended to by the commiĴee, which sat at the NFF secretariat last Wednesday in Abuja. The management of Kogi United cried foul over the manner the case was handled by the NFF Organizing and Disciplinary commiĴee, OǭD, saying that the commiĴee did not
do a good job in their investigation before passing judgment. According to a top oĜcial of the Lokoja based club, who pleaded to discuss with this reporter on condition of anonymity stated that they did not commit any of the oěences
they were accused of, maintaining that their fans did not encroach into the ęeld of play as their opponents claimed in their protest leĴer He explained that due to the sensitive nature of the match we needed to educate our fans to
comport themselves before and during the match “It was a surprise when we saw fans storming the pitch at half time. And I want to stress that we do not know those fans and deęnitely they were not our fans. And the policemen on duty did everything within their power to disperse the unruly crowd, and after they were cleared out, Adamawa players refused to come out to continue the match. And the next thing we saw was that they had brought the case to the OǭD,” he said. The Kogi United oĜcial lamented how the OǭD could fall for that simple prank by Adamawa United, and go ahead to award the match to them. “This is indeed not a fair judgment and to tell you that that there is more
to it than meet the eye. As I talk to you we have not been passed the ruling by the NFF and the news is all over the place that the match has been awarded to Adamawa United. How did Adamawa get the information? That is to tell you that they know what they are doing. But we are waiting to get the report of the O and D commiĴee before we determine our next line of action,’ he stressed. And when our reporter visited the secretariat of the Nigeria Football Federation to get the true situation of things, the commiĴee’s secretary, Mr Tunde Aderibigbe conęrmed as of that time that the decision had not been sent to the two clubs as they were still waiting for the General Secretary to sign it before the clubs would be duly informed.
Saturday, September 19, 2015
Saturday, September 19, 2015
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Saturday, September 19, 2015
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Saturday, September 19, 2015
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Saturday, September 19, 2015
Newswatch Times -Tradition built on Truth
Vol. 01, No. 47
Saturday, September 19, 2015
Celebrating women of substance
h ... es wit t u n i Five M
rtis hop A p i H a Fe l i c i
My husband, a unique man – Tochukwu Ezeobi
26 My Love
Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 19, 2015
ho is Tochukwu Ezeobi? I am an ex-banker. I now have a business of my own,I am actually into clothing. I sell children and ladies cloth,and presently I am looking into having a company of my own where we would do distribution of clothes. I am currently in talks with a company that is into importation of fast moving products. I want to be one of their major distributors. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve started this business since I left my banking job,and what I do basically is to sell childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s clothes,and shoes. I am still negotiating with some companies to do business with. Why did you leave the banking industry? I left because I could not combine the banking job with my family. You know the banking job LQ 1LJHULD LV TXLWH KHFWLF :KHQ , KDG P\ ÂżUVW child I was still at the bank,but when I had my second child I couldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t cope with the stress,so I had to think of something else that I could do which would afford me the time to run my family as well as make a little income. So how have you been managing your marriage and business so far? Well, you just have to be able to strike a balance. I have a family to take care of,and a business to run so what I do is to always draw the balance. I know when to focus on family and when to focus on business. I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t allow both to clash. Business time is business time,and family time is family time. How supportive is your husband? Actually he is very supportive. He is always there to assist anytime I ask him for assistance. +H DOVR DGYLVHV DQG DVVLVWV PH ÂżQDQFLDOO\ WRR He is living up to expectation as a husband and friend. How would you describe your marriage? To the Glory of God,I would say I have a very good marriage,because this is my seventh year in marriage,and God has been so great to us. I thank God for my husband. My marriage is good to the Glory of God. What do you think are the keys to a successful marriage? I think it is by understanding each other and being able to accommodate one another,because we are different people from different backgrounds.All you need is understanding. Let that person know that you understand him or her. What do you think about the fashion industry in Nigeria? Well,I think we are growing. Nigeria is a place where a lot of things are welcomed,so I would say Nigeria is a very good place for business. The fashion industry in Nigeria is fast growing. Do you have any advice for ladies out there on how to balance their marriage and career? My advice is for them to draw the balDQFH (YHU\ ZRPDQ ZDQWV WR KDYH ÂżQDQFLDO independence,but at the same time you cannot abandon your family. You should be able to balance your marriage and business well. Presently women donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t want to be housewives anymore,but as much as you donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t want to be ÂżQDQFLDOO\ GHSHQGHQW \RX KDYH WR WDNH FDUH RI your family.If you face just your business and abandon your family,you will regret it at the end of the day.You have to be able to know the time for your business. It is not easy, but you should be able to strike a balance so that none of them would suffer at the end of the day. How challenging is this for you? It is quite challenging,because sometimes you might actually be having family time and your
â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Tochukwu Ezeobi Pretty and stylish fashion expert, Tochukwu Ezeobi is an exbanker who is fast becoming a household name in the fashion industry in Nigeria.The very charming wife and mother has her Â&#x2018;Â&#x2122;Â? Â&#x2C6;Â&#x192;Â&#x2022;Â&#x160;Â&#x2039;Â&#x2018;Â? Â&#x2018;Â&#x2014;Â&#x2013;ƤÂ&#x2013;ÇĄÂ&#x2122;Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2021; Â&#x2022;Â&#x160;Â&#x2021; Â&#x2020;Â&#x2021;Â&#x192;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2022; Â&#x2039;Â? Â&#x2026;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2018;Â&#x2013;Â&#x160;Â&#x2039;Â?Â&#x2030; Â&#x192;Â?Â&#x2020; Â&#x192;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2021;Â&#x2022;Â&#x2022;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2039;Â&#x2021;Â&#x2022; for children and ladies. In this interview with QISMAT YINUS,she speaks about her marriage,business,and life in general.
business will be calling for your attention,and as such time you need to know how to manage it. It is quite challenging but you need the ability to know when to draw the line.This is very crucial. With wisdom from God,you will be able to strike a balance and none of them will suffer. Where do you see your business in the next ÂżYH \HDUV" ,Q WKH QH[W ÂżYH \HDUV , VHH P\ EXVLQHVV HPploying a lot of people,because unemployment rate in Nigeria is on the high side. I see P\ EXVLQHVV LQ WKH QH[W ÂżYH \HDUV HPSOR\ing a lot of young people and paying them well. I see my business far bigger than what it is right now. This will require giving it all it takes,nurturing it,and the help of God Almighty. How would you describe your husband? My husband is a very loving man. He is somebody that looks out for me. He watches my back,cares for me,and sometimes goes out of his way to do things that I never imagine he could do. He does everything that makes me happy. He makes me feel so good ,because he cares for me,and knows when Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m not happy. He can almost empty his pocket to get me something very good. $UH \RX IXOÂżOOHG DW WKH PRPHQW RU GR \RX IHHO tempted to go back to the banking industry? :HOO , ZRXOGQÂśW VD\ , DP IXOÂżOOHG EHFDXVH , DP still looking forward to a lot of things. I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t see myself going back to banking,because it is quite demanding. Apart from that I just want to be an entrepreneur with a business of my own. I believe I can do it and my name will be heard just like the Dangoteâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s and the rest
even-though I am a woman. That does not matter,what matters is what you give to your business,and where God takes you. +RZ GR \RX GHÂżQH VW\OH" Style is actually relative. It has to do with you. Style is different from fashion . It is who you are ,and want people to see. A lot of people have different styles. What is your favorite fashion accessory? Ear-rings. I love long ear-rings,because they bring out your face. I also love shoes. What is your philosophy of life? 3XW *RG ÂżUVW LQ HYHU\WKLQJ \RX GR ,I *RG LV not in anything you do then it is nothing. How do you relax? I relax in my house. I am not an outdoor person. I actually look for every opportunity to be with my children. I join them in watching cartoons and musicals. I am an indoor person. If you werenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t a businesswoman what would you be doing? Probably a teacher,because I remember when I was in school we used to see teachers as mini gods- people that we look up to. They are people to be respected. They help in nurturing young lives to be great tomorrow. So if I wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t doing this I would probably be a teacher. If you had to come back to this world,would you marry your husband all over? Yes. The most important thing is that my husband cares about my happiness. Just by looking at my face he knows when I am not happy. When he goes out he buys me things,and there is nothing he has ever bought that I did not like. My husband can empty his pocket for me.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 19, 2015
Five Minutes with ...
‘Talent Hunt’ exposed my singing ability –Felicia, Hip hop Artiste
CTO ochMy L VEukw ove. .. > Ru
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F e li ci a is a n im m e n se ly ta le n m u si ci a n w te d h o h a s ca rv e d a n ic fo r h e rs e lf he . In th is in te ra ct io n w H E N RY E N it h E G E D E , sh e sp e a k s a b h e r p a ss io n out fo r m u si c, a sp ir a th e d e si re to b re a k in to th ti o n s a n d e b ig le a g u o f m u si ci a n e What are those challenges you have had since s in N ig e ri a . E x ce rp ts :
hen did the desire to be a musician start? I think the desire started since childhood. As a child, I had always wanted to sing especially during thanksgiving on Sundays in my church. I also sang to myself even while in the bathroom or in any part of the house. Eventually, as I grew up, I became a backup singer to some gospel artistes in Bonny and Port Harcourt. I also attended some auditions both in Port Harcourt and Enugu. How long have you been in the music industry? Hmmm, professionally about two years.
you started as a musician?
You should know those things now. Anyway, getting sponsorship and how to break into Lagos market and make waves has been challenging. If I am able to overcome them, then the sky will not even be my limit. Do you have any albums at the moment? No not yet, but I have a single that is making waves here in Port Harcourt. Hopefully, before the year runs out, my album should be out. How often do you perform in live shows? Yeah, I do a lot of shows in Bonny and Port Harcourt. Have u been signed up to any record label?
FEM ININ PG. E STOR 36-3 Y.. . 7
THE TEAM Published by
Newswatch Times Ltd. Publisher
tunde ESO
qismat YINUS Production Editor
taiwo BERNARD Head Graphics
olukayode OGUNJOBI Graphic Artists
henry ENEGEDE/ chinwe DURUEKE
Newswatch Times, Satruday, September 19, 2015
Five Minutes with...
