Annual Report

of Contents
A message from President, Alessandra Pintado-Urbanc 4
Futures Campaign . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
A message from Interim DPAA President, Marty Siegel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
A message from Executive Editor, Pia Singh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
A message from DP Editor-in-Chief, Jonah Charlton 9
A message from Sports Editor, Matt Frank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
A message from UTB Editor-in-Chief, Megan Striff-Cave . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
A message from Office Manager, Christine Knooren . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
A message from Business Manager, Greg Ferrey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
A message from Finance Manager, Josh Trenchard 14
A message from Lead Alumni Director, Dan Gingiss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
A message from Development Assistant, Allie Fehr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Financials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
The Honor Roll 18-19
It seems surreal that this will be my final letter to the DP alumni community and that soon I will become a DP alumnus myself! As I reflect on my tenure as the 138th President of the Daily Pennsylvanian, I think not only of our successes and accomplishments but also on all of the moments of learning and working together through challenges. This past year has brought on many institutional changes that were enacted to move us towards building a more secure and successful future. To highlight some of our most recent accomplishments, as an organization, we have completely transformed 34th Street Magazine which is now a monthly glossy magazine. Most recently, we have also committed ourselves to working with the University’s administration to provide a new level of coverage on the newly elected ninth President of the University, Liz Magill. The relationship we now have with the administration is one that we had lost in the past years. Moreover, we have also been committed to providing timely coverage on the many student protests that have been occurring on campus. In sum, we have had a challenging year, but we were able to learn from our mistakes and grow as an organization.

In mid-November we elected the members of the 139th Board! Soon, the new President will address you and outline their goals and plans for the future of the organization We will be handing over some of our most important projects, such as the acquisition of
a new home for the DP and I am excited to see this new group of leaders move this process forward and to see its realization. Moreover, the entirety of the 138th Board has been instrumental in maintaining the success of this organization in the past year and I would like to personally thank all the students who have dedicated their college lives to the DP.
I am leaving the DP with sadness and nostalgia but also with much hope and confidence in the abilities of the soon to be elected board of student leaders. I am extremely proud to have dedicated myself to this community and organization for the past four years and I know that I will cross paths with the DP in the future. Thank you to all of you who have also dedicated your time to ensuring the success of the students at the DP.
We will be handing over some of our most important projects, such as the acquisition of a new home for the DP and I am excited to see this new group of leaders move this process forward and to see its realization .

Dear DP Alumni,
As with the song title, everything old is new again. Yes, I am back again for a sequel to my first run as DPAA president. It will be, however, a daunting task to fill the shoes of my predecessor, Amy Gardner (C’90). Amy powered the DPAA through the challenges posed by the COVID pandemic, including endless Zoom calls and remote DP operations, while at the same time covering the dangers to democracy for her day job. I am happy to state that under Amy’s leadership, the DPAA and the DP not only survived, but have prospered during the past three years.
There is much good news to report. Perhaps at the top of the list, the DP is on the verge of achieving a decades-long goal – acquiring a property to serve as its permanent home. It is premature to report the details, but we hope to be able to make a formal announcement in the coming months. As one who started his DP career at Sergeant Hall at 34th and Chestnut (yes, there is a reason that 34th Street is called 34th Street) and experienced the move to the Pink Palace, this is truly exciting news.
With this pending property acquisition comes financial demands. Luckily, through the generosity of DP alumni, DPAA fundraising has hit record levels. These resources have been used to fund a number of DPAA initiatives, including the DP Fellows Program (to promote diversity at the DP), stipends for DP editors, and scholarships for summer internships. We
also hope to announce in the near future a capital campaign to support the acquisition of the DP’s new home. The DPAA, with the assistance of our alumni, also continues to mentor and train DP editors and staff through boot camps, the Marquez Conference, and our mentoring program, to name just a few.

We will continue to need you ongoing support during the coming months. We especially are looking for alumni to serve on the DPAA board. Feel free to contact me ( to volunteer, offer suggestions, or just to catch up. We all look forward to another successful and exciting year.

