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Saturday, July 25, 2015
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Saturday, July 25, 2015
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 25, 2015
Lagos police trail robbers who hypnotise commuters
he Lagos State Police Command said yesterday that it was on the trail of some suspected criminals using handkerchief containing some substances to hypnotise people before robbing them of their valuables. The command’s spokesman, DSP Kenneth Nwosu, made the disclosure while reacting to the command’s efforts to curb the criminal activity. “The Lagos police are
on the same page with the state government in fighting crime and criminality. We have devised strategies to check the suspected criminals. We want people in Lagos to be security conscious and be at alert, particularly in commercial vehicles. Members of the public should report suspected persons to the police. Transporters are advised to check this trend among their members and routes of operations,’’
Nwosu advised. The state government on Wednesday had alerted residents on a new dimension of criminal activities in parts of the state perpetrated by men of the underworld. The Chief Press Secretary (CPS) to Governor Akinwunmi Ambode, Mr Habib Aruna, said in a statement that unscrupulous persons rendered their victims unconscious by rubbing a handkerchief treated
with chemical on their faces. The chemical when inhaled sends the person who inhaled it to sleep. The statement alerted that the bandits usually targeted unsuspecting victims either in a lonely commuter bus, taxi or a quiet corner. Igando axis in Alimosho local government area was mentioned as one of the areas where this new crime dimension has become pronounced in recent times.
South West
PSN nominates five persons for award Chioma Umeha
ive Fellows of the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria (PSN) have been selected by the society to receive ‘Ambassador of Pharmacy Award’ at this year’s meeting and award dinner of the Board of Fellows of PSN holding on July29. In a statement signed by Ade Poopola, Chairman of the association, six Fellows will be conferred with the award by the Board of Fellows of PSN in recognition of achievements outside the Àeld of pharmacy, and primary Àeld of endeavours. They are Publisher, Leadership Group (Leadership Newspaper), Pharm. Sam NdaIsaiah (FPSN), Director, Retail Banking, First City Monumental Bank Plc. (FCMB), Pharm Olu Akanmu, CEO, Smart Mark Limited and Invivo Health and Beauty, Pharm (Alh.) Layi Gobir, General Manager, Business Development, Sales and Distribution, MTN Nigeria,
Pharm. Richard Iweanoge, and CEO Kings Chemist & Cosmetics and Mega Chem Nig. Limited, Pharm(Sir) Sam Ubachukwu. The statement further said that the mid-year meeting will take place at Diplomat Hotel, on July 28, while the award dinner holds at Sheraton Hotel & Towers, Ikeja, Lagos, the following day. The statement added that the theme of this year’s programme is ‘The Emerging Trends in ICT and the Senior Professionals,’ and the keynote address will be delivered by the Managing Director, Main One Cable Company, Ms. Funke Opeke. The Chairman of the occasion will be the Chairman and Chief Executive Ocer of =inox Technologies Limited, Mr Leo Stan Ekeh, (OFR) while the former Judge of the Supreme Court, Justice Adesola Oguntade (SAN,CFR) and CEO of Osbud–K Pharmacy Kaduna, Pharm (Alh) Mohammed YaroBudah (FPSN, FNA), will be the special guests of honour.
Man, 32, docked for threatening pastor
L-R: Managing Director, Murphy Shipping and Commercial Services Ltd., Ms Moji Agbabiaka; President, National Association of Stevedoring Companies, Mr. Bolaji Sunmola; Executive member, Nigeria Ports Consultative Council (NPCC), Alhaji Abayomi Adigun and NPCC’s Chairman, Otunba Kunle Folarin, during a roundtable meeting on the Maritime Section and the Port Industry in Lagos…yesterday.
We are resolving our crisis, says Odigie-Oyegun Ayodele Olalere
he National Chairman of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Chief John Odigie-Oyegun, yesterday said the crisis plaguing the party was being resolved. Odigie-Oyegun stated this in Abuja. According to him, the issues are being resolved and things would work
out soon for the party in particular and for the nation in general. He further assured the nation that, given time, the party will deliver on all of its campaign promises. “The issues are being looked into and are being resolved. Things will work out and the party will ensure that it delivers on the campaign promises it
made to the people; that, we are sure of,’’ he said. On the allegation by the Peoples Democratic Party that the APC was stalling governance in the National Assembly for its selęsh purposes, Odigie-Oyegun said ‘it is untrue.’ It would be recalled that the crisis rocking APC began with the choice of principal oĜcers for the Senate
and the House of Representatives. Against the party’s decision, Bukola Saraki and Yakubu Dogara, emerged as President of Senate and Speaker of the House of Representatives, respectively. The problem escalated when Saraki and Dogara refused to honour the list of other principal oĜcers sent to them by
Ex-banker re-arraigned for alleged N19.5m theft he Police in the three-count charge 2011 and March 2012 According to the
Ibadan, yesterday, re-arraigned a 31-year-old ex-banker, Mr. Ogunsola Israel, for alleged N19.5 million frauds. Israel was docked at an Iyaganku Chief Magistrate Court on a three-count charge bordering on stealing and fraudulent transaction. He was previously arraigned on August 24, 2012 before Magistrate Sola Adekujoye, but pleaded not guilty to
preferred against him and was granted bail for N5 million. At yesterday’s proceeding, the Police Prosecutor, Insp. Ade Adebusoye, said the re-arraignment was necessitated by the transfer of the presiding magistrate out of the court’s jurisdiction. Adebusoye told the court that the accused commiĴed the oěence between July
within the premises of Stanbic IBTC Plc, Ring Road, Ibadan. He said the accused, a former employee of the bank, failed to account for the aforementioned amount that was received on behalf of the bank. Adebusoye further alleged that the accused also made fraudulent transactions on the Stanbic IBTC Account no: 9200927941.
prosecutor, the oěences contravene Sections 390 (9) and 438 (B &C) of the Criminal Code Cap 38 Vol. II Laws of Oyo State of Nigeria 2000. The accused, again, pleaded not guilty to the charges. The Magistrate, Mr A. A. Adebisi, held that the accused was allowed to continue with the previous bail terms and adjourned the maĴer to August 27 for hearing.
n Iyaganku Magistrate Court, Ibadan, yesterday arraigned a 32-year-old man, Mr. Emmanuel Ameachi, for allegedly threatening a pastor of Victory International Church. Ameachi, who claimed to be a freelance writer, is facing one-count charge of ‘threats’. The prosecutor, Sgt. Oluseye Oyebamiji, told the court that the accused, on July 17 at 1 p.m., entered the church located at Oluyole, and threatened to injure the complainant, Pastor
Adewale Taiwo. He said the accused had told Taiwo to pay N150, 000 to his GT Bank account and was angry that the money had not been paid. The prosecutor said the oěense contravened Section 86 (1) of the Criminal Code, Cap 38, Vol. II Laws of Oyo State of Nigeria 2000. CHANGE OF NAME I formerly known and addressed as Miss Mary-Cynthia Avosuahi Kilani, now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs Mary Omaku. All former documents remain valid. General public please take note.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 25, 2015
South South Meeting of ex-militants not against Buhari –Tompolo Uchenna Nwafor, Yenagoa
front line Niger Delta ex-militant leader, High Chief Government Ekpemupolo popularly known as Tompolo has denied that the planned meeting for today by him and other ex-militant generals under the Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND) was to reactivate militancy in the region and frustrate the administration of President Muhammad Buhari. Tompolo had on Thursday triggered tension in the region with a summon on all former leaders and Àghters under the defunct MEND to regroup today in Yenagoa for an emergency meeting to discuss the stake of the Niger Delta under the
administration of President Muhammad Buhari. In a statement issued yesterday, Tompolo stated that the tension generated by the summon ‘is misplaced, uncalled for and mischievous’ as they are not out to counter the present administration of President Muhammad Buhari on any issues. “I consider it unfortunate that a section of the Nigerians and the media have chosen to mischievously thread the path of misinforming the public and right thinking people by linking the meeting to whatever decision the current government at the centre may have taken in relation to the stoppage of the pipeline surveillance contract, even though payment have not been made for the services rendered in
the renewed contract, or termination of appointments. This is highly provocative and despicable,” it stated. The statement added: “The tension generated by the meeting is uncalled for, diversionary and mischievous as no evil is intended in whatever form. We appreciate the pressures being mounted by leaders from the region especially as some have expressed concern that the meeting could be misinterpreted to mean the resurgence of hostilities in the region. However, we take into account the fact that having embraced peace and remained supportive of various governments at all levels including the President Mohammud Burhari’s government, we are surprised that a meeting of ex-
agitators could prop anxiety. Hence, we shall ensure our genuine intentions are reÁected in our attitude towards peace, security and development of the Region. Calling oͿ today’s meeting can also be an option if need be, in order to strengthen our belief in a peaceful Niger Delta.” On the agenda for the convened meeting, which he insisted will go on as planned despite eͿorts by some governors of the region to prevail on them to cancel, Tompolo insisted that the rising tension being created over the delay in the payment of stipends to beneÀciaries of the Federal Government Amnesty programme necessitated the need to meet and discuss the way forward for the youths of the region.
Police prepared to check crime in Rivers – CP
r. Chris Ezike, the Rivers Police Commissioner, yesterday assured of the preparedness of his command to curtail the increasing crime wave in the state. Ezike made the remark when members of Civil Society Platform (CSP) paid him a courtesy call in Port Harcourt. The CP noted that the police has a fundamental role to play in the security of lives and property with the collaborative eěorts of civil society organizations and other stakeholders. He expressed dismay over the increasing crime wave in the state and reiterated his resolve to cleanse the state of criminals. “We are standing on a tripod; we have a fundamental duty to prevent crime or detect it where we cannot prevent it.Signięcant progress is being made, progress was made yesterday at Eleme area where miscreants extort money from people after holding their relatives captive,’’ Ezike said. Describing cultism as ‘fundamental nonsense,’ the CP expressed concern what the youths of today
were turning into. He said that the increase in the wave of criminal activities among the youths of today had proved that they are now cannibals. Ezike, who called on politicians and other stakeholders to rise up to the challenge, said that crime and violence would not abate without the withdrawal of rich sponsors. He urged members of the Civil Society Platform to continue to partner with the police in combating crime and assured them of the support of his command. Earlier, Mr Emmanuel Nkweke, the leader of the group, extolled the leadership qualities of the police commissioner in combating crime. Nkweke, who described the CP as an ‘unbiased oĜcer,’ urged him to continue to wage uncompromising war against criminals in the state. He pledged the willingness of the group to partner with the police in provision of information and intimated with the police boss on his plan to launch ‘operation mop up all illicit arms in the state.’
Council boss urges cooperation to fight insecurity
M Members of Nigerian Association of Patent and Proprietary Medicine Dealers (NAPPMED), Ekiti State Chapter, protesting outrageous imposition of operational licence fee by Pharmaceutical Council of Nigeria (PCN) in Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State... yesterday.
NLC charges govs to pay salary arrears or face sanctions
actional NLC leader Joe Ajaero yesterday advised state governors owing workers to pay their salaries to avoid protest by the organised labour. This is contained in a 10-point communiqué signed by Ajaero at the end of his National Executive Council (NEC) meeting in Port Harcourt, Rivers. According to the communique, it is unacceptable that after the timely intervention of President
Muhammadu Buhari, the workers’ have not received their salaries in full. The communiqué said that some of the states still owed many months of salary arrears and that it was regrettable that many states could not pay salaries in the Àrst instance. “We have resolved that if non-payment of salaries and beneÀts continue till August, we will mobilise private sector unions for solidarity strike in aͿected states until arrears are
paid,’’ the communiqué said . It further stated that the congress would not accept the issue of economic crisis to justify why some governors and agencies deny workers their rights and privileges. The communiqué also advised government at all levels to start negotiation of a new minimum wage as the Àve-year tenure of the national minimum wage has ended. The communiqué said
that the council mandated the Congress to send the proposal of N90, 000 for negotiation to the Federal Government and Nigeria Employers’ Consultative Association (NECA). “This proposal is based on the unstable micro economic environment, Naira devaluation and the high rate of inÁation,’’ the communiqué said. It said that the congress would resist every attempt to subject workers to more impoverished state.
r Bright Amaehule, the Chairman, Caretaker Committee, Obio/Akpor local government council, Rivers State, has urged people in the council to support the Àght against insecurity in the area. Amaehule made the appeal at the stakeholders’ forum with kings, chiefs, women and youths of Obio/Akpor. He advised land owners in the area to desist from giving out their lands for construction of batchers where hoodlums use as hide-outs. Amaehule urged the youths to abstain from
any act that would cause crisis in the area and maintain the existing peace in the area. He, however, said that the forum was to familiarise himself with the people of the council as their new chairman. Responding, King Promise Chekwas of Elelenwo appealed to the chairman to set up community chief policing in each ward of the council; saying that it would help to Àght crime. King Temple Ejekwu, the Paramount ruler of Woji and other rulers pledged their support and a peaceful co-existence in the area.
Uchenna Nwafor, Yenagoa
Mr. Daniel IworisoMarkson, Dickson said he would meet with the ex-militants soon to discuss issues as it aͿects them and other issues of overall strategic interest of the region and the nation as a whole. The statement further called for the understanding and cooperation of all concerned.
Dickson calls for cancellation of ex-militants meeting in Bayelsa
ayelsa State Governor, Hon. Seriake Dickson, has called for the postponement of the proposed meeting of the leaders of ex-agitators in the Niger Delta, earlier scheduled for today. In a statement issued by the Chief Press Secretary to the Governor,
Newswatch Times Saturday, July 25, 2015
South East
Ihedioha describes decision of tribunal as affront on Supreme Court ...Seeks invocation of section 16 of Appeal Court Act
Emma Mgbeahurike, Owerri
he battle over the Imo Governorship is far from over as the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and its governorship candidate, Hon. Emeka Ihedioha, have described the ruling of the Governorship Election Petition, dismissing their petition as “a deliberate aͿront on the disciple of the hierarchy of courts in Nigeria”. This is even as they have asked the Court of Appeal to invoke Section 16 of the Court of Appeal Act to determine two pending motions which the Tribunal abandoned. In a ten groundS of appeal contained in their Notice of Appeal dated July 23, 201 , and Àled at the Owerri Divi-
sion of the Court of Appeal by their lead Counsel, Chief Mike Ahamba (SAN), they contended that the tribunal erred in law when it subjected the decision of the Supreme Court to its whims. According to Ahamba “the petition tribunal misdirected itself when in discarding the decision of the Supreme Court (Per Chukwuma Eneh JSC) in Abubakar V Nasamu (No. 2) (2012) 1 NWLR (pt 1330) 23, that application for pre-hearing notice could be oral, relied on a Court of Appeal decision in Gabi V Dahimi (201 ) 12 EPR 239 at 31 to reverse the Supreme Court decision.” Ahamba averred that “the decision of the Supreme Court is not subject to discretionary acceptance by the Tribunal but is Àrmly binding”, adding that
“letters to registrars in all judicial proceedings though Àled in the case Àle are never assessed or paid for.” He said the “misconstruction of the dictum by Chukwuma-Eneh JSC occasioned a miscarriage of Justice”. In contending that letter applying for pre-hearing notice is not a judicial process but administrative, Ahamba drew the attention of the Appellate Court to the judgment of Justice Walter Onnoghen of the Supreme Court in Ugba Vs PDP (2013) 4 NWLR (pt. 1343) 486 at 492, positing that the “Tribunal amongst others, failed to take judicial notice of many letters to Registrars of Courts and Tribunals which ignite judicial processes but which are not assessed and paid for”. He said that “these misconstructions of
the law induced the decision of the tribunal that payment of a fee for the application letter was mandatory”. He further argued that “there is no provision in the schedule of fees payable under the Electoral Act or Federal High Court (Civil Procedure) Rules for pre-hearing notice application,” stressing that “the APC and Rochas Okorocha did not show any provision in the Electoral Act or Federal High Court Rule or practice direction for pre-hearing notice application fee”. He stated that “the tribunal deliberately ignored the express words of the Supreme Court of Nigeria cited at the tribunal sitting that application for pre-hearing notice under paragraph 18 (1) of the First Schedule of the Electoral Act is not jurisdictional and thereby occasioned a miscarriage of Justice”.
The Obi of Onitsha, Igwe Alfred Achebe (middle); New President, Onitsha Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture (ONICCIMA), Mr. Uche Apakama (second left); Vice-President (Finance), Chief Kevin Obieri (second right) and others, at the opening of the 8th Annual Lecture of ONICCIMA in Onitsha, Anambra State…yesterday.