Continued from Page 27
Not yet, right now it is just my manager and I, but if any record label comes around, that will be good. And if not, I will still be here in Port Harcourt doing what I know how to do best.
What inspires you to keep doing what you are doing? Like I said earlier, I did a lot of backups until I met Rexona Zipamor, aka Dr Rex. He gave me song which he had written, but was searching for a female backup. Fortunately, when I was chosen as the 5th runner up in a talent hunt in Port Harcourt, I knew and believed right then I could sing. From there, I tried to improve on myself to be able to make a name.
Can we know you please? My name is Felicia Tellaattoni, from Bonny Island, Rivers State. I am the fourth child from a family of eight. I grew up in Bonny where I had my nursery, primary, and secondary education. I then relocated to Port Harcourt, but studied Purchasing and Supply in Oko Polytechnic, Nekede. Lastly, what message do you have for Nigerian youths? They should stay focused and work hard because nobody will do it for you. 3XW *RG ÀUVW DQG HYHU\ RWKHU thing will follow. Don’t allow anyone to talk you down and say you are not good enough. It takes time, EXW \RX ZLOO ÀQDOO\ JHW WKHUH Thank you very much for having me here.
The Counselor Bimpe Onwuchekwa
Diligence is being judicious with time & resource
xxxxxxxxxx B
eing careful, persistent and conscientious at one’s work and duties is like it, really. You are certainly full of vision, mission and strategy for execution; this is so for the diligent. He is thorough, full of skill and expertise. He is judicious with time all the resources at his disposal. His living is governed by rules and regulations. He is full of research and findings for greater discoveries for exploits. He’s acquainted with all the necessary information needed at every point to be resourceful. He is objective, decisive and addresses mistakes with scrutiny. He’s a reproach of the slot and a detest of the failure. What a child will become in the immediate future is guided by the culture and character built for him. A purposeful child should be trained to place a good deal of value on the way and manner activities are handled and performed in details. Also paying attention to the smallest details as tasks are given to them. For example, while we were children, when we were sent on an errand, the instructions of what to buy were repeated by the adult, we would repeat after the adult, then recite the instructions all the way to the place of purchase for perfect delivery of the task. This helps the child in remembering and recapitulating in details the instructions given by the adult. Homework given to the children at school should be done by them with concentration and supervision. Projects should be done and attended to with little assistance from the adult. Accomplishment at every tasks should be encouraged. Even when children are aware that some subject are more applicable or at preference over the other,not withstanding, every subject deserves their best efforts. Chores should be made with diligence. When a child washes dishes and pots, there is need for speed, being careful and thorough, making sure all the dishes are well washed, rinsed and ensuring no breakage. Clothes should be washed and checked for leftover stains before spreading. Every splash or drop of water on the floor should be moped and cleaned to prevent accidents or stench on rugs or carpets as the case may be. Children need to be taught the art of planning today about what to do tomorrow. When, why how, which first, the needed tools and so on. This would put their faculty to work other than for academics only and allow for their independence emergence. An independent child is diligent in all. Children should be conversant with these words;dexterity, perfection, conscientious, careful, improve, initiative, persistent,
prompt, accomplishment, maintain, manage, improvise, innovation and many more. My mum used to say “what is worth doing at all,is worth doing well”. After they execute a task,children need acknowledgement, appreciation, reward once in a while and motivation sometimes when they are reluctant. Motivation comes with tease, reminder of precious rewards, previous approach of appreciation and so on. Always follow up on task given, to alert them and keep them on their toes. For instance, a visit to their room would mostly create reasons to instruct on what to do. Give instructions and directions on how things should be done. Go back to check later how far and how well the instructions have been adhered to. Contributions should be allowed from them on how best to execute a task. With their contribution, a sense of commitment and diligence is actualised. Don’t shut them down,let them voice their thoughts. Listening to children is important, to bring about confidence and esteem in them. These days, children are usually over pampered. Parents do not know the difference between pampering and the stage of rendering their children redundant and idle. Remember “ an idle mind is Satan’s workshop “. When the mental faculty is used up, while the other aspects of their being is under utilised. They grow up becoming unfulfilled about life. They would always have unilateral expectations and line of excitements. Like birthdays, anniversaries, graduation from one class to another and so on. There’s no short term based excitement and accomplishment. Even games are mostly IT based this days,unlike outdoor games which are performed on playground and fields. This allows the children interact,exercise,learn and mix freely with other children,thereby aiding and improving their agility. Infact some schools never utilise their playground, believing all the children need is academic excellence. Excitement gotten from repair of gadgets, maintainance of various things, construction of things ,pilling of things,packaging items,stacking toys and other items, transferring materials, mending, various measurements techniques and many more. These should be encouraged so that when they are older than they will be interested in their use of hands ( manipulative skills). After a child has been sourced out for strengths, he’s then taught to be diligent at it. Frequent assessment of what children do bring about innovation, improvisation and short cuts to task tackling there by making them diligent at performance of whatever they find themselves doing. A diligent child will be quick to becoming a skilled,reliable coordinated youth. Honesty,punctuality and loyalty is the watch word for a diligent youth. A diligent youth is submissive to authorities, other people’s ideas and he’s given to initiative. He’s on the look out for information and criticism to be better of at handling tasks. A youth that has been brought up to be diligent will be spontaneous
and original in disposition. He will know how to choose his friends, mentors, role models and partners. Partners for business especially. He wouldn’t make random choices but with analysis of their strengths and weaknesses, to know if they would be complementary to achieving greater heights. Kings, leaders, achievers and pioneers are their choice for identity. He’s able to sense crises swiftly and promptly, he looks before he leaps and he’s able to ascertain people’s mistakes to his advantage . A diligent youth is out to break records, stand out and be his best at every stage of accomplishments. Every one receives revelation, a diligent man executes it. He studies and understands terms sharply. A diligent man upholds the law and order of his country ,appreciates the use and technicality of hierarchical administration. A couple that has imbibed the necessary virtue of being diligent will certainly breed a successful and excellent home, since it’s with diligence that wisdom and understanding are found and attained. A man whom with his wife is complementary with diligence will surmount issues in their marriage with ease. Whatever comes up will be handled with the necessary dedication, commitment and scrutiny. They are careful sensitive about each other’s feelings, impression and fears. The diligent couple will never give up until there is a solution. They are usually optimistic and enduring. A diligent man would hardly not find something doing to make ends meet. Being diligent at service rendering, using his gifts and talents judiciously will certainly payoff eventually. They go to any level to service their relationship ; giving gifts when necessary, affection when and how appropriate, render various acts of service, always and being consistent at communication. Their home culture would be based on “ garbage in garbage out”, law of sowing and reaping, action and reaction are equal and opposite. Their children will easily take responsibility for their actions, they will be purposeful, they will be “ go getter”. Obstacles for them becomes a stepping stone into greater heights. While I was growing up,there was a home I went for holidays. Diligence was on the move, all over. Every one had their chores, including the parents. No matter how busy the man seemed, he had time to oversee what happened around his children. Most of the time he was the one who picks me at my house. His children were good at various musical instruments, the girls during holidays learnt various trades like fashion designing, cake making, bead making and so on. They also had lesson teachers. Every aspect of their interest given attention and annexed. They are all professional now,infact all are engineers and with knowledge in other areas of their interest. So along with their employment, they have other sources of income,since they used their hands at free time. They were a diligent oriented family.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 19, 2015
Trend Alert: High gladiator sandals Qismat Yinus
Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 19, 2015
Love Tips
Bernard Taiwo e-mail:bentoville@yahoo.com 0806143683
Misconceptions Nigerian women have about ‘husband material’
ho is a “husband material” and what makes him one? The slang suggests that a man is good enough to be a husband for any woman or he’ll automatically change from being who he is after marriage. This one-sided and false idea has led many single ladies into believing there’s only one kind of man who’s good for marriage. According to Madamenoire here are some wrong ideas women have about ‘husband material’: 1. He must have a stable paying job, being an entrepreneur and doing his own thing doesn’t cut it. Single ladies forget that all he needs is ambition and passion. 2. He needs to be a manager in a big company with a high salary. With the only constant thing being change, a man can lose his job or company in a blink of an eye. What keeps him going is creativity. 3. He must have a good rapport with his immediate family. Some single women believe that a man from a broken home will never make a good husband. 4. He must know how to act appropriately in public. Single women have the idea of a suit and tie guy who should always say the right things, they forget that these men have to be themselves.
5. He must know how to cook, go shopping and do all the things you love to do. Single ladies, the fact you don’t share the same hobbies, doesn’t imply that he has no love for you. Try to find something you both love doing and enjoy the hobby together. 6. He hasn’t had numerous sexual partners. As long as he’s faithful , honest and never abused ladies in his past,
then you are good to go. 7. He shouldn’t party anymore. If he loves to party for fun, then do it with him. 8. He must have a strong presence. Single ladies have a ridiculous idea that someone who is ‘husband material’ must command respect everywhere he goes. He should first be a father figure, listening and not tearing others down.
Ways to get over constant disappointments in relationships
etting your heart broken over and over again in relationships leaves you disappointed, leaving you to settle for less and accepting whatever comes your way. We love to have expectations of how we should be treated in relationships but you can’t get such treatment when you are constantly with people who don’t deserve you. This constant dissatisfaction in relationships leaves you expecting less or nothing. You are not Cinderella waiting for her Prince Charming which means you have to overcome this kind disappointment for the one who deserves you to come around. According to Elite Daily, here are 5 ways to get over constant disappointments in relationships: 1. Don’t seek for Ms. or Mr Perfect there’s no one like that, find someone who makes an effort. 2. Be the ideal person you want to be in a relationship with. Work on your flaws and improve your good points, you can’t disappoint yourself this way. 3. Reduce your list of expectations from the qualities you want to the qualities you need but never lower your standards. 4. Keep your friends close, they are like your second eye and will relieve you of any pain if your relationship doesn’t work out eventually. 5. Don’t be scared to walk away if you are constantly being let down by your partner and can’t take it anymore. Since you have an option, you won’t be disappointed if your relationship goes south.
