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Saturday, September 5, 2015
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Saturday, September 5, 2015
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 5, 2015
Oyo govâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s neighbours protest over drainage Olaide Oyelude, Ibadan
motion was high yesterday at the high brow â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Oluyole extensionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; area of Ibadan, Oyo state capital when residents of zones 5 and 6 of the area who are also neighbours of Governor Abiola Ajimobi ,staged peaceful protest on the diversion of drainage to the areas following ongoing rehabilitation of the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Wemaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Bank /â&#x20AC;&#x2122;Mobil Ring â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Roadâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; major road by the state government. The residents were speciÄ&#x2122;cally protesting the construction of drainage to divert water from the
major road to their areas instead of allowing it to run down to a wider stream as it was before the construction started. The residents stormed the site of the construction of the contentious drainage and carried various placards to convey their annoyance and fears of possible destruction of no fewer than two hundred houses in the areas if the drainage is constructed at its current site which is in front of a private fuel station. Their placards carried such messages as â&#x20AC;&#x153;Oyo state should take immediate action on the
diversion of drainage to zones 5 and 6 to prevent imminent Ä&#x161;ood that may wash away our buildings,â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;Save our zones from Ä&#x161;ood â&#x20AC;&#x153;and â&#x20AC;&#x153;Please Re-divert drainage to the river. Save us from Ä&#x161;ood.Č&#x201E; The residents, who led reporters on a tour of the whole community, said even before the on going construction of the drainage, the whole areas are Ä&#x161;ood prone. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;Whenever it rains, we have problems of Ä&#x161;ooding here talk less of the when a drainage is now being constructed to divert water to our community,â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122; one of the
residents, Mr. Omoniyi Emmanuel disclosed to journalists. The residents said they had met the representatives of the construction company and also wriÄ´en the state government over their plight but without any response. Another resident, Mr. Moshood Akinade also declared â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are not against the construction of the road but what we are saying is that the construction should not lead to mass destruction of our property because of the diversion of water to our community through this drainage.Č&#x201E;
South West Ogun UPN guber candidate, Paseda, tasks Buhari to probe associates BOLU-OLU ESHO, Abeokuta
overnorship candidate of Unity Party of Nigeria(UPN) in the last general elections in Ogun State, Prince Olatunde Rotimi Paseda has tasked President Muhammadu Buhari, as a matter of necessity and fair judgement, not to shield any of his political associates and supporters from being probed in the ongoing anticorruption war. Paseda, who described President Buhariâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s moves to eradicate corruption in the country as, commendable, condemned in strong terms the magnitude of corruption perpetrated during the former President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan-ledgovernment. He said the moves by President Buhari to retrieve government property and resources from the past public oÎ&#x20AC;ceholders was a right step in the right direction. Paseda handed down the commendation at his OmuIjebu country home while receiving the Paseda Integrity Foundation Thursday. Lamenting the rot in the democratic system of government in the country, â&#x20AC;&#x153;I will support President Muhammadu Buhariâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Ă&#x20AC;ght against corruption. If
that is the only thing he can achieve and clean the system for the next four years, then he has my support. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The situation is so complex to the extent that people cannot feed themselves daily, while the rich are getting richer. He should not be bias in his campaign against corruption if he wants to have the public support. He must not shield anybody either from the ruling party as sacred cow,â&#x20AC;? Paseda said. He,however, advised the president to abolished the dichotomy between B.Sc. and HND syndrome, as well as improving the power generation and distribution in the nation. Tasking Mr. President on the political appointments, the UPN standard bearer advised that appointments should be balanced among the three regions, noting that he(Buhari) should see himself as Nigerian president who should not promote the Northern agenda only as that may cause uproar and instability in the government. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We cannot continue to argue over the president recent appointees. Though, it might be skewed to be in favour of the northerners, but we have many potent issues that need to be addressed by the president immediately.
NPA launches electronic invoicing to curb revenue leakages
Bayo Amodu
Ogun tribunal: PDP urges Buhari to respect rule of law, hopeful of victory Bolu-Olu Esho, Abeokuta
e o p l e s Democratic Party(PDP), Ogun State chapter has tasked President Muhammadu Buhari to live up to his promise to allow the rule of law to prevail. Speaking through its governorship
candidate, Prince Gboyega Nasiru Isiaka, in the last general election in the state, PDP called on the president to caution his party, All Progressives Congressâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; chieftains and governorship candidate, Senator Ibikunle Amosun to desist from intimidating the
election petitions tribunal sitting in Abeokuta, the state capital by allegedly invading the court premises with thugs. Some people suspected to be political thugs had invaded the court premises on Saturday last week with intention of disrupting the tribunal
sitting and destroying evidences and records of the judges but for quick intervention of the security operatives present. The Justice Henry Olusiyi-led panel had to adjourn prematurely having been informed about the risk abound if it should continue the sitting.
September 8 and 9, 2015 at the Diplomat Hotel, Maryland, Lagos. In a statement signed by the National Coordinator of the organisation, Patience Ogolo- Dickson, the conference oÄ&#x203A;ers â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;an opportunity for stakeholders to brainstorm on the challenges, opportunities and the way forward for members across the country. It is a conference that brings women with disabilities together for mutual support, education and inspiration.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; â&#x20AC;&#x153;In spite of the odds,
we have grown over the years and at this, is our 4th gathering, and we are expecting over 200 participants all diÄ&#x203A;erent parts of the country. Since 2009, AWWDI has made signiÄ&#x2122;cant strides in recognizing disability as a human rights issue, and in addressing the challenges that people with disabilities face in their eÄ&#x203A;orts to contribute economically, socially, and politically to their societies,Č&#x201E; the statement added. It further stated: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Increasing progress
can be recorded in the area of women with disabilities geÄ´ing access to education, health and means of livelihood. However, despite this progress, women with disabilities continue to be discriminated against in society and the labour market. â&#x20AC;&#x153;For this target group, the conference set forth its decent work agenda, which emphasizes universal access to skills development, security and productive employment for vulnerable groups, such as women with disabilities.Č&#x201E;
Group to brainstorm on disabled women Ayodele Olalere
s a way of encouraging Nigerians on the need to support people with disability especially women, a nongovernmental organisation (NGO), Advocacy for Women with Disability Initiative (AWWDI) is organising a strategic conference for stakeholders across the country. The conference which is an annual with the theme â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Equality and inclusionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; would take place on
Â&#x153;Čą Â&#x2122;Â&#x160;Â&#x203A;Â?Â&#x153;Čą Â&#x2DC;Â?Čą Â&#x17D;Ä&#x203A;Â&#x2DC;Â&#x203A;Â?Â&#x153;Čą to block revenue leakages in its system, the Nigerian Ports Authority, NPA, has introduced a Revenue Invoicing Management System (RIMS) and a Customer Self Service Portal aimed at maximizing revenue and minimize loss associated with fraud and revenue leakages. Disclosing this at the launching of RIMS held at the Eko Hotel and Suites, Lagos recently, the Managing Director, NPA, Alhaji Habib Abdulahi explained that the introduction of the RIMS would improve the agencyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s service oÄ&#x203A;ering, improve its partnership, create eÄ&#x153;cient payment method, lowers operational cost and shortens the time for documentation for customers. He said, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;as you are aware ports operations involves a network of processes and documentations along the chain of activities from the port of loading to the port of destination. EÄ&#x203A;ective coordination of the activities makes the integration of the processes through automation absolutely necessary in order to facilitate seamless operations thereby reducing both costs and time.â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Abdulahi also explained that the NPAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s billing application, some of which are already operational in all port locations, will soon proceed to the next stage.
He said the introduction of the solutions will facilitate business growth with high performance and unlimited scalability of the operations of the Authority. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;This is evident from statistics which have shown that cargo throughput increased from 46,150,518 metric tons in 2006 to 86,603,903 metric tons in 2014,â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;he said. Similarly, he explained that the Customer Self Service Portal is a platform for its customers to initiate and conclude their business process with NPA and also communicate with the Authority. According to him, beneÄ&#x2122;ts accruing from the portal include improved customer service delivery, easy access to customer accounts status, view of all transactions and status in respect of bills among others. Commending the eÄ&#x203A;orts of the NPA, the National Vice President of the Nigerian Association of Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Agriculture, NACCIMA, Ahmad Rabiu said the initiative is an excellent one that will improve eÄ&#x153;ciency and save so much time and costs. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;With a combination of this initiative and the robust change process of the federal government, we shall soon begin to be proud of our own. We are proud of the NPA and as we know Cotonou is already crying due to the forex control measures. We must do more as Nigerians to block leakages and distortions, improve eÄ&#x153;ciency and block channels for corruption.â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;
Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 5, 2015
South South
Amaechi’s written request for N30bn to Assembly missing, says clerk Nath Omame, Port Harcourt
written request of N30billion made by former governor of Rivers State, Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi, is missing from the records of the Rivers State House of Assembly. Clerk of the Rivers State House of Assembly, Sir Emmanuel Ogele, yesterday, made the stunning revelation while testifying before the judicial commission of inquiry investigating the sale of valued assets belonging to the state. Ogele, in his sworn afÀdavit September , 0 ,
claimed that the written request from former Governor Amaechi to the state’s House of Assembly to withdraw N30billion from the Rivers State Reserve Fund and the resolution of the House which approved the request was indeed, missing from the records of the Rivers State of Assembly. While responding to a question from the counsel to the commission, Dr. Zaccheus Adangor, Ogele said: “I have made concerted effort to locate the written request all to no avail. I have also contacted some of the lawmakers who were pres-
ent during the deliberations but none of them has a copy. I also contacted the Director of Legal Services who said that she also does not have it.” He added: “We were then operating from Government House so our packing and repacking of our documents now and then could have contributed greatly to what happened. It is not unlikely that we might have lost the document through that process.” Ogele further said: “None of the law makers that participated in passing the resolutions that empowered the
former governor to access that Reserve Fund returned to the House of Assembly and this had made it even more dicult in contacting them in order to get a copy of the written request.” The former governor allegedly made the written request dated February 3, 0 , asking the House of Assembly to grant him the authority to withdraw N30billion from the Rivers State Reserve Fund. The House of Assembly also allegedly granted the request by virtue of a unanimous House resolution on February , 0 .
L-R: Director, Human Resources, Federal Ministry of Culture, Tourism and National Orientation, Mr. Adebola Kayode, Director General, National Council for Arts and Culture, Mrs. Dayo Keshi, Permanent Secretary, Federal Ministry of Culture, Tourism and National Orientation, Mrs. Nkechi Dele, Director General, Centre for Black and African Arts Civilisation, Sir Ferdinand Anikwe and Director, Art and Culture, Federal Ministry of Culture, Tourism and National Orientation, Mrs. Chinwe. Abara, at the opening of 2015 International Arts and Crafts fair in Abuja...yesterday. Photo: Wale Adenuga
Tribunal: APC supporters accuse Umana’s counsel of compromise Ndanti Ekuh
ollowing yesterday’s absence of the lead counsel to All Progressives Congress (APC)’s candidate in the last governorship election in Akwa Ibom State, Chief Wole Olanipekun (SAN), at the hearing of election petition tribunal, members of Akwa Ibom State’s
APC have called on the party’s governorship candidate, Umana Okon Umana, to immediately change the Senior Advocate whom they accused of sabotaging the case in favour of People Democratic Party. The party’s supporters made the call yesterday at the FCT High Court, Abuja, shortly after the tribunal sitting. Chief Olanipekun
did not appear at the tribunal on Thursday, but was represented by Barr. Dayo Akinlaja, whose performance the APC supporters alleged was not satisfactory. It was observed that the State Secretary of APC who sat with Umana’s running mate, Engr. Ben Ukpong, angrily left the court after the Àrst two witnesses overwhelmed Dayo Akin-
laja. Similarly, Ben Ukpong was said to have whispered to one of the APC chieftains who sat close to him that should Akinlaja continue to appear for the party, the case is as good as lost by the party. Speaking with newsmen after the hearing, Dayo Akinlaja said his legal team has the ability to deliver.
Anambra CSOs frowns at poor representation by politicians Alphonsus Eze, Awka
ivil Society Organisations in Anambra State under the aegis of Civil Society Forum (CSF) has frowned at the poor representation of the people by elected and appointed political oce holders in the state. BrieÀng newsmen yesterday in Awka, the state capital, the chairman of the Forum,
Comrade Ellis Oliver Okolie, lamented that the quality of representation of people by politicians across board has nosed-dived. “Majority of them has failed the people. We want to keep them in the know that in no distant time we will call them to account for their representation. The people has lost the grip of democratic governance as enshrined in the constitution of Federal Republic of Ni-
geria,” he said. Continuing, he said ‘the people have been weakened and cannot say or do anything anymore. We have risen to that challenge. We will look at the operations of the three organs of government in the state, the executive, the legislature and the judiciary.’ He decried the insensitivity and the bureaucratic bottlenecks that has eaten deep into the Ministries, Departments
and Agencies (MDAs) in the state, alleging that most of the civil servants are arrogant, lazy and indiͿerence to the needs of the people. He alleged that mails disappear within oces of MDAs and nobody is held responsible it, citing the example of how a letter they wrote to the Ministries of Agriculture since February has remained un-replied since then and the where-about cannot be traced.
Gunmen abduct monarch in Bayelsa Uchenna Nwafor, Yenagoa
ayelsa State may be turning into a kidnapper’s den following the incessant kidnapping activities that are going on in the state. Barely one week after two chiefs and a middle-aged person were kidnapped in the state capital, another paramount ruler of Gbarantoru community in Yenagoa local government area, HRH, Chief Benjamin Weke, has been kidnapped. The 85-years old traditional ruler was abducted at his residence in the state capital in the early hours of yesterday at the expiration of 34 days notice served on him by the kidnappers. A family member, one Mrs. Blessing, confirmed that the gunmen had on July 1st this year sent a letter to the monarch, intimating him of their visit. “The gunmen were about four in number and heavily armed. They came around 1.00am, and forcefully gained entrance which
woke the wife and who later first woke His Highness. They immediately seized him and took some money meant for the traditional marriage of one of his sons scheduled to hold today. They also beat up the wife who escorted them through the footpath behind his residence to the waterside where they escaped with a speedboat to an unknown location,” she said. Confirming the incident, the spokesman of the Bayelsa State Police Command, Asinim Butswatt, DSP, said the family could not make contact with the police until 5am. “The marine component of the police has been alerted and they are combing the creeks to find their whereabouts.” It would be recalled that only a fortnight ago, two chiefs from Okpoama community in Brass local government area, Chief Blessing Wagio and Chief Isaac Akono-Igolo, were kidnapped and N50m ransom demanded for their release.
Oil spill: Community still searching for missing relatives Amaka Agbu, Port Harcourt
wo months after severe oil spill occurred on the facility of Nigerian Agip Oil Company (NAOC) in Emago/Kugbo community of Abua Odual local government area of Rivers State, the community is still searching for their missing loved ones. The latest spill which occurred in the area on July , this year, led to the death of two persons and left several other members of the community seriously injured while crops and farmlands were severely damaged. Speaking during the visit of the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Special Duties, Mrs. Ibanigo BriggsIti, to the area to present items worth N million to farmers who suͿered losses in the oil spill, the Chairman of the Caretaker Committee of Abua Odual LGA, Hon. Oyekuto Ukwe, told journalists that the census of the community dwellers conÀrmed that some people were still missing. He said: “As the spill occurred, we went there. So many persons up till now are missing. We saw one corpse burnt beyond recognition. The only thing we used to recognize the corpse were the scars it had on its body. Up till
now, some persons in our community have not been found. Last month, a retired headmaster died of cholera. As at last week, if you go to the health centre in the community, you will Ànd many persons admitted for cholera.” The Caretaker Chairman further conÀrmed that more than 30 people who suͿered injuries as a result of the Àre outbreak from the spill were still in various hospitals receiving treatment. “The spill is not sabotage it is due to the fact that some of the facilities are old. The spill is caused by Agip Oil Company staͿ. There was Àre everywhere. The Emago/Kugbo community cannot quantify the losses they had. We want to appeal to Governor Nyesom Wike to do the best he can to compel Agip Oil Company to do the needful,” he added. However the Permanent Secretary who represented the Rivers State government said the governor was interested in ensuring that the farmers remained in business. According to him, ‘the governor has sent his love to the entire community. The gifts we give you today are to give you the necessary support to at least alleviate your hardship in these times of trial.’