SON challenges Igbo traders on substanard products Alphonsus Eze, Awka
he Director-General and Chief Executive OĜcer of Standards Organisation of Nigeria (SON), Dr. Ike Odumodu, has urged Igbo traders to desist from importing into the country sub-standard products from China and other countries at cheap prices so as to make enormous profit . Dr. Odumodu, who spoke at Onitsha, the Anambra State commercial
centre during the inauguration of the new President of Onitsha Chamber, Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture (ONICCIMA) and the annual lecture series of the Organised Private Sector, lamented that this was at the detriment of the local consumers. Odumodu said that when he visited China, he asked them why they dump into Nigeria, products they cannot use in their own country, and the Chinese told them that it was Nigerian businessmen who
gave them specięcations to produce at cheaper rate. He said “that is why about 70 percent of substandard products circulating in the country are from China. We tried to make them to change the practice because it was adversely aěecting local investment and safety of lives as Nigeria was losing huge foreign exchange and paying the salaries of workers in those countries instead of creating jobs at home.” Dr. Odumodu lamented that Nigeria lost leading
multi-national businesses like Berec, Michelin, and Dunlop among many others due to this massive importation of cheap and substandard products into the country. He also said that this has made Nigeria to lose opportunities to employ their teaming youths in such businesses and local ones, stressing that no nation can survive and grow to become a developed economy by concentrating on imports as Nigeria is currently doing.
Court slams four years jail term on two drug suspects Alphonsus Eze, Awka
ustice M. Abubukar of the Federal High Court Awka in Anambra State has sentenced two drug suspects to four years imprisonment of two years each. The sentence followed the arraignment of the duo, Sunday Nwangene and
Omenudo by the Anambra State Command of the Nigeria Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA). Justice Abubakar, in his Judgment, sentenced one Nwangene to two years imprisonment for possession of 200 grammes of cannabis sativa. Another suspect, Omenudo, who hails from
Anaocha Local Government Area of the state was also slammed with two years for being in possession of . grammes of cocaine, 3. grammes of heroin and 4.7 grammes of cannabis sativa. Elated Commander of the Agency in the state, Mr. Momodu Sule, warned trafÀckers in the state to desist
from dealing in hard drugs as the Agency will stop at nothing to arrest, prosecute and jail the oͿenders. He promised that ocers and men of NDLEA in the state will live up to their responsibilities by ensuring that drug trackers are Áushed out of the state or risk being put behind bars if caught.
Court grants detained priest bail in Enugu Alphosus Eze, Awka
n Enugu Magistrate Court, presided over by Nkemjika Anibue]e, has granted bail to the Dean, Student AͿairs and the Chief Security Ocer OF Madonna University, Akpugo in Nklanu West Local Government Area of Enugu State, Rev. Fr. Isaac Jinga and Ogbonna Okey respectively. The duo was remanded in prison custody on July 14, 201 for felony and conspiracy to wit against two Ànal year students of the university. They were arraigned by the state Police Command for a two-count charge “that you Rev. Fr. Isaac Jinga ‘m’, Ogbonna Okey ‘m’ and others at large on February 2, 201 at the Madonna University, Akpugo Campus, Nkanu West Magisterial District Holden at Enugu, did conspire among yourselves to commit felony to wit by causing grievous bodily harm and thereby committed an oͿence punishable under Section 49 (a) of the Criminal Code Cap 30 Vol. 11 Laws of Enugu State, 2004”. “That you, Rev. Fr. Isaac Jinga ‘m’, Ogbonna Okey ‘m’ and others at large on the same date and place in
the aforementioned Magisterial District, did with intent plan, disÀgure or disable, cause grievous bodily harm to one Stanly Ifeanyi Okoye, by hitting him with Iron Rod at his neck and all over the body which caused injury in his spinal cord and thereby committed an oͿence punishable under Section 288(a) of the Criminal Code Cap 30 Vol. 11 Laws of Enugu State, 2004”. The accused persons after hearing the charge read to their understanding pleaded not guilty. Anibue]e then asked the defence counsel to the accused persons and the prosecutor to address the court on the issue of jurisdiction and whether the court has the power to entertain the charge after which the Magistrate ordered that the accused be remanded in the prison custody and adjoined the matter till July 21, 201 . When the matter came up for hearing on Monday, the defence counsel, Chief Tony Muogbo, (SAN) represented by a senior Counsel from his chamber, Barr (Mrs.) B.C Okoye, told the court that the accused persons were granted bail on Thursday July 16, 201 by the Hon. Justice Anidi of Agbani High Court after they satisÀed all the bail condition.
I don’t manufacture babies, orphanage operator cries out Cyprian Ebele Onitsha
he proprietor of Madonna Angels Community Children’s Home Orphanage, in Atani community, Ogbaru Local Government Area of Anambra State, Rev. Sis Marthina Uyanne, has alleged that she did not manufacture babies in her orphanage, adding that her traducers want to use her orphans for rituals, which prompted her to send them back to their owners. She made this revelation while reacting to the alleged missing of 21 children from the said orphanage, which resulted in the closure of the orphanage by the state government. Absolving herself of any wrong doing, especially in the alleged sale of children in the orphanage, she said, “the story is not true. What happened was that the Ministry of Women AͿairs wanted to close it, and I said that my children would not go to where they would use them
for rituals or sell them, so I called their owners to come and pick them up. Many of these children are from Atani here.” According to her, “It is false. I don’t sell children. The owners of the children have come and picked them up. The orphanage was closed down by the government, and I wouldn’t like to disobey the government. There are no more children in the orphanage.” But on the allegation that she kept boys and girls who made babies for the orphanage, she prayed Àre and brimstone on her accusers stating, “The God I serve will punish those people. I don’t chase men or sleep around with men. So how can I do that" I can’t encourage such.” “There was no way I could have brought young boys and girls to be making babies for me. The living God that I serve will punish those people who are accusing me wrongly. I’m saying this with anger and bitterness in my heart,” she fumed.
Newswatch Times Saturday, July 25, 2015
North East
Yobe Police smash notorious robbery gang Nankpah Bwakan, Bauchi
Representative of the Governor of Bauchi State, Alhaji Ahmed Suleiman (left), welcoming the Inspector General of Police, Solomon Arase, during his courtesy visit to the Government House in Bauchi State…yesterday.
Boko Haram: Borno government commends NEMA’s support for IDPs, bomb blast victims Taiye Agbaje
eputy Governor of Borno State, Alhaji Zanna U. Mustapha, has commended the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) on its intervention in bringing succour to the internally displaced persons (IDPs) and victims of bomb explosions in the state. Mustapha gave the commendation, yesterday, when a delegation from the state paid the DirectorGeneral of NEMA, Muhammad Sani-Sidi, a courtesy visit in his ofÀce in Abuja. According to him, 85 per cent of food supplies to IDPs in the state are done by NEMA while the state government takes over 15 per cent. He said: “We are here to thank the DG and management of NEMA for all the supports they have been giving to us,
for coming to our aid by taking over the feeding of the IDPs at various camps in Maiduguri and other communities in the state. For the past four years, we have been in this predicament. However, the issue of insurgency has hit the people of north east, most especially Borno and Yobe, hard. More than 1.5 million people Áed their communities to Maiduguri, the Borno State capital, where they are now residing. “Recently during the Sallah, NEMA sewed cloths for 68, 000 IDPs. NEMA procured sewing machine and gave them the clothes which they sewed in the camps. So during the Sallah celebration when I saw them with new uniform, I didn’t know the clothes were supplied by NEMA. Also recently, the DG NEMA donated N30 million to the University of Mai-
duguri Teaching Hospital (UMTH) for the support of the victims of the bomb blasts in Maiduguri. The N30 million given to the UMTH is not part of the NEMA’s schedule. So, you can see that the DG has a very good support for the people of Borno. And this has helped the state government from spending much on the IDPs.” Mustapha, however, called on the agency not to relent in its support for the state as soon as the military gives the go-ahead to resettle the IDPs back in their various communities. The deputy governor, who said the change of service chiefs by the Federal Government showed the new commitment to Àghting insurgency said, very soon, those communities under terror attacks would soon be liberated. Responding, the DG
of NEMA, Alhaji Muhammad Sani-Sidi, who thanked the Borno State delegation, restated the agency’s commitment to continue to support the state towards giving the IDPs in the state a better life. “Indeed, Borno State has the highest number of IDPs in the country; over 80 of IDPs in this country are from Borno State. One of the primary responsibilities of this agency is to support the eͿort of state governments, especially where it is overwhelming. And as an agency, we are convinced that the issue at stake is overwhelming for the state government to be left alone. That is why we have to mobilise all or resources to make sure that we support your eͿort in managing the IDPs, those victims of insurgency and those communities that have been aͿected by insurgency,” he said.
NUJ presidential candidate to introduce health insurance for members Owolabi Adenusi, Yola
head of today’s election, Mr Odusile Abdulwaheed, a presidential candidate of Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ), has vowed to introduce health insurance for members if elected. He made the promise in an interview with news-
men in Yola. Abdulwaheed who lauded the life insurance programme introduced by outgoing president, Mohammed Garba, said when elected, he would expand it to cover health so that journalists with health problems could have access to treatment. He also promised to Àght for the actual-
ization of Media Salary Scale to enhance the welfare of journalist. He said as someone who worked closely with the outgoing president, he would consolidate and improve on it. According to him, media houses that are yet to pay staͿ salaries will witness the wrong side of NUJ if elected.
Also speaking, Mr Adeleye Ajayi, the candidate for National Financial Secretary, said he would ensure accountability and Ànancial upliftment of professionals. He said as an economics journalist and accounting inclined with two and half decades of experience, he would not disappoint journalists when elected.
he Police in Yobe State said yesterday that it had smashed a notorious gang of armed robbery suspects terrorising motorists and commuters on the Nguru-Kano Federal highway. The Commissioner of Police (CP) in Yobe, Mr Danladi Markus, who presented the gang to the public in Damaturu, said the robbers were arrested after an operation on the highway where a commercial driver was killed. He said the gang targeted businessmen from local governments in the northern part of the state as they went back home after business trips to Kano. He said , “in this particular incident, the suspected robbers at-
tacked a businessman who was returning to Nguru from a business trip in Kano, where he purchased some wares. “The suspected robbers mounted a road block, opened Àre on the vehicle, killing the driver while the businessman sustained injuries.’’ The commissioner commended the public for their cooperation which he said had assisted the police in Nguru to act swiftly, thereby arresting the suspects. He said the police recovered one locally made pistol, machetes, bows and arrows. Danladi added that the police command was determined to Àght crime across the state with adequate support and cooperation from the public.
Health committee calls for quality health care for pregnant mothers Nankpah Bwakan, Bauchi
aternal Newborn and Child Health Core Technical CommiĴee has called for collective eěort in saving lives of pregnant mothers and children by ensuring they have access to quality health services. The call was made yesterday at a one day meeting organized by Bauchi State Primary Health Care Development Agency in collaboration with MNCH Core Technical commiĴee held at Development Exchange Centre in Bauchi. The group expressed worry over the poor health services in some of the hospitals in the state stressing the need for all hands to be on
deck to ensure that no woman dies while giving life. “It’s unfortunate and sad that some women still die while giving birth because of the poor health services. If you go to some hospitals, you will ęnd only few nurses that manage hundreds of patients. “The government cannot do it alone and we must not always depend on donor agencies but must visit health facility frequently and carry out activities to ensure that mothers and chidden receive good health services. They also called on government to improve the capacity of health workers to deliver maternal and child interventions as well as ensure availability of drugs in all health facility.
Flood destroys goods worth N800m at Onitsha electronics market Cyprian Ebele Onitsha
o fewer than 1500 lock-up shops were yesterday night destroyed by Áood at the Onitsha International Electronics Market during a heavy down pour that lasted over seven hours. According to the president of the market, Mr. Izuchukwu Okoye, “we lost about N800 million worth of goods to the Áood.” “The Áood came into the market when its volume could not be contained by the drainages along the Onitsha/Asaba Expressway. “Goods damaged were mainly from A and B lines, and we appeal to the state government to come to our rescue,” Okoye
stated. Contributing, the Secretary of the market union, Comrade Damian Ogudike, said “we pay our taxes and levies to the state government. The drainages are the problem, and the expectation is that the state government should work on the drainages to be higher than they are now.” “You can see the traders insisting that the money they paid to the government should be refunded to them since their problems in the market are not being solved,” the secretary revealed. In his reaction, the Public Relation Ocer (PRO), Mr. Samuel Ikechukwu Onwuama, recalled that this was the third time it is happening, hinting that at the second time, damaged goods were worth N600 million.
