July 28, 2016

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The Daily Pennsylvanian will resume normal publication in the beginning of the semester

Leaders of Penn for Bernie head to the DNC


Board members of Penn for Bernie are Pennsylvania delegates at the DNC CHARLOTTE LARACY News Editor

Read about student delegates, a Penn grad in the media, a class about the convention and more PHOTO BY ILANA WURMAN See more photos on page 5

‘Well-lit situation room’ at Perry World House U.S. leaders talk about national security and election CHARLOTTE LARACY News Editor

In one of the first events at the Perry World House, top national security officials described the importance of the 2016 election and voiced their opinions of how disastrous it would be for national security to have Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump as president. The U.S. government leaders included former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, former National Security Advisor Tom Donilon, Mass. Rep. Seth Moulton, former Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta and Under

Secretary of State for Political Affairs Wendy Sherman. Moderator of the panel, Vikram Singh, said he viewed the panel, which took place in the brightly sunlit Perry World House, as a “well-lit situation room.” Penn President Amy Gutmann spoke before the national security panel about the opening of the Perry World House and having students from around the world come to the University. In Penn’s Class of 2020, one in seven students will be from a foreign country. Richard Perry, a University trustee who gave a $10 million gift for the creation of the building, sat in the front row at the panel. Gutmann quoted American

politician and diplomat Adlai Stevenson while also indirectly referencing the 2016 election. “In America, anyone can become president,” she said. “That’s one of the risks you take.” During the panel, the majority of the government officials gave numerous examples of why they are concerned about Trump’s rhetoric and what it could do to harm America’s security. Moulton said that when he was in Iraq last week, many of the American soldiers were concerned about Trump’s language and how it could pose a threat to them. Donilon was troubled by the fact that earlier in the day, the Republican presidential nominee invited Russian hackers to hack into Hillary Clinton’s campaign, tweeting, “If Russia or any other country or person

has Hillary Clinton’s 33,000 illegally deleted emails, perhaps they should share them with the FBI!” Sherman explained the process of passing the Iran Nuclear Deal and how it took political courage for President Obama, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and current Secretary of State John Kerry to get the deal passed. “There is no doubt in my mind that we stopped Iran from making a nuclear bomb,” Sherman said. All of the panelists agreed on the significance of having foreign alliances in order to maintain national security. During the Q&A session, a former defense minister of Georgia asked Albright about expanding the SEE NATIONAL SECURITY PAGE 2

Wharton professor donates $100,000 to DNC to stop Trump Schoenberg thinks Trump is a danger to our democracy DAN SPINELLI City News Editor


Wharton professor Eric Schoenberg paid the Democratic National Committee over $100,000 this year, which included $75,000 to help pay costs of the convention.

Though Donald Trump may repeatedly invoke his Wharton degree as a symbol of his academic prowess, one professor there wants nothing more than to see the 1968 Wharton graduate flop in the November general election. And, he isn’t afraid to pony up some cash to make that happen. Wharton adjunct associate professor Eric Schoenberg paid the Democratic National Committee over $100,000 this year, including a


Two Penn students voted and caucused for Bernie Sanders at the Democratic National Convention, even as Hillary Clinton remained the presumptive nominee. Rising College juniors Yasmeen Kaboud and Jordyn Tannenbaum, who are board members of Penn Students for Bernie, will be representing Pennsylvania’s 2nd and 8th districts, respectively. Both said they were looking forward to see Sanders speak on Monday, the opening day of the convention. “I think Bernie will talk about the issues and ideals he has been talking about this whole time,” Kaboud said. “There will be a real focus on how much the Democrat platform differs from the Republican platform. There will also be a movement away from the fear-mongering and hate that we saw at the RNC and steer towards a more unified party.” About 85 percent of Democrats who backed Sanders in the primary contests said they planned to vote for Hillary Clinton in the general election, according to a recent Pew Research Center poll. Kaboud said she believes each member of Penn Students for Bernie will have to make a decision on what their next step is after the DNC. “It is going to depend on what kind of Bernie supporter they are. If they are one of those die hard supporters who generally dislikes establishment politics Hillary Clinton, then maybe they won’t join Penn Dems or Penn For Hillary,” Kaboud said. “If supporters are really getting SEE PENN FOR BERNIE PAGE 6

NBC’s Andrea Mitchell remembers time at Penn Mitchell reminisced about her time working for WXPN radio LAUREN FEINER Editor-in-Chief

$75,000 wire transfer to help pay for the costs of the Philadelphia convention, according to the email records of senior DNC officials released by WikiLeaks last week. His reasoning is not too difficult to parse out. “I think Donald Trump is a potential disaster and I’m going to do everything I can to make sure he isn’t president. The Democrats are the only game in town to that regard,” Schoenberg said in an interview with The Daily Pennsylvanian. Schoenberg, who will teach a class at Wharton in the fall on family wealth, upped his political

For many political journalists, Philadelphia is nothing more than a stop on the campaign trail. But for Andrea Mitchell, NBC News chief foreign affairs correspondent and host of her own MSNBC ANDREA MITCHELL show, “Andrea Mitchell Reports,” it’s a return to her old college town. Mitchell, a 1967 graduate of Penn’s College of Liberal Arts for Women and vice chair of the Board of Trustees, got her start in journalism through WXPN radio. In an interview Tuesday morning at Le Meridien hotel in Center City, The Daily Pennsylvanian sat down with the acclaimed journalist between reporting stops to discuss her time as an undergraduate and her career in media. DP: What are your favorite memories from when you were at Penn? AM: Certainly being involved with WXPN, which was then student-run, and it was my first




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