We will continue to need you ongoing support during the coming months. We especially are looking for alumni to serve on the DPAA board.

A message from Executive Editor, Pia Singh
After the pandemic closed our office for nearly a year and a half, I’m proud to say that the 138th Board of student editors and managers continued the production of great student journalism while successfully reviving the close-knit sense of community at the DP, Inc.

Students spent many days and nights working hard to produce weekly issues of The Daily Pennsylvanian, as well as special issues such as the Voter’s Guide, Housing Guide, and Football Preview. Our digital and print products were also headlined with phenomenal features on Penn’s new president, in-depth articles on the Fossil Free Penn encampment, and breaking news on ever-changing construction on campus. As many of you already know, 34th Street Magazine transitioned into a monthly glossy magazine this year, a phenomenal feat led by Street’s Editor-in-Chief, Emily White, and the rest of Street’s student editors and writers. The reception to this historical transition has so far been great, and we’re excited to continue printing out a fabulous print product, expanding Street’s readers, and building its online presence. Under the Button also saw great digital growth this year, producing great satirical material off of breaking news and everyday Penn culture that I’m glad to have overheard many students sharing with each other around campus. We’re also incredibly excited to grow our multimedia ventures across our organization, as our newsletters, DP+ mobile app, podcasts, excellent on-the-ground photos, and video explainers presented and took our coverage to even greater heights this year.
Many of these successes could not have been possible with the mentorship of the Daily Pennsylvanian Alumni Association, the DP’s Board of Directors, and the daily guidance of our professional staff. This year, we successfully hosted and continued a myriad of programs for our student journalists with the help of our wonderful DPAA and student leaders, including: The Marquez Conference, DP Mentors, and Editorial Critiques. As we look towards the future, I am incredibly excited to see these training and mentorship programs continue, as well as expand to engage a wider network of our incredibly talented alumni. I came to college looking for the best opportunities in the field of media and journalism, and I’m proud to say that at the DP, I truly did.
A message from DP Editor-in-Chief,
Jonah Charlton
To the DP’s unparalleled alumni,
As I prepare to depart from my role as the DP’s Editor-in-Chief, I can say with complete certainty that the company’s future is brighter than ever. I began my tenure as Editor-in-Chief with three very specific goals: improve and build relationships with University administrators, revamp the daily newsletter and overall digital product, and create a pipeline of young talent ready to take on leadership roles within the DP — all while prioritizing student wellness above all else.
I can say with confidence that my team and I were able to achieve these goals and far surpass many of my expectations. Building trust-filled, long-standing relationships with sources across the University and city is paramount to the DP’s success as a publication and has always been my top priority as a journalist. This year, the DP has formed new connections with top University administrators, city officials, and campus activists, while also working to rebuild bridges with sources who have had negative interactions with the DP in the past and to learn from these interactions.

As you hopefully have noticed by now, the DP’s daily newsletter has completely rebranded in 2022, with a new look, feel, and tone. By adding new components including a daily “Newsletter Anchor” to take you through the day’s news and the hit section “Today in DP History,” which looks back on the stories from years past that defined your time at Penn, we have seen a consistently higher interaction rate with newsletters this year when compared to historical data. We’ve also invested time into maximizing the reach of the DP’s mobile app and various social media channels.
The Great Resignation and the COVID-19 pandemic more broadly hit the DP incredibly hard. Our model as a student publication with experienced people consistently making the arguably selfish decision to graduate from Penn and thus leave the company was only exacerbated by the pandemic, leaving individuals with less in-person experience to take on top roles. As such, I wanted to replenish this talent pipeline and I’m happy to say we did just that. This fall, we brought on 46 news general assignments reporters and over 30 sports reporters as a part of this effort. We have also developed a plethora of talent that will lead the DP next year and beyond, with nearly every one of our internal editors planning to stay on in their current capacity or run for a new board position.
As I now prepare to make the selfish decision to graduate from Penn and leave the DP myself, I want to take a moment to share my gratitude for your continued support. The alumni community (special shoutout to my DP mentor Bryan Harris who I have been lucky to lean on for advice over the past year) is something that makes the DP special and a group I am excited to join. Without your support, dedication, and expertise, so much of what we do would not be possible and I — as well as our entire team — are incredibly grateful.
The future at the DP is bright and I look forward to watching how the company’s next leaders make that future even brighter.
do would not be possible and I — as well as our entire team — are incredibly grateful.
of what
your support, dedication, and expertise, so much
I’d like to take this opportunity to say thank you to all the alumni that have supported our department this year. It’s been a huge help, both financially and as mentors, and DPOSTM would not be the same without all these people.
As the next set of editors take over, our hope is to continue to write deeper, more interesting stories. This semester, we’ve cut down on recaps and have increased our profile and feature output. The change has allowed us to publish more articles that reach beyond the box score and explore more of the nuances of each team. We still do recaps for every football and basketball game, of course, but for every other sport, this adjustment has improved our coverage across the board.
Our reporting has also benefitted by the trips we take. For every road football game so far, we’ve been able to travel out for them and cover the games in-person, which makes the stories more lively and detailed. Next semester, we’re hoping to travel to as many road basketball games as we can, as both the men’s and women’s teams look poised for Ivy tournament berths.

