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Saturday, October 10, 2015
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Saturday, October 10, 2015
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 10, 2015
Ogun elections tribunal nullifies Kashamuâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s victory, orders rerun in 110 polling units Bolu-Olu Esho, Abeokuta
gun State election petitions tribunal siÄ´ing in Abeokuta, Oguin State, yesterday, nulliÄ&#x2122;ed the Â&#x;ictory of Prince Buruji Kashamu of the People Democratic Party (PDP), who is currently representing Ogun East at the Senate, at the last Senatorial electionÇŻ The House of epresentatiÂ&#x;es election results in the Ijebu orthČŚ Ijebu EastČŚOgun Waterside Federal Constituency won by PDP was also nulliÄ&#x2122;ed due to what the Justice Tobi Ebiowei led tribunal described as irregularities and non-compliance with the Electoral ActÇŻ At the stateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s House of Assembly, PDP also lost
Ä&#x2122;Â&#x;e out of nine seats it won in the last general electionsÇŻ In Kashamuâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s case, the tribunal cited Section 140 (2) of the Electoral Act 2010 (as amended) saying that the results of the election were marred with substantial irregularities and non-compliance with the Electoral ActÇŻ The tribunal therefore declared a rerun in 110 Polling Units across Ogun East Senatorial District haÂ&#x;ing established cases of irregularities as well as Independent ational Electoral Commissionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s (I EC) non-compliance with the Electoral Act 2010 (as amended)ÇŻ The tribunal ruled that it upheld 14Ĺ&#x153;, Ĺ&#x203A;Ĺ&#x2122;Ĺ&#x2122; Â&#x;ote
cast but nulliÄ&#x2122;ed Ĺ&#x2122;Ĺ?, 008 Â&#x;otes cast at March 28th ational Assembly election conducted in the districtÇŻ According to the judgement, out of 146, Ĺ&#x203A;Ĺ&#x2122;Ĺ&#x2122; Â&#x;alid Â&#x;ote cast, Kashamu polled Ĺ?Ĺ&#x203A;, 8Ĺ&#x203A;6 Â&#x;otes while his challenger, Dapo Abiodun of the All ProgressiÂ&#x;es Congress (APC) got Ĺ?0, 6Ĺ?Ĺ? Â&#x;otesÇŻ Justice Tobi Ebiowei stated that the tribunal found it Č Â&#x;ery uncomfortableâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; to cancel the entire result of Ogun East Senatorial contest because of mere Ĺ&#x2122;Ĺ?, 008 inÂ&#x;alid Â&#x;otesÇŻ He eÂ&#x161;ually eÂĄplained that the total number of Ĺ&#x203A;, 1Ĺ?Ĺ&#x; Â&#x;otes with which Kashamu led was not substantial enough to declare him
winner of the contestÇŻ It, howeÂ&#x;er, ordered the Independent ational Electoral Commission (I EC) to conduct fresh election in 110 Polling Units of Ogun East Senatorial District within the next Ĺ&#x;0 daysÇŻ Also deliÂ&#x;ering judgment in respect of the Ijebu orthČŚIjebu EastČŚOgun Waterside Federal Constituency, the tribunal held that case of irregularities and non-compliance with the Electoral Act was established against the candidate of the People Democratic Party (PDP), Segun Adekoya and ordered a re-run of the election within the next 90 daysÇŻ
South West xxx
PDP chieftain charges Buhari on gender equality in appointments
Bolu-Olu Esho, Abeokuta
ne of the women leaders of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Remi AdiukwuBakare, has expressed reservations about the list of ministerial nominees submitted to the Senate for approval by President Muhammadu Buhari due to inadequate inclusion of women. She noted that it is expected that no fewer than 50 percent or at least 40 percent of the ministers nominated by the All Progressives Congress-led administration should be women. According to a statement by her Media Assistant, Sam Philip, AdiukwuBakare argued that
Family members, nephew in court over late MDâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;stolenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; N3.5m Ayodele Olalere
L-R: Deputy Governor of Oyo State, Otunba Moses Alake-Adeyemi; Chairman of the occasion, Retired Gen. Adeyinka Adebayo and Chairman, Planning Committee of the Summit, Dr. Kunle Olajide, at the Yoruba Summit on National Insecurity and the Menace of Fulani Herdsmen in Yorubaland, in Ibadan, Oyo Stateâ&#x20AC;Śyesterday.
Tribunal upholds Gbajabiamilaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s victory
Ayodele Olalere
he Lagos State ational Assembly Election Petitions Tribunal siÄ´ing in Ikeja yesterday upheld the March Ĺ&#x2DC;Ĺ&#x17E;, Ĺ&#x2DC;Ĺ&#x2013;Ĺ&#x2014;Ĺ&#x203A; Lagos House of epresentatiÂ&#x;es Election won by the majority leader of the House of epresentatiÂ&#x;es, Femi Gbajabiamila Gbajabiamila was declared winner by the Independent Electoral Commission (I EC) with Ĺ&#x2DC;Ĺ&#x2014;,Ĺ?Ĺ&#x2014;Ĺ&#x203A; Â&#x;otes to defeat the candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party, MrÇŻ Tony Ashikodi, who polled Ĺ&#x2014;Ĺ&#x161;,Ĺ&#x203A;Ĺ&#x203A;Ĺ&#x2013;
Â&#x;otesÇŻ Ashikodi had dragged Gbajabiamila, All ProgressiÂ&#x;es Congress (APC) and the Independent ational Electoral Commission (I EC) before the tribunal on the allegation that there were irregularities during the election and that the election breached I ECâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s guidelines for the conduct of the electionÇŻ He urged the tribunal to declare the election null and Â&#x;oid and order a fresh election to be conductedÇŻ Counsel to Ashikodi, Kalu Onuah, said he sought the annulment of the election based on Section Ĺ&#x203A;Ĺ&#x2122;(2) of the
Electoral Act, 2010 which mandated the Č nulliÄ&#x2122;cation of any election where the number of Â&#x;otes cast eÂĄceeded the number of registered Â&#x;otersÇŻâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; In his submission, counsel to Gbajabiamila and the APC, Omotayo Olatunbosun and TÇŻ Olaitan, respectiÂ&#x;ely, said the petitionerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s counsel misconceiÂ&#x;ed the law and misrepresented the factsÇŻ They argued that the exhibits tendered by the petitioner and his party did not indicate that the election was marred with irregularitiesÇŻ In his judgement, the
chairman of the tribunal, Justice CÇŻ UÇŻ Anwuka dismissed the petitions and resolÂ&#x;ed all the issues in faÂ&#x;our of the respondentsÇŻ According to him, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;the petitioner had failed to proÂ&#x;e its case beyond reasonable doubtÇŻ He further declared that Ashikodi failed to proÂ&#x;e his allegations of snatching of ballot boxes and falsiÄ&#x2122;cation of result sheets by not calling witnesses to justify his claimÇŻ The tribunal also faulted Ashikodiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s claim of multiple irregularities adding that the petitioner claimed in his eÂ&#x;idence
Tribunal fails to give date for verdict in Lanlehinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s petition Olaide Oyelude,Ibadan
he ational and the State House of Assembly election petition tribunal siÄ´ing in Ibadan, the Oyo State capital has refused to giÂ&#x;e a date to deliÂ&#x;er its Â&#x;erdict on the petition Ä&#x2122;led by Senator Olufemi Lanlehin of Accord party challenging the result of March 28
Senatorial election Senator Lanlehin is challenging the Â&#x;ictory of Rilwan Olusoji Akanbi of All ProgressiÂ&#x;es Congress (APC) for Oyo South senatorial district in the electionÇŻ Others dragged before the tribunal are the APC, the stateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Resident Electoral Commissioner (REC) and the Independent ational Electoral
Commission (I EC)ÇŻ
The chairman of the tribunal, Justice Tanko usuÄ&#x203A;, on Thursday announced after arguments and adoption of the wriÄ´en addresses by counsels to Lanlehin, Chief Richard Ogunwole, and counsel to the Ä&#x2122;rst, second and third respondents, Otunba Olayinka Bolanle
and Mr Adeboye Shobano respectiÂ&#x;ely, that the exact date for the deliÂ&#x;ery of the Â&#x;erdict would be communicated to themÇŻ The Â&#x;erdict on the petition is howeÂ&#x;er expected to be deliÂ&#x;ered next week going by the stipulated period for the dispensation of the petition by the Electoral ActÇŻ
President Buhari could not deny that there were brilliant and upright women he could appoint as ministers, wondering why there was discrimination against women. She noted that among the changes expected in ways of running government in the nation is gender equality, noting that former presidents, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo and Dr. Goodluck Jonathan had proved wrong those who believed women should be relegated in our society as they appointed a number of women into their cabinets during their administrations. The PDP chieftain noted that all the women performed exceptionally in their various oÎ&#x20AC;ces.
amily members of the late Managing Director of a Lagos based company, WECO System International Limited, Uchenna Obedike, are currently locked in a baÄ´le oÂ&#x;er the sum of Ĺ&#x2122;ÇŻĹ&#x203A; allegedly stolen from the account of the deceased company eÂĄecutiÂ&#x;e by one of their nephews, Valentine EginiÇŻ Two siblings of the deceased, Godwin Obedike and Fidelis Obedike, yesterday dragged Egini before an Igbosere Magistrateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Court accusing him of theftÇŻ The late Uchenna was said to haÂ&#x;e died in United States in ugust Ĺ&#x2DC;Ĺ&#x2013;Ĺ&#x2014;Ĺ&#x2122;ÇŻ Egini allegedly conspired with one uliet wankwo to steal the money from the account of the deceased with United Bank for Africa ÇťUBAǟǯ According to the charges Ä&#x2122;led by Mr AsuÂ&#x161;uo EÄ&#x153;ong, a Chief Superintendent of Police (CSP) of the Special Police Fraud Unit, (SFU)
Ikoyi, Valentine was alleged to haÂ&#x;e sent a false email to one Anthonia Adeusi, an account oÄ&#x153;cer with the United Bank for Africa (UBA), asking her to conÄ&#x2122;rm a 2m cheÂ&#x161;ue in his faÂ&#x;our and 1ÇŻĹ&#x203A;m cheÂ&#x161;ue in faÂ&#x;our of one Juliet Obidike to the detriment of the dependants and relations of the late UchennaÇŻ The charges read in part: â&#x20AC;&#x153;That you Valentine Egini (m), sometimes in August , 201Ĺ&#x2122;, in the Lagos magisterial district, stole the sum of Ĺ&#x2122;,Ĺ&#x203A;00,000, property of late Uchenna Obidike , and thereby commiÄ´ed an oÄ&#x203A;ence punishable under Section 28Ĺ&#x203A; of the Criminal Law of Lagos State of 2011ÇŻČ&#x201E; The embaÄ´led Egini howeÂ&#x;er pleaded not guilty to the chargesÇŻ The presiding magistrate, Mr Matepo, howeÂ&#x;er, granted the accused bail in the sum of 1 million with two sureties who must be his blood relationsÇŻ The case was adjourned till October 12ÇŻ
Nigerian companies can compete with international firms â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Kresta Laurel boss Folake Sokoya
he Managing Director, Kresta Laurel Limited, EngrÇŻ Dideolu ÇŻOÇŻ Falobi has said that the company started major businesses in eleÂ&#x;ator and crane operation in Ĺ&#x2014;Ĺ&#x;Ĺ&#x;Ĺ&#x2013; to basically proÂ&#x;e that igerian Companies can actually deliÂ&#x;er jobs just like any multinational company, adding that the company is now the number one in crane and eleÂ&#x;ator businesses in igeriaÇŻ While addressing journalist in his oÄ&#x153;ce at Maryland, Lagos, Engr, Falobi said the founder of the company, EngrÇŻ Gbenga Daniel, has positioned the company so as not to go the way of some of their predecessorsÇŻ Č&#x192;EngrÇŻ Daniel and I
had worked in a German company where they saw black people as people that cannot deliÂ&#x;er when it comes to this line of workÇŻ So, when the company was established, we decided to look at the core areas such as the kind of product we put on oÄ&#x203A;er, the liability of the product and also the kind of product that can proÂ&#x;ide medical support and enhance the growth of businesses in the igeria industry,Č&#x201E; EngrÇŻ Falobi saidÇŻ According to him, staÄ&#x203A;s were also trained to achieÂ&#x;e excellence both locally and internationally and to ensure the growth of the business with new deÂ&#x;elopment and technology which in turn would enable them to relate with the best partnersÇŻ
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 10, 2015
South South
Tribunal reser ves judgment in APC’s petition against Gov Umana Paschal Njoku
he Akwa Ibom State Governorship Election Petition Tribunal sitting in Abuja has reserved judgment on the petition filed by the All Progressive Congress (APC) and its governorship candidate in the April 11 election, Chief Umana Okon Umana against Governor Emmanuel Udom. APC and Umana are challenging the declaration of Udom by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) as winner of the gubernatorial election on the premise that no sub-
stantial voting took place as well as citing allegations of widespread electoral irregularities. The Chairman of the three-man tribunal, Justice Sadiq Umar reserved judgment on the petition after counsels to all parties in the case had adopted their final written addresses which signalled the conclusion of hearing of the petition. Specifically, Chief Wole Olanipekun (SAN), counsel to APC and Umana urged the tribunal to invalidate the election of Governor Udom on the ground that the petitioner had proven beyond reasonable doubt
that there was no valid governorship election in the state on April 11. Olanipekun pleaded with the tribunal to meticulously take a cursory look at the evidence and exhibits tendered before the tribunal by the petitioners in order to dispense justice in its judgment. On the other hand, Governor Udom’s counsel, Chief Paul Usoro (SAN) urged the tribunal to dismiss the petition in its entirety for lacking in merit. According to him, the petitioner had failed to establish the fact that there was no election as the petitioner gave evi-
dence in less than fifty units out of over two thousand polling units in the state. Usoro told the court that from the totality of evidence adduced by witnesses of the governor and PDP, it confirmed that there was peaceful election in the state. Adopting their arguments, counsel to PDP, Mr. Tayo Oyetibo (SAN) and INEC’s counsel, Dr. Onyechi Ikpeazu (SAN) urged the tribunal to uphold the validity of the election of Governor Udom Emmanuel as expressed by the people of the state in their votes.
Residents of Ogbenogbo, Ogbegbuya and Goodwill/Trade Fair communities, protesting over alleged persistent blackout in their communities for over two years at the Benin Electricity Distribution Company’s Headquarters in Benin, Edo State…yesterday.
Ugwuanyi reconstitutes boundary committee Kenneth Ofoma, Enugu
overnor Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi of Enugu State has reconstituted the state’s Boundary Committee, urging the body to work assiduously to ward oͿ conÁagrations that would arise from boundary disputes with the state’s neighbours in view of the obvi-
ous consequences of allowing them to degenerate. The Deputy Governor of the State, Hon (Mrs.) Cecilia Ezeilo, was appointed as the chairman of the commission The governor who also swore in a new member of the State Service Commission yesterday pledged his administration’s commitment to a quality and ef-
Àcient civil service in the state. He noted that no meaningful development can take place in a state of acrimony especially in this period of economic unrest, stressing that appropriate measures must be taken to ensure peace and stability in the state. He urged the committee to approach its task with
zeal, vigour and commitment to ensure a satisfactory result even as the members liaise with appropriate bodies in handling boundary issues as they arise. The governor also inaugurated the Governing Council of the Citizens Rights and Mediation Centre headed by the State Attorney General, Mr. Miletus Eze.
commission’s headquarters in Port Harcourt yesterday to pay a courtesy call on the NDDC Managing Director, Sir Bassey Dan-Abia. The visiting security chiefs were the )lag Ocer Commanding Eastern Naval Command, Rear Admiral Atiku Abdulkadir, Commander of the 97 Special Operations Group of the Ni-
gerian Airforce, Air Commander Charles Ohwo and the Rivers State Commandant of the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC), Mrs Helen Amakiri. Rear Admiral Abdulkadir, who was the Àrst to visit in the company of the Commander of the NNS PathÀnder, Commander S A Ibrahim, said that it was customary to
visit military and civil organisations to assess the situation on ground with a view to proͿering solutions to challenges that may confront the security agencies. He noted that the NDDC was a very important agency of development that must be given the necessary peaceful environment to discharge its mandate.
Security agencies assure NDDC of support Amaka Agbu, Port Harcourt
ecurity agencies operating in the Niger Delta region has promised to collaborate with the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) to keep the region safe and secure for development to thrive. The leaders of three security agencies were at the
News Cour t restrains Ajanaku from conducting Ogun PDM’s congress Bolu-Olu Esho, Abeokuta
ational Deputy Chairman, Peoples Democratic Movement (PDM), Titilayo Ajanaku, and seven others have been restrained by an Ogun State High Court sitting in Abeokuta from conducting any congress for the party. The court granted the interim injunction prayed in a suit filed by the applicants which include Olutobi Gbadamosi (Chairman) and seven others, arguing that he (Gbadamosi) is the authentic chairman of the party in the state. Other applicants in the suit are; Adebisi Salami (Women Leader), Safiu Talabi (Ogun East Senatorial Chairman), Muhammed Odunfa (Ogun West Senatorial Chairman), Samuel Oluyemi (Ag State S e c r e t a r y ) , Ye t u n d e A d e f o w o k e (Treasurer ),Bolanle Adeyemi (Publicity Secretary) and Samuel Abdul (Organising Secretary) In the suit, besides Titilayo Ajanaku, other respondents joined are Lasisi Bakare (Chairman, Investigation/caretaker committee), Kikelomo Egbodofo (Secretary caretaker committee), Samuel Quadri (Member caretaker com-
mittee), Wale Esan (Member caretaker committee), Abbah Jacob (member caretaker committee) and Muhammed Adeyemi (State Deputy Chairman) The applicants had prayed the court to grant them the interim injunction pending the hearing of the motion on notice before Justice E.O Osinuga of an Ogun State High Court. Having listened to the prayers of the applicants through their counsel, Barrister Tunde Elemide, the court granted the application of the applicants. It would be recalled that the national secretariat of PDM had ordered the dissolution of the state executive of the party headed by Isiaka Gbadamosi and thereafter set up a 5-man caretaker and congress committee. In the letter signed by the party National Secretary, Ifeanyi Igwe, Gbadamosi and other members of the state working committee were relieved of their post while Lasisi Bakare was appointed as the head of the 5-man caretaker committee saddled with the responsibility of conducting a congress that would produce new leadership of the party in the state.
