RSL Services Focus Aug - Oct 2020

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R S L & S E RV I C E S C LU B S A S S O C I ATI O N AU G U S T – O C TO B E R 2020 | E D ITI O N #3





RSL & SERVICES CLUBS ASSOCIATION Suite 1103, 109 Pitt St Sydney NSW 2000 Phone: (02) 9233 2624 Email: RSLSERVICESCLUBS.COM.AU FOLLOW US

CEO Garrie Gibson Chairman Dean Thomas CHP RSL Directors Andrew Bell John Rafferty Michael Brennan Patsy Edwards Del Gaudry John Millar

MEDIA Editor Brad Smith Designer Diana Cascione Daily Press Printing Daily Press



The last six months have proven to be very challenging for clubs across the State. The consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic have been considerable and are likely to continue for many months ahead. Responding to this challenge has required Club Boards and management to significantly alter operations and services within our venues and to undertake new procedures to protect our patrons and our staff. Every week has thrown up new issues and regulatory requirements that have to be communicated to all staff and implemented immediately. Communications has been the big issue for us all. Knowing what new rules have been introduced by government each week and ensuring everyone in the club team, including our members, knows about them and carries them out efficiently and thoroughly, has tested everyone. We are a people business. Looking after all the people who rely on our clubs for services, entertainment, support, and employment in safe and secure facilities is our primary goal as businesses. Garrie and his team at the RSL & Services Clubs Association have risen to this challenge by introducing an array of communications services for member clubs - to not just tell you what to do, but how and why and with what services and facilities. Our goal is to bring you the most appropriate and useful information that will help you successfully manage all the issues that emerge. We are here for you, so please make use of our services and support whenever the need arises. Together, we can and will survive the COVID challenge, but it is up to everyone to play their part and ensure our venues deliver on our primary purpose. Regards


H AV E YOU R SAY If you would like to respond to an article, recommend a contributor or even share information please contact the editor of ‘Focus’. EMAIL THE EDITOR We invite any information from outside our sector and our industry, to contribute new ideas and approaches to the challenges we face. Please make sure you provide your name, email address and contact phone number so we can get in touch with you! FOCUS IS ALSO AVAILABLE TO VIEW ON YOUR PHONE, TABLET OR COMPUTER! VISIT RSLSERVICESCLUBS.COM.AU FOR MORE INFORMATION


WHY NOW IS THE TIME FOR RSL CLUBS TO PRIORITISE OUTPL ACEMENT T H E H O S P I TA L I T Y I N D U S T R Y I S C U R R E N T LY FA C I N G O N E OF THE MOST CHALLENGING PERIODS IN RECENT YEARS. F RO M T H E U N P R E C E D E N T E D I M PAC T O F C OV I D -19 R E S T R I C T I O N S T O T H E H U G E E C O N O M I C F A L L O U T R E S U LT I N G F RO M T H E G LO B A L PA N D E M I C, J O B LOSS ES A R E A N I N E V I TA B L E R E A L I T Y O F T H E P R E S E N T E N V I RO N M E N T. When it comes to the process of letting people go, RSL clubs, in particular, have a responsibility to do so in a way that upholds their social licence to operate (SLO) and is mindful of the wider community they form a part of.

their business activities. When considering the effect of job losses, this becomes all the more important given that those at risk of losing their jobs form part of this community and are likely connected - by family, friendship or association - to its members.

In this article, I’m exploring how outplacement support can play a crucial role in maintaining the corporate social responsibilities of RSL clubs - and why this is more important than ever in the wake of COVID-19.

In addition, the nature of some of the services provided by RSL clubs - such as the supply of alcohol and the facilitation of gambling services adds another layer of responsibility around minimising harm for patrons and ensuring the club is demonstrating their commitment to acting in the best interests of the community which supports it.

The ‘Perfect Storm’ Hitting Hospitality As coronavirus continues to take a devastating toll on Australian businesses, a combination of trying circumstances is placing extreme pressure on the RSL club sector and causing revenues to take a major hit. For starters, the direct impact of COVID-19 has led to significant changes in the day-to-day operations of clubs. While no longer facing complete closure (at the time of writing), clubs face restrictions ranging from greatly reduced maximum capacity and mandatory social distancing to restrictions on food service and events. The result, of course, is a loss of revenue, which is only being compounded by the belt-tightening of many club patrons whose livelihoods have been impacted by the pandemic. In addition to the ‘coronavirus effect’, the changes to the Federal Government’s JobKeeper scheme are placing further pressure on employers who need this support to keep staff on stand-down rather than making them redundant. Add to this the deferment of gambling taxes due to come into effect in September, and the result is a veritable tidal wave of challenging circumstances which will inevitably lead to redundancies at all levels of RSL staff. Why Do RSL Clubs Need to Prioritise Outplacement? An institution of the Australian social scene, RSL clubs have a particularly strong link to the communities in which they operate. Far more than just a place to grab a drink and a bite to eat, clubs represent a welcoming, inclusive local space where veterans, families, and community members of all ages can gather together. As a result of these close connections to their communities, RSL clubs have a responsibility to ‘do right’ by the people who are impacted by


