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Saturday, January 30, 2016
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Saturday, January 30, 2016
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, January 30, 2016
Ogun NIS warns human traffickers to steer clear
Bolu-Olu Esho, Abeokuta
u m a n traffickers who might be thinking of using Idiroko border town in Ogun State to perpetrate their illicit trade have been warned by the Nigeria Immigration Service (NIS) to steer clear of the state. Reading the riot act at Idiroko in Ipokia local government of the state, the Comptroller
of Immigration, Ogun Command, Mrs Victoria Isang, warned that anyone caught traĜcking humans into and out of the country would be arrested and prosecuted accordingly. The warning was handed down at the sensitization campaign embarked upon by the command against human traĜcking, child labour, abuse and rape. Represented by the Deputy Comptroller of Immigration in
charge of Anti-human TraĜcking and Child Labour, Mrs Anne Agbim, the Comptroller revealed that oĜcers of the Command had been deployed to various border stations and point in the state to keep surveillance and arrested anyone involved in the illicit trade. She disclosed that the inĚux of people being traĜcked into the country is alarming, noting that
the public sensitization programme was targeted at educating the people on the evil and destruction the trade inĚicted on the victims and the nation. “The situation where people are being moved from their location to other places for ęnancial and economic gains of human traĜckers is pure evil and should be stopped in its entirety irrespective of the feelings of the victims,” Isang said.
South West xxx Meiran monarch celebrates one
year in office
Ajibade Alabi
he monarch of Meiran Kingdom in Lagos State, Oba Samuel Adeyemi Adisathe, the Alayeluwa of Meiran, yesterday rounded oͿ the seYen days celebration of his one year in oce and applauded the state goYernor, ANinwunmi Ambode for deYeloping the Kingdom. The Oba who tooN up the mantle of power on December 31, 2014, said the lesson learnt in the last one year he ascended the throne was Yaluable in goYerning the people of the Ningdom. “It is not an easy thing to be chosen among many people but a priYilege and honour. That is why we should all taNe care of our character because of future. If I had been a Yery bad person, my people
would not haYe chosen me as their Ning,µ he said. He added: “Now I am celebrating my Àrst year on the throne and you can see how people from diͿerent locality gather around me to celebrate with me.µ TalNing of the achieYement, he said before became King, Meiran has been neglected for many years by politicians but *oYernor ANinwunmi Ambode has beautify the Kingdom by repairing roads in the community. “Our road is now giYen a little attention, presently goYernment is worNing on the road, in fact our present goYernor is giYing us attention that has neYer happened in the history of Meiran and we are so glad about it because it shows that we are remembered at last,µ he said.
Commissioner, Tinubu, others for Zakat distribution
National Amirah, Al-Mu’minaat Organisation, Hajia Nimatullah Abdullateef (2nd right); representative of Lagos State Commissioner for Youth and Social Development, Hajia Rashidat Umar (right); Hajia Sherifat Yussuf Ajibade (2nd left) and other guestss, at a press conference on the forthcoming World Hijab Day, in Lagos…recently.
O o n i v i s i t s A w u j a l e 7 5 ye a r s a f t e r Bolu-Olu Esho, Abeokuta
he Ooni of Ife, Oba Adeyeye Enitan Ogunwusi yesterday paid a historic visit to Ijebuland as he paid a visit to the Awujale and paramount ruler of Ijebuland, Oba Sikiru Adetona, at his palace in Ijebu-Ode, Ogun state after 75 years. His visit was part of his eěort to entrench peace and unity in Yorubaland. Ooni Ogunwusi was the ęrst traditional ruler of IleIfe who oĜcially visited Ijebuland since 1941 Yoruba traditional rulers conference in ijebu-Ode. In his address, the Ooni was passionate in seeing rejuvenation and reenactment of the unity and cooperation of old that existed among the Yoruba, particularly traditional
rulers. He observed that the people’s desire and right could only be achieved and protected by the traditional rulers if there is unity among them. But the Awujale warned the Ooni to beware of sycophants, politicians and various groups masquerading as champions of the cause of the Yoruba. Exuding humility, the 40-year old imperial majesty noted that his visit was also for him to learn from the Awujale who ascended the throne 56 years ago at age 26. The Ooni, who declared that was poised to move close to all traditional rulers in Yorubaland to foster beĴer cooperation and unity in the land, said: “The position God has put me today is not because of my power or might.
It has pleased God to make me the Ooni in my youth. Therefore, I have resolved to come closer to the Awujale because since 1941 when Yoruba traditional rulers last met, we have not had any other joint meeting. This should not be so. “It is our culture to respect the elders and there is nothing beĴer than that before God. God loves the Yoruba people so much that He gave us everything. But if we are not united, we won’t know our worth. God has blessed all of us in Yorubaland, but it is through cooperation we can achieve the best.” Oba Ogunwusi was accompanied by Ife kings, high chiefs and palace oĜcials. Supported by monarchs from Ijebuland, the
Awujale appreciated the eěorts of the Ooni to reunite the Yoruba since ascended the throne. He corroborated the Ooni saying, “If we are united, we can achieve a lot for our people. But if we allow politicians to inęltrate and divide us, they will spoil everything. We should not as traditional rulers sell ourselves out because of pecuniary gains. That had happened in the past and caused disunity in Yorubaland. We should not be partial; the interest of our people should maĴer most to us.” The Awujale, however cautioned Oba Ogunwusi to be wary of sycophants and other various groups including politicians, urging him to be apolitical and portray himself as father of all.
traditional ruler also announced free treatment of ailments for the people of the ancient town. Oba Ogunwusi while commissioning the Made-in-Nigeria coastal buses at his palace at Enuwa Square in IleIfe urged Nigerians to patronise locally made products.
He stressed that the present economic downturn baĴling Nigeria would be reduced if the citizens started patronising products and goods produced locally. The monarch said he decided to partner with Oloęn Micro inance Bank, Ile-Ife, to purchase the vehicles in order to
bring about economic growth of Ile-Ife and also ease transportation into and outside Ife town. He urged the people of the town to make good use of the free healthcare care services saying that development cannot thrive in a town that dwells in health challenges.
...Commissions buses, launches free health services Michael Olanrewaju, Osogbo
oni of Ife, Oba Adeyeye Ogunwusi on Thursday commissioned seven coastal buses to ease inter-state transportation for the people of Ile-Ife and its environs. This came as the
agos State Commissioner for +ome AͿairs Dr Abdul +aNeem Abdul Lateef, Iyalode of Lagos and President, Fatima Charity Foundation, Hajia Bintu-Fatima Tinubu will tomorrow join other dignitaries for the 11th =aNat Distribution Ceremony (ZDC) organised by the ZaNat and Sadaqah Foundation (ZSF). The eYent, scheduled to hold at the Multipurpose Hall, Lagos State Secretariat Mosque, Alausa, INeja, will be chaired by Justice Wale Abiru of the Court of Appeal. According to ZSF ([ecutiYe Director, Imam Abdullah Shuaib, 528
beneÀciaries are expected for the Lagos distribution. “For the year ended 2015, a total sum of N111, 096,876 is been disbursed as ZaNat fund to a total of 21, 038 beneÀciaries across the Southwest, Southeast and South South regions of the country by ZaNat and Sadaqat Foundation,µ he said. Other dignitaries to grace the eYent are President, Muslim Community of Lagos State, Prof Tajudeen Gbadamosi, The Companion National Amir (President) Alhaji Musbau Oyefeso; President, Rhesus Solution initiatiYe (RSI), Alhaja Jameela Olufunmilayo Banire and SheiNh Imran Eleha, among others.
Teenager ar raigned for allegedly defiling 6-year-old girl
or allegedly deÀling a minor, a 19-yearold student, Joseph Idoh, yesterday appeared before an INeja Chief Magistrate Court. The accused who liYes at 2, Aina ANera Street, Orile-Agege, a suburb of Lagos, is facing a twocount charge of deÀlement and sexual assault. The prosecutor, Insp. Benedict AigboNhan, told the court that the oͿences were committed on January 20, at the residence of the accused. According to him, both the accused and the Yictim·s mother liYe in the same compound. “The accused called the Yictim, a six-year-old girl, to his room and deÀled her. He eYen warned her not to tell anyone. The mother only discoYered that her
girl had been sexually assaulted when she was taNen to the hospital after she complained of pains in her priYate part.
CHANGE OF NAME I, formerly known and addressed as AOGO ABRAHAM OMENKA, now wish to be known and addressed as JAMES OGILE AOGO. All former documents bearing my former name remain valid. Banks and General public please take note.
CHANGE OF NAME I, formerly known and addressed as OKWORI MARY AJIBOYE, now wish to be known and addressed as OKWORI OYIFE MARY. All former documents remain valid. UNION BANK and General public please take note.
Newswatch Times Saturday, January 30, 2016
South East
Buhariâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s anti corruption war â&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll boomerang â&#x20AC;&#x201C;IMC Cyprian Ebele, Onitsha
he Igbo Mandate Congress (IMC), and a former presidential aspirant under the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Rev. Emmanuel Obianagha, in Awka and Ogidi, respectively, Anambra State, warned that the war against corruption would boomerang if not handled with caution by avoiding any
act of vendetta. Sounding the note of warning, the Director General of IMC, Rev. Obinna Akukwe regretted that the PDP National Publicity secretary, Olisa Metuh was handcuÍżed while being taken to court to face charges involving money â&#x20AC;&#x153;He is not the only person accused of stolen money in Nigeria. Out of all the people accused of stealing mon-
ey, how many of them were handcuÍżed" Even Nigerians in Diaspora are asking why Metuh should be handcuÍżed,Âľ he said. He added: â&#x20AC;&#x153;In as much as we are in full support of Mr. President to recover about 2.1 billion dollars stolen from the nationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s treasury, we will not be a party to any bias action in the name of recovering looted money.Âľ
In his reaction, Obianagha reminded Mr. President that money must exchange hand in politics especially as compensation for work well done and advised him to soft pedal in the war to avoid overdoing it which in eÍżect would boomerang. â&#x20AC;&#x153;By the time it boomerangs, those who are supporting him will abandon him but now they are singing his praises,Âľ he warned.
L-R: Commissioner of Police, Enugu State, Mr. Nwodibo Ekechukwu; Deputy Commissioner of Police, Mr. Oyekunle $GHJER\HJD DQG (QXJX 6WDWH 3ROLFH 3XEOLF 5HODWLRQV 2IÂżFHU 0U (EHUH $PDULQ]X DW D QHZV FRQIHUHQFH LQ (QXJX State.
Enugu maps out strategies to combat bird flu
he Enugu State Ministry of Agriculture has mapped out strategies to check the spread of bird Ă u following the death of more than 130,000 birds valued N150 million. Director of Veterinary Services in the ministry, Dr Emmanuel Onyeka, said this yesterday. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We called a meeting of all executives of fowl
sellers associations in Enugu metropolis including Garki, Ogbete, New Artisan and Akpakpa markets. The Ă&#x20AC;rst decision we reached is that every Monday all life birds markets in Enugu metropolis must be cleaned and disinfected. Secondly, every market will set up a monitoring team about two or three persons to work
with the veterinary personnel (in that market),Âľ Onyeka said. He added: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Thirdly, we have also discussed with them, they have to also help government to protect their business. So, they have to make budgetary provisions for purchase of sprayers and disinfectants which they also accepted.â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122; The director also urged
the residents to report any outbreak of bird Ă u in the near-by poultry farms and markets to the ministry or agric desk ofĂ&#x20AC;cers in the local councils. Enugu State is one of the 23 states and the FCT that experienced the spread of bird Ă u since its resurgence in January last year, killing nearly 2.3 million birds.
Ekwunife loses bid to return to Senate Taiye Odewale, Abuja
ope of Senator Uche Ekwunife returning to the Senate in the current 8th National Assembly after the nulliÄ&#x2122;cation of her election in December last year was Ä&#x2122;nally dashed yesterday by a Supreme Court ruling on all the 12 legislative seats won by candidates of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP ) from Anambra State at the National Assembly. Ekwunife had in the National Assembly election conducted in March last year emerged as elected senator for Anambra
Central on the platform of PDP along with Andy Uba who was declared winner for Anambra South and Stella Oduah for Anambra North. But Ekwunife had her election quashed last month by Court of Appeal in Enugu on the grounds of litigation against it by the candidate of the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA), Victor Umeh, who came second in the election, with a caveat for re-run election, which has sent both into political battle Ä&#x2122;elds for the position. The position, however, became non-existent yesterday with the ruling of
the Supreme Court nullifying all the elections of 12 federal lawmakers who won their legislative seats into the National Assembly on the platform of PDP for coming from an illegal camp of the party in the state. The Supreme Court in the ruling directed that Chris Uba be swornin as Senator representing Anambra South, John Emeka as Senator representing Anambra North and Annie Okonkwo as Senator representing Anambra Central, the seat occupied by Ekwunife before her sack. However, two of the
11 members of the House
of Representatives from Anambra State survived the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;tsunamiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; for not belonging to PDP but APGA. The two are Peter Obiano and Onyemwile Gabriel, while the remaining nine from PDP are also to be replaced by candidates of the PDP from the camp of Chief Ejike Oguebego who was yesterday declared the authentic chairman of the party in the state whose list ought to be honoured by the National Headquarters of the party and the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) in the Ä&#x2122;rst place.
News Tax evasion: Banks, hotels, others sealed off in Anambra Cyprian Ebele, Onitsha
or allegedly evading tax payment amounting to N150 million, the Anambra government yesterday sealed-off no fewer than 35 buildings in the industrial town of Nnewi. The buildings said to have been affected in the non-payment of property rate were commercial banks, hotels, business plazas, filling stations, hospitals, residential homes as well as primary and secondary schools. The Head, Human Resources and Administration, Anambra Property and Land Use Charge (APLUC), Mrs. Chinenye Okafor, explained that the closure followed various court judgments obtained against the tax evaders. Okafor said the affected buildings owed the state government a total of N150, 455,814.59. She said that the
agency in 2014 and 2015 carried out similar enforcement in Awka and Onitsha in 125 buildings, noting that more buildings would be sealed-off as soon as judgments were obtained. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are advising property owners in the state particularly in Onitsha, Awka, Ogidi and Nkpor to go and pay their property rates or face the wrath of the law. We had discussion with some of them and they had promised to pay since November 2014 but up till now, we have not seen any positive response from them. We are no longer interested in continuing with appealing or sensitizing them because we have tried it for more than two years now and nothing was coming out of it. The government has considered the second option of litigation and enforcement this time after dialogue had failed,Âľ Okafor said.