Saturday, July 25, 2015
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Saturday, July 25, 2015
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 25, 2015
Terrorism: Buhari seeks help from White House Mansur Oladunjoye, Asst. Politics Editor
t a campaign rally in Adamawa State before the April 28 election that shot him into oce, President Muhammadu Buhari was reported to have vowed as regards Boko Haram and other terrorism-related issues: “Our government will bring to an end the menace of Boko Haram terror that is plaguing the society. Nigerians are turning into refugees in their country.” Almost immediately, his Vice, Prof. Yemi Osinbajo said if elected, he and his boss would personally lead the war against Boko Haram, “Fighting insurgency requires the Commander in Chief to lead from the front by providing leadership. “Instead of politicising the issue, APC will galvanise all support and ensure that the threat to the territorial integrity of the country is put on check, and General Buhari will ensure that the entire nation is mobilised irrespective of party aliation to solve the problem.” However, the Àght against terrorism and other threats to nation’s security was planned to be solved through massive recruitment/ training of over 100,000 ocers into the Nigeria Police Force (NPF) and the establishment of a federal Anti-Terrorism Agency. Whether Buhari’s government had recruited the promised number into the NPF and the establishment of the said Anti-Terrorism Agency before opting for talk with the Boko Haram leadership has become issues with political analysts, who fumed that the President has not tapped all existing options before making his decision. Apparently, the activists were reacting to Buhari’s interview with the CNN’s Christiane Amanpour during which he said that his administration would be willing to negotiate with Boko Haram if it meant returning the 219 Chibok schoolgirls from captivity. He said, “If we are convinced that the Boko Haram leadership can deliver those girls, we would be prepared to negotiate what they want.” The issue of negotiation with the dreaded Boko Haram has divided opinions among Nigerians. While many of those who bear the brunt of the terrorist organisation’s inhumanity, especially those in the hotbed states of Borno, Yobe and Adamawa, have spoken of the need to open a channel of communication with the leaders of the
Buhari in warm handshake with Obama
Boko Haram pointman Shekau
group to see to the possibility of ending the conÁict on the negotiating table, many others, whose voices appear to have the ears of the government from the time of Goodluck Jonathan till now, seem to favour the military option over dialogue. Those against dialogue have argued that negotiating with the terrorists means acquiescence to their demands, and by extension, accepting to let them oͿ the hook despite torturing, raping and killing of innocent Nigerians. Their argument is that the government should take a much-harder line, because, according to them, talking and negotiating with insurgents ‘legitimises violent fanaticism.’ In the midst of arguments about which of the two seemingly extreme positions government should take, there have been increased attacks on civilians through suicide bombings and failed attempts to capture some towns and highways by Boko Ha-
ram. This school of thought must have hinged their reason on the past move by Goodluck Jonathan’s government to open some form of dialogue with the insurgents, only to discover later that those tasked with the mandate to talk to the insurgents did bad job. The outcome of the talk did not end the way the United States and United Kingdom held negotiations with terrorist organisations in order to free their citizens from fear, or ultimately bring an end to insurgency that threatens their citizens or interests. Newswatch Times recall that for decades, America’s ocial policy was to destroy terrorist organisations, not to sit down and talk with them. However, in the early 1980s, President Ronald Reagan negotiated with terrorist groups to secure the release of 52 Americans held hostage after the Iranian Revolution. A decade later, in the early 1990s, the White House, under
George Bush, negotiated with Hezbollah to release American hostages in Lebanon. In addition, the second Bush in the White House, organised an indirect payment of 300,000 to secure the release of two American missionaries held by the Abu Sayef, a militant group in the Philippines. In 1998, the British government negotiated with the Irish Republican Army (IRA) and signed the now-famous Good Friday Agreement, ending decades of conÁict that had polarised the Island and left many families traumatised and bereaved. In the end, Britain, and the whole of Europe beneÀted from the dialogue with the IRA. Political pundits are of the opinion that talking to the insurgents doesn’t mean giving in to their demands. “It doesn’t mean the military operations will end. But when faced with an emergency of monumental proportion, as we have now with the Chibok Girls, the option left for the government is to talk to the insurgents, and secure the release of the girls. The trust and conÀdence garnered from the initial discussion can then be expanded to other areas with the aim of bringing the entire conÁict to an end,” Imam Imam, a political analyst, said. According to Powell, a former Chief of StaͿ to British Prime Minister, Tony Blair, “the West (led by the USA), won’t defeat terrorist organisations with force alone, even if it resorts to brutal and unscrupulous measures.” In an interview with Newsweek magazine, Powell said negotiating with terrorists is not a question of forgiving Continued on Page 49
Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 25, 2015
Sylva’s fading political might in Bayelsa Francis Sagbama
n sane climes, Chief Timipre Sylva, self-acclaimed opposition leader in Bayelsa State would bury his head in shame for putting Bayelsa, the glory of all lands in reverse gear for about Àve years. As governor of the littoral state between 2007 and 2012, a period characterised by oil boom, the Sylva administration impoverished the people, underdeveloped the state by plundering its resources and stiÁed dissent in a manner reminiscent of the Thomas Hobbs’ State of Nature. It was against this background that Bayelsans stopped Sylva’s reelection bid in 2012. But Nigeria is a contradiction where anything goes. Sylva who has been standing trial for multiple corruption charges and who indeed should have long been in jail is now strutting the political landscape with exaggerated swagger, posturing sanctimoniously as a governorship candidate under the platform of the All Progressives Congress (APC). What a country! I can beat my chest that if Sylva throws his hat into the governorship ring, he will kiss the ground the way he did on March 31 when Ben Bruce trounced him in the Bayelsa East senatorial contest. Already, the mainstream women and youth groups in the state, the clergy
and Ijaw elders in Bayelsa have condemned the ambition of Sylva and the gale of defection of some Peoples’ Democratic Party (PDP) members to APC, many of whom were aides, appointees and associates of Sylva. The groups have consequently led the charge in the re-election of Governor Henry Dickson. Tagged Operation Retain Dickson in Creek Haven campaign, the groups particularly the elders, clergy, women and youth organisations said they must return Dickson to government house to prove that there is reward for hard work and selÁess service to fatherland. At separate events, these groups endorsed the re-election
of the Countryman Governor. Rising from an emergency meeting in Yenagoa last week, the elders led by the Ànancial expert and political heavy weight, Chief Francis Duokpola cursed the APC and the PDP politicians defecting to the APC, describing them as vultures and a shame to the Ijaw nation. They wondered why a party that controversially wrested power from Dr. Jonathan, an Ijaw icon would be embraced by desperate politicians whom they describe as vultures and self-seeking. They vowed to stop APC from gaining root in Bayelsa State even as they declared; ‘‘The APC has declared war on the Ijaw nation. Right from the days of
our forefathers, the Ijaws have never been conquered and our generation cannot be conquered by APC!’’ Bayelsans are not in a hurry to forget how commissions of enquiries were capriciously set up by Sylva with the sole mandate of indicting his perceived opponents on phantom charges with a view to making them unÀt for public oce. The incumbent governor who was Commissioner of Justice and Attorney General of Bayelsa State under then governor, Dr. Goodluck Jonathan was principal victims of Sylva’s despotism. In 2008, precisely, less than 10 months after Sylva was elected as governor, he amongst other things, accused his predecessor, Jonathan of approving and releasing the sum of N150million for a Library project to the Ministry of Justice under the watch of Dickson as Commissioner. Sylva claimed that the money was diverted. The truth of the matter however, was that the contract was actually awarded but the money was not released before Jonathan’s government wound up. The certiÀed true copy of the handover note to Sylva which was made public contained this hard fact yet Sylva went ahead to waste public funds on a witchunting mission in the name of a commission of enquiries. As usual, we, Bayelsans knew Continued on Page 49
Benue TV: Test case for Gov Ortom Godwin Akor, Makurdi
ecently, Governor Samuel Ortom of Benue State visited some media houses including the state’s television station where he discovered that the establishment would need N66 million to further broadcast. However, the problem may go beyond what the eyes see as the studio constructed many years ago was said to be bad shape. Also faulty was the way the project was conceived with the appointment of a coordinator who supervised the construction of the studio said to be below standard. It was gathered that the appointment of the coordinator was politicised, and that a relative of his, who was the Commissioner for Information at that time, gave him the privilege. The staͿ of the organisation, who were recruited when the immediate past governor,
Gabriel Suswan knew that the project had become moribund, continued to receive salaries for doing nothing. At a stage, it was reported that the equipment imported for the project were obsolete, requiring replacement, but top government functionaries who had placed their relatives in good positions cared less about
reviving the project. After eight years of neglect and the politicisation of the Benue Television, Suswan announced the removal of the coordinator, and announced the appointment of another coordinator, who was idle for about seven years. The politicisation of the appointment of the Àrst
coordinator which was the main reason for the project’s stagnation in the past may have been the reason for the new appointee who may not have the capacity to take the project to a logical conclusion. Since Ortom’s administration is determined to bring about change, it may need to take a critical look at the Benue Television project before spending money on it. In the eyes of the public, the project has become a conduit pipe. During the George Akume administration, a former member of the House of Assembly, Mr. Nanevwua Uhundu, complained of the frequent allocation of money to Benue Television project in the yearly budget without anything to show for it. After Akume left the saddle, Suswam came with the same recurring issue. The move towards the importation of equipment for the project Continued on Page 53
July 25, 2015
It’s fight to finish in E/Guinea –Onyedinma NPFL goes into break, to resume 2 August
Wenger says retiring crosses his mind >>Pg.19
Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 25, 2015
Maduabuchi Kalu 08080669826
League Watch
Rangers in search of strikers
to League Watch by the Technical Director of the Club, Obi Ekwo, after the Flying Antelopes disappointed their numerous fans again at the Nnamdi Azikiwe Stadium, Enugu where the Week 19 tie between the two sister clubs took place on Sunday. An angry Ekwo blamed his boys for not converting their begging chances particularly in the Ä&#x2122;rst half of the game
and wondered why his striker have been so wasteful. He explained that the Sunday game was not the Ä&#x2122;rst time that the team would play so well but fail to convert their begging chances thereby ended up losing such ties. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I am not in the league of those who are blaming the referee for our home defeat against Enyimba,â&#x20AC;? the former Rangers player began.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;As far as I am concerned the referee has no hands in our defeat. It is true that the referee is a human being who is prone to mistake but sincerely speaking I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t our defeat was down to action or inaction of the referee. â&#x20AC;&#x153;For those who are blaming the referees, what do they expect the referee to do? We commiÄ´ed foul in the 18 yard box and he awarded a penalty against us and it was converted. What is wrong in that? As far as I am concerned, I do not see anything wrong in that. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is true that in half there was a foul in the penalty box against Enyimba and the referee did not give it probably he did not see it and moreover it is within his discretion to award penalty or not. â&#x20AC;&#x153;When we had another penalty it was awarded to us and we converted it to bring the score-line to parity. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Our problem has always been our inability to convert begging chances that always come our way. This is not the Ä&#x2122;rst time this is happening. Even in our away games, there have been many games we ought to have won but for poor Ä&#x2122;nishing. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I think that the best thing to do is to look for clinical Ä&#x2122;nishers and send these strikers to the labour market.
football you win some you lose some. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The truth of the maÄ´er is that Coach Dobrev was
relieved of his position because of his consistent abandoning of the team. He was fond of travelling outside the country without the knowledge and permission of his employers. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Of course when he travels like that the team will be without anybody guiding them both in training and other things that he supposed to be taking care of in the team. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Let me just give example of his truancy, could you believe that on that day that we were to play Wikki, he breezed in
about ten minutes to the commencement of the game. At that point what would he do to impact on the team? â&#x20AC;&#x153;Therefore, for anybody to insinuate that he was sacked because of the home defeat against Wikki is far from the truth. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Again, to tell you that this is the behaviour that he has been puÄ´ing up, he was sacked and Obuh took over same day because there has been negotiation between the club and the former Flying Eaglesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; coach due to what explained earlier.
ollowing the 1-2 home defeat Enugu Rangers International Football Club suÄ&#x203A;ered at the hands of two time African champions, Enyimba International Football Club of Aba on Sunday, the club is now in desperate search for clinical Ä&#x2122;nishers in its bid to stop the clubâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s inability to convert begging chances. This much was revealed
W hy Dobrev was sacked â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Kalu
ore facts have emerged why Ifeanyi Uba FC former coach, Mitko Dobrev was sacked by the management of the club. According to the Media OÄ&#x153;cer of the club, Prince Emeka Kalu, the Polish coach was sacked because of his consistent truancy as he was fond of travelling outside the country without the knowledge and permission of his employers. He explained that to buÄ´ress that fact that management of the club was not happy with the way Dobrev was going about his job, the employment of the current Coach, John Obuh, has been on and that was why immediately he was sacked on Monday after the Sunday home defeat to Wikki Obuh took over. He argued that there is no way Obuh would have resumed had the management of the club not in search and negotiation with the former Flying Eaglesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; gaÄ&#x203A;er. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I would like to correct one wrong impression about the sack of our former coach, Mitko Dobrev few weeks ago,â&#x20AC;? Prince Kalu began. â&#x20AC;&#x153;There is no iota of truth that he was sacked because we lost our home game against Wikki the day before he was sacked. That information is not true because in the game of
Lawal hopeful of better days for Kaduna Utd
ormer international midÄ&#x2122;elder, and the Chairman of the technical commiÄ´ee of Kaduna United FC, Garba Lawal, has expressed optimism that in no distant time the Ä&#x2122;nancial woes of players and oÄ&#x153;cials of the club will witness turnaround. According to Lawal, his optimism for the turnaround of the clubâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Ä&#x2122;nancial fortune stems from the conÄ&#x2122;dence he reposed in the ability of the state Governor to put smiles on the faces of the players by releasing money for the payment of the arrears of salaries owed them. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The situation is that we are hopeful that in no distant
time the Ä&#x2122;nancial situation of the club would turnaround for the beÄ´er,â&#x20AC;? Lawal began. â&#x20AC;&#x153;My optimism for improvement in the fortunes of the club stem from the conÄ&#x2122;dence I reposed on the state governor. He is somebody that we trust that can change the ugly Ä&#x2122;nancial situation of the club but as at now we are still where we are in terms of the indebtedness of players and oÄ&#x153;cials. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I sincerely hope that in no distant the state governor will put smiles on the faces of the players and oÄ&#x153;cials,â&#x20AC;? Lawal enthused. â&#x20AC;&#x153;On how many months that the players are owed, it varies because the arrears of
salaries the old players are owed is diÄ&#x203A;erent from what the new players are owed. â&#x20AC;&#x153;As we speak, the old players are owed about 18 months arrears of salaries while new players are owed between 12 and 14 months arrears of salaries,â&#x20AC;? Lawal explained. The case of Kaduna United is example of the bad situation of Nigerian Football where players and oÄ&#x153;cials of clubs are owed many months of arrears of salaries by various state governments. These arrears of salaries in the case of Kaduna United exclude bonuses. It is as bad as that but the unfortunate is that it seems that the
he 2014/15 Globacom sponsored Nigeria Premier League (NPL) otherwise known as Nigeria Professional Football League (NPFL) has embarked on two week break after the Week 19 matches played on Sunday to bring the Ä&#x2122;rst stanza to an end. The Nigerian elite league will resume on 2 August for the second stanza according LMC even as the transfer window has open for clubs to strengthen their squads. The transfer window will aÄ&#x203A;ord the various teams the opportunity to beef up their squad as they baÄ´le for the diadem which is the shield at the end of the season. Clubs like Enugu Rangers International FC who are currently placed 7th now have opportunity to source for clinical Ä&#x2122;nishers as that department has been giving the management of the club serious cause to worry. The Flying Antelope have been playing well this season but their
problem has been to make adequate use of the opportunities they normally create prompting the management to start scouting for beÄ´er strikers that would enable them utilize most of their chances they usually create during matches. It is interesting to note that at the end of the Ä&#x2122;rst stanza of the league, Sunshine Stars of Akure are still holding tight to the number one position while two time African champions Enyimba International Football Club of Aba are placed 2nd though they shared same points with Sunshine but the Akure Gunners have superior goal diÄ&#x203A;erence. There is no doubt that this Ä&#x2122;rst stanza of the league is tough considering the points separating the various clubs. It is even going to be tougher when the second stanza kicks oÄ&#x203A; on 2 August. Cash trapped FC Taraba are languishing on the boÄ´om of the log while Dolphins are placed 19th at the end of the Ä&#x2122;rst stanza.
Week 19 NPFL results Nasarawa 1 - 0
3 - 3
4 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 0
Shooting 2 - 1
3 - 1
1 - 0
Wo l v e s
2 - 1
Sunshine 2 - 1
Ta r a b a
1 - 2
1 - 0
Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 25, 2015
Sports/EURO League
Benzema lands new girlfriend K
arim Benzema looks like he has been enjoying the summer oě-season as away from the Bernabeu the Real Madrid striker has found himself a new girlfriend. It’s not just any new partner for Benzema though, because the France striker has got together with Analicia Chaves - the ex of Belgium international
Axel Witsel. The concept of a footballer going out with another’s ex is not exactly earth-shaĴering, but Benzema appears to be proud of his new partner. Footage of the 27-year-old and Chaves shows the two enjoying a moment while the 27-year-old mimes along to a song that includes the lyrics ‘I f****d your wife.’
Benzema was previously linked with singer Rihanna before landing with Chaves. While the striker’s personal life seems to be secure right now, his professional one is less clear. The Real Madrid hitman is on Arsenal’s wanted list, although a move by Arsene Wenger for the long time target could be unlikely this summer.
Wenger says retiring crosses his mind
hen Arsene Wenger bumped into Sir Alex Ferguson last season there was one truth he was keen to unlock. ‘I said, ‘Come on, don’t you miss it?’ grinned Wenger. ‘He came to meet me after the game when we played at Manchester United. ‘He says no, he’d had enough. He still goes to every game. He has horses. I have no horses.’ Wenger is 65, eight years Ferguson’s junior, but still at an age when many people might consider winding down. Ferguson doesn’t miss it. He still goes to every game. He has horses. I have no horses. ‘It crosses my mind sometimes,’ said the Arsenal boss, ‘but for no longer than ęve seconds, because I panic a liĴle bit.’ Wenger is preparing for his 20th campaign in the Barclays Premier League — some of his youngest players were not even born when he arrived — and it is only ‘with diĜculty’ that he can imagine working at another club. His enthusiasm,
however, is undimmed. ‘I am more commiĴed than ever,’ said Wenger. ‘The number of times you have done it doesn’t count. It is how much you love what you do that counts. And the love is not necessarily diminished by the number of times you’ve done it. ‘Football is new every day. That’s a big quality. It makes you question. With every defeat people say, ‘What’s this guy doing?’ ‘You have an exam every three days. You have no way to look back. You have to prepare for the next exam and come out with success. ‘I am like everybody: you lose three games and… but when you analyse my time here, you will see I did not lose three games on the trot many times. The job of a manager, as well, is to reduce the time of crisis. ‘I want to do well for the club, and when I leave one day, I want to leave it in a position where it can go on and on.’ Competing against rivals for whom money is no object, Wenger has been criticised for
resisting spending trends, and some Arsenal fans remain convinced it is time for change. He avoids social media but this does not protect him from personal abuse in a public job, as he found when he was jeered at Stoke-on-Trent railway station after a defeat last year. ‘Big experience helps you anticipate what you will face,’ said Wenger. ‘Even here, there are unpredictable responses. You would not necessarily expect people to insult you on the way to the train. I was more exposed to, ‘who will go’ and now the question I get more is, ‘who will come?’ ‘It’s the way society has gone. I can take a distance from that. I know the same people can be excessive. ‘That’s where experience helps. You have a good assessment of who you are and you’re not inĚuenced by what people say, whether it’s too positive or too negative.’ Nine trophy-free years have been ended by backto-back FA Cup wins, and there is quiet conędence inside Arsenal that they can compete more strongly for the title. ‘What is true is we have stability we didn’t have before,’ said Wenger. ‘I was more exposed to, ‘who will go’ and now the question I get more is, ‘who will come?’ ‘Our potential on the market has changed a bit and if you ask me will we win the Premier League, I just say we want to. We will try and give everything but it will be a very open competition. ‘We have a chance. All is going well. Our heaviest defeat last season was 2-0 and it was against Chelsea. We have reduced the gap and I believe we are ready to go further.
Porn star reveals she’s Man Utd fan
ouis van Gaal has revealed that the ‘surprise’ acquisition he hopes to bring to Old Traěord is not a striker but Manchester United supporters have been treated to news that Jenna Jameson is one of them. Known as the ‘Queen of Porn’ Jameson is desperate for a ticket to the next leg of United’s pre-season tour, with Van Gaal’s newlook United set to face Barcelona in Santa Clara on Saturday. Jameson posted a screenshot of the details for the International Champions Cup tie, with the message: ‘I’m trying so hard to get tickets to thisǷǷǷǷ’ before conęrming her allegiance to the Manchester club to her followers. Adult entertainer and American entrepreneur Jenna Jameson has revealed she is a
Manchester United fan The 41-year-old has been married three times, but her unwavering loyalty to United can be seen in her interaction on TwiĴer, with the former glamour model even revealing she wanted ‘more than a ticket’ for the game. Jameson joins a stellar list of self-confessed United supporters in the public eye, with Simply Red lead singer Mick Hucknall, six-time Olympic champion Usain Bolt and Sky Sports News presenter Hayley McQueen all previously seen sporting the famous red shirt. Goals from Juan Mata, Memphis Depay and Andreas Pereira on Tuesday night were enough to beat San Jose Earthquakes 3-1 as United made it two victories from two tour outings. After the win, Van Gaal cooled speculation that he
would be in the market for a striker between now and the close of the transfer window. ‘I don’t know if I want to buy a striker,’ Van Gaal said. ‘I have read in the media that a striker is the surprise. No, that I have not said. You are saying that, because my answer is like that. No, I mean something else.’
