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Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 24, 2015
Tribunal upholds Amosun’s election
Bolu-Olu Esho, Abeokuta
lection Petitions Tribunal siĴing in Abeokuta, Ogun State has upheld the declaration of Governor Ibikunle Amosun by Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) as the winner of the April 11, 2015 governorship election in the state. In its verdict yesterday, the Justice enry Olusiyi led 3 man panel, dismissed the petition ęled by Gboyega Nasir Isiaka, governorship candidate of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) for lack of evidence. Isiaka had approached the court on April 30, 2015 alleging that the elections were marred by irregularities, malpractices and noncompliance with Electoral Act.
e contested the election results in Ifo, Abeokuta
South, Abeokuta North, Odeda, Ewekoro, Obafemi/Owode, AdoOdo/Ota, Sagamu and Remo North local governments of the state on grounds of fraud, malpractices, ballot snatching, ballot stuĜng and outright rigging. The PDP candidate prayed the tribunal to declare him winner of the election having scored the highest number of valid votes cast But the tribunal described the claims of Isiaka as ‘largely unsubstantiated and the proofs are grossly insuĜcient’ to prove his case beyond reseanable doubt. The tribunal declared that ‘whereas the petitioner alleged malpractices in nine local government areas, but he gave evidence in only 12 out of the entire 1,672 poling units of the nine
local governments. ȃ e has also failed to show that the alleged non-compliance of the polls with the Electoral Act of (2010) as amended, substantially aěected the overall result of the election. The petition is long in allegations but pitiably short in evidence to prove them. The petitioner has failed to prove his case against the respondents either on balance of probability or beyond reasonable doubt. Meanwhile, Isiaka has appealed to members and supporters of his party ‘to remain calm and not to engage in any act of lawlessness.’ “We shall carefully study the judgement as soon as possible and will make public our next line of action. But my appeal goes to all our supporters and those that might have been disappointed with
the judgement to remain calm, we still have many options available to us but that decision will be made very soon,” he said.
owever, Governor Ibikunle Amosun has described his victory as victory for the good people of Ogun State. A statement by his Senior Special Assistant (Media), Adejuwon Soyinka read that ‘the legal victory was a further aĴestation of the fact that his election was truly only made possible by the good people of Ogun State. Governor Amosun, however, commended “the judiciary and indeed members of the Justice enry Olusiyiled panel that sat over the Ogun Governorship Election petitions for the professional manner in which they carried out their duties without fear or favour.”
South West xxx
Group enrols 63 kids in schools
Bolu-Olu Esho, Abeokuta
o fewer than 63 kids roaming and living on the streets across cities in Ogun State have been taken oͿ the streets and enrolled in Nursery and Primary schools by a nongovernmental organization, Child Protection Network (CPN). Another 13 have been enrolled in vocational training centre. State Coordinator of the group, Mrs Peju Osoba, revealed this at the 3rd anniversary of the network at Iwe-Iroyin Press Centre, Abeokuta. The anniversary lecture entitled “Power of the Adolescent Girl: Vision 2030” attracted students and various Non-Governmental
Former Lagos CJ, Adesina, Ubani to bag NAJUC award Ayodele Olalere
L-R: Zaki of Arigidi Akoko, Ondo State, HRM Oba Yisa Olanipekun; Dean, Faculty of Art (UNILAG)/ Guest Speaker, Prof. Muyiwa Falaye; Director-General, NTDC, Dr. Sally Mbanefo; Chief Promoter, Olokun Festival Foundation, Otunba Gani Adams and Agoloto of %adagry/representative of Akran of %adagry, High Chief Owheton Ahungbe, at the grand ¿nale of Olokun Festival 2015 at Suntan Beach, Badagry, Lagos.
Lagos AG tasks law officers e on challenges ahead urged other MDAs to In a statement by the state’s Ayodele Olalere
he new Lagos State AĴorney General and Commissioner for Justice, Mr. Adeniji Kazeem, has charged law oĜcers in the state to brace up for challenges ahead, be ‘proactive, innovative and imbibe the use of modern technology in communicating with other Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) in order to perform more eěectively.’
Ministry of Justice after the maiden management meeting with the staě of the ministry, the commissioner noted that the ministry has important roles to play in the dispensation of justice.
e added that their roles which include rendering legal and advisory services to other Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) is so important and as such they must ensure prompt responses to state maĴers.
ensure they collaborate with the Ministry of Justice so as to improve the eĜciency and eěectiveness of the Ministry. On the neeed for the justice ministry to cooperate with lawyers, Mr. Kazeem said that if lawyers were given all necessary information and documents to keep them abreast of the facts of maĴers, it will assist them to handle their cases eěectively, adding that the state government would
be the beneęciary as more court judgements would be in the state’s favour.
e urged them to ‘adopt international best practices, follow the trends in advanced countries and brace up for the new challenges ahead more so that the legal profession is also advancing.’
e further stated that since Lagos State is the most prosperous state in Nigeria, the justice sector must always lead in its justice delivery system.
to their aid over what they consider a neglect on the part of Lagos State government to give political portfolio to any of their own in Oshodi area. Speaking at the press conference recently at their secretariat at Oshodi through the chairman and leader, Comrade Abdul
Rahman Ayuba, the youths expressed their grievance over what they termed unfair aĴitude. “Considering the state of current political potentials and economic value of Oshodi in Lagos State, we passionately appeal to the Executive Governor of Lagos State, Mr. Akinwunmi Ambode, to
build a close relationship with us in state appointments which at present excluded Oshodi Constituency 1 among the new appointees in Lagos State Executive Council. We are using this medium to humbly appeal that you use your good oĜces to consider Oshodi in your appointment.
Youths call on Ambode to consider Oshodi ward for political appointment
Ajibade Alabi
he youth wing of All People Congress (APC) in Oshodi in Lagos State has appealed to the executive governor of Lagos State, Akinwumi Ambode, through the national leader of the party, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, to come
Organisations (NGOs). According Mrs. Osoba, some of the parents of the children mopped up from the streets have been empowered to engage in petty trading to support their families. The network is also giving the kids legal support as it has instituted litigation against culprits who had sexually abused some of the children. She said some of the cases had been won while some are yet to be decided by the court. “CPN has been able to put 63 pupils back to school, engaged 13 others into vocational training and as well been able to support 12 families for economic empowerment. We have also had direct intervention in several rape cases,” Osoba said.
he National Association of Judiciary Correspondents (NAJUC), Ikeja Branch, will on October 29, 2015 honour the immediate past Chief Judge of Lagos State, Justice Ayotunde Phillips, Special Adviser to President Mohammadu Buhari on Media and Publicity, Mr. Femi Adesina and former Chairman, Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) with the Outstanding Leadership Award According to a statement signed by NAJUC Chairman, Akinwale Akintunde and Chairman, NAJUC 2015 Annual Lecture CommiĴee, enry Ojelu, the three awardees will be presented with the award at this year’s NAJUC
lecture titled ‘Eěective Justice System as Panacea for Change,’ taking place at the Osun all of the Airport otel, Ikeja. The Lagos State Chief Judge,
on. Justice Olufunmilayo Atilade , will be the Chief ost, while Akin Oyebode, Professor of International Law, University of Lagos is the Keynote Speaker, and Chief Layi Babatunde (SAN) will chair the event. Discussants at the event are Mumuni Adetokunbo, Executive Director, Socio-Economic Right & Accountability Project (SERAP)Dz Joseph OĴeh, Executive Director, Access to Justice, A.C.P David Ighodo, Force Compol Legal, Nigerian Police and Opeyemi Bamidele, former Member, ouse of Representative.
Ikorodu laughs with Glo at Laffta Fest
opular Ěagship comedy show sponsored by Globacom, was held in Ikorodu, Lagos with mirth and fun. eld at The Musical Village, Ikorodu, the show drew a large crowd of guests who came from Ikorodu and adjourning towns to watch their favourite comedians and artistes perform. Upcoming musical acts were given the opportunity to display their talents as they set the ball rolling for the show. John D Nice, Tupengo, Joe Ornomo, K-Swag, Bliss, Solid Jay and Seriki were among the aspiring artistes who performed while D-One and Bengy D. Joke cracked hilarious jokes. Popular comedian, Bovi Ugboma, elicited a deafening cheer and standing ovation from the audience who could not recognize him initially, until he pulled the hood from his head as he mounted the stage at about 5pm. e
anchored the show in an interactive manner while reeling out rib-cracking jokes. Other comedians such as Okey Bakassi, elen Paul, Senator, Gandoki, Still Ringing, Acapella and Reekado Banks, sent the audience roaring with laughter, jolting them from their seats, while Omawunmi Megbele further lit the evening with glee as she employed her sonorous voice in a live performance that got the crowd ecstatically dancing and miming to her songs. Globacom’s Business Director, Dare Oyewole explained that the Glo Laěta Fest comedy show initiative was developed to give back to its teeming subscribers adding that “subscribers who wish to aĴend the on-going Laěta Fest comedy show can still do so by using up to 3,000 before the next show which holds in Egbeda tomorrow, and send LOL Location’ to 33001.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 24, 2015
South South
Tribunal reserves judgement in Rivers assembly election
he Legislative Election Petition Tribunal for Rivers State sitting in Abuja has reserved judgment yesterday in a petition Àled by Isaac .amalu of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), challenging the return of Josiah Olu of All Progressives Congress (APC) as the winner of the Eleme State constituency in the Rivers House of Assembly The tribunal Chairman, Justice Mohammed Sifawa, reserved the judgment after both parties adopted their written ad-
dresses. Sifawa told the parties that the date for judgment would be communicated to them in due course. .amalu had. The petitioner joined APC, INEC, Resident Electoral Commissioner and the Nigeria Police as co-respondents in the petition. Earlier, Counsel to the petitioner, .en Njimanze (SAN), while adopting his written address Àled on Oct. 20, urged the tribunal to nullify the election. He also urged the tribunal to disregard all the argu-
ment of the respondents, because the petitioner had proved his case beyond reasonable doubt. He maintained that INEC was unable to prove that elections and collation of results actually took place in the disputed wards and polling units. Njimanze submitted that INEC did not call witnesses from each of the polling units to justify their claims. Adopting his address, Rasheed Usamatu, Counsel to Olu and APC, urged the tribunal to dismiss the petition.
Usamatu argued that the petitioner did not call any material witness to convince the tribunal that they have a valid case. The APC lawyer, therefore, urged the tribunal to hold that the petitioner’s case was ‘nothing but a mere academic exercise because he did not present any evidence to prove his case. In his argument, counsel to INEC, Alhassan Umar, urged the tribunal to hold that the April 11 State Assembly elections was conducted according to the Electoral Act.
News Flood: IDPs in Rivers hit 1,100 Amaka Agbu, Port Harcourt
he number of people displaced by the Ěood disaster in Ahoada West local government area of Rivers State is now 1,100, as the disaster has now spread to more than 12 communities in the state. The Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Special Duties in the state, Mrs. Ibaniba Briggs-Iti, said in Port Harcourt on Wednesday that the oĜcial number of displaced persons from ęve aěected communities in the local government was 1,000. However the Paramount Ruler of Ombo community in the area, Eze Friday Ikporo, told newsmen that several more communities as at yesterday have been seriously aěected by the rampaging Ěood. He said that 100 more people have joined the Internally Displaced People (IDP) by Ěood in the state. He stated that the residents of the Ěood aěected
communities have moved into public schools and places of worship for shelter, saying that the Ěood has destroyed some of their houses, farmland, and crops and was spreading out to other areas. “Now more than100 people are in very bad situations. Some stay in the churches, schools, and town halls,” he complained. Meanwhile Mrs BriggsIti said that the Rivers state government has already equipped four Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) camps in the area and that the distribution of relief materials has also commenced in order to alleviate the sufferings of the aěected persons. She said: “The people are already being urged to move into the IDP camps to enable them beneęt from the relief materials provided by government.” She, however, regreĴed that most of the displaced persons were reluctant to leave their homes to seek refuge elsewhere.
PDP chieftain commends President Buhari’s anti-corruption crusade Sylvester Idowu, Warri
A R-L: Inspector General of Police, IGP Solomon Arase; President, North-East Youth Peace Development and Empowerment Initiative, Mr. Kyari Abubakar and National Chief Legal Adviser of the Initiative, Barr. Abuka Omababa, during a courtesy visit to the IGP in Abuja...yesterday. Photo: Wale Adenuga
Gamaliel Onosode buried Sylvester Idowu, Asaba
emains of boardroom guru and nationalist, Deacon Gamaliel Onosode has been interred at his home town Ughelli in Delta State. Funeral service of the late icon at the First Baptist Church, Ughelli was attended by the cream of the society including former Secretary-General of Commonwealth of Nations, Chief Emeka Anyaoku.
Deacon Onosode died at the age of 82. Governor Ifeanyi Okowa of Delta State described him as a man of substance, humility and dedicated servant of God. Okowa who attended the burial ceremony accompanied by top ocials of the Delta State government said in a brief tribute that the deceased was a model of simplicity that used ‘his God-giving wealth to propagate the gospel.’
“Mr Integrity, as he was fondly called, was a stickler for time, meticulous in his approach to issues and committed to result delivery,” Okowa said, adding that Nigeria lost a foremost nationalist and conscience of the nation. Also at the occasion, Chief Anyaoku described the deceased as “a symbol of integrity in the boardroom.” In a sermon at the church service which was laced with tributes and gos-
pels rendition, Dr Samuel Ayokunle, President, Nigerian Baptist Convention, said the late Onosode was a man who had opportunities and handled such with high sense of responsibilities. He challenged President Muhammadu Buhari and other political oce holders to display high sense of responsibilities in handling aͿairs of the nation, asserting that the nation’s airports and roads should urgently be Àxed.
NIMASA rescues 3 as vessels collide Sylvester Idowu, Asaba
he Search and Rescue personnel of the Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA) have rescued three crew members near Warri in Delta, as two vessels, MT Elixir and
MT Tank, collided midstream. This is contained in a statement made available to newsmen yesterday in Lagos by the Head of Public Relations of NIMASA, Hajia Lami Tumaka. It said that one body was recovered from the incident which occurred
about 65 miles from shore, just 10 nautical miles South West of the Bonga Floating Production Storage and Ooading (FPSO) near Warri. “Divers and other rescue personnel are still at the site of the incident where eight crew mem-
bers of MT Tank appear to have been trapped. Preliminary reports show that the incident occurred at about 12 midnight on Monday, Oct. 19, 2015 and that MT Tank got broken in the process and taken in by water,’’ NIMASA said in the statement.
chieftain of the People Democratic Party (PDP), Mr. Wilson Ayakpo Dauyegha, has given thumps up for President Muhammadu Buhari’s anti-corruption stance and solicited the support of all for him to achieve results. He said that all the President’s electoral promises especially his zero tolerance for corruption and his eͿort to Àght the menace is yielding positive fruit. Mr. Dauyegha, who spoke on his planned defection to the ruling All Progressive Congress(APC) along with thousands of his supporters next week said he was dumping his party because
it promoted corruption in all spheres since 1999 till May 29 when President Buhari assumed oce. “ Until President Muhammadu Buhari came in and make a lot of curbing of this deadly disease called corruption which has inÀltrated every ministry, a lot of people were complaining but my party was necked deep in it without yielding to the cries of the masses”, he said. He particularly commended the nomination of Senator Heineken Lokpobiri from Bayelsa State as a Minister describing it as a conviction of President Buhari’s desire to achieve all his promises to the people of Nigeria.
Sultan, Aisha Buhari endorse report on gender equality Paschal Njoku, Abuja
he Sultan of Sokoto, Alhaji Muhammadu Sa’ad Abubakar III, and Hajiya Aisha, wife of President Muhammadu Buhari have endorsed a report launched by a group, the Voice for Change (V4C) targeted at promoting gender equality as a means of fostering healthy male/female relationships. Represented at the launch of the report in Abuja by Alhaji Adamu Yunusa, the Onna of Abaji, the Sultan said gender violence and discrimination against women are at-
tributes and practices that people cannot aͿord to live with as ‘a humane, dynamic and progressive society.’ The Sultan said ‘gender equitable and non violent masculinities can bring important beneÀts to men and women alike for example relationships, less stress, happier children, and future generations who reject violence against women and children in all forms.’ On her part, Hajiya Aisha Buhari, represented by former deputy governor of Plateau state, Dame Pauline Tallen appreciated the positive changes in gender relations showcased in the report.