Consumers fault NERCâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s proposed tariff hike
he National Association of Electricity Consumers of Nigeria (NAECN) has condemned the proposed increase in electricity tariff by the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC), scheduled to begin on Monday. The associationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s National president, Mr Ganiu Makanjuola, expressed concern over the planned increase. Makanjuola said that the increment was untimely and would only compound the hardships that Nigerians were going through in the midst of erratic power supply. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Before there should be any increment, the new investors ought to task themselves to improve on the current power supply situation. The stand of Nigerians and the investment community is very clear on
this matter. We stand to reject any hike in the electricity tariff when the power supply situation is still erratic,â&#x20AC;? he said. He said that with the removal of fixed charges, consumers would not pay any money if there was no electricity supplied because they would only be paying for the energy consumed. He said that the bills were being dished out without commensurate services being offered by the distribution companies. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Government should have addressed fundamental issues like infrastructure dilapidation, generation capacity and transmission, rather than tariff increment. There was no justification for the planned increment. Most of the transformers are faulty and needed to be upgraded, while the supply lines are overloaded and the cables are failing.â&#x20AC;?
Newswatch Times, Saturday, January 30, 2016
South South
Wikeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s victory prevented bloodshed in Rivers, says Ateke Tom Nath Omame, Port Harcourt
he victory of Governor Nyesom Wike at the Supreme Court, on Wednesday, saved many souls and prevented bloodshed in Rivers State. This view was expressed by High Chief Ateke Tom, ex-militant leader and founder of the Niger Delta Vigilante Force (NDVF). Ateke who spoke at a news conference yesterday at Okrika, in Okrika local government area, said Governor Wikeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s victory saved many innocent souls who would have died from the violence that would have
erupted either spontaneously, or at the re-run, if the judgment had gone otherwise. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I have been thinking of the likely consequence if Wike loses at the Supreme Court. God knows what could have happened if Wike had lost at the Supreme Court. You can see from the outcome of the judgment that God works in mysterious ways. His ways are different from the ways of mere mortals. Wikeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s victory saved many souls. Every Rivers man and woman should thank God for the Supreme Court judgment because no one would have been able to predict the scale of what could have transpired,â&#x20AC;? he said.
He added: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Those that had predicted victory for themselves invited security operatives to commence the raiding of communities and private homes of anyone who they believed is a staunch supporter of Governor Wike. I was shocked by the Supreme Court judgment. God saved many lives. Many people would have lost their children.â&#x20AC;? The ex-militant leader Ă ayed the raid by security operatives, alleging it was targeted at supporters of Governor Wike to cow and intimidate them from coming out to vote if the Supreme Court had aÎ&#x20AC;rmed the judgment of the Court of Appeal and ordered for a re-run
of the governorship election. â&#x20AC;&#x153;My humble advice is that those that have lost at the Supreme Court should work hard and pray to God for a better outcome of their eÍżort in four yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s time when the next general elections will be conducted. I will also add that those who have lost should join hands with Governor Wike to improve the stateâ&#x20AC;?. Ateke warned ex-militants in the Niger Delta to desist from blowing up oil and gas pipelines, including other vital oil installations, warning that the consequences of blowing up oil installations will severely aÍżect the nationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s economy.
Another monarch kidnapped in Delta Sylvester Idowu, Warri
he state of insecurity in Delta State came to the fore yesterday as another monarch was kidnapped by unknown gunmen. The abduction has sent jitters down the spines of royal fathers and their subjects as the incident occurred barely a week after the decomposed body of a traditional ruler of Ubulu-Uku in Aniocha North council area of the state, Obi Akaeze Edward Ofulue III, who was also abducted was discovered in a bush in the state. Newswatch Times gathered yesterday that OdionOlogbo of Olomoro Kingdom in Isoko South local government area of the
Repair Apapa-Oshodi expressway, residents beg FG
ome residents of Lagos yesterday appealed to the Federal Government to rehabilitate the ApapaOshodi expressway to curb gridlock and avert accidents in the area. The residents said the gullies on the highway are causing serious hardship in the area. A clearing agent, Mrs Biola Lawal, said that she had lost goods to accidents several times on the highway. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Our goods always get damaged on this road because of the way containers fall here. This road deserves urgent attention because it leads to the two major ports in the country, the international airport and is a major link between the Island and
Out-going Chief of Staff, 2 Brigade, Nigerian Army, Port Harcourt, Col. Shuaibu Shamtang (left) and Commander of the Brigade, %ULJ *HQ 6WHYHQVRQ 2ODEDQML GXULQJ D VHQG RII LQ KRQRXU RI WKH RXWJRLQJ RIÂżFHUV RI WKH %ULJDGH LQ 3RUW +DUFRXUW 5LYHUV State.
Absence of co-accused stalls trial of Akpobolokemi, others
Federal High Court in Lagos yesterday Ă&#x20AC;xed February 17 and February 18 for the trial of Patrick Akpobolokemi, the former Director-General (D-G) of NIMASA, who had been charged with N3.4 billion fraud, due to the absence of the sixth accused person. Akpobolokemi is standing trial alongside nine others on a 40-count charge bordering on the alleged oÍżence. The other accused are
Capt. Ezekiel Agaba, Ekene Nwakuche, Felix Bob-Nabena, Capt. Warredi Enisuoh, Governor Juan, Ugo Fredrick, Timi Alari and two companies namely Al-Kenzo Ltd and Peniel Engineering Services Ltd. When the case was called, all the accused persons with the exception of the sixth accused were present in court. The court was informed that the sixth accused was left in the prison due to his inability to perfect his
bail condition granted by a Lagos High Court in a separate charge against him. His Counsel, Mr Ige Ashemudare, therefore, prayed the court for an adjournment. The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) prosecutor, Mr Festus Keyamo, did not oppose the application for an adjournment, adding that he was aware of the situation. Justice Saliu Saidu, thereafter, Ă&#x20AC;xed the trial
for February 17 and February 18. Akpobolokemi is facing three criminal charges at the Federal High Court in Lagos, and one at the Lagos High Court. In one of the pending charges, his co-accused, Government Ekpemupolo (alias Tompolo), is a former Niger Delta militant. The court had issued a bench warrant for his arrest and production in court, after a charge was preferred against him.
state, King Josiah Umukoro, Aghaza 1, was kidnapped at his palace by unidentiÄ&#x2122;ed armed men. Information about how the kidnap was carried out was not clear but it was gathered that Odion-Ologbo of Olomoro Kingdom was seized by his kidnappers about 7:30am and was whisked away to an unknown destination. Security sources disclosed that the monarch was whisked away in a RAV 4 Sports Unitility Vehicle (SUV), painted in dark green colour. Delta State Police Public Relations OÄ&#x153;cer, Celestina Kalu, a Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) conÄ&#x2122;rmed the incident in a brief statement.
Mainland. This road is the artery of business in Nigeria and it should be repaired without delay,â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122; she said. A civil servant, Mr Elijah Abalaka, said that the gullies damaged his vehicle repeatedly. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I had to park my car and take commercial vehicle because I am tired of always Ă&#x20AC;xing my car and replacing tyres because of the trenches on this road. Government should repair the road before the raining season if not, the situation will be worse because if it rains the gullies will be Ă ooded,â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122; he said. A commuter, Mr Vincent Nwosu, said that traÎ&#x20AC;c that resulted from the bad road usually caused loss of productive time.
ASUU tasks UNILAG authorities on membersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; welfare
he Academic StaÍż Union of Universities (ASUU), University of Lagos Chapter, yesterday urged the institutionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s authorities to improve on the welfare of its members. The unionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Chairman, Dr Adelaja Odukoya, a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Political Science, expressed satisfaction with the authoritiesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; attitude toward provision of an enabling environment for eÍżective teaching and learning in the university. He, however, said there were still concerns in the area of welfare of the unionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s members.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;The major challenge we are facing today as a union is that of accommodation for our members. A situation whereby a lecturer will be coming from far distance every morning to carry out his or her mandate every day has its eÍżects on quality service delivery. That is why we are calling on the school authorities to look into the issue and seek ways of Ă&#x20AC;nding a lasting solution to it,â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122; he said. He said the conclusion of daily academic activities late at night could amount to a disservice, not only to the lecturers, but also to the students and the university at large.
Newswatch Times Saturday, January 30, 2016
North East/West
HC3 distributes mosquito nets to combat malaria Ayo Ajoge, Birnin Kebbi
Chairman, Army-Shitee Clash Judicial Commission of Inquiry, Justice Mohammed Garba (right), taking oath RI RIÂżFH EHIRUH .DGXQD 6WDWH *RYHUQRU 1DVLU (O 5XIDL GXULQJ WKH LQDXJXUDWLRQ RI WKH -XGLFLDO &RPPLVVLRQ RI ,QTXLU\ LQ .DGXQD 6WDWHÂŤ\HVWHUGD\
El-Rufai tasks Judicial Panel to unravel alleged foreign influence in Soldiers /Shiite clash %DED 1HJHGX .DGXQD
aduna State Governor, Malam Nasir El-Rufai, yesterday inaugurated the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into the crisis between the Nigerian Army and the Islamic Movement in Nigeria, tasking the members to unravel the alleged inĂ uence of foreign and domestic inĂ uence that might have contributed to the crisis. Addressing members of the Commission and others present at the banquet Hall of the Government House, Elrufai who read out the terms of reference said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;They are to determine the immediate causes of the clashes and the historical circumstances surrounding and contributory factors and remote causes of the clashesâ&#x20AC;?. El-Rufai charge the Commission, â&#x20AC;&#x153;To review all other factors, issues or matters, including the alleged involvement of foreign and domestic actors or their inĂ uence or instigation, that may have contributed to the incident or may conduce to such incidents in the future and make recommendations thereto.â&#x20AC;? Others includes, â&#x20AC;&#x153;To ascertain the number of persons killed, wounded or missing during the clashes and identify actions and omissions of relevant persons, traditional and religious institutions, federal and state actors and
emergency response agencies before, during and after the clashes. â&#x20AC;&#x153;To determine the evolution of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria, its organization, structure, membership, growth, assets, resources, culture and practices, and how any or all of these contributed to any engagement with the community, constituted authorities and the security agencies; â&#x20AC;&#x153;To make recommendations as to actions to be taken, policies to be developed and implemented to ensure that acts and omissions that may have contributed or led to the Clashes are pre-empted entirely or, where they occur, their negative eÍżects are mitigated, in future,â&#x20AC;? saying Government looks forward to receiving the interim and Ă&#x20AC;nal reports of this Commission within six weeks after the Ă&#x20AC;rst public sitting. The Governor insisted that the panel becomes necessary because, â&#x20AC;&#x153;for reasons of accountability and transparency, the state government deems it right and proper to institute this Judicial Commission of Inquiry into the incidents. This will allow all parties to state their case and aÍżord the public a fair and accurate account of the events. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The government is especially concerned that all citizens take seriously their duty of allegiance to the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nige-
ria, to respect the prerogatives of state institutions, to abide by the laws of the country and to exercise their freedom to practice their faith in ways that do not infringe on the rights of other citizens. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Kaduna State bears too vividly the scars of the horrors that have been inĂ icted on it by ethno-communal and religious upheavals. We have a duty to promote peace, foster harmony, and end the legacy of division by ensuring that the law applies equally to everyone. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Let it be clear that the Kaduna State Government is convinced that a Judicial Commission of Inquiry provides a chance to understand the events that happened, their background, establish casualties, assign responsibilities and make appropriate recommendations to the federal and state governments, so that such tragedies may be avoided in future. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Those that wrongly believe that a federal government inquiry is necessary to satisfy them should note that under the 1999 Constitution, only State Governments can institute judicial commissions of inquiry in their states. The Federal Government can only do so in the Federal Capital Territory of Abuja. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Those that argue that a state level inquiry cannot invite, compel attendance and interrogate the criminal or administrative responsibility of
federal actors are also wrong as the laws of Kaduna State apply to every person that is engaged in acts of omission or commission in our territory whether that person or group is military, paramilitary or civilian. Members of the Armed Forces, like all citizens, are subject to state and federal laws.â&#x20AC;? Responding, Chairman of the Commission, Justice Mohammed Lawal Garba, said the members accepted the appointment because â&#x20AC;&#x153;we consider it a national duty.â&#x20AC;? He promised that,â&#x20AC;? We are going to give each side that will appear before us the opportunity to say their own side of what happened and we are going to take this assignment given to us with the sense of seriousness and sincerity it deservesâ&#x20AC;?. He assured the governor that members of the Commission will be fair and just in the discharge of their duties. According to him, â&#x20AC;&#x153;the Commission will abide by the oath of oÎ&#x20AC;ce taken because it is only through that, that we can get to the root of what happened and it is only then that we can make recommendations that if implemented can prevent similar incidence from occurring not only in Kaduna State but the country as a whole because it is a problem that aÍżects all parts of the country even though it happened in Kaduna State.â&#x20AC;?
Plans underway to green Nigeria, says Environment Minister 3DVFKDO 1MRNX $EXMD
inister of Environment, Mrs. Amina Mohammed, has disclosed that plans are in top gear by the Federal Government to green Nigeria and mitigate the environmental impact caused by global warming and desertiĂ&#x20AC;cation. Amina stated this when the Republic of Korea Ambassador, Mr. Noh Kyuduk paid her a courtesy
call at her Mabushi oÎ&#x20AC;ce, Abuja The Minister stated that by transiting to green economy, the Federal Government intends to create an enabling environment for more inclusive growth while protecting the environment from hazard. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The transition to a green economy will beneĂ&#x20AC;t the country through increased sustainable development, poverty reduction, job creation and environmental conservation amongst oth-
er beneĂ&#x20AC;tsâ&#x20AC;? she said In a statement released yesterday by Ovuakporie Efe , Amina opined that greening Nigeria will also give rise to increased renewable energy in line with the nationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Renewable Energy Master Plan (REMP) which seeks to account for 10% of Nigerian total energy consumption by 2025. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Investing in renewable energy will promote infrastructural development as energy will become read-
ily available and more efĂ&#x20AC;cientâ&#x20AC;? she added. The Minister further noted that â&#x20AC;&#x153;all over the world, countries are making greener eÍżorts and Nigeria as the giant of Africa and blessed with a practical President as Mohammadu Buhari cannot aÍżord to be indiÍżerent, adding that the ministry will readily collaborate with countries such as the Republic of Korea who has vast experience and operate a green economy.
Non Governmental Organisation NGO, Health Communication, Capacity and Collaborative (HC3) has commenced collaboration ith people living in the rural areas of Kebbi state on the control of malaria just as it gave free treated mosquito nets to people in the rural communities. The programme coordinator for the State, Mr Sammy Taiye Olaniru, told Newswatch Times that the HC3 objective is to ensure total control of malaria and eradication of the disease which has in recent times become a killer disease. Olaniru stated that the HC3 had identiĂ&#x20AC;ed the 9 LGs as the areas of attention, hence ad-hoc staÍż
have been engaged to penetrate the interior and engage the locals in community dialogue on how to use mosquito nets in their various homes. He explained that last year, the HC3 engaged the service of traditional rulers, community volunteers, health workers and government agencies to achieve their goal. He explained further that the HC3 has also embarked on advocacy through the media houses by producing radio and TV jingles so as to increase awareness among the people. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The way polio is being fought, we also want to use the same strategy to Ă&#x20AC;ght and eradicate malaria as it has become one of the killer diseases in Nigeria and the Africa continent.â&#x20AC;?