Newswatch Times, Saturday September 19, 2015
op entertainers such as RemiQLVFH 7LPL 'DNROR LFH DQG many others treated football lovers and other fun seekers to an unforgettable at the recently held Celebrity Fans Challenge. Put together by popular sports FDVWHU .LLEDWL %DQNROH WKH QLJKW ZLWQHVVHG WKH DWWHQGDQFH RI WRS ÂżJXUHV VXFK DV 6HJXQ $ULQ]H )UHG $PDWD ,OOEOLVV ,' &DEDVD )UDQN (GRKR 6DP 6RGMH 0DWKHZ (GDIH %LROD .D]HHP DQG PDQ\ others.
Reminisce, Timi Dakolo, 9ice, & more thrill fans at Celebrity Fans Challenge
Jahbless accuses Timaya of theft, threatens court suit
face Idibia has opened up on why he changed his mind and got married. Speaking recently on why KH ÂżQDOO\ JRW PDUULHG WR $QQLH KH VDLG Âł,ÂśP QRW VXUSULVHG +RQHVWO\ EDFN LQ WKH GD\V LW KDG come across my mind one or two times to propose to KHU EXW VRPHKRZ LW JRW WR D SRLQW ZKHUH , ZDV OLNH ,ÂśP not going to get married. Even before I started having NLGV , KDG DOUHDG\ VDLG ,ÂśP QRW JRLQJ WR JHW PDUULHG Âľ%HIRUH WKHQ WKHUHÂśV EHHQ RQH RU WZR WLPHV ZKHUH , DOPRVW SURSRVHG WR $QQLH %XW , MXVW VDLG QR QR QR EHFDXVH , MXVW WKRXJKW , ZDVQÂśW JRLQJ WR EH IDLWKIXO , wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t going to be good enough. I had always thought I wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t going to be the best man for any woman; so EHFDXVH RI WKDW , MXVW WKRXJKW ,ÂśP QRW JRLQJ WR JHW PDUULHG ,ÂśP MXVW JRLQJ WR OLYH P\ OLIH´
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Why I was single for longâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; - 2face
he most famous of the Kadrashian/ Jenner clan, Kim Kardashian has revealed why she wears long coats during pregnancy. The expectant mother dished out her secret on her new website. She says it has to do with her pregnancy. This time around, I know what I like plus, I am confident and not trying to hide my bump. I actually want to accentuate it,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;And yes, long coats to cover my fat arms and a*s! Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s such a trip how your body grows and changes, and at the end of the day, you have to wear what you are comfortable in and what you feel good in. I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t care what the weather is, I will always wear my coats. I am always freezing, so it works out perfectly for me!â&#x20AC;&#x2122;
By AJIBADE ALABI e-mail: murphyaa_2007@yahoo.com
Ajibade Alabi 08023934887
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m enjoying celibacy statusâ&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Chika Ike fter declaring publicly 5months ago of being celibate, Nollywood actress Chika Ike, seems to still maintain that claim as she revealed in an interview with a national newspaper recently. She claimed she is enjoying her current status. But when asked if she is enjoying her break from sex, she retorted, â&#x20AC;&#x153;No, not at all (laughter). Sex is not part of my beauty routine right now. I just want to focus on my movie, Nwa Teacher, and the reality show, African Diva. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m very determined. If I make up my mind to do something, I face it. I decided to be celibate for now and Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m enjoying it.
HWHUDQ 1ROO\ZRRG DFWUHVV %LPER $NLQWROD LV VHW WR KHU RZQ WDON show. She made this known to Tripling that she is currently on set on the (EROD PRYLH Âś 'D\VÂś DQG GLVFORVHG WKDW the television show will be coming up early 2016. She however did not reveal the title RI WKH WDON VKRZ 7KH 7KHDWUH $UWV JUDGXate of the University of Ibadan has a lot of experience in television presentation. She is RQH RI WKH KRVWV RI 7KH $PD]RQV DORQJVLGH UHQRZQHG EURDGFDVWHU $LVKD )DORGH DQG 'RODSR $ZRVLND
Bimbo Akintola to launch TV talk show
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Yoruba Dayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; holds in Italy
Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 19, 2015
Kim K explains why she wears long coats during pregnancy
Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 19, 2015
More Tripping...
Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 19, 2015
Qismat Yinus 51
Man United Manager Louis Van Gaal attends dinner in custom-made Bentley
anchester United manager Louis van Gaal arrived for a celebratory dinner on Sunday night - in style. Just hours after seeing his club beat Liverpool, the Dutch manager took his wife and a family member to dinner in this stunning Bentley with personalized W1 NGS number plate.
Mo Abudu celebrates 51st birthday in style
bonylife founder Mo Abudu hosted a low-key but special celebration with close friends at her home in Lagos to celebrate her 51st birthday. Guests at the party included designer Lanre DaSilva-Ajayi, Adebola Williams, Veronica EbieOdeka, Rotimi Amaechi and Poonam Dalamal.
Omotola, daughter stun at Elite Model Look 2015
otola Jalade-Ekeinde ollywood actress Om , Meraiah, hter and her second daug opped tops at the cr in t both stepped ou last which held in Lagos 15 20 ok Lo el od M ite El quite stunning as they weekend. They looked in style. e stepped into the venu
Lil Wayne, Christina Milian split il Wayne and Christina Milian are no longer an item. According to reports, the couple split after dating for a year. The split is said to be amicable and their busy schedule has been blamed for their break up. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s unclear when exactly they split because they were still together when Christinaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s sister lost her baby prematurely last month.
Newswatch TImes, Saturday, September 19, 2015
Fashion Extra
Wearing it on the thumb symbolize
Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 19, 2015
daeze Yobo (born Adaeze Stephanie Chinenye Igwe) is a former Most Beautiful Girl in Nigeria, and is also a step-daughter of former football player John Fashanu, who is now married to her mother. She pursued her childhood dream by representing Anambra in the MBGN pageant with 29 other girls. Like Ann Suinner before her, Yobo’s platform was Sickle Cell Awareness; she also used her reign as a platform to showcase Nigerian talent. Apart from winning five million naira, a Hyundai car, and endorsement deals, Awka-Etiti-native Yobo represented Nigeria at Miss World 2008 in South Africa. She made the top twenty in Miss World Talent, and placed second in Miss World Sports. During her reign, Yobo established her own.
n most societies, it is rare to find women with “beauty with brains”. Over the years, Nigeria has produced several beautiful and brainy women who have carved a niche for themselves. Here is an exclusive list of ten beauties with brains.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 19, 2015
ac tr es s ia n m od el , a is a N ig er w lu no e ca m e to ku bu fi na lis t. Sh ig er ia U SA up pr im ar ew an d M is s N gr an d e ag e of 5, e th Sh at . a es ic at A m er ni te d St st of th e U h in as te rn C oa ea ks E ng lis sp ily on th e E e Sh n. re ild ch in g o av tw H of ba . is th e fi rs t ge of Yo ru ti ve la ng ua ic al na ed r m he e to th in ad di ti on ho ar e bo th fr om h pa re nt s w s it w on ti up bi n am gr ow d di ff er en t un ol uw a ha in te re st s in fi el d, Ib uk fr om ha vi ng de si A e. va ri ag g un yo ld co m pi le a ve ry he n sh e w ou w , 11 at e , sh al so si gn fa sh io n de r he r ba bi es se w th em fo d an g, ac ti ng , es in ch ng , si ou s sk et ee rl ea di ng ch e, nc da ac k an d in so ft ba ll, tr pa rt ic ip at ed or ts su ch as sp s ou ri va pi an o an d
te nn is .
Feminine clips
arego hails from Abonnema bonnema in Rivers state. She was born into a ldren and raised family of eight children
as sent to boardin D-line. At ten, Darego was ing school in a bid to shield her from her cer. Her mother mother who had breast cancer. died two years later, and shee has spoken off or the future ree . A Ass how the loss prepared her for future. o be a a teenager, Darego longed to ermodel, and despite her conseruvative father’s wishes, she auditioned for the M-Net Facee off on,, Africa modelling competition, albut was not chosen as a finalnd-ist. After finishing her secondary education, she attended University of Port Harcourtt where she studied Computerr Science and Mathematics. rld d After her reign as Miss World she was represented by the London and Paris branches of Next Model Management nand landed a three-year conngg tract with L’Oréal, becoming only the second Black modell to accomplish this feat afterr Vanessa Williams.
debisi was crowned the first Miss Nigeria UK last year and the young beauty queen is intent on making every moment count. From combating stereotypes with her infectious smile and the recent launch of her social enterprise Young, Gifted Initiative (YGI), this is one young queen who plans to keep reigning with or without a title.
PAThis i G SAs for E LE
Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 19, 2015
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First Lady, Lagos State/Chairman, Committee of Wives of Lagos State Officials (COWLSO), Mrs. Bolanle Ambode (2nd left); Wives of Kebbi &Niger States Governors; Hajia Zainab Bagudu (left); Hajia Aminat Abubakar Sanni Bello (2nd right) and Chairman, Organising Committee, COWLSO, Mrs. Rhoda Ayinde (right) during the opening ceremony of the annual National Women Conference organized by COWLSO, in Lagos…On Wednesday.
L-R Assistant Brand Manager, Maltina, Ms. Phoebe Larry-Izamoje; Brand Manager Goldberg, both of Nigerian Breweries Plc, Mr. Mfon Bassey; Vice Chairman, Ojude Oba organizing committee, Chief Olu Ouboyejo; Chairman, Ojude Oba organizing committee Otunba Wahab Osinusi and others at a press conference on Ojude Oba Festival in Ijebu Ode, Ogun State.
Corporate Affairs Manager, West Nigerian Breweries Plc, Mr. Tayo Adelaja and Mrs. Bisi Oshibogun, a member of the Ojude Oba organizing committee at the event. Lagos State Governor, Mr. Akinwunmi Ambode (2nd left) his wife/Chairman, Committee of Wives, Lagos State Officials (COWLSO), Mrs. Bolanle Ambode (right), Wife of the First Military Governor of Lagos State, Mrs. Funmilayo Johnson (left) and Kebbi State Governor, Alhaji Atiku Bagudu (2nd right) during the opening ceremony of the conference.
