Saturday 17 oct 2015 online

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Saturday, October 17, 2015

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Saturday, October 17, 2015

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 17, 2015


Ambode implores military to comply with traffic, environmental laws


agos State governor, Mr. Akinwunmi Ambode has appealed to the military to comply with the state’s traĜc and environmental laws. Ambode, represented by his deputy, Dr Idiat Adebule, made the appeal at the Lagos House, Alausa during a courtesy visit by participants of Course 24 National Defence College, Abuja led by Brig.-Gen. Mahe Bashir. Ambode sought the cooperation of the military in moving the state forward.

“Over the years, the military has cooperated with us, but I once again seek for more cooperation in ensuring that these laws are adhered to seriously. “We have always been partners in progress; we have always been supportive of one another. “It is not in our character to embarrass one another; we want the partnership to continue,” he said. The governor commended the military for its tremendous contributions and eěorts in securing the state.

“The issue of security is very important and we want you to please continue in that trend so that together we can make Lagos the Lagos of our dreams,” he said. Earlier, Secretary to the State Government, Mr Tunji Bello, said that the oĜcers were on a ęveday strategic study tour of the internal revenue service of the state. Bashir said that one of the objectives of the tour was to expose participants to the socio-political economic realities of the state. He said that the participants were

expected to carry out a research on selected topical issues, with a view to proěering solutions and identifying challenges. Bashir said that the tour, which was ongoing in nine other states, had the theme “Internally Generated Revenue as Catalyst for Development in States: Challenges and Prospects”. “At the end of the tour, participants are expected to write reports and make presentations on their ęndings in the college on Tuesday,” he said.

South West xxx

Anisulowo, others charge community papers on accurate reportage

Bolu-Olu Esho, Abeokuta


ublishers of c o m m u n i t y newspapers and magazines in Ogun State have been advised to ensure accuracy and ethics of the profession are adhered to. Senator Veronica Iyabode Anisulowo made the admonition at the formal inauguration and investiture of GrandMatron and Chief Patrons of the Community Newspaper Publishers Association of Nigeria (CONPAN) in Abeokuta, Ogun State recently. She noted that journalists are the watchdog of the society, saying they should balance their reports to reÁect views of both parties involved in any issue. Appreciating the community papers publishers for bestowing the award of Grand-Matron

on her, she declared that she was happy to associate with the aims and objectives of the association. In his address, state Chairman of Nigerian Union of Journalist (NUJ), Comrade Wole Sokunbi charged the newly sworn in Ogun State Executives of CONPAN to assist the grassroots people by giving them voice. He noted that they are closer to the grassroots and should endeavour to report all the vices and goings on in the communities. In his congratulatory message to the association, the state AccountantGeneral, Pastor Seye Senfuye, who was represented at the event by Omolabi Adesina, encouraged the publishers to continue in their bid to inform, educate and entertain the society through their publications.

Ambode swears in Commissioners, Special Advisers on Monday Ayodele Olalere


L-R: Alabiran of Ikaare Kingdom, Oba Naik Akinyemi; Representative of the Olubadan, Chief Lekan Alabi, and Chairman of the occasion, Prof. Olu Aina, at a Grassroot Anti-Corruption Advocacy and Mobilisation Stakeholders meeting for the SouthWest Zone, in Ibadan, Oyo State…recently.

Oyo NURTW leader, Tokyo, seeks Buhari, Osinbajo’s intervention in union leadership Olaide Oyelude, Ibadan


mbaĴled leader of Oyo state chapter of National Union of Road Transport orkers ǻNURT Ǽ, Alhaji Lateef Akinsola Oloruntoki, a.k.a ‘Tokyo’ yesterday in Ibadan sought the intervention of President Muhammadu Buhari and Vice President Yemi Osinbajo in his non-reinstatement as the chairman of the state chapter of the union by the state government despite a court order reinstating him, praying that the action has led to trauma for him, his family and that of members of the union who are loyal to him. Alhaji Akinsola told newsmen in Ibadan, Oyo state capital that there was a court order of 25/5/ 2012 by Justice J.E. Shakarho, against proscription of the union and reinstating him as the chairman of the state chapter of NURTW, while a follow up order

on the enforcement of his fundamental human rights was made on 26/11/2012 by Justice Abimbola Obaseki Adejumo of Federal High court, Ibadan. According to him ǻTokyoǼ, the state government’s appeal against the order was also struck out on 28/1/2014 by Justice C.N Uwa-led Appeal panel which ruled against the two applications by the state government challenging the earlier court order “for want of diligent prosecution”. The embaĴled NURTW leader said since then , he had made several eěorts to get reinstated by the state government as Oyo NURTW Chairman, but without success. Alhaji Akinsola who tendered several documents including a legal advice by ACP Y.S Abubakar, of Legal /Prosecution section, Department of InvestigationǻFCIDǼ, Abuja, dated 5/8/14,urging

police in Oyo state “to provide adequate assistance for the execution and due enforcement of the judgment”, said he was yet to be reinstated as the state NURTW chairman. Other step taken to get the judgment enforced, according to the embaĴled NURTW leader, included an appeal leĴer by his counsel , Benjamin Akindoyin ESQ,dated 1/9/2015 to the Vice President Yemi Osinbajo titled, “Demand for justice, delayed and denied; consequence upon countermanding of an apex judicial decision: A case of transgression of the rule of law by the executive of Oyo state.” Alhaji Akinsola in the appeal leĴer through his counsel declared, “We humbly seek your big stick to ensure the rule of law prevails and Alhaji Akinsola and his executive be allowed to enjoy the fruits of their apex court judgment clearly favourable to

them and given the chance to enjoy his tenure fully. We must add that the conduct of the oĜce of the Inspector General of Police impressed us as honest and even handed despite the illegal intervention of the Executive Government of Oyo state.” The embaĴled NURTW leader also declared while addressing the journalists, “I am appealing to President Muhammadu Buhari, the Vice President, Professor Osinbajo, well meaning Nigerians to help me prevail on the Oyo state government to let me enjoy the fruits of my hard earned judgment to be reinstated as the chairman of the Oyo state NURTW. I promise not to victimi£e anybody while peace will reign when I am reinstated. Many of my family members and members of the union loyal to me are suěering because of my predicament. I appeal to all well-meaning Nigerians to assist me in geĴing my court judgment executed. “

agos State governor, Mr. Akinwunmi Ambode will on Monday October 19, swear in 23 commissioners and 14 special advisers who will constitute the State Executive Council. This was contained in a statement yesterday by the Chief Press Secretary to the governor , Mr Habib Aruna. Aruna said the House of Assembly has oĜcially informed the governor that they had

completed the screening and conęrmation of all the 23 commissioners and 14 Special Advisers which he sent to the House on September 21. “So what is left is for him to conduct the swearing in ceremony, to enable them resume the task of governance,” he said. The Lagos State House of Assembly had on Thursday made the conęrmation and directed its Clerk to inform the governor of its decision.

Police refute blaming Navy, Army for FESTAC banks robbery Folake Sokoya


he Police refuted yesterday in Lagos, reports that the command shifted blame to the Nigerian Navy and Nigerian Army while visiting the FESTAC Town banks robbery scene on Thursday. CSP Adebowale Lawal, the Zone 2 Police Public elations OĜcer ǻPP OǼ, made the clarięcation while addressing newsmen in Lagos. Lawal said that the Assistant Inspector-General ǻAIGǼ in charge of the £one, Mr Bala Hassan, did not blame either of the two security formations while granting interviews. ``There is no basis for the allegations that the police shifted blame to the Army and the Navy that they did not respond when they were called.In fact, they all gave their assurances that they are ever ready to work with him to ensure that Lagos and Ogun states under the £one are peaceful. I wouldn’t know where the journalist got that information from because while the AIG was granting

the interview, he never at any time shifted blame to either of the two,” he said. He added: “The AIG in charge of Zone 2, Bala Hassan, upon assumption of duty visited other sister security agencies. This is because he appreciated the collaborative eěorts of all the agencies in combating crime in Lagos and Ogun states where he co-ordinates. Journalists should always get their facts right before publishing anything so that they don’t tarnish the good relationship existing among security agencies in Nigeria. ``They should always do what we call investigative journalism. They should not just publish information without sieving it,’’ the PPRO said. It will be recalled that armed robbers had on Tuesday robbed Access and Diamond banks on 4th Avenue, FESTAC Town, an incident that caused the death of a mother and child through stray bullet. However, the response of the police forced the robbers to abandon N27 million, 240 live A 47 riĝe ammunition.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 17, 2015

South South

EFCC grills ex-gov Akpabio over Akwa Ibom finances


former governor of Akwa Ibom State and Senate Minority Leader, Obong Godswill Akpabio, has been reportedly grilled by operatives of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC). An online news medium, Premium Times, broke the news that Akpabio was taken in by EFCC operatives at about 5.20 pm yesterday, a development Newswatch Times conĂ€rmed through a source in the commission last night. A few aides and a Senior Advocate of Nigeria (names withheld by us) reportedly accompanied him to the commission¡s head o΀ce in Abuja. The EFCC had begun investigation into alleged theft of N108.1billion of Akwa Ibom funds by the former governor in June. The action followed a petition forwarded to it by an Abuja-based lawyer and ac-

tivist, Mr Leo Ekpenyong. Ekpenyong had on June 8 petitioned President Muhammadu Buhari and the EFCC, calling for Akpabio’s probe and accusing him of looting Akwa Ibom State treasury. Several other indigenes of the state demanding the investigation of the former governor were also said to have been invited by the EFCC for questioning. In a new petition to the EFCC dated June 22, and copied to President Buhari and the Inspector General of Police Solomon Arase, Mr. Ekpenyong reportedly gave details of some of Akpabio’s alleged Ànancial recklessness. He alleged that between January and December last year, the ex-governor colluded with two of his top aides to remove N108.1billion from the state’s treasury. Ekpenyong further alleged that the former Government House Permanent Secretary, Etekamba Umoren, and the

former Accountant General of the state, Udo Isobara, colluded with Mr. Akpabio to steal the funds. “Between January –December 2014, it is on record that the trio of Godswill Akpabio, Mr. Etekamba Umoren and Mr. Udo Isobara, made illegal but substantial withdrawals of cash from a designated state government-owned account with Zenith Bank with account number: 1010375881 amounting to N22.1 billion,â€? he stated in the petition. “It is worthy of note that reasons for such ungodly cash withdrawals against Ă€nancial regulations and due process laws range between sundry use and unjustiĂ€able expenditures by Godswill Akpabio and his numerous surrogates and proxies. “For example, a whopping N18 billion was withdrawn fraudulently from the state FAAC account with the United Bank for Africa in trenches of N10 million and above by

Mr. Isobara in a surreptitious manner to conceal their dishonest intention.â€? Ekpenyong further alleged that Umoren was rewarded with an appointment as Government House Chief of StaÍż and now Secretary to the State Government under Udom Emmanuel’s administration. The legal practitioner further alleged that over N50 billion of Akwa Ibom funds were spent by the former governor during the last general elections. He further accused Akpabio of withdrawing N18 billion from the state coÍżers under the guise of special services, reception of very important guests and sundry items. “The cumulative aggregate of these monies stolen by Godswill Akpabio from the coÍżers of government as pocket money is the annual budget of some states in Nigeria put together,â€? the petition reads.

News Group identifies abandoned projects in Niger Delta %ROX 2OX (VKR $EHRNXWD


frica Network for Environment and Economic Justice, ANEEJ, a non-governmental organisation has identięed 84 abandoned projects in 24 communities of Edo, Delta, Ondo and Cross Rivers states in Nigeria. In its Citizens’ Report Card presented yesterday in a two day workshop to sensitize Civil Societies, community representatives and the media, ANEEJ harped on the need to engage Niger-Delta development agencies on key development projects, which it rated below average. The programme oĜcer of the NGO, Innocent Edemhanria, who spoke during the programme said it became imperative for citizens to demand for accountability from the Ministry of Niger-Delta Aěairs, NigerDelta Development Commission, NDDC, the Edo State Oil and Gas Producing Development Commission, EDSOGPADEC and the Delta State Oil Producing Area Development Commission, DESOPADEC, as the CRC

revealed that responses of the Development agencies to plight of grassroots are low. He said, “Niger-Delta residents have also struggled to fully understand the mandate of each of these agencies and how to single out each of these institutions to deliver in terms of development in the region. It was found that apart from the East West road, the Ministry of Niger-Delta Aěairs is not on ground in the region and many community residents neither had heard of nor knew the role of the ministry�. “Regarding the relationship between the agencies and citizens, 96% of the communities surveyed rated their relationship with the Ministry of Niger-Delta Affairs as poor while with NDDC, it was rated 70%. As for Oil and Gas Commission, and regional development councils, 25% - 50% of the community respondents rated their relationship with these agencies as poor. This is a general reĚection of the grassroots base of these agencies and how they are perceived Niger-Delta communities�.

TUC appeals to NUPENG to suspend tanker drivers strike $PDND $JEX Port Harcourt


Ministerial screening: Rivers APC chides Wike over Amaechi’s ordeal


ivers state chapter of the All Progressives Congress has berated Governor Nyesom Wike for opposing and working hard to scuttle the actualization of the ministerial nomination of his predecessor, Rotimi Amaechi. The party chided Wike, yesterday in a statement signed by its Rivers Dtate Chairman, Dr. Davies Ibiamu Ikanya, and released by Chief Eze Chukwuemeka Eze, his Senior Special Assistant (Media). ´We are conĂ€dent that wise counsel will prevail and the patriotic men and women that constitute the Nigerian Senate will ignore Wike and his machi-

nations and conĂ€rm Amaechi’s nomination as minister on Tuesday since Wike’s opposition is based solely on selĂ€sh reasons and his desire to prove that he can pull down the man who brought him out of obscurity and gave him the platform to become whatever he is politically todayâ€? the statement said. Meanwhile, he described Amaechi as the best possible choice for ministerial appointment from the state, saying that President Muhammadu Buhari was on point for nominating him for consideration by the Senate. “Going by his antecedents, Rt. Hon. Amaechi will be an asset to the Buhari administra-

tion and also a strong voice for Rivers state as a Minister of the Federal Republic of Nigeriaâ€? Dr Ikanya said. The party said it was eagerly looking forward to the conĂ€rmation of Amaechi’s ministerial nomination by the Senate on Tuesday. “Judging Amaechi by the much he achieved as governor of Rivers state; from education to proper management of the state’s resources, road construction, agriculture, security, tourism, transport, commerce, human development, etc, one can safely conclude that when he becomes a minister, Amaechi will do everything humanly possible to protect the interests

of Rivers state and improve the lot her peopleâ€? the party said. Rivers APC, however, noted that as a minister, Amaechi would have all the 36 states of the country and Abuja as his constituency and assured that “while he will not allow what is due to Rivers state and her people to elude them in any form, Amaechi as a Ă€rst class patriot will fully collaborate with other members of the Federal Executive Council to make a big difference in the Buhari administration and thus take Nigeria out of the woods in which it has found itself as a result of 16 years of visionless administration by the Peoples Democratic Partyâ€?.

he Trade Union Congress (TUC) Rivers State branch has appealed to the leadership of the National Union of Petroleum and Natural Gas Workers (NUPENG) in the state to rescind its directive to tanker drivers to stop the loading and distribution of petroleum products in the state. The TUC Chairman in the state, Mr. Chika Onuegbu, made this appeal in Port Harcourt yesterday following the directive by the NUPENG Chairman in the state, Mr. Godwin Eruba, to the tanker drivers. The NUPENG leader had issued the directive based on the allegation that men from the police command in the state brutally manhandled its members who were on a picketing mission at the premises of an oil company, Weatherford Nigeria Ltd, to protest what they described as unjust dismissal of their workers by the management of the company. Mr. Onuegbu said that the appeal to NUPENG leadership to rescind the order became necessary in view of the huge impact the directive would have on the motoring public and particularly the ordinary people who were making use of petroleum products for

their daily activities. He said that he had already set the machinery in motion to amicably resolve the issue with the police after hearing both sides of the story. He said: “I am just coming from the Rivers State Police Command. I’ve discussed with the Deputy Commissioner, Administration, and I’ve spoken with the Commissioner of Police and listened to the police side of the story. I’ve also spoken to the zonal controller of the Ministry of Labour and requested that a meeting should be convened as early as next Monday so that both parties could resolve these issues amicably.â€? However, the Rivers State Police Command has vehemently denied the allegation that men of the Nigerian Police from the state manhandled the leaders of NUPENG during their activities at the Weatherford Nigeria Ltd. Making the denial yesterday in Port Harcourt, the Police Public Relations OfĂ€cer (PPRO) of the Rivers State Police Command, Mr. Ahmad Muhammad, said that the police only acted on an existing court order. He also alleged that the leadership of NUPENG refused to obey court instructions obtained by the company by going there for picketing.