How Can RSL Clubs Let People Go Responsibly and With Empathy? Outplacement services involve the provision of support and training to an outgoing employee, in order to assist them in their career transition. By guiding exiting employees through the difficult process of being retrenched or made redundant, outplacement can help reduce stress, fear and anxiety (all the more important in the environment of a global pandemic), keep them motivated, and equip them with the skills and training they need to succeed in their career transition. Furthermore, providing support in the form of an outplacement program can help ensure the relationship between exiting employees and your club remains positive and amicable, reducing the chance of bad feelings and negative feedback being spread through the community. Supporting staff members with an effective outplacement program demonstrates your club’s commitment to acting responsibly towards members of its community and shows a dedication to upholding your brand values at every stage of the employee lifecycle. Providing outplacement, therefore, helps to maintain your SLTO and ensures you are doing the right thing by the members of the community in which you operate. Career365’s pioneering online outplacement program is ideal for a COVID-19 environment. Our programs are delivered via comprehensive online training modules supported by tailored coaching, providing exiting employees with 365 days of career transition support. To find out more about our industry-leading employee transition services, contact Greg Weiss on or 1300 784 633.





“PTSD is a horrendous thing to go through. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. Before I received Lola, I used to have probably up to 8 nightmares a month. I’d average 2 hours of sleep a night for 5 nights and then I’d sleep for 2 days. But now, with Lola, she will wake me up if that happens. I haven’t had a nightmare in 3 months.” Michael N. Defence Community Dogs Assistance Dog recipient.

How do the dogs help? The program has been running for over 6 years and based on feedback from program recipients over this time, it is evident that DCD Assistance Dogs are a truly invaluable part of a Veterans’ rehabilitation. They have reported improved sleep patterns, reduced episodes of stress and anxiety, reduced reliance on medication, greater independence, and a renewed ability to reconnect with family and friends. Partners and carers have also reported increased independence, and some have even been able to return to work.

Once a dog has completed its extensive training program it can be matched with a suitable and eligible Veteran. Veterans attend a comprehensive 8-day handover workshop at the training facility before taking ownership of their dog.

“Lola was one day off being euthanized. Now she has saved my life - twice” Michael N.

How can Veterans apply for a dog?

Lola was only one day off being euthanized before she was rescued by the Defence Community Dogs program. After being accepted into the program, Lola completed months of specialised training at the Bathurst Correctional Centre to become a PTSD Assistance Dog. At the Centre, Lola was allocated to a specially selected, minimum security inmate who became her ‘handler’. The dogs spend 24 hours a day with their handler, just like a Veteran will. The handler looks after all the dogs’ needs – they even share a cell together. During the day, DCD’s team of professional dog trainers conduct dog training sessions with the dogs and handlers to prepare each dog to become an Assistance Dog and support the specific needs of Veterans with PTSD. Once a dog has successfully completed the program and Assistance Dog level assessment, the dogs are given to suitably matched ADF veterans at no cost. The dogs are provided to Veterans thanks to the support of donors, sponsors and grants, such as the Veterans Benevolent Fund of the RSL & Services Clubs Association. Our dogs and Veterans say ‘Thank you’.



Due to changing COVID -19 travel restrictions, we are seeking more applicants from NSW. If you know a Veteran who would benefit from an Assistance Dog, please send them the link to the DCD website to find out more or email us at About Defence Community Dogs Defence Community Dogs (DCD) provides highly trained Assistance Dogs to serving and ex-serving Australian Defence Force members, who need physical and emotional support to deal with injuries and illnesses including posttraumatic stress disorders (PTSD). Every dog in the Defence Community Dogs program is a rehomed dog and must pass a strict health and temperament assessment before being accepted to undergo training. Dogs undertake at least 8 to 10 months – a minimum of 250 hours – of professional dog training and must pass numerous assessments in order to graduate. All training takes place at Bathurst (NSW) and Numinbah (QLD) Correctional Centres with the assistance of professional dog trainers and under the guidance of one of Australia’s leading Dog Trainers, Steve Austin.