Ogun State Governor, Senator Ibikunle Amosun, presenting a birthday card to his Deputy, Chief (Mrs. Yetunde Onanuga to commemorate her 55th birthday at the Exco chamber Governor’s Office Abeokuta recently
:Ogun State Governor, Senator Ibikunle Amosun (3rd Right) assisting her Deputy Chief Mrs. Yetunde Onanuga (3rd Right) and supported by Secretary to the State Government Bar. Taiwo Adeoluwa, (1st Left) Speaker State House of Assembly (2nd Left) Head of Service 2nd Right and a permanent secretary at the state Civil Service Mr. Adeyemi, during the event.
Female participants in a group photograph with the President/Chairman Governing Council, IIM, Ambassador (Dr.) Oyedokun Oyewole
Male participants in a group photograph with the President/Chairman Governing Council, IIM, Ambassador (Dr.) Oyedokun Oyewole. Photos: Abiodun Omotosho
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 19, 2015
CALL 08057482794
is Th GE PAis for E L
Chairman Nigeria Labour Congress Osun (NLC), Comrade Jacob Adekomi (middle), Chief of Staff to the Governor, Alhaji Gboyega Oyetola (right), and Head of Service Mr. Sunday Owoeye, during the signing of memorandum of understanding between NLC and Osun State Government on the payment of workers salary in Osogbo.
Special Adviser on Media & Publicity to the President, Mr. Femi Adesina (left), presenting a portrait to the Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Lagos State, Mr. Habib Aruna during at the occasion.
Chief of Staff to the Governor, Alhaji Gboyega Oyetola addressing journalists after the event.
R-L: Chairman, NUJ Lagos State Council, Mr. Deji Elumoye; Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Lagos State, Mr. Habib Aruna; former Special Adviser, Lagos State Ministry of Information & Strategy, Mr. Lateef Raji and General Manager, Lagos Television, Mr. Deji Balogun at the occasion.
L-R: Publisher, Beyond The Horizon, Olaitan Victor; Chief Executive Officer, iRead Mobile Library, Mrs. Funmi Ilori; Lecturer of University of Lagos, Dr. Abiola Akiyode-Afolabi and Health Communication Coordinator, Society for Family Health, Emmanuel Olaoti.
L-R: Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Airtel Nigeria, Mr. Segun Ogunsanya; Best Coach of the tournament, Awin Christopher of Team Port Harcourt and Tuface Idibia at the finals of Airtel Rising Stars Season 5 held at Yaba Tech Sports Complex Lagos…recently.
Traditional fashion parade contestants celebrating Nigerian culture and identifying with their roots last Sunday, when the Word and Spirit Assembly Church, located in Satellite -Town, Lagos, held its Traditional Sunday in grand style
Ex Nigerian International, Anne Chiejine with the Chief Commercial Officer, Airtel Nigeria, mr. Maurice newa presenting the most valuable award to Etti Solomon of Team Port Harcourt at the
Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 19, 2015
My Kitchen
Qismat Yinus
Talking Nutrition with CHIZOBA BENSON
0806.565.1922 (sms only) chizobanwobu@yahoo.com
Start your day with lime water
he lime with botanical name citrus aurantifolia is one of the most populous citrus juices found in the Nigerian market. It is a tropical fruit that is native to Asia. It is a diet-friendly and heart friendly ingredient that is low in calories, fat-free with bags of other nutritional importance. For better health, one of the most important changes you can make is to start your day with a glass of warm water, adding a tablespoon or half cut freshly squeezed lime juice to it without any sweetener, this may be taken an hour before breakfast. Limes are very rich in vitamin C, which is an antioxidant nutrient. Vitamin C supports the immune system function and helps protect the cells from damage caused by free radicals. According to the National Cancer Institute, free radicals are charged atoms which can be formed when oxygen interacts with certain molecules. Once formed, they can react with important components within the cells such as DNA and cell membranes thus, impairing their function. Vitamin C also aids in the formation of collagen, a protein that plays a vital role in the production of blood vessels, skin, tendons, ligaments and cartilage. Vitamin C is important in healing wounds and fractures of bones; facilitates absorption of iron; and increases resistance to diseases and infections such as scurvy and common cold which may develop into cough, allergies, etc. They have high mineral contents such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and potasssium. Calcium prevents rickets and aids bone formation; magnesium is a cofactor in enzymatic release of energy and also helps to regulate and normalize the heart health; phosphorus aids formation of bones and teeth, helps form membranes and genetic materials, maintenance of body’s proper acid/base balance and also aids nerve/muscle function. Potassium helps to regulate Áuid balance, muscle contraction and aids in the function of the heart and kidneys. Lime is regarded a very good treatment aid of digestive disorders such as chest burns, vomiting, indigestion, burning in the chest due to high acidity and constipation especially when it is taken Àrst thing at mornings. It helps to prevent peptic ulcers and also assists in the assimilation of fats, alcohol and establishing excessive bile produced by the liver. Lime water has an alkalizing as it helps enables the body maintain a higher pH. The higher or more alkaline the pH, the greater chance that the inner terrain will be resistant to minor and major diseases. There are disease-Àghting compounds found in limes known as limonoids. According to the U.S. Agricultural Research Service, the body can readily absorb and use a speciÀc long-acting limonoid called limonin to induce cancer cell death and may be particularly beneÀcial for protecting against cancers of the skin, breast, mouth, lung, colon and stomach. Studies have also shown that lime helps dilute uric acid, which if it accumulates it creates arthritic pain and joint pains. It is a remedy for swollen gums, piles, insect stings, eye disorders such as old age cateract, weight reduction, etc. They have antibiotic properties shown to protect against the contraction of cholera, a research published in an article: “Tropical Medicine and International Health,” shows that drinking lime juice with the main meal protected participants against cholera disease.
Preparing goat meat pepper soup as nutritional delicacy
oat meat pepper soup is one of the popular Nigerian pepper soup
recipes. Like most Nigerian pepper soups, it is hot and spicy. The only difference is the use of goat meat (as the name implies). Goat meat has a distinct smell that differentiates it from other meats. To prepare the soup, all edible parts of the goat can be used. It is very common to see assorted parts of the goat used for preparing the soup such as the offal (tongue,liver, kidney or heart), but in the absence of assorted parts, you can make use of the red meat alone.
Ingredients: *500 g goat meat...cut into small sizes *2 spoonful ground pepper soup spices *Habanero/Chilli pepper/ (to taste) *2 teaspoonful dry uziza/basil leaves (optional) *1 tablespoonful of ground crayfish *2 Stock cubes /seasoning cubes *1 medium onion bulb(chopped) * Salt - to taste *Water (as needed) Preparation:
* If you don’t have the prepacked pepper soup spices, Goat meat is known as ‘’chev- you can prepare you own pepper soup spices. on /mutton’’ in international markets. To prepare the pepper soup: Here’s how to make a tasty * First, clean and season goat meat pepper soup: the meat pieces with chopped
onions, seasoning cubes and salt to taste. Leave the meat to simmer in its own juice for 5 minutes, then add a little water and cook for 30 minutes on medium heat. * After 30 minutes, add enough water to cover the meat(depending on how much ‘’soup’’ you want). Taste for salt, and if need be, add extra salt and the remaining seasoning cube. Then add the ground pepper soup spices, ground crayfish, pepper and the chopped uziza/ basil leaves; mix thoroughly and cook for 5 minutes or until the meat is tender or well cooked. Now you have a delicious pepper soup. Serve hot and enjoy. Goat meat pepper soup can be served alone as a meal or as a yummy side dish with eko (agidi), agidi jollof, boiled yams, potatoes or boiled plantains.
Saturday, September 19, 2015
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Saturday, September 19, 2015
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Saturday, September 19, 2015
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Saturday, September 19
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 19, 2015
Politics Election imbroglio in Benue, who wins?