Thank you again to everyone who’s supported DPOSTM, and I hope our coverage continues to live up to the standards our alumni have set for us.

Hello all! My name is Megan Striff-Cave, and I am the Editor-in-Chief of Under the Button, Penn’s only (intentionally satirical) publication. At the satire branch of the Daily Pennsylvanian Inc., we are focused on pointing out the absurdities of everyday life here at the University of Pennsylvania, of which there are many.

Our vision has always been twofold – to make people laugh, but to also make people pay attention. UTB’s articles are sometimes silly, sometimes more sophisticated (okay, imagine typing this with a chic French bob and red lipstick) and always observationally astute. We’ve moved away from a set “house style,” in favor of letting our writers have more creative autonomy. Of course, we still have quality standards and guidelines our writers follow but allowing them to play around with tone and structure has allowed each writer to develop their own voice, which means UTB appeals to so many different types of people at Penn.
While we like to comment on silly things, we don’t shy away from the serious, either. The wonderful thing about satire is that it can force people to look at issues from different perspectives. Sometimes, people will ignore a boring news article (Jonah isn’t reading this, is he?) about another problem on Penn’s campus but may be more receptive to a humorous piece poking fun at the issue. We’ve commented on everything from minor, frustrating issues with the school to systemic problems with campus culture. UTB is a real engine for change (and we are incredibly humble, too…)
As the media landscape changes, UTB is hoping to focus on a pitching and publishing process that is quicker and more responsive to the news as it happens. We’re also expanding our digital presence to mimic what sites like Reductress and the Onion have accomplished on platforms like Instagram and soon, Twitter. Expanding our video department to create 2-3 polished videos each semester is our goal for next semester, as well as our physical Joke Issue that comes out in April. For the first time, we are also doing a tabloid insert in the final edition of the DP in the fall semester – our writers are of course incredibly vain, and love to see their names in print.
UTB has been raking in the views (once we added our writer’s profile pictures to the website), and we are excited for the projects we are taking on! I hope we are making you laugh.
Hello DP alumni community! I’ve had the pleasure of meeting some of you throughout my time at the DP but for those of you who don’t know me, my name is Christine Knooren and currently I am the Office Manager. I graduated from Penn in 2015 and worked at the DP my junior and senior year as a work-study student in the front office. I returned in September of 2015 after former General Manager, Eric Jacobs, sent me an email titled “Want a job? No, seriously...” Here I am, seven years later, addressing our amazing alumni community.
This semester has been an exciting time at 4015 Walnut Street. 34th Street Magazine has officially made the shift from a newsprint tabloid to a glossy magazine. With this major shift came a lot of work. Tyler Kliem (138 Design Editor) and Caleb Crain (design deputy) led the charge of redesigning the
34th Street logo. Kira Wang planned 34th Street’s social media calendar including giveaways, content promotion, and marketing events. Bailey Campbell (138 Marketing Manager) and her team planned launch events in conjunction with the magazine’s theme for each month. All of which was overseen by 34th Street’s Editor-in-Chief, Emily White, who dedicated their summer to making sure no aspects of the print shift were overlooked.
I have always said my favorite aspect of my job, and a large reason I have stuck around for seven years full time, are the students. Seeing the amazing work they do, expanding their skill sets, and seeing their growth year after year is inspiring. I can’t wait to see what the next board and future holds. All of which would not be possible without the continued support of our alumni community.
Building trust-filled, longstanding relationships with sources across the University and city is paramount to the DP’s success as a publication and has always been my top priority as a journalist