Newswatch Times Saturday, October 17, 2015

South East

Tribunal sacks Ideato South lawmaker over perjury, fake certificate Emma Mgbeahurike, Owerri


he Election Petition Tribunal sitting in Owerri, the Imo State capital yesterday nulliÀed the election of Hon. Ikechukwu Amuka (APC) representing Ideato South constituency in the State House of Assembly. The tribunal also ordered the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to immediately issue certiÀcate of return to Mrs. Nkechinyere Ugwu of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) for the position. Justice P.I. Idong, who delivered the more than three hours judgment of the three-man panel, afÀrmed that Amuka presented forged West Africa Examination School

CertiÀcate result to INEC to contest the April 11, 2015 election. The tribunal further ordered the Speaker of the Imo State House of Assembly, Hon. Acho Ihim to immediately swearin Ugwu as the genuine winner of the April 11, state legislative election for Ideato South. Reviewing evidences and submissions by the parties in the petition, the court noted that the photograph on the original WAEC results tendered by Amuka was that of one Kevin I. Amuka who attended St. Peter Claver Seminary, Okpala. It maintained that subjects claimed to have been written by the respondent was doubtful , noting that the respondent failed to prove to the panel that he at the

time of the said election was qualiÀed by law to contest. The court stated that after comparing the picture and the physical appearance of the Àrst respondent, it was clear that the picture on the result did not belong to the Àrst respondent. “With the evidence before this tribunal, we are convinced that the Àrst respondent presented forged certiÀcate to INEC and therefore lied on oath and should be prosecuted for perjury and forgery by INEC”, the tribunal ruled. The tribunal also ordered that the majority votes which the Àrst respondent claimed he had scored to win the election be declared null and void, while the said miserable 3,3 2 votes scored

by the petitioner are taken as the valid votes. While ordering that the petitioner be issued with certiÀcate of return by INEC, the tribunal also ordered the Speaker of the Imo State House of Assembly to swear-in the petitioner as duly elected member for April 11, 2015 election for Ideato South state constituency seat. With this judgement, Ugwu of the PDP will now represent the constituency of Gov. Rochas Okorocha, the only APC governor from the SouthEast geo-political zone. Speaking to journalists, Ugwu likened the judgment as the battle between Biblical David and Goliath and assured her people of quality representation at the Assembly.

News Anambra takes first position in schools debate Kenneth Ofoma, Enugu


nambra State has continued to live up to its motto of Light of the Nation as the Team Anambra yesterday emerged winners of the Inter Basic Debate Competition, beating contestants from the other 35 states of the federation including the Federal Capital Territory. The debating competition which took place in Abeokuta, Ogun State capital was organised as part of the activities marking Nigeria’s 55th Independence Anniversary. The great performance of Team Anambra came on the heels of the emergence, on Monday this week, of Mrs Rose Nkemdilim Obi, a teacher at Federal Government Girls College, Onitsha as the Best Teacher in Nigeria in the keenly contested Multina Teacher of the Year Awards organized by Nigerian Breweries Plc in association with the Felix Ohiwerei Education Trust Fund. Mrs Obi who teaches Mathematics was adjudged the nation’s Best Teacher, after edging out contestants from 1 states of the federation who had emerged as champions of their various

states. The emergence of Team Anambra as winners of the Schools Debate and Mrs. Obi’s emergence as the Best Teacher in Nigeria indicate a direct relationship between the quality of teachers in Anambra State and the bright students that are produced by the various schools in the state. The most fascinating thing about the emerging culture of educational excellence in Anambra State is that the high performing students and the award-winning teacher are all from public schools. Similarly, the Team Anambra that defeated the contingents of other states to emerge champions of the Schools Debate last year were all drawn from public schools across the state. The team was made up of Adachukwu Onyekwena from Girls Secondary School, Amaenyi, Awka, Nnamdi Udoji from Dennis Memorial Grammar School, Onitsha, Chinemerem Oguaba from Awada Secondary School, Obosi, Chukwuebuka Obichi from Army Day Secondary School, Onitsha and Nneka Chigozie from Mater Ammabillis Secondary School, Umoji; all public schools located in di6erent parts of the state.

Group raises concern over bad roads in S/East region


Senator Abiola Ajimobi of Oyo State, Chief Willie Obiano of Anambra State and Senator Ibikunle Amosun of Ogun State during the governors’ session at National Economic Council meeting, Abuja, yesterday.

Anyim denies alleged statement against Abia govt Nnah Douglas


he immediate past Secretary to the Government of the Federation, SGF, Senator Anyim Pius Anyim, has denied that he made any statement that Abia State cannot boast of any infrastructure after 24 years of existence, a statement allegedly credited to him by an author, Omono Eremionkhale, in aĴempting to review the ‘Aba Mega Mall Project.’ In a statement signed yesterday by Anyim’s Media Advis-

er, Sam Nwaobasi and read in part said: “The aĴention of Senator Anyim Pius Anyim, GCON, has been drawn to a news story published by “Ventures Africa” an online publication on the 13th of October, 2015. “In the said story, the author, one Omono Eremionkhale aĴempted a review of the “Aba Mega Mall project” identifying, in the process, the challenges facing the project, ranging from lack of foreign direct investment to environmental issues.” Anyim while express-

ing his displeasure over the statement said the author “added one ‘orphan’ sentence, which has no relationship with the rest of the story, Former Secretary to the Government of the Federation in the Goodluck Jonathan administration, Pius Anyim says, the state cannot boast of infrastructure even after 24 years of existence.” Senator Anyim in clarifying the public maintained that he did not make such a statement and could not have, because according to him, he does not even know anything

about the Aba Mega Mall project or whatever challenges it may be facing, neither did he speak to anybody on any issue about the project, he said. He argued that the importation of what he described as ‘stray’ sentence into the story smacks mischief, the reason for which only the author can explain just as he called the attention of the reading public to disregard the story particularly that which bothered on the alleged false statement credited to Senator Anyim.

he Road Transport Employees of Nigeria (RTEA) in Anambra has called on the Federal Government to commence rehabilitation of dilapidated federal roads in the South-East region. Mr Celestine Anere, the State Chairman of the union in an interview with the media in Awka yesterday said that some of the federal roads in the region had become death traps. He said that road users

had suͿered untold hardship particularly in the Onitsha-Enugu expressway. ``People have lost millions of naira to repair their vehicles, goods and commuters plying the route were not left out of the crisis,’’ he said. Anere said that most of the traders in the eastern region have also lost goods worth millions of naira to the failed portions on the federal highways in the region.

LG plans agriculture exhibition for farmers in Anambra


he Chairman of Anaocha Local Government Area of Anambra State, Mr Ejiofor Ikeobi, says the council is planning to organise an agriculture exhibition to enable farmers showcase their farm produce. Ikeobi, who spoke with the media yesterday at Neni in Anaocha, did not give date for the proposed exhibition. He said that the aim of the exhibition was to en-

courage farmers to boost their production towards the development of agriculture in the area. According to him, some farmers will be presented with gifts at the end of the exhibition to be organised soon. The chairman noted that the council was partnering with a consultant to construct 10, 000 capacity of Àsh ponds as part of eͿort to boost revenue generation of the council.


Newswatch Times Saturday, October 17, 2015


North East

JTF nabs 10 suspected suppliers of fuel to Boko Haram in Jigawa


Deputy Governor of Bauchi State, Mr. Nuhu Gidado (second left) and State Coordinator, Capt. Abdul Bala (left) inspecting guards of honour, at the passing-out ceremony of 2014 NYSC Batch ‘C’ Corps members in Bauchi State…Thursday.

Insurgency: NEMA wants donor agencies to support North-East communities rehabilitation


he National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) yesterday, appealed to donor agencies to channel their support towards rehabilitation of communities ravaged by insurgency in the North-East. Director- General of the agency, Alhaji Sani Sidi, made the appeal in Maiduguri, while presenting relief materials to Borno governor, Alhaji Kashim Shettima, for Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in the state. He said that rehabilitating the communities would facilitate the return of the IDPs to their homes. ``We are here to hand over relief materials, both food and nonfood items, to you for onward distribution to IDPs from Gworza and Askira-Uba Local Government Areas that are camped in Maiduguri,’’ he said .

He added that the gesture was imperative, especially now that the IDPs were intending to return to their communities, adding that recent successes by the military in the anti-terrorism war gave hope to the displaced persons. ``The humanitarian dashboard in the North-East has changed because of the successes recorded by the military in the Àght against insurgency, which facilitated this occasion. ``The dashboard is changing, so we request all donor agencies working in the North-East, especially in Maiduguri, that whatever intervention they have should be geared towards rehabilitation and reconstruction of aͿected communities,’’ he said. According to the NEMA boss, the era of emergency intervention is gone.

``We have since passed emergency stage of the intervention as both the federal and state governments are making serious efforts in ensuring that those communities affected by insurgency are re-built. ``Therefore, we are calling on all our partners and donors to key in to the program of reconstruction and rehabilitation,’’ he said. ``I want to assure that NEMA will always stand by the state government in its eͿort to ensure that the IDPs in the camps are well taken care of and communities aͿected by insurgency are built back better. ``We want to assure you that as an agency we will stand with you and will make sure that we support your eͿort in ensuring that communities are re-built,’’ he added. Receiving the items, the governor thanked

NEMA for the gesture, acknowledging that the agency had consistently supported the state since the insurgency erupted. He said, ``we have moulded about 750, 000 blocks for reconstruction of houses in Bama which is the worst aͿected by the insurgency in the entire state. ``By next month, we will start our reconstruction eͿorts in Bama. ``We wish to round oͿ IDP camps in the state by the end of the Àrst quarter of next year. ``There are IDP camps that had been in existence for over 16 years in Kenya; we do not want to have that kind of situation here. ‘’We want our IDPs to return home as soon as possible; we will support them with whatever we can to see that life is restored in the communities.’’

NEPC advises Adamawa farmers to form cocoa cooperative


he Yola Zonal OfÀce of the Nigerian Export Promotion Council (NEPC) yesterday advised Adamawa Cocoa farmers to form a strong cooperative organisation. Alhaji Mansur Yusuf, the Yola Zonal Controller of the council, gave the advice while speaking with News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Yola. Yusuf said that having a cooperative was essential following frequent complaints of lack of market outlet by the cocoa farmers in the state.

It will be recalled that recently, a paramount ruler in Adamawa, Gangwari of Ganye, Alhaji Umar Sanda, lamented the lack of market outlet aͿecting cocoa farmers in the state. Sanda complained that many farmers from his domain comprising Toungo, Ganye and Jada had abandoned cocoa farming due to poor sales. According to Yusuf, the idea was suggested so as to help the farmers to export their commodity. ``The council is advising the farmers to form a strong cooperative group.

``The council will link them up and mentor those who are successful in export under the watch of the council,’’ Biri said. He said that the Yola zonal o΀ce was in charge of Adamawa, Gombe and Taraba states. He explained that in 2014, over 60 cocoa, palm oil and other cash crops farmers were trained in Taraba on how to export their commodities. He said that one of the major mandates of the council was to promote non-oil export and that the council had gone far

in training-the-trainers to encourage Nigerians. He conÀrmed that Adamawa was among the states producing cocoa, adding that the council would do all it could to assist the farmers in getting stable markets for sustainable national economic development. Contributing, Alhaji Usman Biri, the Chairman, Adamawa chapter of the National Gold Cocoa Growers Association of Nigeria, also complained about the poor market conditions that was affecting the members.

he Joint Task Force (Operation Salama) in Jigawa State, has arrested 10 suspected suppliers of fuel to Boko Haram members in Birniwa Local Government Area of the state. Brig.-Gen. Hamisu Hassan of Command 3 Brigade of the Nigerian Army, in charge of Kano, Katsina and Jigawa states, made the disclosure yesterday while parading the suspects in Birniwa town. He said that the suspects were nabbed while Àlling their jerry cans with petrol at midnight of Thursday in Birniwa. He said that the suspects were arrested based on surveillance and intelligence report. He said that due to the ban on the sale of petrole-

um products in jerry cans in Yobe, Borno and Adamawa, the suspects travelled to Birniwa in Jigawa to buy the fuel. Hassan said that preliminary investigation revealed that some of the suspects were from Nguru while the others were nationals of Niger Republic. He said that two of the 10 suspects were minors below the age of 14. He said that items recovered from the suspects included 33,000 litres truck Àlled with Premium Motor Spirit (PMS), 40 jerry cans loaded with PMS, 188 empty jerry cans and Toyota Land Cruiser. The Commandant said that the suspects would be handed over to relevant security agencies for further investigation

NDLEA tasks Bauchi govt on sustenance of skills acquisition programme for addicts


he National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA), Bauchi State Command, has called on the state government to assist in sustaining the Skills Acquisition Programme of the Rehabilitation Centre of the command. Making the call in Bauchi yesterday, Mr Uche Iyke, Deputy Commander in charge of Operations and Intelligence in the command, said the programme, which helped a lot of inmates, had ceased for some time. He said the centre, which hosted drug addicts, on the request of parents or relations of such addicts, had been training inmates on carpentry, tailoring, plumbing, mechanics electrical works and computer repairs in the past, graduating no fewer than 10 inmates every month.

The Deputy Commander said the state government provided the trainers, placing them on a monthly salary of N10, 000, but added that for the past one year, the stipends had not been paid, making the trainers to withdraw their services. He also stated that the training facilities provided many years ago, were in dilapidated state and needed to be replaced. Iyke said that apart from the skills acquisition training facilities, physical structures at the Rehabilitation Centre, were themselves in dire need of “rehabilitation.” Speaking on the inmates, he said the centre, on the request of parents and relations, hosted only drug addicts whose cases had not aĴained the level of ‘mental disorder ‘.

Red Cross, Total par tner to give succour to IDPs


he Nigerian Red Cross Society and multinational oil giant, Total Plc, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to assist Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) ravaged by insurgency in the North East region. Mr Auwal Muhammad, Training and Resources Mobilisation Coordinator of the Red Cross, disclosed this during an interview in Abuja yesterday. Muhammad explained that in accordance with the partnership, which is targeted at assisting IDPs in three affected states of Borno, Yobe and Gombe, Total donated an intervention fund of US 500,000 Dollars. He said the MoU speciÀcally targets intervention in the area of livelihood of IDPs in their host communities in order to help them recover

quickly from the traumatic eͿects of insurgency. ``As part of the intervention, we are targeting children and women that are traumatised by giving them psycho-social support, as well as placing children on resilient programmes. ``The livelihood would be targeted at helping women generally, especially widows who we will engage in viable businesses such as tailoring, cap making and other craft work. ``100 women from each location of the three states will be accommodated and a startup capital will be given to each of them,” he said. The coordinator further said the intervention would also seek to improve the health status of the IDPs by providing total sanitation and safe drinking water for the community.