Godwin Akor, Makurdi
fter losing the senatorial election of 2015 to Senator Barnabas Gemade, the immediate past governor of Benue state, Gabriel Suswam, said he would not drag his opponent to the election petition tribunal even in the face of alleged irregularities, conspiracies and outright sell out. However, the same Suswam had instructed his team of lawyers to approach the arbiter – the court. He had also gathered his facts and Àgures on the malpractices that allegedly took place during the election in many of the local governments in the Benue North-East Senatorial District. It was authoritatively gathered during the collation of results at the Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC, oce in Makurdi that collation and returning ocers for many of the places alleged that they slept in the bush for some days because of security threats, but failed to tell journalists and observers what happened to the results within that period. Many of them said some of the results were cancelled because of irregularities. It would be recalled that Suswam had told newsmen that he won’t seek redress in court over his loss and that of his party the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), only for his lawyers to later Àle petition against the election of Gemade, though the former governor ordered its withdrawal. It was rumoured that Suswam withdrew the petition because he knew he didn’t have a good case, but political analysts in the state had diͿerent views. Before people could form a more reliable opinion on why the petition was withdrawn, Tarzor, the PDP governorship candidate the April 11, 2015 instructed his lawyers to challenge the election of Mr Samuel Ortom of the APC. This instruction brought another line of argument or rather, confusion as Suswam and the person he had backed as the PDP candidate for the election started working at cross purposes. Some people began to wonder why a former governor would prefer to keep mute over his loss in an election on which he spent so much money. Perhaps, Tarzor’s lawyers and party supporters saw a good case in the petition Àled by him. To the surprise of many, Suswam made no comment on why he had said he and Tarzor would
not drag Gemade and Ortom to court after the election, but Tarzor decided to go to court. Some of the those who stood for the APC governorship race, but lost out to Ortom went to court. Prominent among them was two time member of the House of Representatives and lawyer, Mr Emmanuel Jaime and one time controversial Senator of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Chief JKN Waku, who strongly felt that they had been short-changed on the issue of the party’s primaries. As Tarzor’s case was going on, the Jime/Waku case too was also on. Wellmeaning members of the APC felt that Ortom and the APC should not be facing two cases at the same time. Moreover, they felt that the ongoing Jime/Waku case in Abuja would make the governor to have divided attention. Some people still argued that Jime became very serious about his case against Ortom because a judgment delivered against Ortom would strengthen Tarzor’s case, but the overall implication of the two cases was the amount of money the state government would spend on them. Already, Ortom and the APC had engaged some Senior Advocates of Nigeria to represent them at the Abuja and Makurdi cases in the face of the huge debts he said he inherited because of arrears of salaries, pension and gratuity and contracts. The saying that he who wears the shoe knows where it pinches may be the reason why Suswam decided not to drag Gemade to court and also to inÁuence Tarzor not to sue Ortom. As if President Muhammadu Buhari and the national leadership of the APC
were in Benue where Suswam advised against court cases against Gemade and Ortom, the President and the APC took bold step towards impressing on Jime and Waku from the same geopolitical axis with Ortom to withdraw the case against their brother. What Buhari and APC did was not the Àrst of its kind as Prof. Daniel Saror had been advised in the past to withdraw his case against the election of Suswam in 2007 because both of them hail from the geo-political axis called Sankera. Buhari has been criticized by some politicians for saving Ortom from the trouble in Abuja but he, Bihari, did what he was supposed to do. He was not supposed to watch members of the same political party to engage in a messy Àght. Buhari intervened because a Àght among APC members presents the political party as a house divided against itself. Every reasonable leader would have done what Buhari did. Suswam knew that even if Tarzor had a good case against Ortom, he would be spending his personal money while his Minda brother, Ortom, would spend the people’s money to prosecute the case. Already, some Nigerians have advised Buhari to steer clear of the case between Tarzor and Ortom in Makurdi. This means that the pendulum could swing to either side as the tribunal headed by Justice Elizabeth Karatu has reserved judgment. She said on the last adjourned date that the secretary of the tribunal would communicate judgment day to the parties concerned. After the judgment, aggrieved parties would try to impress upon their supporters that they have a good case by proceeding to appeal. Without Tarzor or
Ortom saying it, their supporters would create the impression that not appealing would mean weakness. In any case, the focus of this piece is not whether Makurdi or Benue state would be dull or bright on the day of Judgment; the focus is to explain whether Suswam’s initial advice against going to court was meaningful. Since one followed the case between Ugba and Suswam and the case between Kaki and Suswam, one can categorically say that there was some wisdom in the advice. The wisdom stems from the fact that after the case must have been thrashed out at the appeal court, one of the litigants could proceed to the Supreme Court. It is not likely that the 180 days provision in the Constitution would catch up with the case, but the plethora of arguments, objections, pleadings and documents admitted in evidence may delay the judgment for some time. At the level of appeal, new materials or arguments may not be entertained, but the appeal court would be so careful so that its decision would not be set aside by the Supreme Court. As the entire people of Benue state wait for judgment on the case between Mr Terhemen Tarzor and Mr Samuel Ortom at the election petition tribunal, only a prophet of high standing would be able to say where the pendulum would swing to. The end point of the case would reveal whether or not there was sense in the decision earlier taken by Suswam that there shouldn’t be any petition against Gemade or Ortom because of his experience as the immediate past governor of the state.
week. The youth wing allegedly reacted to the interview credited to the governor in which he blamed Igbos for being the cause of their exclusion in recent appointments made by the President. In the interview, Okorocha reportedly said: “Some of the appointments we lost were caused by our people.” He also claimed that Igbo leaders did not listen to him when he cried like “a lonely voice in the wilderness”, urging the Igbos to embrace Buhari and the APC. In its statement, the group stressed that Ndigbo would never regret any political decisions they made in the presidential election.
“We use this medium to warn Okorocha to concentrate on the aěairs of how to make Imo state beĴer by prompt payment of workers’ salaries and free education projects and forget dabbling into the aěairs of Ndigbo. “Governor Okorocha and the APC South East spokesman, Osita Okechukwu, should not wash their dirty linens outside, but should imbibe the Igbo values of ‘ONYE Aghala Nwanne Ya’. “We call on President Buhari to work towards fulęlling his electoral promises to Ndigbo, especially the revamping of Enugu Coal mine, which has remained moribund for 43 years,” the statement read.
Meanwhile, the Akwa Ibom chapter of Ohanaeze Ndigbo has appealed to the Department of State Services (DSS) to release the report of its ęndings on the recent invasion of Akwa Ibom Government House by its operatives. According to Mazi Emmanuel IkechukwuJonathan, the state chairman of the group, the silence exhibited by DSS after the raid will put fears on those who want to invest in the state or currently doing business in the state. “We are making this appeal because of our people who have invested heavily in the economy of this state as we don’t want anything that will create civil unrest because it is our people who will suěer most.
Okorocha under fire from Ohanaeze Ndigbo
korocha under ęre from Ohanaeze Ndigbo The youth wing of the apex Igbo cultural organization, Ohanaeze Ndigbo, has urged Rochas Okorocha, governor of Imo state, to stop speaking for Ndigbo as he lacks the locus standi and has no mandate to speak for them. The group advised the governor to use his energy to draw the aĴention of President Muhammadu Buhari towards obeying the principles of federal character in all his appointments. The group addressed Okorocha in a statement issued by its national president, Mazi Okechukwu Isiguzoro, and national secretary, Mazi Okwu Nnabuike during the
Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 19, 2015
Politics Attacks on Presidency: Like Tinubu, like Fayose Continued from Page 16
Declaring the appointment as illegal, Fayose said; â&#x20AC;&#x153;Section 154 (3) provided that the President shall consult the Council of State in exercising his powers to appoint a person as the chairman of INEC and there is no record of such consultation before the appointment of Mrs. Zakari as INEC â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Acting Chairperson.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; When he realised that all entreaties to make the President see â&#x20AC;&#x153;reasonsâ&#x20AC;? failed, Fayose merely concluded to accuse Buhari of operating as a President of the Northern Nigeria only, describing steps taken by the President since May 29, 2015 as tainted in ethnic and tribal colouration, which, according to him, is inimical to the unity of Nigeria. This was however supported by the national president of Igbo ethnic group â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Aka Ikenga, Chief Goddy Uwazurike in an exclusive interview with Newswatch Timesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; team in
Lagos when he lamented that Igbo was unduly marginalised, systematically sidestepped and condemned to stake in a country believed to be owned by all. However, Fayose, who described Buhariâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s action as â&#x20AC;&#x153;Northernisation of Nigeria,â&#x20AC;? said â&#x20AC;&#x153;appointments made by the President so far negate the principle of federal character,â&#x20AC;? adding, â&#x20AC;&#x153;it appears the unity in diversity of Nigeria is being taken for granted by the President.â&#x20AC;? He said it was wrong for President Buhari to have made 31 major appointments and only seven will come from the South while 24 were from the North. Fayose asked: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Under Buhari, are people from Southern Nigeria only meant to be hounded and harassed by anti-corruption agencies and the Department of State Security (DSS) while those from the North are meant to
enjoy federal government juicy appointments?â&#x20AC;? Avoiding being too political on Buhari, Fayose, sometimes becomes self-appointed radar through which Nigerians often gauge federal governmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s activities across Nigeria and in the process, turns human rights activist. For instance, early this month, he urged Buhari to call the Director-General of the Department of State Services (DSS), Lawal Daura, to order over the invasion of the Akwa Ibom Government House by men of the DSS in search of bomb factory. Speaking at a media brieĂ&#x20AC;ng in Ado-Ekiti, the state capital, addressed by his Special Assistant on Public Communication and New Media, Lere Olayinka, he described the invasion as strange and anti-democratic. Fayose said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Yesterday, the Akwa Ibom State Government House in Uyo was invaded