An opportunity to be involved and offer your expertise without a deep time commitment. Our students are thankful for any guidance that DP, Street, and UTB alumni volunteers are willing to offer during challenging moments when answers and support are needed. All industries, all levels, all help wanted!
Dear all DP alumni,
My name is Greg Ferrey and I am the Business Manager for the 138th Board. I have been at the DP since the spring semester of my Freshman year and have been loving every minute of it! My experience would not have been the same without all the devoted alumni and lovely people I work with everyday.
As Business Manager, a top goal of mine is to connect DP alumni in various business fields to our student leaders in the business department. I launched this initiative last semester and has become incredibly successful! This semester, some of the guests included: Amanda Damon, Lauren Reiss, and Lance Stier. We also had my two incredible mentors, Deanna Taylor and Alec Consuelos speak. I appreciate their constant support and advice as I navigate through life in and outside of the DP.

Another effort I wanted to launch was looking at other diverse revenue streams for the DP. We currently have a few students researching and diving into different possibilities, and with further brainstorming and development, we believe we will be able to grow our current offerings. Especially with the feedback and guidance from alumni, we can definitely expand to new opportunities.
As I am concluding my term as the Business Manager for the 138th Board and my time at the DP, I want to thank all the alumni for your continued encouragement, support, energy, and advice. I believe a strong relationship between alumni and students is crucial to the growth and success of the DP, and I hope to be able to meet you all in person soon!
Hey! My name is Josh Trenchard and I am the Finance Manager for the Fall semester of 2022. I study Philosophy, Politics, and Economics in the College of Arts and Sciences with an interest in foreign politics and markets.

This is my second semester at the Daily Pennsylvanian but my first as Finance Manager. When I first joined last semester, the finance department was in a sort of ‘beta test run’, if you will. I, alongside another student, were selected to work with the Business Manager and various professional staff in order to tackle the project of the semester – a comprehensive budget for FY23.
I was able to learn a lot about the finances and how the company operates, and I have taken all of that experience (along with much trial and error) and have been using it to run a finance department with eight dedicated analysts.
With all of the extra manpower, we are freed to take up some more interesting projects, while also making sure that everyone is trained in the necessary dayto-day skills of company operations. Right now I have our team split into two groups; one that is working on analyzing the pay structure for managers and editors at other collegiate newspapers in order to present to the business and executive boards on how we might want to amend our pay structure, and the other is working with myself and Steven Molberger (our Director of Development) on drafting a budget for the new building we hope to acquire.
I am excited to see the future of this team and hope that managers that follow can expand the department even further, while keeping the top applicants engaged and content with working and contributing to the Daily Pennsylvanian!

You are a member of the Daily Pennsylvanian family. That’s what I tell any current student who will listen to me. This isn’t like any other family, though. This is the most impressive group of people you’ve ever encountered: Pulitzer Prize-winning journalists, authors, CEOs, doctors, lawyers, teachers, TV and movie executives, businesspeople in every conceivable industry, nonprofit leaders… the list goes on.
If Penn alumni are elite, then DP alumni are the elite of the elite.
Truth be told, The Daily Pennsylvanian family— along with the 137+ years of content that we have collectively produced—is the biggest asset of our beloved organization. And students understand this. Never before has alumni involvement with current DP students been higher, and we are all stronger because of it.
Today’s DP has evolved in many ways, but one thing has remained consistent: the quality of the student staffers and leadership. We on the Board of Directors are beaming with pride at the passion, dedication, talent and diversity of today’s DP. And we are confident that tomorrow’s students will take us to even greater heights.
As alumni, our job is to ensure the DP’s future for another 137+ years. To do that, we need everyone’s help. Please consider donating your time, talent, and treasure to an organization that shaped so many of our lives and careers, so that it can continue to do so for future generations of Penn students.
Alumni financial contributions are now an absolutely critical source of revenue. Gone are the days of large national ad revenues and $35 DPAA membership dues. While the current financial situation is stable, it is not an overstatement to say that the future viability of the DP depends on alumni philanthropy. Please give meaningfully.