“Lola has pulled me out of nightmares several times since I’ve had her. I normally suffer from kicking my feet and punching in my sleep, but Lola turns on a light then jumps up on the bed and lays straight across my feet and puts her weight on them. It brings me back to the real world.. Having Lola is Absolutely Life Changing.” Michael N.

DCD Assistance Dogs are given to ADF Veterans at NO COST To apply visit RSL & Services Clubs are urged to consider a Club Grant for the Defence Care Dogs. Contact the Association for more information on how your club can support this important project. RSLSERVICESCLUBS.COM. AU

Providing Assistance Dogs to support Veterans suffering from PTSD

To apply or find out more, visit Or call 1300 323 647




Throughout the Black Summer of 2019/20 Disaster Relief Australia (DRA) deployed 741 veterans across three states to bring help and hope to those devastated by the fires. The mission of DRA remains unchanged; to unite the skills and experience of military veterans with emergency services specialists to rapidly respond to natural disasters.


DRA is predicated on service above self, as one veteran arriving in the hard-hit town of Willawarrin NSW, on his first operation put it “Despite the many varying differences of age, gender, ethnicity, experience, service, prior rank and the rest - we had something pretty special in common. The attitude and desire to jump in to help those who needed it. That’s where it started”. And there was plenty of work to be done. The advent of COVID-19 brought our fire relief operations to a temporary halt. But very quickly our veterans were sought after to staff quarantine hotels which allowed police to go back on the beat, we are also assisting in nursing homes, conducting contact tracing and assisting vulnerable and isolated older residents in their homes. COIVD will unfortunately be with us for some time, and as the pandemic grinds on, the scope of tasks we are being asked to perform continues to grow. While all that takes place, DRA continues to expand and consolidate our skills base. DRA conducted extensive operations in the Adelaide Hills and on Kangaroo Island which saw us launch a permanent disaster relief team in Adelaide. Similarly, our work in the Bega Valley and Batlow saw us launch a permanent disaster relief team in Canberra. Whilst veterans have ideal skill and experience for disaster environments there is a constant training requirement for hard skills, such as chainsaw use, that needs to be filled. The majority of our operations over summer were conducted in NSW, and as always Clubs were the first ones to support, whether through donations or by providing other assistance on the ground. When COVID restrictions begin to ease we will resume fire-relief operations in Batlow NSW and elsewhere. The fire recovery will go on for years, and there are still many families isolated, devastated and alone. When we do, we will once again need the support of the RSL and Services Clubs who are at the heart of their local communities. The following account from Cobargo in the Bega Valley, NSW, provides a good insight into the support we bring:

“the homeowner shared with me her story, you could instantly feel her loss but then everything changed and the biggest sincerest smile came across her face. She conveyed just how grateful she was...the fact we had turned up at her place to help. She "just needed someone to show they cared and you had". What could I say? Nothing. I just hugged her”. DRA, our veterans and volunteers, we will be in the field again soon.

Our new name and logo reflect a uniquely Australian identity.

BRANDMARK ICONOGRAPHY: · The double diamonds are reflective of Australian commando heritage. · Diamond is the highest standard. · At DRA we are never alone, so there are two diamonds positioned together. · The shape resembles Australia. · The Australian Military Kangaroo highlights our military heritage and is also relatable to all Australians. · The blue surrounds the Kangaroo, representing Australia as an island.




JUNE AND J U LY H AV E BEEN BUSY MONTHS FOR VWS2020 We were proud to facilitate the first ever online Reboot, PTSD Recovery intensive course for PTSD Resurrected (2-5 June 2020). Generally, I think we all agree that online is never a replacement for face to face and in person events. However with the pandemic restrictions we are all finding new ways of working and maintaining communications. Reboot Online was an opportunity for some of the more geographically isolated participants to gain access to this course. Taking the course online also meant that participants with disabilities and carer responsibilities could take part. But most importantly delivering Reboot this way allowed the expert and compassionate team at PTSD Resurrected to meet the needs of our veterans, their partners and family members as they seek understanding and healing, especially at this time when so many programs and courses are being postponed or cancelled. It was a privilege to watch Reboot in action and we look forward to the next Reboot Online in 18 -21 August 2020 - enrolments are open now. The official Week 2 for #VWS2020 was a mix of webinars and workshops. Barry Zworestine returned to VWS with a webinar on Operational Neuroscience and Transitional Challenges. Barry is a veteran of the Rhodesian Bush War and has for many years practiced as a psychologist in Sydney. His webinar was a fascinating discussion on what he is observing in clinical practice on Post Military Transitioning Challenges v. PostTraumatic Stress Injuries, as well as addressing the moral injury that occurs when your own organisation “abandons” you. Barry’s no nonsense and practical approach to explaining the transitional challenges in military language was very well received. Barry is very generous with his time and gave participants a wide RSLSERVICESCLUBS.COM. AU