Reps member organises free medical service in his constituency Ayo Ajoge, Birnin Kebbi
s part of his campaign promise to give the dividend of democracy to the people of his constituency, Engr. Faruk Abdullahi, representing B/Kebbi, Kalgo/ Bunza Federal Constituency at the National Assembly has organised a four-day free medical services for members of his constituency in B/kebbi and Kalgo. Speaking to newsmen on his pet project, Hon. Abdulahi stated that the programme is slated to last for four days beginning from Tuesday to Friday simultaneously in all the Local Council Areas that make up his Federal constituency.. He explained that the exercise is part of his campaign promises to his people that if voted into oÎ&#x20AC;ce, he would ensure regular accessibility to free medical services, quality education and provision of social
amenities, assured that more goodies are on the way. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I am going to fulĂ&#x20AC;l all my campaign promises to my people; I have given scholarships to students, I am also planning to buy and supply books, chairs as well as renovate some blocks of classrooms in my constituency.â&#x20AC;? he added. Hon Faruk Abdullahi, a Civil Engineer by profession is collaborating with NACA and MDG to provide the free medical service to his people. Speaking with newsmen, the leader of the medical team who is also an Assistant Director NACA / MDG HCT, Mr Peter Egena, stated that the is expected to provide free medical services for 5,000 people and disclosed that so far only 640 have received treatment in BirninKebbi alone. The exercise involves treatment and testing of diabetic, hepatitis hypertension and HIV counselling and other medication.
Villagers kill three robbers in Kogi Ademu Idakwo , Lokoja
hree armed robbers were yesterday burnt to death at Orunu junction in Ofu Local government area of the state by youths suspected to have hailed from the adjourning communities in the area. A witness account said the robbers numbering Ă&#x20AC;ve met their waterloo when they took over the road and began robbing commuters. Unknown to them, the villagers who were tired of incessant attacks and robberies on the road which leads to Idah Local government area from Lokoja rushed out in their hundreds and descended on them. The courageous villagers who were not scared of the armed robbers thatwere said to be foreigners from
the neirgbouring African countries attacked and snatched their guns before crushing three of them to death with heavy stones, clubs and other dangerous weapons. Two of the armed robbers escaped into the bush while others were burnt to ashes. It would be recalled that a chieftain of Peoples Democratic Party, PDP from Ejule community in the area was kidnapped in September 2015 at a junction while coming from the governorship campaign rally in Ugwolawo. The Police Public Relation oÎ&#x20AC;cer, PPRO, Williams Aya, who conĂ&#x20AC;rmed the incident, said the police discovered three dead bodies on the road. He said no body was seen at the scene, but the police have commenced investigation into the matter.
Saturday, January 30, 2016
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Saturday, January 30, 2016
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, January 30, 2016
Wike: How S’Cour t verdict vindicated INEC Mansur Oladunjoye, Asst. Politics Editor
ivers State Election Petition Tribunal sitting in Abuja, on Saturday, October 24, nulliÀed the election of Nyesom Wike of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) as the Governor of the state, on electoral irregularities. Subsequently, the chairman of the Tribunal, Justice Suleiman Ambrosa ordered the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to conduct fresh elections in the state within 90 days of the ruling. However, there was jubilation in Port Harcourt during the week when news Àltered in that the Supreme Court armed the election of Nyesom Wike as governor of Rivers State. The Supreme court in a unanimous judgment by a 7-man panel led by Justice Kudirat Kekere Ekun set aside the judgment of the Court of Appeal which nulliÀed Wike¶s elections. In Ogun State, supporters of Senator Ibikunle Amosun were equally excited, following the armation by the apex court that he remains governor of Oven State. The apex court in both cases dismissed the complainants, Gboyega Isiaka, candidate of the PDP, in Ogun State, and Dakuku Peterside of the All Progressive Congress (APC) in Rivers State. For Isiaka, the Apex Court dismissed the appeal for lack of merit, but will advance reasons for ruling in favour of Wike against public expectation on Friday, February 12, 2016. Wike, had approached the apex court after the Appeal Court upheld the decision of the state election petitions tribunal which had earlier nulliÀed his victory at the poll. However, Wike has declared that his victory at the Supreme Court “is a victory for the rule of law and the people of Rivers State,” adding that the Supreme Court judgment is a victory for democracy and a conÀrmation that the will of God will always prevail over the machinations of men. Wike trekked on the streets of Port Harcourt before ending up at the Government House. As he walked the streets he was greeted by celebrating Rivers people. While assuring the people of Rivers State that his victory at the Supreme Court will lead to greater delivery of democracy dividends across the state, he extended a hand of fellowship to Peterside to join hands with his administration to develop the state. He praised Peterside for approaching the Judiciary, instead of embarking on violence, stating that the people will continue to beneÀt from the peopleoriented projects and programmes of his administration as he is determined to always to live up to the social contract he entered with the Rivers people. Governor Wike specially thanked all Rivers people for their faith in him and his administration. Like they did during his annulment, some Wike’s supporters still reacted positively to his conÀrmation.
According to the Deputy President of the Senate, Sen Ike Ekweremadu, the victory of Governors Nyesom Wike and Dave Umahi of Rivers and Ebonyi States respectively at the Supreme Court were important for the PDP. Ekweremadu who congratulated the governors said: “These are important victories, not only for the people of Rivers and Ebonyi States, but also for the PDP. “These verdicts have further
conÀrmed that both states are PDP strongholds and I have no doubt that the people are even further bolstered by this judgment to keep it so”. Ekweremadu in a statement by his Special Adviser on Media, Uche Anichukwu, also commended the apex court for “preserving the mandate of the people. “By these verdicts, the Supreme Court has shown itself, once again, as the last hope of the common man.
I rejoice with Governor Wike that his Godgiven mandate that some people wanted to take through the back door has been restored and the evil doers put to shame. I must commend the Supreme Court for living up to expectation and letting Nigerians know that all hope is not lost. This should teach those who believe they can reap where they did not sow that in the end, a Daniel will come to judgment
The apex court has continued to demonstrate that it has all that it takes to deepen our democracy and uphold the people’s rights to freely elect their leaders,” he said. Ekiti State Governor, Mr Ayodele Fayose also described the judgment as a step by the judiciary to free itself from the clutches of desperate politicians who want to ambush the judicial arm of government. Speaking through his Chief Press Secretary, Mr Idowu Adelusi, in AdoEkiti, the governor said the apex court, by its decision, had shown that all hope was not lost as far as the judiciary was concerned. He lauded the people of Rivers State for solidly standing behind Wike and the governor for remaining steadfast in the face of serious provocation, thanking members of the PDP in the state and Nigeria at large for not caving in to pressure. “I rejoice with Governor Wike that his God-given mandate that some people wanted to take through the back door has been restored and the evil doers put to shame. I must commend the Supreme Court for living up to expectation and letting Nigerians know that all hope is not lost. This should teach those who believe they can reap where they did not sow that in the end, a Daniel will come to judgment,” he said. Going memory lane, Newswatch Times recalled that in the 2hours 8minutes judgment delivered on October 24, 2015 in Abuja, the Tribunal that sacked Wike unanimously agreed that the evidence provided by the witnesses called by the respondent and INEC is incredible and unreliable. According to the petitioner, the elections were marred by unauthenticated alterations in forms EC8A, issuance of ballot papers in excess of 100 leaves per booklet, one PDP collation agent signing for several wards, presiding ocer signing for party agents, voter signing for party agent and absence of collation at ward collation centers and many more. The respondents Wike, the PDP and INEC, who jointly called 40 witnesses, urged the Tribunal to dismiss the petition on the grounds that it was constituted by unfounded allegations which the petitioners failed to establish. Justice Ambrosa ruled that the panel was satisÀed and the petitioners had proved their case and ordered INEC to conduct fresh elections within 90 days of the ruling. The Lawyer to the Peoples Democratic Party, Chris Uche (SAN) promised immediate appeal to the Tribunal’s judgement. In a swift reaction, the Rivers State Chapter of the All Progressives Congress (APC) accepted the judgment of the Tribunal. In a statement signed by the Chairman, Dr. Davies Ibiamu Ikanya, the APC said “We have been vindicated in our persistent claim that the election in Rivers State was false and that the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) erred in declaring Wike governor. Continued on Page 35
Newswatch Times, Saturday, January 30, 2016
OBJ’s letter that rattled NASS
Wike: How S’Court verdict vindicated INEC Continued from Page 13
where our national budget was predicated on $38 per barrel of oil with estimated 2 million barrels per day and before the budget was presented, the price of oil had gone down to $34 per barrel and now hovering around $30 and we have no assurance of producing 2 million barrels and if we can, we have no assurance of Ànding market for it, deÀnitely calls for caution. If production and price projected in the budget stand, we would have to borrow almost one third of the 6 trillion naira budget. Now beginning with the reality of the budget, there is need for sober reÁection and sacriÀce with innovation at the level of executive and legislative arms of government. The soberness, the sacriÀce and seriousness must be patient and apparent. It must not be seen and said that those who, as leaders, call for sacriÀce from the citizenry are living in obscene opulence. It will not only be insensitive but callously so. It would seem that it is becoming a culture that election into the legislative arm of government at the national level in particular is a licence for Ànancial misconduct and that should not be. The National Assembly now has a unique opportunity of presenting a new image of itself. It will help to strengthen, deepen, widen and sustain our democracy. By our Constitution, the Revenue Mobilisation, Allocation and Fiscal Commission is charged with the responsibility of Àxing emoluments of the three arms of government: executive, legislature and judiciary. The Commission did its job but by diͿerent disingenuous ways and devices, the legislature had overturned the recommendation of the Commission and hiked up for themselves that which they are unwilling to spell out in detail, though they would want to defend it by force of arm if necessary. What is that? Mr. President of the Senate and Hon. Speaker of the House, you know that your emolument which the Commission had recommended for you takes care of all your legitimate requirements: basic salary, car, housing, staͿ, constituency allowance. Although the constituency allowance is paid to all members of the National Assembly, many of them have no Continued on Page 36
Continued on Page 35
ormer President Olusegun Obasanjo has written the leadership of the National Assembly, accusing them of being insensitive to the plights of Nigerians, arguing that they Àx and earn salaries and allowances far above what the Revenue Mobilization Allocation and Fiscal Commission, RMAFC approved for them. Dated January 13, 2016, Obasanjo tasked Saraki and Dogara to do what is right, saying, “The National Assembly will take a step back and do what is right not only in making its own budget transparent but in all matters of Ànancial administration and management including audit of its accounts by external outside auditor from 1999 to date” Read Obasanjo’s full letter: Distinguished Senator Bukola Saraki, President of the Senate, Federal Republic of Nigeria, Senate Chambers, Abuja. Honourable Yakubu Dogara, Speaker, House of Representatives, National Assembly Complex, Abuja. It is appropriate to begin this letter, which I am sending to all members of the Senate and the House of Representatives through both of you at this auspicious and critical time, with wishes of Happy New Year to you all. On a few occasions in the past, both in and out of oce as the President of Nigeria, I have agonised on certain issues within the arms of government at the national level and among the tiers of government as well. Not least, I have reÁected and expressed, outspokenly at times, my views on the practice in the National Assembly which detracts from distinguishness and honourability because it is shrouded in opaqueness and absolute lack of transparency and could not be regarded as normal, good and decent practice in a democracy that is supposed to be exemplary. I am, of course, referring to the issue of budgets and Ànances of the National Assembly. The present economic situation that the country has found itself in is the climax of the steady erosion of good Ànancial and economic management which grew from bad to worse in the last six years or so. The executive and the legislative
The PDP could not beat Dr. Dakuku Peterside, in a free and fair election; we thank the Justice Ambrosa-led Tribunal for restoring hope to the downtrodden people of Rivers State. Olusegun Mimiko, the governor of Ondo state, condemned the judgment of the Tribunal two days after in Akure, faulting the tribunal for not waiting for the judgment of the Supreme Court over the issue of its jurisdiction before passing the judgment. He said, “Our mindset is that tribunal judgment can go either way, but the Rivers own is particularly embarrassing. We all know the circumstances surrounding the Rivers state tribunal. You recall that for unjustiÀable cause, that tribunal was not allowed to sit in Port Harcourt, it was taken to Abuja. Somewhere along the line, the chairman of the tribunal got changed. “Now, we challenge the jurisdiction of the Tribunal and it has gotten to the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court will give judgment in the next few days. The Abuja Tribunal continues to sit. On Thursday, nine written addresses were adopted. “The adoption of the written addresses was done on 1pm on Thursday. In the course of that trial, the litigants ² both plaintiͿs and defendants – called more than 100 witnesses, documents that were presented as exhibits were more than 1,000. We are talking of more than 100 witnesses and 1,000 documents were admitted, we are talking of nine written addresses. None of the addresses were less than 40 pages. “The adoption was on Thursday, around 1pm and Friday around 2pm, barely under 24 hours, notice had been issued that judgment was ready, that judgment was given on Saturday. This sequence and turn of event assault the sensibilities of lawyers that really believe in justice,” he said. Not only Mimiko, even the PDP in Rivers state called it a travesty of justice and rape on democracy. In his own reaction, Dakuku Peterside, the governorship candidate of the APC in a statement described the tribunal’s verdict as a victory for democracy, justice and the rule of law. “This judgment is resounding because at last, we are vindicated. The journey no doubt was tortuous but the suͿering was worthwhile. It also shows that perseverance pays. This judgment no doubt also shows that we must continue to have faith in our judiciary as the last hope of the common man. “I congratulate the good and longsuͿering people of Rivers State for standing up to impunity, Executive rascality and intimidation of the highest order. As we look forward to a fair contest, I urge our people to be calm and to continue to pray for our dear state,” he said. Also, the APC also in a statement reacted that the era of impunity and hooliganism was over, and that the only way for elections to have legitimacy is for them to be free, fair
arms of government must accept and share responsibility in this regard. And if there will be a redress of the situation as early as possible, the two arms must also bear the responsibility proportionally. The two arms ran the aͿairs of the country unmindful of the rainy day. The rainy day is now here. It would not work that the two arms should stand side by side with one arm pulling and without the support of the other one for good and ecient management of the economy. The purpose of election into the Legislative Assembly particularly at the national level is to give service to the nation and not for the personal service and interest of members at the expense of the nation which seemed to have been the mentality, psychology, mindset and practice within the National Assembly since the beginning of this present democratic dispensation. Where is patriotism? Where is commitment? Where is service? The beginning of good governance which is the responsibility of all arms and all the tiers of government is openness and transparency. It does not matter what else we try to do, as long as one arm of government shrouds its Ànancial administration and management in opaqueness and practices rife with corruption, only very little, if anything at all, can be achieved in putting Nigeria on the path of sustainable and enduring democratic system, development and progress. Governance without transparency will be a mockery of democracy. Let us be more direct and speciÀc so that action can be taken where it is urgently necessary. A situation
Saturday, January 30, 2016
Don’t mortgage your future ... Ikpeba war ns Chikatara
Man Utd star dates Harvey’s step-daughter >>Pg.33
Why we brought Brazilians to Nigeria –Ubah >>Pg.34
Newswatch Times, Saturday, January 30, 2016
Don’t mortgage your future Ikpeba described Chikatara’s move to Morocco as ‘very bad’.” It saddens me when I see someone like Chisom sign for a team in Morocco; why Morocco, Tunisia or Egypt. If they don’t have the chance to go abroad they should stay here in Nigeria. ” We know sponsors are not puĴing money in our league; if our league is very buoyant with enough money I don’t see why these players would want to go abroad . ‘At the end of the day, if you go to Morocco and you are not doing well, after 6 months they’ll cancel your contract ,” Ikpeba said. Ikpeba who currently a member of the NFF’s Technical CommiĴee raised concerns about the move. ” It’s going to be tough to get used to new athletes, style of life – to cope with these North African players will take some time. I’m happy for him though. I congratulate him but I don’t really think
the Moroccan league is beĴer than our league.” Contrary to reports that he had joined the Moroccan club, the player later denied the story, saying it is all rumours. Chikatara stated that he will make a statement about his future by the end of January. “Well, everything is just talk at the moment nothing is done and dusted as far as Wydad Casablanca is concerned. “Right now I’m not sure of anything but I know for certain that 31st January will tell everything,” he said. Chikatara however believes that his side’s sudden elimination at the ongoing CHAN in the hands of Guinea was divine. “It’s made to be from the origin, I believe we were ęrst before the last match against Guinea then suddenly we are out of the championship. “Everybody played out their mind but it did not work out perfectly well for us,” said the Abia Warriors hitman.