Newswatch Times Saturday, October 24, 2015
South East
60% of illegal arms inS/East sourced locally - PRESCOM light weapons in the coun-
Cyprian Ebele, Onitsha
he Presidential Committee on Small Arms and Light Weapons (PRESCOM) yesterday revealed that 60 per cent of the illegal arms in the South east of the country are sourced locally. This was revealed at the 2-day stakeholders’ sensitization forum held at Villa Toscana Hotel Enugu, Enugu State, for South East zone on the comprehensive national small
arms and light weapons survey in Nigeria. The PRESCOM’s South East coordinator on House Survey, Professor Aloysius Okolie, said ‘the 60 percent are fabricated here locally and some communities are known for their natural fabrication of arms.’ He revealed further that politicians are part of arms proliferation in the area adding ‘most of the political leaders help in the importation and fabrication of arms.’ He further stated that ‘40 percent of the arms are
imported by these political leaders and the rest 60 percent fabricated within the zone.’ According to him ‘the essence of the survey is not for the government to embark on disarmament but to Ànd out those factors that motivate people into acquiring such arms and sources of the arms.’ Earlier, the PRESCOM Coordinator, Mr Dickson N. Orji, reiterated that the forum gave room for information and interaction on how to curtail proliferation of small arms and
“It will create awareness on the socio-economic impact of illicit small arms and light weapons proliferations in Nigeria and sensitize the Nigerian populace on the proposed comprehensive SALW survey in Nigeria. The forum will galvanize support for the survey team and enumerators to ensure collaboration at the grassroots for the success of the project,” he added further.
News Politicians’ dishonesty forced me out of politics –Ex APGA chieftain Alphonsus Eze, Awka
x-Chieftain of All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA), Chief Emmanuel Chinaemelum popularly known as “World Bank”, has said that he dumped the political party and politics because of “dishonesty and deceit” of politicians. Chief Chinaemelum who was a founding member and Ànancier of the party in Anambra State said that politicians do not keep their promises and they defraud people through empty promises. “Politicians do not keep promises. I hate cheating in my life. I Àght for the oppressed and I think that is what party politics is all about, but politics is full of cheating, intrigues
and tricks. That is why I left APGA”, said Chief Chinaemelum. He thumped up for President Muhammed Buhari’s anti graft war saying that corruption in Nigeria is so deeprooted and the country needs somebody of President Buhari’s record to Áush out corruption in Nigeria. He lamented that corruption has eaten deep into every facet of the country, including judiciary which suppose to be the last hope of the common man, stating that if Nigeria do not deal with corruption, it will deal with Nigeria. The former APGA chieftain however advised the president that in Àghting corruption he should be impartial as well as assemble incorruptible people.
Unity Bank woos Onitsha traders with improved ser vices Alphonsus Eze, Onitsha
L-R: Executive Members, Igbo Leaders of Thought (ILT), Mr. Justice Ononiba; Chairman, Prof. Ben Nwabueze and Prof. Vincent Ike, during ILT meeting in Enugu State…yesterday.
he Regional Manager, South-East, Unity Bank, Mr John Okafor, has urged traders and the people of the zone and Onitsha in particular to avail themselves of the improved and re-invigorated services pro-
Buhari urged to respect federal character in appointments Alphonsus Eze, Awka
ormer chairman of defunct Onitsha Municipal Council, Chief Michael Ozua Okoye, has urged President Muhammed Buhari to follow federal character principle in his appointments by giving Ndigbo their own due in the distribution of appointments and proj-
ects in the country. Chief Okoye said that the call is imperative given the fact that in the appointments so far made by President Buhari, except in the case of ministerial, Ndigbo has been carefully excluded. The elder statesman warned that excluding the South East geo-political zone in the running of the aěairs of the
country would not be in the overall interest of the entire country. He said that Buhari as a statesman should not allow any section of this country to protest or go down on their knees begging for appointment before their due is given to them in Federation like Nigeria. He added that having sworn to protect
and defend the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, President Buhari knows that the Federal Character Principle enshrined in the constitution, made it mandatory for every geo-political zone especially the South East to get their own share of political appointments and critical infrastructure. “Buhari cannot af-
ford to sideline Ndigbo. Whatever is due to them should be given to them. I am sure Buhari cannot say no Igbo man or woman is qualięed in whatever standard he uses for his appointments. It is common knowledge that we have eminent people who are qualięed for any position,” he said.
Onitsha bridge gridlock rekindles calls for Second Niger Bridge Alphonsus Eze, Awka
he trac gridlock on the ever busy Onitsha Bridge has again rekindled calls from commuters and other users of the bridge for President Mohammed Buhari to resume the construction of the Second Niger Bridge suspended after he as-
sumed oce four months ago. Commuters and other users of the OnitshaAsaba Expressway has been facing a hectic time as they were trapped in trac gridlock for almost twenty four hours stretching from 5am Wednesday to about 1am Thursday. The trac hold-up started building up since
Monday due to the failed portion of the road at Okwe Housing Estate but it came to a head Wednesday morning through Thursday following the palliative work being carried out by some people said to be staͿ of Direct Labour Agency (DLA) of Delta State and Federal Emergency Road Management Agency (FER-
MA). Following the trac hold-up some impatient and reckless drivers took one way which brought to a halt for several hours vehicular movement, forcing commuter to trek all the way from Onitsha to Abraka bus stop in Asaba, Delta State Capital, while those coming from Asaba end equally trek to Onit-
sha. Consequently, drivers and commuters who bemoaned the insensitivity of political leaders in Nigeria called on President Buhari to resume immediately the construction of the Second Niger Bridge, which when completed will improve the suͿerings encountered by the users of the road.
vided by the bank. Okafor who spoke after a road show by the bank branches in Anambra State to showcase the bank’s products to the people of the zone, asked them to develop conÀdence in the bank to provide them with adequate Ànancial services. He said that with their new and re-invigorated management team and plethora of products and service, the bank was out to oͿer the people of the South East and Onitsha in particular Àrst class services. The Regional manager said that they have a number of products and services that can improve their businesses such as agricultural loan, Small, Medium Scale and Enterprises (SME’s) loan among others. He said that Unity Bank oͿers agricultural SME loan that are second to lamenting that the people of this area were not taking full advantage of these loans. The manager of Nkpor branch, Stella Ihezue said that the essence of the road show was to tell their customers who had abandoned the bank to return, saying that they now have latest Information Communication Technology (ICT) services to help them oͿer their customers better and improved services.
Newswatch Times Saturday, October 24, 2015
North East
NLC advise Borno govt to lift embargo on employment
L-R: Permanent Secretary FCT, Engr. John Chukwu; Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Mines and Steel Development, Mr. Dauda Shuaibu Kigbu; Representative of the President/Secretary to the Government of the Federation (SGF) Engr. Babachir David Lawal; Managing Director SCC Nigeria Limited, Engr. Yuval Levy and Group Executive Director, Exploration and Production NNPC Dr. Maikanti Baru, during the Of¿cial Commissioning Ceremony of the New Ultra Modern Steel Pipe Manufacturing Mill, held at the Ushafa, Abuja…recently. Photo: Anayo Opara
Buhari urged to disregard calls to sack TETFund boss than envy among the Nankpah Bwakan, Bauchi
group known as Frontiers of Bauchi, Ningi and Dass Emirates Forum (FBND) yesterday called on President Muhammadu Buhari to disregard calls by some groups to remove the Executive Secretary of Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TEtFund), Professor Suleiman Bogoro. The chairman of group, Comrade Aliyu Ahmad, while addressing newsmen in Bauchi said the call for the removal of Professor Bogoro was borne out of envy by enemies of the Executive Secretary. He said: “The call for his removal is nothing
political class that do not want the progress of the country.” According to him, “The performance of the Executive secretary is excellent in promoting quality tertiary education in the country because through TETFUND, various special intervention programmes have been executed in many tertiary institutions. So we believe that with technocrats like Professor Bogoro, the process of transforming the nation’s tertiary institutions will be fast tracked.” He also expressed support for the prosecution of public office holders by the Buhari’s
administration over alleged corruption. Ahmed frowned against corrupt practices in Nigeria and urged the Presidency to ensure that corruption is eradicated in the country. According to him, “We strongly associate ourselves with the anti-corruption crusade of the present administration and support the prosecution of all those found guilty of corruption. He said: “We commend the President for appointing some credible sons of Bauchi into prominent positions like Colonel Hamid Ali, Comptroller General of Customs, Chief of Air Staff, Air Commander
Sadique Abubakar, Alhaji Uba Ahmed Kari as Chairman of the Nigerian Insurance, Barrister Kefas Magaji as the Chairman of the Nigerian Law Reforms Commission as well as the ministerial nomination of Mallam Adamu Adamu. According to him, “The President also deserves special commendation for allowing democracy to take its course in the country which saw the emergence of Hon Dogara Yakubu as the Speaker of the House of Representatives. We believe that all these great men have all it takes to help in moving the state and the country forward.”
Ishaku condemns masquerades invasion of palace over chieftaincy tussle
overnor Darius Ishaku of Taraba State, yesterday, condemned the invasion of the palace of the Chief of Zing by some aggrieved masquerades. The invasion is in protest against government’s recent appointment of Mr. Linus Ibrahim as the Acting Kpanti Zing, following the death of the late Chief, Alhaji Abbas Sambo. Ishaku made the condemnation in Jalingo while addressing 22 kingmakers of Zing Traditional Council, who visited him to complain about the activities of the masquerades in the chiefdom.
He directed that the kingmakers and the masquerades must follow the laid down procedure for the selection of the new Kpanti Zing for peace and stability in the area. “Government will approve any person that the kingmakers select, but while doing so, laid down procedures for the selection of Kpanti Zing must be followed,” the governor warned. He said he had always known Zing to be a peaceful community, urging the stakeholders to avoid actions capable denting their good reputation. Earlier, Ibrahim, who was the Wazirin Zing, said the delegation vis-
ited the governor to brief him on recent developments in the chiefdom. He noted that before now, masquerades had never invaded the palace of the chief to molest innocent people. “We were mourning the death of Sambo when the masquerades invaded the palace and sacked everyone including the wives and children of the late chief.” He said schools and markets had to close down because of the violent behaviour of the masquerades in the town. “I am 68 years old and I have witnessed the succession of four chiefs in
our chiefdom and I have never seen a disturbing situation like this. “The only role of the masquerades, we know, is to take a newly installed Kpanti to the shrine and perform some cultural rituals”, Linus said. The late Sambo, who was the 2015 Amirul Hajj of the state, died in the recent stampede in which more than 2,000 pilgrims died in Saudi Arabia. Masquerades and traditionalists had demanded the immediate installation of Alhaji Bala Sambo to the throne, stressing that he is a true adherent of their customs and traditions.
he Nigeria Labour Council (NLC) Borno chapter, on Friday called for the immediate lifting of the 16 years embargo on employment in the State. The Vice Chairman of the congress, Alhaji Bulama Abiso, made the appeal during the 5th Quadrennial Delegates Conference of the Medical and Health Workers Union of Nigeria in Maiduguri. Abiso said government should give priority attention to employment. He stressed the need to revive dormant shoe fac-
tory, soda ash plant, wire and nail industry and the Borno State Fertiliser Company. He said the industries, when revived, would generate more revenue and employment for the state. Abiso also appealed to government to ensure the full implementation of N18, 000 month minimum wage especially to local government teachers who are yet to beneÀt from it and urged government to also provide houses to civil servants to ameliorate their suͿering.
Buhari warns lecturers against academic corruption
resident Muhammadu Buhari on Friday warned university lecturers against academic corruption and inciting students. Buhari, who gave the warning at the 31st convocation and 40th anniversary of the University of Ilorin, said corruption goes beyond money or concerning only politicians. He said his administration would not accept any institution or lecturer who exploited students academically and incited students to distabilise the system. The President, represented by Secretary of Government of Federation, Mr David Babachir, said the present administration was ready to support development of infrastructure in institutions. He added that government would also support vocational studies and education reform as a means to ensure that graduates were fully employed.
Buhari advised the graduands to remain disciplined and uphold their integrity, stressing that they must shun corruption and all forms of social vices as they step out of the institution. President of Ghana, John Dramani Mahama, spoke on ‘’African Agenda 2063: Fighting Poverty and Ensuring Prosperity in Africa.” Mahama noted that African leaders must appreciate their human resources, guide it to aĴain total freedom. He advised leaders of Africa to lay concrete foundation for the younger generation. He said past leaders like Idi-Amin of Uganda, Mobutu Sese Sekou of DR Congo (Zaire) ruled as if they would not die and urged all 54 countries that constitute the Africa Union to ensure that the aims and agenda of the union were achieved for younger generation to fulęl their destiny.
Patoranking, Jaywon, Niyola, others to perform at 2015 FDN
emocracy Heroes Award/Pageantry Night As the stage is set for who becomes the next Face of Democracy, FDN , with the third edition underway, high ranking music stars like Patoranking, Jaywon, Niyola and other prominent artistes and comedians will help take the event to another level. Expected to hold on Saturday, the 24th of October at the Congress Hall of the Transcorp Hilton, Abuja, the event was put together to inÁuence true democracy and growth in the country. FDN’s Project Director, Vivian Lam, in an interview with Newswatch Times spoke about the upcoming show: “Our vision is to inspire, groom and empower young Nigerian ladies to become role models to our youths and assume vital positions in our society from which they can champion our quest for true democracy and equal-
ity.” On the award to be presented to deserving personalities from diͿerent works of like, Vivian said, “it is a deliberate campaign geared towards recognizing, honouring and inspiring Nigerians who have fearlessly and passionately championed our renaissance from dictatorship to democracy. A brand with the sole vision and mission to inspire our youths to sit up and assume roles that will eͿect the needed change in our society. Thirty-seven (37) ladies of elegance and poise will be representing the thirty-six (36) states of the federation and the Federal Capital Territory, FCT. Meanwhile, the event will be covered by Africa Independent Television AIT, HIP Tv and others even as HRM Oba Saheed Ademola Elegunshi is expected to be the royal father of the special night of grandeur and beauty.
Saturday, October 24, 2015
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Saturday, October 24, 2015
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 24, 2015
For new INEC chairYakubu, task of credible polls
Mansur Oladunjoye, Asst. Politics Editor
he Wednesday emergency meeting of Council of States’ Ànally laid to rest the controversy surrounding the likelihood of another “Jega” for the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) as the Federal government and other states supported the nomination of Prof. Mahmood Yakubu, as new chairman of the electoral body. Prof. Yakubu takes over from Mrs. Amina Zakari who has been acting as chairman of the electoral commission following the retirement of its former chairman, Prof. Attahiru Jega. Zakari had held the position of INEC chairman in acting capacity since June 2015 when Jega completed his tenure. She would have become the Àrst woman to be appointed a substantive chairman of Nigeria’s topmost electoral body. According to Sokoto State governor Aminu Tambuwal, who broke the news of Yakubu’s appointment to newsmen after the meeting, the council had considered and conÀrmed the nominees in conformity with the provisions of the Nigerian Constitution, particularly Sections 154 (1 and 3 and 156 (3), explaining that the sections conferred on the President the
powers to appoint a chairman and national commissioners for INEC, in consultation with the Council of State. He said: “The situation in INEC, as at today, is such that requires for this emergency meeting to approve the nominations by Mr. President. “The law requires that a minimum of four commissioners should form a quorum in INEC, which is not the case as today, because the tenures of 11 of the national commissioners of INEC has expired,” Tambuwal said. He gave the names of the national commissionernominees as Mrs Amina Zakari from Jigawa representing North-West; Dr Antonia OkoosiSimbile from Kogi, NorthCentral; and Alhaji Baba Arfo, Borno, representing North-East. Others are Dr. Mohammed Lekki from Edo, representing South-South and Prince Soyebi Adedeji Solomon, Ogun, representing South West, adding that the council also agreed to stagger the conÀrmation of the appointment of commissioners of INEC. “To avert future occurrence of such a situation, the council agreed that the next six of the commissioners be submitted to the council subsequently, for its approval,” he said. Though the president has the constitutional right to nominate and appoint INEC boss, such an appointment shall be subject to conÀrmation by the two-third majority of the Senate.