Saturday, October 17, 2015


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Saturday, October 17, 2015

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 17, 2015



Mixed reactions to ministerial screening


ome politicians in Lagos have so far expressed mixed reactions to the ongoing screening of ministerial nominees by the Senate. While some praised the exercise as impressive, a few others noted that there was room for improvements. Some others noted that if portfolios had been attached to the names of the nominees; it could have provided better impetus for the type of questions being posed to the nominees by the senators. According to them, it will provide better insights into how they will perform on the job as ministers. However, it was a general consensus among some Nigerians that so far, the exercise had been well-received. The Senate has since screened an appreciable number of the nominees since the Àrst batch numbering 21 were sent in by President Muhammadu Buhari on September 30. The Senate had since October 12 received additional 16 new nominees to bring the total to 37. The list was transmitted to Senate through the Chief of StaͿ to the President, Abba Kyari. Prof. Oluremi Sonaiya, the 2015 Presidential candidate of KOWA Party, said the exercise had been fairly good. ``I feel that a fairly good job was being done, even though there is room for improvements. ``The disparity in the time spent by the nominees is understandable; the well known nominee like Lai Mohammed was not subjected to intense questioning. ``If the portfolios for each of the nominees was attached, it could have helped in posing the right questions,’’ Sonaiya said.


She, however, urged both nominees and senators to be mindful of the seriousness attached to the exercise in the quest for better governance of the country. The Lagos State Chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Mr Olatunji Shelle, also said the exercise could be better handled. ``The screening exercise was okay; I was not impressed at the seriousness attached to the screening of one of the nominees, Lai Mohammed, who was virtually asked to take a bow. It almost took the shine oͿ the exercise’’. However, the Lagos State Chairman of Peoples Democratic Movement (PDM), Dr Akin Badmus, said that the screening was impressive. ``I am satisÀed, indeed impressed by the exercise, considering that the opposition is well represented in the senate in terms of numbers. ``The questions have been relevant and Germaine to the tasks at hand,’’ Badmus said. The National Chairman of Progressive Action Council (PAC), Chief Charles Nwodo, said it was praise-worthy that the exercise had so far been devoid of rancour. ``The exercise has so far been devoid of the usual rancour; there have not been ridiculous questions in spite of the party diͿerences. Attention has been focused on issues besetting the country,’’ he said. Nwodo rejected moves by some sections to screen the nominees by one of the Senate committees, stressing that it could lead to confusion and bias. He urged the senate to add more seriousness to their oversight function in order to check who he termed executive recklessness.








Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 17, 2015


APGA Chair seeks immediate review of Electoral Act


he National Chairman of the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA), Dr. Victor Oye, has called for the immediate review of the Electoral Act, saying that the provisions gave undue advantage to respondents. Oye said this in Umuahia while brieÀng newsmen on the party’s reaction to the judgments so far delivered by the National and State Assembly Tribunal sitting in Umuahia. The tribunal had dismissed the petitions of APGA candidates challenging the election of the candidates of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) for Abia North and Abia Central Senatorial Districts, Sen. Mao Ohuabunwa and Sen. Theodore Orji, respectively, as well as candidates for State House of Assembly. The APGA national chairman said that the Electoral Act favoured the respondents and placed serious onus on the petitioners to prove their petitions “beyond reasonable doubt’’. “The Electoral Act is skewed from the outset in favour of the respondents. “With the present provisions of the Electoral Act, it is di΀cult for the petitioner to get justice.’’ “When Áagrant manipulation of election cases is so obvious, how can someone be expected to prove the matter beyond reasonable

doubt"’’ he asked. He said that the party subscribed to the position of President Muhammadu Buhari “that our electoral law should be subjected to real scrutiny’’. Oye said that the party was solidly behind all its candidates, seeking to reclaim their mandates at the diͿerent tribunals across the federation. The national chairman called for calm among the candidates and their supporters, urging them not to resort to self-help. He said that the party would exhaust all the legal means available to reclaim its mandate, including going to the Supreme Court, where necessary. ‘’APGA is a law-abiding party that would always use the legal framework in its activities.’’ He also spoke on the suspension of the former Minority Leader of the state House of Assembly, Mr Abraham Oba, saying that the issues that led to the suspension had been resolved and that Oba would soon return to the house. Oba, representing Aba Central Constituency, was suspended about three months ago for leading other APGA members in the house to address a news conference, dissociating themselves from the approval of N30 billion loan for the state government.

ICPC boss warns political office holders


he Chairman, Independent Corrupt Practices and Other Related Oěences Commission (ICPC), Mr Ekpo Nta, has warned political oĜce holders at the local government level across the country to desist from corrupt practices. Nta gave the warning at the opening ceremony of a training programme on anti-corruption, ethics and integrity organised by the ICPC Anti-Corruption Academy in Abuja. The programme, organised for chairmen, auditors-general and secretaries of Local Government Service Commissions was to enhance local government administration in the country. He said that the local governments had over the years, been seen as the most corrupt organ of government, and blamed it on the lack of developed institutional procedure to curb the menace. Nta said the programme was aimed at enlightening political ofęce holders on local government administration so as to prevent infractions in the course of their duties. ``The idea is to prepare the politicians against falling into traps set by civil servants who had been in the process for a very long time,” he said. In his remark, Prof. Sola Akinrinade, the Provost, ICPC Anti-Cor-

ruption Academy, said that manifest corruption had been observed in the activities of local governments over the years. Akinriinade said that participants in the workshop represented the supervisory authorities. ``As chairmen of Local Government Service Commission, as Auditors-General of Local Government and Secretaries to the commission, you hold important positions with great responsibility. ``We expect you to lay the ground rules and oěer eěective monitoring of happenings at the local government level,” he said.

Victor Oye

NGO urges FG to fast-track amendment of NOSDRA Act


he National Coalition on Gas Flaring and Oil Spills (NACGOND), an NGO, has called on Federal Government to fast-track the National Oil Spill Detection and Response Agency`s (NOSDRA) amendment Act. Rev. Father Edward Obi, National Coordinator of NACGOND, Niger Delta, made the call on at a roundtable on NOSDRA`s amendment bill, organised by NACGOND in Abuja. Obi said that the amendment would empower NOSDRA to suĜciently police the activities of the oil company, adding that it would also create a healthy environment in the area. He added that it would enhance eěective response to oil spills. ``When there is a good and healthy environment, ęsher men can go back ęshing, farmers will go back farming, so they will go back to do many things they were doing before. ``Those people who are stranded can be absorbed and corruption and crime will reduce in the area,’’ he said. He said that the act would enable the agency to have more power to bite, say-

Diallo, Guinea’s main opposition leader pulls out of election


uinea’s main opposition leader Celloun Dalein Diallo has withdrawn from the presidential election while alleging fraud in the exercise. Aboubacar Sylla, Diallo’s campaign director, who made the disclosure on Thursday in Conakry, said the opposition leader would not recognise the outcome of the election. The decision came as the national election commission announced early results from the election held on Sunday which is expected to return incumbent Alpha Conde to a second ęve-year term. Figures from three of the capital Conakry’s ęve communes showed Conde

won 55 per cent, 60 per cent and 49 per cent of the votes, although all the results must be ratięed by Guinea’s Constitutional Court before the winner is declared. Diallo’s decision to pull out of the election would not impede the vote count or the declaration of results, but analysts said it could help to tarnish perceptions of the validity of the election, especially among his supporters Guinea had a history of political violence linked to ethnic tensions, including protests during the 2010 campaign that brought Conde to power. Police in the capital on Wednesday ęred tear gas at protesters while the government called for calm.

ing that in the developed countries such act exists to boost the ęght against oil spillage. ``If any one spills oil in such developed countries, he or she will pay a penalty for that, but our own people in Nigeria are not helping the maĴers.’’ He also called on government at all levels to make eěorts to provide a environment conducive for job creation and skill acquisition for the people. ``The youth need to be given something meaningful to do and the issue is not only youths in the Niger Delta, it should be a national concern. ``There should be respect that people get from the government and oil companies, because government is there to protect people not only the oil companies,’’ he added. Speaking, Bishop Hyaccenth Egbedo, Apostolic Vicariate of Bomadi Local Government Area in Delta said that the act would stop crimes such as oil vandalism. Egbedo, who appealed to the National Assembly to intervene in the amendment of the act, added that it would ensure effective monitoring of the economy of the area. He said that high level of poverty in the area had increased corruption and other criminal acts. ``Because of hardship the people are facing, the youth have engaged in many evil acts which had caused a lot of damage in the area. ``Government should look into our plight; we are living in an environment where there is no electricity, lack of road and other social infrastructure,’’ he said. Major Lancelot Anyanye, (rtd), former Chairman of NOSDRA, said that the agency`s mandate was to ensure timely, eěective and appropriate response to spill, clean up and remediation of all impacted sites. Anyanye called on the National Assembly to address the amendment of the bill, adding that the eěorts would enable the agency to achieve it mandate.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

FIFA U-17 World Cup:

W-A-R IN SANTIAGO ...As Golden Eaglets battle USA in opening duel of the cadets football event in Chile

We’ll not play rescheduled match – IfeanyiUbah


Wilshere treats girlfriend to dinner in Mayfair >>Pg.19


Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 17, 2015

Maduabuchi Kalu 08080669826

League Watch

We’ll not play rescheduled match – IfeanyiUbah

One point better than nothingChukwu



ollowing League Management Company (LMC) directive that Week 33 NPFL ęxture between FC IfeanyiUba and ElKanemi Warriors Fc of Maiduguri that didn’t hold last weekend has been rescheduled to be replay on October 28, FC IfeanyiUbah has come out to make it clear that it will not be a party for the rescheduled encounter. The Nnewi based football club kicked against the order by the LMC that the match which El-Kanemi boycoĴed be rescheduled to be played on Wednesday, October 28 and FC IfeanyiUbah is kicking against it because the rules are very clear on the maĴer. Apart from the Anambra based club, more than 90 per cent of NPFL watchers and stakeholders have expressed outrage over the directives by the LMC since the order is contrary to the rules of the game. According to, the proprietor of FC IfeanyiUbah, Dr Patrick Ifeanyi Ubah has made

it clear that he will not get his team to play the rescheduled game on Wednesday, October 28. A source hinted: “The club owner is incensed with the LMC order for the match to be rescheduled and he has made it very clear, he will not be part of such an

arrangement. “He argued his team walked over El Kanemi, who did not have any major reason not to honour the game on Sunday.” IfeanyiUbah media oĜcer Victor Oche added: “We all know the rules and we should play by

these rules. “The LMC should therefore do the needful because when a team walk over the other, they win three points and three goals.” IfeanyiUbah were big 4-1 winners when both teams clashed in the ęrst round of the league.

We can still win league –Aigbogun


ith just ęve matches to go in the 2014/15 Glo sponsored Nigeria Professional Football League (NPFL), Warri Wolves Fc of Delta State still dream of winning the league shield when the curtains are drawn despite being ęve points behind league leaders, Enyimba International Fc of Aba. This optimism was expressed by no lessperson than the coach of the club Paul Aigbogun, while ęelding questions from Supersport immediately his side secured away point in Enugu against Rangers on Sunday in their week 33 ęxture. Aigbogun explained that his conędence in claiming the diadem at the end of the season stems from the fact that there is a possibility of the two time African champions slipping before the end of the season. “Of course we can win the league. The season has not ended, we still have ęve matches to go,” Aigbogun began.

Wolves were the beĴer side of the two NPFL during the ęrst half of the encounter and their eěorts was rewarded with a goal while the Coal City side came out smoking in the second half of the encounter. Rangers’ constant pressure was rewarded as the encounter ended 1-1.

ormer captain and coach of Enugu Rangers, Christian Chukwu, has expressed delight that Rangers were able to share the spoils with visiting Warri Wolves Fc in NPFL’s Week 33 ęxtures which held at the Nnamdi Azikiwe Stadium, Enugu. According to Chukwu, Wolves came for a revenge mission having suěered home defeat in the hands of the Flying Antelopes during the ęrst stanza of the league. He explained that despite the fact that Rangers wanted the maximum points but since they were unable to get what they planned for; taking a point out of the game was a beĴer option than losing the maximum points. He blamed Rangers inability to utilize their begging chances and hard luck for sharing the spoils with Wolves even as he acknowledged the fact that the encounter was shared by the two sides as each team had each half of the game. “It is beĴer that we shared the points with Warri Wolves than losing the three points,” Chukwu began. “You must remember that Warri Wolves came to Enugu with one objective which is to revenge the home defeat they suěered in the hands of Rangers in Warri,” Chukwu explained. “Rangers were the ęrst team to beat Wolves at home this season and as a result, we know that they planned to repay us in our own coins but luckily, they were unable to achieve their set target. “Rangers ought to have won the game but they were unable to utilize their begging chances and again we have hard luck but all the same it was a good match. “It was an interesting match in the sense that

the two teams gave good account of themselves because the game was a balanced one because the match was shared equally. “Wolves were in control of the ęrst half and they scored but in the second half Rangers took over proceedings and their eěort was also rewarded with a goal bringing the result at the end of hostilities to 1-1,” Chukwu said. Speaking on the Rangers’ plans for the further, the former national team captain and coach explained that since the Coal City side is not relegation threatened nor do not have any chance of winning any trophy this season, they have started planning for next season with a view to ensuring that they meet the expectations of their fans and other critical stakeholders. NPFL Week 34 FIXTURES

El-Kanemi vs Giwa Wikki vs Ifeanyiubah Heartland vs Sharks Shooting vs FC Taraba Nasarawa vs Enyimba Kwara vs Bayelsa Abia vs Lobi Wolves vs Akwa Sunshine vs Rangers Dolphins vs Pillars

League Table

“We can still win the league because there is a possibility of the league leaders Enyimba slipping along the line thereby dropping points. “If along the line they drop points along the line we can meet up and possibly over take them. So I am still conędent that we still stand a chance of winning the

league because it is not over until it over and with ęve games anything can happen,” Aigbogun explained. Speaking on the outcome of his side’s encounter against the Flying Antelopes, Aigbogun expressed satisfaction that they were able to take something out of the game on Sunday.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Team MP Enyimba 33 Wolves 33 Wikki 33 Giwa 33 Sunshine 33 Nasarawa 33 Pillars 33 Heart 33 Ifeanyi 33 Abia 33 Shooting 33 Rangers 33 El Knm 33 Lobi 33 Akwa 33 Sharks 33 Dolphins 33 Kwara 33 Taraba 33 Bayelsa 33

W D L F 17 10 6 46 Agwu, Enyimba Chairman 16 8 9 50 15 9 9 37 14 12 7 36 16 5 12 49 15 7 11 39 14 7 12 41 14 5 14 39 13 8 12 35 14 5 14 Akpokona 35 13 7 13 33 12 9 12 39 12 7 14 33 9 13 11 30 11 7 15 28 9 12 12 25 8 11 14 30 10 5 18 28 8 9 16 27 6 12 15 24

A 27 27 31 33 33 35 33 34 31 39 33 39 51 35 36 33 34 43 39 38

D +19 +23 +6 +3 +16 +4 +8 +5 +4 -4 +0 +0 -18 -5 -8 -8 -4 -15 -12 -14

P 61 56 54 54 53 52 49 47 47 47 46 45 43 40 40 39 35 35 33 30


Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 17, 2015

Sports/EURO League Suarez buys Messi a Grumpy pyjama set ...and the injured Argentine superstar is left confused


arcelona star Lionel Messi is not having the best of times after injuring his knee against Las Palmas - and Luis Suarez has added insult to injury by buying him a Grumpy pyjama set. Messi had begun the season in impressive fashion, scoring six goals in 10 appearances for the La Liga giants, before sustaining the

injury in the 2-1 win at the end of September. However, the Argentina superstar has continued his recovery and regularly keeps his fans in the loop via his Instagram page. And Messi has revealed the gift which team-mate Suarez bought him by posing for a picture in the green pyjama set. Alongside the picture,

he wrote the caption: ‘Thanks to my friend @luissuarez9 for the pyjamas gift !!! What I did not understand, why the grumpy faceǵ’ The choice of character, from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, has left Messi puzzled as he faces a race to be ęt in time for the crunch clash with biĴer rivals Real Madrid on November 22.