700 PDP members defect to APC in Delta Sylvester Idowu, Warri
bout 700 leaders and members of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Ethiope East local government area of Delta State, have defected to the ruling All Progressive Congress (APC). The PDP defectors were received into APC by Chief Isaac Emetitiri, on behalf of Chief Otega Emerhor, governorship candidate of the All
Progressive Congress (APC). Emetitiri who saluted the bold step taken by the PDP defectors also advised them to see themselves as vessels of progress and should remain law abiding. The APC chieftain further commended the governor of Edo State, Comrade Adams Oshiomohle for being a man of good will and an icon of nation building. He urged all APC members to be hopeful and remain united.
Newswatch Times Saturday, October 10, 2015
South East
Tribunal upholds Ekwunife victory in Anambra Central Senatorial election Alphonsus Eze, Awka
he Justice Nayai Agabana-led three-man National Assembly Election Petition Tribunal sitting in Awka, the State capital yesterday upheld the election of Mrs Uche Ekwunife of the People Democratic Party (PDP) as the Senator representing Anambra Central Senatorial zone in the upper chamber. Agabana who read the unanimous judgment dismissed all the reliefs sort by the petitioner, Chief 9ictor Umeh of All Grand Alliance Party (APGA) against Ekwunife in the Anambra Central Senatorial zone election held on March , 015. He said that Umeh failed to prove his cases
brought before the tribunal, including allegation that the respondent was not an authentic member of PDP before the election. The tribunal also upheld the election of Chief Anayo Nnebe as the winner of the Awka North and South Federal Constituency against his opponent, Chief Godson Ezenagu, who had challenged his victory at the tribunal. In her Reactions, Ekwunife commended the tribunal for a thorough job. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is a determination that we still have judges with integrity in the country which is attested to by todayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s judgment,Âľ she said. Umeh in his reaction said that he was heading to the Appellate court, saying that the tribunal erred by upholding that
the primary of a party was its own internal affairs as a court had disqualiĂ&#x20AC;ed a governorship candidate in .ogi State for not being properly elected at the primary.. He also said it was wrong for the tribunal to declare that Ekwunife got 95, 0000 votes, asking rhetorically what happened to the over 7,000 votes which exceeded the votes cast in the election. However, the tribunal nulliĂ&#x20AC;ed the declaration of Dr Okey Eze of the People Democratic Party (PDP) as winner of the DunukoĂ&#x20AC;a, Anaocha and Njikoka Federal constituency election and declared the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) candidate, Mr. Dozie Nwakpnkwo as the winner. The tribunal held that
the APGA candidate scored the highest number of lawful votes cast in the election contrary to the Ă&#x20AC;gure credited to the PDP candidate by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) upon which the Commission based it declaration of the PDP candidate as winner of the election. The tribunal emphasised that the polling unitsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; results are the bases upon which any other Ă&#x20AC;gures recorded in any other result sheets concerning any election are based. Agabana in the judgement held that from the polling unit result sheets presented in the tribunal, it was clear that Nwankwo scored the highest number of lawful votes cast in the election.
News Ugwuanyi to donate Student Union Centre to UNN Kenneth Ofoma, Enugu
he governor of Enugu State, Rt. Hon Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi, has announced the plan of his government to donate a Studentsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Union Centre (SUC) to his Alma Mater, the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, as part of eÍżorts to encourage viable student unionism in the country. The governor announced the gesture at the Princess Alexandra Unity Hall and Theatre, the venue for the 55th Foundersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Day Lecture. On completion, the proposed centre would provide the Student Union Government (SUG) a venue where its members would comfortably deliberate on policies of student welfare and also begin the process of learning leadership. While delivering the 55th Founders Day Lecture entitled ÂśLegislation as an instrument for social justice in a growing democracy,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Governor Ugwuanyi stated that social justice remains the panacea for â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;our society that has become theatre of conĂ icts of various dimension spawned by various reason such as lack of access to life-chances, discrimination, lack of inclusion, re-
strictive market to mention but a few.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; He also said that economic growth is an essential component of development but without a deliberate policy focus on equity and social justice, there would be society-wide deprivations of the individuals. The governor, therefore, called on the legislature to make laws that would guarantee social justice as well as to impeach serving government functionaries with corrupt tendencies. Earlier, in an address, the 9ice Chancellor of the University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN), Professor Benjamin Chukwuma Ozumba, stated that the university, which had a humble beginning of 0 students and 1 members of the academic staÍż and few utilitarian buildings, can now boast of over 0,000 students, approximately ,000 staÍż strength and wonderful structures scattered in her diÍżerent campuses. He pointed out that his administration would always promote the dreams of the founding fathers, anchored on the initiatives of late Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe which is geared towards the restoration of the dignity of man.
Anambra govt halt construction work at Onitsha Motor Park Cyprian Ebele Onitsha
(L-R) Chief Willie Obiano, Governor of Anambra State, Douglas N. Egbena, Chairman Onitha North Local Governmnet Area and Hon Chugbo Eneo, Member, Anambra State House of Assembly
Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll assist President Buhari to deliver on his promises â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Ngige Taiye Agbaje
Ministerial nominee and former Governor of Anambra State, Dr Chris Ngige, has said that the ministerial team in the present government would assist President Muhammadu Buhari to deliver on most of his promises made to Nigerians during the electioneering campaigns. Ngige, who is also a one-time Senato, said
the list of the ministerial nominees before the Senate comprises of people with cognate experience in governance. He spoke yesterday while Ä&#x2122;elding Â&#x161;uestions from the State House correspondents shortly after his meeting with President Buhari at the Presidential Villa, Abuja. â&#x20AC;&#x153;If you look at the list very critically, you will observe Mr President want to go his voyage
with people who have cognate experience in governance. When I mean cognate experience, we are talking of people who have been tested, tried and trusted by their various people. â&#x20AC;&#x153;So I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t think Nigerians should expect anything less than what Mr President is already doing from that team. The team will help Mr President to deliver on most of the promises he made to Nigerian peo-
ple, in fact, much more Â&#x161;uickly than is even envisaged because I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t think there is anybody on that list that you can call a pushover in terms of government business,â&#x20AC;? he said. Ngige, however, backed the Senate on the criteria set to clear the nominee. â&#x20AC;&#x153; The Senate is populated by elderstatesmen and women and what they say they would do is in conformity with the laws of the
nambra State government has ordered that an illegal motor park and toilet facility currently being constructed at Housing Estate, Fegge Onitsha be stopped immediately to avoid environmental hazard. The project which is being sited along the Onitsha Asaba Expressway (bridgehead approach) according to the state Chief of StaÍż, Prof Joseph Asika, be terminated forthwith stating that the project has no approval from Ministry of Land and that the site is meant for Ă ower pots to help beautify the environment. He also ordered that the culvert being constructed on the drainage there be removed. The Chief of StaÍż who stormed the project site at about . 0pm on Thursday based on complaints from President General of the Housing Estate,
Chief Ikechukwu Odumegwu Omus, and other residents posited that such projects if allowed to be constructed would make the area unsafe for the residents. According to Omus, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;former Governor Peter Obi, planned the estate in such a way to beautify the expressway so that those coming from the west to the eastern part of the state through Asaba would see the beauty of Onitsha that is the commercial nerve centre of the stateÂľ. He expressed happiness that the state government realized the importance of the Housing estate and its adjoining service lanes that help to beautify the expressway with Ă ower pots. The Chief of StaÍż warned that no construction should be held there except the Ă ower pot to help beautify the place like other residents did along the expressway.
Newswatch Times Saturday, October 10, 2015
North East
Council deploys 21 sanitar y inspectors to communities
alammadori Local Government Council of Jigawa yesterday said it had deployed 21 sanitary inspectors to communities to enhance sanitation in rural communities. Alhaji Yusuf Muhammad, Director, Water and Sanitation in the council, revealed this in an interview with newsmen in Malammadori, Jigawa. He said the sanitation personnel were deployed to Malammadori, Garin-Gabas and other major towns in the area. The inspectors comprised 10 males and 11 females, and were mandated to inspect residential homes, markets,
Permanent Secretary, Plateau Ministry of Health, Dr. Abel Gwatau (second right), supervising the inauguration of Family Health Day Free Medical Outreach provided by the Rotary Club, in Jos, Plateau State…yesterday.
Borno Govt spends over N15bn on agriculture –Commissioner
he Borno Government yesterday said it had invested over N15 billion on agriculture as part of eͿorts to revolutionise the sector in the state. The Commissioner for Agriculture in the state, Alhaji Muhammad Dili, disclosed this in an interview with newsmen in Maiduguri. Dili said that Governor Kashim Shettima had, so far, laid a solid foundation for smooth take oͿ of all relevant state agricultural programmes. He said the state gov-
ernment had, in the past two years, trained over 100 youths in various agricultural skills with a view to boosting employment opportunities among the teeming unemployed youths. The commissioner disclosed that the state government had equally imported about 500 rice mills from Thailand as part of its eͿorts to boost rice production in the state. According to him, the mills will be distributed to farmers’ cooperative associations to improve the quality local rice production in the state. He explained that the
state government had also purchased about 1000 tractors that would be distributed to peasant farmers across the 27 local government areas in the state. ``Plans are underway to provide appropriate infrastructure to enhance Àsh production in the state. ``The state government will also build about 40 artiÀcial dams in 50 communities across the 27 local government areas to boost Àshing activities. ``We are geared towards promoting sustainable food production, providing
technical and social support to the farming communities in order to improve their living standards. ``Some of the communities to beneÀt include - Bama, Baga, Damboa, Kwaya Kusar, Minor, Minoc, Benishaik, Jakana, Magumeri, Auno and Kala Balge among others. ``Our farmers in Magumeri and Damboa are also good producers of groundnut. ``We already have about 550 hectares of farmland on which to grow crops as soon as the Boko Haram security challenge is over.
2015 Hajj: Max Air returns 15, 000 pilgrims to Nigeria Ted Odogwu, Bureau Chief, Kano
ax Air Ltd disclosed in Kano yesterday that it has so far airlifted back 15, 000 out of its 35, 576 allocated pilgrims to Nigeria after the Hajj in Saudi Arabia. BrieÀng newsmen in Kano yesterday, the Public Relations Manager of the
Airline, Alhaji Ibrahim Dahiru, said the pilgrims were airlifted back to the country in 27 Áights. According to him, the airline had brought back all pilgrims from Katsina, Zamfara and Gombe states to the country. “We have returned all the pilgrims of Katsina, Zamfara and Gombe states to the country with the exception of few others, who
will be merged with another state”, he said. Dahiru said the airline had concluded arrangement to commence the return airlift of pilgrims from Yobe state on Saturday. “We made three trips for Jigawa pilgrims, while the airlift of Kano pilgrims will commence any moment from now, precisely from yesterday (Friday)’’, he said.
Also, he commended the State Pilgrims Welfare Board for cooperating with the airline, which resulted to the success so far recorded in the Hajj operation. Finally, he restated the commitment of the airline to return all the pilgrims with their luggage before the expiration of the airlines’ deadline to complete the return airlift.
Road construction: Gombe commences payment of compensation to property owners
he Gombe State Government has commenced the disbursement of N229. 66 million as compensation to 468 people in Jekadafari area of Gombe, metropolis, whose property had to give way for road construction. Alhaji Shehu Durbi, Chairman of the Compensation Committee, told journalists
in Gombe yesterday that the committee had started payment of compensation to land owners on Thursday. Durbi said that seven roads would be constructed in the area, adding that those, whose property had to give way had been given one month notice to relocate from the area.
The chairman, who was the immediate-past Commissioner for Lands, said the committee started payment as soon as cash was made available by government. He urged inhabitants of the area to cooperate with government to ensure a hitch-free payment of those entitled to compensation.
Also speaking, Alhaji Abdullahi Doma, the District Head of Jekadafari ward, said that land owners were satisÀed with arrangements made for compensation. The district head said he was a member of the committee constituted by government to pay the compensation.
oces and eateries to ensure that they conformed to the best sanitation standards. “The step is to promote personal hygiene and enhance public health services.” Muhammad said that the council would also organise routine monthly environmental sanitation to clear waste sand drains in Malammadori and garin-Gabas. He added that the council was also providing support to community organisations engaged in sanitation activities. The director called on the people to desist from indiscriminate dumping of waste and imbibe good waste management habit to protect the environment.
Imam admonishes Muslims on the evil consequence of oppression
uslims have been admonished to be peace ambassadors and not allow themselves to be used to cause harm and oppression to others. Imam Yahya Al-Yolawi, the Chief Imam, Area 10 Juma’a Mosque, Garki, Abuja, gave the advice while delivering his Friday prayer sermon. According to him, oppression is one of the greatest sins forbidden by God, saying: ȽȽHe has ęxed certain punishment for the oppressors in this world and hereafter.’’ He said it can take a form of transgressing the limit of oneself; transgressing the boundaries of others or deny other people’s right unlawfully. The Imam said God the Almighty said: ``Oh my servants, I have prohibited injustice for myself and made it unlawful for you, so do not oppress one another.
``Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) has been reported to have warned that beware of injustice, for oppression will be darkness on the day of resurrection.’’ Similarly, the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) said the real bankrupt one of my nation would be he who would come on the day of resurrection having performed prayers, fasting and spent in charity. ``However, he will ęnd himself bankrupt on that day due to depleting these good deeds, because he despise others unlawfully devoured the wealth of others; shed blood and beat others. ``Therefore, his good deeds would be credited to the account of others who suěered at his hand. ``If his good deeds are exhausted, their sins will be entered in his account and he will be thrown into hell ęre,’’ said the cleric.
Bauchi Police Command cautions organisers of street processions over security challenges
auchi State Police Command yesterday advised residents of the state against the staging street processions in view of the current security challenges. In a statement issued by its Public Relations OfÀcer, ASP Abdulrahman Ahmed, and made available to the press, the Command said its attention had been drawn to plans by some political groups to stage such procession. “Information at the disposal of Bauchi State Police Command indi-
cates that some political groups intend to stage street procession in large numbers as part of their political strategies. “Considering the peculiarity of the security situation in the state, allowing such procession will not be in the best interest of the members of the public. “Processions in all forms are hereby discouraged at the moment. “Members of the public are urged to go about their lawful businesses and cooperate with law enforcement agents,”
Saturday, October 10, 2015
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Saturday, October 10, 2015
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 10, 2015
Kogi Guber Poll: APC challenge is real, but weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll triumph â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Wadaa Basking in the euphoria of his victory at the recent governorship primaries of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Kogi State, Governor Idris Wada has Ă&#x20AC;QDOO\ RSHQHG XS RQ D QXPEHU RI LVVXHV 6SHDNLQJ ZLWK MRXUQDOLVWV DIWHU WKH Ă DJ RII RI KLV FDPSDLJQ UDOO\ LQ $\DQJED :DGD VSRNH DERXW KLV UH HOHFWLRQ ELG DQG WKH EDLORXW IXQGV ZKLFK WKH VWDWH DSSOLHG IRU DOOHJLQJ DWWHPSWV E\ KLV SROLWLFDO RSSRQHQWV WR IUXVWUDWH KLP ADEMU IDAKWO ZKR ZDV WKHUH IRU 1HZVZDWFK 7LPHV Ă&#x20AC;OHG WKH H[FHUSWV WKXV
ir, how were you able to wade through some of the challenges that dogged your way prior to the primaries? For me, everything I do, I put God Ă&#x20AC;rst. I have a very plane heart and the essence of my desire to seek a second term (in oÎ&#x20AC;ce) is for me to consolidate on some of the things I have done and those Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m still doing to ensure we put the state on the path of sustainable development. So when those challenges came in the cause of the primaries, I was not deterred I was not shaken I was not under pressure or threat because of my faith in God Almighty and the clear and transparent agenda I have for the transformation of our state. A lot of eÍżorts were made by the national leadership of our party, the elders of our party in the state who tried and brokered peace to ensure we came together as a party to face the challenges of the primaries. So in Abuja, several meetings were held to bring all candidates together for a consensus candidate but when it did not work out, we were guided to go and test our popularities with the delegates of our party who were elected in accordance with the constitution of the PDP. Of course, I willingly subjected myself to the process, and by the grace and blessing of Almighty God and the trust our people have in me - and of course also, I had the opportunity to go round the delegates to tell them what I have done over the last three and half years and what I intend to do if given another chance. So we went for the contest and the rest is now history. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m grateful to the almighty God that I came out victorious. That was what happened and that was how I was able to cope with the challenges of the primaries. But I think credit goes to PDP that we went through that process and came out basically unscathed. One of the aspirants that were in the contest is already working closely with me while we are still talking with the other. I have set up a reconciliation committee to talk to aggrieved persons because this election is critical to the survival of the PDP as a party. It is more about the PDP as a party and not me as an individual. Governors come, governors go but the party has to remain. This party has manifesto and it believes in its ideology for the development and transformation of our country. The PDP is going into this election as a united family?