Newswatch Times Saturday, September 5, 2015
South East
Appeal Court strikes out Ihedioha’s petition
Emma Mgbeahurike, Owerri
he Appeal court sitting in Owerri, Imo State capital, yesterday struck out the appeal Àled by the governorship candidate of the People Democratic Party (PDP), Hon. Emeka Ihedioha, challenging the earlier ruling of the Election Petition Tribunal which dismissed his petition against the victory of Governor Rochas Okorocha in the 2015 governorship election for lack of merit. Reacting to the
judgement, the state government commended the Appeal Court for upholding the ruling of the Election Petition Tribunal and striking out the appeal also for lack of merit. In a statement signed by the Chief Press Secretary (CPS) to the Governor, Hon. Sam Onwuemeodo, it stated that by so doing, the Appeal Court had equally justiÀed the Governor’s conÀdence in the ability and readiness of the judiciary to uphold justice and also respect the popular and lawful actions of the people over who would
govern them at any given time. “His Excellency has always exercised reasonable regard for Hon. Ihedioha and would stop at nothing to commend his eͿort and apparent desire to govern the state, which he is entitled to, as a son of the state. It is also worth stating that Hon. Ihedioha’s legal actions with regard to the 2015 governorship election, were designed to help in strengthening our democracy,” the statement stated. The governor also commended the legal team of Hon. Ihedio-
ha led by Chief Mike Ahamba (SAN) for their exemplary conduct from the tribunal to the Appeal Court. However, Onwuemeodo explained that the governor has no option than to sincerely appeal to Hon. Ihedioha to allow the litigations over the governorship election of 2015 to stop at this level in the interest of the state. He stressed that the governor equally calls on the PDP candidate to join hands with him and other well meaning Imo indigenes to work for the rapid development of the state.
Buhari urged to utilise recovered loot Alphonsus Eze, Awka
resident Muhammed Buhari has been urged to ensure that money recovered from those who looted the treasury of the county is managed judiciously for the overall interest of Nigerians. A human rights activist, Modestus Anoliefo, who made this call in a letter to the President, said it has become necessary given the fact that in the past, Nigerians have heard about repatriation of stolen fund but hardly see where such money was channelled. He also asked the President not to accede to the suggestions by some people that the Federal Government should dialogue with the insurgents as it would tarnish his reputation and integrity. “The recent suicide bombing method the Boko Haram resorted to is not new to Nigerians. Their current suicide bombing system is not
a sign of strength but weakness because of the relocation of the Military High Command base to Maiduguri and Yola coupled with the cooperation of Lake Chad Basin Commission members which no doubt complements our efforts,” Anoliefo said. He advised that military action should be followed with socio-economic programme as most of the people are economically disadvantaged and socially disconnected. “I expect your administration to package a good programme that will have multiplier eͿect in the zone as well as develop their human capacity, instead of solving Boko Haram problem through the socalled dialogue,” he said. Anoliefo advised that as Nigerians await the ministerial lists from President Buhari, he should appoint a technocrat who is patriotic to oversee the Education Ministry so as to improve the country’s educational sector.
Buhari’s appointments, slight on Nigerians – Anambra Regent Cyprian Ebele, Onitsha
The Governor of Abia State Dr. Victor Okezie Ikpeazu was warmly received yesterday by Abia Professionals living in Washington DC.
Ebonyi workers begin 7-day warning strike he lingering faceoě between Ebonyi State government and workers in the state has degenerated as the workers yesterday commenced ŝ-day warning strike. The workers embarked on the strike over what they termed the unwillingness of Governor Dave mahi to pay them salary based on the current salary scale, which former Governor, Chief Martin, used in
paying them until he left oĜce in May. The workers noted with sadness that the state government refused to pay them even when the economic reality of the state clearly showed that government could conveniently pay the salary and have enough funds to take care of other projects. The notice was contained in a bulletin titled ‘Rejection of Dr. Sam O. Egwu’s commiĴee report and seven days warning strike.’
The notice was circulated within the state ministries, agencies and parastals by organised labour in the state. The organised labour under the leadership of Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and Trade nion Congress (T C) stressed that the salary table as approved by Ebonyi State government and established in circular No 3/2015 with Ref: NO: HOS/EPM/OOŝ4/20 dated April 9, 2015 with effect from February 2015
remains sacrosanct and irreversible. According to the workers, on July, 21, 2015 after the stakeholders’ meeting convened by Engr. David mahi, a commiĴee was set up led by former governor,Dr. Sam O. Egwu to look into the salary issue and come up with acceptable position but the commiĴee submiĴed its report on September,2,2015 without recourse to the organized labour’s input based on economic reality of the state.
Alphonsus Eze, Awka Civil Society Organisations in Anambra State under the aegis of Civil Society Forum (CSF) has frowned at the poor representation of the people by elected and
appointed political oĜce holders in the state. Brieęng newsmen yesterday in Awka, the state capital, the chairman of the Forum, Comrade Ellis Oliver Okolie, lamented that the
quality of representation of people by politicians across board has nosed-dived. “Majority of them has failed the people. We want to keep them in the know that in no distant time we
will call them to account for their representation. The people has lost the grip of democratic governance as enshrined in the constitution of Federal Republic of Nigeria,” he said.
Kenneth Ofoma, Abakaliki
Anambra CSOs frowns at poor representation by politicians
he regent of Mbosi Community, Ihiala local government area, Anambra State, Prince Okey Joe Onuakalusi has slammed President Muhammadu Buhari for his recent appointment of majorly northerners into key positions in the country. He said that the lopsided appointment was a slight to Nigerians and the 1999 constitution which could derail the course of unity and frustrate Nigerians. Reacting to the appointment, the regent, who is an activist and lawyer, expressed surprise that President Buhari could not abide by the oath of oce he swore to as President
of Nigeria on May 29, 2015, which he pledged to uphold the unity and spirit of the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. “Today what is happening to the oath, people and their constitution as sworn to by President Buhari who has come to change the country for the better is a slight on Nigerians.” According to Prince Onuakalu, ‘suce to state unequivocally that Mr. President has made appointments into several sensitive positions that touch the socio-economic life of the nation in total without consideration of this basic principle engrafted with special emphasis on Sections 14(3) and 147 of the 1999 constitution”.
Rivers CP threatens PDP security withdrawal Alphonsus Eze, Awka
The Anambra State Police Command has threatened to stop providing security to the People Democratic Party (PDP) in the state if the party fails to resolve its crisis. The state’s Commissioner of Police, Mr. Hosea arma, who said this in a chat with Newswatch Times in his ofęce in Anambra State, described the crisis of the party in the state as a problem to the management of security in the state. arma said three factions of the party in the state led by
Prince en Emeakayi, Ejike Oguebego and Osy Ezenwa respectively had petitioned his oĜce through their lawyers laying claims to the leadership of the party in the state. He said: “I intend to invite the three groups and tell them that after going through their documents it is either they resolve their problems among them or go back to court.” He said the police is ready obey court’s order if a bench warrant is issued against anyone of them, insisting the police will dabble into party politics.
Newswatch Times Saturday, September 5, 2015
North East/West
Group begins preparation to reward youths Ted Odogwu, Bureau Chief, Kano
New Country Director, Oxfam, Mr. Jan Rogge (left) and North East Head, Humanitarian Services for Oxfam, Mallam Abubakar Yakubu (right), inspecting one of the boreholes sunk, at the Internally Displaced Persons settlement in Malkohi near Yola, Adamawa Stateâ&#x20AC;Śyesterday.
35 killed, 104 injured in Bauchi auto-crashes â&#x20AC;&#x201C;FRSC NANKPAH BWAKAN, Bauchi
hirty-Ă&#x20AC;ve people have been killed while 104 others were injured in 3 road crashes involving 2 0 people in Bauchi State between July and August this year. A report on the road traÎ&#x20AC;c crashes obtained from the Bauchi State Sector Command of the Federal Road Safety Commission on Friday, indicated that the casualties comprised of 33 adults and two children. According to the report, a breakdown of the statistics showed that 22 people were killed, 54 others injured in 17 different crashes involving 122 people in August
twenty-eight vehicles were also involved. In July, the report also indicated that 13 passengers were killed 50 others injured in 21 crashes involving 13 passengers in 31 vehicles, across the state. The Sector Commander of the FRSC, Ibrahim Abubakar, in an interview said the Sector Command had intensiĂ&#x20AC;ed its campaigns and dialogue with motorists during the current ember months period to reduce Road accidents across the State. He stated that the sector command was particularly worried over the high rate of accidents involving the reckless drivers along the everbusy Bauchi-Jos Road.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;We have increased our sensitization campaigns now because of the high volume of vehicles on the road from this September down to December. The vehicular movement is usually very high at this period because of the number of people travelling from one part of the country to the other. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are very worried with the high rate of accidents involving the 9ectra drivers along the Bauchi-Jos Road which usually have a high density of vehicles because it links the North East states. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is a very serious social menace that the new regime of commercial driversâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; licence is trying to address.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are aware that most of these drivers are not using the commercial driverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s license and the FRSC in collaboration with the Bauchi State Government is seriously working hard to address this.â&#x20AC;? The FRSC boss said that the sensitization campaigns of the Commission is responsible for the 40 reduction in fatality recorded across the State. He warned motorists, especially commercial drivers to adhere strictly to road traÎ&#x20AC;c signs and avoid over-loading and over-speeding adding that â&#x20AC;&#x153;they should not push the Road Safety High Command to the wall as we will not spare defaulters.â&#x20AC;?
National Open University holds matriculation Nankpah Bwakan, Bauchi
ational Open University of Nigeria (NOUN), Bogoro Study centre has matriculated its pioneer set of students with a call on them to take their studies seriously in order to defeat illiteracy in the locality. The Coordinator of the centre, Professor James Landi expressed satisfaction with the smooth take-oÍż of the Study Centre and commended the 9ice Chancellor of NOUN for approving the establishment of
the centre in Bogoro local government area of Bauchi. It would be recalled that the study centre was built by the Bogoro community and was handed to the management of NOUN after it had been commissioned by former Head of State General Yakubu Gowon in May 2015. Professor Landi disclosed that the study centre would serve both Central and South parts of Plateau, Gombe and Bauchi Southern zone of the state and other Nigerians and foreigners
would also beneĂ&#x20AC;t from the university. According to him, â&#x20AC;&#x153;we are calling on all Nigerians and foreigners alike to take advantage of the centre study and enrol for their Ă&#x20AC;rst degree, Mastersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; degree and Ph.D. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The requirement for enrolling into NOUN is the same with that of the conventional universities, and we donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t compromise standard in the NOUN.â&#x20AC;? He said the NOUN is doing extremely well in eradicating illiteracy, and called on the people of
Bogoro community and Nigerians desirous of defeating illiteracy to take advantage of the centre and enrol for various academic programme of their choice to obtain degrees, Mastersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Degrees and Ph.D. Professor Landi said the NOUN programmes are very Ă exible because the NOUN gives the students the liberty to decide when they want to complete their programme without anybody stressing them as it is the case with conventional universities.
he Future Project (TFP), has commenced preparations to reward exceptionally talented youths, who often excelled in their endeavours despite daunting challenges. During a town hall meeting held in Kano yesterday, which is also to prepare for the 2015 edition of The Future Awards Africa (TFAA), as well as its 10th anniversary, the anchor of the event, Ambassador Emmanuel Gabari, urged participants to utilize the beneĂ&#x20AC;cial opportunities of the TCPâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s team visit. According to him, the objective of the town hall meeting, among others, is to harness and encourage young people who are successful in business, entertainment, corporate world as well as other sectors of the economy He also explained that the town hall meeting was to sensitize the target group on how to nominate or be eligible to be nominated for The Future Awards Africa (TFAA) 2015 edition. Furthermore, Gabari explained that it is a platform to motivate and celebrate successful young people in their community. Prominent among those in attendance at the Kano edition of the town hall meeting were several youths from all walks of life, which kicked oÍż with a welcome remark by the anchor of the event, Amb Emmanuel Gabari. He expressed excitement that Kano was one of the 10 cities selected by TFP for the town hall meeting, and charged the youths to be
inquisitive, so as to be adequately informed on how they can be part of The Future Awards Africa (TFAA). In his keynote address, the 9ice President, Innovation, Red Media, Mr Alex Yangs, highlighted the objective of the meeting, which included the mission and vision of The Future Project (TFP), which is to build a network of empowered citizens, who can transform the system, through leadership and enterprise. Earlier recipients of the awards, who were also alumni members took turn to speak with the audience and encouraged them to nominate themselves or alternatively a young person, who has been and still impacting on his/her community or other exceptionally and enterprising young people in Kano state for the awards. In her remarks, the Project Associate, Miss Bukonla Adebakin , who just returned from Gambia for a similar edition of the town hall meeting disclosed to the audience of an award category, known as The Ford Foundation Price for Youth Employment, with a 5,000 reward for any youth tackling unemployment, with positive impact in their communities. Some participantâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s questions focused on age for nominees of the awards, while there was also an interactive session on Education and Youth Employment, during which participants highlighted the declining standard of education, poor power supply, lack of good governance, economic recession among other issues militating against development in Africa.
Union commends senatorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s performance Nankpah Bwakan, Bauchi
he Bauchi State Union of Keke NAPEP yesterday thrown their weight behind Senator Ali Wakili and condemned those linking with anti-President Muhammadu Buhari senate group, saying Senator Wakili was the Ä&#x2122;rst starts campaigning for President Buhari with his money. Hundreds of the Keke NAPEP riders besieged major roads within the Bauchi metropolis, and were addressed by the state Deputy Governor Engr Nuhu Gidado. The Chairman of the Union, Alhaji Shaibu Garba said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;It was Ali Wakili that Ä&#x2122;rst painted cars with Buhari and his picture and erected billboards and printed posters carrying Wakili and Buhariâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s images with APC logo.â&#x20AC;? According to him, â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are surprise that some elements
are bent on pitching President Buhari against Senator Wakili but the question we are asking is that where were these same elements when Wakili was busying using his money to campaign for Buhari even when Buhari had not emerged APC Presidential candidate.â&#x20AC;? He said so far Senator Wakili has within the few months of his being in oÄ&#x153;ce, the senator has eÄ&#x203A;ectively represented the constituency, the state and Nigeria. Garba said they have no regret voting Wakili because he is representing them well in the National Assembly and that his election was the best thing that has ever happen to Bauchi State, saying the Bauchi South constituency would soon begin to enjoy the dividend of democracy as he will use his connection and popularity to aÄ´ract dividends of democracy to his constituency and the state.
