April 12, 2018

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Parents of Penn student file lawsuit against U. They allege Penn knew of daughter’s suicidal thoughts SARAH FORTINSKY Senior News Editor

The parents of former Wharton junior Olivia Kong, who died by suicide in April 2016, are suing the University for allegedly failing to respond to Kong’s pleas for help in the weeks leading up to her death.

The lawsuit, filed in the Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas on April 10, argues that University officials were notified nine separate times — by Kong and by others close to her — that Kong was having suicidal thoughts in the weeks leading up to her death. Instead of providing Kong immediate help, the University sent her from one administrative department to another, the law-

suit claims. Kong’s parents, Xianguo Kong and Zhao Lin, are being represented by Carol Nelson Shepherd of Feldman Shepherd law firm of Philadelphia, which held a press conference on the afternoon of April 10. Shepherd said at the press conference that Kong had visited Student Health Services, had two extensive telephone conversations

with the counselor on the emergency phone line at Penn’s Counseling and Psychological Services, and spoke with several other officials, including CAPS staff and her academic advisor, about her thoughts of suicide. In some of these conversations, Kong discussed concrete details, such as concern over the cost of hospitalization if she had sought it, and possible methods and times

Professor had sexual relationship with student in apparent violation of U. policy

of suicide, which Shepherd said should have indicated the gravity of the situation. “Penn is responsible for all of these individuals and Penn is responsible for the systems that they set up that failed the student to evaluate her, treat her, and save her life,” Shepherd said at the press conference. The lawsuit alleges that Kong first reported suicidal thoughts to

the University through a routine survey that she filled out at SHS. Kong indicated in the survey that she had suicidal thoughts, and the notes from the SHS visit reveal that Kong had an elevated heart rate. Kong was seen by Amanda Swain, a physician at SHS, who reportedly instructed Kong to get a good night’s sleep. SEE LAWSUIT PAGE 7

Trustee resigns over treatment of Law School prof. The trustee sent his letter of resignation on April 6 SARAH FORTINSKY Senior News Editor


Penn Psychology professor Robert Kurzban was teaching a course called “Human Morality and Emotions” when he reportedly began a sexual relationship with one of his students. His senior position at Penn may now be in jeopardy as a result of the alleged relationship.

Their relationship allegedly began on Tinder MANLU LIU & VIBHA KANNAN Deputy News Editor & Senior Reporter

The former Undergraduate Chair of the Psychology Department Robert Kurzban had a sexual relationship with an undergraduate female student while he was her instructor, according to three sources close to the student. Kurzban’s alleged behavior directly violates University policy, which has stated since 1995 that sexual relations between teachers and students are prohibited “during the period


of the teacher-student relationship.” This policy was recently updated to ban all sexual relations between faculty and undergraduate students regardless of time

or context. “Consensual sexual relations between faculty and student can adversely affect the academic enterprise, distorting judgments, or appearing to do so to others, and providing incentives or disincentives for student-faculty contact that are inappropriate,” states the current policy which is laid out in the Faculty Handbook. Kurzban’s relationship with the student began in the spring of 2017, according to 10 students who spoke with The Daily Pennsylvanian, nine of whom took the class with the student under Kurzban. At the time, Kurzban, who is a tenured professor, cotaught a mandatory course for

freshmen in the Integrated Studies Program with Philosophy professor Karen Detlefsen. Kurzban met the student on Tinder, according to two individuals whom the student confided in during the period of the relationship. At the time of the relationship, the student in question was a freshman in the ISP course. She did not respond to multiple emails and text messages asking for comment on this story. ”At first, [Kurzban] didn’t realize my friend was in his class,” said one source, who asked to be identified only as a College SEE KURZBAN PAGE 3