range of techniques they can practice to move forward with their best life now. Rebecca Harnett and Sue Eillis delivered a webinar on Understanding the Rehabilitation Process. Many people expressed to us last year that they had strained and difficult engagements with rehabilitation providers. It was terrific to hear from Rebecca and Sue about what should happen. The presentation provided clear information on what veterans should expect when engaging with a rehabilitation provider to assist them in taking action towards the life they want to live. It was encouraging to see the interesting questions and interaction from the participants as Rebecca and Sue outlined processes that they engage in as part of their practice in the rehabilitation process. The team from MindRight and StoryRight conducted a series of taster workshops as well. Anyone looking for a comprehensive course to work through transition and give yourself the best possible chance of promoting yourself for post service employment, MindRight and StoryRight would have to be an essential inclusion. The StoryRight team are all ex-ADF. The program is underpinned by good research and practice. Lived experience is one thing. Being able to use it to connect with participants in such a natural way makes all the difference and the team at StoryRight do exactly that. We are hoping they will return for Week 3 of #VWS2020. The feedback we received from participants last year and the shocking rates of veteran sucide in this country were the impetus to organise two key workshops: Solution Focused Approach to Suicide Prevention (13/14 July 2020) and Combat Operational Stress Recovery (16/17 July 2020). These workshops were held live, online and were interactive.

Our trainer, John Henden, an experienced solution focused practitioner conducted the training for us from his home in the UK. At the time of writing, the initial feedback is very positive. Participants in both workshops have reported statistically significant increases in their confidence levels in working with veterans who are struggling through challenging times. We have students from Macquarie University assisting us with further research and interviews across August - November of this year, assessing the ongoing effectiveness and application of the training received. One experienced psychologist made the following statement in her feedback to us:

“It’s no exaggeration to say that by doing this workshop, you may well save someone’s life. John’s clear, honest and encouraging approach will equip you with specific tools and questions for conversing or working with those who are experiencing suicidal thoughts or behaviours.” I look forward to reporting back on the findings later in the year. Once again I would like to thank all of our partners and particularly the support of the Veterans’ Benevolent Fund for making the work we are doing in the Veteran Wellbeing Summit possible and enabling so many people, who do such critical work with veterans, their partners and family members, to access the workshops and webinars. On behalf of the VWS2020 Organising Committee Jacqui Van de Velde Director Wellbeing Australia



VISIT NSW C A M PA I G N T H E R S L & S E R V I C E S C LU B S A SS O C I AT I O N H A S A N E W C A M PA I G N TO E N C O U R AG E PEOPLE ACROSS NSW AND AUSTR ALIA TO VISIT THE M ANY WONDERFUL , INSPIRING, AW E S O M E P L AC E S T H AT M A K E U P O U R G R E AT STAT E ! The people of regional NSW are ready and keen to welcome you to their towns and communities so you can enjoy a holiday of a lifetime with magnificent scenery, great food, delicious wine, exciting activities and events, very comfortable accommodation and the nicest people you will ever meet! Despite the continuing pervasive presence of the COVID virus, we all need to have a break and enjoy some good hospitality from our friends across the State. Of course, we must all follow the COVID Safe Plans and practice social distancing, hygiene and care wherever we may visit. You can still enjoy a friendly holiday whilst being safe and staying healthy! We regularly feature a particular town or region in NSW that you should visit on your holidays on our Association Facebook page. And, in case you are not aware, in each of these locations there is a great RSL or ex-services Club waiting to welcome you! Please show your support for your Club colleagues wherever you may visit, as you know they will reciprocate when they come to your town or suburb!



Many regional RSL and Services Clubs also have holiday accommodation available where you can stay to enjoy country hospitality. If you wish to access these accommodation facilities, please visit our website to find a great Motel or holiday centre and their contact details: We also urge you to book direct with the accommodation centre, using the contact details listed on our Club Accommodation page. Please avoid the online booking agencies, as these can cost the accommodation centres a lot of money. We cannot travel overseas and there are many parts of Australia still denied to us. So please support the hundreds of clubs, motels, holiday facilities and businesses across regional NSW by spending your time and money in our beautiful state!