Saturday, September 5, 2015
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Saturday, September 5, 2015
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 5, 2015
PMB’s 100 days: So far, so fair Mansur Oladunjoye, Asst. Politics Editor
igerians, particularly the political class will recall the March 28 presidential election with diͿerent nostalgic feelings especially when it was the Àrst time in the history of the country where an opposition party defeated the ruling party. The cause for this could be deduced from the promises by President Muhammadu Buhari and his party, the All Progressive Congress (APC) that was then desperate to assume oce, but felt that their candidate, Buhari, was already outgrowing his political relevance and the likely shame that may arise if the mega alliance that consumed over three political parties of equal weight – All Progressive Grand Alliance (APGA), Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN), Congress for Progressive Change (CPC) and other parties fails to win the election. In the process, both the President and his party amidst clamour for “change” made loads of promises with respect to what they would do to change the direction of the country and put it back on the path of stability and prosperity. When Nigeria pulled through the tension-soaked election, it regained her lost respect in the comity of democratic nations who had before then predicted a break up. Now that the presidency and government is 100 days in oce, some political pundits have ceaselessly submitted the need for Buhari to make the country work and sustain his international honour. They however expressed pessimism over Buhari’s ability to take the nation to the Promised Land, noting in particular his ‘refusal’ to name his full cabinet, declaring that such move has, of course, exposed the president as being unprepared for the job. Regrettably, Buhari’s recourse to the quibble that there is the need for caution in the choice of his cabinet so that only the best would be appointed is hardly convincing anymore. The danger the president has unwittingly exposed himself to by this delay is that when he names his team as promised this month, there might be suspicion that the appointees were imposed on him and not chosen on personal merit. Secondly, of the nine promises made as measures to prosecute the war against corruption, the President at the moment has only achieved the constitutionally-mandated pledge on his public declaration of assets and liabilities. Together with his vicepresident, he has also announced a 50 per cent salary cut. Buhari has not convinced governors or legislators to follow his example in reducing their salaries and it appears governors are declaring non-existent assets
with the hope of acquiring such assets while in oce. Nigerians have not seen meaningful steps being taken to fulÀl other campaign promises that are fundamental to winning the war against corruption. Nothing has so far been done to enact the Whistle Blower Act strengthen the Economic for Finance and Crime Commission (EFCC) and the ICPC through Ànancial and prosecutorial independence, as well as the presentation of the National Anti-Corruption Strategy and inauguration of the National Council on Procurement, as well as implementation of the Àndings of the Nigeria Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative (NEITI). Similarly, Nigerians have not seen any publicly known steps towards ending the insurgency that has turned the North-East into a killing Àeld. In his inaugural address, Buhari announced that the Command and Control Centre in the war against Boko Haram would be relocated from Abuja to Maiduguri, the main theatre of the war. He followed this up with diplomatic shuttles to Chad, Niger, Cameroon, the G-7 summit and the USA, to exact commitments and build consensus on how to defeat the insurgency. He later ordered the release of 21 million to the Multi National Joint Task Force Àghting Boko Haram. But over 1000 innocent Nigerians have been killed in several bomb explosions and attacks perpetrated by Boko Haram since May 29, 2015 when Buhari took oce. Nigerians are still waiting for the promised Marshal
Plan on insurgency, terrorism, ethnic and religious violence, kidnapping and rural banditry. And promises of state-guaranteed life insurance to security personnel, activation of regular meeting of the National Police Council, recruitment of 100,000 police ocers, creation of Local Government and State policing systems, to strengthen security capacity of the country all remain a far cry. It is safe to assume that the President is not on course to fulÀlling his campaign promises in his Àrst 100 days. Beyond these promises, however, the President needs to be reminded that the problems he has been voted into oce to solve cannot wait while he dithers. Nigeria needs to move ahead and very fast too. In various spheres of national life, a sense of urgency is needed, if not one of desperation. The country is in the throes of economic downturn that has spawned widespread unemployment, kidnapping, armed robbery, Boko Haram and other forms of insecurity. On the list of the national challenges are also the energy crisis, and even the absence of a clear-cut foreign policy. Even if Mr. President had to delay the appointment of others, Nigerians have been at a loss to understand why he delayed the appointment of some strategic members of his administration like the Secretary to the Government of the Federation (SGF), Minister of Finance, Attorney General of the Federation (AGF) and Foreign AͿairs Minister. The appointment of Engr.
Babachir David Lawal as SGF and Alhaji Abba Kyari as Chief of StaͿ to the President is belated and speaks directly to the lack of a palpable sense of urgency in the way the president has been going about his duties. Just as he named the Service Chiefs and the NSA, he also needs an economic team to Àght inÁation and calm the markets. It also does not inspire conÀdence that after the President requested and was granted Senate approval to appoint 15 Special Advisers, he has appointed only one. Buhari needs appropriate appointees to deal decisively with these issues. Nigerians cannot aͿord to watch helplessly while he runs the country with Permanent Secretaries. In fact, the President needs to be told that the Permanent Secretaries, nay civil servants, are part of the problems of the country in so far as they have been weaned on the routine of government that does not guarantee productivity, but rather breeds corruption. Owing to the absence of a team, there have been glaring mistakes, even if in procedure. For instance, the announcement of the removal of Ita Ekpeyong as the Director General of the Department of State Service and his replacement by Lawal Musa Daura who had been retired from public service should have been done by the SGF and not the Head of Service of the Federation (HoS) as was the case. While the SGF ought to deal with political appointments, the HoS should normally be concerned with civil servants. Even his decision to appoint governors to probe the NNPC raises fundamental questions about how much technical competence those governors have to undertake such a complicated task. More importantly, it is impervious of the governors’ responsibility in bankrupting their states. A situation whereby governors and state lawmakers award huge perks to themselves is deplorable, amounting to sheer robbery. Buhari urgently needs the right people around him to eͿectively pilot the aͿairs of the nation and cannot settle on an ad-hoc arrangement. Power abhors a vacuum. Buhari must learn from the failures of his predecessors and avoid such. The President must acknowledge that nations fail or succeed because of leadership, hence it is incumbent on him to lead from the front. As a president who campaigned and promised change, he must chart a trajectory of values in sync with the promise, values that are clearly diͿerent from those that have retarded the nation’s development. Within the period under review, Buhari’s appointments of kitchen cabinet have been greeted with extreme repugnance by leaders of the APC. Continued on Page 53
Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 5, 2015
Gov Abubakar, a disappointment – Bibi Alhaji Abubakar Bibi, a chieftain of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and activist said the people of Bauchi State are yet to feel the impact of the change which All progressive Congress (APC) under Governor Mohammed Abubakar promised during electioneering campaign. In this interview with NANKPAH BWAKAN, he said what the people have rather witnessed is looting of the state treasury and resources. He however commended President Muhammadu Buhari for tackling insurgency and on his stand on transparency and accountability. Excerpts:
s a citizen of the state who has been following events in Bauchi, what is your assessment of Governor Abubakar’s 100 days in office? Well, my own observation of the performance of Mohammed Abubakar is very poor. There is nothing tangible to show the electorate have benefited from his administration. There is nothing to show his impact in the state. We have not seen any change. Can you give more explanation? My reason is that first and foremost, I issued a letter to the State Assembly asking the lawmakers to investigate government’s loan of N4 bn, but they he said the approval came from the executive council; we all knew that
manifesto, they promised youth empowerment and skill acquisition. My surprise is that Government House receives N80 million monthly; so why can’t they provide the loan was obtained even street lights that will be on before the inauguration of from 6pm to 6am If you come the State Assembly. The loan in to Bauchi at night, you was obtained exactly on won’t know it is the state 11-06-2015 and there was is executive council up till date. capital. The performance of government in 100 days Ironically, the interest rate is zero as there are no of the loan alone is high and achievements. must be repaid in 12 months. Can you buttress the fact Imagine the interest rate is 20 that they utilize N80 m to run per cent and another one per the government House? cent management fee. If you The N80m is given the Chief calculate it, it amounts to over of Staff monthly and I have a 800 million as interest which copy to give you. It is public is bad for the government. fund and you have to explain According the governor, he how it is spent. According took over from the former APC manifesto, they said administration without they will enlighten the public anything. The repayment of on any spending. Yes and the loan is N370, 538,023.5 there is no request from any monthly deductions from of the ministries that there is the federation account an emergency in the state and which is very bad. Since why the loan is deserved to he came on board, there is be taken. So we don’t know no street lights in Bauchi what happened to the loan, streets. Bauchi is a nice it is just stated that there place to be. Even in the APC is urgent need for the loan.
We don’t know the urgent need for the N4billion loan. That is why we are asking the Assembly to investigate the deal. Why did the state government take the loan? Part of it was used to offset salary arrears. The governor admitted in an interview with one of the national dailies that civil servants showed him a secret account with some monies inside. He also said in that interview that he took the money from the secret account and paid salaries. He should come out and state clearly that civil servants showed him a secret account with which number, name of the bank and how much was found in the account that he used in paying civil servants salaries. Since the inception of this government, he has not redeemed one kobo for gratuity after obtaining the loan and the secret account. If he is serious, he should clear backlog of salary and the gratuity even if it is for just thirty people; then we can say that he done something appreciable, but as at now, there is nothing to show as his achievements. We understand that Governor Abubakar is your bosom friend; isn’t there any means you can suggest to him on how best to run the state? You see, when someone is in power, you cannot force him to heed your advice. If he requests for your advice, Continued on Page 50
Probe: NGOs commend ICPC over Okiro Mansur Oladunjoye, Asst. Politics Editor
he duo of Citizens Watch Nigeria (CWN) and Good Governance Project Initiative (GGPI), protransparency NGOs have praised the Independent Corrupt Practices Commission (ICPC) for a clinical and thorough investigation job which exonerated the Chairman Police Service Commission (PSC) and Former Inspector-General of Police, Sir Mike Okiro, of allegations of Ànancial wrong doing made by a turncoat staͿ of the Commission, one Mr. Aaron Kaase and commend Okiro for living above board.
The commendation was made in a recent press brieÀng in Abuja by Executive Secretary, Citizens Watch Nigeria, Omoba Kenneth Aigbegbele, and National President, Good Governance Project Initiative, Comrade Innocent Ebirim Okadigbo, both of whom further remarked that the investigation has turned out to be a blessing in disguise because Okiro is now conÀrmed a corrupt – free Nigerian, tested and trusted and a man of honour, integrity and impeccable character who should support President Muhammad Buhari in his anti-corruption drive. “As a matter of fact, PMB should rely on tested and trusted, honest and patriotic Nigerians like Mike Okiro to enhance the anti-
corruption project”, they added. Aigbegbele and Okadigbo asserted that they have been vindicated on their initial position in this matter when the allegation went viral in the social and print media; which pushed them into investigation and discovered that the allegation was not only a hoax and ill-motivated, but false and baseless. CWN and GGPI urged the media to be vigilant and not be hoodwinked by unscrupulous and devilish elements in the society to malign the good name and integrity of honest, hardworking and patriotic Nigerians and refrain from publishing falsehood against any person as a proactive measure against defamation and
character assassination. The group urged both ICPC and Sir Mike Okiro to continue with their good work to the nation in repositioning ICPC and PSC respectively for eͿective service delivery to complement the actualization of PMB change agenda. CWN and GGPI urged the Management of PSC to immediately commence disciplinary actions against Aaron Kaase for making false information against a public ocer and for an act unbecoming of a public ocer which are scandalous misconducts prohibited by Public Service Rules and other extant laws in the country as a deterrence against spreading malicious and wicked falsehood.
Saturday, September 5, 2015
Showdown in Dar-Es-Salaam
Temile: Eagles â&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll overrun Tanzania Maikaba blames Wikkiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s loss to Rangers on fatigue >>Pg.18
Chelsea fans get first look at new home
Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 5, 2015
Maduabuchi Kalu 08080669826
League Watch
Maikaba blames Wikki’s loss to Rangers on fatigue
ikki Tourists coach, Abdu Maikaba, has blamed his team’s disappointing 0-2 loss to Rangers International FC in Enugu on Wednesday to fatigue. Maikaba told npĚ.ng shortly after the game he targeted at least a point in the match day 27 ęxture in the Glo Premier League. “We came here to get a good result, at least a draw, but that was not realistic, given the fatigued nature of the players.” “We travelled for several hours on the road and got here (in Enugu) really tired. We gave a good account of ourselves. The liĴle time we had to prepare for the game, aěected our plans,” he said. The former Kano Pillars handler further told npĚ. ng, he is positive when a good number of the team’s regulars return to action by match day 28, the Bauchi side will intensify their quest for a continental ticket. “We are presently without four of our regular starters, but I
I’ll quit coaching after lifting 2015 Federation Cup – Tenger
obi Stars coach, Justin Tenger has announced he will bring to an end his long coaching career at the end of the season. Tenger, who is arguably Nigeria’s oldest serving coach, joined the Pride of Benue for the fourth time in February 2015. He came out of a season-long sabbatical leave after parting ways with Akwa United in 2013. The Benue-born gaěer has previously coached at Kwara United, Niger Tornadoes, Wikki Tourists and Gombe United. He vowed to leave the coaching scene on the high by celebrating this year’s Federation Cup with Lobi. Lobi Stars will face Akwa United in the ęnal of the 2015 Federation Cup and the Pride of Benue trainer has set his sight on winning the title as as a valedictory. “Well, on what I’ll intend to do at the end of the season, I’ve ęnally
decided to retire from coaching. I think the time is right for me to give room for upcoming coaches to take over the terrain,” Tenger said . “But my target to retire will be winning the Federation Cup with Lobi. I want to celebrate my retirement with the FA Cup. “In case people don’t know, I’ve always come to Lobi for a rescue mission. I’m happy we are doing well on our survival and still on course to get more points to keep us safe,” he said
NATIONAL LEAGUE NEWS believe by the time they all return in the next few days, we will have a balanced squad capable
of pushing for a top-four ęnish,” he added. Wikki Tourists host relegation-threatened
Akwa United at the Abubakar Tafawa Balewa Stadium, Bauchi on Sunday.
MFM, Plateau Utd celebrate promotion
Isiaka: Dolphins keen on topflight survival
olphins’ midęelder, Olawale Isiaka says his side is focused on geĴing vital results that will keep them in the Nigeria Professional Football League. The Port Harcourt based team bowed 1-0 against Lobi Stars on Wednesday and are ranked 18th on the log with 27 points. According to him, the Pride of Rivers will not give up on their chase to remain in the Nigeria topĚight next season. “We have to put behind us the defeat in Taraba, even though our aim was to win. We have taken it in good faith and we are prepared to beat Bayelsa United,” Isiaka told Goal. The former Kwara United midęelder admits he is sad about
his club’s position and insisted the 2012 title winners don’t deserve struggling for survival. He blamed their predicament on failure to ground out results at home against visitors, but
however appealed for understanding and support from their fans. “I’m not too happy, but I think it can happen to any team or anybody. I strongly believe our hard work and prayers will
see us through,” he continued. “Dolphins are too big to be in this our current position. Notwithstanding, everyone is working hard to make sure we get the team out of our current position.
t was celebrations galore in the past week as MFM FC and Plateau United secured their tickets to the Nigeria Professional Football League. Lagos based MFM owned by the Mountain of Fire and Miracle Ministry gained a place in the elite division despite bowing to Bendel Insurance. John Kim’s lone strike ensured Plateau United beat Kogi United at the Rwang Pam Stadium to book a return to the NPFL after ęve unsuccessful aĴempts. Niger Tornadoes also secured their topĚight return with a league game to spare following a 2-0 home win over Mighty Jets at the Bako Kontogora Stadium beating Gombe United, ABS and Mighty Jets to the top spot in a seven-
team race. In 2012, the Minnabased outęt were relegated from the country’s elite division after a ęnal day 1-0 loss to then NPFL campaigners Rising Stars. However, goals from Yakubu Alfa and Samson Adeyemi on Sunday stamped the Coach Abdullahi biěo’s men topĚight return after three years. NPFL Week 28 FIXTURES 6th September, 2015
FC Ifeanyi v Taraba Giwa FC v Enyimba Dolphins v Bayelsa El-Knm v Lobi Stars Wikki v Akwa United Heartland v Rangers 3SC v Sunshine Nasarawa v Wolves Kwara Utd v Abia W. Sharks v Kano Pillars
Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 5, 2015
Sports/EURO League
Ideye arrives to flashbulb fanfare ...as West Brom flop seals move to Olympiacos
est Brom striker Brown Ideye was greeted by the Ä&#x161;ashing of photographerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s cameras as he arrived in Greece after completing his move to reigning champions Olympiacos. The Baggies signed the Nigerian striker from Dynamo Kiev for a club record ÂŁ10million last summer but decided to cut their losses after a
return of only seven goals in 31 appearances in all competitions. The deal for the 26-year-old was Ä&#x2122;nalised in time for him to be registered for the Champions League campaign. Ideye is set to make a swift return to England as Olympiacos tackle Arsenal in the group stages. The Nigeria
internationalhad been set to sign for Qatar-based club Al-Gharafa on the Ä&#x2122;nal day of the January transfer window, only for the deal to fall through. Ideye then neÄ´ed four times in his next three appearances for the club. But his only appearance this season was in last weekâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Capital One Cup clash with Port Vale, when he was substituted after 57 minutes.
Rooneyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s son meets his idols
Mummyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s boy Martial enjoys home-cooked meals
e may have a famous footballing father, but Kai Rooney went Barcelona-mad as he spent time with some of their biggest stars last weekend. Wayne Rooneyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s oldest
son looked the part as he wore his Barca shirt while meeting some of his heroes. The Ä&#x2122;ve-year-old had his picture taken with Lionel Messi, Luis Suarez, Neymar and former Manchester United defender Gerard Pique.
