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Wax fights back Penn Law professor Amy Wax ripped into her colleagues in her first public talk since writing a divisive op-ed on ‘bourgeois values’ MANLU LIU | Staff Reporter
s she took to the podium at Fitts Auditorium in Penn Law School on Oct. 11, Penn Law professor Amy Wax silenced a rowdy auditorium of more than 300 law students, faculty and staff in a talk sponsored by the Penn Federalist Society. “[Penn Federalist Society President] Paul Cozzi thinks I need no introduction,” Wax said. “So I will just start.” Titled “Stop Saying That: Dissent and Disagreement at Penn Law,” Wax’s talk, which was only open to law students, faculty and staff, marked the professor’s first
oral rebuttal to the widespread backlash she received after the publication of a controversial op-ed that praised bourgeois values and argued that not all cultures are created equal. Co-written with Larry Alexander of the University of San Diego School of Law, the op-ed has garnered widespread criticism, both on campus and nationwide. Wax emphasized that her talk to the law students was not meant to cover the same ground as her op-ed. “My talk today is about that response but also about the academic enterprise itself,”
she said. “How should academic institutions and especially law schools deal with dissent, with opinions and positions and some or many in the university disagree with?” Wax began by contending that law schools and universities need a wide range of views and should avoid “unreasoned speech,” such as epithets, name calling and the rejection of arguments without justification. “One does have the right to hurl crude words like yuck, ick, xenophobe, hater and of course, the ubiquitous, accusatory ‘racist,’” she said. “But that doesn’t make it the
right thing to do or the right way to go about academic discourse.” She added that such rules have been violated repeatedly by many of those who have responded to her op-ed, specifically the 33 Penn law professors who signed an open letter published in The Daily Pennsylvanian which “categorically reject[ed]” Wax’s claims. Referring to her colleagues at times as “the Gang of 33,” she called them “quintesSEE WAX PAGE 3 JULIO SOSA | SENIOR PHOTOGRAPHER
Student-organized speaker events can cost up to $17,000 Politicians, however, cannot accept compensation GIANNA FERRARIN Staff Reporter
Student groups at Penn regularly invite high-profile speakers to speak on campus. Depending on the honorary guest, the cost of a visit can sometimes reach up to $17,000 and other times be completely free. This multi-step process of obtaining funding can often be lengthy, unpredictable and filled with obstacles. “We sent out hundreds of emails in the span of a few weeks asking people for funding,” said College sophomore Anisa Hasan-Granier, who serves as programming co-chair for the United Minorities Council. “So it’s definitely one of the more difficult aspects of planning events like this.” For the UMC’s annual Unity Month — a series of events hosted from Oct. 25 to Nov. 15 — the group is trying to raise
over $12,000 to host social justice comedian Negin Farsad for this year’s theme of “recognizing resistance.” When student organizations host speaker events, they must first send representatives to present to committees that are tasked with allocating funds for the guest visits. These committees — such as Tangible Change, the Social Planning and Events Committee and the Intercultural Fund — comprise representatives from other student organizations who can designate funds to other student groups that apply. This whole funding process can last up to nearly two months, and, as a result, often forces student groups to book guests during the summer in order to secure any fall visits. UMC Financial Chair and Wharton sophomore Shamar Waterman, who sits on the boards of T-Change and ICF, said that collaboration and accessibility SEE FUNDING PAGE 2
Penn to standardize how undergrad faculty are notified of student deaths This decision was previously left up to deans DAN SPINELLI Executive Editor
The University will now proactively notify faculty when an undergraduate student dies, Penn officials said Monday morning. The deans of each undergraduate school had previously been able to choose whether or not to inform their constituent faculty members, leaving swaths of faculty uninformed of student deaths. Around 1:10 p.m. on Monday, Vice Provost for University Life Valarie Swain-Cade McCoullum informed the undergraduate student body of the death of Henry Rogers, who was a Wharton senior. The Daily Pennsylvanian confirmed on Tuesday that faculty in the Wharton School, the College of Arts and Sciences, the School of Engineering and Applied Science and the School of Nursing all received notifications of Rogers’ death on Monday afternoon. Spokesperson for the Office of the Vice Provost for University Life Monica Yant-Kinney wrote
in an email that student advising staff would be notified along with undergraduate faculty. In recent years, Penn has begun standardizing and broadening its policy for notifying members of the University community when a student dies. Prior to September 2016, the University drew criticism for an inconsistent process that occasionally gave some students and faculty more complete information than others. When Olivia Kong, who had been a Wharton junior, died by suicide in April 2016, Penn President Amy Gutmann and former Provost Vincent Price sent an email to all undergraduates that did not name Kong, even though an email sent by Wharton officials to Wharton’s community named her and inaccurately referred to her death as an “accident.” Last September, Penn announced a codified policy for notifying University affiliates when a student dies. If the student is an undergraduate, Cade will email the entire undergraduate student body. When a graduate or professional student dies, members of the student’s home school and editors of The Daily Pennsylvanian
The deans of each of the four undergraduate schools will no longer have the option not to notify faculty when a student death has occurred.
will be notified directly. “Any notifications in the past have been episodic,” Cade told the DP at the time. Penn administrators have tentatively voiced support in the past for a more comprehensive notification system for faculty. During a recent interview with the DP, University spokesperson Stephen MacCarthy indicated that deans would be required to inform their school communities in a more timely, consistent fashion. “It was originally left to the discretion of the dean … so now, we’re trying to have a discussion
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Emails threatened to kill recipients’ family members PAGE 3
The Panhellenic Council added the position earlier last semester PAGE 7
“We as students should stop structuring the relationships we have around our career paths” - Calvary Rogers PAGE 5
He started his running career halfway through high school. Now he’s taking Penn men’s cross country to a whole new level BACKPAGE
about how we modify that a little bit,” MacCarthy said. After Nicholas Moya, formerly a College senior, died by suicide on Aug. 31, only certain faculty members in the College were notified. Uninformed students affected by the death of one of their peers may have been put in the uncomfortable position of personally informing their professors. It is still unclear whether Penn plans to notify a broader contingent of the University community SEE NOTIFICATIONS PAGE 3