It (PDP) will go into this election substantially as a united family. Of course, as a party just like in a family, it is almost impossible to have 100 percent carriage of all people on one platform. There may still be some issues that are yet to be resolved but we will substantially and vey formidably go into the election as a united family because members of the PDP know that re-election of the PDP in Kogi State is critical to the survival of our party. <ou were in $nyigba to Ă ag oÍż your campaign. What is your impression about the turnout of the people and what does the outing portend for you ahead of the November 21 governorship poll? The impression I had was that of being highly overwhelmed because we started the process of this rally just a few days back. We concluded our campaign timetable and decided that we will hold rallies in the three senatorial districts of the state. We decided to start in Anyigba. The kind of turnout we had was unprecedented. We have never had such a crowd in any of our previous rallies. Even in 2011, I did not attract that kind of popularity. We were all there there was nowhere to park (vehicles), no where to stay due to large turnout of the people. The people waited patiently for my arrival. In fact, when I came to Anyigba, I went to the university to meet with the 9C and went to see the traditional ruler before coming into the venue, yet I had a large number of people still waiting. I was indeed overwhelmed that was the feeling I had. What that portends is that our people are beginning to see that this government has a clear agenda for the development of the state. They can see sincerity of purpose in the leadership style of my administration. Everybody is relaxed in this state now. Nobody is tensed up that the governor is going to victimize him or that oÎ&#x20AC;cials of government will victimize them. There is heightened security arrangement in the state. However, there might be minor crimes which you cannot completely rule out in the society. We are working on agriculture, health, education, human capital development, infrastructural development and industrialization of the state. You can see sincerely that we are on the path of sustainable development and transformation of the state. The people are coming out now to show their support. You could
see they were not rented crowd. We donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have the money to rent such crowds. The people came out on their own struggling to enter the rally ground. There were many wards and local government areas that could get buses to convey their people. I was highly encouraged by the turnout and that has further boost my conĂ&#x20AC;dence now that our people are appreciating our eÍżorts and therefore will support us during the election. With the level of enthusiasm shown by the people, what new things are you bringing to the table this time around? Well, in terms of new things, when I came in, I had a thinktank that produced a blueprint for transformation of the state. We have in mind a 10-year plan for the transformation of Kogi State. I know the maximum term I have is eight years and I know that by the time you implement eight out of the 10 year plan, it will bring about sustainable development. Even if somebody comes and says I will not complete the remaining two years, you know that what has been achieved by that time will be sustainable enough to put the state on the path of development. So it is not about new things but about consolidating on what we are doing. In the last three-and-half years, we have done a lot in agriculture, education, human capital development, health
and infrastructure which are critical elements of our economic and social agenda for the people. What I need to do is to work hard on the implementation to ensure the transformation agenda work for people of the state. What is the true situation with the bailout funds? The true situation with the bailout funds with regards to Kogi State is that we were one of the Ă&#x20AC;rst to comply with the requirements of the CBN for the bail out. We applied for about N86billion because this is a window that is rear in the economy of Nigeria for the Federal Government to come and give a 20-year loan at 9 when most commercial loans are minimum of 7 . We saw it as an opportunity to aggregate our Ă&#x20AC;nancial challenges to take the loan and clear our outstandings and move forward in a solid manner, and with industrial peace. That is why we applied. When they assessed, it they reduced it to about N50billion because they said they were not dealing with issues of pensions and gratuity now, they are not dealing with issues of bonds now that their Ă&#x20AC;rst challenge was the restructuring of commercial bank loans. Kogi State had the lowest bank loan than any state in Nigeria. What we owed banks at that stage was N816million, some Continued on Page 53
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 10, 2015
Amaechi, corruption allegation and quest to be minister Ayodele Olalere
or the former governor of Rivers State, Rt. Hon. Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi, the die is cast. It is indeed Àght to Ànish with his political detractors, chieÁy Nyesom Wike, his successor at the Government House in Port Harcourt. The Amaechi-Nyesom tango is reminiscent of the cat and dog relationship. It dates back to the struggle between the duo for the political soul of Rivers State. Hitherto both were chummy, particularly when Amaechi as Àrst term governor had Wike as his Chief of StaͿ. Before becoming governor, during his tenure and indeed afterwards, Amaechi is on record to have fought many battles. He became governed of Rivers State from 2007 on the platform of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP). He also won second term in oce in 2011, which was to terminate in May this year. Along the line, however, he fell out with some of his associates and perceived political godfathers. First was with his cousin Sir Celestine Omehia, the man that Àrst ‘usurped’ his position as governor before the law court redeemed it for him. Then came Dr. Peter Odili his political mentor. Thus he quit the PDP to the APC. Done with the Odili-Omehia joint saga, Amaechi had taken-on Dame Patience and her husband Dr Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, the immediate president. Luckily for Amaechi, he had come out of those
battles seemingly unbruised. But apparently, his latest with Wike is proving the Àercest. Just months after leaving the Rivers State Government House on completion of tenure, Wike promptly set in motion the machinery to probe Amaechi’s Ànancial dealings with Rivers State funds while he was governor. Although Amaechi has constantly pooh-poohed that panel as Kangaroo, those who know Wike have suggested that he is determined to tar-brush Amaechi with the Àndings. And while that is going on, Ameachi’s name suddenly featured on Buhari’s list of minister-nominees, precipitating a Áurry of petitions to the Senate, urging it not to clear the former governor as a minister of the Federal Republic. For now, Amaechi is in a dilemma – having to convince the Senate next week that the contents of an 88-page petition against him are fabricated, to say the least. “Amaechi will have an uphill task dispelling the allegations of corruption against him by the Port Harcourt-based Integrity Group,” a political observer said yesterday. The group alleged that Amaechi frittered away the state’s funds to the tune of N70billion. But predictably, Amaechi’s media handlers did not hesitate to dismiss the allegation as untrue. Said Amaechi’s media oce “The attention of the media oce of former governor Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi has been drawn to a statement credited to the chairman of Mr Nyesom Wike’s invidious
panel of inquiry...” It continued that, “the statement credited to Justice Omeriji of a ‘missing’ N53billion is unfortunate and leaves much to be desired...” Amaechi’s recent battle dates back to his desire to install a successor of his own choice on the platform of the All Progressives Congress (APC), which Wike resisted on the PDP platform. Now in charge in Rivers State, Wike
would want to ‘teach’ Amaechi some lessons in political wizardry, such as the attempt to block him from becoming a minister. But it is left to be seen if Amaechi will play his game well at the green chamber, where his party the APC has simple majority members – 59. For now, Amaechi’s fate as a minister-nominee still hangs in the balance, until the screening at the Senate is over and done with.
Bailout fund controversy in Benue, which way out? Godwin Akor, Makurdi
ecently, controversy arose over whether the Benue state government had received the N28 billion bailout fund from the Federal Government. As the controversy raged, there was the suspicion that the money had been received and kept somewhere to yield proęt for some government oĜcials. Even as speculations were rife that the ęgure had been inĚated to make some persons beneęt from it, the Senior Special Assistant to Governor Samuel Ortom on Media, Mr. Terver Akase, rose in defence of his boss, saying the rumour that the money had been received was baseless and of no eěect as the N28 billion bailout was yet to be received. Akase said as soon as the money was received, it would be paid out to workers at the state and local government levels. He said the ęgure of N28 billion was not inĚated because Governor Suswam was paying workers half salary while Ortom’s bailout request con-
tained details of full salary arrears. Before Akase spoke to newsmen on the maĴer, mind bugging questions were asked as to why the Finance Commissioner or his Information counterpart would not speak on such issues. If not for the fact that Akase spoke, the issue would have delayed until the governor returned from the United States trip with the president. One’s concern in this write up is the vacuum that would have been created if Akase had not spoken on the issue of the N28billion bailout. The pertinent question is: Why the delay in the release of the bail out to Benue state? State PDP Publicity Secretary, Mr. Godwin Ayihe, had alleged that the Central Bank refused to release the money to Benue because the breakdown was not satisfactorily done before submission. He alleged that whereas Governor Suswam left N19 billion unpaid salary arrears at all levels, Ortom increased the ęgure to N28 billion, thus raising doubts in the minds of egg heads at the Central Bank of Nigeria. Governor Ortom had promised Benue
Ortom people that the money would be released within two weeks, but the period has lapsed without salaries being paid. Within the period of the two weeks, communication gap arose, thus making Ayihe and indeed, those in opposition suspicious that something ęshy may have happened to the bail-
out plan. The point being made here is that if the governor travels, somebody must take up the responsibility of telling citizens about the position of things in the spirit of transparency the administration stands for. Hence, certain questions as to who prepared the bailout document before it was forwarded to the Federal Government?; who gave the ęgures to the governor without providing details so that he could tell his subordinates and the people the issues involved and who is pursuing the release of the funds at the federal level? Governor Ortom may be right for not moving to far places. Some of the key ęgures that handled ęnances during Suswam’s period but can the possibility of sabotage be totally ruled out even as most of them are civil servants? When the permanent secretary in the Ministry of Finance and the representative of the Account-General of the state appeared before the Judicial Commission of Enquiry investigating the state’s Continued on Page 49
Saturday, October 10, 2015
Give Iheanacho a chance,Chukwu tells Oliseh No hiding place for Shooting â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Enyimba
Rojo treats wife to burnt toast in bed >>Pg.18
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 10, 2015
Maduabuchi Kalu 08080669826
League Watch
still dreams continental No points for you in Uyo, Baraje Bosso ticket with Abia Warriors warns opponents D
fter going down 2-1 to Kwara United in Ilorin, Akwa United coach, Zachary Baraje, has told other clubs with away ęxtures in the Glo Premier League to his side and who are counting on actualizing their seasons target by picking points inside the Nest of Champions, Uyo to look elsewhere in the remaining games of the season. Baraje, who spoke to npĚ.ng in Ilorin and declared that this is not the time in the season for his club to drop any point on their home ground which he described as a no-go area for away teams. “The Nest of Champions is our fortress. I don’t see any team coming there to pick any point from us at this period. We are playing for a good ęnish in the league this season and with our remaining home matches I don’t see the possibility of our dropping any point in front of our home crowd. “Starting this weekend, FC Ifeanyiubah will get the taste defeat in our hands and so also will the other teams that will be
visiting for our remaining home games. “A good ęnishing in the league is our target and I must tell you, relegation is not in our line of thinking but a beĴer position when the league ends. So for those clubs coming to meet us in the Nest of Champions, they should be rest assured that we are not ready to surrender
any point to them. They should just forget about picking any point because inside our fortress, we will not allow anyone to beneęt from us,” Baraje warned. The coach, who described their game against Kwara United as an interesting one, said both sides played out their best but the ęnal result
favoured the host. “It was an interesting match, my boys played well though we lost. I expected a tough game and it could have gone either way and I salute my players for their performance most especially in this game that the survival of the hosts in the league was at stake,” he said.
No hiding place for Shooting – Enyimba
wo time Africa champions, Enyimba International Football Club of Aba has declared there will be no hiding place for visiting Shooting Stars Sports Club of Ibadan otherwise known as řSC when both side ęle out tomorrow to trade tackles tomorrow. The people’s elephant that is on the driver’s seat of the Nigeria Professional Football League (NPFL) said there would be no hiding place for the Oluwole Warriors when they welcome them tomorrow at the Enyimba International Stadium. The Aba millionaires who lost to arch rivals, Heartland FC of Owerri in some controversial circumstances due to the poor handling of the game by the match oĜcials who have since been recommended for investigation by the Nigeria Football Federation Referees Appointment
CommiĴee, has assured its teeming supporters of victory in tomorrow’s crucial game. There is no gain saying that this game is going to be one of the star matches of this weekend’s game as both teams are very familiar with each other. Enyimba despite the
1-2 away defeat they suěered on Sunday in the hands of the Nazi millionaire is still leading the log with 58 points after the Week 33 games last weekend and has vowed to make up for that lost in Owerri in tomorrow’s game. Shooting Stars on the other hand have
garnered 46 points after last weekend’s games and they are placed 9th on the log. It is true that the Oluwole Warriors started the season on a very shaky note but have since rediscovered themselves since Coach Ogunbote took over proceeding during the ęrst stanza of the league.
espite unrealistic chance of ęnishing in the top-three of the 2014/15 Glo Premier League, Abia Warriors’ coach, Ladan Boss, has told npĚ.ng, he is conędent his team will end the season on a bright note, by securing a continental ticket. Bosso, whose side narrowly missed out of a top-three ęnish last season, drew 3-3 at home in a tightly-contested oriental derby, with regional neighbours, Rangers International of Enugu on Sunday, a result many believe has shut out the Umuahia-based team from the continental ticket bracket for the best three teams on the log. But the former national Under-20 coach insists that there could still be some permutations that can see his team aĴain their set target of picking a ticket to play on the continent in the coming season. “We still have a realistic target and that has been our focus from the
beginning of the season. We have six games to play before the season ends. Three of the games are away, while the remaining three are in Umuahia. I am sure we can still get there, if we win at least two away games, and secure victories in all three of our home games,” Bosso began with his calculations that can be considered feasible given their performances so far on the road with just one win on the road, a 1-0 defeat of Heartland in April.
LMC moves against 4 clubs, 6 referees
he League Management Company (LMC) has moved against four clubs and six referees even as it has charged them for various breaches bothering on failure to provide adequate security and unacceptable supporters’ behaviour even as match oĜcials involved in three of the 10 games of Match Day 32 also received queries. The Chairman of Heartland FC Supporters Club, one Iyke Jacob was handed a six match ban for acts of intimidation and harassment of Referees. Nasarawa United, Giwa FC, Abia Warriors and Heartland FC were ęned minimum of N.5 million as the LMC exercised Summary Jurisdiction after thorough investigation of reported crowd incidences during the matches
involving the four sides. In the various notices of Summary Jurisdiction signed by the LMC Chief Operating OĜcer, Salihu Abubakar and sent to the clubs, they were issued the statutory 48 hours notice to submit to the decisions of the LMC or indicate in wriĴen response a choice to appear before a panel. Giwa FC as hosts of the ęxture against Kano Pillars were cited for breach of Article C1 and B15.16 and consequently ęned N500, 000 and N250, 000. For the unruly behaviour of their fans which Article B15.16 makes clear is a responsibility of the club, Giwa FC was ęned N500, 000 while another ęne of N250, 000 was imposed on the club for failure to ensure adequate security at match venue.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 10, 2015
Sports/EURO League De Bruyne joins Belgium teammates to celebrate Red Nose Day
incent Kompany posted a picture of Belgium’s international stars celebrating the country’s Red Nose day (Rode Neuzen Dag). ToĴenham defender Toby Alderweireld took the photo which also
included Kompany’s Manchester City teammate Kevin De Bruyne. The Rode Neuzen Dag campaign, raising money for a serious cause by puĴing up a funny nose, comes from the UK, where Red Nose Day is an annual tradition.
After the Netherlands adopted a similar campaign in 2011, De Gekste Dag (The Craziest Day, Belgium hosted its own event Rode Neuzen Dag. The funding is use to help youngsters aged between 10 and 20 aĴain free psychological help.
Usain Bolt loses bet with Mexican TV star ...and is made to wear Arsenal shirt
sain Bolt has made no secret of his support for Manchester United but fans would have been puzzled to see him wearing an Arsenal shirt on Thursday morning. Fortunately for Red Devils supporters, the Jamaican sprinter was only donning the Gunners home kit as part of a bet.
Bolt paid the price for United’s 3-0 hammering by Arsene Wenger’s side on Sunday after agreeing to a bet with Mexican television presenter Patty Lopez de la Cerda. The 29-year-old took to Instagram to post the video of him wearing the Arsenal kit alongside Lopez de la Cerda. And keen to remind fans of his record-
breaking exploits, Bolt wore his name and his time of 9.58 seconds which is the 100 metres world record - on the back of his shirt. He captioned the post: ‘So i lost a bet with ȓ pattylopezdelac that man untied would win but they didn’t so I have to pay up on my bet so sorry guys. Ǜnothappy Ǜseriousface (sic).’ Bolt also revealed he has to pay the television presenter but it remains unknown how deep he will have to dig into his pockets. Meanwhile, Bolt has reaffirmed his decision to make next summer’s Olympics in Rio his last by revealing that he plans to retire after the 2017 World Championships. Bolt, speaking on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, said of his desire to hang up his spikes: ‘I start training for the Olympics next Monday ǽOctober 12Ǿ. It will be my last Olympics. ‘I should have one more World Championships but I’m not too sure what I want to do ǽafter retiringǾ. Some people say I should try acting but I think I will stay in sport and figure out what I can do.’
to remain sidelined for at least another six weeks but the Belgian No 1 is making good progress with his rehabilitation.
The former Atletico Madrid loanee took to Instagram on Monday to share pictures of his recovery process
Rojo treats wife to burnt toast in bed
anchester United defender Marcos Rojo has taken to social media to show oě his culinary expertise, or so it seems. The Argentinean international took to Instagram to post a picture of himself, posing with his wife Eugenia Lusardo and her freshly made breakfast. Rojo treated the lucky lady to breakfast in bed during a day oě, but she will need to remember it’s the thought that counts when it comes to eating her burnt toast. It’s safe to say the
Courtois making good progress
helsea goalkeeper steps up knee ligament rehabilitation in swimming pool Thibaut Courtois delivered some rare good news for Cheslea fans this week when the Blues goalkeeper kept supporters updated of his progress as he continues his recovery from a knee injury. The 23-year-old has not played for Chelsea since the defeat by Crystal Palace at the end of August after damaging a ligament in his knee during training following his return to Chelsea from international duty at the start of last month. Courtois is expected
in the swimming pool and taking part in a physiotherapy session. The pool at Chelsea’s Cobham training facility is ęĴed with a Hydrotherapy treadmill with depth, incline and video recording facility. The technology allows for players to run underwater, building their ętness levels without applying any weight to injured muscles and ligaments in the legs. Alongside the pictures on Instagram Courtois wrote: ‘Another good day at rehabilitation todayǷ Ǜworkhard Ǜcomebackstronger. Starting a next step of rehabilitation in the swimming pool.’
25-year-old footballer could do with some training tips on how to use a toaster after serving up the burnt bread to his loved one. On Monday the La Plata-born defender pulled out of the Argentina squad in order to close in on full ętness during the international break. Argentina are due to take on Ecuador and Paraguay, but Rojo will stay at Carrington as he targets a return to action against Everton on October 17. A statement released
by the Argentinian FA read: ‘Marcos Rojo will not be part of the squad for the qualifying debut against Ecuador and Paraguay, as he is in the ęnal phase of recovery from a grade 1 injury in his right hamstring.’ If the game against Everton comes too early he could return to action in the Champions League against Russian side CSKA Moscow. Rojo has missed Manchester United’s last four games after sustaining the hamstring injury during victory against Southampton.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 10, 2015
Give Iheanacho a chance,Chukwu tells Oliseh VICTOR ENYINNAYA
ormer chief coach of the Super Eagles, Christian Chukwu, has called on Sunday Oliseh to open up the national team space to accommodate more promising and hungry players like Man City starlet Kelechi Iheanacho, instead of shuĴing them out on Ěimsy excuses. He posited that there are many dazzling Nigerian players that are supposed to be extended invitation to that are still being left; such trend he stressed should be adequately checkmated for the good of the game and the country. According to him, since the sole aim is to rebuild the Super Eagles, the younger players that have shown determination, zeal, focus, form and grit in their various club sides should be given the green light to come to the national team to display them. The onions is on coach Oliseh to encourage such players rather than leaving out despite their value contributions into their teams winning or losing in their various
leagues across the globe. He specięcally said that he saw no reason why Kelechi Iheanacho of Manchester City is still missing from the invite Oliseh has extended so far to Nigerian professionals’ abroad. According to him, the major foundation invitation to a player is anchored on is, his current form. Iheanacho he insists met such criterion and Nigerians have not been told unequivocally why the lad has been continuously left out of the calculations of the present system in the Super Eagles. ‘’We must acknowledge the fact that the lad haven featured for his club in a number of games has proved to be a worthy player that gets beĴer in every game. He needs to be encouraged by Oliseh. The way and manner he being left out which lads at his age or vice versa are included in the senior side left sour taste in the mouth. We must be realistic about the way and manner we invite players to national team camp. It should not look as if some players are favoured at the expense of others.