UFC star shows off her impressive bikini body
FC star, Paige VanZant, took time out from her busy schedule on Thursday to enjoy a ‘super fun’ mountain hike. The 21-year-old took to Instagram to share two midhike snaps as she showed oě her impressive core strength by performing a daring manoeuvre halfway up a telephone pole. ‘Life is beautiful. Super fun hike today,’ she wrote before donning a bikini and posing alongside a lake. The Reebok athlete is slowly becoming the next UFC superstar and following in Ronda Rousey’s footsteps. VanZant dominated Felice Herrig during her last bout back in April, as she begins to live up to the hype that surrounds her. She was declared the winner on points as she dominated from start to ęnish using brutal elbows
to hurt her experienced opponent. The UFC star was 18 when she made her professional bout before making the step-up to the all-women Invicta promotion in 2013. The Oregon native has
fought only six times during her short career, with a record of 5-1 after losing to Tecia Torres in January 2013, but much is expected of her in the upcoming years. Ronaldinho aĴends Kellogg’s event in Mexico Ronaldinho looked in good form as he was pictured with Tony the Tiger at a Kellogg’s event and luckily he didn’t receive a ‘Frostie’ reception. The Brazilian star has recently signed with Fluminense and was given a hero’s welcome when unveiled by the club. And the good times continued as he posed with the famous tiger, while he was in Mexico City. He said: ‘Kellogg’s event in Mexico City ! very cool! The energy of you is contagious !! What a wonderful day!!’ Ronaldinho left Mexican side Queretaro in the summer, but the move not
Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 25, 2015
Rio 2016 Women Olympics qualifier:
It’s fight to finish in E/Guinea – Onyedinma Victor Enyinnaya
igeria Football Federation (NFF) executive commiĴee member, Chief Mrs. Dilichukwu Onyedinma, has predicted tough outing for Super Falcons against Equatorial Guinea in the second leg of the Rio 2016 Olympic qualięer, saying that the match would live up to the trappings as a top grudge game. According to her, the result of the ęrst leg in Abuja which ended 1-1 will no doubt play incisive role and put each side into check and ensure explosive exchange that would keep the fans on the edge of their seat throughout the envisaged epic show down. ‘’There will be no dull moment in the Olympic qualięer in Bata, Equatorial Guinea. The two sides will close mark each other to make the match a tight duel. No doubt, Super Falcons know what is at stake and will aěord not to disappoint her teeming fans across the continent and beyond. The
Nigerians would not let go,’’ she said. The Chairperson of Nigeria Women Football League (NWFL) boss added that the diĜculty that associates with any match against Equatorial Guinea is that a host of Nigerian born players who are well known with the style, strong and otherwise of Super Falcons made up the Central African side. However it is my belief that the African Queens will be up and doing as they decisively enter the pitch for the crunchy encounter. ‘’Let me restate here that the second leg will be tougher than what we saw during the ęrst leg. The Falcons are equal to the task. The Nigerian girls will use this to prove their potency in African Women football. Remember many of our footballers are in their line up. For instance the girl that scored for them, Chinasa Okoro and many others. The truth is that notwithstanding, the pendulum of victory would swing to the Falcons side. Lots of preparations coupled with hard work will
be go into this,’’ she reveals. Onyedinma insists that the likes of Desire Oparanozie, Asisat Oshoala, Francisca
Ordega and many other quality players in the Falcons squad will not only bring their vast experience to bear but would turn the heat
when the chips are down to change the tide to Nigeria’s favour, she added. It would be recalled that the winner of the
game will face either South Africa or Kenya for a place at the Olympics coming up in Rio Janeiro, Brazil in 2016
Okon blasts Danjuma over Falcons’ tactics
...As Oshoala, Onome stage comeback against E/Guinea
Not yet done with Danjuma, Okon who received heavy criticism after his team’s woeful performance at the world cup told Nigerian Pilot Sports that the current Super Falcons have not made any progress under his former assistant Accessing the performance of Nigeria against their Equatorial Guinean counterparts, Okon admiĴed “Its football, anything can happen but it’s a sad we couldn’t take advantage of playing at home ęrst. There was no massive overhaul from my team, the only fresh face
Martin Odiete
mmediate past Super Falcons Coach, Edwin Okon, has taken a swipe at his successor, Christopher Danjuma, over the tactics he deplored during the Falcons Equatorial Guinea match which took place at the Abuja National stadium last Saturday. Speaking in Abuja, Okon noted that Danjuma aĴributed the one all draw to the changes made to the team by the coach. Okon who was relieved of his job shortly after he returned from Canada, venue of the just concluded FIFA Women’s World Cup where Nigeria crashed out in the group stage, physical aĴacked Danjuma at Area 3 playground, Abuja few days after the Nigeria Football Federation, NFF announced him as the new acting Super Falcons coach. Danjuma, his then assistant had approach Okon, River Angels Head Coach to greet him during one of Federation Cup matches decided at the Nation’s capital but the later reportedly pushed him accusing him of sabotaging and taking over his job.
was the goalkeeper,” Meanwhile, the duo of England based striker, Asissat Ohoala and USbased player, Onome Ebi are expected to make a return to the Super Falcons squad for the second leg of the crucial Olympic Games qualięer against Equatorial Guinea in Bata. Both play makers were absent in the ęrst leg encounter in Abuja which ended 1-1. With the result, Equatorial Guinea side seem to be placed on beĴer pedestal to clinch 2016 Olympic ticket should Nigerian girls slip during the return leg. Super Falcons interim
Coach Christopher Danjuma who insisted that his full squad would face their opponents in the second leg maintained “Half of our players were not at the ęrst leg and by the grace of God, all of them will be in the team before the second leg game and we shall get the maximum points in Malabo. “All we need is the support of all Nigerian because we must make it to 2016 Olympics. We are not the kind of people that make excuses for whatever that happen. I believe before the second legs whatever we are facing up and down, emotional or whatever must have been dealt with.
Give Oliseh breathing space, Agali begs football pundits Maduabuchi Kalu
ormer international striker, Victor Okechukwu Agali, has thrown his weight behind newly appointed national team gaěer, Sunday Oliseh, saying the Delta State born former national team captain should be given a chance to perform his duty. Agali said Oliseh would succeed if given the right support by Nigerians despite the fact that he lacks national team coaching experience. The former Hansa
Rostock and Schalke 04 striker admits that Oliseh and national team players know what is expected of them and as a result know the magnitude of the task before them. “I think that it will proper for us to give Oliseh chance to discharge his responsibility to the team and I believe that he is vast enough in the game to know what he wants for the national team. “It is true that he has not had any national team coaching experience before
now but he has deep knowledge of the game and he is somebody who is passionate about the game and the country. “We should give him chance to steer the ship of Eagles ęrst and then we will know the direction he is taking our football to. “Moreover you can’t know the ability of someone until you give such a person opportunity to do certain things before you will be able to assess him correctly that is why we should give chance ęrst.
Saturday, July 25, 2015
Saturday, July 25, 2015
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Saturday, July 25, 2015
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Saturday, July 25, 2015
Saturday, July 25 2015
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Newswatch Times -Tradition built on Truth
Vol. 01, No. 39
Saturday, July 25, 2015
Celebrating C Ce eelle ele leb ebra bbrrrat aatttin iin ing n ngg women wome wom wo men off substance men su subs su ubbs bssttan ttaance ancee
My husband understands me more than anyone â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Sarah Adebisi Sosan
26 My Love
Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 25, 2015
– Sarah Ad
ebisi Sosan Former Deputy Gove rnor of Lagos State, Pr incess Mrs. Sarah Sosa philanthropist whose n is a silent achiever an inte d gr of her quest for giving rest in iimproviing living conditions ordina ry Nigerians is unequa eat succour to others, sh lle e founded Sarah Sosa organisation aimed at n Foundation, a non-go d. Because em vernmental about her plans for th powering women and youths. In this inte rview with TUNDE ES e NGO, her marriage an O, she spoke d why a woman shou ld be president in Nige ria.
an I meet you? My name is Princess Mrs Sarah Adebisi Sosan, national award winner and former Deputy Governor of Lagos State. Tell me about your growing up It was very interesting. I was born in Kano. My father worNed brieÀy in Kano and later transferred to Ibadan, Oyo State, where I started my primary education. :e ¿nally moved to Lagos where I spent most of my adult age in Malu road, Ajegunle. We have a family house there and it is still there. Why I said I had a very interesting growing up is because I grew up with other tribes like Urhobos, Igbos, Ijaws, Hausas, etc.
They were my friends; we played together and attended schools together. I also did my primary school in Ajegunle when we relocated. I attended Christ’s Assembly School which was located in the heart of Ajegunle. Those days, we would walk long distance just to get to school. Nowadays, none of our kids wants to do that anymore. It was really fun because on your way to school, you would stop and buy things on the road with your friends. There were no security issues as we have now, no issue of kidnapping and we were very free. I also attended Awori Ajeromi Primary
School. It used to be a primary school, but it is a secondary school now which was located at Agboju, towards Festac Town. Agboju used to be a small village with thick bush around it. Attending schools in those days was fun because there were lots of activities to engage in. We would spend our transport fare and will have to trek long distances to our destinations. It was very exciting. Kids of today don’t have the kind of opportunity we had during our time.
My Love 27
Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 25, 2015 What gave you the privilege to attain the position of Deputy Governor? I want to thank God for my mother. My mother is from Lagos Island, in Lagos State. She had a strict upbringing and in those days, often times it was not your parents that trained you. You were trained by relatives so that you will get proper and decent upbringing. When she told me the kind of things she passed through, it really impacted on me as a young girl growing up. She was very strict, very hard working and God fearing. She did not compromise anything at all. She had always been a blunt woman who spoke her mind without fear of anybody. As I grew up, I saw that character inculcated in me. She never spared the rod. Each time I abandoned my work by playing from morning till night fall, she would keep mute and allow me enter the house to sleep. Then she would wake me up in the middle of the night and give me thorough beating. The rod was not spared at all, but it was with love. I always thank God I had that kind of training from my mother. At age 10, 20, 30 years of age, who were your role models? At 10, I was at my formative years. My role models were my parents because I saw them
around me most times. At 20, I started working and had lots of notable people around me who had made name for themselves. I had a teacher I admired a lot; many people never liked her because she was thorough, hard working, concise and God-fearing. She was disciplined and principled and so many saw her as being wicked. She believed if you are paid for a job, you must do it accordingly with strict adherence. When I was trying to gain admission into secondary school, I said to myself, “if these women can make it, nothing can stop me”. The women gave me inspiration that I must be something in future and to achieve that, your education is very important. I was not born with a silver-spoon, but the opportunity to be educated was there. It was not very rosy, but my parents made sure I got the education I needed. That gave me an opportunity to further my education. At that point, we had opportunities to choose from different universities unlike today where students are restricted to just one university. At that point, I mixed evening classes with my work just to get my A levels. It was not really easy then because I wanted to go through direct entry. I said to myself, “If I cannot go through the direct entry, let me utilise another alternative; so I found myself in the teaching profession.
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Continued on page 28
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THE TEAM Published by
If not that he allowed me to be the person I had always wanted to be, the marriage would not have lasted up to this moment
Newswatch Times Ltd. Publisher
tunde ESO
qismat Yinus Head Graphics
olukayode OGUNJOBI Graphic Artists
henry ENEGEDE/ chinwe DURUEKE
Newswatch Times, Satruday, July 25, 2015 Tunde Eso e-mail:tundeeso@yahoo.co.uk 08057482794
I was not born with a silverspoon but the opportunity to be educated was there. It was not v e r y ro s y, but my parents made sure I got the education I needed 6DUDK 6RVDQ¶V ¿UVW GD\ LQ RI¿FH
My husband understands me more than anyone What were your dreams like? Often times we go to school studying courses that are not related to our area of specialization. I had wanted to be a public administrator. That was something that propelled my working in the public sector. Working with government had always been part of my aspiration because I worked as a clerical of¿cer in my early 20s at the Lagos State Ministry of Information and Tourism at Ibrahim Waziri Crescent before it was moved to Alausa Why didn’t you study Public Administration in the University? In my result, I had all Es which was not enough to get me what I wanted in the university. I made up my mind to go to the university, but in life, sometimes we plan, but it doesn’t work out the way we planned it. I had a cousin who lost her parents but had only primary school education and I felt she could do something with the result. I saw a Muslim Teachers’ College; so I went there and collected admission
form for her. While doing that, I never thought of being a teacher. I also saw where they sold forms for those with school certi¿cates and I obtained one. That was how I found myself in the teaching profession. I took the form and went for the one year programme. After the one year course, I went to University of Lagos for my %sc and Masters degrees. What were you doing before you became the Deputy Governor? I was Head of Department, State University of %asic Education %oard. That was in 200 . I was deployed to the parastatal at the State University of %asic Education %oard. How did you get to the parastatals? Well, I worked as a teacher. After my one year programme, I got deployed to a school. After my N.C.E, I worked brieÀy in a school before I went for my degree. I taught at Araromi Secondary School and later moved to Awodi-Ora Secondary School. From there, I was deployed
to the inspectorate division in 1997 and moved to the mainstream of Ministry of Education much later because we had our annexes then which was the Local Educational District. While I was at the Ministry of Education, I worked with the monitoring department. It was from there I was deployed to State University %asic Education %oard. From there, I rose to become the Head of Department of Communication Information and Technology within six years. My hard work really paid because the parastatal then was quite different. It was when Asiwaju %ola Ahmed Tinubu became the Governor that a lot of things took place. We never worked as civil servants then; the way we worked was quite different. At a point I thought the work was too much for me, so I wanted to go back to the ministry. As Assistant %oard Secretary, I organized meetings for the board, wrote reports, memos and also did lots of visitations. So it was a bit stressful. One of my senior colleagues who was a director then would always tell me that it
was a good experience that I should endure it. The board member show dedicated I was and I never complained even when I was spending my money to get my work done. If you have trusted of¿cers that work so well for you, you will not want to let them go. I never played with hard work while I was there. My relationship with people also paved way for me. Even if I have challenges, it will not reÀect in my work and when I had personal problems, I never allowed it to interfere with my work. That was where I was when the opportunity to become the Deputy Governor came and my colleagues were so excited. What brought the call for Deputy Governorship? Wherever you are, God will always locate you for favour. The mantle of leadership fell on me when our area was looked at. Coming from a political background and having political ¿gures that already knew me made it even easier for me. To God be the glory it happened. Even my father was not aware of it. I will forever be grateful to God for giving me such a wonderful father who was always there for me. So that was a major factor for me getting to that position. Do you really need to be wealthy to attain such a position as a Deputy Governor? Continued on page 36
Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 25, 2015
Five minutes with... ctresses opular a p t s o m ght ne of the to limeli o n i , a e y i m a a l c ains, a genre Abike O ap; No p t h Yo r u b o i s Mojisola w n y o l i l s a i i toothed ’ s telev ia espec in Niger the gapAdenuga , e e l l i a m W s n e role ole i attractiv atility in r s e r h e for her r v r r o f e h several . Known med for ABI on ly acclai No gains L h A g i E h D s i s t r y. IBA l lady lm indu ke to AJ i o f p beautifu s e h e t h ted to ation. S ose rela h interpret t y l r a articul issues p : Excerpts
f I may ask, why is it that marriages of celebrities and between celebrities don’t stand the test of time? I don t wants to believe that; there are several celebrities, actors and actresses whose marriage is doing Àne. I don’t want to mention names, but there are many of them. Moreover, there are people who are neither actors nor actresses whose marriage has crashed. So, it is not peculiar to celebrities or actresses. I believe it might be because people get to read about us frequently which is why it is assumed we have several marriage breakups. I have heard of a marriage that was solemnized in the morning and before evening the couple went their diͿerent ways. So we should not let ours be an issue. But a weekly magazine once quoted you as saying you opted out of marriage because your husband was LGOH DQG GHSHQGHG RQ \RX ÀQDQFLDOO\ DQG (Cuts in). That is another reason I don’t like granting interviews to press men. All what I said was that, see , let us forget this thing about my marriage. You know quite a lot of things about it, so why are you still asking questions on my failed marriage" To me, it was been destined that it will not work out, so why should I force myself into a marriage that I know will not work" Or should I say because I wanted to get married I should put myself into slavery" In fact, I am not saying anything on my broken marriage again. I think I have had enough. Are you saying you were in slavery while married? I did not say that; I am just giving you an illustration. You see, this is what I am talking about. Tomorrow, you may Ànd that some newspapers will carry a bold headline which says, “I was in slavery that is why I opted out of my marriage -Moji Olaiya.” All I am saying is that, if you are not enjoying your marriage, it is not a must that you should die there or be a slave. There are many people out there who are not deriving enjoyment in their marriage, but are enduring it so that people will not say, “haa, the marriage has crashed”. It is also alleged that actresses are fond of dating a particular set of individuals simply because they can spend much money on them. I don’t know what you mean by that. For me, I am not dating any of them and I can’t speak for any other person. Since you mentioned actresses, what gave you the impression that these people you talked about are dating any of us" Let me tell you something, you journalists are the ones who usually wrote all these stories; the moment you see an actress with a man, you start writing on issues that are not even correct about the person. For the past weeks, you and I have been attending several events together; so will people now say because they see us together, we are dating" Ours is on a professional level. Hmmm! So, does that stop anything" See, this thing is a personal determination, it not everyone relating together that could be having an aͿair. %XW DUH \RX VWLOO SODQQLQJ WR UH PDUU\"" Of course, I will still re-marry, but at least not now. Is there any man of ground now" Forget about that now. When it is time, I will let the people know
I will still re-marry –Moji Olaiya Have you ever dated anyone in the industry" Dating someone within your industry is not supposed to be a new thing. Even you as a journalist, can you tell me you have never dated your colleague before" Bankers and lawyers date each other; so, the question of dating a colleague of mine should not arise. In all sincerity, that should not be an issue, and Ajibade be sincere, you can’t tell me you have never dated your colleague either in your oce or in another company. So why all the fuss about actresses dating actors" How would you rate your relationship with colleagues? I have a very cordial relationship with my colleagues. At least you are a witness to it. We have attended many events together and have witnessed how I interact with my colleagues. I don t have any issue with any of them because I have a very good relationship with them. :KDW·V WKH WLWOH RI WKH ÀUVW ÀOP \RX IHDWXUHG LQ" The Àrst Àlm I acted in was my performance in Wale Adenuga Productions when the producer of Sunmibare, Dimeji Ijaduade, came for me. I don’t even know how the deal was made because it was done by Wale Adenuga himself. It was him who bargained on my behalf and just called to say he has a job for me and I went for it.