inaugurated by the Director General of the National Sports Commission Alhassan Yakmut on November 5, 2015 has now been reduced to 7. The re-constituted commiĴee has
Alhaji Mohammed B. Abdullahi as Chairman and project coordinator while the Nigeria Olympic CommiĴee will be represented by Hon. Bappa A. Missau. Other members of the commiĴee include Shamma Makpa, a Sports OĜcer at the National Sports Commission, Okechukwu Nebo, Head of Chancery, Nigerian Embassy in Brazil and three ministerial nominees, Alhaji Bala Usman, Tar Ukoh and Mrs Adeshola Ndu. The Nigeria ‘Hospitality’ House Project CommiĴee which will be inaugurated tomorrow by the Hon Minister for Youth and Sports Barrister Solomon Dalung is to promote and showcase the country’s culture at the Rio Olympic Games in August this year.
... Ikpeba warns Chikatara GBOLAHAN DADA
ave of the moment, Chisom Chikatara, may have played himself into the hearts of many football agents in Rwanda, following his superlative showing for Nigeria at the CHAN tournament, but the Super Eagles star should not be in a hurry to play for a less fancied club across the continent. It was speculated that One tournament star, Chikatara, had signed for a Moroccan club, Wydad of Casablanca on-yet-to be conęrmed terms. According to the Atlanta 1996 gold medallist, Victor Nosa Ikpeba, the CHAN tournament discovery is mature enough to exhibit his talent in Europe, than embracing the proposed oěer to play for Wydad Casablanca. Ikpeba warned the player to take his time before jumping at any ‘ridiculous’ oěer that may drag his career backwards.
Dalung reconstitutes Nigeria ‘hospitality’ House Project Committee
he Nigeria ‘Hospitality’ House Project CommiĴee for the 2016 Olympic Games in RIO has been reconstituted. The 15-man commiĴee earlier
Kpakor bemoans Eagles ouster from CHAN VICTOR ENYINNAYA
x-international, Moses Kpakor, has described the ouster of Nigeria at the on-going CHAN competition in Rwanda as a setback to Nigerian football saying stakeholders, technical crew of the Super Eagles and the leadership of the Nigeria Football Federation should go back to the drawing board and chart a new course for Nigerian football. According to him, most Nigerians are still in shock as to how the team could not advance beyond the ęrst round of the championship. Kpakor lamented that the team that played Guinea showed no direction, zeal, determination and
hunger typical of Nigerian team, in a game they needed just a draw to move on in the tournament. “To be candid, the exit of the Eagles left sour taste in the mouth. We must not continue like this. The time to face this ugly trend squarely is now. The reality is here now that all is not well with our senior national team. Without any prejudice, some drastic steps have to be taken so as to bring back sanity to the whole system to make it work well. “It is unexplainable that instead of the team to be improving in every game, sadly it was degenerating as the group games progressed. It shows that something fundamental was wrong with the team”, he insisted.
Kpakor expressed dismay that Eagles put every foot wrong in a match they knew what was at stake and allowed their opponents to runaway with victory. “This was a team that camped for two weeks in South Africa making Nigerians to believe they were preparing and ęne tuning strategies for the championship. “You see, when the team found it diĜcult against Tunisia was when the technical crew would have looked inward and prepare exceptionally against Guinea. We saw how the winners rejoiced when the referee blew his ęnal whistle. It was a disaster. This, however, calls for an emergency declaration in our football”.
Saturday, January 30, 2016
Saturday, January 30, 2016
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Saturday, January 30, 2016
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Newswatch Times -Tradition T diti built b ilt on T Truth th
Vol. 02, No. 4
Saturday, January 30, 2016
Celebrating women of substance substanc
Where I met my husband â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Gospel singer, Joy Bucknor
22 My Love
Newswatch Times, Saturday, January 30, 2016
Fast rising Gospel singer, and upcoming actress, Joy Bucknor is one lady with passion for changing lives and ministering the word of God to people. The very pretty wife and mother of three is fast becoming a household name in the entertainment industry in Nigeria. The soulful and very enterprising lady spoke about her marriage and career in this interview with QISMAT YINUS.
an we meet you? I am Joy Bucknor, an artiste and upcoming actress. I am a Gospel singer. I love to sing, but not just to entertain. I sing to minister to people. Music should not just be something trashy. Music should be something that minsters to your spirit. It should lift your spirit up. I love doing music that lifts people’s spirit, get people thinking, and also make them happy. The acting is also a passion. Sometimes when I watch and see how actors portray characters, I am amazed at how they pull off their roles. That is how I fell in love with acting. It is something I was born to do. It is inbuilt. Tell us about your educational and family background? I am married with kids. I attended Ogun State University where I studied Computer Engineering. With a background in Computer Engineering, why did you venture into showbiz? It is not a surprise when you are coming from Africa, where you have parents who want you to go to school, and do something serious. They want you to study to be a doctor or a lawyer, but things are changing now. Parents now advice their children to do what they love and express themselves. I found myself doing Computer En-
The Counselor
How did you find your way into showbiz? How do you find your way into something, if it is already in you? You don’t find your way into it, you just find yourself doing it. It is just who I am. I grew up singing in church. How has it been since you started? It has not been easy. You know sometimes, when you look at the artistes making it in the industry, you think they just woke up one morning, and luck fell on their side. No, that is not true. There is a lot of work involved, a lot of challenges that
This is Africa, it is not like the ones we watch in Hollywood, where the man will kneel down and propose. There was no such thing. It was something we knew would happen, and it happened
Determination conquers barriers
Bimpe Onwuchekwa bimpechekwas@gmail.com
gineering because my dad wanted me to do something serious. I was also very good in science subjects while I was in school. But that artistic side of me is something I was born with and not something I learnt in school. It is just a natural attribute or gift.
he quality that makes you continue trying to do something, even when it’s difficult. A determined person makes a firm decision to do something, and will not let anyone prevent him from doing the thing. Determination involves analytical assertion, unlevelled knowledge, unconditional love, periodic patience, directional aggression, diligent seek, productive discipline, constructive argument, thorough research, ardent joy, sure assurance, sustained commitment, conscientious faith, absence of fear, perseverance, persistence and strength. Let us take the President for instance; he contested four times to be the President of this country. Almost at every point of one’s life, one would have a pressing need to give up ones plans, desires, dreams, goals and more. At these points of one’s life, one need to be more conscious of where one is heading to, not the barriers or the problems should matter. Taking strides of faith by believing, trusting and hoping for the attainable success to come through. You really need to ascertain and count the cost, to make provision and to execute the plans. Taking and placing of the picture of the aimed achievement on your mind template and possibly on the walls of your room. As you face the mission to be accomplished, you will need to jump the huddles, surmount the mountains, man over the corners and give it whatever it takes to reach the touch line. Encourage yourself, even if no one does, like the Lizard would. Attend to the mistakes by making amends and taking corrections to retrace your steps back to the track that leads to attainment. Chat and rechat your course again for execution. Assert yourself, order the roses,ignore the thorns, see it as
the “ultimate search”, looking out for the treasure, ignoring and overcoming the pain,confusion and dismay. Almost is not it, soon is not there,its a lifetime game, you always need to play it. Imagine the marathon athletes, they go on and on. They want to stop several times but for the winning, the glory, they pressed on. “Winners don’t quit and quilters don’t win”. Actualising your potentials demands determination. The more of it you have the more strength you acquire. It is usually better acquired from childhood. When a baby is born, the child is determined to live, so he cries, sucks the mum’s breast with zeal. As he grows up,he’s determined to sit and walk like every one around him does and would finally do soon. He is determined to talk for comprehension, so he starts by babbling. He soon starts school, he handles his pencil, writes, draws and performs other school routines. My daughter at months old will not go out of her way to pick up a toy afar of because she’s not willing to crawl at all. Determination is easier shown, acted or even analysed to a child. They need to understand where all the effort is heading for or to. The Mum’s to let them know what the various procedures will lead to. This same daughter of mine was still lackadaisical about life demands. She only handled what was placed in her hands until one of their prize giving days. We made plans towards it, by getting her to try her dress before the day, shoes to fit and all. I got to the event early,sat at a good place while she smiled and wink at me. The prizes were all given but non was given to her. She waited till the end, she then cried to me for her gift. Though I was aware she wasn’t going to be given, but I pretended and told her I will ask her teacher why she wasn’t given. As the teacher approached,I then called and asked her about the gift not being given to my daughter. Smart woman!. She replied and said, to us, she needs to do very well the following year,so she can be given. That was then the opportunity I needed to fire her to be determined in life. Since then, she’s been at the top against all odds.
Children need to know what is at stake for them to be determined to succeed. They need to be able to see how attainments and accomplishments work as major keys to building them up to succeed. They can learn determination also by the story lines of the movies, programmes, books they come by, the behaviour of older ones, parents, teachers and people around them ; giving them room to follow events that lead to success eventually, by knowing what it took to get there, like the stress, difficulties, the discouragrments,the inadequacies and more. The life of a youth can only be made if they are determined to succeed in every area of their development. For them,it must be the “I can” spirit.Being able to set targets, see obstacles as stepping stone, thinking of excelling against all odds, being the best and aiming to be the best with their talents. Having built a good foundation, as the youth becomes partner in marriage, he or she would be able to bring to play, the ability to fight to keep the home and marriage together,no matter what is prowling around,with the aim of dissolving the union. They would, by determination, go through thick and thin to make the marriage work. You can do it, says your fighting spirit. You can stand out says your soul and you can do all that you want to, says your able body. Hold on to your goals, stand forth by your guts. Don’t be discouraged at any stage, take a queue by the ladder patiently. It’s your turn to succeed, to win, to rule, to be great and to lead. Be determined! Obama did it, you can too. Bill Gates made it, you can, of course!. Thomas Edison discovered it,you can explore too. Be alert, smart and decisive about your life and aspirations. Determination, offers a fight. Stand up to it. You’ve got what it takes.
My Love
Newswatch Times, Saturday, January 30, 2016
Where I met my husband Continued from Page 22
songs. That’s just not me.
we face in this country. So it has not been easy. I had very high expectations, but reality always keeps dawning. That’s how life is; so when you are dreaming, you have to remember that it is one thing to dream, and it is another thing to make that dream a reality. We thank God for how far He has brought us.
Who are your role models in the industry? There are a lot of people that I look up to. These are people that are passing positive messages, and have refused to compromise. They do not want to be tempted to go mainstream because of the money there. I look up to people like Cece Winans, Fred Hammond,and Byron Cage.
What do you think about the entertainment industry in Nigeria? It is evolving. You cannot compare it to how it to used to be, but there is still a lot to be done. We need more support from the Government, and also multi -nationals.
How supportive is your husband? He is very supportive. He has been into entertainment much longer than I have. It is something that just comes naturally with us. He has always been doing this, so he doesn’t see anything wrong in supporting me.
Why exactly did you decide to go into Gospel music? I describe my music as inspirational and you can also tag it Gospel because when I sing glorifying God, my maker, you can call it Gospel music; another man can call it inspirational music. I chose this line because I want to pass a message to the younger ones and people out there. I want people to know that there is more to just waking up in the morning and hustling. I want them to know that there is more to this short time we have on earth. Our stay on earth is short, and so insignificant. After we are done with this short stay on earth, we discover that there is another life, that is a lot real than this physical one. I want my music to bring that awareness. I won’t go out and sing “shake your bum bum”, or those kinds of
How do you balance your marriage and career? I won’t tell you that it has been easy, but that is life. Even if I was a banker or tomato seller, it still wouldn’t be easy. I just take it the way it comes. I don’t complain. I just make the best of the time I have to do everything.
My marriage is filled with ups and downs. I am not going to sit down here and say it has been perfect all through. It has not been perfect, because I am a human being, and so is my husband. We both have flaws, but at the end of the day, because God is the centre of the home, we have no choice but to come into a point where we agree that we cannot afford to let the devil have his way
Do you have any advice for women on how to balance marriage and career? Put God first. When you put God first before everything, He will give you the spirit of wisdom to be able to know how to set priorities in terms of timing, and what should come first. I dare to tell you that it is possible to win on both sides. It is possible to balance your career and marriage when you have the spirit of wisdom from God. I won’t advice women to just sit at home and do nothing, or not pursue their dreams. Every woman was born to do something great on earth. How would you describe your marriage? My marriage is a normal kind of marriage because it is filled with ups and downs. I am not going to sit down here and say it has been perfect all through. It has not been perfect, because I am a human being, and so is my husband. We both have our flaws, but at the end of the day, because God is the centre of the home, we have no choice but to come into a point where we agree that we cannot afford to let the devil have his way. We are imperfect creatures living together with a perfect God. How would you describe your husband? He is a gentle, cool headed man. My husband is a very simple, and humble man. He does not like trouble and doesn’t like to step on anyone. How did you meet your husband? We met in the studio. He just came back from London to set up a record label. A friend told me about the studio, and how they were looking for artistes. So we went for the auditions, and he liked us. I went with my sister and some friends. He was ready to sign us, but along the way some things came up and disrupted the whole process. He had some problems and people left him, but I stayed. How did he propose to you? There was nothing like a proposal. This is Africa, it is not like the ones we watch in Hollywood where the man will kneel down and propose. There was no such thing. It was something we knew would happen, and it happened. What is your philosophy of life? I have so many philosophies, but one of them came to me some time ago, while I was cleaning. A voice just told me “Don’t allow men to use you”. Whenever a man uses you, they make you useless, but whenever you allow God to use you. He makes you even more useful. So I’d rather allow God use me than to allow men to use me.
