April 18, 2017

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SJP hosts “Israeli Apartheid Week”

Naming of event stirs controversy among other groups ESHA INDANI Staff Reporter

Penn Students for Justice in Palestine is hosting “Israeli Apartheid Week” for the second time on campus after receiving some backlash for the events last year.

W. LAX | Britt Brown’s

unique journey to Penn led to wild success

GREG ROBINOV Sports Reporter

The college process is a turbulent one. During the difficult decision period, many have heard “you’ll end up at the school that’s right for you.” For senior Britt Brown of Penn women’s lacrosse, this could not ring more true. Honorable Mention All-Ivy. 23 wins. 232 saves. 1,757 minutes played. So far, that is the legacy that the goalkeeper will leave behind from her two seasons with the Quakers. Despite this remarkable impact, though, there was a good chance that Brown’s career at Penn might never have happened. Coming out of high school, Brown was highly sought after — and for good reason. Her accolades included being named an All-American twice, the 2011 New York state championship at Riverdale Country School, and the 2012 New England Class B championship at the Berkshire School. In addition to Penn, the University of Virginia was one of her

This week’s events will take place April 17-20. Originally meant to be hosted a week earlier, the event was pushed back in order to avoid conflicting with Passover. SJP will also be collaborating with Penn Association for Gender Equity for the “Freedom of Movement” event on April 19. The University of Toronto hosted the first “Israeli Apartheid Week” in

2005, and since then, it has been usually held on university campuses in February or March by SJP chapters. Rashad, a College senior who asked to withhold his last name due to fear of retaliation for his views, said the week attempts to raise awareness and advocate for the rights of Palestinian people living in Israel proper, the Gaza Strip and particularly those living in the West Bank.

“What we’re asking is for people to talk about and for people to recognize that a certain group of people is being constantly denied human rights,” Rashad said. “That’s not a very political thing.” Rashad cited examples of retaliation for similarly held views. He said certain organizations compile SEE SJP PAGE 5

many suitors. Ultimately, despite coach Karin Corbett’s best efforts, Brown went for the Cavaliers. “We had recruited Brittany, and we had really wanted her. She chose Virginia, and I felt that it was a better fit here for her in a lot of ways, but they were able to put the squeeze on her in August when I couldn’t do that at that time,” Corbett said. “I needed some more academic information, so we had a conversation, and I said, ‘You need to make the best decision for your future, I can’t tell you what’s gonna happen at Penn at this point.’” In discussing the various factors of this difficult decision, Brown explained the cultural appeal of UVA. “Unfortunately with the recruiting process, some people get rushed here and there. Overall when I was looking, I had wanted to get a different experience,” Brown said. “I had gone to a prep school in NYC then boarding school for two years in Massachusetts, and I wanted something new. Going down south was that something new for me, so that sort of drove me there.” Charlottesville remained her home for the next two years, but SEE BROWN PAGE 5


Harvest remains closed, with mixed student reactions

“If we focus on the present moment and nothing else, we will be better off for it.” - Joe Tharakan on the need for focusing on the moment rather than multitasking PAGE 4

The restaurant has been closed since a fire in January CHRIS DOYLE Staff Reporter



Harvest Seasonal Grill is popular for its Thursday happy hour, but students are frustrated by the restaurant’s lack of transparency about plans for its future.


Students hoping to celebrate the end of the semester with dinner at Harvest Seasonal Grill & Wine Bar may see their plans go up in smoke. Despite earlier reports from CEO Dave Magrogan indicating that the Harvest location at 200 S 40th Street will undergo repairs and eventually reopen after a fire in January forced it to suspend operations, there has still been little sign of activity at the property. Now, business review websites Yelp and OpenTable list Harvest as either closed or permanently closed. Neither the Dave Magrogan Group, which owns Harvest, nor Penn Facilities and Real Estate Services, which leases the building in

University City that Harvest is located in, have responded to requests for comment on the restaurant’s future. College senior Luke Barbour said he was a regular at Harvest before the fire, citing its comfortable and lively ambiance. He added that he is disappointed by Harvest’s apparent closure. “Honestly I’m pretty bummed about it,” Barbour said. “It [was] a nice vibe — you [could] chill with your friends and chat in a booth or go hit the dance floor.” Barbour added that the inexpensive drinks were also an important draw for Harvest. “Three-dollar long islands on Thursdays is a great deal — like a great deal,” he said. Other students aren’t as mournful. SEE HARVEST PAGE 3


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