Yakubu, a professor of political history and international studies, was Executive Secretary of the Tertiary Education Trust Fund. He has also been described as an expert in guerrilla warfare, terrorism and counter-terrorism.” Indeed Yakubu takes oce just a few weeks away from the governorship elections in both Kogi and Bayelsa states. Many think he has a big task in his hands, and how he handles the exercise is key to his conÀrmation as the chairman of INEC. Those who are sympathetic to Prof Yakubu say they do hot envy the man. For these set of Nigerians, Prof Yakubu needs to immediately fashion out a strategy to execute his assignment. In fact, not a few believe that excuses
shall not be entertained for failure, coming particularly immediately after Jega’s tenure, which was generally acknowledged as eventful. Jega led the INEC through a historic electoral process. Although there were minor Áaws here and there, his tenure is adjudged successful, leaving a legacy of largely transparent elections. So if Yakubu must succeed, political analysts believe he should take it from where Jega left oͿ, adopting the latter’s template. Yet others believe that there is nothing sacrosanct about Jega’s template, arguing that he could fashion out his own ‘early win’ strategy. But the bottom line, all seem to agree, is the enthronement of a credible electoral culture in the country.
Politics Mansur Oladunjoye, Asst. Politics Editor
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 24, 2015
EFCC’s sudden rise to duty
ith the news of the anti-graft commission – Economic and Financial Crime Commission (EFCC) - now occupying foremost in the nation’s topical issues, political analysts couldn’t but wonder where it got the sudden strength to now vigorously pursue and prosecute corrupt Public officers both in politics and economic sectors. Of fresh memories are people like the immediate past minister of Interior, Abba Moro, over the March 2014 employment scam in the Nigerian Immigration Service (NIS) that led to the death of about 20 applicants in various recruitment centres across the country and at the same time involving alleged fleecing over 500,000 Nigerian graduate applicants to the tune of N520 million. After the March 15 tragedy, several Nigerians demanded the resignation or dismissal of Mr. Moro and the then ComptrollerGeneral of Immigration, David Parradang, as well as their criminal prosecution for involuntary homicide. The duo, with Mr. Moro more culpable, had put in place a sham recruitment process that enabled the interior ministry to extort at least N520 million in compulsory levy imposed on applicants. Sources said the anti-graft had quizzed the Comptroller-General of the Nigeria Immigration Service on the same matter. An official of the EFCC who confirmed the arrest of Mr. Moro said a team of investigators have already begun interrogating him. The former governors of Bayelsa, Benue and Akwa Ibom States, Timipre Sylvia, Gabriel Suswam and Godswill Akpabio respectively are also facing the anti-graft court on charges of alleged corruption and gross financial impropriety while in office. However, while some Nigerians pitied some of the arrested either for their perceived innocence or physical meekness, some were generally considered as “criminals” that must be dealt with. For instance, the former Security Adviser to the Bayelsa State government, Richard Kpodo sent a protest letter entitled: “Why Faces Behind Timipre Sylva’s Shield from prosecution by the EFCC Should be Uncovered” to President Muhammadu Buhari over the selective approach to his anti-corruption war. While Kpodo acknowledged
that President Buhari’s anti-corruption posture has redefined the approach of governance by elected and appointed office holders, he noted that loyalists within the All Progressives Congress (APC) viewed President Buhari’s anti-graft stance to be tainted by the “biased” nature of the anti-corruption campaign. Kpodo in Yenagoa expressed worry over the decision to declare Sylva the APC candidate for the Bayelsa State governorship in the face of the corruption charges hanging on him. He stated that while Mr. Sylva was walking free, Sen. Godswill Akpabio and former Benue State Governor Gabriel Suswam have been detained and grilled for hours by the EFCC and former Petroleum Minister, Diezani Alison-Madueke, is facing the heat in far away United Kingdom. Kpodo, who was Mr. Sylva’s special adviser on security matters, reminded Buhari that on January 3rd 2013, the anti-graft agency took possession of 48 properties illegally acquired by Mr. Sylva with public funds following an interim forfeiture order granted by Justice A.R Muhammed on December 28th, 2012. He said, “change, which is our slogan, has become a sign of worry to our party faithful in Bayelsa and beyond. To add more to our worry, we read of the position presented by some people identified as the voice of the South-South on alleged lopsided nature of the ongoing anti-corruption crusade.” He noted that Mr. Sylva was charged with 50 counts of misappropriation of roughly N19.2 billion state funds, yet he continues to represent the APC, pleading that the current battle against corrupt elements across
the nation must be total and fair. He therefore urged President Buhari to ensure that Mr. Sylva was brought to justice for alleged corrupt practices while he was Governor of Bayelsa. Akpabio was last Friday quizzed by the EFCC operatives following a petition by an Abuja-Lawyer, Leo Ekpenyong and some indigenes of Akwa Ibom State over misappropriation of over N100billion. Speaking on behalf of the Coalition against Corrupt Leaders (CACOL), the Executive Chairman of the group, Comrade Debo Adeniran described Akpabio’s arrest as another step in the right direction in the war against corruption in Nigeria and commended the EFCC for its efforts so far on the case. He said, “Akpabio’s arrest is a further reassurance that the President Mohammadu Buhari means business at ensuring that no corrupt criminal, no matter how highly-placed or influential, should go unpunished. Many of the past public office holders who thought they have successfully bamboozled the people they pretended they served by presenting fake, over bloated and over-priced projects should begin to count their days as free men and women. However, the authorities should not make these arrests mere window dressing where the ritual ‘arrest, arraign and release’ for political reasons will re-enact.” Adeniran urged the Buhari’s regime to treat anyone with corruption petitions with all seriousness as suspicion or charges against them should not go scot-free without due diligence, investigations and prosecution for reasons of political expediency. “We’re aware that many of the recently announced ministerial nominees have a lot of
corruption questions to answer; as a matter of fact, the defence some of them put up during their screening turned out to be self-indictment of corruption allegations against them. “Since nepotism is a form of corruption; that someone belongs to the ruling party, is a legislator or a minister should not be misconstrued as immunity against prosecution. Such people should not be allowed to occupy any public office till they satisfactorily answer the charges against them lest they constitute a dent on its anti-corruption image,” he said. He promised CACOL’s promise to be a partner in progress with the regime for as long as it continues to take open, transparent, accountable and participatory governance seriously. The aforementioned are not the only ones caught in the web of the EFCC as even the immediate past governor of Benue State, Suswam penultimate Monday honoured an invitation at the headquarters of the EFCC. However, without prejudice to the way the anti-corruption executes it mandate, EFCC invitations to former public office holders have now become a statutory ritual that has become almost automatic to the extent that it could now be included as a legal requirement or policy that whoever held a public office must at the end of his tenure report to the commission for an interview or debriefing. This suggestion could at the very least help take the wind out the sail of mischievous elements that constantly create the erroneous impression that an invitation by the anti-graft agency necessarily means guilt. It bears repeating that an invitation by the EFCC does not amount to an indictment, an indictment does not always means being charged or arraigned before a court, and being charged to court does not mean guilt or conviction. Suswam thus has a unique opportunity to blaze the trail by using this invitation to appear before the EFCC as an avenue to educate the public – particularly the people of the state on what he achieved in the eight years he was in service of his people. He was quiet about his trail blazing achievements while in office as he will always stress that there was no need for one to blow one’s trumpet as this is an activity that is best left to the end beneficiary of his many lofty programmes to do. Aside politicians, the controversial oil baron, Jide Omokore, Continued on Page 49
Saturday, October 24, 2015
FIFA U-17 World Cup:
Golden Eaglets unstoppable! ...Amuneke says Nigerians should have faith in his team
Warri Wolves close in on Enyimba
Ronaldo returns to Parc des Princes >>Pg.18
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 24, 2015
Maduabuchi Kalu 08080669826
League Watch
WarriWolves close in on Enyimba
arri Wolves have closed within three points of Nigeria league leaders Enyimba after they thrashed Akwa United 3-0 in a rescheduled game Thursday morning. Wolves now have 59 points from 34 matches,
just three points shy of leaders Enyimba with four matches to the end of the season. The match between hosts Wolves and Akwa was re-arranged for Thursday after heavy rain rendered the pitch at the Warri City Stadium
unplayable. Joseph Osadiaye smashed a hat-trick within 68 minutes against his former club. He opened scoring after 13 minutes oě a corner by Ikechukwu Igbenegbu, before he completed his brace in the 51st minute
courtesy of another assist by Ibenegbu. His third goal was a superb curler from outside the box. Akwa were reduced to 10 men in the 53rd minute when Konnou Paterne was sent oě after a second booking.
Dolphins not doomed yet insists Eguma
elegationthreatened Dolphins coach, Stanley Eguma, has urged fans of the club
not to give up on the team. Dolphins are deep in the drop zone, 17th on the table with 38 points
with only four rounds of matches to be played till the end of the season. On Wednesday, the Port Harcourt side came
from a goal down to beat Kano Pillars 2-1 at the Liberation Stadium in Port Harcourt. “We still have a chance, nobody should write us oě,” declared Eguma “My boys know what is at stake and if you see the way we played against Pillars you would agree that we have improved a lot. “We have four more matches to go and nothing says we cannot win our two away matches and home games. So, it’s not over and nobody should write us oě.”
Nigeria protest shift of CHAN qualifier
he Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) have protested to CAF a sudden change on the match date for a return leg CHAN qualięer in Burkina Faso. Federation Burkinabe de Football have moved the CHAN ęnal qualifying match from Saturday to Sunday. The Nigeria Football Federation received correspondence from the FBF on Monday indicating a change in date of the tie, and immediately protested, saying the change was coming less than the 10 days stipulated in the rules. “We have complained to CAF about this change in date that came only ęve days to the match, as against a minimum of 10 days enshrined in the regulations,” said NFF general secretary Mohammed Sanusi. “It means we will now have to alter all our arrangements to play the CHAN qualięer match on Sunday.”
The new date means the Super Eagles will now travel to Ouagadougou on Friday evening, have the oĜcial training in the evening of Saturday and play Les Etalons at the August 4 Stadium on Sunday. They are scheduled to depart Ouagadougou immediately after the match. Nigeria have a 2-0 advantage in the CHAN ęxture courtesy of goals from Yaro Bature and Gbolahan Salami in the ęrst leg in Port Harcourt on Saturday.
Giwa back in title race
en-man Giwa FC are back in the Nigeria league title race following a 2-1 win at El Kanemi Warriors on Wednesday. The Jos club now have 57 points from 34 games, just ęve points adrift of leaders Enyimba. Charles Sokoto broke the deadlock in the 45th minute to give Giwa a 1-0 lead.
The hosts El Kanemi equalised through Dauda Eboh just four minutes into the second half. Ocheme Edoh restored Giwa’s lead in the 56th minute to seal the win, but the visitors had to baĴle for their lives thereafter when defender Nojeem Raji was sent oě in the 69th minute for a foul.
Omoniwari haunts former club Sharks
eartland forward, Fortune Omoniwari, scored the only goal to help Heartland beat his former club Sharks in a Week 34 game of the Nigeria Professional Football League (NPFL) on Wednesday. Heartland have 50 points from 34 games, while Sharks are just above the relegation zone with 39 points.
Omoniwari, who wore the captain’s arm band in the game, scored in the third minute and that was enough to hand his team the full three points. Ebele Obi was in goal for the ęrst time for Heartland this season after he suěered knee injury which kept him out of action for several months.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 24, 2015
Sports/EURO League Ronaldo poses with Brazilian model on set
ristiano Ronaldo has found a new model to pose for selęes with as he tweets a video of himself with Brazilian beauty Alessandra Ambrosio. The Real Madrid star and the Victoria’a Secret model are working on a ‘secret project’ together and took to social media to tease their fans after the shoot. The Portuguese forward broke up with Russian supermodel
Irina Shayk at the beginning of the year, but his relationship with Ambrosio is likely just a professional one – as the 34-year-old Brazilian is married with two children. The Real Madrid man has been expanding his CR7 fashion range in recent years, and with the Balon d’or winner having modelled for Armani in the past, the possibilities for the collaboration are endless.
Speaking in the video posted on twiĴer, Ronaldo said: ‘Hi guys, we’ve ęnished photoshooting, it was amazing ęlming with Alessandra, she is fantastic, she do a fantastic job. ‘We not going to say for what we did because it’s a secret, we hope you going to like it.’ And the model only had good things to say about the footballer in the short video. ‘I had a great time with you (to Ronaldo),’ she said.
Ronaldo returns to Parc des Princes
heavyweight meeting in the Champions League group stages was enough to bring former Brazil striker Ronaldo to the Parc des Princes on Wednesday. Ronaldo took his seat in the stands in Paris to watch Paris SaintGermain take on one of his former clubs Real
Madrid in their Group A clash. The ex-Brazil forward appeared to be in good spirits, and even had time to say hello to former French prime minister Nicolas Sarkozy. Unfortunately for Ronaldo, there was liĴle excitement in a game that ęnished goalless.
One of the stars on show for Ronaldo’s former side was Cristiano Ronaldo, but he endured a frustrating evening in front of his illustrious namesake. The Brazilian Ronaldo spent ęve years with Real Madrid between 2002 and 2007, winning the La Liga title in his time there.
Carroll, fiancee enjoy holiday in Dubai
hile England prepare to take on Lithuania in Vilnius, West Ham star Andy Carroll is enjoying the international break as he spends time relaxing in sunny Dubai. The West Ham striker has returned to ęrst team action after a long lay-oě with injury but is still building up his match ętness. But while some of his
team-mates are away on international duty, the 26-year-old is spending time with ęancee Billi Mucklow and son Arlo. Mucklow, a former TOWIE star, took to Instagram and shared a photo of the three of them on the beach with the famous Burj Al Arab in the background. She captioned it: ‘Family Photo #andytcarroll #Burj #Dubai #MyBoys.’