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, January 30, 2016
Feminine Clips
We h ave to get a n g r y to redu c e rape â&#x20AC;&#x201C;I toro Eze-An ab a Itoro Eze-Anaba is a lawyer who has been actively involved in the promotion and protection of womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s rights in Nigeria. In recognition of her work, she was invited to participate in the US Department of State ,QWHUQDWLRQDO 9LVLWRUV 3URJUDPPH RQ 7UDIÂżFNLQJ LQ :RPHQ DQG &KLOdren and in the exchange programme of the Law Society of England and Wales. In 2005, she received a scholarship from the American Association of University Women (AAUW) for her a masters degree programme in /DZ DW WKH $PHULFDQ 8QLYHUVLW\ :DVKLQJWRQ &ROOHJH RI /DZ :DVKLQJWRQ '& ZKHUH VKH VSHFLDOL]HG LQ *HQGHU DQG WKH /DZ 2Q KHU UHWXUQ to Nigeria, she established Partnership for Justice, a non-governmental organization with the mission to provide innovative range of services to promote and protect human rights in Nigeria. She is presently the Managing Partner. Her achievement in the womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s rights movement include, drafting WKH ÂżUVW HYHU GRPHVWLF 9LROHQFH %LOO LQ 1LJHULD DQG HQJDJLQJ LQ DGYRcacy campaign for its passage into law in 12 states in Nigeria and at WKH 1DWLRQDO $VVHPEO\ HVWDEOLVKLQJ WKH %OXH 5LEERQ WKH ÂżUVW HYHU DOO male advocacy group campaigning for womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s rights in Nigeria and HVWDEOLVKLQJ WKH 0LUDEHO &HQWUH WKH ÂżUVW HYHU 6H[XDO $VVDXOW 5HIHUUDO &HQWUH LQ 1LJHULD DQG VHFRQG LQ :HVW $IULFD ZKHUH VXUYLYRUV RI UDSH and sexual assault receive free counseling and medical services. In addition to being a researcher and an international consultant, she has also served as a resource person in several international events on issues affecting women in Nigeria and Africa. In this interview with Society Editor, TUNDE ESO, she spoke on what should be done to reduce rape issues in Nigeria. KDW VSHFLÂżFDOO\ VKRXOG EH GRQH WR UHGXFH UDSH LQ 1LJHULD" We should be angry enough because if we are angry enough, every street, evHU\ OLQH HYHU\ FORVH DQG HYHU\ RIÂżFH will say rape is a crime; let us stop it. But we still see the rape issue as a joke, we still donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t see the consequences rape as on our society, we still donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t understand what rape is, we still think itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a woman thing, and until we all stand up against the act, then our society can be free of such inhumane tendency. $W DQG QRZ ZKR ZRXOG \RX FRQVLGHU WR EH \RXU UROH PRGHO UHVSHFWLYHO\" I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have any role model apart from my mother. Why would you consider only your mother as your role model? My mother is a strong woman; she didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t go to school because she was an orphan, so they just married her off as a child, but she knew injustice had happened to her and in her mind, she knew that she became a victim of early marriage probably because she didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t go to school; then she promised herself that she will be the last uneducated female child in her family. So, when my mother had female children, she looked forward to having a male child that could do all she couldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t achieve. All the same, she also valued the education of female child and knew a female child has to stand up for herself, because she knew there was a lot of discrimination against girl-child and so, she thought all her children respect both male and female. My brothers will go to market and cook food for everyone to eat in the house. :KDW ZRXOG \RX GR GLIIHUHQWO\ LI \RX
ZHUH PDGH WKH SUHVLGHQW RI 1LJHULD" That is not possible. :KDW DUH \RXU UHDVRQV" Because I am not political, I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t do politics and I will never involve in it &DQ \RX WHOO PH WZR WKLQJV WKDW PDNH \RX WLFN DV D ZRPDQ VR WKDW SRVWHULW\ FDQ OHDUQ IURP \RX" Responsibility, I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t take responsibility lightly. If I am given any responVLELOLW\ , PDNH VXUH , IXOÂżOO ZKDW LV expected of me. So I believe in determination, hard work and being respon-
sible. I believe in fairness irrespective of your background. I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t believe in tribes, but I believe the fact that we are all Nigerian and I am a Nigerian. :KDW ZRXOG \RX GR GLIIHUHQWO\ LI \RX ZHUH PDGH WKH &KLHI -XVWLFH RI 1LJHULD" I will make sure I expedite action on cases that involve sexual abuse and rape within six month. :K\" Because having such cases in courts for about four years without judgment; itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
like you further traumatize such victims. If it takes you four years to get justice, then that justice is delayed. That is why many survivors let go of some cases like that. For instance, if I am working somewhere and I am a survivor and I needed to go to court for four years, how many times would I have to WDNH SHUPLVVLRQ IURP P\ RIÂżFH" 6R , will rather let go. So who will grant me such continuous permission to appear in court? At the end of the day, they get tired and walk away from the case.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, January 30, 2016 Qismat Yinus : 08027022738
How to style a beret
he beret is something of a Parisian style which often makes a statement and the fact that the cold breeze of harmattan has reared itself makes it even easier to pull off. Be among WKH 多UVW WR URFN WKH EHUHW WUHQG DJDLQ E\ URFNLQJ LW in the trendiest ways. These days the beret is worn with sheer lace atop and is usually teamed with offduty suits,and heavily embroidered lace dresses. Here are some ways to style the beret.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, January 30, 2016
Tunde Eso e-mail:tundeeso@yahoo.co.uk 08057482794
Bishop Adetoro tasks Nigerians on honesty
igerians, irrespective of religion, tribe, creed, discipline or political leanings, have been charged to live happily and in God’s honesty, faithfulness and genuine service to God and mankind, to turn around the society and the nation to the best to the glory of God at all times. In addition, they were also enjoined to honestly love one another starting from the home, the society and the nation at large and to be more grateful and appreciate every effort that faithfully comes from God and mankind. These remarks were made by Rt. Rev. Hezekiah Adeleke Adetoro, Bishop Agege Diocese, African Church Incorporated in his sermon as the guest preacher of the 9th Annual Conference Thanksgiving Service and Merit Awards of the United African Methodist Evangelical Cathedral Church, 3, Akinsola Lane, Abule Ijesha, Yaba, Lagos, with the Theme: “Celebration of God’s Faithfulness”. Delivering the sermon, the prominent Cleric bemoaned the unfortunate decadence in the society and the nation at large which has unfortunately created insecurity, economic and political instability currently experienced in the country. The Cleric also blamed the situation in the country on greed which stems from the home and unfortunately reflects on the society and the nation as well. He therefore reiterated the need for everyone to go back to the drawing board for honest restitution from dishonesty and to renounce from sins, crime and other vices that might destroy our country. Bishop Adetoro reminded all concerned to justify God’s expectations for a better society, disciplined nation and transparent leadership where the anti-graft agencies should justify the masses confidence, especially with honest cooperation with the Judiciary for speedy accelerated investigations and President Mohammed Buhari administration’s zeal and dogged stride to arrest corruption.
Ogunshakin tur ns 60
r. Alex Abimbola Ogunshakin will be celebrating his birthday come 2nd of February, 2016. The event is scheduled to take place at 10, Olaleke Taiwo street, off Aina street, Grammar School, Bus stop at Ojodu, a suburb of Ikeja in Lagos State.
Temilade weds Oluwaseun
L-R: Representative of the Groom’s Father, Mr. Adeyemi Adeyemo; Bride’s Mother, Esther Adejugbagbe; Groom, Oluwaseun Ogunbiyi; Bride, Temilade Ogunbiyi; Bride’s Father, Prince Rufus Adejugbagbe and Groom’s Mother, Mrs. Christiana Ogunbiyi with the bridal Train: Little Nelson Danjuma and Titobi Oluwadare. At the Wedding Ceremony of Mr. Oluwaseun Ogunbiyi and Temilade Ogunbiyi, held at Reedemed Christian Church of God, Area Headquarters, Ifako Ijaiye, Ogba, Lagos…recently
27 7
Newswatch Times, Saturday, January 30, 2016
is Th GEr PAis fo LE
CALL 08057482794
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx President Muhammadu Buhari (left) congratulating Emmanuel Amunike the Chief Coach of U-17 national team that won the FIFA U-17 World Cup in Chile 2015.
L-R: Chairman of the Occasion, Alhaji Aliko Mohammed; Representative of Bauchi State Governor, Mr. Abdon Gin and the Rector, Federal Polytechnic, Bauchi, Dr. Shuaibu Musa.
Officials of National Association of Student Personnel Administrators, Federal Polytechnic, Bauchi, taking oaths of office. L-R: Minister of Youth and Sports Development, Mr. Solomon Dalung; President Muhammadu Buhari congratulating Omolayo Bose, a Gold World record holder in the 2015 International Power lifting Championship, held at Almaty, Kazakhstan with other Athletes and official of the team.
L-R The Choir Master, Wesley Church, Obuneko Circuit, Methodist Church Nigeria, Sir Victor Johnson (KCW) with the Head Choir, Wesley Cathedral Olowogbowo, Lagos, Chief John Asiyanbi
Managing Editor, Metro, News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) Mrs. Nkechi Okoronkwo (right) welcoming the Chairman, Senate Committee on Agriculture, Senator Abdullahi Adamu,
L-R: Assistant Editor-In-Chief, News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), Mr. Felix Ajide; Acting Editor-In-Chief, Mr. Yusuf Zango and Chairman, Senate Committee on Agriculture, Sen Abdullahi Adamu.
Former Council Secretary, Wesley Cathedral Olowogbowo, Lagos; Bro. Akin Williams(right) greeting a church Minister, the Revd. Femi Afolabi (left) and Revd. Tunde Oniyide.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, January 30, 2016 Tunde Eso e-mail:tundeeso@yahoo.co.uk 08057482794
Love Tips Lov e Tip s
The kinds of women men want (2) Women often assume that men should carry their burden once a relationship begins. While majority of them believe that men look out for women they can dominate, a real man wants a woman who will inspire him and who has vision and aspiration she desires to attain without abandoning her marital obligations. Society Editor, TUNDE ESO, here enumerates some tips women utilize to enjoy an endearing relationship.
ess Materialism He wants to be your shield, be your king and treat you like the princess you are. Secretly, behind all these, he doesn’t give you license to act like one. Allow him the luxury of treating you with romantic dinners and surprise baubles without having to demand them of him. He would be relieved that he doesn’t have to try so hard and surprisingly, this will inspire him to rise to the occasion when he doesn’t have to dedicate his whole pay check to lavish tokens of his love for you. Be Sensual: It’s not all about your looks although that’s a good motivator for some men. It’s more about an air of sexiness and confidence that will draw his eyes to you when you enter the room. Embrace your femininity. Wear hot sexy clean pants; allow your figure eight to shoot out in most of your outfits. Get short night wears at home and feel comfortable in your own sexuality and then express that
sensually to your man. Be Playful: Guys like a girl who laugh at their jokes, but isn’t mindless and isn’t always serious about everything. Just as we mentioned that men like a woman who can forgo nagging him about the dishes, they like a woman who can joke about the dishes too. Sharp remarks keep the spark between you in your relationship Get Confidence Every man like beautiful creatures, but you must be able to distinguish yourself as beauty and brain as most men prefer a beautiful woman with brains. Therefore, nothing is sexier than a woman who’s comfortable in her own skin. If you’re guilty of timidly by asking lines like: “Does this skirt make my thighs look fat?” such questions put men off the track and he would start asking himself questions due to the fact that you are constantly asking him for a reassurance that you’re beautiful.
Photo: Awake
hi needs a God-fearing, tall, caring, wealthy single man aged 35 to 45 for a meaningful relationship in Benin City. Call: 08039263817 Nike, 30, a graduate, homely, sincere and responsible, caring needs a man from the ages 36 to 55 for a serious affair. Call: 07016655549 Emmanuel, 42, PhD student needs a financially helpful woman from ages 25 to 55 for assistance. Call: 07058763157 Ibrahim Kilani from Ondo State, 43, needs a woman between 40 to 45 years for marriage. Call: 07089161116 Taiwo needs a humble, rich and wealthy man to help me through school. Call: 09035251547. Judith needs a rich and healthy man who can help her through school. Call: 08135491961. Chukwudubem, 53, self-employed living in Apapa, Lagos needs a Christian / Muslim seriousminded woman aged between 27 and above for marriage. She must reside in Lagos or Ogun State. Call: 08181918677.
I am 49, married, but I need a lover. I would financially pick her bills. Call: 08067975128, 08099252874 Ogunyemi Idowu, 34, and based in PortHarcourt, is looking for a sugar mummy from any tribe. Call: 08099926104 Solomon Peter, 40, single works with Nigerian Prison Service. He needs a working or business lady between ages 38 and 55, widow, single, divorce who is ready for a serious relationship. Call: 07087420135. Oluwafemi, 37, from Osun State needs a financially independent and connected woman from ages 40 to 55 for a committed and mature relationship. Call: 08078749853. Kanayo from Anambra State, 36-year-old businessman based in Kaduna needs a wife. She must be a good Christian, employed or into business, aged 28 - 35, truthful and sincere. She should be ready to settle down within six months. Call: 08028758499, 07025203151. Femi, 42, civil servant needs a working class man for a relationship that can lead to marriage. Call: 09097895722.
Brown, 25 years old is based in Port-Harcourt and needs a young, pretty girl between the ages of 22 and 23 for a serious relationship. Call: 07017433608.
Ng, 25, student, plump needs a mature man aged 35 to 60 who can be of financial assistance to her. Serious men only. Call: 08147538320.
Kelvin, 30, from Delta State needs a rich lady of 45 to 60 for a mutual relationship. Call: 08160025755.