Fifa crisis: IOC president says ‘enough is enough’
he International Olympic CommiĴee has called on world football’s governing body Fifa to reform urgently after its president Sepp BlaĴer, vice-president Michel Platini and secretary general Jerome Valcke were suspended. The trio were banned for 90 days by Fifa’s ethics commiĴee as it investigates corruption allegations. “Enough is enough,” IOC president Thomas Bach said. “Fifa cannot remain passive - they must act swiftly to regain credibility.” BlaĴer, Platini and Valcke deny any wrongdoing. Bach also called on Fifa to accept “a credible external presidential candidate of high integrity”, with the governing body due to choose BlaĴer’s successor at its next congress in February. And South Korean ex-Fifa vice-president Chung Mong-joon who was also banned for six years on Thursday, said he wants to help “bring about a true re-birth of Fifa”. However, a close friend and adviser of BlaĴer has said the 79-year-old Swiss “will have the ęnal word”. Klaus Stoehlker told the BBC that BlaĴer had been “put on the
touchline” but said he was conędent that he would return to the helm of Fifa. “He will be back early to hopefully organise the congress in [February] 2016,” Stoehlker said. “It is a pity that after 40 years in football he should have this happen to him. This is not the end.” Former England striker Gary Lineker said it is “hard to be surprised” by the latest developments
in the Fifa crisis. “It just goes from bad to worse to desperately bad,” he told the BBC. “It’s just really depressing for those of us involved in the game. “It just seems that everybody in Fifa or Uefa involved in the running of the game is implicated in some way, or certainly suspicious of bad behaviour in some way, so who knows how far it goes or how many dominoes will fall.”
The Man City player has proved reliability in his star studded side in the English Premier League when the chips are down, could it be link to the biblical prophet that has no honour amongst his people?,’’ he queries. Chukwu added that the task of building a national should be holistic in all its ramięcations than what obtains presently. He believes that apart from Iheanacho, there are other inform players that have been left out of the Super Eagles, yet we can readily tell anybody that cares to listen that Nigeria is rebuilding her team. He wonders in a situation when dazzling younger players are out rightly left, therefore there should be a big question on the whole excrise. ‘’My take remains that we must endeavour to harness our best for the national team duty as it is the norm in other countries. In as much the central focus is the player’s current form, no player that fell into that category should be left out. Let also add that friendly matches are stable ground to invite players for assessment and those so identięed are use to fortify weak links discovered in the team. My candid advice to the coach is to focus more on testing and ęshing out raw and depth talents inherent in the new boys in order to take it from there,’’ he said. The former captain of the team further informed that when the coach widens his choice of players, it will leave him with great room to choose the best which would enable him form a formidable squad which is what the country needs presently.
Obaseki condemns Oliseh-Enyeama feud VICTOR ENYINNAYA
ormer second vice chairman of the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF), Chief Oyuki Obaseki, has condemned the open confrontation between Super Eagles coach, Sunday Oliseh and erstwhile captain, Vincent Enyeama in Belgium during the build to Thursday’s friendly game against DR Congo. He said that it is signal that must be critically checked and lasting solution found for the interest of the country. He added that what is happening in the team today is capable of denying the country the Africa Cup of Nations ticket for the 2017 edition to be hosted by Gabon.
He calls for vigilance on the part of the key players it is their duty to steer our ship towards picking ticket for the Nations Cup to brace up decisively and nip this trouble on horn. ‘’The truth is that there is an ugly incident already on ground now that may divide the team further along loyalty lines. I must say here that l appreciate the stand of NFF on the issue. It is one issue that must be thoroughly ironed out in the overall interest of the nation. Iam of the opinion that both parties must be brought to round table to trash out whatsoever that must have caused that rancour and tell them in unmistakable language that Nigeria must come ęrst no
maĴer what each of them may have against each other. There is nothing that cannot be resolved once there is honest understanding towards it. I will plead to Oliseh and Enyeama to see reason so as to get the team on track again and also strengthened it,’’ he said Obaseki insists that Oliseh should see himself now as father of all the players unlike when he was player and captain of the side and therefore behave like wise even on extreme cases. He also observed that whatever that must have caused the national embarrassment in far away Belgium ought to have been avoided. But there are already unforgiveable grudges being nursed.
Saturday, October 10, 2015
Saturday, October 10, 2015
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Saturday, October 10, 2015
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Saturday, October 10, 2015
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Saturday, October 10, 2015
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Newswatch Times -Tradition T diti built b ilt on Truth T th
Vol. 01, No. 49
Saturday, October 10, 2015
Celebrating women of substance
I sacrificed career to build my home
â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Animashawun
26 My Love
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 10, 2015
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ow do you feel being 80 years in a country where life expectancy is 49 years? It is Godâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s grace that I am able to reach 80 years because only people that enjoy the grace of God can survive in this country. Apart from Godâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s grace, what else could be responsible for your good health and long life? Genetics, because I come from a family where people live long. Also hard work. I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t live a sedentary life, I keep myself active and occupied. If someone is not idle, but keeps his or her physical, spiritual and mental being active, long life will be his or her gain. But somebody who accumulates fat in the body through inactive life is inviting danger. I exercise and eat healthy food. I think being a nurse is a great advantage also. Could you let us into your birth and formative years? I was born in Benin &ity on 6eptember 0, the Âżrst baby through the grace of God to be delivered by trained nurses and midwives in a maternity hospital. Many years before my birth, pregnant women didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t get their babies delivered in hospitals. In order to encourage people to have safe childbirths, my mother told me she got registered in the antenatal clinic of the only government hospital. From Benin, we moved to Iperu in 1940 where I started primary education. I continued my elementary education in Lagos when my father became the vicar of St Davidâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Anglican Church, Okesuna. The transfer of my father to Benin from Lagos made me a pupil of CMS Girlsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; School, Benin. I later left for Queen of the Rosary College, Onitsha, where I sat for my Secondary School CertiÂżcate (xamination or GC( Ordinary Level in 1955, the year the Premier of Western Region, Chief Obafemi Awolowo introduced free education. What about your post-secondary education and career life? After my secondary education in 1955, I returned to Lagos to become a teacher at what is today known as Aunty Ayo Secondary School, but I left teaching for Royal (xchange Assurance, where I worked as all-risks staff until 1957, when I decided to travel to (ngland. Who are some close personalities of your generation you still fondly remember? Some of them were my schoolmates, classmates that I still cordially relate with or people we grew up together at that time. They include Mrs Reggy Igheh, Ms Stella Gbinighe, Mrs Dapo Banire, Mrs Grace Ogbemi, Mrs Bola Onajide, Mrs Leila Fowler, founder of Vivan Fowler School, who was my college mother; Mrs Bisi Fajemirokun, my chief bridesmaid on my wedding day. I also remember national table tennis player, educationist and popular childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s literature writer, Mabel Dorothy Segun and her younger sister. What motivated you to making nursing a profession? I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t really know. I think it was God because I hated nursing. I didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t dream of working in a hospital when I was growing up. I believe God pushed me into nursing. Really when I got to England, I wanted to study medicine, but my father could not sponsor me. So, I decided to opt for nursing and midwifery. Which period of your career years was the most interesting? I returned to Nigeria in 1963 and immediately became a member of the group that formed the foundation staff of the Nigerian Railway Corporation Hospital, Ebute Metta, Lagos. Incidentally, that is the only place where I practiced nursing after my training in Britain. I enjoyed the \HDUVÂś VHUYLFH EHFDXVH WKHQ DOO PHGLFDO RIÂżFHUV RI WKH hospital were trained abroad. The place was like a BritLVK KRVSLWDO D ÂżUVW FODVV KRVSLWDO WKDW , GRQÂśW VHH LWV W\SH again in Nigeria again. I found the period of the Nigerian Civil War, when I served as theatre sister in the hospital, as the most interesting, because we were taking care of SDWLHQWV ZRXQGHG RQ WKH EDWWOH ÂżHOG :H ZRUNHG URXQG WKH clock most of the days. Though it was laborious, it gave nurses and doctors, most of who came from other countries, joy, because we were helping those who surrendered WKHPVHOYHV WR ÂżJKW IRU WKH XQLW\ RI WKLV FRXQWU\
How did you cope with the challenges of your job and motherhood? What sort of challenge do you mean? Do you want to know whether juggling the two affected my marriage? Yes, perhaps ma. Throughout the time I was a civil servant, I was lucky to have my mother who babysat for me. I had a house girl, but I am the type of woman who doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t advise mothers to entrust the care of their children in the hands of house girls because some of them are unreliable and unpredictable. Really I didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have any challenge, because I worked for just 10 years, because that was the ceiling I had set for myself in government service. I later left to concentrate on my home and childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s development. When my children grew and travelled abroad, I left Nigeria to look after them. Much later in life, you were made Yeye Tunwashe of Ile,IH :KDW TXDOLÂżHG \RX IRU WKLV KRQRXU" What the late kabiyesi, Ooni of Ife, Oba Okunade Sijuwade, Olubushe II, told me was that he had watched the way I took care of the poor or underprivileged children, because years ago , my house was always Âżlled with children that needed to be helped. He (late Ooni of Ife) therefore conferred on me the title, Yeye Tunwashe of Ile-Ife in 1984. Literally, Yeye means mother while Tunwashe means mor-
To s ti r m y h u p r o v o k e m e s b a n d â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a n g e r, f ir s t
alist or an apostle of etiquette. Therefore, the honour was conferred on me because the kabiyesi appreciated I am a moralist, a quintessence of motherhood I think the late king saw in me. As a widely travelled woman, what have you found to be unique about Nigeria and Nigerians? That is a very difÂżcult question for me. Sincerely I canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t give full answer because I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know what to say. As a matter of fact, what I know about Nigerians is that they usually make a spectacle of themselves. When you meet them anywhere, you know them by the impressive way they walk, work, talk and dress. They have unique poise, distinct carriage and strong courage. Generally, they have the Nigerian spirit and pride, which galvanise them to take risk and compete favourably with others for excellence. What about Nigeriansâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; love for their countrymen? I am not sure about this because I related with few Nigerians when I was abroad, also because I didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t live in a purely Nigerian community. But the few I met were well-behaved and were never an embarrassment to the integrity of the country. In what areas of our national life do you think our leaders have failed? They have failed to move Nigeria forward. We have been moved back centuries. When I got to (ngland, I regretted leaving Nigeria because then Nigerians were clean, conscientious and considerate people. They were so loving and morally upright that every parent was like a policeman of the communityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s morality. If a child misbehaved, somebody would have disciplined him or her before he or she got home to face parentsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; punishment. Discipline was a collective responsibility of parents, but now, rectitude, etiquette and mores have been turned upside down. In retrospect, which period since independence in 1960 do
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 10, 2015
My Love
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I sacrificed career to build my home you cherish most? The period in our national history between 1966 and 1975, I considered as the golden era, because it was marked by peace and development, although there was an unfortunate civil war between 1967 and 1970, something admirable about Nigeria was that many people felt the impact of government. Now, children are idle, but they want to get rich quick. You see when we went abroad, our plan was to study, return home, get a job, buy a car, get married, plan our family and build our own house. Now, how many Nigerians have such plan? Are you aware of quantum of developments between 1975 and today? What kinds of developments and for how many people? Is it in terms of massive poverty, penury or pauperisation of the Nigerian people? When we talk about development, we measure it not only in terms of network of new roads, bridges, stadiums, universities or hospitals etc, but in real terms or the number of people such impact. Now, we have more people who cannot afford three square meals, decent shelter, healthy clothing, access healthcare and cheap transport system; and good living than before 1975. There are many unemployed young men in this nation that boasts of huge human and natural resources. To me, there has been national retrogression and not development. Any country with a large population of able-bodied unemployed youths is destined for trouble. But you are satis¿ed with the care of the aged in Nigeria. How can I be satis¿ed where the aged are neglected and mistreated? In saner climes, governments provide old people’s homes where they meet to share experiences; recreate or listen to specialists called geriatricians or gerontologists. Some nations provide oldies allowances while not a few governments give free health care to them because they report cases of arthritis, depression, stress, mental decline, anaemia, thyroid problems or senility in hospitals. Instead of comfort for the elderly, in Nigeria, they suffer and people deny them sympathy and empathy. Could you describe the man that has romantically navigated the earth and affectionately paddled with you on
If someone is not idle, but keeps his or her physical, spiritual and mental being active, long life will be his or her gain
your love boat? You mean my husband? Yes, madam. A very understanding and loving man; the best human being I have ever seen. He is very honest, very generous and very sincere. When he says it is black, it is black; when he says it is white, it is white. When people want somebody to give a dispassionate or objective comment on an important issue, they seek my husband. He never encumbered me in any way, even when I was in government service. Could you say what is so exciting about your union? He is a Muslim, a son of a renowned muezzin and Imam while I am a Christian, a daughter of an Anglican priest. It took us a long time before our families could accord it be¿tting blessing, because apart from the fact that ours was a marriage of contrasting personalities, we planned to wed at a period when there was religious disharmony, when Christians and Muslims were at discord, unlike today when the faithful of the two religions are more liberal, freely inter-marry and friendly relate. I believe because our union was God-planned and God-blessed, man found it dif¿cult to stop. As far as I am concerned, my husband and I had been united from heaven. He is my back bone and has erected a strong wall of defence round me to prevent me from attack. If you want to stir my husband’s anger, provoke me ¿rst. As a nurse who took care of casualties during the Nigerian Civil War, what is your sincere message to perpetrators of violence in some parts of the country? They should ¿nd something else to do instead of fanning embers of hatred. It doesn’t cost one anything to love his or her neighbour or be concerned about peace and well-being of other people. I beg them to stop these killings, maiming or murdering of innocent people. If Jesus tarries and you live another 80 years, how will you love Nigeria to be? I can’t change Nigeria because I am not a politician. I am only a drop in an ocean. But as a patriotic citizen, I want an end to unemployment in Nigeria. I want our politicians to create jobs. They should encourage young graduates to be self-employed or create an atmosphere that will make them to contribute positively to the growth of the nation. When the unemployment rate is reduced, economic development will be boosted and violent crimes will be controlled. Have you any guiding principle? Yes. Love God and worship the truth. This is what I preach and practise. I also encourage the world to do same. Without the love of God in us, it is impossible to express love to our fellow men. Also if we fail to worship the truth, the evil of unrighteousness will grow and develop a tap root in the world. Even the Holy Bible says: “You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.”
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THE TEAM Published by
Newswatch Times Ltd. Publisher
tunde ESO
qismat YINUS Production Editor
taiwo BERNARD Head Graphics
olukayode OGUNJOBI Graphic Artists
henry ENEGEDE/ chinwe DURUEKE
Newswatch Times, Satruday, October 10, 2015
Five Minutes with...
I hope to model internationally –Adeola Enitan Adeola, an upcoming model, in a chat with Society Editor, TUNDE ESO unveils her plans and other sundry issues
an you give a brief introduction about yourself I am Adeola Enitan, a student of Lagos State Polytechnic studying Mass Communications. I am a 5ft.10 model and fair complexioned. Favourite colour My favourite colour is blue. Favourite food -ollof rice and plantain with fried Àsh. I can aͿord to eat this delicacy daily if I have my way. Favourite place in the world Ghana, because it is a very lovely and lively place to be. Ghana is a unique country where I advice friends and fans to visit. Favourite person in the world
My mother; she is the best mother in the world and a caring one that I love so much. If I have to live my life again, I will prefer she is my mother. Favourite music genre Hip hop Favourite foreign artiste Britney Spear Favourite Nigerian musician I like Olamide a lot and his songs Favourite foreign musician Chris Brown is my favourite Favourite foreign fashion designer Zara Favourite fashion designer Versace Who is your role model? Toyin Aimakhu; I like her because of the way she interpretes her roles and for her elegance. What do you hope to be in Àve years? In Àve years, I·ll like be an international model. Are you a model or actress? I am an upcoming model How long have you been a model? 2 years.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 10, 2015
For enquiries call Qismat Yinus on 08027022738
Exquisite fashion statements from Tinsel Charity Ball
he Inaugural Tinsel Charity Ball which took place on Thursday, 1st October, 2015 at the Grand Ball Room of the Oriental Hotel in Lagos was a glamorous event.The ball was the culmination of a recent charity drive by the cast of Tinsel, and visits by the cast to the Hearts of Gold Hospice and the Shelter for Abused Women and Children (SAWAC), both charity organizations in Lagos. Here are some of the best dressed ladies at the event.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 10, 2015 Tunde Eso Email: tundeeso@yahoo.co.uk 08057482794
Love Tips
Unique ways to be a better wife
common saying that, what a man can do, a woman can do better is from hell. It is not scriptural. That doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t make you weak, but you are meant to be his helper to compliment his existence. Here are better ways to make up. Č&#x160;Čą Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2014;Č&#x201A;Â?Čą Â&#x152;Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2013;Â&#x2122;Â&#x17D;Â?Â&#x17D;Čą  Â&#x2019;Â?Â&#x2018;Čą Â&#x2018;Â&#x2019;Â&#x2013;ÇŻČą Čą Â&#x152;Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2013;mon saying that, what a man can do, a woman can do better is from hell. It is not scriptural. You were not created in the beginning to compete with him. Can a man find himself in the labor room? It is a capital NO. He was not made to operate that way. You cannot compete with him and win. That doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t make you weak. It is just your design. Be his helper. Č&#x160;Čą Â&#x2DC;ČąÂ&#x2014;Â&#x2DC;Â?ČąÂ?Â&#x203A;Â&#x160;Â?ČąÂ&#x2018;Â&#x2019;Â&#x153;ČąÂ&#x17D;Â?Â&#x2DC;ČąÂ&#x2019;Â&#x2014;ČąÂ?Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;ČąÂ&#x2013;Â&#x17E;Â?ČąÂ&#x2039;Â&#x17E;Â?Čą package and nurture it for him: By nature, an average man is proud. Even though, many of them will disagree. It is psychological. He likes to feel big and pompous. He wants to pay for everything at the grocery. He doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t mind if he puts you on the plane and come home by road from kano.That is his nature. He was made that way. He is like a lion. He wants to conquer his world all the time. Let him dictate the pace, feel important and you will always have his best.