Ronaldo gets swept up in the arms of kickboxer ... as friend jokes the pair got ‘married’ on holiday in Morocco


ristiano Ronaldo has been geĴing so close to friend Badr Hari that the super heavyweight kickboxer joked the pair had been ‘married’ while on holiday together. The Real Madrid superstar has been granted leave after helping Portugal secure qualięcation to next year’s European Championship with a 1-0 defeat of Denmark

on Thursday. The 30 year old took the opportunity to visit Morocco with friends where he and Hari have been sharing pictures of their time together, including the ęghter holding up Ronaldo by the pool with the caption: ‘Just married. Hahahaha. Always there to pick you up bro’. Hadr is considered one of the best kickboxers in the world - having previously

been crowned K1 heavyweight champion (2007-08) and the It’s Showtime heavyweight champion (2009-10) although he has courted controversy for some violent outbursts outside of the ring. A psychologist reportedly diagnosed him as having ‘narcissistic personality traits’ during one of his trials in the Netherlands - where he ęghts out of Mike’s Gym in Oosĵaan.

Carroll and fiancee enjoy holiday in Dubai


hile England prepare to take on Lithuania in Vilnius, West Ham star Andy Carroll is enjoying the international break as he spends time relaxing in sunny Dubai. The West Ham striker has returned to ęrst team action after a long lay-oě with injury but is still building up his match ętness. But while some of his

team-mates are away on international duty, the 26-year-old is spending time with ęancee Billi Mucklow and son Arlo. Mucklow, a former TOWIE star, took to Instagram and shared a photo of the three of them on the beach with the famous Burj Al Arab in the background. She captioned it: ‘Family Photo #andytcarroll #Burj #Dubai #MyBoys.’

Wilshere treats girlfriend to dinner in Mayfair crocked Arsenal star’s injury woes continue

Lover boy Firmino waits on new Anfield boss Jurgen Klopp


iverpool striker Roberto Firmino might have fallen out of favour under former manager Brendan Rodgers, but the 24-yearold is clearly number one in his wife’s books. Larissa Pereira shared a picture of the pair kissing during a night out on her Instagram account. With Rodgers now having left the club and new boss Jurgen Klopp installed, Firmino will no doubt be wanting to transfer his happy lifestyle oě the pitch to performances on it and seal a regular starting spot at Anęeld. Firmino and Pereira met each other at a

nightclub in 2013 and also have a baby daughter together, who was born last year. Firmino signed for Liverpool in the summer

for a reported £29million fee from Bundesliga side Hoěenheim, but so far the Brazil international has struggled to ęnd his feet in English football.


e’d rather have been playing at Wembley on Friday night but injured England midęelder Jack Wilshere found an alternative way to take his mind oě his ętness woes. The 23-year-old is currently out of action, after undergoing surgery last month to properly

correct a hairline fracture in his left ębula, but that didn’t stop him from wining and dining his girlfriend Adriana Michael. The pair were pictured together heading for dinner at Roka restuarant in Mayfair on Friday night. Holding hands together Wilshere could be seen

walking a protective boot as his three-month rehabilitation proceess continues. The injury is the latest setback in the Arsenal star’s career. By the time he returns he will have missed more than three years of football and undergone seven operations in the areas around his ankles.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 17, 2015



...As Golden Eaglets battle USA in opening duel of the cadets football event in Chile GBOLAHAN DADA


nited States of America, ( USA), Under-17 team coach, Richie Williams, is conędent that his wards will upset the tournament defending champions, Nigeria, today when the two countries ęle out in the opening duel of the FIFA Under-17 World Cup event in Chile. The American coach has been talking tough since his country were drawn in the same group with Nigeria, the host Chile and Croatia. He strongly believes in the potentials he had picked to carry out the major assignment in Chile even as Nigeria coach, Emmanuel Amuneke, is not resting on his oars to justify the conędence reposed in him by teeming football fans in the country. The American coach had confessed that it’s a great challenge playing defending champions, Nigeria and Chile in group A. “I think it’s a great challenge and I think the guys will be excited.

It’s a great opportunity to compete against the champions of the last World Cup and I think our guys are going to have a lot of energy, they’re going to be excited and they’re going to be ready to play, so we’re looking forward to it. I think every World Cup game is important. You can’t say one is any more important than the other. You can’t overlook any team. It’s a World Cup game and everybody’s got to be ready to go. Whether you think they’re the strongest opponent or the weakest opponent, it’s the World Cup and all the games are very important and very competitive and anything could happen, especially if you’re not ready to play,” Williams stated. The American strategist said he was not afraid of Chile, as they had met before previously in other event “We’ve played Chile before. We played them in their soil and drew them 2-2. It was a good game and we had more opportunities to score that we didn’t take and we

Ugbade: We must sustain Nigeria’s rich U-17 tradition


ormer Golden Eaglets Assistant coach, Nduka Ugbade, is in the history books as the ęrst captain to lift the FIFA Under-17 World Cup. That was in 1985 when the young defender captained the Golden Eaglets to victory in the ęrst-ever FIFA tournament at that age level. Ugbade shares his memories of China 1985 with and looks forward to Chile 2015, where the west African country will be looking to secure a ęfth U-17 crown. Ugbade admits that when the team arrived in China 30 years ago, they were at ęrst overwhelmed by what they saw. “We had the desire to do well, but we did not expect to win. Seeing all the big teams participating in the competition and playing in stadiums ęlled with 80,000 people was something we did not expect. Of course we had heard of FIFA and seen the World Cup on television, but the magnitude of the competition was not known to us until we got to China.” Some 27 years later, Ugbade had an opportunity to again experience glory in the competition, when he assisted Manu Garba as the Golden Eaglets won

their fourth title, beating Mexico 3-0 in the ęnal played in Abu Dhabi. Interestingly, it was the fourth U-17 World Cup played in Asia and Nigeria have won all of them. For Ugbade, being part of the set-up again showed him just how diěerent times were. “Back then it was about making a name for ourselves and representing the country, but for the players today there are diěerent aspects. The level of poverty is high now, and what drives most of the youths is the desire to play well, win and be signed by big clubs all over the world. At the end of the day they want to make it ǽprofessionallyǾ, so

that their lives can be changed.” Ugbade scoěs at the idea that he is biĴer about playing in a time when players were rewarded with small scholarships instead of receiving lucrative contracts. “I can’t be disappointed because that is what it was for our time. The time we live in now is totally diěerent. If I say I am disappointed, what about the likes of legends like Christian Chukwu and Segun Odegbami and the rest. They played great football in the past - among the best the country has produced, yet they had no opportunity to make money. What they received for playing in the national team was a name.”

made a couple of errors on defence, but I think we played very well against Chile. We have experience against them, we’re familiar with them and I’m sure they’ve developed like we have and goĴen beĴer so we have to be ready. I think games against the host can work in two ways. They’re going to come out with energy so we have to be ready to match their energy, they’ll have the crowd behind them and it’ll be the third group game so there could be a lot on the line and we have to make sure we’re ready to go and be able to absorb their energy from the beginning. But I think also sometimes it can, especially with young players, potentially work the opposite where they could be really excited and feel a liĴle bit of pressure because they’re playing at home and are expected to do well and if that’s the case we have to take advantage of that to and potentially pressure them and get after them right from the beginning of the game.” But Golden Eaglets coach is not moved by pre-tournament talks, as he is totally focussed his aĴention on the great match of the day. “Honestly, we want to start the tournament on a winning note though it is not as easy as that. Every ęrst match is crucial and it would be great if we can win our ęrst match. We have to channel our thoughts and plans to that ęrst game because it would help in consolidating our position in the other matches.” Amuneke said he had put his team in proper shape with series of matches and he’s sure they have learnt a lot to face any opposition. “The 4-Nation Tournament in Suwon was a very good preparation for us because it gave us an insight into the quality of opposition and standard we are likely to see in Chile. We drew 1-1 with Korea; beat Brazil 2-1 and; lost 3-2 to Croatia.

CHAN: Oliseh may lead Eagles against Burkina Faso BABS OYETORO


ontrary to earlier reports that Super Eagles coach, Sunday Oliseh may not be on ground to lead the team against Burkina Faso in an African Nations Championship (CHAN) qualięer in Port Harcourt today, Newswatch Times Sports can authoritatively say that Oliseh may have changed his mind to be part of the team. Oliseh, who reportedly sought permission to take care of himself, had been

in constant touch with his assistant coach, Salisu Yusuf but early in the morning yesterday, the team media oĜcer, Toyin Ibitoye, told this reporter that Oliseh may join the team before the match today. Ibitoye hinted that the technical crew had been in touch with the chief coach, stressing that the possibility is high that Oliseh may eventually lead the team against Burkina Faso today. The Sports journalist conęrmed that everything is in order in terms of

preparation for the match against the Francophone country in adding that the players are in high spirit ready to explode. He revealed that the three coaches on ground have shown great understanding and the players have been responding positively to training as well. “Coach Sunday Oliseh may join the team before the match today but I will like to say that his absence has not aěected preparations for the game as he had been in constant touch with the team.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Saturday, October 17, 2015

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Saturday, October 17, 2015

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Saturday, October 17, 2015

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Saturday, October 17, 2015 www.newswatchdailyng. .com

Newswatch ch Times -Tradition T diti built b ilt on T Truth th

Vol. 01, No. 50

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Celebrating women of substance

God gave me John as husband – Quincy Ayodele, herbal medicine expert

26 My Love

Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 17, 2015

Quincy Ayodele is the pioneer er Secretary General of the Association of Traditionall Medicine in Nigeria. She is also an adviser for thee development of African traditional medicinee to the World ȌǤ Ƥ ǡ ȋ ȌǤ Quincy Herbal Slimmers is an n authority in ǡ ǡ ǡ Ǥ Ǥ TUNDE ESO, she ǡ able to transform her business ess to a global brand and the role of her children in the business.


s a grandmother, you look good for your age, what’s the secret of your youthful look? I’m a practitioner for anything natural. Don’t ’t forget that I am an herbal medicine practitiooner. I use most of my products. Of course I take a lot of slimming garri every day. I use my products because it has anti-aging and anti-wrinkle properties; it contains shea butter, has sun block and it brightens the skin. The concept of skin brightening is not bleaching the skin but exfoliating dead skin cells and exposing the new skin. Once you are able to do that naturally, you’re not going to look bleached or damage your skin. That is the concept of the cream that we use and that is what I use. I can tell when I see some of our clients who use our products judiciously. They look radiant, glowing and youthful looking without dark knuckles or stretch marks. How do you maintain your figure? Like I said, I’m a natural person to the core; I’m attracted to natural things. I eat a lot of vegetables and take a lot of selected fruits because it is not all fruits that should be ingested. But vegetables should be taken all the time. Also, I am very active because I still do my house work with my house girl. When I have the time, I exercise. I eat healthy and I don’t buy food from eateries. Thank God I have my daughter with me; she doesn’t allow me to eat off guard. She’s a natural person as well, even more than I am. She makes sure everything I eat is healthy and she makes sure we drink lots of water at stipulated times. In our house, we must finish at least eight bottles of water whether you like it or not. And we have all gotten used to it. When you started this business about 20 years ago, not many people wanted to identify with you because they felt you were fetish. How were you able to change that perception? I don’t know who will look at all these products and think there is something fetish about it? Anybody who still thinks that I’m a fetish herbal practitioner is just deceiving himself/ herself because as far as I am concerned, I am a medical herbal practitioner. I know the herbs and the science of the herbs including the dosage and the medication and what to treat with the herbs. It has nothing to do with Ifa, it is pure medicine.

You have grown from using plastic containers to sell your herbal medicines to packaging them scientifically. Does this have anything to do with the change in perception? Well, one of my daughters, Tobi, studied biochemistry in school and after school she joined

I’m married my friend, my brother, my hero, my supporter, my prayer partner, my biggest supporter, my best friend; we are always together and inseparable

the business and infused what she learnt in school to improve the business. She advised me to stop pounding the herbs in our usual local way and showed me how the products can be decently packaged without it losing its natural potency. That has always been my problem, not packaging my products all these years because I didn’t want to package something that will not work properly and thereafter or reduce its potency or no longer have the natural formula. It was like a tug of war because I wondered how pawpaw or slimming garri could be packaged. I insisted that, it’s either they do everything natural or they just leave my products the way they are. But she assured me that it could be done using scientific methods. So, I gave her the go ahead. She spoke with some manufacturers in developed countries to see how it can be done. So now, everything is naturally made to the extent that in products where we have to

Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 17, 2015


My Love



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God gave me John as husband put orange, it has to be orange and not orange flavour. The slimming garri, tummy blasting tea, skin care products, though very well packaged, still retain their natural potency. How did your clients receive the newly packaged products? It was a welcome development. They like it so much that I feel so embarrassed for having stuck with using plastic containers for so long. I wondered why they didn’t tell me all these years that we have been using mortar to grind leaves. Some of them were like, “Are you sure this is Quincy?” So, they like it and they’re proud to take it abroad because its looks nice and all that. It is well developed. Now that you have re-branded, are you ready for large scale demand? Right now, we’re still doing it on service basis. Of course the products are here and the formulas are still in my brain. So, anytime we decide to go commercial, we won’t have a problem with large scale demands. But we can only go commercial as soon as we complete our dialogue with necessary authorities. For now, we use it for service because I want to remain a practitioner. I want to remain in the healing industry using herbal medicine but of course, I’m going to be open to other people that want the product for commercial basis. We would contract it out for those that will do it for us so that it can be in other countries like America and Nigerians can even buy it from internet because right now, we have approval to sell it on Amazon website. And for to approve any product on health and beauty segment, the product must 100% herbal medicine. And all our products have been approved by Amazon. It must have cost a fortune to achieve this level of re-branding and packaging. Does it mean that Quincy products will now be more expensive than what it used to be? At Quincy, we’re not really expensive. We’re


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ve g e t a b le f o t lo a I e at ed o f s e le c t t lo a e k and ta not u s e it is a c e b s it fr u be t s h o u ld a h t s it u a ll f r . in g e s t e d not particular about money because we believe money will come later. Since I started this business, it has always been Quincy and slimming. Everybody in the country knows that if you desire to get slim, then Quincy is the best place to be. If I was particular about money, no one would still be patronizing me till date and the name would have gone into extinction. The reason for this business is to create generational wealth. By the time the money will start coming, all these products would have been everywhere, round the globe. How long have you been married? I have been married to my husband, John Ayodele for almost 30 years and we have three children. What are the secrets that have kept your marriage till now? God made me marry the right man. That’s the secret to keeping a marriage. Marrying the right man for you. I married my friend, my brother, my hero, my supporter, my prayer partner, my biggest supporter, my best friend. We are always together, we are inseparable. He’s quite supportive of everything I do and of our children. To avoid marriage break up, ask God to show you your own husband/wife and make sure you have that love for the person you intend to marry because it’s only love and enablement to be able to carry through because marriage is a journey.

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THE TEAM Published by

Newswatch Times Ltd. Publisher



tunde ESO


qismat YINUS Production Editor

taiwo BERNARD Head Graphics

olukayode OGUNJOBI Graphic Artists

henry ENEGEDE/ chinwe DURUEKE


Newswatch Times, Satruday, October 17, 2015

Five Minutes with...

