February 4, 2019

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NO. 6



Huntsman Hall CAPS extends its hours

Summit explores gender identity

The 6B hosts first town hall meeting

On-site clinician now serves for 17 hours

The summit took place on Feb. 2

Students and admin. discussed minority wellness

HALEY SUH Senior Reporter

DANIELLE CAPRIGLIONE Contributing Reporter

MARGARET LU Staff Reporter

In response to growing need, Wharton students now have increased access and privacy to the CAPS clinician stationed in Huntsman Hall starting this semester. Three months after the Wharton School placed licensed social worker and psychotherapist Courtney Hutchison in Huntsman Hall, Counseling and Psychological Services and Wharton found that the “embedded model” has been widely used by Wharton students. Hutchison will now be stationed in Huntsman Hall for 17 hours a week, an increase from the previous 12 hours. “It’s just one clinician, and she’s been fully booked,” CAPS Deputy Executive Director Meeta Kumar said. “It’s a bit too soon for us to do a deep dive into a full

Penn’s second annual Men and Masculinities summit gave students a chance to discuss healthy norms surrounding gender and identity on Saturday. The event, hosted by Penn Violence Prevention, featured a keynote speech followed by panels and small group discussions. Workshop topics included, “Feeling Our Way Through Consent” and “Men, Mental Health and the Media: What lessons have we learned?” Jeff Perera, who speaks across North America about the difference between healthy and toxic masculinity, gave the keynote lecture on “Building Bridges Between Us.” For four years, Perera curated the “What Makes a Man” conference in Toronto, which featured

“It’s just one clinician, and she’s been fully booked.”

“this is the kind of conversation that should be happening everywhere.”

The newly elected 6B — Penn’s six main minority coalition groups — held its first town hall the night of Jan 31. to discuss issues surrounding student wellness, faculty diversity, and marginalization on campus. Approximately 50 students attended the event in Houston Hall, which was an open forum where students could voice their concerns to the University administrators in attendance. The 6B student leaders represented the United Minorities Council, Asian Pacific Student Coalition, Latinx Coalition, Lambda Alliance, UMOJA, and Penn Association for Gender Equity. “We wanted our first event of the year to be with the administration,” PAGE Chair and College junior Tanya Jain said. “Just so we can really know what Penn students want and how to work for them this year.” The 6B leaders discussed finding an accessible and prominent space on campus that would be large enough to accommodate meetings for cultural clubs, which are currently hosted in the basement of the ARCH building,

-Meeta Kumar

- Luke Clements

data analysis and utilization report, but anecdotally, [Hutchison] has been very busy, the utilization has been great, well-received, and she’s seeing a pretty good balance between MBAs and undergrads.” Hutchison is now available Tuesdays and Wednesday from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m., Thursdays from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m., and Fridays from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. in room 418. The embedded model consists of having a clinician in an on-site location where students have easy access. Kumar said the CAPS office, located at 3624 Market St., still remains a central hub that offers a fuller range of services provided by clinicians with various specialty areas. Wharton junior Max Grove, who has been seeing the Huntsman Hall clinician every week since December, said he likely would not have visited CAPS if a clinician was not stationed in Huntsman. “I honestly don’t have time to go all the way to Market Street,” Grove said. “Some students want a faraway location to escape campus, but I think a lot of students want somewhere where they are used to being everyday and somewhere that’s familiar to them. For me, Huntsman is just a very familiar place where I have four classes per day.” The location of the coun-

Terry Crews and 2004 College graduate Carlos Andrés Gomez. In the workshops, students discussed how masculinity affects their daily lives and perceptions. Students shared their perspectives on topics including implicit biases and how gender issues intersect with race and sexuality. Malik Washington, associate director of PVP, planned the event with the help of a student organizing committee. The summit was held for the first time in 2018. Washington said the main goal of the summit was to “bring these people in the room hoping that they can have a space to be vulnerable, that they can learn more, and they can ask the questions that maybe they wanted to ask and they can see that there’s a lot of people and examples who care about this and who are moving the conversation forward to a healthier masculinity.” Members of the student organizing committee agreed that the event helped facilitate meaningful conversations surrounding toxic masculinity. “We frequently talk about issues of gender equity or anti-violence issues, but less frequently through the frame of masculinity,” summit organizer and College senior Luke Clements




Penn Bookstore flooding leads to temporary closure

On Feb. 2, flooding inside the Penn Bookstore caused the store to close. The same day, the basement ceiling in Harnwell leaked water for more than an hour. MANLU LIU News Editor

Massive amounts of flooding inside the Penn Bookstore caused the store to close on Feb 2. The same afternoon, the ceiling in the basement lounge of Harnwell College House was leaking water for more than an hour. Water started to pour down outside of the bookstore, which is located at 3601 Walnut St. At approximately 3:05 p.m., all custom-

ers were asked to evacuate the building. The cause of the flood is unknown. “I don’t know if it was a pipe or the sprinkling system or over-leakage of the water system, but it’s now leaked over into the bookstore,” Robert Smith, a Penn Bookstore SEE FLOODING PAGE 3


Flyers call on U. to return ‘stolen’ artifacts

The Penn Museum exhibits two Chinese stone horses AMY LIU Staff Reporter

Anonymous flyers found on campus have called on the Penn Museum to return two “stolen” stone horse artifacts back to China. The two horse sculptures, which are currently on display, are part of a complete set of six stone horse reliefs called the “Taizong Horses” — four of which are on display at the Stele Forest Museum in China. The reliefs were originally commissioned by Emperor Taizong, the second ruler of the Tang Dynasty. In 1921, the Penn Museum bought the two horse reliefs for $125,000 from C.T. Loo – a notorious Chinese art dealer whose methods of obtaining and exporting art have come under controversy. The six horse reliefs were stolen by unknown dealers, and while four were intercepted and remain in China, two were reportedly smuggled out of the country. On Jan. 22, the anonymous flyers, titled “Prestigious UPenn: We Call On You To Return Stolen Horses to China,” were found in Williams Hall. The flyer argued that because the horse reliefs were originally stolen from China, the Penn Museum’s purchase of the artifacts is invalid. “The theft and sale of the two horses were themselves crimes,” the flyer read. “UPenn buying them

EDITORIAL | We can learn from the Super Bowl “Police brutality and structural racism are not distant phenomena for many on and near Penn’s campus.” - DP Editorial Board PAGE 4

SPORTS | Men’s basketball splits weekend

Penn men’s basketball was unable to close out host Cornell on Friday but came back the next day to take down Columbia in the final seconds. BACKPAGE FOLLOW US @DAILYPENN FOR THE LATEST UPDATES ONLINE AT THEDP.COM


does not make the illegal legal.” Despite the debate, Penn Museum continues to stand by the legality of the purchase. “The Penn Museum legally purchased the Taizong Horses in 1921, allowing us to share China’s remarkable cultural heritage with visitors from all walks of life, helping to foster empathy and create understanding in a complex world,”

Penn Museum Public Relations Director Jill DiSanto wrote in an email to The Daily Pennsylvanian. This is not the first time Penn has been pressured to return the two horse reliefs. In January 2017, the Zhao Mausoleum Museum in China issued a statement on their public WeChat page calling on Penn to return the horses. At the time, Penn Museum Director Julian Siggers

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said the museum was not aware of how the artifacts came into Loo’s possession before they were sold to Penn. The debate has sparked controversy on campus, with professors and students divided over whether Penn should return the two horse artifacts. SEE HORSES PAGE 7


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