Č&#x160;ÇŻČą Â&#x2DC;ČąÂ&#x2014;Â&#x2DC;Â?ČąÂ?Â&#x2018;Â&#x203A;Â&#x17D;Â&#x160;Â?Â&#x17D;Â&#x2014;ČąÂ&#x2018;Â&#x2019;Â&#x153;ČąÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x160;Â?Â&#x153;Â&#x2018;Â&#x2019;Â&#x2122;ǹȹ Â&#x17D;Â?Čą him remain the head but you must not Â?Â&#x2DC;ČąÂ&#x2039;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2022;Â&#x2DC; ȹÂ?Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;ČąÂ&#x2014;Â&#x17D;Â&#x152;Â&#x201D;ÇŻČą Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2014;Č&#x201A;Â?ČąÂ?Â&#x2DC;ČąÂ&#x2039;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2022;Â&#x2DC; ȹÂ?Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Čą neck in the sense that, in as much as he sees himself as the head, he still wants a level headed woman in thinking, intelligence, ideology, exposure etc. You must not be too backward or else you will be sent to the back seat and he will never carry you along in any of his decision makings. And before you know it, you will end up in 3-fold assignment (cooking, raising kids and sex) as some are currently doing. You can advise him or make suggestion but, donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t try to display any sign of superiority over him. If you do, he will feel threatened, demoralized and the relationship/marriage will gradually go down the drain. Men may rule the world, but wise women indirectly rule the men that rule the world. Č&#x160;Čą Â&#x2DC;Â&#x17E;Čą Â&#x2013;Â&#x17E;Â&#x153;Â?Čą Â&#x2039;Â&#x17D;Čą  Â&#x2019;Â&#x153;Â&#x17D;Čą Â&#x160;Â&#x153;Čą Â&#x160;Â&#x2014;Čą Â&#x17D;Â&#x160;Â?Â&#x2022;Â&#x17D;ǹȹ Â&#x2014;Čą eagle neither struggle with the wind nor flap its wings like any other bird. It adjusts itself in the direction of the wind and soars along. There is nothing wrong in a woman being great but pray for your husband to be greater. An average man does not see it a big deal when
he takes care of his woman and family. He loves to do that he though at time, he could be acting lazy. But it becomes an issue when it is the other way round. The glory of a wife is hidden in her husband. Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2014;Č&#x201A;Â?ȹ¢Â&#x2DC;Â&#x17E;ČąÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2014;Â&#x2DC; ȹÂ?Â&#x2018;Â&#x160;Â?ČąÂ&#x2019;Â?ČąÂ&#x153;Â&#x2DC;Â&#x17E;Â&#x2014;Â?Â&#x153;ČąÂ&#x2014;Â&#x2019;Â&#x152;Â&#x17D;ȹ Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2014;Čą a woman shows her friend the car she bought for herself but more glorious when the other woman points in return a car bought for her by her husband even if is small? Yoruba refers to women as â&#x20AC;&#x153;Gbolahanâ&#x20AC;? (The displayer of wealth). You can be great but, strive, support and encourage your husband to be greater. It was made so in the beginning. Č&#x160; Â&#x17D;Â&#x2013;Â&#x160;Â&#x2019;Â&#x2014;ČąÂ&#x160;ȹ Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2013;Â&#x160;Â&#x2014;ČąÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;ČąÂ&#x152;Â&#x160;Â&#x2014;ČąÂ&#x2039;Â&#x17D;ČąÂ&#x2122;Â&#x203A;Â&#x2DC;Â&#x17E;Â?ČąÂ&#x2DC;Â?Čą in the closet and public: I am not talking of your character here. Even though, good character sustains the relationship/ marriage but, your physical appearance must be at optimum. It is because men judge by sight. That is the nature of man. You must always look presentable before him. If not, he can deny you in public. Look good always. You donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t appear before the king with an unshaved bears. You donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t get married and become careless. In modesty, you must look polished and remain trimmed all the time irrespective of your age. If you must make up, do, but do not make over
Newswatch Times, Saturday October 10, 2015
12th Abuja International Film Festival announces 2015 award nominees
Segun Arinze regrets: I wish my kids are from one woman
Cossy slams haters, says they are not real
t was fun, fashion and fashionable celebs as the Glitz Style Awards held its first edition at the Movenpick Hotel in Accra, Ghana on Saturday last week. The event was well attended by personalities is Ghollywood, music, television and the modelling world, to see who would walk away a winner.
Joseylin Dumas, Yvonne and others win @ Glitz Style Awards
P opular actor, Jim Iyke who welcomed a newborn with his girlfriend few weeks ago has shared some adorable photos of himself tending to his son on social media. The award winning actor who earlier kept mum on the delivery of his son took to photo sharing app, Instagram to share the images.
By AJIBADE ALABI e-mail: murphyaa_2007@yahoo.com
Ajibade Alabi 08023934887
ollywood actress, Dayo Amusa and few of her colleagues, who travelled to Saudi Arabia for her 2015 Hajj in Mecca, have returned home. The actress, while expressing gratitude to God, disclosed that it was good to be home again despite the unfortunate incident that claimed the lives of over 700 pilgrims due to a stampede. She thanked her family, friends and fans for the fervent prayers and concern during the period. Dayo explained that people were still united despite the unfortunate stampede.
Hajj Stampede: Dayo Amusa shares experience
Why I wear provocative dresses -Chika Ike
We need more women in politics - Stephanie Okereke
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 10, 2015
Jim Iyke tends newborn baby in new photos
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 10, 2015
More Tripping...
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 10, 2015
Qismat Yinus
CVL hosts 26th Leader Without Title colloquium
Templars bags ESQ’s Law Firm of the Year
law firm, Templars, has emerged the best law firm in Nigeria at the ESQ Nigerian Legal Awards held at the Muson Center, Onikan,
rof Pat Utomi’s CVL (Centre for Values in Leadership) hosted the 26th CVL Leader Without Title (LWT) Leadership Tribute Colloquium in honour of Chief (Dr) Olusegun Osunkeye, CON @ 75 and Mrs Adeleke Adetutu @ 78 on last month in Lagos. The theme of the event was: The de-industrialization and the future of multinational companies manufacturing in Nigeria. This event was to honour them for their exemplary management of multinationals in Nigeria. Chief Olusegun Osunkeye served on the Board of Directors of Nestle Nigeria Plc for 40 years rising during the period to be the Managing Director/Chief Executive and Chairman of the Board. He was also the Chairman of Lafarge Africa Plc and GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Nigeria Plc. Mrs Adeleke Adetutu was the former Managing Director of Tate and Lyle Nig Ltd from 1983-1989. In 1989 the company became Tate Industries Plc which made her the first female Managing Director of a publicly quoted company in Nigeria. CVL (Centre for Values in Leadership) initiated the Leader Without Title (LWT) Leadership Tribute Colloquium to honour outstanding sector leaders for their special contributions in the sector where they worked. The programme was initiated to affect the generation next to be leaders without care for title. It is an honour for people who are 70 years and above who have left a mark worth emulating.
Arin Oluwo trains 150 youths on leadership skills s part of her desire to impact the lives of the people in her community Dr. Arin Oluwo recently engaged the youth of Ikoyi -Obalende Local Council Development Area in a 2-week Free ndary Leadership Training targeting those in Senior Seco ing train The ity. Schools in Ikoyi-Obalende Commun youth. A had professionals in relevant fields speak to the things r othe g amon ated Medical Doctor who demonstr way, ct corre the in ing the importance of hand wash ation, Experts with Ph.D.degrees in various fields of Educ ical Med a and ss Fitne ical Phys Psychology, Sociology, qualities Doctor were on hand to help train the youth on of leaders.
Lagos. The law firm also won three other awards, Capital Market Team of the year, Corporate Restructuring Team of the year and Project Finance Team of the year. Other winners included Royal Heritage with two awards, Dispute Resolution and Labour Relations Team of the year; Banwo and Ighodalo in Energy; Aluko & Oyebode in Intellectual Property, Banking & Finance and Mergers & Acquisition; Sefon Fross in Oil & Gas; Jackson Etti & Edu in Private Equity; Sterling Partnership in Real Estate and G. Elias in Telecommunications. For the Corporate Counsel category, Oando received award for the Oil & Gas sector; Axa Mansard won the Insurance sector; MTN won Telecommunications sector; Stanbic IBTC for Banking sector; Azura Power for Energy; FBN Capital for Investment; Ladol Integrated Logistic Freezone Enterprize for Maritime and Lafarge Africa for Manufacturing. Expressing his delight, the principal partner, Templar, Mr. Oghgho Akpata, said the recognition made all the hard work worthy and it would charge them to even do more. Akpata urged lawyers to always think out of the box, adding that the world was a global place. “We cannot just practice within our geographical space again; we should practice law because the world is watching. I am very involved with the Nigerian Bar Association and we are ensuring that the lawyers understand that the profession goes beyond Nigeria. The world is coming to Nigeria and lawyers are the first port of call for anybody that comes to this terrain. The client wants to meet lawyers that could inspire confidence and know their onus. So we must all up ours game and run the profession in a way that is acceptable internationally,” the lawyer insisted. Also in his acceptance speech, the managing partner, Royal Heritage, Prince Aderemi Adekile, stated that as a firm they had tried to create a climate in which people were motivated to excel.
Newswatch TImes, Saturday, October 10, 2015
The Counselor Bimpe Onwuchekwa bimpechekwas@gmail.com
Service:Much needed v irtue
ervice is the watch word for quality leadership. From God’s perspective, service is not an option, it’s a mandate. Rendering service is what living is all about. We were meant to be symbiotic in nature: Service to God and humanity. Service can be seen in the following spheres; performing duties, leadership, followership, contributing, charity, meeting a need, paying attention to others, taking responsibility and showing compassion. Service involves being able to give without expecting returns or reward; giving without taking credit. It requires living beyond your own life or needs to better others’ lives. I remember those days when a child is given money to buy an item; the item is bought promptly and given to the older person without expecting any reward or gift. These days, the child in fact makes bargain of what reward he/she expects after the errand. Children need to be shown and taught the act of service. As they receive love, care, aͿection, attention, discipline, Ànancial support, education, facilities, infrastructure and many more, they need to know about sharing and giving back to their society somehow. They need take care of the materials, tools, gadgets, facilities, infrastructures they are given for use for education, comfort and utility as the case may be. They should be given responsibilities and age-appropriate chores to do. Sometimes, depending on their ages, you can reward or show them appreciation. Teach them to appreciate what they are getting from their environment no matter how small. They should be taught to give smiles, obedience, care and understanding even when they are scolded, since it is for their good as well as give hard work, honesty and cooperation. Their gifts and talents are sourced out for maximum utility in the society. They should be taught patriotism to keep their service in scope and view for productivity and progress. Since they are the leaders of tomorrow, children should be taught leadership skills with expectations of their needs being met. Service to God entails obedience to His requirements and commandments, just as service to humanity also
entails obedience to parents, elders and societal/school rules. It is in obeying God that a lot of children Ànd their footing and build up a solid foundation for other life values. Contribution can be seen from diͿerent angles of the physical and abstract. A child should see his/herself as a contributing factor to the yielding of our world. They should contribute their intellect for further development of the society by paying attention in class, contributing to the well being, joy, unity and oneness in the home by performing their duties and chores. Having a help should not debar the allocation of duties in the home to a child, like overseeing the younger one with supervision and clearing the table and Áoor after food. Followership training is essential for child submission to authorities and being cooperative. Charity should be given priority during curriculum building in schools. Roles of visiting “homes” should be essentially encouraged on gratitude bases. Going with material goods isn’t too much to teach for children to learn giving as a culture. Children should learn understanding emotional gestures by paying attention to other people’s emotional needs thereby becoming compassionate. A child being used to watching the mum’s countenance and feelings would have learnt how to know when someone else is in need. It is service to parents for a child to always look out for how to make their parents happy and comfortable. Charity begins at home, they say, giving and sharing should be practised within the family. This includes sharing views, intentions, emotions and other. As a child grows into a youth with a service oriented heart, he is able to lead with a mindset of service. Not measuring how much he’s given to how much he’s receiving as returns, maximising every opportunity for tangible and intangible service. A young man once told his story of how he got his Àrst and only job before he became an entrepreneur. He said after some months of search for employment after his youth service, he walked into a computer company and requested to see their boss. He told him he would like to
render free services at the company. He was taken in with no salary plan which he sure did diligently. He resumed early and closed later than all the staͿ. By the time the month was ending, he was known to be the most handyman around. He was then paid salary with the other staͿ members because of his diligence till he resigned to start his own business. Leadership is about readiness to serve by leading others to achievements and progress. Leaving out the Boko Haram insurgency, the youth corps members should be ready to serve in any state, and work in any organisation available. You should be known for what you stand for and what purpose you will choose to pursue to fulÀlling destiny. Being ready to use your talent and gift to better your society, utilising your mental faculty, your physical attributes, like a very tall youth playing basketball, a masculine featured girl playing female football, an exceptionally intelligent person involved in the game of chess and so on. Rendering service with your discovered talent and gift is meant to pave way for your greatness. An adult that got his/her role right in the home and society from young would certainly be a dedicated civil servant, a diligent employee and a thorough employer of labour. Such persons would be committed to paying tax and fulÀlling other laws of the land, giving their quota at the required time. As parties in a home, they are responsible parents, performing their roles adequately, laying good examples for their children as role models. They are committed to making their homes by keeping their partners happy. They are not particularly interested in who is giving more in all to make the home a home indeed. Let’s have in view a retrenched man. He is by circumstance made to stay back at home rendering necessary services to enhance the home as a relief for his wife. He cooks, washes, and does homework for their children among other things. He sees as an opportunity to warm up/blend with his children, building a more interesting home, till he’s engaged in another employment or becomes an entrepreneur or any other business to make ends meet.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 10, 2015
Feminine clips I give thanks to God Almighty because He has been good to me. I can’t say the journey hasn’t been tough, no. However, I must say that since I took off, I have continually enjoyed the grace of God. What are the challenges as a gospel artiste? I am an ordained Evangelist who is not only singing about Christ Jesus, but also preaching the word of God with Apostolic oil. Blessed and fortunate to be envied, yes, but with all humility, I prefer to live a very simple and quiet life with my family. What God has blessed us with is for the ministry to grow and to be able to say that indeed we are serving God and enjoy Him. I am a vessel in God’s hands, but I haven’t arrived yet. The challenges I face daily is nothing that is uncommon to man. Recently, we heard that a record label wanted to sign you on for N100 million, how true is that? Let’s just wait and see. The Lord is working something great out for His work. How do you get your inspiration? There is no limit to where I get my inspiration. I get it anywhere, any day, any time. It comes at times, in the bathroom, in the kitchen, on the road, just anywhere. One thing that I do is get prepared for its coming. When it comes, I don’t allow it to slip by unused. I am always at alert. What is your opinion about the music industry? What can one say? I believe the industry is growing and it’s getting
Princess Pat Akpabio is a certified financial analyst from Georgia State University. An evangelist and a preacher, she spoke with QISMAT YINUS on her marriage, exploits and challenges as a gospel artiste.
ow did you come into music? Music has been a part of me since I was born. My father was an active member of a well known cultural group in his days and my mother was a member of her church choir. I grew up writing songs and singing in church. I started ministering in songs at the age of eight and I’ve been doing that till date. It is my wish to keep on ministering in music to the Lord until the second coming of the Christ. How would you differentiate gospel and secular music? In a simple language, secular music is non-religious, non-spiritual while gospel music is designed to praise God, to ful¿l the purpose of God in the lives of the people. It is a kind of music that is composed to uplift the kingdom of God. It is far from worldly music that is designed to gain ¿nancial bene¿ts and other rewards like fame and prominence for the musician. A real gospel song or music does not have provision for praising people no matter how important they are, it is designed to praise God Almighty only. It worships only God and not anybody. Gospel music is religious and spirit- ¿lled songs. Its purpose is to send a message to people about the mind of God to them. It is to draw people unto God. Secular music has no spirituality in its content. How would you describe the journey so far?
bigger and better. It is the largest in Africa. We are gaining grounds in the world with our music and my prayer is that we keep going higher. I must say however that some of the marketers and managers of artistes are not faithful. Some of them are not truly transparent and it is affecting the reward that should come in for good work. But what can one do? You cannot do without them; you cannot do away with them because they are the devil you know. You don’t know what you will get from the other one you move to. So, we cope with them, anyway. But I must say that generally, the industry is growing. What advice do you have for upcoming artistes? This advice does not apply to artistes alone, it is a general one. The young ones should sit down and identify their talents and accept themselves the way they are. They should be sure of their call. Like me, I desired and I prayed for God’s help. He answered me and here I am today. Most parents also contribute to the problem of upcoming artistes. They just get to the studio anyhow and come up with something. It is true God can help anybody, but it is good to be sure of what someone wants. How would you describe the attitude of youths of today? Many are very wayward and careless in their attitude. That is not to say that there are not many who are very straight and well-brought up. I think a lot depends on the parents. There is need to instil some
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 10, 2015
Feminine clips What is that fashion item you can never be caught wearing? It is anything that doesn’t ¿t me and my shape. What is that fashion item that forms the larger part of your wardrobe and why? Shoes, bags and jewellery because it is fashion necessity. How do you manage your home, business and music? I want to attribute the possibility of combining all of these together to God Almighty. The Bible says it is not by power or by might, but by the spirit of the Lord. I must say that God has been very helpful to me in this regard. He provides the wisdom that I need, the strength and the best man in the world. Being married to a rare gem like my husband is the best thing that has happened to me. He is one man who supports me in every sense of the meaning of support. In addition, my band members have been a very strong team that is encouraging and supportive as well. What is your current advice to the new government? It should put God ¿rst in every decision. What is your greatest achievement? Living my dreams Any advice to your fans who are looking up to you? They should know that the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. This is according to -Eleanor Roosevelt. They should keep dreaming and striving to achieve their dreams. The worst kind of death isn’t when you die and you are put in a casket and dropped 6ft below the earth, but what dies inside of you when you are still alive. The truth is they should do that which their hearts say is right. They should not mind criticism, they should not be bothered about distractions, they should be focused on their future and keep pushing forward until they achieve their goals. I am living my dreams and I suggest they should live theirs too.
level of discipline in the children. There is the need to let them have the fear of God; there is the need to let them appreciate good virtues so that they can live a very good life. The government also has a role to play in all these. Once certain basic things are taken care of, there will be decrease in the level of crime and youths would be positively engaged. What’s your growing up like? I grew up like a normal kid. I had a good mentoring from my parents, I was taught to fear God and do good to others just as I will want others to do to me. Who is your mentor? God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit. How else do you give back to the society? I support other ministries and help the less privilege through Pat Akpabio Foundation. Your greatest achievement in life? Serving God regardless of how I am being judged by the world and keeping it real all the time Which current project you are working on? My fourth album titled “I’m unstoppable” and building of “The city of praise” (TCOP) in Uyo, Akwa Ibom State The kind of books do you read\. The Bible and inspirational books. Which artiste would you like to work with? Fred Hammond, Donnie, Yolanda Adams, Bebe Winans, Monique, Chris Morgan, Buchi, Righteous man What do you think is the most remarkable day of your life? The day I got born again Which part of your body is your favourite? I am wonderfully and fearfully made, so I love every part of my body. Tell us about your worst moment? When I lost my father. What is fashion to you? It is all about being me and pleasing my husband.