And Coleen took the time to thank the stars and in particular Pique for arranging the meet-andgreet opportunity. She tweeted: â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Brilliant weekend in Barcelona!! Thanks @3gerardpique, Kai had the best time ever and is a very lucky boy!!â&#x20AC;&#x2122;
anchester United spent ÂŁ36million on Anthony Martial but supporters are forgiven if they do not know much about the 19-yearold France starlet from Monaco. Martial prefers to stay in, enjoys home-cooked meals by his mum, is a television addict and likes to relax with his family following training sessions and matches. The striker is married to childhood sweetheart
Samantha and the couple have an infant daughter named Toto. They are currently expecting their second child. Martialâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s transfer fee, which could rise to ÂŁ58m with bonuses that include him being named European Footballer of the Year, made him the most expensive teenager in history. Mrs Martial posted a pictured of her husband with a Manchester United shirt on Instagram, saying: â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;A new life begins in England ... we will never
forget Monaco ... thank you all for your support.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; She has already been making WAG connections in England, within hours of Ä&#x161;ying to the UK. Mrs Martial was told to â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;step on itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; by Aston Villa midÄ&#x2122;elder Jordan Veretoutâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s partner on Instagram. The Paris-born starlet has been dubbed the new Thierry Henry but, just like any other teenager, has a love for video games, including FIFA, and TV shows such as Dexter.
Chelsea fans get first look at new home D V F O X E X QYH L O P R G H O R I 6 W D P I R UG % U L G JH
ereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s some encouragement for Chelsea fans reeling from their sideâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s dismal start to the season ČŻ a Ä&#x2122;rst glimpse of their proposed new stadium. This model of the planned 60,000-capacity ground is on display at Stamford Bridge. It is the dramatic centrepiece of a second consultation with local residents and fans, as owner Roman Abramovich pushes ahead with his ambitious vision for a ÂŁ500million stadium Ä&#x2122;nanced by him as a separate entity away from Chelsea FC business. Chelsea would need to move to a temporary home â&#x20AC;&#x201D; most likely Wembley
â&#x20AC;&#x201D; for three seasons while Stamford Bridge is rebuilt. The Barclays Premier League champions hope to start work towards a 60,000seat Stamford Bridge within nine months and submiÄ´ed details to the local council
earlier this month. Strategic planners AECOM say they hope work would begin on the project from May 2016 before leaving Stamford Bridge for the Ä&#x2122;nal three years of the overhaul.
Bale jets back to Wales on a private plane
here was no rest for Gareth Bale last Saturday night after his starring role for Real Madrid as they thrashed Real Betis 5-0. The forward struck inside two minutes at the
Bernabeu, before neÄ´ing again in the 89th minute after a brace from James Rodriguez either side of a Karim Benzema header. But with the international break looming, Bale was straight oÄ&#x203A; to Wales after
the game as he prepared for the upcoming Euro 2016 qualiÄ&#x2122;ers. Wales currently sit top of Group B and Bale has starred as they have gone unbeaten in their Ä&#x2122;rst six games, winning four and drawing two.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 5, 2015
Showdown in Dar-Es-Salaam
Temile: Eagles ’ll overrun Tanzania MARK OGAGAN
igeria exinternational, Clement Temile, is tipping Sunday Oliseh to win his maiden game as Super Eagles coach when the team takes on Tanzania in an Africa Cup of Nations qualięer in Dar-Es-Salaam on Saturday. According to Temile, who heads the Concerned Group of former players, the crucial Group G showdown will be a good testing ground for Oliseh, whose appointment had been criticised because of his lack of international coaching experience. “It is no doubt a good chance for him to prove doubters wrong, but even more important; Nigeria needs to win the game to be on the driving seat. “It’s going to be a very diĜcult tie because Tanzania lost their opening game in Egypt and will be anxious to redeem their image in front of home fans, but I can bet my last dime that Super Eagles will carry the day,” Temile said. Nigeria will be captained by CSKA Moscow star, Ahmed
Musa after team skipper Vincent Enyeama, who lost his mother during the week, excused himself from the encounter. This, Temile insists, will not deter the Eagles ‘as their hunger and passion’ to win in Oliseh’s ęrst game in charge’ will be key. “I agree that Enyeama’s absence could aěect the team in a way, but we mustn’t forget that the coach is new, and regardless of whoever is missing out, the players will be driven to achieve success in order to be considered for the next match,” Temile noted further. Meanwhile, Musa will be wearing the captain’s armband for the second time, having captained the team during the friendly game against South Africa last March. Pundits have viewed this weekend’s game as a must-win for Nigeria, as one team qualięes outright; assuming a split decision over both legs between Nigeria and Egypt, the 2013 African champions must beĴer the Pharaoh’s results over the other two teams in the group. Reports from DarEs-Salaam say the Taifa
Stars, who are gunning for their ęrst appearance in the Nations Cup ęnals in 35 years, did their ęnal preparations in Turkey for a weeklong camp which started on Monday. According to reports from Kartepe District, Kocael Province in Turkey, 21 travelled with the team and are in good condition for the Nigeria test. Led by head coach Charles Boniface Mkwasa. A win for Tanzania could throw Group G wide open as Egypt also engage Chad in N’djamena. A blow for Nigeria’s aĴack is the absence of Gbolahan Salami, who was dropped from the squad due to the non-release of his international passport by the Norwegian embassy in Lagos. The player was scheduled to move to Norway for trials and the non-release of his passport by the embassy appeared to aěect his form, leading to his noninclusion in the squad. Salami scored when Nigeria beat Chad 2-0 on the opening day of the qualięers in Kaduna.
AFCON 2017 qualifier:Unleash our best on Tanzania, Obaseki tells Oliseh VICTOR ENYINNAYA
ormer ęrst Vice President of the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF), Chief Oyuki Obaseki has called on Super Eagles coach, Sunday Oliseh to ensure that he unleashes Nigeria’s best legs against Tanzania in today’s AFCON qualięer in Dar-Es=Salaam. According to him, the game is so decisive to the Eagles if the team must continue to nurse the ambition of being amongst the ęnal ęnalists for Africa’s premier biannual football summit. He insists that there is nothing that would hinder the former African champions from clinching outright victory in the baĴle of Dar Es Salaam if they take the ęght to the door step of their day’s opponent,. Truly, he informs; nothing else would be good enough if we must not work the tight rope this time around in the qualięer. ‘’ The match is a must win for the Nigerians. It’s only such result that will give us the encouragement to face the rest of our opponents in the group squarely. This game will also oěer the side the needed conędence as we gear towards taken headlong the impending threat of Egypt. The players in all honesty brace up decisively and face the task ahead without any sign laxity whatsoever,’’ he advised.
Obaseki believes that the leadership of the NFF must have done its home work well in relation to this game by ensuring that the players and their crew are heavily motivated for an optimum performance. Their spirit must be all time high for this now or never encounter. No distraction, It is when such is done that they will go all out in the ęeld of play to do what they knew best, he insists. He urged Oliseh to ensure that he would involve a water resistant match plan that would hold the invaders at distance and let the Eagles play their game so as to achieve their target. He commended the NFF for their well tailored traveling arrangement that
would give the players all latitude to be well conditioned for the all important game. ‘’This is the game that would restore the pride of the Super Eagles. It is on that ground that all hands must be on deck to ensure victory. If out of carelessness we drop a point in this game, it will aěect the team in the rest of the qualięers of the group. It is my fervent belief that the key players that it is their duty to give us this game are aware of its value. It is only when such is understood that we can beat our chest for this Tanzania duel,’’ The former chairman of Nigeria Professional Football League added
that much has been said on under rating the host team and over conędence of our boys. There is no doubt this match will not be one sided one as the homers will come out smoking in their bid to threaten the Eagles foundation. The Taifa Stars will no doubt come out for an upset. However, if the Eagles could hold them tight against the run of play, handle them with maturity; nothing will be between the Nigerians and victory. It won’t be a tea party as there is no push over in football today, even with their home advantage. ‘’ I still have the unĚinching belief that the Sunday Oliseh tutored lads will beat their host, if they work hard for it.
Martins, Enyeama, jostle for King of Sports Award Martin Odiete
uper Eagles captain, Vincent Enyeama, CSKA Moscow star, Ahmed Musa and former Super Eagles striker, Obafemi Martins have been nominated for the award of the king of Nigeria sports. The award that is been put together by FABPAN Awards is meant to recognize and appreciate Nigeria sports men and women who are doing so well in their ęeld and have done well in the past. The women category of the Queen of Sports award will be contested by
Nigeria women football star and BBC women world footballer of the year player, Asisat Oshoala and Nigeria based women 100meter champion, Ese Brume. Also, three time Nigeria Premier League champions,Kano Pillars is billed to receive a special award for their feet in going two hundred matches at home without defeat. There will also be honorary award for past champions in Nigeria sports and leading the pack in that category is former Africa 100meters champion, Mary Oyali.
Others in that group are former Falcons Chief Coach, Eucharial Uche, former Olympic gold medalist, Chioma Ajumwa, President of Nigeria Basketball Federation, Tijani Umar and several other dignitaries from other works of life. According to the Chief Executive OĜcer of the organization, Romanus Osang, he said the idea for the award is to appreciate Nigerians who are doing well in sports and also to have a way of playing a part in the development of sports from the grassroot level.
Saturday, September 5, 2015
Saturday, September 5, 2015
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Saturday, September 5, 2015
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Saturday, September 5, 2015
Saturday, September 5, 2015
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Newswatch Times -Tradition T diti built b ilt on Truth T th
Vol. 01, No. 45
Saturday, September 5, 2015
Celebrating C Celebrati Ce e ing women off substance
My husband led me to Christ -Tope Alabi, gospel artiste
26 My Love
Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 5, 2015
Tope Alabi aka Agbo Jesu is a multi-platinum recording gospel singer, composer and actress. Alabi, who was formerly a member of the Jesters International Comedy Group, has worked with a number of popular theatre groups in both Ibadan and Lagos. However, multi-talented Alabi became a gospel musician after she became a born-again Christian. In this interview, the lady evangelist cum musician spoke on her career, marriage and growing up. Excerpts:
ow was your growing up? I come from Imeko in Ogun State. Imeko is a notable town in the Egbado area of Ogun State. It is the home of the late founder of the Celestial Church of Christ, Prophet Bilewu Oshoffa. My immediate family consists of seYen siblings ¿Ye males and two females. My elder brothers are reverend fathers in the Catholic Church. However, I chose to be different. What was the attraction into music? I ventured into music due to a prophecy that dates back to my birth. My mother who was given the message can tell you more about that. It has been an eventful and interesting journey I must confess. I do sound tracks for home videos; I can’t count how many home videos I
have done sound tracks for to date. It all began when I went for a recording and met my future husband, Mr. Alabi. He was a producer at Nicholas Studio in Lagos. After each session, he would praise my ability to sing and urge me to give professional singing a trial. This encouragement continued for a while and before I knew it, I found myself yielding to him and I got hooked to the idea. What I didn’t realize then was that he was leading me not only to sing, but to also sing for Jesus Christ whom I knew little or nothing about then. Due to my playful nature and my adventurous spirit, I also went into drama. I joined late Ishola Ogunsola Theatre Group then at Ibadan. Then Ogunshola was popularly known as I-Show Pepper in drama circles; I was involved in dancing, singing and acting. I remember that I played
the role of a noise maker in the ¿rst stage play I took part in. After this, other roles followed and I became established in the group. Later, I went into television with Jacob and Papalolo, two notable comedians on television in Ibadan those days. One role I played which I will always remember was that of an old woman in Taloji Koko Arugbo (Who Stole The Pot Of An Old Woman). All together I spent 18 years on stage and television. And when I later came into home video, I did not disappoint in that area as well. By the time I left, I had appeared in over 22 home videos. Which do you think is more challenging, VWDJH RU ¿OP" There is a wide gap between the stage, home video and television production and presentation. In those days on stage, we had no scripts
My Love 27
Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 5, 2015
to work with. The director and writer of the story in most cases was the leader of the group. My own leader, I-Sho Pepper, usually told us the story, gave out parts to be played before rehearsals commenced. There was usually no script for anyone, so you had to fall back on your creativity and this brought out the best in talented artistes. Stage drama, script or no script is for people of sound intellectual ability where they could choose medicine or engineering, they would still excel. The same approach applies to live television drama. It is a live show and thousands of people are watching you at home, so there is no room to mess up. However, when it comes to recorded productions, the reverse is the case; you can record a scene several times just like in home video until the director achieves exactly what he wants to project. The two formats; home video and recorded television programme are less demanding on the artiste, the director and the entire production crew. But for me, any day and any time, I prefer stage productions; this is where the boys are sifted from the men. What I mean is that this is where you know and identify true and gifted artistes. Most professional artistes do not like to appear in home videos because they see it as climbing down
the ladder from their professional heights. However, living condition in the country has forced people to do anything to survive; the stage is much more re多ned and professionally demanding than 多lm. +RZ GLG \RX 多QG &KULVW" While Mr. Alabi was pushing me towards professional music, I did not quite understand the other area of life he was also talking about; I was carried away by the glamour of going into professional music. It was much later that I realized that he was talking about my accepting Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Saviour with a view to making my music pro多table and impactful both for me and my audience. I got to know Jesus through this wonderful producer. He not only led me to Christ, he also succeeded in putting me under his roof as his wife and I have no regrets today. He who has called me to serve Him is ever faithful and reliable. $UH \RX D SUHDFKHU RU JRVSHO PXVLFLDQ" I am not a preacher, but a gospel musician. People who choose to call me preacher should know that my lyrics are dictated to me by the Holy Spirit; I only write what the spirit dictates to me, He gives me the words and even the melody to play. Since I have accepted Jesus as
C ArO inVOMy L EluRw ove o> ...
P>G PG. 2255-3280
Continued on page 28
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THE TEAM Published by
Newswatch Times Ltd. Publisher
My husband not only led me to Christ, he also succeeded in putting me under his roof as his wife and I have no regrets today
Society Editor
tunde ESO
qismat YINUS Production Editor
taiwo BERNARD Head Graphics
olukayode OGUNJOBI Graphic Artists
henry ENEGEDE/ chinwe DURUEKE
Newswatch Times, Satruday, September 5, 2015 Tunde Eso e-mail:tundeeso@yahoo.co.uk 08057482794
God has used me as His vessel my Lord, what else could I do but obey the Spirit of Christ? I also play at parties and it is not just for the sake of making money, but for the opportunity to sing about my Jesus. However, I am selec¬tive about the kind of parties I play. Your husband is also said to be very supportive of you and your career… Oh yes, and that is part of the doings of God that are marvellous still in my sight. We met on this job and honestly, I never thought we were going to be married. We were just working partners, but as God would have it, we are husband and wife today and still working together. Like I said, this as well was prompted by God just to make a success out of me. I give Him all the glory. How did you meet your husband? He was working at Decross (record label) as a Senior Engineer and I used to go there to produce soundtracks for Korede Films. That was how we met. He was a studio rat. He worked anywhere in
the studio. He never went out of the studio. He was such a tiny man when we met. But see him now, I have packaged him. He has also packaged me as well. I am more beautiful now. We met 19 years ago. We got married ¿ve years after. What was the attraction when you met him? I believe it was the plan of God for us to get married. Before he proposed, I never saw Soji as a man that had the standards I desired. Then I was a ‘big girl’ in the movie industry. I had experiences of many things in life. So imagine a man who was staying in one studio and working at all time asking me out! He was too gentle for my liking and his stature was not encouraging either. But I discovered that God’s purpose for our life must come to pass. I never knew that I would be a vessel in God’s hands. I never knew I had His grace in my life. I never knew God had planned that we would come together and do exploits in
His kingdom. I was just going about producing sound tracks for movies, not into any ministry. How did he propose? You see, he is this quiet and reserved person so his proposal was more of a ‘natural Àow’ than the rose Àower, candle light dinner or what have you. :DV LW ORYH DW ¿UVW VLJKW WR \RX" No, it wasn’t; the affection and love actually developed with the relationship. At the initial stage, I only saw him as just a friend and probably a working colleague, but
I guess the maturity in us and the steady relationship we had actually brought the love out of both us. $Q\ UHJUHWV VR IDU DV UHJDUGV \RXU PDUULDJH" No, not at all. To God be the glory, we have been able to contend and surmount any challenge we might have had, by His grace. Given another life, would you PDUU\ KLP DJDLQ" Why not? De¿nitely, I will.