&DQ \RX VD\ WKDW ZDV WKH ÀOP WKDW EURXJKW \RX to limelight? Yes, that was the Àlm that brought me to limelight. Another Àlm that also shot me to stardom was “Agunbaniro. These two Àlms brought me to limelight. How was the experience like? It was beautiful; it was the Àrst time I was doing the home video stuͿ. The one I did before that was soap, a weekly drama. So, it was a wonderful experience interacting with who is who in the movie industry. Your father is a well known musician, in fact, he LV NQRZQ ZRUOGZLGH +RZ GRHV KH LQÁXHQFH \RXU career? Yes, my father, that is Victor Olaiya is well known, but I must tell you he never at any time inÁuenced my career. My father is someone who will tell you, you have to work hard for whatever you want to be in life. Good, he has been a positive impact in my life, but not to the point of using his name to inÁuence a role or position for me. No! If I could still remember while we are growing up, he will tell us we should not depend on him for whatever we want to do in the future, but that does not mean he will not help when the need arose.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 25, 2015
Love Tips
Tunde Eso e-mail:tundeeso@yahoo.co.uk 08057482794
Things you should never say to your dearly beloved
ong or short-time, happily married couples sometimes need to watch what they say and how they say it. Even those in courtship are not left out in this communication note. Just because you’re extremely comfortable with someone doesn’t mean you never have to watch your mouth. Communication is complicated and we all hear ȱ ě ¢ǯȱ ¢ǰȱ ȱ ¡ ȱ ȱ ě ȱ ȱ ȱ Ȃ ǯȱȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ be communicated with in a style we understand. Thereby, tune of communication makes the music. If what we are saying is said in a kind or ȱ ¢ȱ ȱ ȱ ě ¢ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ in anger or retribution. So what are some things you should never say to your dearly beloved? 1. How do we even get married? I have no idea ¢ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ¢ ȱ ȱ ȱę ȱ ǯȱ ly playing the blame game will do nothing to help you realize and address what’s legitimately behind your problems. 2. Looking away: Looking away profusely why with your partner is totally wrong except for security purposes. This action fuel misunderstanding and diminishes the previous interest and energy put in on your relationship. 3. My ex-boyfriend/ex-husband/ex-girlfriend/ ex-wife would never have done what you just ǯǯǯȱ ȱǯǯǯ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ Ĵ ȱ ȱ ȱ¢ ǯǯǯ Talk about making a partner feel terrible in general, one should always shy away from comparisons. 4. I’m just trying to hang in there until our last leaves for college...” If you had to single out one phrase that leaves Ĵ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ǯȱ This statement is incredibly hurtful even if you recant what you said a few minutes later. 5. I was on the fence about marrying you in the ę ȱ ǰȱ ȱ ¢ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ £ ǯǯǯȄ If you’re about to spit out a blanket statement like this, stop for a minute and think about what’s behind your feelings. Talk openly about what’s concerning you instead of lashing out. 6. You always... or you never... Think about it. Neither of these is true. If you start a sentence with these words your mate is cer ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱę ǯȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ute and think about what you really mean to say -- and then say that instead. 7. You’re just like your father or mother... Again, jump to what’s really troubling you ȱ¢ ȱ ȱ ȱ Ĵ ȱ¢ ȱ ner’s family in the process are totally wrong. This diminishes the essence of your union. Şǯȱ Ȃ ȱ¢ ȱ ȱ Ȭ Ȭ ȱ ȱ Ĵ ǵ Believe me; nothing good can ever come from a spouse giving you his or her opinion on this one. ȱ ȱ ¢ȱ ȱ ȱĚ ȱ ȱ ¢ȱ ȱ that may be brewing.
Newswatch Times, Saturday July 25, 2015
Wizkid refuses to accept Davidoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s offer for collaboration with him?
2520%2 ´ 6KH VDLG $FFRUGLQJ WR /L] VKH SODQV WR GURS WZR YLGHRV EHIRUH WKH WKLUG TXDUWHU RI ³:H have started working on another video.
KH PXFK DQWLFLSDWHG PXVLF YLGHR RI 2520%2 D VRQJ E\ <RUXED DFWUHVV /L] $QMRULQ IHDWXUing rapper Jhybo has been released. The video
Liz Anjor in debuts OROMBO video
Is Jim Iyke and Nadia Buari still together?
stounding TV personality and host of The Stand Point, Accra, Ghana, Gift Anti, has revealed she is engaged. The 45-year-old told DJ Black on Accra based Joy FM last week said she has found â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;the oneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; and will get married to him at â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;the right timeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m very much engaged and very much attachedâ&#x20AC;? she said stirringly. She was, however, tight-lipped about the identity of her man. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I can only say the initials of his name perhapsâ&#x20AC;Ś â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;N-A-Kâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, she said jokingly. As to when the wedding bells will ring, she said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;when the time comes, you will knowâ&#x20AC;?. Miss Anti is notorious for her feminist ideals and has repeatedly said on her weekly TV show â&#x20AC;&#x153;there is no rush in getting married.â&#x20AC;? She has devoted her time and resources into empowering young girls under her umbrella as the president and founder of the Girls In Need Foundation to appreciate their worth and attain greater heights.
Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m very much engaged - Gifty Anti reveals
ike yours truly truly, who celebrated his birthday on Friday, 24th July, the Nollywood duo of Clarion Chukuwrah and Bimbo Oshin also celebrated theirs. The two Nollywood damsels though celebrated their day differently, when Tripling called them on different occasions, both were elated and happy for another year that was added to their age. It would be recalled that other Nollywood actresses also celebrated their birthdays early this month: Jaye Kuti (10th of July); Kate Henshaw (19th July).
Laide Bakare returns to Nigeria, speaks about husbandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s issue with EFCC
Ini Edo shows off lovelyVersace dress andâ&#x20AC;&#x2DC;wildâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;braids on vacation
Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 25, 2015
Clarion Chukurah and Bimbo Oshin celebrate birthday
Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 25, 2015
LJ DQG EHDXWLIXO DFWUHVV $\R $GHVDQ\D KDV ULJKWO\ PDGH DQ HQWUDQFH LQWR WKH 1ROO\ZRRG KDOO RI IDPH DV VKH FHOHEUDWHV KHU WK DQQLYHUVDU\ LQ WKH LQGXVtry at the age of 45. The entire month of July KDV EHHQ DERXW DFFRODGHV DQG RYDWLRQ IRU WKH WDOHQWHG DFWUHVV $\R ZKR KDG D WXPXOWXRXV PDUULDJH DQG PHVV\ GLYRUFH VDJD ZLWK KHU former husband, Goriola Hassan, told TripSLQJ WKDW UDWH RI GHFHLW DQG PDUULDJH EUHDN ups is really an issue for her. She was asked LI VKH FRXOG VWLOO PDUU\ DJDLQ 5HDG KHU UHSO\ below: Âł:KHQ SHRSOH DVN PH WKDW TXHVWLRQ WKH\ MXVW JHW PH FRQIXVHG )LQH *RG VDLG ZH VKRXOG FRPH WR WKH ZRUOG JHW PDUULHG DQG multiply, but you know what? Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m beginning to think marriage is not for the whole world. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not everybody that agrees to that beFDXVH WKHVH GD\V SHRSOH DUH JHWWLQJ VR KRVtile. People fall in love; itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not as if you GRQÂśW ÂżQG ORYH EXW GRHV LW UHDOO\ ODVW" <RX keep wondering that today theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve broken up, tomorrow theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve broken up; itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not a good thing really. When youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re asking me if Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m going to get married again, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m not God EHFDXVH \RX UHDOO\ FDQÂśW SOD\ *RG ZKHQ LW FRPHV WR ZKDW LV JRLQJ WR KDSSHQ 7RPRUrow, I might just meet somebody that would sweep me off my feet, so itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not as if Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m FORVLQJ WKH GRRU WRWDOO\ *RG LV WKH RZQHU of my life, so if he says okay, this is what he ZDQWV %XW WKHQ LW GRHVQÂśW PHDQ \RX FDQQRW be happy if youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re not married. I want the FRPLQJ JHQHUDWLRQ WR EH KDSSLO\ PDUULHG , want them to settle, I want them to believe in ORYH , ZDQW WKHP WR KDYH D SHDFHIXO OLIH DQG D SHDFHIXO KRPH , HQFRXUDJH LW %HFDXVH Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m not married does not mean that I do not understand what love is, I know what love is, , NQRZ ZKDW URPDQFH LV , XQGHUVWDQG LW VR well.
Even at 45, Ayo Adesanya still dreams of marriage
e-mail: murphyaa_2007@yahoo.com
Ajibade Alabi 08023934887
More Tripping...
Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 25, 2015
Qismat Yinus 51
I will have elaborate wedding soon – IK Ogbonna
ctor and model, Ik Ogbonna has disclosed that he will be having an elaborate wedding soon with the mother of his second child, Sonia Morales. According to him, they had their court wedding in Serbia when Sonia got pregnant, but an elaborate wedding will still hold. He shared this via Instagram: Yes, we would have an elaborate wedding before the end of the year or early next year. My wife is a Latin American, but she is also a naturalised citizen of Serbia. I travelled to Serbia to meet with her parents and we had a court wedding. We have not had a proper wedding because she was pregnant and was recently delivered of a baby. I need her to recover from childbirth.
Singer Omawumi welcomes baby boy
inger Omawumi has given birth to a healthy baby boy in a hospital in the USA. This is her second child, with husband Tosin Yusuf. Her first child is four year old daughter Kamillah
Joke Silva loses mom Kim Kardashian reveals she is 5 months pregnant
4-year-old Kim Kardashian revealed that she is 5 months along with her second child and has gained 20lbs. She tweeted ‘I secretly loved the rumours I was faking my pregnancy bc I was so skinny! LOL Well can’t hide it now!’ 5 month (20weeks) and 20lbs up.’
of la Silva, the mother r Marienne Abimbo ed di Silva has died. She veteran actress Joke . Dr old s ar th. She was 89 ye peacefully on July 19 first e th t bu , ale doctor in Nigeria an e m ca be Silva was the third fem e Sh g a medical degree. e’s Sh . 79 Nigerian female to ba 19 in Order of the Niger) OON (Officer of the n. May her ren and grandchildre survived by her child soul rest in peace.
Newswatch TImes, Saturday, July 25, 2015
Fashion How to wear leggings fashionably Qismat Yinus Leggings are a versatile piece of any womanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s wardrobe, but not every woman understands how to wear them properly. Leggings are meant to be worn as part of a layered outfit. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hard to pull off a fashionable look if you wear leggings as a pair of pants, instead of as a pair of tights under other clothing. By mixing and matching colours and choosing the right shoes, leggings can be worn in any season and be stylish.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 25, 2015
My Love
Continued from page 28
You don’t really need money. All you need is character, leadership qualities; you need to show an ability to listen and to love people. You actually need the wisdom of God; you need leaders around you because no man is an island. Sometimes, even your money doesn’t work for you. Because what your money cannot buy, the relationships you have built over time can get it for you. What has been your greatest challenge in life? That is a very dif¿cult one. In life everybody has challenges. However, I thank God I am a ful¿lled person apart from the general challenges in life. Sometimes people disappoint you when you place trust in them especially when somebody does something that is beneath them I get wearied in that process. What is your most memorable moment so far? My most memorable moment was when I gave birth to my son; when I became a mother. Who is an ideal husband? An ideal husband is one that really cares, shows true love, come rain or shine he is there. Someone who his able to carry out his responsibilities except if there are challenges like joblessness. He should have time for his family no matter how busy he is because money cannot replace that family bond. Even if you hurt your partner, let him or her know about it. An ideal man should be bold and courageous. He should be able to apologize when wrong. It doesn’t devalue a man neither does it make a man less head of the house. That should also reÀect in the family. Do you often eat together on the same table with your husband while you were Deputy Governor of Lagos State? I did, but not often because of my tight schedule. However, we created a few times to eat together outside the home; just the two of us. How did you meet him? I was on my way to work and he offered to give me a lift, but I declined. At that time, I was teaching in one of the schools. The next day, he did the same thing and I had to accept. Afterwards, we became friends, and then a relationship developed. How many years ago? About thirty years ago. How will you describe your marriage? I am a very lucky woman. I’m very independent in my thoughts and behaviour. I thank God the person I am mar-
ried to understand me more than anyone. If not that he allowed me to be the person I had always wanted to be, the marriage would not have lasted up to this moment. He gave me all the support I needed. I got married after my degree and gave me all the support I needed then. He was really there for me. My pains were his pains. We’ve grown to be part of each other. He is one person that relates with everybody regardless of your profession. He enjoys the company of friends and people generally. He is a retired naval of¿cer. He doesn’t allow the things of life to bother him. He lives a very simple life. He is a gentleman to the core and strictly religious.
times I support the winning team.
Where is the best place in the world you have travelled to unwind? I love Dubia because it is well secured. It is place you see new things anytime you visit there. The place is so amazing and beautiful to behold. You will imagine always that God has chosen a man to create amazing things even in the desert.
Are you into any project at the moment? Of course I am. I am into youth and widow empowerment. By the Grace of God, I should be able to continue this and fall back to where I can be able to share my experiences as an educationist. I thank God that I have been able to start up my NGO which is Sarah Adebisi Foundation. Our vision is to make sure that the girl-child, young ladies, women are assisted by working on their values apart from economic values. We empower them economically and also on healthy living. They are taught not to rely on anybody, but to empower themselves. They are encouraged to get good education because education comes ¿rst. They are enjoined to improve on their moral values. Our youths really need workshops, seminars and to be
Are you a fan of any football club? While I was growing up I loved football, but when violence and thuggery got into it, I stopped. I used to watch football matches a lot. I never missed a single game whether at the stadium or on the television. But these days, I don’t have that time. My sons are avid football fans. The ¿rst one supports Manchester United while the third one supports Arsenal. At such
What is your favourite food? I like fried plantain and egg prepared by me. These days, I don’t eat much because I tend to watch my weight. What is your favourite book of all time? I may not remember the name because I read across, be it management, biographies of inÀuential people, Christian literatures, etc. I am currently reading My Watch by Olusegun Obasanjo. The last three books I read were biographies of Nelson Mandela, Richard Branson, Hillary Clinton and Magareth Thatcher.