PAThis i G SAs for E LE
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 10, 2015
L-R: Vice President Yemi Osinbajo; Guest Speaker/Catholic Bishop of Kafacha, Bishop Joseph Ilagha; Primate, Church of Nigeria, Archbishop Nicholas Okoh and Archbishop John Promise Daniel of Dominion Chapel at the 55th Independence Anniversary Interdenominational Church Service held at the National Christian Centre Abuja
L-R: Managing Director, The Infrastructure Bank Plc, Mr. Adekunle Oyinloye; Director-General, National Pension Commission, Mrs. Chinelo Anohu-Amazu and Director-General, Nigerian Stock of Exchange, Mr. Oscar Onyema.
L-R: Former President, Chief Ernest Sonekan;, APC National Chairman, Chief John OdigieOyegun; Speaker ,House of Representative, Hon Yakubu Dogara; Vice President Yemi Osinbajo and his wife Dolapo at the event.
L-R: Chief Investment Officer, Africa Finance Corporation, Mr. Oliver Andrews; Chairman, ICMG Securities Ltd., Mr. Michael Osime and Former Governor of Jigawa State, Alhaji Saminu Turaki.
Executive Secretary, Nigerian Content Development & Monitoring Board (NCDMB), Mr. Denzil Kentebe (left); and Chairman, International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC) Nigeria Chapter, Mr. Sola Falodun.
L-R: Chairman, International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC) Nigeria, Mr. Sola Falodun; Division Manager-Shore base, Pacific International Drilling (West Africa) Limited (PIDWAL), Mr. Dick Verhaagen; Managing Director/CEO, Oando Energy Services, Mr. Dele Badejo; General Manager, Wells, Shell Peltroleum Development Company, Mr. Isaac Iyamu and Drilling and Completion Engenieer Manager, Chevron, Mr. Lanre Ojo Aromokudu. Photos: Abiodun Omotosho
L-R: Chinedu Odimgbe, winner of a brand new Hyundai Elantra car of ‘The Chase’ leg of the 2015 edition of the Gulder Ultimate Promo, receiving the key to his brand new car from Ansel Alokha, Zonal Business Manager, East, Nigerian Breweries Plc., while Emmanuel Agu, Marketing Manager, Gulder, More, 33, Life and Stout category also of Nigerian Breweries looks on; at Michael Okpara Square, Enugu…on Saturday.
L-R: Emmanuel Agu, Marketing Manager, Gulder, More, 33, Life and Stout category; Ansel Alokha, Zonal Business Manager, East, both of Nigerian Breweries Plc.; Chinedu Odimgbe, winner of a brand new Hyundai Elantra car of ‘The Chase’ leg of the 2015 edition of the Gulder Ultimate Promo; Obiora Okoli, Regional Business Manager; Ethel Emma-Uche, Brewery Manager, Ama Breweries and Patrick Ejodoh, Public Affairs Manager – East, all of Nigerian Breweries Plc., during the event.
3 39
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 10, 2015
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is Th GE PAis for E L
L-R: Secretary General, Abuja MOU on Port State Control for West and Central Africa, Mrs. Mfon Usoro; Director General, Nigerian Chamber of Shipping, Ify Anazonwu-Akerele and Chief Executive Officer, International Maritime Exhibition and Conference Limited, Barrister Margaret Orakwusi, during the International Seatrade and Investment Convention 2015 held in Lagos…recently. Photo: Bode Agbede. L-R: Deputy Managing Director, Dasyooh Limited (Farms), Mrs. Oluyinka Odukoya; Policy Office, Livestock, Department of Rural Economy and Agriculture, African Union Commission, Jonathan Nyarko Ocran; President, African Organic Network, Jordan Gama; Representative of Osun State Governor, Dr. Adeleke Ipaye and President, Association of Organic Agriculture Practitioners of Nigeria, Prof. Gideon Adeoye.
L-R: Managing Director/CEO, Dockworth Services International Limited, Alhaji Mohammed Bambado; Geberal Manager, Capital Projects, Nigerian Ports Authority, Engr. Ahmed Rufai Mohammed and Executive Secretary, Nigerian Shippers Council, Hassan Bello, at the event. Photo: Bode Agbede
Cross section of recipients of award of recognition for their contribution to the association at the event.
L-R. Senior Brand Manager- Peak, FrieslandCampina WAMCO Nigeria Plc, Omolara Banjoko; Junior Brand Manager- Peak, Adetunji Quadri, and Senior Activation Manager, FrieslandCampina WAMCO Nigeria Plc, Grace Onwubuemeli; during the Independence Day Family Fun Celebration with Peak Choco at New Apapa Amusement Park, Lagos… recently.
L-R. Jnr. Brand Manager- Peak, Adetunji Quadri; Snr. Activation Manager, FrieslandCampina WAMCO, Grace Onwubuemeli and Snr. Brand Manager- Peak, FrieslandCampina WAMCO, Omolara Banjoko with Pupils from AG Nurs/Pry School, Ikate Surulere, Modern Day Nurs/Pry School, Ebute Metta and Bellina College, Akoka during the Celebrations.
L-R: Son of late Prof. Babatunde Fafunwa, Mr. Tanimola Fafunwa; Mrs. Lami Buba; Mr. Tunde Fafunwa; Chairperson, Board of Trustees, Fafunwa Education Foundation (FEF), Chief (Mrs.) Doris Fafunwa; Former Minister of Education, Mallam Ibrahim Shekarau (Sardauna Kano) and Representative of the Edo State Governor, Bar. Washington Osa Osifo.
L-R: Chairperson, Local Organising Committee of the foundation, Dr. (Mrs.) Pat Akumabor; Chairman, Zinox Group/Guest speaker, Mr. Leo Stan Ekeh; son of late Prof. Babatunde Fafunwa, Mr. Tanimola Fafunwa and former Executive Secretary, National Universities Commission, Prof. Peter Okebukola.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 10, 2015
My Kitchen
Qismat Yinus
Talking Nutrition with CHIZOBA BENSON
0806.565.1922 (sms only) chizobanwobu@yahoo.com
Soya Beans: Health benefits
oya beans are one of the nutritious foods. It belongs to a family of legumes and also very rich in proteins, minerals, and vitamins including folate, potassium and, in some cases, Àber. The soya bean is a native of China and now widely cultivated in India, United States, Europe and some parts of Africa. It is key to note that soya bean’s proportion of protein is ‘complete’ as it contains building blocks of proteins in the proportion that make them most available and most valuable for human needs. Soya beans are the best of all proteins and ranks the highest respect with protein of milk, eggs and meat. In the past years, soya beans have attracted the attention of research scientists around the world for health properties beyond basic nutrition. While most proteins are acid in their ash, soya bean is rich in alkaline, hence, regarded as a corrective diet and very good for the treatment of many ailments especially when consumed in milk form. Research has shown that 90% of the protein in soya beans is absorbed in the body and 95 to 100% of the milk is easily digested. According to webMD News archives, soya beans’s isoÁavones are credited with producing the healthy beneÀts. The isoÁavones were Àrst considered to be ‘’plant estrogens” and estrogen-like in action. But experts now believe they may also work in other ways, such as having antioxidant properties. Among the Àndings in a research also, soya beans relieved certain menopausal symptoms such as hot Áashes and night sweats in women. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ocially recognized the cholesterol-lowering eͿects of soy protein with a health claim stating that 25 grams of soy protein per day may reduce the risk of heart disease. Most soy foods are also low in saturated and trans fats, one reason why the American Heart Association has recognized soy foods’ role in an overall heart-healthy diet. Soy from foods has also been linked with lower risks of breast and endometrial cancer in studies. Soya beans contain low amounts of carbohydrates and therefore regarded as been suitable for diabetics. It’s rich in iron and has been found beneÀcial in the treatment of anaemia. Aneamic patients are also advised to consume them in a very light form to ease digestion. Soya beans are regarded as a remedy for skin disorders such as eczema, inÁammation, itching and allergic reactions. According the Nature Cure of Medical research, improvement in the skin health occurs due to lecithin content (a natural emulsiÀer which helps disperse fatty deposits and cholesterol from vital organs in the body. Soya beans are used in other forms such as Áour, which is prepared by roasting the soya beans and removing their coatings and then grounding into powder. This is taken in form of a beverage or added in foods such as pap/ogi, and some soups like egusi soup. Another form is the soya milk. This is prepared by Àrst sorting soya beans seed, wash and soak overnight in water for 12 hours (change water at least once and feel it in your hands if seeds are still very hard, if so, soak again for a few more hours to aid easy blending and better milking).
Asaro (Mashed Yam Porridge), delight of many
saro is yam porridge native to the Yorubas in Nigeria. It is a tasty dish and a staple in most homes. This meal is quite easy to prepare and enjoyed by all (both young and old). Ingredients - 1 medium sized tuber of Yam - 1 medium sized Onion(chopped) - 1 scotch bonnet pepper (atarodo) or Chili pepper (to taste) - 1 large red bell pepper (tatashe) (optional) - 2 large tomatoes(optional) - 2 to 3 spoonful ground Crayfish - Cleaned Smoked fish or cooked dried fish(optional) - 1 large stock cube/seasoning cube - 1/2 teaspoon Salt - 100 ml Palm oil
Hints: * Asaro can be prepared with or without tomatoes and tatashe (red bell pepper), so feel free to add or omit it. * You can also use more tomatoes and tatashe (red bell pepper) and reduce the quantity of palm oil, if you are watching your oil intake. * Skip the chili pepper, if cooking for little kids. Preparation: 1. If you’ll be using tomatoes and tatashe (red bell pepper), wash and blend together. Then pour into a pot, add about 4 cups (600ml) of water and set to boil on low heat. If you’ll only be using palm oil, then put only the water to boil. 2. While it boils, cut the yams into medium cubes, peel off the skin and
rinse thoroughly. Add the yam immediately to the pot, leave to boil for 5 minutes on medium heat, then add the smoked fish (if using), add the palm oil, ground crayfish, pepper, chopped onions, stock cube and salt. Cook until yam is very tender. This might take up to 15 minutes (more or less), depending on the specie and age of the yam. Tip: If the yam sucks up the whole liquid in the pot, before it is tender, don’t hesitate to add a little more water and cook the yams until soft. 3. Now reduce the heat to low and mash the yam with the back of your cooking spoon. Don’t worry if you still have big lumps, because most people like to see some yam chunks in their asaro, but be sure to mash thoroughly if it’s for little kids. 4. Finally put off the heat. Serve and enjoy.
Saturday, October 10, 2015
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Saturday, October 10, 2015
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Saturday, October 10, 2015
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Saturday, October 10, 2015
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Saturday, October 10, 2015
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 10, 2015
How Shittu’s nomination triggered discord in Oyo APC Olaide Oyelude, Ibadan
n Oyo state, a political drama is being played out in the state Chapter of All Progressives Congress (APC), the end of which may have serious eͿect on the party and its political loftiness in the state. Following the nomination of a staunch APC member, Barrister Adebayo Shittu as a minister by President Muhammadu Buhari, there were advertorials in two national dailies on Monday (5/10/15) signed by the APC state chairman, Chief Akin Oke and the Secretary, Mojeed Oloya, rejecting the nomination, alleging him of anti party activities. The APC stand was however contrary to the reaction of generality of people in the state who welcomed Barrister Shittu’s nomination with enthusiasm and joy. People of Oke-Ogun area of Oyo state where he hails from; have since launched massive support campaigns for him with a view to getting the senate’s endorsement for his nomination. Indigenes of the area on Monday, (5/10/15) staged solidarity rallies at various towns in the area including Shaki and Iseyin to rally support for Barrister Shittu who is seen by many people in the
state to be upright and a man of impeccable character. A non political Forum championing the interest of the Oke-Ogun area, known as “Oke-Ogun project”, along with another group known as “Oyo state Youth Assembly “, equally on Tuesday,6/10/15, in Ibadan, addressed a joint press conference where they appealed to the senate to endorse Barrister Shittu’s ministerial nomination. The two groups criticized the state APC over its stand on Barrister Shittu, maintaining that such a stand is not in the best interest of people of the state. The groups vouched for Barrister Shittu’s character and proÀle which they stressed, are in tandem with President Muhammadu Buhari’s anti corruption principle. Oke-Ogun Project Forum Chairman, Mr. Ismail Adewoyin who addressed the press on behalf of other members, declared”We urge members of the Senate to disregard the ranting of desperate politicians whose ultimate ambition is to corner all political patronages coming to Oyo state from the Federal Government only or their cronies.We hereby urge the senate to endorse Barrister Shittu’s appointment, so as to enable him give ex-
pression to President Buhari’s vision for a new Nigeria.” The Convener of Oyo State Youth Assembly, Mr.Bashiru Muyiwa Alade,also declared “That the forum appreciates the foresight of President Muhammadu Buhari in nominating Barrister Adebayo Shittu as one of the ministers that would serve under his administration at this crucial stage of national life.Barrister Shittu is not only a disciplined legal icon but also a politician with unblemished records of public service. “That the celebration of Barrister Shit-
tu’s nomination is beyond APC party members as alluded to in the paper advertorial is a testimony of his wider acceptability as pro-people and pro-good governance apostle.” In the same vein, a group known as “the Change Agent” in Oyo state lauded Buhari for nominating Barrister Shittu as a Minister ,declaring that the President has made a popular choice. Members of the group include one time member of House of RepresentaContinued on Page 50
Bailout fund controversy in Benue, which way out? Continued from Page 16
income and expenditure between 2007 and 2015, they gave conĚicting ęgures on how much the Suswam administration spent on foreign trips in four years. While one said the money spent in four years was N8 billion, another person said it was far bigger than N8 billion. Even as the Chairman of the Commission, Justice Margaret Kpojime, told them to reconcile the ęgures and feed the panel back with realistic information, the assignment has become an uphill task for the two top government functionaries. When Governor Ortom travelled to America during the period of the Amnesty Programme , he told those still in possession of illegal weapons to submit them before the end of September. When the period elapsed, citizens began to ask : After the Amnesty Programme, what next?. The Amnesty Programme is a sensitive issue that involves oěering a reward to those that surrendered arms with some money and the promise that they would reintegrated into the society under a programme yet to be unveiled. The issue is so sensitive that the Adviser on Security, Colonel Jando, rtd, or the Commissioner of Police, Mr. Paul Yakadi, may not be able to explain to the people whether the stick approach would be applied now that the grace period has ended. One must not forget to point out that apart from issues of bailout and security, township roads and street lights in Makurdi which used to be a thing of pride comparable to others must be mentioned. One does not need to remind the gov-
Ortom ernor that after the Commissioner for Works, Engr. Emmanuel Manger, had assessed bad roads within Makurdi and its environ, action would be expected to rehabilitate the bad ones. One does not need to inform the Governor that over 100 women who were street sweepers in Makurdi from George Akume administration of 1999 to 2007 have been abandoned to their fate because of failure of SURE-P programme. Investigation shows that the women who have spent over 15 years sweeping the streets were initially given N2, 000 as monthly stipend. After some years, the stipend was increased to N5000 a month and when SURE-P came on board, government oěered N10, 000 a month. The termination of SURE-P brought untold hardship to the women who now beg along Makurdi streets. The governor is hereby urged to assist them by considering their plight and absorb
them into the sanitation agency on a minimum m wage of N18,000. Onother important issue worthy of mention has to do with the fate of pensioners whose plight have become pathetic because of delay in the payment of monthly pension and gratuity. With what the governor said during his last media chat at Government House, it would appear that alternative arrangement has to be made to clear the arrears of pensions and gratuity. It has been suggested that instead of waiting for the Federal Government to help, the state government should commence a tripartite arrangement with the leadership of civil pensioners union, the banks and government representatives to work out how this can be seĴled. I feel that if anyone is to be owed accruing beneęts, it should not be extended to pensioners had served government meritoriously. Very soon, the present crop of caretaker commiĴee members in the local governments would end their six month tenure. At that period, the state government may not have the resources to conduct local government elections and withstand the political upheaval that usually characterize such elections in Benue state. The Kwande crisis of 2004 which consumed many lives is still fresh in our mind. Moreover, the present administration is yet to have fully provide information on the local government system. There is the cry by the Special Adviser on Local Government, Mr. Titus Zam that employment made at that level since 2013 were illegal. This means that the declaration by the immediate past Special Adviser on Local Government, Mr.