At the initial stage, I only saw him as just a friend and probably a working colleague, but I guess the maturity in us and the steady relationship we had actually brought the love out of both us
Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 5, 2015
Fashion Extra e believ AYOB e l t p n peo mea y l l a n r o e . ev s ar e wr ong r e s k i a sne es. T his r ladi uys. o f g t r n o a f which o me s s r l a a e e ar of w ould They a lot and w UH e r s r a e eak UH D There ith sn RXWĂ&#x20AC;W +H w o g H h one can RQ WK kers whic Z R Z snea ORRN s. les of p m ar ket a m ex n i pt for can o LLO AMI BE
Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 5, 2015
Love Tips
Tunde Eso e-mail:tundeeso@yahoo.co.uk 08057482794
15 signs you are with the woman you should marry
1. She cares how your friends are doing. She knows all your friends by name and is genuinely invested in whether or not your roommate Kate gets together with that guy she likes because they would be so cute together and she wants her to be happy. 2. You can go on trips together and not ęght constantly. If you can survive being in a nightmare spa resort full of screaming children, no clean towels, and weak drinks with old pineapple on the rim without ęghting constantly, you have something preĴy amazing. 3. You still catch her checking you out. For no reason, really. She just thinks you are the hoĴest human always and is happy to let you know. 4. You share the same values. You both want the same type of relationship, you know where you both stand on having children, and your goals for the future are the same. If you want to work until you’re 90, so does she. If you want to retire early and eat only pudding for the rest of your life, she’s cool with that. 5. She loves bragging about you. To her friends, coworkers, everyone. Because she’s proud of you and thinks you are the coolest person she’s ever met. Her friends and roommates and coworkers know every liĴle thing about you before you even meet them. You’re basically like a boy band she’s obsessed with that she also gets to date. 6. You hear your friends complain about
their signięcant others and you can’t really relate. Just keep it to yourself that you and your girlfriend have fun staring at blank walls and she’s incredibly supportive and thoughtful and compassionate. Not the time to share that info. 7. She’s your biggest supporter. She believes you can do things even you’re not sure you can do because she has the utmost faith and conędence in you even at your lowest moments because she believes you are magic. 8. You feel comfortable planning things way, way in the future. You can buy concert tickets or book a vacation in advance without worrying if she’s going to break up with you or you’re going to break up with her before then because you trust her completely and she’s become such a part of you that your future together seems as certain as anything. 9. She makes sacrięces for you and you do the same for her. And she thinks nothing of it because she genuinely enjoys making sure you’re happy and you feel the same way about her. 10. She doesn’t try to change you. She knows every messed up, weirdo thing you do when you sleep and when you’re awake and when you’re tired and when you’re cranky, and she’s OK with all of it in a way that you weren’t sure anyone ever would be. Because you have a lot of weirdo stuě. 11. Your friends are really, genuinely happy for you. After suěering through count-
less drink dates and morning-after breakfasts with your horrible exes, your friends are so relieved you’re actually with someone who is as cool as you are because you’re truly right for each other, which is something they’d wanted for you for a long time now. It’s like seeing your really tall friend ęnd workable pants, but instead of pants, it’s a person. 12. You can be completely honest with her about anything. No maĴer how anxious or worried or nervous or scared you’re feeling, you know you can tell her anything at all and she won’t judge you. SȘxual fantasies, awkward illnesses, a ęght you had with your parents; anything. 13. She’s the ęrst person you want to talk to when something cool/funny/weird happens. You used to text your best friend all of this stuě but your best friend isn’t even mad about that because she’s so happy you’ve found someone you’re so close and connected with. 14. She indulges your guilty pleasures. She knows you love siĴing in track pants and eating an entire FunfeĴi cake, and not only totally accepts that, but sometimes she brings one home and lets you tear that shit up. 15. You want to protect her. Even though she totally doesn’t need protecting. It’s just an impulse because you love her so goddamn much.
Newswatch Times, Saturday September 5, 2015
he Apase Oganla (Authority) Alh. Tope Nautical is to launch his album titled â&#x20AC;&#x153;Run Townâ&#x20AC;?. the launch which will also feature Alhaji Alabi Pasuma the Oganla fuji will take place at Royal Suite Hotel, Obafemi Awolowo, Ikeja, Lagos. According to Tope, the album launch will be special in the sense that his fans will be treated to good music. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is going to be a big and glamorous launch. Everybody is aware of how I do my things. Also this album launchis dedicated to my fans all over the world. I really appreciate them. I also want to thank Oganla Fuji, Alh. Pasuma for his support; he has been so nice and good to meâ&#x20AC;?. The album according to Tope Nautical will be marketed by Abolore at Ogunpa, Ibadan, Oyo state, Danny at Alaba, Lagos, One-on-One Concept ,Olugbode market.
Tope Nautical set for album launch
he celebrity stylist and serial entrepreneur, Toyin Lawani stepped RXW ORRNLQJ JRUJHRXV DQG Ă&#x20AC;DZOHVV as ever in her new pictures as she attended Miss Charismatic Nigeria Event, Tuesday night. She is one of Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s popular fashion stylists and has always been a statement to fashion and style in the country and beyond. So no one was surprised about her stunning appearance and beauty. The mother of two who celebrated the 10th ELUWKGD\ RI KHU ÂżUVW FKLOG 7LDQQDK ERUQ on April 29, 2005, still looked ravishingly beautiful and sexy. Apart from been a statement for fashion, Toyin also owns a IDVKLRQ RXWÂżW QDPHG DIWHU KHU ÂżUVW GDXJKter called Fashion Empire.
Toyin Lawani steps out in lovely all-pink outfit
riday ,August 28, 2015 will forever remain green in the minds of people around Ejigbo, Lagos area, when the who is who in society gathered at Toly Palace Hotel and Event Centre near NNPC Depot, Ejigbo, Lagos to unveil the launching of the newest bitters herbal drink , Totomeleto. Oganla of Fuji, Alhaji Wasiu Alabi Pasuma led othe artistes that included Azeez Ayinde, Adebayo Jimoh and Alh. Amina Tijani to the venue, while the event was anchored by Alh. Adisa Bashiru Baba Gboin . It was a lively event and became electrifying when Oganla fuji mounted the stage. Alh. Rasaq Sikiru a business man from Ogun state was also present to add glitz and glamour to the event. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is a very good drink, though I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t need to advertise that, tasting is believingâ&#x20AC;? he said.
Pasuma, Baba Gboin herald Totomeleto
he glamour and the glitz that is associated with Nigeria Media Nite-Out Award that is in its 9th edition got its boom recently when it was announced by Shola Olugbemiro, Chief Excecutive Officer of the award, that the duo Hakeem Raheem and Amanda Ebeye will anchor the prestigious award nite. It was also announced that Orisha Femi, K, Solo and Terry G will also add spice and add glamour to the annual event. Okey Bakasi will be present at the show that is expected to have in attendance who is who in Nigeria entertainment industry. Meanwhile Rikardo Agbor and Jaye Kuti has both been chosen as the Most Friendly Actor and Actress of the Year 2015
Raheem, Ebeye to anchor Nigeria Media Nite-Out Award
ike yours reported last week that the marriage of actress Toyin Aimakhu is on slippery ground, another story has been added as the sultry actress and her hubby, Adeniyi Johnson have reportedly reconciled for the second time after their latest separation scandal. A source whispered to me that the actress has moved back into her matrimonial home in Obadore Area of Ajah, Lagos. It was reported last week that the actress stormed out of her matrimonial home in anger when she caught her husband flirting with a member of her staff. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Please you people should give them a break. Couples have problems and they settle and theirs is no exception. They are already trying to make peace,â&#x20AC;? revealed a Tripling source. When probed further, Adeniyi Johnson publicly confessed his shame via his Instagram handle and admitted he was caught flirting. Nollywood stars, Toyin Aimakhu and Adeniyi Johnson have been in the media for the past two weeks regarding their marriage crisis.
By AJIBADE ALABI e-mail: murphyaa_2007@yahoo.com
Ajibade Alabi 08023934887
t was a night of glitz and glamour last week at the Banquet Hall of Sheraton Hotels and Towers, Ikeja, Lagos when Culbeat Foundation under their executive director Mr. Adekunle Akintayo recognized the best Nigerian graduates and best WAEC student at their 6th annual Reward Nigeria Awards and Gala Night (RN2015). More than 20 students were awarded N50,000 gift from different universities across the country Korede Akinpelu was awarded best university graduate from University of Lagos having scored 4.96 for a 1st class degree in Chemical Engineering. Nkiruka Ozioma Ibeanu also emerged as the best graduating student from University of Nsuka with a 1st class degree having scored 4.48. Adeniyi Joseph Adesina also emerged the best graduating student from Alhamadu Bello University with 4.6 as a Chemistry graduate, Ugochinyere Nancy Obioha was also a joint best graduating student from University of Ibadan. She scores 6.8 out of 7. She studied Industrial Chemistry. All the graduates are from 2013/2014 set. Meanwhile Nigeria Turkish International School had the best WAEC result in Nigeria this year.
RN awards best Nigerian students
ollywood star actress, Jayeola Oluwakemi Kuti, is bereaved! She lost her father, Superior Evangelist Rufus Adisa Oluwale on Monday, 31st of August, 2015. The beautiful and sexy actress who spoke with yours truly on the night of the incident just came back to Nigeria from United Kingdom to attend to her bed-ridden father. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I lost my father this morning (Monday) to the cold hands of death after battling with sickness for many monthsâ&#x20AC;? Jaiye said in a short conversation with yours faithfully. The 8-days burial will be done on Tuesday, 8th of September, 2015 at Ikorodu. Lagos.
Jaye Kuti loses father
uring North Westâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s recent holiday in St Barts, the two-year-old matched her mumâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s beach style in a mini version of pregnant Kimâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s black bikini. The cute toddler was seen building sandcastles with Kim, 34, on the beautiful beach, enjoying some one-on-one time with her mum during the Kardashian-Jenner family vacation. The simple white-trimmed swimsuit was given a twist, with an assymmetric top, while Kim had styled her daughterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hair into a top knot. Nori was still sporting the gold tattoo transfers which she had been rocking all holiday, matching her cousin Penelope, Kourtney Kardashianâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s middle child. Kim meanwhile was also in a black bikini, with her halter-neck top and tie-side bottoms showing off her famous curves and blooming baby bump.
Pregnant, Kim Kardashian and daughter step out in matching bikinis
Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 5, 2015
Toyin Aimakhu moves back to matrimonial home
Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 5, 2015
More Tripping...
Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 5, 2015
Qismat Yinus 51
Pastor Tunde Bakare’s daughter weds
astor Tunde Bakare gave out his first daughter, Bunmi in marriage to Olaoluwa Fabode on Aug. 29th in Lagos. Oby Ezekwesili, Dr Joe Odumakin and others graced the event.
Nigezie Boss, Kwame hosts Laide Bakare
igezie Tv boss, Kwame hosted actress Laide Bakare in an evening tagged “Laide Bakare and Friends” at his Uptown Lounge and Bar in Lagos. Some of her colleagues were also there to celebrate with her.
Serena Williams launches sneakers, ‘The Greatness Collection’ with Nike
Serena Williams ennis greatest player e to produce 3 ik has partnered with N in their ‘Greatness ed sneakers to be includ e named the ‘Nike ar rs ke Collection.’ The snea Roshe LD-1000# and e Air Max 1 Ultra, ‘Nik e. NikeCourt Flar
Taiye Currency storms Ikorodu, as Saala celebrates Orunmila day
e are yet to appreciate the uncommon gift that Eledumare bestowed on us; we are ignorantly enriching the economies of foreign countries by believing in what they told us concerning their own culture, yet we have left our own to rotten away. This was affirmed by Oba Olamilekan Ifayemi Saalaa, Ogboni Agbaye, at the celebration of the Holy Orunmila Congress held 28th to 30th August at Saalaa Wonderland, Imowo Kekere, Ikorodu Lagos State. According to him, Africans in general willingly obey and respect what other countries told them about their culture and indirectly boosting their economy. You can imagine how much they generate during Mecca and Jerusalem pilgrimages annually.
Newswatch TImes, Saturday, September 5, 2015
STAR STYLE - Toyin Lawani Qismat Yinus
CEO of Tiannah Empire and fashion consultant, Toyin Lawani is undoubtedly one of the most stylish celebrities in Nigeria at the moment. The creative celebrity stylist knows just how to step out in style, as she never ceases to impress on red carpets. Check out some stunning photos of the pretty mother of two as she shows us just why she is regarded as one of the most creative stylists in Nigeria.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 5, 2015
Celebrity Chat
Babatund e Omidina popularly successfu known as l comedia Baba Suw n also kno e is a home vide w n f or his exp os. He is lo it still argua s in Yorub comedian bly the m a of his time o s t p o p u . la In r Yoruba this chat, and other he spoke a issues. bout his c areer
y we know you sir? I hail from Igbgogbo, Ikorodu, Lagos State, but born and bred on the Island. My father was an average Nigerian who was into trading of eye-glasses and my mother was a trader. I am the only child of my mother, but my father had three wives. I dropped out of secondary school when I was in form four. Growing up for me was tough, but fun. I enjoyed every bit of it because I was quite mischievous. As a teenager, I didn’t really know the importance of education, but thank God, I am managing well. I am also a different person from what you see on screen; a quiet and easy-going person. At what age did you start acting?
I started acting at 18 years when I dropped out of secondary school; I was in form four then. I developed the passion for acting when Baba Mero and his group visited children boarding schools in Osogbo to act. After watching them, I got drums and other musical instrument, picked some guys in my street like Mu¿tau Ilumoka, Sola Taiwo and a host of others and formed a theatre group. And that was what metamorphosed into the brand ‘Baba Suwe’ today. Do you mean you never went for any training in acting? No, I didn’t and I was not trained by anybody. I was born with the talent of putting smiles on faces, so I really did not need any training. I am a
Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 5, 2015
Celebrity Chat
special specie created by God. :KDW ZDV \RXU ¿UVW PRYLH" I did not start with home videos, rather I started with the soap opera ³Erin keke´. My ¿rst ¿lm was “Omo Lasan” by Mr Obalende. But the ¿rst ¿lm I produced was “Baoku” in the 9 s. As a child, who were you looking up to? Then I wanted to be like Michael Jackson who was well known all over the world, but now I know better :KDW KDV DFWLQJ EURXJKW \RX" Acting has brought me many good things that I cannot say here. I do not think I would have done well in any other ¿eld.
LOVE -The major key (II) -
The Counselor Bimpe Onwuchekwa bimpechekwas@gmail.com
ove is a strong feeling of affection for somebody or something, especially a member of your family or friend or even a partner. Every one professes to have it, believe in it, because it cuts across geography, gender, tribe,age, race and all. It brings happiness in life; to love and be loved. Love is giving and forgiving. Reach out! Be a blessing. True love turns the world around for good. It turns words and feelings into positive action. Seize every opportunity to do something good for someone to show you love them. The less selfish you are, the more the favoured you become. Learn to show mercy, be good to people that are not even good to you. When you show love, you are showing God to the world. Sow seeds, learn to give your time, your money, and an encouraging word, meet a need. Don’t look out for immediate credit e.g. thank you. Learn to do some in secret, by remaining anonymous. Imagine what our world would be like if every person would find some way to do good to someone every single day. What would our cities be like, what would offices be like? What would school be like? That means we need to be proactive and lookout for opportunities. Who can I bless today, for whom can I do a favour? Is your heart sensitive or hardened or dead. It’s your heart that processes and displays how to show love, is yours made of flesh or stone. What type of signal does your conscience receive? Showing care to your partner, families, friends, the people around you, your community, country this will help with the world’s peace and harmony. The flourishing of your home/marriage is dependent on how much of love
attribute is put to useful links and also enables the progress and wellbeing of your families and friends. What fruits do you bear? It will cost you, strain you, inconvenience you, but you can still stay. For a youth, loving yourself is the first step into the Love terrace. Loving yourself creates an avenue to knowing the essence of life and it’s possible exploits. Loving yourself boosts your self esteem, improves the ability for discipline, reduces the tendencies for depression which sometimes leads to suicide, by valuing your life. Helps to also maintain focus on achieving set goals, by giving what it takes. Loving yourself helps to maintain your manners, value system, safety precautions, being law abiding and peace loving. Having secured the idea of loving one’s self, it becomes an easy ride to love ones household, ones community, ones country and loving God. Loving your household involves sharing the available resources appropriately among all, caring for everyone’s welfare, supporting others dreams, listening to the talks, discussions, heart aches, problems and happenings. Joining force to the accomplishment of each person’s goals, by giving energy support where necessary, contributing financially, advices and more. Loving your community essentially involves being ready to share, giving and forgiving. Sharing good thoughts, plans and idea on how to better the community’s hygiene, welfare, upgrade and outlook. Giving the tangible and the intangibles. Being able forgive easily without having to plan revenge and havoc. It also involves sacrifice, service rendering , values conservation, value for life and property, leading by example, compassionate discipline, peer grouping analysing and check, good sports man ship training and skills,obeying rules and regulations and more. Loving your country is about being ready to do much more than is being done for your community. This can be coined as Patriotism. Like obeying codes of conduct, example is traffic laws, being free from corrupt lifestyle, conscious contributions to the progress of the country. Picking an area of your strength, your talent, ability, gifts, passion and more.