Van Gaal blasts Martial Hamilton remains guarded in pursuit of third Formula One title
ewis Hamilton insists he is not ‘taking anything for granted’ as he closes in on a third Formula One world championship. The 30-year-old will become the ęrst British driver to successfully defend his grand prix crown if he wins in Austin on Sunday and Sebastian VeĴel, now his closest challenger, ęnishes third or lower. But with four races still to go, Hamilton does not mind where he wraps up this year’s title, providing he is crowned champion after the season ęnale in Abu Dhabi next month. Hamilton was on course to win the title in his debut season back in 2007, but threw away a healthy championship lead after he failed to ęnish in China and then crossed the line only
seventh at the last race in Brazil. ‘I’ve learned from experience that nothing is ever done until it’s done in this sport, so I won’t be taking anything for granted going into the weekend,’ said Hamilton. ‘I’m going into this next race with the same approach I’ve had all
year. There are four races left for me to get this championship tied up and as long as it’s done by the time I cross the line in Abu Dhabi that’s what really counts. ‘I’m excited to get out there, give my best and if I can come away with a third Stetson hat that would be unbelievable.
anchester United manager Louis van Gaal accused Anthony Martial of gifting CSKA Moscow a Champions League point because of his ‘stupid’ error in the Russian capital. Martial scored a ęne diving header to grab a 1-1 draw for United at the Khimki Arena, but the Frenchman was to blame for gifting the Russians the lead. Martial raised his right arm going into a challenge with Mario Fernandes in the 14th minute and the ball struck it, leaving the referee with no option but to David de Gea saved Roman Eremenko’s penalty but Seydou Doumbia scored the rebound to put CSKA ahead. Martial’s secondhalf header saved United’s blushes but their manager was disappointed with his star striker for the error that led to the hosts’ goal. Van Gaal said: ‘They had
the present of an Anthony Martial penalty. Martial is a human being, he reacts and it is a stupid reaction, but sometimes these things happen. ‘+e said it is the ¿rst time it happens to him, if it always happens with me it’s a pity. Although Van Gaal was unhappy with the French teenager for effectively handing the hosts the lead, he was pleased to escape from his trip east with a point. 8nited fro]e in the ¿rst half on a sub-zero night in Russia, but improved after
the break following the introduction of Marouane Fellaini and could have snatched all three points in the second half. The draw leaves the Red Devils in second place in Group B at the halfway point of the group stages, with home matches against PSV and CSKA, as well as a trip to Wolfsburg, to come. ‘I was very happy with the performance,’ Van Gaal said. ‘I knew in advance that it would be a very dif¿cult game because CSKA are very well organised and compact.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 24, 2015
FIFA U-17 World Cup: Golden Eaglets unstoppable! ...Amuneke says Nigerians should have faith in his team KALU MADUABUCHI
olden Eaglets chief coach, Emmanuel Amuneke, has appealed to Nigerians to continue to believe in his team, as he hopes to crown his eěort in the Under-17 World Cup outing in Chile with the trophy. After booking the Round of 16 ticket, Amuneke said there’s no looking back as his wards are determined to re-write history in Chile. “I’m grateful to Nigerians. As a player, they gave me opportunity to serve them and after many years I’m back again serving them as a coach. I’m grateful and I will do everything I could do humanly possible and God will do the rest. “They should believe in their team and that the players here are Nigerians, the most important thing is that they are doing their best. I think collectively they support them, prayerfully and morally they should give them support. Hopefully, they will bring joy and smile to the faces of Nigerians. We should not forget these players are kids. They are
here to make Nigerians happy and they’ve realised that a lot of Nigerians are in diĜculty. “ Sometimes, we need to tell ourselves the truth, probably when we look at the income of an average Nigerian it is not up to much. But when it comes to football, a lot of people forget about their problem. Probably people who had problem did not sleep just to watch the Golden Eaglets and at the end the team were able to put smiles on their faces. This is what serving our country is all about. In any liĴle way we can put smiles on the faces of our people that is what counts. It doesn’t maĴer where you’re from, it doesn’t maĴer who you are or what position you occupy, what counts ęrst is Nigeria. We shall see that in the nearest future, there will be progress and life will be beĴer for it,” he said. On how How the Golden Eaglets have been coping in Chile, he said: “We are okay. We on our own part we are doing everything humanly possible to adapt in Chile. We are doing everything
Protect Eaglets from scouts, Ugbade tells NFF
ormer Under-17 Assistant coach, Nduka Ugbade, has asked the Nigeria Football Federation to protect the Golden Eaglets from exploitation from the swarming Sharks (football scouts) who may want to beseech the team’s camp. Ugbade who saluted the stellar performance of the players in the 5-1 thrashing of hosts Chile at the ongoing FIFA U-17 World Cup expressed concerns that the focus of the team could be derailed by the unchecked
admission of football scouts around the players. The Eaglets are hoping to defend the FIFA U-17 World Cup and Ugbade opined that the activities of scouts could derail the team’s objective for the tournament. A couple of English Premier League clubs had sent their scouts to Chile to run the rule over the top stars in the Golden Eaglets fold. The players that are on the radar of the English Premier League trio are skipper Kelechi Nwakali (ASJ
Academy), Funsho Bamgboye (Aspire Academy), Victor Osimhen (Ultimate Strikers) and Joel Osikel ( Young Eleven FC). Prior to the tournament in Chile, Kelechi Nwakali had flirted with Manchester City, with the Citizens inviting him to England and he was given a tour of the club’s training facilities. Kelechi Iheanacho, Chidiebere Nwakali and Musa Yahaya were snapped up by English clubs after the 2013 FIFA Under-17 World Cup.
humanly possible to compete with the rest of the world and defend our trophy. Whatever circumstance we’ve found ourselves, we are meant to adapt as human beings adapt to every situation they ęnd themselves. “ We are adapting and going gradually, step by step, and doing the best we can. Hopefully by November 8, God will make it possible for us to achieve our objectives. The feeding is okay. Logistics are okay. It is a FIFA standard competition and everything is okay. We have come from hot weather to a cold environment, we are not going to play in any other environment, except here. So we are adapting to it and the players are doing well. Amuneke shared his excitement, aspiration and his team’s struggle to cope with life and competition in the South American nation. The 44-year-old 1994 African Footballer of the Year urged Nigerians to sustain their faith in the team, assuring that they will make the country proud. Now he’s got the chance to lead his fatherland. “We are happy that what we have planned is working. We are grateful for the moment and occasion. We thank God for making it possible for us to win our ęrst two games, which is very important for any team aĴending a tournament of this magnitude. But we are still quiet, calm and optimistic and looking forward to our last game which is coming up on Friday. We still thank God for giving us the opportunity of winning our opening games and [are] happy that back home a lot of people are happy, probably a lot of people watched the game and had to sleep very late and at the end of the day it was worth it. We know that the journey is still very long, so we have to be focussed.
Chile 2015 U- 17 W/C: Nwanu hails Golden Eaglets resilience VICTOR ENYINNAYA
x-international, Chidi Nwanu, has hailed the resilience in the ongoing Under-17 World Cup championship in Chile as he urged them to maintain their focus in the national. Nwanu said he was impressed by the way and manner the players have gone about the group games. ‘The team would continue to mature and get used to the event by every game. I will advise that they don’t relent on their oars as the championship gets
into the crunchy stages from the round of 16. I believe that Coach Emmanuel Amuneke and his crew would continue to impress it on the team that tougher days are ahead. Therefore they must redouble their eěorts to ensure that the Nigerian side would not drop the standard they have displayed so far at the World Cadet football summit,’’ he charges. The US based Nigerian added that the only way to stay up as a winner in the ongoing tournament would be for the lads to work harder. According to him, the boys have been able to keep up the
tempo of their game and have strictly played to instructions. The squad has also played their style of football refusing to be intimidated into adopting other opponent’s style, such thick skin, he stressed made it possible for their eěorts to pay- oě handsomely thus far. He pointed out that the capacity of the Eaglets was evident against Chile where the host after piling pressure, the defending champions would soak them calmly and eěectively used counter aĴack mechanism to catch the opponent defence pants down in most occasions. He also
posited that Chukwueze spoĴing jersey no. 8 was man of the match as he single handedly subjected the homers defence line to pitiable pressure that resulted into two clear penalties for the Eaglets apart from other disorganisation it caused the Chileans. ‘’The Chileans got more than what they can chew. The superior ęreworks of Nigerians grew tremendously as the game went on. My take is that the boys and their technical crew must not stop working and ęne tuning their strategies for the mission ahead. They have set the tone.
Saturday, October 24, 2015
Saturday, October 24, 2015
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Saturday, October 24, 2015
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Saturday, October 24, 2015
Saturday, October 24, 2015
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Newswatch Times -Tradition T diti bbuilt ilt on T Truth th
Vol. 01, No. 51
Saturday, October 24, 2015
Celebrating women of substance
What I love most in my life â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Egbunike-Agbakoba
26 My Love
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 24, 2015
Chief (Mrs.) Engr. Ezen wanyi Nnemanwu May Egbunike-Agbakko ob baa is the mother of the miracle twins, Faith and Ruth Eg bunike-Agbakoba, who made world hiist story in academics by winning the 1st prize at the just concluded 15th World Congress Competition on Health and Biomedical Info orrm matics in Sao Paulo, Br azil. In this interview w with CYPRIAN EBEL E, E she explains why heerr family is more of a charitable organization and sundry issues.
an I know you ma? I am Chief (Mrs.) Engr. Ezenwanyi nwanyi Nnemanwu May Egbunike-Agbakoba, ba, mother of the miracle twins, Faith and Ruth Egbunike-Agbakoba, unike-Agbakoba, who made world history in academics mics by winning the 1st prize at the just concluded 15th World Congress Competition on Health and Biomedical dical Informatics in Sao Paulo, Brazil. I am a Tuali¿ed ali¿ed specialist disability nurse and social worker from Onitsha, Anambra State and have been a resident sident of London Borough of Lewisham, London, England ngland for over 30 years. I am also elected former Board Director rector for Lewisham Homes for over 4 years. I graduated aduated from the University of Bradford where I studied peace, MA/PG, and has worked tirelessly volunteering for various charities and voluntary organizations anizations nationally and internationally for over 30 years. I am the founder and the proprietress of the Right Direction Community Education and Welfaree Services and Heritage Language School in Lewisham London and I was an elected former Local Authorority School Governor for some yearss at a local primary school in South London. I am a great believer in Education and World Affairs. It may interest you to know that I was educated in Austria and Switzererland and later went to Great Britain n where I completed my studies and got married and had ¿ve children. Because I have looked after many children from different parts of the world and well known, I am addressed as “MOTHER OF THE NATIONS”. Which other voluntary organization do you have apart from Right Direction Community Education and Welfare Services and Heritage Language School in Lewisham London? I am the founder of OWELF Motherless Babies Foundation, and one of the Directors for OSIBEL Company that specializes in improving health and wellbeing of people using technology. I am a multi-killed practitioner with a sound knowledge in e-health, digital inclusion and health informatics and I also founded the Onitsha Ado Cultural Rising Stars in London, where I teach young children the traditional African dance, different Nigeria customs, cultures, living values and languages such as “HIY” (Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba) and traditions. The Onitsha Ado charity originally was established by my father, Prince Ugonabo Gregory Henry Igweze Egbunike, when his wife died immediately after the Civil War in Nigeria, to help educate orphans and people with disabilities. My family and I later continued with the legacy of our father’s work overseas. This has been remarkably growing from
Because I have looked after many children from different parts of the world and well known, I am addressed as “MOTHER OF THE NATIONS”.
strength to strength till now. I send charitable gifts to disadvantaged children and the elderly yearly to Nigeria. Which other educational background do you have? I studied Psychology at the university of London Gold Smith College, London and was trained by the Catholic Archdiocese of Southwark as a Residential Youth Worker and also studied Theology at Avery Hill College, London, now known as University of Greenwich. I do a lot of advocacy work, nursing, and social work with different community groups every week in Great Britain and belong to a religious group known as “Queen of Peace” where members are motivated and empowered with regular prayers for the
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 24, 2015
My Love
–– C Eg My O uni Lov VbE e k >PGRe-A ... > g
25 - PGba 27 . 25kob
What I love most in my life good of our families in United Kingdom, our home country Nigeria, and friends and relations all over the world. My children and I all help out in many local, national and international religious and social activities. I had my postgraduate Tuali¿cation in education PECET/PGCE from the University of Greenwich and I am also a Tuali¿ed BSc. (Hons). Specialist Learning Disability Nurse and Social Worker from the University of Hertfordshire and studied Law, Counselling, Public Administration, Home Management and Family Care as well as Secretarial Studies. Is it to say that charity work runs in your family going by the assistance you and your family render to the society? Yes, that is what it is, we are born to help especially the down-trodden and others in need and through my various organizations and special grace of God, I am eTual to the task. God has made us to e[cel in whatever thing we do. Look at my twin children, Faith and Ruth, making world history on health. It is a gift from God to e[cel in all we embark upon. And it may interest you to know that in 003, I was the President of Soroptimist International of Great Britain Ireland, Lewis ham branch. The organization is a global voice for women in management and professions. The organization works through service projects to advance human rights and the status of women during my of¿ce as the president. I spearheaded huge fund raising events for the Right Direction Community Education and Welfare Services. This organization is devoted in helping children and families with special education and health needs. Apart from your charitable work, may I know your hobby? You may laugh it off if I say I am a well recognized international story teller/ performer/ dancer. I have worked tirelessly in providing ambassadorial role in South London where I live. In addition to the Deptford area where I voluntarily teach young children and adults with learning dif¿culties and disabilities for nearly 30 years, I am a passionate community activist and organizer who have a trusted voice for the people in her community. I love challenges and always ready to speak out and help the marginalized in the community and enjoy listening to the people
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I lo ve ch a ll e n ges and a lw a ys re a d y to sp e a k o u t a n d h e lp th e m a rg in a li ze d in th e c o m m u n it y a n d e n jo y li st e n in g to th e p e o p le from the grassroots to create change and make things happen. Entertaining the Nigerian super power lifting paralympians was a great achievement for me and my children; we demonstrated our humanitarian gestures to our people whom we found with great talents wining most of the gold medals at the Paralympics Olympic Game contests in London. I was e[cited and hosted them at my residence with the help of a colleague, Uche Onyemenem, also a specialist nurse/ social worker and my ¿ve children who have always helped out with different charities and voluntary works worldwide. You are so popular among your peers; what do you attribute this to? Like I said earlier on, I am from the royal clan, Ogbendida village in Umuezearoli, Onitsha, and I have a chieftaincy title, Enyi Ezenwanyi Nnemanwu, and I am also addressed as “Queen of Ndida Land’’, by my peer friends and families worldwide and I am also a member of the prestigious “Otu Odu Society”, the highest title in the land for Onitsha women; they help in the establishment of enterprise and projects that facilitate the progress and well being of members in the community. The society also promotes educational training and development for young girls in Onitsha Ibo community. The objective of this society is to create a forum for social interaction of female Onitsha graduates who e[cel in any ¿eld of human endeavour. I am one of the unsung heroes, a great international community leader, activist, philanthropist and an advocate for human rights, equality in health, education for all and welfare right peace.
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henry ENEGEDE/ chinwe DURUEKE
Newswatch Times, Satruday, October 24, 2015
Love Tips
Ways to enrich your relationship
lot of the traditional techniques to propose are still winners, like a romantic restaurant classic music, getting down on one knee. A positive attitude that keeps you cool and con¿dent is the one that wins over girls. A girl generally wants to feel secure and safe around her man. Age old way of going down on knees in public is still the best way to propose. But don’t try this if your girl is introvert. A reason to never consider him again-He cheated on you! If he was dishonest, he is not going to change and a relationship based on lies is not what you deserve. Be the last person to criticize! If you want to really help them, give up trying to correct them. Instead, compliment on their strengths. A serious relationship often starts in friendship. Who knows what will happen in the end, but by being friends you will get to know each other better. Aim to devote at least half an hour at night, and at least one day a month when the two of you spend time exclusively together. Add a little Àatter. Flattering is important, girls like it more often. However, do not over do. Start with gentle words of Àattering. Always keep a happy smile on your face. It is general that people with a pleasant temperament are always appreciated. Avoid letting your eyes wonder to other women when you are with her.
Talking about other women or your ex is big nono. No matter how wonderful and Àawless your mate seems, no one is perfect. Make sure that the expectations you have of your mate are realistic. Besides spending time together, it is equally important to give quality space to your partner. Let the excitement of meeting again build up! Be a realistic optimist. Acknowledge that everything is not always great in life and love life, but have faith that you will make it through. Always present yourself as attractive before the person you want to impress. Show your personality and good manners. Boys know that girls are pretty, that’s one of the reasons they go out with them. So don’t always wait for him to give you a compliment. Be spontaneous and suggest something completely out of character. Send a ¿lled greeting card for no reason. Boys catch her when she is alone. It is never a good idea to confront a girl and ask her out when she is with other people. On weekends, get up a little early and ¿x the favorite breakfast of your partner. Serve it in bed and bask in the love they will shower on you. Find a mutual way that will motivate both of you to being the best you can be. Find something that you can both be excited about and have fun! Always trust your partner. Suspicion is one of the major reasons behind many failed relationships. Be yourself, so be yourself. Do not pretend to be someone else just for the sake of impressing him. Men like women
who are natural. Boys, if you can be honest, affectionate and respectful, just go ahead and ask her out. You will stand out from the other boys if you can do that. Always try to throw compliments for every little positive thing he or she does. After all, every human being likes being appreciated. Breaking down physical barrier at the beginning of date makes rest of it much easier. Greet her with hug and tell her how delightful she looks. Remember all over again. Remember when you ¿rst met and everything was great. Today make a fresh start. Opt for counseling rather than endangering your relationship! It will help you understand your mate and lead a healthy and lasting relationship! Breaking into an argument, especially in a party or anywhere around family or friends, is a great way to break down a relationship. Avoid it! Bringing spirituality into your relationship is important. Allow the love of God to be your ultimate guide and help you get rid of doubts. Boys if you both make eye contact, do not be the ¿rst one to look away, but do not stare for too long and do not stare her down. Never deprive someone of hope-it may be all they have. Life should be measured not by the number of years but rather by the love shared, the memories made, the joy given and the blessings received.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 24, 2015 For enquiries call Qismat Yinus on 08027022738
ome years ago, plus size women found it difficult to dress stylishly because of one rule or the other that stated the specifics they had to choose from, but nowadays some rules donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t apply. Gone are the days when you had to be a size two to be sexy (never really worked here in Nigeria). The Kardashians, Beyonce and Nicki Minaj broke that rule when they embraced their curves now a lot of women are gaining confidence in who they are.