by armed men from the Special Squad of the DSS. They invaded the Presidential Wing of the Government House in a commandolike manner, ransacked it, intimidated and harassed the occupants, claiming that they were searching for bomb and documents! â&#x20AC;&#x153;One wonders when the Government House of AkwaIbom State has turned to a factory where bombs are made. Also, we wonder why men of the DSS were overzealously looking for bomb in Akwa Ibom State Government House, instead of the Boko Haram ravaged North Eastern part of Nigeria.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;Recall that the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) Resident Electoral Commissioner (REC) in Akwa Ibom State, Mr. Austin Okojie, was picked up by men of the DSS in July. The REC was detained and later asked to report daily to their oÎ&#x20AC;ce for
Sen. Ogunwale, Osun politics: The way out
Continued from Page 16
time. Ogunwale, is a proverbial political cat with nine lives; a long distance runner who should tell his teeming admirers what he is doing in â&#x20AC;&#x153;political hidingâ&#x20AC;? when he needs to re-freshen and brighten up the political atmosphere in Osun State. As a politician, who will never shy away from a contest as demonstrated in his onslaught with Prince Oyinlola in 2006, it is time he comes out of his cocoon and oÍżer Osun politics the beneĂ&#x20AC;ts of his immense wealth of experience in whatever category he deems Ă&#x20AC;t. He is eminently qualiĂ&#x20AC;ed to hold his own among his contemporaries, as he is seen as a politician who abhors cheating, but ever available to prove his mettle, without depending on god-fatherism to achieve his goals. Now, that he is a ranking member of APC, and never contested the outcome of a Senatorial Primary conducted at the government house without informing him, believing that doing such would amount to an aÍżront to his party the APC, what is next on his political agenda? What should his teeming supporters and large followership expect from him as days are turning into months, and months into years in the politics of Osun State? He should re-strategize with a view to keeping in one fold the formidable political structure he painstakingly built from
2003 and probably evolve to try his hands on the plough in whatever option, to continue his political relevance and service to the people of Osun Central District, nay Osun State, with absolute commitment. It will be refreshingly edifying as a home grown democrat and indigenous politician to assert himself as such without further delay. There is no doubt, that there would be political re-alignment and repositioning in Osun before 2018 and 2019. Where does this stand you, Chief Ogunwale? You are tested and trusted, accountable and dependable. Give your supporters a direction and sense of belonging to avert the drift the state is into presently. He, who has ears, let him or her listen. The electorate, who are now the game changers in the political arena will not desert him at his hour of need when the time comes, and if indeed, he is desirous of staking a bet at an elective oÎ&#x20AC;ce. What is paramount right now is for stakeholders in Osun politics to promote truly indigenous candidates with populist acceptance for oÎ&#x20AC;ces in the nearest future. He is an Osun man, who knows the terrain very well and who will not pull the wool over the faces of innocent Osun indigenes. Osun electorates are no longer ready to identify with a leader who is not receptive to advice nor seek any from them, but rather appropriate the monopoly of wisdom to
interrogation.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;Interestingly, the DSS under Alhaji Lawal Daura that has turned Akwa Ibom State and other States into centre of its draconian operations has not deemed it necessary to invite for questioning the Yobe State INEC REC, Mr. Abu Zarma, in whose bank account N15 million alleged to be a bribe was found.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;From the barbaric act of the DSS yesterday and other actions of Security Service under Alhaji Lawal Daura in the last few weeks, one can conclude that Daura is taking Nigeria back to the 1984 era of General Mohammadu Buhari and this is unfortunate.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;No doubt, the Director General (DG) DSS, Lawal Daura is acting out a sinister script of taking over Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) controlled States in the SouthSouth and South East by whatever means,â&#x20AC;? he alleged. Continued on Page 53
OPC condemns killing of 10 SSS operatives by pipeline vandals Mansur Oladunjoye
himself. We should deal with leaders who will not take us for granted again as if we are docile people. Jumokol perfectly Ă&#x20AC;ts into the class of indigenous politicians, even if he will serve his people as a councilor. He has scored far above average in his service to the people of Osun State, since its creation in 1991. Our political leaders should bear in mind that material acquisition and intangibles like popularity, fame, pleasure, women, position, obedience and disobedience, toil and play, manâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s eyes, Ă esh and ego may be satisĂ&#x20AC;ed, albeit temporarily, but his psyche and inner man are left frustrated, emptied and empty. King Solomon experimented with all of the above and more! His Ă&#x20AC;nding is that â&#x20AC;&#x153;everything is meaningless; it is chasing after the windsâ&#x20AC;? Ecclesial 1: 2,17 If therefore politics is service to the people, Senator Felix Ogunwale has paid his dues. If
politics demands a heart of steel, large heart and fairness to all, Jumokol has demonstrated this over the years. He has given back to the society from which he has gained so much. He should continued to be the JUMOKOL, that the electorate knows him to be-fearless, forthright and steely in his resolves. He should enliven the political atmosphere of Osun State without further delay with his far-reaching welfarist programme of life more abundant. Put a shine on your party â&#x20AC;&#x201C; APC. You need not shy away from the political turf as a true disciple of the late sage of blessed memory, Papa Obafemi Awolowo, who out of genuine aÍżection for you, came personally to bless and commission your AGUDA HOSPITAL, Surulere, Lagos in 1980. Jumokol, start Ă&#x20AC;ring from all cylinders. Â&#x2021; 2OXPLGH /DZDO LV D SROLWLFDO DQDO\VW LQ (GH 2VXQ 6WDWH
he Director of Media and Publicity of Oodua Peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Congress (OPC), Barrister Yinka Oguntimehin , has condemned the gruesome murder of 10 State Security Operatives by pipeline vandals in Isawo Ikorodu, Lagos state. Oguntimehin in a statement made available to the media in Lagos described the action of the vandals as â&#x20AC;&#x153;Highly condemnable act brazen in its criminality which is injurious to the national psyche only perpetrated by subâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;human beings that are not Ă&#x20AC;t to live.â&#x20AC;? He said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is sad that some miscreants who are being Ă&#x20AC;nanced by a sinisterly powerful and deadly oil maĂ&#x20AC;a have put paid to the lives and brilliant carriers of 10 wondrous well trained members of the Department of State Security Services.â&#x20AC;? According to him, â&#x20AC;&#x153;the death of these men of honour at the point of service in such a gruesome circumstance is a pointer to the fact that the war against pipeline vandals is not a tea partyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s aÍżair which can be taken or approached with kidâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s glove â&#x20AC;&#x153;The death of the bright 10 SSS operatives though sad and sorrowful is a testimony to the fact that the war against pipeline vandals and protection of our common wealth should not be localized within the conĂ&#x20AC;ne of the regular security agents alone.â&#x20AC;? He suggested, â&#x20AC;&#x153;this unfortunate event should kindled our sense of perception and reasoning and task patriotic feeling in us to always treat national issues without sentiment,â&#x20AC;? charging the federal government to realize that oil pipeline vandalism has grown from being a past time of petty and tiny miscreants of the society, â&#x20AC;&#x153;it has assumed an organized high level criminality dimension being controlled by powerful and blood tasting maĂ&#x20AC;a who cannot not be dislodged solely by the regular security agencies,â&#x20AC;? he added.
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 19, 2015
Politics PMB’s ministerial list for Change Continued from Page 15
Peacekeeping exercises in Chad and Somalia. He is a Àrm believer in preserving his culture and made sure the Osun-Osogbo festival became a tourist destination. He also established Osun State University during his tenure and put facilities in place that made the school into the top-notch educational institution it is now. Wale Edun was a former Ànance commissioner in Lagos State and served for an unprecedented two terms. Edun served as the Head of Treasury and Deputy Head of Corporate Finance at Chase Merchant Bank. He has gained international experience in merchant banking, corporate Ànance, economics and international Ànance through aliations with various multinational companies and some Wall Street Àrms. He has worked at the World Bank and is Chairman of the Chapel Hill Denham Group. He was also the co-founder and Executive Director of Stanbic IBTC. He also sits on the Board of a number of other companies and NGOs. Mr. Edun holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics from the
Buhari University of London and a Masters Degree in Economics from the University of Sussex, England. He has been touted as being instrumental in increasing Lagos State’s IGR when former President Obasanjo withheld revenue from the government. His nomination is said to be based on the quality of work he has done for the government so far. Femi Falana, a lawyer who has become a household name in Nigeria for his strong opinions on government activities and human rights advocacy. He studied law at the University of Ife, now Obafemi Awolowo University and was called to the Nigerian bar. After his youth service, he
Tinubu joined the Chambers of Alao Aka-Bashorun, a renowned legal activist. In 1991, Falana started his own Chambers, Femi Falana, which later became Falana and Falana Chambers. Falana was the former president of the National Association of Democratic Lawyers and he is also a former chairman of the West African Bar Association, WABA. He contested and lost the governorship election of Ekiti State in 2007 on the ticket of the National Conscience Party (NCP). Also on the list are Dele Momodu, the publisher of Ovation; a former Chief of Army, Lt.-Gen. Abdulrahman Dambazu (retd.); an ex-chief
Obasanjo executive of the Federal Inland Revenue, Mrs. Ifueko Omoigui-Okaru; and a former National Legal Adviser to the defunct Congress for Progressive Change, Abubakar Malami (SAN). Others are Rotimi Akeredolu, a former gubernatorial candidate in Ondo state; Governor Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi of Rivers state; Engineer Funsho Kupolokun, a former group Managing Director of the Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation; Governor Rabiu Musa Kwankwanso of Kano state; and Bisola Adegbenro, a senator-elect from Ogun state; Isaiah Danjuma, the son of General TY Danjuma from Taraba state; Kehinde
53 Lawanson, a former Executive Director of First Bank; and Chief Bayo Ojo (SAN), former Minister of Justice. While these nominees appear to be more than capable for the job, they are not without faults. Odimegwu’s appointment with the NPC was terminated because he made “statements which brought credibility problems to the commission”. Prince Oyinlola was accused in 2009 of being “the chief conspirator” in the alleged murder of Chief Mrs Kudirat Abiola, wife of Nigerian politician MKO Abiola. Also in 2009, Next Magazine reported that Prince Oyinlola had been caught on tape telling local PDP politicians he would supply army uniforms, arms and ammunition so they could rig the runoͿ elections in Ekiti State. President Buhari contested and won the elections on the basis of his mantra for change. However, a lot of the people he could be bringing into his cabinet are from an era he vowed to eradicate. Can President Buhari really guarantee change in Nigeria with a new system if he is still working with the old staͿ? Upon completion of the screening exercise, the Ànal list will be made available to the public. Hopefully, the list reÁects the President’s desire to wipe out corruption in all its forms.
