DP Foundation | Fall 2024 Update

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vides an outlet for creative expression. For the thousands of devoted readers, the DP delivers consistent, unbiased, thought-provoking, and detailed content on what matters most to the Penn community.

None of this amazing work could be possible without all of you. We rely on alumni to help raise $250,000 for our annual operating fund each year. Our budgets and ability to provide the best experience to both our student journalists and readers hinges on our ability to bring in these funds.

President’s Message

Like many of you, The Daily Pennsylvanian has been the most formative part of my Penn experience.

This year, Penn endured unprecedented student activism, extensive conversations about freedom of speech, and conflicting perspectives on the war in Gaza. As the national media flocked to Locust Walk to cover the latest developments of our

historic institution, the DP held its own— covering the Penn community with an eye toward journalistic ethics, learning, and community. Students from across departments pushed the envelope of what the DP could do, working tirelessly to demonstrate the importance of student journalism at Penn. While our university might have only

burst into the national spotlight in recent months, the DP has been shining a light on every corner of Penn for 140 years.

For the hundreds of students on staff, the DP offers hands-on experience in journalism and business, fosters lifelong friendships, encourages critical thinking, and pro-

These dollars go directly to supporting students with the best resources and opportunities available. We also remain dedicated to keeping our alumni updated on the exciting progress happening at the DP. Please check to see if your records are updated as we aim to provide information about engaging alumni events and programming.

It has been the honor of my lifetime serving as President of The Daily Pennsylvanian, and none of our success could be possible without your support and generosity. With your support, we can continue to provide student journalists a meaningful learning experience.


Telling Stories that Matter

The Daily Pennsylvanian’s commitment to independent journalism remains as strong as ever.

As the Executive Editor, I work with our dedicated team of editors to ensure quality journalism as well as quality learning opportunities for all staffers.

This year, the team has been devoted to revamping our current products and launching new ones. The DP’s newsletters received a much-needed facelift with new logos and branding created by our design team. This fall our Crosswords department relaunched as our Puzzles department, offering three new engaging puzzles for our readers online and in print. Our social media, podcast, and video teams remain committed to exploring new avenues for their journalism to tell the stories that matter.

Above all, the editorial team works tirelessly to create journalism that matters for the Penn community. When something happens on campus, the reporters at the DP, 34th Street, and Under the Button take responsibility to share their stories with the Penn community. The DP has prioritized investigative journalism this year, 34th Street

has integrated a larger focus on Penn’s arts scene, and Under the Button continues to build a loyal social media following.

The editorial staff looks forward to a semester with intense election coverage and a variety of sports special issues. This fall, we are focusing on improving our training program for our new staff members, who were selected from one of the largest pools of applicants in recent years.

I am beyond proud of the hundreds of editorial staffers who remain dedicated to continuing the DP’s legacy of excellence. As the field of journalism continues to change, I am confident that the DP will remain at the forefront of these changes.

A LETTER FROM Peter S. Canellos

DP Alumni Association President

Dear fellow DPers,

Our students are preparing for another year of intensive campus news, divisive wars overseas, and a presidential election in which Penn figures once again loom large. Alumni, too, are working hard to support student reporters, remake the business model for independent journalism, and fund a new home for media innovation.

This has been a crucial period for the DP. Strife within the Penn community has bred a new appreciation for independent, fact-based reporting. The DP led collegiate journalism in breaking important national news stories. They include the Huntsman family’s decision to withhold donations, the resignation of President Liz Magill, and trustee chairman Scott Bok’s subsequent decision to step down. In a deeply contentious environment, the DP won respect for striving to uphold fairness and accuracy. Proof of this newfound appreciation is visible in steadily increasing traffic numbers.

There is much more to be done. Building trust in the mainstream media is one of the most important missions of our time. All the toxic pathologies that eat away at our civic fabric—disinformation, misinformation, division, strife—grow out of our lack of trusted facts. College campuses are ground zero in the struggle to preserve fact-based reporting in a time of vast technological change. This is where successful new models will emerge. Students are the readers of the future, and they will shape the future for all of us.

Alumni support is increasingly crucial. Advertising is down across the media landscape. While students and alumni work together to mine new sources of revenue, contributions help to fill the gap. The DP Foundation is laying the groundwork for a major capital campaign. At the same time, we must maintain and enhance our annual giving. And the DP Alumni Association welcomes volunteers to mentor students in the journalistic and business challenges of the digital age.

On November 2, we will come together in Philadelphia to honor the DP’s 140-year history. Over those years, thousands of students have made their way to the DP office to hone their writing and business skills, fight for transparency in campus institutions, and shed light on some of the most consequential issues of their time. One has only to glance at the front pages on the walls of the DP office to know that journalism didn’t fit the same frame in all of those eras. But the underlying values were the same.

Therein lies the magic of the DP Alumni Association. It’s people of different generations united by shared principles. Each generation has much to teach the others. Please join us in our important work. Together, we can help secure the DP’s wellbeing for another 140 years and make a meaningful contribution to the future of journalism.