Rock your curves: 6 Plus Size Corporate Look
Fashion Extra
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 24, 2015 Tunde Eso Email: tundeeso@yahoo.co.uk 08057482794
Beads upgrades your elegance
eads are used for so many things in the whole world. It can be worn on different occasions, like weddings, birthdays, anniversaries and more. Here are some of the beads women can opt.
Newswatch Times, Saturday October 24, 2015
ew days ago, top Fuji musician, Pasuma Wonder, also known as Oganla 1, moved into a new house in the elitist Omole Estate in Lagos. According to gist scooped by us, his new house is not too far from his old abode. In fact, both are tucked inside the posh area of Lagos. But what is causing problems at the moment is the ownership of the new house the Fuji maestro packed into. While his manager, Afolabi Oyekoya, gave an impression that Pasuma built the mansion, rumour mongers claim the house was rented by the musician and not his. They further alleged that Pasuma was forced out his former house, which they claimed made him too quickly rent another place inside the estate to avoid embarrassment.
Question mark over Pasumaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s new home
eteran Nollywood actor, Zack Orji, has explained why he hardly features in too many ÂżOPV QRZDGD\V XQOLNH ZKHQ KH ZDV D UHJXODU face on the silver screens. He said in a recent chat that age has limited his acceptance of several movie roles that jostle for his attention. Zack Orji also said how he accepted to be ordained as a man of God in 2012. According to him, when his pastor approached him with the offer; he gladly grabbed it without questioning. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Even before my ordination, I had been receiving invitations from different places to come and minister. So when the offer came from my bishop to ordain me, I didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t reject it. I took it whole-heartedly and I get excited when I have opportunity to speak to people, inspire them and draw them closer to God,â&#x20AC;? he said.
I never rejected being ordained pastor - Zack Orji
rganisers of the Ambassador Charity Awards have concluded plans to stage the 2015 edition of the event in Lagos. The glamorous ceremony is set to take place at the Oriental Hotel in Lekki with a red carpet by 3pm. Several notable faces in the society have indicated their interest to grace the occasion. Ambassador Charity Awards is an event that recognizes philanthropists, humanitarians, charity homes and foundations in the society. Those who have carried out various philanthropic works are recognised at the ceremony, which has always been attended by many dignitaries from all walks of life. Project Coordinator of the programme, Ebuka Peters, who doubles as the CEO of Ambassador Showbiz Plus, explained that since the inception of the event in 2013, Oriental Hotel in Lekki has always been the venue of the ceremony.
efore now, Ruggedman and 9ice were very close pals. In fact, some people started to know about 9ice when the rapper featured him in one of his songs back then entitled Ruggeddy Baba. There have been talks that it was this Abia State-born artiste that gave the Oyo State-born singer the platform to become who he is today. According to what some insiders said, 9ice met his former wife, Toni Payne through Ruggedman. Today, the two hardly see eye-to-eye. When 9ice released his controversial single, Once Bitten, tongues wagged. Rumour-mongers claimed 9ice sang about his marriage in the song. Many were quick to say 9ice was referring to Ruggedman as the man he said he caught sleeping with his lover. What made the issue to look credible was that it was almost after the release of the controversial song that 9ice ended his marriage with Toni Payne.
By AJIBADE ALABI e-mail: murphyaa_2007@yahoo.com
Ajibade Alabi 08023934887
Otolorin explains delay in album release lassical presenter, Emmanuel Adeyemo aka Otolorin, has explained the reason why his latest album titled â&#x20AC;&#x153;Olurapadaâ&#x20AC;? has not hit the market even though the song is on many radio programmes. The talented presenter who is also an actor said he was following order from God. â&#x20AC;&#x153;God told me to let the music be aired first so that the message could be well accepted by people before we will start selling it. A lot of people have asked us for it, but we are using this medium to tell them to be patient. We also went back to studio to remix it as God directed, but soonest, we will let people know when it will be out and how and where to buy it â&#x20AC;&#x153; He also used the opportunity to thank those who sincerely believed in him.â&#x20AC;? There are friends and there are friends; on this level, I sincerely want to appreciate Prot. Adeola Odubiyi, J. P, Baba Emayo, Alhaji Prince Muraina Banjoko, CEO Threeco Construction Co. LTD, Architect David Adebayo Adegbite, CEO Mistekay Oil and Gas, Pastor Akinboade, Dr.Wale Babalakin SAN, Chief Tunji Oyebanji, Alhaji J, Irorun, Hon Tunde Akintola and all media menâ&#x20AC;?
he claim by Nollywood star actress Rukky Sanda that she feeds 100 people weekly hit this reporter. Though she is one actress in the Nigerian movie industry that has battled with the wrong perception people have about her, even though she has managed to stay on top despite the numerous controversies that have trailed her since venturing into the razzmatazz world some years ago. %XW WKH FRQWURYHUVLDO DFWUHVV FXP ÂżOPPDNHU recently stunned people when she claimed she feeds 100 people a week. She said she has been doing that for long, but just decided not make noise about it. According to her, â&#x20AC;&#x153;I feed 100 people every week; the cooked food is taken to homeless people every week. My mom does the ZRUN ZKLOH , ÂżQDQFH LW ´
I feed 100 people weekly â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Rukky Sanda
opular Nollywood actress, Shade Omoniyi, better known as Lepa Shandy, has been out of sight lately which has caused many to ask of her whereabouts. But the actress has calmed nerves with the release of some photographs with her darling husband, who is based in Dublin. Lepa Shandy, as we learnt, has been very busy taking good care of her family which has reduced her appearance on movie sets in recent times. She was seen loved up with her man in the set of pictures released a while ago. In an interview she granted a newspaper sometimes ago, she spoke glowingly of her husband, Dayo Adewale.
Lepa Shandy shows off hubby in new pix
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 24, 2015
Ruggedman never slept with Toni Payne â&#x20AC;&#x201D; 9ice
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 24, 2015
2015 Ambassador Charity Awards holds in Lagos
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 24, 2015
Qismat Yinus
More Tripping... 51 51
Tuface, others storm London Felabration
s the Felabration events rocked on in Nigeria, London joined the fray with a night of music, drums, sultry saxophone and music from the stars. Held at the British Library, the sold-out Felabration event played to capacity crowd as stars like Shingai from The Noisettes and Dele Sosimi kept the crowd enthralled with classic hits ‘Zombie’ and ‘Lady’. The amazing Tony Allen also performed on the drums. Tuface Idibia was one of the headline acts of the night, performing ‘Water - E No Get Enemy’ with Tony Allen and Laura Mvula to an ecstatic crowd and later, ‘Olufemi’ with Bumi Thomas.
Mercy Aigbe shines at City People Fashion & Beauty Awards
s at Ace n tu s ri a h u B ra h a Z Charity event
Pres. Buhari’s daughter Zahra looked stunning at the 15th anniversary of Ace Charity which took place in Abuja last weekend. Zahra is the ambassador of the NGO.
The very stylish actress won the award for the Most Stylish Female Showbiz Star of the Year 2015. Well deserved!
Newswatch TImes, Saturday, October 24, 2015
The Counselor Bimpe Onwuchekwa bimpechekwas@gmail.com
hen someone is or decides to be very moral and honest, he is being referred to as upright. ”Stand right,attention! National Anthem”. During this procedure, the hand is either placed at the sides or one of the hand saluting. No matter how you want it done, attention is always done with the two(2) legs placed together. When pronounced “Attention” it calls for caution and consciousness. Alertness precedes instruction. Let the right standing ones do what they know to do best. “Right standing citizenship elevates the nation. The execution of the instruction is dependent on the alertness. What to do, when, where, how it should be done, what you stand for, who do you stand for may be as a lawyer or even in a meeting We need to stand, to arise, to shine, to prove a point, receive mercy to stand from illness, from slumber, you can only stand by the potential, you’re equipped with. To stand is to be alert, to be deliberate and with consciousness. Standing needs a frame work. Whatever it is you stand for, or stand to achieve, be sure its “right”. Standing right portrays a good posture. Displays a good outlook and disposition to life. A left handed recruit is not pardoned for saluting with the left hand. Be careful of how you are addressed. Courtesy demands you welcome your guest with a right hand shake. Who do you acclaim, who do you fear respect or regard. Who leads you? Who is your mentor, who and what do you appreciate in people. Being upright demands responsibility, courage, discipline, integrity, vision, simplicity perseverance and Godliness. With these iit’s easy to stand the test of time and pressure. To be patriotic becomes a goal. To be faithful and dedicated in whatever we are involved in becomes a responsibility. Integrity and discipline becomes a watchword and a guide. With a simple vision for a better country. You are able to persevere and overcome the “suͿering” when and where necessary. Get it right with those who endorse and validates you. With your right stand with God and man, your purposeful expectations are made to manifest and you tend to progress and prosper. Being upright is usually a legacy good parents leave for their children to work by. Here are some questions to help guide you as a potential good parent. *what norms and values do you place value on, that is, what are your family values? *in your home, who and what are you, a role model or a dictator, are you a responsible parent or an activist, an undisciplined or a disciplinarian. *are you graceful and well mannered or sarcastic and resentful. Parents as mature citizens in their work place should always check their motive to wanting to become an executive or a boss, inquire within yourself if it is to equip or violate your staͿ/subordinates, conquer or liberate them, fulÀl or exploit them, extort or explore them, fortify or break them,ignite their potential or extinguish it, disconnect or charge them and more. Are you a autocratic or democratic leader, cooperative or constipated boss, success and goal oriented, dilligent and zealous about achievement and progress of the establishment. I once worked at my Dad’s company as an industrial trainee, he was then the personnel manager. He would go w ith me, and usually I got down at the entrance gate. Most of the staͿ knew my Àrst name not my surname, so they were not aware of my relationship with their PM. Due to my course of study,i went from one department to the other to Àx,Àt and connect. The staͿ would make various complaints, pass diͿerent comments and observations about their bosses. I as a young lady would listen attentively without any comments nor dis-
STAND RIGHT–Be Upright position to indicate I knew any of them. All I heard about my Dad were positive things that prove him as a purposeful person. There fore a good parent will train her children appropriately as to becoming good scholars at every stage of their lifes. Viewing parents as couples and partners would always have a lot to do with their stand and their uprightness as regards to the children, so meanwhile they need to lay good examples by being good and reliable planners not players. Being loving, giving, forgiving and open not being crooked and discrete. Being steadfast, understanding, considerate and not being selfcentered. As they execute this, they build the right foundation for these children. The child as a scholar would take cognisance of the following ; *As a students who are you and what are you made of ? *Do you study just to be someone or to be who you should be ? *Do you prepare to excel in your exams or prepare to cheat? *Do you await your result or the result is simply in your name? *Do you sit to chit chat or sit to discuss relevant issues? *Do you stand to gain or to achieve? *Do you gather to gossip or plan, scrutinise and analyse reasonable agendas? *Do you plan to fail or fail to plan? *Do you just count on your parents or they also are able to count on you? Knowing who you are entails knowing your family background, the son of whom you are, what your family has been known for or what you want your family to be known for, because if you are from a corrupt family with a tarnished name, you can be the one to set a new pace for the up coming generation after you.
Rule your world by following principles and laws of the land you live or belong. When you are responsible to your land, then your land begins to yield you increase. When and if you sow corruption, then you will yield corruption. It might be simple Ànancial corruption that you sow, according to laws of nature, you will yield all round (whirlwind) corruption. When you do the right things,you tend to be happy always. You are more healthy, you have a clearer vision of your tommorrow, you’re sure of God’s backing and you begin to glid/soar into greater heights. Following rules and regulations makes you rule and of course your life is regulated. All these refers to a true Nigerian, who is also patriotic, a clever one that is also seasoned. A genuine Nigerian, who is regenerated, a bonaÀde one with honour, an educated one who is also enlightened and an exposed and groomed one. The rich and generous, classy, also decent with a moral and honest complying spirit. When we stand right to serve as a citizen of a country, it shows regard,it brings uplifting,dignity,progress, joy, justice, peace, unity, freedom and in turn prosperity to the country. Serve with the right Spirit, loyalty and dedicated heart. Source for wealth, work for riches, plan for breakthrough, and with the right motive, be sure and be reassured that after the quest, you will be at rest. With the heart of gold you become a Precious Vessel. With the diamond heart you become beautiful, unbreakable and highly sourced for. But with a heart of stone you become a material for trampling, thereby becoming irrelevant. And with the heart of Áesh, you become a symbol for life and vitality. Become a living being, make an impact, stand right and be upright to shine, fulÀl the essence of your existence. Our future is Glorious!
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 24, 2015
Feminine clips e ha s be en ee n of Ni ge ria n cu ltu re. Sh qu the as ed rib sc de be y Sh e ca n ea sil ck sin ge r ba ck to wh en sh e wa s a ba g tin da ars ye ral ve se for in the ind us try be en off nja mi n ak a Flo xy Be e ha s Be ce ren Flo s. un os Ok y AB I to the lat e Su nn fam ilia r ter rai n. AJ IB AD E AL r he to n ur ret to t se is t bu the air for ye ars , iss ue s an d sp ok e on ma ny su nd ry tly en rec r he th wi up ht ug ca
ho is Floxy Bee? ell, I don t think anybody Well, ho is conversant with who usic industry will ever Nigerian music forget who Floxy Bee is. May be neration; even at that, the new generation; till rings bell within my name still ndustry. the music industry. Agreed, butt you can still tell h our memory us to refresh Okay, let me start by saying that myy name is Florence Benjamin, also known and addressed as Floxy Bee Yeye Asa Hikosso. I am from Modakeke,Ile n State and have been in Ife in Osun the industry for close to 30 years now. kup singer to the late Sonny I was a backup Okosun for years . I could still recollect m with Sonny Okosuns titled the hit album arly 80s. That was one album Ogo yi in early that broughtt me to limelight. What have you been doing since you left Sonny Okosuns? I have beenn singing. I have never left music scenee for anything. It is just that I have not been in limelight of paparazzi of sort, butt I have never f o r once left thee industry. You have a bead on your neck and on almost on other partss of your body; are you a queen or what? I am not just having the bead on me for fun, I am a princess. I am Yeye Asa of Ile Ife iyan fowo ragi Why did you decide to go for cultural music and not othergenre like waka or something else? I went for cultural music because it was a way to showcase my identity to the entire world. To me, I believe it is an ignorant person that promotes another manâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
culture. You can never see a white artiste promoting foreign music, but it here in Africa especially in Nigeria that you will see a musician promoting foreign culture So what is the difference between our culture and others? The difference has to do with the way we behave and act. For those of us who abide by our culture, we are always well behaved
and respect elders. You know our culture forbids people from being disrespectful; so we are always cautioned when it comes to that. What type of music do you play? I play high life, Makosa and Soukous After returning to the musical scene, what projects have you done? I have done many things, like the unveiling
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 24, 2015
Feminine clips
of my brand (Foxy Bee Yeye) which was held at Island on July 31st 2015. I also have other things coming up like on November 29; then also here at HUB in Ikeja, Lagos, I will be having a show on December, 24, 2015. All these shows are what I want to use to announce my re-entry into the entertainment world Can I refer to you as ‘old school’ artiste if you allow me? Na you sabi, anyone wey u like call me Okay, as an old school artiste, what is the difference between the old school and the new school? The difference is not much. Before, you could express yourself through songs, but now, you cannot do that since instruments have taken over. Who are your contemporaries? My contemporaries are Stella Monye, Onyeka Onwenu and Christ Essien Igbokwe of blessed memory I am sure you also have people you look up as a role models? Yes, but I only have one person and that is Mariam Makeba What turns you on before going on stage to perform? I don’t understand you. I mean before going on stage, do you take some alcohol or some thing that will stimulate you? smoke somea funny question. I don’t do What that, and I don t think I need that to perform to my best. I am naturally talented when it comes to singing, especially on culture. I only get turned on with what I want to dish out to people to enjoy my show and nothing else.