Continued on page 37
Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 25, 2015
My Love
exposed to mentors for proper brooding. Also, we give scholarships to young girls because I know how my parents suffered to get me educated and how education has really helped me thus far. That is why I am going back to my grassroots to give back. As an educationist, a former Deputy Governor, a wife and a mother, what is real love? Real love to me is to love someone by accepting his/her strength and weaknesses. True love is being there for someone at the point of need. When you watch TLC on DSTV you will know what real love is all about. You love someone for who he is and not what he has. What are the three major things you think can revive our fallen educational system as an educationist? Firstly, funding is very key. Secondly, getting the right education policy that will come to stay. Lastly, we should have quality personnel at all levels especially in the primary and secondary schools. The education we had in the past is no longer obtainable in this age and dispensation. People now prefer to take their children to private schools rather public schools when private schools don’t even have quali¿ed teachers. Government has to bring that trust back to public schools especially in the primary and secondary levels. Our basic education really has problems. No buildings, no infrastructure and most teachers don’t even know what to do forgetting the fact that they are dealing with human beings. That’s why I said if they are not ready to teach they should go. All the policies are not even implemented. I most states, we don’t have quali¿ed teachers. I called members of the N.U.T to professionalise teaching job to earn their respects from other professions. We have to regain the glory of the educational sector. In western countries, they pay teachers well because they select the best and are held in high esteem. Parents also have roles to play in determining the quality of children. They should ensure that their children are well monitored. Every parent needs to know that their children’s education needs come ¿rst in whatever they do. Finally, since you are determined towards empowering women, would you consider a woman being the President?
The Counselor Bimpe Onwuchekwa bimpechekwas@gmail.com
eing careful, persistent and conscientious at one’s work and duties is it, really. ou are certainly full of vision, mission and strategy for execution; this is so for the diligent. He is thorough, full of skill and expertise. He is judicious with time and all the resources at his disposal. His living is governed by rules and regulations. He is full of research and findings for greater discoveries for exploits. He’s acquainted with all the necessary information needed at every point to be resourceful. He is objective, decisive and addresses mistakes with scrutiny. He’s a reproach of the slot and a detest of the failure. What a child will become in the immediate future is guided by the culture and character built for him. A purposeful child should be trained to place a good deal of value on the way and manner activities are handled and performed in details. Also, he pays attention to the smallest of details as tasks are given to him. For example, while we were children, when we were sent on an errand, the instructions of what to buy were repeated by the adult, we would repeat after the adult, then recite the instructions all the way to the place of purchase for perfect delivery of the task; this helps the child to remember and recapitulate in details the instructions given by the adult. Homework given to the children at school should be done by them with concentration and supervision. Projects should be done and attended to with little assistance from the adult. Accomplishment at every task should be encouraged. Even when children are aware that some subjects are more applicable or preferred over the other, notwithstanding, every subject deserves their best efforts . Chores should be done with diligence. When a child washes dishes and pots, there is need for speed, carefulness and thorough, making sure all the dishes
Thank you so much for that question. If Ellen Sirleaf Johnson of Liberia can deliver at such age, how much more women of Nigeria with our rich human and natural resources can deliver with high percentage something the men have not being able to do. I pray a woman becomes the President of this country because I am sure women can deliver because we are mothers. Any last word? I want to encourage women to come out and prove themselves. Women have proven themselves in every area of the economy. When Aishat Ahmed won the governorship election in Taraba State, we were all happy. The women said at that point that women can never rule them in that part of the world. Our women should not lose hope. All we need do is come together and support one another because we are much in number and there is so much power in number.
Being diligent is it -
are well washed, rinsed, and ensuring no breakage. Clothes should be washed and checked for leftover stains before spreading. Every splash or drop of water on the floor should be moped and cleaned to prevent accidents or stench on rugs or carpets as the case may be. Children need to be taught the art of planning today about what to do tomorrow. When, why how, which first, the needed tools and so on. This would put their faculty to work other than for academics only and allow for their independence emergence. An independent child is diligent in all. Children should be conversant with these words; dexterity, perfection, conscientious, careful, improve, initiative, persistent, prompt, accomplishment, maintain, manage, improvise, innovation and many more. My mum used to say “what is worth doing at all is worth doing well.” After they execute a task, children need acknowledgement, appreciation, reward once in a while, and motivation sometimes when they are reluctant. Motivation comes with tease, reminder of precious rewards, previous approach of appreciation and so on. Always follow up on task given, to alert them and keep them on their toes. For instance, a visit to their room would mostly create reasons to instruct on what to do. Give instructions and directions on how things should be done. Go back to check later how far and how well the instructions have been adhered to. Contributions should be allowed from them on how best to execute a task. With their contribution, a sense of commitment and diligence is actualised. Don’t shut them down, let them voice their thoughts. Listening to children is important, to bring about confidence and esteem in them. These days, children are usually over pampered. Parents do not know the difference between pampering and the stage of rendering their children redundant and idle. Remember “an idle mind is Satan’s workshop” when the mental faculty is used up, and the other aspects of their being is underutilised. They grow up becoming unfulfilled about life. They would always have unilateral expectations and line of excitements like birthdays, anniversaries, graduation from one class to another and so on. There’s no short term based excitement and accomplishment. Even games are mostly IT based these days, unlike outdoor games which are performed on playground and fields. This allows the children to interact, exercise, learn and mix freely with other children, thereby
aiding and improving their agility. In fact, some schools never utilise their playground, believing all the children need is academic excellence. Excitement gotten from repair of gadgets, maintenance of various things, construction of things ,pilling of things, packaging items, stacking toys and other items, transferring materials, mending, various measurements techniques and many more. These should be encouraged so that when they are older they will be interested in the use of their hands (manipulative skills). After a child has been sourced out for strengths, he’s then taught to be diligent at it. Frequent assessment of what children do bring about innovation, improvisation and short cuts to task tackling there by making them diligent at performance of whatever they find themselves doing. A diligent child will be quick to becoming a skilled, reliable coordinated youth. Honesty, punctuality and loyalty are the watchword for a diligent youth. A diligent youth is submissive to authorities, other people’s ideas, and he’s given to initiative. He’s on the lookout for information and criticism to be better off at handling tasks. A youth that has been brought up to be diligent will be spontaneous and original in disposition. He will know how to choose his friends, mentors, role models and partners; partners for business especially. He wouldn’t make random choices, but with analysis of their strengths and weaknesses; to know if they would be complementary to achieving greater heights. Kings, leaders, achievers and pioneers are their choice for identity. He’s able to sense crises swiftly and promptly; he looks before he leaps and he’s able to ascertain people’s mistakes to his advantage. A diligent youth is out to break records, stand out and be his best at every stage of accomplishments. Every one receives revelation, a diligent man executes it. He studies and understands terms sharply. A diligent man upholds the law and order of his country, appreciates the use and technicality of hierarchical administration. A couple that has imbibed the necessary virtue of being diligent will certainly breed a successful and excellent home, since it’s with diligence that wisdom and understanding are found and attained. A man whom with his wife is complementary with diligence will surmount issues in their marriage with ease. Whatever comes up will be handled with the necessary dedication, commitment and scrutiny. They are careful sensitive about each other’s feelings, impression and fears. The diligent couple will never give up until there is a solution. They are usually optimistic and enduring.
PAThis i G SAs for E
Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 25, 2015
L-R: Africa Regional Coordinator, Global Call To Action Against Poverty, Kyerewa Sekpey; Executive Director, Nigeria Network of NGOs, Oyebisi Oluseyi and Acting General-Secretary, West African Civil Society Forum, Auwal Musa.
L-R: National Co-ordinator Ijaw Monitoring Group, Elder Regent Youmor; Author of the book, Preye Tambou Zonal Pastor RCCG LP37 (Power Assembly), Pastor Joel Odunayo Daramola and author’s mother, Mrs. Esan-ere Tambou.
Cross section of participants at the events.
L-R: Dr. Johnson Semidara; Author of the book, Preye Tambou and National Co-ordinator Ijaw Monitoring Group, Elder Regent Youmor. Photo: Segun Padonu
L-R: Director (Worship) Apostolic Faith Church, Rev. Emmanuel Moh; Director (Welfare Service and Administration), Ambassador James Olaleye and District Superintendent West and Central Africa, Rev. (Dr.) Bayo Adeniran. L-R: Company Secretary, Cornerstone Insurance Plc, Elizabeth Uba-Onubogu; Group Chairman, Adedotun Sulaiman; Managing Director/CEO, Ganiyu Musa and Vice Chairman, Richard Ikiebe.
L-R: District Superintendent West and Central Africa Apostolic Faith Church, Rev. (Dr.) Bayo Adeniran; Director (Resources Directorate), Prof. Kayode Adeleye and Public Relations, Bro. Kayode Adeleye.
Director, Cornerstone Insurance Plc, Mrs. Ndidi Okonkwo Nwuneli; Director, Dr. Okechukwu Enelamah and Executive Director/COO, Ayo Osunbunmi. Photo: Segun Padonu
3 39
Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 25, 2015
L-R: Chairman of the occasion, Dr. Ken Mordi; Managing Proprietor, Victory Group of Schools, Chief (Dr.) Christian Ipoola Olaniyan and Regent to the Oba of Ikeja, Prince Adekunle Apena.
Ogun State Deputy Governor, Chief Mrs. Yetunde Onanuga, 2nd Left, Mrs. Oyinade Adegbite, Senior Manager Communication and external Affairs (GTB) 1st left, Mrs. Yewande Ige, Divisional Head South West (GTB) and Miss. Adeyinka Jumoke Captain of Isolu Muslim Community High School Football Team, Overall winner (Female category), 2nd Right in a group photograph after the final match of GTB – Ogun Principal Cup 2015 at MKO Abiola Stadium, Kuto, Abeokuta on Wednesday
Managing Consultant/CEO, IRM Professional Management Consultants, Mrs. Omodunni Yussuf (right) receiving the Victory Achievers award from the Managing Proprietor, Victory Group of Schools, Chief (Dr.) Christian Ipoola Olaniyan. Photo: Segun Padonu
The Ogun State Deputy Governor Chief Mrs. Yetunde Onanuga, 1st Left, Mrs. Yewande Ige, Divisional Head South West (GTB) and Master. Kehinde Ayinde Captain of Pakoto Grammar School Football Team Ifo, the Overall winner (Male category), middle in a group photograph after the final match of GTB – Ogun Principal Cup 2015 at MKO Abiola Stadium, Kuto, Abeokuta on Wednesday.
L-R: Dr. Abimbola Cole, Late Baba Omojola`s widow; Dr. Keziah Awosika, Dr. Abiola Akiyode-Afolabi ; Dr. Joe Okei-Odumakin, Ms Ada Agina Ude; Dr. Princess Olufemi Kayode; Dr. Erelu Bisi-Fayemi and Mrs. Josephine Effah-Chukwuma.
L-R: Lead Pastor, First Assembly, Ogba, Pastor Steve Akoni; Senior Elder, The Capstone Church, Pastor Tokunbo Johnson and Convener, The Couples Breakfast Meeting, Pastor (Mrs.) Funmi Johnson.
L-R: wife of former Ekiti Governor, Erelu Bisi Fayemi; President, Women Arise and Campaign For Democracy, Dr. Joe Okei-Odumakin; Executive Director, WARDC, Dr. Abiola Akiyode-Afolabi ; ED, Media Concern, Dr. Princess Olufemi Kayode.
Cross section of participants at the events.
My Kitchen Talking Nutrition with CHIZOBA BENSON
Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 25, 2015
How to prepare ewedu soup Qismat Yinus
0806.565.1922 (sms only)
Consume more dietary fibre
o you know that inadequate intake of Àber in your meal may lead to high risks of various disease conditions" Research, shows that, “low intake of dietary Àber (less than 20 grams per day) over the course of a lifetime is associated with development of numerous health problems including constipation, hemorrhoids, colon cancer, obesity, gallstones and elevated cholesterol levels”. Dietary Àber, also known as “roughage” is the indigestible part of food derived from plant cell walls. Examples of good Àber choices are legumes, nuts and seeds, whole-grains products, fruits and vegetables. There are two types of Àbers: soluble and insoluble Àbers. Soluble Àbers dissolve in water and slowdown movement of food through the system. It helps lower blood cholesterol and glucose levels. Soluble Àbers are found in, beans, apples, carrots, citrus fruits, barley and bananas. Insoluble Àbers do not dissolve in water. They increase the frequency of our bowel movements and weight of our stool. It helps prevent constipation, hemorrhoids, intestinal disorders and irritable bowel syndrome. Examples of insoluble Àbers are: cereals, wheat bran, nuts, beans and vegetables, such as cauliÁower, spinach, fruits like, green beans and potatoes. Some foods contain a combination of both types of Àbers such as: oatmeal, beans, fruits like banana, etc. When consuming food products, it is very important to consume products that are rich in Àber. ReÀned or Processed foods such as canned fruits and vegetables, pulp-free juices, white breads and pastas and non-whole-grain cereals are lower in Àber. The grain-reÀning process removes the outer coat (bran) from the grain, which lowers its Àber content. Also, when switching from a low-Àber diet to a high-Àber diet, it is vital to switch gradually, because you might experience bloating (gas) and this is very discomforting. Inadequate chewing can prevent the health beneÀts of Àber from being realized, since Àbers that cannot be solubilized require extra chewing in order to participate in biochemical processes. Consuming Àbre has good health beneÀts. Soluble Àber for instance, may help to slow the body’s breakdown of carbohydrates and the absorption of sugar, helping with blood sugar control. Research has shown that, those eating a high-Àber diet have a 40 percent lower risk of heart disease. Researchers have also found that for every seven-grams more Àber you consume on a daily basis, your stroke risk is decreased by 7 percent. Fiber, particularly has also shown to to aid movement of yeast and fungus out of your body, preventing them from being excreted through your skin where they could trigger acne or rashes and may reduce the risk of gallstones and kidney stones, likely because of its ability to help regulate blood sugar. Fiber and water work hand in hand, when the amount of Àber in food is increased, it is essential also to increase the amount of water taken because excessive intake of Àber can cause a Áuid imbalance, leading to dehydration, bowel obstruction and diarrhea. In addition, excessive intake of non-fermentable Àber, typically in supplemental form, may lead to mineral deÀciencies (including iron and calcium) by reducing the absorption or increasing the excretion of minerals, especially when mineral intake is too low or when mineral needs are increased such as during pregnancy, lactation, or adolescence. Remember, you do not need to get all of your Àber in one meal. Be artistic in your meal preparation.
wedu soup is indigenous to the people of Yoruba land, a very popular Nigerian ethnic group. There are more simple ways to prepare this soup without the use of the mashing broom. You can slice the leaves to tiny bits and commence cooking or you can follow the process below with a mashing ewedu broom, the normal way. One of the qualities of the ewedu leaf is the ability to draw, perhaps the reason you cannot make this soup with any other leaf. Ingredients: Ewedu leaves (corchorus olitorius) 300g
1/2 teaspoon of powdered potash 1.5 cups of water Ewedu Broom or a blender Salt to taste Maggi (1 or 2 cubes) Chilli Pepper to taste 4-5 spoons of ground crayfish Nicely pick just the leaves (no stem allowed), then go ahead and wash properly with a lot of water to remove any sand left on it Pour 1.5 cups of water to a cooking pot and heat to boiling point, add the washed ewedu leaves, soak the half teaspoon of potash in half cup of water and filter into the pot (to soften the leaves), cook
for 7-10 minutes. Then use the cooking broom to mash (more like pound) continuously inside the pot, this will turn the leaves to tiny bits after mashing for about five minutes. Alternatively, you can also transfer into a blender and pulse a couple of times, I think this way is easier and better. Transfer back to the pot and add the ground crayfish, maggi, salt and pepper to taste. Allow simmering for just five minutes and you are done with making ewedu soup. Serve ewedu soup plus stew and meat with either amala, eba, semo or pounded yam, the exact way a Yoruba man would love it.
Saturday, July 25, 2015
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Saturday, July 25, 2015
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Saturday, July 25, 2015
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Saturday, July 25, 2015
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Saturday, July 25, 2015
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 25, 2015
Terrorism: Buhari seeks help from White House
Continued from Page 15
or forgetting the past, but holding a pragmatic position of the future (puts) the cessation of the bloodshed as the highest priority. “Each time we meet a new terrorist group, we say they are different, and that we are never going to talk to them. But anyone who thinks a bombing alone can degrade and destroy (such groups) is wrong. The sensible thing to do is to open a channel, so we can better understand each other,” he explained. However, some political analysts believe that winning the presidential election may be the easy part of Buhari’s desire to rewrite his name in a country plagued by insurgency, corruption and economic malaise. There are so many factors that may hinder Buhari from instituting the change that was the core of his campaign. They posited that Buhari, who inherited a lot of unpopular policies, may not after all fulÀll his campaign promises. According to them, the change Buhari and his party, the All Progressives Congress (APC) promised was an end to the Boko Haram insurgency that has killed thousands of Nigerians and forced over a million to Áee. They stated that he (Buhari) campaigned on a reputation as an anti-corruption crusader, and made populist pledges such as stipends for poor people and health care for all. Analysts stressed that Buhari would contend with how to put Boko Haram down for good, and what to do about the legions of Nigeria refugees in Nigeria and over
New service chiefs
its borders. “He’s going to struggle with all of the programs he’d like to deliver, honestly, in the current economic climate,” said Dawn Dimowo of the Africa Practice consultancy, adding, “And I think Buhari himself recognises this.”