The life of a couple must be saturated with love and affection. Love is the bedrock for every marriage or relationship. You are meant to give your totality to keep the union. Ones heart should be knit in commitment, dedication and understanding. Notwithstanding, the thriving relationship needs financial stability, maturity and quiver of wisdom. There are various ways one can express love,since love must be expressed for effectiveness. Let’s talk about the five love languages; words of affirmation, acts of service, gifts, quality time and physical touch. Words of affirmation is when complementary words, are used regularly to affirm ones love for ones partner. This goes for appearance, personality, gestures and actions. Being constructive at criticism, not being judgemental. Being appreciative and expectant. Acts of service talks about maximising every opportunity to offer assistance, anticipate your partners needs and doing things with him/her. Giving gifts is the most popular way people express and expect love to be expressed to them. Giving gifts on birthdays, anniversaries, valentines, Christmas, mother or father’s days, innovative occasions like welcome back, thank you, I’m sorry and so on. Quality time is about spending time together at different instances, sports, spots or locations or even playing games with one another. Love on the move, paying attention when you are together, taking time to communicate and sharing common interests and activities like watching movies, exercising together and more. Physical touch is the easiest device mostly used to express love. Involve hugs,kisses, pats, cuddling and sharing intimate moment with ones marriage partner can’t be over emphasised. Loving is as awesome as being loved. Don’t live in suspicion. Love is the antidote for fear. with love attributes you attracts people; everyone wants some approval. Do away with love poisons like selfishness, resentment, pride, anger, guilt, despise, lack mindset and hatred. We are at our happiest, when giving and loving . Be a giver not a taker. Release yourself, set yourself free, you are a love away from your miracles. Make a difference in your life and someone’s life today.
PAThis i G SAs for E
Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 5, 2015
Vice President, Prof. Yemi Osinbajo (SAN) and Dr. Akinwunmi Adesina after the swearing in of Dr. Akinwunmi Adesina as President of the African Development Bank, AfDB.
Former Governor, Ekiti State, Dr. Kayode Fayemi (2nd left); Head of Mission, Embassy of Nigeria in Côte d’Ivoire, Ambassador Ifeoma Akabogu-Chinwuba; Vice President, Prof. Yemi Osinbajo (SAN); Dr. Akinwunmi Adesina; his wife, Mrs. Adesina; Governor, Central Bank of Nigeria, Godwin Emefiele, Kano State Governor, Umar Ganduje; Taraba State Governor, Darius Dickson Ishaku and Vice President African Development Bank, Cecilia Akintomide, at the event.
Shows the Director, Admin and Human Resources, Deputy Governor’s Office, Lagos State, Mrs. Yetunde Odejayi, representing the Lagos State Deputy Governor, Dr. Ranti Adebule, with the Chairman, Ashmart Holdings Ltd Mr Tony Ashamu and the Chairman Board of Trustees, Ikeja Golf Club Dr Funsho Peters at the Dedication and Commissioning of Ashmart Super Stores, Ogunusi Road, Ogba, Lagos State.
L-R Shows The Wives of the Alafin of Oyo, Oba Lamidi Adeyemi, Ayaba Omo and Ayaba Folashade, with the CEO Ashmart Super Stores, Ogunusi Road, Ijaiye, Ogba, Hon Tony Ashamu (2nd right) his wife, Mary (1st Right) and the representative of the Lagos State Deputy Governor, Mrs. Yetunde Odejayi, the Director, Admin and Human Resources, Deputy Governor’s Office (M) at the Dedication and Commissioning of Ashmart Super Stores, Ogunusi road, Ogba, Lagos State.
L-R shows the immediate Past President Rotary Club of Maryland, Ikeja, Lagos Rotarian Dapo Ogunlola introducing his immediate successor, Rotarian Dr. Olufemi Akodu as the new Club President, to the delight of his wife, Dupe at the installation of the latter, held at The Events Centre, CBD, Ikeja, Lagos.
L-R Shows the Former Chief of General Staff, Lt. Gen Oladipo Diya (Rtd) with an Elder of the church, Elder Folorunsho Oladepo and an Elder Statesman, Senator Anthony Adefuye at the Conferment of Awards on worthy members of the United African Methodist Evangelical Church Cathedral, Abule Oja, Yaba, Lagos.
L-R: Inductee, Engr. Michael Makinde; Grand Patron, Christ Apostolic Church (CAC) Alapere Zone, Pastor Isaac Jesuwole and District/ Alapere Zonal Superintendent, CAC, Pastor Ezekiel Olu Adebayo, during the 10th annual anniversary and ordination of new Elders and Deaconess of CAC Deliverance District Alapere Zone, Lagos…last Sunday.
L-R: Chairperson, Anniversary Planning Committee, Deaconness Adetutu Oni; Director of Evangelism, Christ Apostolic Church (CAC) Alapere Zone, Lady Evangelist Elizabeth Shade Adebayo and Member, Anniversary Planning Committee, Mrs. Jessica Adeyinka, at the event. Photos: Bode Agbede
Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 5, 2015
3 39 is Th GE PAis for E L
L-R Banker Mr Ola Abraham with the Chairman Ashmart Super Stores, Hon Tony Ashamu, a relation Mrs. Funmi Ajibola and the Ashmart CEO’s wife, Mrs. Mary Ashamu at the dedication and Commissioning of Ashmart Super Stores, Ogunusi Road, Ogba, Lagos State.
L-R: Younger brother of the celebrant, Mr. Soetan Olatunji; Daughters of the celebrant, Mrs. Ayodeji Dorcas Oni; Mrs. Esther Oluwatosin Fashina; Celebrant/Chairman, Christ Apostolic Church Alapere Zone Lagos, Pastor Ezekiel Olu Adebayo; his wife, Evangelist Elizabeth Sade Adebayo; Son, Mr. Jeremiah Adebayo; Younger Sister of the celebrant, Mrs. Funmilayo Eshinlokun; Daughter, Victoria Damilola Adebayo and grand children during the 63rd birthday ceremony of Pastor Adebayo in Lagos…recently.
R-L Engineering Consultant, Engr Femi Ajibola, with Lagos State Deputy Governor’s Representative, Mrs. Yetunde Odejayi, The Oba Lamidi Adeyemi’s Oloris, Ayaba Omo and Ayaba Folashade Adeyemi, the CEO Ashmart Super Stores, Hon Tony Ashamu and others at the dedication and commissioning of Ashmart Super Stores, Ogunusi Road, Ogba, Lagos State. L-R: Grand Patron, Christ Apostolic Church, Alapere Zone, Lagos, Pastor Isaac Jesuwole; Celebrant/ Superintendent, Alapere Zone Christ Apostolic Church, Lagos, Pastor Ezekiel Olu Adebayo; his wife, Evangelist Elizabeth Sade Adebayo; Celebrant’s Younger Brother, Mr. Abraham Olufemi Adebayo and Younger Sister of the Celebrant, Mrs. Ogunro Elizabet Olukemi, presenting the key of a brand new Toyota 4 runner Jeep on behalf of all the siblings and children to the celebrant at the event. Photos: Bode Agbede
L-R Chairman Ashmart Super Stores, Hon Tony Ashamu discussing with Lagos State Deputy Governor’s Representative, Mrs. Yetunde Odejayi, The Director, Admin and Human Resources, Deputy Governor’s Office and Alafin of Oyo’s wife, Ayaba Folashade Adeyemi at the dedication and commissioning of Ashmart Super Stores, Lagos State.
L-R Newly installed President, Rotary Club of Maryland, Rotarian Dr. Olufemi Akodu, with his wife Dupe, the newly installed District 9110 Governor, Rotary International Rotarian Otunba Bolaji Onabadejo and his wife, Serah at the installation of Rotarian Dr. Olufemi Akodu as the President, Rotary Club of Maryland, Ikeja, Lagos at Ikeja, Lagos.
Mr. and Mrs Oluwasina and Oluwaseyi Oladeji were joined in holy matrimony recently.
L-R Immediate Past President Rotary Club of Maryland, Ikeja, Lagos Rotary International District 9110 with the Club Charter President, Rotarian Bola Oyebade officiating the presentation of the President, Rotarian Olufemi Akodu and his wife, Dupe, at the presentation of Rotn Olufemi Akodu as the President, Rotary Club of Maryland, Ikeja, Lagos held at The Events Centre CBD, Ikeja, Lagos.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 5, 2015
My Kitchen
Qismat Yinus
Talking Nutrition with CHIZOBA BENSON
0806.565.1922 (sms only) chizobanwobu@yahoo.com
Breastfeeding: Great health benefits for mother, child
How to prepare minced meat and Cabbage Stew
ome mothers do not like to breastfeed their babies probably because of personal reasons such as poor health status as a result of poor nutrition, psychological reasons like fear of not being able to produce more milk, anxiety about nursing in public or even the baby’s refusal to be breastfed. However, some mothers don’t like to breastfeed their babies because they erroneously think it may make their breasts sag quick. The breast milk contains tremendous health beneÀts (vitamins and minerals) that are very useful for the child’s wellbeing. Breast milk contains exactly the nutritional and protective components needed most by each baby at every stage. The colostrum is the Àrst pale yellow milk the breasts produce after child’s birth. It is very rich in antibodies. In fact, it is regarded as the baby’s Àrst immunization. Colustrum is rich in protein, minerals, salt, vitamin A, nitrogen, white blood cells, and certain antibodies, and has less fat and sugar. Colostrum helps to reduce the risk of jaundice, it helps a newborn’s digestive tract develop and prepare itself to digest breast milk. You may not be producing much, but each drop is packed with nutritional and protective components. Between two to four days, the breast produces “mature milk” which contains water, fat, carbohydrates, protein, vitamins and minerals, amino acids, enzymes, and white cells. Recent studies have shown that fatty acid in breast milk promotes the growth of a baby’s brain and retina and may even enhance cognitive development. Studies have also shown that breastfeeding is associated with a lower risk of the following diseases for the child: sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), lower risk of type 1 diabetes, gastro-intestinal (gut) illness, allergies, some childhood cancers, leukemia, respiratory tract diseases, obesity, asthma and urinary tract infections. And for the mothers, breastfeeding is associated with lowering risk of diseases in the female anatomy as it reduces the risks associated with gestational diabetes developing Type 2 diabetes; reduces the risk ovarian cancer and pre-menopausal breast cancer; reduces the risk of breast cancer to, assists the uterus return to its pre-pregnant state faster; reduces the risk of osteoporosis and can help women to lose weight after child’s birth. Studies have shown that “people that are breastfed hardly fall sick.” Research has shown that, “the secondbest feeding option, after breastfeeding, is breast milk supplied by a child’s own mother, followed by milk from a healthy wet-nurse or from a human-milk bank”. Consequently, researchers concluded in a recent issue of the Journal of Prenatal Medicine that “donor human milk is the preferred feeding when the mother’s own milk is not available or insucient in quantity.” Another mother could breastfeed another baby from a diͿerent mother without transfer of any infections and save the newborn’s life especially when the baby’s mother is sick or malnourished. There is breast milk transmittable bank where mothers who don’t lactate very well can get breast milk to feed their newborns. There is also no risk of infections because breast milk kept in the breast bank is usually screened to make sure it is free from HIV and any other transmittable infections.
inced meat and cabbage stew is a tomato based stew you’ll surely enjoy. It is also quite easy to prepare and goes well with boiled rice, Spaghetti, yam, plantain and the likes. Ingredients for Minced meat and Cabbage Stew - 1 small sized Cabbage - 300 grams boneless beef or Chicken or Corned beef - 5 large fresh tomatoes OR 400 grams tomato puree - 2 tablespoonful thick Tomato paste(optional) - 1 small scotch bonnet pepper/ atarodo(to taste) - 1 red bell pepper/tatashe(optional) - 1 onion bulb(chopped) - 100ml Vegetable oil - 2 stock cubes/2 tablespoonful seasoning powder - 1\2 teaspoon garlic powder(optional) - 1\2 teaspoon Thyme or Oregano - 1\2 teaspoon Curry powder Preparation A. If you haven’t done this yet, mince the beef or chicken or grind in a blender. B. Slice the cabbage to tiny strips, wash thoroughly with running water and strain in a sieve. 1. Heat up a spoonful of the oil in a small pot; add the chopped onions and garlic powder, stir-fry a bit and then add the minced meat. Stir-fry the mixture for 2 minutes or until it changes from it original color. 2. Now add a little water, add the sliced cabbage, thyme, curry, 1 stock cube and salt to taste. Mix well and leave to simmer for 3-5 minutes or until the meat is done. Put of the heat and set aside. 3. If you don’t have tomato stew, then blend the tomatoes and peppers
together;pour into a pot and dry out excess liquid from the tomato puree. Heat up the remaining oil in a pot, add the dried out tomato+pepper puree and fry a bit; then dilute the tomato paste with a spoonful of water and add to the pot. Mix well and continue frying for about 15 minutes or until the oil rises
to the top of the stew. Stir constantly to prevent burning at the bottom. 4. Now, add the meat and cabbage mixture, taste for seasoning and salt, adjust if necessary. Stir well and simmer for 5 more minutes. Put off the heat, serve and enjoy with boiled rice, fried plantain or any meal you like.
Saturday, September 5, 2015
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Saturday, September 5, 2015
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Saturday, September 5, 2015
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Saturday, September 5, 2015
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Saturday, September 5, 2015
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 5, 2015
Why Bayelsa people will re-elect me Gov – Dickson
About four months to the governorship election in Bayelsa State, Governor Henry Seriake Dickson, at a recent session with journalists, said although Bayelsa is a PDP stronghold, the forthcoming election is not about him or the PDP but about the dignity and pride of Ijaw nation, a people that have been humiliated at the Federal level due to its minority status. He also spoke on the gale of defections of some party members to the opposition APC in the state. Below are the excerpts:
our Excellency, it is common knowledge now that some governors are currently sweating it out running their states as a result of the dwindling revenue from Abuja. How are you coping in Bayelsa State? We are getting less than 25% of the allocation that we used to get when I started. So, almost everything that we receive goes to service the cost of running government, to the extent that for some months - three, four months, that I even don’t receive any allowance because that is a sacriÀce that we must make to enable us meet our basic obligations, Àrst to our workers. You cannot be owing workers and be paying contractors because they are politicians. That is wrong! That is unpatriotic! That is criminal! In any case, if someone is saying that he did a job and that we are owing and we can’t pay, is the man who gives you a job an enemy? It is ingratitude. As a matter of fact, what is going on in Bayelsa is political betrayal of the highest order. It is a harvest of ingratitude. All of them (defectors) are my contractors. All of them! And they didn’t come begging. We sent for them, that they are stakeholders, to support them. I have run a more inclusive government than any other governor I have seen in Bayelsa. As we speak, Alaibe has his own nominees serving in the government at all levels - commissioner level, special adviser level - all levels. I feel bad at what some of these people are doing, but it would not stop me from being good and nice, it just teaches me more about the capacity of human beings for ingratitude and for evil because individually, I have done nothing against any one of them. Individually, I have been good to each and to all of them. I have consulted them on government policies and decisions more than they would ever consult any other person. The picture they are painting is propaganda, just to justify their treachery and betrayal. If a man says I am owing you in this kind of economy, but the man who gives you a contract is not an enemy. Take for example, Stella Dorgu, when I left the House and became governor because as Chairman of AD (Alliance for Democracy) in the State, I made her a candidate; she didn’t even know the way to her ward as she had been in America for 30 years. When I left to become governor and my seat in the House of Representatives was vacant, I introduced her to her people for the Àrst time; and
against all opposition, I garnered support to send her to the House of Representatives. Now she wanted to go back to the House of Representatives and because the Senate position was coming to my local government and she expressed interest for the Senate, but the other gentleman is a better Senate material. Now looking back, I think we made the right decision in going with him because she has really brought out her true colours. If I were her, this is a time that she should have stood by me and by the party that
gave her the opportunity to go to the House of Representatives. Why is it that you faced serious opposition in your contests in 2012 and now 2015? Elections are political contests. What I managed in 2012 was even worse than the present situation. All my colleagues in the National Assembly, including my senator - Senator Lokpobiri - all of them supported Sylva and I weathered a lot of opposition. It wasn’t personal; it was all politics, ambition, political calculation.