Attacks on Presidency: Like Tinubu, like Fayose Continued from Page 50
However, in June this year, Fayose, in a complete demonstration of total love for his state and submission to powers that be, wrote to the Presidency, seeking opportunity to nominate a competent candidate to Àll the Ekiti slot in the Federal Executive Council. “Should the request be favourably disposed to, I shall be happy to nominate a worthy and competent professional who can always oblige your Excellency and your cabinet the beneÀt of a second opinion in the serious business of governance,” Fayose pleaded in the letter. He noted that he wrote the letter based on the declaration made by the President that he would put overall interest of the country above every others, particularly political partisanship and biases. The Governor also hinted that his letter was on the strength of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria section 147 sub (2) and (3) which therefore state that, “Any appointment to the oce of the Minister of the government of the Federation shall, if the nomination of any such person to such oce is conÀrmed by the Senate , be made by the President. “Any appointment under subsection (2) of this section by the President shall be in conformity with the provision of section 15 (3) of this constitution
provided that in giving eͿect to the provision aforesaid, the President shall appoint at least one Minister from each state who shall be indigene of such state,” he noted. He argued that though the state may be a PDP state, “this is not new to the country’s democracy, as late Chief Bola Ige who was the leader of the Alliance for Democracy (AD) and the party’s National Chairman, Alhaji Ahmed Abdukadri were made Minister and Special Adviser respectively by the PDP Government of Olusegun Obasanjo between 1999 and 2007.” Having stated much of Fayose’s seeming attack on Buhari, it would also be pertinent to mention few of Tinubu’s attack on Obasanjo while in government as governor and president
respectively. It has become common thing in the country to note that the recent relationship between the two ought to be considered by Nigerians of matured age the eighth wonder of the world. This is not being exaggerated as most people will recall how the duo did not see eye-to-eye even though unconÀrmed reports had it that Tinubu often visited Obasanjo at his Ota farm at night after several salvos hurled at the president at the daytime. Lagosians in particular and Nigerians in general would recall the song: “Egbe oniro legbe won; egbe oniro legbe won o olori elewon loko won jo,” (their party (PDP is fraudulent; their party is fraudulent; and their leader is a chief prisoner) thus referring to Obasanjo who was once a political prisoner under late
Sani Abacha and of course the party. As punchy as this was, Tinubu receives little or no attack which they blindly considered as political salvo that should be tolerated as a mere campaign song. It was at various political gatherings in the state that Tinubu pointedly urged Lagosians to disregard Obasanjo’s shortcomings in governance or retaliations to him because the farmer turned president was not relating to humans, but birds and animals. He queried, “What do you expect from someone who wakes up to behold on fowls, pigs and of course trees and not human beings?” Nigerians again never saw this as serious aͿront on the president of the most populous country in Africa. Only for the same myopic Nigerians to now want to condemn Fayose whose whatever attacks on Buhari was always backed with facts and Àgures; and was never too carried away by his poise as the opposition by constantly taking good care of his state. No wonder the legal consultant to the former president, Chief Afe Babalola recently applauded Fayose’s educational drive in the state, saying that his move was in the direction of repositioning the state to fountain of knowledge. Whichever way one wants to see the Buhari-FayoseAPC diͿerences, it must be
appreciated as a watcher of the watched for the progress of the nation. One would remember that if not for Fayose, Nigerians wouldn’t have known that Buhari did not go to Chatham House to address the English lawmakers and interviewed by the English ace presenter there in the United Kingdom (UK) while photographs of the same events had been circulated three days before his takeoͿ from Nigeria. Speaking after meeting with former President Obasanjo, Tinubu told newsmen that he was at the Hilltop Mansion to discuss because “we cannot know it all. We need to consult. Equally, we took an observation of his former boys who are running for presidency in our party and sought his opinion about them. “But I would not tell you what the discussion was about, but you are privileged to have heard why I am here, I will not tell you,” he was however smart to have referred to Buhari as Obasanjo’s boy, apparently in the nation’s Army. Alas! If Tinubu could mend fences with Obasanjo he once referred to as dullard to the extent that he succeeded wooing the former president into supporting the APC and its candidate – Buhari, then it won’t surprise Nigerians to see Fayose in the company of Buhari either now or at a later date.
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 19, 2015
North Central
Group seeks Buhari’s inter vention over killings Gyang Bere, Jos
Katsina State Deputy Governor, Alhaji Mannir Yakubu (3rd left); President, National Youth Council of Nigeria (NYCN), Barr Ikenga Ugochinyere (second right) and former Deputy Senate President, Ibrahim Mantu, during the anti-corruption rally in support of President Muhammadu Buhari in Abuja…yesterday.
Wada commissions projects at Kogi University Ademu Idakwo, Lokoja
ogi State governor, Captain Idris Wada, yesterday commissioned six projects including the Department of Anatomy in preparation for the clinical studies at School of medicine at the State university in Ayangba. The governor who expressed satisfaction with the quality of
projects executed by the university said his administration will do whatever it can to ensure that the medical school becomes a reality. He said the facilities already put in place at various departments in the school will create conducive learning environment for the medical students. The governor commended the leadership of Tetfund
for being prudent and proactive in providing assistance to higher institutions in the country. Earlier, the Executive Secretary of Tertiary Education Trust Fund, TETFUND, Dr. Suleman Muguno, said the organisation has executed several intervention projects in most high institutions of learning in the country. He further disclosed
that before he assumed ofÀce about a year ago, less than 50 percent of higher institutions in the country were able to access TETFUND due to their low rating. The global rating for Nigeria universities is not encouraging adding that the eͿort the y are putting in is how to improve the infrastructural development.
SSS trains Kogi teachers on security awareness Ademu Idakwo, Lokoja
he State Security Service, SSS, has organised a security awareness seminar for teachers in Kogi state on how to protect pupils in schools against the backdrop of insurgency in the country. The chairman of the Nigerian Union of
Teachers, NUT, Comrade Suleiman Abdullahi while speaking to newsmen in Lokoja said the seminar is a welcome development in view of the fact that schools are becoming targets of insurgency attacks. He said as teachers, we must have to know what to watch out for by first se-
curing themselves and the pupils. “Those of us that will teach should be able to detect unusual movements around our schools as well as know what to do at various points and even in our homes. These are the tips the security is giving us so we can know what to watch out for.” He stated.
The NUT which equally organised a seminar on health said at the age of 40, there are individual health challenges of high blood pressure. “The doctors are here and some nurses to give us health tips on what we can do. We have blood sugar test and BP test to advice us on our health status.” He added.
from the ministry’s warehouse has failed. “On assumption of oĜce, I wrote a leĴer to Solab Engineering requesting them to come and remove the fake fertilizers, but the response I got from the company’s solicitor was shocking and callous; the solicitor even threatened the ministry with a law suit”, Ambua said. He said the ministry’s test conęrmed that the fertilizers contained high level of acid and the Federal Government even directed that it should not be distributed, but they went ahead to distribute them to local government areas. “We are not asking for re-
fund of the money, we are talking about 614 trucks, and 496 bags of fertilizers”, he explained. The agriculture commissioner said when he assumed oĜce, he met an empty treasury, but intimated that government has procured over 60 out of 100 consignments of fertilizer which has been distributed to the 23 local government areas and pegged the amount at N4000 per bag without handling charges. He however, regreĴed that the last consignment has remained stuck in Lagos as a result of tanker drivers’ strike some time ago, assuring that in 2016, fertilizer would be dis-
tributed in suĜcient quantities to farmers. Newswatch Times gathered that over N2 billion was spent for the procurement of fake fertilizers which were sent to Federal University of Agriculture, Makurdi and Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, where it was conęrmed that the fertilizers contained a lot of sand and acid that are inimical to soil and crops. The two institutions and the Federal Ministry of Agriculture therefore recommended that the fertilizers should not be sold to farmers as the negative eěect of the items discovered in them could be inimical to human lives.
Procurement of fake fertilizers raises dust in Benue
Godwin Akor, Makurdi
enue state government has decried the manner in which the immediate past administration of Gabriel Suswam procured fake fertilizers for distribution to unsuspecting farmers in 2012. The state Commissioner for Agriculture, Mr. James Anbua, who stated this during a chat with newsmen in his oĜce, frowned at the aĴitude of the company, Solab Engineering, which handled the contract for supply of the fertilizers. According to him, all efforts made to get the company evacuate the fake fertilizers
ational Body of Berom Youth Moulder ’s (BYM) in Plateau State has called on President Muhammadu Buhari to take proactive steps towards curbing the persistent killings orchestrated by Fulani herdsmen in Riyom, Barkin-Ladi and recently in Mangu Local Government Areas of State. The group pledged its loyalty to the Buhari’s administration and pleaded with the President to break his long silence on the perpetual killings of innocent people in the state by taking stringent measures to curb the menace. In a press statement signed by the National President, Rws. Chuwang Choji and National Publicity Secretary, Rws. Jatau D. Gyang, made available to journalists in Jos, urged Plateau citizens to be aware of the deliberate steps taken by Fulani terrorists to pitch ethnic groups in the state against one other through persistent attacks. BYM condemned the recent attack in Kudunung village in Mangu Local Government Area and refuted claims in some quarters that the attack was carried by Beroms, adding that “it is repulsive that the media reported the contrary, portraying the ever armless Berom
on the oͿensive by accusing us of attacking Kadunung Community in which we are also residents; this mischievous British Broadcasting Corporation’s assertion is not just false, but misleading and aimed at stirring conÁict amongst Plateau indigenes” Parts of the Statement reads “The Government must not pretend not to be aware of the unrestrained behaviour of Fulani Herdsmen which has jeopardized the peaceful co-existence of the entire country, and so we call on the President of Nigeria, His Execellency, Muhammadu Buhari to break his long silence on these killings by taking stringent measures to curb the menace of insecurity in Plateau. “We have been lamenting a lot over the quest to take over our cherished heritage by the Fulani herdsmen whom we accommodated out of goodwill, gave our land free for grazing, gave out our daughters/ sister in marriage, yet all we receive from them is the direct opposite of our benevolence and no one seems to hearken to our perpetual cry while the wilful destruction of our lives and properties prevail unabated thus rendering us homeless and also led to the collapse of religious and socio-economic activities in Berom land.
‘Don’t witch-hunt Jang on trivial issues’, group advises Lalong Gyang Bere, Jos
group under the aegis of Plateau Youth Vanguard has advised Governor Simon Lalong not to witch-hunt former Governor Jonah David Jang over the allegation of hoarding government vehicles, but channel his energy towards providing sustainable dividends of democracy to Plateau people. The youth group who advocates increased development in all sectors of the economy, commended Senator Jonah David Jang for demonstrating the spirit of patriotism and selÁess service which culminated into the massive development the state witnessed during his administration and tasked Lalong to ensure that his achievements in oce surpass that of Jang. The group in a press statement signed by its President, Mr. Samuel Jonathan,
was reacting on the recommendation by Chairman of Boarding and Recovery Committee headed by former Secretary to Plateau State Government, Ezekiel Gomos. The Committee had indicted Jang of taking away 15 vehicles more than what he is ocially entitled to. Hon. Jonathan urged Lalong to learn from the patriotic and reconciliatory spirit of Jang who refused to pursue trivial issues such as vehicles when he took over from Senator Joshua Dariye in 2007, but was focused on the development of the State. Parts of the Statement reads “We want to advice our dear Governor, Simon Lalong, not to witch-hunt former Governor Jonah Jang on allegations of vehicles as recommended by his committee on boarding and recovery, that might be an exercise in futility that will distract the focus of your administration.