Solomon Wombo, that there were up to 14,000 ghost workers across the 23 local government areas may not be far from the truth. From the revelation by Mr. Zam that more than N400 million has been saved from the biometric method of payment of salaries to local government staě, it would appear that maĴers arising from the wages of local government staě are legion. They need to be further investigated. In view of the cumbersome nature of the local government system and the need for verięable information which would help government to correctly situate the local governments before any election could be conducted, it is being suggested that good information managers should be put at the helm of affairs in the 23 local government areas from January 2016. Since Ortom, a journalist, knows the worth of his colleagues in information gathering and dissemination, opportunity has come for him to give them the opportunity to clear the mess at the local government level. As long as he uses political patronage to make appointments of members of caretaker commiĴees, the truth may continue to evade government because of political interest. In the past, there was the allegation that a top government functionary employed some of his under-aged children on the payroll of local governments. Ortom or his representatives may need to continue to speak to the people of the state on the issues of salary and pension arrears as well as security and the local government system among others until his administration stabilizes.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 10, 2015
How Shittu’s nomination triggered discord in Oyo APC Continued from Page 49
tives, Hon. Akinrogun Segun Taiwo (Chairman), Dr. Adewale Samuel (Vice Chairman), Mr. Abiodun Oyaremi (Secretary General), Moses Adewale (Youth Leader), Ahmed A.B. Eleyele (Organizing Secretary), Mrs. Ayantoye Abosede (Women Leader), Mr. Jossy Ajiboye (Treasurer) and Mr. Adegbite Adewuyi (Public Relation Ocer),among others. The group, declared in an open letter to President Buhari, copies of which were made available to journalists in Ibadan, that Barrister Shittu’s pedigree as a one time member of state House of Assembly and when he served as the state Attorney General and Commissioner for Home AͿairs, Information and Culture, have shown him as a man of impeccable character who will represent the state and Nigeria very well in any portfolio he serves. The group declared “The above named organization whose membership cut across the length and breadth of Oyo State, and whose sole aim is to foster unity and development of the state and Nigeria at large within the ambience of Buharism zero tolerance for corrupt practices, Àscal discipline, orderliness in everything and war against indiscipline is using this medium to appreciate the kind gesture of the president and Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, President Buhari, in nominating a man of proven integrity, an altruist and patriot, Alhaji Barrister Adebayo Shittu as a minister of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. “The nomination of Adebayo Shittu is signiÀcant for certain reasons. One, it proves further the personal attributes of Mr. President as a man of integrity as only the deep call to the deep. Adebayo Shittu is equally a man of proven integrity, tested and trusted and he who has never soiled his hands. This means that a round peg is put in a round hole. Secondly, the action of Mr. President has helped in promoting equity amongst geopolitical zones in Oyo State and has removed the fear of domination of one zone by the others, thereby consolidating the good works and eͿorts of our amiable governor, His Excellency, Isiaka Abiola Ajimobi. Besides, the action of Mr. President in nominating an Oke Ogun Indigene, the zone where the APC got the highest votes in the State in the last general elections, shows that he appreciates their support. “We wish to place on record
that Barrister Adebayo Shittu had served in various capacities in the state before as youngest honourable member, Oyo State House of Assembly between 1979 to 1983 under the leadership of Late Chief Bola Ige. He also served twice as Commissioner for Home AͿairs, Information and Culture, and as Attorney General of the state under Governors Olunloyo and Ladoja respectively. We are happy to note that during and after all these services, he was not found guilty of any corrupt practices or criminal oͿences. “While we are appreciating the gesture of Mr. President, we are equally pledging the support and loyalty of all indigenes of Oyo State, irrespective of party aliations to the Federal Government. As a matter of fact, his actions thus far have shown that the much touted change has come and people have been feeling it in the areas of stable electricity supply, stability in the price and supply of petroleum products, reduction in the prices of building materials, taming of the dreaded BokoHaram insurgents, Àght against corruption, and improvement in the battered image of Nigeria internationally: all these within three months of being in the saddle is a testimony that a new day is here.” Barrister Shittu also told journalists in Ibadan that the state APC’s reaction to his nomination does not represent the general applause and acceptance that his nomination has elicited from generality of people of the state. Declared he”To the glory of Almighty Allah, I was the Chief Collation Ocer of our party
in my local government and it is on record that our party did not only win in the council, but, posted one of the highest results for the party. “I challenge the two signatories to the open letter to bring their results out from their local government councils to the world to see, because, it is an open secret that APC did not win in their two local government areas, one in Ogbomoso and the other in Ibadan, so, what moral justiÀcation do they have to accuse me of not to have worked for the party”. “As a man of God, though, I’m not a professional cleric, but, I’m religious enough to appreciate that when God elevates, nobody can demote and that’s why I’m not moved. “What’s more, the supports I have received either through visitation or telephone messages since the news Àltered out are enough to make one feel elated and happy that the generality of the people of the state, who I’m going to represent are looking beyond such parochial and narrow-minded myopic view.
“By the grace of Almighty Allah, I’m going to be the Minister of the Federal Republic and I owe it a duty to work in synergy with the state governor, Abiola Ajimobi, who I owe in a high esteem to ensure that our state gets its due at the Federal level”. The nomination of Barrister Shittu as a minister has brought to the fore the cleavages in the state APC which its leadership has, all along, pretended it never existed. For how can one explain a situation where people of the state, irrespective of their political divides, rejoice over the nomination of a party chieftain as a minister only for his own political party to denounce him. It means there is more than meeting the eye. The development, if anything, has succeeded in preparing the minds of people of the state on the political game that may play itself out in the 2019 general election, especially in the state Already the people of OkeOgun area believe that the state APC rejection of Barrister Shittu’s nomination is borne out of
dominant political party in Anambra state,” he said. Also speaking at the occasion, stakeholder in Njikoka APGA, Barr. Maduabuchi Akudu , advised both old and intending members of APGA to take the registration seriously , as it would go a long way in identifying `authentic members of the party. Barr. Akudu said that the achievements of the Anambra State Governor had assisted greatly in boosting the image of APGA in the state , hence the interest of many to register in APGA. He said that APGA was the leading party and would remain so, not only in Abagana, but in the whole of Anambra state. Barr. Akudu commended Anambra state governor,
Chief Willie Obiano for what he described as his landmark achievements, and called on all and sundry to support the governor by identifying with APGA . Also speaking, the APGA youth leader in the area, Mr John Iyke Okafor- Ugo said, his group had been mobilizing people of the area to ensure good turn out and success of the registration exercise. The youth leader said the youths in Anambra state were satisÀed with the interest which the governor had demonstrated on the welfare of the youths and by extension the people of Anambra state. He advised youths to stay clear of violence and not to allow themselves to be used by
sentiments of where he comes from and the activities of the god fathers in the party rather than the alleged anti party activities. This is informed by the belief that people from the area have all along been marginalised politically in the state while the nomination of Barrister Shittu as a minister by President Buhari is an attempt to correct the anomaly and equate political equation in the state. Observers of political events in the state are even pointing at chains of reaction the current developments in the state may elicit especially in the 2019 general election. First, going by the spate of developments in the ten local government areas that make up Oke-Ogun area of the state, especially with the unexpected reaction from the state APC, the 2019 governorship race in the state may see more of Oke-Ogun indigenes contesting in the race instead of playing second Àddle to many governorship candidates who are from other parts of the state. Second, the eventual emergence of Barrister Shittu as a minister means liberation for scores of politicians from the state including APC members who will now have an additional political chieftain controlling the soul of the party in the state. No matter the angle one looks at the development, the APC reaction to the nomination of Barrister Shittu as a minister and the overall jubilation and excitement that the nomination has elicited from people in the state, only point at an interesting and a very vibrant political game in the state in 2019 and beyond.
APGA kicks off registration in Abagana Cyprian Ebele, Onitsha
s political parties strategise to improve their fortunes in future elections, the ruling All Progressive Grand Alliance (APGA), in Anambra State yesterday began registration of members to increase membership. The APGA Chairman in Njikoka Local Government Area, Elder Charles Okongwu told newsmen that the registration was aimed at updating the membership of APGA. The party chairman said that many people from otherpolitical parties had been indicating interest in joining APGA, but had not been given the opportunity to do so. “We want to convince everyone that APGA is the
violent politicians to achieve their political ambition. In his speech, the chairman of ward 4, Abagana, Chief Sunny Ezejiofor assured that his ward, which was one of the largest wards in Abagana would record very high level of registration in APGA and would continue to support the party in all elections. Chief Ezejiofor said there were strong indications that many people would dump their political parties to register in APGA under the present registration exercise. He appealed to members of the party in the area to remain steadfast in identifying with APGA through which government in Anambra state had continued to meet the people’s expectation.
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 10, 2015
Kogi Guber Poll: APC challenge is real, but we’ll triumph –Wada Continued from Page 15
other states owe N200billion, N80billion. N300 and so on, but this one has just been restructured to soft term loan of Federal Government supported loan at 9%. The next stage was salaries of workers. As a State we looked at the issues comprehensively as you know we have been paying percentage salary for local governments for some years because the money for local government as a tier of government comes directly from the Federal Government account and because our local governments are generally over-staͿed and because of our own social setting - it is a civil service state. I have hesitated to take any step that would lead to relieving workers of their jobs. I thought whatever we have should cover as many people as possible. I said what we have done is to calculate some of the shortfalls to take this loan to pay the workers; those who have lost some money over the years so the batch was approved for the local government workers and teachers and also for the civil servants we owe two months of salary. It is actually one month but because we used money from other sources to pay the remaining one month, that is why we are applying for two months to sort ourselves. We are basically up to date with civil servants but when you add this, civil servants as workers for the state government, local government workers who work for the local government and then teachers, these are the principal components of our bail out. The CBN sent us an email that they wanted to have the biometric data of teachers and all the local government workers that we are claiming for and we supplied because we had done biometric veriÀcation to eliminate ghost workers and teachers. We provided, then later they said they wanted BVN numbers for these people and we said look, BVN has just been introduced, many have complied, allow others to go and get their own, that should not withhold the processes of this fund because our workers are in expectation. They (workers) threatened to block the highway to express their anger on the delay. They have published N50billion as bail out for Kogi State. If you go back now it will cause a lot of industrial problem in the State so I spent the whole of last week in Abuja pursuing this. So what I can report as the status now is that we are very close, by the grace of God between the next one week or two, we should be able to access the loan to clean out our Ànancial obligations to
workers in the state. Already, stories are making the round in the state that opposition has attempted to block the release of the bailout fund to your government. The argument is that, if it is released to your government, you will become more popular among the workers. Therefore, it makes political sense to block it so that the workers will suciently turn against you. What’s your take on this? Well that is politics; you can expect that from the opposition. In fact, they would do anything so that PDP does not win the election. So if they can do that at the Federal level to stop us from accessing the funds, they would do so but it is a message for our workers. We are concerned about them to take up the 20 year loan and sort out their Ànancial aͿairs, so any party that is trying to sabotage that eͿort by government is not a party they should vote for. They should support a party that cares about them. I have been very prudent in the management of Ànances of this state not taking loans anyhow. If I had taken N300billion loan and built structures everywhere and anyhow, that could have been restructured to 20 years. States that borrowed money anyhow, their Ànances have been restructured. Those of us who were prudent and have shown diligence in the management of public Ànance are now being made to look not to beneÀt from this window that Buhari has opened for Nigerians. Our state could not have been approved for this kind of amount if we were overborrowed. If already more than half of our allocation is going to pay interest and Ànancial cross loans we would not qualify, we would not be able to amortise the loan over the next 20 years. Our eͿorts need to be recognised that states that are prudent and show diligence in Ànancial management should not be punished by
political shenanigans in this kind of arrangement that is available for our country but I praise President Buhari for opening this window to enable us settle our Ànances, carry our workers along for a progressive agenda for our country. How do you plan to contend with the APC challenge? We recognise the APC challenge particularly as they have the Federal Government. My appeal to President Buhari is for him to create an enabling environment - an equitable environment, a level playing Àeld - for us to test our popularity and level of acceptability by the electorate. Let us not have overwhelming presence of Federal inÁuence in this election; let it be a state election; it is not a national election. Let us have unbiased security and environment. The challenge is real but with what we have done and what we plan to do over the next four years, I am conÀdent that with the peaceful environment that we already have, progressive agenda of my government and administration with sincerity of purpose and honesty, I
am conÀdent that our people looking at what we will do over the next four years and what we are doing now, they will re-elect us to remain in charge of government running the aͿairs of our state. Power rotation has become an issue used as a bait to garner votes; what is your outlook? We call it power rotation not power shift because if it shifts it may never return. My position on power rotation has been consistent since I came into oce. Within the Àrst 100days I made a speech to our stakeholders. Even in my vision for this state it was very clear that I want us to unite for a common purpose of leveraging on human and natural resources of our state for transformation and moving the state to the next level to make it among 10 states to reckon with in Nigeria. So I started on the platform of an agenda of bringing our people together trusting each other that we are all equal before God and we are equal stakeholders in the state. I said what has made power rotation a dream rather than reality is because
The people came out on their own struggling to enter the rally ground. There were many wards and local government areas that could get buses to convey their people. I was highly encouraged by the turnout and WKDW KDV IXUWKHU ERRVW P\ FRQ¿GHQFH QRZ WKDW RXU people are appreciating our efforts and therefore will support us during the election.
it always comes into the political agenda when people are running for governorship election. If they are running for House of Assembly or National Assembly you don’t hear anything about power rotation but only when the governorship election is at the corner, which makes the agitation to come up every four years. So my position is that we should make it a continuous agenda, a topic for continuous engagement of the stakeholders from all the three zones including the minority tribes in each of these zones because each of these zones has minority tribes. We are just talking about the Igala, Igbira and the Okun. How about the minorities? We have the Bassa, the Igbira in Ajaokuta, which is a mixture of Igala and Igbira. We have various minorities; we have micro groups within these broad tribes and people that we have in the state. So we have to look at it deeply; what are the social implications? What are the political implications so that we can do basketing of positions to give conÀdence. The rotation, should it be clockwise or anti-clockwise? Where should it go Àrst, Okun or is it Ebira? And when does it come back to the Igala and if when it does, will it then be Bassa or Bassa-nge or is it Koto? So all the details have to be worked out. At least there is some kind of framework at the National Conference; at least it has already been discussed nationally. We can borrow from that and use it to guide our own discussions here in Kogi State and my commitment is that I am a leader you can trust because once I take a position I will do my best as a human being to actualise that position. So I am telling our people let us engage ourselves over the next four years. Trust me to provide the environment and framework to have this discussion, arrive at a position that we can actualise power rotation agenda and it will happen by the grace of God and the cooperation of all our citizens. For me it is a matter of trust. Which of the candidates can you trust to deliver on this agenda? The people who are using power rotation as their key issue in voting in the next election should compare me in terms of reliability and consistency against the other candidates to their position whether you can trust them that when they get power, the power would not get into their heads in such a way that they would start saying, ‘what is power rotation? I beg this is where I am going.’ That is my own perspective of power rotation. I believe it can be actualized with sincerity of purpose; with the leader engaging the stakeholders for us to have the implementation of power shift.
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 10, 2015
North Central Gov. Ahmed blames delay in LGs creation on paucity of funds Bisi Adedayo, Ilorin
Chief of Staff, Bauchi State Government House, Alhaji Abdu Abubakar Tafawa Balewa; Deputy Governor of Bauchi State, Mr. Nuhu Gidado and Acting Rector, Abubakar Tatari Ali Polytechnic, Bauchi, Mr. Suleiman Lame, during the 55th Zonal Executive Council meeting of
Kogi NLC to embark on protest over bailout fund
Ademu Idakwo, Lokoja
ogi state chapter of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) yesterday threatened to embark on protest if the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) fails to release the N50.8 billion approved for the state to oͿset backlogs of workers’ salaries. State chairman of NLC, Comrade Onuh Edoka, who addressed a media conference in Lokoja, expressed bitterness over alleged political intrigues that have since hampered the release of the fund which other states had al-
ready accessed. “Comrades, our hope towards accessing this life-line is about to crash as a result of some political wranglings especially between two political parties who are contesting the state gubernatorial elections next month. “According to our Àndings, investigations reveal that some powerful politicians in the country using the CBN has been making extraneous requests from Kogi state government before this money is Ànally released. “Comrades, we are using this medium to prepare your minds for a
mass protest very soon if in a week no tangible progress is made in our eͿorts to have this money. “We will block all major roads leading in and out of Lokoja, the state capital and tell the whole world what those who are clamouring for our votes are doing to us. We will inform all security agencies in due course”, he said. Edoka wondered why the CBN is requesting for BVN of workers and hard copies of payment vouchers for the period of the state’s indebtedness before releasing the bailout fund, whereas such demands were not made
from other states before the funds were released. “You can therefore see our dilemma and thus the reason to cry out, especially to President Muhammadu Buhari who on inauguration promised that he belongs to nobody, while he belongs to everybody, to direct CBN to release our money to us without further delay”, Edoka said. Edoka, who warned the state government against diversion of the bailout when eventually released, called for involvement of the organized labour in the disbursement of the fund.