PAThis i G SAs for E LE
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 24, 2015
CALL 08057482794
L-R: President Mahammedu Buhari Welcoming the Former Military Head of State Gen. Ibrahim Babangida; during the National Council of State Meeting, held at the Presidential Villa Abuja
L-R Former President Interim Government, Chief Ernest Shonekan; Governor Emmanuel Udom of Akwa-Ibom State and Former Head of State Gen. Abubakar Abdulsalami, during the meeting. Photo: Anayo Opara
Lagos State Governor, Mr. Akinwunmi Ambode (middle), Deputy Governor, Dr. (Mrs.) Oluranti Adebule (second left), Secretary to the State Government, Mr. Tunji Bello (left), Chief of Staff to the Governor, Mr. Olukunle Ojo (second right) and Attorney General & Commissioner for Justice, Mr. Adeniji Kazeem (right).
Lagos State Governor, Mr. Akinwunmi Ambode (middle) in a group photograph with the State Executive members.
L-R: Director-General, Debt Management Office, Dr. Abraham Nwankwo, Representative of Speaker, House of Assembly/ representative of Ganye, Jada, Toungo, Mago federal constituency, Adamawa, Hon Abdulrazak Namdas; Representative of Vice President/Senior Special Adviser on Media and Publicity ot President Muhammadu Buhari, Mr. Femi Adesina; Emeritus Chairman, Punch Newspapers, Chief AjibolaOgunshola; President, GOCOP, Mr. Malachy Agbo
L-R: Managing Director/Editor-in-Chief, The ExpressNews, Mr. Kayode Olawuyi; Publisher/Editor-in-Chief, News Express, Mr. Isaac Umunna and Representative of Vice President/Senior Special Adviser on Media and Publicity to President Muhammadu Buhari, Mr. Femi Adesina. Photos: Abiodun Omotosho
L-R: Former Governor, Ekiti State/Guest Speaker, Dr. Kayode Fayemi; Former Secretary-General, The Commonwealth/Chairman of the Occasion, Chief Emeka Anyaoku and Doyen of Accountancy Profession in Nigeria, Mr. Akintola Williams.
L-R: President, Nigerian Conservation Foundation, Chief Phillips Asiodu; Former DirectorGeneral, Lagos Chamber of commerce and Industry, Mr. Adekunle Olumide and Former Nigeria High Commissioner to United Kingdom, Dr, Christopher Kolade at the event. Photos: Bode Agbede
3 39
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 24, 2015
CALL 08057482794
L-R: Lagos Chairman, Nigeria Medical Association (NMA), Dr. Tope Ojo; Director, Healthcare Planning Research and Statistic, Dr. Taiwo Olufemi; Ag. General Manager, Informal Sector Department, National Health Insurance Scheme, Dr. Jonathan Eke and Chairman of the occasion, Sen. Olorunimbe Mamora. Photo: Segun Padonu
is Th GE PAis for E L
L-R: Human Resource Director, Monica Peach; Supply Chain Director, Cephas Afebuameh and Corporate Relations Director, Sesan Sobowale, all of Guinness Nigeria at the Guinness Nigeria’s Distributors Conference, tagged ‘Partners for Growth’ held at Classique Events Centre, Lagos…On Thursday.
L-R: Chairman, LOC, Dr. Olusegun Akinwotu; Chairman, National Committee on Eye Care, Nigeria Medical Association, Dr. Adenekan Adetunji and Secretary LOC, Dr. Peter Oluseun Ogunnubi.
L-R: Corporate Relations Director, Sesan Sobowale; Sales Director, Paul Costigan; both of Guinness Nigeria, Managing Director, Edinho Nigeria Limited, Chief Edmond Okafor; Supply Chain Director, Cephas Afebuameh and Managing Director/ Chief Executive Officer, Guinness Nigeria, Peter Ndegwa, at the conference.
L-R: Chairman of the occasion, Prof. Joseph Dada Adeyemi; Engr. Nathaniel Ikem; his wife, Dr. Lizzy Ikem; their daughter and author of the book, Dr. Vivian Ikem and representative of Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, Mr. Sunday Dare.
L-R: Chief Olatunde Onakoya; Executive Director, Bridge House College, Mrs. F.K. Abdul Razak and Managing Director, A & E Venhes Limited, Princess A. Onafowokan.
L-R: Ona of Abaji, Alhaji Adamu Yunusa who represented the Sultan of Sokoto; Director, Realm of Glory Iternational Ministries, Rev. Sam Aiyedogbon; Former Presidential Candidate of Kowa Party, Prof. Remi Sonaiya; Executive Secretary, Women’s Rights Advancement and Protection Alternative, Hajiya Haidetu Saudi, and former Deputy Governor of Plateau, Dame Pauline Tallen.
Market women at the presentation.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 24, 2015
My Kitchen
Qismat Yinus
Talking Nutrition with CHIZOBA BENSON
0806.565.1922 (sms only) chizobanwobu@yahoo.com
Amazing health benefits of cucumber
ucumber is an edible vegetable that comes from the cucumber plant cucumis sativus, which is part of the gourd family. They are one of the oldest cultivated vegetables and believed to have originated from India. It is a member of the same family as watermelon, pumpkins, gourds, squash and zucchini. Like watermelon, cucumbers are made up of mostly (95 percent) water, which means eating them on a hot sunny day can help you stay hydrated. Cucumbers are composed of mostly water and low in calories. Nutritionally, it has a very relatively high antioxidants such as vitamins A, B, C and K. It also contains valuable excellent sources of minerals like: silica, sodium, potassium, calcium, chlorine, Áuorine, sulphur and magnesium. The high Àber soluble Àber in cucumbers dissolves into a gel-like texture in your gut, helping to slow down your digestion. This helps you to feel full longer and is one reason why Àber-rich foods may help with weight control. The water content of the cucumber helps aid digestion, keeps the body hydrated and regulates body temperature. Cucumbers also contain unique polyphenols and other compounds that may help reduce one’s risk of chronic diseases such as cancers, etc. Silica in cucumber improves the health of the skin and makes it naturally hydrating resulting to a good complexion and a glowing skin. Silica also helps strengthen connective tissue such as bones, cartilage, ligaments, tendons and blood vessels. It is believed that cucumber when sliced into circles and placed on the eyes are the most wonderful and natural eye pads for those who have dark circles around their eyes. These natural eye pads do wonders when placed on the eyes in a relaxed fashion after a long days work. When cucumber is grated and applied over the face, eyes and neck, and left for 15 to 20 minutes has been found eͿective as a beauty aid and a best tonic for the skin, good for treating acne, pimples and other skin blemishes. Cucumber juice promotes hair growth, nails, teeth, gums and helps repair cells due to its high silicon and sulphur content particularly when mixed with carrot, lettuce and spinach juice. Cucumbers contain an anti-inÁammatory Áavonol called Àsetin that play an important role in brain health, improving memory and protecting nerve cells from age-related decline. Fisetin has been found to prevent progressive memory and learning impairments in mice with Alzheimer’s disease. Fresh cucumber juice can provide relief from heartburn, stomach disorders such as constipation, gastric and duodenal ulcers. It is good for dissolving kidney stones, treatment of urinary bladder disease and reduces hyperacidity in the urine. It is also said to be used in controlling high blood pressure because of the potassium, magnesium and Àber contents in it. Cucumbers contain multiple B vitamins, including vitamin B1, vitamin B5, and vitamin B7 (biotin). B vitamins are known to help ease feelings of anxiety and buͿer some of the damaging eͿects of stress.
How to prepare minced meat and cabbage stew
inced meat and cabbage stew is a tomato based stew you’ll surely enjoy. It is also quite easy to prepare and goes well with boiled rice, Spaghetti, yams, plantains and the likes. Ingredients for Minced meat and Cabbage Stew - 1 small sized Cabbage - 300 grams boneless beef or Chicken or Corned beef - 5 large fresh tomatoes OR 400 grams tomato puree - 2 tablespoonful thick Tomato paste(optional) - 1 small scotch bonnet pepper/ atarodo(to taste) - 1 red bell pepper/tatashe(optional) - 1 onion bulb(chopped) - 100ml Vegetable oil - 2 stock cubes/2 tablespoonful seasoning powder
- 1\2 teaspoon garlic powder(optional) - 1\2 teaspoon Thyme or Oregano - 1\2 teaspoon Curry powder Preparation A. If you haven’t done this yet, mince the beef or chicken or in a grind in a blender. B. Slice the cabbage to tiny strips, wash thoroughly with running water and strain in a sieve. 1. Heat up a spoonful of the oil in a small pot; add the chopped onions and garlic powder, stir-fry a bit and then add the minced meat. Stir-fry the mixture for 2 minutes or until it changes from it original color. 2. Now add a little water, add the sliced cabbage, thyme, curry, 1 stock cube and salt to taste. Mix well and leave to simmer for 3-5 minutes or
until the meat is done. Put of the heat and set aside. 3. If you don’t have tomato stew, then blend the tomatoes and peppers together;pour into a pot and dry out excess liquid from the tomato puree. Heat up the remaining oil in a pot, add the dried out tomato+pepper puree and fry a bit; then dilute the tomato paste with a spoonful of water and add to the pot. Mix well and continue frying for about 15 minutes or until the oil rises to the top of the stew. Stir constantly to prevent burning at the bottom. 4. Now, add the meat and cabbage mixture, taste for seasoning and salt, adjust if necessary. Stir well and simmer for 5 more minutes. Put off the heat, serve and enjoy with boiled rice, fried plantain or any meal you like.
Saturday, October 24, 2015
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Saturday, October24, 2015
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Saturday, October 24, 2015
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Saturday, October 24, 2015
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 24, 2015
Continued from Page 16
implicated in a multi-billion dollar fraud involving former Nigerian oil minister, Diezani Alison-Madueke, was on Monday in Abuja interrogated by the EFCC. He was interviewed by officers of the commission concerning his role in the corruption that engulfed the oil industry during President Goodluck Jonathanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s regime. His home and office in Lagos were ransacked last week as the EFCC waded into the case, which broke open with the arrest in London of Mrs. AlisonMadueke in London. Omokore is one of Mrs. Maduekeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s and former President Goodluck Jonathanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s front men who allegedly assisted in laundering over $20 billion believed to be stolen from Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s petroleum sector. However, Nigerians recall that the erstwhile toothless bulldog â&#x20AC;&#x201C; EFCC that has suddenly become a biting one couldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have been so ordinarily but for either the emergence of Buhari or blunt declaration and desire for optimal performance that would summarily enhance the countryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s seriousness battle against corruption. Before now, the ICPC and the EFCC have been powerless, such that corrupt leaders could only be checked by foreign agencies. What readily come to mind are the cases of the former governor of Delta State, James Onanefe Ibori and Sen. Kashamu Buruji. Prosecution of Nigerian politicians is usually a complex process. More often than not, trials involving influential former office holders drag on for years and may be susceptible to being compromised, especially, considering injunctions obtained by lawyers, and other loopholes exploited, there is uncertainty for justice. Reverse is the case in the judicial systems of the United States (US) and the United Kingdom (UK), not bogged down by the ethnic, cultural, historical or socio-political pressures of Nigerian society, have administered justice timely and impartially in cases involving some members of the Nigerian political elite. Newswatch Times recalled that Ibori was in 2009 discharged and acquitted by a Federal High Court sitting in Asaba, Delta State. He was being tried for 170-count charge of corruption brought against him by the EFCC. But, five years later, a London court convicted him of money laundering and conspiracy, on charges similar to the ones he was cleared of in Nigeria. Also, in September 2005, the late ex-Bayelsa State governor Diepreye Alamieyeseigha was
EFCCâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s sudden rise to duty
detained in London on charges of money laundering at a time he was not even under investigation in Nigeria and could not even be prosecuted because of his constitutional immunity. The extradition to the UK of a former Managing Director of the Nigerian Security Printing and Minting Company (NSPMC), Emmanuel Ehidiamhem Okoyomon, has been ordered by a Federal High Court in Abuja. Okoyomonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s extradition is being sought by the UK government over his alleged role in the bribery allegation involving officials of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), NSPMC and Securency International Pty of Australia between 2006 and 2008. The case of Kashamu is another example. Former AttorneyGeneral of the Federation (AGF) and Minister of Justice Mohammed Adoke (SAN) prayed in an application for extradition of the Nigerian businessman at
the Federal High Court in Lagos, that Kashamu was the subject of a one-count charge superseding indictment in a criminal case filed before an Illinois court on May 21, 1998. Penultimate Friday ago, Britainâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s National Crime Agency (NCA) invited Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s former Minister of Petroleum, Diezani Allison-Madueke and four others for talks concerning a case of bribery and money laundering. In almost all of these cases, voices of discontent have been raised by party loyalists or ethnic groups of the suspects, who have raised allegations of witchhunting and selective prosecution. In some cases, the potential for violence if convictions are secured against the suspects is not inconsequential. This is particularly true of the potentially-volatile Niger Delta region, home of most of Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s oil reserves. To circumvent this ugly situation, the Lagos-based lawyer
We have a duty to make our system work, Â&#x2039;Â&#x17E;Â?Ç°ČąÂ&#x2019;Â?ČąÂ&#x2019;Â?Č&#x201A;Â&#x153;ČąÂ&#x2DC;Â&#x2014;Â&#x2022;¢ȹ Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2014;ČąÂ?Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x203A;Â&#x17D;Č&#x201A;Â&#x153;ČąÂ&#x2014;Â&#x2DC;ČąÂ&#x2DC;Ä&#x203A;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2014;Â&#x152;Â&#x17D;Čą Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x203A;Â&#x17D;Ç°ČąÂ?Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;ČąÂ&#x2122;Â&#x17D;Â&#x203A;Â&#x153;Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2014;ČąÂ&#x2018;Â&#x160;Â&#x153;ČąÂ&#x2014;Â&#x2DC;Â?ČąÂ&#x152;Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2013;Â&#x2013;Â&#x2019;Ä´Â&#x17D;Â?ČąÂ&#x160;Â&#x2014;¢ȹ Â&#x2DC;Ä&#x203A;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2014;Â&#x152;Â&#x17D;ČąÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x203A;Â&#x17D;ČąÂ&#x2039;Â&#x17E;Â?ČąÂ&#x2018;Â&#x160;Â&#x153;ČąÂ&#x152;Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2013;Â&#x2013;Â&#x2019;Ä´Â&#x17D;Â?ČąÂ&#x160;Â&#x2014;ČąÂ&#x2DC;Ä&#x203A;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2014;Â&#x152;Â&#x17D;Čą abroad and thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a request for the person to be tried abroad, we must send the person Â&#x160; Â&#x160;¢ǯȹ Â&#x2019;Â&#x201D;Â&#x17D;ČąÂ?Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;ČąÂ&#x152;Â&#x160;Â&#x153;Â&#x17D;ČąÂ&#x2DC;Â?Čą Â&#x17E;Â&#x203A;Â&#x17E;Â&#x201C;Â&#x2019;Čą Â&#x160;Â&#x153;Â&#x2018;Â&#x160;Â&#x2013;Â&#x17E;ǰȹ Â&#x17D;Čą Â&#x2018;Â&#x160;Â&#x;Â&#x17D;ČąÂ&#x160;ČąÂ?Â&#x17E;Â?¢ǰȹÂ&#x2014;Â&#x2DC;ČąÂ&#x2013;Â&#x160;Ä´Â&#x17D;Â&#x203A;ČąÂ?Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;ČąÂ&#x2022;Â&#x17D;Â?Â&#x160;Â&#x2022;ČąÂ?¢Â&#x2013;Â&#x2014;Â&#x160;Â&#x153;Â?Â&#x2019;Â&#x152;Â&#x153;
and activist, Festus Keyamo recommended the overhaul of judicial system, saying, â&#x20AC;&#x153;So, the fact that our system is slow and not working does not mean that we should give up our sovereignty, I do not subscribe to that, we should not. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We have a duty to make our system work, but, if itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s only when thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s no offence here, the person has not committed any offence here but has committed an offence abroad and thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a request for the person to be tried abroad, we must send the person away. Like the case of Buruji Kashamu, we have a duty, no matter the legal gymnastics,â&#x20AC;? he said. Even where the Nigerian justice system fails, Keyamo recommended, â&#x20AC;&#x153;That does not mean that we should shy away from our responsibility to try people and convict them, we have a duty to make it work. So, if at the end we avoid trying people like that, in preference for sending them abroad, when will our system work?â&#x20AC;? Another legal practitioner, Malachy Ugwummadu suggested several measures that will better aid the fight against corruption. He said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;What we need to do is to strengthen the agencies of government that we have, campaign a lot more for the government to make the judiciary a lot more independent, punish judicial elements, be they judges of the High Courts, Customary Courts, Court of Appeal, Supreme Court, wherever they may be. Discipline those dissidents, who are in the habit of perverting justice and then fund properly the anti-corruption agencies.â&#x20AC;? He continued: â&#x20AC;&#x153;The welfare and security of this country are the primary responsibility of government. The administration of criminal justice in any country borders also on security. The reason is that if youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re unable to deal with crime and criminality using the instrumentality of the law and the judiciary, youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re exposing every other law-abiding citizen to another degree of violence, because at that point youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll be talking of self-help. â&#x20AC;&#x153;So, a government that throws its hands up in defeat and says well, the only thing we can do is to outsource our judicial system to the United Kingdom or United States; that is not creative. Secondly, it does nothing to correct the wrongs. My recommendation, therefore, is that our government should become a little introspective, look inwards, correct the anomalies in the system that has made it possible to frustrate effective criminal prosecution.â&#x20AC;?