S. Canellos



General News–Second Place

Imran Siddiqui, Molly Cohen, Jared Mitovich, Saya Desai

Ongoing News Coverage–First Place

Articles by Katie Bartlett, Ben Binday, Ethan Young, Jonah Miller, Diamy Wang, Emily Scolnick, Molly Cohen, Jared Mitovich, Ella Sohn, Saya Desai, and Imran Siddiqui

Sports Story–Honorable Mention

Article by Walker Carnathan

Editorial–Second Place

Column–First Place

Columns by Spencer Gibbs

Feature Photo–First Place

Photo by Chenyao Liu

Photo Story–First Place

Photo essay by Ethan Young and Anna Vazhaeparambil

Website–Second Place

Layout and Design–Second Place

Design by Lillian Liu and Sophia Liu

Podcast–Honorable Mention: Quaker Nation

Recorded and edited by Sean McKeown, Walker Carnathan, and Riane Lumer


Best Multi–Outlet Breaking News Coverage

Best Investigative Story Ben Binday

Best Investigative Sports Story Walker Carnathan and Sean McKeown

DP Alumni Association President

Innovating the DP’s Future

I’m a sophomore studying artificial intelligence and I’m hoping to one day go into startups!

Working as the Innovation Lab Manager at the Daily Pennsylvanian has been an incredible experience; getting the chance to meet so many executives at huge organizations and apply their teachings into creating new products has taught me an incredible amount about the different steps of the entrepreneurship cycle.

I hope that the DP continues supporting innovation and building out new products in the coming years as we look to make the DP the hub for any and everything Penn-related. None of this would be possible without the generous philanthropic support we receive each year, and for that, I want to extend my heartfelt thanks. Your contributions are truly helping students like me bring new ideas to life.

Introducing New Corporate Sponsorship Packages

An exclusive opportunity for national businesses to enhance their presence on Penn’s campus.

Diamond - $12,000

* Logo, company feature on DP suite of websites

* Logo on all DP print products

* Logo on all DP newsletters and listservs

* Pre-roll, mid-roll, and post-roll ad in DP podcasts

* 12 social media posts per year (six per semester)

* Front page as in print edition monthly

* Interactive readership event hosted with sponsor

* Access to resume booklet of DP staff

* Company info session hosted by DP at The Wharton School

* Company networking session hosted by DP at The Wharton School

Gold - $9,000

* Logo, pro le blurb on DP suite of websites

* Logo on all DP newsletters and listservs

* Shoutout in DP podcasts

* Six social media posts per year (three per semester)

* Two quarter-page ads in print edition per month

* Interactive readership event hosted with sponsor

* Access to resume booklet of DP staff

Silver - $5,000

* Logo on DP suite of websites

* Two social media posts per year (one per semester)

* One eighth-page ad in print edition per month

* Interactive readership event hosted with sponsor

* Access to resume booklet of DP staff

Partnering with the DP guarantees significant visibility across the Penn campus and beyond.

FOR MORE INFORMATION businessmanager@thedp.com

We are delighted to invite you to the DP’s 140th Anniversary Celebration. Join us November 1st–2nd, 2024

This distinguished event offers a weekend filled with reflection, professional networking, and the celebration of the DP’s enduring impact on student journalism.

RESERVE YOUR SEAT TODAY! If you are unable to attend we hope you will consider sponsoring a student.

Reconnect with fellow alumni, engage in thought-provoking discussions, and celebrate over a century of impactful reporting.

We are also thrilled to induct new members into the DP Hall of Fame, honoring those who have significantly contributed to our storied legacy.

The Daily Pennsylvanian, a cornerstone of student journalism at the University of Pennsylvania, needs your help to continue its vital work.

A Tradition of Excellence

For decades, The Daily Pennsylvanian has been a training ground for young journalists, a platform for diverse voices, and a source of independent reporting. What sets us apart is our commitment to authenticity and our unwavering independence from the university itself. This is our strength, but it also means we rely entirely on supporters like you.

How Your Gift Makes a Difference

When you contribute to The Daily Pennsylvanian, you’re doing more than just making a donation. You’re directly impacting the lives of our student journalists and the quality of our reporting.

Why Your Support Matters

Your contribution is a powerful way to invest in the future of journalism. It’s about supporting the next generation of reporters who are committed to truth and integrity. Your gift helps ensure that The Daily Pennsylvanian remains a vibrant, independent voice on campus and beyond.

Please Donate Today

We understand that you have many choices when it comes to philanthropy, and we are deeply appreciative of your consideration. Your support can make a real difference in the lives of our students and the impact of our reporting.

Here’s how your support will be used:

Scholarships and Financial Aid

Help ease the financial burdens our students face, allowing them to focus on their passion for journalism without distraction.

Technology Upgrades

Ensure our journalists have the best tools available, keeping us at the forefront of modern media practices.

Field Travel

Enable our reporters to travel, report on stories from the ground, and bring authentic, on-the-scene coverage to our readers.

Educational Opportunities

Fund workshops, seminars, and training that provide our students with the skills and knowledge they need to excel.

Awards and Recognition

Celebrate the hard work and innovation of our students, encouraging them to strive for excellence.

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