Quack actors abound in Nigeria –Actress, Busola Badejo Busola Badejo Roman is not new to movie viewers in Nigeria. Well known over a decade ago as Busola Badejo before marrying her Romanian husband, the actress stared in Tade Ogidan’s Madam Dearest and Tunde Kilani’s Campus Queen. Beautiful Busola who is not associated with low budget movies returned to Nigeria about four months ago. In this exclusive chart with AJIBADE ALABI , she said she understands the fact she’s been away for too long in the industry but she is back to give the current stars a run for their money.


played Remi Surutu’s niece in Madam Dearest. The movie then was among the big budget movies by someone who doesn’t just make movies, but quality ones. I got a role in that movie on merit unlike these days when movie roles are given to unquali¿HG SHUVRQV ´ Aside being an actress, Busola is also making waves in the modelling world after her reign as the Face of Romania. The mother of two worked with Yeye Oge Modeling agency and she is looking up to making more appearances in Nollywood movies than she did over a decade ago, ³$ ORW RI DFWRUV DUH QRW TXDOL¿HG WR JHW FHUWDLQ scripts. I still don’t know how they manage pass auditions because I see a lot of quack acting on African magic. Quite a number of them , VHH WKHP RQ WHOHYLVLRQ HYHU\ GD\´ $ ORW RI DFWRUV DUH QRW TXDOL¿HG When asked how far she could go when acting nude scenes, she replied, “I will go half nude if it’s necessary; I can’t go completely nude EHFDXVH RI P\ NLGV DQG IDPLO\´ VKH VDLG She recognizes the impact of screen divas such as Sola Sobowale, Stephanie Okereke and Joke Silva but, picks Sola Sobowale as her role model.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 17, 2015


For enquiries call Qismat Yinus on 08027022738

Fashion statements from Lord of the Ribs


asketmouth’s Lord Of The Ribs comedy concert held on Sunday evening at the Convention Centre of the Eko Hotel & Suites. Here are some stunning looks from the event.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 17, 2015 Tunde Eso Email: 08057482794

Love Tips

15 signs you are with the woman you should marry


he cares how your friends are doing. She knows all your friends by name and is genuinely invested in whether or not your roommate Kate gets together with that guy she likes because they would be so cute together and she wants her to be happy. Â˜ÂžČąÂŒÂŠÂ—ČąÂ?Â˜ČąÂ˜Â—ČąÂ?Â›Â’Â™ÂœČąÂ?˜Â?ÂŽÂ?‘Ž›ȹŠ—Â?ČąÂ—Â˜Â?ȹęÂ?‘Â?Čą constantly. If you can survive being in a nightmare spa resort full of screaming children, no clean towels, and weak drinks with ˜•Â?ČąÂ™Â’Â—ÂŽÂŠÂ™Â™Â•ÂŽČąÂ˜Â—ČąÂ?‘Žȹ›’–ȹ Â’Â?‘˜žÂ?ȹęÂ?‘Â?’—Â?Čą Œ˜—œÂ?Š—Â?•¢ǰȹ¢Â˜ÂžČąÂ‘ŠÂ&#x;ÂŽČąÂœÂ˜Â–ÂŽÂ?‘’—Â?ȹ™›ŽĴ¢ȹŠ–Š£ing. You still catch her checking you out. For no reason, really. She just thinks you are the ‘˜ĴŽœÂ?ȹ‘ž–Š—ȹŠ• ÂŠ¢ÂœČąÂŠÂ—Â?ČąÂ’ÂœČąÂ‘ÂŠÂ™Â™¢ȹÂ?Â˜ČąÂ•ÂŽÂ?ȹ¢Â˜ÂžČą know. You share the same values. You both want the same type of relationship, you know where you both stand on having children, and your goals for the future are the same. If you want to work until you’re 90, so does she. If you want to retire early and eat only pudding for the rest of your life, she’s cool with that. She loves bragging about you. To her friends, coworkers, everyone. Because she’s proud of you and thinks you are the coolest person she’s ever met. Her friends and room–ŠÂ?ÂŽÂœČąÂŠÂ—Â?ČąÂŒÂ˜ Â˜Â›Â”ÂŽÂ›ÂœČąÂ”Â—Â˜ ȹÂŽÂ&#x;Ž›¢ȹ•’Ĵ•ŽȹÂ?‘’—Â?Čą about you before you even meet them. You’re basically like a boy band she’s obsessed with that she also gets to date. You hear your friends complain about

Â?Â‘ÂŽÂ’Â›ČąÂœÂ’Â?—’ęŒŠ—Â?ČąÂ˜Â?Â‘ÂŽÂ›ÂœČąÂŠÂ—Â?ȹ¢Â˜ÂžČąÂŒÂŠÂ—Č‚Â?ȹ›ŽŠ••¢ȹ relate. Just keep it to yourself that you and your girlfriend have fun staring at blank walls and she’s incredibly supportive and thoughtful and compassionate. Not the time to share that info. She’s your biggest supporter. She believes you can do things even you’re not sure you can do because she has the utmost faith and Œ˜—ęÂ?ÂŽÂ—ÂŒÂŽČąÂ’Â—ȹ¢Â˜ÂžČąÂŽÂ&#x;Ž—ȹŠÂ?ȹ¢Â˜ÂžÂ›ČąÂ•Â˜ ÂŽÂœÂ?ČąÂ–Â˜ments because she believes you are magic. You feel comfortable planning things way, way in the future. You can buy concert tickets or book a vacation in advance without worrying if she’s going to break up with you or you’re going to break up with her before then because you trust her completely and she’s become such a part of you that your future together seems as certain as anything. Â‘ÂŽČąÂ–ÂŠÂ”ÂŽÂœČąÂœÂŠÂŒÂ›Â’Ä™ÂŒÂŽÂœČąÂ?˜›ȹ¢Â˜ÂžČąÂŠÂ—Â?ȹ¢Â˜ÂžČąÂ?Â˜Čą the same for her. And she thinks nothing of it because she genuinely enjoys making sure you’re happy and you feel the same way about her. She doesn’t try to change you. She knows every messed up, weirdo thing you do when you sleep and when you’re awake and when you’re tired and when you’re cranky, and she’s OK with all of it in a way that you weren’t sure anyone ever would be. Because ¢Â˜ÂžČąÂ‘ŠÂ&#x;ÂŽČąÂŠČąÂ•Â˜Â?ČąÂ˜Â?ȹ ÂŽÂ’›Â?Â˜ČąÂœÂ?žěǯ Your friends are really, genuinely happy

Â?Â˜Â›Čą ¢Â˜ÂžÇŻČą Â?Â?Ž›ȹ œžěŽ›’—Â?Čą Â?‘›˜žÂ?‘ȹ Œ˜ž—Â?Â•ÂŽÂœÂœČą drink dates and morning-after breakfasts with your horrible exes, your friends are so relieved you’re actually with someone who is as cool as you are because you’re truly right for each other, which is something they’d wanted for you for a long time now. It’s like seeing ¢Â˜ÂžÂ›ČąÂ›ÂŽÂŠÂ•Â•¢ȹÂ?Š••ȹÂ?›’Ž—Â?ȹę—Â?ȹ Â˜Â›Â”Š‹•Žȹ™Š—Â?ÂœÇ°Čą but instead of pants, it’s a person. You can be completely honest with her Š‹˜žÂ?Čą Š—¢Â?‘’—Â?ÇŻČą Â˜Čą –ŠĴŽ›ȹ ‘˜ ȹ ÂŠÂ—ÂĄÂ’Â˜ÂžÂœČą Â˜Â›Čą worried or nervous or scared you’re feeling, you know you can tell her anything at all and she won’t judge you. S*xual fantasies, awk ÂŠÂ›Â?ČąÂ’Â•Â•Â—ÂŽÂœÂœÂŽÂœÇ°ČąÂŠČąÄ™Â?‘Â?ȹ¢Â˜ÂžČąÂ‘ŠÂ?ȹ Â’Â?‘ȹ¢Â˜ÂžÂ›ČąÂ™ÂŠÂ›ents; anything. Â‘ÂŽČ‚ÂœČąÂ?Â‘ÂŽČąÄ™Â›ÂœÂ?ČąÂ™ÂŽÂ›ÂœÂ˜Â—ȹ¢Â˜Âžȹ ÂŠÂ—Â?ČąÂ?Â˜ČąÂ?Š•”ȹÂ?Â˜Čą when something cool/funny/weird happens. You used to text your best friend all of this ÂœÂ?žěȹ ‹žÂ?Čą ¢Â˜ÂžÂ›Čą ‹ŽœÂ?Čą Â?›’Ž—Â?Čą Â’ÂœÂ—Č‚Â?Čą ÂŽÂ&#x;Ž—ȹ –ŠÂ?Čą about that because she’s so happy you’ve found someone you’re so close and connected with. She indulges your guilty pleasures. She ”—˜ Âœȹ¢Â˜ÂžČąÂ•Â˜Â&#x;ÂŽČąÂœÂ’Ä´Â’Â—Â?ȹ’—ȹÂ?Â›ÂŠÂŒÂ”ČąÂ™ÂŠÂ—Â?ÂœČąÂŠÂ—Â?ȹŽŠÂ?’—Â?ȹŠ—ȹŽ—Â?’›Žȹ ž—Â?ÂŽÄ´Â’ČąÂŒÂŠÂ”ÂŽÇ°ČąÂŠÂ—Â?ČąÂ—Â˜Â?ČąÂ˜Â—Â•¢ȹÂ?˜Â?Š•ly accepts that, but sometimes she brings one home and lets you tear that shit up. You want to protect her. Even though she totally doesn’t need protecting. It’s just an impulse because you love her so goddamn much.

Newswatch Times, Saturday October 17, 2015


ollywood actress, Mercy Johnson, was born in Lagos on 28 August 1984 and made her acting debut in the movie, “The Maid” in which she played the role of a possessed house help has reportedly lost one of her arms. Her performance in the movie shot her into the limelight and she has acted in other movies ever since. Mercy is a native of Okene in Kogi state, and comes from a family of seven children. Mercy reveals she got into the Nigerian movie industry (Nollywood) because she failed her University entrance examinations. Johnson has appeared in over 60 movies. She revealed that growing up ZDV WRXJK DQG KDG GLI¿FXOWLHV SD\LQJ KHU VFKRRO fees most times. She also worked as a housemaid to survive. She was one of the inaugural winners at the Africa Magic Viewers Choice Awards 2013 IRU KHU UROH LQ WKH FRPHG\ ¿OP ³'XPHEL WKH 'LUW\ Girl”.... Please Relax! This is From a Movie being Shot In Enugu .. It looks so real. Do you think they did a good.


Mercy Johnson ‘loses’ arm in Enugu!


ne of Glass House Entertainment’s rich human-interest shows, The Survivor Show, is now showcased on Channel 151 every Sunday by 6pm. The Survivor Show was created exclusively to celebrate people who have been through near-death accidents, illnesses or incidents. The concept is centered on everyday experiences in the course of life with an aim of putting out more knowledge on how to reduce, prevent and handle dangerous likely-to-occur incidences. These survivors are interviewed on the show by Tosyn Bucknor and their stories are showcased in photo and video documentaries that revive their experiences in the most amazing and dramatic way possible. The Survivor Show does not focus on bringing back bad memories from the experiences of the survivors, but rather seeks to celebrate their survival in unique ways, some of which include music from the famous DJ Neptune, special celebrity appearances, games, cash prices and a lot of giveaways.


Glass House Entertainment’s ‘The Survivor Show’ premieres on Africa Magic showcase

t happened at AY Live in Port Harcourt. Two of the headliner comedians Helen Paul and Gordons abused the heck out of each other on stage at the event. Helen Paul started by taking a swipe at her colleagues, I Go Dye, Gordons, Basket mouth and Ali Baba. Then Gordons came on stage and abused reciprocated. Helen came back on stage and blasted Gordons once more.....Did Helen go too far?


Helen Paul and Gordons almost messed AY show


ollywood actress, Foluke DaramolaSalako, has finally reacted to a pregnancy rumour that trailed her some weeks ago. The social crusader and filmmaker, in a recent interview with a national newspaper revealed that her marriage to Kayode Salako has stood the test of time because of her size. “My husband doesn’t like slim women. So, that boosts my ego,” the actress said. She also disapproved claims that busty women are more prone to sexual harassments than their slimmer counterparts. “One thing about me is that I have selfconfidence. I don’t believe everybody has to be slim-shady. Even though, I don’t want to be slim shady, maybe I would want to lose a pound or two, but I like myself just the way I am. I know if I am slim, I might not look good. I am cuter as a chubby person, so whatever anybody says doesn’t affect my self-confidence. “I don’t wish to be like Genevieve Nnaji or anybody else, I love the way I am and that’s the way I treat people’s opinion about me. I don’t think my size has anything to do with sexual harassment


Ajibade Alabi 08023934887


idemi, Nollywood actress and daughter of veteran actor, Jide Kosoko, has disclosed why she has remained single. She explained that she is currently in a relationship and may not be getting married anytime soon as some would have expected. The actress stated that she had hoped to get married at 25, but this never came to pass. Speaking recently about her love life, she said, “Of course I have a man. In fact I am getting married late because I thought I would have gotten married long before now, like when I was 25years old. So for me not to be married now is something else, but as you know, man proposes but God disposes.” She also noted that marriage is not to be rushed into, stressing that one has to plan and take time to understudy his partner.


Jide Kosoko’s daughter on why she is still single

while ago, Ghanaian movie star, Yvonne Nelson, claimed she looks uglier without makeup just like her countrywoman, Becca, who is a well-known singer in Ghana. Becca, in her response, rubbished claims made by WKH VWDU DFWUHVV FXP ¿OPPDNHU WKDW VKH %HFFD LV ugly. According to what Becca told Ghana’s Hot FM in Accra, Yvonne was not serious about what she was reported to have said. “I think I look better without makeup. God created me well. So I will encourage every African woman that whatever we are we look very beautiful,” Becca told the FM station in a chat. She further said, “I think Yvonne was only talking about a movie we acted. We were supposed to look very wretched in the movie because that was the role we were playing; that’s why she said that.”


Ghanaian Star, Becca repliesYvonne Nelson’s ‘ugly’ comments

ollywood actress Stella Damasus is well known for attracting scandals during her days in the movie industry. On Tuesday , October 13, her younger daughter became a teenager as she clocked 13 years. The excited mother wrote to the celebrant via her Instagram “As my second daughter turns 13 today, I just want to thank God for blessing me with such a beautiful girl. From the moment I saw your face in the hospital, I knew that God VHQW \RX VSHFL¿FDOO\ WR PH You are my best friend and my shoulder. You are the most honest and hardworking daughter ever. A lot of people are scared of having teenage girls, but God is so amazing. He gave me children who are so understanding and patient.


Stella Damasus celebrates second daughter

Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 17, 2015

My hubby can’t dump me because of my size —Foluke Daramola

Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 17, 2015


Fashion Extra

Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 17, 2015

Egbunike Precious 51

Girls love to wear beautiful jewellery


hey are fond of wearing unique and stylish jewellery. There are many items that are counted in jewellery. Armlets, rings and necklaces are mostly worn as jewellery. Among various types of jewellery, fashion bracelets are usually liked by all girls and some boys. Friendship bracelets are also popular among women. These armlets add beauty to their hands.