the amazing
Volunteerism—from mentoring to training to serving on the Daily Pennsylvanian Alumni Association (DPAA) Board and committees—is also critical. Our alumni base possesses an enormous wealth of knowledge and experience, and together we can help today’s students succeed and thrive. As an added benefit, you get to feel young again being around current students!
I am extremely excited to have joined the DP Development team this year as the new DP Development Assistant. Members of the Development team and I are working together to create and enhance efforts to generate DP alumni philanthropic support.

Although I am a second-year transfer student at Penn, joining the Development team has allowed me to immediately become immersed in the culture, life and history that defines Penn’s campus and the surrounding area. When I decided to spend the next three years of my undergraduate education at Penn, I knew I wanted to witness and join the DP’s legacy as one of the nation’s top college news organizations. Having loved my own experience writing for my high school’s small but mighty newspaper, I am passionate about supporting student journalism.
As the Development Assistant, my main work centers on hosting the DPAA Beat. Through the DPAA Beat, I honor the DP’s storied past by diving into the archives and spotlighting memorable stories and front covers of previous DP editions. While celebrating the past, I also hope to celebrate the present by sharing the successes of DP alumni and
documenting the story of the DP today. My goal is to emphasize how your philanthropic support directly contributes to the production of impactful journalism and meaningful experiences for Penn students.
You give so much time, money and mentorship to the DP, so we want to give back to you by making our network an interactive one. To stay connected with the DP of the past and present, be sure to follow the DPAA Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. You will not want to miss out on the latest archival dives, alumni success stories, DP news, events, merch giveaways and more!
“When I decided to spend the next three years of my undergraduate education at Penn, I knew I wanted to witness and join the DP’s legacy as one of the nation’s top college news organizations.
Alex Bellos 2006
Eric Brachfeld 1984
Charles Cohen 1989
John Daniszewski 1979
Bryan Harris 1983
Philip Lentz
John Peyton 1989
Matt Selman 1993
Michael Silver 1975
Steve Stecklow 1976
Dwayne Sye 1995 Jed Walentas 1996