Discussing the Federal Government’s eͿorts to rebuild the North eastern part of the country destroyed by the insurgents, Buhari, in Washington D.C., disclosed that government has obtained a $2.1 billion credit from the World Bank for the exercise.
Buhari, who was on a four-day ocial visit to the United States of America (USA) discussed bilateral issues with President Barack Obama and other U.S. ocials. Speaking after meeting with representatives of the World Bank and other donor agencies, Buhari hailed the decision to invest $2.1 billion in rebuilding the troubled region. The representatives of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Health Organisation (WHO), also attended the meeting. Apart from rebuilding the North-East in terms of infrastructure, Buhari said priority would be given to the resettlement of over one million Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), appealing to the World Bank to send a team to work with the Federal Government in carrying out proper needs assessment of people of the zone. “The World Bank will spend the 2.1 billion dollars through its (International Development Agency), Continued on Page 50
Sylva’s fading political might in Bayelsa Continued from Page 16
the facts. We stood behind Jonathan and Dickson. And they triumphed over their adversary while the commission Àzzled out even before the Sylva days came to an ignominious end! Curiously, it was a fact that under Sylva’s watch, corruption walked with two legs untamed. Public funds were frittered and the state was turned into a private estate of a cabal led by Sylva such that only a microscopic few feasted on the collective wealth of Bayelsans. Many of the members of the Sylva-led cabal organized parties to celebrate their leap-frogging to the elite club of billionaires while the people on whose thighs, sovereignty lies, wallowed in abject poverty. In spite of the huge revenues accruing to the state, Bayelsa stagnated for almost Àve years under Sylva
- no serious development in terms of infrastructure and human capital development took place. Yet Sylva took multiple loans which has ploughed the state into indebtedness of about N500billions. Indeed, under Sylva’s stewardship his home, Nembe was inaccessible to motorists until recently when the restoration Governor, Dickson who is from Sagbama came to his rescue. Today, the same Sylva who is hoping to be governor on the crest of change can now travel by road to Nembe. Before now, he could only access Nembe the water ways. What a shame! Ongoing projects initiated by the DSP Alamiesiegha and Jonathan administrations were abandoned by Sylva. While public institutions were dilapidated and begging for attention, the Sylva administration used over N10billion monthly to run
government house, Yenagoa. Regrettably, Government failed in its cardinal responsibility of protecting lives and property. Crimes and criminalities were canonized. Cultists funded by government were on the prowl while Sylva’s private security outÀt code named, Famou Tangbe unleashed terror on innocent Bayelsans! According to the police, over 100 people were wasted by the dreaded group between 2008 and 2012. After his inauguration in 2007, Sylva wasted no time in sending bulldozers to work at Azikoro road, Ekeki Yenagoa in the name of expansion. Houses and stores were destroyed and property owners were supposed to be paid compensations. The people allowed the state government to have its way since it was assumed to have carried out the demolition for their good. The aͿected traders and landlords
held their breath and waited for compensation from government to no avail. Similarly, the expansion was abandoned by Sylva. It took the intervention of Governor Dickson for Azikoro road to be dualised and compensation paid in the face of dwindling revenue. Not long after that, Sylva said he would create a central business district in Yenagoa. It was a bright idea but it was not implemented after over N5 billion had gone down the drain for site clearing. In the same vein, the then governor promised to construct 7,000 housing units at Ekeki Housing Estate, Phase II. His uncle’s Àrm, Gefesco International Limited, was awarded N3billion contract for the clearing of the site. The job was haphazardly done and after one year, there was another round of clearing and money Continued on Page 50
Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 25, 2015
Sylva’s fading political might in Bayelsa Continued from Page 49
was paid again. Call it duplicity of contract. Sylva told Bayelsans, time and again, that education remained a cardinal priority in his administration’s policy. He promised to build model secondary schools in all the senatorial districts in the state. Parents who had primed their children to beneÀt from Sylva’s illusionary dreams waited in vain. The Bayelsa State College of Arts and Science was shut throughout Sylva’s reign until Dickson, rebranded, fortiÀed and re-opened it. Sylva said he was going to turn Epie Creek into a Àsh farm and released N3.5billion to consultants for the project. He said Bayelsa would produce 5million table Àsh for Nigeria. According to Sylva, a whooping N7billion was spent on the Àsh project which again, went down the drain. Not done, the governor went ahead and established a spurious N1.5 billion Àsh farm
in front of the Okaka Housing Estate. That place would best have served as a recreation centre for residents and children in the estate. The Àsh farm is now sanctuary for frogs and other reptiles. What about the white elephant project called Cargo Airport? Doife Ola, Sylva’s spokesman said government as at 2011 had spent N10billion on the airport but what is on ground is not near the whopping amount. No wonder Mr. Mike Igini, former INEC Resident Electoral Commissioner for Cross Rivers State described Bayelsa under Sylva as a failed state. The Sylva government claimed to have constructed 53 roads which again is contestable. These low quality roads put together are neither up to 53 nor up to 36 kilometres. How much has been spent, nobody knows but there was a lot of noise about these roads. But the Dickson government has done more roads, provided
critical infrastructure such as an audacious and Àrst ever Áyover in Yenagoa, built many schools, Teachers Training Institute, Sports/ Football Academy, Catering/ Tourism Schools, built Ecumenical Centre, Àrst of its kind-Traditional Rulers Secretariat, massive renovations of public facilities, built referral hospitals, built a world class diagnostic centre with a drug mart named after late Ptof. Dora Akunyili, created social security scheme for the aged, made education free and compulsory at Primary and Secondary levels while many Bayelsans and Ijaw citizens now are doing their post graduate and doctoral degrees on government scholarship in the best of schools abroad, all within three years. Yet we don’t hear the kind of noise that greeted the so called 53 roads constructed by Sylva! Curiously too, these new roads they claimed are within Yenagoa. What happened to other parts of the state?
What about the senatorial roads Sylva promised Bayelsans? Aside the senatorial roads, Sylva promised to initiate and complete the following projects but reneged. They include the suspension bridge, the rail link to Port Harcourt, the super tunnel at Epie Creek, Bayelsa Oil Palm Project, Riverine Transport Services, the Yenagoa Marina, 53 inner roads, the 500-bed hospital, the Rice project, the Fishing Trawler and Company and still counting. In the Dickson’s new Bayelsa, transparency and accountability are the bedrock of the restoration government. Month after month, the governor organizes a highly interactive town hall meeting where all the accruals and expenditures of government are laid bare for public scrutiny. People ask the governor questions and he supplies answers. This experiment is the Àrst of its kind in Nigeria and for the Àrst time, the people are very proud to be called Bayelsans. Under Sylva,
government business was shrouded in secrecy. So what has Sylva forgotten in government house? We are not in a hurry to leave the Promise land and return to Egypt, Sylva be warned! In this era of credit crunch, Bayelsans do not need a spendthrift but a prudent and transparent governor that would continue to govern the state responsibly in the next four years, this Governor Dickson is already doing. His Àscal discipline is the reason why no public servant or pensioner is owed his take home and allowance in Bayelsa State even though the state’s salary wage bill is bloated and second only to Lagos State. And we the ordinary people want to retain Dickson because no sane coach changes a winning team. The return of Sylva or his cohort means return of the days of the swarming locust! 6DJEDPD LV D JUDVV URRWV SROLWLFLDQ DQG 3XEOLF $ͿDLUV $QDO\VW OLYHV LQ <HQDJRD
Terrorism: Buhari seeks help from White House Continued from Page 49
which gives low interest rates loans to government,” Mr. Buhari said. “The Àrst 10 years will be interest free, while an additional 30 years will be at lower than capital market rate. The World Bank is eager to move in quickly, give out the loans, and give succour to the people of North-east, long at the mercy of an insurgency that has claimed over 20,000 souls. “WHO is also to invest 300 million dollars on immunisation against malaria in Nigeria, while the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation will collaborate with Dangote Foundation to ensure that the country maintains its zero polio case record of the past one year,” the statement said. According to the Bauchi State chairman of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), Rev. Joshua Maina, last Friday, Boko Haram insurgency may persist and defy whatever antidote if their sponsors are not apprehended and prosecuted.
Maina, at a press interview, regretted that the past administration of Goodluck Jonathan failed to face the problem squarely. He urged Buhari to stem the menace of the insurgents. He reasoned that Boko Haram insurgency has not been phased out because it receives steady funds and other supplies from its sponsors. According to him, “if you recalled that two weeks to the last general election, Boko Haram was almost wiped out due to sustained eͿorts by the military which forced them to give up most of the territories they had captured only for the insurgents to resurface with series of deadly attacks In some parts of the north. “I believe that whatever gains that had been recorded, and whatever strategy being put up to deal with Boko Haram will be useless without bringing to book the perpetrators and their sponsors. “As long as the people behind Boko Haram are not
addressed, they will continue to wax stronger because they have countless boys and girls that can be recruited as suicide bombers. The issue Nigeria is yet to address is ‘who are the big people behind Boko Haram? “From the regime of Goodluck down to Buhari, nobody is willing to address this question. It is not the result of good background. It is not the poverty problem, but it is a political issue. Boko Haram is
a game of the enlightened, the elites. “The Federal Government and all the security agencies are busy pouring detergent to neutralise the oil that is polluting the sea. “So the issue of Boko Haram; we just have to face the reality and address the big shots responsible for it. Some of them are looking at it as an economic venture; if the money is not Áowing and logistic support is no more there, it will cease.
“If US is serious; at some point it said it had lists of sponsors, let them bring out the list. Who are the people on the sponsor list? So at the end of the day, Nigeria is a country that is not serious with the lives of her subjects, and that is one of the areas that pains me the most,” he oͿered. Getting more practical, the House of Representatives member for Ohaozara/Onicha/Ivo Federal Constituency, Ebonyi State, Linus Okorie, asked the newly appointed Service Chiefs to do everything possible to bring Boko Haram insurgency to an end. He said that only summary stoppage of the human carnage being perpetrated by the insurgents whose activities heightened recently could restore the conÀdence of Nigerians in government. On the increasing wave of bombings and other security challenges in the country, he charged the Service Chiefs and the NationContinued on Page 53
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 25, 2015
Terrorism: Buhari seeks help from White House Continued from Page 50
al Security Adviser (NSA) to act swiftly to reposition the sagging counter-insurgency operations by boosting troops’ morale, beeÀng up intelligence-gathering and generally introducing new ideas to the operations at the front lines. According to him, the Service Chiefs should also quickly design and implement strategies to counter the rising wave of suicide bombings, targeting soft targets by the Boko Haram terrorists, emphasizing the place of synergy and coordination devoid of rivalry between and amongst the diͿerent security outÀts serving the country. He said: “There should be a coordinated perspective in the President’s security team to avoid incidences of personality clashes and sundry rivalry as are being presently insinuated. “SpeciÀcally, there should be no interference with the functions of the ofÀce of the National Security Adviser, which along with that of the Attorney-General of the Federation/Minister of Justice is the major coordinating body of the Terrorism (Prevention) Amendment Act 2013.
“Stories of alleged power tussle between the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Defence, Ismaila Aliyu, and the former National Security Adviser (NSA), Col. Sambo Dasuki, in this regard are not just unsettling, but a wholly avoidable distraction. “It is now to be expected that with the appointment of Gen. Monguno, such alleged incidences will not recur, and that indeed President Buhari shall ensure that discipline, harmony and respect for extant laws form the bedrock of the nation’s security infrastructure.” Expressing concern over
the cessation of regular dissemination of information by the National Information Centre on CounterTerrorism, Okorie emphasized that it is the duty of all stakeholders to dispel misinformation and reduce anxieties generated by terrorists. “There is the absolute need to engage and communicate better with the citizenry on ongoing efforts aimed at curbing the scourge of terror and the activities of the Boko Haram sect, especially now that the National Information Centre on CounterTerrorism appears to have gone numb since the incep-
tion of the Buhari administration. “Nigerians expect a reversion to regular robust engagement and communication on the counter terrorism eͿorts of government to dispel rumours and misinformation from wrong sources. “There is now a more urgent need for the President to appoint an Attorney-General/Minister of Justice, as envisaged by the constitution and the Terrorism (Prevention) Amendment Act 2013 wherein Section 2, sub-section (2) of the Act provides that “the Attorney-General of the Federation shall be the au-
thority for the eͿective implementation and administration of this Act. With the continued hiatus in that oce, the counterterrorism eͿort is greatly hampered.” He urged all Nigerians to support President Buhari in tackling terrorist activities, adding that it was a time to rise with one accord, irrespective divergent aliations, to condemn the senseless accentuation of terror across the country that have resulted to deaths, pains and destructions. “While sympathizing with all victims of this unconscionable atrocity, all hands must be on deck in support of President Buhari as Nigerians and the world await the promised marshal plan to defeat the raging monster of terror,” he posited. Meanwhile, Buhari in his calculative manner, has assured pessimists of delivering his campaign promises, “I think I can be held to my promises for the next three years ahead of me,” the Nigerian leader said. “I think twelve weeks also is too early for anyone to pass judgment on my campaign promises,” he urged.
He has indicated that another N5 billion would be borrowed for counterpart funding of projects being undertaken by donor agencies. Benue Television is not the only state owned media outÀt that has issues; Radio Benue is not stable while the Voice Newspaper can be said to be running into oblivion. Voice Newspaper is where some people are receiving both monthly pension and salary, and have formed unwholesome alliance with some people in the high echelon of the civil service to defraud government. The way recruitment was conducted into Benue Television was suspicious. If Ortom must approve the release of money for the completion of the project, proper screening of the staͿ has to be carried out. Secondly,
Ortom must constitute a committee of experts that would look into what the television needs before it commences broadcasting. He may also have to think twice about a project that may create more problems for his administration instead of solving them. One is not discouraging him from continuing with the television project, but certain questions need to be asked: Why did Suswam pay the staͿ
for many years without making eͿorts to revive the project? Why did he suddenly remember that he had to appoint a new coordinator before leaving oce when he did not make revive the project? Governor Ortom has to convince the people of Benue State that he would not be like his processor who believed that recruitment into the civil service could go on even if there was no money to pay them.
The Benue Television project is a test case for Governor Ortom, who has worked both in government and in the private sector. He may have to use his experience to Ànd out if there was a clique that prevented Benue Television from taking oͿ smoothly. The people that would be given the responsibility of reviving Benue Television project may need to pray and fast for God to intervene.
Benue TV: Test case for Gov Or tom Continued from Page 16
became so serious as if something tangible was going to be on the ground, but it was the same political gimmick. Over the years, Benue Television has become the weeping child of Benue State. What one wants Ortom to note here is that television project is capital intensive. The person that told Ortom that N66 million would be needed for the organisation to go on air may not have known that cameras alone may consume more than half of that money. With the problem of salary payment still hanging on Ortom’s neck, the possibility of his administration being able to manage a television station for now is remote. Already, the governor has borrowed N10 billion from the banks to pay salaries, and attend to other important issues.
Since Ortom’s administration is determined to bring about change, it may need to take a critical look at the Benue Television project before spending money on it. In the eyes of the public, the project has become a conduit pipe
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 25, 2015
Benue Gov. worried over ghost workers
Godwin Akor, Makurdi
he tussle between Benue State Bureau for Local Government AͿairs and the Local Government Service Commission over 14,000 ghost workers in the 23 local government areas is a source of worry for Governor Samuel Ortom. The issue has taken a different dimension with the Commission claiming that the Bureau was not in the best position to disclose information on the Àgure of the state workforce. Chairman of the Commission, Richard Gbande, had refuted the Bureau
claim by the Bureau, saying there was no record to show the 14,000 ghost workers in the local government councils. He said he had visited the local government councils to carry out staͿ auditing, describing the bureau’s disclosure as mischievous. Before Gabriel Suswam left oce, there were accusations and counter accusations, leading to the over 15 screening exercises conducted for local government staͿ including teachers but no revelation was made. Some of the commissioners, who participated in the screening exercise only disclosed that names of dead
local government staͿ and teachers were on the payroll but no speciÀc Àgure of ghost workers was released to the general public. The controversy made the Nigeria Labour Congress, (NLC) and the Nigeria Union of Teachers, (NUT) to be involved in the screening. “But the state government did not have faith in that exercise just as labour unions did not have faith in the result of the screening conducted by government top functionaries,” a source said. The government, therefore, delayed the payment of minimum wage to teachers even as other local government staͿs were paid. This
infuriated the teachers who went on strike and primary and junior secondary education became paralysed for some months. When payment of salaries became dicult towards the end of Suswam’s eight year tenure, the Bureau claimed it introduced biometric method of payment which brought about the discovery of 14,000 ghost workers. The release of the Àgure by the former Special Adviser on Local Government AͿairs, Solomon Wombo, generated conÁict between him and as some political bigwigs in government insisted on having their relation’s names on the payroll.