Newswatch TImes, Saturday, October 17, 2015

The Counselor Bimpe Onwuchekwa


Discipline - The Foundation (2)


here are also social rules like; Sharing, doing chores, look after people and things, do not Àght, speak nicely to others, maintain good manners, be respectful and have value for life and property. When these rules are given, it acts as a guide for the children upbringing and success in life. Children that are not disciplined often grow up rebellious, having no respect for elders, authority and so Ànd it di΀cult following God’s precepts. As parents you really need to be careful not to over react while disciplining the child children when they err, so you wont end up injuring the child during the scold, smacking or punishing. You need to choose the time, mood and the mode of reprimand, so as not to cause pain or harm or even permanent damage to the child. You should not vent your anger or frustration on them all in name of discipline. After physical punishment, the child should be followed up immediately with words of encouragement by comforting the child with reassuring words that he she is loved. Time out, grounding and depriving the child from having a favourite tool, are other ways of disciplining a child. Employ the best method that best produce the needed behavioural change in the life of the child. An introverted lazy child shouldn’t be punished mostly with time outs in his room, it might end up being a delight or fun for him. Having gotten the children used to being disciplined, as they become youths, they grow into being self-disciplined. Discipline is the principle behind the progress and smooth working of an individual and nation. With good nurture, for youths discipline becomes inborn and self-imposed rather than externally imposed. Self-discipline is one of the most important and useful skills everyone should possess. It means self-control, which is a sign of inner strength and control of yourself, your actions

and your reactions. This is one of the important requirement for achieving goals. Helps you to persevere with your decision execution and plans until they are accomplished. Also helps to overcome addictions, procrastination, laziness and to follow through in all you do. You are able to reject instant gratiÀcation and pleasure for greater gain which requires spending time and eͿort. As an ingredient for success, Self-discipline expresses itself in these ways; Perseverance, Self-control, Persistence, endurance despite failure and setbacks, Resisting distractions or temptations. Acknowledging the importance of Self-discipline you can thereby strengthen it by the skill of training and exercise. At the same time, helps you avoid rash behaviour and acting on impulse. You are able to fulÀl promises and become punctual due to early rising. You are able to overcome bad habits and build new good ones. Most especially, you are able to read more and at a good time, long before examination, overcoming the last minute thing. You ruminate and meditate more often over your achievements, aspirations and goal, plans, strategies and executions thoroughly. You are able to stand up to your spiritual demands for growth and stability. Discipline isn’t pleasant at the time given but later produces harvest of righteousness and peace. Youths needs to discipline their thoughts, speech, behaviour attitude and their body. It is the loving and corrective training that leads to maturity and responsibility on the part of those that experience it. When you meet a disciplined person, you will know almost immediately, and they are a better catch for marriage relationship. Therefore, a disciplined couple would and should not have issues of inÀdelity in their marriage, their tongue will be well bridled, and they would always listen to corrections from each other and others. They are patient and enduring, they are goal oriented, they are prudent spenders, and

they have control over doing things excessively; like their eating habits are curtailed to moderate consumptions. They exercise their bodies regularly, so they will not become obesity. Your home being the most important place in your life, couples as parents really need to study their children, understanding them individually, knowing their strength and weaknesses, which is their personalities and their likes and dislikes. Comparing one child to another during reprimanding will only bring about the dangers of favouritism. Be careful not to tamper with the child’s conÀdence and esteem during the scold especially if the child is an introvert. An introvert is mostly peaceful, quiet and sensitive while the extrovert is fun Àlled, out spoken and controlling. Certainly the punishment for an introvert should be diͿerent from the one given to an extrovert. For an extrovert, depriving them from having their kind of fun will be appropriate, not allowing then control you with their loud cry or lament. So for them, time out or grounding is ideal. For an introverted child, verbal scold and sometimes frowns and dissatisfaction might just be enough to put them back on track. It is always productive for couples as parents to have one voice when they discipline their children . It isn’t a good thing for the children to think when they are scolded by one parent, they can go to the other for solace or that they can report the fact that they were punished to their father, and for the father to reprimand whoever spare headed the punishment or scold. When children are trained with one voice, they certainly will become disciplined. To become responsible, respectful and resourceful members of the society, discipline is the key. It is demanding but worth the while, don’t dodge it nor detest it, be positive, be sure Discipline keeps you at the top.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 17, 2015

Feminine clips Tunde Eso, Egbunike Precious And Uchea Michael ael

ssi ve and am Th ese are som e top pro gre po liti cs wh o bit iou s Nig eri an wo me n in n be op rm can bel iev e tha t po liti cal pla tfo der equ alit y tim ally uti lize d to ach iev e gen and fos ter dev elo pm ent .







Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 17, 2015

Feminine clips


on.Esther Nenadi Usman started out as a memberatives, representing elect of the House of Representatives, uency, Kaduna state Kachia/Kagarko Federal Constituency, under the United Nigeria Congress Party in 1998. una State from 1999 She was appointed commissioner in Kaduna ment & Natural Reto 2002, then Commissioner for Environment missioner for Health sources in the state in 2002 and later Commissioner he Minister of State from 2002 to 2003. She was appointed the nce by the Obasanjo for Finance and later the Minister of Finance atorship for Kaduna administration. She later contested Senatorship ing on the People’s South in the April 2011 elections, running on. Democratic Party (PDP) platform and won.



r. Ezekwesili started off in the Olusegun Obasanjo administration as the pioneer head of the Budget Monitoring and Price Intelligence Unit (aka Due Process Unit). It was in this position that she earned the sobriquet of “Madam Due Process” for the outstanding work she led a team of professionals to do in sanitising public procurement or contracting at the Federal level in Nigeria. She was the architect of the Bureau for Public Procurement legislation, the NEITI legislation and the new Minerals and Mining legislation during her six and a half years stint in government. She was appointed Minister of Solid Minerals (Mines and Steel) in June 2005 during which time she led a vibrant reform programme that led to Nigeria’s global recognition as a credible mining investment destination. She was also the Chairperson of the Nigeria Extractive IndusWULHV 7UDQVSDUHQF\ ,QLWLDWLYH 1(,7, DQG OHG WKH ¿UVW HYHU QDWLRQDO LPSOHmentation of the global standards and principles of transparency in the oil, gas as and mining sector. In June 2006, Ezekwesili was appointed ointed the Federal Minister of Education, holding this post ost until she took up herr World Bank appointment in May 2007. She is currently the coordinator ator of Bring Back Ourr Girls in Nigeria.


rs. Nkechi Nwaogu started her political career by contesting for the ticket of governorship slots for APP & UNCP in Abia state, but was never able to secure it. Then in 2003, she contested for the Federal House of Representatives as a member representing, Osisioma Ngwa/ Ugwunagbo/Obingwa Federal Constituency in Abia state and won. In 2007 she contested Senatorship of Abia central senatorial district and won and also got re-elected in 2011. She declared her interest to contest Abia governorship in 2015, but failed to secure the ticket for her party.




PAThis i G SAs for E LE

Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 17, 2015

CALL 08057482794


L-R: Yobe State Governor, Ibrahim Gaidam; Governor of Bauchi State, Mohammad Abubakar; Vice President Yemi Osinbajo; President Muhammadu Buhari; Auditor –General of Nigeria , Mr. Ukura T. Samuel; Borno State Governor, Kashim Shettima and other dignitaries during the presentation of the Environmental Audit Report for the dry-up of Lake Chad to the president in Abuja…recently


Guest Lecturer, Prof. Olufemi Jaiyesimi (left) with the Acting Chairman, 2015 Faculty of Paediatrics Day, Prof. Joshua Owa.

L-R: Incoming Chairman, Faculty of Paediatrics, National Post Graduate Medical College of Nigeria, Prof. Ayo Ojo Awo, 2015 Faculty of Paediatrics Day, Prof. Olufemi Jaiyesimi and the inductees of the College. L-R: Governor Kashim Shettima of Borno state ;Governor Ibrahim Gaidam of Yobe state ; Governor Mohammad Abubakar of Bauchi state ; Deputy Governor of Jigawa state , Mr. Ibahim Hassan Hadejia and Governor Abdullahi Umar Ganduje of Kano state at the presentation of the Environmental Audit Report for the dry-up of Lake Chad held at the Presidential Villa, Abuja …recently.



L-R: Head, High Value Experience, Airtel Nigeria, Sarwiyat Rahaman; Chief Sales Officer, Airtel Nigeria, Godfrey Efeurohbo; Airtel smart icon , Ik Osakioduwa and High Value Relationship Manager, Airtel Nigeria, Uchechi Awaraka; at the Airtel premier customer forum in Port Harcourt…at the weekend. L-R: Late Chief HID Awolowo’s Daughters, Mrs. Omotola Oyediran; Mrs. Tokunbo Awolowo-Dosumu and Senate President, Dr. Abubakar Bukola Saraki during the condolence visit of the senate delegation to the Awolowo’s family at Ikenne Ogun State…recently.

A cross section of the Awolowo Family and the senate deligation during the visit.

L-R: Regional Operations Director, South region, Airtel Nigeria, Veronica Onoja; Chief Sales Officer, Airtel Nigeria, Godfrey Efeurohbo and Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Women’s Affairs, Rivers state, Mrs. Julia Jumbo, at the event.

3 39

Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 17, 2015

CALL 08057482794


L-R: celebrant Chief Olusegun Osunkeye; his wife, Abosede and Deputy Governor of Ogun State, Mrs. Yetunde Onanuga.

L-R: Children of Chief Olusegun Osunkeye: Buki; Tolu; Ladipo and Seyi.


L-R: Former Rector, Moshood Abiola Polytechnic Abeokuta, Ogun State, Alhaji Waheed Kadiri; Celebrant, Professor Lai Oso, his beloved wife… and Mrs. Fatima Kadiri during the 6oth birthday bash organized by the Staffs of Lagos State University to mark the 60th birthday anniversary of Professor Lai Oso in Lagos…recently.

Professor Lai Oso and his wife, …with some staffs of Lagos State University during the ceremony. Photos: Bode Agbede


is Th GE PAis for E L


L-R: Mr. Aanuoluwapo Oluwaseun Adegun of Newswatch Times; his sweetheart, Oluwatobi Oluwafunmilayo and Groom’s mother, Mrs. Abike Olubunmi Adegun, during the wedding of Mr/Mrs. Aanu Adegun in Lagos...recently.

L-R: Bride’s Mother, Mrs. Mary Durogbola Groom, Mr. Aanuoluwapo Oluwaseun Adegun of Newswatch Times his sweetheart, Oluwatobi Oluwafunmilayo and Bride’s Father, Mr. Adeniyi Durogbola, during the engagement ceremony.


Deputy Vice Chancellor, University of Lagos, Prof. Babajide Alo; Head, Department of Physiology, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, College of Medicine, Prof. Anigbogu Chikodi Nnayelu; ViceChancellor of UNILAG, Prof. Rahaman Bello and children of Prof. Nnayelu, Kodichi and Weluchi.

Prof. Anigbogu Chikodi Nnayelu (right) with Editor-in-Chief, Nigeria Quarterly Journal of Hospital Medicine, Prof. O.A.T Ebuehi (second left) and Mr. Albert Taiwo.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 17, 2015

My Kitchen

Qismat Yinus

Talking Nutrition with CHIZOBA BENSON

0806.565.1922 (sms only)

Diet in Osteoporosis


Preparing Sandwich Frittata


steoporosis means gradual breaking down of bones. It is a condition where the amount of bone tissue in the body is below what is normal for a person, taking into account their sex and age. Oftentimes, osteoporosis is called ‘the silent disease’ as it can remain undetected until someone has a broken bone as a result of a fall or an accident. Osteoporosis on its own does not cause pain nor is it a type of arthritis. Research has shown that osteoporosis can strike at any age, but occurs mostly in people over 50. One in two women and one in four men older than age 50 will experience an osteoporosis-related bone fracture during their lifetime. Another study has also shown that there is good evidence that the adequacy of a child’s diet at least partially determines their osteoporosis risk in adulthood. The best test to diagnose osteoporosis is to getting an osteoporosis screening/ scan by your doctor to determine the density of the bones. Usually the same reference point in the skeleton is chosen. Hip and wrist fractures usually result from falls, whereas fractures of the spine tend to occur spontaneously when a weakened vertebra eventually crumples under the stress of supporting the body’s weight. There are various factors known to increase the rate at which bone loss occurs. They are: genetic causes (a family history of osteoporosis means a greater risk), illness or inactivity, poor diet (low in calcium), conditions that aͿect absorption of foods, such as coeliac disease, being very underweight, smoking and increased alcohol intake. Medically related causes are: Steroid drug treatment (particularly if prolonged more than a few weeks), early menopause or the removal of the ovaries at a young age (under 45 years), hormone abnormalities such as overactivity of the thyroid gland or the glands that produce the body’s natural steroids, or under-production of testosterone in men, chronic liver or kidney disease and vitamin D deÀciency. There are many ways to help our bodies build strong and healthy bones, especially during childhood and adolescence. After about the age of 30, it’s di΀cult to increase bone mass, but protecting the bones can begin at any age. Taking steps to build bone health while one is young can save people from this disease. However, at every age, a bone-building diet and regular physical activity are important. They help ensure bone tissue continues to be built since bones are constantly under construction. Certain cells break down bone tissue and other cells use the calcium and nutrients in the foods we eat to build new bone. Many foods contain calcium, but the richest and most easily absorbed source is found in dairy products like low-fat and non-fat milk, yogurt and cheese; Àsh eaten with bones- canned sardines and salmon and fatty varieties such as salmon, mackerel, tuna and sardines; fruits and vegetables such as turnip greens, kale, okra, cabbage, okra, tomato products, potatoes, sweet potatoes, mustard green, broccoli, papaya, oranges, orange juice, bananas and dark leafy vegetables such as collard greens, spinach, turnip greens and brussel sprouts. All these also have important nutrients like vitamins A, C, D and K, potassium and magnesium, Also, legumes, cereals, nuts and seeds are also important foods for osteoporosis.


ngredients - 2 to 3 eggs - 3 tablespoon chopped onions - 2 tablespoon chopped green bell peppers - 2 tablespoon chopped tomatoes - Chilli pepper to taste - 1 small seasoning cube - 2 tablespoonful Vegetable 0il or melted Butter Hint: - You can add salt to taste, but if your seasoning cube is salty, you can leave it out. - You can also add cooked ground

chicken, boiled mushrooms, cheese , sausage meat and the likes. Preparation 1. If you haven’t done this yet; Wash and chop the onions, green bell peppers and tomatoes and set aside.

3. Now grease the sandwich maker (sandwich toaster) with a little oil/butter and heat it up for 3 minutes. Then scoop in the egg mixture into the sandwich maker wells (holes). Close the sandwich maker and let it cook for 2 minutes.

2. Break the eggs into a small bowl; crush and add the seasoning cube, 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil or melted butter, chilli pepper to taste and whisk thoroughly until fluffy. Then add the chopped vegetables (onions, peppers and tomatoes) and also mix well.

4. Carefully lift up the cooked frittata from the sandwich maker wells. Tip: You can use a skewer to lift up the sides; this prevents it from breaking and also gives you the perfect triangle shape. Finally serve and enjoy.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

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Saturday, October 17, 2015

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Saturday, October 17, 2015

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Saturday, October 17, 2015


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Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 17, 2015

Politics Wada inaugurates ICT centre, reiterates commitment to judges’ welfare


overnor Idris Wada of Kogi State has reiterated his administration’s commitment to sustained improvement of the welfare of judicial o΀cers to enhance administration of justice in the state. Wada spoke at the inauguration of Kogi High Court of Justice Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Centre in Lokoja. The governor also inaugurated the Lugard Court for Lokoja Chief Magistrate Court 1 and a Family Court complex in Lokoja. The governor, who was represented by his deputy, Mr Yomi Awoniyi, promised to sustain his administration’s eͿorts at making the environment more comfortable and more convenient for judges. He said the inauguration of the ICT centre in particular marked a critical point in the state judiciary’s bid to enhance e΀ciency in the administration of justice through the use of information technology. ``We are all aware that a lawyer’s responsibility is information intensive and this makes it imperative for him to access such tools and technologies that would speed up documentation, management and information handling. ``With the inauguration of this


ICT centre, legal practitioners in this division have been assisted with instruments to access judicial decisions and all other

sources of information relevant to their responsibility which are now available in electronic format,” he said.