That is why when I became governor, I worked with all of them. Take Senator Lokpobiri, my senator at the time I was contesting for governor. He never supported me. Now he wanted to go back to the Senate, but my people said no, you have done two terms, let someone else go. That is now a political oͿence. I wanted to be Senator, you didn’t support me. I wanted to go to the House of Representatives, you didn’t support me. I wanted to go to House of Assembly, you didn’t support me; therefore, I am going to APC. That is what is happening. So will you continue to keep nominees of those you call betrayers in your government? I have a large political heart. What I have managed in the last three years, the details will come out when I write my memoirs. It is only a politician with a large heart, a politician who has the grace of God and a politician who has experience and tact that could have survived what I went through. What I survived in the last three years from higher and more dangerous quarters is far more dangerous than all these decamping put together. So I am not moved because I am used to it. I am used to surviving tempests; I am used to managing storms. What I see as a personal attack from the APC will not scratch me. I managed in a state House of Assembly where I did not have one single member for three and a half years. All the members in the House of Assembly from 2012 when I took over till June this year were all put there by Governor Sylva. Yet with the incitements, with the conspiracies, with the impeachment plans from highest political levels. That should give you an idea as to our experience, our tact and capacity to manage tendencies. So what is your relationship with the former president, Dr Goodluck Jonathan, and his family? Very cordial! The former president remains my elder brother and my leader, and we are working closely. If there is anyone who believes and is supportive of why I should be re-elected, it is former President Jonathan. How were you able to manage the exFHVVHV RI WKH IRUPHU ÀUVW ODG\" I don’t know what you mean by excesses! <RX FDQ WHOO WKDW RͿ WKH UHFRUG I don’t have any oͿ the record! Under the above headline, on August 22, we wrongly published a story other than the intended interview. We have since realised the mix-up; hence we feel obliged to serve the interview.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 5, 2015
Gov Abubakar, a disappointment – Bibi Continued from Page 16
then you can oblige him. As long as he doesn’t request for help, who is going to help him? We are watching as activists and if the government is going astray, we have to inform the people and that is our job as members of the opposition party. Are you saying that government has not been truthful to the electorate? Yes. The government has been lying a lot. The governor has been broadcasting that he will pay all outstanding salaries. He went to Gubi Dam and Fire Service. Up till now, heaps of refuse still litter in the streets and has not cleared them. When you talk as a leader, your yes should be yes and your no should be no. You cannot continue to
dribble people. What in your opinion could be delaying appointment of commissioners? Well, for Abubakar, I don’t know why he is delaying the appointment of Commissioners and Special Advisers because by now, he is supposed to have an executive council in place. He lied to the people that he got approval from the executive council , whereas there is no executive council in place in the state. There is nothing in Bauchi. Do you agree that Jonathan government ought to be probed? Of course! Only that Buhari should probe Jonathan and not previous governments because it was Jonathan that handed over to him. In Bauchi, there are
accusations that this governor will be a traveling governor and this will adversely affect the fortunes of the state. Let me tell you, it is on record that our governors remain the most traveled governors in Nigeria. Yes, it is true. Let me be frank and honest, Bauchi state has been very unlucky with governors, right from 1999. That is, Ahmed Adamu Muazu, Isa Yuguda and this present governor. What I am saying is that the governors starting from Muazu to Abubakar are not stable in the state. There was a time we declared Isa Yuguda missing because for several months he was not in the state. So we asked if he was kidnapped and we announced in the newspaper that our governor was missing before he surfaced.
All of them were traveling governors. There is need for APC to make rules for their governors who absent themselves from the states they govern. They travel abroad a lot and they should be stopped. The people that elected them want them to stay and govern. I want to call on the recovery committee that was constituted by Governor Abubakar. I saw it in the papers that they have recovered 70 vehicles which were received from so and so. The money they recovered was from so and so. The money they recovered was from which of the aides. They have to give us details of how the recovery was done and who were those that returned the looted funds to state
government? Looking at the appointments made so far by the Buhari’s administration, the Southerners are already crying of marginalization, what is your view on thist? Yes by virtue of the man called Buhari, you know that he cannot appoint somebody who is not competent into his cabinet because of sentiments. You should observe he will dismiss anyone who is found wanting. I believe that he has the political will to do so. His records are very clear and if anybody is in doubt, then that person should check Buhari’s records. Why is your party silent in the state? We are not silent; we are just observing how things are moving. Things will bounce back very soon.
Ortom’s 100 Days: Matters arising 1 Godwin Akor, Makurdi
00 days ago, Governor Samuel Ortom assumed office as the fifth executive governor of Benue state. Precisely, he assumed office on May 29, 2015. There is no rule that says assessment must be made after the personalities must have clocked 100 days in office, but within the period under review, allocations have been received just as loans and bailouts have been secured by various state governments. Salaries are paid to workers just as other government businesses are being conducted. In the case of Benue State where Governor Ortom did not only meet empty treasury, but a debt of over N130 billion made up of arrears of salaries, debts in respect of contracts, bonds and loans, pension arrears and bank overdrafts, he has to decide on which of the debts he has to settle. With the worrisome condition of workers and pensioners that he met, there was no way the debts inherited could be said to be more important than the arrears of salaries and pension/gratuity which amounted to over N28 billion.
In order to tackle the problem, Ortom took a loan of N10 billion. Out of this money, he has used over N7 billion for the payment of May salary arrears of workers and monthly pension and the normal salaries and pension for the month of June, 2015. He explained that he would use the balance to run government and provide vehicles for top government functionaries, lawmakers and sort out problems of the Benue State University Teaching Hospital. As he was making these efforts, the Nigeria Liquefied Natural Gas, NLNG, fund of about N2.7 billion was given to Benue and he added some money from the monthly allocations for June and July and paid salaries and pension for the month of July. In addition to the N10 billion bank loan, Ortom obtained another loan of N5 billion for counterpart funding from donor agencies and Federal Government projects one of which the Mike Iordye Committee said was allegedly devastated by a government official who awarded contracts worth over N3 billion for water and sanitation and
unilaterally approved N100 million for supervision of the projects by himself. Since the state government has not explained how the N5 billion would be utilized, it would be too early for one to ask questions about the viability or otherwise of some of the projects especially those handled by the Primary Education Board, water and sanitation and so on. It is however pertinent to comment on the controversy generated by the Publicity Secretary of the State Chapter of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, Mr Godwin Ayihe, who alleged that Ortom jerked up monthly wage bill of workers from N2.7 billion
to N3.7 billion and asked him to explain how he utilized the allocations for the months of June and July 2015. Much would not however be said about this matter because the Special Adviser to Governor Ortom on Media Affairs, Mr Tahav Agerzua, had explained that full salaries as well as overhead costs were paid to workers and heads of ministries and extra ministerial departments. While it was stated above that allocation for the month of June and money from NLNG were used to pay July salaries, the governor or his aides would need to explain how the allocation for July was spent or is
to be spent. These issues are raised because of the transparency posture of the present administration. It is important to talk about the rescheduling of debts being owed by states and the bailout efforts of the Federal Government that are aimed at enabling the state government to tackle the problems of debts with ease. What I am saying here is that the Ministry of Finance or the Ministry of Information or Office of the Special Adviser on Media has been given additional responsibility of giving the media and the general public blow by blow account of monies that come into state coffers and how they are spent. Closely related to the issues mentioned above is that of internally generated revenue which should be made known to the people of Benue State on monthly or quarterly bases. A situation where the officer heading the Internal Revenue Board keeps mute for a whole year leaves much to be desired. The silent attitude gives room for speculation, so, it should be discouraged. Some people may say that 100 days is not long enough Continued on Page 53
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 5, 2015
Politics PMB’s 100 days: So far, so fair
Àrst appointments are Lawal Daura; the Director-General of the State Service, Amina Zakari, Acting Chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission, Mordecai Danteni Baba Ladan; the Director of the Department of Petroleum Resources, and Alhaji Ahmed Idris, Accountant-General of
the Federation, Others are Abdulrahman Mani, the President’s Chief Security Ocer, Mallam Abdullahi Kazaure, State Chief of Protocol, Lt. Col. Muhammed Abubakar, Aide-De-Camp, and Mallam Garba Shehu, Senior Special Assistant on Media and Publicity. Only Femi Adesina, the Special Adviser on Media and Publicity, from Osun State represents the SouthWest. Meanwhile, Nigerians have also reacted to the recent appointments saying the administration is dominated by Northerners. They however warned that, “Nigerians must feel secure and conÀdent in his (Buhari) leadership and although he has failed to live up to expectations in his Àrst 100 days, he still has golden opportunity to change the narrative.
underfunding. In fact, the newspaper needs total overhauling and injection of new blood considering the problem facing some of the staff who have been on the same salary and pension since late Moses Adasu was governor and restructured the organization. There is also the serious case of the neglect of Radio Benue which has always been threatened by flood. It is not enough for government teams to inspect flooded areas, it is necessary that action follows inspections. As the Commissioner for Works, Emmanuel Manger, inspects collapsed roads constructed by the immediate past administration and those not completed, one expects that he would make his findings known to the general public so that there can be inputs on what caused the problems that afflicted the roads. What about street lights that have completely collapsed? One thinks that Ortom can now initiate an alternative illumination arrangement since Suswam had said it was expensive to maintain the solar energy type. As Ortom settles down to work, he must not allow university staff salaries to be in arrears. If they must be in arrears, then, he must have a roundtable discussion with them so that they would understand the circumstances. A situation where the former governor and the lecturers at the Benue State University, BSU, had
several conflicts was not good, but one of the former governor’s policies that he should adopt which he has already adopted are the steps he, Suswam, took to ward off attempts to put Benue State under a subjugation. Ortom has introduced amnesty programme for those who have surrendered illegal arms, but some observers are saying hardened criminals may take the programme for a joke. Such observers say security agencies have the capacity to fish out criminals from their hideouts. According to them, security agents receive training in specific areas and so have maintained that no criminal can claim to be tougher than security agents. Anti-corruption crusader and former Police Commissioner, Alhaji Abubakar Tsav, has commended Ortom for being able to convince Mr. Terwase Akwaghza, alias Ghana, to surrender over 100 weapons under his amnesty programme. For Governor Ortom to take proper control of the security situation in the state, he has to reduce his frequent trips outside the state. This is because security issues may arise at unexpected times. It is hoped that after settling problems of salary arrears and pension/ gratuity, Ortom would begin to tackle the issues of major urban and rural roads which has led to the collapse of the economy of the state.
Continued from Page 15
Newswatch Times recalled that last Thursday, Buhari, according to a statement by Femi Adesina, Special Adviser to the President on Media and Publicity, approved the appointment of Babachir David Lawal from Adamawa State as the Secretary to the Government of the Federation as he also named Abba Kyari from Borno state as his Chief of StaͿ. Other appointments approved by the President, according to the statement, were those of Col. Hameed Ibrahim Ali (retd.) as the new Comptroller General of the Nigeria Customs Service; Kure Martin Abeshi, Comptroller General, Nigeria Immigration
Service; Senator Ita Enang, Senior Special Assistant on National Assembly Matters (Senate); and Suleiman Kawu as SSA on National Assembly Matters (House of Representatives). This has, however, triggered the ire of leaders of the APC, who in an interview with the media, said that
the appointments favour only the north, adding that President Buhari was already giving the party a bad name among Nigerians. Before last Thursday’s appointments, the President had also named only one Southerner among the initial nine appointments made. The Northerners in the
Or tom’s 100 Days: Matters arising Continued from Page 50
to assess an administration just as such people would say that one year would also be too short but what matters is not the number of days. Even if the governor has solved many of the problems he met on ground without letting the people know of such efforts, how can he lay claim when such claims cannot be verified in the spirit of transparency?. Recently, a highly placed citizen expressed the fear that Governor Ortom may not initiate any project within the first three months of his administration while others say that the probing of the immediate past administration would amount to a waste of time and resources. Before anyone berates the present administration for not living up to expectation, that individual must look at the circumstances that surrounded the governor’s assumption of office on May 29. For instance, the problem of huge debts left behind by the immediate past administration can draw a determined administration backwards, but when the immediate past governor, Gabriel Suswam, came into office in 2007, he took over the mantle of leadership with no kobo; but within 100 days, he initiated some projects and commissioned others. What the people expect Ortom to do now is to, at least, launch his programme and prioritize them in such a way that they can follow the trend of
events. If Suswam’s development plan was “Our Benue, Our Future”, Ortom should be able to make a pronouncement on what his agenda would be in the first four years of his administration. The financial position of the Federal Government was strong during Suswam’s administration, but the issue here is the roadmap for development, not money. One understands that the oil glut is drawing government at all levels back, but it is an established fact that ideas rule the world. This is not to say that Governor Ortom cannot initiate some projects in the face of the difficult financial times because there are many streets and access roads at the outskirts of Makurdi that could be graded along with the provision of water channels at this time that flood is threatening many residents. The road that links Modern Market with Hotel De Success and Kaamen community behind Federal Low-cost Housing Estate along Naka road where some aides of the governor live and the Mobile Barracks road have remained cut-off for years because of deep gullies. The residents of Makurdi that have been cut off are so many that when it rains, they remain indoors. Rehabilitation of access roads and provision of culverts would go a long way in ameliorating the suffering of the people. The governor can equally
make use of internally generated revenue to open up water channels at the areas likely to be flooded so that when water is released from Lagdo Dam in Cameroun, the risks may be reduced. The governor can follow up the release of the N2 billion allegedly stashed in one bank and use such money for the cleaning of Makurdi and its environs and provide permanent camps for those that may be displaced by flood. Apart from the briefing done by government officials after the state executive council meetings, Ortom would do well to give his commissioners the go ahead to explain government policies to journalists so as to remove doubts from the minds of people not privy to government information. Ortom would also do well to give go ahead for the reconstruction of the building that houses The Voice Newspaper has been suffering from poor facilities, serious understaffing and
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Saturday, September 5
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 5, 2015
North Central
Tsav urges IGP to prosecute militia kingpin in Benue Godwin Akor, Makurdi
L-R: Deputy Governor of Plateau State, Prof. Sonni Tyoden; Plateau State Governor, Simon Lalong and New Pro-Chancellor and Chairman of Council, Plateau State University, Prof. Attahiru Jega, during the inauguration of the Governing Council of The University, in Jos, Plateau State…yesterday.
Gunmen attack Kogi PDP chairman
Ademu Idakwo, Lokoja
gang of unidentified gun men numbering about 20 yesterday attacked the Kogi state chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Engr. Sam Ihuotu at Abaji, while on his way from Abuja to Lokoja for the rescheduled ward congress in the state. State Public Secretary of the party, Bode Ogunmola, who confirmed the incident explained that the chairman was returning from Abuja where had gone to see his per-
sonal physician for medical check-up when the gun men waylaid him and pointed gun on his head. Ogunmola stated that the gun men carted away the chairman’s valuable items and expressed gratitude to God that the party boss is ‘hale and hearty’. “I can confirm to you that his international passport, his voter cards, other personal effects and some cash were collected from him. Psychologically, people are trying to stabilize him”, he said.
Ogunmola, who could not tell the motives behind the attack, however, noted that only the police could ascertain whether it was a robbery incident or an assassination attempt after its investigations. Meanwhile, the PDP has described its Ward congresses conducted in the state as peaceful and credible. Ogunmola who spoke on the conduct of the congresses, said the PDP is ready to conduct free, fair and transparent primaries come September
10. He dismissed the insinuations that the party is planning to substitute the incumbent governor, Idris Wada should he emerges the party’s standard bearer at the primaries, emphasizing that the PDP’s constitution does not give room for such. “Those who areinterested in the election should and participate for the process, you don’t need to wait for somebody to win before they remove him and put you,” he said.