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 24, 2015
Politics Osun ministerial nomination of controversy Olumide Lawal
his is rather an unsettling time in Osun, regarding the ministerial slot for the state, a situation that has triggered counter accusations from various interest groups, mainly for apparent selfish interest. To discerning minds, the issue of ministerial slot for Osun State ought to be a matter of serious sifting and weight among the political juggernauts in the state, especially those who actually worked for the realization of the success of President Muhammadu Buhari, at the March 28 election. By the present turn of events, as presently constituted, it requires sanity on the parts of the powers-that-be, to do the right thing to give the state a representative that is acceptable to them. Inasmuch, as I am not a fan of any nominee, particularly Prof. Issac Adewole, but the critical issue is that, here in Osun, and as in the past, we have enough materials in the political arena to fit the bill of a ministerial slot. So many of us, who are familiar with the political terrain of Osun State, are of the opinion that a labourer deserves his pay as promptly as possible; this applies to the issue of ministerial slot for Osun and the eminent politicians that staked all they had in the conquest of PDP in Osun State. They deserve to be carried along and get one of their own in place as a minister. Osun central district particularly, has able and capable hands that could be saddled with the responsibility. The thorough-bred politicians in this zone put everything in place to identify with APC, although they could have remained in PDP. How do we want those that they left behind in PDP, rate them in APC bloc? Is it as a people used and dumped by APC as a nonentity and political featherweight? The likes of Sen. Kolawole Ogunwale, Prince Olagunsoye Oyinlola are very worthy of consideration, all factors put together. These two eminent politicians among others have paid their dues in Osun APC politics.
tion by President Mohammed Buhari. Ogunwale will go down in the political history of Osun State, as a veritable and committed politician, who made his vast wealth outside politics as far back as 1975 and invested such wealth heavily in it for the benefit of the electorate and positive politicking. Osun State will definitely witness an uphill task in the future elections, if core politicians of no mean repute, are left out of the present allotment of major political offices, if what is happening right now is anything to go by. President Mohammed Buhari, should as a matter of urgency, redress the imbal-
ance in the present political patronages he has extended to Osun in the area of ministerial appointment. It is not too late to make amends, so that those, who with hearts of steel, left PDP for APC in 2014, will not become a buff of joke and laughing stock before their former colleagues in PDP. The likes of Ogunwale should not be made to regret their present sojourn in APC. Here is a Senator, who was adjudged the best in Osun, as far as the 5th Senate (2003-2007) was concerned. That is a no mean feat by all standards. ȊOlumide Lawal wrote from Ede, Osun State.
Yakubu Ibn Mohammed is a Media Consultant and Special Adviser on Media and Communications to Governor Mohammed Abubakar of Bauchi State. Mohammed was at various times the General Manager of different stations of Nigerian Television Authority (NTA); Director of News and Current Affairs, NTA Zonal Director and retired as NTA Executive Director of Special Duties in 2012 and went into Media Consultancy services before being appointed Special Adviser on Media and Communications. In this interview with NANKPAH BWAKAN, he assured media practitioners in WKH VWDWH RI JRYHUQPHQW·V VXSSRUW WRZDUGV D SURÀWLQJ SDUWQHUVKLS Excerpts:
ensure that there harmony between the government and the Media? Let me correct one impression, the governor and his government have never denied the Media as partners in progress for the development of Bauchi State. My coming is just to consolidate on the existing harmonious working relationship between the government and the media. I am just to act as a link between the government and the media and you will agree with me that the governor cannot be everywhere at the same times and mischief makers are bound everywhere not only in Bauchi but all over the world looking, for little mistakes or any opportunity to disseminate false information that will discredit the government. We have always treated the media as partners in progress and cobuilders and my coming on board to further practicalise and carry the media along in the activities of government as partners in progress. This will facilitate the process of restoring the state to its position of eminence not only in the region but Nigeria in general. I could even remember those glorious days of Bauchi State when people were coming from various states to copy the way and manner things were done here for their states but now, due to bad governance, Bauchi state is no longer seen as pacesetter. The present administra-
It is on record that Ogunwale majorly gave his vast resources to rally support for APC in Osun State at
the August 9 governorship election and March 28, 2015 presidential election. His like deserves recogni-
Bauchi needs media for progress – Gov’s aide
ow tasking is managing media for the Governor? It is quite challenging and interesting. Managing information is my area of specialty though, having worked in the Nigeria Television Authority (NTA) for 35 years. It is challenging because one is managing diěerent kind of information and from different sources. Sometimes you have information that is favorable to your principal and the government while it could also be detrimental to both another time, unfortunately, you have to always be on top of the situations and give the public correct and desired information knowing that there are always some people out there to destroy government with false information, it is my responsibility to ensure that the true position of things is presented to the public. It is also my duty to ensure that nothing is swept under the carpet because the people who voted this government
into power are expecting the dividends of democracy but nothing can be achieved in an atmosphere of confusion, uncertainty and people dis-
seminating falsehood information against the government. How do you intend to use your Media experience to
Continued on Page 53
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 24, 2015
Bauchi needs media for progress – Gov’s aide Continued from Page 50
tion of Governor Abubakar is working hard to make the state a paceseĴer by restoring the old glorious days and I can assure you that the glorious days is around the corner. The administration is aware that it cannot achieve that alone and have since made the media its strong partners in the match forward and the administration will not relent on it efforts in transform Bauchi. We are very much aware that when we carry the media along we have successfully carry the world along and as such we cannot afford to neglect the media for any reason because by carrying the media means carrying the people along. Can you recount some achievements so far recorded by your boss? It is too early to start talking of projects commissioning or other meaningful projects in those categories within these four months and in fact even in a year because you couldn’t have completed a project. However, a lot has been achieved within the four months of this administration. For example, in the area of fertilizer; when this administration came on board, the rainy season was on the way and the government took a look at the area of fertilizer and discovered that the previous administration did not do well in the area of fertilizer procurement; this administration urgently waded in to ensure harvest yields. What the government did was to procure 2,500 tons of fertilizer at N 250 million for distribution to farmers for this year’s farming season. The state has cleared all salary arrears inherited from the last administration; we even paid last month salary on the 17th of September. Projects have been mapped out around the 20 local government areas of the state but to talk of commissioning projects in just four months is premature and unrealistic. We don’t want to rush into executing projects that we will come back after three months and start re-awarding same projects again. This government has plans, focus and foresight and very soon you will begin to see commencement of work. The ęve-point agenda on health sector has been launched upon which all health programme of this
administration will be executed. The governor is also concerned about the state of education and very soon you will see tangible progress in these areas and others. What message do you have for the critics of Governor Abubakar’s administration? My appeal to them is to give peace a chance because nothing can be achieved in an atmosphere of uncertainty and once there is no peace, there can’t any meaningful development. Those that lost the election should know that we are all together in the struggle because they also claimed that they wanted to make lives beĴer for the people. So also this government and since elections are over and behind us, let us all work for the good of the state. We are not saying that people should not criticize government, people are free to criticize as long as the criticism are constructive and as a maĴer of fact, our doors are open for advises. We are aware that some people talk because they lost out and are no longer relevant and whatever
this government does they criticize but one day the people will rise against such people. We should please cooperate with this government for it to successfully execute it developmental agenda for the overall good of the people of the state. Though, there are other people who speak out because they want things to get better and we listen to such people and we are willing to
work with people. Can you recall your happy and sad moments in Jos, the capital of Plateau state? I was born in Jos and family came to Jos at the age of 19 years and died at age of 79 and our ęrst who is about 78 and he is still alive. So, I’m a bonaęde citizen of Jos, Plateau State. Growing up in Jos was a wonderful experience then because you will hardly notice the dif-
ference between Christian and Muslim because we celebrate Christmas and Salah together. I’m a Muslim but I went to a Catholic Primary and Secondary Schools in Jos and even for a day throughout the period of my sojourn in the school I was never discriminated against on account of my religion. Sadly, we all witnessed the killings in Jos and for over 15 years, Jos has not known peace. Do you think Plateau state has any hope of rising again? Jos was a place to be when we were growing up and whenever I go to Jos now my heart bleeds because people that used to come to Jos on transfer and later seĴle down there even after retirement are no longer there and people no longer want to be transferred to Jos. That was Jos for you and we want Jos to come back to it lost glory. I must say that the present administration of Governor Simon Lalong is making serious eěort in restoring the state to it lost glory and we pray the people will support him because he has shown the will and commitment to restore peace in the state. Jos can rise again.
Lawyers want NBA to stick to use of delegates for elections
ome lawyers in Abuja have advised the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) to continue with the use of delegates for its election, saying that reverting to the former method may be problematic. There was a suggestion at the Annual General Meeting of the NBA in August in Abuja that the election by delegates was not all inclusive. Some had suggested that the NBA should drop the current method of electing oĜcials by delegates and go back to its former method which allowed all lawyers to participate in the election. A lawyer, Mr Afraimu Jingi, who spoke with NAN in Abuja on Thursday, wondered why some lawyers would think of going back to that method which had a lot of problems. ``It is just a suggestion and not a resolution. Formerly that was what we used to do before 1992, but because of the problem we had during the Port Harcourt conference where people were sponsoring thugs. ``Some people will just buy a suit and give someone to wear and start voting, that was why they decided that it has to be by delegates from each branch,’’ Jingi said. Jingi maintained that if the
NBA must go back to the former method of allowing all lawyers to vote, it must device eěective mechanisms to check malpractices in the processes. ``If they want to go back, why not, but then they have to be very strict otherwise people who are not lawyers will still come and vote. ``A situation where you have about 5,000 lawyers, how many weeks will it take to vote, that was why they decided to do it by delegate in the ęrst place. Another lawyer, Mrs Funmi Quadri, also noted that re-
verting to the former practice might not be in the best interest of the Bar. ``They are still considering that and it may not be beĴer because lawyers are very many and waiting for all of us to vote may be an uphill task,’’ Quadri said. On her part, Ms Mary Akpan, said that the current method was more eěective and eĜcient and going back to the old method might take the NBA back to ``square one”. According to her, what the NBA needs is to put in place
checks to ensure that the delegates are not bought over by the highest bidder. ``Election by delegates works beĴer, but I believe why some people have a problem with it is because of allegations that the delegates usually make a lot of money from those contesting for positions or their sponsors. ``If the Bar is able to ęnd a way to stop this or at least reduce it to the barest minimum, I don’t think anyone will want us to go back to the old method,’’ Akpan said.
governorship election. He said the call was necessary to enable the governor to complete the numerous developmental projects and programmes that his administration started. According to him, the governor has attracted investors both locally and internationally and has resolved not to abandon any project. Aremu said that on assumption of office in 2012, Wada took up all the projects he inherited from his
predecessor, Alhaji Idris Ibrahim, and completed them. ``There is high tendency to abandon projects in the state if a new government emerges. ``A number of investors have come on board, a lot of World Bank projects are ongoing and other private international investors are in place. ``In spite the fact that the state’s wage bill is one of highest in the North- Central, salaries were being paid when due.’’
Kogi Election: Commissioner urges electorate to keep faith with Wada administration
he Kogi State Commissioner for Environment and Natural Resources, Mr Stephen Aremu, has urged electorate in the state to keep faith with the government of Capt. Idris Wada. Aremu made the appeal in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Lokoja. He, therefore, appealed to the people to give the governor another opportunity, through their votes, to govern the state for the second term in the Nov. 21
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Saturday, October 24
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 24, 2015
North Central Gowon foundation partners Nasarawa govt to end tropical diseases Godwin Ojoshimite, La¿a
L-R: Cuban Ambassador to Nigeria, Ambassador Carlose Trejo Sosa; National President, Nigerian Association of Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Agriculture (NACCIMA), Chief Bassey Edem, Director General, NACCIMA, Cobham and Elected Ex-Of¿cio Member, NACCIMA, Mr. David Etim, during a business meeting between NACCIMA and the Embassy of Cuba in Lagos…on Thursday.
Ortom to super vise distribution of materials to IDPs Godwin Akor, Makurdi
ollowing allegations that some of the materials donated for the upkeep of those displaced by flood have not been properly distributed, Governor Samuel Ortom of Benue State has decided to be personally involved in the distribution. Ortom who gave this indication while receiving relief materials donated by Chinese Company, CGC Nigeria Limited, at Benue People’s House, said the
company was the first organization to identify with his administration since the problem of flood started. He called on public and private organizations to emulate the good example of CGC which has discharged its social responsibility and observed that the company was planting a seed for the future. He said Benue appears to be lucky this year because flood problem has reduced and stressed that report of the state government’s flood manage-
ment committee would help his administration to take precautionary measures next year. Earlier, Zonal Director of CGC Nigeria Limited,. Mr Lb-Hai Mine, had told the governor that the donation was to show that the organization identifies with the state government in times of difficulty and commended the governor for trying to reposition the state. Items donated by CGC Nigeria Limited included 110 bags of rice, 300 cartons of Indomie Noodle, several bags of flour and
sugar. Meanwhile, the State Chairman of the Nigeria Labour Congress, NLC, Comrade Godwin Anya, has said civil servants would be paid arrears of their salaries from the N12.5 billion bailout as screening commences next week. Anya told newsmen that the committee appointed by the state government to screen workers would not witchhunt anybody and urged workers to cooperate with the members within the period of the exercise.
Kogi appoints new VC for state university Ademu Idakwo, Lokoja
ogi State Government has appointed Professor Mohammed Sanni Abdulkadir as the 4th Vice Chancellor of Kogi State University (KSU), Anyigba. While taking over from his predecessor, Prof. Hassan S. Isah, the new vice chancellor called for
teamwork, promising to run an all-inclusive administration to ensure the university moves forward. Earlier, the immediate past vice chancellor, Prof Hassan Isah, had thanked principal oĜcers of the university for the support accorded him during his tenure and urged them to extend same to the incoming VC. Until his appointment,
Prof Abdulkadir was member of Governing Board of Kogi State University. He began his undergraduate studies at Bayero University, Kano, in 1977 and graduated with Bachelors of Arts (Hons) in History with second class upper division in 1980. He crowned his academic exploit with a PhD in Economic History from BUK
in 1990. The new VC who began his working career as Graduate Assistant at BUK in 1981, rose through the ranks to become Professor of Economic History in October 2000 and has taught several courses at the undergraduate, post graduate and PhD levels in various universities within and outside the country.