Anna, 40, comfortable from Jos, HIV needs a serious-minded friend. Call: 07018323845.
he won’t visit except I sent her N10,000 I am 40 and single, and I have a girlfriend who always demanded for N10,000 before she comes to visit me. Because of my eagerness to marry cum the fact that she is a very beautiful lady, I have send money six times into her account within two months before she came to visit me. This time, I have wanted her to come for the past two weeks and I told her to bear with me that I have just N3,000 on me, but she said she will not come except I send the sum of N10,000 to her. Then I sought advice from friends and they told me not to send the money again that she doesn’t love me, but I am not sure if my friends are right or wrong. What do I do? Kayode, Lagos Kayode Not everything that glitters is gold; therefore, she might be beautiful but not resourceful or homely enough to be a wife material. A wife material will never task a man for money at all cost. She should be your help mate though it doesn’t rule out the fact you need to sometimes trip your woman and foot her bill, but not for her put you on condition. That is called material love. Your friends are right, she doesn’t love you; use the N3,000 to look for another decent lady that will contribute meaningfully to your life instead of spending your money on someone who will end up frustrating your life in the long run if you are unable to pay her bills. You can grow bigger in life with a decent lady. Goodluck.
Text your dating requests to 08057482794. Do you have a relationship or emotional issue to share or seek advice on? Contact the number above (Email/SMS only)
Saturday, January 30, 2016
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Saturday, January 30, 2016
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Saturday, January 30, 2016
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Saturday, January 30, 2016
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, January 30, 2016
Sports/EURO League Man Utd star dates Harvey’s step-daughter
anchester United star, Memphis Depay, may not be having the best of times on the ęeld, but that does not appear to be the case oě it, as the winger showed oě his new love interest Lori Harvey, step-daughter of American comedian and TV personality Steve Harvey. With the EĜel Tower acting as the perfect backdrop, Depay posted a picture to his Instagram account of him and Harvey embracing in Paris, known to some as ‘the city of love.’ Only a few months ago, the United winger had been linked with
Karrueche Tran, the former girlfriend of RǭB star Chris Brown. Steve Harvey gained worldwide notoriety back in December when he infamously named the wrong winner of the Miss World Pageant. The Family Feud host mistakenly named the ęrst runner-up Miss Colombia Ariadna Gutierrez as the winner. A few minutes after she was crowned, Harvey announced that he had read the results incorrectly and that Miss Philippines Pia Wurĵbach was in fact the winner. He later apologised to both contestants. Depay arrived at
Old Traěord to much fanfare in June 2015, for ǡ25million from PSV Eindhoven, but has so far struggled for form. The 21-year-old has only scored twice in the Premier League this season, sporadically showing glimpses of his potential - a far cry from his 28-goal exploits that ęred PSV to the Eredivisie title and convinced the United hierarchy to invest in the Dutchman. As Manchester United prepare to take on Derby County in the FA Cup fourth round on Friday, Depay will be hopeful of geĴing both his and United’s season back on track.
Arsenal stars top selfie league!
n August, Roy Keane branded Arsenal ‘more interested in selęes and six-packs’ and, after tallying up images submiĴed to photo-sharing social network Instagram, it appears he’s not at all wide of the mark. The BeĴing Expert have ranked teams and players in the Premier League by the number of selęes they have uploaded to their Instagram account. And as a squad Arsenal are top of the selęe league with almost 60 more snaps of themselves taken than their nearest rivals Chelsea, while Manchester City midęelder Fernandinho is the Premier League’s most prolięc selęe-taker. The Gunners are responsible for 494 posts, a full 58 pictures ahead of fellow Londoners
Chelsea (436) and more than 100 ahead of Manchester giants United (376) and City (367). Arsenal welcome Chelsea to the Emirates Stadium on Sunday at 4pm (GMT) and, after failing to take all three points against Stoke City last weekend, full focus will have to be on football and not camera phone procrastination. But away from the pitch it seems as though Arsene Wenger’s table-toppers are far from concerned by Keane’s jibes regarding their vanity, as they continue to remind their supporters of their faces. Brazilian Fernandinho has posted 170 selęes to his 599,000 Instagram followers and, unsurprisingly, it’s an Arsenal player, Joel Campbell, in second with 145.
West Bromwich Albion’s senior players are oĜcially the Premier League’s least inclined to upload mugshots, collectively sharing just 72 photographs of themselves - less than half of how many Campbell has posted of himself. Arsenal playmaker Mesut Ozil and injured midęelder Jack Wilshere are also guilty of religiously following the selęe craze, with the German and the Englishman having both posted 73 images. Although Fernandinho may be mocked by his City team-mates for his selęe obsession, he can, at least, take solace from the fact that his Chelsea compatriots Oscar and Willian both make the top 20 uploaders in the league alongside him, with 121 and 78, respectively. Interestingly, ęve of the biggest and most followed teams in the division Arsenal, Chelsea, Manchester United, Manchester City, and Liverpool feature in the top ęve in the selęe league table. Presumably, in playing for a wellsupported club, with a greater global status, the players will have comparatively large followings and therefore feel compelled to keep their numerous supporters happy by constantly documenting their days.
Gotze attends Audi Night with wife ... Irina Shayk and Jason Statham also there
ayern Munich midęelder, Mario Goĵe, was in aĴendance at the ‘Audi Night’ on Friday, a special gala held by the car manufacturers during the FIS Alpine Ski World Cup. The 23-year-old, who has not played for Bayern since suěering a thigh injury while on international duty with Germany in October, was joined at the gliĵy event in Kiĵbuehel, Austria by a host of celebrities. Goĵe was joined by his lingerie model wife AnnKathrin Brommel, and also actor Jason Statham and supermodel Irina Shayk, the ex-girlfriend of Real Madrid star Cristiano Ronaldo.
Audi have had a sponsorship agreement with Bayern - who beat Hamburg 2-1 in the Bundesliga on Friday in the absence of Goĵe since 2002. Goĵe is in the ęnal year of his contract at Bayern
and speculation over his future with the Bundesliga giants is mounting. Earlier this month, he was linked with a transfer to Liverpool where he would be reunited with Jurgen Klopp, his manager at previous club Borussia Dortmund.
Chelsea biggest January panic buyers
rsene Wenger thinks the January transfer window is unfair and perhaps that partly explains why Arsenal have spent a third as much as Chelsea since it was introduced in 2003. There is also the fact that Chelsea splash the cash, with ‘Fernando Torres’ and ‘ǡ50million Ěop’ rarely far away from each other after
the Spain striker became the priciest ever purchase in this window ęve years ago. It is signings like that which put Chelsea top with their ǡ214.2m total, followed by three other clubs that have topped a ton in Manchester City (ǡ131.1m), Liverpool (ǡ120.1m) and ToĴenham Hotspur (ǡ105.7m). Then come Manchester
United (ǡ87.2m) and, bringing up the rear for the Barclays Premier League’s big six, Arsenal (ǡ68.9m). Their manager is not a fan of the winter window and even called for it to be abandoned previously. ‘I think it should be completely cut out,’ Wenger said in January 2013. ‘Or limited to two players.’ Since he couldn’t beat them, he joined them. Despite Wenger’s denouncement, Arsenal are sixth in the list as the richest clubs dominate the top-end of the table. This study by Sportsmail included trawling through every transfer made during the mid-season transfer window in the last 13 years but not including the current one, going by the latest ęgures on ęle for each player.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, January 30, 2016
Maduabuchi Kalu 08080669826
League Watch
Why we brought Brazilians to Nigeria –Ubah P roprietor of FC Ifeanyi Ubah, Dr Patrick Ifeanyi Ubah, has explained the rationale behind the importation of Brazilians, Ivoirians and Bulgarian to the country to beef up his side ahead of the 2015/16 Nigeria Professional Football League (NPFL). According to the billionaire businessman, he brought the foreigners to his side to show the world that Nigeria is safe and to make the country the Mecca of football on the continent. He explained that the players he brought from Brazil are not known names but young and talented players who would be developed and probably sell them to other clubs possibly outside the continent. “The Brazilian players that we brought in are
not known names in Brazilian Football. We brought them as a part of our preparation for the 2015/16 Glo Premier League season,” Dr Ubah began. “We brought the foreigners as part of our vision to revolutionize our league. It is our intension to transform the Nigerian league and make it one of the best not only on the continent but globally. “We also want to tell the world that Nigeria is safe to stay and work. By bringing in the players it is a good way of leĴing the world know that people from diěerent parts of the world can come here and play just like any other part of the world. “Meanwhile, the players we brought in are not known names in Brazilian Football and they are young. We
will develop them and possibly sell them if they wish to move to other clubs either within the country, continent or outside the continent. “It is our hope to make Nigerian League a Mecca of sort in terms of football on the continent and in the world. So, by bringing in the foreign players into our league, we are trying to leave with our vision to revolutionize the league,” Ubah explained. It is recalled that there is also an Ivoirian in the fold of the Nnewi based club. And just on Sunday the club also unveiled their former Bulgarian coach, Mitko Dobrev as the coach of the club. It is also important to state that apart from the six players from Brazil, Ubah also brought two assistant coaches from Brazil as a part of the technical crew.
Rangers unveil Ezeaku as Team Manager
s a part of their preparations to the new league season that will kick start next month, Enugu Rangers have unveiled a new Team Manager, Barrister Amobi Ezeaku. The unveiling of Barrister Ezeaku as the Team Manager of Rangers is part of the plans by the state Governor,
His Excellency Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi, to reposition the Coal City club to enable them take their rightful place in the country’s football. When contacted, Barrister Ezeaku conęrmed his appointment even as he revealed that the Flying Antelopes were in Sapele en route to Benin City where they had gone to play a friendly game as a part of the Coal City side preparations for the new season. It is recalled that Rangers have made a couple of signings including the beeęng up their technical department having brought in some coaches into the club as they do not want to leave anything chance this season particularly as they are assured of the Governor’s support. It is also important
to note that the former club captain and coach, Christian Chukwu has been appointed as the technical director in eěort to give the club a new direction. Chukwu before his new position has been the consultant of Rangers but will resume next month as the technical director when the league resumes. Meanwhile, it is open secret that Governor Ugwuanyi right from his campaign to be the governor of the state has never hidden his desire to restore the past glory of club, hence even when we went to the State House of Assembly for his budget presentation, he made it clear that Enugu Rangers has been accommodated in the 2016 state appropriation bill to show the importance he aĴached to the club.
El Kanemi returns to Maiduguri $V /0& OLIWV EDQ RQ $NXUH 7RZQVKLS 6WDGLXP
l Kanemi Warriors FC of Maiduguri are expected to start their home games in Maiduguri following the return of peace and order to the troubled Borno State capital. According to League Newswatch source, the decision to of the club to
return to Maiduguri was taken after a careful review of the security situation in the state particularly Maiduguri, the state capital. It is recalled that El Kanemi Warriors were forced out of the Borno State capital by the activities of the Islamic
sect, Boko Haram as Maiduguri was declared unsafe for football activities. This security challenge made the Borno State ęnanced club to adopt Kano as their home ground. However, with the insurgent driven out of almost all the local government areas of the state and with life gradually returning to normalcy, the club therefore, deemed it necessary to return to their base. It is expected that there won’t be any security threat as the league resumes next month. Meanwhile, the League Management Company (LMC) has at the same time lifted the ban it placed on Akure Township Stadium, Ondo State. The Stadium was banned by the league organisers following the unruly behaviour of Sunshine Stars fans thereby bring the game to disrepute of towards the end of last season. It was because of the ban placed on the stadium that made Sunshine Stars to play their two remaining home games at the Teslim Balogun Stadium, Lagos.
Super 4 ’ll prepare Wolves for Champions Dikko pledges improved season at LMC Pre-AGM League - Okpodu
ewly appointed coach of Warri Wolves FC, Sam Okpodu, has described the ongoing 2015/16 Glo Premier League Super 4 as a preparatory tournament for his team which didn’t have the beneęt of any pre-season friendly games. He said aside preparing the team for the CAF Champions League the players are also being primed for the 2015/16 Nigeria Professional Football League season. Addressing the post
match press conference after losing 1-0 to Nasarawa United FC, Okpodu said that the tournament should not be considered a yardstick to measure the capacity of the 2015/2016 Glo Premier League runnersup. Okpodu said the tournament was oěering the team an opportunity to appraise how ready they are for the coming season. Okpodu, whose captain Goodluck Onamandu bagged red card in the game for two card oěenses, noted that
his team need to double its eěort and work harder to be in top shape ahead of the coming season. “This Glo Super 4is a good pre-season test for us. It is a good opportunity for us to further prepare for the coming season for the fact that we will be playing this preseason here in Kaduna and another one in Uyo. The tournament is good but it not a yardstick to measure how good we are but how ready we are for the coming season.”
hairman of the League management Company (LMC), Shehu Dikko, has pledged to build on the successes recorded last season while improving on observed challenges. Dikko made the pledge during Sunday’s Pre Annual General Meeting in Abuja. The meeting tagged a Consultative forum between LMC and the NPFL Clubs by Barrister Isaac Danladi, the Chairman of the Club Owners and Managers Association, was described by the LMC Chairman
as part of the activities to mark the commencement of the 2015/16 Nigeria Professional Football League (NPFL) season. Welcoming his fellow club chairmen, Danladi remarked that the meeting is a forum to share experiences and harmonise positions on issues before the AGM and commended them for making out time to aĴend the meeting. In his speech to declare the meeting open, Dikko observed that “among several other maĴers on the agenda will be a review of the past season to evaluate and update our rules based
on observed challenges and events of the past season”. “At this meeting, we will also review commercial activities with a view to update our revenue generating capacity and we will also be discussing the issue of players’ welfare which was one of the major challenges of the last season,” Dikko stated. He then declared that the LMC will work in the new season to improve on the successes of the 2014/15 season and seek solutions to the challenges encountered in the course of the concluded season.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, January 30, 2016
Wike: How S’Cour t verdict vindicated INEC Continued from Page 14
and credible. Expectedly, the APC went agog with jubilation over the annulment while urged its members to remain calm, stressing that Wike still remains the executive governor of the state. Wike too, on the First Rivers State Christmas Carol, urged the people not to fear the manipulations of those who have ganged up against the state as he will emerge victorious at the end of this trial period. Addressing thousands of Christian faithful at the First Rivers State Christmas Carol in Port Harcourt, he stated that since he started politics, he has never had any victory cheaply, noting that the current challenge would not be diͿerent. He recalled, “I was the only council chairman in the country whose political litigation got to the Supreme Court during the 1999 electioneering process, but I got my victory at the Supreme Court in April 2000.” Hardly had the storm settled when some notable and eminent members hitherto close allies of Wike deserted him and his course, probably for “likely” loss to Peterside. Media reported Capt. Sunday Nwankwo, Soberekon, Bekinbo Dagogo-Jack and Tobin-West as some of those that abandoned Wike in his troubled moments. These “trusted” heavyweights in the state PDP of which he is the included three former gubernatorial candidates, Sunday Nwankwo, Chief Bekinbo Soberekon and Engr. Bekinbo DagogoJack, who were allegedly rigged out by Wike during the PDP primaries. Others were, Dr. Diamond TobinWest, Dr. Basoba Anga, Chief Tubonimi Wokoma, Hon. Daye Ojuka and Hon. Ibroma Kirchner. Newswatch Times recalled that Rivers state witnessed uncertain apprehension as a result of the judgements of the Tribunal which may not have gone down well with the Wike-led PDP in the state; the victorious petitioners are also not celebrating. The tribunal nulliÀed the election of 20 House of Assembly members including the Speaker, Ikunyi-Owaji Ibani. Ordinarily, the petitioners, the APC and its candidates led by Dakuku Peterside were expected to be basking in the euphoria of their victory. Unfortunately, it is not so. The APC openly celebrated their victory at the tribunal but it lasted for just 24 hours. As a Àrst time visitor to Rivers state, it would be quite easy to notice that the heart of the state is beating faster than normal. Adding more salt to the injury, the Rivers state caucus of the PDP was thrown oͿ balance after the conÀrmation of Rotimi Amaechi as Minister by the Senate after many weeks of horse-trading. Wike at a thanksgiving programme held at the Obi Wali International Conference Centre in Port Harcourt said, “See how some people have made a Ministerial position a big deal; celebrating just because somebody was screened as if some of us have not been a Minister before. Danagogo here was a Minister, kenneth Kobani was also a Minister.” For almost three years since the beginning of the Amaechi-Wike grandstanding, the average Rivers citizen has been the worst hit. According to media report, the IGR of the state which was pegged at more
3HWHUVLGH 'DNXNX ÀDQNHG by supporters at the Appeal Court verdict.