Benue Police Command intercept child snatching syndicate Godwin Akor, Makurdi
enue State Police Command has intercepted eight-member syndicate for abduction of children. Disclosing this while parading nine of the suspects, six women and two men, who abduct children under special arrangements at the police headquarters yesterday, the Police Public Relations OĜcer, PPRO, Mr Austin Ezeani, said the C Command got wind of the syndicate when a young lady, Dooshima Adogo, reported that her two month old baby was snatched from her at Akwa motor park in Buruku local government area of the state when she refused to hand over the child to members of the syndicate
who had been giving her some money for maintenance Ezeani further stated that the police was able to trace the young lady’s aunty, Mrs Grace Aande, who disclosed details about the syndicate that took away Dooshoma’s baby to a town in the East. He said under the arrangement made by the syndicate, the sum of N220, 000 was paid for the child and explained that the money was sent to the members through Mrs Aande’s husband who admiĴed that he was a dismissed police oĜcer married to ęve wives before one died. According to him, Mr Aande has 18 children and was a driver and added that the N22,000 paid for the liĴle girl was sent into
his account from the East by one Mr Aja who has equally been arrested. The PPRO said detectives from the Command used the information used by Dooshoma and arrested Mrs Aande who assisted the police to track down some of the members of the syndicate in Benue and in one of the Eastern states where the child was recovered from. He said all the members of the syndicate have been arrested while the police are in the East are trailing those behind the syndicate and explained that one Veronica Vanger who has six children and had arranged for the abduction and trafęcking of children was among those in police net. He disclosed that three other suspects from De-
mekpe and Igbor areas of Makurdi and Gwer local government areas were being charged to court and pointed out that one Mr Timbir Shija and the two other persons are also facing court charges. During interview, Vanger said she had arranged to sell a child for N150,000 and that she had equally arranged for a pregnant woman to go to Asaba and give birth to a baby who would be later sold out, but the pregnant woman, Nguseer Anum, who was married escaped from there. Mts Vanger conęrmed that one Mngbekanger Doo gave birth to the child that was sold for N150,000 and maintained that he was also pregnant. She said she would never sell out any of her children for any reason.
overnor Abdulfatah Ahmed of Kwara State has blamed the delay in his administration’s plan to create more council areas on Ànancial constraints. Ahmed dropped this hint while speaking during his monthly media chat programme tagged: “Governor Explains” in Ilorin, the State capital, saying with backlog of salary owed workers by the local governments, the creation of additional local governments should wait. His words: “We have not cancelled our desire to create new local governments. It is still in the pipeline. But it is heavily relied on resources. If we have challenges with the existing 16 local governments, I don’t think it is going to be expedient to begin to create new ones. But they are still in the pipeline. We will still create additional local governments”.
Ahmed denied the rumour making round that the administration had frozen local governments’ accounts in the State, stressing that “certain money that was overpaid to them was what was withdrawn”. “Nobody freezes anybody’s account. People just misunderstand how things work. We have executive chairmen. And they are responsible for their accounts. We are to supervise them on how they share their money under the joint allocation system. Once this has been done, they carry on their business. “What you think you have heard about frozen account is that part of the money that was paid to local governments; we found out that there were over payments. There were payments where the council areas did not need the money. But because, we were in a hurry and money was paid through banks, so accounts were quickly credited.
Group berates Lalong over comment on communal conflict Gyang Bere, Jos
group under the aegis of Greater Together Voice (GTV), has urged Plateau State Governor, Simon Lalong not to tag the terrorist attack in Plateau North where innocent citizens have been killed and properties worth millions of naira to a Berom and Fulani communal clash. The Public Relations Ocer of the group, Mr. Azi Atsen Madaki while addressing a press conference yesterday at the NUJ Press Centre Jos, faulted
Lalong’s statement that tagged the unabated communal clash in northern part of the state as a Berom and Fulani battle. According to him “The Greater Together Voice condemns in totality, the manner the Lalong administration wants to tag the ethno-religious crisis in the Northern Plateau as a Berom/Hausa/ Fulani crisis. Why is Lalong communizing crimes against humanity? Why is Lalong trivializing the genocide against the Beroms as a mere Fulani/Berom conÁict?
Lalong condoles Plateau Assembly over death of ex-Deputy Speaker Gyang Bere, Jos
lateau State Governor, Barr. Simon Lalong has commiserated with the Plateau State House of Assembly and family of the former Deputy Speaker, Late Usman Zumunta Musa, who passed away recently. Governor Lalong in his condolence message to the family of the legislator who served during the 5th Assembly said his calm deposition will greatly be missed. Lalong in a press statement signed by Director of Press and Public AͿairs, Samuel Emmanuel Nanle, noted that
the deceased is one of the courageous individuals who stood on the path of truth and progress, by sacriÀcing for the sustenance of democracy in the state and Nigeria as a whole. He stressed that as Deputy Speaker to Governor Lalong during the 5th Assembly, he was courageous in Àghting the state of emergency slammed on the state by Obasanjo-led administration. He said late Musa will be remembered also for his role in the peace-building of the state as well as the promotion of peaceful coexistence between the various religious and communities in the state.
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 10, 2015
Sports Update
Oliseh pained by Enyeama’s ‘lies’ N
Enyeama rues Eagles’ loss
ormer Super Eagles captain and goalkeeper, Vincent Enyeama, has expressed his disappointment over the side loss to the Leopards of Democratic Republic of Congo. Eagles were beaten 0-2 by the Central African foes in Thursday’s high proęle friendly match in Vise, Liege in Belgium. The Lille of France shot stopper however enthused that the three-time African champions will come back
to winning way in not too distant time. “Naturally I feel bad as a Nigerian that Super Eagles loss 0-2 to the Leopards of DR Congo in Belgium. “However, I strongly believe that Nigeria will get up shortly to start winning matches. “I don’t want to say that the side loss because I did not feature in the match, the outcome may not have been anything diěerent if I had played the match,” said Enyeama to
ChannelsSports. However, Enyeama who shocked the entire football community with his sudden retirement from national assignment said he will be too willingly to pick up his gloves if it’s professionally allowed. “I retired from international duty in order for Nigerian football to move forward. I never planned to retire the manner and time I did but things happened too diěerently and suddenly. “I must confess that I did what I did for the development and growth of the game in Nigeria. “However, I will do everything professionally to make Nigeria succeed, if to stay out of the national team permanently is what will make Nigeria professionally to succeed then I won’t consider a comeback,” said Enyeama. Eagles will on Sunday confront the Indomitable Lions of Cameroon in another international friendly match at the Edmond Machtens Stadium in Brussels
igeria coach, Sunday Oliseh, has said he has been disappointed with “lies” by goalkeeper Vincent Enyeama over their major falling out in Belgium. On Tuesday, Oliseh and Enyeama clashed at a team meeting during which it was announced CSKA Moscow forward Ahmed Musa was now the new captain of the Eagles ahead of the Lille goalkeeper, who has been leading the team since Joseph Yobo retired from international football last year. Oliseh said on a radio interview yesterday that the lies were aimed at assassinating his character. The coach himself a former Eagles captain maintained he did not get the security to walk out the Lille goalkeeper and neither did he insult the player’s late mother. “There is a level to how far you can go in character assassination by Enyeama.
relationship, but they recently were spoĴed making out at a restaurant in Cincinnati. Drake also has been spoĴed supporting Williams at various tennis matches, and the Internet has had ęeld days with that. The two were together back in 2011 before spliĴing, but that appears to be ancient history. “Now that he has her, he isn’t leĴing her go,” a source told OK! Magazine.
good team”. Two ęrst-half goals by DRC in Vise, Belgium, on Thursday night handed Oliseh his ęrst loss in three matches as Super Eagles boss. However, the coach said he had to play a makeshift team following a visa hitch that caused Turkey-based defender Godfrey Oboabona and six players from the domestic league not to join the squad in Belgium in time. “We played a makeshift team and we are trying to rebuild. I saw a very good team, we had more possession even though there were shortcomings in certain areas,” reasoned Oliseh. “We lost but (Alexander) Iwobi came in and showed some good signs, Shehu (Abdullahi) and some other players made their debut. “It has been very diĜcult for us working here. “Our aim is to try to qualify for the (2017) Nations Cup.”
Klopp promises heavy metal at Anfield
iverpool’s new manager Jurgen Klopp promised to bring “full throĴle” football with a “big heart” to Anęeld in his ęrst comments since the German was unveiled as the Merseyside’s club new manager on Thursday night. The club’s American owners, Fenway Sports Group, signed the former Borussia Dortmund manager on what is reported to be a three-year contract, after sacking Northern Irishman Brendan Rodgers on Sunday. One of the most coveted managers in world football, Klopp has been out of work since May when he ęnished a sevenyear reign at Dortmund to take a sabbatical. “Firstly, I would like to oěer thanks to the ownership of Liverpool Football Club for showing faith in me and my staě and presenting us with this wonderful opportunity,” Klopp told the club’s website on
Serena, Drake now engaged erena Willi Williams and d Drake are taking their relationship to the next level. The rapper recently brought Williams to his hometown of Toronto, where he proposed to the tennis superstar, according to OK! Magazine. “She said yes, but they want to keep it on the down low for now,” a source told OK! Magazine. The two haven’t publicly conęrmed their
This is unheard of,” said a very emotional Oliseh. He equally narrated how he drove to France to discuss with Enyeama on his philosophy and ideas after he was appointed Super Eagles coach in July. “I took him to lunch and shared my coaching philosophy with him,” narrated Oliseh. “He was talking about retirement from the national team), which I didn’t like.” The coach also recalled that this is not the ęrst time Enyeama has had a major falling out with a national team coach as he did so in 2008 with Berti Vogts as well as when Samson Siasia was in charge. “In 2008, he was dropped to second or third goalkeeper because of this and under Sammy (Siasia), he also had problems,” Oliseh said. Nigeria coach Sunday Oliseh has insisted that even though his team lost 2-0 to DR Congo, he saw “a very
Friday (www.liverpoolfc. com). “They have presented to me a very clear vision and I share their ambitions and model of work,” the German, who won two Bundesliga titles with Dortmund, added. “This is a talented group
of players and there is still much to compete for this season. “I believe in a playing philosophy that is very emotional, very fast and very strong. My teams must play at full throĴle and take it to the limit every single game.
Nigeria, Cameroon rekindle rivalry in Belgium live on DStv’s SuperSport Belgium is the place to be as Nigeria’s Super Eagles rekindle rivalry with neighbours Cameroon which comes live in the clear pictures of SuperSport High Deęnition. The friendly is live on SS3 HD from 6pm CAT.Sunday’s friendly aěords Eagles head coach Sunday Oliseh another chance to continue his team-building process after Thursday’s friendly against Democratic Republic of Congo. Oliseh believes the matches will help him prepare for the 2018 World Cup qualięers
starting in November to be also broadcast live on the World of Champions. It’s a mixture of the old and new for Oliseh, who will line up experienced campaigners like three-time FIFA World Cup goalkeeper, Vincent Enyeama, John Obi Mikel, Elderson Echiejile, Emmanuel Emenike and Ogenyi Onazi. New faces in the team include Kingsley Madu, Wilfred Ndidi, Alex Iwobi, Sylvester Igbonu, Abdullahi Shehu and former U17 and U20 goalkeeper, Dele Alampasu amongst others.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 10, 2015
Sports Update Siasia calls up 30 for U-23 camp
igeria Under-23 head coach, Samson Siasia, has invited 30 players to camp as the team begin ęnal preparation towards the Caf Under-23 Africa Cup of Nations billed for Senegal next month. The team have been on recess since they won the bronze medal at the football event of the All Africa Games in Congo last month. Siasia’s team qualięed for the event after they defeated Congo 2-1 on aggregate and will be aiming to get a ticket in Senegal to represent Africa at the football event of the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The players are expect-
ed to report to the team’s residential camp in Abuja on Sunday, October 11. The 30-man list: Daniel Emmanuel (Enugu Rangers); Yusuf Mohammed (Kano Pillars); Erhun Obanor (Abia Warriors); Segun Oduduwa (Nath Boys); Sincere Seth (Rhapsody FC); Ndifreke EĜong (Abia Warriors); Chima Akas (Sharks FC); Usman Mohammed (FC Taraba); Godspower Anieęok (Kano Pillars); Daniel Etor (Enyimba FC); Etebo Oghenekaro (Warri Wolves); Tiongoli Tonbara (Bayelsa United); Wanbe Godwin (Enugu Rangers); Austine Oladapo (FC Ifeanyiubah); Semiu Liadi (Warri Wolves); Kingsley Sokari (Enyimba FC); Christian Pyagbara (Sharks FC); Iroha Ebuka (Diamond FC); Qudus Suleiman (36 Lion); Yusuf Lawal (36 Lion); Adebayo Ajadi (36 Lion); Israel Emmanuel (Akwa United); Akinola Johnson (Freestan FC); Tochukwu Nnorom (Enugu Rangers); Chukwudi Esobe (Kwara United); Stanley Dimgba (Warri Wolves); Lucky Jimoh (36 Lion); Philip Johnson EĜong (Abia Comets); Ajabor Sunday (Freestan FC); Charles Chukwudi (Plateau United)
Amuneke names Eaglets for U-17 W/Cup
olden Eaglets head coach Emmanuel Amuneke has named a 21-man roster for the FIFA Under-17 World Cup scheduled for Chile between October 17 and November 8. Top of the list as expected are captain Kelechi Nwakali and the striking duo of Ebere Osinachi and Victor Oshimhen, who featured in the African Under-17 Nations Cup in Niger Republic earlier this year when they finished in fourth place. Seven members of the team that played in Niger Republic also made the cut. They are Akpan Udoh, Amos Benjamin, Halilu Lukman, Lazarus John, Kingsley Michael,
Orji Okonkwo and Samuel Chukwueze. The pair of Chinedu Madueke and Sunday Alimi, dropped for the African tournament, made the 21-man squad. Amuneke’s squad to the Under-17 World Cup has 38 percent new faces. David Enogela, Ibe Tobechukwu, Ejike Ikwu, Funsho Bamgboye, Chukwudi Agor, Joel Osikel, Edidiong Essien and Udochukwu Anumudu are the new additions to the Eaglets. The Nigerian under17s trainer have taken time to explain his decision on the 21 players selected. “The World Cup is here and we have picked the best players for this assignment to represent our country. We have brought in new players to add value to the team that secured the ticket for Chile at the last African Under-17 Nations Cup in Niger Republic and we believe this crop of players would give their best in Chile, as we are the defending champions,” Amuneke told the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) official website, thenff.com. This development comes after Nigeria’s Eaglets edged their Argentine counterparts 2-1 in a friendly this week as part of the preparation for the World Cup in Chile.
Blatter appeals FIFA suspension
epp BlaĴer has ęled an oĜcial appeal against his suspension from soccer by FIFA’s ethics committee, the New York Times reported. BlaĴer, the Swiss who has been president of the global soccer body FIFA since 1998, was suspended on Thursday by the association’s ethics commiĴee. The 79-year-old is current-
ly facing a Swiss criminal investigation. The New York Times said it had obtained a copy of BlaĴer’s appeal against the suspension. In it, the paper reported that BlaĴer objected to brusque and unfair treatment. BlaĴer’s legal team also demanded to see the ethics commiĴee’s case ęle and sought a hearing to argue their case in full.
BlaĴer’s lawyers in Swiĵerland and the United States did not immediately respond to requests for comment on the report. In the immediate aftermath of the suspension, BlaĴer’s lawyers said in a statement that he was looking forward to presenting evidence that will prove he did not engage in any misconduct.
The Swiss AĴorney General said on September 25 it had opened a criminal investigation into BlaĴer concerning a payment of 2 million Swiss francs from Fifa to Michel Platini in 2011 and a Caribbean television rights deal. BlaĴer told a German magazine this week that the Swiss criminal investigation against him was “not correct”
Hayatou vows not to run for FIFA presidency
onfederation of African Football (CAF) President, Issa Hayatou, has promised to continue with Fifa’s policy of reform following the suspension of Sepp Blatter and three other of¿cials. Hayatou was appointed acting Fifa boss on Thursday, moments after Blatter, European Football Association (Uefa) President Michel Platini, General Secretary Jerome Valcke and of¿cial Chung Mong Joon were suspended. The world football body has been rocked by allegations of bribery in connec-
tion with the awarding of World Cup tournaments. With the four of¿cials now suspended for 90 days, Fifa will, for the ¿rst time, be run by an African, as Hayatou is the most senior vice-president on the group’s executive committee. However, Hayatou says he will not be the candidate to permanently takeover in next year presidential election. Blatter has been accused of misconduct which involves the signing of the Caribbean World Cup TV deal in 2005, and payment of 2 million Swiss francs
to Platini in 2011. Questions have also been asked about the 2010 soccer World Cup in South Africa, but government has denied any wrongdoing.
Fifa says the grounds for these decisions are the investigations being carried out by the investigatory chamber of the ethics committee.
Ibadan FA tackles Oyo FA on dissolution Olaide Oyelude,Ibadan.
he Chairman of Ibadan Football Association(IFA), Alhaji Banji Akintayo, has described the dissolution of soccer body by Oyo State Football Association as ‘huge joke’ and unacceptable to the body. Alhaji Akintayo made the declaration in Ibadan, the state capital while reacting to the dissolution of IFA which was carried out on Sept.4,2015 by the state Football Association. “The dissolution of IFA by OYSFA is a huge joke”, which is not acceptable to the football body,” he stressed. Newswatch Times recalls that since the announced dis-
solution of IFA,OYSFA has sealed-up its( IFA) of¿ces and taken over its property -the Olubadan Stadium in Ibadan. Alhaji Akintayo expressed that IFA was af¿liated to OYSFA on football matters only, threatening to recover every naira collected by FA since the take-over on 5 9 15. His words “IFA had been in existence before OYSFA was formed in 1937 as Ibadan District Amateur Football Association(IDAFA).” The IFA helmsman said that the statutes referred to by OYSFA in purportedly dissolving IFA could only be used against the Zonal Associations like Oyo, Ogbomoso,Eruwa and Saki and not IFA.
According to him “IFA was the cradle of soccer in the former Western Region and was never at any time a member of OYSFA.” The IFA boss alleged that the crisis started when he informed the state FA of its intention to re-grass and extend Olubadan Stadium Pitch to meet FIFA standard, adding “I also disclosed that IFA wanted to renovate the hostel and improve the stadium aesthetics to make the structure more camera friendly ahead of telecast slated for next year.” Alhaji Akintayo also disclosed that out of transparency, IFA revealed that it was expecting about N12million in October December 2015 for
the project,alleging OYSFA announced IFA’s suspension on Sept.4. He maintained that since IFA was not a member of OYSFA, the statutes were not binding on it, describing the pronouncement as a nullity and of no substance. Alhaji Akintayo did not rule out legal action by IFA to enforce its right, pointing out “ IFA did not abide and will never abide by decision taken by OYSFA when it was out of jurisdiction of what bonded the two bodies together. “If Oyo FA has faulted IFA on organisation of football competition, then IFA would have no option than to abide by any decision taken against it.
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