Wada commended the state’s Chief Judge, Justice Nasir Ajanah, for encouraging the migration of lawyers and judicial ofÀcers’ instrument of trade to electronic format. He said Nigerians were looking forward to the time when the justice system would be transformed to allow for electronic Àling of cases and ultimately encourage speedy trials. Earlier his address, Ajanah said the inauguration of the two courts and the ICT centre was particularly special because some of the plans for the judiciary were gradually being realised in spite of some constraints. Ajanah said the Lugard Court concept was mooted by his predecessor, Justice Umaru Eri, with the desire to keeping the colonial relics intact given that Lokoja was the Àrst capital of Nigeria. He also said that the constitution and establishment of the Family Court on Dec. 8, 2012 with seven formations across the state was in line with Section 149 of State Child Rights Law, 2009. The chief judge stated that the court reÁected the family environment and a friendly atmosphere where the child would not be intimidated by the formalities of a formal court.

Obiano tasks outgoing NYSC members on national unity


overnor Willie Obiano of Anambra State, has called on the outgoing members of the National Youth Service Corps in the state to make contributions toward a strong, uniÀed and prosperous Nigeria. The governor made the call on Thursday in Awka at the passing out ceremony of the 2014 Batch ‘C’ Corps members. Represented by his deputy, Dr Nkem Okeke, Obaino reminded the corps members that their involvement in nation building process should not terminate with the completion of their youth service. ``Use the knowledge and skills acquired from your various institutions in the course of service to reform the society for the beneÀt of all Nigerians,” he said. The governor commended the corps members for their contributions to the development of the people, communities and institutions where they did their primary assignment. In her remarks, Mrs Robinca Odigwe, the state Coordinator of NYSC, said that 2,371 corps members which included 1,050

males and 1,321 females passed out at the ceremony. She said that 10 corps members had disciplinary cases ranging from absenteeism to various contraventions of the provisions of the NYSC byelaws. Earlier, Mr Tony Nnachetta, the Commissioner for Youths and Sports, lauded the contributions of the corps members in the area of education, health, agriculture and infrastructural development. Mr Joseph Iyala, received the state overall best award while eight others were honoured for their outstanding community development service.


Burkina Faso to hold presidential, legislative elections on Nov 29


urkina Faso’s government has set November 29 as new date for presidential and legislative elections, seeking to get transition to democracy back on track in the wake of failed one-week coup in September. A statement by the government on Thursday said the decision was reached during cabinet meeting.

It would be recalled that longtime leader Blaise Compaore was forced out of o΀ce last year following an uprising and since then the interim President Michel Kafando had been in power . In a related development, the government, which beefed up security on main roads since the coup, said it was

setting up a defence council and a national intelligence agency. It said ``the two bodies would allow better management of the country’s defence and security.’’ In another security measure, it had banned vehicles with tinted windows and improper paperwork from the roads.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 17, 2015

Politics Crisis rocks Abia community as rights group probes alleged abduction of 8 youths 3ROLFH RUGHUV UHOHDVH RI FRPPXQLW\ IXQGV

By Our Reporter


he last may not have been heard of the communal crisis by the people of Eluama community, Lokpaukwu Umuchieze autonomous community in Umunneochi Local Government Area of Abia State. At the centre of the crisis which has split the community into two factions is the traditional ruler of the community, Eze Moses Okwale, his brother, Dr. Borke Okwale and those loyal to them on one side, while the other faction comprises the Okoli-led newly elected EDU executive that has also teamed up with those who have identięed themselves as concerned citizens of Eluama with 90 percent followership of the populace. The crisis, which began in 2011, climaxed on 1st September 2015 when aggrieved citizens convened a general assembly of Eluama indigenes, home and abroad, and allegedly passed a vote-ofno conędence on the Albert Izuegbu-led Eluama Development Union (EDU) executive and consequently conducted an election that brought in a new set of EDU executive led by Pastor Chukwudi Okoli. At the moment, both the Mr. Albert Izuegbu-led EDU executive which assumed oĜce in 2010 and Pastor Chukwudi Okoliled newly elected EDU rival group are still laying claims to the town union leadership. While the Izuegbu-led group is insisting that the so-called vote-of-no-conędence passed on them and the September 1st purported EDU executive election that ousted them were null and void and of no eěect since their tenure ought to expire within one year and two months. But the Okoli-led newly elected executive claimed to have assumed duty based on the fact that the tenure of the former had elapsed at the end of 2013. During the election of Okoli-led executive in which Hon. Chisom Ahiaeke and Mrs. Rebecca Oěor were also elected

Bruise of tortured victim

Tortured victim

Tortured victim

as youth leader and women leader respectively, the general assembly also elected Hon. Samuel Nweke as the new Traditional Prime Minister, TPM, of the community to replace Dr. Borke Okwale, a younger brother of Eze Moses Okwale who they argued cannot be the TPM at the same time his elder brother is the king. On assumption of of-

ęce, the Okoli-led executive claimed to have discovered series of ęnancial improprieties of about N50 million against the former executive, but at the same time decided to request for the release of N15 million allegedly paid into the private account of Dr. Okwale for the community by Memochris Nigeria Limited, a quarry company based in the area as rent for a ęve-

year land lease between May and June 2015. Following the alleged refusal of Okwale to release the funds to the community on time, the concerned citizens in collaboration with the Okoli-led executive petitioned the Divisional Police OĜcer, DPO, at Nkwoagu-Isuochi Division and consequently the DPO, Mr. Uromi, invited both parties for amicable seĴlement. After some deliberations, the DPO gave them a week to re-converge on his ofęce for more deliberations, but before then, a team of armed men in military camouĚaged uniforms stormed the area and allegedly hand-picked about eight members of the concerned citizens and their supporters, whisked them oě to Lomara-Isuochi military camp, tortured them severely and thereafter took them to D7, Abia State Criminal Investigations Department, CID, Umuahia. From here, their relations and supporters secured their release after about ęve days in detention. Undoubtedly, the invasion and arrest of the eight persons by the armed men might not be unconnected with a counter-petition from both Okwale and his group against members of the concerned citizens for daring to demand the release of the N15 million. Okwale had in the petition to the police and Army accused the concerned citizens of dealing and consumption of in Indian hemp, invasion and burning of Eze Okwale’s palace, criminal activities and above all conspirators to conducting a kangaroo election without due con-

sultations. After their alleged abduction, aged and young women from the community whose children and relations were involved and who were in solidarity for the concerned citizens and the newly elected EDU executive stormed the Palace of Eze Okwale and pleaded with him to assist in securing the release of the victims. While there, the eldest woman, Mrs. Angela Iroh, who led others numbering over 100, knelt down before the monarch and pleaded with him to not only secure the release of the victims from the soldiers, but also wade into the town union leadership crisis rocking the community. Eze Okwale had in his response assured the women that he would look into the maĴer with a view to reaching an amicable seĴlement. However, after the victims’ bail was eventually secured at the D7 state CID, Umuahia, they turned round and wrote another petition to the oĜce of Assistant Inspector-General of Police, AIG in-charge of Zone 9 Police Command, Umuahia and complaining biĴerly that up till then, Okwale was yet to release the N15 million paid to the community by Memochris quarry company as rent for leasing their land for ęve years. They further complained that instead of releasing the funds as demanded, Okwale wrote the counter- petition against them as a diversionary move and invited the military in to deal with his opposition. Reacting to the development as at the time of ęlContinued on Page 53

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 17, 2015


Crisis rocks Abia community as rights group probes alleged abduction of 8 youths Continued from Page 50

ing this report, Dr. Okwale conęrmed to newsmen on phone that he reported a case of breach of peace against some trouble makers in the community and that the police arrested some of them while others were still on the run, adding that they must surely be ęshed out and brought to justice. Also speaking on the concerned citizens, the newly elected President-General of EDU, Okoli, noted that apart from the N15 million, there were other revenues accruable to the community estimated at over N50 million which is still under the custody of Dr. Okwale including annual royalties and lease agreements from two diěerent quarrying companies in the area, proceeds from toll gates, proceeds from chippings allocations, medical allowances among others. Okoli lamented that over the years, Dr. Okwale had held the entire community on the jugular to the extent that he formed a group called Joint Action Council, JAC, which he utilized to harass, intimidate, terrorize and molest anyone who dared to ask questions about his autocratic decisions in the aěairs of the entire community. At the Zone 9 Command, Umuahia, all the petitions and counter-petitions including the alleged military invasion of the community and abduction of eight youths by soldiers, the alleged invasion and burning of Eze Okwale’s palace by the concerned citizens and the non release of N15 million community funds were harmonized and are being investigated one after the other. The Deputy Commissioner of Police, DCP, incharge of Administration at Zone 9 Command, Umuahia, Joseph Agaji, found the petition on the demand for the release of the N15 million the most pertinent among them and after going through its contents and throwing some questions at both parties, he ordered Dr. Okwale to release the fund with immediate eěect, adding that if the money remains intact in his personal account in a bank, as claimed, he should

Swollen leg


get a print out copy from the bank as an evidence on or before the next meeting. Agaji who conęrmed to newsmen on phone that the AIG’s oĜce is investigation the maĴer also disclosed that the police would investigate the alleged invasion, abduction and torture of the eight youths who included Samuel Nweke, Obiabuchi Iroh, Isaac Alakwe, Chidiebere Okoli, Madu Kelechi, Onyebuchi Okoye, Augustine Okoroafor and Ekeledirichukwu Origbo as contained in their petition. The Divisional Police Ofęcer at Nkwoagu-Isuochi, Mr. Uromi, who also spoke

to newsmen on phone, said he was aware of the crisis in the area, adding that he equally heard about the alleged invasion of the community and abduction of some persons by armed men, but he did not see the armed men, neither did he see the abducted persons. In his reaction, Captain Nwali, one of the army ofęcers aĴached to Lomara-Isuochi Junction military camp, told newsmen on phone that he was not aware of the alleged invasion and abduction by soldiers, besides, it is the responsibility of the Commander of 44 BaĴalion who is competent to issue press statement concerning mil-

itary aěairs and not him, a junior oĜcer, who obviously does not have the competence the do so except on instruction. The royal father, Eze Okwale, also reacted to all the allegations against his younger brother, Borke, saying that he was aware of the crisis in his kingdom, but has reported the maĴer to the chairman of Umuchieze council of traditional rulers, Eze Patrick Okafor, who has volunteered to mediate into the maĴer with a view to bringing lasting solution to the dispute. According to the monarch who spoke to newsmen on phone, the crisis was caused by some disgruntled elements in the community who were fanning the embers of discord, adding that there was never a time he appointed his younger brother, Borke, as the Traditional Prime Min-

Undoubtedly, the invasion and arrest of the eight persons by the armed men might not be unconnected with a counter-petition from both Okwale and his group against members of the concerned citizens for daring to demand the release of the N15 million.

ister, TPM of the community as alleged, but rather, he has one Chief Bernard Nweke as the incumbent TPM. On the non release of the N15 million community fund, Eze Okwale hinted that the money was still intact, but could only be released as soon as the lease agreement was signed between the company and the community because since the agreement has not been signed, the money does not belong to the community and as such was still being held on trust pending when the agreement would be signed. He also denied any knowledge of the alleged military invasion and abduction. Meanwhile, the National Human Rights Commission, NHRC, has sequel to an earlier petition to it by the concerned citizens over the alleged military invasion and abduction, urged the Chief Of Army Staě, COAS, and the General OĜcer Commanding, GOC 82 Division of Nigerian Army, Enugu to order full investigation into the allegations with a view to bringing the perpetrators to book before any legal action could be instituted against them. In a strongly worded petition to COAS and GOC, dated October 2, 2015 entitled: “A case of assault and invasion of community, abduction, extortion, life threatening, torture, illegal detention and intimidation carried out by oĜcers of the Nigerian Army stationed at 44 BaĴalion, Lomara Junction, Isuochi military post, Abia state, the human rights commission, through their legal counsel, Chidi Ujoatumba described the action as gross abuse and violation of the fundamental rights of the citizens which can lead to community unrest. According to the petition, Ujoatumba declared: “Sir, the person that masterminded this heinous act is Dr. Borke Okwale and has sworn to ęght and kill any member of the community who opposes his bid to be the self-acclaimed TPM of the community even when the community has appointed a rightful person as TPM in person of Hon. Samuel Nweke.

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 17, 2015


North Central Group offers free medical treatment in Plateau South

...donates wheel chairs, wrappers to less privileged Gyang Bere, Jos


L-R: Chairman, Management Committee of Barkin-Ladi Local Government Council of Plateau, Mr. Bitrus Doro; Head, Disaster Management, Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps, Plateau Command, Mr. Lawrence Ndu and Executive Secretary, State (PHUJHQF\ 0DQDJHPHQW $JHQF\ $OKDML $OO +DVVDQ %DUGH SUHVHQWLQJ UHOLHI PDWHULDOV WR D EHQHÂżFLDU\ 0UV /DGL 6DJRHORQJ DW the inauguration of distribution of relief materials to victims of communal clashes in Barkin-Ladi Local Government Council, Plateau State.

Intimidation can’t stop me from probing Suswam’s administration –Ortom

Ademu Idakwo, Lokoja


o amount of intimidation or blackmail will deter me from probing former Governor Gabriel Suswam’s eight years administration in Benue state, Governor Samuel Ortom has declared. Ortom made the declaration yesterday in Makurdi at the ongoing Benue Stakeholders’ Forum held at Benue People’s House. He said that the decision to probe Suswam’s administration was to enable the government take stock of its assets and li-

abilities and embark on a comprehensive policy for the state within the next four years. According to the governor, the probe is not to witch-hunt anybody but to get the records straight for administrative purposes. ``Nobody needs to fear witch-hunt in the ongoing probe as no one will be unjustly victimised on account of service to the state. ``However, those with established cases of corruption must be held to account through restitution, which is also biblical,� he said.

Ortom said by initiating the probe and ensuring it was carried though to the end, his administration intended to protect the commonwealth and set precedence. He dismissed suggestions from his political opponents that the probe should be back dated to cover the period between 1999 and 2007 when Sen. George Akume was governor. He pointed out that he did not take over the administration of the state from Akume and had no intention of scrutinising that administration.

``I did not receive handover notes of George Akume; what I received were the handover notes of Gabriel Suswam covering the period from 2007 to May 2015,� he said. The governor said that the stakeholders meeting was convened to unveil a draft copy of the economic blueprint of the state tagged ``Our Collective Vision for a New Benue.� He called for inputs into the draft to broaden its horizon for it to be an acceptable policy document through with the administration would focus its development agenda.