Buhari than N8b monthly as April, 2015 (2nd to Lagos) has now dropped drastically to less than N5b. Investors are no longer keen on investing in the state. The economy of the state which is knitted to government cum politics is almost grounded. The Supreme Court verdict that conÀrmed the April 11 governorship poll in Rivers State may have saved Wike some political embarrassment as even trusted fellows in his PDP had already concluded plans to snub likely entreaties that would assure his victory at the rerun. Local media in Port Harcourt reported that a meeting of political leaders from the riverine part of Rivers State have resolved to shun the candidature of Nyesom Wike in the forthcoming Governorship re-run election in the state. The elders were said to have risen from the crucial meeting with a resolution that the ousted Rivers state governor failed to keep to his part of their plan for appointment and infrastructural development. In the same vein, reports also has it that some elders statesmen were making moves to meet with Amaechi
in his Abuja residence. Meanwhile, Market Women under the aegis of Rivers state Market Women Association staged a protest in the heart of the city questioning the rationale for nullifying Wike’s elections. The women in their number marched through the popular Aba road in Port Harcourt, chanting solidarity songs in support of the Governor. Youth groups and government aliated organisations have also taken to the media to declare support for Wike. One of the pro-Wike respondents, Emmanuel Cookey said, “They should leave Wike alone. Why will they remove him. He was the one we voted for. After All, when Jonathan lost, he did not Àght back. Wike will win even If they do this election hundred times.” For him, one Granville Sotonye believes that Governor Wike will meet his waterloo if elections were re-held. He said “we have heard information that this Governor wants to sideline us, the Kalabari people. We have been praying for this day to come. We supported him before because of our brother but it cannot happen again.
Mimiko Our eyes are now open.” A former President of the Nigerian Bar Association, and a Chieftain of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP in Rivers state, OCJ Okocha has boasted that the PDP will defeat APC if elections are held. However, neither the game changers nor the foot soldiers ever had the opportunity to display their wares for sale (in the planned rerun) as the most trusted apex court in the land boldly saved them of the hassles that may likely increase the number of casualties that may also taint the fairness of the election.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, January 30, 2016
OBJ’s letter that rattled NASS Continued from Page 14
constituency oces which the allowance is partly meant to cater for. And yet other allowances and payments have been added by the National Assembly for the National Assembly members’ emoluments. Surely, strictly speaking, it is unconstitutional. There is no valid argument for this except to see it for what it is – law-breaking and impunity by lawmakers. The lawmakers can return to the path of honour, distinguishness, sensitivity and responsibility. The National Assembly should have the courage to publish its recurrent budgets for the years 2000, 2005, 2010 and 2015. That is what transparency demands. With the number of legislators not changing, comparison can be made. Comparisons in emoluments can also be made with countries like Ghana, Kenya, Senegal and even Malaysia and Indonesia who are richer and more developed than
we are. Yusuf Dogara, House of Reps speaker and Bukola Saraki, Senate President The budget is a proposal and only an estimate of income and expenditure. Where income is inadequate, expenditure will not be made. While in government, I was threatened with impeachment by the members of the National Assembly for not releasing some money they had appropriated for themselves which were odious and for which there were no incomes to support. The recent issue of cars for legislators would fall into the same category. Whatever name it is disguised as, it is unnecessary and insensitive. A pool of a few cars for each Chamber will suce for any Committee Chairman or members for any speciÀc duty. The waste that has gone into cars, furniture, housing renovation in the past was mind-boggling and these were veritable sources of waste and corruption. That was why they were abolished. Bringing them
back is inimical to the interest of Nigeria and Nigerians. The way of proposing budget should be for the executive to discuss every detail of the budget, in preparation, with diͿerent Committees and subCommittees of the National Assembly and the National Assembly to discuss its budget with the Ministry of Finance. Then, the budget should be brought together as consolidated budget and formally presented to the National Assembly, to be deliberated and debated upon and passed into law. It would then be implemented as revenues are available. Where budget proposals are extremely ambitious like the current budget and revenue sources are so uncertain, more borrowing may have to be embarked upon, almost up to 50% of the budget or the budget may be grossly unimplementable and unimplemented. Neither is a choice as both are bad. Management of the economy is one of the key responsibilities of the
President as prescribed in the Constitution. He cannot do so if he does not have his hands on the budget. Management of the economy is shared responsibility where the Presidency has the lion share of the responsibility. But if the National Assembly becomes a cog in the wheel, the executive eͿorts will not yield much reward or progress. The two have to work synchronisingly together to provide the impetus and the conducive environment for the private sector to play its active vanguard role. Management of the budget is the Àrst step to manage the economy. It will be interesting if the National Assembly will be honourable enough and begin the process of transparency, responsibility and realism by publishing its recurrent budgets for 2016 as it should normally be done. Hopefully, the National Assembly will take a step back and do what is right not only in making its own budget transparent but
in all matters of Ànancial administration and management including audit of its accounts by external outside auditor from 1999 to date. This, if it is done, will bring a new dawn to democracy in Nigeria and a new and better image for the National Assembly and it will surely avoid the Presidency and the National Assembly going into face-oͿ all the time on budgets and Ànancial matters. While I thank you for your patience and understanding, please accept, Dear Senate President and Honourable Speaker of the House, the assurances of my highest consideration.
Delta Speaker, ALGON Chairman dismiss story on remittance of N325million Mansur Oladunjoye, Asst. Politics Editor
he Speaker, Delta State House of Assembly, Rt. Hon Monday Igbuya has stressed the need for media practitioners to be thorough and be armed with accurate facts and Àgures in their investigative journalism. According to his Chief Press Secretary, Henry Ovie Ebireri, Igbuya also asked them to always project the image of the State in its true perspective to counter the negative picture being presented by some individuals. Igbuya who spoke while receiving the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) Award of Excellence, in Legislative Competence and Exceptional Leadership in Asaba expressed disappointment at the actions of some journalists in the state. “Those with sinister motives rush to online media to air their frivolous and malicious publication because it provides cover for litigation. Saharareporters and The Will should on their part check the veracity of news item before publishing. They need to be mindful that true journalism is not a tool for witch hunting” he said.
In a tone suggestive of his condemnation for falsehood, the speaker said he was disturbed when Trend; a new radio station aired the purported resignation or threat of resignation of the managing director of DESOPADEC. “There exist a cordial relationship between the commission and the House of Assembly. The commission is being run by a board saddled with the policy formulation of the commission while the managing director and his management staͿ handle the implementation. The appropriate place to tender any thought of resignation is to the board, not the speaker of the Delta State House of Assembly. The pressure over budget as speculated by the aforementioned media houses is purely speculative. As I speak, the budget of the commission is not before the House. I have not seen DESOPADEC budget” he emphasised. He urged journalists to stop engaging in acts inimical to the development of the state and prevent themselves from being used by individuals and organizations that do not mean well for Delta State. “Some days ago, I read a report in The Will and Saharareporters on the remittance of N325million by council chairmen. You don’t make allegations that
are unfounded. Because of paucity of fund in the state, the allocation to councils has dropped drastically. Some local government areas are in arrears of salaries to their staͿ. Some of them do not have three million as allocation, let alone raising N3million for the House of Assembly. In fact, my local government council got N2.7 as allocation. So, how can a council that got N2.7million pay N3million? Where will the chairman get the money? Some got zero allocation. Most local governments are currently indebted to the federal government.” He observed that the relevant agencies or the operators of these agencies particularly the Local Government Chairmen, the ALGON Chairman, Commissioner for Local Government and Chieftaincy AͿairs or the House Committee Chairmen on Local Government and
Chieftaincy AͿairs were not reached as to ascertain the veracity of the information. These are public Àgures whose oces and telephone numbers are in the public domain. A little, just a little sincere eͿort on the part of the publishers would have revealed the true position of things. “They did not explore the necessary avenues to verify their twisted facts”. To prevent denting of image which false reports could create in the minds of the public, Igbuya advised journalists to always verify their facts. “Before publishing or airing any story, please verify your facts. I am open to investigation. Don’t write frivolous and unfounded stories. Always verify your information. Journalists should not believe in hearsay. Somebody wants to resign, or he is threatening to resign, the journalists should
conÀrm the story. He should be able to reach the person. I think that is what you call balance reporting”. “As professionals, you must ensure that quacks are not given room to destroy the practice of journalism and bring your profession into disrepute in the state” he advised “I started as a councillor; I didn’t jump to become Speaker. Some persons started from the top. I started from the bottom. It took me a lot of time to get to where I am and I will not tolerate any person who tries to drag my name to the mud” he added. Similarly, the Chairman of the Association of Local Governments of Nigeria (ALGON), Delta State chapter, Hon Itiako Ikpokpo has dismissed the story, describing it as a stupid allegation. “Who is making that kind of stupid allegation? Did they see any money go from the councils to the Speaker’s account? Whether they write one million stories, it is not true. I try to run away from unnecessary allegations. First and foremost, I mean the councils are in a very dicult position. Even the reporter didn’t have the temerity to call me to conÀrm the allegation. Ask the said reporter, he has my three numbers but he didn’t reach me over the issue” he said in Asaba.
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Saturday, January 30, 2016
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, January 30, 2016
North Central Swearing-in Bello without deputy, a violation of constitution – Ogwemoh Ayodele Olalere
L-R: Director, Mass Housing, Federal Capital Development Authority, Mr. Umar Jubrin; Director, Engineering, Alhaji Abu Adamu and Permanent Secretary, FCT, Dr. Babatude Ajakaiye, during the inauguration of the Inner Southern Expressway, also known as Goodluck Ebele Jonathan Expressway in Abuja…yesterday.
Gov Bello dissolves boards of parastatals, agencies in Kogi
overnor Yahaya Bello of Kogi State, yesterday, dissolved the boards of the state’s parastatals and agencies. This is contained in a statement issued in Lokoja by the Chief of StaͿ to the governor, Mr Edward Onoja.
The statement noted that the dissolution takes immediate eͿect, directing the chairmen and Directors-General of the aͿected agencies to hand over government’s property in their possession to the most senior ocers. It explained that the dissolution was to pave
way for the restructuring of the boards and to take stock of their state with a view to positioning them for greater eciency and performance. However, the statement added that the oce of the Accountant-General and three statutory boards are not aͿected by the order.
They are: Judicial Service Commission, Civil Service Commission and the State Independent Electoral Commission. Bello thanked all the chairmen and members of the dissolved boards for their services to the state and wish them well in their future endeavours.
Benue loses 800 teachers to death, retirement and transfer of service in 4 years Godwin Akor, Makurdi
hortage of teachers has been identięed as the major problem facing post-primary institutions in Benue state. Disclosing this in an interview with Newswatch Times, the Executive Secretary, Benue State Teaching Service Board, Mr.James Pine, said between 2012 and now, the board has lost about 800 teachers through deaths, retirements and transfer of
service. Pine lamented that these have greatly hampered teaching and learning in public secondary schools in the state and explained that the board has made request for the employment of about 500 teachers to the governor. ‘’ Immediately I assumed oĜce, Governor Samuel Ortom directed that the board should properly put in place the actual numbers of existing and nonexisting teaching staě so
that we will ascertain the correct number of teachers needed; I have done that and we are now awaiting the governor’s approval”, Pine maintained. According to him, due to the shortage of teachers, the board’s salary wage bill has dropped from N800 million to N6 million. He appealed to the governor to give accelerated consideration to issues concerning secondary schools in the state. The executive secretary
said the present administration under Ortom has no plans to retrench teachers, saying, his government has passion for quality education. Pine said the board has concerns for the welfare of teachers, so, everything that has to do with them is treated with urgency. He advised teachers to take their job seriously and impact positive knowledge on the students for the overall development of the state and the nation.
ment area of the state. He stressed the need to eradicate all forms of diseases related to maternal and child health in order to reduce mortality rate in the state and improve the health status of the people. ``First and foremost, I want to thank you for the visit and to assure you of my people’s readiness to come out en-mass during the forthcoming Mater-
nal, New born and Child Health week in the state. ``I want to use this medium to call on the people of the state and Nigerians at large to embrace all government health programmes in order to better their health condition in their interest and for the overall development of the health sector. ``This is because the importance of any health programme cannot be
over-emphasised to the development of the country as we are all aware that a healthy nation is a wealthy nation, hence the need for the appeal to all Nigerians to embrace all health programmes,’’ he said. Panya-Baba also called for support to eradicate killer diseases among the people especially women and children under the age of ęve years.
Monarch charges communities to embrace govt health programmes
he paramount ruler of Karu, the Esu Karu in Nasarawa state, Mr Luka Panya-Baba, has called on communities in the state to embrace all government health programmes to beĴer their health. Panya-Baba made the appeal yesterday while hosting the state Health Social Mobilisation CommiĴee in his palace in Karu, Karu local govern-
Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN), Sylva Ogwemoh, has said the swearing-in of Yahaya Bello as the Governor of Kogi State without a deputy is in violation of the 1999 constitution. While reacting to the inauguration of Bello during the week, Ogwemoh said since the new governor was yet to nominate a new deputy governor following the refusal of Abiodun Faleke, the former running mate to late Abubakar Audu, to accept the deputy governorship post, Bello shouldn’t have been sworn-in in compliance with Section 187 of the 1999 constitution. “Under Sections 186 and 187 of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999 (as Amended), it is mandatory for each state
of the Federation to have a deputy governor. This is because the word ‘’shall’’ is used in both sections of the 1999 Constitution. Section 186 of the 1999 Constitution states that ‘there SHALL be for each State of the Federation a deputy governor’ Section 187 of the 1999 Constitution on the other hand invalidates the nomination of a candidate for election into the oce of Governor of a state where such a candidate has not nominated another person as his associate for his running for the ofÀce of governor,” Ogwemoh said. He added: “ The case of Kogi State as it stands today is both complex and recondite because what happened in the state was not envisaged in the provision contained in Section 181 of the 1999 Constitution or under the Electoral Act, 2010.