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 19, 2015
Sports Update
Oliseh snubs Iheanacho, calls Enyeama, Mikel in Eagles’ 24-man list for Leopards, Lions
Nigeria may face Tunisia or Algeria in friendly – Pinnick ...As Egypt plays Senegal
igeria’s Super Eagles may intensify their rebuilding exercise with a friendly duel against Algeria or Tunisia, according to the Nigeria Football Federation, (NFF) President, Amaju Pinnick. Speaking on a local Sports programme on TVC in Lagos, Pinnick said plans were almost concluded for the international friendly tie involving any of the North African nations to keep Super Eagles in proper shape before their propoed Nations Cup duel against Egypt. Egypt has become a big threat to Nigeria’s qualięcation for the 2017 Africa Cup of Nations contest in Gabon. Meanwhile, Egyptian Football Association vice president, Hassan Farid, has revealed that the Pharaohs will play
an international friendly match against Senegal next month. The former African champions are preparing for their next match in the 2018 Fifa World Cup
qualięcation against the winners between Chad and Sierra Leone. The Pharaohs are also preparing for their clash against Nigeria in the 2017 Africa Cup of Nation qualięers in March 2016. “We signed a contract to play a friendly match against Senegal on October 8 in Dubai,” Faird told supersport. com. “We are in negotiations with Burkina Faso to play another friendly match.” Egypt were supposed to play two friendly matches against Australia and Cameroon but the negotiations fell through. The North African nation top their Afcon qualifying group after wins over Tanzania and Chad.
uper Eagles’ Head Coach, Sunday Oliseh, snubbed Manchester City’s rave of the moment, Kelechi Iheanacho, as he listed goalkeeper and skipper Vincent Enyeama, midęelder John Mikel Obi and forwards Victor Moses and Odion Ighalo among 24 players for next month’s friendly internationals against Democratic Republic of Congo and Cameroon in Belgium. Enyeama is joined by England –based Carl Ikeme, who in his debut kept clean sheets against Tanzania and Niger Republic in two internationals earlier this month, as well as home –based stars Ikechukwu Ezenwa and Femi Thomas. Former junior international defender Abdullahi Shehu gets his ęrst opportunity at senior level, and Moses Simon, who scored against Niger Republic, is also considered, alongside home boys Chima Akas, Austin Oboroakpo, Paul Onobi
and Prince Aggrey. There is also room for Watford FC of England striker Odion Ighalo. The Super Eagles play the Leopards of the Democratic Republic of Congo on October 8 and the Indomitable Lions of Cameroon three days later, in Belgium, as the Nigeria Football Federation activates its plan to entrench stronger bond and cohesion among the relatively new group. The winner of the preliminary round between Swaziland and Djibouti will host the Super Eagles on November 9 in a 2018 FIFA World Cup ęrst round qualięer, with the Eagles hosting the return leg in Nigeria eight days later. All invited players are expected to arrive in Belgium on Monday, 5th October. FULL S UAD Goalkeepers: Vincent Enyeama (Lille OSC, France); Carl Ikeme (Wolverhampton Wanderers, England); Ikechukwu Ezenwa
(Sunshine Stars); Femi Thomas (Enyimba FC) Defenders: Leon Balogun (FSV Mainz 05, Germany); Abdullahi Shehu (Uniao da Madeira, Portugal); Elderson Echiejile (AS Monaco, France); Chima Akas (Sharks FC); Godfrey Oboabona (Caykur Rizespor, Turkey); William Troost Ekong (FK Haugesund, Norway); Kenneth Omeruo (Kasimpasa SK, Turkey); Austin Oboroakpo (Abia Warriors) Midęelders: Ogenyi Onazi (SS Lazio, Italy); Paul Onobi (Sunshine Stars); Obiora Nwankwo (Coimbra FC, Portugal); John Mikel Obi (Chelsea FC, England); Rabiu Ibrahim (AS Trencin, Slovakia) Forwards: Ahmed Musa (CSKA Moscow, Russia); Emmanuel Emenike (Al Ain, UAE); Sylvester Igbonu (FC UFA, Russia); Moses Simon (KAA Gent, Belgium); Victor Moses (West Ham United, England); Odion Ighalo (Watford FC, England); Prince Aggrey (Sunshine Stars)
Sack notice affected Falcons – coach
oach of Nigeria’s Super Falcons Chris Danjuma has admiĴed the news of him being relieved of his job regardless of how the Falcons performed at the women’s football event of the All Africa Games, had an adverse eěect on his team. NFF president Amaju Pinnick had announced that Nigeria would be appointing pp g a foreign g
coach for the Super Falcons this week while the team were in the thick of competition. The news seem to have scuĴled the euphoria in the Falcons camp in Congo after the team started their All Africa Games performance on a high with a 5-1 win. However after that victory and maju Pinnick’s subsequent announcement, the
team lost three straight matches. “I am human. Even though we are professionals, we still have emotions. We come out every day to give our best to make a name for yourself and make our country proud. But while we are yet on this we hear the news back home and whether you like it or not these things aěect us because we are human.
F I FA s u s p e n d s Va l c ke f ro m d u t y
IFA suspended President Sepp BlaĴer’s righthand man Jerome Valcke on Thursday and ordered an investigation into alleged unethical conduct, throwing world soccer’s scandal-scarred governing body into further turmoil. Valcke, FIFA’s secretary general for the past eight years under the embaĴled BlaĴer, was hours earlier the subject of allegations over a deal for black market sales of tickets to 2014 World Cup matches. “FIFA has announced that its Secretary General Jerome Valcke has been
put on leave and released from his duties eěective immediately until further notice,” the governing body said in a brief statement which did not specify details. “Further, FIFA has been made aware of a series of allegations involving the secretary general and has requested a formal investigation by the FIFA Ethics CommiĴee.” A call to Valcke’s mobile phone was not answered late Thursday. It was unclear if he was already in Russia where the 1,000-day countdown to the 2018 World Cup kickoě is being marked
Friday in Red Square, Moscow. The 55-year-old Frenchman’s main duty is overseeing organization of the world’s mostwatched sports event which earned FIFA around Ǟ5 billion for the 2014 tournament in Brazil. An alleged deal linked to that World Cup threatens to end Valcke’s FIFA career months early. The former television journalist and sports marketing executive has been scheduled to exit on Feb. 26 with BlaĴer amid American and Swiss investigations of corruption.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 12, 2015
SuperSport sets gold standard with RWC coverage
ewis “Mad Dog” Moody, who arrives in Johannesburg on Friday to do duty for SuperSport, expects a grand spectacle when the World Cup kicks oě, with England and Ireland pushing the southern hemisphere giants hardest. A World Cup winner with England in 2003, Moody says he expects no change from the World Cup tradition of teams that stick to what got them to the World Cup, in terms of playing style, ultimately being the most successful. He also believes that teams able to adapt to the erratic conditions ought to go best. “The weather can be very changeable. Last weekend we had England against Ireland. It was a beautiful day that produced fantastic rugby. But this being England,
next week we could be in the middle of a monsoon,” said Moody, who earned 71 caps for England. “The southern hemisphere boys tend to adapt; the French tend to go well too. Teams may play tighter in the pool games because of anxiety. Given that it’s a British World Cup, the boys from Scotland, Wales and Ireland will feel at home, which will make for a great spectacle.” Lewis predicts that the Rugby Football Union’s heavy investment in the World Cup will ensure the most special of events, with rugby fever sure to take hold when England start proceedings against Fiji at a revamped Twickenham on Friday night. “I’m guĴed,” Moody quipped. “I’m too old and baĴered to play in this home World Cup.”
Sports Update
Niger ia wins AAG
igeria has emerged as the winner of the 15th All African Games concluding in Congo Brazzaville today having topped the medals table with an impressive haul of 38 medals with almost twice as many gold as nearest rivals South Africa.
Thanks mainly to a strong performance in athletics and weightlifting, Nigeria has won a total of 14 gold, 14 silver and 10 bronze medals. South Africa lies in second place with seven gold, four silver and 10 bronze medals, while Kenya is third with six gold, five
silver and eight bronze medals. Today, there will be a few more finals in tennis and wrestling, while tomorrow, the football and handball finals will take place but Nigeria has an unassailable lead that no one can match now. Yesterday, Nigeria cemented her place at
the top of the table by clinching three gold medals in the women’s 400m hurdles, the women’s 4x400m relay and the men’s long jump. It is stunning return to glory for Africa’s most populous country that has long been considered a one nation sport.
Mikel Obi welcomes twins from Russian girlfriend
Oladipo drags Guinness World Record event to Nigeria
rrangements are in top gear by the Raęu Oladipo Sports Foundation to organise a Guinness World Record event in Nigeria that will create a new mark. The event billed for November 7 will enable a Nigerian professional footballer, Harrison Chinedu aĴempt a new world record of the most distance travelled with ball balanced on the head. Disclosing this to the media during an interactive session ahead of the event, Chairman of the foundation, Dr. Raęu Oladipo noted that the foundation which was formed two years ago with the sole aim of assisting sportsmen to get to the peak of their career as well as rewarding outstanding ones decided to support the project as part of its liĴle way in telling the world that Nigeria is blessed with abundant talents.
“Ladipo foundation is embarking on this project to help a young and talented Nigerian who wants to make history and break the record set by Bangladesh Abdul Halim in 2011 as the most distanced travelled with the ball balanced on the head. “The present record stands at 45.74km but Harrison under strict supervision had on three occasions covered over 50 kilometres and there is no doubt he can surpass the existing record. Secretary of the foundation, EĜong Nyong noted that that he will start the trekking from Kilometre 46 Abeokuta Expressway with the ball balanced on his head and terminate at the National Stadium, Surulere, Lagos even as he announced that the foundation has contacted the Guinness World Record oĜce who have promised to send their adjudicators that will monitor the event.
igeria and Chelsea Midfield player, John Obi Mikel, is a proud father of twins, Naij.com Sports has gathered. The player, who has received backlashes for his inconsistent performance in the colour of ‘The Blues’, took to his Instagram handle to break the news and share his joy with his fans and followers less than one hour ago. The former second best youth player in the world, after Argentina and Barcelona’s Lionel Messi had been embroiled in paternity scandal, as reports emerged that he had fathered many children from different mothers. It is now not clear if his Russian girlfriend is the mother of the new;yborn infants, although all indications point towards that direction. Check out the post below: He was also recently tipped to return to the national team set-up following his return to club action with his club,
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