World Food Day: Stakeholders call for more investment in agriculture


takeholders in the agriculture sector have called on the Federal Government to invest more in the sector for increased food production and direct access to food. They made the call in separate interviews with the newsmen Abuja yesterday, to mark 2015 World Food Day. Dr Tunde Arosanyin, the National Technical Adviser, All Farmers Association of Nigeria (AFAN), said that most of the world’s poor and hungry people today belonged to rural families who depended on agriculture for their daily livelihood. “Government needs to invest heavily in agriculture by increasing its budget from the current eight per cent to at least 20 per cent to make food available for rural

dwellers. “Presently, the vacuum created in our agricultural practice as a nation has led to social security challenges all over the country such as the Boko Haram, kidnapping and caĴle rustling.� He added that the challenges needed to be addressed to allow farmers to farm, stating that ``you do not expect farmers to be in farm while they are being attacked on a daily basis’’. Arosanyin said that unstable policies were also part of the constraints militating against food security aĴainment in the country. He said the way forward was for government to return the salient features of Operation Feed the Nation (OPC) policies of 1977 with river basin authorities. According to him, Opera-

tion Feed the Nation failed because it was not properly articulated. It just followed the political class and disappeared. He explained that the programme intended to make agriculture a proętable business venture, not only to make the nation food suĜcient but also tackle the challenges of youth unemployment. “The policy also encouraged farmers from all stages of production through extension services and if a farmer doesn’t have a competitive market to sell after producing, the river basins were on ground to buy. “They bought from farmers at market price which encouraged production to be totally complete and this lead to good harvest. “If Federal Government buys into these ideas, I am

sure agriculture can create job to about 40 million people. “We have a blueprint on this on ground which we are going to send to the Federal Government once a new minister is on board to review, “ he added. Arosanyin said that the World Food Day was signięcant in so many ways to human existence, adding that the UN Charter guaranteed the right of every human to food at all times. He added that the day was set aside to create awareness on hunger and encourage people to take action in the ęght against hunger. Mr Ajiboye Daniel, AFAN Chairman in Kwara, frowned at the manual system of agriculture in the country which discouraged a lot of youths taking agriculture as business.

group under the aegis of Tina Bawa Ministry International has oͿered free medical outreach to over 3500 people in southern senatorial district of Plateau State to complement government’s eͿorts towards making medical services available to rural communities. Founder of the Ministry, Mrs. Tina Bawa, stated this yesterday while declaring open the Àve days free medical mission held at the Primary Health Care, Kwande in Qua’anpan Local Government Area of the State. The ailments treated at the outreach included snake bites, typhoid, malaria, eye treatment, hypertension, HIV/AID tests others, adding that major operations were referred to Jos University Teaching Hospital (JUTH) with medical bills paid. She explained that the medical team is made up of over 48 volunteer medical personnel who are drawn from the United States, Abuja, Benue and Jos University Teaching Hospital (JUTH), Jos in Plateau State. Mrs. Bawa noted that the free medical mission became imperative following

increasing ailments among children, women and the aged with no su΀cient and qualiĂ€ed medical personnel and facilities in most communities in southern Plateau. According to her: “We are attending to over 3500 people across the senatorial zone, the medical equipment and drugs meant for the treatment cost me over N13 million. Apart from conducting the medical outreach in other parts of the country, this one in Plateau will be an annual event. “We have about 48 volunteer medical personnel on ground and we are still expecting more to join us. When I announced that I was going to give out wheel chairs to the disabled, the environment went wild with jubilation; everybody was excited and I saw the disables trooping in with joy and I said Oh Lord, give me the grace to meet all their demands. I have 40 wheel chairs to give out today and anybody who might not get one, I will make a list and supply them after the event. “Apart from the wheel chairs, I will also distribute clothes, shoes and every child that is here today without shoes will go home with one, but as it is now, they don’t know.

Assembly expresses worry over renewed hostility between 2 LGs Godwin Akor, Makurdi


here is renewed hostility between Mbayaise and Ugambe communities in Gwer and Konshosha local government areas of Benue state where some persons have already been killed. House of Assembly member representing Konshisha state constituency, Mr Richard Ujege, disclosed this while raising a motion of urgent importance. He told the House that some houses have also been razed down at the boundary between the two local governments and urged the members to push for the demarcation of the boundary. He said the crisis has lasted for several years and observed that it may escalate if not checked. Ruling on the matter after Mr Jato Iyana and other members had expressed concern over the number of lives lost as a result of

the crisis Àve years ago, the Speaker, Mr Terkimbir Ikyange, said the demarcation of the boundary between the two local governments was overdue. He called on the executive arm of government to pursue the issue to a logical conclusion and appealed to the communities to lay down their arms in the interest of peace. Police Public Relations O΀cer, PPRO, Mr Austin Ezeani, conÀrmed the crisis situation at the boundary between the two local governments and added that the Commissioner of Police, Mr Paul Yakadi, had visited the place to assess the extent of damage. He said the white paper on the demarcation of the boundary had been released and noted that demarcation was yet to commence. He said investigation had started and maintained that eͿorts were being made to resolve the crisis.


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Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 17, 2015

Sports Update

Pinnick motivates CHAN Eagles, Eaglets . . . a s N i g e r i a s t a ke s p r i d e i n Po r t H a rc o u r t a n d S a n t i a g o


Falconets Plan ‘Operation Sweep’ for S/Africa in W/Cup qualifiers


igeria’s U-20 women’s team, Falconets, are planning ‘operation sweep’ against the Basetsana of South Africa in the ęnal leg of the 2016 World Cup holding in Papua New Guinea. The Falconets defeated Congo DR 2-0 in Abuja last weekend to qualify on 4-1 goals aggregate after hiĴing the Congolese 2-1 in the ęrst leg played to Kinshasa. The Nigerians, who ęnished second at the 2014 edition of the FIFA Women’s U-20 World Cup in Canada, losing 1-0 to Germany in the ęnal, will face their South African opponents in Abuja on October 24 in the ęrst leg of the encounter. The South Africans stopped Zambia to qualify. Head of women


football commiĴee on the board of the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF), Mrs. Dilichukwu Onyedinma, said that the Falconets would pick the ticket because the girls are working very hard ahead the game. “Our girls have vowed that it is the World Cup ticket or nothing. So I don’t see South Africa stopping them in this ęnal qualifying match,� Onyeadinma said. The Falconets had thrashed Liberia 14-1 on aggregate in the ęrst round of the qualięers. On their part, the players are boasting that they will score as many goals as possible in the ęrst leg in Abuja to make the return leg in South Africa a mere formality. South Africa’s Basetsana narrowly made it to this stage of

the qualięers as they managed to edge their Zambian girls 3-2 in the return leg in South Africa after a 0-0 draw by both teams in Zambia. Africa’s second representative will emerge from the other end of the qualifying table, with Ghana and Ethiopia looking good to make the ęnal round. The Black Princesses won 1-0 away to Equatorial Guinea and Ethiopia won 2-0 away to Burkina Faso ahead of their return leg in Addis Ababa this weekend after political tension in the West African nation delayed their ęxture. The 2016 FIFA U-20 Women’s World Cup will hold in Papua New Guinea an Oceanian country in southwestern Pacięc Ocean north of Australia.

FF President Amaju Pinnick has charged the Super Eagles Team B and the Golden Eaglets to give Nigerians plenty to smile about this weekend when they confront oppositions of varying shapes in two very important matches. The Super Eagles B confront Burkina Faso’s Etalons in a 2016 African Nations Championship ęnal qualifying round, ęrst leg match at the Adokiye Amiesiamaka Stadium in Port Harcourt on Saturday afternoon. Hours after, the Golden Eaglets and the U-17 National Team of United States of America will do baĴle in the opening match of the 16th FIFA U-17 World Cup ęnals in Santiago. Pinnick said: “It is a very important weekend for Nigeria football, and I call on the Super Eagles B and the Golden Eaglets to rise to the occasion. On our part, the NFF has given all the necessary support and is ready to provide even more support to ensure that the two teams do the nation proud in a great way. “The Eaglets know that our country is the defend-

ing champion of the U-17 World Cup, and that is a big motivation in itself. They are challenged to give their very best. The home –based senior boys also realize that Nigeria cannot aěord to miss the African Nations Championship coming up in Rwanda, having ęnished third at the last championship.� Pinnick called on the two teams to strive for handsome wins that will almost guarantee further progress. “The Eaglets must win in Santiago for three valuable points that will put them in good stead for qualięcation to the Round of 16, while the Eagles will ensure a comfortable second leg in Ouagadougou by winning very well in Port Harcourt,� Pinnick told theně.com after speaking with Coach Emmanuel Amuneke in Santiago and Coach Salisu Yusuf in Port Harcourt on Friday. Bronze medallists at the last African Nations Championship in South Africa, the Eagles B confront Burkina Faso’s Etalons at the Adokiye Amiesiamaka

Stadium, for a place in Rwanda. Warri Wolves’ ace forward Gbolahan Salami will captain the home -boys in Saturday’s encounter. The Eaglets begin their defence of the FIFA U-17 World Cup with a match against USA in Santiago. The champions spend 10 days at a ęnal training camp in Buenos Aires, Argentina before Ěying into the Chilean capital on Tuesday. Already, football’s world –governing body FIFA has selected German Deniz Aytekin as referee for the match, which starts at 9pm Nigeria time. Aytekin’s compatriots Guido Kleve and Markus Haecker are assistants referee 1 and 2, while Martin Strombergsson from Sweden will be fourth oĜcial. In Port Harcourt, Angolan oĜcial Boubou Traore will be referee, with his countrymen Baba Yomboliba, Boubacar Kinta and Harouna Coulibaly as assistant referee 1, assistant referee 2 and reserve referee respectively. Angolan Pedro de Morais Neto will be match commissioner.

Home Eagles target victory against Burkina Faso ‡,Q WRGD\¡V &+$1 FUDFNHU LQ 3RUW +DUFRXUW


igeria are aware of the threat posed by visiting Burkina Faso in this weekend’s CHAN qualięer after Les Etalons shocked highly favoured Nigeria U23s in last month’s All Africa Games in Congo Brazzaville. Burkina Faso stunned Samson Siasia’s Dream Team VI 3-1 to qualify for the ęnal of the All Africa Games in Brazzaville. “We are aware of how Burkina Faso shocked our Olympic team at the All Africa Games and so we know we cannot take them lightly,� said Eagles spokesman Toyin Ibitoye. “We know for instance that they have been training in Morocco and have played a number of test matches and so they will be very prepared against us.� The home-based Eagles have played a number of test games including a 6-1 spanking of Blessed Academy of Port Harcourt. There’s a question mark as to whether Super Eagles coach Sunday Oliseh will be on the

bench on Saturday after he took ill following the friendlies against DR Congo and Cameroon in Belgium. Injury has ruled out Enyimba defensive midęelder Razak Aliyu and Paul Onobi from Sunshine Stars. Warri Wolves striker Gbolahan Salami will lead the Eagles on Saturday


and he said the target is victory. “This will be our ęrst competitive match as a team together and I am looking forward to it. I am conędent we will do well and the aim is to win convincingly so that the second leg will be easier,� said Salami, who has scored 14 goals in the Nigeria league this season.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 17, 2015

Sports Update Port Vale want to keep Nigerian youngster Ikpeazu


ort Vale boss Rob Page has said he is interested in keeping Nigerian youngster Uche Ikpeazu till the end of the season. The Watford loanee has been outstanding for the team since his arrival on loan, scoring six goals in 16 games as the team’s leading scorer this season. The powerful 20-yearold striker’s present loan deal will expire in January. “But I think it’s the way we have treated the lad and what we have done for him since

he’s been here that is most important,� the Port Vale boss told Stoke Sentinel. “We are helping their centre-forward progress and it is helping us in the short term as well, which will inevitably have a longer impact for Watford. “I think they can see that what we have done for him so far is obviously helping to make him a beĴer player. So hopefully there is something to be done there. “He is a terrięc lad and a good player. He is a fans’ favourite and understandably so.�

Buhari urges Eaglets to go for gold F A U 1 7 Wo W rld Cup kicks of f in Chile . . . a s F I FA


igeria President, Muhammadu Buhari, on Friday urged the country’s U-17 football team, Golden Eaglets to strive for the ultimate prize at the FIFA U-17 World Cup which opens in Chile on Saturday. Buhari said he will

follow progress of the Nigerian lads, through the tournament in Chile, with keen interest and high expectation that the players have the skills, dedication and determination required to make the West African country world champions at the youth level once again.

“The President assures the Golden Eaglets and their handlers of the full support of the federal government and all Nigerians as they strive to bring more sporting glory to their fatherland by outplaying all their opponents in Chile and winning the Under-17

World Cup for a record fifth time,� a presidency statement said. Nigeria will meet the USA, Croatia and hosts Chile at the group stage. The African most populous nation has won the title four times, including the inaugural edition in 1985 and the last tournament in 2013.

NFF verdict promotes Adamawa CHAN Eagles ready for Burkina Faso – Yusuf instead of Plateau United uper Eagles assistant match with a level head and


damawa United will now be promoted to the Nigeria premier league ahead of Plateau United after the NFF organising committee awarded Plateau’s last game to their opponents Spotlight. Plateau are expected to appeal this decision within 48 hours, officials informed. The disciplinary and organising committee decided Thursday that because of the delayed kick-off of the final match between Spotlight and Plateau

United in Katsina, the match has been awarded to Spotlight. Adamawa thus finished top of their group with 29 points, while Plateau recorded 26 points. Precedence was set in the 2011/12 season, when Adamawa lost out on promotion to FC Taraba because their final match also started late. This decision also means Spotlight stayed up and Kogi United and Yobe Desert Stars have been relegated to the amateur league.


coach, Salisu Yusuf, said on Friday that the Super Eagles B team is fully prepared for the Etalons of Burkina Faso ahead of Saturday’s 2016 African Nations &KDPSLRQVKLS ÂżQDO TXDOLI\LQJ URXQG ÂżUVW OHJ PDWFK LQ Port Harcourt. “We have prepared hard, and we know victory will be ours. We take this match very VHULRXV EHFDXVH LW LV WKH ÂżQDO TXDOLI\LQJ URXQG DQG ZH ZLOO have no excuse for Nigerians if we fail. “We shall work hard to win handsomely, but we must VFRUH WKH ÂżUVW JRDO EHIRUH ZH score the other goals. That means we must approach the

play normally.� Yusuf spoke at the pre – match press conference at the Hotel Presidential in Port Harcourt, which was also attended by assistant coach Jean Francois Loscuito, as well as Eagles’ skipper Gbolahan Salami and goalkeeper Ikechukwu Ezenwa. The former Enyimba FC, Kano Pillars and El-Kanemi Warriors chief tactician was one of 18 coaches who attended a capacity –building program motivated by the NFF in the United Kingdom in March this year, and he also attended a ProZone software special training also in the UK the following month.

“We have been studying previous matches of the Burkina Faso team. They are certainly a good side but we have an idea of the best way to approach the game,� he said. Salami, who was a member

of the side that won bronze at the last championship in South Africa early 2014, said the Eagles desire to win well on the pitch of the Adokiye Amiesiamaka Stadium on Saturday evening.

Martial beats Ighalo to EPL Player of the Month Award


anchester United youngster, Anthony Martial, has been voted the Premier League Player of the Month award winner for September ahead of Nigerian striker, Odion Ighalo. Ighalo was hoping to follow the footsteps of other Nigerian players like Austin Okocha and Osaze Odemwingie who before now were voted the best in England on the strength of their sterling performances for their teams back in the years. However, Manchester United teenager, Martial, emerged tops when the result was announced Friday morning.

Martial made an immediate impact at Old Trafford after his ÂŁ36 million arrival from AS Monaco in the summer DQG EHFRPH WKH ÂżUVW 5HG Devils player to earned the DFFRODGH VLQFH 5RELQ YDQ

Persie back in April 2013. Aside Ighalo, Martial beat off competition from his United teammate Daley Blind, Tottenham Hotspur keeper, Hugo Lloris, West Ham United schemer Dimitri

* Ighalo

Payet and Leicester City attacker Jamie Vardy. Meanwhile, Watford boss 4XLTXH 6DQFKH] )ORUHV KDV said he does not fear star striker Odion Ighalo will move to a bigger club in January. The 26-year-old Nigeria LQWHUQDWLRQDO KDV VFRUHG ¿YH times this term, which has taken his tally for the calendar year to 25, the highest in England in 2015. Ighalo, who was nominated for September’s Player of the Month prize, turned down a big-money move to China over the summer, and signed D ¿YH \HDU GHDO WR UHPDLQ DW 9LFDUDJH 5RDG HDUOLHU WKLV season.

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