Unilorin matriculates 11,057 students Bisi Adedayo, Ilorin
he University of Ilorin yesterday matriculated 11,057 students admitted to the institution for the 2015/2016 academic session. In his address at the ceremony titled: “Character and learning”, the institutions Vice Chancellor, Prof. Abdulganiy Ambali, admonished them to guard their admissions jealously, saying their admission to the second generation university is a privilege. Ambali, who disclosed that about 103, 000 applicants applied to the university for placement during the period under review, said the institution was able
to admit only 12,225 applicants. He advised the new intakes to be good ambassadors of their parents and alma mater, and urged them to avoid unruly behaviours capable of derailing their academic pursuits throughout their stay in the university. His words: “For many of you, it is a dream come true to belong to the well-known leading university in Nigeria. I felicitate with you and your parents that you are able to make it despite all the odds of the examinations. It is my hope that you will take to heart all the information made available to you so that you will enjoy your sojourn on campus.
Kogi election tribunal relocates to Abuja Ademu Idakwo, Lokoja
he Kogi Governorship Election Petitions Tribunal hitherto siĴing in Lokoja has been relocated to Abuja for further siĴings and other businesses of the three-member panel. Mr Akanji Akinlabi, secretary of the tribunal, who conęrmed the movement in Lokoja on Saturday said the directive was from the President of the Appeal Court, Justice Zainab Bulkashua. Akinlabi who said that the panel and its secretariat had up till Monday,
next week to complete its relocation in line with the directive added that reasons for the movement were not made known to him. It would be recalled that the tribunal with Justice Halima Mohammed as chairman, Justice Patricia Ajoku and Justice Ogbogo Ejembi as members commenced siĴing in Lokoja on January 11, with six petitions. The petitions were ęled by Representative James Faleke, running mate to the late All Progressives Congress (APC) candidate, Prince Abubakar Audu against INEC.
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, January 30, 2015
Sports Update
Broke NFF to hire national coaches on part-time
he Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) will now engage assistant coaches of the various national teams on part-time basis so as to lessen the ęnancial burden the salaries of the coaches have caused them. A top oĜcial disclosed: “The assistant coaches will now be on part time, strictly for when there is a tournament concerning their respective teams. “They will therefore free to work with the clubs when they are now with the national teams.
Emenike’s West Ham move hits rock
estt Ham H manager, Slaven Bilic, has admiĴed a loan move for Nigeria striker, Emmanuel Emenike, has become ‘complicated’ as they now have to deal with two clubs, Fenerbache and Al Ain of Dubai, but he remains hopeful of a clearer picture by Friday. London club West Ham want to sign 28-year-old Emenike this transfer window following injuries to
th i top their t strikers. t ik “It ęrst looked easy, a straight swap between two clubs, but now we also have to talk to Al Ain of Dubai, where he was on loan,” said Bilic. “By today or tomorrow (Friday), we will know how it goes.” Emenike joined Al Ain on a season-long loan from Fenerbache, but he became disinterested in Dubai and preferred to cut short the deal this month and return to Turkey.
Nwakali wants Kanu’s Arsenal jersey No. 25
elechi Nwakali expects to sign for Arsenal in the weeks ahead, and the Nigerian youngster has already picked the number he wants to wear at the Emirates. Arsenal have targeted Nwakali, along with fellow youth international, Samuel Chukwueze, for several months and, though they face issues over securing work permits for the two teenagers, Arsene
Wenger conęrmed that he expects both players to agree contracts at the club. Both Nwakali and Chukwueze were stars of the Under-17 World Cup-winning Nigeria side, with 17-year-old aĴacking midęelder Nwakali earning the player of the tournament award. Neither are expected to become immediate members of the ęrstteam even if they sign in January, however
Nwakali has no doubt he will be a part of Wenger’s plans in the future. “I am going to Arsenal to work and try to be the best I can,” he told the Nigerian Tribune. “With God anything is possible, to work hard to justify my claim for ęrst team football.” Nwakali would not be the ęrst Nigerian to appear in an Arsenal shirt and the youngster said he has already
asked to wear the currently-vacant No.25 shirt of club legend Nwankwo Kanu. The 39-year-old, a member of the great young Nigerian side that won gold at the 1996 Olympics, played under Wenger between 1999 and 2004. A member of the Invincibles side Kanu scored 44 goals in 197 games for Arsenal, earning his place in the list of the 50 Greatest Gunners in 2008.
Ezeugo: NFF must demand post-mortem of CHAN 2016
ormer international, Emeka Ezeugo, has dismissed all the excuses made by Super Eagles coach, Sunday Oliseh, by maintaining that failure remains failure. The Super Eagles head Coach had highlighted several issues that mitigated against his team’s progress at the CHAN
2016. Oliseh told footballlive.ng that his players endured tough times oě the pitch citing the lack of motivation as a major clog. Ezeugo insisted that a proper postmortem of the Rwanda 2016 CHAN debacle otherwise other teams would use the ‘details and problems of the poor outing to hurt Nigeria.’
“We have to be realistic, we have been paying many people for many years without doing anything and the ęnancial obligation caused by just salaries of the coaches is just too huge. “There is one of the Eagles assistant coaches who has insisted he is owed over 18 million Naira from salaries and
what have you over the years.” It was also revealed that one of the Eagles assistant coach has not been paid for the past nine months. The NFF have already decided that developmental teams from U17 downwards will no longer be entitled to match bonuses as they save on costs.
Chikatara regrets CHAN 2016 exit
uper Eagles striker, Chisom Chikatara, is ruing the missed opportunity of making history at the CHAN 2016 after Nigeria was eliminated in the ęrst round of the championship. The 21-year-old forward scored 4 goals in two games – in his ęrst major competition, including a hat-trick as a
sub against Niger. Chikatara admits he knew very liĴle about the history of the competition but had set his sights on achieving a goal scoring feat in Rwanda. The record for the most goal scored in a single tournament was set by Zambia’s Given Singuluma; who scored 5 in the ęrst edition of the championship.
...Mohammed apologises
uper Eagles midęelder, Usman Mohammed, has apologised to Nigerians for the side failure at the ongoing African Nations Championship (CHAN) in Rwanda. The coach Sunday Oliseh tutored side returned to the country on Thursday after failing to earn the desired result against Guinea and subsequent elimination from the biennial football showpiece. Mohammed said his side were disappointed coming back home while the championship is still in progress. “We are not happy coming back home right now while the championship is still ongoing that is not the way we planned it rather we wanted to go all the way to challenge for the title. “Shockingly, here we are at home, I don’t want to go into the game of why it happened but to give thanks to God. “I want to apologise to Nigerians for the disappointment, I know
they build high hope on us to win the championship it did not turn out that way I’m truly sorry and want to thank them for their huge support,” said the FC Taraba midęeld maestro to supersport. com. Mohammed said the championship has taught him a life lesson not to count his chickens before they are hatched. “I have learnt not to underrate anybody, play the mind game or play a game before it is played as we strongly believe we will win the Guineans in the last match and advance to the quarteręnals. “We tried to match our words with action but it did not work out exactly the way we planned it.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, January 30, 2016
Sports Update Serena revelling in ‘best’ form before Australian Open final
erena Williams has warned her Australian Open ęnal opponent Angelique Kerber that she is playing even beĴer than last year when she won three grand slam titles. Williams is yet to drop a set at the ęrst grand slam of the season and she enters Saturday’s ęnal as the strong favourite to clinch a seventh title in Melbourne. The American has been in tremendous form, crushing Agnieszka Radwanska in the semi-ęnals on Thursday, when she took the ęrst set 6-0 in only 20
minutes. It has been an impressive response from a player who arrived with doubts surrounding her ętness and focus after her shock semi-ęnal exit at last year’s US Open. Williams, however, has returned as dominant as ever and believes she is showing even beĴer form now than in 2015. “I would say this is probably the best slam I’ve played in a year, and I’ve won a lot in a year,” said the 34-year-old. “I know my practices are beĴer. Hopefully I’m playing better. So I deęnitely can play more consistent and more mentally stable, so to say. “I haven’t won this one. But even if I don’t win, I really can take away that I’ve been really consistent, and I want to continue that.” Victory on Saturday would see the world No1 draw level with SteĜ Graf’s Open era record 22 grand slam titles and put her within two of Margaret Court’s all-time mark of 24.
Murray wins Raonic battle to set fourth Djokovic title bout
ndy Murray baĴles past Milos Raonic to set up an Australian Open ęnal showdown with Novak Djokovic in Melbourne It always had the makings of a gripping contest between world No2 and four-time Australian Open ęnalist, Andy Murray and current No13 Milos Raonic. Six times they had played one another, and split the honours, and both arrived at this semi-ęnal play-oě in ęne form and with big names under their belts. The reward was a place in the title bout against the most challenging player in tennis today, the fourtime Australian champion Novak Djokovic, and it took over four hours to determine the outcome, 4-6, 7-5, 6-7(4), 6-4, 6-2 to Murray. The Briton has been riding a wave of conędence since a 2015 season that brought his ęrst two clay titles, one of them a Masters, a record fourth Queen’s title, a high-value victory over Djokovic to win the Montreal Masters, plus three more big ęnalsȯindoors in Paris,
outdoors in Miami, and right here in Melbourne. He capped it all by leading GB to Davis Cup victory. Add into the mix imminent fatherhood and the return of coach Amelie Mauresmo, and Murray was in ęne feĴle. After a good warmup in Hopman Cup, he worked through some diĜcult opposition here, including Bernard Tomic and the feisty No8 seed David Ferrer. But then Raonic, the only man born in the 1990 thus far to break through the top-ęve barrierȯalbeit Ěeetingly last Mayȯwas looking increasingly like a man on a mission. He may have stayed inside the top 10 were it not for a sequence of injuries, ęrst foot surgery that took him out of the French Open and then hip surgery to end his season in Shanghai. Since his return, he had already beaten defending champion Roger Federer in Brisbane, and then beat three seeds in a Grand Slam for the ęrst time, including a ęveseĴer over No4 seed and former Australian champion Stan Wawrinka.
Wolfsburg reach agreement on Osimhen
erman Bundesliga club, VĚ Wolfsburg, have signed an international co-operation agreement with Ultimate Strikers Football Academy of Lagos for Nigeria’s youngster, Victor Osimhen. Former Germany international and Wolfsburg sports director ,Klaus Allofs, signed on
behalf of Wolfsburg. Osimhen, 17, will sign a professional contract on January 1, 2017, as he would then have clocked 18 years. He will be 18 on December 29, 2016. “The player, his father and his representatives are all delighted with this co-operation agreement, which is a legally binding agreement be-
tween all the parties and which will be migrated to a proper professional contract as soon as the player is of age,” the youngster’s representative said. “This is great for the continued development of Victor. It’s the ęrst step for him in Europe.” The co-operation agreement will include Osimhen training at
Wolfsburg as well as other players from Ultimate Strikers Academy. Osimhen made history when he set a new goals record of 10 goals at the FIFA U-17 World cup in Chile in November. He was also on the Nigeria squad who clinched the Under-23 AFCON in Senegal in December and qualięed for this year’s Rio Olympics.
CHAN Calamity: Okumagba blames players on complacency VICTOR ENYINNAYA
ational Chairman of Nigeria Football Supporters Club (NFSC), Prince Vincent Okumagba, has joined others to express disappointment on the dismal outing of the Super Eagles at the ongoing CHAN competition in Rwanda, adding that the lessons of the ouster should guide the country to step up its quest for 2017 AFCON qualięers. Okumagba however said he will not join the school of thought that blamed the chief coach of the side, Sunday Oliseh, for the sudden exit of the team from the Championship but would put all the blame on the complacency of the players. He called for genuine commitment on the part of players whether home based professionals or foreign legion. ‘’The game was not taken seriously by the players. They did not play to instructions, rather they were lost in the whole set up. Oliseh did not take chances as he made vital replacements which in itself signięed his urgency and the kind of importance he placed on the game. The
...Hails Minister on his efforts players sadly were not in the game at all. As a coach that knew what he wanted from the match, he put everything into it and never rested from the sidelines where he was dishing out instructions, yet the players could not change the tide of the game. There is no how he would jump into the ęeld and play. We should take the defeat as sportsmen where you win some and lose some,’’ he explained. The NFSC chief informed that after scaling through
the Tunisia scar one thought the team would guide its loins and beat or draw against Guinea but football can be funny sometimes. He advised Nigerians to put that unfortunate incident behind them and look forward to the future which holds a lot for Nigerian football. ‘’Let us rally round Sunday Oliseh led crew and the players for a beĴer tomorrow. They are not happy also at what happened. l expected the players to bounce on the lifetime
opportunity to prove their meĴle to serve as launching pad for them and their career. We have to brace up and wish the team well for there is bigger game at hand in March against Egypt for the qualięer for the 2017 Gabon AFCON ęnals,’’ He thumbed up the efforts of the Sports Minister, Solomon Dalung on his unrelenting eěorts to give the game aĴention. He specially pointed out that the Minister has often times taken it upon himself to be with the team and other stakeholders on the best way to move football cum sports to the next level.
Heartland set for two-week preseason
igeria Professional Football League (NPFL) side, Heartland will embark on a two-week preseason closed camp at Iribe a suburb town in Rivers State. The preseason tour will commence on Saturday, February 06 – 19 while the side are expected to train at its home turf, Dan Anyiam Stadium, Owerri on February 20 for their NPFL matchday 1 clash against Warri Wolves on February 21.
An oĜcial of the side, Solomon Onuh said the two-week preseason will be the height of the Owerri outęt intense but quiet preparations for the coming league season. “Heartland will go into two-week closed camp at Iribe, Rivers State from February 06 - 19 while the side will come back to Owerri on February 20 to ęnalise their training programmes for the season’s opening match against Warri Wolves the
next day at the Dan Anyiam Stadium, Owerri. “The preseason camp is to round oě our intense but quiet preparations for the upcoming season. “Of course, Heartland are not in the class that blows its trumpet rather we usually allow our work speak for us. “We have solid team for the season though we have gone ahead to further fortify the team with some quality fresh legs to make everything department competitive.
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