North Central
More suspects arraigned over kidnap of Kogi Judge Godwin Akor, Makurdi
nother set of Àve persons have been arrested and charged before a Chief Magistrate Court in connection with the kidnap of Justice Samuel Obayomi of the Kogi High Court. Chief Magistrate Alhassan Husaini, who heard and ruled on the matter yesterday, adjourned further proceedings to October 29, for mention. He also ordered the remand of the suspects in the custody of the State Security Service (SSS) in the state pending the hearing. The Àve accused are Muktar Zubairu, Abdul Momoh, Kabiru Shuaibu, Enesi Jamiu and Abubakar Lawal. They were charged with criminal conspiracy, culpable homicide and kidnapping contrary to sections 97(1) and 221 of the Penal Code and Section of 3 of Kogi State law on kidnapping.
The prosecuting counsel, Mohammed Abaji, during proceeding told the court that the accused were being arraigned for their involvement in the kidnapping of the judge on May 25, at Ebogogo in Adavi local government area of the state. Abaji told the court that they committed the act while armed with guns and other dangerous weapons, and that in the process they also killed his police orderly, Corporal Musa Usman. He submitted that Obayomi was later released on June 27 after a ransom was paid. Abaji said that the Àve accused were arrested between June 26 and July 2 by a joint task force of the Military and SSS in Edo state, and N2.9 million believed to be part of the ransom money recovered from them. Abaji told the court that two Nissan Almera cars and one Volkswagen Golf wagon with registration number YAB 718 EW were also recovered from the accused.
Kogi PDP elects new chairman Tunde Busari
Head Of Mass Communication Department, Dr Joseph Ayodele (left), Coordinator, Health and Education Service, Voice of America (VOA), Nigeria, Malam Sani Malumfashi (left), presenting communication equipment to the Vice Chancellor, Kaduna State University, Prof. William Qurix (second right), as contribution of VOA to the Mass Communication Department of the University, in Kaduna...yesterday.
Benue Speaker accused of flouting court order Cyprian Ebele
or allegedly Ěouting the order of a federal High Court siĴing in Makurdi, Benue State, to swear in the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) candidate, Agi Michael Adigwu, indigenes of the state resident in Anambra State, under the aegis of Igede Development Association, yesterday accused the Speaker, Hon. Terkimbe Ikyange of bias.
It would be recalled that Hon. Adigwu earlier approached the Federal High Court in suit No. FHC/ MKD/CS/59/2015, Hon. Adigwe vs Mr. Ire Malthew Owuru, Peoples Democratic Party, PDP and INEC, seeking a declaration that Hon. Adigwu plaintiě, herein is the validly nominated candidate of PDP that contested the April 11, 2015 House of Assembly election in Oju II constituency of Benue State and not Mr. Ire Mathew
Owuru among other reliefs. According to the group led by its President, Patrick Akobo, Hon. Adigwu won in court and was issued with certięcate of return by INEC but the Speaker, Hon. Terkimbe Ikyange and other principal oĜcers refused to swear in Hon. Adigwu when he came for swearing in and instead allowed Hon. Owuru to remain in the House as a member representing the said constituency.
Also, they said that there is no valid court injunction or court of Appeal order staying his swearing in ceremony as ordered by the Federal High Court presided over by Hon. Justice Binta F.M. Nyako and complied with by the Acting National Chairman of INEC, Amina Bala Zakari who promptly issued Hon. Agi Michael Adigwu with his certięcate of return as a member of Benue State House of Assembly.
Ex-Majority leader reiterates confidence in Saraki Ted Odogwu
ormer Majority Leader of the Kwara State House of Assembly, Hon Abdulganiyu Abdulkareem has insisted that his former boss, the Senate President, Senator Bukola Saraki, possesses the leadership qualities to take the National Assembly to another level.
Abdulkareem, who was in Kano yesterday for an undisclosed mission, disclosed that having served under the leadership of Saraki for over four years, he is convinced that he is not only ęrm but he respects the party’s supremacy to his personal ambition. “Come rain, come sunshine, I will consistently pitch my tent with Senator Saraki, a ęrm
leader, who believes in rising and falling with his party, the APC. Saraki has been and still maintains that the All Progressive Congress (APC) oěered him the platform, with which he actualized his dreams as the senate president.” He also submiĴed that Senator Saraki would at all times recognize the superiority of the party, which provided the
door through which he accomplished his political ambition, adding that he possesses the wherewithal to oěer quality leadership in the Senate. Also, he argued that his former boss, although an ex-PDP member, has for now shifted his total allegiance to his new party, the APC, which provided him the safe landing as the president of the Senate.
he Kogi State chapter of PDP has inaugurated its new executive council with Mr Sam Uhuotu as the Chairman. Uhuotu, who was inaugurated alongside other newly elected executive members of the party in Lokoja on Friday, was elected at a party congress on Thursday. Other executive members are Mr Ranti Abenemi as Deputy Vice-Chairman, a former state Chairman of the defunct ANPP, Mr Farouk Yahaya, as Secretary, and Mr John Ebosogo as Legal Adviser. Also elected were Mr Alfred Bello as the Treasurer, Mr Jude Sule., Financial Secretary, Mr Bode Ogunmola, Publicity Secretary, and Mrs Margaret Fabiyi as Woman Leader. The oath of oce was administered on the new executive members by the Legal Adviser of the party in the North Central, Mr Kabiru Mohammed. Inaugurating the new state PDP executives, the PDP Vice-Chairman in the North Central zone, Alhaji YusuͿ Ayitogo, urged them to start work immediately so that the party could win the coming governorship
election in the state. He urged the new chairman to be open and transparent in his dealings with members of the party as much was expected from them. Responding, Ohuotu promised to provide quality and responsible leadership and appealed to other members of the executive to join him in eͿorts to take the party to greater heights. He also appealed for the support of the elders and leaders of the party for his executive council so that the party could win the governorship election, scheduled for Nov. 21. The state Governor Mr Idris Wada, in his remarks, said the new executive was coming at a critical period in the life of the party and urged them to come with strategies and ideas that could match the growing inÁuence of APC in the state. He also urged the new chairman to reconcile all aggrieved members of the party and commended them for their peaceful conduct during the state congress. Wada also stressed the need for the party to regularly hold meetings at state, local government and ward levels to ensure peace and give all members a sense of belonging.
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 25, 2015
Sports Update
Papua New Guinea 2016: Ghana, Nigeria, South Africa favoured to progress
hana, Nigeria and South Africa are highly favoured to book their places at the next stage of the continental qualięers of the FIFA Under-20 Women’s World Cup, Papua New Guinea 2016. This follows huge margin wins during the ęrst leg matches a fortnight ago. Finding themselves in the same situation are DR Congo, Equatorial Guinea and Zambia, whilst Burkina Faso look set to complete a double over their Algerian counterparts at the weekend in Ouagadougou, after a 2-1 victory in the previous ęxture. The pick of the weekend will be in Bahir Dar where Ethiopia will play host to Cameroon. The two sides seĴled for a barren draw in the ęrst leg in Yaounde. Whilst Nigeria has
appeared in every edition of the biennial global championship since its inception in 2002, Ghana has qualięed since 2010, conęrming their status as the pioneers of women’s football on the continent. The Falconets of Nigeria will be at home in Abuja against Liberia whilst Ghana’s Princesses are away in Dakar against Senegal. South Africa’s Basetsana look set to compound the woes of regional rivals, Botswana in Gaborone whilst the Young Gladiators of Namibia have a mountain to climb against DR Congo in Windhoek after a 4-0 loss from the ęrst leg in Kinshasa. Two teams will qualify to represent Africa at the ęnal tournament scheduled for 28 October to 16 November 2016 in Papua New Guinea.
Moses may get Chelsea chance, says Mourinho
helsea manager manager, Jose Mourinho, insists that his team ‘don’t have fragilities’, and don’t need any other players ahead of the new Premier League season. Victor Moses could remain at Chelsea for the 2015-16 season, according to manager Jose Mourinho. Moses, 24, spent last season on loan at Stoke, scoring three goals in 19 Premier League appearances. The Nigeria international faces stiě competition for a place in Chelsea’s starting I in the coming campaign, but Mourinho feels he could be an asset.Mourinho said in the London Evening Standard: “I see him ęĴing in. He’s strong, he’s experienced, he knows the Premier League well, he’s fast, he’s aggressive. “OK, he has to play with us. But I’m happy
with his week, with his 45 minutes and the next match ǽagainst Paris SaintGermainǾ he will have 45 more minutes. But Victor has had an evolution in the last couple of years.” Mourinho also said 19-year-old winger Bertrand Traore, who was loaned to Vitesse last season, will not be leaving Stamford Bridge during the transfer window. He added: “Traore’s not going on loan. We want to keep him, we want to improve him. With the ball he has a lot of talent but sometimes he doesn’t make the right decisions yet. “He had situations in the ęrst half against the Red Bulls when we wanted to counter aĴack and he kept coming inside - he doesn’t make the best decisions. But this is absolutely normal. But step by step; good kid, good talent.”
Mikel pledges future to Chelsea J
ohn Mikel Obi is set to add to the 339 oĜcial appearances he has made for Chelsea FC since joining the club in 2006, after conęrming that he will stay with the Stamford Bridge outęt till the end of his contract in 2017. Although, the Nigerian international has been linked with Turkish club Fenerbahçe as well as AlAin in the United Arab Emirates, neither side have made an oěer that is likely to be considered by Mourinho, who Mikel claims is keen on keeping him at Stamford Bridge. Chelsea FC will be retaining the services of their no.12 for at least the immediate future, with the defensive midęelder conęrming his desire to see out the remaining two years of his contract with the club.
Mikel is quoted by London-based newspaper Evening Standard as saying; “I have two years left on my contract here and want to see them out. I am happy here and we will see what happens. I do want to stay, the manager wants me to stay so I don’t have any issues. “The manager has told me he wants me to stay. He said that and I’m preĴy happy to stay. This is going to be my tenth season at the club, next year it will be my 11th. I have been here so long due to the contracts I have signed and I like to be somewhere where I have developed friendships.” The Nigerian Ȯ who has made 339 appearances for Chelsea FC, more than any player from the current squad bar John Terry Ȯ has also claimed he feels completely at home at
Stamford Bridge and is not keen on swapping that for a new environment just yet. “This is like my family now. Every time I come to work it’s like coming into see my family. “I know the whole place, the staě, it is going to be a hard place to leave when my contract runs out and then we will see what happens.” Mikel’s comments come as further conęrmation of what Chelsea FC manager Jos· Mourinho said in a media press conference prior to the game against the New York Red Bulls. The Portuguese is seemingly happy with the midęelders he has at his disposal. ‘If somebody speaks about other midęeld players, it’s not true because I have Ramires, Mati°, F¥bregas, Mikel,
Loftus-Cheek and Oscar,” said Mourinho. The Blues had been brieĚy linked with Chilean midęelder Charles Aranguiz as well as Belgian Axel Witsel during the summer, but it appears as though there is unlikely to be any change to Mourinho’s midęeld for the coming season. As the club’s only real defensive midęelder apart from Nemanja Mati°, Mikel will continue to be a useful member of the squad Ȯ an option for the Blues’ manager to use in order to kill games, or hang on to slender leads. Whatever Chelsea FC fans may think of him, it is evident that the manager values his presence in the squad, and Mikel will begin what will be his tenth season at the club come August 2015.
Federation Cup my main target says Rangers coach
angers coach, coach Imama Amapakabo, has set his sights on winning the 2015 Federation Cup after guiding his team to the quarteręnals of the Nigeria cup competition. On Thursday, Amapakabo’s starstudded Rangers beat a hard-baĴling Kwara United 3-2 in Abuja to set up a clash against fellow premier league side El Kanemi next month. Goals from Rasaq Adegbite, Bobby Clement and Emeka Eze lifted Rangers, who
are one of six premier league sides in the last eight. “I would not say we played our best game today, but I can tell you that we have our eyes set at winning the Federation Cup,” Amapakabo declared “We have a disease right now in Rangers and I am looking for a medication to cure it. That disease is the inability to convert chances. As you can see we created a lot of chances, but my strikers failed to convert them and for now that is what I want to immediately tackle.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 25, 2015
Sports Update Shehu says he’s up for Congo war
ormer Kano Pillars ace, Shehu Abdullahi, has told AfricanFootball.com he is up to the challenge Congo will pose in a CAF Under-23 Championship qualięer second leg and that he will join the team in camp on Monday. Nigeria beat Congo 2-1 in Port Harcourt last weekend to set up a very interesting return leg match in Pointe-Noire on August 2. The Uniao da Madeira of Portugal midęelder is one of ęve fresh players called up for the match in Congo and he told AfricanFoot-
ball.com: “I am very happy for the invitation to the U23 national team. I am so excited about it. I will resume with the team on Monday. “I know the game we have against Congo is crucial, I am ready for the war in Congo. I will contribute my quota if I am called upon in the match.” Shehu was ęrst called to the U23 team in 2011, when the team were preparing for the CAF U23 Championship in Morocco. The former Al Qadsia of Kuwait player won bronze with the Super Eagles at CHAN 2014.
NFF to pay Oliseh’s Maitama house N5m rent
ew Nigeria coach, Sunday Oliseh, has located a house in highbrow Maitama, Abuja, and the NFF are set to pay the annual rent of ęve million Naira. A top source told Afri-
Enyimba battle for Burkina CHAN skipper
nyimba are locked in a Titanic baĴle with Burkina Faso over the transfer of highlyrated midęelder, Adama Zerbo, who is the skipper of his country’s home-based team. The Nigerian club plan to sign Zerbo during this transfer window, but Burkina Faso want such a transfer to wait till October, when their home-based team would have baĴled Nigeria in a 2016 CHAN eliminator. Zerbo’s transfer now will mean he will be ineligible for the CHAN qualięer in October. “We have to wait and
see what happens as this is a very delicate case,” a top Enyimba oĜcial told AfricanFootball.com “We have invited the player for a routine medical after which he is expected to sign a contract, but we really don’t know if he will agree to this based on the pressure from his country’s FA. “If we don’t sign him now, we cannot sign him again till the new season.” The 27-year-old Zerbo was the best player in the Burkina Faso league in 2013. He features for army team ASFA Yennenga of Ouagadougou.
canFootball.com: “Oliseh has already seen his house in Abuja. It’s in Maitama and the rent is ęve million Naira a year, which the NFF are now preparing to pay for.” Oliseh’s assistants are also be housed in Abuja as
they begin the onerous task of rebuilding the Super Eagles. Oliseh’s predecessor Stephen Keshi stayed in hotels in Abuja when he was in charge of the Eagles. In the meantime, Oliseh is currently in Europe
tracking Nigerian players with the view to considering them for his new team. The Eagles coach is expected to return to Nigeria later next month to continue preparations for the 2017 AFCON qualięer in Tanzania in September.
Amokachi, Babaganaru lead race for Pillars’ job
he race for the Kano Pillars top coaching post has intensi¿ed with exEagles assistant coach Daniel Amokachi enjoying the support of some of the most inÀuential decision makers in the matter. AfricanFootball.com has learnt that Nasarawa United coach , Mohammed Babaganaru remains Pillars top target as the champions will now have to play catch-up in the second round of the league season as they are nine points adrift of the league leaders. The former Pillars coach will meet with Pillars on Friday. However, Amokachi is
also pushing close for the Pillars post after he received the blessings of some powerful decision makers including a cofounder of the club. Amokachi, fresh from a coaching seminar in Kenya, con¿rmed to AfricanFootball.com he is in the ring for the Pillars job. But the former Enyimba and Nasarawa United coach also said he has been linked with several other clubs including FC Taraba. “What is uppermost for me with all these clubs is the welfare of my players. I drive my players hard, but I cannot do that if they are hungry,” he told AfricanFootball.com
Kayode wants to score on Austria league debut
ormer Nigeria youth international, Olanrewaju Kayode, has told AfricanFootball.com he hopes to crown his debut in the Austrian Bundesliga on Sunday with a goal for new club Austria Wien. Kayode started out at an academy in Ghana and has played in Cote d’Ivoire, Swiĵerland and Israel.
And the former Maccabi Netanya of Israel star striker said his most immediate target will be victory over hosts Wolfsberger AC on the opening day of the season in Austria. “It is going to be a big match as we start the league away at Wolfsberger AC, who are playing in Europa League,” Olanrewaju told AfricanFootball.
com “I am looking forward to a great game and helping my team get victory, that is the only thing we want in that game. I will be glad if I get goal while doing so.” His goals in Israel earned him a transfer worth over 800,000 Euros to Austria. He scored two goals in pre-season games for his new Austria Wien.
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