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Fashion-07 Fashion- Dress your best on


ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Your Aries self-esteem level is high, as is your impatience to see more action come your way in the workplace. Good news, Lamb: It could start to happen sooner than you think.


TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Changing things now could upset a lot of people. But if you feel you’re acting because you believe it’s the right thing to do, others will understand and even come to support you.

GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) A change of mind might not necessarily be a change of heart. You still want to go ahead with your plans, but you might see a better way to make them happen. So go for it.

CANCER (June 21 to July 22) An old business dispute could re-emerge and possibly affect upcoming negotiations. Consider opening up the situation to include suggestions from others on both sides of the issue.

LEO (July 23 to August 22) Some Leos and Leonas might fi nd it somewhat diffi cult to get their ideas accepted or even considered. But that’s only for a while. Things will soon return to the way you like them.

VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) The pace seems to be slowing down from the hectic on-the-job run you recently enjoyed. But be assured that you’re still in the race to pick up new workplace-related goodies.

LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) Seasonal changes create opportunities for busy Librans. However, be sure to balance your workload with your personal life so that you don’t overdo it on one end or the other.

SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) A former critic could make a surprise turnaround and become a supporter. But if your Scorpion sense suspects a questionable motive, who are the rest of us to doubt it?

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) Data on a new project seems less than dependable. But it might turn out to be just the opposite. Consult with someone who knows how you might best be able to check it out.

CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) Capricorneans face many decisions this week, with the Sea Goat’s kids rating high on the consideration scale, especially regarding vacations and upcoming school matters.

AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) Showing that you care is what Aquarians do so well. It’s your very special skill. And this week, you’ll have several chances to show off that gift for a very special person. Good luck.

PISCES (February 19 to March 21) That streak of Piscean wariness should serve you well this week should you be among those who come up against a slippery character offering a fi shy deal with nothing to back it up. (c) 2005 King Features Synd., Inc.


By Fifi Rodriguez

Answers this week (left) last week (right)

1. TELEVISION: On TV’s “M*A*S*H,” what was Radar O’Reilly’s job?

2. ENTERTAINERS: What was the fi rst name of the actor/father of Lynn and Vanessa Redgrave?

3. SCIENCE: To what do Kirchhoff’s Laws apply?

4. GEOGRAPHY: Vilnius is the capital of what country?

5. LITERATURE: Who wrote the classic “Little House on the Prairie”?

6. MUSIC: The composer Tchaikovsky died and songwriter Cole Porter was born in what year?

7. HISTORY: Who was elected governor of Louisiana in 1928?

8. MOVIES: Who directed the 1951 movie “Strangers on a Train”?

9. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What do you call a group of hens?

10. MONEY: What is the basic monetary unit in Egypt?

Answers 1. Company clerk, 2. Michael, 3. Electrical circuits, 4. Lithuania 5. Laura Ingalls Wilder, 6. 1893, 7. Huey Long, 8. Alfred Hitchcock, 9. A brood, 10. Piaster

STYLE SCOUT Dress your best on graduation day


Daily Titan Columnist

This is the day (besides my 21st birthday) I thought would never get here. Graduation is just days away and needless to say, I’m stoked.

We all worked hard (or if you were like me, procrastinated really well) to get here. I already know what I’ll be wearing on this joyous occasion, hopefully, by now you will too. Get ready to bust out the cap and gown, Kleenex and bubbly (for afterwards of course), because here are some last minute tips on how to look picture perfect on graduation.

Wear comfy shoes:

There’s going to be a good amount of walking from commencement to graduation, so wear your most comfortable (yet stylish) shoes.

I personally wouldn’t wear flip-flops, even though their comfort factor is very appealing.

Instead, wear sandals with a kitten heel or a flat sandal in a metallic shade with jewels or embellishment, these heels won’t dig into the grass. Guys have it so easy- their shoes don’t have painstakingly high heels.

Don’t forget the sunscreen:

Since our bodies will be draped in a very hot black gown, sun protector needs to go on our face. Unless you fancy the look of a beet-red kisser, slather on the facial sunscreen. For us ladies that don’t want to mess with our makeup-ready faces, you can apply instead a tinted moisturizer with sunscreen.

Sunglasses are a must:

Not only does our skin need sun protection but so do our eyes. Some schools (for some odd reason) don’t allow graduates to wear sunglasses during commencement. Since us Cal State Fullerton students are so fortunate, don’t forget to sport those shades. Wearing sunglasses also allows the guys (who are too cool to cry in public) to conceal the possible tears that will be shed.

Opt for light clothing:

If this year’s graduation ceremonies are going to be as sweltering hot as last year’s, then we all need to wear lightweight clothing. Guys should skip the jacket and ladies should wear breathable materials that aren’t heavy.

Check your hair, teeth and makeup:

Don’t forget to bring bobby pins with you to keep your cap from flying off your head. Also don’t wear bright lipstickthis is a lipstick-on-the-teeth accident waiting to happen. To avoid any lipstick mishaps on your graduation photo, wear a naturally-hued lip gloss instead. Lastly, wear water-proof mascara to avoid raccoon eyes if you’re going to cry, I’m a total sap and I know I will, but at least I’ll be prepared!

Here’s to you class of 2005. Stay sharp and oh-so stylish!

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