$1000 +
Michael Brown 1962
Peter Canellos 1984
Stuart Friedman 1966
Dan Gingiss 1996
David Goldman 2006
Robert Gross 1966 James Kahn 1975
Robert Kamin 1966
Daniel Kasle 1975
Stephen Klitzman 1966
Lance Laver 1966
Howard Levine 1966 Lee Levine 1976
Nancy Mantell 1965
Marty Margolis 1966
Jonathan Margulies 2002
Howard Marlowe 1964
Donald Morrison 1968
Benjamin Natelson 1963
Thomas Papson 1973
Amy Potter 2004
Rita Allen Foundation
Michael Rockoff 1991
Brett Rose 2002
Robert Rottenberg 1966
Sarena Snider 2007 Alex Sutton 1990
$500 +
Stephanie Cooperman Abrahams 2000
Ira Apfel 1990
Binyamin Appelbaum 2001
Jay Brodsky 1991
Jean Chatzky 1986
Craig Coopersmith 1987
Dean Dennis 2006
Rob Dubow and Alice Dubow 1981
Steven Dubow 1979
Stefan Fatsis 1985
Laurence Field 1976
Jeanne Ehrenkranz Fogel 1992
David Gurian-Peck 2010
Scott Heller 1982
Victoria Hill 1983
Mark Hyman 1978
Ryan Jones 2007
Jonathan Lansner 1979
Adam Levine 1992
Rebecca Kaplan Levy 2010
Orli Low 1985
Michael Mugmon 1999
Bret Parker 1990
Dan Rottenberg 1964
Julia Rubin 2010
Justin Schechter 1977
Joel Siegel 1979
Dan Turkenkopf 2001 Michael Vondriska 2002
$250 +
Jennifer Arend 1999
Kenneth Baer 1994 Cara Benoit 1995 Steve Berkowitz 1986
Dennis Berman 1996 Amy Borrus 1978
Robert Chasen 1988 Lindsay Chiat 2000 Rachel Cohen 2011 Eric Dash 2002
Olivia Doherty 2005 Michael Eisenberg 1982
Robert Elegant 1946 Lauren Feiner 2017 Rachel Feintzeig 2007
Robert Frost 1960 Amy Gardner 1990 Ben Geldon 2001
Barbara Gladieux
Kerry Golds 2009
Richard Gordon 1980
Rick Haggerty 2001
Benjamin Hammer 1998 Noam Harel 1992
Josh Hirsch 2007
Lesley Hlatki 1996
Parisa Howard 2008
Matthew Jones 2006
David Kekst 1990
Michael Kopelman 1997 Rod Kurtz 2002
Melissa Lasher 1998
Nina Liu 1984
Peter Lui 2011
Kent Malmros 2000
Matthew Mantica 2016 Gabriele Marcotti 1995 Andrew Margolies 2002 Marla Milgram 1983
Guy Nee
Marylouise Oates 1965
Charles Ornstein 1996
Susie Perloff 1965
Theodore Reiss 1979
Ian Rosenblum 2000
Ken Rosenthal 1984
Stephen Sagner
Cynthia Chang Scanlan 1984
Mark Schlesinger 1971
Theodore Schweitz 2003
Mark Seltzer 1979
Jeff Shafer 2006
Maria Shao 1979
Cindy Shmerler 1981
Calder Silcox 2012
Michael Sirolly 1993
Peter Spiegel 1992
Richard W. Stevenson 1981
Greg Stone 1990 Blake Stuchin 2004 Roy Tomizawa 1985
Ellen Ginsburg Van der Horst 1978 Ray Van der Horst 1978
Garrett Young 2006 Howard Zalkowitz 1990 Jonathan Zucker 1998
$100 + Hooman Anvar 1996
Kurt Apen 1994
Gerard Babitts 1988 Kyle Bahr 2002
Jeff Barker 1979
Rachel Baye 2011 Oliver Benn 2002 Cara Benoit 1995 Andrew Beresin 1987
Harry Berezin 2005 Barri Bernstein 1979 Kara Blond 1997
Naomi Bloom 1967
Matthew Bogin 1972 Dan Bollerman 1988
Rebecca Bowers-Lanier
T. Andrew Candor 1973
Mark Caro 1986
Jill Castellano 2016
Ciara Castro 2002 Joon Seo Choi
Sean Clarke Adam Cohen 1990 Harry Cooperman 2016 Joanna Daemmrich 1986
Meryl Davids 1983 Luke DeCock 1996 Priya Desai Jules Dessibourg 1999
Cheryl Family 1991
Peter Filderman 1983
Mike Finkel 1990
Andrew Fischer 2019
Sarah Fortinsky 2020
Christine Foster 1993
Stephen Foster 1962
Ed Gefen 1988
Michael Gessel 1978
Robert Gleason
Melvin Goldstein 1962
Helen Green 1992
Seth Grossman 2001
Alec Harris 1985
David Henkoff 1982
Gerald Hirschhorn 1957
Jordana Horn 1995
Seth Isenberg 2001
Luther Jackson 1977
Eric Jacobs 1980
Deborah Kavesh Jagoda 1981
Joshua Kay 2010
Kevin Kelly 1985
Deborah Kravetz 1970
Doug Kremer 1989
Scott Lanman 1999
Kristina Lee 2011
Kevin Lerner 1999
Roger Levenson 1999
Zachary Levine 2007
Mike Madden 1998
William Marble 2015
Adam Mark 1997
Jared McDonald 2012
Andrew McLaughlin 2001
James Meadows 2019
Thomas Nessinger 1997
Jack Ochs
Samuel Perlman 1991
Richard Rabinoff 1982
Rick Resnick 1987
Joan Marjorie Roller 1971
Fredric Rollman 1977
Bruce Rosenblum 1981
Michael Rosenman 1976
Randi Rothberg 2000
Robert Savett 1970
Jim Schaffer 1973
Gordon Schonfeld 1978
Julia Schorr 2020
Susan Schuval-Gold 1982
Berl Schwartz 1969
Stephen Shapiro 1996
Edward Sherwin 2001
Martin Siegel 1977
Richard Siegel 1960
Jonathan Silvers 1983
Isabella Simonetti 2020
Clemson Smith Muniz 1979
Joshua Soven 1988
Peter Stone 1959
Amanda Suarez 2016
Albert Sun 2010
Jennifer Sun 2014
Mark Suter 1995
Taub Swartz 1987
Jonathan Tannenwald 2006
Zoe Tillman 2009
Steven Tydings 2016
Scott Waynebern 1991
Lori Weil 1988
Michael Weiner 1984
Carolyn Wennblom 1987
Michael Wisniewski 2013
Morton Wolf
Andy Wolk 1970 Julie Xie 2014
Rachel Zamoiski 2004
Christine Zoh 2003
Under $99
Bill Altman 1979
Kenneth Barofsky 1982
Kat Boccher Dan Bollerman 1988
Sam Brodey 2014
Sarah Buchanan 2007
Nick Buchta 2017
Luke Chen 2016
Sue Lin Chong 1969
Ross Clark 2004
Teri Cohen 1978
Carter Coudriet 2018
Joseph Cruz
Taylor Culliver 2015
Liz deBeer 1984
Glen Dickson 1992
Anonymous Donor Leigh Duvall-Parks