W H Y “ G O I N G D I G I T A L” I S M O R E I M P O R TA N T THAN EVER The RSL & Services Clubs Association has a new digital presence ‘SCA DIGITAL’, which has seen our new online information and advice program called “Evolve”, brought to you by MAX be launched in MAY this year. This service provides clubs and corporate partners with a range of opportunities to share ideas, strategies, and experiences to manage the operation of clubs now and into the future. COVID-19 has forced most businesses to make the decision to adapt to the situation and go virtual. For the Association and the Club Industry it is time to EVOLVE, to offer digital events and virtual interactions with members and non-members now and into the future! The Association continues to support our member clubs, with their wellbeing at the heart of all we do. We have been working hard to deliver targeted and timely webinars and digital content for a range of audiences by highlighting emerging trends, impacts and opportunities arising from the Coronavirus pandemic.

locations to access an informative presentation online from the Associations Corporate and Community Partners as well as club CEO’s and General Managers. Attendees can listen to and see the presenter during the presentation, with the opportunity to interact by typing feedback and questions. We encourage all club senior managers, directors, and staff to participate however we offer recordings of our webinars if you cannot attend the live session or you would like to revisit any of the topics covered. The recordings of past webinars are published on the Associations website and YouTube channel for you and your staff to view as often as you wish. Why You Should Attend Evolve: IN THE KNOW is designed to deliver the skills and connections for individuals and clubs to engage and grow in all areas. Throughout each webinar you will:

The ‘IN THE KNOW’ webinar series is designed for member and non-member clubs looking to stay on top of emerging industry trends, discover practical solutions to implement in the workplace and assist you in your continuous education. Our webinars are an ideal way for you to improve your club’s operations without leaving your desk.

 Develop and build your toolkit to ‘evolve’ yourself, your club, and your industry

Our IN THE KNOW webinars currently take place every second Wednesday via ‘Zoom’ for an hour, allowing participants in different

 Understand the evolved industry trends with so much change and discover how they are driving the future


 Engage through virtual presentations with industry leaders and strengthen your professional contacts  Learn from industry experts that influence a diverse range

 Create new business opportunities through connecting with like-minded experts  Be part of a growing and dynamic community that values the importance of clubs Ideas for upcoming webinars? If there is a topic that you would like us to be addressing in a webinar, please email us at so that we can look into finding a suitable presenter and allocating a time in our planning. Or, if you know an amazing presenter (e.g. you have seen them at a conference or you might know them personally) please let us know their contact details so we can start the conversation with them and determine their interest. ‘SCA DIGITAL’ will continue to evolve our digital presence with more exciting projects in the pipeline, which will continue to benefit our members.

VISIT to register for an upcoming webinar or to watch previous webinars.


If you have any questions or feedback about our webinars, please contact Garrie Gibson at




Join or Renew Now! The RSL & Services Clubs Association was established to assist all such clubs to manage our unique position within the broader Club Movement and the Australian community. We ensure that the perspectives and values of RSL & Services Clubs are considered and heard by Government and our colleagues in Defence, in the Veterans community and the Club industry. 

Representation and advocacy to government, regulators, the media and the community about the work and role of RSL & Ex-services Clubs;

 Working with key stakeholders on common issues and programs: RSL NSW, Department of Veterans Affairs, federally and state; Australian War Memorial; Department of Defence  Assisting member clubs with their property and lease issues and their relationships with Sub-branches and RSL NSW  Representing the perspectives of RSL and Ex-services Clubs with ClubsNSW and other Club associations  Providing educational programs and services for Club Directors and management to enhance business growth and development of Clubs and governance  A ssisting Member Clubs to access the latest products and services available to strengthen facilities, products and services for Club members  Leadership development through the Kokoda Youth Leadership Challenge and the CEO Leadership Symposium  Managing Club engagement with a range of Veterans welfare and support services through the Veterans Benevolent Fund and Securing Our Veterans Future Employment program  Assisting with remembrance and commemoration services through sponsorship of the Australian War Memorial “Last Post Ceremony”, Club Memorial Tours, the “Respect the Day” Campaign and other programs  K eeping members informed and involved in latest issues and challenges through the Annual Conference, the program of Regional Forums, the monthly e-newsletter and other communications with Member Clubs

Combine with more than 160 RSL & Services Clubs across NSW with more than two million members which have already joined the Association. Contact the Association on 02 9233 2624 to discuss the benefits of membership for your club. Email: | RSLSERVICESCLUBS.COM.AU



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