American company to partner Nigeria on cancer Gyang Bere, Jos
irector of 4Life Scientięc Research Company based in America, Kelvin Moore, has expressed commitment to partner with Nigerians to curb the increasing health challenges that has ravaged the country. He said the company
will also create wealth for Nigerians which will aid President Muhammadu Buhari’s quest in tackling unemployment and create job opportunities for youths. Moore started this yesterday in Jos during a seminar to create awareness and to educate Nigerian citizens in northern Nigeria on the supplement produced by
his company. He said the product is suitable for treatment of cancer, diabetes, hepatitis, typhoid and other immune related diseases. He noted that 4Life Company , “Together,Building People,” has produced a product called Transfer Factor, which has passed through scientięc experiment and has helped people
with health challenges such as cancer, hepatitis and people with chronic respiratory condition and with all immune related diseases all over the world. He added that Transfer Factor Recall is formulated to support brain and pathways associated with mental activity and overall brain health support ability.
he Yakubu Gowon Foundation has entered into partnership with the Nasarawa state government to put an end to the plethora of tropical diseases in the state. The foundation in conjunction with Carter Foundation are synonymous with the eradication of guinea worm disease in the country. Speaking in a meeting held at Government House LaÀa yesterday, chairman of the foundation, General Yakubu Gowon (rtd), said having succeeded in the eradication of guinea worm in the country, the foundation in conjunction with the World Health Organisation (WHO) and other relevant bodies are embarking on the eradication of tropical diseases in the state. According to the former Head of State, diseases such
as malaria, hook worm and river blindness are preventable, but have led to the death of large number of people because of negligence. He explained that early preventive measures on such diseases could help reduce the number of people who die from them. He added that the essence of their visit to the state was to solicit for the support of the state government to ensure that war against the scourge is successful. Responding, Governor Umar Tanko Al-makura of Nasarawa state thanked the former head of state for stretching his hand of partnership to the state and assured him of the state government’s support to actualising the full implementation of the programme, adding that government was already taking measures to mitigate some of the diseases.
Jos inland container depot to be rebuilt soon - Nigeria Shipper’s Counci Gyang Bere, Jos
orth Central Zonal Coordinator of Nigeria Shipper’s Council, Mr. Bali Kparbong, said the administration of Governor Simon Lalong of Plateau State has shown strong commitment to rebuild the demolished Jos inland container dry port in Kassa, Barkin-Ladi Ladi Local Government Area of the State. He noted that, the depot which is a Federal Government project in the state was stopped midway and some of the structures destroyed by the administration of Sen. Jonah David Jang without any genuine reason. Mr. Kparbong stated this
yesterday in an interview with journalists shortly after the inspection of the demolished site by the Chief of StaͿ, Government House, Jos, and a director in the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Plateau State. He noted that Duncan International Inland Container who is the concessionaire operators are ready to resume work since the demolition took place on July 23, 2011, adding that the project, if completed, will boost the economy of the state. According to him, “Plateau State Government under the administration of Simon Lalong and the Nigeria Shipper’s Council has been talking and has shown strong commitment to commence construction.
UNIJOS lecturers begin indefinite strike
ecturers at the University of Jos, Plateau State, have begun an indeÀnite strike to press home their demands for improved working conditions. The lecturers, in a statement by Prof F. C. Piwuna, chairman of the university’s chapter of Academic StaͿ Union of Universities (ASUU), on Friday in Jos, said ASUU’s National Executive Council (NEC) had approved the action. ``The NEC of ASUU has approved our request for total, indeÀnite and comprehensive strike starting
immediately. ``It means that all activities , teaching, supervision, examination as well as statutory and ad hoc committee meetings have been suspended,’’ it said. Although Piwuna did not give further details on the reasons for the strike, it was learnt that the lecturers’ grievance bordered on, among other things, alleged discrepancies in the payments of entitlements. The lecturers are also demanding that certain allowances enjoyed by their colleagues in other institutions be paid to them.
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 24, 2015
Sports Update
Iheanacho, Simon lead invitees for Senegal 2015
ead Coach of the Under-23 National Team (Dream Team), Samson Siasia, has invited a total of 51 players made up of 35 home based and 16 overseas based professionals to camp, in preparation for the Africa U-23 Cup of Nations holding in Senegal from 28th November - 12th December this year. From the list released, the home based players are being led to camp by experienced Enugu Rangers’ goal –tender Emmanuel Daniel, Abia Warriors defender Erhun Obanor, Warri Wolves aĴacking midęelder Oghenekaro
Dedevbo vows to win against South Africa
alconets head coach, Peter Dedevbo, has said his side are damn prepared to confront their South African
opposite, Basetsana. The Nigerians will engage the South Africans in the ęrst leg ęxture ęnal round African qualięer for the
2016 FIFA Under-20 Women’s World Cup in Papua New Guinea on Saturday at the Abuja National Stadium. Falconets edged the Democratic Republic of Congo while Basetsana overcame the Zambians to pave the way for the ęnal ticket clash. Dedevbo said their aim is to win convincingly so as to make a mere formality the reverse ęxture in Johannesburg. “We ended on Thursday our preparations, we are resting today (Friday) and tomorrow (Saturday) is the match day and I believe we are ready South Africa. “The crucial encounter involves familiar opponents, South Africa know us inside out same way, too we know them
so it will be an interesting match. “However, we want to win and win convincingly so that when we go to Johannesburg for the reverse ęxture it will be relatively a cheap game. “The players are in high spirit to get the match perfectly done and secure the vital World Cup ticket for Nigeria. “There is no injury worry so we will ęeld the very best legs against the South Africans,” said the former Flamingoes coach to supersport.com. The aggregate winners of the two-legged encounter will claim the spot at the forthcoming Fifa U20 Women’s World Cup in Papua New Guinea. Falconets were runnersup in the immediate past edition in Canada.
Champagne enters FIFA presidential election contest
his time time, Jerome Champagne has oĜcially entered the FIFA presidential election race. “I sent my application leĴer and eight nomination leĴers to FIFA on Monday night,” Champagne, a French former diplomat, told The Associated Press in an interview ahead of launching his bid for football’s top job on Friday. “It’s an exciting mission,” said the onetime FIFA international relations director, who has sent a 7-page manifesto to FIFA’s 209 member federations. Champagne’s detailed document includes plans to modernize how the embaĴled governing body is run, ęght inequality ȯ including cuts to European places at FIFA and the
World Cup ȯ and to trial the use of video review to help referees. Champagne campaigned for the previous election, won in May by his former boss and ally Sepp BlaĴer, but did not get the required backing of ęve members to
be a candidate. He now joins Michel Platini, Prince Ali bin al-Hussein and David Nakhid, a former Trinidad and Tobago player, in meeting Monday’s deadline to apply for the Feb. 26 emergency election. More contenders
are set to stand. Platini, who helped force Champagne’s exit from FIFA in 2010, is suspended by the FIFA ethics commiĴee and unlikely to be accepted as a candidate. The UEFA president is appealing against his ban for taking a $2 million salary payment nine years after he worked as BlaĴer’s personal adviser. BlaĴer, who is also suspended for paying Platini from FIFA funds in 2011, called the election amid a deepening corruption crisis in June. He announced his planned exit just four days after winning reelection despite FIFA then being subject to American and Swiss criminal investigations of bribery and suspected moneylaundering.
Etebo and Enyimba midęeld maestro Kingsley Sokari. The overseas legion is being led by Turkey –based Azubuike Okechukwu (captain of the team), Manchester City striker Kelechi Iheanacho, Belgium based Moses Simon, Spain – based Isaac Success and Germany –based Taiwo Awoniyi. Home based players are expected to report to the Serob Legacy Hotel, Wuye camp immediately while the overseas -based players would report at the team’s ęnal training camp before the tournament.
Nigeria face tricky visit to Burkina Faso
igeria face a tricky trip to Burkina Faso on Sunday with the main prize being a place at next year’s African Nations Championship (CHAN) in Rwanda. Last weekend, the Eagles defeated Burkina Faso 2-0 in the ęrst leg played in Port Harcourt with goals from Gbolahan Salami and Bature Yaro. But Burkina Faso coach Traore Idrissa was far from impressed and boasted Les Etalons could overturn this advantage within 30 minutes of the return leg. The CHAN Eagles carved out the beĴer chances in Port Harcourt, but the Burkinabes also threatened the Nigeria goal at least twice. Assistant coach Salisu Yusuf, in for the ailing Sunday Oliseh, is expected to ring a number of changes in the starting XI on Sunday at the August 4 Stadium in Ouagadougou.
Gbolahan Salami, CHAN Eagles captain
Rightback Solomon Kwambe is ruled out due to injury and his place could be taken by Orji Kalu or MaĴhew Etim, who was handed a late call-up. The Eagles defence led by Abia Warriors ace Austin Oboroakpo will be tested, but in aĴack Nigeria boast of several players who have goals in them – Gbolahan Salami, Bature Yaro, Chisom Chikatara, Osas Okoro and Ezekiel Bassey. “We do not expect an easy game and so we will ęght as well,” said coach Yusuf. Burkina Faso were reportedly missing several players for the ęrst leg and are expected to strengthen the team for this Nigerian visit. Enyimba goalkeeper Femi Thomas, who was cover for Sunshine Stats goalkeeper Ikechukwu Ezenwa in the ęrst leg, said Nigeria are ready for baĴle in Ouagadougou.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 24, 2015
CAF celebrates Hayatou as FIFA boss
he Confederation of African Football (CAF) is celebrating the rise of its president, Issa Hayatou, to be president of world football (FIFA), even if it is for a brief moment. Last Wednesday, members of the Executive CommiĴee of CAF were joined by the Youth and Sports Minister of Egypt, Khaled Abdel Aziz to give Hayatou a celebratory welcome when he returned from his ęrst oĜcial assignment as the acting FIFA president. Last Monday, Hayatou was in Zurich to chair the FIFA ExCo meeting, during which he stressed that the reforms at the world football governing body were on course as it was necessary to save the beautiful game. Ghana Football Asso-
ciation president, Kwesi Nyantakyi, who is also a member of the CAF ExCo, told the Graphic Sports that members were proud of Hayatou’s achievement, hence the decision to celebrate him. “It is a historic moment for African football and though it be for a period, Hayatou has made Africa and himself proud with his new position,” Nyantakyi told the paper in an exclusive interview from Cairo, where the CAF ExCo meeting is ongoing. According to Nyantakyi, Hayatou’s rise to the top was comparable to the joy and pride that engulfed the whole continent when George Oppong Weah was named the World’s Best Player in 2005. “To date, it stands out as a historic monument for Africa football and the general consensus among ExCo members at CAF is that Hayatou has just added to that unique achievement.” Nyantakyi also explained that Hayatou’s new FIFA post would not aěect his activities at CAF and, therefore, there was no need for him to relinquish that position. “I don’t think handling the two positions will be in conĚict and since it’s a just for a brief period.
Sanusi wants fans to cheer Falconets
eneral Secretary of Nigeria Football Federation, Dr. Mohammed Sanusi, has called on football fans and enthusiasts within the Federal Capital Territory and environs to be at the National Stadium, Abuja on Saturday to cheer the U-20 Women National Team, Falconets, in their World Cup qualięer against South Africa. The Falconets take on South Africa’s Basetsana in a 2016 FIFA U-20 Women World Cup African ęnal qualifying round match at the nation’s prime venue, starting from 3pm on Saturday. “We are calling on our football fans to endeavor to be at the National Stadium to cheer our girls to victory. It is a very important match, and the young girls will be encouraged if they see a
sizeable crowd of spectators at the stadium. “The Falconets have always done the country proud. They have always qualięed for their version of the World Cup and they need the moral motivation of football fans and enthusiasts in their home matches,” Sanusi said. The Falconets dismissed the U-20 girls of Liberia 14-1 on aggregate in the ęrs round and then spanked their counterparts from the Democratic Republic of Congo 4-1 on aggregate in the second round, to reach this stage. The South African delegation, led by Mr. Ndlelo, and with Head Coach Elizabeth Migchelsen and assistant coaches Sheryl Botes, Maud Khumalo and Cameron Cox, arrived in Abuja on Thursday aboard an Emirates Airline Ěight from Dubai.
Sports Update I’m ready for FIFA probe, says Adamu
r Amos Adamu has said he was ready to face the world’s football governing body’s investigation, saying that there’s no skeleton in his cupboard. Speaking on a local radio yesterday, Adamu said he has not committed any oěence to call for investigation and he would be willing to answer any question from the FIFA men. “Let them come out with any ęnding. I am ready to reply them. I don’t know why they want to investigate me after the initial allegation which I took them to the Court of Arbitration for Sports and I am yet to ofęcially receive any leĴer to that eěect ,” Adamu said. Adamu had since returned from a three-year ban and 10,000 Swiss Franc (ǡ6,341) ęne from FIFA’s ethics commiĴee after being found guilty of breaching bribery rules on November 18, 2010. The ban followed a Sunday Times expose which alleged the Nige-
rian had asked for cash in return for 2018 and 2022 World Cup votes. However, the committee had announced they “did not ęnd suĜcient grounds to reach a conclusion that there was any collusion”. But now the investigatory chamber of the independent ethics commiĴee have conęrmed that proceedings are ongoing against Adamu. “Formal investigation proceedings relating to the suspicion of infringements of the FIFA Code of Ethics are amongst others ongoing against Worawi Makudi, Jeěrey Webb, Ricardo Teixeira, Amos Adamu, Eugenio Figueredo and Nicol¤s Leoz,” a statement in FIFA website read. “Proceedings relating to the two oĜcials Ángel María Villar Llona and Franz Beckenbauer have already been passed on to the adjudicatory chamber. For procedural reasons, no further names of other parties aěected by the proceedings are currently being disclosed. “Under the
FIFA Code of Ethics, pursuant to the presumption of innocence, the investigatory chamber shall examine all circumstances of the cases equally. In this sense, all parties are presumed innocent until a decision has been passed by the adjudicatory chamber. “The chairman of the investigatory chamber of the Ethics CommiĴee, Dr Cornel Borbély, welcomes the approval by FIFA’s Executive CommiĴee of the new wording of article 36 of the FIFA Code of Ethics. In future, it will be possible for the Ethics CommiĴee to conęrm on request the opening of proceedings against representatives of world football. “The investigatory chamber will always weigh the interests of transparency against the need to conduct proper adjudicatory proceedings, the personality rights of the parties involved and the presumption of innocence. For procedural reasons, the investigatory chamber can therefore
only comment on ongoing formal proceedings regarding members of the Executive CommiĴee, the Secretary General, the candidates for the FIFA Presidency and confederation representatives in leading positions. “If the investigatory chamber has information about a possible violation of the FIFA Code of Ethics, it will ęrst analyse the relevant facts in a conędential preliminary investigation phase. In no circumstance will these preliminary inquiries be made public, due to procedural reasons. The chamber is currently carrying out a moderate number of preliminary investigations against a number of football ofęcials. If one of these preliminary investigations gives rise to a concrete suspicion of wrongdoing, the chamber will open formal proceedings against the accused. Only then will the investigatory chamber consider whether to publicly conęrm the relevant investigation.
Bolton Wanderers sign ex-Newcastle striker, Ameobi
hampionship side Bolton Wanderers have signed Nigeria striker, Shola Ameobi, on a short-term deal. The ex-England Under-21 international had impressed on trial at the club. The 34-year-old has spent the majority of his career at Newcastle after progressing through their academy and spent time on loan at Stoke in 2008.
After leaving the Magpies he moved to Turkish side Gaziantep BB and spent the ¿nal six months of last season at Crystal Palace. He scored 11 goals in 21 games during Newcastle United’s season in the Championship in 200910. Ameobi, who has 10 Nigeria caps, joins a Bolton side currently bottom of the table with just one win in all competitions so far this season.
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