Marc Edelman 1999
Tony Edelstein 1984
David Elfin 1981
Beatrice Forman 2022
David France 1989
Rachel Friedman 2007
Patrick Gallagher 1974
Shana Glassman
Michael Gold 2011
Robert Goldberg
Steve Goldwyn 1986
Lisa Green 1982
Anna Haigh Berry 2005 H. Hardie 1985
Thomas Hill 1988
Eda Hochgelerent 1964 Hilal Isler 2005
Cole Jacobson 2019
Naomi Jagoda 2011
Jeffrey Joseph 2002
Eliot Kaplan 1978
Dina Kaufthal 1999
Tony Kovatch 1973
Rachel Kramer 2002
Mitchell Kraus 1993
Alyssa Kress 2013
Barron Lerner 1982
M. Madden 1971
Randi Feigenbaum Marshall 1997
Eric Moskowitz 2001
William Mosteller
Eileen O’Brien 1976
Beth Reinhard 1990
Mark Rosenfield 1959
Joseph Salus 1951
Michael Sand 1963
Elizabeth Sanger 1979
George Satterthwaite 1957
Daniel Scher 1989
Lionel Schooler 1968
Lauren Shaham 1991
Ashwin Shandilya 2010
Samantha Sharf Bloch 2012
Robert Shepard 1983
Roxanne Shepelavy 1993
Linda Silverstein 1971
Rande Simpson 1983
Joel Spenadel 1986 Dan Spinelli 2018 Robyn Stanton 1983
Caryn Tamber-Rosenau 2003
Rebecca Tan 2019
Alicia Tether 1976
Brian Toolan 1994
Eric Turkington 1969 William Ulrich 2002
Gloria Vargas
Dana Vogel 2011
Donald Watnick 1983
Rebecca Weinstein 1978 Dennis Wilen 1968
Michae Zuckerman 1961
Jeff Veit 1991
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The Daily Pennsylvanian
4015 Walnut Street, 2nd Fl Philadelphia, PA 19104
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For more information contact: Steven Molberger Director of Development