ENDORSES HILLARY College soph. drops lawsuit Nathaniel Rome dropped suit after Rubio’s withdrawal DAN SPINELLI City News Editor
Ohio Gov. John Kasich will be on the presidential ballot when Pennsylvanians vote on April 26. At 3:49 p.m., College sophomore
Nathaniel Rome’s attorney John Bravacos announced in an email that he had withdrawn his lawsuit against the GOP presidential candidate contesting his eligibility to be on the ballot in Pennsylvania. “Our client has requested that the Objection to the Nomination Petition of Governor Kasich be withdrawn,” he wrote.
Minutes later, Lawrence Otter, the attorney representing Kasich, confirmed the termination of the case in an interview with The Daily Pennsylvanian. The withdrawal comes a day after fellow GOP presidential candidate Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) dropped out of the race after losing the primary in his home state of Florida to 1968 Wharton alumnus Donald
Trump. Rome is the chairman of Pennsylvania Students for Rubio. Otter will still meet with Commonwealth Court Judge Bonnie Leadbetter tomorrow to discuss whether the court plans to give instructions on how to resolve similar cases in the future. SEE LAWSUIT PAGE 2
Across the
Spectrum Students come to terms with sexual, gender identity at Penn SOPHIA WITTE Staff Reporter
Henry Goldberg, a 2013 College graduate, was studying abroad in Rome when he was almost outed. After slipping away from his friends one night and venturing out to a gay bar — a well-practiced routine at this point in the semester — he was approached by a mutual friend of his Penn friends who seemed to recognize him. Goldberg froze and quickly feigned a
Spanish accent to match his on-the-spot story that he was from Madrid. While the anonymity of being in a foreign city had allowed him to develop a routine, Goldberg wasn’t ready to come out. “It would’ve exposed this part of me that I wasn’t ready to uncover to other people or especially to myself,” he said. He decided not to come out for the rest of his time at Penn. Goldberg is not alone. While at Penn, many students deal with the new and unfamiliar terrain of coming out as LGBTQ — gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender or queer. Whether it be the first time that they open up to others, or
even the first time that they realize it for themselves, coming out as LGBTQ is an individual process that cannot be generalized across any two experiences. But despite each person’s unique path to self-realization and acceptance, many students’ coming out stories share Penn as a common backdrop. Discovering a new identity Coming from an all-male Catholic high school in Washington, D.C., College and Wharton junior Aidan Pongrace was not sure of his sexual identity during the first months of
freshman year. “I guess you always kind of know, but even if you think it may be a possibility, you still think you must be attracted to girls in an environment where everyone else is,” Pongrace said. Many bisexual students had even less exposure to nontraditional sexualities before coming to Penn. Engineering senior Maya Ebsworth said she had gay friends at her “very liberal” high school, but the possibility of being bisexual had never crossed her mind until freshman year at Penn. SEE COMING OUT PAGE 6
Professors predict domestic violence reoffenders
… we must resist the urge to scapegoat broad swaths of the population …” - Luke Hoban PAGE 4
Researchers used machinelearning processes
Two Penn professors found that the use of machine-learning forecasts at domestic violence arraignments could substantially reduce repeat domestic violence arrests. Social policy professor Susan B. Sorenson of social policy and criminology and statistics professor Richard Berk looked at 28,646 domestic violence arraignments that led to charges and releases between January 2007 and October 2011. The researchers conducted a two-year follow-up for each case. DP FILE PHOTO
Sorenson and Berk analyzed domestic violence arraignments and found that machine-learning forecasts better identify patterns of human behavior.
Normally, in the United States, after being arrested, suspects are brought before a judge or magistrate in an arraignment, during which the suspect
receives a written document with the list of charges. At this arraignment, the judge or magistrate decides whether the suspect can be released to society. This decision, pursuant to the Bail Reform Act of 1984, is based on the suspect’s risk of flight and the threat posed to public safety. The study noted that current decisions are based on limited information and inferences, ignoring information about the offender’s behavior. Machinebased learning processes can combine and understand different inputs that may seem irrelevant to humans. “Machine-learning is a ‘black-box’ statistical technique that basically squeezes all of the information out of data and is able to identify patterns across many more variables than we humans can understand,” Sorenson said. SEE DOMESTIC VIOLENCE PAGE 2