Penn Trustee Emeritus and Penn Law School Overseer Paul Levy sent a letter of resignation to Penn President Amy Gutmann on April 6 over recent actions taken against Penn Law School professor Amy Wax. A copy of the letter was also sent to The Daily Pennsylvanian. As of April 9, Levy is no longer listed as a member of Penn’s Board of Trustees or a member of the Penn Law Board of Overseers. “Preventing Wax from teaching first-year students doesn’t right academic or social wrongs,” Levy wrote in the letter. “Rather, you are suppressing what is crucial to the liberal educational project: open, robust and critical debate over differing views of important social issues.” “A serious error has been made; please reconsider this illiberal ban on Wax’s pedagogy,” he continued. Penn Law Dean Ted Ruger’s action against Wax on March 13 came after campaigns from students and alumni calling for him to take a stand against the professor. Wax, who has become known to make controversial


statements promoting “bourgeois culture,” most recently declared that black students rarely graduate top of their class, prompting Ruger to ban her from teaching a mandatory first-year law course. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen a black student graduate in the top quarter of the [Penn Law School] class and rarely, rarely in the top half … I can think of one or two students who’ve graduated in the top half of my required first year course,” Wax said during the video interview, which recently resurfaced and prompted Ruger to make his public statement in March. Ruger claimed that Wax violated Penn Law School policy by divulging student grades. Levy castigated Ruger in the letter, claiming that the dean failed to solicit his opinion on the matter before issuing the SEE RESIGNATION PAGE 6

GSE removes portrait of former dean after misconduct allegations He was accused of sexual harassment during tenure NAOMI ELEGANT Staff Reporter

The Graduate School of Education removed a portrait of former GSE Dean Dell Hymes from its building on Thursday after students put posters next to the picture detailing Hymes’ history of alleged sexual harassment and discrimination during his tenure as dean of the school from 1975 to 1987. In an email to all GSE staff, students, and faculty, current Dean Pam Grossman announced on April 5 that the portrait would be removed. According to secondyear GSE Ph.D. student Kristina Lewis, who put up the posters, Hymes’ portrait was gone from the wall by 2 p.m. that day and had

been replaced by a portrait of Susan Fuhrman, who served as GSE dean from 1995 to 2006. “Yesterday, someone put up a poster on the 2nd floor of our building, raising concerns about [Hymes] and wondering why GSE would honor someone with a history of harassment,” Grossman wrote in the email. “We hear and share this concern. Although I didn’t know the dean or his specific history, we will be taking down the portrait as we look into this further and determine next steps.” Lewis put up the poster referred to in Grossman’s email on April 4. The next morning, she taped a photocopied page from a sociolinguistics textbook that described Hymes’ alleged sexual harassment of several women to the window next to the portrait. Lewis said she decided to put


A poster addressing Hymes’ sexual harassment accusations was posted next to his portrait in the Graduate School of Education on March 30.

up the signs after learning about the bevy of claims against Hymes during his tenure. This included

OPINION | There’s still hope for Fling

“Just because you don’t like the headliner doesn’t mean Fling is ruined.” - Dylan Reim PAGE 4

SPORTS | An Unexpected Hurdle

Due to their busy schedules, athletes often struggle to capitalize on Penn’s mental health resources. But when athletes proposed a change, they were met with push back. BACKPAGE FOLLOW US @DAILYPENN FOR THE LATEST UPDATES ONLINE AT THEDP.COM

his female graduate advisees being nicknamed “Hymes’ Harem,” female GSE faculty testifying against

Hymes for sexual harassment, and Penn faculty in other schools severing their formal ties with GSE after multiple women filed sexual discrimination lawsuits for being denied tenure. “Seeing these articles about Hymes in the midst of our work to call for change around sexual harassment policies at Penn really intensified my dismay at continuing to see his portrait displayed prominently at GSE,” Lewis said. The first poster addressing Hymes’ sexual harassment accusations was posted next to the portrait on March 30 as part of a one-day work-in for improved sexual harassment reporting policies organized by Penn’s graduate student union, Graduate Employees Together – University of Pennsylvania. The bright pink sign read “Dell Hymes groped women.”

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Both GSE Ph.D. candidate and GET-UP member Jennifer Phuong and Lewis are in GSE’s Educational Linguistics Department, which was founded by Hymes, and both said they had heard rumors about his alleged behavior even before last week, when they first came upon The Daily Pennsylvanian articles about him from the 1980s. Phuong described the rumors of Hymes’ misconduct as “institutional knowledge” within the department. “Those had always been kind of hush-hush conversations because Dell Hymes founded the program,” Phuong said. “We read his work a lot.” Lewis said that at least some faculty seem to consider Hymes’ academic work “fundamental” to the program, which raises quesSEE GSE PAGE 2


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