Buhari’s wife presents items to IDPs in Jos Gyang Bere, Jos
ife of President Muhammadu Buhari, Hajiya Aisha Buhari and that of Plateau State Governor, Mrs Regina Lalong have presented relief items worth millions of naira to the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Jos camp. Hajiya Aisha, who was represented by Wife of Nasarawa State Governor, Hajiya Salamatu Almakura, made the presentation to IDPs in Zawan Commercial College Hostels, Bukuru Jos in company of the wife of Plateau State Governor, Mrs. Regina Lalong. The camp Manager and Director Stefanus Foundation, Mark Lipdo in his welcome address said, “The IDPs camp
was established in November with over 470 families comprising of over 4,000 people. “But today some have returned home but there are still 94 families who have no home to return to in Adamawa, Yobe and Borno states. There are currently 38 males, 88 females and 340 children totalling 466 individuals, while over 300 families have been successfully integrated into various host communities. Mr. Lipdo said, “We have over 5,000 IDPs currently in Panda and Karu local governments of Nasarawa state” In her remarks, Mrs Lalong said, “It is with heavy heart that I stand before you to address fellow women and children who are victims of insecurity in the country.
“I am here with the wife of our president who has come all the way because of you and because of the level of inconveniences you faced as a result of your displacement from your various homes. “As women and mothers we will do our best to make sure we cushion the effect of whatever you are passing through at the moment and to also encourage you that this moment is temporal. In her remarks, Hajiya Aisha Buhari who was represented by Hajiya Almakura said, “The Wife of our president have received information about your presence in this camp and she has asked me to come and see you on her behalf. “These few items have been assembled by the wife of our president and
the wife of Plateau State governor as a show of love and to prove that we all share in your moment of hardship. “Haven come and seen your situation, I will go and report back to the First Lady and she is prepared to take further action to alleviate your sufferings. “Please don’t think your present condition is going to be permanent, the government of President Buhari is very passionate and committed to do all that is possible to return you to your various homes to continued with your normal life as you used to do. “So I encourage you to remain calm, hopeful and be prayerful while the federal government proffers lasting solution towards your rehabilitation”
Former Lagos State Commissioner of Police, Alhaji Abubakar Tsav, has called on the Inspector General of Police, IGP, Mr Solomon Arase, to prosecute one Terwase Akwazagh who surrendered over 100 weapons to Governor Samuel Ortom without disclosing those who sponsored his activities in the past. The commissioner incharge of Benue state oce of the Public Complaints Commission, PPC, told Newswatch Times in an interview that the surrendering of weapons by Akwazagh was arranged by the state government to give him soft landing. He said Akwazagh did not tell journalists those he maintained as militia men over the years and their locations so that arms could be recovered from them and stressed thus: “Akwazagh who was otherwise known as ‘Ghana’ killed so many people, so, he should be prosecuted”. He alleged that ‘Ghana’ was used during
the 2015 elections, so, he was being compensated through the amnesty programme and claimed that politicians may again use him for the 2019 elections. “Let me tell you and you can quote me, amnesty programme was introduced because of Terwase Akwazagh”, he reiterated. He said journalists were not allowed to talk to Mr Awazagh when he came to Benue People’s House and wondered why Governor Ortom has not spoken to journalists on the occasion of his 100 days in oce. I am calling on Ortom to have interaction with journalists, he should ensure that Mr Agerzua does not stop them from speaking with him regularly,” he maintained. According to him, “Ortom’s achievements within the past 100 days include the reinstatement of Chief Abomtse, the amnesty programme which has been faulted because of his arrangement with Ghana, the vehicles he has bought and the appointments he has made”.
PDP group alleges plot by guber aspirant to scuttle primaries
group, the Relevant PDP Stakeholders, in Kogi State, has alleged that a gubernatorial aspirant is planning to scuttle the party’s primaries scheduled for September 10. The group, therefore, called on the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) to intervene to ensure free, fair and transparent primaries. President of the group, Mr Haruna Khalid in a statement made available to newsmen in Lokoja, alleged that “after failing in his plot to label Governor Idris Wada as a non-performer they he resorted to scuttling the upcoming ward congress or use other methods to achieve his aim.” Khalid, who said the aspirant had spread falsehood about Governor Wada, urged restraint for the interest of the state. He also alleged that the gubernatorial aspirant’s camp is planning to sponsor an unknown candidate in order to put spanners in the works of the primaries. “Some of the tactics his
camp has employed the use of fake ballot papers, spreading unsubstantiated rumours and lies through the media. Credible information reaching us conÀrmed that the guber aspirant is acting the script of Abubakar Audu, his in-law, and may use court cases and propaganda after the primaries,” Khalid alleged. The group wondered how the aspirant, who it alleged had worked against the party’s interest, would now insist on running on the same party’s platform, vowing to resist his emergence. “If he is truly as popular as he claims, he should go and test his popularity on the platform of another party. We don’t want him in PDP; we want free, fair and transparent primaries,” the group said. According to the statement, “Information we gathered from his hurriedly assembled website is that he is an actor. He is yet to tell us which Àlm he has acted in that warrants his quest to become governor of our state”.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 5, 2015
Sports Update
Oliseh feels no pressure ...as he leads Nigeria out against Tanzania S
unday Oliseh is upbeat as he starts life as Head Coach of the Super Eagles of Nigeria in today’s Africa Cup of Nations qualięer against Tanzania in Dar Es Salaam. “Am I under pressure? Pressure is relative. We want to go into the match and win, not that anyone is puĴing a sword at the back of our necks. “I’m excited to have the opportunity to contribute as Head Coach, after having served my country as a player.” The Africa Cup of Nations gold, silver and bronze winner spoke on Friday evening minutes after the Super Eagles had their oĜcial training at the National Stadium, Dar es Salaam, 24 hours before the clash with Taifa Stars. Just as it was when Sunday Oliseh was starting out as a player with the Super Eagles, a dozen years ago,
Nigeria presently has a new group of Trojans to choose from. The 23 players that Sunday Oliseh has brought to Dar es Salaam have an average age of slightly above 23, and nine of them have not played a single match for the three –time African champions previously. Young, dedicated and courageous, the spirit of the group was visible for all to see at the training session, with enthusiasm and invention in abundance. Stand –in captain Ahmed Musa has been playing for the team for only ęve years, and has 51 caps. Goalkeepers Carl Ikeme, Femi Thomas and Ikechukwu Ezenwa have not played before, but one of them must start on Saturday. While Austin Obaroakpo, Prince Aggrey, Solomon Kwambe, Chima Akas and Usman Mohammed join Thomas and Ezenwa as the home –based professionals, Musa and Ikeme are joined by Leon Balogun, Kingsley Madu, Godfrey Oboabona,
William Troost-Ekong, Kenneth Omeruo, Izunna Uzochukwu, Obiora Nwankwo, Lukman Haruna, Rabiu Ibrahim, Emem Eduok, Emmanuel Emenike, Anthony Ujah, Moses Simon and Sylvester Igboun as the overseas –based. Madu and Troost-Ekong only started out against Chad in the opener to the Cup of Nations qualifying race against Chad in June. “We are here for business. We don’t want to know what others are doing; we are only interested in what we are doing. Of course, every team goes into a match to try and win. “The three points are very crucial to us on Saturday. That is the only message ringing in the ears of the players,” added Oliseh. A very lush turf at the National Stadium, Dar es Salaam appears ready for ęreworks, with Tanzania Coach Charles Boniface Nwansa also keen to earn a win in order to be considered for the job on a permanent basis.
Ujah ready to dump misfit tag
Don’t underrate Tanzania; Erico warns Eagles
be at the Cup of Nations, so it is important they give their best to secure the win.” Erico would also wish new Super Eagles coach, Sunday Oliseh the best of luck as he prepares for his ęrst competitive game as Nigeria coach. “I wish him all the best, especially being his ęrst competitive game as Super Eagles coach. I hope he uses the best legs for the game in order to get oě to a good start,” Erico said.
ermany based striker Anthony Ujah has expressed a desire to ęnally burst into the mainstream of the Super Eagles and convince the coaches that he is the right man to spearhead the team’s aĴacking line. The Werder Bremen player is back on the national radar for the ęrst time since June 2013. He is one of the players that coach Sunday Oliseh is relying on to deliver the cherries when the Eagles confront Tanzania in Dar es Salaam tomorrow in a 2017 Africa Cup of Nations Group G qualięer. The under trial forward was optimistic as he vowed to take advantage and score the goals that will ęnally convince doubters he is the right man for the Nigerian striking role, having Ěopped when the chance was ęrst oěered by former coach Stephen Keshi. The 6 feet tall Ujah, who played for Abuja FC and Warri Wolves before moving g
to Lillestrom of Norway in 2009, summed up his situation to that of a player that is undergoing trial. He declared that to enhance his international stocks, he needed to bang in the goals and establish himself having previously failed to catch the eye and score a goal in four international appearances. The player, who was once in the books of FC
Koln, made his international debut as a substitute against Mexico in Houston on May 31, 2013 in a friendly match that ended in 2-2 draw with Brown Ideye and John Ogu cancelling out Javier Hernandez’s brace for the El Tri. He then featured in two World Cup qualięers against Kenya, Namibia and at the FIFA Confederations Cup against Tahiti in Brazil.
NFF and TFF in war of words
ormer Nigeria international, Joe Erico has advised players of the Super Eagles not to underrate Tanzania in Saturday’s 2017 Cup of Nations qualięer in Dar es Salaam. In a chat with Completesportsnigeria. com, the former Eagles goalkeeper trainer urged Eagles to be cautious in their approach to the game.
“Looking at the game critically, as we all know, there are no more minnows. Tanzania have been one of the top playing nations in Africa a couple of years ago. So we should be very careful and not take things for granted,” Erico reiterated in an exclusive chat with Completesportsnigeria. com. “Everybody wants to win, everybody wants to
h war h he has already started between Nigeria and Tanzania even before hostilities kick oě on the pitch. The Tanzania Football Federation have sent a leĴer to CAF showing their displeasure at the cat and mouse game the Nigeria Football Federation are purportedly playing. Nigeria Ěew into Dar Es Salaam aboard a chartered Arik Air Ěight on Thursday night but the TFF have said they weren’t informed of Nigeria’s itinerary before the team landed in Dar Es
Salaam. Reports making the rounds in Nigeria suggested there were no TFF oĜcials to welcome the team and provide necessary logistics but the TFF have come out strongly to refute these claims. NFF president Amaju Pinnick led the 110 member Nigerian contingent into Dar Es Salaam for Saturday’s game and told supersport.com he isn’t worried about the poor reception as only members of the Nigerian diplomatic corps were present to welcome the
team. However, TFF president Jamal Malinzi told supersport.com that they are disappointed with Nigeria and have wriĴen to CAF to complain of lack of cooperation from the Nigeria Football Federation. “We are really disappointed with the actions of Nigeria which borders on disrespect to our Federation,”Malinzi said. “For starters, they have failed to respond to our inquiries about their arrival and even keeping a secret the hotel they are staying.
Jamal Malinzi
Newswatch Times, Saturday, September 5, 2015
Brilliant Eaglets beat Brazil 2-1
igeria’s U-17 team, Golden Eaglets on Friday beat the Junior Selecao of Brazil 2-1 at the on-going Suwon Continental Cup International Youth (U-17) Football Tournament in Korea. Kingsley Michael and Chukwudi Agor scored two ęrst half goals while David Enogela conceded a second half own goal. With the victory, the Eaglets shot their way to the top of the 4-Nation Tournament with four points following their 1-1 draw on Wednesday against South Korea. Nigeria went into the lead through Michael in the 20th minute when he delicately placed the ball behind Juliano after the burly goalkeeper re-bounced Victor Oshimen’s powerful shot. Twelve minutes later, Osimhen again laid the ball on the path of Chukwudi Agor who shot from acute angle to score his
ęrst goal in national team colours. Meanwhile, Nigeria’s Head of Mission to the Republic of South Korea, Mr. Sheidu Omeiza Momoh has told the Golden Eaglets to go to Chile and conquer the world again. Momoh who visited the Golden Eaglets at their Value Hotel Worldwide on Friday in company of Nigeria’s Embassy oĜcials including Mr. Adebayo Atanda (Administrative aĴache) and Mr. Anthony Ebipador (Head of Chancery) was received by the Nigeria Football Federation(NFF) Deputy General Secretary, Dr. Emmanuel Ikpeme. Ikpeme reiterated that the Eaglets are proud record four-time champions at the FIFA U-17 World Cup level including 2007 victory in South Korea and were at the 2015 Suwon Tournament to prepare ahead of the rigorous challenge expected in Chile.
Sports Update Battle of Dar-Es-Salaam: Ikeme set for Super Eagles debut
olverhampton Wanderers goalkeeper Carl Ikeme will make his international debut for Nigeria’s Super Eagles in Saturday’s African Cup of Nations qualięer against Tanzania, completesportsnigeria.com has scooped from here in Dar Es Salaam. Also expected to make his debut for the Super
Eagles is Amkar Perm midęelder Izunna Uzochukwu in the deeplying role along with Usman Mohammed. There’s also a place for Lukman Haruna in the Eagles midęeld. If he does make the starting line up it will be his ęrst Nigeria game in ęve years. In defence, the duo of Kenneth Omeruo and
William Troost-Ekong will pair in the heart of the Eagles rearguard and will be Ěanked by Solomon Kwambe on the right and Kingsley Madu on the left. The Eagles aĴack will see Al Ain forward Emmanuel Emenike return to the starting line-up after missing the opening game against Chad in Kaduna.
He will be supported by the duo of Moses Simon and stand-in skipper Ahmed Musa. LIKELY SUPER EAGLES LINE-UP: Carl Ikeme, Solomon Kwambe, Kingsley Madu, Usman Muhammed, Kenneth Omeruo, William StrootEkong, Ahmed Musa, Izunna Uzochukwu, Emmanuel Emenike, Haruna Lukman, Moses Simon
Amokachi wants Obuh booted out
A Amuenke, Eaglets Coach
Saviour breaking records at KV Oostende
lying Eagles and Nigeria U23 star, Godwin Saviour is already breaking records at new Belgian club KV Oostende less than two weeks after he moved to Europe. He has been rated the fastest player at the tabletopping Belgian club over 30 metres and the coach says he is the sharpest dresser around. The 19-year-old Saviour was timed at 3 seconds in a 30-metres sprint test to top a 20-player ęeld. Compatriot Joseph Akpala was ranked fourth
best. A local Oostende newspaper also celebrated having a world champion at the club with a full-page interview of Saviour, who was on the squad when Nigeria won a record fourth FIFA U17 World Cup in Abu Dhabi in 2013. KVO have slipped to second place on the Belgian top-Ěight league after a 2-0 loss at home to Zulte Waregem before the international break and will hope to get back on top on September 12 when they are away at WaaslandBeveren.
fresh crisis has rocked FC IfeanyiUbah after coach Daniel Amokachi demanded the dismissal of the club’s technical director John Obuh, insisting he has a replacement for the former Flying Eagles handler. There has been no love lost since ex-Eagles assistant coach Amokachi replaced Obuh as coach of the Nnewi club and the hostility between the two coaches has now taken a new dimension with Amokachi’s insistence Obuh be ¿red. AfricanFootball.com has specially learnt Amo-
kachi is uncomfortable with Obuh’s presence at the club and even believes he is sabotaging his efforts to ensure the big-spending club ¿nish in the top-three bracket this season so as to play international football next year. “It’s a major crisis and this has been worsened by the fact that the club owner Ifeanyi Ubah is away in the United States of America. The chairman of the club is now in the middle of this personality clash,” a top source informed AfricanFootball.com “Daniel (Amokachi)
has already succeeded in chasing out the assistant coach he met at the club and now he wants to see the back of Obuh.” IfeanyiUbah crashed to
a humiliating 4-0 loss at Enyimba on Wednesday and they are now 10th on the table with 38 points, 14 points adrift of leaders Enyimba.
Ideye delighted to join Olympiacos
igeria striker, Brown Ideye has said he is delighted to join Greek champions Olympiacos from EPL side West Brom. The former Dynamo Kyiv forward arrived in Greece Wednesday night amid fun fare and said he is eager to hit the ground running. “So happy to be in one of the Big Clubs in Europe @olympiacos_org can’t wait to get started,” Ideye tweeted. He was greeted by the Àashing of photographer’s cameras on arrival after he completed his move to
reigning champions Olympiacos. The AFCON 2013 winner joined West Brom last summer from Dynamo Kiev
on a club record fee of £10 million, but they decided to let him go after he scored seven goals in 31 games. The Nigeria international
almost joined Qatari club Al-Gharafa on the ¿nal day of the January transfer window, but the deal fell through.
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